Lecture 05

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Prof Indranil Sengupta
Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology

• Lecture 5: TCP/IP – Part III

¾ On completion, the student will be
able to:
1. Define port numbers and associations.
2. Explain the differences in the way TCP and
UDP works.
3. Explain the functions of the various
header fields in TCP and UDP.


• In TCP/IP, the transport layer

consists of two different protocols.
¾Transmission control protocol (TCP).
¾User datagram protocol (UDP).
• Basic idea:
¾User processes (applications) interact
with the TCP/IP protocol suite by
sending/receiving TCP or UDP data.
¾Both TCP and UDP in turn uses the IP
layer for delivery of packets.


User User
Process Process



Datalink and Hardware Layer

(e.g., Ethernet)

Role of TCP

• Provides a connection-oriented, reliable,

full-duplex, byte-stream service.
¾Underlying IP layer is unreliable and
provides connectionless delivery service.
¾TCP provides end-to-end reliability using
ƒ Checksum
ƒ Positive acknowledgements
ƒ Timeouts
ƒ End-to-end flow control.

Role of TCP (contd.)

¾TCP also handles

ƒ Establishment and termination of
connections between processes.
ƒ Sequencing of data that might reach
the destination in any arbitrary order.

Role of UDP

• UDP provides a connectionless and

unreliable datagram service.
¾Very similar to IP in this respect.
¾Provides two features that are not there
in IP:
ƒ A checksum to verify the integrity of
the UDP packet.
ƒ Port numbers to identify the processes
at the two ends.

Port Numbers

• Multiple user processes on a

machine may use TCP or UDP at the
same time.
• There is need for a mechanism to
uniquely identify the data packets
associated with each process.

Port Numbers (contd.)

Port 10 Process 1 An incoming

Port 20 Process 2

Port 30 Process 3

A host on the

Port Numbers (contd.)

• How this is done?

¾Both TCP and UDP uses 16-bit integer
port numbers.
¾Different applications are identified by
different port numbers.
¾Port numbers are stored in the headers
of TCP or UDP packets.

Port Numbers (contd.)
User User
Process Process

Port Address
TCP UDP (16 bits)

IP Internet Address
(32 bits)

Physical Address
Ethernet Layer
(48 bits)

Port Numbers (contd.)

• Client-server scenario
¾By knowing the 32-bit IP address of the
server host, a client host can connect to
the server.
¾To identify a particular process running
on the server host, the client must also
know the corresponding port number.
• Well-known port numbers
¾Predefined, and publicly known.
¾FTP uses port 21, SMTP uses port 25.

Port Numbers (contd.)

• Well-known port numbers are stored in

a particular file on the host machine.
¾Unix:: /etc/services
¾XP:: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
¾Each line has the format:
<service name> <port number>/<protocol>
[aliases...] [#<comment>]
• Few lines of the file are shown next.


echo 7/tcp
echo 7/udp
systat 11/tcp users #Active users
systat 11/tcp users #Active users
daytime 13/tcp
daytime 13/udp
ftp-data 20/tcp #FTP, data
ftp 21/tcp #FTP. control
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp mail
time 37/tcp timserver

Ephemeral Port Numbers

• A typical scenario:
¾A client process sends a message to a
server process located on some host at
port 1534.
¾How will the server know where to
ƒ Client process requests an unused port number
from the TCP/UDP module on its local host.
ƒ These are temporary port numbers, called
ephemeral port numbers.
ƒ Send along with the TCP or UDP header.

Ephemeral Port Numbers

• How are the port numbers assigned?

¾Port numbers from 1 to 1023 are
reserved for well-known ports.
ƒ Has been extended to 4095.
¾Numbers beyond this range and up to
65535 are used as ephemeral port

Connection Establishment

• A hierarchical addressing scheme is

used to define a connection path
between two hosts.
¾IP address
ƒ Identifies the communicating hosts.
¾Protocol identifier
ƒ Identifies the transport later protocol being
used (TCP, UDP or anything else).
¾Port number
ƒ Identifies the communicating processes in
the two hosts.


• A set of five values that describe a

unique process-to-process
connection is called an association.
¾The protocol (TCP or UDP).
¾Local host IP address (32-bit value).
¾Local port number (16-bit value).
¾Remote host IP address (32-bit value).
¾Remote port number (16-bit value).
• Example of an association:

TCP Encapsulation

Format of TCP Segment

0 16 31
Source Port Destination Port

Sequence Number
Acknowledgement Number
HLEN Reserved Flags Window
Checksum Urgent Pointer



TCP Header Fields

• Source port (16 bits)

¾Identifies the process at the local end.
• Destination port (16 bits)
¾Identifies the process at the remote end.
• Sequence number (32 bits)
¾Used for reliable delivery of message.
¾Each byte of message is assigned a 32-bit
number that is incremented sequentially.
¾The field holds the number of the first byte
in that TCP segment.

TCP Header Fields (contd.)

• Acknowledgement Number (32 bits)

¾Used by remote host to acknowledge
receipt of data.
¾Contains the number of the next byte
expected to be received.
• HLEN (4 bits)
¾Specifies the header length in number
of 32-bit words.

TCP Header Fields

• Flags (6 bits)
¾There are six flags.
ƒ URG is set to 1 if the urgent pointer is in
ƒ A connection request is sent by making
SYN=1 and ACK=0.
ƒ A connection is confirmed by sending
SYN=1 and ACK=1.
ƒ When the sender has no more data, FIN=1 is
sent to release the connection.

TCP Header Fields (contd.)

ƒ RST bit is used to reset a connection. It is also

used to reject a connection attempt.
ƒ PSH bit indicates the push function. Used to
indicate end of message.
• Window (16 bits)
¾Specifies how many bytes may be sent
beyond the byte acknowledged.
¾This number, called window advertisement,
can increase or decrease as needed.
¾A value of zero closes the window

TCP Header Fields (contd.)

• Checksum (16 bits)

¾Applies to the entire segment and a
¾The pseudo-header contains the
following IP header fields:
ƒ Source IP address, destination IP address,
protocol, segment length.
ƒ TCP protects itself from misdelivery by IP
(delivered to wrong host).
¾Same algorithm as used in IP.

Format of UDP Segment

0 16 31
Source Port Destination Port
Message Length Checksum


UDP Header Fields

• Source port (16 bits)

¾Identifies the process at the local end.
• Destination port (16 bits)
¾Identifies the process at the remote end.
• Message length (16 bits)
¾Specifies the size of the datagram in
bytes (UDP header plus data).
• Checksum (16 bits)
¾Computed in the same way as TCP.
¾This is optional; set to zero if not used.

Berkeley Socket Interface

• How to develop a network application?

¾The best way is to use some standard and
well-accepted protocol.
ƒ At the data link layer level, use Ethernet.
ƒ At the network layer level, use IP.
ƒ At the transport layer level, use TCP.
ƒ At the application layer level, use a
standard API like the Berkeley Socket


Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

1. An IP packet arrives at a router with the

first eight bits as 01000011. The router
discards the packet. Why?

The packet is erroneous. The first four

bits 0100=4 shows the version, which
is correct. The next four bits 0011=3
shows the header length, which is
wrong. Because 3x4=12 bytes, but an
IP header must be minimum 20 bytes.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

2. An IP packet arrives at a router with the

first eight bits as 01001000. How many
bytes of options are there in the packet?

The header length is 1000=8, which

indicates 8x4=32 bytes of header. So
the number of bytes in the options
field are 32-20=12.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

3. In an IP packet, the value of HLEN is 5,

and the value of the total length field is
1000. How many bytes of data the packet
is carrying?

The size of the header is 5x4=20 bytes.

So the size of the data is 1000-20=980

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

4. A packet has arrived at the destination

with the M bit as zero. What can you say
about the packet?

Since M=0, if the packet was

fragmented, then this is the last
fragment. But we cannot say whether
the packet was at all fragmented or

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

5. A packet has arrived at the destination

with the M bit as one. What can you say
about the packet?

Since M=1, the first thing we can say

is that the packet has been definitely
fragmented. And moreover, this is not
the last fragment.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

6. A packet has arrived at the destination

with the M bit as one, and also the
fragment offset field as zero. What can
you say about the packet?

There has been fragmentation,

and this is the first fragment.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

7. A packet has arrived at the destination

with the fragment offset field as 500.
What can you say about the packet?

This is certainly a fragmented packet.

With respect to the original packet, the
starting byte number of this fragment
is 500x8=4000.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

8. A packet has arrived at the destination

with the HLEN value as 5, the fragment
offset field as 150, and the total length
field as 2000. What can you say about
the packet?

The first byte number is 150x8=1200.

Number of data bytes in the packet is
2000-20=1980. So the first byte
number in the packet is 1200, and the
last byte is 3179.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

9. Change the following IP address from binary

notation to dotted decimal notation.
11000100 10001111 00110000 10000001

10. Find the error if any in the following IP


Each byte can be between 0 and 255.

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

11. Find the class of the following IP address:
Since the first byte lies between 224 and
239, this is a class D address.

12. Given the network address, find

the class, the network id, and the range of
the addresses.

135 means Class B, net id is 135.75,

range is to

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

13. Given the network address,

find the class, the network id, and the
range of the addresses.
216 means Class C, net id is 216.12.20,
range is to

14. What do the following IP address signify:
It is a broadcast address on the Class
B network

Quiz Solutions on Lecture 4

15. An IP packet with 2500 bytes of data

(plus header) passes through an IP
network with MTU=500. How many
additional bytes will be delivered at the

6 fragments would be created. Each

will have a header of 20 bytes. So
additional bytes will be
6x20 – 20 = 100 bytes


Quiz Questions on Lecture 5

1. What does the port number in a TCP

connection specify?
2. Why is it necessary to have both IP
address and port number in a packet?
3. Which of the layers TCP, UDP and IP
provides for reliable communication?
4. Both UDP and IP transmit datagrams. In
what ways are they different?

Quiz Questions on Lecture 5

5. What are well-known port numbers?

6. What are ephemeral port numbers?
7. With respect to a transport level
connection, what are the five components
in an association?
8. Why is the pseudo-header used in
calculating TCP checksum?
9. What are the different fields in the pseudo

Quiz Questions on Lecture 5

10. Suppose that 5000 bytes are transferred

over TCP. The first byte is numbered
20050. What are the sequence numbers for
each segment if data is sent in four
segments with the first two segments
carrying 1000 bytes and the last two
segment carrying 1500 bytes?

11. What is the purpose of the PSH flag in the

TCP header?

12. What is the purpose of the ACK flag in the

TCP header?

Quiz Questions on Lecture 5

13. If you are developing a network application

on a reliable LAN environment, which of
TCP or UDP would you prefer, and why?

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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