Telescope Game Finished

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Name: Brandon Moore

“Scope It Out” Worksheet

Level Zero


Reflector Telescope
Light enters the top of a reflecting telescope and hits the primary mirror (located at the bottom
end of the tube), where it is reflected and focused. The angled secondary mirror, near the
eyepiece, reflects the light to where it can be easily seen by the observer. The eyepiece contains a
magnifying lens to enlarge the image.

Refractor Telescope
Light enters the end of the telescope where it is bent and focused by a convex (curved outward)
glass lens. The light travels to the end of the tube where it is magnified by a concave (curved
inward) lens in the eyepiece. For viewing ease, many modern telescopes have what is called a
"diagonal" mirror at the end of the telescope that simply angles the light toward the eyepiece

Who invented/is credited with the refracting telescope? Galileo

What date did the discovery occur? 1609

Draw a diagram to show how the light travels as it enters the top of the telescope until the light is
seen by the observer. Next page
Who invented/is credited with designing the first reflecting telescope? Isaac Newton
What date did the discovery occur?1668
Level One
Match the seven components on the Newtonian Telescope with
the corresponding component on the James Webb Space
Newtonian Telescope James Webb Telescope
1 veiwfinder 1 Star Trackers
2 Tripod 2 Back plane
3 foucus 3 mirrors
4 mirror one 4 mirror one
5 mirror two 5 mirror two
6 Tube 6 sunsheild
7 observer 7 ISIM

Level Two/Level Three

Draw a diagram of the Hubble Space Telescope and draw lines to a diagram of the corresponding
components on the James Webb Space Telescope.
Level Four
What is the function of the James Webb Space Telescope’s sunshield? Protection for mirrors
How do the diameters of the mirrors compare for the Hubble Space Telescope and the James
Webb Space Telescope? 2.4m for Hubble, 6.5 for Webb
How many hexagonal segments does the James Webb Space Telescope have? 18
What is the ISIM? What is the ISIM’s function? Integrated Science Instrument Module contains
several cameras, each sensitive to a different region of the infrared region of the electromagnetic
spectrum, and two spectrographs

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