314 - Paragraph Completion Test 2
314 - Paragraph Completion Test 2
314 - Paragraph Completion Test 2
Veronica Moss is a small British firm which makes 5. _____ Many came willingly, to find a better life-, some
wedding dresses. It is now expanding into European were forced to come, as slaves or to be used as
markets. _____ This will only be possible if sufficient, cheap labor; some were driven from their homelands
highly skilled workers can be recruited. for political reasons and some fled from war.
A) Then management has the full support of all its A) In the past many of the American tribes were at
workers. war with each other
B) Many governments have raised the tax on luxury B) The history of the United States is filled with
goods. accounts of people who came here from all over the
C) An advertising campaign has already proved world for several reasons.
successful. C) In the last century Africa was a continent that
D) The new designs are well illustrated in the attracted few people except scientists and explorers.
catalogue. D) Technological advances in agriculture have
E) However, to be successful, it needs to increase its change the face of the earth.
production. E) Environmental pollution still continues to be a
major threat throughout the continent.
7. In China, the style of decoration of these bowls 10. Getting through a day without being touched by the
developed through the years. Early examples had press would be difficult. We have daily morning and
narrow bands of geometric designs _____ Often, those evening newspapers and weekly news magazines.
designs included stylized dragons, birds and snakes. _____ What we eat, what we buy, what we do, what
we think is influenced by the press.
A) while later ones had complex patterns covering
the entire vessel. A) The power of the press upon us is really
B) because the Chinese worshipped animals. enormous.
C) and they developed their technique in the course B) One should not start the day without reading a
of time. newspaper.
D) although Chinese casting has never been equaled. C) Newspaper sales are less than magazine sales.
D) The effect of the press on the public is not so
E) moreover they are fairly primitive. important as some
E) The number of newspaper readers is decreasing
day by day.
12. Man has been polluting the Earth from the time he lit
his first fire and washed his clothes in the river. _____
9. There is something more in bringing up children than This is no longer true. The increase in population and
feeding them well, housing them healthily and the spread of industry has changed all this.
washing them regularly. The emotional development
of children depends greatly on the actions of their A) Now motorways and super highways have
parents. _____ The adult may need social security but reduced the amount of good farming land.
for the child, family security is of even greater
importance. B) At first, the Earth could handle this problem
because there was plenty of space, fresh air and
A) Every child imitates his parents. water.
B) Children need the security of a peaceful family C) Crops have to be treated with chemicals and these
life. are often poisonous.
C) Friendship is not an important factor in a child's D) In large cities, cars are responsible for about 80
life. per cent of the air pollution.
D) Family life has little effect on a child's social E) There are two main causes of air pollution: fumes
development. from vehicles and chimneys.
E) However, a child does not learn much from his
A) In many countries cigarettes are not advertised. 19. Bees can fly quite long distances very easily.
Moreover, they can fly as fast as ten meters a
B) It is also hazardous to your health.
second. _____ In search of food, bees usually fly out
C) It can give one a "smoker's cough." from home for about two miles. Some have been
D) The price of cigarettes or tobacco is not the only known to return home from as far as ten miles away.
expense smokers incur.
A) The bees go to the place where the hive used to
E) Governments should take steps to prevent
smoking in public places.
B) What guides the bee when it flies home?
C) Thus a trip of several miles takes only a few
D) They find their way home because they know all
16. When we were halfway through the valley, I looked at the landmarks around the hive.
the others; _____ I was very worried, for we still had a
long way to walk; and there wasn't more than an E) Several scientists have studied how bees fly
hour's daylight left. home.
20. It was about midday when they came to a small 23. Stealing from shops has become quite a common
village. They had been driving for over five hours and problem. More and more measures are being taken to
felt a little tired. _____ It had been converted from a prevent it. _____ There are televisions too, to "keep
nineteenth century house. They enjoyed the food and and eye on" people. But in spite of all these
were very pleased with the service. precautions, stealing is on the increase.
A) The hotel they stayed in was extremely A) Most thieves are soon caught by the police
uncomfortable. B) People can no longer afford all they want.
B) The restaurant was very disappointing. C) Many people from other countries go to London for
C) The people were very friendly and invited them to shopping.
their homes. D) People don't steal from a small shop.
D) They decided to rest and have lunch at the E) Usually all big stores employ plainclothes
restaurant by the road side there. detectives.
E) All the passengers on the bus were asleep.
24. Jane and Tim were married last year. _____ Then they
found a small house for themselves. They moved in
21. At seven o'clock, I suddenly remembered I had
promised to have dinner with the Johnsons. I was two months ago and are very happy.
expected there at 7:30. _____ In other words, I was
very short of time. Still, I managed to get there on A) Jane works in my office.
time. B) I often see them on Fridays.
C) For six months they lived with Tim's parents.
A) Luckily they only lived across the road from me.
D) Tim has a good job in a bank.
B) The Johnsons are very close friends of mine.
E) We haven't seen them since they married.
C) I knew it would take me at least an hLuckily they
only lived across the road from me.our to get there.
D) This only gave me half an hour to change my
clothes and get there.
E) So I decided not to go by taxi. 25. We call such things as earthquakes and floods
"natural disaster." If these were predictable, the
damage they cause could be much reduced. As it is,
some remote area is often hit. _____ And relief, when
it comes, often comes too late.
22. _____ I got there at 9:15, just 15 minutes early. 10 A) It then takes days to get adequate help out.
minutes later I was still waiting for him. I began to B) Last year there was an earthquake in the East.
get worried. Then I saw him coming towards me.
C) Blood was urgently needed.
A) Peter prefers to travel by bus. D) People usually give very generously in such
B) We have decided to go by bus. emergencies.
C) Buses leave from the centre of town every 15 E) Many foreign countries also send aid.
D) Peter and I had agreed to meet at the bus stop.
E) My father got to the bus stop first.
26. Almost all the people we knew well and liked, used to
go to the Moonlight Restaurant. We went there nearly
every night, too. There were other similar places
around, but we did not go to them. _____
27. Jane held the string of the balloon tightly. she was 31. _____ Andy said it was south. So we got out the map
smiling very happily, but her mother was not quite so and looked. Andy was right, Jane was wrong.
happy _____; and then, there would be tears. Canterbury is south of London.
A) if she thought her daughter was being silly A) Jane said Canterbury was north of London.
B) as it hadn't cost much B) Jane wants to go to Canterbury.
C) although she had wanted a blue balloon C) Jane lives in Canterbury which is south of London.
D) before she was frightened of balloons D) Jane has just visited Canterbury.
E) because she knew the balloon would burst before E) Jane has bought a map of Canterbury.
A) As I had a head ache, I couldn't sleep well. A) All the year round it is visited by a lot of foreign
B) I had just got home from an evening out. tourists.
C) It seemed to have been ringing for a long, long B) A boat trip on the Bosphorus is really very
time. enjoyable.
D) The people upstairs had invited me to their C) Some of the hotels are quite expensive.
homes. D) The Bosphorus Bridge is a wonderful work of
E) It has never been my habit to stay up late. modem engineering.
E) As in any other big city, the streets are always
very crowded
29. Paul saw the ball not far off. He ran up to it and,
turning, kicked it. But the grass was wet, and he
couldn't kick it clearly. _____ Everyone in the other
33. Jane often visits her grandmother in Brighton. Her
team was happy, but his own team was very sad. grandmother is an old lady now, over eighty. Even so,
she lives by herself and cooks for herself. _____
A) Obviously, this was the first match of the season.
B) Yet he was very pleased with himself. A) She can't manage without Jane.
C) In fact, the ball was very muddy. B) Jane doesn't know how to cook, either.
D) So the ball went straight into his own goal. C) She really manages very well indeed.
E) Then the referee blew his whistle. D) One day she hopes Jane will visit her.
E) Jane has never been to Brighton before.
34. I need a new secretary. I had to get rid of the last one
because she was so lazy. _____ I am not interested in
whether she is good looking or not.
38. The teaching of English in Turkey has improved
A) I am now looking for someone who is hardworking. tremendously during the last few years. _____ In
addition, the increase in the number of native
speakers in universities has improved the education
B) She used to arrive promptly at 8:30. of our future English teachers.
C) I found a good one yesterday, too.
D) My new secretary need not be hardworking. A) The majority of our teachers are taught by poor
E) Would you like to work for me? quality instructors in the universities.
B) This is probably due to the increased quality of the
teachers who are graduating and becoming available
to our children.
C) More and more of our students are able to pass
35. _____ First of all I have some good friends living there.
Also I like the town itself, with its parks and pleasant the post study tests.
environment. The climate attracts me too, for I am D) Teachers from other countries are coming to
tired of the cold winters of Ankara.
Turkey to replace the Turkish teachers.
A) In summer Antalya attracts a lot of people. E) Our children are more interested in working with
B) Antalya is an ideal place for a summer holiday. Turkish educated teachers these days.
C) 'Mere are several reasons why I want to leave
D) I have been living in Ankara for the past five
years. 39. The health officials investigating the recent outbreak
of measles said that most cases were present in
E) If I had to move I would choose to live in Antalya.
school aged children. _____ This transmission later
continued within the family, as sisters and brothers of
infected children caught the illness because there
were no visible symptoms during the incubation
36. An old woman got on the bus. It was very crowded.
There was nowhere for her to sit. A man got up and A) It is not difficult to catch measles at that age.
gave her his seat. _____
B) The incubation period is the only time that the
A) He didn't get off at the next stop. illness is spreadable.
B) She did not agree with him. C) Children often play together in a rather rough
C) She thanked him and sat down comfortably. fashion.
D) She didn't think the man was polite enough. D) The high communicability of the disease caused a
E) She refused to give him her seat. quick spread in the crowded classroom environment.
E) Parents don't believe it is necessary to isolate their
children from those children that are ill.
A) Madonna has been interested in singing all her 44. Mary Shelly, the wife of the well known romantic
poet, wrote 'Frankenstein. _____ This was probably
life, as can be seen from her early student years.
due to the strange subject of life from non-living
B) The famous pop singer Madonna, was born in Bay matters which was a subject greatly discussed in her
City, Michigan in the U.S.A. circle of acquaintances at those times. today.
C) The University of Michigan is where Madonna
A) When she had it published in 1818 she did so
started her singing career.
D) Recording 'Everybody' started her musical career.
B) Frankenstein was later made into famous movies.
E) Madonna got married after making her first hit
C) The classic horror character of Frankenstein is still
famous today.
D) She wrote this book as a fantasy.
E) The public liked the book and it is still enjoyed
42. In the old Roman calendar the month of March was
considered the first month of the year. _____ This was
later changed to our present calendar in which
January is the first month of the year. The Scottish
were the first people of the British Isles to change to
this new calendar in 1599.
45. The value of one's heritage is many times not 47. The rate of crime in our area has increased
understandable at a young age. _____ These young dramatically. _____ The changes in the value of
people are later able to realize that these social money, inflation, war, etc., have forced some people
restrictions help maintain the values that all societies to revert to crime in order to live.
are built upon.
A) People are always interested in obtaining an easy
A) Our parents often try to teach us what their way of making a few dollars.
parents had taught to them. B) It is difficult for the police to deal with all these
B) Measuring values is often difficult for people crimes by themselves.
before they are in a position to understand them fully. C) This seems to be a common problem throughout
our country and even the world.
C) People prefer to use the values dictated to them D) People are not as kind as they have been in the
by their elders. past to those that are in need of support.
D) The world today makes most of the old values E) The whole country has a problem with crimes and
useless. there have been many new groups of young people
E) Most teenagers have some feelings concerning the enlisted into the services.
values their parents teach them, but most are
negative due to the restrictions they encounter.
50. Have you ever noticed how beautiful the web of a 53. The storm had caused only minor damage on the
spider is? _____ This awe inspiring work of beauty is vessel, and the crew and captain tried to reassure the
however, a deadly trap for unsuspecting insects. passengers. _____ So it was decided to return the ship
to port and cancel the excursion.
A) Some spiders can spin webs that are many times
their own size. A) The passengers had all tried to help keep the
B) There are many horror stories about people and vessel afloat.
animals who have been trapped in giant webs. B) The water had flooded the lower levels of the
C) No matter how beautiful it can be, when seen in small ship.
sunlight, one must not forget it is not really of any C) It was unfortunate that the crew did not want to
value to people. help the passengers.
D) People have never really wanted to give any value D) No one died in the accident on board the ship.
to this natural masterpiece. E) However, the passengers were on their first trip
E) The intricate details of their web are so fine and so and became frightened.
well crafted that even today no artist can reproduce
61. More than 6,000 people have died in Chernobyl since 63. Nothing spreads light better than our own sky. _____
the radiation disaster of 1986. _____ According to To do this engineers have developed a system of
researchers childhood cancer in the Ukraine is far prism panels that functions very much like our own
above the world average. Even more disturbing, atmosphere. They are thus able to diffuse incoming
however, is the obvious change in the genetics of the daylight uniformly. The result is a pleasant glare-free
wildlife of the region. environment with all the beauty of the light indoors.
A) Even so the World Health Organization was asked A) As a result many engineers prefer to specialize in
to help the survivors. indoor lighting systems.
B) Therefore, many people who left the region B) This new lighting system will enable the country to
following the disaster are obviously in good health. save energy.
C) But, when you walk around, everything looks quite C) Light travels through the atmosphere at a
normal. tremendous speed.
D) Now, one can say that it is no longer dangerous. D) The company has already committed itself to
E) But that may be just the beginning: it's long term finding economic but effective solutions.
effects are only just starting to be felt. E) The trick, however, is to get the same effect
indoors without the use of electricity.
Answer Key:
1: A 37: A
2: E 38: B
3: B 39: D
4: D 40: B
5: B 41: B
6: C 42: D
7: B 43: A
8: E 44: A
9: B 45: E
10: A 46: C
11: B 47: C
12: B 48: A
13: E 49: C
14: B 50: E
15: D 51: A
16: A 52: B
17: E 53: E
18: A 54: C
19: C 55: D
20: D 56: A
21: D 57: D
22: D 58: E
23: E 59: E
24: C 60: A
25: A 61: E
26: D 62: B
27: E 63: E
28: C 64: D
29: D 65: A
30: A 66: C
31: A 67: E
32: A 68: B
33: C 69: B
34: A 70: D
35: E 71: B
36: C