Lobbyist Client 2006
Lobbyist Client 2006
Lobbyist Client 2006
Youth in Iowa Schools Task Force
1131 Clark, Brad PO Box 1797
Iowa Utility Association
1453 Clark, Jack B PO Box 6007
City of Des Moines
1006 Clark, Rick A 400 Robert D Ray Drive
Iowa Association of School Boards
1126 Cockman, Len 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
United Way of Central Iowa
1007 Cofield, Shannon 1111 9th St, Ste 100
School Adminstrators of Iowa
1132 Collins, JD, Kathy Lee 12199 Stratford Drive
1472 Connolly, Angela 6200 Aurora, Ste 300W
Dept of Revenue
1233 Cooper, Donald R Hoover Bldg
1150 Cope, Tom 8532 Newbury Court
Cedar Valley Bank & Trust
1310 Coulter, David PO Box 122
1114 Courter, William 6400 C St, SW, PO Box 3177
1282 Crawford, Derek Three Lakes Drive, NF-677
Crawford Law Firm
1222 Crawford, Gerald W 1701 Ruan Center
1443 Crist, Dean A MidAmerican Energy, 666 Grand Ave
Southwestern Iowa Community College
1423 Crittenden, Barbara J 1501 West Townline St
Iowa Concrete Paving
1321 Cunningham, John C 360 SE Delaware Ave
1058 Curtis, Carol PO Box 901-435
Daley Solutions
1253 Daley, Mark 811 Burr Oaks Dr, #1301
Mineral City Hotel & Casino
1424 Daniel, Steven J 520 1st Ave South
Iowa Dept of Public Defense
1294 Dardis, Ron 7105 NW 70th Ave
1133 Dauenbaugh, Lowell 777 Third St
MidAmerican Energy
1452 Davis, Andrew John 666 Grand Ave
Hampton State Bank
1309 Davis, Bradley I PO Box 119
1113 Dawes, Inez 2301 Rittenhouse St
Harrah's Council Bluffs
1412 De Santiago, Rory 2701 23rd Ave
Iowa Pork Producers
1172 Degner, Richard 1636 NW 114th St
City of Des Moines
1342 Delafield, Phillip M 602 Robert D Ray Dr
Iowa Association of School Boards
1134 Delagardelle, Mary 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
Iowa Association of School Boards
1127 DeMarie, Lou Ann 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
1162 DeMay, James 333 S 7th St, #2600
Iowa Assoc of Commerce & Industry
1093 Dickinson, Tess 904 Walnut, Ste 100
Nyemaster, Goode, West, Hansell & O'Brien
1249 Dierenfeld, Paula S 700 Walnut, Ste 1600
Iowa Finance Authority
1009 Dietz, Dennis 100 E Grand Avenue, Ste 250
1381 Dittemore, Beth 2727 Glenwood Drive
1167 Doran, Randall J PO Box 147
IUOE Local 150
1100 Douglas, II, Marshall E 6200 Joliet Road
Iowa Utility Association
1323 Douglas, Mark H PO Box 6007
Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors
1013 Douglas, Sheila 321 E Walnut, Ste 310
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
1014 Downin, Jerry 5400 University Ave
Iowa Telecommunications Assoc
1135 Duncan, Dave 2987 100th St
Fidelity Bank & Trust
1312 Dunkel, Nancy 4250 Asbury Road
1015 Dunker, Dr. Robert E 4647 Stone Ave
Siouxland Chamber of Commerce
1103 Durham, Deborah V 101 Pierce St
1240 Easter, John 501 SW 7th St, Ste Q
Iowa Gaming Assoc
1192 Ehrecke, Wes 4401 Westown Pkwy, Ste 209
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd St
Iowa Catholic Conference
1265 Eide, Sara L 530 42nd St
1171 Espey, Hugh 2001 Forest Ave
1444 Evans, Steven R MidAmerican Energy, 666 Grand Ave
1461 Evelsizer, Andrea 45 Hawthorne Place
1176 Fagan, Joe 2001 Forest Ave
Iowans for Tax Relief
1289 Failor, Jr, Edward D 2610 Park Avenue
Iowans for Tax Relief
1291 Failor, Sr, Edward D 2610 Park Avenue
1361 Feltner, Paula J 100 Water Street, #402
Polk County Health Services, Inc
1016 Ferrell, Lynn D 218 6th Ave, Fleming Bldg, Ste 1000
1277 Fey, Thomas H 5608 Kensington Circle
Urban Education Network of Iowa
1136 Finch, Lewis W 1225 2nd Ave
Iowa Environmental Council
1497 Fink, Bill 711 E Locust St
1419 Firman, Steve C PO Box 299
Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates
1256 Fitzgerald, Jerry 726 N 3rd St
Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates
1257 Fitzgerald, Maggie 2315 45th St
Indian Hills CC
Attn: Marsha Haworth
1354 Lamansky, H Roy 525 Grandview Ave, Bldg 1
Sullivan & Ward
1043 Landa, Mark 6601 Westown Pkwy, Ste 200
1481 LaPointe, Thomas 55973 Meredith Drive
Treasurer of State
1398 Larson, Stephen State Capitol
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
1410 Laue, Janice K 2000 Walker St, Ste A
1474 Laurenzo, Brian 6200 Aurora, Ste 300W
Iowa Dept of Economic Development
1418 Lawyer, Mary 200 E Grand Ave
Iowa Right to Life
1478 Lehman, Kim 1500 Illinois Street
1178 Lenfert, Carissa 2001 Forest Ave
Iowa Environmental Council
1286 Leopold, Richard 711 E Locust
Southwestern Iowa Community College
1422 Lesan, Thomas L 1501 West Townline St
Indian Hills CC
1356 Lindenmayer, Jim 525 Grandview Ave, Bldg 1
Pella Corporation
1142 Linn, Myron R 102 Main Street
Iowa Trial Lawyers Association
1306 Lint, Brad 218 Sixth Ave, Ste 526
Dept of Revenue
1237 Lipsman, Mike Hoover Bldg
City of Des Moines
1224 Low, Susan A 400 Robert D Ray Drive
Nyemaster, Goode, West, Hansell & O'Brien
1246 Luchtel, Keith E 700 Walnut, Ste 1600
1322 Luria, Cheryl 1658 N Milwaukee Ave, Ste 294
1047 Majerus, Kim 921 Fourth Ave, NE
Iowa Automobile Dealers Association
1208 Martell, Martha 1111 Office Park Road
Riverside Casino & Golf Resort, LLC
1219 Massa, Joseph R PO Box 720
Hopkins & Huebner
1485 May, Lorraine 2700 Grand Ave, Ste 111
1386 McAfee, Eldon L 321 E Walnut, Ste 200
1182 McCallum, Deanna 1211 Vine St, Ste 2230
UAW Sub-Reg 4 Office
1487 McCullough, Matt 3330 East E 33rd St, #10
City of Des Moines
1227 McDowell, Lawrence R 400 Robert D Ray Drive
Iowa Medical Organization
1051 McHenry, Karla Fultz 1001 Grand Avenue
Dept of Revenue
1236 McNulty, Jim Hoover Bldg
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
1046 Meinecke, Michelle 5400 University Ave
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce
1369 Mentzer, Sara R 424 1st Ave NE
Iowa Attorney General's Office
1044 Meyer, Brian 1305 E Walnut
1049 Miller, Daniel K IPTV 6450 Corporate Drive
Iowa Telecommunications Association
1143 Millie, Stefani K 2987 100th St
Iowa Finance Authority
1045 Mills, Bret L 100 E Grand, Ste 250
Bayer Corporation
1199 Mischo, Craig 1720 Spinaker Drive
Iowa College Student Aid Commission
1050 Misjak, Karen 200 10th St, 4th Floor
1458 Mohr, Gary M 306 West River Drive
Iowa Association of School Boards
1123 Moore, Jim 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
1117 Morrison, Michael C 500 College Drive
Indian Hills CC
1357 Morrissey, Robert 525 Grandview Ave, Bldg 1
Iowa Insurance Division
1261 Mumford, James R 330 Maple St
1144 Murdock, Dennis L 2600 Grand Ave, Ste 210
1048 Murphy, Larry 531 Sixth St, NE
1145 Nelson, Charlotte Iowa Commission on the Status of Women Lucas State Office Bldg
1146 Nelson, Linda 777 Third St
Iowa Medical Society
1056 Nelson, Sandy 1001 Grand Avenue
Iowa Lottery
1215 Neubauer, Mary 2323 Grand Ave
Associated General Contractors of Iowa
1188 Newhard, Scott D 701 E Court, Ste B
Iowa Lakes Community College
1480 Newhouse, Valerie 19 South 7th St
1061 Nichols, Marcia 4320 NW 2nd Ave
1147 Norman, Dr Ben 8227 NW Oakwood Drive
Iowa Hospital Association
1347 Norris, J Kirk 100 E Grand Ave, Ste 100
1298 Norris, Jessica 708 3rd Street, SE
Master Builders of Iowa
1316 Norvell, Scott 221 Park St, PO Box 695
1148 Oakley, Brice 418 38th Pl
Visiting Nurse Services
1430 O'Brien, Mary C 1111 9th St, Ste 320
1475 Ohmart, Ted 6200 Aurora Ave, Ste 300W
Iowa Association of School Boards
1125 Olesen, Susie 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
1062 Oliver, Kristie 1701 48th St, Ste 203
Dept of Agriculture
1151 Olney, Mary Jane Wallace State Office Building
1465 Olsen, John C 1106 NW Linden Street
Kirkwood Community College
1152 Ovel, Steve 6301 Kirkwood Blvd, SW
1085 Palmer, David L 707 E Locust
1068 Palmer, Jennifer 11250 Waples Mills Rd
Iowa Concrete Paving
1320 Parsons, Thomas L 360 SE Delaware Ave
Iowa ABI
1063 Paschke, Kellie 904 Walnut St, Ste 100
1250 Pavone, John P 4130 Country Club Blvd
1107 Paxton, Robert A 330 Avenue M
Principal Financial Group
1186 Pederson, Merle T 711 High
1064 Perkins, John R 303 Grand St
1065 Petersen, Don 5400 University Ave
1464 Petersen, Mary E 6045 NW 61st Ave
1238 Peterson, William R 501 SW 7th St, Ste Q
1069 Petrowsky, Dana 1701 48th St, Ste 203
1067 Phillips, Molly M 6450 Corporate Dr
Heavy Highway Contractors
1454 Piazza, Jr, James P 2415 Ingersoll Ave
Iowa Dept of Public Defense
1293 Pierce, Douglas 7105 NW 70th Ave
1154 Piper, Emily 5905 Waterbury Circle
Iowa Corn Growers Association
1407 Poldberg, Mindy Larsen 5505 NW 88th St, #100
1066 Pope, Carla Berg 100 E Grand Ave, Ste 250
Personal Representatives
1333 Pope, Larry PO Box 65634
1254 Pope, Scott 2405 River Bye Road
Iowa Bankers Assoc
1183 Presnall, Sharon PO Box 6200
Riverside Bank
1384 Putney, Timothy B 90 East Railroad St, PO Box A
American Cancer Society
1376 Quilty, Sandra 8364 Hickman Road
1446 Raba, Todd M MidAmerican Energy, 666 Grand Ave
City of Des Moines
1469 Rafdal, Marci 602 Robert D Ray Dr
United Way
1174 Ramsey, Sarah Gray 1111 9th St, Ste 100
1380 Rastetter, Bruce 620 Country Club Road
1072 Ready, Robert 3636 Westown Pkwy
1153 Reed, Jack R 1281 8th St, Ste 240
1499 Reedy, Tyler 2001 Forest Avenue
Eli Lilly & Company
1420 Reichmuth, Bryan M 7819 S 97th Circle
City of Des Moines
1400 Reindl, Kandice 400 E Robert D Ray Drive
1155 Reinicke, Janice A 777 Third Street
Iowa Association of School Boards
1128 Rice, Ronald 700 Second Ave, Ste 100
1377 Riordan, James R 510 E 12th, Ste 1B
UAW Sub-Reg 4 Office
1488 Rivera-Harrison, Andrea M 3330 E 33rd St, #10
666 Walnut
1402 Roberts, Stephen W Ste 2500
1337 Roberts, Susan L 8830 NW 35th St
Iowans for Tax Relief
1292 Robinson, Cloyd 2610 Park Avenue
1071 Robinson, Rick 5400 University Ave
Iowa Community Action Association
1387 Ross, Lana 602 Robert D Ray Drive
1434 Rounds, Patrick 465 Alice's Road, Ste H
Des Moines Public Library
1156 Runge, Kay K 100 Locust St
1073 Running, Richard 1000 E Grand Ave
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa
1325 Rutledge, Judith PO Box 4557
Iowa Civil Liberties Union
1070 Ryan, Marty 505 5th Ave, Ste 9001
Iowa Secularists
1437 Sabel, Brian J PO Box 883
1079 Sadler, Michael 925 High st, 9 S 9
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
1411 Sagar, Ken D 2000 Walker St, Ste A
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives
1260 Sander, Drue 2515 Elwood Drive, Ste 104
Indian Hills CC
1355 Sasseen, Keith 525 Grandview Ave, Bldg 1
Harrah's Operating Company
1414 Satz, David One Gateway Center
1076 Saunders, Keith 20 Seerley Hall
Dairyland Power Cooperative
1262 Scheevel, Kenric 3200 E Avenue South
1080 Schmett, Kim D 1111 9th St, Ste 390
Hawkeye Community College
1287 Schmitz, Greg 1501 E Orange Rd
Iowa Pork Producers
1173 Schnell, Jeffrey 1636 NW 114th St
1083 Schnotala, Dennis 3636 Westown Pkwy
Wasker, Wimmer, Dorr & Marcoulllier, PC
1197 Schoenfeld, Craig R 4201 Westown Parkway, Ste 250
Iowa Concrete Paving
1318 Schroeder, Clare J 360 SE Delaware Ave
1427 Schroeder, Laverne 3208 SW 34th St
Dept of Revenue
1232 Schuling, Mark R Hoover Bldg
Iowa Telecom
1191 Schulz, Todd 321 E Walnut, Ste 140
Sierra Club, Iowa Chapter
1490 Seaman, Neila 3839 Merle Hay Rd, Ste 280
1258 Setzepfandt, Scott 19645 Ireland Way
1221 Severino, Frank 4401 75th St
1329 Shannahan, Joe 1011 Locust St, Ste 200
Indian Hills CC
Attn: Marsha Haworth
1353 Sharp, Richard C 525 Grandview Ave, Bldg 1
Iowa Renewable Fuels Association
1429 Shaw, Montgomery 5505 NW 88th St
1175 Shepard, Julie 1211 Vine St, Ste 2230
1451 Shors, John D Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors & Roberts, PLC 666 Walnut, Ste 2500
Iowa Nurses Association
1198 Shors, Patsy 1501 42nd St, Ste 471
6200 Aurora Ave
1426 Sieman, Loretta Ste 300W
Southeastern Community College
1304 Simone, Beverly S 1500 West Agency Rd, PO Box 180
Iowa Medical Society
1082 Sisson, Karen 1001 Grand Ave
Carney, Appleby, Nielsen & Skinner
1081 Skinner, Troy A 303 Locust St, Ste 400
Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa
1119 Skow, Bob 4000 Westown Pkwy, Ste 200
Siouxland Chamber of Commerce
1104 Sloniker, Barbara 101 Pierce St
Meredith Corporation
1074 Slusark, Art 1716 Locust St
Oelwein, IA 50662
Ames, IA 50011
Johnston, IA 50131
Muscatine, IA 52761
Riverside, IA 52327
Omaha, NE 68154
Ames, IA 50014
Sheldon, IA 51201
Urbandale, IA 50322
Des Moines, IA 50322
Arlington, VA 22203
Harlan, IA 51537
Washington, DC 20004
Waukee, IA 50263
Harlan, IA 51537
Des Moines, IA 50303
Johnston, IA 50131
West Des Moines, IA 50266
St Paul, MN 55101
Johnston, IA 50131
Urbandale, IA 50322
Clive, IA 50325
Urbandale, IA 50322
Creston, IA 50801
Ankeny, IA 50021
Kansas City, MO 64190
Ft Dodge, IA 50501
Johnston, IA 50131
Hampton, IA 50441
Clive, IA 50325
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Countryside, IL 60525
Dubuque, IA 52002
Muscatine, IA 52761
Muscatine, IA 52761
Des Moines, IA 50309
Ft Dodge, IA 50501
Johnston, IA 50131
Harlan, IA 51537
Des Moines, IA 50303
Urbandale, IA 50322
Johnston, IA 50131
St Paul, MN 55075
Johnston, IA 50131
Ankeny, IA 50021
Earlham, IA 50072
Urbandale, IA 50322
Urbandale, IA 50322
Clive, IA 50325
Johnston, IA 50131
Des Moines, IA 50309
Johnston, IA 50131
Ames, IA 50010
Bentonville, AR 72716
Marietta, GA 30062
Estherville, IA 51334
Waukee, IA 50265
Johnston, IA 50131
Johnston, IA 50131
Urbandale, IA 50322
Harlan, IA 51537
Riverside, IA 52327
Davenport, IA 52801
Arlington, VA 22203
N. Potomac, MD 20878
Muscatine, IA 52761
Urbandale, IA 50322
Harlan, IA 51537
Johnston, IA 50131
Lincoln, NE 68516
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Urbandale, IA 50322
Creston, IA 50801
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Pella, IA 50219
Riverside, IA 52327
Urbandale, IA 50322
Woodbury, MN 55125
Davenport, IA 52801
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Estherville, IA 51334
Urbandale, IA 50322
Fairfax, VA 22030
Ankeny, IA 50021
Johnston, IA 50131
Johnston, IA 50131
Des Moines, IA 50312
Johnston, IA 50131
Des Moines, IA 50309
Johnston, IA 50131
Riverside, IA 52327
LaVista, NE 68128
Muscatine, IA 52761
Waukee, IA 50263
Ames, IA 50010
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Newark, NJ 07102
La Crosse, WI 54602
Waterloo, IA 50704
Clive, IA 50325
Ankeny, IA 50021
Des Moines, IA 50321
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Johnston, IA 50131
Urbandale, IA 50322
West Burlington, IA 52655
Ankeny, IA 50021
Johnston, IA 50131
Waukee, IA 50265
Ankeny, IA 50021
Urbandale, IA 50322
Des Moines, IA 50303
Countryside, IL 60525
Parksville, MO 64152
Tigard, OR 97223
Joilet, IL 60432
Ankeny, IA 50021
Urbandale, IA 50322
Urbandale, IA 50322
Johnston, IA 50131
Bloomington, IL 61702
Urbandale, IA 50322
East Moline, IL 61244
Bloomington, IL 61702
Gladbrook, IA 50635
Biloxi, MS 39532
Calmar, IA 52132
Urbandale, IA 50322
Marshalltown, IA 50158
Johnston, IA 50131
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1150 Cope, Tom8532 Newbu Johnston, (515) 278- 1078 Iowa Credi 12/27/2005
1150 Cope, Tom8532 Newbu Johnston, (515) 278- 1165 Boys & Gir 12/27/2005
1150 Cope, Tom8532 Newbu Johnston, (515) 278- 1168 College of 12/27/2005
1150 Cope, Tom8532 Newbu Johnston, (515) 278- 1167 Iowa Societ12/27/2005
1150 Cope, Tom8532 Newbu Johnston, (515) 278- 1169 Flint Hills 12/27/2005
1310 Coulter, DaPO Box 122La Porte Ci(319) 342- 1184 Iowa Banke01/06/2006
1114 Courter, Wi6400 C St, Cedar
SW, PO Rapi(319)
Box 3177 790- 1132 McLeodUS12/22/2005
1282 Crawford, Three Lakes Northfield,
Drive, NF-677
(847) 646- 1232 Kraft Gener01/04/2006
1282 Crawford, Three Lakes Drive, NF-677
Northfield, (847) 646- 1237 Philip Morr 01/04/2006
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1232 Kraft Gener12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1277 United Stat12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1275 Iowa Quali 12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1276 Quality Eg 12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1042 Qwest 12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Moines(515) 245-
Center 1273 Iowa Greyh12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1274 Moss Distri12/30/2005
1222 Crawford, 1701 Ruan Des Center
Moines(515) 245- 1237 Philip Morr 12/30/2005
1443 Crist, DeanMidAmericaDes Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1423 Crittenden, 1501 West Creston,
TownlineISt(641) 782- 1329 Southwest 01/18/2006
1321 Cunningha 360 SE Delaware
Ankeny, Ave
IA (515) 963- 1375 Iowa Concr01/06/2006
1058 Curtis, Car PO Box 90 Kansas Cit (816) 436- 1107 AstraZene 12/20/2005
1253 Daley, Mar 811 Burr Oaks
WestDr,Des M(515) 491-
#1301 1319 Conlin Prop01/03/2006
1253 Daley, Mar 811 Burr Oaks
M(515) 491- 1318 One Iowa 01/03/2006
1424 Daniel, Ste 520 1st AveFtSouth
Dodge, (515) 573- 1481 Mineral Cit 01/18/2006
1294 Dardis, Ro 7105 NW 70thJohnston,
Ave (515) 252- 1364 Iowa Depar01/05/2006
1133 Dauenbaugh 777 Third StDes Moines(515) 471- 1140 Iowa State 12/23/2005
1452 Davis, And 666 Grand Des
Ave Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1309 Davis, BradPO Box 119Hampton, I (641) 456- 1184 Iowa Banke01/06/2006
1113 Dawes, Ine2301 Rittenhouse
Des Moines
St (515) 974- 1131 Iowa Unite 12/21/2005
1412 De Santiag 2701 23rd Ave
Council Blu(712) 329- 1306 Harrah's O 01/17/2006
1172 Degner, Ri 1636 NW 114th
Clive,StIA 5 (515) 225- 1182 Iowa Pork 12/27/2005
1342 Delafield, P602 Robert Des Moines
D Ray Dr (515) 283- 1008 City of De 01/09/2006
1134 Delagardel 700 SecondDes Moines
Ave, Ste 100(515) 288- 1136 Iowa Assoc12/23/2005
1127 DeMarie, L 700 SecondDes Ave,
Ste 100
(515) 288- 1136 Iowa Assoc12/22/2005
1162 DeMay, Ja 333 S 7th St,Minneapoli
#2600 (612) 371- 1178 Citigroup 12/27/2005
1093 Dickinson, 904 Walnut,DesSteMoines
100 (515) 235- 1120 Iowa Assoc12/20/2005
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1467 American I 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1305 Des Moines01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1314 Johnson & 01/06/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1291 Iowa Societ01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1309 Greater De01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1308 Welch Prod01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1311 Youth Home 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1301 Eastlake P 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1297 Iowa Propa01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1296 Burlington 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1294 Iowa Broad01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1307 University 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1300 American I 01/03/2006
1249 Dierenfeld, 700 Walnut,Des
1600 (515) 283- 1292 Iowa Grocer01/03/2006
Page 43
Page 44
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1067 Iowa Medic01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1068 Iowa Weste01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1081 American Pr01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1074 Iowa Assoc01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1062 Pfizer 01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1080 Iowa Psychi01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1063 Tyson Food01/05/2006
1297 Eide, Matt 329 43rd S Des Moines(515) 490- 1071 Iowa Energy 01/05/2006
1265 Eide, Sara 530 42nd StDes Moines(515) 243- 1101 Iowa Catho01/04/2006
1265 Eide, Sara 530 42nd StDes Moines(515) 243- 1336 Iowa Associ01/04/2006
1171 Espey, Hu 2001 ForestDesAveMoines(515) 282- 1181 Iowa Citiz 12/27/2005
1444 Evans, Ste MidAmericaDes Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1461 Evelsizer, 45 HawthorNorth Liber(319) 665- 1193 Pheasants 02/08/2006
1176 Fagan, Joe2001 ForestDesAveMoines(515) 282- 1181 Iowa Citiz 12/27/2005
1289 Failor, Jr, 2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, (563) 288- 1363 Iowans for 01/05/2006
1291 Failor, Sr, 2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, (563) 288- 1363 Iowans for 01/05/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1408 Iowa Acade01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1413 Iowa State 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1422 Susan G Ko01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1417 Kaplan 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1411 Petroleum 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1255 Petroleum 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1407 Bridgepoint01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1373 GlaxoSmith01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1415 Iowa State 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1423 Waste Man01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1414 Iowa State 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1421 Regency 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1406 Father Fla 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1412 Iowa Speec01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1117 Coalition f 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1410 Friends of 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1409 Iowa Assoc01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1420 Penn Natio01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1416 Iowa Talent01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1256 Iowa Retail01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1043 Iowa Whole01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1418 Long Lines 01/09/2006
1361 Feltner, Pa 100 Water Des Moines(515) 778- 1419 Midwest Ch01/09/2006
1016 Ferrell, Ly 218 6th Ave,
1047 Polk County12/16/2005
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1343 Iowa Land T 01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1341 Property Ca01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1349 Caremark 01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1344 Iowa Podiat01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1177 Iowa Profes01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1191 Rebuild Iow01/10/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1521 AT&T 03/07/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1345 Iowa State 01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1348 Grinnell M 01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1190 Iowa State 01/25/2006
Page 45
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1346 Central Iow01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1496 Iowa Coali 01/10/200602/20/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1522 Mutual Insu03/07/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1350 Diamond G01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1347 Iowa Numis01/04/2006
1277 Fey, Thom 5608 KensiJohnston, (515) 254- 1342 Outdoor Adv 01/04/2006
1136 Finch, Lew 1225 2nd AveDes Moines(515) 242- 1142 Urban Educ12/23/2005
1497 Fink, Bill 711 E LocustDesStMoines(515) 244- 1362 Iowa Envir 05/15/2006
1419 Firman, St PO Box 29 Waverly, I (319) 352- 1480 Greater Ced01/17/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1324 Iowa Public01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1323 Iowa Chirop01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1328 NECA - Io 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1329 Southwest 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1330 Diamond J 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1046 Iowa Assoc01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1519 Iowa Cable02/27/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1332 Iowa Corn 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1321 Alliance fo 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1481 Mineral Cit 01/30/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1331 Iowa White-01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1182 Iowa Pork 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1327 Indian Hil 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1008 City of De 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1176 Broadlawns01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1322 Iowa Cemet01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1325 Iowa Renew01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1326 MERCK 01/03/2006
1256 Fitzgerald, 726 N 3rd St
Ft Dodge, (515) 240- 1128 Iowa Centr 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1008 City of De 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1128 Iowa Centr 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1321 Alliance fo 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1325 Iowa Renew01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1332 Iowa Corn 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1176 Broadlawns01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1519 Iowa Cable02/27/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1328 NECA - Io 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1481 Mineral Cit 01/30/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1327 Indian Hil 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1324 Iowa Public01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1331 Iowa White-01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1330 Diamond J 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1322 Iowa Cemet01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1329 Southwest 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1326 MERCK 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1323 Iowa Chirop01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1182 Iowa Pork 01/03/2006
1257 Fitzgerald, 2315 45th St
Des Moines(515) 314- 1046 Iowa Assoc01/03/2006
1365 Fitzgibbon 5800 Fleur Des
Rm 201
(515) 256- 1008 City of De 01/09/2006
1194 Flannery, 1024 21st West Des M(515) 224- 1198 Verizon Co12/27/2005
1482 Ford, Virgi 809 Virgin Washingto (202) 546- 1515 DC Parents02/27/2006
Page 46
1105 Ford-Shivv 502 E 9th Des Moines(515) 281- 1125 Iowa Depar12/21/2005
1404 Foxhoven, 4th Floor Lucas Building
Des Moines (515) 281- 1473 Child Advo 01/13/200609/22/2006
1017 Freeman, J1001 GrandWestAvenueDes M(515) 223- 1001 Iowa Medic12/13/2005
1375 Frelund, St 8364 Hickman
Moines(515) 727- 1070 American C01/10/2006
1273 Friedel, Ph Grimes State
(515) 281- 1338 Iowa Depar01/03/2006
1106 Fujinaka, PO Box 587Johnston, (515) 725- 1126 ITTC/ICN 12/21/2005
1115 Fulwider, 4000 Westown WestPkwy,
Des M Ste
200223- 1133 Independen12/22/2005
1168 Gaffigan, H405 Chatburn,
PO Box
IA (712)
71 755- 1179 Harlan Muni12/27/2005
1445 Gale, Bren MidAmericaDes Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1413 Gallagher, One Harrah'sLasCourt
Vegas (702) 407- 1306 Harrah's O 01/17/2006
1122 Gannon, M 700 SecondDes Ave,Moines
Ste 100
(515) 288- 1136 Iowa Assoc12/22/2005
1023 Gardner, R 707 E LocustDes Moines(515) 282- 1046 Iowa Assoc12/12/2005
1054 Gartner, M 11260 Aurora Ave
Urbandale, (515) 281- 1104 Board of Re12/20/2005
1187 Gillespie, 2501 Bell Ave
Des Moines(515) 243- 1191 Rebuild Iow12/27/2005
1187 Gillespie, 2501 Bell Ave
Des Moines(515) 243- 1190 Iowa State 12/27/2005
1024 Gilliland, Iowa ABI 9 Des Moines(515) 280- 1051 Iowa Associ10/17/2005
1217 Gillispie, PO Box 587Johnston, (515) 725- 1264 Iowa Depar12/29/2005
1229 Godwin, M 400 Robert DesD RayMoines
(515) 283- 1008 City of De 12/30/2005
1436 Goeldner, 1501 42nd West
St, SteDes
471M(515) 225- 1221 Iowa Nurse01/23/2006
1436 Goeldner, 1501 42nd West
St, SteDes
471M(515) 225- 1491 Iowa Schoo01/23/2006
1390 Goettsch, 340 Maple St Des Moines(515) 281- 1135 Iowa Insura01/12/2006
1020 Goodale, R8525 Douglas DesAve,
48 276- 1050 Iowa Associ12/14/2005
1022 Goodman, 1001 GrandWest AvenueDes M(515) 223- 1001 Iowa Medic12/13/2005
1018 Gossmann,1430 WilsonStCourt
Paul, M (651) 552- 1048 MedImmune 12/16/2005
1351 Granwehr, State Capitol,
DesRm Moines
111 (515) 281- 1404 Auditor of 01/09/2006
1055 Gregory, G PO Box 682Iowa City, (319) 354- 1105 Christian 10/24/2005
1026 Greiner, Ke200 Tneth St,
Des4th Floor(515) 242-
Moines 1053 Iowa Colle 12/12/2005
1025 Griffin, Jan Wellmark 6Des Moines(515) 245- 1052 Wellmark, 12/08/2005
1019 Groenenbo1111 9th St,Des SteMoines
230 (515) 243- 1049 Iowa Legal 12/16/2005
1021 Gruenhagen 5400 University
WestAveDes M(515) 225- 1044 Iowa Farm 12/13/2005
1431 Gullo, Gay One Harrah's Blvd Blu(712) 329-
Council 1306 Harrah's O 01/19/2006
1116 Haas, Will 6400 C St, Cedar
SW, PO Rapi(319)
Box 3177 790- 1132 McLeodUS12/22/2005
1285 Haddy, Wa 4401 6th St,Cedar
SW Rapi(319) 399- 1361 AEAs of Io 01/05/2006
1060 Hadenfeldt,Meredith C 1716 Locus(515) 284- 1038 Meredith C 12/20/2005
1164 Hall, Robe 1005 7th S Harlan, IA (712) 755- 1179 Harlan Muni12/27/2005
1139 Halling, Br Wallace State
(515) 281- 1137 Iowa Depart12/23/2005
1463 Halvorson, 4638 B Fin Northwood,(641) 592- 1505 Biological 02/13/2006
1507 Hansen, Br6701 Westown WestParkway
Des M(515) 274- 1247 Urbandale-W 07/31/2006
1507 Hansen, Br6701 Westown WestParkway
Des M(515) 274- 1001 Iowa Medic07/31/2006
1493 Hansen, Mi901 4th St Harlan, IA (712) 755- 1179 Harlan Muni04/17/2006
1205 Harbison, J100 East Grand
Des Moines
Ave, Ste
170283- 1254 Iowa Acade12/30/2005
1378 Harden, Jef602 Robert Des
D Ray Drive
Moines (515) 283- 1440 Iowa Associ01/10/2006
1326 Harms-Has6509 Lincoln Windsor
Ave He(515) 331- 1381 Iowa Healt 01/06/2006
1326 Harms-Has6509 Lincoln Windsor
Ave He(515) 331- 1379 CAFÉ Iowa01/06/2006
1326 Harms-Has6509 Lincoln Windsor
Ave He(515) 331- 1380 Community01/06/2006
1326 Harms-Has6509 Lincoln Windsor
Ave He(515) 331- 1048 MedImmune 01/06/2006
1137 Harris, All 524 4th St Des Moines(515) 281- 1143 Iowa Depart12/22/2005
1439 Harrmann, 1111 9th St,DesSteMoines
390 (515) 244- 1117 Coalition f 01/24/2006
1359 Harrmann, 321 E Walnut,Des#373
Moines(515) 284- 1405 Alliant Ene 01/09/2006
1032 Hartsook, SIowa Legal Des Moines(515) 243- 1049 Iowa Legal 12/16/2005
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Page 48
1028 Heisinger, 411 Four SWaterloo, (319) 833- 1061 Okoboji To 12/19/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1287 Krause Gen12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1284 Ruan Comp12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1285 Iowa Horse12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1286 3M Corpora12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1289 Iowa Quart 12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1283 Maytag 12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1282 Iowa Motor12/30/2005
1244 Helland, ErPO Box 41 Des Moines(515) 554- 1288 National A 12/30/2005
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1043 Iowa Whole01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1416 Iowa Talent01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1373 GlaxoSmith01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1406 Father Fla 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1407 Bridgepoint01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1417 Kaplan 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1421 Regency 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1412 Iowa Speec01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1256 Iowa Retail01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1423 Waste Man01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1414 Iowa State 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1410 Friends of 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1413 Iowa State 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1411 Petroleum 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1409 Iowa Assoc01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1408 Iowa Acade01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1117 Coalition f 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1255 Petroleum 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1420 Penn Natio01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1415 Iowa State 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1419 Midwest Ch01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1418 Long Lines 01/10/2006
1374 Heller, Mik 1621 S 50t West Des M(515) 988- 1422 Susan G Ko01/10/2006
1389 Hendricks, 513 E 6th, #D
Des Moines(515) 282- 1452 United Tra 01/11/2006
1514 Hendrickso600 East Locust
Des Moines
St (515) 281- 1531 Iowa Depart10/11/2006
1207 Henter, Ja 10555 NewUrbandale,
York Ave, #102
(515) 270- 1256 Iowa Retail12/29/2005
1207 Henter, Ja 10555 NewUrbandale,
York Ave, #102
(515) 270- 1257 IRF Service12/29/2005
1207 Henter, Ja 10555 NewUrbandale,
York Ave, #102
(515) 270- 1258 Member Se12/29/2005
1210 Hiatt, Trac 2674 NW 15 Clive, IA 5 (515) 987- 1530 UCB 09/11/2006
1210 Hiatt, Trac 2674 NW 15 Clive, IA 5 (515) 987- 1260 TAP Pharma 12/29/200508/07/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1468 Davis, Bro 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1278 Mercy Heal01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1471 John & Mar01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1467 American I 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1149 Central Io 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1441 Summit Fa 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1472 YMCA State01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1444 Hawkeye R01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1071 Iowa Energy 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1469 Iowa Autom01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1442 Iowa Winds01/13/200608/17/2006
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1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1148 Iowa Capita01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1266 Iowa Osteo01/13/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1470 Iowa Prote 01/13/200608/17/2006
1403 Hill, Denis Ste 1200 Des Moines(515) 558- 1449 Employee &01/13/200608/17/2006
1495 Hill, Jared 5505 NW 88th
St, #100(515) 225- 1332 Iowa Corn 05/04/2006
1239 Hinton, Lin 501 SW 7thDes
St, Ste
Q (515) 244- 1281 Iowa State 12/30/2005
1030 Hobson, T 400 Collins Cedar
Rd, NERapi(319) 295- 1084 Rockwell Co 12/16/2005
1031 HochstetlerNCCI 2050 Springfield (217) 793- 1085 NCCI 12/16/200501/30/2006
1368 Hoffman, J 3820 QuebAmes, IA 5 (515) 292- 1432 Iowa Readi01/09/2006
1368 Hoffman, J 3820 QuebAmes, IA 5 (515) 292- 1435 Ecumenica01/09/2006
1368 Hoffman, J 3820 QuebAmes, IA 5 (515) 292- 1433 League of 01/09/2006
1368 Hoffman, J 3820 QuebAmes, IA 5 (515) 292- 1431 American R01/09/2006
1368 Hoffman, J 3820 QuebAmes, IA 5 (515) 292- 1434 Interfaith 01/09/2006
1417 Hoffman, T 200 E Grand Des
AveMoines(515) 242- 1438 Iowa Depar01/18/2006
1101 Hogan, Den1545 30th St,West
201M(515) 223- 1124 Sheet Meta12/21/2005
1035 Hole, Dona1603 22nd West
St, SteDes
102M(515) 453- 1087 Iowa Indep 12/05/2005
1202 Hollinger, 6700 PioneerJohnston,
Pkwy (515) 288- 1144 ITS, Inc/S 01/03/2006
1399 Holm, Davi 2515 Elwood Ames,
Dr, Ste
IA 5104
(515) 292- 1333 Iowa Instit 01/12/2006
1033 Horak, H L 666 WalnutDesSt Moines(515) 245- 1086 Wells Farg 12/16/2005
1483 Horn, Ryan702 SW 8thBentonvill
St (479) 204- 1518 Wal-Mart St03/31/2006
1193 Hrdlicka, J 2323 GrandDes
AveMoines(515) 725- 1197 Iowa Lotter12/27/2005
1138 Hudson, Br777 Third StDes Moines(515) 471- 1140 Iowa State 12/23/2005
1346 Hulscher, 100 E Grand Des
Ste (515)
100 288- 1402 Iowa Hospit01/09/2006
1036 Hulse, Larr 600 Robert Des
D Ray
(515) 283- 1008 City of De 12/08/2005
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1234 Miller Brew01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1236 Pharmaceut01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1224 Canadian N01/03/200602/14/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1226 Consumer S 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1238 Richard Wi 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1223 Bally Gami 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1222 Alliance of 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines (515) 244-
Ste 200 1510 EDS 02/22/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust Des Moines (515) 244-
St, Ste 200 1237 Philip Morr 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1227 Eli Lilly 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1228 Golden Rul01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1239 Rock In Pr 01/03/200601/20/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1235 Palmer Coll01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1229 Iowa Assoc01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1231 Iowa Studen 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1232 Kraft Gener01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1087 Iowa Indep 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines
Ste 200
(515) 244- 1520 Iowa Trans03/06/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines (515) 244-
Ste 200 1230 Iowa Railr 01/03/2006
1012 Hultman, C707 E Locust DesSt,Moines (515) 244-
Ste 200 1233 Lafarge No01/03/2006
1460 Hunt, Robe3427 WeymouthMarietta,
Court(770) 971- 1504 Coors Bre 02/07/2006
1034 Hupfer, Jus1500 NW 118th
Des Moines
St (515) 221- 1078 Iowa Credi 12/14/2005
1037 Hupfer, Mi 19 South 7thEstherville
St (712) 362- 1088 Iowa Lakes12/12/2005
1212 Hurley, Ch 1100 N Hickory,
Ste 105
Hi(515) 263- 1262 Iowa Famil 12/28/2005
1270 Iverson, Ja 1860 First Ave NERapi(319) 363-
Cedar 1245 Iowa Associ01/04/2006
1270 Iverson, Ja 1860 First Ave
NERapi(319) 363- 1337 Cedar Rapi01/04/2006
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Page 52
Page 53
Page 54
1048 Murphy, La531 Sixth SOelwein, I (319) 283- 1097 Linn Count 12/01/2005
1048 Murphy, La531 Sixth SOelwein, I (319) 283- 1096 KAM Consul 12/01/2005
1048 Murphy, La531 Sixth SOelwein, I (319) 283- 1092 Des Moines12/01/2005
1048 Murphy, La531 Sixth SOelwein, I (319) 283- 1090 Black Hawk12/01/2005
1145 Nelson, ChaIowa Commi Des Moines(515) 281- 1150 Iowa Commi 12/22/2005
1146 Nelson, Li 777 Third StDes Moines(515) 471- 1140 Iowa State 12/23/2005
1056 Nelson, Sa 1001 GrandWestAvenue
Des M(515) 223- 1001 Iowa Medic12/13/2005
1509 Nemmers, E 1001 GrandDes
AveMoines(515) 223- 1001 Iowa Medic09/12/2006
1215 Neubauer, 2323 GrandDes AveMoines(515) 725- 1197 Iowa Lotter12/29/2005
1188 Newhard, S701 E Court, SteMoines
Des B (515) 283- 1192 Associated 12/27/2005
1480 Newhouse,19 South 7th Estherville
St (712) 362- 1088 Iowa Lakes03/01/2006
1511 Nichols, G 6805 Vista West Des M(515) 273- 1231 Iowa Studen 09/15/2006
1061 Nichols, Ma4320 NW 2nd DesAveMoines(515) 246- 1109 AFSCME 10/24/2005
1147 Norman, D 8227 NW OAnkeny, IA (515) 964- 1139 School Admi 12/23/2005
1147 Norman, D 8227 NW OAnkeny, IA (515) 964- 1151 Iowa Commu 12/23/2005
1347 Norris, J Ki 100 E Grand
Ste (515)
100 288- 1402 Iowa Hospit01/09/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1078 Iowa Credi 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1066 Iowa Biote 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1057 Isle of Cap 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1055 Iowa Societ01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1072 Goodwill In01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1077 Iowa Ethan01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1056 Iowa West 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1075 Iowa Assoc01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1074 Iowa Assoc01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1224 Canadian N01/27/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1071 Iowa Energy 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1073 Iowa Cosme 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1070 American C01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1080 Iowa Psychi01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1081 American Pr01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1076 Iowa Coalit01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1063 Tyson Food01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1062 Pfizer 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1079 Iowa Physi 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1069 ALCOA 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1060 Missouri R 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1067 Iowa Medic01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1068 Iowa Weste01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1059 Merit Reso 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1005 Iowa League 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1058 Lennox Inte01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1064 UPS 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1065 NAPEO 01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1082 Iowa Harne01/05/2006
1298 Norris, Jes 708 3rd StrAltoona, I (515) 491- 1061 Okoboji To 01/05/2006
1316 Norvell, Sc 221 Park St,
Box 695
(515) 288- 1374 Master Buil01/06/2006
1316 Norvell, Sc 221 Park St,
Box 695
(515) 288- 1191 Rebuild Iow01/06/2006
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1046 Iowa Assoc12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1165 Boys & Gir 12/23/2005
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1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1166 Iowa Allian 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1167 Iowa Societ12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1168 College of 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1169 Flint Hills 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1170 Baxter Hea12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1157 Iowa Greyh12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1162 Sac & Fox T12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1164 Iowa Conse12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1161 Koch Nitro 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1158 Iowa Physic12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1160 American S12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1154 Microsoft C12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1159 CGI-Ameri 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1152 Casey's Ge12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1122 Schering Pl12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1156 City of We 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1152 Casey's Ge12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1155 Orchard Pl 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1163 City of Cora12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1042 Qwest 12/23/2005
1148 Oakley, Bri 418 38th PlDes Moines(515) 277- 1078 Iowa Credi 12/23/2005
1430 O'Brien, M 1111 9th St,Des
320 (515) 558- 1487 Visiting Nu 01/19/2006
1475 Ohmart, Te6200 Aurora Urbandale,
Ave, Ste 300W
(515) 334- 1305 Des Moines02/22/2006
1125 Olesen, Su 700 SecondDes Ave,Moines
Ste 100
(515) 288- 1136 Iowa Assoc12/22/2005
1062 Oliver, Kris 1701 48th St,
203M(515) 440- 1110 Iowa Assoc12/05/2005
1151 Olney, Mar Wallace State
(515) 281- 1137 Iowa Depart12/23/2005
1465 Olsen, Joh 1106 NW LiAnkeny, IA (515) 964- 1505 Biological 02/13/2006
1152 Ovel, Stev 6301 Kirkwood
CedarBlvd, SW
Rapi(319) 398- 1172 Hawkeye C12/23/2005
1152 Ovel, Stev 6301 Kirkwood
SW 398- 1046 Iowa Assoc12/23/2005
1152 Ovel, Stev 6301 Kirkwood
SW 398- 1171 Kirkwood C12/23/2005
1085 Palmer, Da707 E Locust Des Moines(515) 282- 1046 Iowa Assoc12/20/2005
1068 Palmer, Jen11250 WaplesFairfax,
MillsVRd(703) 267- 1112 National Ri 12/06/2005
1320 Parsons, T 360 SE Delaware
Ankeny, IA (515) 963-
Ave 1375 Iowa Concr01/06/2006
1063 Paschke, Ke 904 WalnutDes
St, Ste
100(515) 280- 1051 Iowa Associ10/17/2005
1250 Pavone, Jo4130 CountSioux City, (712) 239- 1313 Vegas Ga 01/03/2006
1107 Paxton, Ro 330 AvenueFortM Dodge(515) 576- 1046 Iowa Assoc12/21/2005
1107 Paxton, Ro 330 AvenueFortM Dodge(515) 576- 1128 Iowa Centr 12/21/2005
1515 Pedersen, 600 East Locust St
Des Moines (515) 281- 1531 Iowa Depart09/27/2006
0516 Pedersen, 600 East Locust
Des Moines(515) 281- 1531 Iowa Depart09/27/2006
1186 Pederson, 711 High Des Moines(515) 248- 1189 Principal F 12/27/2005
1064 Perkins, J 303 Grand Des
St Moines(515) 281- 1111 Office of 12/16/2005
1065 Petersen, 5400 University
WestAveDes M(515) 225- 1044 Iowa Farm 12/13/2005
1464 Petersen, 6045 NW 6Johnston, (515) 282- 1505 Biological 02/13/2006
1238 Peterson, 501 SW 7thDes Moines
St, Ste Q (515) 244- 1281 Iowa State 12/30/2005
1069 Petrowsky, 1701 48th St,
203M(515) 440- 1110 Iowa Assoc12/05/2005
1067 Phillips, M 6450 Corporate
Dr (515) 242- 1103 Iowa Public12/07/2005
1454 Piazza, Jr 2415 Ingersoll
DesAveMoines(515) 243- 1499 Heavy High02/01/2006
1454 Piazza, Jr 2415 Ingersoll
DesAveMoines(515) 243- 1500 Iowa Indep 02/01/2006
1454 Piazza, Jr 2415 Ingersoll
DesAveMoines(515) 243- 1501 Iowa Auto D02/01/2006
1293 Pierce, Do 7105 NW 70thJohnston,
Ave (515) 252- 1364 Iowa Depar01/05/2006
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1154 Piper, Emil 5905 WaterDes Moines(515) 202- 1175 Rathbun Re12/23/2005
1154 Piper, Emil 5905 WaterDes Moines(515) 202- 1176 Broadlawns12/23/2005
1154 Piper, Emil 5905 WaterDes Moines(515) 202- 1173 Iowa Rural 12/23/2005
1154 Piper, Emil 5905 WaterDes Moines(515) 202- 1174 Iowa Wate 12/23/2005
1407 Poldberg, 5505 NW 88thJohnston,
St, #100(515) 225- 1332 Iowa Corn 01/13/2006
1066 Pope, Carl 100 E GrandDes
Ste (515)
250 242- 1002 Iowa Finan 12/14/2005
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1387 Express Sc01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1393 MultiStates01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1083 Iowa Associ01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1396 United Hea01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1391 McDonald' 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1390 Iowa Opera01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1389 Iowa Associ01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1385 Ahlers Law01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1386 Catfish Be 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1192 Associated 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1394 The Rasmu01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1086 Wells Farg 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1395 Election S 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1392 Metro Wast01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1169 Flint Hills 01/09/2006
1333 Pope, Larr PO Box 65634
West Des M(515) 229- 1384 Iowa Acade01/09/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1282 Iowa Motor01/03/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1288 National A 01/03/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1320 Iowa Thoro01/03/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1287 Krause Gen01/03/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1284 Ruan Comp01/03/2006
1254 Pope, Scot 2405 River Adel, IA 5 (515) 229- 1283 Maytag 01/03/2006
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1186 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1144 ITS, Inc/S 12/27/2005
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1184 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1187 Iowa Mortg12/27/2005
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1185 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1183 Presnall, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1188 Iowa Trust 12/27/2005
1384 Putney, Ti 90 East Railroad
St, PO
A 1448 Washington01/11/2006
1384 Putney, Ti 90 East Railroad
St, PO
A 1265 Riverside 01/11/2006
1376 Quilty, San 8364 Hickman
Moines(515) 727- 1070 American C01/10/2006
1446 Raba, Tod MidAmericaDes Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1469 Rafdal, Mar602 Robert Des
D Ray Dr (515) 283-
Moines 1008 City of De 02/21/2006
1174 Ramsey, S 1111 9th St,Des
100 (515) 246- 1183 Iowa Subst12/27/2005
1174 Ramsey, S 1111 9th St,Des
100 (515) 246- 1009 United Way12/27/2005
1380 Rastetter, 620 CountrIowa Falls, (641) 648- 1443 Iowa Falls 01/10/200603/07/2006
1380 Rastetter, 620 CountrIowa Falls, (641) 648- 1441 Summit Fa 01/10/2006
1380 Rastetter, 620 CountrIowa Falls, (641) 648- 1444 Hawkeye R01/10/2006
1380 Rastetter, 620 CountrIowa Falls, (641) 648- 1442 Iowa Winds01/10/2006
1072 Ready, Rob3636 WestownWestPkwy
Des M(515) 223- 1114 Unisys Cor 12/06/2005
1153 Reed, Jack1281 8th StWest Des M(515) 234- 1177 Iowa Profes12/27/2005
1499 Reedy, Tyl 2001 ForesDes Moines(515) 282- 1181 Iowa Citiz 05/24/2006
1420 Reichmuth,7819 S 97thLaVista,
Circle N (402) 305- 1227 Eli Lilly 01/17/2006
1400 Reindl, Ka 400 E Robert
DesD Moines (515) 283-
Ray Drive 1008 City of De 01/12/2006
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1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1029 Iowa Interi 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1019 Heartland 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1023 CitiFinanci 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1040 Printing In 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1039 NPI 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1038 Meredith C 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1037 Medicap/M 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1035 Magellan Be 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1033 IPSCO Stee12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1031 Iowa Veteri12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1034 Learning Di12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1028 Iowa Compet 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1010 Accountant12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1024 HSBC of Io12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1041 Prairie Me 12/16/2005
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1027 Iowa Counc12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1013 Appriss 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1022 American G12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1030 Iowa State 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1507 University 02/07/200607/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1026 Wells Fargo12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1032 Iowa Wine 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1021 Iowa Associ12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1012 Anheuser 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1020 Iowa Assoc12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1014 Association12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1015 Athletic Tr 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1016 Coalition f 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1017 Energy Edu12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1018 Explore Inf 12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1508 Iowa Comme 02/22/200607/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1011 Anderson F12/16/200507/31/2006
1081 Skinner, Tr Ste 120 West Des M(515) 327- 1036 Mediacom C 12/16/200507/31/2006
1119 Skow, Bob 4000 Westown WestPkwy,
Des M Ste
223- 1133 Independen12/22/2005
1104 Sloniker, B 101 Pierce Sioux
St City, (712) 255- 1127 Siouxland 12/21/2005
1074 Slusark, Ar 1716 LocustDes
St Moines(515) 284- 1038 Meredith C 12/20/2005
1363 Smith, Crai 5800 Fleur Des
Dr, Rm
201(515) 256- 1008 City of De 01/09/2006
1313 Smith, Curt420 WatsonDes Powell Jr Way
Moines (515) 242- 1372 Iowa Depar01/06/2006
1108 Smith, Ellio100 E Grand Ave,
Des Ste (515)
Moines 160 246- 1129 Iowa Busin 12/21/2005
1319 Smith, Gor 360 SE Delaware
IA (515) 963- 1375 Iowa Concr01/06/2006
1157 Smith, Jam777 Third StDes Moines(515) 471- 1140 Iowa State 12/23/2005
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1005 Iowa League 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1392 Metro Wast01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1395 Election S 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1169 Flint Hills 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1387 Express Sc01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1389 Iowa Associ01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1210 Iowa Healt 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1390 Iowa Opera01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1391 McDonald' 01/09/2006
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1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1385 Ahlers Law01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1394 The Rasmu01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1086 Wells Farg 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1386 Catfish Be 01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1384 Iowa Acade01/09/2006
1334 Smith, Juli 3917 Hillcr Des Moines(515) 210- 1393 MultiStates01/09/2006
1340 Smith, Mar Lucas Blding,Des4th
Floor(515) 242- 1401 State Publi 01/09/2006
1409 Smith, Mar 2000 Walker Des
Ste A (515) 262- 1479 Iowa Feder01/17/2006
1397 Smitherma 1930 89th Clive, IA 5 (515) 276- 1465 Delta Denta01/12/2006
1075 Smithson, 510 E 12th,Des Ste Moines
1A (515) 281- 1115 Iowa Ethic 12/20/2005
1158 Snethen, B 524 4th St Des Moines(515) 281- 1143 Iowa Depart12/22/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1188 Iowa Trust 12/27/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1144 ITS, Inc/S 12/27/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1187 Iowa Mortg12/27/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1185 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1184 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1184 Sorensen, PO Box 6200 Johnston, (515) 286- 1186 Iowa Banke12/27/2005
1084 Sovey, Mar666 Grand Des Ave, Moines
Ste 1707(515) 244- 1118 John Deer 12/05/2005
1383 Soyer, Kell 218 6th Ave,Des
1021 (515) 280- 1447 Child & Fam01/11/2006
1095 Spenner, G475 Alices Road,
Waukee,SteI A(515) 987- 1121 ABC of Iowa 12/20/2005
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1342 Outdoor Adv 01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1350 Diamond G01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1341 Property Ca01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1349 Caremark 01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1348 Grinnell M 01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1347 Iowa Numis01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1345 Iowa State 01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1521 AT&T 03/19/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1344 Iowa Podiat01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1190 Iowa State 01/25/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1191 Rebuild Iow01/10/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1496 Iowa Coali 01/10/200602/20/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1522 Mutual Insu03/19/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1343 Iowa Land T 01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1346 Central Iow01/04/2006
1278 St Clair, M PO Box 1023 Ankeny, IA (515) 778- 1177 Iowa Profes01/04/2006
1159 Starcevich, 6301 Krikwood
SW 398- 1171 Kirkwood C12/23/2005
1078 Steinke, G 11260 Aurora Ave
Urbandale, (515) 281- 1104 Board of Re12/20/2005
1447 Stewart, S MidAmericaDes Moines(515) 281- 1225 MidAmeric 01/31/2006
1086 Stoik, Jule 4647 StoneSioux
Ave City, (712) 274- 1045 Western Io 11/28/2005
1220 Stone, R B 505 5th AveDes Moines(515) 243- 1113 American Ci12/30/2005
1087 Stork, Fran 636 Grand Des
Ave, Moines
13 248- 1052 Wellmark, 12/08/2005
1235 Stradley, R Hoover BldgDes Moines(515) 281- 1280 Iowa Depar12/30/2005
1200 Stremming,3200 N Ameristar
Cit (816) 414- 1241 Ameristar 01/03/2006
1344 Strickler, 100 E Grand Des
Ste (515)
100 288- 1403 Iowa Hospi01/09/2006
1344 Strickler, 100 E Grand Des
Ste (515)
100 288- 1402 Iowa Hospit01/09/2006
1160 Studer, Jo 777 Third StDes Moines(515) 471- 1140 Iowa State 12/23/2005
1109 Sullivan, 6200 Joilet Countrysid
Road (708) 482- 1123 Internation 12/21/2005
1492 Summers, 1509 NW 7Parksville (816) 880- 1260 TAP Pharma 05/08/2006
1247 Sundstrom,700 Walnut,Des SteMoines
1600 (515) 283- 1310 Friends of 01/03/2006
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