Aberrant Worldwide Phase Two
Aberrant Worldwide Phase Two
Aberrant Worldwide Phase Two
ISBN: 1-56504-686-2
WW8510 $19.95 U.S.
bRAt aluulu Printed in USA
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
It just gets worse. tellers are welcome t o include them wherever and
~ The tarnish on the Golden Age gets thicker whenever works within the frame o f their series.
and darker w i t h every passing day. Many are be- Change or discard anything that doesn’t suit your
1 ginning t o wonder if it ever was really golden at series. Just because its written here doesn’t mean
! all. Newspapers increasingly contain stories about that Game Canon need override the kindo f game you
rogue novas and the ways in which they’re not like want to run. That said, however, future supplements
I baselines, about novas turning their vast quantum willtake into account the events that transpire here
abilities t o ends t h a t can most generously b e as part of the “official” timeline that closes the gap
1 termed “ethically dubious.” between 2008 and 2120. To sum up, then; this is
Pessimists, cynics and other grim-minded sorts part o f the direction the overarching story is taking,
1 speculate that the abuses of quantum power will and if that’s not yourdirection, cool.
1 just get worse until an all out war between baselines If you are a player, it is probably best that you
and novas breaks out and the human race is extin- put this book down now unless you want t o ruin your
1 guished, leaving the Teragen the only victor. Mean- own enjoyment of these scenarios. There is really
while, the Directive and Project Utopia frantically
look for ways o f averting exactly that type o f con-
flict, while categorically denying the possibility of
very little here that a player needs to know going
into any o f the stories, and the Storyteller can easily
fill you in on the necessary details. Suffice it to say
any such outcome. The PR teams smile, wave and that, through your character’s actions, you will make
! w r i t e soothing words t o dismiss citizens’ fears, a real and lasting impact on your series’ world, no
while the researchers in the Rashoud facilities and matter how things turn out, but those are things bet-
1 Directive labs frantically search f o r ways t o coun- ter discovered in the fullness o f time.
[MemoFrom Special Agent Caroline Mantebe to Director W m u r a of the Directive, March 14.20101
Director Nakamura,
1 must admit that this assignment caught me by surprise. Compiling background reports on religious organizations
rarely falls under our mandate (especially ones with legitimate ties to the Vatican). Following my preliminary research,
however, 1 now understandyour concern. 1 haven’t read this much paranoid, conspiracy-laden materialsince Umberto Eco’s
Focault’s Pendulum. At least that 1 could excuse as fiction.
Please bear in mind that this is not the official report. This is a quick progressupdate on my investigation into Opus Dei.
I’m currently hindered by the lack of First-hand accounts concerningthe organization. Even ex-members are loath to discuss
their former affiliations. I’d say their silence borders on fear.
Josemarie Escriva, as you well know, founded Opus Dei in 1928.Escriva, a controversial figure even now, died in 1475,
but not before turning Opus Dei into a force of reckoning. Their mandate sounds innocuous enough: to spread faith into all
sectors of everyday life and expand Christianity’s influence across the world. They target affluent and educated people and
espouse an ultra-conservative point-of-view. This, of course, is all public knowledge. Probe deeper, however, and Opus Dei
looks more like a cult. They are the only recognized Catholic organization, aside from the Holy Roman Church itself, that
believes it was inspired directly by God, in this case through Escriva’s visions. Out of 40,000 members, half are celibate;
each member is required to wear a cilice (spiked thigh chain) every two hours and encouraged to engage in corporal morti-
fication. Approximately a quarter of them live in Opus Dei communities where a “director” moderates their activities and
influences their opinions. He opens their mail and even encourages members to drop their former associations.
Opus Dei is answerable to itself alone. Members are not required to list their financial statements or affiliation, and
they only report to the Pope every five years. Opus Dei claims poverty, even though 30 percent of its members are univer-
sity graduates who tithe generously to the organization. The remaining 70 percent hold partial associations with Opus Dei
and hand over a portion of their salaries as well. After that, there are over 700,000 cooperators, or supporters, who also
contribute with donations or volunteer work. This isn’t counting the over 64 cardinals and 1,300 bishops who supported
Escriva’s beatification.
Since 1428,Opus Dei’s gained power on both a secular and a political front. Specifically, thanks to John Paul 11, it enjoys
unprecedented freedom. When Karol Wojtyla ,the soon-to-be Pope John Paul 11, bowed before Escriva’s tomb, it sent a clear
message that Opus Dei was now the Vatican’s favored son, even in the days before the 1478 Conclave. During his tenure, the
Former Pontiff raised the number of seats within The Sacred College of Cardinalsfrom 111 to 166,seemingly ensuring a conser-
vative successor at the next Conclave. He made Opus Dei Autocephalous in 1482,turning it into a personal prelature not tied
down to any diocese and independent from other bishops. Just before he died, John Paul 11 elevated Opus Dei ArchbishopJuan
Luis Cipliani to cardinal. Many believed Cipliani was on his way to the Papacy. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.
On a political front, Opus Dei has been heavily involved with Spain’s government from Franco’s regime up to the
current administration under President Sabatini. This isn’t counting its extensive influence in Argentina, Peru, San Salvador,
Austria and France. When 1 say extensive, 1 mean Opus Dei either occupies cabinet positions, is courted by the ruling elect
o r maintains an archbishop o r two in positions OF primacy. Additionally, outspoken critics of Opus Dei have a way of dying.
Your plan is inspired. You have my blessing, but you must move quickly on the matter. Benedict XVI will tour the
United States in two months and hold a Consistory upon his return. Rumors say he plans t o cut seats within the College
of Cardinals to streamline the Vatican, including some of our allies. We must discredit him before then.
Reveal his culpability while he tours the United States. This should add drama to the charges leveled against him
and prevent him from mobilizing his supporters until after his return. 1’11 have enough time to present the evidence to the
College unhindered and can agitate the problem from there. 1F you’re correct, Benedict XVl will be our own Babylonian
captive by year’s end.
1’11 see you receive the proper financing for this endeavor. It may be expensive, but I’m sure the results will be
worth the investment. See you do not fail me. It grieved me to lose Aka, and I’d hate to see Opus Dei crippled further
with your premature demise.
For thou has trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seetb me. 7hy wisdom and tby knowledge, it bath
perverted thee; and thou bast said in thine heart, 1am, and none else beside me.
- Isaiah 47:lO
Your Excellency,
The trap is set. Bertolli Genavesse will begin our investigation, and the novas you’ve sent me (Apocrypha, Fidei
Defensor, Aureole, Dirge and Tenebrae) will dispose of him before he can meet with our mole. I’ve found a second group
of novas who’ll serve as excellent investigators in Bertolli’s murder. The clues are simple enough to follow, while Apocry-
pha and his entourage will lend credence to any accusations of conspiracy leveled against the Papacy.
Let the Malleus MaleficarumNowm fall where it may. This new lnquisition against Mario Bardi’s heresy will finally
see justice for Opus Dei.
Yours in God,
Fr. Angelo Chalepeno
Thou shalt not sufFer a witch to live.
Exodus 2218
[7elephone conversationbetween Fr. A+ chalepeno and unknown parties through multi-tminal route. ‘Tradated
from Italian.]
- chalepeno:Angelo Chalepeno, hello?
- Unknown: We received your message. This line is secure. You can talk freely.
- Chalepeno: Excuse me? Sorry, but who is this?
- Unknown: My identity is not an issue here. Suffice to say 1 represent the Aberrants. This line is secure for another
three minutes. After that, 1 hang up, and 1 won’t call back. Make good use of that time Father Chalepeno.
- Chalepeno: Ah! Well, yes, I’ve been trying to reach your people for a few days now. [Pause] 1 have an urgent matter
that 1 believe concerns us both. [Pause]
- UnknowmDon’t wait for me to respond. It’s your two minutes and 40 seconds here.
- Chalepeno: Sorry. I’m not used t o cloak and dagger dealings. Well... it came to my attention recently that somebody
is using the Vatican as a cover for illegal activities. At least, this is what a Vatican reporter told me before he vanished. His
name is Bertolli Genavesse and....
- Unknown: What does this have to do with the Aberrants. We’re not hired-help or a service for missing persons.
warehouses hide colonies of rats, homeless people and the fling. To the left of the pulpit is a door to the manager’s
occasional crack house andddlar baqatn brothek. httered office. It’s half-cavered by tom curtains.
throughoutare tiny enclaves of d e s t i i neqhbomoodssur- The rear office smells horrible due to the adjoining
viving under one gang’s probxtion or another‘s. bathroom that’s been used by vagrants and addicts over
the years. A desk adorns the Spartan room, as does a
Setting chair with the seated and dead Mr. Genavesse.
2383 W. SycamoreStreet is a reconvertedstore built
to serve as the pulpit for the now defrocked &otherhood Mr. Genavesse
Church of Christ and the Disciples of the Hdy Spirit. The Mr. Genavesse sits in a swivel chair, his head lolled
first story comprised the store, while the remaining two to the side and his eyes open but pitch black as though
housed apartments of sqwlid condition. This was a house
church that once followed acharismatic preacher but closed
down Following charges of tax evasion brought when the
IRS discovered that he wasn’t a “legitimate” church. From
the outside, it looks like any one of the destitute buildings
tining the street. The windows and door are boarded from
the inside, and the glass is filthy. The jimmied door lock is
partiallyblockedby debm, allowingentry throughthe crack.
The storefront church is a two-and-a-half room op-
eration, with the mainstore floor in front and the manager’s
office and bathroom in the rear. The main room is a simple
affair with tattered posters of Jesus on the walls, a bulletin
board with ascattering of announcementsand boxes block-
ing the entrance, filled with molding flyers. Five rows of
broken, folding chairs face the back of the store and a small
pulpit. The painted wall, now fading and bwdyvisible, por-
trays the cross, a golden corona and doves ascending into
Heaven. The smdl of wet paper and exposedsewage is sti-
her grwp the best and should adjust the clues accordingly. mistaken me for someone-
If the Storyteller wants the team to uncover information on * Apoaypha: (Latin) You are Bwtolli Genavesse?
its own, she can scrap the notebook entirely; Genavesse GeMvesse:(Latin) Y-yes.
left in the car, for example. It’s disintegrated at this point. Apocrypha:(Latin) Then sit down.
Advenbm is served: If the team is composed of the d (Latm) Not untilp u t$lme who ycu are
gung-ho sort of adventuring novas who don’t have time for Apocrypha: (Latin) Very well [Scuffle and ien
thesubtletiesof imrestigation,the Storytellercan Fill thenote- Genavesse screams]
book with all the relevant information. Specifically, it could 0 Genawsx (Latin) What ... ahhh! It hurts! What ave
contain all automatic, standard, +1 and +2 diffiiulty secrets. you done to-to me?
The Notepad ~Apocryphg(Lattn)SentyoutoGodforjudgment.xi#
As mentioned previously, the notepad can fill in miss- diewittnnanhotr.Doywtshrnetoadmiiisterextrememc on?
0 Gtnavsrsb: (Latin) You’re ... you’re a priest7
inq data or add new facts to the equation. Here are addi-
Apocryphs (Latin) Sit. It’llease your suffering. 1: hat
better? Ignore this fqade; 1 am a priest.
Genaverse:(Latin) Why are you... ahh! Why?
Apocrypha: (Latin) Shh. Ask for forgiveness. I m’t
die with a lie in your heart. Free your soul.
Gmamse(Latin) I’m innocent! I’m imocent!Damr rou!
I’m [Muted scream again, then Genawsse sobbpng and g q ig].
Apacr)rpha. (Latin) Forgive me, but 1 had to rei ove
your tongue lest you damn yourself further. I’m doing tl i to
save you. Now nod. Do yw beg for forgiveness? Nod! es?
Good, good. I’ll carry your pleas For absolution back tl the
Vatican with me. I’ll ask His Holiness to pray for your s( 1.
The recording lapses into silence after Apocrypha
administers last rites and leaves the room.
After math
It’s a messy situation, especially if things went ac-
cording to ScarCrow’s plans. Stanislav will die unless
somebody uses Healingto save him. Additionally, depend-
ing on how the characters dealt with the security in and
out of the room, police will arrive in as little as two turns
after ScarCrow shattered the window and sent Stanislav
into cardiac arrest.
This doesn’t bode well for the team, especially if it
is spotted in the room or outside the window. Security
and police will try and detain them for questioning, but
icedoel OpNet conference call
~gasyndicateliiutenant and si
Voice 1: Good morning sir Our problem in New York ha
Voice 2: Are you certain DAna? IF thfs crops up again
Voice 1: I’m well aware OF that sir All the pnncples in
e, who’s at death‘s door now Gone knowswe can diminah
Voice2 Even though the lud hmedhlsback on hen?
Voice 1: Strange, isn’t it?
Voioe 2: And Opus Del?
Voice 1: They’ve got teeth sir. Our contacts in Madnd v
IMight 1 suggest we. warn our lieutenants in Spain and So
Voice 2: Well D’Ana, start drawing up battle plans for
Voice 1: Already on it SK,but it could get bloody
Voice 2 ‘That’s fme. Opus Dei is too dangerous to have
e Holy See campay, and 1 can’t allow that Just remembe
Voice 1: Yes sir, of course
Agent Lindstrom:
We’ve lost contact with Fly, our primary London operative. 1 needyou to go in and find him. Don’t raise a fuss or get
involved in local issues. Get in, find him, and get out. We can arrange a rescue later.
If you can, get any files or notes he’s worked on in the past seven days. Enclosed are dossiers on known Directive
operatives in the area.
General Collin:
We’ve apprehended the Proteus operative codenamed “Fly.” He’s in custody awaiting your decision as to disposal.
1 suggest full-scale debriefing and incarceration.
My investigations took me to
Islington, where I met someone who
claimed to be a friend of London
Fog’s from state school. As it turns
out, “ElizabethDeborah Barton” was
born ”Benjamin Jeffrey Emory” in
1974 in Islington.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
melissa Weatherby mP
Minister Without Portfolio
MelissaW eatherby was the ConservativePartyElectionMan:igerfrom
As MinisterW ithout PottFolio, Ms. W eatherbywill be responsiblefor as-
sistingthe Prime Minister and other ministerialcolleagues in pres
coordinating andimplementinggovernmentpolicy .
Ms. Weatherbyis a Ministerof State inthe Cabin& Of fice, H
biliiesthere are crossdepartmental,assistinginthe strategic implei
tion of the government’ s policiesto ensurethe newadministrations
infulfillingits programme, includingthe key manifestopledgeson educ
iobs, healthandcrime.
Ms.Weatherby’ s responsibiliiforthe presentationof govemmei
isto ensure consistent andclear projectionof the government’ . -.
andmessagesto the public. Ms. W eatherbywill work closely with me Pnme
Ministerandother colleagues acrossWhitehall onthese issues. She is also
a memberof a numberof cabinetcommittees.
Ms.Weathetby ,38, waselectedas Memberof estminst
in 2000. She was appointedan Opposition whip i nd then
made Shadow Civil ServiceSpokesman in October2003. She stood down
from her post inJuly 2004 to focus full-timeon the Conservative Party’
election campaign,while remainingonthe Oppositionfront bench.
Ms. Weatherbystudied PPEat St. Catherine’ s College, Oxford. She was
a television producerfor England Today from 1992to 1995ai
irectorfor Campaigns and Communic
Andrew Pennyworth,
British Power
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
iinn works It sits ii 1st hevnnrlmv
Interrogation Transcript
General Collin: Are you comfortable? Would you care for something to drink? A cigarette?
Fly: [through gritted teeth] No. I’m fine.
GC: Then shall we attend to business? Good. 1 hope you can satisfy my curiosity. Specifically, why you’ve spent
so much time observing our governmental buildings. Surely they can’t be that interesting, even to a tourist.
F: I’m an amateur photographer. 1 was just taking pictures.
GC:Really?Is that so? Why then were no photographs amidst your belongingswhen we picked you up? And why
did you try to run? Certainly, a simple photographer has nothing to fear from two men in business suits.
F: [pause] With suspicious bulges under their jackets? What would you think if two armed men approachedyou
like that?
GC: [laughter] Come now, you must realize that we’re more civilized than to simply shoot an American for taking
pictures. Still, you have a good eye, if you noticed that. Now, we know you sat outside an M15 office for six consecutive
hours, 1 presume photographing all who entered or departed. What we don’t know is why. 1 could make an educated
guess, but I’d like to hear your explanation first.
F: Before 1 say another word, 1 want to call the US Embassy.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
N!Sight with Parker S st 17,2009
years ago. It's clear-chat you enjoy M: Oh, no! Next to Lydia Divine,
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Interview Transcript
Luiz Francisco: Are you both comfortable? Care for a drink?
Finn: 1’11 have tea -whatever you’ve got. He’ll have gin. Straight. What’s the nature of your problem, Seiior Francisco?
Francisco: My company produces the processor nodes used for Europe’s OpNet. We’ve recently developed a -
well, we’ll just call it a prototype. It’s very valuable to us and would cost us greatly if we lost it to a competitor.
Finn: Was it stolen?
Francisax No, but 1 believe one of our employees, Pablo Hernandez, took schematics for the new chipset and intends
to auction it off to our ... competitors.
Finn: This is his portfolio? Interesting. Didn’t you run a full check on him when you hired him?Just one glance tells me
this guy’s shiftier than quicksand.
Francisco: Look, not everything’s immediately obvious. Pablo came with impeccable references, and he’s one of the
best in his field-
* Dog: Cut the crap, Francisco. One look at his performance reviews shows he couldn’t design a potato chip, let alone
a computer chip. You can suck my cock and call it strawberry ice cream, but it’s still going to taste like cock. Now, why’d you
keep this loser in your employ knowinghe’s an incompetent security risk?
Finn: Dog has a point. What aren’t you telling us?
F m i s c t x Look, I’m giving you everything 1 have. This is all on the level.
Finn: That’s interesting. As it turns out, we know S e b r Hernandez isn’t your employee. He’s ako not stealing any-
thing from you. We do have evidence that your corporate spies tried to steal this very design from lntelbrope and that this
man was hired to recover the stolen prototypes. Lies give me gas, idiots give me a headache. Now 1have both, and all 1did
was sit in the same room with you for two minutes. Not very impresswe. Have a good day, Seiior Francisco. We won’t be in
touch, and 1 suggest that you never contact us again.
Dog: [snarls]
Reuters, Acapulco Mexico - Gunfire broke out on the lsland Princess cruise ship while still in port yesterday
afternoon. 26 casualties, includingthe Novox performingsensations, Brother Rap and Sister Soul, have been found so
far. lnvestigators believe that no others were harmed.
The assailants are unknown at this time, although investigators harbor strong suspicions that they were elites.
The massacre was over too quickly for baseline reflexes.
lnvestigators found evidence m the Novox duo’s cabin linking them to several terrorist actions conducted under
the banner of an extremist Nation of Islam group. 1f the evidence is accurate, lnterpol will discover the cause of at
least a dozen bombings in the past two years. Nation of Islam representatives deny any link to Brother Rap or Sister
Soul’s activities.
The Man He needed a means t o bring them under his banner and
convince them to follow him.
Who Would Be King Anningsley convertedViolet Mayhew first. He chose
her for her talents and what he perceived to be a certain
Not more than two centuries past, the sun never set
ethical flexibility. Until Anningsley met Mayhew, she used
on the British Empire. ‘The British seemingly had holding
her persuasive powers mainly to further her own career
and colonies everywhere -they were present in Africa
Asia and North America. ’Their aggressive colonial poli,
(and get the occasional valuable gift from hopeful suit-
ors). She had great ambition but no real direction.
cies took them to many places and led to much trade. Un,
Anningsley gave her that direction. He laid out his plam
fortunately, their good fortune was not to last.
for Mayhew, culminating with the two of them ruling a
In time, the subject nations overthrew their Britisl
new British Empire. Mayhew, fully convinced OF the right-
rulers or negotiatedfreedom. In 1997, the last of Britain’
ness of Anningsley’s goals, used her own connections to
extra-territorial holdings -Hong Kong -was returnec
lure influential men into Anningsley’s new cult.
to the People’s Republic of China. All that remained wa
England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England’s pros Camelot
perity faded as well, with economic depressionand w o w When Anningsley constructedhis “religion,” he took
In recent years, England’s decline (socially, economicall several cues from Christianity, Freemasons and his own
and politically) has continued as the United Kingdom re national legacy. ‘The Temple of the King, as he calls it,
fuses to join the European Community, foster a relation operates as something of a small elite society.
ship with Project Utopia or respect the Euro. Raciall: Most of the members view the Temple of the King
motivatedviolence is on the rise, and crime skyrockets. as a glorified social club. ‘Theyuse it to make contacts in
The Beginning
Anningsley moves very quietly at first, bnnging in the
Inner Temple’s core membenhip and Mayhew. He starts his
moves in 2004 and completes them within twoyears. By the
fall of 2011, he has a small but very dedicatedcore around
whtch he can build the Temple of the King. He refines his
observation of public novas, noting those whom he cannot
abide and those who would make potential allies or pawns.
Andrew Pennyworth
Andrew Pennyworth is the chairman for the Wtish
P m r boad of directors. He only recently came into that
position (with assistance from others in the Temple and di-
rect intercessionon Mayhew’s part), and now he’s only a fg-
wehead for Anningsley’s needs. He can’t address British
Jacob Ashton
Jacob Ashton’s family was among the forefront of in
dusttialization in the 17thcentury. ‘Thqrmade a forhme build
ing an industrial empire and maintained it throughthe follow
ing decades. Ashton is wealthy enough to have nearly any
rigadier General
‘latthew Collin
thing he could possibly want,except for an active M-R nock Matthew Collin has been in the SAS for d y 25-
Mayhew lured Ashton into the temple with stories tha d is among the best that England has to offer. He’s fought in
Anningsley might know how to tngger eruptions. Evenwith, iq and Central Europe during the ‘?Os and now finds
out that temptation, Ashton faces the challenge of raisin!
Englandabove all other nationswith anticipation. It’s a diffi.
cult road, but one he’s ambitious enough to navigate. Ashta
could care less about the rest of the lnner Temple. The onb
exception is Dr. Morgan, whom he believes holds Utopia
“secret” for inducing emption. He‘s not yet certain how I
broach the subject. Should anyone convincehim that Utopi
has no x h secret, he will react as if beb-ayed.
Starting in 2014, Anningsley makes his first moves to-
ward other n-. Hesets up an elite tosee haw& it works
(with oversightfrom him, of couse). Anningsley haswatched
w a s ever since his eruption in 2006 and ethe informa-
tion he’s gained to his best advantage.He also has a Rashoud
facilitydirector in theNew Yo& Temple, whose mindhe 9-
larly sifts for information on known novas.
At this stage, Anningsley’s not yet ready to move
full-bore into his projected plans. He’s still moving care-
fully and hasn’t consolidatednearlyenough power to com-
pletely protect himself and the Inner Temple. His most
potent weapon is secrecy, and exposure is his greatest
threat. Should revelation of the cabal’s existence become
a possibility, Anningsley will panic. He will try his utmost
theupperechelonsofEngllshgovernment.weatherby‘snot t o remove the threat to his power base and plans. While
so concerned about the trappngs of Anningsley’s cabal so his actions wiU be as subtle as he can manage, they greatly
much as mamtaming her pnvileged p t m in the new re- increase the risk of exposure, and the characters (who
gime Her pr~mary mohvation IS mtmdane greed Weatherby probably triggered the reaction) would do well to capi-
IS willing to cooperate with any of the other lmr Temple talize on this vulnerability.
thetr full support should anything happen and will not j e ~ p -
ardize her standing. Even so, she doesn’t trustJacob Ashton
England in 2014
-he‘sbeenneatoornanyaccldents As noted in Abenat,p. 72, the English have re-
sisted both Project Utopia’s assistance and the adoption
Building the Temple of the Euro. Economically, England’s slowly sliding into a
Once Anningsley’s solidified his core, he’ll begin to nasty depression, draggingScotlandand Irelandalong with
work outward and recruit others into the Outer Temple it.This has caused some discordon the UNSecurity Coun-
The Temple of the King will be presented as a modern cil, as the English representative refuses to discuss the
incarnation of the “gentlemen’s dubs” of the past Of matter with Utopia’s representative.
Running the Story Anningsley hasn’t quite realized Mayhew’s Full potential and
pOwer when it comes to winning hearts and minds.
This story is self-contained but can impact any num-
ber of other factors in the greater world. If Anningsley’s Character Involvement
conspiracy is exposed, this could lead to public backlashas NonedthiisinfoFmationdoesanygoodoodwithouthooksto
people in other nations start to wonder just how many no- dragthecharadersintothemlddleofthings.Withthat mmind,
vas are doing the same thing in their countries. h e r e a r e d ways to i d u c ey w c h t e r s to the plot.
When running “A Green and Pleasant Land,” put pres-
e the players to react.Don‘t railroadthem into aspecifr
s u ~ on The Human Element
respome (or type of response), but give them ream to keep Most Aberrmt characters have mends - the Allies
d y i n g and pushmgagainst Armiiley‘s 9oup.If the b-and FollowersBackgrounds directly tie into this. ’These Sto-
ters are part of an organization like the Dkective or Project ryteller characters, generallySuppOFt system for novas,are
Pro&, it’s a simple matter to assign them to the case.If not, ready-made plot hooks.The questionsimply becomes, “how
the mwer is to male it penond.Some ideas fdluw for d q - to use them to involve the players’ characters.”
gmg chaaders into the middleof Anningsley’s plots. Many allies, contacts or followers may h e important,
influential positions somewhere - in a corporation, gov-
Cult or Conspiracy? ernment, ProjectUtopiaor the Directive,amongothers.Hdd-
The Temple of the King is a bit of both. Anningsley ing these positions automatically makes one a candidate for
has established a two-tiered system within the Temple. the Temple of the King. If any are English, then they become
The first is the Outer Temple, for general membership possiblecandidates for the Inner Temple cabal.
and networking. It’s predominantly a social club, but it lt’s best to choose one Storyteller character for
serves nicely for Anningsley’s information gathering membership in the Temple - too many supporting cast
needs, as well as concentrating enough people to make members flocking to Anningsley’s banner will look a bit
direct influence over business and politics a reality. contrived when the players figure out what’s going on.
The second tier is the Inner Temple, composed of It’s ako important to give players a clue that one of
six people either Anningsley or Mayhew specifically se- their associates has picked up a new interest. Itdoesn’t have
lected. Despite their own goals, each will do nearly any- to be obvious, but it’s something that should be apparent to
thing Mayhew asks (and she takes the time to cultivate any player who’s paying attention A supporting cast mem-
this devotion in each and every one of them). Whether or ber in the Temple should go through the following stages of
not they believe in or care about “Arthur Pendragon’s re- invdvement(withtheaccomparryingsignstohisnovahiend):
turn” is unimportant, their primary loyalties lie with Membsrdnp -The Friendjoins the Temple - a
Mayhew. Anningsley understands this and needs Mayhew branch just opened near &e he lives, and he was on the
The above can happen to a fnend or acquaintance, in
he dies +,, you mean br
I .‘
rningsley’s Plans?
E d his beneficial intentions with some rather vile acts.
i coupled wlth the lrmer Temple’s influence to shift the +bal e
loved, these plans would prove very benefrialto England.
in London. It’s made several punitive attacks against gow
to the assassination of the Prime Minister. Once the PM
situation and pushes for martial law. Once the terrorists ar
/ho acts according to Anningsley’s instructions (and turns
Golet Mayhew
Mgomd:Violet Mayhew is one of England’s media
England’s downwardspiral.After his eruption (at age 80!), h dings. She regularly appears on OpNet broadcasts,
turned his attention to c&ing all thosethings he could nc
touch before, with vastly increasedmentalcapacities and hi
regained youthful vigor. He c m e a k his bue past from all h
meets (and few would p e s that he is one the most influentii
men in Europe). Anningsley poses as a normai member of th
‘Temple, caeful to meet as many membersas possibleand fre
quently traveling to attend to hs
i interests.
lmagse Arthv Anningsley is a healthy young man, mod
erately handsomeandin vigorouslygood hedth.Hestands jm
over six feet in height and sports a splendii physique. His ha’
and eyesare brown, and he maintains a perFect tan.He wea
expensive,tailored suits (preferably from Hong Kong).
RdeplayingHints: You are supremely self-confiden
Always act as if you are in control. Under normal circun
stances, you will present a friendly, casual front to anyor
you meet. You’re grateful for your rejuvenation and try 1
enjoy its fruits whenever possible. You’re sexually adver
turous and will flirt with any attractive woman, provide
she seems a challenge.You are charming, gracious and 001
ing with savoir-faire. When dealing with others, you try I
speak in their native tongue (if possible).
And why not? Far better that half- Beautiful. Deadly. The elites are the
a-dozen people should fight a war heroes and villains of the great
than half-a-million. Especially when drama that is the ongoing theater
you consider that conventional war, of global conflict. Some would ar-
callous as it sounds, is boring. Who gue that it is barbaric to celebrate
wants to see footage of precision the ages-old dance of combat. Per-
bombing on some news channel haps they’re right. And when the
when powers spun from the funda- world’s baseline populace evolves be-
mental forces of the universe are be- yond the need for war, maybe we’ll
ing thrown around on N! ? There’s a put that barbarism behind us and
reason special effects flicks gross big the elites will hang up the mask.
at the box office. Garbed in their dis- But, until then, let’s make the best
tinctive uniforms, trading blows that of what we’ve got and enjoy the
break the sound barrier, nova elites show. Sure as hell, with the pay-
appeal to a kind of 21st century gladi- checks they’re making, the elites are
atorial fetish. Time was, people in enjoying putting it on for us.
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
CNN News Report, 02/27/14
Philip St. Christopher; Calcutta, India
St. Christopher: “Spurred on by an ongoing deadlock with Project Utopia on the matter of ‘India Syndrome’, the Indian
government has finally put its foot down. No official confirmation yet, but eyewitness accounts in this area seem to indicate
that two or three nova elites were spotted overhead just about an hour ago, in transit to nearby rural communities. Presum-
ably, these elites and, if rumors are to be believed, at least a handful more, are specifically seeking out villages where novas
are worshiped as divine avatars, there to guard against involvementby Project Utopia and Team Tomorrow.
“All of this, of course, comes on the coattails of the debacle that ensued a week ago when Utopia representatives
arrived in an isolated farming village a far up the Ganges. The name of the village, due to conflicting reports, remains as yet
unknown, but what is confirmed is that the differences between quantum science and ancient faith erupted into a physical
confrontation that is believed to have left Gina Benet of Team Tomorrow Asia/Pacific in critical condition.
“Team Tomorrow and Project Utopia representatives were unavailable for comment on the matter, but representa-
tives from the Indian government have stepped forward to say that Utopian ‘Eurocentric imperialism’ and ‘anti-spiritual
sentiments’ will no longed be tolerated on lndian soil. Representativeswent on to say that India has finally had enough of
‘Project Utopia’s attempts to disprove the realities of the Hindu faith and t o create a mandatory adherence to scientific
belief structures.’
“How all of this will resolve from here is anybody‘s guess, but it looks like India intends to fight, if need be, for the right
to see these ‘new humans’ in the light they are most comfortable with.”
1 eagerly await word from you, general, and 1 hope that we can do business in the very near future.
Warmest Regards,
Radu Szlaniskovich,
DeVries Europe East Coordinator
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
The Overview in the armor of the global body politic. He knew that, sooner
or later, an opportunity to paralyze international govern-
Pound for pound, elites are probably the deadliest
ment and seize every mercenary’s “promised l a n d would
novas on Earth. They develop their quantum-powered
present itself, and novas would overthrow their baseline
gifts specifically to the end of becoming ever better sol-
masters and take control. Szlaniskovichenvisioned a surgi-
diers, more cunning assassinsand unstoppable killers. Even
cal strike, a black-op against the nations of the Earth.
Utopia refuses to take them on one-on-one. They are
In short, it was a covert mission like any other, sim-
consummate mercenaries, selling fantastic powers to the
ply far grander in scope.
highest bidder for nothing more than cash, and lots of it.
In early 2012, Szlaniskovichstarted browsing through
These are, by no stretch of the imagination, morally up-
the DeVries database of elites, searching for those who best
right people. Neglectingthe responsibilitiesof power, they
embodied that special blend of heartlessness, discretion,
instead attend to their own bank accounts and indulge in
team spirit, ambitionand obedience. One seasoned meme-
the thrill of the most dangerous kind of warfare humanity
nary, no matter how powerful, was no match for the world’s
has ever known.
peacekeepingorganizations. However, six t o ten could con-
Most people are too excited by the prospect of watch-
stitute a veritable army of novas, and a very formidable one
ing the Highwayman do his work on N! to think about the
at that. Such an army, working insmall teams,each unaware
implications of what 13 p r s (since elites first appeared in
of the movements of the others, yet all directedby a single
the EquatorialWars insub-Saharan Africa in2001) of con-
tinual conflict does to the mind of a nova. Sure, there are
in its path, flowing around what it could not destroy and
the nights of whirlwind romance in Hong Kong and dinners
slipping through the fingers of any who attempted to catch
with kings and princesto break up the monotony of slaugh-
it. Inshort, the plan was perfect.
ter, but these are not things that help one to remain firmly
Now, all that remained was to implement it.
grounded in the real world. An elite’s life exists in finer,
sharper colors than most of us are accustomed to. Pushing
themselves to greater h e i t s and depths of experiencethan
Theme and Mood
The theme of “Dominion” is power and its price. “Do-
any basdinecan hope to attain, the elite’s senses are honed
minion” brings characters face-to-face with all that is dark-
by the surreal moments when death seems inevitable, by
est within the hearts of novas and shorn them what they
the unrepentant decadenceof the times between missions
themselves have the potential to become as their quantum
and even by the smell of napalm in the morning. Our lives,
gifts grow and the call todivinlty begins to outstripthe sim-
by comparison, seem to them dull, gray, uninspired. This
pler needs of humanity. It serves as a macrocosm for the
lunatic affair with Deathslowly desensitizesthese nwas (not
inner conflicts within each nova, as the baselineworld be-
the most caring or compassionateof people to begin with)
comes more distant, more worshipful, more needy -and
to the consequences of their actions. Once you’ve reaped
more suspicious. As novas become more powerful and the
billions of dollars from partiiipating invarious international
inevitable confrontation of 2044 looms ever closer, the
conflicts, why keep doing it?Unless, of course, you love it.
characters are given the opportunity to peer into the rising
Indeed, with the media inundating the public with
darkness and see that, when its time comes, the apoca-
the “glamorous” lives of these super-powered hired kill-
lypse may be wearing their faces.
ers, there comes a point where the glamour becomes real.
Also, this scenario is about doing what is right, re-
The adoration of the masses elevates what is essentially a
gardless of the cost, regardless of the likelihood of suc-
bipedal piece of artillery to the status of a cultural icon.
cess. Sometimes, all an individual can do is stand up for
Ask any 12-year-old boy in 2014 who he’d rather be: Pur-
whatever she believes in. The important thing is to try.
suer or the President? The answer will probably be
unsurprising. Sooner of later, the elite will come to be-
No one wants to feel that their struggles are in vain, but
lieve in his own PR. At this point, what is to stop one from all of us know that sometimes the good guy does finish
wondering what it would be like to rule rather than be last and the villains (at least, from one’s own perspective)
ruled, to command rather than to take orders? walk away with the prize. However, defying the inevitable
A nova named Radu Szlaniskovich began wondering can be glorious and dramatic in and of itself (read
precisely that. Szlaniskovich, however, had a unique per- Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” or Frank
spective on that topic. As the Eastern EuropeanCoordina- Miller’s 300 if you need inspiration in that vein). It is the
tor for DeVries National Tactical Solutions, he was able to romance of standing before the storm and refusing to
see trends that remained iwisible to others: Humanity’s kneel. It is acknowledging that “a coward dies a thousand
ability to deal with novas through technological means was deaths, a brave man dies but once.”
increasing at an almost geometrical rate; at the same time, The primary mood of “Dominion,” on the other hand,
groups like the Directive and Project Utopia were snatch- is grim and unrelenting. The characters are fighting an
ing up novas before they had a chance to think about their uphill battle that they may or may not be able to win. At
whole range of options. The window of opportunity for es- no point should the characters feel that they can take vic-
tablishing a nova homeland was shrinking. Szlaniskovich tory for granted nor even necessarily feel confident that
beganplaying scenarios over in his head, lookingfor a chink their abilities are sufficient to stem this tide. The clock is
Once a functional dialogue is established, the man, cere smile, Pradmurabpan will simply reply that he had
whose gives his name as Krishnamurti Pradmurabpan, in- foreseen everything about the boy’s journey, includingthe
forms the characters that he serves this village as a bridge fact that he would return unharmed. And his “visions”?
to the gods, a kind of demigod. He goes on to say that his ‘Those, the nova responds, are gifts from the gods which
visions of the future protected him from an assassin a few he himself does not fully understand. He knows that he
days ago. He foresaw a man and a woman stealing into his can see into the future (though events in the remote fu-
village to murder him in the night. By using his great power ture are often couched in riddle and symbolism) and oc-
of maya, Pradmurabpan forged a duplicate of himself to casionally, when the situation warrants it, into the past
receive the assassin’s blow in his stead, but his deception and that those things he sees will always come to pass,
was seen for what it was and a fierce battle ensued. It though not always in the fashion he imagines they will.
ended, Pradmurabpan reveals, with himself using potent Anything asked about the “army of wickedness” will
powers of illusion to temporarily trap the woman, who prompt Pradmurabpan to speak about a dark force that is
blazed like the sun, within the prison of her own evil mind. rising to grip the Earth in its unyielding fist. He talks of a
The man, no match for the village’s protector in a head- small group of men and women, gifted by the gods, but
1 on combat, spirited the comatose woman away through a selfish and cruel, who are slowly building a throne of mis-
hole in the air itself (a feat, Pradmurabpan will admit, he ery that shall cast a shadow upon all things. Pradmurabpan
himself is familiar with.) As he meditated on the events of also warns that these evil people have killed others like
the night, however, Pradmurabpan foresaw that his own himself, that their wickedness should keep the attentions
part in this was not yet done and that he had to convey a of a great giant whose duty it is to protect the world and
message t o others who could turn aside a great army of they might freely bring evil to lands of jungles and fire.
wickedness before its planscould be made complete. Thus, If the characters persist in knowing more about this
he sent the boy to Calcutta (his own presence would have latter part of Pradmurabpan’s revelations, he tells them
elicited too many questions from others) and told him that it will have to wait for after the feast. The “feast” is
where in the city to find those with whom he must speak. pretty meager vegetarian fare, but it is about all these
The characters almost assuredly have questions. people can spare. Even without nova-sized appetites,
Someone is probably going to ask how he could have sent these people are obviously malnourished. Pradmurabpan,
a small child to a city like Calcutta by himself. With a sin- however, does not eat. From the way the proceedings go,
For characters who decide on Africa, a strange
sight greets their passage through the warp. Preter-
natural direction sense will inform a character that the
group has arrived somewhere in the Congo, but the
view on all sides is that of the inside of a low-walled
military compound. The base looks old and in a ter-
rible state of disrepair. Trees are sprouting up from
within the compound itself, and the elements have
taken their toll on the buildings. A family of monkeys
has taken up residence in one of the taller trees. All
told, the place looks like the relic of a long-forgotten
conflict. A cursory inspection, however, will reveal, in
one of the nearby buildings, in a slightly better state
of repair, a peculiar find. Ten used military ration con-
of Thai curry wafts into the alley as the two men con- the intended end of killing anyone who might be able to
tinue to carry on a conversation in Russian. derail his dream.
Providedthe characters take the necessary measures If the characters have the intelligence to wait and
(getting very close to the conversation without beingseen, bide their time quietly, then they will find their patience
possessing extremely refined hearing or otherwise hav- rewarded. About 10 minutes after they arrive, both men
ing some means of discerning what’s going on without will rise, embrace and bid one another farewell. ‘The Rus-
compromisingtheir location), they will be able to listen in sian will refer to the Thai as “General,” and the other will
as the two men (one of whom is plainly not Russian, but
probably ‘Thai) discuss “future support,” “distribution of
resources” and “solidifying legitimacy.” All told, it sounds
very much like an “1’11 scratch your back if you scratch
mine” kind of arrangement.
If any of the characters have Intuition, Premonition
or similar powers, let them know, unreservedly, that show-
ing their faces t o the men dining just outside the alley
wwld likely be theworst thing they’ve ever done and would
almost assuredly be the last. A near-palpable sense of life-
threatening danger crouches at the end of the alley. Char-
acters who wish to sense for quantum with Node will sense
a quantum source, while those using the Quantum
Attunement enhancement will feel what is probably one
of the most potent quantum signatures they’ve ever ex-
perienced. Just outside the alley, speaking with one of his
old friends from his time as an elite, is Radu Szlaniskovich,
and if he senses in any way that his operation is compro-
mised, he will fight with all of his considerable power, to
To Fight Them!?”
t seem a bit ... well, extraordinarily powerful for your “avm
mundane and superhuman, and probably no small measure of luck, that the characters can hope to defeat this juggernaut.
Even then, between money, connections and favors owed by various national and international interests, any novas who are
jht to the authorities are likely to beat the rap and simply walk. Contrary to the common wisdom, which says that characters
d feel exhilarated by success, this scenario is likely to leave the players’ novas feeling screwed for dolng the right thing
~rdlessof their motivations for doing so).They will have made powerful enemies (and if Szlaniskovich does not reveal himself,
most likely will not, even one they are not aware of...), taken serious lumps (the stakes here are high and the likelihood OF one
)re characters dying is strong) and will probably have their Faith in justice and the fundamental goodness of humanity and
i (if indeed they buy into such notions) shaken or even shattered by the experience.
This is good.
Even months after the Fact, Ms. Mayhem will h e it m For that bastardwho wrecked her career wittr DeVries, and nothing giws a
cter greater satisfachon than putting down a brute like Big Time a year later to avenge the F r d who died at his hands. A Paragon
D scarred by her confrmtation acquires a deeper appreciation of the sacrifices undertakenby those who would serve as an example
hers, while a marauding bully of the Teragen might actually gain an understandingof the fundamental philosophy behind his organi-
n, rather than seeing it as a justification. And Radu Szlaniskovlch, of course, almost certainly has cards left to play. In addition to
-atmga different kindof vlctory, this scenwio can serve as a springboard for all sorts of developments inywgame -plot hooks
ido not wrap up easily, questiom of morals and ethlcs for novas to ponder and a taste of the gathering storm fast approaching....
Backgruund: Ultra-Violence is a Grade-A socio-
path. He really, really likes to make people hurt and is, in
fact, hopelessly psychologicallyaddicted to the intense
rush of pleasure that accompanies the agony he inflicts
on others. DeVries had to do quite a bit of work cover-
ing up U-V's past before taking him on as an agent; it
wouldn't do to have people knowing that one's corpora-
tion was employing a murderer who had successfully
evaded capture by the authorities. For U-V, this is his
vindication and the chance to be who he is without Fear
of reprisal ever again.
Gear:Cell phone, corkscrew, pliers and other implements
of torture.
Nature: Bravo
Allegiana: The Conspiracy
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep-
tion 4, Intelligence3, Wits 5, Appearance 3, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 2
Abilities Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Drive 1,
Background: Shinobi is an extraordinary spy, a tal- Endurance 3, lntimidation 4, Intrusion 2, Linguistics 2
ented assassin and a woman who really and truly wants to (Native: English; Portuguese, Swahili), Martial Arts 2,
create something of lasting importance. She believes that Melee 4, Might 2, Pilot 2, Resistance 4, Streetwise 2,
this new nation could be the start of a trend toward novas Survival 1
taking a more active hand in the governance of the world.
To her, this can only be a good thing. Baselineshave been
screwing it up for 10,000 years. She is a no-nonsense
elite, with little time for small talk and no patience for
compromise. Sometimes, in order t o get the right thing
done, you have to be the monster everyone fears.
Gear: Shuriken, smoke grenades, cell phone (set to vi-
brate), carbon-fiber garrote (see Aberrant:Elites, p. 64).
Nature Architect
Allegiance: The Conspiracy
Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Percep-
tion 5, Intelligence4, Wits 5, Appearance 5, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 4
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Computer 5, Drive 2,
Endurance 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3, Interrogation 4,
lntimidation 2, Intrusion 5, Investigation3, Linguistics 4
(Native: Japanese; Cambodian, Chinese, English, Russian),
Martial Arts (Chin Na) 4, Medicine 2, Rapport 4, Resis-
tance 3, Stealth 5, Style 4, Subterfuge 4
Background: Whisper is in this for the payoff.
Nothing more, nothing less. He has no high-minded ide-
ology, dreams of conquest, beliefs in genetic superi-
ority or any other such justification. He knows what
he’s doing is wrong, and he doesn’t care. He’s too busy
looking forward t o the life of sickeningly decadent
wealth and privilege that will follow this little venture,
should it prove successful. He is exceedingly skilled in tics 3 (Native: English; Cambodian, Spanish, Swahili), Mar-
almost any black-op you can name and takes pride in tial Arts (American Submission Fighting) 4, Melee l, Rap-
his capabilities. Then again, he’s happy to take pride in port 4, Resistance 3, Stealth 4, Style 4, Subterfuge 5
pretty much anything people will give him credit for. Backgrounds: Allies 4, Attunement 1, Backing 3, Cipher
Geac Cell phone, whipsword, maser gun. 5, Contacts 3, Dormancy 4, Eufiber 4, Resources 5
N a h Hedonist Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 6, Taint 3
Allegiance: The Conspiracy Powem Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap), Mega-Dex-
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Percep- terity (Physical Prodigy), Mega-Stamina
tion 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5, Appearance 4, Manipula- (Adaptability, Regeneration), Mega-Perception
tion 4, Charisma 5 (Bloodhound, UltraperipheralPerception), Mega-Wits
M i :Athletics 4, Awareness 4, &awl 2, Computer 3, (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness), Mega-Appearance
Drive 2, Endurance 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Interroga- (Seductive Looks), Mega-Manipulation (Persuader),
tion 4, Intimidation 2, Intrusion 5, Investigation3, Linguis- Poison (Projectile), Telepathy *, Warp
Kim Blakesdale: Yes, yes, I’m still... holy [bleep]! Matt, are you getting
this? ”Ironskin” Andy Vance and Jake ”Dragon” Korelli just KO’d
Ragnarockette through the wall. The fighting’s spilt into the streets; the
night sky looks like the Fourth of July. It’s insane.
Kim: Anybody and everybody. I saw Count Orzaiz here earlier, but
he’s gone. He fought Thorn briefly. Initially it was the Amp Room
against T2M Europe. Now it seems to be everybody against everybody
else. A lot of people are settling old scores here tonight Matt. There’s
fighting in the streets... and ... wait, tremors again.
Kim: I... I don’t know. It did look like T2M was searching for someone,
yes. No clue on whom and the fighting’s too intense to get near them. I
can tell you as an eyewitness, though, that there weren’t enough Terats in
the Amp Room this evening to justify this kind of destruction. Ibiza
Town is on fire tonight. Whatever
Project Utopia was after... [static]
From: Sophia Rousseau
To: Meztiszo
subject: Urgent
Date: May 28th, 2015
I’ve aborted the mission and pulled David from Ibiza. Rania received heavy temporal flux for the meeting that’s
supposed to be happening now, and that can only mean a big event of some consequence. Send in a team, the situation
is about to degenerate, and 1 want to know why. This could have some impact on future events, and we need to investi-
gate this before someone silences the matter.
from: Meztiszo
To: Sophia Rousseau
subject:Re: Urgent
Date: May 28th, 2015
Already on it, but Rania’s warning came too late. Turn on CNN. It’s bad. A team is on its way. Looks like Utopia
slipped up big time.
Project Utopia
Laragim What the hell’s happening in lbiza gentlemen?
Miller:A minor setback sir. The timetable’s been delayed, but our objectives remain the same.
Laragione:The hell with the objectives. Tremor brought down D’Alt Vila fortress on live broadcast. Diplomatic Corp
and Public Relations are already up to their necks in shit. The operation is a bust.
Carstem: With all do respect Mr. Laragione, the operation would be a failure if we pull out now. 1 agree with Mr.
Miller. We are still within sight of mission objectives.
Laragiona. Not anymore. If we keep T2M in lbiza, NATO will send in troops to deal with the fighting. It’s just a matter
of time. Christ! T2M was supposed to be in-and-out in under 10 minutes. What went wrong?
Miller: We’re looking into the matter right now, but according to what we’ve seen so far, it’s probably heavier
resistance than anticipated.
Lsragione:We’ll have plenty of time to review the intelligence later. Right now, 1 want T2M Europe evacuated from
lbiza and fast. We can’t keep communications suppressed for much longer. We’re impeding rescue operations.
From: Geryon
To: Undisclosed Address List
Wjed: Action Now!
Date: May 28th, 2015
Heads up mates,
We got troubles. If you’re awake, then you know about T2M’s raid on the Amp Room an hour ago. We got some
brothers and sisters who’re there right now, trying t o fight off Thorn and his 72M twits. Orzaiz isn’t answering his cell
phone, and communication in and around lbiza Town is wonky, presumably jammed; we can only assume Orzaiz’s in trouble.
It’s time to step up to the plate and earn your keep as Terats. Rule number one is you rag on one of us, you rag on us all.
Problem is, Utopia knows this; they attacked us for a big reason. We don’t know if this is a Utopia preemptive strike against us
or a ploy to draw our members away from vital locations like the Nursery or Club 2mei. Either way, we’re not playing their game.
Heavy-hitters like Levlathan, theC-, Epoch, Gauze and @f aregoingin to put God‘s fear intoT2MEmope.We needsome
of you, pfenbtyyou kw-keyT&, to stay cut ofthe fi& and find Orzain and the others. You’re ar eyes and ears.Thq;l be expecting
Leviathanand me to show,so wearen’t going tod;sppo;nt them.Thqr m ’ t betTqledlng,ween know,you. usethat toyocc-.
If you’re game for this mission, ping me back a response now, and I’ll backtrack you through Synapse. After we got
your location, Blinker will pop in for the pick-up. You’ve got an hour to settle your shit. Enjoy the party, boys and girls;
there’s never a dull moment in lbiza.
It’s not just a way of life; it’s survival.
From: Geryon
To: Undisclosed Address List
Subject: Your Objectives
Date: May 28th, 2015
Hey, chaps,
Bloody good to have you along for the ride. Here’s what you need to know. Orzaiz was in lbiza negotiating for the
defection of some Frog in Utopia. Looks like the meeting was a set-up, so we need you to ride in and find Orzaiz. Start
at the Amp Room, and work it from there. My mates and 1 are going in ahead of you by an hour, so we’ll drag the fight
elsewhere. Find Orzaiz; that’s your principle order.
Attached is a pictureof the “defector,” Maurice h u r t & .If you spot him, bring him badc alive, and you might get a big wet
one from Leviathan.Get him killed, and I’ll make sure Leviathangivesyou a big wet one.Just as a point of reference, Orzaiz was
tight with “lronskin” Andy Vance, the Amp Room’s PR face. He’s OK for a pooftah, so ask him for help if you need to.
Otherwise, stay out of the fight, and keep low. Nova Vigilance and me are going in to crack the skulls. You’re in to find Orzaiz.
...Dead 1,240
Injured: 3,893
Missing: 487
Property Damage: $2.9
Ladies and gentlemen, as you can clearly see, known Teragen guerillas
Leviathan, Geryon, Gauze and two others we can’t idenhfy right now
have just emerged from the bright light. They’re engaging T2M Europe.
Any hope of a quick and peaceful end to this conflict just vanished. The
Teragen have entered the war.. ..
Welcome to the capital of lbiza -Ciudad de lbiza to the locals and lbiza Town
to our internationalfriends. Whether you come for our renowned nightlife, our pris-
tine beaches within reach of the city or our warm weather , lbiza Town has every-
thing to of fer chic, world-travelingpartygoers lookingfor reasonable prices.
Take it from personal experience, Ibiza’ s lure is its easy access to soft drugs
and casual sex. Many people find themselves enamored with the laissez-faire atti-
tude of the natives and fellow travelers, so it isn’t uncommonfor tourists to settle
down in the region. The two big no-nos, however ,are irresponsiibilidaadeco~o~i~
(no money) and conducta antisocial (antisocial behavior includingdrunken and dis-
orderly conduct). Both are grounds for deportation and are commonplace, given
the island’ s hedonistic nature.
Tourist season runsfrom Maythroughtill October ,though lbiza Town’ snewfound
status as a nova-resorthasturned it into a year-roundparty .Additionally ,lbiza is a gay
mecca, surpassing Mykonos,and heighteningthe cQt s already festive atmosphere.
The localspridetheir crty on itsold-world architectureand contemporarysensibilities.
A Thumbnail History
lbiza Town traces its history back before the birth of Christ, when the
Carthaginians founded the port settlement. After falling under the rules of the an-
cient Greeks, Romans and Moors, the Balearic Islands became the Kingdom of
Mallorcabefore merging with the Kingdom of Castile in the mid-1300s.
lbiza Town has kept much of its medieval flavor .The buildings housed inside
DAR V ila’s walls date back over 500 years. Because the larger Mallorca attracted
most tourists untilthe 195Os, lbiza has preserved much of its ancient charm. Ibiza’ S
rich atmosphere, however ,caught the eyes of artists and writers seeking inspira-
tion, turning the city and island into an art colony . It was only naturalthat duringthe
1960s, lbiza attracted the European counterparts to the American Hippie move-
ment, giving it a unique charm that tourists enjoy to this date.
Vara de Ray (later becoming Avenida Espafia) runs west of DAlt V ila and is the
HollywoodBoulevardto Ibiza’ s California. Along the way ,more modern buildings
appear and bloom, until you hit the mega-hotel resorts like Hotel lsla Blanca -
small communities in their own right.
The Essentials
r conditions of the Amp Room conflict. The army ,in conjunction with the Red
ated intoa full-fledged novanot. Smoke fills the already dark- The destruction of lbiza Town is painfully evident.
ened sky, and though electricity is down across the city, burn- Many homes and businesses wear the scars of machine-
ing buildings and anima power-flares illuminate the night. gun fire and blast marks, while entire buildings lie in piles
The action begins two hours after the Amp Room of rubbsle and detritus. The sky is alive with thunder of
battle. Team Tomorrow Europe is fighting hit-and-run style varying1 pitch, pops OF multi-hued energy discharges and
combat against the Teragen bad-boys, while dozens of other the muffled, dull stutter of patrolling helicopter gun ships.
novas run riot for no particular reason. This is the height of Meanwhile, trains of refugees, shell-shocked and saucer
chaos, when nobody‘s in charge and everybody’s got a gun. eyed, carry their life’s remnants on their backs and stumble
The military can only contain the violence, but each crack away from the city’s core. Only the dead sleep in Ibiza.
of thunder or flash of unnatural light destroys another 500 O’n a side note: Some characters with Bloodhound,
years worth of history. For the characters, their mission ESP, Luck or Pretercognition might try to circumvent
parameters are simple. Find person X and, if you have the scenes and acts by using their powers to track down
time,sequester person\/. In thislight, themission isstraight- Ragnarockette or Orzaiz directly. While the Storyteller
forward. War, unfortunately, is rarely so accommodating. shouldn’t frustrate the players and make them feel use-
During the course of this adventure, the team will en- less, this investigative method will not work. There is so
counter war’s tragic vignettes. It’s about the survivors and much destruction and misery in the air that isolating two
what they’re suffering through right now. In previous con- individuals among a population of 40,000 locals (not to
flicts, the characters probably didn’t notice their uninten- mentionthe thousands of tourists) is impossible.The smell
tional victims. Here they have no choice. Here, wherever of exposed sewers, the dead and all the dust eliminate
they turn, another hand begs for help. Throughout the tracking through scent (+8to difficulty). Cognitive abili-
course of this adventure, the Storyteller can play out sev- ties reveal a dozen deaths with each glance. Probability-
eral tragic vignettes that have nothing to do with the ad- affecting powers lead the characters to baseline victims
venture and everything to do with the real victims of this on the verge of expiration; while quantum-discerning
conflict. By the same token, the adventure is open-ended senses illuminate a web of power from the many novas.
for the Storyteller to ignore optional mini-scenes and play
the high-action scenarios alone. Additionally, the Storyteller The Setting
can add scenes, including baseline rioters looking for an- TIE Amp h,situatedonGlleObtspo, rests inthehe&
swers to the devastation, looters robbing Ibiza’s historical of Sa Penya at the base of the once-magnificent DAlt Mb.‘The
wealth and rape gangs taking advantage of the chaos. d e M s W M n i s d m i n g . TMsTremoraccMlycdlqKed
that Hembrook pulled out of the rubble. ier best bet. The team must transport her there.
There are a dozen corpses and unconscious novas
Optional Vignette #2:
rubble. Those strong enough to walk already left, despite The Show that Brought
Hembrook‘s pleas for help. ‘The Storyteller can lighten the Down the House.
scene through Optional Vignette #2 (Further down). In this scenario, the characters Find a nova survivor
Maurice Lourt6 is among the dead, his back snapped pinnedbeneath rubble.Whether this occurs after Sandia’s
from falling debris. The characters should find him easily i r t h or when the charactersare about to leave, they hear
since he’s part of the team’s mission objectives regardless a voice crying For help from beneath a pile of debris. IF
of their affiliation. This apparently ends that portion of the Hembrook is present, she locates the voice and pulls rubble
investigation, but this little clue will haunt them later when away. If the characters ignore Hembrook‘s plea for assis-
they confront the Terat shapeshifter Turncoat, who’s cur- tance, so be it. While walking away, the characters hear a
rently posing as Lourt6. This takes place in Act 111. rumble from behind them. The Amp Room collapses com-
If, for any reason, the characters Forcibly hinder pletely, killing Hembrook, the would-be survivor and three
Hembrook from her work, she flies into a rage. The charac- or Four unconscious novas. The Storyteller should empha-
ters are stopping her from searching for swvivors, the only size to the team that their indifference just resulted in six
thing keeping her sane. Hembrook isn’t a murderer, but she more deaths in a city already choked on bodies.
has seen her hiends and loved ones killed. She isn’t rational If thecharactershelpHembrodcclearthedebris, they
right now. Hembrook‘s mite-up is at the end of Act 1. notice that the balconies and surrounding structure are
groaning under the pressure. The rubble is partially sup-
Optional Vignette # 1: porting the weight of the walls. Clearing it collapses the
Woman in Crisis building. If the characters point this out to Hembrook, she
After the characters exit the Amp Room and are will listen. She isn’t suicidal or stupid; she’s simply eager to
ready depart for their next objective (likely the field hos- save one more life in this hellhole. Hembrook will not aban-
pital in Parc de la Pa). they hear cries For help. A woman, don the survivor, however, and insists they all find a way OF
nine months into term, clambers over rocks and debris supporting the walls long enough to clear the debris.
trying to reach the heroes. One wrong step and she’ll likely The victim is currently under two tons OF rubble and
crack her neck in the fall; she appears oblivious to the too weak to use his abilities. Moving the debris without
threat. She stops every few seconds and clutches her belly supporting the surrounding walls causes an immediate
in pain. She’s about to give birth, and she’s desperate. cave-in well before the team reaches the victim. The re-
If the team helps the woman, they can’t fly her any- sultingcollapse incurs 30d10 8 [20 health levels instantly].
where,especiallywith thecurrentskinnishesbetweenfllght Of course, there are ways around this dilemma, mostly
borne novasand the Rooivalkchoppers.The woman’s name involving powers and abilities. The key is not brute
is Sandia, and she beseeches the team; she doesn’t want strength, but the manner in which it is used.
her unborn baby to die amongst this devastation. As if em- Several powers, induding Plant Mastery, Elemental
phasizingher point, she stumbles against a wall and lowers Anima, Gravity Conbd, Magnetic Mastery, Matter Creation,
herself to the ground. She’s breathing rapidly and crying Mega-Strength, Sizmorph (Grow) and Telekinesis are all
out in great pain. Anyone with the Medicine Ability knows viable meam of supporting the walls while the team dears
she’s going into contractionsand is about to give birth. The the rubble. Disintegration, Molecular Manipulation, Density
Storyteller can certainly play this scene out with a simple Control (Decrease) with the Affect Others Extra and Warp
roll, asking the character to succeed in a standard Medi- can also extricate the victim immediately or remove debris.
cine test, but where’s the Fun in that. Instead, the Story- In both cases,however, these powers either displace rubble
teller should roleplay the situation. aprovldestrududsupport inthemongplaces’Theproper
AydwracterwithMedlcineknamhellneeddeanblarr ”y to dear the debris while keeping the Amp Room stand-
kets to keep the baby w a ~ mand some meam of steriliing ing is through an Engineeringskill roll at +1 difficulty. If the
whztever implement’s used tocuttheunb~licud. Another character succeeds, he can use available reMuTces to rescue
dwacter will need to keep Sandla compamy. Lastly, somebody the victim without engineering a collapse. If the characters
must prude illumination. do not possess Engineering, they can use a default Intdli-
If nobody possesses Medicine, then Hembrook can gence roll at +3 difficulty. If they fail, their last hope is to
help with First Aid (if she’s conscious). She needs the provldeas much overhead support as possible, clear the de-
team’s help, but it’s up to them to decide who completes bns and hope they can withstand the collapse.
which task. In any case, Hembrook assists to the best of
Vehiie Safe Speed hspeec
Army Jeep t 125 200
Armored Personnel Carrier 80 120
t'The jeep is armed with a 30mm cannon (seeAberrant,p. 27t
The nova victim in this instance is a blank slate and up with their 20mm gun mountedjeeps. For possibleencoun-
dependent on the Storyteller for life. The Storyteller can ters with patrols, see the Travel Tip #2 s i r .
introducea new team ally through the victim. Initially, he or
she will be barely c m i o u s and needs a week to recover The Setting
from the ordeal. Subsequently, he seeks the team out to ParcdelaPauisanislandofgreengassandshade-giv-
reward them for saving him. Unusual roleplayingscenarios ing trees in an otherwise crowded cky. Tm+, the parlc is a
include a would-be villain who fosters an uneasy respect little slice of hell on earth.The army rushestoerect more tents
for Project Utopia-style heroes, a mass-murderer whose around the injured lying on the soft g a s , and they'vealready
new lease on life sends her on a murderous binge in the built acentrd pavilionfor su-gery.Therearen't cots to
name of her saviors, a future love-interest for one of the go around, forcing "nyto sleepon blankets beneath thetem-
rescuers or a nova who aspires t o emulate the team's phi- peratesummer sky or d e r acanopy of bmches. when the
losophy (the ultimate Terat, the deadliest DeVries Agency team anives,the fidd hospltd is a hivre of activity, with amy
elite, more heroic than Caestus Pax, etc.). Until then, or doctors and first aid bidcivilians d o i i tnage on the spot.
unless healed, the new nova needs hospitalization. The unnd of wailing and crying fills the air
'The conditions in Parc de la Pau are so stifling that
Scene Two: the doctors are moving injured into the smaller, but imme-
diately adjacent park Mercat Nou.The Spanishanny, mean-
I Searching for ariated with 72M and Project Utopia for sanctioning a
aid that’s responsible for devastating lbiza Town. Vance
Ironskin and Dragon ms there, and he knows T2M’s culpability in the matter.
rnyone who asks Vance about the attack receivesan ear-
Searching for “lronskin” Andy Vance and lake ul. He isn’t looking to fight, but he wants an explanation
‘‘Dragon” Korelli in this sea of suffering is not easy. Only a or whatever action necessitatedthis level of destruction.
handful of people (mostly doctors) know the two novas are \s far as he’s concerned, T2M Europe was negligent and
currently in the main pavilion helping the surgeons treat a hould be held responsible for all this death.
novapatient.Otherwise,thecharactersmustsewchthe park Since Vance isn’t protecting any secrets, the char-
andwalkamongthewounded.Eveniftheteamheadsstraight iders can learn the following during the conversation.
for the pavilions in the center of Parc de la Pau, they’ll still Seconds before the raid began, a nova seated at the
pass the rows of injured. This is a difficult situation for any- ear of the nightclub screamed in pain and staggered from
one, especially Cfiaracters with Healing, Natural Empath or lis chair, clutching his hex!. Onah, sitting two tables away
the Medicine or Rapport Abilities. The Storyteller should vith Lourt6 (Vance recognizes him only by his picture), made
require anyonewith Rapport or Natural Empathto rdlagainst I move for the man, as did Vance. Beforeeither reached him,
their ratings, using their dots in either as the difficulty value iowever, tremors ripped through the ground.
(therefore somebody with two dots in Rapportrolls against Vance lost track of the patron dunng the fight and
+2 difficulty, while a person with three dots rolls against +3). wer got a clear look at him. It was Turncoat disguised as
The Storyteller can require the same of characterswith Heal- ,ourtd; Orzaiz brought Turncoat to secretly scan the
ing OT Medicine but at base difficulty. If a character fails her jefector‘s thoughts, but the processbackfired. Unbeknownst
roll, she feels obligated to stay and help unless she spends 9 anyone, Ttmcoat now believes he’s Lourt6 and has as-
Willpower to continue with her mission. Should anyone use umed his personality. Vance does recognize LWrtB‘s photo
Medicine to help a patient, the dodon immediately come :if thecharadersshowit to him) as havingarriveda few min-
over and press the c h a d e r into service. They are over- kes earlier and sat down with Orzaiz. According to Vance, it
whelmed and need help desperately. couldn’t be the same manwho screamed in painsince Lout6
Should a character unthinkingly use Healing, how- yyas seated with Orzaiz when the attack happened.
ever, they become the center of a storm of injured who T2M Europe triggered the riot through a raid on
run, stumble and crawl to them. In this case, neither the the Amp Room. They unsuccessfully tried using tremors
doctors nor the Spanish a m y are willing to let the char- a n d flash-bang grenades to disorient the nova crowd.
acter leave. Peopledie by the handful each passing minute Since T2M didn’t present an arrest warrant or any other
and the local medical personnel are beleaguered by the official papers stating their business in relation to their
destruction. If the characters insist on leaving, the doc- duties with Project Utopia, both Vance and Korelli treated
tors ask, rather upset “What can be so important that them like any hostile nova patron.
it’s worth more than a person’s life? Every minute you Initially T2M focused more on Raoul Orzaiz than
stand here arguing, somebody dies. We can’t heal every- anyone else, but they were looking for other people in the
one, but you can. You can help dozens in the time it takes crowd. Several novas, however, protected Orzaiz and kept
us to treat one person. Please, don’t let these people die.‘’ saving the Teragen spokesman from being overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, Vance is in the central pavilion with Korelli. Vance eventually lost track of Orzaiz when the fight com-
helping the doctors hold down a badly burned nova. Sec- pletely degenerated.
ond- and third-degree burns cover the now, but his pow- Yes, Vance and Korelli were responsible for knock-
ers quickly metabolizeall painkillersor sedatives, lessenins ingRagnarocketteout of thebuilding,but hehasnoclue+e
their effects. The man screams inagony and thrashesabout she laded. Vance acted in defense of the nightclub.Once the
preventing thedodors from treating the burns. Only Vancc fight moved outside, they had done their job, and neither
and Korelli have the strength to hold the man down an( Korelli nor he pursued further hostilities. Unfortunately, a
inject the drugs past his already hardened epidermis. Even- landslideforced him out of the Amp Room. Vance and K d l i
tually Korelli uses a nerve-strike to knock the nova uncon. spent the remainder of their time digging survivors out from
scious. This allows Vance to speak with the character! the wreckage. By the time they made their way out of Sa
briefly. Korelli, on the other hand, eager for action, give! Penya, the field hospital was already gathering injured.
Vance a kiss and heads back to Sa Penya to help the arm] On a final but very important note, V m e doff re-
bring down some troublesome novas. The adrenaline-de member one thing that could help the characten. There was i
prived Korelli hasn’t seen this much action in months. newscrewfwN!filminga~fashionshowintheAmpRool~
Vance, if unfamiliarwith the characters, is suspiciou thatevening.‘Theycaughtmostofthe~ghtingondisk, buttheir
of their motives but too tired to really hold back on infor. Film may also show Orzah’s disappearance or the mystenolr
*, Force Field *, Luck *, Quantum Blast (Fire Strobe (Light) *, Quantum Bolt (Laser Blast - Le-
Breath - Lethal) thal) * *
n A tdlmg pillar mad
M iAthletics 3, Awarenea 4, &awl 3, Bureaucracy 2, prisoners, soon to be executed, and there are apparently
Command2, Endurance3, Firearms 3, Interrogation2, Intimi- two Maurice LourtQ. Unlike Act 1 and Act 11, both of which
dation 3, Intrusion3, Lingulstics2(English, German), Rapport touched upon the baselines, Act 111 revolves entirely around
2, Resiince 3, Sb-eetwise1, Style 1, Subterfuge4 the resolution of the team’s mission. This section isstraight-
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (various within Megasyndicate), forward. The adventure may have been segmented and dis-
Backing 4 connected at times, but wars are never about a clear se-
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 8, Taint 2 quence of events. Wars are about belief. Perhaps this ad-
Powers: Mega-Perception (Blindfighting, venture has forced the team to question its loyalties, or con-
Ultraperipheral Perception), Mega-Wits (En- versely, maybe it strengthened their faith. Either way, the
hanced Initiative, Lie Detector, Quickness), Disorient charactersshould emergetransformedon m e level. Sme-
0 , Mental Blast 0 , Psychic Shield 0 , Telepa- thing in lbiza had to touch them.
thy (Surreptitious)
wearing goggles and ear-protection. Because the char- bers only as a voice speaking to him from a shadow saying,
acters are probably deaf, the Storyteller should relay this “Take this rifle and keep it trained on n o m until they ex-
information privately to any character that succeeded in plode. Stay as far away from them as possible. Do not handle
his Awareness roll. Otherwise, unless a character pos- the rifle without the gloves.” He received the rifle, ear pro-
sesses mental abilities, the team members can’t hear one tectors, gloves and shades just hows after the fighting be-
another and can only communicate through gestures. gan, along with several thousand dollars American. Most of
Thetagetedmisshreddedintheaccompenyingblast. the equipment is standard, except for the glows, which are
If anychara&rSuffered less than fnre turns of deafness, the made of eufiber and the rifle stock, which is, in fact, a so-
Storytellermay rdlanother lOdl0 for the Strobe effect. 0th- phisticatedsensor.If any character handles the targeting la-
erwise,the&aadenaretoodeaf to be futheraffeded. ser rifle, the scope lights up; it’s a miniature HUD (Head Up
Someone is using lbiza Town to test out their newly Display). On the display, the computer responsible for vec-
acquired Kinetic Interceptor Satellite (see adjoining toring the laser’s coordinates announces: Target Lock&; 0
sidebar for more information). The man painting the nova Degreesx-axis, ODegreesy-axis,ODegreesz-axis.Inshort,
guinea pig with a laser rifle is the satellite’s forward ob- the satellite is targetingthe rifle. ‘The eufiber gloves are part
server. He helps improve the targeting round through a of the security protocol and are as unique as a fingerprint.
constant stream of information provided by the gun. If Failure to handle the rifle with the glow activates the self-
the characters pursue the man, he’s fairly easy to appre- destruct protocol.‘The characters have less than three turn
hend and capture, though if given the chance, he’ll use to m u a t e the area. If they take the rifle with them or at-
the targeting laser on them. “Painted’’ characters must tempt to d v a g e the twgeting systems, the satellite fires
roll Awareness at +3difficulty for themselves or +1 diffi- off a widespread blast over their last registeredcoordinates.
culty for their friends, to notice the laser dot on their body. Note Under no circumstance can the characters use
It takes two to five turns to establish a lock for the satel- the targeting system to backtrackthe location of the satel-
lite, hopefully allowing characters enough time to evade lite, even with Cyberkinesis. Regardless of the outcome,
the targeting sensors and find their assailant. the characters are now left with a mystery. Somebodyp a -
Unfortunately, the man is hired help and a local. He sesses the technology toshoot novas froinorbit. If thechw-
doesn’t know much beyondhis assignment, which he remem-
makes his Awareness rolls at +2 difficulty. baseline runners to announce his presence
The second nova remains in the courtyard, speaking to the reporters. Angel has a bad, almost melo-
with the Angel of Bones until the lookout announces the dramatic, sense of theatrics. This is his big mo-
arrival of the reporten. He then hides in a western-side ment, his triumphant arrival into the world of elites,
room that’s partially collapsed with an exposed wall to the and he’s going to go completely over the top.
courtyard. He’s the Angel’s ace-in-the-hole. Spotting this From beginningto end, the characters have 50 min-
second nova requires an Awareness roll at +4 difficulty. utes or so to stop the Angel of Bones and his two nova
Aftermath Dramatis
As shown, this adventure can go a dozen different
ways and end in places the Storyteller never expected. If
the characters are caught on tape, that won’t please their Personae
superiors. Rescuing Ragnarockette and/or Orzaiz, how-
ever, goes a long way toward diffusing any reprimands.
The Angel of Bones
Additionally, finding LourtB/Tumcoat and bringing him
Backyound: The Angel of Bones doesn’t speak of his
back alive is a feather in the team’s cap no matter whose past as Ed Carmichael.Before his eruption, however, he was
side they work for. The same applies to Michael Graff‘s overweight and unhappyeverymoment of his life. He bought
recording of the Amp Room battle.
If the characters are Terats and the team captured
Ragnarockette, then Orzaiz sanctions her release and returns
her to T2M. He may not likethe organization, but he believes
there was enough misery in lbiza Town without adding to it.
‘This, of course, draws fire from other quartersof the Teragen
hierarchy; Divis Mal, however, invariably supports Orzaiz’s
decision as a freethinking now (and one of the few he re-
spects). What nobody realizes is that there’s now an umpo-
ken respect between Orzaiz and Ragnarockette due to their
shared experience. Meanwhile, if ‘Turncoat was brought back,
then he integrates LourtB‘s personality and l e n e Hocks be-
comes the core personality once again (after the Teragen
retrieves the information it needs).
If thecharactersarewith Project Utopiaandtheycap-
tured Orzaiz, then the count is eventually freed since there
are no witnesses to the accusations of sabotage. Because
the real Lourt6 died at the Amp Room, Turncoat’s testi-
mony is technically hearsay. Additionally, Count Raoul
Orzaiz’s lawyers have enough cause to accuse Project Uto-