Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Systems R1

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Fundamentals of Gas Turbine


Course No: M04-041

Credit: 4 PDH

Elie Tawil, P.E., LEED AP

Continuing Education and Development, Inc.

22 Stonewall Court
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677

P: (877) 322-5800
[email protected]

Gas Turbine Systems

Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas
Turbine Systems Technician
(Mechanical) 3, Volume 2

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas Turbine Systems

Technician (Mechanical) 3, Volume 1, NAVEDTRA 14113, covers informa-
tion on the ratings, administration and programs, tools and test equipment,
electrical theory and mechanical theory, piping systems and their components,
support and auxiliary equipment, the power train, the controllable pitch
systems, and engineering electrical systems and their maintenance procedures.


Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) 3/Gas Turbine Systems

Technician (Mechanical) 3, Volume 2, NAVEDTRA 14114, contains infor-
mation on the basic fundamentals of gas turbines, the LM2500 gas turbine,
the Allison 501-K17 gas turbine generator, engineering systems, electric plant
operation, and the control consoles for the CG-, DD-, and FFG-class
By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
out a fully meaningful training program.

COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is designed to assist enlisted personnel in the advancement to GSE
Third Class Petty Officer/GSM Third Class Petty Officer. In completing this course you will demonstrate a
knowledge of course materials by correctly answering questions on the following topics: gas turbine
fundamentals, the LM2500 gas turbine engine, ship’s service gas turbine generator sets, engineering
auxiliary and support systems, PACC and PLCC for DD- and CG-class ships, PCC and LOP for FFG-class
ships, machinery control system for DDG-class ships, electrical plant operation, and auxiliary equipment
and consoles.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.

THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
material in the text.

VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, look it up.

1991 Edition Prepared by

GSCS Bradford E. Edwards and
GSEC(SW) Anthony T. Askew

Published by

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number


1. Gas Turbine Engine Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2. LM2500 Gas Turbine Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
3. Ship’s Service Gas Turbine Generator Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
4. Engineering Auxiliary and Support Systems . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
5. PACC and PLCC for DD- and CG-class Ships . . . . . . . 5-1
6. PCC and LOP for FFG-class Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
7. Machinery Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
8. Electrical Plant Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
9. Auxiliary Equipment and Consoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

I. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AI-1
II. Abbreviations and Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AII-1

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDEX-1


This chapter will help you understand the the reaction principle (Newton’s third law) existed
history and development of gas turbine engines in early history. However, practical application
(GTEs). It will help you become familiar with the of the reaction principle. occurred only recently.
basic concepts used by GTE designers, follow This delay is due to the slow progress of technical
discussions of how the Brayton cycle describes the achievement in engineering, fuels, and metallurgy
thermodynamic processes in a GTE, and learn (the science of metals).
how various conditions and design limitations
affect GTE performance. How a GTE develops Hero, a scientist in Alexandria, Egypt, who
and uses hot gases under pressure is also lived between the first and third centuries A.D.,
thoroughly discussed in this chapter. After reading described what is considered to be the first jet
this chapter, you should have the basic knowledge engine (the aeolipile). This device (fig. 1-1) is
to be able to describe the principal components mentioned in sources dating back as far as 250
of GTEs and their construction, the GTE auxiliary B.C., and many sources credit Hero as the
systems, and also be familiar with the nomen- inventor.
clature related to GTEs and GTE technology. A
more in-depth coverage of the individual systems History records several examples of other
and components for the General Electric LM2500 scientists using the principle of expanding gases
GTE will be discussed in chapter 2 of this to perform work. Among these were inventions
TRAMAN. To refresh your memory about the
different laws and principles discussed in this
chapter, refer to NAVEDTRA 10563, volume 1,
chapter 4.


Until recent years, GTE technology and jet

engine technology have overlapped a great deal.
The same people have worked in both fields, and
the same sciences have been applied to both types
of engines. In the past, the jet engine has been
used more as a part of aviation. The GTE has
been used for electric generation, ship propulsion,
and even experimental automobile propulsion.
Many operational turbine power plants use a
derivative of an aircraft jet engine as a gas
generator (GG). When used as such, the engine
must be modified by the addition of a power
turbine (PT) and reduction gearing to complete
the plant.

In nature, the squid was using jet propulsion

long before scientists thought of it. Examples of Figure 1-1.—Hero’s aeolipile.

Figure 1-4.—Newton’s steam wagon.

Englishman, Sir Frank Whittle. His patent was

for a jet aircraft engine. Whittle used his own
ideas along with the contributions of other
scientists. After several failures, he came up with
a working GTE.
Figure 1-2.—da Vinci’s chimney jack.
American Development

The United States did not go into the GTE

field until 1941. General Electric was then
awarded a contract to build an American version
of the British-designed Whittle aircraft engine.
The engine and airframe were both built in 1 year.
The first jet aircraft was flown in this country in
October 1942.
In late 1941 Westinghouse Corporation was
awarded a contract to design and build the first
all-American GTE. Their engineers designed
the first axial-flow compressor and annular
Figure 1-3.—Branca’s jet turbine. combustion chamber. Both of these ideas, with
minor changes, are the basis for most modern gas
turbines in use today.
of Leonardo da Vinci (around 1500 A.D.) (fig.
1-2) and Giovanni Branca (in 1629) (fig. 1-3). Marine Gas Turbine Engine
In the 1680s Sir Isaac Newton described the
laws of motion (discussed in GSE3/GSM3, Using a GTE to propel a ship goes back to
volume 1, chapter 4). All devices that use the 1937 when a Pescara free piston gas engine was
theory of jet propulsion are based on these laws. used experimentally with a GTE. The free piston
Newton’s steam wagon is an example of the reac- engine, or gasifier (fig. 1-5), is a form of diesel
tion principle (fig. 1-4). engine. It uses air cushions instead of a crankshaft
In 1791 John Barber, an Englishman, sub- to return the pistons. It was an effective producer
mitted the first patent for a design that used the of pressurized gases. The German navy used it in
thermodynamic cycle of the modern GTE. This their submarines during World War II as an air
design was also suggested for jet propulsion. compressor. In 1953 the French placed in service
two small vessels powered by a free piston
TWENTIETH-CENTURY engine/GTE combination. In 1957 the liberty ship
DEVELOPMENT William Patterson went into service on a
The patented application for the GTE as we transatlantic run. It had six free piston engines
know it today was submitted in 1930 by another driving two turbines.

Royce Olympus, a 28,000-hp engine, for high-
speed situations.
The U.S. Navy entered the marine gas turbine
field with the Asheville class patrol gunboats.
These ships have the CODOG configuration with
two diesel engines for cruising and a General
Electric LM1500 GTE for high-speed operations.
The Navy has now designed and is building
destroyers, frigates, cruisers, hovercraft, and
patrol hydrofoils that are entirely propelled by
GTEs. This is a result of the reliability and
efficiency of the new GTE designs.
Figure 1-5.—Free piston engine.
At that time applications of the use of a rotary
gasifier to drive a main propulsion turbine were The GTE, when compared to other types of
used. The gasifier (used as a compressor) was engines, offers many advantages. Its greatest asset
usually an aircraft jet engine or turboprop front is its high power-to-weight ratio. This has made
end. In 1947 the Motor Gun Boat 2009 of the it, in the forms of turboprop or turbojet engines,
British navy used a 2500-hp GTE. In 1951 the the preferred engine for aircraft. Compared to the
tanker Auris, in an experimental application, gasoline piston engine, the GTE operates on
replaced one of four diesel engines with a cheaper and safer fuels. The relatively vibration-
1200-hp GTE. In 1956 the gas turbine ship John free operation of the GTE, compared with
Sergeant had a very efficient installation. It gave reciprocating engines, has made it even more
a fuel consumption rate of 0.523 pounds per desirable in aircraft. Less vibration reduces strain
hp/hr. The efficiency was largely due to use of on the airframe. In a warship, the lack of low-
a regenerator, which recovered heat from the frequency vibration of GTEs makes them
exhaust gases. preferable to diesel engines because there is less
By the late 1950s the marine GTE was noise for a submarine to pick up at long range.
becoming widely used, mostly by European Modern production techniques have made GTEs
navies. All the applications used a dual main more economical in terms of horsepower-per-
propulsion system, combining the gas turbine dollar on initial installation. Their increasing
plant with another conventional form of reliability makes them a cost-effective alternative
propulsion machinery. The GTE was used for to steam turbine or diesel engine installation. In
high-speed operation. The conventional plant was terms of fuel economy, modern marine GTEs can
used for cruising. The most common arrange- compete with diesel engines and they may even
ments were the combined diesel and gas be superior to boiler/steam turbine plants that are
(CODAG) or the combined diesel or gas operating on distillate fuel.
(CODOG) systems. Diesel engines give good The GTEs do have a few disadvantages. Since
cruising range and reliability, but they have a they are high-performance engines, many parts
disadvantage when used in antisubmarine warfare. are under high stress. Improper maintenance and
Their low-frequency sounds travel great distances lack of attention to details of the maintenance
through water. This makes them easily detected procedures will impair engine performance and
by passive sonar. Steam turbines have been may lead to engine failure. A pencil mark on a
combined to reduce low-frequency sound in the compressor turbine blade can cause failure of the
combined steam and gas (COSAG) configuration part. Most GTE propulsion control systems are
like those used on the British County class very complex and require the monitoring of
destroyers. The COSAG configuration requires numerous operating conditions and parameters.
more personnel to operate. Also they do not have The control systems must react quickly to turbine
the long range of the diesel combinations. operating conditions to avoid casualties to the
Another configuration that has been successful equipment. In shipboard installations special
is the combined gas or gas (COGOG), such as soundproofing is necessary because GTEs produce
used on the British 42. These ships use the high-pitched noises that can damage the human
4,500-hp Tyne GTE for cruising and the Rolls ear. The turbine takes in large quantities of air

that may contain substances or objects that can combatant (PG), and the landing craft, air
harm it. Also, the large amount of air used by cushion (LCAC). These crafts are capable of high
a GTE requires large intake and exhaust ducting, speed, can carry formidable weapons systems, and
which takes up much valuable space on a small are being seen in increasing numbers in our fleet.
ship. This adds to the complexity of the In civilian versions, hydrofoils have served for
installation and makes access for maintenance many years to transport people on many of the
more difficult. world’s waterways. Hovercraft are being used
From a tactical standpoint, the GTE has two more and more as carriers of people. They are
major drawbacks. The first is the large amount capable of speeds up to 100 knots. If beach
of exhaust heat produced by the engines. Most gradients are not too steep, they can reach points
current antiship missiles are heat-seekers. inland over virtually any type of terrain.
Therefore, the infrared (IR) signature of a GTE
is an easy target. Countermeasures, such as
exhaust gas cooling and IR decoys, have been GAS TURBINE ENGINE THEORY
developed to reduce this problem.
The second tactical disadvantage is the require- Two elements are required for proper
ment for depot maintenance and repair of major operation of a GTE. One is expressed by
casualties. On the whole, the turbines are too Newton’s third law (action/reaction). The other
complex to overhaul in place. They must be is the convergent-divergent process (or Bernoulli’s
removed and replaced by rebuilt engines if any principle). Convergent means coming closer
major casualties occur. However, this problem is together, as the inner walls of a tube that is
reduced by the design of the system. A GTE on narrowing. Divergent means moving away from
a frigate, cruiser, or destroyer can be changed out each other, as the inner walls of a tube that flares
in about 4 days if crane service and a replacement outward. The venturi of an automobile carburetor
engine are available. A GTE on a hovercraft can is a common example of Bernoulli’s principle and
be changed out in 8 hours. Gas turbine ships can the convergent-divergent process. Before we
operate or be repaired to the same standards as discuss GTE construction and design, we will
their steam- or diesel-driven counterparts. discuss a little more on cycles and theory.


As improved materials and designs permit A cycle is a process that begins with certain
operation at higher combustion temperatures and conditions, progresses through a series of
pressures, GTE efficiency will increase. Even now, additional conditions, and returns to the original
GTE main propulsion plants offer fuel economy conditions. The basic GTE cycle is named for the
and installation costs comparable to diesel Boston engineer, George Brayton, who proposed
engines. Initial costs are lower than equivalent it in the late nineteenth century.
steam plants that burn distillate fuels. These The Brayton cycle is one in which combustion
improvements have made GTEs the best choice occurs at constant pressure. In GTEs, specific
for nonnuclear propulsion of naval ships up to, components are designed to perform each
and including, an underway replenishment ship function of the cycle separately. These functions
in size. are intake, compression, combustion, expansion,
At present, marine GTEs use derivatives of and exhaust. Refer to figure 1-6 as we explain the
aircraft jet engines for GGs. These are slightly Brayton cycle graphically.
modified for use in a marine environment,
particularly in respect to corrosion resistance. As Intake—At point A, air enters the inlet at
marine GTEs become more widely used, specific atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature.
designs for ships may evolve. These compressors
may be heavier and bulkier than aircraft engines Compression—As the air passes through
and take advantage of regenerators to permit the compressor, it increases in pressure and
greater efficiency. temperature and decreases in volume (line A-B).
The high power-to-weight ratios of GTEs
permit the development of high-performance Combustion—At point B, combustion
craft, such as the hovercraft and the hydrofoil, occurs at constant pressure while the addition of
the patrol combatant missile the patrol heat causes a sharp increase in volume (line B-C).

closed cycle has been called the “natural” cycle
for the GTE because it allows use of any fuel,
including nuclear, as an energy source. The typical
ship’s steam plant is an example of a closed cycle


The following is a description of a practical

demonstration of how a GTE operates. Refer to
figure 1-7 as you read the description.

A balloon full of air (view A) does nothing

Figure 1-6.—The Brayton cycle. unless the trapped air is released. When the air
is released, it escapes rearward, causing the
balloon to move forward (Newton’s third law)
Expansion —The gases at constant pressure (view B).
and increased volume enter the turbine and
expand through it. As the gases pass through the If you could devise a way to keep the balloon
turbine rotor, the rotor turns kinetic energy into constantly full of air, it would continue to move
mechanical energy. The expanding size of the forward (view C) as long as the air is allowed to
passages causes further increase in volume and a escape from it.
sharp decrease in pressure and temperature (line
C-D). If you place a fan or pinwheel in the
escaping airstream, the pressure energy and
Exhaust—The gases are released through velocity energy will cause the fan to rotate.
the stack with a large drop in volume and at Then you can use the escaping air to do work
constant pressure (line D-A). (view D).

The cycle is continuous and repetitive in a Now, if you replace the balloon with a firmly
GTE. The functions occur simultaneously through- mounted tube or container and keep it filled with
out the system. air from a fan located in the air opening and
driven by an external source, you could use the
discharge air to turn a fan at the rear to do work
If you add fuel and allow combustion to
Most internal-combustion engines operate on occur (view F), the volume of air and the velocity
an open engine cycle. This means the working with which it passes over the exhaust fan are
fluid is taken in, used, and discarded. The GTEs greatly increased (Charles’s law). The horsepower
you will encounter in the Navy operate on the the fan will produce is also increased. The
open cycle. In the open cycle all the working fluid continuous pressure created by the inlet fan, or
passes through the engine only once. The open compressor, prevents the hot gases from going
cycle offers the advantages of simplicity and light forward.
Some GTEs operate on a semiclosed cycle. Now, if you attach a shaft to the compressor
They use a regenerator, such as used on the John and extend it back to a turbine wheel, you have
Sergeant. The regenerator simply transfers the a simple GTE (view G). It can supply power to
heat from the turbine exhaust gas to the run its own compressor and still provide enough
compressor discharge gas before that gas has power to do useful work. It could drive a
energy externally supplied (ahead of the generator or propel a ship.
The third classification of cycles is the closed By comparing view H with view G, you can
cycle, in which energy is added externally. The see that a GTE is very similar to the balloon

Figure 1-7.—Practical demonstration of GTE operations.

discussed earlier. A review of the gas turbine Air is drawn into the front of the compressor.
process is detailed as follows: The rotor is so constructed that the area decreases
toward the rear. This tapered construction gives
1. Air is taken in through the air inlet duct by a convergent area (area A).
the compressor. There it is raised in pressure and Between each rotating stage is a stationary
discharged into the combustion chamber (or stage or stator. The stator partially converts high
combustor). velocity to pressure and directs the air to the next
2. Fuel is admitted into the combustion set of rotating blades.
chamber by the fuel nozzle(s). The fuel-air Because of its high rotational speed and the
mixture is ignited by an igniter(s) (not shown) and aerodynamic shape of its blades, the rotor
combustion occurs. increases the velocity of the air. Each pair of rotor
3. The hot and rapidly expanding gases are and stator blades constitutes a pressure stage.
directed aft through the turbine rotor assembly. Both a pressure increase and a reduction in
There, thermal and kinetic energy are converted volume occurs at each stage (Boyle).
into mechanical energy. The gases are then This process continues at each stage until the
directed out through the exhaust duct. air charge enters the diffuser (area B). There is
a short area in the diffuser where no further
CONVERGENT-DIVERGENT PROCESS changes take place. As the air charge approaches
the end of the diffuser, you will notice that the
Several pressure, volume, and velocity changes opening flares (diverges) outward. At this point,
occur within a GTE during operation. The the air loses velocity and increases in volume and
convergent-divergent process is an application of pressure. The velocity energy has become pressure
Bernoulli’s principle. (If a fluid flowing through energy, while pressure through the diffuser has
a tube reaches a constriction or narrowing of the remained constant. The reverse of Bernoulli’s
tube, the velocity of the fluid flowing through the principle and Boyle’s law has taken place. The
constriction increases and the pressure decreases. compressor continuously forcing more air through
The opposite is true when the fluid leaves the this section at a constant rate maintains constant
constriction; velocity decreases and pressure pressure. Once the air is in the combustor,
increases.) Boyle’s law and Charles’s law combustion takes place at constant pressure. After
(discussed in NAVEDTRA 10563, volume 1, combustion there is a large increase in the volume
chapter 4) also come into play during this of the air and combustion gases (Charles’s law).
process. Refer to figure 1-8 as we apply these laws The combustion gases go rearward to area C.
to the GTE. This occurs partially by velocity imparted by the

Figure 1-8.—Convergent-divergent process.

compressor and partially because area C is a lower increase in volume through three stages. (If this
pressure area. The end of area C is the turbine did not happen rapidly, back pressure from area
nozzle section. Here you will find a decrease in D would cause area C to become choked.) The
pressure and an increase in velocity. The high- gases in the combustor would back up into the
velocity, high-temperature, low-pressure (LP) compressor. There they would disrupt airflow and
gases are directed through the inlet nozzle to the cause a condition known as surge, or compressor
first stage of the turbine rotor (area D). The high- stall. This condition can destroy an engine in a
velocity, high-temperature gases cause the rotor matter of seconds. Surge will be explained later
to rotate by transferring velocity energy and in our discussion of axial-flow compressors.
thermal energy to the turbine blades. Area D is The gases from the last turbine stage enter
a divergent area. Between each rotating turbine the exhaust duct where they are sent to the
stage is a static stage or nozzle. The nozzles atmosphere. The leading portion of the exhaust
perform the same function as the stators in the duct is part of a divergent area. Further divergence
compressor. reduces the pressure and increases the volume of
A turbine nozzle is a stator ring with a series the warm gases and aids in lowering the velocity.
of vanes. The vanes direct the combustion gases The exhaust gases enter the atmosphere at or
uniformly and at the proper angle to the turbine slightly above atmospheric pressure. This depends
blades. The passages between the vanes are on the length and size of the exhaust duct.
designed as diverging nozzles. Each succeeding Refer to figure 1-6 and compare the graph and
stage imparts velocity to the gases as they the actual operation of the cycle. Air enters the
pass through the nozzle. Each nozzle converts intake at constant pressure (point A). It is
heat and pressure energy into velocity energy by compressed as it passes through the compressor
controlling the expansion of the gas. (line A-B in fig. 1-6 and area A in fig. 1-8).
Each stage of the turbine is larger than the Between the end of area B and the beginning of
preceding one. The drop in pressure is quite rapid; area C in figure 1-8, combustion occurs and
consequently, each stage must be larger to use the volume increases (fig. 1-6, line B-C). As the gases
energy of a lower pressure, lower temperature, pass through area D (fig. 1-8), the gases expand
and larger volume of gas. with a drop in pressure and an increase in volume
Atmospheric air is raised in pressure and (fig. 1-6, line C-D). The gases are discharged to
velocity and lowered in volume in area A by the the atmosphere through the exhaust duct at
compressor. Each stage can only compress air constant pressure (fig. 1-6, line D-A and fig. 1-8,
about 1.2 times. In the turbine rotor (area D), the exhaust). At this point, you should have the basic
gases give up thermal and pressure energy and knowledge of how a simple gas turbine works.

Figure 1-9.—GTE pressure-temperature-volume relationship.

ADIABATIC COMPRESSION factors such as bleed air, pressure of fuel added,
and heat loss to turbine parts.
In an adiabatic stage change, no transfer of As the high-temperature, high-pressure (HP)
heat to or from the system occurs during the gases enter the turbine section, they expand
process. Theoretically, in the ideal GTE, rapidly. Relatively little change in the temperature
the air enters the compressor and is compressed of the gases occurs. The net power available from
adiabatically. In many real processes, adiabatic the turbine is the difference between the turbine-
changes can occur when the process is performed developed power and the power required to
rapidly. Since heat transfer is relatively slow, any operate the compressor.
rapidly performed process can approach an
adiabatic state. Compression and expansion of FACTORS AFFECTING
working fluids are often achieved almost ENGINE PERFORMANCE
adiabatically. This is the case in todays’s GTEs.
Figure 1-9 is a schematic representation of a Many factors, such as aerodynamics and
stationary simple GTE. It uses two graphs to show thermodynamics, have a direct effect on efficient
the pressure-temperature-volume relationships at GTE performance. In this chapter we will discuss
various process states. The major components of only two common factors, the effect of ambient
the GTE are the compressor for the process from temperatures and the effect of compressor
1 to 2, the combustor for the process from 2 to cleanliness. As a gas turbine technician, you will
3, and the turbine for the process from 3 to 4. be concerned with these in your daily operation
The heat rejection process from 4 to 1, which of the GTE.
completes the cycle, is carried out by exhausting
the hot gas and allowing it to mix with the Effect of Ambient Temperature
In discussions of temperature effects on GTEs,
In an initial simplified analysis, the com- you will often hear the term Navy standard day.
pressor is taken to include the inlet nozzle and This term refers to a theoretical condition seldom
ducting and any exit diffuser leading to the duplicated except in some permanent test
combustor. Thus, for the compressor inlet situations and is used only as a reference or
condition (point 1), the air being drawn from standard. A standard day is indicated by the
the surroundings has zero velocity, ambient following conditions at sea level: barometric
temperature, and ambient pressure. For the exit pressure—29.92 Hg, humidity (water vapor
condition (point 4), the air has zero velocity at pressure)—0.00 Hg, and temperature—59°F.
some elevated pressure and temperature that are Operation of engines above or below 50°F will
measured. View A of figure 1-9 depicts a pressure- proportionally affect engine power output by as
temperature graph for a simple GTE, while view much as 15 or 20 percent.
B depicts a pressure-volume graph. The distance The power and efficiency of a GTE are
between adjacent numbers on each of the affected by both outside and inside variables. Air
diagrams represents an event of the combustion has volume that is directly affected by its
cycle. A combustion cycle includes compression temperature. As the temperature decreases, the
of air, burning of the compressed air and fuel volume of air for a given mass decreases and its
mixture, expansion of gases, and removal of density increases. Consequently, the mass weight
gases. By comparing the numerical points on both of the air increases, causing the engine to operate
graphs (point 1 to 2 on view A with point 1 to more efficiently. This happens because less energy
2 on view B), you can get a better understanding is needed to achieve the same compression at the
of the pressure-temperature-volume relationship combustion chambers. Also, cooler air causes
of a simple GTE. lower burning temperatures. The resulting
During operation the work produced by the temperatures extend turbine life. For example, a
compressor turbine rotor is almost the same propulsion GTE is operating at 100 percent GG
amount as the work required by the compressor. speed with 100 percent PT speed. The ambient
The mass flow available to the compressor (external air) temperature is 70°F. If the
turbine is about the same as the mass flow handled temperature were increased to 120°F, the volume
by the compressor. This allows the heat of of air required would increase. The mass weight
compression to be about the same value as the would decrease. Since the amount of fuel added
heat of expansion. Allowances are made for is limited by the inlet temperature the turbine will

withstand, the mass weight flow cannot be and turbine blading through corrosion of the
achieved; the result is a loss of net power available engine parts.
for work. The plant may be able to produce only
90 to 95 percent of its rated horsepower.
On the other hand, if the ambient temperature TYPES OF GAS TURBINE ENGINES
were to drop to 0°F, the volume of air (mass)
required would decrease. However, the mass The different types of GTEs all use the same
weight would increase. Since the mass weight is basic principles already discussed. A GTE is
increased and heat transfer is better at higher classified by its construction (the type of
pressure, less fuel is needed to increase volume. compressor, combustor, or shaft system used).
This situation produces quite an efficient power The compressor may be either centrifugal or
plant. It has a GG speed of 85 to 90 percent and axial type. The combustor may be annular, can-
a PT speed of 100 percent. In a constant speed annular, or can type. The type of shaft used on
engine, the differences in temperature will show a GTE may be either single shaft, split shaft, or
up on exhaust gas temperature. In some cases, it twin spool. These classifications will be discussed
will show up on the load the engine will pull. For in the following paragraphs.
instance, on a hot day of 120°F, the engine on
a 300-kW generator set may be able to pull only CLASSIFICATION BY
275 kW. This is due to limitations on exhaust or COMPRESSOR TYPE
turbine inlet temperature. On a day with 0°F
ambient temperature, the same engine will pull The compressor takes in atmospheric air and
300 kW. It can have an exhaust or turbine inlet compresses it to a pressure of several atmospheres.
temperature that is more than 100°F, lower than A GTE may be classified by compressor type,
average. Here again, less fuel is needed to increase based on the direction of the flow of air through
volume and a greater mass weight flow. In turn, the compressor. The two principal types of
the plant is more efficient. compressors are the centrifugal flow and the
axial flow. The centrifugal-flow compressor draws
Effect of Compressor Cleanliness in air at the center or eye of the impeller and
accelerates it around and outward. In the axial-
Another factor that will have a great effect on flow compressor, the air is compressed while
performance is the condition of the compressor. continuing its original direction of flow (parallel
A clean compressor is essential to efficiency to the axis of the compressor rotor).
and reliability. During operation at sea, the
compressor takes in a high volume of salt- Centrifugal Compressor
contaminated air. Salt buildup is relatively slow
in the compressor and will occur more on the The centrifugal compressor is usually located
stator vanes and the compressor case than on between the accessory section and the combustion
rotating parts. Centrifugal force tends to sling salt section. The basic compressor section consists of
contaminants off the rotor blades. an impeller, diffuser, and compressor manifold.
Any oil ingested into the engine coats the The diffuser is bolted to the manifold. Often the
compressor with a film and will rapidly increase entire assembly is referred to as the diffuser. For
contamination of the compressor. The film traps ease of understanding, we will discuss each unit
any dust and other foreign matter suspended in separately.
the air. The dust and dirt absorb more oil, which The impeller may be either single entry or dual
traps more dirt, and so forth. If left unattended, entry (fig. 1-10). The main differences between
the buildup of contamination (either oil or salt) the single-entry and dual-entry impeller are the
will lead to a choking of the compressor and a size of the impeller and the ducting arrangement.
restricted airflow. This restricted airflow will The single-entry impeller permits convenient
require the main fuel to schedule more fuel to ducting directly to the inlet vanes. The dual-entry
produce an equivalent horsepower. The combus- impeller uses a more complicated ducting to reach
tion gas temperatures will rise until loss of the rear side of the compressor. Single-entry
power, and damage to the turbine may result. impellers are slightly more efficient in receiving
Contamination, if not controlled, can induce a air, but they must be of greater diameter to
surge condition in the compressor during engine provide sufficient airflow. This increases the
start. It will also reduce the life of the compressor overall diameter of the engine.

pressor draws in the air at the hub of the impeller
and accelerates it radially by centrifugal force
through the impeller. It leaves the impeller at a
high velocity and a low pressure and flows
through the diffuser (fig. 1-10, view A). The
diffuser converts the high-velocity, LP air to low-
velocity, HP air. The compressor manifold diverts
the flow of air from the diffuser (an integral part
of the manifold) into the combustion chambers.

CONSTRUCTION.—In a centrifugal com-

pressor the manifold has one outlet port for each
combustion chamber. The outlet ports are bolted
to an outlet elbow on the manifold (fig. 1-10,
view A). The outlet ports ensure that the same
amount of air is delivered to each combustion
chamber. Each outlet port elbow contains from
two to four turning vanes to change the airflow
from radial to axial flow and to reduce air
pressure losses by presenting a smooth turning
The impeller is usually made from a forged
aluminum alloy that is heat-treated, machined,
and smoothed for minimum flow restriction and
turbulence. Some types of impellers are made
from a single forging, while in other types the
inducer vanes are separate pieces that are welded
in place.
Centrifugal compressors may achieve effi-
ciencies of 80 to 84 percent at pressure ratios of
2.5:1 to 4:1 and efficiencies of 76 to 81 percent
at pressure ratios of 4:1 to 10:1.
Some advantages of centrifugal compressors
are as follows:
Rugged, simple in design
Relatively light in weight
Develop high-pressure ratio per stage
Some disadvantages of centrifugal compressors
Figure 1-10.—Centrifugal compressors. A. Single entry. are as follows:
B. Dual entry.
Large frontal area
Lower efficiency than axial-flow
Dual-entry impellers are smaller in diameter compressors
and rotate at higher speeds to ensure a sufficient
airflow. Most modern GTEs use the dual-entry Difficulty in using two or more stages due
compressor to reduce engine diameter. Because to the air loss that occurs between stages
the air must enter the engine at almost right angles and seals
to the engine axis, a plenum chamber is required
for dual-entry compressors. The air must Axial-Flow Compressors
surround the compressor at a positive pressure
before entering the compressor to ensure an The purpose of the axial compressor is the
undisturbed flow. same as the centrifugal compressor. They both

rotor and stators are enclosed in the compressor
case. Today’s GTEs use a case that is horizontally
divided into upper and lower halves. The halves
are bolted together with fitted bolts and dowel
pins located at various points for casing align-
ment. This ensures proper casing half alignment.
Other assemblies can then be bolted to either end
of the compressor case.
On some older design engines, the case is a
one-piece cylinder open on both ends. The one-
piece compressor case is simpler to manufacture,
but any repair or detailed inspection of the
compressor rotor requires engine removal and
delivery to a shop. At the shop it is disassembled
for inspection or repair of the rotor or stator. On

Figure 1-11.—Components of an axial-flow compressor.

A. Rotor. B. Stator.

take in ambient air and increase its velocity and

pressure. The air is then discharged through the
diffuser into the combustion chamber.
The two main elements of an axial-flow
compressor are the rotor and the stator (fig. 1-11).
The rotor has fixed blades which force the air
rearward much like an aircraft propeller. Behind
each rotor is a stator which directs the air
rearward to the next rotor. Each consecutive pair
of rotor and stator blades constitutes a pressure
The action of the rotor at each stage increases
compression and velocity of the air and directs
it rearward. By virtue of this increased velocity,
energy is transferred from the compressor to the
air in the form of velocity energy. The stators at
each stage act as diffusers, partially converting
this high velocity to pressure.
The number of stages required in a compressor
is determined by the amount of air and total
pressure rise required by the GTE. The greater
the number of stages, the higher the compression
ratio. Most present-day engines have 8 to 16 Figure 1-12.—Compressor rotors. A. Drum type. B. Disk
stages. type.

engines with the split case, either the upper or The two main types of axial compressor rotors
lower case can be removed, allowing the engine are the drum type and the disk type.
to remain in place for maintenance and
inspection. Drum Type.—The drum-type rotor (fig. 1-12,
The compressor case is usually made of view A) consists of rings that are flanged to fit
aluminum or steel. The material used will depend one against the other. The entire assembly may
on the engine manufacturer, the weight require- then be held together by through bolts (often
ments of the engine, and the accessories attached called tie bolts). The drum is one diameter over
to the case. The compressor case may have its full length. The blades and stators vary in
external connections made as part of the case. their radial length from the front to the rear
These connections are normally used as bleed air of the assembly. The compressor case tapers
ports to aid in the prevention of stalls during accordingly. This type of construction is satisfac-
starting and acceleration or at low-speed tory for low-speed compressors where centrifugal
operation. stresses are low.
Disk Type.—The disk-type rotor (fig. 1-12,
view B) consists of a series of disks of increasing
diameter which are machined from forgings and
shrunk fit over a steel shaft. Another method of
rotor construction is to machine the disks and
shaft from a single aluminum forging and bolt
steel stub shafts on the front and rear of the
assembly. The stub shafts provide bearing
support surfaces and splines for joining the
turbine shaft. The blades decrease in length from
entry to discharge. This is due to a progressive
reduction in the annular working space (drum to
casing) toward the rear. The working space
decreases because the rotor disk diameter
increases. The disk-type rotors are used almost
exclusively in all present-day, high-speed engines.
an axial compressor has a set of rotor and stator
blades. Stator blades may also be referred to as
vanes. The construction of these blades is
important to efficient operation of a GTE.
Rotor Blades.—The rotor blades are usually
made of aluminum, titanium, or stainless or
semistainless steel. Methods of attaching the
blades in the rotor disk rims vary. They are
commonly fitted into the disks by either the bulb
or the fir-tree type of roots (fig. 1-13, views A and
B). The blades are then locked with grub-screws,
lockwires, pins, or keys.
Compressor blade tips are reduced by cutouts,
which are referred to as blade profiles. Some
manufacturers use a ring (usually called a shroud)
that acts as a spacer for the stators. The shroud
can also act as a wear surface when the blade tips
come into contact with the ring. This rubbing of
blade tips maintains the close tolerances necessary
to maintain the efficiency of the compressor and
the profiles prevent serious damage to the blade
Figure 1-13.—Rotor blades. or housing.

Stators.—The stator vanes project radially
toward the rotor axis and fit closely on either side
of each stage of the rotor. The function of the
stators is twofold: (1) they receive air from the
air inlet duct or from each preceding stage of the
rotor and deliver the air to the next stage or to
combustors at a workable velocity and pressure;
(2) they control the direction of air to each rotor
stage to obtain the maximum compressor blade
efficiency. The stator vanes are made of alloys
with corrosion- and erosion-resistant qualities.
Frequently, the vanes are shrouded by a band of
suitable material to simplify the fastening
problem. The outer shrouds are secured to the
inner wall of the compressor case by radial
retaining screws.

Some manufacturers machine a slot in the

outer shrouds and run a long, thin key the length
of the compressor case. The key is held in place
by retaining screws to prevent the stators from
turning within the case. This method is used when
Figure 1-14.—Blade with squealer tip. a one-piece compressor case is slid over the
compressor and stator assembly.

Another method of maintaining minimum Each pair of vanes in a stator acts as a

clearance is to metal-spray the case and stators. diffuser. They use the divergent principle: the
Thin squealer tips on the blades and vanes (fig. outlet of the vane area is larger than the inlet. In
1-14) contact the sprayed material. The abrasive this diverging area, the high-velocity, LP air from
action of the blade tip cuts into the sprayed the preceding rotor stage is converted to a low-
material, thus obtaining minimum clearance. velocity, HP airflow and directed at the proper
angle to the next rotor stage. The next rotor stage
The primary causes of rubbing are an will restore the air velocity that was lost because
excessively loose blade or a malfunction of a of the pressure rise. The next stator will give a
compressor support bearing. This causes the further pressure rise. This process continues for
compressor rotor to drop. each stage in the compressor.

Large compressors have loose-fitting blades A pressure rise of about 1.2 times the
on the first several stages. These move during preceding stage is about as much as a single stage
acceleration to minimize vibration while passing can handle. Higher pressure rises result in higher
through critical speed ranges. Once up to speed, diffusion rates with excessive turning angles. This
centrifugal force locks the blades in place and little causes excessive air instability and low efficiency.
or no movement occurs. Movement of the blades
also occurs during rundown. On a clean engine Preceding the first stage compressor blades is
some of the blades may have as much as 1/4-inch a row of vanes known as inlet guide vanes (IGVs).
radial movement, which can cause a tinkling The function of the IGVs varies somewhat,
sound during rundown. depending on the size of the engine and the air-
inlet construction. On smaller engines the air
Large compressor rotors have long blades on inlet is not totally in line with the first
the first stage. They have a wing tip on the blade stage of the rotor. The IGVs straighten the
faces called a midspan platform (fig. 1-15). The airflow and direct it to the first-stage rotor.
platform gives some radial support to the blades On large engines the IGVs are variable and
during acceleration. This midpoint support is move with the variable stators. The variable
needed because of the length and amount of IGVs on large engines direct the airflow at
movement of the blades. the proper angle to reduce drag on the first-stage

Figure 1-15.—Large engine compressor rotor with midspan platforms.

rotor. Variable IGVs achieve the same purposes positioned at various angles, depending on
as variable stator vanes (VSVs). compressor speed, to ensure the proper angle of
Some GTEs have moveable, or variable, attack of the air in the compressor blades.
stators. The position of the variable stators is Varying the stator angle helps to maintain
determined by compressor inlet temperature (CIT) maximum compressor efficiency over the operating
and engine power requirements. They are moved speed range of the engine. This is important in
by mechanical linkages that are connected to, variable-speed engines, such as those used for
and controlled by, the fuel-control governor. main propulsion, Second, the variable stators
Variable stators have two purposes. First, they are on large engines greatly reduce incidences of

Figure 1-16.—Compressor surge.

compressor surge. Surge (fig. 1-16) results when combustion chamber consists of a casing, a
the airflow stalls across the compressor blades; perforated inner shell, a fuel nozzle, and a device
that is, air is not smoothly compressed into the for initial ignition (igniter). The number of
combustion and turbine section. Stalling may combustion chambers used in a GTE varies
occur over a few blades or a section of some widely; as few as one and as many as
stages. If enough flow is interrupted, pressure 16 combustion chambers have been used in one
may surge back through the compressor. This GTE. The combustion chamber is the most
occurrence can be minor or very severe with efficient component of a GTE. The three types
damage to the turbine resulting. If severe of combustion chambers are the (1) can,
disturbance occurs, all the air in the combustor (2) annular, and (3) can-annular. The can-type
may be used for combustion instead of only the chamber is used primarily on engines that have
primary air. This would result in a lack of a centrifugal compressor. The annular and can-
cooling air (secondary) that may cause extreme annular types are used on axial-flow compressors.
temperatures which burn the combustor and
turbine section. We will discuss primary and
secondary air systems later in this chapter. Can Chamber

The can-type combustion chamber has

By a change in the angle of the stators and use
individual liners and cases mounted around the
of bleed valves, smooth airflow through the axis of the engine. Each chamber (fig. 1-17)
compressor is ensured. contains a fuel nozzle. This arrangement makes
removing a chamber easy, but it is a bulky
Constant-speed engines, such as those used to
arrangement and makes a structurally weak
drive generators, normally do not use variable
engine. The outer casing is welded to a ring that
stators. They are designed to operate at directs the gases into the turbine nozzle. Each of
100 percent rpm all the time. Proper fuel
the casings is linked to the others with a short
scheduling and use of bleed air valves are used
to reduce the probability of compressor surge in tube. This arrangement ensures that combustion
occurs in all the burners during engine start.
these engines. Inside each of these tubes is a flame tube that joins
an adjacent inner liner.
CHAMBER DESIGN Annular Chamber

The combustion chamber is the component The annular-type combustion chamber is

in which the fuel-air mixture is burned. The probably one of the most popular combustion

Figure 1-17.—Can-type combustion chamber.

systems in use. The construction consists of

a housing and liner the same as the can type (fig.

The difference between the two is in the liner.

On large engines, the liner consists of an undivided
circular shroud extending all the way around the
outside of the turbine shaft housing. A large one-
piece combustor case covers the liner and is
attached at the turbine section and diffuser
The dome of the liner has small slots and
holes to admit primary air. They also impart
a swirling motion for better atomization of
fuel. There are holes in the dome for the fuel
nozzles to extend through into the combustion
area. The inner and outer liners form the
combustion space. The outer liner keeps flame
from contacting the combustor case. The inner
Figure 1-18.—Annular-type combustion chamber. liner prevents flame from contacting the turbine
shaft housing.

Can-Annular Chamber

The can-annular type of combustion chamber

combines some of the features of both the can
and the annular burners. The can-annular type
of chamber design is a result of the split-spool
compressor concept. Problems were encountered
with a long shaft and with one shaft within the
other. Because of these problems, a chamber was
designed to perform all the necessary functions.
In the can-annular type of chamber, individual
cans are placed inside an annular case. The cans
are essentially individual combustion chambers
(fig. 1-19) with concentric rings of perforated
holes to admit air for cooling. On some models
each can has a round perforated tube that runs
down the middle of the can. The tube carries
additional air, which enters the can through the
Figure 1-19.—Can-annular type of combustion chamber. perforations to provide more air for combustion
and cooling. The effect is to permit more
burning per inch of can length than could
Large holes and slots are located along the otherwise be done.
liners. They (1) admit some cooling air into the
combustion space to help cool the hot gases to Fuel nozzle arrangement varies from one
a safe level, (2) center the flame, and (3) admit nozzle in each can to several nozzles around the
the balance of air for combustion. perimeter of each can. The cans have an inherent
The annular-type combustion chamber is a resistance to buckling because of their small
very efficient system that minimizes bulk and can diameter. Each can has two holes that are opposite
be used most effectively in limited space. There each other near the forward end of the can. One
are some disadvantages. On some engines, the hole has a collar called a flame tube. When the
liners are one piece and cannot be removed cans are assembled in the annular case, these holes
without engine disassembly. Also, engines that use and their collars form open tubes. The tubes are
a one-piece combustor dome must be disassembled between adjacent cans so a flame passes from one
to remove the dome. can to the next during engine starting.

Figure 1-20.—Single-shaft engine.

Figure 1-21.—Split-shaft engine.

The short length of the can-annular type of is connected directly to the same turbine rotor that
chamber provides minimal pressure drop of the drives the compressor. Usually, a speed decreaser
gases between the compressor outlet and the flame or reduction gear is located between the rotor and
area. The relatively cool air in the annular outer the power output shaft. A mechanical connection
can reduces the high temperatures of the inner still exists throughout the engine.
cans. This air blanket keeps the outer shell of the
combustion section cooler. Maintenance on the In the split-shaft engine (fig. 1-21), no
burners is simple. You can remove and inspect mechanical connection exists between the GG
any number of burners just by sliding the case turbine and the PT. In this type of engine, the
back. output speed is varied by variation of the
generator speed. Also, under certain conditions,
the GG can run at a reduced rpm and still provide
CLASSIFICATION BY maximum PT rpm. The reduced rpm greatly
TYPE OF SHAFTING improves fuel economy and also extends the life
of the GG turbine. The starting torque required
Several types of GTE shafts are used. These is lowered because the PT, reduction gears, and
are single shaft, split shaft, and twin spool. Of output shaft are stationary until the GG reaches
these, the single shaft and split shaft are the most approximate idle speed. Another feature of the
common in use in naval vessels. The twin-spool multishaft marine propulsion plant is the GG
-shaft is currently used for marine military applica- rotates only one way. One design (clockwise
tion only on the U.S. Coast Guard Hamilton class rotation or counterclockwise rotation) of the GG
cutters, which use the Pratt-Whitney FT-4 twin- can be used on either shaft and still allow the PT
spool GTE. to rotate either way. This is done by changing the
In current U.S. Navy service, the single-shaft PT wheel and nozzles. The arrangement shown
engine is used primarily for driving ship’s service in figure 1-21 is typical for propulsion GTEs
generators. The split-shaft engine is used for main aboard today’s ships.
propulsion, as a variety of speed ranges is
encountered. The twin-spool type of GTE is sometimes
Figure 1-20 is a block diagram of a single-shaft referred to as a multistage GTE. It has two
GTE. In the engine shown, the power output shaft separate compressors and two separate turbine

Figure 1-22.—Twin-spool engine.

rotors. They are referred to as LP compressor and turbine powers the GG and accessories. The PT
turbine rotor and HP compressor and turbine powers the ship’s propeller through the reduction
rotor (fig. 1-22). The LP compressor and turbine gear and shafting. Refer to figures 1-21 and 1-22
are connected by a shaft. The shaft runs through as we discuss these turbines.
the hollow shaft that connects the HP turbine to
the HP compressor. The starter drives the HP Gas Generator Turbine
assembly during engine start. The PT functions
the same as in the split-shaft engine. A larger The turbine that drives the compressor of a
volume of air can be handled as compared to a GTE is located aft of the combustion chamber
single- or split-shaft engine. The increase in overall outlet. The turbine consists of two basic elements,
dimensions and complexity makes the engine less the stator or nozzle, and the rotor. A cutaway
desirable for ship’s propulsion than the split-shaft view of a stator element is shown in figure 1-23;
engine, as this type of engine has more moving a rotor element is shown in figure 1-24.
TURBINE STATORS.—The stator element
TURBINE ASSEMBLIES of the turbine section is known by a variety of
names. The most common are turbine nozzle
The GTEs are not normally classified by vanes and turbine guide vanes. In this text,
turbine type. However, we will discuss turbines turbine stators are usually referred to as nozzles.
now so you will have knowledge of their The turbine nozzle vanes are located directly aft
construction before we describe the General of the combustion chambers and immediately
Electric LM2500 GTE in the next chapter. forward of, and between, the turbine wheels.
In theory, design, and operating Turbine nozzles have a twofold function.
characteristics, the turbines used in GTEs are First, the nozzles prepare the mass flow for
similar to those used in steam plants. The GTE harnessing of power through the turbine rotor.
differs from the steam turbine chiefly in (1) the This occurs after the combustion chamber has
type of blading material used, (2) the means introduced the heat energy into the mass airflow
provided for cooling the turbine shaft bearings, and delivered it evenly to the nozzles. The
and (3) the lower ratio of blade length to wheel stationary vanes of the turbine nozzles are
diameter. contoured and set at a certain angle. The spaces
The designations GG and PT are used to between the vanes form several small nozzles that
differentiate between the turbines. The GG discharge the gas as extremely high-speed jets. The

Figure 1-24.—Turbine rotor elements.

Figure 1-23.—Cutaway view of a turbine stator.

nozzle converts a varying portion of the heat and

pressure energy to velocity energy. The velocity
energy can then be converted to mechanical energy
through the rotor blades.

The turbine nozzle functions to deflect the

gases to a specific angle in the direction of
turbine wheel rotation. The gas flow from the
nozzle must enter the turbine blade passageway
while it is still rotating, making it essential
to aim the gas in the general direction of turbine

The turbine nozzle assembly has an inner

shroud and an outer shroud between which
are fixed the nozzle vanes. The number of Figure 1-25.—Turbine nozzle assemblies. A. Loose-fitting
vanes varies with different types and sizes vanes. B. Welded vanes.
of engines. Figure 1-25 shows typical turbine
nozzle assemblies.

All turbine nozzles must be constructed to
allow for thermal expansion, because rapid
temperature variances could cause distortion or
warping of the metal components. Thermal
expansion of turbine nozzles is allowed by one of
several construction methods.
In one method the vanes are assembled loosely
in the supporting inner and outer shrouds (fig.
1-25, view A). Each of the vanes fits into a
contoured slot in the shrouds. The slots conform
with the airfoil shape of the vanes. These slots
are slightly larger than the vane to give a loose
fit. For further support the inner and outer
shrouds are encased by an inner and an outer
support ring. This adds strength and rigidity to
the turbine nozzle. These supports also permit Figure 1-26.—First-stage GG turbine nozzle cooling.
removal of the nozzle vanes as a unit; otherwise,
the vanes could fall out of the shrouds as the
shrouds are removed. is directed to the nozzle. The air cools both the
Another method to allow for thermal expansion turbine (discussed later) and the nozzle. The
is to fit the vanes into inner and outer shrouds. nozzle may also be cooled by air admitted from
In this method the vanes are welded or riveted the outer perimeter of the nozzle ring. The method
into position (fig. 1-25, view B). Either the of getting the air in is determined by the
inner or the outer shroud ring is cut into manufacturer.
segments to provide for thermal expansion. The The nozzle vanes are made with many small
saw cuts dividing the segments will allow enough holes or slots on the leading and trailing edges
expansion to prevent stress and warping of the (fig. 1-26). Air is forced into the nozzle and out
vanes. through the slots and holes. The vane is cooled
The basic types of construction of nozzles are as the air passes through. The air is discharged
the same for all types of turbines. The turbine into the hot gas stream, passing through the
nozzles are made of high-strength steel to remainder of the turbine section and out the
withstand the direct impact of the hot, HP, high- exhaust duct.
velocity gases from the combustor. The nozzle Figure 1-27 shows temperature comparisons
vanes must also resist erosion from the high- of a nornair-cooled vane and an air-cooled vane.
velocity gases passing over them. Cooling air is used primarily in the HP turbine
If the inlet gas temperature could be increased section and not in the LP section. By the time the
by about 750°F, almost a 100 percent increase in gases reach the LP turbine section, the tempera-
specific horsepower could be achieved. Nozzles ture of the gases is at an acceptable level. In the
can not stand up for long to these higher LP turbine section, metals in current use will last
temperatures. Many different methods of in- for a long time.
creasing nozzle endurance have been tried over
the years. One method that was tried was to TURBINE ROTORS.—The rotor element of
coat the nozzle with ceramic. Higher temperatures the turbine consists of a shaft and bladed wheel(s).
were achieved, but the different expansion rates The wheel(s) is attached to the main power
of the steel and the ceramic caused the coating transmitting shaft of the GTE. The jets of
to break away after several hours of operation. combustion gas leaving the vanes of the stator
Experiments are still being conducted, even so far element act upon the turbine blades, making them
as to use an entirely ceramic nozzle. rotate. The turbine wheel can rotate in a speed
Another means of withstanding high tempera- range of about 3,600 to 42,000 rpm. These high
tures is to use newly developed alloys. However, rotational speeds impose severe centrifugal loads
the extreme costs of the alloys prohibit commer- on the turbine wheel. At the same time, the high
cial production of such nozzles. Still another temperatures (1050° to 2300°F) result in a
method, in wide use today in large engines, is to lowering of the strength of the material. The
use air-cooled nozzle vanes. Compressor bleed air engine speed and temperature must be controlled
is fed through passages to the turbine, where it to keep turbine operation within safe limits.

Figure 1-27.—Cooling comparisons between a nonair-cooled vane and an air-cooled vane.

The turbine wheel is a dynamically balanced The turbine shaft is usually made from low-
unit consisting of blades attached to a rotating alloy steel. It must be capable of absorbing high
disk. The disk in turn is attached to the rotor shaft torque loads, such as exerted when a heavy axial-
of the engine. When in an unbladed form, we flow compressor is started. The methods of
refer to this section of the unit as the turbine disk. connecting the shaft to the turbine disk vary. One
The portion of the unit consisting of the turbine method used is welding. The shaft is welded to
blades is called the turbine wheel. The disk acts the disk, which has a butt or protrusion provided
as an anchoring component for the turbine blades. for the joint. Another method is by bolting. This
This enables the blades to transmit to the rotor method requires that the shaft have a hub that
shaft the energy they extract from the exhaust matches a machined surface on the disk face. The
gases. bolts then are inserted through holes in the shaft
The disk rim is exposed to the hot gases hub. They are anchored in tapped holes in the
passing through the blades and absorbs con- disk. Of the two methods, the latter is more
siderable heat from these gases. In addition, common.
because the rim also absorbs heat from the
turbine blades by conduction, the disk rim The turbine shaft must have some means for
temperatures are higher than the temperatures of joining the compressor rotor hub. This is usually
the remote inner portion of the disk. As a result accomplished by a splined cut on the forward end
of these temperature gradients, thermal stresses of the shaft. The spline fits into a coupling device
are added to the stresses caused by rotation. between the compressor and the turbine shafts.
Various means are provided to relieve these If a coupling is not used, the splined end of the
stresses. One way is to incorporate an auxiliary turbine shaft fits into a splined recess in the
fan, which is usually rotor-shaft driven, compressor rotor hub. The centrifugal compressor
somewhere ahead of the disk. This will force engines use the splined coupling arrangement
cooling air back into the face of the disk. Another almost exclusively. Axial compressor engines may
method of relieving the thermal stresses of the disk use either of these methods.
is by the method of blade installation. By notching
the disk rims to conform with the blade root Various ways of attaching turbine blades are
design, the disk is made able to retain the turbine in use today. Some ways are similar to the way
blades. This space provided by the notches allows compressor blades are attached. The most
for thermal expansion of the disk. satisfactory method used is the fir-tree design

shown in figure 1-28. The blades are retained in
their respective grooves by a variety of methods.
Some of the more common methods are pinning,
locking tabs, riveting, and retaining rings. Figure
1-29 shows a typical turbine wheel using riveting
for blade retention.
Turbine blades may be either forged or cast,
depending on the metal they are made of.
Turbine blades are usually machined from
individual forgings. Various materials are used in
the forging. Speed and operating temperatures are
important factors in deciding what materials go
into the turbine blades.
Large engines use an air-cooled blading
arrangement on the GG turbine (fig. 1-30).
Compressor discharge air is constantly fed
Figure 1-28.—Turbine blade with fir-tree design and tab lock through passages along the forward turbine shaft
method of blade retention. between a spacer and the shaft. A thermal shield
directs the cooling air along the face of the disk
to cool the disk. The shield is between the first-
and second-stage turbine wheels. The air is then
directed through slots in the fir-tree portion of
the disk, into slots in the blade fir-tree. The air
then goes up through holes in the blades to cool
the blades (fig. 1-31).
Cooling of the turbine wheel and blades
reduces thermal stresses on the rotating members.
The turbine nozzles are also air-cooled. By
cooling the stationary and rotating parts of the
turbine section, higher turbine inlet temperatures
are permissible. The higher temperatures allow for
more power, a more efficient engine, and longer
Figure 1-29.—Riveting method of turbine blade retention. engine life.

Figure 1-30.—GG turbine rotor cooling airflow.

Figure 1-31.—GG turbine rotor blade cooling.

Power Turbines
The PT (fig. 1-32) is a multistage turbine
located behind the GG turbine. The two turbines
have no mechanical connection between them.
The PT is connected to a reduction gear through
a clutch mechanism. Either a controllable
reversible pitch (CRP) propeller or a reverse gear
is used to change the direction of the ship.
Power turbines are used to extract the
remaining energy from the hot combustion gases.
They extract this energy in the following three
ways, depending upon engine application:
1. The aircraft power turbine is designed so
the turbine extracts only enough energy from the
gases to run the compressor and accessories.
2. In the solid-wheel turbine (used primarily
in small GTEs), as much energy as possible is
extracted from the gases to turn the turbine. The
turbine provides power for the compressor,
accessories, and the airplane propeller or the
ship’s generator. These engines are designed to
run at 100 percent specified rpm all the time. The Figure 1-32.—Typical power turbine.
location of the mechanical connection between the
turbine wheel and the reduction gear on the
compressor front shaft depends on the design of 3. Marine propulsion engines use a combina-
the installation. Normally, a ship’s service tion of the previously mentioned two turbine
generator cannot be disconnected from its GTE types. The GG has a single- or multiple-stage HP
except by disassembly. This setup is used for rotor that drives the compressor and accessories
generators to prevent slippage between the engine and an LP turbine to transmit power to the ship’s
and the generator. propeller via the reduction gear and shafting.

Some ships that have two sets of engines use They are relatively inexpensive.
counterrotating PTs. For example, PTs on one
main propeller shaft rotate clockwise while the They may be easily replaced.
PTs on the other shaft rotate counterclockwise.
The GG rotates in the same direction for both sets They can withstand high momentary
of engines. The blade angle of the wheel and the overloads.
nozzles in the PT section determine the directional
rotation of the PT. On large ships where different They are simple to cool, lubricate, and
length propeller shafts are permitted, the engine(s) maintain.
can be mounted to the other end of the reduction
gear. This allows for counterrotation of the They can accommodate both radial and
propellers without changing PT rotation. axial loads.
You can control the output speed of the PT
by varying the GG speed. Since only a portion They are relatively resistant to elevated
of the energy is used to drive the compressor, temperatures.
the plant can be operated very efficiently.
For example, on a cold day you can have The main disadvantages of ball or roller
100 percent power turbine rpm with 80 to antifriction bearings are their vulnerability to
90 percent gas generator rpm. The operating foreign matter damage and their tendency to fail
temperature variables discussed earlier in this without appreciable warning.
chapter account for this situation. Usually the bearings are positioned on the
The PT is constructed much like the GG compressor or turbine shaft to absorb any axial
turbine. The main differences are (I) the absence (thrust) loads or radial loads. The ball bearings
of vane and blade cooling air and (2) inter- are designed to absorb the thrust loads, and the
locking shroud tips on the PT blades to reduce roller bearings are used to support the radial loads
vibration. Honeycomb shrouds in the turbine case because they present a larger working surface.
mate with the blade shrouds to provide a gas seal. The elements of a typical ball or roller
They also protect the case from the high- bearing assembly include a bearing support
temperature gas. Two popular methods of blade housing, which must be strongly constructed and
retention are the bulb and the dovetail. These supported to carry the radial and axial loads of
methods were discussed earlier in this chapter. the rapidly rotating rotor. The bearing housing
usually contains oil seals to prevent the oil from
MAIN BEARINGS leaking from its normal path of flow. The housing
also delivers lube oil to the bearing, usually
The main bearings have the critical function through spray nozzles.
of supporting the main engine rotor. For the most On modern engines, the bearing is mounted
part, the number of bearings necessary for in a sump. The bearing sump has a line through
proper engine support is decided by the length and which the lube oil is scavenged back to the sump.
weight of the engine rotor. The length and weight The bearing sump is also vented to prevent either
are directly affected by the type of compressor a pressure or vacuum. The vent goes either to the
used in the engine. Naturally a split-spool axial atmosphere or to an air-oil separator.
compressor will require more support than a
simple centrifugal compressor engine. The
minimum number of bearings required will be GAS TURBINE ENGINE
three, while some of the later models of split-spool AUXILIARY SYSTEMS
axial compressor engines will require six or more.
While some engines use sleeve bearings, the Up to this point, we have pointed out the
GTE rotors are usually supported by either ball physical features and functions of a typical GTE.
or roller bearings. In general, ball or roller In this section we will point out the basics of the
antifriction bearings are preferred for the required auxiliary systems being used on most
following reasons: GTEs of today’s Navy. The systems are not
discussed in any order of importance. We will give
They offer little rotational resistance. you a broad overview of the systems, which
include the air systems, the fuel oil system, the
They facilitate precision alignment of accessory drive system, the lubrication system, the
rotating elements. starting systems, and the spark igniter system.

AIR SYSTEMS passes into the PT section. Most of the remaining
Air is used for many different functions on energy is extracted by the PT rotor, which drives
the GTE. The terms primary airflow and the high-speed, flexible-coupling shaft. The shaft
secondary airflow designate the major systems. provides the power for the ship’s drive system.
Figure 1-33 (At the end of this chapter) The gas exits from the PT through the turbine rear
shows the LM2500 GTE airflow. See page 1-34 for frame and passes into the exhaust duct and out
through the ship’s exhaust.
an overall view and pages 1-35 through 1-37 for details.
Althoughthe following discussion on air systems is Secondary Airflow
generic, we are using the LM2500 system discussed Secondary air is the source of bearing pressure
in chapter 2 as our example. For a better seal air and bleed air for cooling. Bleed air has
understanding of primary airflow and secondary
airflow, use this figure in conjunction with the numerous other uses. We will not attempt to
following discussion. You should also use this describe them all because each type of engine has
figure when studying the bleed air system in its own peculiarities.
chapter 2 of this manual. Secondary air is taken from the compressor
Primary Airflow ahead of the combusiton stage. Secondary air
is bled from various pressure stages on the
The GG compressor draws air from the ship’s compressor due to different pressure requirements
inlet plenum. After being compressed, the primary at different points in the engine. Occasionally it
air enters the combustion section, where some of is bled from the combustor outer case. The air
it is mixed with fuel, and the mixture is burned. is fed internally through passages to bearing
The remainder of the primary air is used for cavities and seals, and it also cools the GG
centering the flame in the combustor and turbine and nozzles. On some engines the air is
cooling some parts of the GG turbine. The piped externally to seals where shafts extend
primary air becomes part of the hot combustion outside a housing, such as a reduction gear.
gases. Some of the energy in the hot combustion Seal air is used in the GTE air seals, which are
gas is used to turn the GG turbine rotor, which of two types: labyrinth/honeycomb, used in the
is coupled to, and turns, the compressor rotor. sump and turbine areas, and fishmouth, used in
Upon leaving the GG turbine section, the gas the combustor and turbine midframe (fig. 1-34).

Figure 1-34.—Typical air seals.

The labyrinth/honeycomb seal combines a The gear train of the accessory drive is driven
rotating seal having a serrated surface with a by the engine rotor through an accessory drive
stationary seal having a honeycomb surface. The shaft coupling. The reduction gearing within the
serrations cut into the honeycomb to maintain case provides suitable drive speeds for each engine
close tolerances over a large temperature range. accessory or component. Because the operating
The fishmouth seals are sheet metal, circular, rpm of the rotor is so high, the accessory
stationary, interlocking seals used to prevent reduction gear ratios are relatively high. The
excessive leakage of hot combustion gas from the accessory drives are supported by ball bearings
primary airflow. assembled in the mounting bores of the accessory
FUEL OIL SYSTEM Accessories provided in the accessory drive
section include the fuel control, with its
The fuel oil system has a number of functions. governing device; the HP fuel oil pump or pumps;
Primarily, it provides filtered, pressurized, and the oil sump; the oil pressure and scavenging
accurately metered fuel for combustion. While pump or pumps; the auxiliary fuel pump; and a
doing this, it controls the power output of the GG, starter. Additional accessories, which may be
which in turn determines the amount of power included in the accessory drive section or which
delivered by the engine from the PT. Additionally, may be provided elsewhere, include a starting fuel
the fuel system may provide pressurized fuel as pump, a hydraulic oil pump, a generator, an air-
a hydraulic medium to actuate the fuel controls. oil separator, and a tachometer. Most of these
In some engines it controls the angle of the accessories are essential for the operation and
variable compressor stator vanes. control of any GTE. The particular combination
All fuel systems are not alike, but they all and arrangement and location of engine-driven
have certain elements in common. For example, accessories depend on the use for which the GTE
they must have a fuel pump, a fuel control, a is designed.
pressurizing valve or its equivalent, a fuel The three common locations for the accessory
manifold, and fuel nozzles or vaporizers. The drive section are on the side of the air inlet
fuel pump capacity is great enough to perform housing, under the compressor front frame, or
any required hydraulic functions in addition to under the compressor rear frame. One manu-
providing combustion fuel. Excess fuel is bypassed facturer of a generator engine used by the
in the fuel control and returned to the LP side U.S. Navy had the reduction gear attached to the
of the pump. Pressure in excess of the capability forward end of the compressor and the accessories
of this bypass is dumped by a relief valve in the mounted to the reduction gear.
pump assembly. The fuel pump and fuel control
are usually assembled together and mounted on LUBRICATION SYSTEM
the gearbox.
The GTE lubrication system is designed to
ACCESSORY DRIVE SYSTEM supply bearings and gears with clean lube oil at
the desired pressures and temperatures. In some
A popular misconception exists that the GTE installations, the lubrication system also furnishes
has only one moving part because the turbine and oil to various hydraulic systems. Heat absorbed
the compressor are on the same rotating shaft. by the lube oil is transferred to the cooling
This is not true. A GTE requires a starting device medium in a lube oil cooler.
(which is usually a moving part), some kind of The lubrication system shown in figure 1-35
control mechanism, and power takeoffs to drive is the dry-sump type, with a common oil supply
other components, such as the lube oil and fuel from an externally mounted oil tank. The system
pumps. The accessory drive section of the GTE includes the oil tank, the lube oil pressure pump,
takes care of these various accessory functions. the scavenging pumps, the oil cooler, oil filters,
The primary function of the accessory drive the pressure-regulating valve, and filter and cooler
section is to provide space for the mounting of bypass valves.
the accessories required for the operation and All bearings and gears in the engine and
control of the engine. The accessory drive section accessory drives are lubricated and cooled by the
also serves as an oil reservoir and/or sump and lubrication system. The lube oil supplied to each
houses the accessory drive gears and reduction bearing in a GTE is specifically controlled by a
gears. calibrated orifice which provides the proper flow

Figure 1-35.—Lubrication system schematic (typical).

of lube oil to the bearing at all engine speeds. This nozzles direct the oil onto the bearings, the gears,
is sometimes known as a calibrated oil system. and the splines. Separate scavenge elements in the
Since lube oil is supplied to the various parts of lube and scavenge pump remove oil from the
the system under pressure, provision is made to sumps and the transfer gearbox (accessory drive).
prevent the oil from leaking into unwanted areas, The scavenged oil is returned to the lube storage
such as the compressors and turbines. This is and conditioning assembly where it is filtered,
usually accomplished by use of lip-type seals, cooled, and stored. Scavenge oil is filtered by a
labyrinth oil seals, or carbon ring pneumatic oil duplex filter mounted on the lube storage tank.
seals. We will discuss these seals in detail later in
this section. Lubrication System Subsystems
The lubrication system provides the GTE
bearings, gears, and splines with adequate cool The lubrication system is usually divided into
oil to prevent excessive friction and heat. Oil three subsystems identified as lube supply, lube

scavenge, and sump vent. We will discuss these
subsystems and their components in chapter 2.

Oil Seals

Three types of oil seals are common to the

GTEs, the lip-type seal, the labyrinth/windback,
and the carbon ring.

LIP-TYPE SEAL.—The lip-type seal (fig.

1-36) is used to prevent leakage in one direction
only. A metal frame is covered with a synthetic
material, usually neoprene. The neoprene is
somewhat smaller than the shaft. The elasticity
of the neoprene will allow the shaft to slide
through the seal. The seal is molded with a lip to
retain a spring around the center. The spring keeps
Figure 1-36.—Lip-type seal. a snug fit around the shaft. The construction of
the lip-type seal allows for some very slight
misalignment and for axial movement of the

Figure 1-37.—Labyrinth/windback seal.

shaft. The lip seals are used where relatively low the carbon rings. The air pressure is forced out
speeds and temperatures are encountered. along the shaft in both directions. The pressure
Two disadvantages of the lip-type seals are prevents oil from entering the compressor or
that (1) they will seal against only little or no fluid turbine and combustion gases from reaching the
pressure, and (2) they are easily damaged. A burr bearings. The main disadvantage of this seal is
on the shaft or dirt can tear the seal and cause minor oil leakage that occurs during start-up and
leakage. run down as the oil pump moves oil before enough
airflow prevents leakage. However, the leakage
LABYRINTH/WINDBACK SEAL.—The is so slight that the engine normally will reach its
labyrinth/windback seals (fig. 1-37) combine a designated overhaul hours of operation before oil
rotating seal having oil slingers and a serrated accumulation will have any effects.
surface with a stationary seal having windback
threads and a smooth rub surface. The oil slingers STARTING SYSTEMS
throw oil into the windback threads, which direct
the oil back to the sump area. The serrations cut The GTEs use a starter to turn the compressor
grooves into the smooth surface of the stationary at sufficient speed to initiate and sustain
seal to maintain close tolerances throughout a combustion. Both the compressor and the GG
large temperature range. This seal allows a small turbine must spin. In starting dual axial-flow
amount of seal pressurization air to leak into the compressor engines, the starter needs to rotate
sump, thereby preventing oil leakage. only the HP compressor. The starter’s first
requirement is to accelerate the compressor to
CARBON RING SEAL.—The carbon seal provide enough airflow and pressure to support
(fig. 1-38) has a stationary, spring-loaded, carbon combustion in the burners.
sealing ring and a rotating, highly polished steel Once fuel has been introduced and the engine
mating ring. It prevents oil in the gearbox from has fired, the starter must continue to accelerate
leaking past the drive shafts of the starter, fuel the compressor above the self-sustaining speed of
pump, and auxiliary drive pad. the engine. The starter must provide enough
Another form of the carbon seal is also in use. torque to overcome rotor inertia and the friction
The carbon rings are not spring-loaded. They and air loads of the engine.
move freely around the shaft and seal axially Figure 1-39 shows a typical starting sequence
against the housing. When the engine is up to for a GTE. When the starter has accelerated the
speed, the rings center themselves radially in the compressor enough to establish airflow through
housing. Compressor bleed air is forced between

Figure 1-38.—Carbon ring seal. Figure 1-39.—Typical starting sequence for a GTE.

the engine, the ignition is turned on and the fuel
valves are opened. The sequence of the starting
procedure is important. At the time the fuel/air
mixture is ignited, enough airflow must pass
through the engine to support combustion.
After the engine has reached its self-sustaining
or self-accelerating speed, the starter can be
deactivated. If the starter is cut off below the
self-sustaining speed, the engine may decelerate
because it doesn’t have enough energy to
overcome its own friction and operating losses.
It may also suffer a “hung start” in which it idles
at a speed so low that it is unable to accelerate
enough to obtain proper operating parameters.
A hung-start engine will overheat because of a
lack of cooling air. The starter must continue to
boost engine speed well above self-sustaining
speed to avoid hot or hung (false) starts, or a
combination of both. In a hot start, the engine
lights off, but because of a lack of adequate
cooling and combustion air, the exhaust gas
temperature exceeds the allowable limit for the
At the proper points in the starting sequence,
the starter and, usually, the ignition system will
cut off. The higher the rpm before the starter cuts
out, the shorter will be the total time required for
the engine to attain idle rpm. This is because the
engine and the starter are working together.
All GTE starters must be able to produce
enough torque to start the engine properly. The
GTEs must reach a certain minimum idle rate for
a start to be satisfactory. This requires the
torque characteristics of an acceptable starter to
exceed by a good margin the amount of torque
needed to overcome friction.
The GTEs use three basic types of starters Figure 1-40.—Spark igniter.
and starter systems—electric, hydraulic, and
pneumatic. Pneumatic (air-turbine) starters are
the most commonly used on all except smaller SPARK IGNITER SYSTEM
engines, which generally use electric starters. Some
marine GTE installations use hydraulic starters. Once adequate airflow has been established
through the combustion area, fuel can be injected
Another type of starter system is the air and the spark igniters start the burning process.
impingement system. Bleed air from another GTE The spark igniters are high-voltage electrical spark
is used directly in the HP turbine assembly to producers powered from the ignition exciter
rotate the GG. Due to the volume of air required, circuits.
the air impingement system is used primarily in The ignition exciter derives its input power
starting aircraft engines and will not be covered from the ship’s service 60-Hz, 115-volt electrical
in any further detail. We will describe the system. Its function is to produce a high-energy
pneumatic starter system in chapter 2 of this spark at the spark igniter in the engine. This must
TRAMAN. be accomplished with a high degree of reliability

under widely varying conditions. These include SUMMARY
internal pressure, humidity, temperature,
vaporization, and carbon deposits on the spark In this chapter you have learned about
igniter. To accomplish this, the capacitor the principles and construction of GTEs. We
discharges a spark of very high energy (about have discussed the evolution of the GTE, the
100,000 watts). This concentration of maximum theory of operation, classifications of the
energy in minimum time achieves an optimum different types of engines, and their subsystem
spark for ignition purposes. This spark is capable components. Many other publications are
of blasting carbon deposits and vaporizing available that discuss GTE construction in
globules of fuel. depth. This chapter was provided to give you
Spark igniters are of several types. Some the basis on which to expand your knowledge
resemble common automobile spark plugs. The of marine GTEs. You may not feel you
more common annular gap types are shown in understand the temperature-pressure relation-
figure 1-40. Since they do not operate continually, ships in a simple GTE at this point. If so,
they are usually durable and reliable, requiring you should review the sections of this chapter
only occasional cleaning to remove carbon from related to theory before continuing on to the
the tip and ceramic barrel. material that follows.

Figure l-33.—LM2500 GTE airflow

Figure l-33A.—LM2500 GTE airflow.

Figure l-33B.—LM2500 GTE airflow—Continued..

Figure l-33C.—LM2500 GTE airflow—Continued.

ADIABATIC—To occur without loss or gain ANTI-ICING —A system for preventing
of heat by the substance concerned. buildup of ice on the gas turbine intake systems.

AERODYNAMICS—A branch of dynamics ATMOSPHERE—A unit of measure equal to

that deals with the motion of air and other gaseous 14.696 psi or 29.92 inches of mercury (1 atmos-
fluids and the forces acting on bodies in motion phere = 14.696 psi).
relative to such fluids. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE—The pressure
of air at sea level, about 14.7 psi.
that must be depressed to silence an alarm. AUTOMATIC PARALLELING DEVICE
(APD)—The APD automatically parallels any
ALLOY—Any composition metal produced two generators when an auto parallel command
by the mixing of two or more metals or elements. is initiated by the EPCC.
trical current that constantly changes amplitude The console in CCS used to monitor the auxiliary
and polarity at regular intervals. systems on FFG-class ships.

AMBIENT TEMPERATURE—The surrounding AXIAL FLOW—Air flow parallel to the axis

temperature, such as the air temperature that of the compressor rotor.
surrounds a conductor in a compartment or piece BABBITT—A white alloy of tin, lead,
of equipment. copper, and antimony that is used for lining
AMBIENT PRESSURE—The surrounding
pressure, such as the air pressure that surrounds BAFFLE—A plate, wall, or screen used to
a conductor in a compartment or piece of deflect, check, or otherwise regulate the flow of
equipment. a gas, liquid, sound waves, and so forth.
AMPERE (amp)—A unit of electrical current BATTERY—A device for converting chemical
or rate of flow of electrons. One volt across 1 ohm energy into electrical energy.
of resistance causes a current flow of 1 ampere.
BLEED AIR—Air bled off the compressor
ANALOG SIGNAL—A measurable quantity stages of the GTEs. See BLEED AIR SYSTEM.
that is continuously variable throughout a given BLEED AIR SYSTEM—This system uses as
range and that is representative of a physical its source compressed air extracted from the
quantity. compressor stage of each GTE or GTG. It is used
for anti-icing, prairie air, masker air, and LP gas
ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERSION turbine starting for both the GTEs and GTGs.
(A/D or ADC)—A conversion that takes an
analog in the form of electrical voltage or BLOW-IN DOORS—Doors located on the
current and produces a digital output. high hat assembly designed to open by solenoid-
operated latch mechanisms if the inlet airflow
ANNULAR—In the form of or forming a becomes too restricted for normal engine
ring. operation.

BORESCOPE —A small periscope (instru- CLUTCH/BRAKE ASSEMBLY—a clutch/
ment) used to visually inspect internal engine brake assembly for each GTE is mounted on the
components. MRG housing to couple or decouple either or both
engines to the drive train, to stop and hold the
BRIDGE CONTROL UNIT (BCU)—The power turbine, and for shaft braking.
console located on the bridge of the DDG-51 class
ship that has equipment for operator control of COALESCE —To grow together, unite, or
ship’s speed and direction. fuse, as uniting small liquid particles into large
droplets. This principle is used to remove water
BUS TIE BREAKER (BTB)—A device used from fuel in the filter/separator.
to connect one main switchboard to another main
COHESION—The force that causes molecules
BUS—An uninsulated power conductor (a bar that are brought close together to stick together.
or wire) usually found in a switchboard.
COMBUSTION CYCLE—The process that
CALIBRATION—( 1) The operation of making includes compression of air, burning of compressed
an adjustment or marking a scale so that the air/fuel mixture, expansion of gases, and removal
readings of an instrument conform to an accepted of gases.
standard. (2) The checking of reading by com-
parison with an accepted standard COMPRESSOR INLET TEMPERATURE
(CIT or T2)—The temperature of the air entering
CANTILEVER —A horizontal structural the gas turbine compressor (GTE) as measured
member supported only by one end. at the front frame; one of the parameters used
for calculating engine power output (torque) and
CASUALTY—An event or series of events in scheduling combustion fuel flow and VSV angle.
progress during which equipment damage and/or
personnel injury has already occurred. The nature
and speed of these events are such that proper and COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE
correct procedural steps will only serve to limit (CDP)—Compressor discharge pressure is sensed
equipment damage and/or personnel injury. by a pressure tap on the compressor discharge
static pressure sensing line to the MFC and piped
CENTRAL CONTROL STATION (CCS)— to a base-mounted transducer on the GTE.
The main operating station from which a majority
of the engineering plant machinery can be COMPRESSOR INLET TOTAL PRESSURE
controlled and monitored. (Pt 2)—The pressure sensed by a total pressure
probe mounted in the GTE compressor front
MENT (CISE)—Located in CCS and is part of
the PAMISE. It includes the general-purpose COMPRESSOR—The component of a GTE
digital computer (ECU), S/CE No. 1, and that compresses the air.
supporting equipment.
CONCENTRIC —Having a common axis or
CENTRIFUGAL FORCE—That force that formed about the same axis.
tends to drive a thing or parts of a thing outward
from a center of rotation. CONDUCTION —The transfer of heat
CIRCUIT BREAKER (CB)—A device used through matter by communication of kinetic
to energize/de-energize an electrical circuit and energy from particle to particle rather than by a
for interrupting the circuit when the current flow of heated material.
becomes excessive.
CLASSIFICATION —A method of identifying (CRP) PROPELLER—A propeller whose blade
and sorting various equipment and materials. For pitch can be varied to control the amount of thrust
example: (1) check valve—swing check valve, stop in both the ahead and astern directions. (Known
check valve; (2) valve—solenoid valve, manual as controllable pitch propeller (CPP) on FFG-class
valve. ships.)

CURRENT —The movement of electrons past ELECTRIC PLANT CONTROL ELEC-
a reference point. The passage of electrons TRONICS ENCLOSURE (EPCEE)—The EPCEE
through a conductor. It is measured in amperes. is part of the EPCE. It contains power supplies
that provide the various operating voltage required
DAMAGE CONTROL CONSOLE (DCC)— by the EPCC on the CG- and DD-class ships.
This console is located in CCS and provides
monitoring for hazardous conditions (fire, high ELECTRIC PLANT CONTROL CONSOLE
bilge levels, and so forth). It also monitors the (EPCC)—This console contains the controls and
ship’s firemain and can control the fire pumps. indicators used to remotely operate and monitor
the generators and the electrical distribution
general-purpose information transfer system that
provides data transfer for most of the major
systems aboard the DDG-51 class ship. ELECTRIC PLANT CONTROL EQUIP-
MENT (EPCE)—The EPCE provides centralized
DEAERATOR—A device that removes air remote control of the GTGS and electrical
from oil (for example, the lube oil storage and distribution equipment. The EPCE includes the
conditioning assembly (LOSCA) tank which EPCC and EPCEE and is located in CCS.
separates air from the scavenge oil).
DEMAND DISPLAY INDICATOR (DDI)—A that uses an electronic control unit with an electro-
numerical display that is used to read values of hydraulic governor actuator (EGA) to control and
parameters within the engineering plant. regulate engine speed.
DEMISTERS—A moisture removal device EMERGENCY —An event or series of events
(GTE intake system) that separates water from in progress which will cause damage to equipment
air. unless immediate, timely, and correct procedural
steps are taken.
DENSITY —The quantity of matter contained
in a body.
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE—The difference LANCE SYSTEM (ECSS)—An automatic elec-
between two pressures measured with respect to tronic control and monitoring system using analog
a common basis. and digital circuitry to control the propulsion and
electric plant. The ECSS consists of the EPCE,
DIFFUSER —A device for reducing the velocity PAMCE, PAMISE, PLOE, and SCE on the CG-
and increasing the static pressure of a medium and DD-class ships.
passing through a system.
or DAC)—A conversion that produces an analog operating instructions bound in books for each
output in the form of voltage of current from a watch station. It provides detailed operating
digital input. procedures (EOP) and casualty control procedures
(EOCC) for the propulsion plant.
DIRECT CURRENT—An essentially constant
value electric current that flows in one direction.
DROOP MODE—This mode is normally used A non-voice communication system provided
only for paralleling with shore power. This mode between the command station (pilot house), CCS,
provides a varying frequency for any varying load. and the main engine room.
Droop mode inhibits the load sharing circuitry.
EDUCTOR —A mixing tube (jet pump) that computer (part of PAMISE) that is the nucleus
is used as a liquid pump to dewater bilges and of the information center of the ECSS. The ECU
tanks. A GTE exhaust nozzle creates an eductor gathers data information from the ship’s propul-
effect to remove air from the enclosure. sion, auxiliary, and electric plant equipment.

EXPANSION—The increase in volume of the GAS GENERATOR SPEED (NG G)—The
gases in a turbine after combustion by which the speed sensed by a magnetic pickup on the transfer
gases continue to turn the rotor while expending gearbox of the GTE.
part of its internal energy and losing in pressure
The GTGS has a GTE, a reduction gearbox, and
FEEDBACK—A value derived from a con- a generator.
trolled function and returned to the controlling
function. GENERATOR BREAKER (GB)—The GB is
used to connect a generator to its main switchboard.
FEEDWATER —Distilled water made in
evaporators for use in boilers. Feedwater is more GOVERNOR CONTROL UNIT (GCU)—A
pure than drinking (potable) water. static GCU is supplied for each GTGS consisting
FERROUS—Refers to metals having iron as of a static exciter/voltage regulator assembly, field
the base metal. rectifier assembly, motor-driven rheostat, and mode
select rotary switch. It controls the output voltage
FILTER—(l) A device that removes insoluble of the generator.
contaminants from the fluid power system. (2) A
device through which gas or liquid is passed; dirt, HEADER—A piping manifold that connects
dust, and other impurities are removed by the several sublines to a major pipeline.
separating action.
HEAD TANK—A tank located higher than
FREE STANDING ELECTRONIC ENCLO- other system components to provide a positive
SURE (FSEE)—The FSEE provides the supporting pressure to a system by gravity.
electronic and engine control interface between
the GTE and the control consoles. One FSEE is HERTZ (Hz)—A unit of frequency equal to one
located in each MER. cycle per second.
FREQUENCY—The number of cycles (as in HIGH HAT ASSEMBLY—A removable housing
an alternating electrical current) completed per over the main engine air intake ducts that contains
second. the moisture separation system (demisters), inlet
louvers, and blow-in doors.
FRICTION —Resistance to the relative motion
of one body sliding, rolling, or flowing over HORSEPOWER (hp)—A standard unit of
another with which it has contact. power that equals 550 foot pounds of work per
(FSCC)—Located in CCS and is the central HUMIDITY—The weight of water vapor in
station for monitoring and control of the fuel fill grains per cubic foot of air.
and transfer system.
HYDRAULIC —Conveyed, operated, or
FUEL OIL SYSTEM—This system provides
moved by water or other liquid in motion.
a continuous supply of clean fuel to the GTEs.
engines (GTEs) in one engine room are engaged (HOPM)—A component located near the MRG
and driving the reduction gear and propeller shaft. to deliver control oil and high pressure (HP) oil
to an oil distribution box for distribution to the
GAS GENERATOR (GG)—The gas-producing propeller hub and activation of the pitch control
section of any GTE. It usually has a compressor, rod within the shaft.
a combustor, a high-pressure turbine, an accessory
drive system, and controls and accessories. IMPELLER—A blade or series of blades of
a rotor that imparts motion.
consists of a compressor, a combustor, a turbine, INERTIA —Any change in motion being
and an accessory drive system. Many variations measured by the acceleration of the center of
of GTEs exist. mass.

(ICC)—Part of the ECU. ICC No. 1 is used to LOP is the local operating station for GTEs on
program and run the computer. ICC No. 2 is the the FFG-class ships. It is located in the MER and
tape reader and is used to input the program into is used primarily for maintenance.
the ECU.
vanes ahead of the first stage of compressor blades mounted remotely from the GTE and is a unit
of a GTE. Their function is to guide the inlet air with a lube oil storage tank, a heat exchanger, a
into the GTE compressor at the optimum angle. scavenge oil duplex filter, and a scavenge oil
check valve (all mounted on a common base). Its
ISOCHRONOUS MODE—This mode is function is to provide the GTE with an adequate
normally used for generator operation. This mode supply of cool, clean lube oil.
provides a constant frequency for all load
conditions. When two (or more) generators are MACHINERY CONTROL SYSTEM (MCS)—
operated in parallel, the isochronous mode also Provides centralized and remote monitoring and
provides equal load sharing between units. control of propulsion, electrical, auxiliary, and
damage control systems of the DDG-51 class ship.
JOULES—Unit of energy. The work done
when the point of application of 1 newton is MAIN REDUCTION GEAR (MRG)—A
displaced a distance of 1 meter in the direction locked train, double-reduction gear designed to
of force. reduce the rpm output of the GTE and drive the
propeller shaft.
JP-5—The primary type of fuel used for
helicopters and small boats. The emergency source MAIN FUEL CONTROL (MFC)—A hydro-
of fuel for the GTEs and GTGs. mechanical device on the propulsion GTE that
KILOWATT —A unit of electrical power controls NGG, schedules acceleration fuel flow,
equal to 1000 watts. (A watt is a unit of power deceleration fuel flow, and stator vane angle
equal to the rate of work represented by a for stall-free, optimum performance over the
current of 1 ampere under a pressure of 1 volt.) operating range of the GTE.

KINETIC ENERGY—Energy in motion. MASKER AIR SYSTEM—This system

disguises the sound signature of the ship and alters
LABYRINTH/HONEYCOMB SEAL—This transmission of machinery noise to the water by
seal combines a rotating element and a emitting air from small holes in the emitter rings
honeycomb stationary element to form an air seal. on the ship’s hull.
Used in GTEs to maintain close tolerances over
a large temperature range. MASS—The measure of the quantity of
matter contained in a body.
combines a rotating element with a smooth METALLURGY—The science dealing with
surface stationary element to form an oil seal. The the structure and properties of metals and alloys,
windback is a coarse thread on the rotating and the processes by which they are obtained from
element of the oil seal which uses screw action ore and adapted to the use of man.
(windback) to force any oil that might leak across
the seal back into the sump. MICRON—A unit of length equal to one
millionth of a meter.
meters the required amount of fuel for all engine MIL—A unit of length equal to one
operating conditions for the Allison 501-K17 thousandth of an inch.
LOAD SHEDDING—Protects a generator meeting the following requirements: sea level,
from overloading by automatically dropping barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury,
preselected loads when generator output reaches humidity of 0.00 inch of mercury, and a
100 percent. temperature of 59°F.

NOZZLE —A taper or restriction used to pump and its output shaft lever. It is mechanically
speed up or direct the flow of gas or liquid. connected to the MFC power lever. The PLA
actuator supplies the torque to position the MFC
OIL DISTRIBUTION (OD) BOX—This box power lever at the commanded rate.
is located at the forward end of each MRG
assembly. It directs HP oil from the HOPM to POWER TURBINE (PT)—The GTE turbine
the propeller hub through the shaft bore. The OD that converts the GG exhaust into energy and
box also establishes propeller pitch by using transmits the resulting rotational force via the
control oil from the HOPM to position the valve attached output shaft.
rod, which extends through the shaft to the hub.
POWER TAKEOFF (PTO)—The drive shaft
ORIFICE—A circular opening in a flow between the GTGS GTE and the reduction gear.
passage that creates a flow restriction. It transfers power from the GTE to the reduction
gear to drive the generator.
PARAMETER —A variable, such as temper-
ature, pressure, flow rate, voltage, current, or PRAIRIE AIR SYSTEM—This system emits
frequency that may be indicated, monitored, cooled bleed air from small holes along the leading
checked, or sensed in any way during operation edge of the propeller blades. The resulting air
or testing. bubbles disturb the thrashing sound so identifica-
tion of the type of ship through sonar detection
(PMA)—The PMA is mounted on the generator
shaft extension of each GTGS and supplies speed PRESSURE—Force per unit of area, usually
sensing and power to the EG. The PMA also expressed as psi.
supplies initial generator excitation.
PRIME MOVER—( 1) The source of motion—
PHOTOELECTRIC—Electricity produced by as a GTE, (2) the source of mechanical power used
the action of light. to drive a pump, or compressor, (3) or rotor of
a generator.
PITCH—A term applied to the distance a
propeller will advance during one revolution. PROPELLER —A propulsive device consisting
of a boss or hub carrying two or more radial
PLENUM CHAMBER—An enclosed space blades. (Also called a screw.)
in which the pressure of the air is greater than the
CONSOLE (PACC)—This console is located in
POTENTIOMETER—A variable resistance CCS and is part of the PAMCE. It contains the
unit having a rotating contact arm that can be set electronic equipment capable of controlling and
at any desired point along the resistance element. monitoring both propulsion plants and auxiliary
equipment on a CG- or DD-class ship. (Also
POWER TURBINE INLET TOTAL PRES- known as PACC on the DDG-51 class ship but
SURE (Pt 5 . 4 )—The pressure sensed by pressure not a part of PAMCE.)
probes located in the GTE turbine midframe and
piped to a transducer on the bottom of the GTM. PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY MACHIN-
POWER TURBINE INLET GAS TEMPER- This equipment is located in CCS, is part of the
ATURE (T5.4)—The temperature sensed by ECSS, and includes the PACC and PACEE. This
thermocouples installed in the GTE midframe. equipment provides centralized control and
monitoring of both main propulsion plants and
POWER TURBINE SPEED (Np t)—The auxiliary machinery on a CG- or DD-class ship.
speed sensed by magnetic pickups in the GTE
POWER LEVEL ANGLE (PLA)—A rotary (PAMISE)—This equipment is located in CCS
actuator mounted on the side of the GTE fuel and is part of the ECSS. This equipment receives,

evaluates, and logs the engineering plant perform- SALIENT POLE GENERATOR—A generator
ance, status, and alarm state. The PAMISE whose field poles are bolted to the rotor, as
contains the CISE and S/CE No. 1 on a CG- or opposed to a generator whose field poles are
DD-class ship. formed by imbedding field windings in the slots
of a solid rotor.
This is the main engine control console in CCS SCAVENGE PUMP—A pump used to remove
on an FFG-class ship. It is used for starting, oil from a sump and return it to the oil supply
stopping, and controlling the GTEs and propeller tank.
SENSOR —The part of an instrument that
PROPULSION LOCAL CONTROL CON- first takes energy from the measured medium to
SOLE (PLCC)—The PLCC is located in each produce a condition representing the value of the
engine room and is part of the PLOE. It has measured variable.
controls and indicators necessary for operator’s
control of one main propulsion plant and its SHAFT CONTROL UNIT (SCU)—The SCU
supporting auxiliaries on a CG- or DD-class ship. is located in each engine room. It has controls and
indicators necessary for operator control of one
main propulsion plant and its supporting
PROPULSION LOCAL OPERATING EQUIP- auxiliaries on a DDG-51 class ship.
MENT (PLOE)—The PLOE is located in each
engine room and is part of the ECSS. It includes SHIP CONTROL CONSOLE (SCC)—This
the PLCC and PLCEE. The PLOE provides for console is located on the bridge of CG- and DD-
local control and monitoring of the main pro- class ships. It has equipment for operator
pulsion GTE and the associated auxiliary equip- control of ship’s speed and direction.
ment on a CG- or DD-class ship.
PUMP—( 1) A device that converts mechanical (SSDG)—The SSDG is the main source of elec-
energy into fluid energy. (2) A device that raises, trical power for a ship. It uses a diesel engine as
transfers, or compresses fluids or gases. the prime mover for the generator.


a central axis. ATOR (SSGTG)—The SSGTG is the main source
of electrical power for a ship. It uses a GTE as
REPAIR STATION CONSOLE (RSC)— the prime mover for the generator.
Provides centralized control of the damage
control equipment on DDG-51 class ships. The SIGNAL CONDITIONING ENCLOSURE
RSC serves as the primary control station when (S/CE)—Part of the PAMISE and provides the
the DCC is not available. major input interface between the propulsion
plant machinery and the ECSS control consoles.
The S/CE accepts inputs from the plant
machinery and outputs normalized signals to the
(RTD)—A temperature sensor that works on the
principle that as temperature increases, the ECSS control consoles. Also has alarm detection
conductive material exposed to this temperature and alarm output circuitry. One S/CE is located
increases electrical resistance. in each engine room and one is a part of the CISE
(located in CCS).
RESISTOR —A device possessing the property SOLENOID—A coil of wire in the form of
of electrical resistance. a long cylinder that resembles a bar magnet. When
current flows in the wire, a movable core is drawn
RHEOSTAT —A variable resistor having one into the coil.
fixed and one moveable terminal.
SPLIT PLANT—The condition in which
ROTOR—A rotating wheel or group of only one engine in an engine room is driving the
wheels in a turbine. reduction gear/propulsion shaft.

STALL—An inherent characteristic of all gas TRANSDUCER —(l) A device that converts
turbine compressors to varying degrees and under a mechanical input signal into an electrical
certain operating conditions. It occurs whenever output signal. (2) Generally, a device that
the relationship between air pressure, velocity, and converts energy from one form into another,
compressor rotational speed is altered so that the always retaining the characteristic amplitude
effective angle of attack of the compressor blades variations of the energy converted.
becomes excessive, causing the blades to stall.
TRANSFORMER—A device composed of
STATOR—The body of stationary blades or two or more coils, linked by magnetic lines
nozzles of a turbine. of force, used to step up or step down an ac
SUMMARY ALARM—An indicator at a
console that indicates to an operator that one of TURBINE OVERTEMPERATURE PRO-
several abnormal conditions has occurred on a TECTION SYSTEM (TOPS)—A system used on
certain piece of equipment. a CG- or DD-class ship to protect a surviving
generator from overload if another generator
The SSS clutch is a fully automatic, free-wheel
device that transmits power through gear-toothed TURBINE INLET TEMPERATURE (TIT)—
elements. The GTGS turbine inlet temperature on the
Allison 501-K17. (Known as T5.4 for an LM2500
TACHOMETER—An instrument used to GTE.)
measure the speed of rotation of a device.
TEMPERATURE—The quantitative measure that senses the presence of fire in the GTE and
of the relative hotness or coldness of an object. GTG enclosure and generates an electrical signal
that is sent to the ECSS.
THERMAL ENERGY—The potential and
kinetic energy of particles of a body which can UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY
be evolved as heat. (UPS) SYSTEM—Critical ship control systems
have a UPS as an emergency power source.
THERMOCOUPLE —(1) a bimetallic device The UPS is used to maintain operations
capable of producing an emf roughly proportional during any interruption of the normal power
to temperature differences on its hot and cold source.
junction ends. (2) A junction of two dissimilar
metals that produces a voltage when the junction VACUUM—Pressure less than atmospheric
is heated. pressure.


that deals with the applied forces caused by the compressor stator vane that is mechanically varied
application of heat. to provide optimum, stall-free compressor per-
formance over a wide operating range.
THRUST BEARING—Bearing that limits the
axial (longitudinal) movement of the shaft. VELOCITY —The rate of motion in a
particular direction. The velocity of fluid flow is
THRUST—The forward directed reaction usually measured in feet per second.
force produced by a high-speed jet of air dis-
charged rearward from a nozzle or orifice. VENTURI—A device that depends for opera-
tion upon the fact that as the velocity of flow of
TOLERANCE—The allowable deviation air increases in the throat the pressure decreases.
from a specification or standard.
VISCOSITY —The internal resistance of a
TORQUE—A force or combination of forces fluid which tends to prevent it from flowing.
that produces or tends to produce a twisting or
rotary motion. VOLT—A unit of electrical potential.

VOLTAGE —An electric potential difference, WASTE HEAT BOILER (WHB)—Each
expressed in volts. waste heat boiler is associated with a GTGS and
uses the hot exhaust gases to convert feedwater
VOLUME—The amount of space that matter to steam for various ship’s services on CG-, DD-
occupies. or CG- and DD- class ships.

WATT—A unit of electric power equal to the

VORTEX—That which resembles a whirlwind rate of work represented by a current of 1 ampere
or whirlpool. under a pressure of 1 volt.



This appendix is a listing of the abbreviations and acronyms used in this
text. Although this is an extensive listing, it is not an all-inclusive list of ab-
breviations and acronyms used by the Gas Turbine Systems Technicians. The
GSE3/GSM3, NAVEDTRA 10563, volume 1, also has an appendix II with
abbreviations and acronyms used in the text. However, this list will help form
a basis for your qualification under the PQS system and allow for rapid
access to terms used by Gas Turbine Systems Technicians.

A CCS—central control station

A/C—air conditioning CDP—compressor discharge pressure

ACC—auxiliary control console CHT—collecting, holding and transfer

ADC—analog-to-digital converter CISE—central information system equipment

AFFF—aqueous film forming foam CIT—compressor inlet temperature

AGB—accessory gearbox CO2—carbon dioxide

AM—area multiplexers CODAG—combined diesel and gas

AMR—auxiliary machinery room CODOG—combined diesel or gas

APD—automatic paralleling device COGOG—combined gas or gas

ASROC—antisubmarine rocket COSAG—combined steam and gas

ASW—antisubmarine warfare CPU—central processing unit

CRP—controllable reversible pitch
B CT—current transformer

BCU—bridge control unit

BLISS—boundary layer infrared suppression
system DAC—digital-to-analog converter
BTB—bus tie breaker DCC—damage control console
DDI—demand display indicator
C DFM—diesel fuel, marine
CB—circuit breaker DMS—data multiplex system
CBR—chemical, biological, radiation DVM—digital voltmeter

E gpm—gallons per minute

ECSS—Engineering Control and Surveillance GSE—Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Elec-

System trical)
ECU—electronic control unit GSM—Gas Turbine Systems Technician
EG—electrohydraulic (electric) governor
GSs—Gas Turbine Systems Technicians
EHGA—electrohydraulic governor actuator
GT—gas turbine
EMI—electromagnetic interference
GTE—gas turbine engine
EOOW—engineering officer of the watch
GTG—gas turbine generator
EOSS—Engineering Operational Sequencing
GTGSs—gas turbine generator sets
EOT—engine order telegraph
GTM—gas turbine module
EPCC—electric plant control console

EPCE—electric plant control equipment

EPCEE—electric plant control electronics
enclosure HF—high-frequency

EPM—equivalent parts per million HP—high-pressure

F HSS—high-signal select
FO—fuel oil HVAC—heating, ventilation, and air con-
FOD—foreign object damage

FSCC—fuel system control console

FSEE—free standing electronic enclosure
3 ICC—information center console
ft /min—cubic feet per minute
IGV—inlet guide vane

G in.H2O—inches of water

GB—generator circuit breaker IOU—input-output units

GCU—governor control unit IR—infrared

GG—gas generator

GMLS—guided missile launching system K

GMT—greenwich mean time KOH—potassium hydroxide

L NOAP—Navy Oil Analysis Program

lb/min—pounds per minute Np t—power turbine speed

lb/set—pounds per second NRTC—nonresident training course

LCAC—landing craft, air cushion

LED—light-emitting diode
OD box—oil distribution box
LFV—liquid fuel valve
OOD—officer of the deck
LO—lube oil

LOCOP—local operating control panel

LOP—local operating panel
PACC—propulsion and auxilary control con-
LOSCA—lube oil storage and conditioning sole
PAMCE—propulsion and auxiliary machinery
LOSIP—local operating station instrument control equipment
PAMISE—propulsion and auxiliary machinery
LP—low-pressure information system equipment
LSS—low-signal select PCB—printed circuit board
lube—lubricating PCC—propulsion control console
LVDT—linear variable-displacement trans- PCS—propulsion control system
PG—patrol combatant

MCS—machinery control system PKP—potable potassium bicarbonate

MER—main engine room PLA—power lever angle
MFC—main fuel control
PLCC—propulsion local control console
MG—maintenance group
PLOE—propulsion local operating equipment
MPU—magnetic pickup unit
PMA—permanent-magnet alternator
MRC—maintenance requirement card
PMS—Planned Maintenance System
MRG—main reduction gear
PQS—Personnel Qualification Standard

N Ps 3 —compressor discharge static pressure

N1—speed voltage PSEA—power supply enclosure assembly

Ngg—gas generator speed psia—pounds per square inch absolute

psid—pounds per square inch differential SSAS—ship’s service air system

psig—pounds per square inch gauge SSDG—ship’s service diesel generator

PT—power turbine SSGTGS—ship’s service gas turbine generator

Pt2 —compressor inlet total pressure
Pt 5 . 4 —power turbine inlet total pressure

PTO—power take-off T
PWB—printed wiring board T2—compressor inlet temperature

T5.4—power turbine inlet gas temperature

TC—traffic controllers
RC—resistive capacitive
TGB—transfer gearbox
RFI—radio-frequency interference
TIT—turbine inlet temperature
RM—remote multiplexers
TOPS—turbine overtemperature (overload)
rpm—rotations per minute protection system
RSC—repair station console TRAMAN—training manual
RTD—resistance temperature detector
RTE—resistance temperature element
UPS—uninterruptible power supply
S UV—ultraviolet
SKE—signal conditioning enclosure

SAC—starting air compressor V

SCCP—self-cleaning centrifugal purifier VERTREP—vertical replenishment

scfm—standard cubic feet per minute VSV—variable stator vane

SCS—supervisory control status

SEM—standard electronic module
WDCM—washdown countermeasure
SHP—shaft horsepower
WHB—waste heat boiler
SPM—speed phase matching

srpm—shaft rpm X

SS—ship’s service xdcr—transducer

A Air start system, 3-29
Air systems, 1-27
Abbreviations and acronyms, AII-1 to AII-4
ACC, auxiliary control console, 9-28 to 9-42 Alarm ACK section, 5-32
lower panel, 9-37 to 9-42 Alarm test panel, 5-46 to 5-47
distilling plants section, 9-40 Alternating current generator and voltage
drainage system section, 9-41 to 9-42 regulator, 3-39 to 3-46
fill valves section, 9-40 Anti-icing air system, 4-18 to 4-20
lamp test, 9-39
masker, prairie/fin stabilizer, and Anti-icing system, 2-14
bleed air systems section, 9-38 Aqueous film forming foam system, 4-27
potable water system section, 9-37 Auto parallel section, 8-15 to 8-16
saltwater service system section, 9-40 Auxiliary cooling system, 4-26
sewage disposal system section, 9-39
top panel, 9-29 to 9-30 Auxiliary equipment and consoles, 9-1 to 9-60
CONSOLE POWER STATUS sec- auxiliary control console, 9-28 to 9-42
tion, 9-30 lower panel, 9-37 to 9-42
DAMAGE CONTROL section, 9-29 top panel, 9-29 to 9-30
PARAMETERS section, 9-29
vertical panel, 9-30 to 9-37 vertical panel, 9-30 to 9-37
air-conditioning plants section, 9-36 bell and data loggers, 9-48 to 9-49
alarm acknowledge, 9-35 bell logger, 9-49
chilled water circulating system section, data logger, 9-48
compressed air plants section, 9-34 damage control console for DD-963/993
fuel filling, transfer, and purification and CG-47 class ships, 9-21 to 9-28
system section, 9-31 design and components, 9-21 to 9-26
lamp tests, 9-33 operation, 9-27 to 9-28
machinery space ventilation fans, damage control console for DDG-51 class
9-30 ships, 9-49 to 9-53
main engines starting air system sloping panel, 9-52 to 9-53
section, 9-34
processor generated alarm, 9-35 vertical panel, 9-50 to 9-52
ship’s stores refrigeration plants sec- damage control console for the FFG-7
tion, 9-36 to 9-37 class ships, 9-42 to 9-48
waste heat water circulating systems lower panel, 9-47 to 9-48
section, 9-33 upper panel, 9-42 to 9-47
Accessary drive system, 1-28 data multiplex system, 9-57 to 9-59
Adiabatic compression, 1-9 communication test, 9-59
Aegis pumps section, 5-25
Air cond plants section, 8-51 configuration, 9-58
Air cond section, 5-24 DMS to MCS communications, 9-58
Air control section, 5-25 to 5-26 interfaces, 9-57
Air intake system, 2-9 to 2-14 system, 9-57

Auxiliary equipment and consoles—Continued Circuit breaker switches/indicators, 8-8 to
fuel system control equipment, 9-9 to 9-21 8-10
control console, 9-9 to 9-17 CO2 system, 3-10 to 3-11
fuel oil transfer local panels, 9-17 to 9-19 Combat dry air section, 5-25
JP-5 local control panel, 9-19 to 9-20 Combustion chamber design, classification by,
operation, 9-20 to 9-21 1-16 to 1-19
propulsion and auxiliary machinery infor- annular chamber, 1-16 to 1-18
mation system equipment, 9-1 to 9-9 can chamber, 1-16
bell and data loggers, 9-7 to 9-9 can-annular chamber, 1-18 to 1-19
central information system equip- Compressor cleanliness, effect of, 1-10
ment, 9-2 to 9-5 Compressor type, classification by, 1-10 to
signal conditioning equipment, 9-5 to 1-16
9-7 Compressed air systems, 4-21 to 4-23
repair station console, 9-53 to 9-57 Compressor inlet temperature/compressor dis-
sloping panel, 9-55 to 9-57 charge pressure sensor, 3-26
vertical panel, 9-54 Compressor inlet temperature sensor, 2-38
summary, 9-59 to 9-60 Console power status/console/vital power
Axial-flow compressors, 1-11 to 1-16 feeder circuit breaker status panel (A-3),
8-31 to 8-33
Control console, electric plant (CG-
B class ships), 8-17 to 8-26
Control console, electric plant (DD-class
Ballast system, 4-23 to 4-24 ships), 8-1 to 8-17
Bell and data loggers, 9-48 to 9-49 Control console, electric plant (DDG-51-class
bell logger, 9-49 ship), 8-44 to 8-53
data logger, 9-48 Control console, electric plant (FFG-class
Bellmouth and bulletnose, 2-19 ships), 8-27 to 8-44
Bleed air control panel, 5-34 to 5-35 CRP section, 5-3 to 5-4
Bleed air start system, 4-17 to 4-18
Bleed air system, 2-46, 3-20 to 3-21, 4-17 to
4-21 D
Blow-in and blow-out panels, 3-4 to 3-5
Blow-in doors, 2-13 to 2-14 Damage control console for DD-963/993 and
Bus tie & SWBD section, 8-8 CG-47 class ships, 9-21 to 9-28
Bus tie & SWBD voltage select section, 8-13 design and components, 9-21 to 9-26
operator’s panels (front of console),
9-21 to 9-26
C rear panel (back of console), 9-26
operation, 9-27 to 9-28
CG, and DD anti-icing system, 4-18 to normal securing, 9-28
4-19 power application, 9-28
CG, and DD cooling system, 2-17 to self tests, 9-28
2-18 Data multiplex system, 9-57 to 9-59
CG, and DD inlet duct systems, 2-10 to DMS communication test, 9-59
2-13 DMS configuration, 9-58
CG, and DD low-pressure air system, DMS interfaces, 9-57
4-21 to 4-22 DMS system, 9-57
CG, and DD masker air system, 4-20 DMS to MCS communications, 9-58
to 4-21 DCC, damage control console for DDG-51
CG, and DD seawater sysems, 4-25 class ships, 9-49 to 9-53
CG, and DD steam distribution system, sloping panel, 9-52 to 9-53
4-26 alarm acknowledge, 9-52
CG exhaust duct system, 2-15 to 2-16 fire pump panel, 9-53
Centrifugal compressor, 1-10 to 1-11 lamp test, 9-53
Chilled water section, 5-25 plasma display keyboard, 9-53

DCC, damage control console for DDG-51 Electrical plant operation—Continued
class ships—Conrinued electric plant control console (CG-
vertical panel, 9-50 to 9-52 class ships)—Continued
console test section, 9-50 generator status panel, 8-19
fireman panel, 9-51 MIMIC panel, 8-21
plasma display section, 9-51 to 9-52 system control panel, 8-21 to 8-24
DCC, damage control console for the FFG-7 electric plant control console (DD-class
class ships, 9-42 to 9-48 ships), 8-1 to 8-17
lower panel, 9-47 to 9-48 alarm /status panel, 8-1 to 8-6
alarm acknowledge, 8-6
upper panel, 9-42 to 9-47 alarm/status section, 8-1 to 8-4
alarm and detection section, 9-45 emergency power section, 8-4
miscellaneous fire fighting section, gas turbine generators demand
9-44 display section, 8-5 to 8-6
power monitoring section, 9-42 to load shedding switch/indicator,
9-44 8-5
ventilation system, 9-46 to 9-47 main switchboard ground detect
DD exhaust duct systems, 2-15 section, 8-5
DDG-51, machinery control system, 7-1, 7-2 switchboard section, 8-4
Demands panel, 6-7 synchronizing lights section, 8-5
Demister panels, 2-13 generator status panel, 8-6 to 8-8
Distilling section, 5-24 bus tie & SWBD section, 8-8
Distribution panel (A-2), 8-51 to 8-53 generators section, 8-6
Drainage and ballast systems, 4-23 to 4-24 shore power section, 8-7 to 8-8
Droop mode, 3-32 load centers, 8-16
MIMIC panel, 8-8 to 8-11
circuit breaker switches/indicators,
8-8 to 8-10
E gas turbine start mode selector,
Eductors, 2-15 generators sections, 8-10
Electrical plant operation, 8-1 to 8-53 miscellaneous indicators, 8-10 to
electric plant control console (CG- 8-11
class ships), 8-17 to 8-26 system configuration, 8-16 to 8-17
400-Hz alarm/status panel, 8-19 to emergency configurations, 8-17
8-21 nonstandard plant configura-
400-Hz alarm/status indicator sec- tions, 8-16 to 8-17
tion, 8-20 to 8-21 standard parallel-plant configura-
400-Hz ground detect section, tions, 8-16
8-21 standard split-plant configura-
meter section, 8-21 tions, 8-16
400-Hz MIMIC panel, 8-25 to 8-26 system control panel, 8-11 to 8-16
converter control section, 8-25 to auto parallel section, 8-15 to
8-26 8-16
mimic section, 8-25 bus tie & SWBD voltage select
alarm/status panel, 8-17 to 8-19 section, 8-13
alarm acknowledge, 8-19 generators section, 8-11 to 8-13
alarm/status indicator section, logic self test section, 8-15
8-17 to 8-19 MALF section, 8-14 to 8-15
demand display section, 8-19 power section, 8-14
emergency power section, 8-19 synchro control section, 8-13 to
generator and gas turbine lube 8-14
oil meters section, 8-19 system section, 8-14
synchronizing indication section, test section, 8-15
8-19 turbine overload protection system, 8-16

Electrical plant operation—Continued Electrical plant operation—Continued
electric plant control console (DDG-51- electric plant control console (FFG-class
class ship), 8-44 to 8-53 ships)—Continued
distribution panel (A-2), 8-51 to 8-53 SSDG panel (A-4), 8-33
air cond plants section, 8-51 SSDG panel (A-7), 8-37 to 8-40
alarm acknowledge section, 8-51 exhaust temperature section,
gas turbine section, 8-52 8-40
lamp test section, 8-51 jacket cooling water system sec-
load shedding section, 8-52 tion, 8-40
shore power section, 8-51 to
seawater system section, 8-40
start air section, 8-52 supervisory control status/synchroniza-
switchboard section, 8-51 tion/paralleling/parameters panel
synchronization section, 8-52 to (A-2), 8-28 to 8-31
8-53 paralleling section, 8-30 to 8-31
output monitor panel (A-1), 8-47 to 8-50 parameters section, 8-31
console section, 8-47 supervisory control status sec-
plasma display section, 8-48 tion, 8-28 to 8-29
power generation and distribution synchronization section, 8-30
section, 8-48 to 8-49 system output monitor/ground status
summary alarms section, 8-47 test/generator 4 panel (A-6), 8-37
synchronization section, 8-49 to audible test switches and rheostat
8-50 section, 8-37
system output section, 8-49 generator 4 section, 8-37
electric plant control console (FFG-class ground status test section, 8-37
ships), 8-27 to 8-44 system output monitor section,
console power status/console/vital 8-37
power feeder circuit breaker status Engine fuel system, 3-21 to 3-25
panel (A-3), 8-31 to 8-33 Engine instrumentation, 2-47 to 2-48
console power status section,
8-32 to 8-33 Engine No. 1 demands panel, 5-32 to 5-34
console section, 8-33 Engine No. 1 panel, 5-17
vital power feeder circuit breaker Engine No. 2 demands panel, 5-26 to 5-30
status section, 8-33 Engine room No. 2 panel, 5-2 to 5-9
engine fuel systems panel (Al), 8-27 Engine order telegraph (EOT) panel, 5-30
to 8-28 Engine order telegraph section, 5-32
shore power/generators panel (A-9), Engine panel, 6-9 to 6-15
8-43 Engine performance, factors affecting, 1-9 to
generators section, 8-44 1-10
shore power section, 8-43 to 8-44 Engine start panels, 6-4 to 6-7
SSDG output and distribution panel Engine systems, 2-33 to 2-47
(A-5), 8-33 to 8-37 Engineering auxiliary and support systems, 4-1
alarm acknowledge and processor to 4-27
generated alarm section, 8-37 bleed air system, 4-17 to 4-21
governor control section, 8-36 anti-icing air system, 4-18 to 4-20
meter section, 8-36 CG, and DD anti-icing
voltage regulator control section, system, 4-18 to 4-19
8-36 FFG anti-icing system, 4-19 to
SSDG output and distribution panel 4-20
(A-8), 8-40 to 8-43 bleed air start system, 4-17 to 4-18
circuit breaker control and switch- masker air system, 4-20 to 4-21
board control sections, 8-42 to CG, and DD masker air
8-43 system, 4-20 to 4-21
engine starting and stopping sec- FFG masker air system, 4-21
tion, 8-41 to 8-42 prairie air system, 4-21

Engineering auxiliary and support systems— Engineering auxiliary and support systems—
Continued Continued
compressed air systems, 4-21 to 4-23 seawater service system, 4-24 to 4-26
CG, and DD high-pressure air CG, and DD seawater systems
system, 4-22 4-25
CG, and DD low-pressure air FFG seawater systems, 4-25 to 4-26
system, 4-21 to 4-22 auxiliary cooling system, 4-26
FFG high-pressure air system, 4-22 main propulsion reducting gear
to 4-23 cooling system, 4-25
FFG low-pressure air system, 4-22 SSDG cooling system, 4-25 to
drainage and ballast systems, 4-23 to 4-24 4-26
ballast system, 4-23 to 4-24 steam and waste heat systems, 4-26
main drainage system, 4-23 CG, and DD steam distribu-
secondary drainage system, 4-23 tion system, 4-26
fire-extinguishing systems, 4-27 FFG waste heat distribution system,
aqueous film forming foam system, 4-26
4-27 EOOW/LU, Engineering Officer of the
fixed flooding CO2 system, 4-27 Watch/Logging Unit, 7-1 to 7-8
Halon 1301 fire-extinguishing system, keyboard control section, 7-7 to 7-8
4-27 arrow/home keys, 7-8
firemain system, 4-24 function keys, 7-8
fuel systems, 4-11 to 4-17 standard keys, 7-8
JP-5 system, 4-16 to 4-17 panel assembly A1, 7-3 to 7-6
naval distillate system, 4-11 to 4-16 AN/USH-26 section, 7-4 to 7-6
bubble memory section, 7-4
fuel oil fill and transfer system,
fuse assembly section, 7-3
4-11 to 5-15
panel assembly A2, 7-6 to 7-7
fuel and service system, 4-15 to console section, 7-6
4-16 plasma display section, 7-6
lube oil fill, transfer, and purification printer section, 7-6 to 7-7
system, 4-4 to 4-7 EOT panel, 5-44
lube oil purifiers, 4-5 to 4-7 Exhaust systems, 2-14 to 2-16
purification of lube oil, 4-5 to
sampling of lube oil, 4-6 to 4-7
storage and settling tanks, 4-4 to 4-5 F
lube oil system fundamentals, 4-1 to 4-4
friction and lubrication, 4-1 to 4-2 FFG anti-icing system, 4-19 to 4-20
lubricating oils, 4-2 to 4-4 FFG cooling system, 2-18
classification of lube oils, 4-2 to FFG exhaust duct system, 2-16
4-3 FFG high-pressure air system, 4-22 to 4-23
properties of lube oil, 4-3 to 4-4 FFG inlet duct system, 2-13 to 2-14
FFG low-pressure air system, 4-22
main lube oil system, 4-7 to 4-11 FFG seawater systems, 4-25 to 4-26
system components, 4-7 to 4-10 FFG waste heat distribution system, 4-26
header, 4-10 Filter, high pressure, 3-25
lube oil cooler, 4-9 Filter, low-pressure, 3-24 to 3-25
lube oil filter, 4-10 Fire detection and extinguishing systems, 2-7
lube oil pumps, 4-8 to 4-9 to 2-9, 3-7
lube oil sump, 4-7 CG-, and DD-class ships, 2-8 to
temperature regulating valve, 4-9 2-9
unloading valve, 4-9 FFG-class ship, 2-9
system lube oil flow, 4-7 fire detection and extinguishing systems,
system monitoring, 4-10 to 4-11 3-7

Fire-extinguishing systems, 4-27 G
Firemain system, 4-24
Fixed flooding CO2 system, 4-27 Gas generator assembly, 2-18 to 2-30
400-Hz alarm/status panel, 8-19 to 8-21 Gas turbine engine assembly, 2-18 to 2-33
Gas turbine engine fundamentals, 1-1 to 1-35
400-Hz MIMIC panel, 8-25 to 8-26 gas turbine engine auxiliary systems, 1-26
Free standing electronic enclosure, 2-48 to to 1-31
2-58 accessory drive system, 1-28
Fresh water section, 5-22 air systems, 1-27
FSEE circuitry tests, 2-56 to 2-57 primary airflow, 1-27
Fuel and speed-governing system, 2-34 to 2-46 secondary airflow, 1-27 to 1-28
Full manifold drain valve, 3-26 fuel oil system, 1-28
lubrication system, 1-28 to 1-31
Fuel manifold system, 2-37 lubrication system subsystems,
Fuel nozzles, 2-37 to 2-38 1-29 to 1-30
Fuel oil fill and transfer system, 4-11 to 4-15 oil seals, 1-30 to 1-31
Fuel oil service system panel, 6-15 to 6-16 spark igniter system, 1-32 to 1-33
Fuel oil section, 5-4 to 5-6 starting systems, 1-31 to 1-32
Fuel oil system, 1-28 Gas turbine generators demand display sec-
Fuel pump, 3-24 tion, 8-5 to 8-6
Fuel pump and filter, 2-34 to 2-36 Gas turbine generator set module components
Fuel shutdown valves, 2-37 and systems, 3-4 to 3-11
Gas turbine start mode selector, 8-10
Fuel shutoff valve, 3-26 Gear lube oil panel, 6-16 to 6-18
Fuel system control equipment, 9-9 to 9-21 Generator and gas turbine lube oil meters sec-
control console, 9-9 to 9-17 tion, 8-19
calibration panel, 9-16 Generator assembly, 3-39 to 3-41
card cage, 9-15 Generator lube oil system, 3-40
fuel oil fill and transfer control Generator space heater, 3-40
panel, 9-10 to 9-12 Generator status panel, 8-6 to 8-8
fuel oil fill section, 9-12 Generator temperature monitoring, 3-41
fuel oil transfer section, 9-12, 9-13 Glossary, AI-1 to AI-9
fuse and circuit breaker panel, 9-16 Governor control unit, 3-36
JP-5 control panel, 9-14 to 9-14 GTE assembly, 3-11 to 3-18
power supplies, 9-17 GTE starting and stopping, 6-26 to 6-27
GTGS fire stop and CO2 system, 3-10 to 3-11
relay panel assembly, 9-16 GTGS LOCOP model 104, 3-46 to 3-49
fuel oil transfer local panels, 9-17 to 9-19 GTGS LOCOP model 139, 3-49 to 3-52
calibrate panel, 9-18 to 9-19 GTM 2A manual start section, 5-15 to 5-16
card cage, 9-18 GRM 2A section, 5-12
power distribution panel, 9-18 GTM 1B manual start section, 5-17
power supplies, 9-18 GTM 1 B section, 5-15
JP-5 local control panel, 9-19 to 9-20 GTM 2B start/GTM 2B stop section, 5-29
calibrate panel, 9-20 GTM 2 B section, 5-6 to 5-8
card cage, 9-19 gas turbine engine theory, 1-4 to 1-10
operator’s panel, 9-19 adiabatic compression, 1-9
power distribution panel, 9-20 basic GTE operation theory, 1-5 to 1-7
power supplies, 9-19 convergent-divergent process, 1-7 to 1-8
factors affecting engine performance,
operation, 9-20 to 9-21 1-9 to 1-10
normal securing, 9-21 effect of ambient temperature, 1-9
power application, 9-20 to 1-10
self-tests, 9-20 effect of compressor cleanliness, 1-10
Fuel systems, 4-11 to 4-17 open, semiclosed, and closed cycles, 1-5
Fuse and status panels, 6-3 to 6-4 theoretical cycles, 1-4 to 1-5

GTM 2 B section—Continued L
history and background, 1-1 to 1-4
advantages and disadvantages, 1-3 to Lamp test section, 8-51
1-4 LM2500 gas turbine engine, 2-1 to 2-58
future trends, 1-4 air intake system, 2-9 to 2-14
twentieth-century development, 1-2 to CG, and DD inlet duct systems,
1-3 2-10 to 2-13
American development, 1-2 ducting, 2-12 to 2-13
marine gas turbine engine, 1-2 to high hat assembly, 2-11 to 2-12
types of gas turbine engines, 1-10 to 1-26 overall flow description, 2-11
classification by combustion chamber FFG inlet duct system, 2-13 to 2-14
design, 1-16 to 1-19 anti-icing system, 2-14
annular chamber, 1-16 to 1-18 blow-in doors, 2-13 to 2-14
can chamber, 1-16 demister panels, 2-13
can-annular chamber, 1-18 to intake monitoring and control,
1-19 2-14
classification by compressor type, base/enclosure assembly, 2-2 to 2-9
1-10 to 1-16 base assembly, 2-4 to 2-5
axial-flow compressors, 1-11 to enclosure, 2-5 to 2-7
1-16 heater, 2-6 to 2-7
centrifugal compressor, 1-10 to lighting, 2-5 to 2-6
fire detection and extinguishing sys-
classification by type of shafting, 1-19
tems, 2-7 to 2-9
to 1-20
main bearings, 1-26 CG-, and DD-class ships,
turbine assemblies, 1-20 to 1-26 2-8 to 2-9
gas generator turbine, 1-20 to 1-24 FFG-class ship, 2-9
power turbines, 1-25 to 1-26 engine instrumentation, 2-47 to 2-48
engine systems, 2-33 to 2-47
fuel and speed-governing system,
H 2-34 to 2-40
compressor inlet temperature
Halon 1301 fire-extinguishing system, 4-27 sensor, 2-38
High hat assembly, 2-11 to 2-12 fuel manifold system, 2-37
High-speed flexible coupling shaft, 2-32 to fuel nozzles, 2-37 to 2-38
2-33 fuel pump and filter, 2-34 to 2-36
fuel shutdown valves, 2-37
main fuel control, 2-36
I power lever angle rotary actuator,
2-39 to 2-40
Ignition exciter, 3-19 pressurizing valve, 2-36 to 2-37
Ignition system, 2-44 to 2-46 purge valve, 2-37
Infrared suppression, 2-15 variable stator vane actuators, 2-39
Intake, cooling, and exhaust systems, 3-7 to variable stator vanes, 2-38 to 2-39
3-9 ignition system, 2-44 to 2-46
Intake monitoring and control, 2-14 balance piston air, 2-47
IR SUPPR section, 5-17 bleed air system, 2-46
Isochronous mode, 3-32 eighth-stage air, 2-46
ignition exciters, 2-45
ignition leads, 2-46
J ninth-stage air, 2-46 to 2-47
sixteenth-stage air, 2-47
Jacket cooling water system section, 8-40 spark igniters, 2-45
JP-5 system, 4-16 to 4-17 thirteenth-stage air, 2-47

LM2500 gas turbine engine—Continued Load centers, 8-16
engine systems—Continued Load shedding switch/indicator, 8-5
water wash system, 2-46 Local operating control panel, 3-46 to 3-52
start air system, 2-33 to 2-34 Local operating panel, 6-27 to 6-36
starter, 2-34 Local operating station instrument panel, 6-29
starter air valve, 2-34 enclosure section, 6-29
synthetic lube oil system, 2-40 to 2-44
lube oil flow, 2-44 fuel system section, 6-29
lube oil system components, 2-41 gas generator section, 6-29
to 2-43 lube oil section, 6-29
exhaust systems, 2-14 to 2-16 power turbine section, 6-29
CG exhaust duct system, 2-15 to 2-16 throttle section, 6-29
DD exhaust duct systems, 2-15 Logic self test section, 8-15
eductors, 2-15 LOP bottom panel, 6-36
infrared suppression, 2-15 LOP fuse panel, 6-36
silencers, 2-15 LOP status panel, 6-35
FFG exhaust duct system, 2-16 LOP top panel, 6-29 to 6-35
free standing electronic enclosure, 2-48 to 2-58 enclosure section, 6-32 to 6-33
FSEE circuitry tests, 2-56 to 2-57 engine lube oil section, 6-34
overspeed switch control, 2-50
PLA actuator electronics, 2-53 to 2-56 fuel section, 6-33
PLA actuator drive, 2-54 gas generator section, 6-33
PLA actuator theory of operation, power turbine and output section, 6-34 to
2-55 to 2-56 6-35
protective functions, 2-54 to 2-55 seawater cooling supply pressure and
servomotor, 2-53 reduction gear lube oil remote bearing
slider potentiometer, 2-53 pressure meters, 6-34
tachometer, 2-53 to 2-54 start/stop section, 6-33
power supply, 2-51 to 2-53 vibration section, 6-34
CG, and DD FSEE power Lube oil cooler, 4-9
distribution, 2-51 to 2-53 Lube oil fill, transfer, and purification
FFG FSEE power distribution, system, 4-4 to 4-7
2-51 Lube oil filter, 4-10
signal conditioning electronics, 2-49 Lube oil fundamentals, 4-1 to 4-4
to 2-50 Lube oil pump, 4-7
start/stop sequences, 2-57 Lube oil, purification of, 4-5 to 4-6
torque computer, 2-50
gas turbine engine assembly, 2-18 to 2-33 Lube oil, sampling of, 4-6 to 4-7
gas generator assembly, 2-18 to 2-30 Lube oil section, 5-9
accessory drive section, 2-29 to 2-30 Lube oil system, 3-26 to 3-29
bellmouth and bulletnose, 2-19 Lube oil system, main, 4-7 to 4-11
combustor section, 2-24 Lubrication system, 1-28 to 1-31
compressor section, 2-19 to 2-24
high-pressure turbine section,
2-25 to 2-29
high-speed flexible coupling shaft, M
2-32 to 2-33
power turbine/low-pressure section, Machinery control system for DDG-class
2-30 to 2-32 ships, 7-1 to 7-23
rotor, 2-31 DDG-51, machinery control system, 7-1,
stator, 2-31 to 2-32 7-2
module cooling systems, 2-17 to 2-18 EOOW/LU, 7-1 to 7-8
CG, and DD cooling system, keyboard control section, 7-7 to 7-8
2-17 to 2-18 panel assembly A1, 7-3 to 7-6
FFG cooling system, 2-18 panel assembly A2, 7-6 to 7-7

Machinery control system for DDG-class PACC and PLCC for DD- and CG-class
ships—Continued ships—Continued
PACC, 7-8 to 7-17 propulsion and auxiliary control console—
plasma display keyboard panel (A3), Continued
7-17 engine order telegraph (EOT) panel,
propulsion monitor panel (Al), 7-9 5-30
to 7-13 engine order telegraph section, 5-32
thrust/auxiliary panel (A2), 7-14 to
7-17 alarm ACK section, 5-32
shaft control unit, 7-18 to 7-23 throttle transfer section, 5-32
horizontal keyboard panel, 7-23 engine room No. 2 panel, 5-2 to 5-9
propulsion monitor panel (Al), 7-18 CRP section, 5-3 to 5-4
thrust auxiliary panel (A2), 7-19, fuel oil section, 5-4 to 5-6
7-23 GTM 2 B section, 5-6 to 5-8
Main bearings, 1-26
Main fuel control, 2-36 lube oil section, 5-9
Main seawater cooling panel, 6-8 to 6-9 RDCN gear LUBO section, 5-2
MALF section, 8-14 to 8-15 integrated throttle control panel, 5-35
Malfunction section, 5-28 to 5-37
Marine gas turbine engine, 1-2 to 1-3 MIMIC panel, 5-9 to 5-17
Masker air system, 4-20 to 4-21 GTM 2A manual start section,
MIMIC panel, 5-9 to 5-17 5-15 to 5-16
Module cooling systems, 2-17 to 2-18 GTM 2A section, 5-12
GTM 1B manual start section,
N GRM 1B section, 5-15
lower center section, 5-16
Naval distillate system, 4-11 to 4-16
main center section, 5-12 to 5-15
PLA and VIBRATION meters
and MRG mimic section, 5-15
P PACC auxiliary/bleed air panel, 5-17
to 5-26
PACC and PLCC for DD- and CG-class
ships, 5-1 to 5-48 aegis pumps section, 5-25
propulsion and auxiliary control console, air cond section, 5-24
5-1 to 5-47 air control section, 5-25 to 5-26
bleed air control panel, 5-34 to 5-35 chilled water section, 5-25
groups and auxiliary demands combat dry air section, 5-25
section, 5-35 distilling section, 5-24
port and starboard engine room
sections, 5-34 fresh water section, 5-22
engine No. 1 demands panel, 5-32 to HP air section, 5-22 to 5-23
5-34 IR SUPPR section, 5-17
engine No. 1 panel, 5-17 REFRD section, 5-23
engine No. 2 demands panel, 5-26 to seawater section, 5-21 to 5-22
5-30 sewage and sewage/waste sec-
2B emergency controls section, tions, 5-23
GTM 2B start/GTM 2B stop sec- SS air section, 5-24 to 5-25
tion, 5-19 to 5-30 steam header press section, 5-21
malfunction section, 5-28 waste HT BLR section, 5-17 to
port shaft propulsion demands 5-21
section, 5-26 to 5-28 port manual throttle section, 5-30 to
test section, 5-28 to 5-29 5-32

PACC and PLCC for DD- and CG-class PCC and LOP for FFG-class ships, 6-1 to
ships—Continued 6-37
propulsion local control console, 5-37 to local operating panel, 6-27 to 6-36
5-47 local operating station instrument
alarm test panel, 5-46 to 5-47 panel, 6-29
GTM A section, 5-46 enclosure section, 6-29
malfunction section, 5-47 fuel system section, 6-29
power section, 5-46 gas generator section, 6-29
test section, 5-46 lube oil section, 6-29
power turbine section, 6-29
EOT panel, 5-44 throttle section, 6-29
alarm acknowledge section, 5-44 LOP bottom panel, 6-36
engine order telegraph section, LOP fuse panel, 6-36
5-44 to 5-45 LOP status panel, 6-35
GTM A panel, 5-41 to 5-42 LOP top panel, 6-29 to 6-35
CRP section, 5-42 enclosure section, 6-32 to 6-33
GTM A section, 5-42 engine lube oil section, 6-34
lube oil section, 5-42 fuel section, 6-33
GTM A/B panel, 5-40 to 5-41 gas generator section, 6-33
GTM B panel, 5-38 power turbine and output sec-
emergency controls section, 5-39 tion, 6-34 to 6-35
fuel oil section, 5-38 to 5-39 seawater cooling supply pressure
GTM B section, 5-39 and reduction gear lube oil
PLA and pitch control levers, 5-47 remote bearing pressure meters,
self test panel, 5-42 to 5-44 6-34
GTM B section, 5-43 to 5-44 start/stop section, 6-33
start/stop self test section, 5-43 vibration section, 6-34
PACC, propulsion and auxiliary control console, propulsion control sole, 6-2 to 6-27
7-8 to 7-17 GTE starting and stopping, 6-26 to
plasma display keyboard panel (A3), 7-17 6-27
propulsion monitor panel (Al), 7-9 to PCC control modes, 6-25 to 6-27
7-13 programmed control mode, 6-25
console section, 7-9 to 7-10 to 6-26
plasma display section, 7-11 remote manual mode, 6-26
propulsion section, 7-11 to 7-13 PCC conntrols and indicators, 6-2 to
thrust/auxiliary panel (A2), 7-14 to 7-17 6-25
console section, 7-16 demands panel, 6-7
control location section, 7-17 engine panel, 6-9 to 6-15
independent aux section, 7-14 engine start panels, 6-4 to 6-7
programmed control lever section, fuse and status panels, 6-3 to 6-4
7-17 fuel oil service system panel, 6-15
propulsion auxiliaries section, 7-14 to to 6-16
7-16 gear lube oil panel, 6-16 to 6-18
thrust setting section, 7-16 main seawater cooling panel, 6-8
PAMISE, propulsion and auxiliary machinery to 6-9
information system equipment, 9-1 to 9-9 operational adjustments panel, 6-24
bell and data loggers, 9-7 to 9-9 to 6-25
central information system equipment, propulsion control panel, 6-19
9-2 to 9-5 PLA actuator electronics, 2-53 to 2-56
ECU test panel, 9-5 Plasma display section, 8-48
executive control unit, 9-2 Potentiometer, motor-operated, 3-32
monitor and control panel, 9-2 to 9-5 Power lever angle rotary actuator, 2-39 to
signal conditioning equipment, 9-5 to 9-7 2-40
CALIBRATION section, 9-6 Power supply, 2-51 to 2-53
MALFUNCTION section, 9-7 Power take-off assembly, 3-30 to 3-31

Power turbines, 1-25 to 1-26 Ship’s service gas turbine generator sets, 3-1
Power turbine/low-pressure section, 2-30 to to 3-52
2-32 alternating current generator and voltage
Prairie air system, 4-21 regulator, 3-39 to 3-46
Pressure relief valve, 3-25 generator assembly, 3-39 to 3-41
Pressurizing valve, 2-36 to 2-37 generator lube oil system, 3-40
Purge valve, 2-37
generator space heater, 3-40
generator temperature monitoring,
Q voltage regulation, 3-41 to 3-46
model 104 voltage regulation, 3-41
Oil seals, 1-30 to 1-31 to 3-43
Oils, classification of lube, 4-2 to 4-3 model 139 voltage regulation, 3-44
Oils, lubricating, 4-2 to 4-4 to 3-46
Operational adjustments panel, 6-24 to 6-25 engine instrumentationk 3-31 to 3-46
Overspeed switch control, 2-50 speed pickup, 3-31
thermocouple, 3-31
vibration transducer, 3-31
engine systems, 3-18 to 3-29
R air start system, 3-29
air starter motor, 3-29
RDCN gear LUBO section, 5-2
Reduction gear and lube oil system, GTGS, high-pressure air start system,
3-30 3-29
References, AIII-1 to AIII-4 low-pressure air start system,
REFRO section, 5-23 3-29
Repair station console, 9-53 to 9-57 bleed air system, 3-20 to 3-21
sloping panel, 9-55 to 9-57 fifth- and tenth-stage bleed air,
bubble memory section, 9-57 3-21
fireman valve panel, 9-56 fourteenth-stage bleed air, 3-20
plasma display keyboard, 9-57 to 3-21
power control panel, 9-55 engine fuel system, 3-21 to 3-26
vertical panel, 9-54 compressor inlet
console section, 9-54 temperature/compressor discharge
control sectikon, 9-54 pressure sensor, 3-26
firemain panel, 9-54 electrohydraulic governor actuator,
plasma display, 9-54 3-25 to 3-26
fuel manifold drain valve, 3-26
fuel pump, 3-24
fuel shutoff valve, 3-26
S high-pressure filter, 3-25
SCU, shaft control unit, 7-18 to 7-23 low-pressure filter, 3-24 to 3-25
horizontal keyboard panel, 7-23 model 104 fuel system flow path,
propulsion monitor panel (A1), 7-18 3-21 to 3-24
thrust auxiliary panel (A2), 7-19, 7-23 model 139 fuel system flow path,
Seawater section, 5-21 to 5-22 3-24
Seawater service system, 4-24 to 4-26 model 104 liquid fuel valve, 3-25
Seawater system section, 8-40 model 139 liquid fule valve, 3-25
Self test panel, 5-42 to 5-44 models 104 and 139 flow divider
Servomotor, 2-53 fuel manifold, and fuel nozzles,
Sewage and sewage/waste sections, 5-23 3-26
Shafting, classification by type of, 1-19 to pressure relief valve, 3-25
1-20 start limit control valve, 3-26

Ship’s service gas turbine generator sets—Con- Ship’s service gas turbine generator sets—Con-
tinued tinued
engine systems—Continued power take-off assembly, 3-30 tp 3-31
ignition system, 3-19 housing, 3-31
ignition exciter, 3-19 power take-off shaft and adapter, 3-30
spark igniters, 3-19 to 3-31
lube oil system, 3-26 to 3-29 speed governing system, 3-31 to 3-39
external scavenge pump, 3-28 model 104 governor system, 3-32 to
main pressure and scavenge oil 3-35
pump, 3-28 electrohydraulic governor actuator,
oil filter, 3-28 3-34 to 3-35
turbine scavenge pump, 3-28 electronic control unit, 3-32 to
vent system, 3-28 3-34
gas turbine generator set module com- motor-operated potentiometer,
ponents and systems, 3-4 to 3-11 3-32
base, 3-4
model 139 governor system, 3-35 to
enclosure, 3-4 to 3-6 3-39
blow-in and blow-out panels, 3-4
to 3-5 electronic fuel control unit, 3-36
to 3-39
module cooling air flow and temper-
ature monitoring, 3-5 to 3-6 governor control unit, 3-36
fire detection and extinguishing systems, operating modes, 3-32
3-7 droop mode, 3-32
GTGS fire stop and CO2 system, isochronous mode, 3-32
3-10 to 3-11 Shore power/generators panel (A-9), 8-43
CO2 system, 3-10 to 3-11 Shore power section, 8-7 to 8-8
model 104 fire stop logic, 3-10 Signal conditioning electronics, 2-49 to 2-50
model 139 fire stop logic, 3-10 Silencers, 2-15
intake, cooling, and exhaust systems, Slider patentiometer, 2-53
3-7 to 3-9 Spark igniter system, 1-32 to 1-33
exhaust duct system, 3-9 SS air section, 5-24 to 5-25
intake duct, 3-8 SSDG cooling system, 4-25 to 4-26
module cooling system, 3-8 to 3-9 SSDG output and distribution panel (A-5), 8-33
seawater service system, 3-11 to 8-37
water wash system, 3-6 to 3-7 SSDG output and distribution panel (A-8), 8-40
general description of the generator set, to 8-43
3-1 to 3-4 SSDG panel (A-4), 8-33
GTE assembly, 3-11 to 3-18 SSDG panel (A-7), 8-37 to 8-40
accessory drive section, 3-18 Start air system, 2-33 to 2-34
air intake, 3-12 to 3-15 Starting systems, 1-31 to 1-32
combustion section, 3-16 Steam and waste heat systems, 4-26
compressor section, 3-15 Steam header press section, 5-21
turbine section, 3-17 to 3-18 Storage and settling tanks, 4-4 to 4-5
GTGS reduction gear and luke oil system,
3-30 Supervisory-control status/synchronization/
local operating control panel, 3-46 to 3-52 paralleling/parameters panel (A-2), 8-29 to
model 104 LOCOP, 3-46 to 3-49 8-3 1)
turbine start/stop sequencing, Switchboard ground detect section, main, 8-5
3-48 Switchboard section, 8-51
turbine temperature and speed Synchro control section, 8-13 to 8-14
control box, 3-48 to 3-49 Synthetic lube oil system, 2-40 to 2-44
model 139 GTGS LOCOP, 3-49 to System output monitor/ground status test/
3-52 generator 4 panel (A-6), 8-37

Tachometer, 2-53 to 2-54 Unloading valve, 4-9

Temperature regulating valve, 4-9

Test section, 5-28 to 5-29
Variable stator vanes, 2-38 to 2-39
Thermocouple, 3-31 Vibration transducer, 3-31
Throttle transfer section, 5-32 Voltage regulation, 3-41 to 3-46
Torque computer, 2-50
Turbine assemblies, 1-20 to 1-26 W
Turbine overload protection system, Waste HT BLR section, 5-17 to 5-21
8-16 Water wash system, 2-46, 3-6 to 3-7


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