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SMe els em ate lo) Cero M RMS it Maly An Exclusive roa} English Literature for Competitive Exams Page- 2 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on E ish Literature: Topic Based BCS Question Analysis 5 (ia $d) [Topic Name Author "s name and book: BCS Exam 40,39,38,37,36,35.29,13,12,11,10" BCS Quotations: 40,39,38,36,35,3 1 ,30,29,28,26,25, 11" BCS Author's Title: Figures of speech: 38, 36, 28.16, 12" BCS,31, 15,13" BCS [Epic / Poem: 40, 38,37.36,17,13" BCS Elegy: 37.36" BCS | Age / Period : 40,28.37,36,16,15.13" BCS | Character: 40. 37,36" BCS Find Out Odd: 35" BCS | Literary Collaborator : 17" BCS [Poet Laureate + Is" BCS | Nobel Prize: 35,12" BCS |Author’s Country : 40.38.13" BCS | Type of Work : 36,12" BCS | Translated works: 40,36" BCS | Specific works /author: 37,36,28.15,14" BCS Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature Page- 81 ¥ Bom: 23 April ,1564, (40" BCS) Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom Y Died: April 23, 1616 . Stratford upon-Avon, United ingdom - Bonfe : -Nationa! Poet of England --Father of English Drama ~The Dazzling Sun ~-Poet of Human Nature -Bard of Avon (Bard means Poet) Globe Theatre ¥ Dr. Samuel Johnsen Poet of Human Nature = afefme aca William Shakespeare & | Tennyson 2 The Dazzling Sun Sie fore He composed - 37 plays (25 plays se Heis asa Lion, > Shall I compare thee to a Summer's Day? (Sonnet 13 by Shakespeare ) Metaphor: ( 18" BCS ) acer Geis feqeet fare wer As, like, than, compare , resemble "gt wrt Fret wf Metaphor =| ¥ Life is but a walking shadow ¥ She is the Moon Y Heisalion Personification: Inanimated object (cm / st) Ge ara et Fron arEpE fence fecawaT eat 1 Personification @ | Object f Personified we Capital letter # fatics ar : Mr.Pneumonia was not a polite old gentleman . e=7 Pneumonia 3% @neta apace saps fence capa ean EAE STE AS | Personification > Pen isa good Jugde. The flame of the candle danced in. the dark, Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test lusive book on English Literature. Page- 213 LitXpert - An E (Paradox: crater stare cert wor ect eT | | Cowards die many times before their death (a Shr azar wea few | Sheer age aed Som areata ace | aT TTS ~aleceTet ACH BAT AT) > There is no one so poor as a wealthy miser. > You can save money by spending it. | > [know one thing; that | know nothing. > - This is the beginning of the end. I can resist anything but temptation. Irony: A contradiction between what hi | Dramatic Iron | Ternigerent ree a1 carer net cert fag are at ote fe era gars once few ofa | arcrar ee fS Dramatic Irony @ 1 Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An E | Oxymoroi | aner aff opposite 1 “nh at Sa SIF Oxymoron aT | ¥ Open secret ¥ Original copies | ¥ Seriously funny, avie7 Seriously at funny af opposite ° srtenf*1 w@ Oxymoron Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 214 Juxtaposition : Brrr / Cen Pace iowa ron Sere | | © Dark and Light , Calm and Chaos « Beauty and Ugliness , Fact and Fiction © Despair and Hope . | Oxymoron 4 src and (Linker) #1 #1 f¥ Juxtaposition ‘and’ (Linker ) ‘a | | Satire : (fare arate aoa) A humorous way of criticizing people, or ideas to show | that they have faults or are wrong. Ex: Jonathon Swift, Gulliver's Travels | 4 ‘Liliputian’ People oe 86er 6 inches: long TRAIT | ewes Felt ae eH | S352 ¥RT Politicn | Sareasm- Fare; | Sarcasm is the uct of saying one thing while meaning the opposite. ( cr sores fafa sree aoe aie ae wr S fafet ene fevdrorae ore gare a eR ‘Wee Sarcasm <0) For example: Oh yes, you ve been sooooe helpful. ae | So helpful 1 4c Soooo helpful ae are a erst erace | | Hyperbo cor fog wfeafers / Overstatement / Exaggerate 4 aifgcr an ar Bt ace Hyperbole | Ex: Ten thousand saw [at a glance. aitr qfger eer sore wre OS THA So WS count Fa | impossible 2% af Hyperbole ¥ His weight is 1000 kgs | ¥ Tamso hungry I could eal a cow Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 215, Ballad (fife / siete): [vis a narrative song transmitted orally @@r Tait aa eT 6 wrEteT | ARR STAT TH) Limerick (serra et) : 37" BCS A humorous five line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba “Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, And down he run. Hickory dickory dock.” Euphemism: 13", 20", 38" BCS nora aireré corres ica erat Ex: He is a Special Child (disabled).a¥i7 disabled =*its “fracé evfeuya sara rt Special Child was aTaew RCE | Elegy: ofnter one aeld cre efor | pre of sen qerce at eee aide eT | The term comes from the Greek ja, Which means “to lament.” Examples: ¥ Blegy Written in a Country Churchyard-- Thomas Gray Y Astrophel-- Edmund Spenser Alliterati The repe: 37" BCS itial consonant sound. The repetition can be put side no by side, Y She Sells Sea Shells down by the Sea ST SrrereRD THR oar af ( § eF Gay consonant 1 axe OTM apTHS AME SE Alliteration @27ae | ¥ Peter Piper picked « peck of pickled peppers. ¥ The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew Assonance: | The repetition of similar vowel sounds specially in a line of poetry ‘The Three trees in front of the house. «7 EE sound f repeated Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitX pert - An Exclusive book on English Literature, Page- 219 | Chorus: ] arbre dite aibceen Se / TILER WT (A. group of performers) | Soliloquy: When a character is speaking to himself / herself relating to his / her toughts and feelings (fice frre , fires Sree / owt acer eT Cea: ARTS TTA Ta wie eT ATT few tee ca 1) Ex: |. To be or not be, that is the questions ( Hamlet) > “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? (Romeo and Juliet) | >» “Yet art thou still but Faustus, and aman” (Dr.Fautus) Monolouge : | The speech or verbal presentation given by a single character in order to express his or her collection of ia: 1 thoughts and ideas aloud. Often such a character speaks directly to audience, or to another character. ( #ece sem bia Te ‘Frese four / ere / Sr oc iret at AT vincas face / Scar Siesta eet eT ) Aside: An Aside is shorter, more direct, and simple. Asides are usually spoken directly to audience. An aside points out an immediate conflict or issue (itt tegecs Sort sea ser ar alt ieee sari ae Hee eH) | For example: Romeo appeats during Juliet’s baleony | In Romeo and Julie! ks, in an aside, "Shall [hear more, or shall | speak LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 221 Tetonym re of speech that replaces the name of athing with the name of | something else with which it is closely associated, ¥ We must wait to hear from the crown, 4% Crown ** 91 power/authority 7 yam, S14 crown Wat King/ Queen we aT Be cof metonymy. | ¥ Pen is mightier than the sword. Pen means written word, | Synecdoche: A part of something represents the whole or it may use a whole to represent the part. Ex: Calling a Car, 491 Car 47 Se} Wheel. Sa Wheel ei 1 Car ce gan iE “Wheel” Synecdoche. | USA Football team wins in the tournament. 471 USA seit ag orate Present state few Teum © oer ot se | ater Whole (USA) represents the part (Team) Apostrophe: To address absent pet ibstract quality, an inanimate object or a non-existent character. ~ Oh! Lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud. ae P.B. Shelley Wind (7%) TENT BE SUT VIE ATVI, TST, CENT TET ee Ee Fare Epigram: An epigram is a brief, witty statement about a topic. (Gar fern ents wae She, ‘qe Sf eq Epigram) For example: [can resist everything but temptation «& ret Oscar Wilde sat se cr ot era arafeg Fare (resist) FATE Ste PAT CTE (temptation ) RET | SAC AMET AE or oT aie Faas SATS Te AT | era aT strat bun ar rat Fete orepsenet rare srr | TE AB eee Epi gram . | Ani Antithesis is a literary device to put two contrasting ideas together, (q8f feestrerere epee aft arenenfl ae) Example : That's one small step for a man — oni for mankind, (Neil Armstrong, 1969) giant leap Sonnet: A line of poem of fourteen imabie pentameter lines Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BES, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-124 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. 18th-century English poet. —————— * He is known as Mock Heroic Poet THE RAPE OF % He is best known for his translation Tu Lock of Homer (Hind , Odyssey) and for his use of the heroic couplet Quotations: aa ¥ Toerris human,to forgive is divine (Hae wae STs EEE i) -An Essay on Criticism *** Y A little learning is a dangerous thing (w@ fen Sien), Essay on Criticism *** “Fools rush in where: angels fear to tread (RT Crit Coe Sel +t Gea edie omieet eas ey aca) Essay on Criticism, 16" BCSAn ¥ The world forgetting, by the world forgot -Eloisa to Abelard (poem) “The Proper Study of Mankind is Man- An Essay on Man Famous Poems: > The Rape of the lock (Mock Epic Poem) 40" BCS Hero: Baron, Heroine: Belinda *** ® An Essay on Criticism > The Dunciad say on Man(Main theme : "Vindicate the ways of God to ***Paradise Lost by John Milton (Main theme) “Justify the ways of ‘God to Man" Rape Upon Rape — Epic- Henry Fielding The Rape of the Lucrece —Poem- W.Shakesdpeare Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-126 —LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. The Rape of the Lock (7 “ The Rape of the Lock ” @ @fq arerarsnat ert frase feyrorere wereray | 6% sheers sf era mapas crs wire, fares wet ye wire Shoe Gres Feet Me seer cafe ae oe BPH waa Pert clot aa ake cant crema set afew eorce | cafe toca ar ya apis Coys af8 sacs wie peers canis creat ara ACT a EAT BETTE | LitXpert - An Exclusive boo nglish Literature.Page- 125 1, ‘The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope is (u) epic (b) ballad (c) mock-heroie poem (d) elegy Ans, ¢ Which of the following is a correct proverb? [16" BCS] (a) Fools rush in where angels fear to tread (b) Fools rush vhere an angels fears to tread (c) A fool n where an angels fears to tread (d) Fools rush in where the angels fear to tread. Ans. a an- [40 BCS] nh 3. Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English literature? [t¢-crfer: fadroat oraturt-yiv2] (a) Lord Byron (b) John Milton (c) Alexander Pope (d) Lord Tennyson Ans.c 4. Who wrote the famous poetic line ‘To err is human, to forgive is divine”? [siara fa; f¥ HrT-2055] (a) Pope (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Dryden Ans. “A little learning is a dangerous thing’ is a quotation from- [BCSIR- 2017] (a) Oscar wilds (b) Alfred Tennyson (c) Alexander Pope (d) Voltaire Ans. ¢ 6. Alexander Pope's “An Essay on Man” is a — (ivyd sftewe Somer ecetet (20%)] wn (a) Novel (b) Treatise (c) Short Story (d) Poem Ans. d 7. Poet Alexander Pope's famous work- [8 sesere ator presi feoms-a) Beam. 2908) (a) The Rape of the Lock (b) Spectator Ans. (c) The Deserted Village (d) Man was made to mourn 8. Who was the famousmock-heroie poet in English literature- er af pay (a) Alexander pope (b) Millon Ans. (c) Shakespeare (d) J Donne 9, How many lines does the Rape of the Lock contain- cyrm a = 9 fmm os) (a) 800lines, (b) 794lines: Ans. a (c) 700 lines (d) 900 lines 10. Who commands the sylphs to guard Belinda? —feenm i Gam efen 2928) (a) Beron (b) Clarissa. Ans. d (c) arb (d) Ariel Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Ex lusive book on English Literature.Page- 163 Robert Brov 2 1812 * Robert Browning was an English poet and play wright +> Master of the dramatic monologue % Dramatic monologue: A poem in which an imagined speaker addressesa silent listener, usually not the reader. Examples include Browning's “My Last Duches Eliot's “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” (aren aifecer mays areca als ‘* were" He is one of the foremost Victorian poets. Browning married Elizabeth Barrett, poet. Quotations: 1. Ignorance is not innocence, but sin- 32 7Ts1 wa, a 2. Because there's still Lucrezia, as I choose. Again the Cousin's whistle! Go, my Love (#94 stare qresfar ere, wir orate a | STATA ATATTET GIRcHA ET! ATS STATA GTAP) Andrea del Sarto 3. Italy is my University ter expe ara fanfearent 4. Tecall,That piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolfs hands, Worked busily a day, and there she stands- My Last Duchess Famous Poents: 5. My Last Duchess AH ATTA CHP TA: 6. Andrea del Sarto Browning OA Bae" za My 7. Porphyria’s lover Last Duchess, Andrea, lover 8. Fra Lippo Lippi Lippo ® syet FIT last ride FICS 9, The Last Ride Together fre arcra alex The 10, The Pied Piper of Hamelin 11. Rabbi Ben Ezra 12, The Patriot 13, A Grammrian Funeral Patriot Rabbi Ben 24 Funeral ony AGT | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-164 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. WEPET : The Duchess of Malfi - (Play) - John Webster 1. Browning was the composer of any of the following poems- 17" BCS] (a) Two Voices (b) The Scholar Gipsy (c) Andrea Del Sarto (d) Oneone Ans. ¢ 2. Who wrote *Patriotism’? (20: fem: eer fees FruT TaHT-2002] (a) William Shakespeare (b) William Wordsworth (c) Sir Walter Scott (d) Robert Browning Ans.d 3, The poem ‘The Patriot” is writien by---[78: tf: sfTa-2039] (a) Alfred Tennyson (b) Robert Browning (c) Matthew Amold (d) John Donne Ans. b 4. Browning wrote — [#7 7%: PH: sf: span] (a) Rabbi Ben Ezra (b) La Belle Dame Sans Merci (c) Adonais (d) Don Juan Ans. a Andrea Del Sarto ( STS corr TG arlene Gere secae erhertia fre core eer oy cere ee fear | fee cre fared creat 6 seers acer Polaris cae wihrafer fice sanfies | Be ot ocofeen area weer ace | few once ee Hh cation anos aoe ear feererare Sree | re user yee cncfent icra Bren ae ee we core few Gitte cone ure qrafsrra sract | coe te anf ca Garey Steere Ace MAT ATT ae safe ore siors : ft: (21 war4PTH)-2009] (a) Robert Browning (b) Alfred Tennyson. (c) George Eliot (d) Charles Dickens Ans. b 5. Tennyson wrote --- [81 7% ferr Sits syed] (a) The Lotos-Eaters (b) Dover Beach te) My Last Dutchess (d) The Eve of St. Agnes Ans. a 6. Who wrote the poem *The Charge of the Light Brigade’? (1U-16-17) (a) W.H. Auden (b) Lord Alfred Tennyson (c) W.B. Yeats (d) William Wordsworth Ans. b rs Tithonus (focarar) iret erate afeKe rere gw Boetaicna arte | ennerpene onal scare ae Srrern fore wart ST GH nde ear eonp ere wea | few af ote eer whet cr BISRT | GT awe er Cre sary ar | arcane Piers eet, few ot aT TT | GT OFeT Stina awe seg fear come sea arin fee oat cer Sex oT) wee Poarrey aecare yew ee for coe IEE Lotos Eaters (#104 257%) ame alae aelh aee wer Seva are ore | Sei sett, orang sae ee wet ayef eee 0 Gree Sr CTaTe Ser, Fay aR TA | RT OTe CTT (ORNATE wT AT TS CH) CIES Ce ST cae ane TT cx | ae wT STE Sere Hay Stee aT ABA ae GATT CCT SIN GTS CITE DIRT | SionEeS Ile, ‘crear ree agT figs tee | erat ARTE One weer sare afer sae ie i) Bini ofren Beater eta Beret Sowa aia Eee hey corse wee fers | cone 2 Som weer wer ae ofeat arf we HE) Sta Gy epiirs fei Sepia Shae ae sas orn aul sre an CGferrerrs | few Sar pe sae ae set wits ae oe wisn oie ace ont Som om nie) Se Sen COTO ay FST Sea, SEPT aT, SFT aa Fw RTA AT STAT” | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature,Page- 79 Bacon (156 >» The word “Es $ first used by him > He is considered the first father of English prose. » Francis Bacon has been called the father of empiricism (knowledge is based on experience T > He used aphorism (expressing a truth in the fewest possible words)in his writing. It’s like a proverb, Famous Quotations: 1. A mixture of lie doth ever add pleasure (fren se aera freer ofire geen) - Of Truth, 2. Knowledge is power (sm® =f) - Meditationes Sacrae and Human Philosophy (1597) ome hooks are to be tasted ,others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested (Fg 42 Gry Srre ort, FRESE cae GM SAT ACS OT ae Se eg ae TCE aes Pere aC erat eaCw ee) - Of Studies 4. Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability(@enm eace SSA FUR ¢ Tere ese SPT) - OF Studies 5. History makes men wise (@feer wees aeyT ae com)- OF Studies 6. It is impossible to love and to be wise (a8 wit Sitar eax faosectet emrefar az) -Of Love 7. Unmarried men are the best friend , best master,best servants but not always best subjects (Sfeafeers ater wie vy aCe ome, FE fren fora forest cab ace eer; for Sete aif feorca watt Preece =m) - Of Marriage and the single life. Opportunity makes a thief_C## cmt 7 or et) A Letter of Advice to the Earl of Essex 1598 9, A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds Coming... English Salar (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-80 —_LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. ye, Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; writing an eXact man(ersit wee offer ara sea, Seer eT APACS IS FCT COT re Corey SET NTE ae fbwr rat Freres AenreT eH) - OF Studies. 11. Wives are young men’s mistress , companions for middle age , and old men’s nurses (itt eaecrs gfe en are a oa Ie qrfeen)- Of Marriage and the single life 12. Revenge is a kind of wild justice (Of Revenge) 13. A good friend is another himself (Of Friendship) 14. Hope is a good breakfastbut it is a bad super 15. Praise from the common people is generally false - A ARNT HPT: OF ' “ Some Famous Proses: errarera ror rest ry af * Of Studies *** A SIs Of revenge 37 ‘ © Of Truth ** faanes 44 New Novum ‘ * Of Love *** Children 71 | . Of Great Place*** re OF Sore \ = Of Revenge ** ae ‘ t * Of Friendship *** = Of Marriage and Single Life *** = Of Parents and Children = Novum and Organum (Philosophical work) = The New Atlantis (incomplete utopian novel) * Of Reformation - (Pamphlet) - John Milton ‘ ' t « Of Education - (prose)-John Milton ‘ ‘ \ Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 3 Age / Period of English Literature Period Name | Duration Old English / Anglo-Saxon Period 450-1066 A.D. “Middle English Period [1066-1500 A.D. 1, Anglo-Norman Period 1066-1340 A.D 2. The Age of Chaucer 1340-1400 A.D (14" Century) 3.Dark/Barren Ag 1400-1485 /1500A.D The Renaissance | 1500-1660 A.D 1, The Elizabethan Age 1558-1603 A.D. 2. The Jacobean Age 1603-1625 A.D. ***A ge of Shakespeare 1590-1616 A.D. ***Age of Puritan 1620-1660A.D. 3. The Caroline Age 1625-1649 A.D, 4. The Commonwealth Age 1649-1660 A.D. The Neo-classical Period 1660-1785/1798 A.D |, The Restoration Period 1660-1700 A.D. 2. The Age of Pope/ The Augustan Age 1700-1745 A.D. 3. The Age of Sensibility/Age of Johnson 1745-1785/1793 A.D “The Romantic Period 1798-1832 A.D Victorian Period 1832-1901 A.D 1. The Pre-Raphaelites 1848-1860 A.D. 2. Aestheticism and Decadence 1880-1901 A.D. Modern Age 1901-1939 A.D 1, The Edwardian Period 1901-1910 A.D. 2. The Georgian Period 1910-1936 A.D. The Post Modern Period 1939- Present Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 4 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. eet Sealer aiecwra PCS STAT BET ATS | OMR 4 class 4 Ro Vit M P arts | O=TheOld English Period ‘The Anglo-Saxon Age (450-1066) M=The Middle English Age(1066-1500) R=Renaissance Period (1500-1660) , 1 60years Class = The Neo-Classical Period (1660-1785/1798) Ro = TheRomantic Age (1798-1832) Vi: Victorian Age (1832-1901) M= Modern Age (1901-1939) P = Post Modern—(1939-Present) = oo 4 $e sik el A ad e Middle English Age (1066-1500) ment Sart ferent faMk Ih MONO) ECMO EMC Ty elie AG LF 1. Norman =The Anglo-Norman Age (1066-1340) 2. Chaucer =The Age of Chaucer (1340-1400, 14" century) 3. Dark = Dark/ Barren Age (1400-1485/1500) Barren — 54 (Infertile, fruitless) Renaissance Period (1500-1660) ,160years} *Rena+is+sance (spelling) > Preparation for Renaissance 1500-1558 a8 yt stam oe Sot free anf Elizabethan -1 aa aprepies 9 yest aT eT | 2. Ja=Jacobean Period (1603-1625) SUN anes ea ee aret James-] ea aarp? | James and Jacobean 9 erm eee Jaf frat | Coming... English Sailar (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 5 *1590-1616 — Age of Shakespeare * 1620-1660- Age of Puritan 3, Car = Caroline Age (1625-1649)38" BCS 8 yora apres way eat aren Charles | a aragpica | Caroline and Charles ge erm oe Co fier) 4. Com =The Commonwealth period (1649-1660) Com (#4) ater (-) Sifie e gevt aren fier, erem feet | The Neo-Classical Period (1660-1785/1798) aT are ferent free ‘(#": Classical Pcs restore 403 Augustan Pope Sen JohnSon t Transit 41 Reason THRICE | 1. Restore =The Restoration Period (1660-1700) ‘mrenfeen aces 2obe Art Charles-I Premier vita aries Preeprr Restore a1 et | BE a® yrs area eat GT Restoration Period 1688 — Glorious Revolution Augustan Pope = The Age of Augustan / Alexander Pope / The Age of Pope (1700- 1745) Beta stat SBI starr A ERT ET 3. Sen Johnson Transit = The Age of Sensibility / The Age of Johnson / The Age of Transition / Reason (1745-1785/1798) “Ro: The Romantic Age (1798-1832) Vi: Victorian Age (1832-1901) ait Victoria oq ararpica are or ok yee | 8 pT ge STH free tw lL. The Pre-Raphaelites (1848-1860) 2 The Aestheticism and Decadence (1880-1901) M= Modern Age (1901-1939) a ge wie Ee Gv: Modern 3 EG @ 9¢ 4. E= Edwardian period 1901-1910 G = GeorgianPeriod 1910-1936 P = Post Modern-1939-Present, Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test De eh) > Duration : lOyears Gmonths 4 days > King : King Louis XVI > Writers: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu > Novel: A Tale af Twa Cities by Charles Dickens > Napoleon Bonaparte is the child of F ‘Revolution > Slogan : “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Feudal Pyramid Keg get Bre The hing ower is cbsolute - TE Fe sateen CT | iz 7 acrmat n ps homage ~ afr cnet ‘bringing the king on Sremem eae afer irre nett Fi i F system nee BY ~ Feudal syste: by (Garerefire aye) fighting in the palin - Taxation problem Baron's cemy the Knights, | (fee ea AT) ees Pensonts pay omane by Feudal warking on systemOutcomes:(11) -Establishment of Republic in France -Establishment of civil equality -Abolition (fet, qa )of Feudal sy: - The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. stem Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 6 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. DMR Ie or Raita citi Age/ Period = King/ Queen ® Elizabethan Queen Elizabeth 1 > Jacobean James I >» Caroline Charles I >» Commonwealth No King /Queen > Restoration King Charles I [> Augustan Augustus, Roman King > Victorian Queen Victoria >» Edwardian Edwardian-VIl | » Georgian Georgian-V eee aft “grey er | ore cat eae aaa BAe AT | Important Slogans: Ant for Art's Sake Art for Humanity’s Sake Romantic Age Neo-Classical Period An for Life's Sake Modern Age Love for humanism v |v (Feature of Renaissance) Golden Age of different Genres: >» Golden Age of English Literature- Elizabethan Age > Golden Age of Lyric— Romantic Age >» Golden Age of Novel — Victorian Age Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 8 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. aR Re CCH HS MER SfoBy etal ea | esp kee Fae wT AE eS STAT BCH RATT CECH | 1. Jacobean Period of English Literature refers to- --38"BCS a) 1603-1625 b)1625-1649 ¢)1603-1625 1649-1660 Ans.A 2. Which period is known as ‘the golden age’ of English literature- ++? refesnférstiemes aitaopre 338)- (a8* BCS) a) The Victorian Age b) The Elizabethan Age c) The Restoration Age d) The eighteenth century Ans.B 3. Restoration period in English literature refers to - (1660-1700), 37" a) 1560 b) 1660 c) 1760 d) 1866 Ans.B 4. Robert Browning was a poet-37" BCS a) Victorian b) Romantic c)Modem d) Elizabethan Ans.A §. “David Copperfield” is an ------novel.36" BCS a) Victorian b) Elizabethan c) Romantic d) Modern Ans.A 6. The Romantic age in English literature began with the publication of -- 26 BCS a) Preface to lyrical Ballads b) Preface to Shakespeare c) Preface to Ancient Mariners — d) Preface to Johnson Ans.A 7. Which of the followings writers belongs to the Romantic period in English literature? -- 36" BCS a) S.T. Coleridge b) John Dryden c) A.Tennyson d) Alexander Pope Ans. A 8. Inthe 18" century the Mughal Empire begun to- 35" BCS a) discriminate b) disintegrate ¢) diffrentiate d) dislocate Ans, B 9. In which century was the Victorian period? -. 16" BCS a) 17" century b) 18" century ¢) 19" century d) 20" century Ans, C 10. Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest? - (1910-1936).15" BCS a) The Augustan Age b)The Victorian Age c) The Georgian Age d) 20" century Ans. C 1. Who is the poet of Victorian period?--1 I" BCS a) Mathew Amold, b)Robert Browning. ¢) Hellen Keller d) Shakespeare Ans. A+B Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 10 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. c) revenge d)Philosophy 23, The Victorian age is named after. (4f%s0-ss)- a) Queen Victoria 'b) King Victor I ¢) Victory of the British Empire d) The Victors in the war against French Ans. A 24. Romanticism is mainly connected with off - (a.f- 2050-3) a) —_ Love and beauty b)Love and war c) Exicitement & Sensation d) Joy & Happiness Ans, A 25. Which is known as Romantic Period of English literature?-(q%. 222) a) 1798-1832 b) 1649-1660 ¢) 1550-1558 d) 1910-1936 Ans. A 26. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is — ce oe 7 ‘Boetieae oon fare , 30:08) 4) Beauty b)nature c)Subjectivity d)Imagination Ans. 27. Edmund Burke belonged to-(e s ¢ite= amar oe tore Hist Ee Dae) a)17" century b)18" century ) 19" Century d)20" century Ans, A 28. Keats belongs to — (f.07.5:70. sfevre, 2008) a) 19" century b)19" Century ¢) 18" century d) 17" century Ans.A 29. Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest?- CAmCnD sifimecet ae “faETT, 200%) a) The Victorian Age b) Romantic )Old age d)CarolineAge Ans. a 30. The poct of “Romantic Age” is — (Pent sforaes 7. FART, 2000) a) John Keats b) A. Pope c) R. Frost d)M. Arnold Ans. a 3. Choose the right answer : Chaucer is the representative poet of- [r, favre ¢ om astra Te CaPePET-20>2] (a) 17" century (b) 14" century (c) 16 the century (d) 18" century Ans. b 32,Edmund Burke belonged to- [1 ¢ fa" wpe 7%, foes Fes Eade] (a) 16" century (b) 17" century (c) 18" century (d) Roger Bacon Ans. b 33. Who used the term ‘The Metaphysical poet’? (a) Edmund Spencer (b) John Denne (c) Samuel Johnson (d) Andrew Marvell Ans.c Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-148 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. He was an English poet, literary critic, philosopher and theologian William Wordsworth was his friend © A founder of the Romantic Movement in England A member of the Lake Poets. > Biographia Literaria. (Criticism) + [2 Willing Suspension of Disbelief term © WYRE BEET | > Albatross 1% acuce ner ta Prov Free aan oH | ' ' ! . Lake Poet | > Pioneer of Romantic 1 1 1 Movement + Opium cater » Water, water, Everywhere , not a drop to drink (orfaface ta 2 sith, few “7H wart Bre ae frge GB) - The Rime of Ancient Mariner — S.T. Colerdige 38" BCS ,_(KU -2017-18) » Alone , alone, all , all alone ,Alone on a wide , wide sea - The Rime of Ancient Mariner » He prayeth Best ,who loveth best , All things both great and small (fete arcdrern endear eran, Fifer adic ercerencart, Sera a afeaie ay aay cas aafey) - The Rime of Ancient Mariner > Where Alph, the sacred river, ran through caverns measureless to man, Down to a sunless sea- Kubla Khan » For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise- Kubla Khan » O Lady! we receive but we give ,And in our life alone does Nature live- Dejection: » Imagination is the s nious —Biographia Literaria > Poetry is the first and la knowledge it is as immortal as the heart of man — Biographia Literaria > Friendship is a sheltering tree — Youth & Age > That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poctic faith - Biographia Literaria > Poetry: the best words in the best order Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-150 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. a ee ofr Fett freer, carrer “irre 6 bier FET Sens eiera drwertiy arm ery oat afar ongrt om oe ace orf crn parca sar ald ey cree fet afrerft AOA Sara SCAT coraferery | ET core Sed arya corcea were fat afew free acre | fee oe a ae ortes SHfee eer Sr CMT AMT UH! Yoo-so00 onfecs strate avara afters erecens, carrier wey afrefee sefeeler wre mea Freie ore FACS cay | The Rime of Ancient Mariner owt ates frat Ancient Mariner 734 Wal ee eer | ST HT FIM SIGS AACA ACT CATE ST STARA AAT ACS ATT | BITS eas nf era SECA free Boy eT ae STAC SM GCA WS “TS VT | Tw wae Aiea Albatross “fea oiot ere | few enor aifee ete eca ifefice wage fren ona cert | err TARA ATCT TS ATT VEY | HTH TCE CAT FreeT cee TPRAG wre srerrer gifercar Frey | art Caety ofr STC HECHT MTA CTT | SY MTbtT alae Cac CoteT STAT OT SCAT SE aR PA rer corse OE CT | STARTS ST AT OT HA OTS OMT | wrerete wien crore fet ernarcy Cice aT | LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 149 Famous Poems: 6. 1, Kubla Khan (ey crn ret seg yor acy ster est sia) 2. The Rime of An Ancient Mariner 3. Dejection: An Ode 4. Christabel We ara PT: Kubla Khan, Ancient Marina Gi API Coleridge 34 Oude to Dejection & Christabel #feit srgfe ea Sart | Where do the following lines occur in? “alone, alone, all, all alone, alone ona wide, wide sea... [38" BCS] (a) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (b) Kubla Khan (c) the Nightingale (d) The Dungeon Ans. a Who wrote “Biographia Literaria”? [37" BCS] (a) Lord Byron (b) P.B. Shelley S.T. Coleridge (d) Charles Lamb Ans. ¢ The literary work ‘Kubla Khan’ is -—- [13" BCS] (a istory by Vincent Smith (b) a verse by Coleridge (c). a drama by Oscar Wilde (d) a short story by Somerset Maugham, Ans. b Who is the author of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’? [= vsfeerec are cafes snie8 ] (a) William Wordsworth (b) S.T. Coleridge (c) W. Somerset Maugham (d) Sir Walter Scott Ans. b Who was English poet addicted to opium? (én: ft: 7%: Pt: 2009] (a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley (c) John Keats (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. & Who has written?“He prayeth best, who loveth best All things great and small.” [Fife = qa cert afrets 2008] (a) John Keats (b) Lord Byron (c) P.B. Shelley (d) Coleridge Ans.d Coming... English Sallor (Grammar) for BES, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 142 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Titles: ¥ Poet of Beauty ~ Poet of Sensuousness ¥ The Youngest Poet Sila belongs to -19" Century jnese-06) » On First Looking into Chapman's Homer (Famous sonnet) > fefr wet (Tuberculosis) Get sm g& aes aut HIT aT) WE Ie Recafer onferera fecera aia zen en wae era silane Ss fle coat @¢ ae corer Fo casererer were fers | Career onftecen feectne af aera Stren ¢ 33-3 ACT TT APH) Famous Quotations: 1, Beauty is truth; truth is beauty (48% -er, rere 2H) -Ode on a Grecian Urn 2. Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are Sweeter- ®1G4 ace ct 2a Sr aR, ea aT OwICe sHtaT ot AYER | (Ode on a Grecian Urn). 3. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever - aft spa ag fire srreme Sor (Endymion) 4. If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not to come at all - To John Taylor 5. Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced - cemcn fey area a Trees at oF frac srfeeret siete en 6. ‘Where are the songs of Spring? Aye,where are they? Think not of the them, thou hast thy music too'-Ode to Autum, John Keats40" BCS 7. My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains, My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk - Ode to a Nightingale Famous 1, Ode ona Grecian Urn 77 nile ‘ 2. Ode to Nightingale — | WOH TATA CHPTA : \ 3. Ode to Autumn , Keats 94 Grecian Urn #196R brat \ 4. Lamia 1 Psyche mM Lamia, Isabella, Agnes, — , 5. Isabella | Endymion Sr Melancholy 5 1 ' ' \ Grecian Urn 6. The Eve of St Agnes AA FAT Autumn 4 Nightingale 4% 7. Endymion imitati imitation of Spenser #BtS "TSI 8. Ode to Melancholy OR SERRE ee 9, Imitation of Spenser. N--------------- - 10. Ode to Psyche Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature Page- 143 1, ‘Where are the songs of Spring? Aye, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast they music too."- Who wrote this? [40" BCS] (a) William Wordsworth (b) Robert Browning (c) John Keats (d) Samuel Coleridge Ans. ¢ 1, PB, shelley’s ‘Adonais* is an elegy on the death of - 37" BCS] (a) John Milton (b) S.T. Coleridge (c) John Keats (d) Lord Byron Ams.c 2. Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’? [15° BCS] (a) Shakespeare (b) Wordsworth (c) Keats (d) Eliot Ans. c 3. Which ode begins with the lines? “My heart aches, and a drawsynumbness pains. My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.’ [3 6 =f seer sits café: afTs- 2008] (a) Ode of the Spring (b) Ode to Duty (ce) Ode to a Nightingale (d) Ode to the West wind Ans. c 4. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ was stated by- [erat 7em afB-MO¥] (a) John Keats (b) William Shakespeare (c) Bacon (d) Milton Ans. a 5, A famous English poet who was professionally known as man of medicine is -— [ea wee Sam Tenors Gif ase Pen Serre @I¥-2-2008] (a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Milton (d) Pope Ans. b 6. ‘Ode to Autumn’ was written by —- [27 fret e4e¥1-2093] (a) Shelly (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Blake Ans. b 7, *Ode on a Grecian Urn’-Who is the poet of the poem?P%: S720 09) (a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Shakespeare (d) Keats Ans. d 8. core Beemer ofa wen cet erst eecare [reaper Prat ete ore: ofa: cena! (a) P.B Shelley (b) Robert Burns (c) S.T, Coleridge (d) John Keats = Ans, d. 9. Who wrate ‘Ode to a Nightingale?’ [ref a1: F: et: js Fremt-spe4] (a) Pope (b) Shelley (c) Wordsworth (d) Keats Ans. d 10. John Keats is primarily a poet of (72 Sy sft, Te, ofwrrs- soe) (a) Beauty (b) Revelation (c) Love (d) Nature Ans.A Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature Page- 157 i Thom: 941) ~ He was a Victorian English novelist and poet Y Meee beatae “penta aoe Scat Thomas Hardy «a A Pair of Blue Eyes Sar 9& ' Quotation: lL vv |. Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change. 2. A man's silence is wonderful to listen to (HDR Are Ice Se) 3. The Greater the sinner, the greater the saint Gre ay 7H we ay whe) Some famous novels: Tess of the D’Urbervilles The Return of Native Characters: Clymyeobright, Clement, Eusdtacia, Diggory >» The Mayor of Casterbridge >» Atan Inn (rare efeen) | >» Wessex poems (Famous poetry) vy er STAT CRP: Thomas Hardy @ Native Suara AFT Tess Casterbridge 9 CHRP ny rig Which of the followings book is written by Thomas Hardy? [36" BCS] (a) Vanity Fair (b) The Return of the Native (c) Pride and Prejudice (d) Oliver Twist Ans. b The Retum of the native is written by—[oment ¢ Baer sft ore: oft: 09] (a) Albus Buxley (b) Alexander Dumas (c) Somerset Maugham (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. d Who wrote the novel ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge"? [IU- 2016-17] (a) Thomas Hardy (b) Jane Austen ns (d) D.H. Li ce Ans. a (c) Charles Die! eenie r aa fran ar ord ern ea on ee Oce er aepert RCE ee EAL RTT TATA | MRR THT GAT CTT aCe ATTA a warer TT enenfaer ar ae ee er | ARTIS OF Cre cece Fier eet CORA WIN wre eee ura OTT SAC COTO, GACT aed cA et) ee eT eren Face aca | fw terest Farce firs arcs erirceer Corre ste rome corre UT wae ACH CUNY HOT AT | STTCBRT eee ICy flee PTS CPT RCSTILT MACMRLS TAT SIORTEN TETHS SIT eH | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-144 —LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. perros terete fort Sim ort a crensa srice ates aff ee aie Fey ORR ETT Srreat tee or | Sfee efaiice oatd SqUrT eae are aeRCTs A fer | cafe rps ee ferro grt nie cart SSeS ar | wan mee eee CT “ERE AS Oat TSS PHA | His full name is Percey Bysshe Shelley A Defence of Poetry (criticism) He wrote article in The Examinar Magazine = *** He drowned in Gulf of La Spezia fe West wind c@ Destroyer & Preserver 7 Siaiee way | ¥ Hiswife Mary Shelley — wrote Frankenstein (Gothic novel)Skylark Bird V5.5 ss ‘eon -Revolutionary poet -3#e v= 6 ates sf -Poet of Hope & Regeneration -Lyrical poet Quotations: 1. If Winter comes, Can Spring be far Behind te = ac tog xa ore fr ort a r- Ode to West Wind . Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought SPI sear fate cr str et HaueH avert Set TT 1 -Ode to Skylark 3, My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!-sret ara sfennfeapr, arene aren safe; orca sre AE, & REET, or erin afere es (Example of Irony) 4. Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! 1 fall upon the thorns of life! 1 bleed! Stara qt «ca Bam we, rer, foun Gos we! ene eae wT ofee ee! enfr eens e8- Ode to West Wind(Example of Apostrophe) 5, Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips-watrepres Grd era fer #08 (Title of this poem) Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! - To a Skylark 7. The world should listen then, as | am listening now- To a Skylark 8. [met a traveller from an antique land - Ozymandias Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BES, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test ie) LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature.Page- 145 Famous Poems: 1. Ode to West Wind 2. To a Skylark 3. Ozymandias. 4, Adonais(Pastoral elegy, #f# 8 7% @t0pm yere fren) WSS : Venus and Adonis (poem) Shakespeare 5. Queen Mab (A Philosophical Poem) 6. Alastor or The Spirit of Solitude 7. The Revolt of Islam {OTP TA Atheism aCe | 8. Music, When Soft Voices Die 1Cenci 8 Prometheus 1 9. "The Cloud" | sere: aa eri 1 10. The Masque of Anarchy Sea eee ues J 11. The Triumph of Life (last poem) +} "The Necessity of Atheism(Expelled fromOxford for this essay) Famous plays: 1. The Cenci, (A Tragedy, in Five Acts,verse drama) 2. Prometheus Unbound (four-act lyrical drama) SPST Prometheus Bound (play) Aeschylus 1. Identify the Poet of the verse: ‘Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought’ [#8 6 Segre Sta afer afore 2009] (a) John Keats (b) P. B, Shelley (c) Lord Byron (d) William Wordsworth Ans. b “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” These lines were written by-[28" BCS]/1/ 2002-d0] iS) (a) Keats (b) Frost (ce) Eliot (d) Shelley Ans, d 3. P.B. Shelley is known as —- [fers B31 care ¢ S4sresH-gode] (a) Epic Poet (b) Romantic Poet ({c) Poet of nature (d) Poet of beauty Ans. b 4, Who wrote Prometheus Unbound? (7@ srr 71a sfera-20)3] (a) Coleridge (b) Keats Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BES, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitX pert - An Exclusive book on English Literature.Page- 147 = LPR - = Oe erie Coy = = = ot = seteTer ager | Peer Gora rerio’ Gag Or erat wt Cre me few wife oT wre Tem an) oat epttat srg we, ofr seers saree se fey ener om afer Stray corer we | artes often or afta are freer are afoe efre corer nee onfeer ser ye ger com ago Teg ony erry firey Sey qewa ae fe oe) Sy Were SHAR hry ep yee we orone onfee emns Comrie wanes sents aca | Tm aah Poa Qn IMT a aT Cr wD afer ca wren | ofS ACER aCe TB TT ae CorenTeTTEs Chigear Fear ace wate teeretoT cove Mtoree | fa wie sf RST TS VpTOTER eae rece facica Crewe | ala a oaT ererce after ans cores bret ay ere wferercen are farce whee caret | anf acfoy aerate ca Flafr wear austere are ores: coc Fahy wef erbter era ast eT | arasteTa wees aT cH fier wef ween fr area ord CHCCER UT wiper aft ot CaP | Srp iire aah anfitce sng ome) STaiooe wah were Bice uITw forty “sferatafearr, arena ane” | wits werefies elation ete geet ore ert 2) CMO WI weaniocen aS ore OE Cee MEST Sta Sree anshe | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-146 —_LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. (c) Byron (d) Shelley Ans. d 5. The phrase ‘trunk less legs’ in the poem ‘Ozymandias’; refers to: [erates fe: Sf8 ete1-2099] (a) hug legs (b) legs without toes: (c) legs without body (d) beautiful legs Ans. c 6. The statue of Ozymandias is —- [728 waxes Mees SHTA-2035] (a) on a mountain (b) beside a river (c) in adesert (d) ina valley Ans. c 7. In ‘Ozymandias’, who saw the statue of Ozymandias? (aires aera afeor-2032] (a) the poet (b) an old man (c) a traveller (d) asculptor Ans.c 8. The central idea of ‘Ozymandias’ is that- [=7.f: =f ~#r=1- >>) (a) all things, both great and small, will perish (b) man is mortal, ari immortal ({c) imagination is stronger than fact (d) history repeats Ans. a 9. In Shelly’s ‘Ozymandias’ frown’, and ‘sneer of cold command’ are seen on-]}--<[0): f: Sf +2095] (a) the pedestal of the staue (b) desert sand (c) two trunkless legs {d) Shattered visage Ans. d 10. “Ode to the west wind’ is by — (“facet sfereres ore: ofaerre-2093] (a) Keatgs (b) Shelley (c) Coleridge (d) Wordsworth Ans. b 11. In *Ozymandias’ the poet says, ‘I met a traveller ---- an ~~ land.” [ot fe: hE +hst-2009] (a) by, old. (b) going, ancient (c) from, antique (d) passing, antique Ans. c 12. Srert 6 Wha +4 (Poet of ‘Skylark and Wind’s) ™: fent-ssae] (a) Lord Byron (b) John Keats (c) W. Wordsworth (d) P.B Shelley Ans. d 13. In the poem ‘Ozymandias’ who calls Ozymandias ‘King of Kings"? [m: fa: of +ar-200%] (a) The Traveller (b) The speaker (c) Other kings (d) Ozymandias himself Ans. d Coming... English Sailar (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test * + He wasthe greatest novelist of the Victorian era. A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution [29" 36" BCS] Sketches by Boze 94 <2 Pen name : Boz Full Name ; Charles John Huffan Dickens Quotations: Charity begins at home and justice begins next door —( Wear aifgre we or TTD “ert TerT ee mem farce ereve ore fr Stellartce Frene rere crt en FE eer nibs or area | EreeT Stellaae ee yae vane are TS aA ‘feoptir oriee areata Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-160 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. eer A Tale of A Tub (Prose) -Jonathan Swift A Tale of A Tub (Play) -Ben jonson The Battle of Book (novel) ~ Jonathan Swift 1. *A Christmas Carol’ isa by Charles Dickens. [39° BCS] (a) ballad (b) sketch story (c) historical novel (d) short novel Ans. d 2. London town is found a living being in the works of - [36" BCS] (a) Thomas Hardy (b) Charles (c) W. Congreve (d) D. Lawrence Ans. b 3. Who wrote the two famous novels, ‘David Copperfield” and ‘the Tale of two Cities"? [29" BCS] (a) Thomas Hardy (b) Jane Austen (c) George Eliot (d) Charles Dickens Ans. d 4. The writer of David Copperfield is — PprTeprt sien 2030] (a) Shakespeare (b) David copperfield (c) Charles Dickens (d) Rodyard Kipling Ans. 5. Who wrote the two famous novels, ‘David Copperfield’ and “A Tale of Two Cities”? [22 faa] (a) Thomas Hardy (b) Jane Austen (c) George Eliot (d) Charles Dickens Ans.d 6, Charles Dickens was the writer of —Prreqrt aftwes the1-2039] (a) Jane Eyre (b) Wuthering Heights (c) David Copperfield (d) Return of the Native Ans. c¢ 7. A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by — Pr: scat: exfaie 2000] (a) Dickens (b) Thackeray (c) Scott (d) Fielding Ans, a 8. Charles Dickens is a great- [ifs wei grea we: oer fre- 2004) (a) poet (b) critic (c) playwright (d) novelist Ans. d 9. What is the pen — name of Charles Dickens? [IU- 2016-17] (a) Eila (b) Boz (c) Evoe (d) Bell Ellis Ans. b 10. David Copperfield was written by — (Cu. U. 2013-14] (a) Charles Dickens (b) Darwin (c) Thomas Hardy (d) George Eliot Ans. a (Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature, Page- 181 W. B. Yea 68-1939) :-Drish po “ He wrote the introduction of “SongsOfferings “ by Rabindra Nath Tagore in 1912 *** Rabindra Nath Tagore got Nobel Prize for “Songs Offerings” in 1913**+ > W.B, Yeatsgot Nobel Prize for literature in 1923, Quotations: > But, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams (fag eft, one, area sre San STAT Yel STN IES Cora TAT Face wiper Pere, srrercey omer ae ac eras CEE sree Poe TTT ay 7w)-The Cloths of Heaven > Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fine (freer caret sparen waeels rrcerer Cer CREATE SPIT AAI, Fete TST SATCETAT co wfigca *fgra BF) > Turning and turning in the widening gyre ,The falcon cannot hear the falconer -The Second Coming > Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade-The Lake Isle of Innisfree Some Famous Poems: Leda and Swan *** Easter 1916 (Related to Ireland's independence)*** The Second Coming *** The Wild Swan at Coole** The Lake Isle of Innisfree*** Sailing to Byzantium*** A Prayer For My Daughter We ATT CHPTA: W.B Yeats, Daughter, Leda 94 Swan 44 Second Coming fa vv YVYYVY Easter 1916 efter ftv Byzantium sx Scacy seat fie aT firs? 3515 Lake Isle of Innisfree cS Swan Coole Sree GAT | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BES, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test book on English Literature. Page-182 = LitXpert - An Exclusi ig 1. Which of the following is not an American poet? [40 BCS] (a) Robert Erost (b) W.B. Yeats (c) Emily Dickinson (d) Langston Hughes Ans. b 2. ‘Gitanjali’ of Rabindranath Tagore was translated by-36™ BCS (a) W.B. Yeats (b) Robert Frost (c) John Keats (d) Rudyard Kipling Ans, a 3. Who of the following writers was not a novelist? 36™BCS (a) Charles Dickens (b) W.B. Yeats (c) James Joyee (d)Jane Aus Ans. b 4, The poem “Isle of Innisfree” is written by - BCS] (a) Dylan Thomas (b) Ezra Pound (c) W.HL Auden (d) W.B. Yeats Ans. d 4. Who wrote the Introduction to Rabindranath Tagore’s Songs Offeringslorart ames Fi: sft:-2038] (a) T.S. Eliot (b) W.H. Auden (c) Ezra Found (d) W.B. Yeats ans. d 6. Famous Irish poet and dramatist is — (#angTer= From 48r#1, 2030) (a) T.S. Eliot (b) W.H, Auden (c) Ezra Found (d) W.B. Yeats ans .d (Mite Ore) oe OS RT CT oe Ra a Al) W.B Yeats. ¢2 96 sonset fer The Lake Isle of Innisfree | al aeeTieTS ernfecrrT | Poetry collections G# fret 21) and poems ( Cefeer yu) 1. A Boy’s will L 2. North of Boston -After Apple -Picking -The Deuth of the Hired Man -Mending Wall 3, Mountain Interval gee NOE : Mehl -Birches a -The Road Not Taken ee 4. New Hampshire + Fire and Ice - Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening Famous Plays: 1. A Mosque of Reason (Comedy) -Theme: Justify God's ways to man 2, The Cow’s in the Com 3. A way out (one act play) Quotations: 1) Two roads diverged in a wood, and | -- I took the one less 6) traveled by, and that has made all the difference (#7 af 9 cre fo fice, corte 2 arf ore are creice eeu eI ateT, form we CATE Te seer ainetery ayfReRTT) These woods are lovely, dark and de But | have promises to keep, And miles to go before | sleep, And miles to go before I sleep, (wiffa a avenfar ae ape, stip eae fSta! few yficr area sree ONT MICS Beet afearhe ete HOTS Wee AE ATE) Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired (rt = gftarene areiers gene cai yitarq Sree) “Good fences make good neighbors (sen at rs efecrt tele ecm) He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with show (srr, fe orice orice rarer ar er sur ere eree Seca Sans SS ALS TAT) Freedom lies in being bold (Reet Fifee are) Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS. PSC. Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 200 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. 1. ‘To please the boy by giving him the half hour’ —- who wrote the {TU- 2017-18] (a) W.H. Auden (b) William Wordsworth (c) Robert Frost (d) John Keats Ans, ¢ 2. ‘The doctor put him in the dark of ether’ —- who wrote the line? [IU- 2017-18) (a) Mathew Arnold (b) P.B. Shelley (ce) Robert Frost (d) Robert Browning Ans. ¢ 3. ‘But | have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep’- was written by- [G7 fi: 03) (a) T.S Eliot (bh) W. B (c) Robert Frost (d) Ted Huges Ans. ¢ 4. Who has written Fire and Ice — (cacmt#- 2038-39) (a) T. S Eliot (b) W. B (ce) Robert Frost (d) Ted Huges Ans. ¢ Reread R ttl) @& fren of oa Seo win, step aieper an me Gem fad saree ger ect fel mer acre HT ET toe Tere yeiferr Good fences make good neighbours” Tae em sfeort qe que a aisle cae amet facie | efter Narrator Youngman =e efesea ewer Wall of stone B crane war TER GE eT STOO TE STE oT eT ste Tare TT | oefere concer cer stares Ge) oftere sieenr ae en TE aTaCT Rees ep rar Ra ae IH GBT Cy CSTE AST SU Orn Cae cna “ai tare 5 werey ” Si ae Be Ne AW re Se PTET St BOT Ma eer SATO |e SAE APT Stars ets TE cate Pee CF et By fies eM | erate Rep TSte ACR ce BOT crice AAP tet | ele CHT wait Spa aT el Set | oa om ee Ter oar ace omfoe, aoe ei Age) GR cor efow | ais crac ware fale wefietin omls cane fier ff acer sae) wet fice oar oteibe wer arr fier age fg eofemrcet sre oor coer mipsel ot efretr aS tt Unique fara tema at care em anit co Sey PST SUE | OAR COR HEA TS Tait Gliret WS Terpiies Star aT Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 179 ¥ He was an essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social JB) Yast Las] critic ~ He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948 ~ One of the twentieth century's major poets. ¥ Born in the United States (USA) 13" BCS Y He moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25, settling, working, and marrying there ¥ wisn ores ore Sens ao scan T.S.Elito «7 The Journey of the Magi sae) ¥ TS. Eliot and Ezra Pound both are literary colaborator 17" BCS Criticism: Tradition and Individual Talent *** | Quotations: |. April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain - The Waste Land 2, Acrowd flowed over London Bridge so many Thad not thought dreath had undone so many ~The Burial of the Death, The Wasteland 3. And seeing that it was a soft October night, Curled once about the house wand fell asleep — The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 4.’ The change of Philomel ,by the barbarous king ,So rudely forced - The Waste Land $. think we are in rat's alley Where the dead men lost bones- The Waste Land Hred Prufrock ot with a bang but a whimper- The Hollow Men for the Old Guy-The Hollow Men 6. No! | am not prince Hamlet .nor was meant to be = 7. This is the way the world ends,’ 8, Mistah Kurtz—he dead , A ps 9. Tenants of the house, Thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season-Gerontion Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 180 a LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 180 Famous Poems: WEA anita cerry: Hollow men waste land The poem The Waste Land has 5 parts: love song 340s 2. The Hollow Men, 3. The Waste Land ‘The Burial of the dead cnet Eliot - A Game of Chess Genortion & - The fire Sermon four Ash #eiba - Death by Water 1 a a AER - What the Thunder said i 4. Gerontion 37" BCS 5. The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock 6. Ash Wednesday 7. Four Quartets Famous Plays: 1. Murder in the Cathedral (1935) 2. The Cocktail Party (1949), HewST : The Garden Party -( short Story }-Katherine Mansfield The Birthday Party -(Play)- Harold Pinter LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 31 Short and Full Short name Shelley Full name Percy Bysshe Shelley 5.T. Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge S Eliot TI fom mas Stearns Eliot W.B Yeats W.H, Auden D.H. Lawrence Hugh Auden David Herbert Lawrence G.B Shaw George Bernard Shaw E.M.Forster Edward Morgan Forster |H.G. Wells: Herbert George Wells J.M. Synge John Millington Synge J.S.Mill John Stuart Mill M.K.Rawling Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings J.K Rawling Joanne Katheen Rawling R.K Narayan Rasipuram Kishnawswami Narayan A.C. Doyle Arthur Cnan Doyle V.S. Naipaul Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul Find aOR >». aft we a aT ome / sera fefeq Angle (HH Gm TOR, Grae, cicet qrart / a Gers ee fer, cert Gender) « fre wre wa. Answer f% =a? a. Literary Genre se acs we cer) Play-Tragedy, Comedy, Tragi- Comdey History, Absurd; Novel; Epic; Poem; Essay. ©. Poet Laureate, University Wits lisitreg ate =a 8. cm vat (Character) @A afeaets og mt oR eac@Remarkable Characters RIMS WLS FE CR Exercise: a 1.Find the odd-maii- out(35" BCS) a) George Eliot b) Thomas Hardy c) Joseph Conrad. d) James Joyce Coming... English Saitor (Grammar) for BLS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 32 LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. ari: <1 George Eliot wa 7 0 ort fara | we Ser George Eliott 2. Find the odd-man- out (35" BCS) a) The Bluest Eyeb) Sula c) As I Lay Dyingd) A Mercy amin: «tet The Bluest Eye,Sula,A Mercy 6% of Gane ere Toni Morrison. 7#Tat# As I Lay Dying Serica eee e584 William Faulkner | we Ses ea As I Lay Dying 3. Find the odd-man- out a) Mathew Arnold b) A. Pope c) R.Browning d) A. Tennyson aren: eet Mathew Amold, R-Browning, A.Tennyson 3 2 Victorian Age 64 poet. THEA. Pope e5e7 Augustan Age poet | tS Ser act A. Pope 4. Find the old one out. [BRU- 2014-15] (a) Shakespeare (b) Milton (c) Homer (d) Plato Ans, d Title Genre Author The Alchemist Play Ben Jonson The Alchemist Novel Paulo Coelho Prometheus Bound Play Aeschylus Prometheus Unbound Poem P.B. Shelley To the Lighthouse Novel Virginia Woolf The Lighthouse Short History Edgar Allan Poe Troilus and Cresyde Poem Geoffrey Chaucer Troilus and Cressida Play Shakespeare Under the Greenwood Tree Novel Thomas Hardy Under the Greenwood Tree Poem Shakespeare Uly: Poem Tennyson Ulysses Novel James Joyce A Tale of a Tub Comdey Ben Jonson A Tale of a Tub Prose Jonathan Swift Daffodils(I wander...cloud) Poem Wordsworth To Daffodil Poem Robert Herick Daffodils Poem Ted Hughes Oedipus Rex Tragedy Sophocles My Oedipus Complex Short Story Frank O° Connor Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BLS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 34 LitX pert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. 13. Jonathan Swift |The greatest satirist_ 12,38" BCS 14. John Dryden [+ Modern English Criticism 5. Alexander Pope |- Mock Heroic poet 16. John Milton. |- The master of the epic/Blank Verse L7.Henry Fielding |The father of English novel 18. Virginia Woolf |- Feminist Writer L9. Samuel Johnson | The father of dictionary 20. P.B. Shelley |}- Revolutionary |-Hope and Regeneration poet 21.John Keats 22. ‘Thomas Gray | Poet of beauty /Sensuousness |. Man of _medicine/Scapism |- The graveyard poet 23. S.T. Coleridge {_ Supernatural /Opium eater poet 26. Chinua Achebe 24. Lord Byron |- Rebel poct 25.Socrates |- Father of knowledge | Father of modern African literature £9. James Joyce pe V.1.Lenin 8. Aeschylus Most translated author of the world ‘ather of Greek literature | Stream of consciousness 80. Lindley Murray | Father of English Grammar 1. William Blake |- Both poet and painter 32. Samuel Beckett -Absurdist Playwright 83. W. Wordswoth |-Lake Poct /Poet of Nature Poet of Childhood B4. G.B.Shaw |. Greatest playwright of modern age [Father of modern literature B5.Jules Gabriel Verne [Father of Science fiction 36.Robert Herrick |- Cavalier Poet 37.Dante |- Father of Italian language 38. Saint / Venerable Bede |- Father of learning /history 39.Charles Dickens |- Greatest novelist 40.Daniel Defoe |-Spy 41. Samuel Langhorne Clemens |-Father of Modern American Literature Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature.Page- 35 42John Webster | Dark playwright H3.W.B. Yeats |-Modern romantic poet 44. Robert Browning [= Master of dramatic monologue H5. William Shakespeare + National Poet of England Father of English Drama +The Dazzling Sun Bard of Avon (Bard means Poet) Poet of Human Nature 1. The most famous satirist in English literature is - [38",12"BCS] (a) Jonathan Swift (b) Alexander pope (c) Joseph Addison (d) Richard Steel Ans.a 2. Who is known as ‘The poet of nature’ in English literature? (36" BCS] (a) Lord Tennyson (b) John Milton (c) William Wordsworth — (d) John Keats Ans. ¢ 3. Who did write First English dictionary? [28 BCS] (a) Boswell (b) Ben Jonson (c) Samuel Johnson (d) Milton Ans.c 4, What is the full name of the great American short story writer O’Henry? [14" BCS] (a) William son (b) William Sydney Porter (c) Majorie Kinnan Rawlings (d) Mark Twain. Ans. b 5. Who is the greatest modern English dramatist? [12° BCS] (a) Virginia Woolf (b) George Bernard Shaw (c) P.B. Shelley (d) S.T, Coleridge Ans. b 6. Who is called the ‘poct of beauty’? [seem fart] (a) William Wordsworth —_(b) P.B, Shelley (c) John Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. ¢ 7. Of the following who is the most translated author of the world? [Pasar oe: ft: 2008] (a) VL, Lenin (b) Leo Tolsoty (c) Agatha Cristie (d) Mao Tse tung Ans. a 8, Who is the father of Modern English Poetry? (4: f: Sf aarn- 2630-33] (a) Cynewulf (b) Geoffrey Chaucer (c) Robert Browning (d) None of the above Ans. b 9. Who is called the poet of poets? [=1: f: 78: ferre-s004) Coming... English Sailar (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test VWwVY + LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. Page- 199 CS oa | American National poet fof ata 8 2m Pulitzer Prizes after eT | He was called poet laureate of Vermont ‘Fath cca opaereaa See > al aeeTieTS ernfecrrT | Poetry collections G# fret 21) and poems ( Cefeer yu) 1. A Boy’s will L 2. North of Boston -After Apple -Picking -The Deuth of the Hired Man -Mending Wall 3, Mountain Interval gee NOE : Mehl -Birches a -The Road Not Taken ee 4. New Hampshire + Fire and Ice - Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening Famous Plays: 1. A Mosque of Reason (Comedy) -Theme: Justify God's ways to man 2, The Cow’s in the Com 3. A way out (one act play) Quotations: 1) Two roads diverged in a wood, and | -- I took the one less 6) traveled by, and that has made all the difference (#7 af 9 cre fo fice, corte 2 arf ore are creice eeu eI ateT, form we CATE Te seer ainetery ayfReRTT) These woods are lovely, dark and de But | have promises to keep, And miles to go before | sleep, And miles to go before I sleep, (wiffa a avenfar ae ape, stip eae fSta! few yficr area sree ONT MICS Beet afearhe ete HOTS Wee AE ATE) Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired (rt = gftarene areiers gene cai yitarq Sree) “Good fences make good neighbors (sen at rs efecrt tele ecm) He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with show (srr, fe orice orice rarer ar er sur ere eree Seca Sans SS ALS TAT) Freedom lies in being bold (Reet Fifee are) Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS. PSC. Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page- 200 = LitXpert - An Exclusive book on English Literature. 1. ‘To please the boy by giving him the half hour’ —- who wrote the {TU- 2017-18] (a) W.H. Auden (b) William Wordsworth (c) Robert Frost (d) John Keats Ans, ¢ 2. ‘The doctor put him in the dark of ether’ —- who wrote the line? [IU- 2017-18) (a) Mathew Arnold (b) P.B. Shelley (ce) Robert Frost (d) Robert Browning Ans. ¢ 3. ‘But | have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep’- was written by- [G7 fi: 03) (a) T.S Eliot (bh) W. B (c) Robert Frost (d) Ted Huges Ans. ¢ 4. Who has written Fire and Ice — (cacmt#- 2038-39) (a) T. S Eliot (b) W. B (ce) Robert Frost (d) Ted Huges Ans. ¢ Reread R ttl) @& fren of oa Seo win, step aieper an me Gem fad saree ger ect fel mer acre HT ET toe Tere yeiferr Good fences make good neighbours” Tae em sfeort qe que a aisle cae amet facie | efter Narrator Youngman =e efesea ewer Wall of stone B crane war TER GE eT STOO TE STE oT eT ste Tare TT | oefere concer cer stares Ge) oftere sieenr ae en TE aTaCT Rees ep rar Ra ae IH GBT Cy CSTE AST SU Orn Cae cna “ai tare 5 werey ” Si ae Be Ne AW re Se PTET St BOT Ma eer SATO |e SAE APT Stars ets TE cate Pee CF et By fies eM | erate Rep TSte ACR ce BOT crice AAP tet | ele CHT wait Spa aT el Set | oa om ee Ter oar ace omfoe, aoe ei Age) GR cor efow | ais crac ware fale wefietin omls cane fier ff acer sae) wet fice oar oteibe wer arr fier age fg eofemrcet sre oor coer mipsel ot efretr aS tt Unique fara tema at care em anit co Sey PST SUE | OAR COR HEA TS Tait Gliret WS Terpiies Star aT Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive hand note on English Literature. Page-231 Level-1 37" BCS) weio fexeit feo aca As, as...as, like, than, compare, resemble a1 wert gate ofS Simile ei Ex: She is like the Moon | “ict She (person) 44 Moon (object) | of faq faffrce like wen ye ara werat way eae wie fF simile | > He is asa Lion. > Shall I _ compare thee to a Summer’s Day? (Sonnet 18 by > ered lonley as a cloud » We have as short a Spring ¥ > el a sugar for you is as deep as the Ocean 18" BCS) areas yet feat feo aca As, like, than, compare, resemble WY! wert gate orf? Metaphor cs | Y — Life is but a walking shadow Y — She is the Moon ¥ Heisa Lion v v Her It is the were Diamonds t, and Juliet is the Sun! ( Romeo and Juliet ) Personification: Inanimated object (Gut / «teet) ce aTgera et fret are feorca facavar at wet Personification @t| Object f Personified @# Capital letter « fericw er | Ex: Mr, Pneumonia was not a polite old gentleman. ater Pneumonia oft carota apr ace args fence facaoat ear ace, WIE af Personification > Penis a good Jugde. » My computer works very hard » The Sun kissed my cheek when I went outside Coming... English Sailar (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-232 LitXpert - An Exclusive hand note on English Literature, The flame of the candle danced in the dark Paradox: & are Sys ~facaat eT ATE HST | Cowards die many times before their death Guys Stat ras aca for Shoat awa Acs wer aera aA | A oT -afecaTel ACT ZENS FT) > > va Pe Y Trony: There is no one so poor as a wealthy miser. You can save money by spending it. T know one thing; that I know nothing. This is the beginning of the end. I can resist anything but temptation. A contradiction between what happens and what you expect to happen. Ex: A fireman afraid of fire. are Fireman, Fire ce et #1 ear 4 few <1 RRR SY HF IE Irony. Cette Cit er Dramatic Irony: CTT RETR MTT ST CAST WH TCT FOR SHCA AT tea A MEA Faw rea Few haa rer ar Sey afS Dramatic Irony & | Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test LitXpert - An Exclusive hand note on English Literature. Page-233 Loe Te hae eT ke Example Pret Oxymoron: aa yf opposite = aren! aor St Ice Oxymoron ar | ¥ Open Secret Y Original Copies yv Random Order * Passive Aggressive ¥ Small Crowd * Only Choice ¥ Seriously funny. ” Weirdly Normal exter Seriously 4% funny 28 opposite *r *Mtenf, we Oxymoron v He is the only honest thief." - Charles Lamb Juxtaposition: erent / Cerinepets Fatrew mica Apart rere | © Dark and Light * Beauty and Ugliness * Fact and Fiction ¢ Despair and Hope. *Calm and Chaos Note: Oxymoron 4 are and (Linker) «1 arf Juxtaposition ‘and’ (Linker) 41) ‘A humorous way of criticizing people or ideas to show that they have faults or are wrong. Ex: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels 4 ‘Liliputian’ People- ta Gwe! 6 inches long wane) ae fe aw er Swe WA Politically Satire wae | Sarcasm-faret; Sarcasm is the act of saying one thing while meaning the opposite. (Get weet fenton arte acer ult at ara @ farferr aie otterieere gate at wer wiee Coming... English Sailor (Grammar) for BCS, PSC, Bank & Varsity Admission Test Page-234 — LitXpert - An Exclusive hand note on English Literature. Sarcasm 1) For example: Oh yes, you've been sooooo helpfil. a, So helpful 1 4 Soooo helpful act ary a Fert Sea | Hyperbole: tact fez wfeafee / Overstatement / Exaggerate 4 “ie FI TT ‘=a Hyperbole | Ex: Ten thousand saw | ata glance. |eter aifwer

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