Messianic Expectations in The New Testament
Messianic Expectations in The New Testament
Messianic Expectations in The New Testament
New Testament
What Role Did the First Christians
Assign to Jesus?
Messianic Expectations in the Scrolls
• The Righteous One / the Messenger (Malachi)–
the prophet promised by Moses would prepare the
people for the end times as the first sign.
• The Prince of Light – the Davidic king who would
lead the sons of light in the final battle and
establish the Kingdom of God.
• The Priestly Messiah – the Interpreter of the Law
– a co-leader who would purify the altar of God.
• The Prince of Heaven –Enoch / Melchizedek as
the Son of Man would be the final judge.
Another Popular Messianic Template
• A family of righteous warriors (like the
Maccabees) would drive out the Romans
and restore the nation to greatness.
• In Jesus’ day, Simon the Galilean and
Judas, a renegade Pharisee, began the
rebellious zealot movement continued by
his sons and grandsons under the slogan,
“No kingdom but God’s, no LORD but
Other Messiahs (Deliverers)
• A foreign king, similar to Cyrus the Great
of Persia (Isaiah 45: 1), would help the Jews
regain their independence.
• “Lord of the Sabbath:” A righteous leader
would restore the Jewish tradition of a
Jubilee Year – every 50th year debts were
forgiven (usufruct), slaves released, and
farm land was returned to its original
owners. 35-36 A.D. was the Jubilee Year.
Is Jesus Really the Kingly Messiah of
Christian Orthodoxy?
• Paul (Romans 15: 12), Luke, Matthew and
His family claim He had a Davidic heritage.
• In Mark, others call Him “son of David,”
but He never accepts the title for Himself.
• In a world in which there were numerous
claimants to the traditional messianic titles,
Jesus never referred to Himself a/the “Son
of David” or as “King of the Jews.”
Jesus as the Priestly Messiah -- a “priest
forever, after the order of Melchizedek”
See Hebrews 7:1 – 10: 25
- Melchizedek means “King of righteousness.”
- Melchizedek is not a Jew but a “son of God.”
- Jesus has “become a priest, not according to a
legal requirement . . . but by the power of an
indestructible life.”
- “But when he (Jesus) had offered (himself) for all
time as a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at
the right hand of God . . . .”
The Timing of the End of Days
And this thing [the return of Melchizedek] will occur
in the first week of the Jubilee that follows nine
Jubilees. And the Day of Atonement is the end of
the tenth Jubilee, when all the Sons of Light and the
men of the lot of Melchizedek will be atoned for
[and rewarded] . . . For this is the moment of the
Year of Grace for Melchizedek. And he will, by his
strength, judge the holy ones of God, executing
judgment as it is written in the Psalms of David. . .
And your Elohim is Melchizedek, who will save
them from the hand of Belial. Scroll 11 Q 13
Who is the Messianic Messenger –
Jesus or John the Baptist?
• Luke 1: 76-79: Zechariah’s Blessing of John:
“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the
Most High; for you will go before the Lord to
prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation
to his people in the forgiveness of their sins….”
• Although Christian orthodoxy says John was the
Messenger, there are hints in the gospels that the
first Christians assigned this role to Jesus, who,
like Elijah, was a wonder-working prophet from
In John, Jesus is the Mosaic Prophet, the
Messenger of the New Covenant
She (Samaritan woman at the well) said, “Sir, I
perceive that you are a/the prophet . . . .”
Jesus said to her,” Woman, believe me . . . the hour
is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth . . . .
God is spirit . . . .” The woman said to him, “I
know that [the] Messiah is coming; when he
comes, he will show us all things.” Jesus said to
her, “I who speak to you am he.” John 4: 19-26
Jesus as the Mosaic Prophet in one of the
earliest Resurrection Stories
Luke 24: 18-21: (the Road to Emmaus Story)
“Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who
does not know the things that happened in
these days . . . Concerning Jesus of
Nazareth, who was a great prophet mighty
in deed and word before God and all the
people? . . . We had hoped that he was the
one to redeem Israel.”
Jesus as the Righteous One, the Prophet