FDTL Quick Reference Guide (Easa-European Aviation Safety Agency)

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Flight Time Rest and Bunk

Type of Operations Crew Composition (Hours) Calculation Rest Facility Type

Acclimated Operations 2 Crew NA NA NA

(Un-augmented ) Operation

Maximum Flight Duty Period (hours) Based on # of Flight

Report Time Segments // ORO.FTL.205.B.1
01-02 3 4 5
06:00 – 13:29 13:00 12:30 12:00 11:30
13:30 – 13:59 12:45 12:15 11:45 11:15
14:00 – 14:29 12:30 12:00 11:30 11:00
14:30 – 14:59 12:15 11:45 11:15 10:45
15:00 – 15:29 12:00 11:30 11:00 10:30
15:30 – 15:59 11:45 11:15 10:45 10:15
16:00 – 16:29 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:00
16:30 – 16:59 11:15 10:45 10:15 9:45
17:00 – 04:59 11:00 10:30 10:00 9:30
05:00 – 05:14 12:00 11:30 11:00 10:30
05:15 – 05:29 12:15 11:45 11:15 10:45
05:30 – 05:44 12:30 12:00 11:30 11:00
05:45 – 05:59 12:45 12:15 11:45 11:15

*** When establishing the maximum FDP for consecutive night duties, the number of sectors is
limited to 4 sectors per duty - (CS FTL.1.205- a-1)

CS.FTL.1.205.C * Table B - Maximum Daily FDP

Rest and Bunk
Acclimated Operations 3 Crew Operation NA Calculation Crew / Rest Facility Type
(Augmented )
4 Crew Operation NA 3 Crew Operation
4 Crew Operation
The use of augmentation is restricted to a Cockpit Crew : A consecutive 90
limitation of 3 flight segments in any FDP. The minute period for each crew
limits specified in (Table B ) may be increased by 1 member and 2 consecutive hours
hour for FDPs that include 1 sector of more than 9 for the flight crew members at
hours of continuous flight time and a maximum of control during landing.
2 sectors. Cabin Crew : Table C

* TABLE C // CS.FTL.1.205.C

Cabin Crew Minimum in-flight rest (hours)

Maximum Extended FDP
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Maximum time difference (h) between refere
Maximum time difference (h) between refere
Up to 14:30hours 1:30 1:30 1:30
14:31 – 15:00 hours 1:45 2:00 2:20
15:01 – 15:30 hours 2:00 2:20 2:40

15:31 – 16:00 hours 2:15 2:40 3:00 9

16:01 – 16:30 hours 2:35 3:00 Not allowed

* In case of an Eastward-Westw
16:31 – 17:00 hours 3:00 3:25 Not allowed
17:01 – 17:30 hours 3:25 Not allowed Not allowed
17:31 – 18:00 hours 3:50 Not allowed Not allowed

Acclimatized means a state in which a crew member's circadian biological clock is synchronised to the time zone where the crew mem
duty starts, the crew member, for the calculation of the maximum daily flight duty period, is considered to be acclimatized in accorda
Augmented flight crew means a flight crew which comprises more than the minimum number required to operate the aircraft, allow
Flight Duty Period.-A period which commences when a flight crew member is required to report for duty that includes a flight or a se
Split duty means a flight duty period that has a scheduled break in duty that is less than a required rest period and is only applied to u
Disruptive Schedule: A crew member’s roster which disrupts the sleep opportunity during the optimal sleep time window by compris

Eastward-Westward and Westward-Eastward transition: The transition at home base between a rotation crossing 6 or more time z
Night Duty: A duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02:00 and 04:59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclim
Reserve: A period of time during which a crew member is required by operator to be available to receive an assignment for an FDP, po
Single Day Free of Duty means a time free of all duties and standby consisting of one day and two local nights, which is notified in ad

* Table A : Acclimatization Table - (ORO.FTL.105)

Time difference (h) between reference time and Time elapsed since reporting at reference time
local time where the crew member starts the next
< 48 48 - 71:59 72 – 95:59
2<…<4 B D D
4≤…≤6 B X D
6<…≤9 B X X
9 < … ≤ 12 B X X
‘B’ means acclimatized to the local time of the departure time zone,
‘D’ means acclimatized to the local time where the crew member starts his next duty
‘X’ means that a crewmember is in an unknown state of Acclimatization.
“reference time” means the local time at the reporting point situated in a 2-hour wide time zone band around the local time where a c
Rest Facility Type Maximum Flight Time (Hours) ORO.FTL.210 Maximum Duty Period (Hours) - ORO.FTL

28 consecutive 12 rolling calendar 7 consecutive 14 consecutive

Calender Year
Days months Days Days

NA 100 900 1000 60 110

Maximum daily FDP (hours) Based on # of Flight Segments with

Starting time of extensions without in-flight rest //CS.FTL.1.205.B
1 – 2 sectors 3 sectors 4 sectors 5 sectors
06:00 – 06:14 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
06:15 – 06:29 13:15 12:45 12:15 11:45
06:30 – 06:44 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00
06:45 – 06:59 13:45 13:15 12:45 12:15
07:00 – 13:29 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30
13:30 – 13:59 13:45 13:15 12:45 Not allowed
14:00 – 14:29 13:30 13:00 12:30 Not allowed
14:30 – 14:59 13:15 12:45 12:15 Not allowed
15:00 – 15:29 13:00 12:30 12:00 Not allowed
15:30 – 15:59 12:45 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
16:00 - 16:29 12:30 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
16:30 – 16:59 12:15 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
17:00 – 17:29 12:00 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
17:30 – 17:59 11:45 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
18:00 – 18:29 11:30 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
18:30 – 18:59 11:15 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
19:00 – 05:59 Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed

* Table B - Maximum Daily FDP due to Inflight rest for Flight Crew // CS.FTL.1.205.C
Crew / Rest Facility Type Class 3 Class 2 Class 1
3 Crew Operation 14:00 15:00 16:00
4 Crew Operation 15:00 16:00 17:00

* TABLE D (CS.FTL.1.235.B.3)

Minimum local nights of rest at home base or temporary base to compensate for time zone differences

Time elapsed (h) since reporting for the first FDP

time difference (h) between reference time and local time where a crew member rests difference to the ref
during a rotation
< 48 48 – 71:59
4≤…≤6 2 2
6<…≤9 2 3

9<…≤12 2 3

* In case of an Eastward-Westward or Westward-Eastward transition, at least 3 local nights of rest at home base or temporary base is provid

the time zone where the crew member is . A crew member is considered to be acclimatized to a 2-hour wide time zone surrounding the local time
dered to be acclimatized in accordance with the values in the Table A *.
quired to operate the aircraft, allowing each flight crew member to leave the assigned post, for the purpose of in-flight rest, and to be replaced by a
or duty that includes a flight or a series of flights and which finishes when the aeroplane finally comes to rest and the engines are shut down at the
rest period and is only applied to un-augmented flight crews.
imal sleep time window by comprising an FDP or a combination of FDPs for ‘early start’ a duty period starting in the period between 05:00 and 0

a rotation crossing 6 or more time zones in one direction and a rotation crossing 4 or more time zones in the opposite direction.
ime zone to which the crew is acclimatized.
eceive an assignment for an FDP, positioning or other duty notified at least 10 hours in advance.
o local nights, which is notified in advance. A rest period may be included as part of the single day free of duty.

05) Early Type Disruptive Schedule : Early Start - 05:00 - 05:59 and Late Finish - 23:00 - 01:59
00:00 - 01:59

eporting at reference time Local Night means a period of 8 hours falling between 22:00 and 08:00 local time

96 – 119:59 ≥ 120

and around the local time where a crew member is

Rest Time
uty Period (Hours) - ORO.FTL.210 (ORO.FTL.235)
Away from Home Base
28 consecutive Days Home Base
Preceding Duty Period or 12 Preceding Duty Period or 10
Change in time zone that is Change in time zone that is
less than 4 hrs 4 hrs or more

Preceding Duty Period or 12 Preceding Duty Period or 14


Maximum daily FDP (hours) Based on # of Flight Segment when crew members are in an unknown state of
acclimatisation // ORO.FTL.205.B.2
1 – 2 sectors 3 sectors 4 sectors
11:00 10:30 10:00

Maximum daily FDP when crew members are in an unknown state of acclimatisation and the operator has
implemented a FRM //ORO.FTL.205.B.3

1 – 2 sectors 3 sectors 4 sectors

12:00 11:30 11:00

Minimum Rest (Home Base) Minimum Rest (Away)

(OMA 7.17.1/ VAR 15.037) CS.FTL.1.205.C.6 Rest After Return to Base

Preceding Duty Period or 12 HRS Preceding Duty Period or 14 Change in time zone that is 4 hrs or more

Change in time zone that is 4

Change in time zone that is less hrs or more
than 4 hrs (CS.FTL.1.235.B.3.2)
Preceding Duty Period or 12 HRS Preceding
Duty Period or 14

Reporting Time (ALL CREW)

Domestic flights
ate for time zone differences

nce reporting for the first FDP in a rotation involving at least 4-hour time
difference to the reference time International flights
72 – 95:59 ≥96 Debriefing
3 3 First leg crew positioning
3 4 Simulator (Flight Crew)

4 5 Training (All Types)

base or temporary base is provided between alternating rotations

WOCL - 0200 -0559

zone surrounding the local time at the point of departure. When the local time at the place where a duty commences differs by more than 2 hours

ht rest, and to be replaced by another appropriately qualified flight crew member

e engines are shut down at the end of the last flight on which he/she is a crew member.

he period between 05:00 and 06:59 or for ‘late finish’ a duty period finishing in the period between 00:00 and 01:59 in the time zone to which a

e direction.

nd Late Finish - 23:00 - 01:59 Late Type Disruptive Schedule

2:00 and 08:00 local time

Recurrent Extended Recovery Rest Periods
Rest After Return to Base (ORO.FTL.235.D)
Change in time zone that is 4 36 Hrs including 2 local nights such that there shall
hrs or more be never more than 168 hrs between the end of one
recurrent extended recovery rest period and the start
of the next extended recovery rest period.

*** The recurrent extended recovery rest period

shall be increased to 2 local days twice every

members are in an unknown state of

5 sectors

acclimatisation and the operator has


5 sectors

Recurrent Extended Recovery Rest

Rest After Return to Base (ORO.FTL.235.D)

ge in time zone that is 4 hrs or more

36 Hrs including 2 local nights such that there shall
be never more than 168 hrs between the end of one
recurrent extended recovery rest period and the start
of the next extended recovery rest period.
*** The recurrent extended recovery rest period
shall be increased to 2 local days twice every

(ALL CREW) Disruptive Schedules (CS.FTL.1.235.A)

If a transition from a late finish/night duty to an early
01:00 start is planned at home base or temporary base, the
rest period between the 2 FDPs includes 1 local
If a transition from a late finish/night duty to an early
start is planned at home base or temporary base, the
rest period between the 2 FDPs includes 1 local

If a crew member performs 4 or more night duties,
01:00 early starts or late finishes between 2 extended
recovery rest periods as defined in
Subchapter 7.17.4 the second extended recovery rest
01:00 period is extended to 60 hours.


e a duty commences differs by more than 2 hours from the local time at the place where the next

ween 00:00 and 01:59 in the time zone to which a crew member is acclimatized.

Late Type Disruptive Schedule : Early Start - 05:00 - 06:59 and Late Finish -
Consecutive Hours Break
> 3<6
# Post-flight and Pre-flight duties / transport time will not be counted as part of rest.
# If the break is more than 6 consecutive hours or fully encroaches upon the WOCL, then operator will provide Suitable Accommodation. H
# Any time of the actual break exceeding 6 hours or any time of the break that encroaches the WOCL does not count for the extension of the


If an assigned FDP starts during airport standby, the following applies:
(i) The FDP counts from the start of the FDP. The maximum FDP is reduced by any time spent on standby in excess of 4 hours;
(ii) The maximum combined duration of airport standby and assigned FDP is 16 hours;


The operator may reduce the rest period but not less than 12 hours at home base or 10 hrs out of base, subject to the following conditions :
(1) The amount by which the rest period is reduced must be added to the next rest period, which cannot be reduced;
(2) The amount of time by which the rest period is reduced must be deducted from the subsequent allowable FDP;
# There should be not more than 2 reduced rest periods between 2 recurrent extended recovery rest periods.
PTABLE SPLIT-DUTY EXTENSION // CS.FTL.1.220 : Split duty cannot be combined with in-flight re
Increase in Flight Duty Period : Split duty shall not follow a reduced rest.
A period equal to half the consecutive hours break taken
e will not be counted as part of rest.
fully encroaches upon the WOCL, then operator will provide Suitable Accommodation. However, if the break is less than 6 hrs., the operator shall provid
or any time of the break that encroaches the WOCL does not count for the extension of the FDP


he following applies: (i) The maximum combined duration of home standb
e FDP. The maximum FDP is reduced by any time spent on standby in excess of 4 hours; (ii) If standby ceases within the first 6 hours, the max
tandby and assigned FDP is 16 hours; (iii) If standby ceases after the first 6 hours, the maxi
(iv) If the FDP is extended due to in-flight rest or spli
(v) If standby starts between 23:00 and 07:00, the tim
crew member is contacted by the operator;

(vi ) If home standby does not culminate into a duty t

REDUCED REST PERIOD // CS.FTL.1.235.C // Applicable for more than 12 hrs Duty Pe
ess than 12 hours at home base or 10 hrs out of base, subject to the following conditions :
d must be added to the next rest period, which cannot be reduced;
s reduced must be deducted from the subsequent allowable FDP;
eriods between 2 recurrent extended recovery rest periods.
e combined with in-flight rest
follow a reduced rest.

6 hrs., the operator shall provide ‘Accommodation’ to the flight crew.


bined duration of home standby and assigned FDP is 18 hours;
within the first 6 hours, the maximum FDP counts from reporting;
after the first 6 hours, the maximum FDP is reduced by the amount of standby time exceeding 6 hours;
nded due to in-flight rest or split duty, the 6 hours of point (ii) and (iii) are extended to 8 hours;
tween 23:00 and 07:00, the time between 23:00 and 07:00 does not count towards the reduction of the FDP under (ii), (iii) and (iv) until the
ted by the operator;

oes not culminate into a duty then, 25% of its time shall be considered under cumulative duty.

or more than 12 hrs Duty Period


y time exceeding 6 hours;

tended to 8 hours;
wards the reduction of the FDP under (ii), (iii) and (iv) until the

r cumulative duty.
Maximum daily FDP with the us
# 1 hour not more than twice in 7 consecutive days. The minimum pre-flight and post-flight rest periods shall be increased by 2 hrs; or t
# The use of the extension shall be planned in advance, and shall be limited to a maximum of :
(i) 5 sectors when WOCL is not encraoched: or
(ii) 4 sectors when the WOCL is encroached by 2 hours or less: or
(iii) 2 sectors when the WOCL is encroached by more than 2 hours.
# Extension of the maximum basic daily FDP without in-flight rest shall not be combined with extensions due to in-flight rest or split du

Maximum daily FDP with the

$$$ *** FDTL Quick Referal ( Acclimated Operations - Augmented )

Unforeseen circumstances in flight operations — Com

(i) The maximum daily FDP with or without in-flight rest/split duty may not be increased by more than 2 hrs unless the flight crew has b
(ii) If on the final sector within an FDP the allowed increase is exceeded because of unforeseen circumstances after take-off, the flight m
(iii) The rest period following the FDP may be reduced but can never be less than 10 hrs
### Where the increase of an FDP or reduction of a rest period exceeds 1 hour, a copy of the report, to which the operator shall add its co

Unforeseen circumstances in flight operations — Delayed Reporting // CS.FTL.1.205.D

Notification Max FDP calculation

First notification Delay < 4 Hours Based on original reporting time

Based on more limiting of original reporting time or

First notification Delay > 4 Hours
delayed reporting time

Second notification Based on first delayed reporting time

Delayed Reporting ≥ 10 hours Based on delayed reporting time

Maximum daily FDP with the use of extensions without in-flight rest // ORO.FTL.205.D
post-flight rest periods shall be increased by 2 hrs; or the post-flight rest period shall be increased by 4 hrs
maximum of :

ombined with extensions due to in-flight rest or split duty in the same duty period.

Maximum daily FDP with the use of extensions due in-flight rest // CS.FTL.1.205.C

nforeseen circumstances in flight operations — Commander’s Discretion (Start at or After the reporting time) // ORO.FTL.205.F
ncreased by more than 2 hrs unless the flight crew has been augmented, in which case the maximum FDP may be increased by not more than 3 hrs.
of unforeseen circumstances after take-off, the flight may continue to the planned destination or alternate aerodrome; and
10 hrs
copy of the report, to which the operator shall add its comments, shall be sent by the operator to the competent authority not later than 28 days after th

elayed Reporting // CS.FTL.1.205.D

FDP start time

At delayed reporting time

At delayed reporting time

1 hour after second notification time or original delayed

reporting time if earlier

At delayed reporting time

me) // ORO.FTL.205.F
ncreased by not more than 3 hrs.
me; and

hority not later than 28 days after the event.

Whenever cabin crew requires more time than the flight crew for their pre-flight briefing for the same sector or
The maximum daily FDP for cabin crew shall be based on the time at which the flight crew report for their FDP
Home Base : In case of a change of home base, the first recurrent extended recovery rest period prior to starting

ORO Organization Requirements for Air Operations

ORO.FTL.xxx Subpart FTL (Flight and Duty Time Limitations and Rest Requirements)
ORO.FTL.1xx Section 1 (General)
ORO.FTL.2xx Section 2 ( Commercial Air Transport Operators )
AMCn ORO.FTL.xxx Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part - ORO ( Subpart FTL )
GMn ORO.FTL.xxx Guidance Material to Part - ORO ( Subpart FTL )
CS FTL.1.xxx Certificate Specifications / Commercial Air Transport by Aeroplane - Scheduled and Charter Operations
GMn CS FTL.1.xxx Guidance Material / Commercial Air Transport by Aeroplane - Scheduled and Charter Operations
light briefing for the same sector or series of sectors, the FDP of the cabin crew may be extended by the difference in reporting time between the cabin cre
h the flight crew report for their FDP, but the FDP shall start at the reporting time of the cabin crew. [ORO.FTL.205 (c)]

recovery rest period prior to starting duty at the new home base is increased to 72 hrs, including 3 local nights. [CSFTL.1.200]


duled and Charter Operations

nd Charter Operations
time between the cabin crew and flight crew. The difference shall not exceed 1 hour.


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