Traitor's Errata: Traitor - If Might and Speed Are Both at Their Lowest Level, Can The
Traitor's Errata: Traitor - If Might and Speed Are Both at Their Lowest Level, Can The
Traitor's Errata: Traitor - If Might and Speed Are Both at Their Lowest Level, Can The
Traitor -- If might and speed are both at their lowest level, can the
mummy then kill heroes?
ERRATA: If the ghost ends any turn in a collapsed room, you must
place it in the Pentagram Chamber. If the Pentagram Chamber has
collapsed or isn't on the board, place it on the Entrance Hall.
Can frogs do anything on their turn if they are being carried?
What happens if a werewolf or the dog is defeated without silver
That's impossible. Nothing can affect werewolves until the heroes get
the gun and silver bullets.
The rules state, "Instead of making a Might attack, an Alien can
make a Sanity attack against each of the explorers in the same
room." Can it make a normal attack instead if it wishes to?
Yes. Being smacked by a giant, floating eyeball is no fun.
On certain rolls, the banshee moves semi-randomly during its
turn. What does it mean to "turn left, if possible"?
It might be easier to imagine that the banshee hugs a particular
wall. On a roll of 1, she hugs the left-hand wall. (So she could still
exit a room by turning right, if no other exit was available.) On a
roll of 3, she hugs the right-hand wall. Either way, she always
takes her full movement.
When the Banshee is limited to only turn left in its movement, the
Banshee essentially "hugs" the left wall. i.e. If it can't turn left, it
goes straight. If it can't turn left or go straight, it turns right. If it
enters a dead-end room, it turns around and goes back out.
Likewise, when the Banshee can only turn right, it hugs the right
ERRATA: The Traitor's Tome states, "If an explorer fails this
roll, that explorer becomes a traitor." This is in error. It should
state that explorers who fail their Sanity rolls in the Ballroom
become traitors.
Which rooms have outside-facing windows?
There are six Specter tokens for a reason: there are exactly six
rooms with windows. Two of them are on the starting ground floor tile:
The Grand Staircase and The Entrance Hall (which doesn't actually
have a window, but you are instructed to put one there). The other
four are the Master Bedroom, Bedroom, Chapel, and Dining Room.
What happens if more cans of paint need to be placed than there
are legal rooms to place them in at the beginning of the Haunt?
In that case, the heroes need to discover rooms that haven't been
found yet.
Both the Survival and Traitor's books mention the Phantom
showing up in rooms with the event symbol, but then they show
the omen symbol. Which is it?
The books should show an event symbol.
If a hero gets killed and becomes a zombie, can that character
still move independently or does the zombie lord control him or
The character can move independently. (You still have some shreds
of intelligence left, even if it is focused entirely on eating your friends.)
Are all the tentacles put out immediately in rooms that already
are in play when the Haunt is discovered, or can the traitor save
some tentacles for rooms that get discovered later?
You may save some tentacles for later if you wish.
ERRATA: In the Traitor's Tome, change "You Win When … all the
heroes are dead" to "You Win When … at least half the heroes are
The Traitor's Tome states, "Choose a room…with an event
symbol," but then it shows an omen symbol. Which is it?
The book should show an event symbol.
Heroes are affected by organs if they move into a room with
organs. Are they also affected if they begin a turn in a room that
contains an organ?
Can the traitor go out onto the lake, too, to fight his enemies?
Yes. The character must make a strength roll for movement but
doesn't need to roll to search for the girl.
1) Remove your character token from the board. You have moved the
girl to the Underground Lake and there you will wait to ambush the
heroes. On the 'Traitor turn' do nothing until they have 'found' you.
When a hero conducts a search and gets a chart result of 4 or 9 (first
time only), you return you character token to the board upon the lake
tile of the character that made that roll.
0: You find an item in the murky waters. Draw an item card and end
you movement this turn.
1-5: Nothing happens...
7-8: The creature mistakenly attacks you with a Might of 4. If you
defeat it, you may move one tile in any direction for free with no roll
required for moving to a new Lake tile. If not, you take the damage.
The rules state that the Madman leaves whoever has that card
and comes to me. What do I do with him? Is he one of the
No, he just adds to your Might like it states on his card.
The Traitor rules state, "You can't pick up items (even though
the heroes can)." Does this refer to regular item cards or just the
special items that the heroes are looking for?
You can still pick up and carry regular items; you aren't allowed to
carry the special items.
ERRATA: When the Haunt Revealer chooses whom the heir is, he
must choose someone other than himself.
Under "Right Now," the Traitor's Tome states, "Choose a
basement room in the house. Secretly write down your choice.
The person you buried is in that room." What if no one's been in
the basement yet, so the only room there is the Landing?
If there are fewer than five rooms, including the landing, currently in
the basement, the traitor may draw and place basement rooms until
there are five before writing down which one is the burial room.
Under "Right Now," the Traitor's Tome states "Write down the
room you're in. Then remove your figure from the house." If the
other explorers know what room the traitor starts in, and they all
move before him, won't the closer ones be able to attack him
before he goes anywhere?
The strange forces that transformed the traitor also transported him.
This should state that you may write down any room in the house to
start in.
Can the traitor both try to steal an item and attack someone on
the same turn?
If the traitor also has the Dog, could the Dog retrieve the body
for the Traitor?
No. It's a big dog, but not that big.
The shadows' movement is confusing. Do they hug the walls?
How many moves does it take them to go around corners? Can
they cross the Chasm? What happens if they get trapped behind
doorways they can't get past?
A shadow must always be placed so that it is on a wall of a room. The
movement rules for doorways, however, do make this ambiguous. To
simplify, use the following rule:
Errata: Ignore the sections that begin "Doorways separate walls" and
"If a wall has a doorway on it." Shadows can move across doorways
in the space above or beneath the door with no movement penalty;
each wall counts as one space. It costs a shadow one point of
movement to go from the wall on one side of a doorway to the wall on
the other side.
If a hero somehow gets into the same room with the traitor and
the traitor blows her up with the proximity trigger, does it hurt
the traitor at all?
ERRATA: In addition to not being affected by the Revolver, the Worm
is also not affected by the Toy Monkey, the Dynamite, or any other
Speed attack.
ERRATA: Although it is not mentioned specifically, I believe that the
servants, like most monsters, cannot be killed; only stunned. Also,
neither "Secrets of Survival" or the "Traitor's Tome" seem to mention
whether the traitor must survive in order to win. Since it is not
specifically mentioned, our gaming group has played that it is
possible to win as the traitor even if the Traitor him/herself dies.