An All Optical Approach To Construct J-K Flip-Flop by Proper Exploitation of Nonlinear Material
An All Optical Approach To Construct J-K Flip-Flop by Proper Exploitation of Nonlinear Material
An All Optical Approach To Construct J-K Flip-Flop by Proper Exploitation of Nonlinear Material
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Received: August 5, 2019; Accepted: January 18, 2020; Published: January 31, 2020
Abstract: Optical signal is the best suitable one for data processing and digital signal communication for its inherent
parallelism and tremendous operational speed. Conventional electronic or optoelectronic devices are unable to fulfill this
due to less speed and time delay. In the case of perfect electronic flip-flop, at the time of switching turned ON, there is
noticeable propagation delay on the order of nanoseconds. In the case of an opto-electronic flip-flop, although the
propagation delays time is much less than those of a pure electronic flip-flop about 10 to 100 times less, there are many
disadvantages still have. Some of these disadvantages are delay of response time due to the use of spatial light
modulators, an O/E converter that does not operate at all frequencies or wavelengths, and the unavailability of such
materials. An optical input encoding methodology may be the alternative for the performance of two inputs all-optical
flip-flop operations. These operations may be conducted in all-optical mode and will be parallel in nature. All the
operations may be conducted with proper exploitation of some nonlinear materials. In this communication author
reported an optical encoding technique for the construction of clocked J-K flip-flop with two inputs. All the operations
are conducted by the proper exploitation of nonlinear materials.
Keywords: Inherent Parallelism, Optoelectronics, Logic Gates, J-K Flip-flop, Optical Nonlinear Material
2. Some All-Optical Logic Operations by device for this purpose [6, 7]. In Figure 4, the operational
technique of OPNLM as switching device is shown. The
Spatial Encoding reflected probe beam from the OPNLM gives the output. If
The optical imaging system shown in Figure 3 is a lens- the two read beams from two opposite sides of the OPNLM
based optical technique that makes a complete are given in a spatially encoded form and the two forms of
superimposition of input A with input B in the output screen the beams are superimposed completely on the OPNLM, then
[4, 5]. The superimposition results come in the form of the probe beam will be reflected back only from that position
presence or absence of light in the respective area. Each of of OPNLM where two read beams present and no light will
four square areas of the output indicates 1 with the presence come back from the other positions of the same.
of optical signal and 0 with the absence of the same.
of NLM, giving the case of A B operation, and other probe SLM has the character of allowing a light beam to pass
beams from positions 1, 3, and 4 of the NLM will not be through it if it has no optical triggering signal and is opaque
if there is sufficient amount of optical triggering signal. By
reflected, giving A B output as 1 and other outputs as 0.
the use of an SLM-based input coded system and also by the
Similarly, position 4 of the NLM will receive two light use of different optical component like beam splitters (BSs),
beams from two opposite sides when A is 0 and B is also 0. mirrors (Ms), etc., the all-optical scheme of developing a J-K
So the probe is reflected back only from position 4 of the flip-flop, which is shown in Figure 7 proposed here. The
NLM, giving the case optical nonlinear material OPNLM is used very successfully
of AND operation, and other probe beams from positions to get flip-flop functioning.
1, 2, and 3 of the NLM will not be reflected, giving AND
output as 1 and other outputs as 0.
We have used here the OPNLM only for the beam from For J = 1 and K = 0, the light falls on the OPNLM from
position 1 of the superimposed beams of J and K structures, one side i.e., from position 3, and high CLK signal falls on
as given in Figure 8. The clock CLK signal optical is driving another side of the OPNLM. So the probe beam being
one end of the OPNLM material and a +ve SLM that is partially reflected by the beam splitter falls on the OPNLM
controlling the light emerging from position 2 of Figure 8 for and is reflected by it to come to the output Q. A part of the
J = 0 and K = 1. This light passing through the +ve SLM only output beam is fed back to the inputs of the OPNLM through
for high CLK values, and again it triggers a-ve SLM partial reflection by the beam splitter. So if J and K are
introduced in the path of the light beam coming from position withdrawn, we get the light at the output Q, as the feedback
3 of Figure 8. output signal drives the two inputs of the OPNLM.
4 Partha Pratim Das: An All Optical Approach to Construct J-K Flip-Flop by Proper Exploitation of Nonlinear Material
Table 2. Truth table for optical J-K flip-flop. Now, if J is made low and K is made high, the light beam
CLK J K Output(s) Q that comes from position 2 of Figure 8 passes through the
0 0 0 No Change +ve SLM for high CLK signal and triggers the -ve SLM,
0 0 1 No Change which then becomes opaque and blocks the light on one side
0 1 0 No Change of the input channel of the OPNLM. The OPNLM then
0 1 1 No Change
becomes inactive and drops the reflected probe beam falling
1 0 0 No Change
1 0 1 0 on it, giving no light at the output. The system in Figure 8
1 1 0 1 will work following the truth table in Table 2 to support the
1 1 1 0 principle of J-K clocked flip-flop.
For other values of J and K, the output does not change counterpart when CLK= 1, J = 0, and K = 0. Here, we get a
i.e., the earlier values remain intact, as given in the truth no concrete output i.e., its value is continuous here, when
table. Here, the high and low values of the output are given clock is 0. As it is an all-optical system, we may get the flip-
by the presence or absence of light, respectively. Thus, we flop with real-time operations.
have designed a clocked J-K flip-flop, avoiding the race
around condition.
Here, I use a continuous He-Ne laser as the probe beam, References
with power about 2 mW and wavelength 6.328310−5 cm.
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Partha Pratima Das received his BS, MS (with first class) and doctoral degrees in physics in 1993, 1995 & 2003
respectively from Vidyasagar University. He is now working as a professor in physics in the School of Applied Science
& Humanities as well as Controller of Examinations, Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India. His research
fields include optical parallel computation, optical devices and nonlinear optics. He has contributed more than 35
research papers in refereed international and national journals and symposium proceedings. He has also delivered several
lectures at international and national conferences and seminars.