Volvo-Generator Informations
Volvo-Generator Informations
Volvo-Generator Informations
Engine Designation
Rating Guidelines
Prime Power: ratings corresponding
to ISO Standard Power for
continuous operation. This relates to
the supplying of electrical power at
variable load with 70% load factor for
an unlimited number of hours as
opposed to commercially purchased
power. A 10% overload capability is
available with this rating.
Continuous Standby Power: ratings
corresponding to ISO Power. This
relates to the supplying of standby
electrical power at variable loads with
70% load factor for an unlimited
number of hours in the event of
normal utility power failure. A 10%
overload capability is available with
this rating.
Metric to U.S. or IMP. conversion factors: U.S. or IMP. to metric conversion factors:
kilo – x1000 k
mega – x1,000,000 M
milli – ÷1000 m
micro – ÷1,000,000 µ
dB(A) scale
Sound measurements weighted to
the human ear are refered to as the
“A” scale. Because it reflects the real
impact on the human ear, the dB(A)
scale is normally used to express
measured sound.
Noise is defined as unwanted sound.
Exposure to excessive noise can
Increase dB
Number of sources
Lp = sound pressure level varies 4 5 6
with microphone distance and
Engine 2 3
acoustic environment. 1
To estimate Lp at 1 meter
microphone distance from the engine
outer surface with a known Lw:
Lp 1 m = Lw – 12 (dBA)
Sulphur in fuel
The Total Base Number (TBN) specifies the ability of the oil to neutralise
acid combustion residue, such as sulphuric acid from the sulphur content
of the fuel. In markets with high sulphur levels in fuel, it is important that the TBN
number of the fuel is sufficient. If the sulphur content is 1%, the TBN number
should exceed 15.
Oil recommendations
Engine oils are tested by standardised methods agreed by the motor
industry and oil companies. Lubricating oils are divided into quality grades
determined thorough testing in engines for piston cleanliness, cylinder
bore polishing, piston ring wear, oil consumption, viscosity variations etc.
Oils which comply with the following classifications are recommended by
Volvo Penta. Failure to follow the recommendations can cause shortened
engine life:
When the fuel is cooled, wax can crystallise out and make the fuel so
Diesel fuel consists of about 87% viscous that it can not be pumped into the injection equipment. The “cloud
carbon and 13% hydrogen. Diesel point“ is the temperature when the wax crystals first occur, but the fuel is
fuel performs two major functions in
still usable. At 3 to 8°C lower temperature, the fuel reaches its “pour
the engine:
point“, solidifies, and can not be pumped.
— supplies the energy for the engine.
— cools and lubricates the precision
parts of the fuel pump and injectors.
In order to make diesel fuel usable in cold ambient conditions, the oil
companies mix it with paraffin (kerosene) etc. (this can have an adverse
The properties of the fuel have an
effect on density and cetane rating, see below). It is important to select a
important influence on engine
fuel with a margin to the pour point temperature at low ambient
performance, exhaust emissions, fuel
consumption and engine life. Always
use fuel of the correct grade for
lowest environmental impact and
Water in the fuel causes corrosion in the fuel system precision
lowest operating cost.
components. It is therefore important to drain water from the pre-filter and
fuel tank regularly .
The sulphur in the fuel is converted to sulphuric acid which has a corrosive
effect on the internal components of the engine, breaks the lubricating oil
down and contributes to acidification in the environment. It also has a
negative effect on the formation of particulates. The sulphur content should
be as low as possible.
Fuel density has effect on power output and fuel consumption. Low
temperature winter grade fuels and environment classified fuels will
typically give 3-5% lower power and also higher fuel consumption
compared with Volvo Penta reference fuel (0,84 kg/liter). Operating with a
high density fuel (0,84 kg/liter) will result in higher engine power and
increased smoke level. Do not run the engine at higher power levels than
the rated engine power.
The viscosity is the ability of the fuel to flow. Too low viscosity means poor
lubrication of the moving components of the injection system, too high
viscosity can lead to abnormal pressures in the fuel system, causing cracks
in injector nozzles and delivery lines. The viscosity should be 1,3-5,8 mm2/
sec at 40°C
Mixture ratio:
% glycol Frost protection down to
min 40% −28°C
50% −40°C
max 60% −56°C
Type of coolant
The radiator ambient air capability is
improved by 4°C when the coolant is
changed from 50% glycol to fresh
water with inhibitor.
Air on temperature
The air on temperature (into radiator)
depends on the ambient air
temperature and any additional heat The individual Volvo Penta engine cooling performance data found
from engine, generator, air blast oil in engine technical data is based on the following conditions:
cooler, etc.
A gen set equipped with a thrust
Top tank temperature (TTT) 103º
cooling fan will normally have an air
TTT for TD520GE/720GE 110º
on temperature 5 to 7°C above the TTT for TAD520GE/720GE 105º
ambient air temperature. Coolant 50% glycol and 50% water
System pressure 70 kPa
Altitude Altitude 150 m above sea level
Altitude affects the boiling point of
the coolant and cooling fan air flow.
Radiators with a 70 kPa pressure cap
setting have a good overheating Variation factors from Volvo Penta base cooling performance conditions:
margin up to 4000 m above sea level.
Radiator ambient air capability is
reduced by 2.5°C per 500 m
increase in elevation. — When the maximum permitted top tank temperature is lower than
103°C (e.g. with a 97°C coolant temp shutdown switch), the radiator
External restrictions
ambient air capability is decreased by a 1:1 ratio (in this case with 6°C).
If the cooling air flow is restricted by
— When 25% instead of 50% antifreeze is used the radiator ambient air
ducts, louvres, etc., this will result in
capability is increased by 2°C.
reduced radiator ambient air
— When fresh water with inhibitor is used, instead of 50% antifreeze the
capability, see engine technical data.
radiator ambient air capability is increased by 4°C.
— When operating at higher altitudes than 150 m the radiator ambient air
capability is decreased by 2.5°C (per 500 m).
— Oxidants
Oxidants such as ozone, O3, are formed as a result of the sensitive
balance in the atmosphere being disrupted by too much HC and NOX.
This affects the photosynthesis/respiration of trees, restricting their
— Photochemical smog
Photochemical smog is formed in highly populated urban areas when
HC and NOX are exposed to sunlight. The smog contains a great deal
of pollutants and obtains its brownish colour from NO2. Nitrous oxides
and hydrocarbons in the smog affect the respiratory system and
increase sensitivity to infection, particularly to disorders of the air
— Particulate matter
Particulates in the air is also the result of emissions of diesel exhaust
gasses. The particles are small cores of carbon (<10 µm) upon which
hydrocarbons can condense and which can transport mutagenic and
carcinogenic hydrocarbons into the lungs.
— Greenhouse effect
Today, the greenhouse effect represents one of the most widespread
environmental threats of all. There is a fear for connection between
global warming and the increase in the carbon dioxide content of the
atmosphere, contributed to by the combustion of all fossil fuels.
USA, Off-Road
There are two controlling bodies legislating 7,5
emission limits and implementation dates 6,4
for engines installed in off-road machinery;
EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. 5
CARB, California Air Resources Board. 4
3,5 3,5 3,5
EU Stage 2,
Japan Stage 2,
2003 and Tier
3, 2006 but PM
US EPA TIER 2, 0.17 NOx 3.6 &
2003 and Tier 3, HC 0.4
India Tier 1,
2003 but PM
0.3 & CO 3.5
Please note:
Exhaust emission requirements may differ due application i.e prime, stand-by, emergency, mobile or
stationary and national or local regulations i.e TA-luft in Germany.
In some countries black smoke limits may be a requirement.
Customized product
An customized product is a product com-
bination that can not be ordered from the
Sales Guide. When requesting a custom-
ized product, please contact your Adapta-
tion Center. The Adaptation Center will
help you with cost, possible configurations
and preliminary delivery time. An example
of a customized product is different trans-
mission, cooling system, electrical system,
The basic product you are asking for
must be in production. Please send your
requests by fax or mail together with our
request form, publication no 7738779. It
is possible to find a released customized
product on Volvo Penta Intranet.
For further information, please contact:
Adaptation Center Europe
Fax. No. +46 31 663550
E-mail: [email protected]
Adaptation Center North America Fax. No.
+1 757 436 5159.
E-mail: [email protected]
Torsional vibrations
Torsional vibrations occurs as a result of
forces on the crankshaft caused by the pis-
ton and connecting rod during the power
stroke. These forces tend to deflect the
crankshaft and also tend to displace the
shaft at an angle. The object of Torsional
Vibration Calculations (TVC) is to locate
the critical speed points and to ensure that
these critical speeds are outside the oper-
ating range of the engine (within +10% to
–5% of the constant speed).
Disregarding the torsional compatibility of
the engine and the equipment driven by
the engine may fracture the crankshaft and
flywheel bolts and may lead to overheat-
ing of the vibration damper. Approved
combinations with engines coupled to
single bearing generators are listed on the
following pages in this Sales Guide. If the
required combination is not listed, please
contact Volvo Penta.
Torsional vibration analysis of Engine model Alternator Approved Approved Volvo Penta
Marelli alternators max. net. kW max. net. kW ref. no.
1500 rpm 1800 rpm
TD520GE M7B250 SA4 85 - 22793
¹) Not approved with 2.6kgm²
flywheel M7B250 SA4 85 -
²) Not approved with 2.6kgm² TAD520GE M7B250 SB4 102 - 22794
flywheel or 60˚ AOT TD720GE M7B250 SC4 128 - 22795
) Prime Power TAD720GE M7B250 MA4 153 - 22796
) Not approved with 1.2kgm²
M7B250 MB4 153 1632 22511, 22512
TWD740GE M7B250 MC 196 222 2786
M7B315 SA 196 222 2787
M8B250 LA4 204 - 59585
TAD740GE M7B315 SA 239 245 2775
TAD1032GE M8B315 SA4 296 294 59670, 59667
TAD1240GE M8B400 MA4 320 - 4105
TWD1630G M7B315 MB 389 430 2373
TAD1630GE M7B315 MC 435 474 2374
TAD1631GE M7B400 SA4 430 - 2590
M8B315 485 - 36939
Torsional vibration analysis of Engine model Alternator Approved Approved Volvo Penta
Mecc Alte alternators max. net. kW max. net. kW ref. no.
1500 rpm 1800 rpm
TD520GE ECN 34-IS 85 - -
¹) Not approved with 2.6kgm²
flywheel ECO 34 1S/4 854 - 22797
²) Not approved with 2.6kgm² TAD520GE ECN 34-1L 102 110 -
flywheel or 60˚ AOT ECN 34-2L 102 - -
) Prime Power ECO 34-2S 1021 1104 25258, 25259
) Not approved with 1.2kgm²
ECO34 1L/4 1021 1104 22530, 22531
TD720GE ECO 34 2L/4 1281 - 22799
TAD720GE ECO 37 1S 153 - 39586
TWD710G ECO 37-2S 181 199 36963, 36964
TWD740GE ECN 37-SD 196 222 2785
ECO 37-1L - 236 36966
ECO37-3S 204 - 36965
TAD740GE ECN 37-LC 239 245 2774
ECO 37-1L 247 - 50015
ECO 37-2L 247 259 36957, 36958
ECO 40-1S 247 - 47964
TAD1030GE ECN 37-LC 265 280 2438
ECN 37-LD 265 280 2439
TAD1032GE ECO 37-2L 296 - 39587
TAD1242GE ECO 40-1S 398 - 36959
ECO40-2S - 449 36960
TAD1631GE EC 40-LB/4 473 - 2803
EC 43-SA/4 4423 - 39574
ECO 40-1L - 558 36962
ECO 40-3S 485 - 36961
ECO 40-3S/4 4423 5053 35332, 35333
ECO 40-1L/4 - 5053 35335