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Wedding Event Planner

Nyasha Mutonhodza (R156049N)

Wedding Event Planner

Nyasha Mutonhodza (R156049N)

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

BSc Honours Information Systems

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

in the
Faculty of Science and Technology
at the
Midlands State University
May 2019

Supervisor: Mr T. Gotora

The challenges which are being faced by wedding planners and couples in Zimbabwe on planning
a wedding event enhanced the decision to come up with this system. The planners and their clients
have had to meet in order to plan weddings and arrange about the special day. As a way to curb
time and cost mismanagement the researcher came with solutions or ideas such as, presenting an
online site that enables to do all this in the comfort of their home as well as managing guests. In
order to gather data that made to the development of this system interviews were conducted as
well as distribution of questionnaires and observations. Having done information gathering I went
on to develop the system guided by the objective that were obtained from the information gathering
tools. To come up with the system, this web-based platform, Php programming language was used
with Xampp which provided Apache for running as a testing server and MySQL as the database
platform. After completion of designing I went on to test the system on various levels including
modules and units. The system offers wedding products online and again it also enables planning
and managing of guests’ seating plans and venue notification online.


I Nyasha Mutonhodza solemnly declare that I am the sole author of this thesis and I authorize the
Midlands State University to lend the thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of
scholarly research.

Signature: ……………………………………...........

Date: …………/………………/………………19

This dissertation or thesis is entitled to “Wedding Event Planner” by Nyasha Mutonhodza meets
the regulations governing the award of the degree BSc Information Systems Honours of the
Midlands State University and it is approved for its contribution to knowledge and literal

Supervisor ………………………………………………………

Date ……………….../………………….../……………….19


The success of this project is a result of great and amazing support. The greatest appreciation goes
to the Lord he gave the strength. I would also want to appreciate my supervisor Mr. Gotora for the
consistence guidance and tolerance, the experience was amazing. He was a source of many ideas
and information that lead to the success of this thesis. I also would appreciate the department of
Information Systems for enriching me with information since the beginning of this program, I am
grateful. Then I would also want to recognize my family, respect to my mother for funding the
project, my little brother for conducting researches, my friends, Michael ‘Brad Pars’ Parewa,
Slyvester ‘Rambo’ Karumazondo and Elder Chico Bean for helping shaping up objectives.


This project is dedicated to my mother Mrs. M Singende and my little brother, they have
participated from the beginning until now, in short, they made this project possible.

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL FORM ......................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................................. iv
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................................... x
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................ xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................................xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the study................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Aim of the study ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 System Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Limitations ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Methods and instruments ................................................................................................................. 2
1.7 Justification ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.8 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2: Planning phase ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Why developing the system .............................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Business Value ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4.1 Economic feasibility ................................................................................................................... 5
Cost benefit analysis ....................................................................................................................... 5
Return on investment...................................................................................................................... 6
Payback Period................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4.2 Social feasibility .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.3 Operational feasibility ............................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Risk analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 Economic risk ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.5.2 Technical risk ............................................................................................................................. 8

2.6 Work plan .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 3: Analysis phase ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Data Collection and Methodologies ............................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Observations ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Interviews.................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.3 Questionnaires .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Current system’s analysis............................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Process Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 14
Existing system’s Context diagram................................................................................................. 15
Current system’s Data flow diagram .............................................................................................. 16
3.6 Current system’s weaknesses ......................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Alternatives Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 17
3.7.1 Improvement ............................................................................................................................ 17
3.8 Requirements Analysis ................................................................................................................... 17
3.8.1 Functional requirements ......................................................................................................... 18 Use case diagram ............................................................................................................... 19
3.8.2 Non-functional requirements .................................................................................................. 19
3.9 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 4: Design Phase ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 System design .................................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.1 Proposed system context diagram .......................................................................................... 22
4.2.2 Proposed system data flow diagram ....................................................................................... 22
4.3 Architectural design........................................................................................................................ 24
4.5 Database designs ............................................................................................................................. 27
Schema description; ........................................................................................................................ 28
4.6 Program design ............................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.1 Package diagram ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.6.2 Class diagram ........................................................................................................................... 31
4.7 Interface design ............................................................................................................................... 32

4.7.2 Input designs............................................................................................................................. 32
Log in platform ............................................................................................................................. 33
Client registration form ................................................................................................................ 33
Site’s Home Page ........................................................................................................................... 34
4.8 Output design .................................................................................................................................. 35
4.9 Pseudo code...................................................................................................................................... 35
Registration ....................................................................................................................................... 35
User Login.......................................................................................................................................... 36
Sending Enquiry................................................................................................................................ 36
4.10 Security Design .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.10.1 Physical security ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.10.2 Network security .................................................................................................................... 37
4.10.3 Operational security .............................................................................................................. 37
4.11 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Chapter 5: Implementation phase .............................................................................................................. 39
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 39
5.2 Coding .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Login................................................................................................................................................... 39
Add product....................................................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 41
5.3.1 Unit testing ................................................................................................................................ 41
5.3.2 Module testing .......................................................................................................................... 42
5.3.3 Subsystem testing ..................................................................................................................... 42
5.3.4 System testing ........................................................................................................................... 43
Black box testing ........................................................................................................................... 43
White box testing........................................................................................................................... 44
5.3.5 Acceptance testing .................................................................................................................... 44
Beta testing .................................................................................................................................... 44
Alpha testing .................................................................................................................................. 44
5.3.6 Verification ............................................................................................................................... 45
5.3.7 Defects testing ........................................................................................................................... 45
5.3.8 Validation testing ..................................................................................................................... 47
5.4 Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 49

5.4.1 User training ............................................................................................................................. 49
5.4.2 System changeover ................................................................................................................... 49
Direct changeover ......................................................................................................................... 49
Pilot changeover ............................................................................................................................ 49
Phased changeover ........................................................................................................................ 49
Parallel changeover (recommended) ........................................................................................... 50
5.4.3 Data Migration ......................................................................................................................... 50
Bing bang migration ..................................................................................................................... 50
Trickle migration (recommended) .............................................................................................. 50
5.5 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 50
5.5.1 Corrective maintenance ........................................................................................................... 51
5.5.2 Adaptive maintenance ............................................................................................................. 51
5.5.3 Perfective maintenance (recommended) ................................................................................ 51
5.6 Recommendations for future developments ................................................................................. 51
5.7 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX A1: USER MANUAL..................................................................................................................... 54
Client Registration page ....................................................................................................................... 54
A2: Client Login Page ........................................................................................................................... 55
A3: Client portal ................................................................................................................................... 55
A4: Planner/admin login page ............................................................................................................. 56
A5: Planner’s portal ............................................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRES .................................................................................................................. 57
APPENDIX C: INTERVIEW CHECKLIST .......................................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX D: OBSERVATION SCORE SHEET ................................................................................... 60
APPENDIX E: SOURCE CODE ........................................................................................................................ 61








Figure 2.1 Gannt Chart .............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3.1 Activity Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3.2 Context Diagram for the current system .............................................................................. 15
Figure 3.3 Context Diagram for the current system .............................................................................. 16
Figure 3.4 Current system’s use case diagram ....................................................................................... 19
Figure 4.1 Context diagram ..................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4.2 Proposed system Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.3 Client Server Model (Architecture design) .......................................................................... 25
Figure 4.4 Proposed system's Physical design ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 4.5 Database Architectural Designs ............................................................................................ 27
Figure 4.6 Proposed system’s entity relationship diagram ................................................................... 28
Figure 4.7 Enhanced Relationship Diagram for the proposed system ................................................. 30
Figure 4.8 Package Diagram .................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4.9 Class diagram .......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 4.10 Registration interface ........................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.11 Site's Home Page ................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 5.1 Testing stages .......................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 5.2 Update quantity function ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 5.3 Successful order panel ............................................................................................................ 42
Figure 5.4 User’s orders panel ................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 5.5 Planner / Admin panel............................................................................................................ 43
Figure 5.6 Client orders ............................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 5.7 Defect Testing .......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 5.8 Login test ................................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 5.9 Registering test ........................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 5.10 Change of password test ....................................................................................................... 47
Figure 5.11 Email address validation ..................................................................................................... 47
Figure 5.12 Password and Confirmed password mismatch .................................................................. 48
Figure 5.13 Adding product without an image....................................................................................... 48


Table 2.1 Developmental costs .................................................................................................................... 5

Table 2.2 Operational costs ......................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2.3 Cost benefit analysis ................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2.4 Work plan ................................................................................................................................... 8
Table 4.1 Registration table ..................................................................................................................... 29
Table 4.2 Order Table .............................................................................................................................. 29


APPENDIX A1: User manual 54

APPENDIX A2: Clint login page 55

APPENDIX A3: Client portal 55

APPENDIX A4: Planner/admin login page 56

APPENDIX A5: Planner’s portal 56





Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The Wedding Event Planner system is a system that is design to help wedding planners to make
it easy to plan wedding events. It’s a system that will remove the manual way of planning
weddings events. This chapter will give an outline the background of the problem that this
system will solve. A set of objectives also that guides the development of this system is also is
also discussed so as to understand what the system aims at attaining. Then to close off the
chapter will also mention briefly about methods and instruments that will be used in coming
up with the system and finally the reason for coming up with the system or justification of the
1.2 Background of the study
The system is built after identifying the problems that were associated with planning weddings.
Wedding planners plan their weddings using manual means that is they run their activities on
a manual script or a diary with list of activities and a pen. To track on progress of the precious
day much time is lost since there is too much to work on and at a limited time. Planners need
to find and suggest venues, determine capacity and determine the sitting arrangements among
other tasks to consider. All these tasks when done manually there is lost of track of time and
might end up consuming more time on a simple task or might be late on start time or it could
be a disorganized event because people will also be confused. Also, another problem is also
that wedding planners find it difficult to stay within budget when planning weddings and they
usually end up ver-spending. The Wedding Event Planner system will also address the issue
of guests. The Wedding Event Planner aims at tackling all the challenges and to minimize
whatever negative implications brought by each and every one of them.

1.3 Aim of the study

The system aims to help wedding planners to manage and keep track of all the vital
information about that special Day. It also aims at ensuring that every little detail about the
wedding event is not missed or forgotten.

1.4 System Objectives
a) System allows users/clients to send requests of their wedding event specifying what they
want, online.
b) The system provides wedding products that clients can choose from according to their
budget plans.
c) The system will compute a customized seating plan for the guests invited depending on the
family they belong to.
d) The system sends mails to the invited guests about location and the procedure of the day.
e) The system notifies guests when the event is about to begin.

1.5 Limitations
Coming up with the system had its own problems though not major. Sourcing out information
about the various tasks that are carried out, the experience of the planners and their
preferences. The main issue was the differences in planners’ preferences as well as their
different perspectives on different clients made it complicated to come up with the general
idea of what the system could be like. However, the system addresses the fundamentals that
are required for a successful wedding event and it also can be upgraded to suit the ever-
changing technology community.

1.6 Methods and instruments

In terms of methods and instruments that will be used to come up with the system will depend
on the various stages the development of the system. In the early phase of planning and
gathering of information instruments such as interviews (mainly) and questionnaires will be
used. Direct interviews are mostly preferred so that developer comes up with the ideas that
are associated with the field of wedding planning. Also putting in some questionnaire is also
important so as to get more written information.

In the stages of analysis, it is also important to put in the logic model of the system. The
system model will also be shown so as to get an insight of the project. Then in the stage of
design will also include various techniques such as architectural design to show how the
system will be outlined. The system will be programmed also with a programming language
PHP, using the Dreamweaver software and XAMPP apache as well as MySQL for database
which are scalable open source software.

1.7 Justification
Having identified the problem, outline it, the system puts the problems that come with time,
task and cost management for a wedding planner to rest. It will minimize the misuse of time
as much as possible. Instead of the wedding planner having to maybe right down on a note
pad the system avails all the functionality on the.

Having a big event as a wedding requires one to be uptight with every detail and time
management is also of utmost importance. The system helps in managing the big event in
terms of the budget, the catering the guest list and as well as a to do list to help the planner.
The Planner get to keep track of every task and progress of every event without missing out
on anything. This in turn the system will bring about time management. However, the system
will depend on the availability of smartphone or a computer that can be connected to the

1.8 Conclusion
The introductory chapter gives an outline of the problem that the wedding planners have or
experience when executing their work. The problems of time, task and cost management is
identified and the solutions to be put forward are also proposed. To come up with a solution
to the defined problem a set of objectives have been listed down. They will help to have a
guideline of how the system will be developed and what should be worked on. The next
chapter will bring out the plan involved.

Chapter 2: Planning phase

2.1 Introduction
In this stage of the project, the project planning is outlined. The processes on how the project is
going to be done is explained. An analysis on the various costs and benefits that the project will
bring is also taken. A feasibility study to check on whether the project is economical, technical
and operational feasible is also explained and outlined. Then also in this chapter writer will explain
on the risk analysis of the project taking into consideration all the risks that may be faced in
developing the system. Then a work plan is also drafted.

2.2 Why developing the system

The Wedding Event Planner is developed to make it easy for wedding planners to plan their
wedding events. It removes limitations that come up with manually planning wedding. Some of
the reasons on why the system is developed are as follows,

a. To come up with a system that contains a modernized way of guest management. An online
panel confirmation of guest makes planning easier for wedding planners.
b. The system also enables clients to have the flexibility of finding a wedding planner and be
updated on progress of events in the comfort of their location. Physical interaction won’t
be necessary with this system.
c. The system also aims at computing a seating plan for guests. After having a number of
guests who would have confirmed a proper seating plan, depending on the numbers is also
suggested by the system so as to maintain order.

2.3 Business Value

The system is bringing business value in that it replaces a manual process of planning a wedding
with a web-based software that is used for communicating. The system cuts off time for planners
which is a very essential commodity in the business world. The client as well have a reliable
platform to communicate with planner for feedback and tracking of progress. It also proposes a
budgeting plan that is customized for a customer. This makes it faster and easier for client to decide
and to determine that which is required. Saves the troubles of coming up with scaled estimates of
apportioning costs.

2.4 Feasibility Study
The feasibility aims at checking the viability of the project. It addresses the question of how viable
or feasible is the system. On the this study the system is analysed for technical, economic and
social feasibility. Analysis of the factors helps in having an understanding of the project.

2.4.1 Economic feasibility

Several techniques here are analysed to come up with a decision on whether the project is viable
in terms of the budget and available income. There is need to also consider the benefits that the
budget is going to come up with. It is also essential to ensure that the project can have a return on
investment within a reasonable time frame. Techniques such as payback period, return on
investment, net present value and cost benefit analysis will be considered.

Cost benefit analysis

The Cost benefit analysis aims at identifying the value that the system will bring. An analysis of
the befits and estimated values are generated while the costs for developing and for implementing
the system are also considered and are valued and an evaluation on whether there is a benefit or a
loss is established. Costs can be personnel costs, training, operational costs, equipment, computers
and software licenses.

Table 2.1 Developmental costs

Number of Item Item description Cost ($US)

1 Personal 6Gig RAM, ITB, COI7 750
1 HP SERVER 8Gig RAM, ITB,4GHZ Quad Core Processor 875
2 Power Supply 1000 Watts 200
1 Hub 3 Ports 20
TOTAL 1845

Table 2.2 Operational costs

Cost (Years) 2018 2019 2020 2021
Database Licence 100 150 200
Stationery costs 75 100 125 200
Maintenance of equipment 100 125 125
Programmer /Analyst 500 500 750 100
TOTAL 575 800 1150 625


Benefits are realised in 2 forms. They can be tangible or intangible benefits. Tangible benefits have
a value that can be given to them, whereas intangible benefits are difficult to give a monetary value
to them but they contribute to the advantage of the project.

Examples of tangible benefits include, reduction of workload, time saved, reduced stationery cost
and elimination of timeous tasks, whereas for intangible benefits we have, customer satisfaction
by delivering accurate and appropriate services, easy handling of a complex event, reduced
mistakes and time management and ease of access to clients and customers.

Table 2.3 Cost benefit analysis

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021

Tangible benefits 500 755 1000 1025
Intangible benefits 100 500 500 1000
Total benefits 600 1255 1500 2025
Total development cost 750 300 200 100

Total operational cost 575 800 1150 625

Total costs 1335 1100 1350 775

Net benefit -735 155 150 1250

Return on investment
This technique calculates the percentage return on an investment of the project. It shows the
percentage rate of return of an investment. It can be calculated as follows,

ROI = (average annual profit/total investment) x 100%

In this project the ROI will be thus calculated as,

ROI = (500/5000) x 100%

= 10%
A positive return on investment is good enough to ensure that the project progresses though it may
be small, other factor are also to be considered such as the payback and the cost benefit analysis.

Payback Period
This technique now looks at the time it takes for cash inflows to reach the initial investment. It
used also in making decisions when we have different projects to compare from. The payback
period of this project is calculated below,

Year 1 = (5000) +(735) = (5735)

Year 2 = (5735) +155= (5580)

Year 3= (5580) +150= (5430)

Year 5 = (5430) +1250= (4180)

The payback period is 5 years ++

The payback method is essential as it shows the investor how long it will take to get the initial
investment and it aligns the cash inflows to the years in which the were generated. However, the
technique tends to ignore the cash inflows that come after the payback period and also it doesn’t
put into account the time value of money.

2.4.2 Social feasibility

The system aims at improving the process of wedding planning. It will improve the easy of
communication of planner and clients. It aims also at improving time management. It doesn’t violet
any ethics and norms of the planner rather it enhances the process to be quicker and easier.

2.4.3 Operational feasibility

The system’s functionality has to be understood by the users so that it becomes operationally
feasible. There is need to ensure that user understands very well how the system works and the
different functionalities that are in the system. User again also need to know other components or
systems that work with the system so as to ensure that the system is fully utilised. To ensure that
the system is operationally feasible,

 The planner should be well informed about the system through training
 The system is developed with the existing aims that the users want
 To add on the system works on different platforms and devices from different locations

2.5 Risk analysis
To develop a successful system, we ought to have a risk assessment. It helps us understand the
dangers that may arise and we can identify how to curb them. Risks may be posed to different
Stakeholders of the system and they may be of any kind.

2.5.1 Economic risk

Economic risk looks at the issues of developing the system. The cost of gathering different
components required to develop the system, the time it takes to acquire them and budgetary
evaluations. This system has a flexible budget and is not too big in terms of investment hence
its quite simple to handle and affordable to fund.

2.5.2 Technical risk

Technical risk can be described as the possible failure of the system in executing its
functionality. The system will be developed in a parallel changeover manner so as to ensure
security. The system will be fully takeover once it has been fully developed.

2.6 Work plan

A workplan shows the tasks that are undertaken in this project. Each task has a time frame and
that needs to be showed so as to have a better understanding of how the process will flow.

Table 2.4 Work plan

Task/ Activity Starting date Ending date

Project proposal 20 Nov 2018 27 Nov 2018

Planning 28 Nov 2018 7 Dec 2018

Analysis 8 Dec 2018 14 Dec 2018

Designing 15 Dec 2018 22 Jan 2018

Implementation 23 Feb 2018 Ongoing

Maintenance 30 Feb 2018 Ongoing

To have a better visual of the work plan a Gannt chart can also be used as shown below,

ACTIVITIES/WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Project Proposal







Figure 2.1 Gannt Chart



2.7 Conclusion
The planning phase has had the aim of analysing the project and developing workplan of the
project. The project has shown to be feasible in all aspects, economic, social and technical. The
projected benefits seem to be more than the costs associated with developing the system as
well. The project will be analysed in the next chapter.

Chapter 3: Analysis phase

3.1 Introduction
The Analysis phase explains the logical model of the system. It consists of data collection
methodologies explained in their detailed manner and the analysis of data. The phase also explains
the cons of the current system and then alternatives are considered, as well as coming up with the

3.2 Data Collection and Methodologies

In this stage of data collection, extraction of data from different sources and stakeholders is done
so as to come up with a well-defined solution. The new system ought to address a specific problem
domain hence domain knowledge is essential when coming up with this system. Now there are
various techniques that were used to gather this data, including interviews, questionnaires and
observations. These techniques were used to extract information on the current system and were
also used to generate improvement of on the new system. Users’ expectations were also obtained
from the techniques. In as much as the techniques were helpful, they have also certain limitations
that come with them that will be explained later. Each technique is further explained below.

3.2.1 Observations
Researcher used observation to carry information gathering in real time. There was direct
extraction of information from various wedding events that the researcher attended as he was
seeking more knowledge about weddings. Various observations from several wedding events
enabled the researcher to come up with system’s functionalities which he drafted down.
Observations had advantages and disadvantages that they brought to the researcher and they are
going to be explained below.


 There was less likely to be bias unlike interviews because it was information extraction in
real time.
 Observations enabled researcher to get information in its raw form without it being
suggested by anyone else to him


 Observations were time consuming to carry out since researcher had to sometimes spend
the whole day attending events that start in the morning only to end towards the evening.
 The researcher also feels that observations may be interpreted in a misleading way or an
inappropriate way

3.2.2 Interviews
Interviews are situations whereby researcher has a conversation kind of talk with the people in
order to obtain useful information to develop the system. To develop a functional system, users
needed to be consulted and get information on objectives of the system. While interviews were
being carried out responds were being documented. The documentation was done during and after
the interview.


 Interviews were a more direct way of obtaining information

 Interviews ensured clarity as researcher could ask and be answered as the interview
 They gave more light on other business issues that the researcher had no idea about
 Also, information obtained from different people could be evaluated to eliminate some bias


 Interviews were time consuming; they require proper timing as well and the need to
interview as many people as possible
 Interviews were costly as there was the need to gather as much information as possible
 Interviews seemed to have a selected type of questions as some were considered to be more
sensitive to business hence could not be answered

3.2.3 Questionnaires
In order to come up with better analysis a questionnaire that is a document with a set of questions
was used. Questionnaires were designed to make an analysis of the current system stating the
weaknesses associated with it as well as the possible improvement to be done to the system. They
provided information about the need to come up with a web-based system which would counter

the manual way of obtaining the information. It was so difficulty to manage time and task among
other issues. It was very hand in identifying the areas needed for improvement.


 They could be analysed quickly and easily since the information was specific
 Researcher gave respondents quite ample time to respond hence the quality of feedback is
anticipated to be better than interviews
 It was a quick way of extracting information, as the questions are structured and they
required a yes or no answering criteria.
 Recommendation were also obtained as individuals would express their perceptions and


 Some sections of the questionnaires were not answered maybe due to lack of time
 Also, some chose not to participate as they felt no need to express their views
 Contradicting views made it so difficult to interpret the information
 There were high chances of the information emerging to be so biased since it wasn’t direct
 This technique gave a small room for individual expression as compared to interviews

3.3 Current system’s analysis

The current system is manual and manipulation of every task is manual. The wedding planner
prepare a guest list on a note so as to keep track of them especially special guest. To add on
the planner has a to-do list which will comprise of various task that are to be carried out. Once
a task has been completed its then checked out. The planner also communicates with the client
on the progress by phone or mail. To add on the planner is also responsible for computing a
budget for each and every singles task which may include catering, make-ups, venues among
other things. Clients communicate with the planner for update on the progress through
probably telephone conversations otherwise they cannot track on their own.

Pros of the current system

- It’s a useful system to planner since they are used to it and nothing else

- It does not require much electrical devices and internet connection
- It ensures more personal interaction between planner and his/her clients


- It’s a manual system hence it doesn’t save time

- It doesn’t have a backup facility for clients’ information
- Its prone to mistakes that may be done by the client
- Has no convenience in terms of communication between the planner and the client

3.4 Process Analysis

In this stage the manner in which task are carried out is explained. The sequence of activities and
their relationship is shown so as to have a better understanding of how the system works. To have
a clear understanding an activity diagram is used.

Figure 3.1 Activity Diagram
3.5 Data Analysis
In data analysis the purpose is to structure data in a manner that can aid decision making. In this
stage data collected is presented in a logical manner that makes it easier to interpret it so as to
come up with a better understanding of the system. 2 techniques were used to show the logical
ordering of data which consist of the Context and the Data flow diagram.

Existing system’s Context diagram
A context diagram of a system shows the top-level view of the system. It shows the system’s
entities and their relationships. The wedding event planner has the planner and client entity. The
planner responds to requests made by clients by sending quotes of prices of their services and then
the give feedback on the progress as well.

Figure 3.2 Context Diagram for the current system

Current system’s Data flow diagram

Figure 3.3 Context Diagram for the current system

A data flow diagram resembles the logical ordering of data in a system. It shows how the different
entities of the system are interrelated and it also shows the data stores that are in the system. The
data flow is also shown on the data flow diagram so as to have a better understanding of the system.
The previous diagram shows the data flow diagram of the current system.

3.6 Current system’s weaknesses
 It’s a manual system hence its time consuming to use
 It has no secured facilities to keep clients’ confidential information
 It exposes the process to lots of risk as the system doesn’t provide a well tracked platform

3.7 Alternatives Evaluation

When developing a system, there are decisions to be made on how the system will be developed.
It’s always best to come up with various ways, either in-house, outsourcing or improvement. The
choice is selected upon considerate how cost effective, requirements analysis and the security level
of the system. For the wedding event planner system there isn’t going to be much to analyse as the
most appropriate alternative is the improvement because, the system is not for a particular

3.7.1 Improvement
Improvement is when the developed system is coming in with additional functionalities that aids
the already existing system. The wedding event system is to be developed from a manual system
into a computerised system with automated functionalities. The is need to completely remove the
manual system and then put up a full computerised system.


 It’s easier for users to learn since it’s it is a modified version of what they already know
 Information on how to develop the system can be easy to extract
 Improvement is a solution to the existing weaknesses of the system


 It may be costly since it’s going to be a parallel changeover

 Some functionalities of the existing system may not be retained

3.8 Requirements Analysis

The developed system has specified functionalities that it is expected to execute. These
functionalities come from stakeholder requirement especially the users in this case the planner and
clients. The requirements can either be functional or non-functional and they are explained in detail

3.8.1 Functional requirements
These are those functions that comprise of the objectives of the project. These come from
requirements gathering that the researcher would have gathered. The system should have these
functionalities as well as integrity aspects of the information. For this system the functional
requirements include,

 It has also a platform for clients to create accounts and log into them
 The system captures the requests made by clients
 it recommends budgetary plan for the client
 computes a customised seating plan
 system sends messages to invited guests about the event

To have a diagrammatic view of functional requirements a use case can be used. The current
system’s use case is shown in the next page.

18 Use case diagram

Figure 3.4 Current system’s use case diagram

3.8.2 Non-functional requirements

These are requirements necessary to ensure that the system run smoothly. They are responsible for
providing an environment for smooth operability of the system. They can be identified as follows,

 Hardware – there is need to have a hardware system which can support the system smooth
operation of the system. A server for databases and backup facilities. The personal machine
with minimum specs such as 4Gig RAM and a disk space of at least 150Gig will ensure
smooth running of the system.
 Security – it is important to have a security system for the client’s information. The system
has also access levels for different users. Each individual accesses the system using a
unique name and a passcode

 Backup facility – the system needs to have a real time backup facility so that in case of a
failure the is a restore point

3.9 Conclusion
The project has had extraction of information using various techniques, and the information
obtained enabled to have an analysis of the current system. The gathered information also enabled
to have process analysis and to assess weakness of system as well as to identify areas of
improvement. Requirements analysis identifies the functionalities of the system. The analysis has
enhanced the project to be taken to the next stage which is the design phase.

Chapter 4: Design Phase
4.1 Introduction
The design phase resembles the form of the actual system. It comprises of various designs such as
the architectural, physical and database design among others such as interfaces. This stage
addresses the set objectives and it explains how the system components will be like. It’s also the
stage where we get to know how the system is developed, designed and deployed.

4.2 System design

The system design is where the system is defined in its entirety. The objectives of the project are
clearly outlined as to how they will be achieved. The system is also to address the problem
definition defined in the first chapter. To add on the system should have key properties that will
make it an efficient system. These include reliability, maintainability, usability, security,
performance and functionality. These are explained in detail below.

 Reliability
The system is supposed to be functional whenever it has to, the property is to ensure that
the system can be relied upon whenever.
 Maintainability
The system should be easy and quick to fix when there is a problem, also, the system ought
to be flexible to allow modifications
 Security
The system has to be free of bugs. Bugs can be defined as interruptions that affect the
smooth operation of a system
 Usability
The system is supposed to be user friendly. User should be able to use the system easily so
that they can quickly accept it and also it will be useful to them
 Functionality
The property states that the system should work according to the set objectives. It should
address specified requirements of users
 Performance
The system should execute the set functionalities in respect of all the integrities.

4.2.1 Proposed system context diagram
The context diagram will show the top-level view of the system. It comprises of the entities
and their environment.

Figure 4.1 Context diagram

4.2.2 Proposed system data flow diagram

A data flow diagram explains in details how the system data is going to be moving from one entity
to another to a store. It represents the flow of information in a system.

Figure 4.2 Proposed system Data Flow Diagram

4.3 Architectural design
The architectural design at coming up with solutions to software and hardware issues. The
components a computer system is defined and so as to have an understanding of how the system
will work and all the security mechanisms available. Security mechanisms such as cloud backup
are of great significance to the system. The architectural design comprises explained below.

 Server
The server will have a database of for example, a database of client details. In this project
the Apache HTTP server will be used as our server as it is an open software.
 Network cables
Network cables will be used to connect computer components unto client server. The usual
type of cables to be used are the RJ45 cables.
 Printers
Printers are there to print out reports of feedback, budgets and quotations among other
 Client machines
These are devices that will provide interfaces for users to interact with system. These
devices are used to send mails to the system, to access the client requests among other

An architectural design diagram to show the setup of the system will be diagrammatically shown
in the next page.

Figure 4.3 Client Server Model (Architecture design)

4.4 Physical design

This is the logical arrangement of the system’s hardware components. It resembles the devices,
software and networks that’s are going to be in the system. The hardware components comprise of
software packages which should be compatible to each other. The arrangement should be easy to
track and identify. The interconnection of client servers and users should be well outlined and
clearly marked. The client will use their devices to access the system or say to send requests to the
system while the planner will be manipulating the system and saving data in the database. The
database also requires a real time backup plan such as cloud backup.

Software requirements

- Windows 7,8 or 10
- ESET endpoint antivirus
- Microsoft office 2013 or 2016
- Linux server edition
- Apache web serve MySQL
- Google chrome browser

Hardware requirements

- Personal computer dual core, 150 Gig HDD, 2Gig RAM

- Router, switch and modem
- LAN cable and Network cards
- Printers
- Mouse and keyboards

The diagrammatic representation of the physical design will be as shown below.

Figure 4.4 Proposed system's Physical design

4.5 Database designs
A database is a storage place for data where is can be manipulated by different queries. The data
in a database can be accessed by different users depending on their privileges or access levels. The
database should also observe different integrities. Access to the database should be by authorized
users who should access information relevant to them. The database has 2 levels, the first one
being the user level and the physical design. The user level specifies user requirements and then
the design is then done. The physical design is the transformation of a user level into a database
management system (dbms).

Figure4.5 Database Architectural Designs

Schema description;
 Physical level
It is the lowest level of abstraction of the database. It also gives a description of the data in
the database and how it is organized.
 Conceptual schema
Is also known as the community’s view of data. The relationship of the data in the database
is described in this level.
 External level
It’s the level which users view of the database is considered. It allows users to access data
from the database in accordance to their access levels. Users ought to manipulate data
which they are supposed to and not to overlap to others.

Advantages of relational databases

- Ensure that users do not override privileges

- They allow query functionalities such as search and update
- Reduces data redundancy

Figure 4.6 Proposed system’s entity relationship diagram


Database tables will be structure differently according to functionalities they have and also
according to the data they are supposed to store. The database tables will be shown as illustrated

Table 4.1 Registration table

Field name Data type Constraint key

Client id Varchar Primary key
First Name Varchar (40) null
Last Name Varchar (20) null
Email Varchar (15) null
Password Varchar (15) null
Confirm password Varchar (15) null

Table 4.2 Order Table

Field name Data type Constraint key

Order id Varchar Primary key
Product Image blob null
Product Name Int (10) null
Price Int (10) null
Quantity Int (10) null

Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD)

According to geeksforgeeks.org, an EERD is a diagrammatic technique for displaying the Sub

Class and Super Class; Specialization and Generalization; Union or Category; Aggregation etc. It
shows the different entities that are in the system and as well as their interrelations. It shows the
subclass-supertype relationships that are within the system. It’s also showing the constraints as
well as disjoints as illustrated on the next page.

Figure 4.7 Enhanced Relationship Diagram for the proposed system

4.6 Program design

In order to develop the system, a PHP programming language was used and was embedded with
HTML elements. These packages are open hence required no license to use them. In developing
the system there are models which guided the developer such as class and package diagrams. These
will be explained and illustrated in the next paragraphs.

4.6.1 Package diagram

The package diagram illustrates the interrelationship between different module. It shows a how
the system’s different modules will come up with a functionality, thereby attaining the objectives
of the project. The package diagram of the prosed system will be illustrated on the next page.

Figure 4.8 Package Diagram
4.6.2 Class diagram
A class is a logical view of the system’s entities and their attributes and how they are interrelated
to each other. It has a set of entities attributes and processes. Class diagram for proposed system
is shown below.

Figure 4.9 Class diagram
4.7 Interface design
Interface design involves the design of platforms that the users of the system will be interacting
with n order to manipulate the system in any way. The users do not have access to the actual code
as it may not be understandable to them even if they did. The interface designs make it easier and
understandable for users to navigate into the system. Interfaces such as input designs and menus
are some of the examples among others.

4.7.2 Input designs

These are platforms that will require users input in forms required. Users may be required to input
their name or passcodes depending on what the form may require. Some of user input designs will
be explained below.

Log in platform
In this system users are supposed to login first in order to have access to functionalities of the
system. Login platform ensures that no unauthorized users get access to the system and play around
with it. It ensures integrity. For this system the interface for the login platform will be designed as
shown below.

Client registration form

Before clients can use the system, they have to sign in first and then they login. In order to register
personal details are required and these will be requested on the registration tab. Once these are
logged in they are saved into the database and the client can login into their account. The
registration interface will be as illustrated below.

Figure 4.10 Registration interface
Site’s Home Page
It’s the platform that the user will first see before they can do anything else. It is like a dashboard
which guides the users of where and how to navigate. It will be informative to the user and has
clearly marked buttons and links that are easy to understand.

Figure 4.11 Site's Home Page
4.8 Output design
Output designs are sets of responses that are given by the system to the user. For example,
extraction of reports among other things. The come up after user has manipulated a certain
functionality and once, they do that output is expected and that output may come in different
dimensions either text, videos or images depending on what the output is expected to be.

4.9 Pseudo code

According to geeksforgeeks.org a pseudo code is a methodology that allows the programmer to
represent the implementation of an algorithm. It has no syntax like any of the programming
language and thus can't be compiled or interpreted by the computer. Pseudo code explains how the
programming language used is going to work in a more readable and understandable manner. The
exemplification of the proposed system’s code will be shown below.

Enter user details

IF details are correct THEN {

Add user credentials to the database

} Else {

invalid user details

User Login
Enter Login details

IF details are correct THEN {

Allow access to the user page

} Else if login details are incorrect {

Invalid login details

Sending Enquiry
Select preferred wedding stage

IF preferred wedding stage is available THEN {

Send Enquiry

} ELSE {

not available}

4.10 Security Design

It is of great importance to have a system security when developing a system. System security
ranges from security against all forms of threats which could either be physical or software threats.
Pierce (2014) states that, for threats to be reduced there is need for system user’s authentication,
backup, encryption and installing software that prevents threats from attacking the system. To
explain in detail about security design a breakdown into operational, network and physical security
is necessary.

4.10.1 Physical security
This is safeguarding the hardware components of the system that are prone to threats like theft,
moisture, electricity and lightening among other physical threats. These components are to be
placed on cabins and desks, they should not be directly placed on the flow to prevent moisture
from coming in. also there is need to ensure that the premises that resides these machines is guarded
and has fire or smoke detectors. To enforce on physical security also there is need to have rules
and regulations to prevent trespassers.

4.10.2 Network security

Network security now looks at protection of the system during transmission of data. The attack of
a network cause very much costs and can destroy the whole system for an organization. To prevent
network threats the use of an antivirus is to be implemented. Restrictions of random input devices
on machines should also be ensured so as to prevent installation of attacks into the system. There
is also the need to make use of the firewalls and also establish network restriction to the users as
to how much information they can access. To add on user authentication is also important and
proper assigning of administrative rights to the system. Precautionary measures are also to be put
in place on what to do when there is a network attack.

4.10.3 Operational security

Operational security is about protecting the information about the system. Restricting access to
your system by anyone. It is also about discipline on how information is shared because
information about the system may fall in the wrong hands and that will lead to an attack. To ensure
that there is guaranteed operational security there is need to regulated, within the organization,
how information is transmitted to stakeholders and as well to encrypt confidential data about the

4.11 Conclusion
The design phase has shown the logical view of the database in different dimensions which include
text and diagrams. It has also shown the structure of the database that is going to be used and has
taken into account various integrities that should be considered when coming up with these
databases. An outline of the architectural and physical design has also been done and the required
hardware and software components have been identified. In this phase the outlook of the system

has been shown and how the user will execute the various functionalities of the system has been
shown. The implementation chapter will close off the document.

Chapter 5: Implementation phase
5.1 Introduction
The implementation phase of the project involves taking different implementation process into
effect. The project is analysed and tested to check on whether it has address user requirements and
expectations. Also, the validity issues are also checked and bugs that may also arise are identified.
The system will undergo a testing session to identify any errors that may be available. And also,
there is need to address issues of installation and maintenance.

5.2 Coding
The coding stage is where the designed system is put in the form of an executable program. These
are line of codes that make the actual system. This system was developed using Adobe
Dreamweaver 8 software. The software has a PHP (php hypertext program) language that was
used to come up with the system. The Xampp software which has MySQL and Apache was also
used in order to create databases and to run the system for testing during development. The code
snippets of this system are shown below.

include 'includes/header.php';
header("Location: http://localhost/happy-wedding/index.php");
include 'includes/left-bar.php';
<div class="col-md-10" style="background: url('images/7.jpg') no-repeat;background-
size: 100%;min-height:570px;">
<form action="user/loginHandler.php" name="reg" onSubmit="return validate()">
<p><input type="text" required name="uname" style="color:black;font-
weight:bold;" placeholder="Username or Email"></p>
<p><input type="password" required name="pass"
style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" placeholder="Password"></p>
<p class="remember_me">
<a href="register.php">
don't have an account
<p class="submit"><input class="btn btn1" type="submit"
name="commit" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" value="Login"></p>

Add product
include '../config/database.php';
else if($type==2)
else if($type==3)
else if($type==4)
else if($type==5)
else if($type==6)
else if($type==7)
$res=mysqli_query($link,"insert into product
values('','$type','$image','$price','$pname')")or die(mysql_error());
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=../index.php'>";
echo "File could not be uploaded successfully.";

5.3 Testing
In the testing phase the system is checked to ensure that it is consistent with the set objectives. It’s
also a stage where the system bugs and errors are identified. Upon identifying these bugs and errors
corrective measures are applied hence maintenance. The testing stage also ensures that the set
objectives have been achieved through the functionalities of the system. Testing has 5 methods
that will be explained below.

Unit Testing

Module Testing

Subsystem testing

System testing
Figure 5.1 Testing stages
Acceptance testing

5.3.1 Unit testing

It is when different various components in the system are tested to see if they are working
according to what is expected. The different units in the system should come up with results that
are clear and that should meet user requirements.

A test on the functionality of a source code that had an SQL statement was done. As shown in the
image a text box for quantity was availed to allow input and the button add quantity ‘add quantity’
upon clicked updated the database and the unit test was a success.

Figure 5.2 Update quantity function

5.3.2 Module testing
After completion of unit testing, then module testing is what follows. Modules are combined units
that are formed and these are tested to check on the functionality. For this system the clients form
functionality related to the planner’s records. The client can successful order products that are
provided by the planner. By successful adding products to the cart and then clicking the order
button a panel shown below appears thus indicating that a order was successful.

Figure 5.3 Successful order panel

5.3.3 Subsystem testing
Subsystem testing comes after module testing where by integrated modules are tested. This may
also be known as link testing. In the wedding event planner system, there was a separate test for
the database as it was treated as a separate subsystem. However, there was need to test the planner
and the clients’ modules so as to check for interface mismatch. The clients were able to send
requests to their planner and the planner would deliver by means of a feedback in the form of say
a quote or invoice for the event. These functionalities were a confirmation that the subsystem
testing was a success.

The screenshot below shows the user’s panel of the orders the would’ve made. On the other hand,
the plan/admin will also be able to view client’s order in the same manner the are sent as illustrated
below. Subsystem testing was successful.

Figure 5.4 User’s orders panel

Figure 5.5 Planner / Admin panel

5.3.4 System testing
A system testing comprises of different subsystem components combined together to form a single
unit. This single unit, now a system will be tested to check on whether its functioning in according
to the set objectives and preferences of the user. To conduct system testing two methods will be
used which are the black box and white box testing, these will be explained in detail. The wedding
event planner system testing was conducted immediately after the subsystem testing was a success.

Black box testing

The black box testing checks on the functionality on the side of the system. It tests whether the
inputs do correspond to the executed outputs. There should be a correlation between inputs and
outputs of the system. It doesn’t check on any internal issues unlike what is done by the Whitebox

testing. Black box testing was successful when the ordered items where the same as that received
by the planner on his side when the client ordered.

Figure 5.6 Client orders

White box testing
White box testing checks on the internal correctness of the system. Its aim is to identify errors that
may be in the internal structure of the system. These errors are cannot be seen when black box test
is done hence it’s a very important test before a system can be accepted.

5.3.5 Acceptance testing

The acceptance testing is conducted by the users as they determine the progress of the system. This
testing finalizes the whole system’s progress. It determines on whether the system was a success
or not. To conduct an acceptance testing there two stages, the Beta and Alpha testing.

Beta testing
It is testing the system with the correct data and stipulated ways of using it. Once there are errors
identified corrections are undertaken there and then before the system can be deployed.

Alpha testing
With alpha testing now, we have users working on the different functionalities that the system has.
When the users will be using this system, developers will be taking note of errors and
improvements that may be necessary. After the process the, developers will work on the identified
errors and improvements and then deploy it.

The Wedding event planner was tested and errors identified were corrected as well as
improvements we also done. The system passed very well all stages of testing.

5.3.6 Verification
The verification stage aims at checking the compliance of the system to user requirements. It aims
at verifying if the functionalities that are provided by the system do meet the user requirements
including implementation of objectives. Code review was used to correct the system’s syntax

5.3.7 Defects testing

In defects testing the intention is to find bugs that may exist in the system. There is a diagnosis of
the system that is done and if any defects are to be found they are tackled and corrected at once.
All this is done to ensure a bug free system that will deliver results. Sometimes the system may
not show errors but it doesn’t mean that the system works effectively. The could be errors such as
insertion of wrong data types on particular platforms that may need to be corrected as well. To
exemplify defect testing a diagram can be used as illustrated below.

Test Cases Test Data Test

Test Report

Define Test Prepare Run Program Compare

Data Test Data with Test Data Results with

Source: Sommerville (2001)

Figure 5.7 Defect Testing

A brief explanation of terms used in defect testing,

Test cases - are explained as expected results given that the system function according to

Test Data - they are inputs that are used to test the system

Test results - results that are brought up after a test

Test report - final draft of the defect test

Different Tests were conducted for the wedding planner system as illustrated in the next page.

 Inserting login credentials

o Condition - incorrect credentials

Figure 5.8 Login test

 Registering for an account

o Condition – inserting leaving out other fields

Figure 5.9 Registering test

 Changing user password
o Condition – inserting a wrong old password

Figure 5.10 Change of password test

5.3.8 Validation testing
System validation looks at the functionality of the system in accordance to user’s set objectives
and expectations. It aligns the contents of the system documentation and the exact performance of
the system. In this process also the system is checked to see if it’s performing correctly. The system
was validated in different areas and some of them will be shown below.

Figure 5.11 Email address validation

A test to check on the correctness of the passwords that is the password and confirmed password
was done and if these where not matching the system captured it.

Figure 5.12 Password and Confirmed password mismatch

Another test was also to validate when either admin or planner tries to add a product without
uploading an image if it was going to work the result was as shown below.

When the button Ad product was clicked this was the response of the system.

Figure 5.13 Adding product without an image

5.4 Installation
When installing the system now, processes of changeover are involved. The manual system will
be replaced by a new computerized system which will require a translation of the old system to a
new one. In the wedding event planner now, there isn’t much work in terms of changeover strategy
but the planner and clients may need to be trained on this initiative since they are the major users
of the system. There is also need for planner to have hardware component that will allow
installation of the software.

5.4.1 User training

In training the users are introduced to the functionalities of the system. The part that is addressed
is how the system works the different components that are in the system and what they can explore.
Training is necessary so that users will have a knowhow of how system will work. It also increases
their knowledge and it instils confidence which will enhance acceptance also. The training was
conducted on interested parties and signs of acceptance were overwhelming.

5.4.2 System changeover

System changeover is a process whereby a new system will be deployed and the old one will be
removed. There are deferent changeover methods that are used in system changeover, some will
be explained below.

Direct changeover
This is when the new developed system is fully deployed into the organization at once. The system
fully replaces the old system and starts functioning. It’s a quick and cheap method but a very
dangerous one as changes of fail of the new system cannot be ruled out.

Pilot changeover
Pilot changeover is when a system is directly deployed at a single site of an organization with
different branches. A single branch is chosen and the system is deployed and once the system
functions well for some time then it can be deployed in all other branches. This is a more careful
way of deploying a system, it reduces total risk of system failure.

Phased changeover
Is when the system different functionalities are deployed one after the other until the whole system
is fully implemented. Different modules and functionalities are introduced in stages and there is

checking of errors before a new functionality can be deployed. The process goes for every
functionality until the whole system is fully deployed. This method tends to take much time for
system implementation but it’s less expensive.

Parallel changeover (recommended)

Parallel changeover is when the two systems that is the new and the old are used in parallel. It is
done to ensure that the organization doesn’t completely loose its data in the case that there is a
failure by the new system. When the new system is fully functional and error free then the old one
will be discarded and a single system will be used. This is a safer way of a changeover however it
is costly and it takes quite a lot of time.

5.4.3 Data Migration

In the stage of data migration data is moved form one system to another using a certain changeover
strategy. According to (Dufrasne et al 2017) data migration can be referred to at the transfer of
computer system, data formats from platform source to the new platform targeted accurately,
efficiently and effectively without any data loss. There was enhanced of security strategies in order
to ensure there was no data loss. Data migration can be further be explained in two strategies which
are Bing bang and Trickle migration.

Bing bang migration

This strategy involves complete transfer of the entire system data to another platform.
www.academia.edu describes the Bing bang as an approach that helps achieve the objective in the
shortest possible time. With this strategy there is total interruption of the system function as there
will be transmission of data from one platform to another.

Trickle migration (recommended)

This strategy enables the transfer of data in a parallel changeover sort of strategy in which data
migration is in phases. Markandeya (2017) explains it as an incremental approach to migrate data
which involves the parallel running of the old system and the new system, migrating in phases
which takes quite some time

5.5 Maintenance
The maintenance stage aims at checking and observing the system at work to have an analysis of
whether the system has addressed objectives set. Errors and bugs are also checked among other

things that ensure proper functionality of the system. There are different maintenance methods that
are explained below.

5.5.1 Corrective maintenance

It is the troubleshooting done on the system to check on any errors and if any are picked they are
then corrected there and then. Errors arising from any operation are all corrected before the system
can be used. The wedding event planner had no errors that were picked hence all was well.

5.5.2 Adaptive maintenance

It is when there are added features or functionalities to the system so as to improve it. These added
functionalities will be there to enhance the system’s performance and to maybe implement a new
concept or an innovation.

5.5.3 Perfective maintenance (recommended)

It is when the system is changed so as to ensure efficiency or basically to improve it. Perfective
maintenance is mostly done when the management has discovered that the system needs to be
improved as well as the owners input points to the same idea. This is a recommended method since
there is so much research and development happening in the technical world that required
continuous improvement of the system.

5.6 Recommendations for future developments

Having successfully implemented the system, there were additions the developer felt could coded
into the system. These will be listed below.

 Developer recommends that the system should include a payment platform for clients for
example Ecocash, Zimswith etc.
 The system should also give GPRS locations of clients’ events for easy navigation
 Clear description of how the system works for the client is of great importance
 A recommendations tab from the planner is also important
 The system should be upgraded regularly to be in touch with the technological

5.7 Conclusion
This chapter marks the end to the research of the Wedding Event Planner. The research had
introductory chapter that explained the problem definition. A set of objectives was set which

included to enable the clients to order online among other objectives. the These objectives had a
plan drawn for them on how they are going to be tackled as well as identification of resources
necessary. An analysis of the past system which were used by planners was also assessed and its
weakness where identified such as its absence on the internet among other weaknesses. Several
techniques such as questionnaires and observations were used to conduct data gathering that was
used to develop this proposed system. Having gathered data and having a draft of the system
requirements the design followed. Several tools were used to come up with the logical view of the
system. Database tables and entity relationship models were used as well as interface designs were
also drawn to resemble how the system will be arranged. Among these architectural and physical
designs, were drawn to show the networking of the system. Implementation stage explains the
various coding designs of the system and testing processes. The stage also explains further the
installation mechanisms as well as the maintenance of the system, outlining how the system has
come be successful.

Reference List

Concise Oxford dictionary (2001).

Rosalind. E and Hollard. J, (2013) What is qualitative interviewing, Bloomsbury: New York

www.firstpackzimbabawe.com extracted on 10 February 2017

DBMS| Enhance ER Model, accessed from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org , accessed on 12/04/19

Bentley and Whitten, (2007), System Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill company

Brent, R.J, (2006), Business and Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing

Kendall and Kendall. Systems Analysis and Design for the Global Enterprise.7 th ed.

https://www.academia.edu Accessed 15/04/2019.

Client Registration page
the registration page enables all new clients to create accounts for the to access or contact the
planner of the system. The client should provide the credentials (such as name, surname, and a
picture that will be used for their profile) required for them to be able to log into the system. Once
they are registered, they will be directed to the log in that will be shown in the next appendix.

A2: Client Login Page
Having successfully registered the client is directed to the log in page where they are required to
input their username or email and password. The registered credentials will be verified against
what would have been inputted and if correct user is granted access to the system.

A3: Client portal

In this portal the client is in their account and they can navigate in different tabs selecting what
they want to purchase and add it to the cart and they can also view their orders, account details
and change their password.

A4: Planner/admin login page
The planner portal is separate from the client’s portal. The planner logs in with their provided
credentials of password and email/username. Once they login they are taken to their portal where
they can view their tasks.

A5: Planner’s portal

In the planner’s portal they check requests/mails in their inbox and respond accordingly, they
also add products for clients remove other products and manage clients.


This questionnaire is written to help in the research of how the wedding event is held and how it
can be improved.

Information provided in this questionnaire is private and confidential henceforth you are free to
express your views.

Fill in the spaces provided.

1. Who are you? Tick where appropriate.

Planner Client

2. How has been your experience on weddings so far?

3. Do you think there is need for improving the current system process?

4. What are the challenges associated with using the existing system?

5. What security implications have been associated with the current system in place, if any, how
have these been countered for?

6. Are you satisfied with how inconveniences are handled……….....................................................

7. What can you say about the process of conducting a wedding, in terms of complexity and all the
work. What would you recommend for coming up with a better wedding event planner for either
client or planner?
8. Do you think an online Wedding Event Planner will assist in countering challenges you have
identified before? …


8 What do you recommend for the successful development of the system?



Wedding Event Planner

My name is Nyasha Mutonhodza. I’m studying BSc Information Systems degree (Hons) at
Midlands State University. I’m doing a computer project (name mentioned above) which requires
a detailed study of the user requirements of the system. So, this interview is designed to gather all
information pertaining to the system under study.
For each of the questions listed below kindly fill in your response in the spaces provided.
Information gathered will be used with the highest degree of confidentiality.
1. How is the wedding event carried out currently?
2. Do you think there is need for improving the current system process?
3. What are the challenges associated with using the existing system?
4. What security implications have been associated with the current system in place, if any,
how have these been countered for?
5. Are you satisfied with how inconveniences are handled? Explain.
6. What can you say about the process of conducting a wedding, in terms of complexity and
all the work? What would you recommend for coming up with a better wedding event
planner for either client or planner?
7. Do you think an online Wedding Event Planner will assist in countering challenges you
have identified before?
8. What do you recommend for the successful development of the system?

Observation guiding schedule

Date………………………………. Observer………………………………...





Logging in


include 'includes/header.php';

if(isset($_SESSION['suname'])) {

header("Location: http://localhost/happy-wedding/index.php");

}include 'includes/left-bar.php';?> <form

action="user/loginHandler.php" name="reg" onSubmit="return validate()">

<p><input type="text" required name="uname" style="color:black;font-

weight:bold;" placeholder="Username or Email"></p>

<p><input type="password" required name="pass"

style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" placeholder="Password"></p>

<p class="remember_me">

<a href="register.php">


don't have an account

<p class="submit"><input class="btn btn1" type="submit" name="commit"

style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" value="Login"></p>

Add Product


include 'includes/header.php';

include 'includes/left-bar.php';

include 'config/database.php';



echo "<form action='admin/addProduct.php' method='post'


echo "<center><table>";

echo "<tr><td>Product Name : </td><td><input type='textbox'

style='color:black;' name='pname'/></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Price :</td><td><input type='textbox'

style='color:black;margin-top:10px;' name='price'/></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Type :</td><td><select style='color:black;margin-

top:10px;' name='type'>";

echo "<option value='1'>Wedding Stage</option><option

value='2'>Car Decoration</option><option value='3'>Gate Decoration</option><option
value='4'>Reception Party</option><option value='5'>Invitation Card</option><option
value='6'>Wedding Dress</option><option value='7'>Parlour</option>";

echo "</select></td></tr>";

echo "<tr><td>Item Image :</td><td><input style='color:black;margin-

top:10px;' type='file' name='image' size='30'/></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

echo "<br/>";

echo "<input type='submit' class='btn btn1' value='Add Product'/>";

echo "</form></center>";


Contact planner


include 'includes/header.php';

include 'includes/left-bar.php';


<div class="col-md-6" style="background: url('images/11.jpg') no-repeat;background-

size: 100%;min-height:570px;">




<form id="contact_form" action="user/feedbackHandler.php" method="POST"


<div class="row">

<label for="name">Your name:</label><br />

<input id="name" required class="input" name="name"

type="text" value="" size="30" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" /><br />


<div class="row">

<label for="email">Your email:</label><br />

<input id="email" required class="input" name="email"

type="text" value="" size="30" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;" /><br />


<div class="row">

<label for="message">Your message:</label><br />

<textarea id="message" required class="input" name="message"

rows="7" cols="30" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;"></textarea><br />


<input id="submit_button" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;"
type="submit" value="Send email" />




<div class="col-md-4" style="background: url('images/5.jpg') no-repeat;background-size:



<?php include 'includes/footer.php'?>


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