Aberrant Worldwide Phase Two

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PHASE II: A Worldwide Sourcebook for Aberrant@ I

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Something is wrong. The angels are falling one by
one, and the world is poised for a plunge into
madness. Will you try to prevent the cataclysm or
welcome it as a glorious new age for novakind?

Time stands still for no man...

It used to be easy to be a hero. Now, the embattled
Project Utopia is being pressed by enemies on all
sides. Nova cults are springing up all over the
world, and organized religion is beginning to get
nervous. The Golden Age is over. The question that
nobody wants to ask now is: What comes next?
w novas.
brings the time frame
5. The four scenarios
rs in your Aberrant
series to take their place in history. The conflict is just
heating up. Choose your battles wisely.

ISBN: 1-56504-686-2
WW8510 $19.95 U.S.
bRAt aluulu Printed in USA
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
It just gets worse. tellers are welcome t o include them wherever and
~ The tarnish on the Golden Age gets thicker whenever works within the frame o f their series.
and darker w i t h every passing day. Many are be- Change or discard anything that doesn’t suit your
1 ginning t o wonder if it ever was really golden at series. Just because its written here doesn’t mean
! all. Newspapers increasingly contain stories about that Game Canon need override the kindo f game you
rogue novas and the ways in which they’re not like want to run. That said, however, future supplements
I baselines, about novas turning their vast quantum willtake into account the events that transpire here
abilities t o ends t h a t can most generously b e as part of the “official” timeline that closes the gap
1 termed “ethically dubious.” between 2008 and 2120. To sum up, then; this is
Pessimists, cynics and other grim-minded sorts part o f the direction the overarching story is taking,
1 speculate that the abuses of quantum power will and if that’s not yourdirection, cool.
1 just get worse until an all out war between baselines If you are a player, it is probably best that you
and novas breaks out and the human race is extin- put this book down now unless you want t o ruin your
1 guished, leaving the Teragen the only victor. Mean- own enjoyment of these scenarios. There is really

while, the Directive and Project Utopia frantically
look for ways o f averting exactly that type o f con-
flict, while categorically denying the possibility of
very little here that a player needs to know going
into any o f the stories, and the Storyteller can easily
fill you in on the necessary details. Suffice it to say
any such outcome. The PR teams smile, wave and that, through your character’s actions, you will make
! w r i t e soothing words t o dismiss citizens’ fears, a real and lasting impact on your series’ world, no
while the researchers in the Rashoud facilities and matter how things turn out, but those are things bet-
1 Directive labs frantically search f o r ways t o coun- ter discovered in the fullness o f time.

’1teract the deleterious effects of taint. The world

has had its time t o dance. Now it gasps as it dis-
covers the price the piper is asking.
Storyteller’s Notes
Below, you will find an overview of the four sce-
narios to give you a taste o f what takes place inPhase
Welcome t o Aberrant: Worldwide - Phase 11. 11. Each o f the four is presented in a brief summa-
We begin our journey in 2011, three years after the tion, detailing not only a bit of the action in the plot,
official beginning o f the Aberrant timeline. As in but also some potential themes t o explore, if your
Phase 1, we will be exploring various scenarios, oc- troupe wishes to address these issues on a deeper
curring over the course of a few years, each of which level, as symbols and omens of what is yet to come.
will push the world toward the eventual degenera- M o r e than simple “adventures,” these scenarios
I tion of humanhova relations and the great confron- present some real moral and ethical dilemmas t o pon-
tation that lurks only decades away. der, regardless o f affiliation. These notes are in-
If you are a Storyteller, you will find these sce- tended to give you an opportunity t o start thinking
narios laden with potential for conflict (both be- about exactly how and how much you would like t o
1 tween the players’ characters and others and among address all o f these facets o f the four stories. They
the players’ characters themselves), opportunities are, as follows:
~ for character growth and development and chances Chapter One, The Pope of Babylon (Spring,
t o peer into the inner workings of the global con- 2010) follows up on a plot thread left dangling in
spiracies and media obsession that define the world the Aberrant Storyteller’s Screen. The characters
o f Aberrant. are pulled into a web o f deception by a powerful
~ Though these scenarios are set within specific cultic faction within the Catholic Church and set up
~ times and places in the Aberrant storyline, Story- as patsies i n t h e process. T h e y w i l l witness

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

firsthand the powers aligning against the peace- of power is a seductive one, especially among those
able coexistence o f novas and baselines and the whose illusions and ideals have been seared away by
depths t o which the conspirators will sink as the the crucible of war, leaving only the call to ambition.
characters try t o navigate a labyrinth of deception I n the end, the characters must ask themselves why
and false clues before one o f their most devout al- they even try to thwart the elites; is it f o r the sake of
lies becomes a tool o f their enemies. their faction’s dogma, an ambiguous sense o f what the
Chapter Two, A Green and Pleasant Land (Fall, “moral” thing t o do would be o r actual conviction?
2012) presents the Temple o f the King, a social club Chapter Four, Where Heaven Ends (Summer,
and, some say, cult dedicated t o returning England 2015) begins with a Project Utopia raid on the Amp
t o its rightful place as a world power, at any cost. It’s Room and the consequences thereof. These include
membership comprises some o f the most influential all out war, and as the saying goes,war is hell. The
individuals in all of England, and with the guidance quantum battles result in the deaths of hundreds of
of the two fanatical novas at its helm, it could bring baselines and novas alike. In the midst of the car-
England into a new age of glory - by undermining nage, the characters must find Count Raoul Orzaiz
every other country in the world. o f the Teragen and Ragnarockette of Team Tomor-
Chapter Three, Dominion(Winter, 2014) pits the row before a sociopathic elite wannabe executes
characters against an alliance o f nine of the most ruth- them in a truly grotesque fashion as part o f a sadis-
less and amoral nova elites on Earth. The temptation tic media ploy.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[From EncyclopediaBritannica, 2008 edition]
Babylonian captivity
Originally ascribed to the deportation o f Jews from Jerusalem to Babylon in 547 BCE.... It was later applied to
Popes exiled from Rome to Avignon, France between 1304 and 1377.

[MemoFrom Special Agent Caroline Mantebe to Director W m u r a of the Directive, March 14.20101
Director Nakamura,
1 must admit that this assignment caught me by surprise. Compiling background reports on religious organizations
rarely falls under our mandate (especially ones with legitimate ties to the Vatican). Following my preliminary research,
however, 1 now understandyour concern. 1 haven’t read this much paranoid, conspiracy-laden materialsince Umberto Eco’s
Focault’s Pendulum. At least that 1 could excuse as fiction.
Please bear in mind that this is not the official report. This is a quick progressupdate on my investigation into Opus Dei.
I’m currently hindered by the lack of First-hand accounts concerningthe organization. Even ex-members are loath to discuss
their former affiliations. I’d say their silence borders on fear.
Josemarie Escriva, as you well know, founded Opus Dei in 1928.Escriva, a controversial figure even now, died in 1475,
but not before turning Opus Dei into a force of reckoning. Their mandate sounds innocuous enough: to spread faith into all
sectors of everyday life and expand Christianity’s influence across the world. They target affluent and educated people and
espouse an ultra-conservative point-of-view. This, of course, is all public knowledge. Probe deeper, however, and Opus Dei
looks more like a cult. They are the only recognized Catholic organization, aside from the Holy Roman Church itself, that
believes it was inspired directly by God, in this case through Escriva’s visions. Out of 40,000 members, half are celibate;
each member is required to wear a cilice (spiked thigh chain) every two hours and encouraged to engage in corporal morti-
fication. Approximately a quarter of them live in Opus Dei communities where a “director” moderates their activities and
influences their opinions. He opens their mail and even encourages members to drop their former associations.
Opus Dei is answerable to itself alone. Members are not required to list their financial statements or affiliation, and
they only report to the Pope every five years. Opus Dei claims poverty, even though 30 percent of its members are univer-
sity graduates who tithe generously to the organization. The remaining 70 percent hold partial associations with Opus Dei
and hand over a portion of their salaries as well. After that, there are over 700,000 cooperators, or supporters, who also
contribute with donations or volunteer work. This isn’t counting the over 64 cardinals and 1,300 bishops who supported
Escriva’s beatification.
Since 1428,Opus Dei’s gained power on both a secular and a political front. Specifically, thanks to John Paul 11, it enjoys
unprecedented freedom. When Karol Wojtyla ,the soon-to-be Pope John Paul 11, bowed before Escriva’s tomb, it sent a clear
message that Opus Dei was now the Vatican’s favored son, even in the days before the 1478 Conclave. During his tenure, the
Former Pontiff raised the number of seats within The Sacred College of Cardinalsfrom 111 to 166,seemingly ensuring a conser-
vative successor at the next Conclave. He made Opus Dei Autocephalous in 1482,turning it into a personal prelature not tied
down to any diocese and independent from other bishops. Just before he died, John Paul 11 elevated Opus Dei ArchbishopJuan
Luis Cipliani to cardinal. Many believed Cipliani was on his way to the Papacy. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.
On a political front, Opus Dei has been heavily involved with Spain’s government from Franco’s regime up to the
current administration under President Sabatini. This isn’t counting its extensive influence in Argentina, Peru, San Salvador,
Austria and France. When 1 say extensive, 1 mean Opus Dei either occupies cabinet positions, is courted by the ruling elect
o r maintains an archbishop o r two in positions OF primacy. Additionally, outspoken critics of Opus Dei have a way of dying.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

ardinal Giovanni Benelli, who publicly opposed it, died of a heart attack a month before John Paul 11 turned the organization
into a personal prelature. He isn’t the only member of the Roman Curia or the College of Cardinals to drop dead of a heart
attack over the years either. The latest, oddly enough, was Cardinal Roderigo A b , Benedict XVl’s closest advisor, a known
Opus Dei sympathizer and an opponent of A d Dei Lucem (which proclaimed novas human in judgment). I’ve heard nervous
accounts that he died as a warning against failure, although it’s next to impossible to get any solid confirmation.
For whatever reason, Director Nakamura, we were lucky when the College of Cardinals elected Mario Bardi to the
Papacy. Opus Dei watched its advantage vanish in a puff of white smoke at the 2001 Conclave, but I’m sure that hasn’t
stopped them. We have one opportunity to capitalize on this good fortune, because something tells me Opus Dei is hardly
through. It isn’t called the “Holy Mafia” without reason.
Special Agent Caroline Mantebe
~ e x c a r p t f n n Bishop
n DmigiTettamann*, P&General of Opus Dei to Fr. Angab chalepeno,Assessor For General
Affairs (llm s e d i for GeneralARairs, 7he Vatican’s seaetariat of State)]
Never forget Chalepeno, that we were cheated. ]ohn Paul 11, our greatest accomplishment, tried to put Opus Dei on the Papal
Throne before he died. 1 don’t know how or why we lost to that liberal fool Mario Bardi, but 1 will not see all our accomplishments
wither away. His Excellency’s A d D e i h e m w a s the last straw, Chalepeno. It’s time to deal with this upstart.
Your handlingof thecardinal RoderigoAltasituationwasbeautifullyorchestrated,andmay1say poisoning hiscilicewasastroke
of genius. 1needyou to apply your nefarious mind to other mattersnow.While nothing would give me greater satisfaction than see~ng
Renedld XVl delivered directly to our Lord’s hands, this is a time for subtlety. Should Benedict XVl die, that American Cardinal
Pentilla would surely earn the Papacy, and 1 will not be that shortsighted. We need to swing the advantage in favor of Cardinals
Herranzeor Gpliani. The Pope must be undone by the very implementshe sanctions, novas. 1entrust you with the details, but for the
sake of protectingOpus Da’s complicity in this matter, you are now operating under DisciphnaArcani; you work alone and in secret.
Keep me, and only me, abreast of your progres. 1 will see to your requirements.
And the soul that turneth after suchas have familiar spirits, andafter wizards, to go whoring after them, 1will even set my
face against that soul, and I will cut him off from amonghis people.
Leviticus 20:6
Your Excellency,
1 am honoredby your approval in the Alta matter. Having deliberatedon the best course of action, 1 believe 1 have a suitable
plan that meets all your needs.
Pope Benedict XVl is more valuable alive than dead, unfortunately. His prematuredeath would seat the wrong successor and
further aggravate our problems. By the same token, simply using novas to effect his downfall accomplishes little else. The Pope
and his supporters are savvy enough to blame the actions of any now on individual response rather than on their nature as a
blasphemous species. To that end, we must attack Benedict XVl himself and reveal his infallibility Ex Cathedra to the College of
Cardinals. By keeping the matter within the Church itself, we spare the Vatican the public humiliation, which they will be grateful
for. I n turn, Benedict XVl becomes a puppet controlled by the College and calls into question his choice of successor in Cardinal
Pentilla. That enablesyou to maneuver Cardinal Cipliani into place.
My plan is as follows:
StepOne: Find the proper disgrace. We could easily expose Benedict XVl to a number of scandals, but most are too crass for
Opus Dei and worthy only of American politiciansand the British Parliament. The ones that come t o mind and are most difficult to
dispute, however, are ties with organized crime, in this case the Camparelli-2ukhov Megasyndicate. You’ll remember ]ohn Paul 11
spoke out against the Sicilian Mafia in 1445. Since then, there’s been no love lost between the remnants of the Mafia and the
Vatican. This means it’s likelier to substantiate rumors against Benedict XVl (should any escape) rather than refute them.
StepTwo:The proper crime. It recently came to my attention that one of our American numeraries, Matteo Gione, is son to
Piero Giorie, formally of the DeCavalcante family (New Jersey’sla Cosa Nostra). Team ‘Tomorrow imprisoned Piero during the
2004 war on crime, and Matteo has all but denounced his father. Piero is now dying of cancer and has been trying to make amends
with his estranged son. I’m happy to say 1brought the two back together, for a service, of course. 1told Piero Giorie 1would speak
to Matteo on his behalf, on the condition that he helped me with a small problem. Rero has given me information on a dummy
corporation through which la Cosa Nostralaunderedmoney to Switzerland through the Vatican. The dummy corporation escaped
T2Ms purge and has been lying dormant for several years now.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

I’ve reactivated the dummy corporation to channel funds into a company under the name of Mario Bardi’s brother An
1 can alter the computer records and make it look as though the accounts have been receivingmoney for some years now.
need financing to set the process in motion.
Step 7hree: Discovering the cnme. Because we want Benedict Wl’s fall to come at the hands of novas, this part is the
easiest to accomplish. We simply use them to uncover the bread trail we’ve left and let them find their way to the Papacy. 1’11 locate
the nght novas for the job, but for now, 1 think this will suffice?
On a final note, 1told Matteo Giorie that his father was gwen indulgences for his renunciation of evil and reunited the two.
Piero doesn’t have much time left, but once he dies, 1’11 eliminate Matteo as a precautionarymeasure.
Yours in God,
Fr. Angelo Chalepeno
7here &a// not be found among you any one tbat maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth
divination, or an observer o f times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
- Deuteronomy18:lO

Your plan is inspired. You have my blessing, but you must move quickly on the matter. Benedict XVI will tour the
United States in two months and hold a Consistory upon his return. Rumors say he plans t o cut seats within the College
of Cardinals to streamline the Vatican, including some of our allies. We must discredit him before then.
Reveal his culpability while he tours the United States. This should add drama to the charges leveled against him
and prevent him from mobilizing his supporters until after his return. 1’11 have enough time to present the evidence to the
College unhindered and can agitate the problem from there. 1F you’re correct, Benedict XVl will be our own Babylonian
captive by year’s end.
1’11 see you receive the proper financing for this endeavor. It may be expensive, but I’m sure the results will be
worth the investment. See you do not fail me. It grieved me to lose Aka, and I’d hate to see Opus Dei crippled further
with your premature demise.
For thou has trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seetb me. 7hy wisdom and tby knowledge, it bath
perverted thee; and thou bast said in thine heart, 1am, and none else beside me.
- Isaiah 47:lO

[Encodedtwo-way OpNet conversation log betweenPrelate Eertolli Gmavesse,ArcltinnnHistoricum societatislew,

and unknown parties. Translated from Italian.]
- Genavesse: Good morning, hello?
- Unknown. Is this Bertolli Genavesse?
- Genavesse:Yes? Who is this, your video is-
- Unknown: You’re a reporter for the Jesuit Historical Institute?
- Genavesse: Yes, 1 am. I’m sorry, but who is this? Your video transmission is turned off. 1 can’t see you.
- Unknown: My identity remains unimportant for now. Listen, are you alone?
- Genavesse: Of course I’m alone. What is this about? It’s three in the morning.
- Unknown: Forgiveme for this irregularity. 1 don’t mean t o frighten you, but 1 need your help. 1-1 can’t say who 1 am
for the moment, but 1 know your work as a reporter. They say that you’re impartial. You’re not afraid t o speak the truth,
regardless the truth. 1s that correct?
- Gmavess So I’ve beentold.What is this about? And stop bemgso cryptic. I’m a second away from hangingup yw know.
- Unknown: No! No, please don’t. 1 don’t know who to trust. [Pause] Are you still there?
- Genavessec [Sigh] Yes. What is it?
Unknown: L.1 don’t know how to say this except l’m a consultor for the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. Specifically, 1
help oversee the distribution of donations for the John Paul 11 Foundationfor the Sahel.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

G e n a v The~ foundation against desertification? 1 know of it.
Unknown: Yes, well, what you don’t know is that somebody is using our network of donations to launder money from
the Uiited States into Vatican City.
- Genavesse What!?! This must be a joke? Are you certain?
- U h w n : Sadly, yes. 1 checked my data repeatedly.
- Genavesse:Can you provide me with proof?
- Unknown: Nothing that can’t be refuted or explained away through clencal errors, but there IS somebody who can
substantiate what I’ve uncovered. That’s why 1 need your help.
- Genavese: How?
- Unknown: 1 heard you’ll be traveling ahead of Benedict XVl on his tour through the United States. 1s that true?
- G e n a v Yes,
~ by about a week. I’m to chronicle and report on the Jesuit dioceses and their preparations for
Benedict XVl’s arrival.
- U n h : I’ve made a contact with a priest in the United States who’s part of this money-launderingoperation. He’s
willing to come forward with the relevant facts but only if he can speak to someone face-to-face. My duties prevent me
from traveling but not you. You can meet him in my stead and get the proof you need.
- Genavesw Very well. Who is this priest?
- Ikjowmn:Not)&. 11’1relay the informationto you later, when I’m sure the line is better secured.l’llbe incontact.... [Hang-up]
- Genavesw Wait! Damn!

Your Excellency,
The trap is set. Bertolli Genavesse will begin our investigation, and the novas you’ve sent me (Apocrypha, Fidei
Defensor, Aureole, Dirge and Tenebrae) will dispose of him before he can meet with our mole. I’ve found a second group
of novas who’ll serve as excellent investigators in Bertolli’s murder. The clues are simple enough to follow, while Apocry-
pha and his entourage will lend credence to any accusations of conspiracy leveled against the Papacy.
Let the Malleus MaleficarumNowm fall where it may. This new lnquisition against Mario Bardi’s heresy will finally
see justice for Opus Dei.
Yours in God,
Fr. Angelo Chalepeno
Thou shalt not sufFer a witch to live.
Exodus 2218

[7elephone conversationbetween Fr. A+ chalepeno and unknown parties through multi-tminal route. ‘Tradated
from Italian.]
- chalepeno:Angelo Chalepeno, hello?
- Unknown: We received your message. This line is secure. You can talk freely.
- Chalepeno: Excuse me? Sorry, but who is this?
- Unknown: My identity is not an issue here. Suffice to say 1 represent the Aberrants. This line is secure for another
three minutes. After that, 1 hang up, and 1 won’t call back. Make good use of that time Father Chalepeno.
- Chalepeno: Ah! Well, yes, I’ve been trying to reach your people for a few days now. [Pause] 1 have an urgent matter
that 1 believe concerns us both. [Pause]
- UnknowmDon’t wait for me to respond. It’s your two minutes and 40 seconds here.
- Chalepeno: Sorry. I’m not used t o cloak and dagger dealings. Well... it came to my attention recently that somebody
is using the Vatican as a cover for illegal activities. At least, this is what a Vatican reporter told me before he vanished. His
name is Bertolli Genavesse and....
- Unknown: What does this have to do with the Aberrants. We’re not hired-help or a service for missing persons.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

- Chalepeno: 1understand that, but 1 believe this might interest you. Bertolli told me that whoever is using th
is also duping novas of faith into helping them. Now 1 fear Bertolli’s disappearance might have something to do with these
- Unknown: Still not convinced. You’ve got two minutes left.
- Cha1epeno:Then how about this. 1f someone is using novas t o undermine the Vatican, this will certainly
affect the secular view o f them when this information comes t o light. Benedict X V l has proven a strong ally t o
your people through the Ad Dei Lucem. Using novas against the Vatican will either make him appear the fool for
his support o r force him to reconsider his position. 1f this matter is resolved quietly, however, not only is
Benedict XVl’s faith in novas strengthened, but the Aberrants also gain the enthusiastic support o f a small
country. Project Utopia has no jurisdiction i n Vatican City. Wouldn’t it help your agenda t o enjoy that kind o f
- lhknowm Nice words, but how do we know you can carry through on your p r o m i d You don’t speak for the Pope.
Chalepemc True, but 1 do have his ear. The Secretariat of State office works closely with the Pontiff, and 1 am third
behind the Secretariat of State. We handle the everyday affairs of caring for the Catholic Church and dealing with the
Roman Curia. We Oversee the official communication agencies and embassies of Vatican City across the world. At the very
least, isn’t my support worth something? Our ambassadors and our embassies enjoy diplomatic immunity within the Europe
Commonwealth and the United States, and 1 handle their lines of communication.What’s it worth to have access to that kind
of assistance?
- Unknown: 1’11 have to speak with my colleagues, but you’ve earned yourself another phone call.
- Chalepeno: Thank you. Listen, if you wish t o v e r i f y my story before calling me back that’s perfectly
acceptable. The reporter who’s missing is Bertolli Genavesse. He was staying a t the Four Seasons Hotel i n
Manhattan, Room 2114.1 contacted t h e hotel as Bertolli Genavesse and asked them t o keep the room undis-
- Unknown: Fine, we’ll be in touch.

Reginald Baker White: New York, USA

- White: So with a few days left, New York City prepares for Benedict XVl’s first visit since his surprising rise to
the Papacy. Among the delegates scheduled to appear in the welcoming committee are Mayor Angela Careso and Cardi-
nal Pentilla, Archbishop of New York. Meanwhile, Team Tomorrow Americas, which hasbeen overseeing His Excellency’s
security during his cross-continental tour, is working closely with New York authorities. When asked about potential
of the Avatar Cult and their leader, The Avatar, T2M Americas leader Ricardo Montoya-
problems with the F o l l o w e ~
Bernal had this t o say....
F ~ O P ~ M V I
From: Meztiszo
To: Investigation Team
Subjeck Quick and Dirty
Date: May 13th, 2010
New work,
After that wonderful job you folks pulled in Bahrain, 1thought I’d give you a plumb assignment in your own back
yard. There’s an archivist for the Jesuit Historical Society named Bertolli Genavesse who’s also a freelance reporter
for the Vatican. He was in town covering Benedict XVl’s arrival. He’s holed up in the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhat-
tan, Room 2114, but he’s not answering any calls. Last anyone heard, the boy was investigating some tawdry bit o f
Vatican nastiness. Look into it, and see what you come up with.
PS: Oh, and if you’re wondering why I’m sending in your team, it’s because there might be novas involved. No
details on whom, but some religious elites are rumored to be running around. Just be careful. With T2Ms presence in
NYC, the situation could degrade really fast if you’re not discreet.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[OpNet Message from Fr. Angel0 Chalepenoto Elaine Katzmbmrn]
Dear Mrs. Katzenbaum,
1 wanted to thank you for the package you sent. Your discretion was greatly appreciated, though you’ll under-
stand if I’m still reticent. I’m used to relying on my own resources to settle matters, and have never employed foreign
brokers. Because this affair takes place in New York, however, and may involve novas, 1 have no options left (espe-
cially given recent developments).
f i r s t and foremost, please be aware that 1 do not approach you in my official capacity as Assessor f o r
General Affairs for the Secretariat of State. Rather, I’m employing your services as a concerned member of the
Vatican who has encountered some unpleasantness and wishes t o solve the matter quietly. An ally o f mine,
Bertolli Genavesse, was in New York this past week. Officially, he was there documenting His Supreme
Excellency’s arrival t o your fair city. Unofficially, he was investigating allegations o f “wrongdoings” against the
Vatican. I n his last call, Bertolli said a group o f novas were involved in the fiasco, but he would not elaborate
further. Subsequently, all communication with him ceased. 1 haven’t been able t o contact him over the last day,
which is highly irregular.
Mrs. Katzenbaum, because of the urgency involved and because 1 cannot get away from my duties in Vatican
City, 1 leave this in your care. I’ve already forwarded you my account draft number for payment, and 1 believe
my credit check has met with your satisfaction? 1 need t o hire a small team of novas t o find Bertolli and, if
necessary, complete his investigation. Discretion is of utmost priority, so 1 ask the results of their inquest
remain out o f the public light. Given this requirement, please assign any novas you believe best suited t o this
task but nobody too famous, please. While 1 have no doubts as t o the efficiency o f Pursuer o r Overkill, I’m
afraid they’re too high profile.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Please prioritize this assignment, I’d be more than willing to pay the additional fees. 1 await your contract, after w
1’11 send you Bertolli’s last known address.
Yours in God,
Fr. Angelo Chalepeno
Project Utopia
[Urgent Project Utopia memo]
From: Director llsa Mortensen, Chief Diplomat For Diplomacy Corps
To: Dr. Nigel Carstens, Director for Nova Coordination
Re:Unusual Request
Date: May 13,2010
Mr. Carstens,
1just received a very unusual request forwarded through my operative lrena Calpeggio. A Fr. Angelo Chalepeno of the
Vatican’s Secretariat of State contacted her on a matter of extreme urgency. Apparently, an archivist for the Jesuit Histori-
cal Society named Bertolli Genavesse has vanished in New York. Mr. Chalepeno seems most distressedabout the matter. He
claims Mr. Genavesse was investigating allegations of wrongdoings against the Holy See and even indicated some renegade
novas might be involved. Given this is taking place in New York on the near-eve of the Pontiff‘s arrival, Mr. Chalepeno has
asked for Project Utopia’s help and discretion in the matter. He doesn’t want anything happening that could detract from
Benedict XVl’s visit, and 1 concur.
I’m issuing a Formal request for an investigative team t o look into Mr. Genavesse’s disappearance, given this could
strengthen diplomatic ties between Project Utopia and Vatican City. 1don’t need to remind you that our reputation has taken
a beating these last two years. The support of the Roman Catholic Church would greatly improve our standing and public
image. 1 leave this in your capable hands. Pick a team you believe best suited for this assignment, but remember, discretion
is a must. Try not to use any high-profile members of 72M, and remind your team that they are not to speak with the press.
1’11 have the pertinent information from Mr. Chalepeno shortly and will forward that ASAP.
Thank yw in advance,
Director llsa Mortensen

pcerpt from Project Utopia mission profilefolder, Operatian:Holy Rdk]

Ladies and Gentlemen,
As you well know, most of TZM Americas’ veteran novas are in New York ensuring a safe visit for the Pope. While the
press concentrateson them, we needyour team t o conduct a discreet investigation. You’re searching for a man by the name
of Bertolli Genavesse, a reporter for the Vatican who was staying at the Four Seasons Hotel, Room 2114. In addition to
covering the Pontiff‘s visit to New York City, Mr. Genavesse was apparently conducting an investigation into some illegal
activities within the Roman Catholic Church. You now understand why discretion is necessary. Mr. Genavesse’s last report
indicated some novas were somehow invoked, though whom or in what capacity remains a mystery.
Your mission parameters are as follows:
- Investigate Mr. Genavese’s disappearance. Start with his hotel.
- 1f necessary, continue Mr. Genavesse’sinvestigation and secure any loose ends that might be uncovered by reporters
or enemy novas.
- Ascertain the strength and identities of the enemy novas. Avoid engaging them unless you outnumber them two-to-
one. Otherwise, contact mission control, and wait for backup.
- Under no circumstanceare you to disclose the nature of this mission or investigationunless otherwise sanctioned by
me. Avoid confrontations with the press or law enforcement.
Good Hunting
Director Nigel Cantens

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[Phone Conversationexcerpt between Count Raoul Orzaiz and JeremiahScripture]

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Wiretap comenation between Bishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, Prelate-Generalof Opus Dei and Prelate E b r d o Mancenzo,
personal assistant. Dated14/10/2007]
Note to supervising agent This wiretap was since uncovered. Have been unable to implant new bug due t o stringent
ECM thanks to the Amana Christian Commune in Germany (Amana is involved in the manufactureof electronic goods but has
recently been buying from Kuro-Tek on behalf of Opus Dei).
- Tettamanzi: What do you see on the screen?
- Mancenzo: Colors, Your Eminence, lines and blotchy colors.
- Tettamanzi: So? What is it?
- Mancenzo: l... 1 can’t tell.
- Tettamanzi: Exactly! And why can’t you tell?
- Mancenzo: Because you’ve zoomed in too close into the picture.
- Tettamanzi: Good! What if 1 told you, for the purpose of this example, that this is Our Lord’s love?
- Mancenzo: Sir?
- Tettamarm’:For the purpose of illustratinga point, that’s the love of Our Lord. Would you believe me if 1 told you that?
- Mancenzo: Of course, Your Eminence.
- Tettamanzi: Well, 1 admire your loyalty Mancenzo, but would you believe me for the right reasons? [Sigh] You’re
staring at me like a goat Mancenzo, let me explain. Perception is a matter of distances. The great people in life are those who
can step away from the world and everything around them, including their loved ones, and continue stepping back until the
picture grows in clarity. 1 perceive Our Lord’s love more clearly because I’ve taken greater strides than you. In that journey,
I’ve sacrificed many things to see what 1 now see. The Blessed Josemarie Escriva took titanic steps to study the greater
picture and appreciate things 1 can only dream of glimpsing. Only Our Lord, however, can see it all.
- Mancemo: So we follow the wisdom of our betters until we can see that love for ourselves?
- Tettamanzi: You must throw off the shackles of those who would hinder your journey. That is Opus Dei. It is a
migration of faithful traveling in like company, searching for those markers left by Josemarie Escriva. Others cannot under-
stand what you see from where you stand.
- Mancenzo: But... ?
- Tettamanzi: Ask your question Mancenzo. 1 prefer a man of intelligence to the blind and mute gnats buzzing about
our Pontiff.
- Mancenzo: 1f 1 can’t see the picture yet, how do 1 know the Lord’s love awaits me?
- Tettamami: Fideism, Mancenzo - faith over reason. Perception is a matter of distance, but faith fuels the travel.
You need both. Without distance between all things, you cannot properly perceive the world around you. Without faith,
however, you can’t make that journey. That is our strength: the distances we go to and the sacrifices we make. Remember
that each person sees things according to where he stands. Understand that, and you unravel his motives.
w er excerpt from Bishop Diinigi Tattamanzi, Prelate-General of Opus Dei to UndsnecretaryM iFramois-
Andre Roi for the Congregationfor the Clergy]
...The die is cast my friend. Chalepeno plays his part well, but 1 fear he’s placed himself under too much scrutiny. Whoever
searches for answers will seek him out first. Once Chalepeno’s role in this is finished, administer the neuromuscular-blocker
pavulon to his cilice. With Chalepeno’s liver problems, the drug should make quick work of him without leaving a trace.
1 took the liberty of installing a virus on Chalepeno’s computer system. One message from me will unravel his entire
hard drive, eliminating any evidence. That should close off the roads leading back t o us.
[Letter from to Fr. Angelo Chalepeno, Assessor for General Affairs to Bishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, Prelate-Generalof
Opus Dei]
Your Excellency,
The game begins in earnest. Bertolli is dead at the hands of Apocrypha, and the investigatingdupes are on their way to
his hotel room. Everything proceeds according to plan, guided by Our Lord’s providence and my bread crumbs.
1f all goes well, Benedict XVI will be Pontiff only in name, and the College of Cardinals will be ours within the week.
Yours in God
Fr. Angelo Chalepeno


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Act I: Introduction conclusion is a catalyst for greater woes. By establishing
one plot, Chalepeno accidentally sets a second one in
Welcome to the drama. The actors are set, the cur-
motion. Therein lies Act 11.
tains are about to rise and the lights are ready for cue.
Everybodyunderstands their role, even the characters that
don’t know they’re a part of the performance. Act 1 is the
Scene One: Four
culmination of Opus Dei’s political coup to control the Seasons and a Funeral
Vatican; regardless of its success, the attempt illustrates New York is alive with anticipation. Although Ca-
its sincerity to do whatever it takes and its available re- tholicism only holds part of the city’s heart, no one
sources to pursue such agendas. can deny the sense OF history in the making. Popes
Act 1 is the investigationbehind Bertolli Genavesse’s rarely visit stateside, and even fewer are as contem-
murder. What starts with allegations of wrongdoings porary as Benedict XVI. The AdDeiLucem is suppos-
swiftly uncovers corruption within the highest offices of edly the first in a series of reforms about to set the
the Vatican. A money-laundering operation reveals a com- world on its ears. Experts believe women’s acceptance
plicated system to use church donations to process drug into the priesthood is soon to follow. For now, how-
money from various parts of the United States, all the way ever, it remains a hotly debated topic that threatens to
into Vatican City itself. Duringthis path of discovery, how- schism the Church. Benedict XVl’s visit to the United
ever, the characters also encounter a group of novas will- States is believed to be a diplomatic mission to bring
ing to sacrifice their very lives to carry out their religious the North American bishops and cardinals in line with
obligations. the Papacy’s new messageof tolerance and acceptance.
If this section seems straightforward, it’s because For the characters, the Pope’s visit is background
Chalepeno designed it to be simple. The characters are noise. Constant reminders abound, however, in the thou-
meant to go from A t o B to C in succession because it sand and one preparations that the city has undertaken.
suits Opus Dei’s agenda. It isn’t out to challenge the team. The most obvious remain the festive decorations splat-
The team is a formality in uncovering the money-laun- tered across walls and strung between streetlights. Elec-
dering scheme. Few worthwhile deeds are ever that easy, tronic marquees display witticisms like Areyou ready For
however. Act 1 may progress according to Chalepeno’s the XVl’s Coming. If the characters pay close attention,
timetable (pending the team’s actions of course), but its they also notice the sinister side of the Pontiff‘s eminent

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

visit. Members from T2M Americas fly across the sky, will notice and confront visitors who aren’t well dressed
reminding miscreantsthat they’re ready to deal with any trying to get into the elevators. The team can bypass all
mischief. The homeless population has significantly this grief by sneaking in from the rooftop or through a win-
dwindled ever since the police shuttled transients into dow in an unoccupied room. This requires an Intrusion roll
shelters or out of the city entirely. at +1 difficulty. If the characters fail, however, security
guards converge on that location in under a minute, with
Entering the Hotel police five minutes behind them.
The Four Seasons Hotel is a typical upper-crust es-
tablishmentcateringtoclientelewhocan afford theS2000- Hotel Security
a-night penthouses. The exterior is early 20th Century Physlcal Attributes and Wits 3, all other Attributes 2;
brownstone, with a simple fapde and no balconies. The Awaeness 1, &awl OT MartialArts 1, &Ikeaocracy 1, Firearms
lobby is richly papered in gilded floral patterns, sheathed in 2, Interrogation 1, Might 1; Willpower 4; automatic pistol
marble, a d d with deep-stained woods and draped with
an assortment of silken curtains and wide-camage chan-
Physical Attributes, Perceptionand Wits 3, all other
deliers. The elevators still use attendants for no other rea-
Attributes 2; Awareness 2, &awl or Martial Arts 3, Drive
son than to maintain that old-millennium charm. People
speak in whispers, and everybody wears some expensive
3, Endurance 3, Firearms 2, Interrogation 2, Investiga-
tion 1, Might 2, Resistance 3, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2; Will-
ensemble, From classic to designer chic.
power 6; automatic pistol, SMG or assault rifle, flak jacket
Chalepeno already called the hotel in advance as
or full riot gear.
Bertolli Genavesse and asked the stafF not to disturb his
room. As far as they know, Mr. Genavesse was out of town Room 2114
briefly on business and is due back any day now. The char- Hopefully, the team arrived at Genavese’s room with-
acters should know this as well, since Chalepeno included out any problems. ‘The door’s card-key lock is nothing that
this information in his instructions. As such, room 2114 anIntrusionrdlat+l difficultycouldn’tsolve.Astrongshoul-
remains undisturbed. Getting there, however, is a differ- der also works wonders, but not without alerting the front
ent matter. desk (unless the character can dead& the alarm through
The staff at the Four Seasons is paid t o be intrusive an Intrusion roll of standard difficulty) or anybody walking
and snotty. If the characters casually stroll in, expecting by the door with a bustedframe. Other options includeusing
little opposition, they’re in for a surprise. True, the busi- subtle powers to bypass the lock or bribing (charming) one
ness-attired security guards are no match For novas, and of the floor ma& into letting the character in.
they will back down if threatened, but they will not allow On the door itself is a Do Not Disturb sign. Ekrtolli
quantum-powered individuals to walk in without challeng- Genavesse had all his research scattered about the suite and
ing them. If the characters are there to visit someone, didn’t want anyone rearranging his papers. The interior of
they must wait in the lobby until the guest allows them up the room betrays Genavesse’s messy, research intensive
or comes down to see them. The concierge and security
guards are quite emphatic on that point.
Observant characters will notice through an Intru-
sion roll at standard difficulty or an Awareness roll at +1
difficulty that there are security cameras hidden in the
darkest corners of the lobby. These live-feed cameras all
lead to a security room at the end of an adjoining corri-
dor. The team can easily break into it and remove the DVD
recordings of their actions.
If the characters force their way past security or
the concierge, neither will physically resist them. The hotel
staff is smart enough to know it isn’t a match for novas.
Instead, the staff allows the characters to pass. While the
concierge and security guards were arguing with the team,
somebody dials 711. ‘The police will arrive in five minutes.
If the authorities can’t settle the matter peacefully, the
Storyteller may take appropriate action, whether the po-
lice sends in a SWAT unit or contacts the Directive to
handle the problem.
Needless to say, m e forethought can p v e n t all of
this. Characters without visibleaberratiom or with the Dor-
mancy Backgroundcan slip into the hotel with little effort,
while Mega-Social Attributes are the simplest and quietest
way around a problem. As a reminder, however, security

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

methodology. Although he worked for the Vatican, Genavesse formation on the Gambino, Genovese,Cdombo, h n o a n d
prided himself on being a professional reporter. He never Luchese families. This includes the arrest of Mafia dons like
allowedfaith or belief to color his repork,which often landed Nick Corozzo and JohnGotti and theT2M initiativethat col-
him in trouble with JohnPaul Il’sadministration. G e ~ v e m e ’ s lapsed the five families. Three names are circled in the ar-
critics still say he’s overly objective even in matters of faith, ticles: Piero Giorie, ThomassoScapagi and Eduardo Antondli
though h e d i d Xvl’s administration has been far more le- (see%ion Two: Fad Finding for more information).
nient with him. The nightstand has a lamp, a telephone and a
The mom itself is a simple suite with a single bed, a notepad. The telephone holds five messagesthat are easily
nightstand, a table, two chairs, a squat dresser mounted accessed:
by a television set and a partitioned sink and open closet Message#(6:57 l: PM, 05/11/2010) Dammit! 1was
niche with an adjoining bathroom. A clutter of paperwork hopingyou were still there. 1can’t make our meeting. l... I
and books lies scattered on the bed and floor. On the table think l’m being followed. 1 hope to Godyou haven’t left
is a laptop already plugged into the OpNet and a small yet. Please call me back.
stack of local newspapers. The dresser and closet are full Message#2: (8:3? PM, 05/11/2010) [Hang-up]
of clothing, and the suitcase hiddenunder the bed is empty. Message#3: (?:04 PM, 05/11/2010) [Hang-up]
Searchingthe suite, the characters find the following facts: Massage#4: (10:32 PM, 05/11/2010) l... 1haven’t
The empty suitcase and the dresser and closet headback fromyouyet. Dear God, 1hopeyou’reallright.
filled with clothing are sure signs Genavesse didn’t leave Please call me, ok? lin worried...
town. He also left all his toiletries. Messaga # 5 (1:03 AM, 05/12/2010) [Hang-up]
The documentation on the bed and floor are all re- The voice is the same in the two messages. This is Fa-
search oriented.Gemvese was in town reporting on the ]e- ther Stanislav, who knew full well thatGewavessehad already
suit diocese. Most of the papers are mission statements, an- left the hotel when he called. He’s establishing his alibi.
nouncements and “ewspaper clippings concerning these re- The notepad is empty, though the top page is ripped
ligious organizations. The books cover the historyof the re- out. Characters with Mega-Perception: Analytic Taste/
gional missionaryefforts. The exception is a small pile of pa- Touch or anyone who simply rubs graphite across the pa-
pers regarding the local la Cosa Nosh or Mafia families. per can read the impressions of the previous page. If the
Newspaperclippings and printed OpNet searches meal in- players don’t pick up on that trick, the Storyteller may

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

allow them an Awareness roll at +1 difficulty or an Inves- Where to Go From Here
tigation roll at standard difficulty to figure it out. The in- This portion of the adventure allows the team to
dented script from Genavesse’s scribble reads: pursue several different avenues of investigation. If the
characters conduct more research using the clues already
left behind by Genavesse or they decide to track down
The table has a laptopand several New York news- the names scribbled on paper, go to Scene Two where
papers (The New York Post, The New York Times, Gar- the various clues are further elaborated. If the charac-
den City Life, Gotham Gazette and New York News) dated ters decide to go searching for Genavesse using the
for the past two weeks. All the articles deal with the notepad indentations, they can go to Scene Three.
Pontiff‘s visit, but scatteredthroughout the piles are small
scraps of paper with quick notations. These morsels were
Scene Two: Fact Finding
taken from the OpNet or during quick conversations with There is no set location for Scene Two. Instead, this
Father Stanislav. Among the hastily jotted notes are: section allows the characters to earn more information
through research and contacts. If the notes in Genavesse’s
room Seem scant, that’s becausehe kept his notebook with
him. Whatever the team uncovers won’t be significant in
blowingopen the case, but it will fill in the missingpieces of
the puzzle and allow the characters to reach their own con-
clusions without everythingbeing revealed through expo-
sition. It also involves them in the investigative process.
More importantly, it’s a segue into Act 11 when the killing
begins. The notes provideFamiliarityfor the charactersand
heightenthe team’s interest in uncoveringthe eventsof the
2002-2010! final act The Storyteller should therefore encourage and
The Storyteller may allow characters with Investi-
reward a character’s attempt at researching with snippets
gation a standard difficulty roll to realize that there isn’t a
of informationthat eventually fill out the big picture.
notebook or chip-recorder in the room. All reporters use
some medium to record research findings or observations. Research Information
Genavesse’s suite is sparse of personal notations. Either Bertolli Genavesse left behind enough names for the
someone took it, or more likely, he’s carrying it with him, charactersto launch their inquiry. Standardresearchmeth-
wherever he is. ods includeusingOpNet search engines, telemarketingda-
Oddly, Genavesse’s laptop isn’t password pro- tabases, public records and evenoperator assistance. Be-
tected, so it’s easily accessible. All his files are articles yond that, characters with lnvestigation know to check
and stories written in Latin or Italian. None pertain to the plethora of vital information sources including the
the money-laundering operation, though characters that NationalArchive, the Social Security Administration, the
log on to the OpNet through the laptop can easily find a Department of Corrections, the Secretary of State (for
listing of Genavesse’sprior searches using various search corporate information) and the Office of Vital Statistics.
engines. The list includes the following addresses: As far as disclosingfacts is concerned, the different states
//Op.NASDA Q. c o m / c o m p a n y s e a r c h / have varying degrees of privacy controls. Some will For-
e trying to Find
l ! k & m ? H r n Z ~ d i ~ ( G e n m r e S swas ward data only through official letter queries. Others use
stock listingsfor thiiQmmy corporation, but thereare m) toll-Free lines (to keep records of the caller and his loca-
//Op. b e t t e r b u s i n e s s b u r e a u . corn/ tion) or might even answer questions via the OpNet. A
generalcompanysearch/MadonnaHorizons Consulting few will outright refuse to give details due to improved
(Again, there are no listings for this company.) Privacy Lam. Bribes, using the Freedom of Information
// Op. w o r k h o r s e . corn /s e a r c h/ Act in a judicious argument, Mega-Appearance Attributes
madomahwizonxwndting(GeMvesseusedabrowserdled or a good sob story,however, are all valid methods of cir-
WorkHOrse to conduct h i research. ‘There are no matches cumventing rules and regulations.
under keyword search: Madonna HOFhonsC d t i n g . ) The characters can uncover the following nuggets
//Op. workhorse. com/search/lacosanostra/ using the above methods. Those marked Standard,+1 or
neywkstate (Another OpNet browser search, this time +2indicate the degree of difficulty in accessingthe per-
with dozens of listings for La Cosa Nostra. Genavesse tinent information, whether through Bureaucracy, lntimi-
searched out five sites including capos-and-dons.com, dation, Interrogation, Streetwise or Subterfuge rolls. Au-
lacosanostra.com, t2rn.com/WaronCrimee,mafia.com and tomatic means the information is available through the
sin-dicates.com. He printed cut the pertinent information.) phone operator or public records.
//Op. workhorses. com/search/BancodeMadrid/ Father Henry Stanislav
6ranches/newydcity (Genavene’s search for the local Automati Phone number and address at the Church
Banco de Madrid. There is one branch in Manhattan.) of the Resurrection.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Standard: Father Stanislav has been running Church The church even provided Dominique with one of the best
of the Resurrection for well over a decade now. He’s a chari- immigration lawyers in New York City.
table man and has always provided for the community. +2: Dominique Esposito is an Opus Dei cooperator
+1: The 1RS investigatedStanislavfive years ago with and donates money regularly. Background checks of +2
a thorough audit on his credit history and financial records. difficulty also reveal his priest and his immigrationlawyer
During the T2M purge of la Cosa Nostra,one Mafia mem- are card-carrying Opus Dei members.
ber accused Stanislav of accepting bribes. The IRS P i e r o Giorie, Thomasso Scapagi and
checked the priest’s finances, but it found nothing. Eduardo Antonelli
+ 2 Under Stanislav, the Church of the Resurrection Automatic Phone numbers or addresses belonging
has received sizable donations from parishionersand from to family members of the three men.
Madonna Horizons Consultingfor missionary work abroad. Standard: Giorie and Scapagi are serving time.
Primary recipient of funds has been Cor Unum’s Founda- Antonelli was murdered in prison last year. All three men
tion for the Sahel. were arrested during the T2M war on la Cosa Nostra.
Banco de Madrid +1: All three men were indicted on a variety of crimes,
Automatic: Phone number, address and branch mostly pertaining to racketeeringand money-laundering.
manager’s name (Dominique Esposito). In particular, Piero Giorie handled the finances for the
Standard: Banco de Madrid espouses conservative DeCavalcante family in New Jersey. He’s servinga life sen-
family values and often provides scholarshipsand financial tence without possibility of parole in the JusticeSystem’s
assistance for reliable members of the Catholic community. new “No Tolerance” campaign.
+1: Banco de Madrid wires donations in Stanislav’s +2: Piero Giorie was recently transferred from the
name from the Church of the Resurrectionto the Pontifical Attica Correctionalfacility (a maximum-security prison)
Council Cor Unum for Human and Christian Development. to Bayview Correctional Facility (a medium-security
+2: Banco de Madrid itself handles the Finances for prison). He has special leave to visit the New York Pres-
the Spanish chapter of Opus Dei, a religious and suppos- byterian Hospital (Cornell Radiology Department) under
edly non-profit organization with considerablepull within guard every Thursday for radiotherapytreatment. Giorie
the Vatican. Additionally, Bancode Madriddispensed more is suffering From advancedmetasthetizedcancer and isn’t
money to Opus Dei than to any other charity. In 1998, it expected to live beyond a year. Whether the characters
contributed to build Opus Dei’s new headquarters, now learn this themselves or through Genavesse’s notes, it’s
located in Manhattan. important they have this information by the end of Act 1.
Pontifical Council Cor Unum Madonna Horizons Consulting
Automatic Address and phone number in PalazzoSan Auhratk Contact information for Madonna Horizons
Calisto in Vatican City.
Standard: Cor Unum is a charity organization for
StaKLad:MadonnaHorizonsConsultinghas no OpNet
site, therefore no listings for it will come up during searches.
Human and Christian Development to help Third World
Onlythe Secretary of State’s officehasany informationlisted
nations. One of the main drives is the Foundation for the
on their OpNet site, but even that is minimal.
Sahel (in Burkina Faso, Africa), which fights drought and
+1: From 1992to 2004, Madonna HorizonsConsult-
the advance of the Sahara.
ing saw an impressive volume of business go through its
+1: Through the Sahel Foundation, donations leapt
doors. That changed in 2004, when business declined
from over 10 million dollars between 1993 and 2000, to
drastically (strangely enough, the company recessionco-
over 30 million in the last seven years. In turn, that money
incides with T2M’s war on crime down to the month). lt’s
goes to contractors and engineers to help fight desertifi-
barely operating currently.
cation and t o build new missions and hospitals.
+2: Piero Gore is listed on the boardof trustees along
+2: There have been several reports criticizing the with Thomasso Scagi and Eduardo Antonio (note the mis-
Sahel foundation. Principle are claims that the money is spellingof their last names). Additionally listedare Bennett0
being misappropriated. Part of the mandate to “fight de- Scholaand PietroCammelli. Searches for them rewal noth-
sertification” is nebulous and seemingly justifies exorbi- ing, but searches for Scholari and Cammelliri (add “ri” to
tant expenses. Already, one contractor has been caught the ends of either names) find both men serving life-sen-
overcharging Cor Unum on buildingcosts. tences in Green Haven and Upstate Correctional Facilities,
Dominique Esposito respectively. Locatingthem is a simple matter of checking
Automatic: Home number and address. Dominique Genavesse’s newspaper clippings. The 2004 media regu-
Esposito is currently in Aspen with his family for the week larly featured a who’s who of T2Mi arrests.
but will return on Monday.
Standard: Dominique Esposito has a wife and three Hard Investigations
children. They attend church at lglesia de la Santa Virgen In case the team decides t o question different
regularly and are heavily involved with their community. people, here’s a quick and dirty rundown on what the char-
+1: The Espositos are originally from Madrid but acters can expect to find. Again, the Storyteller shouldn’t
moved over in 2005 with the sponsorship of their priest. discourage this investigation since it familiarizes the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

characters with the guts of the story. Allow them a sense truly believes in the rightness of his actions. He’ll commit
of accomplishment from earning these clues and formu- suicide before revealing the truth to “witches and mind-
lating their own theories. readers.” If the characters arrest Esposito or twn him over
Father Henry Stanislav: The meeting with Father to the authorities, he’ll be out on bail within a few hours. His
Stanislav is covered in Scene four. lawyers, of course, are courtesy of Opus Dei.
Banco de Madrid: BWKo de Madnd is a small Finan- Piero Giorie, Thomasso Scapagi, Bennett0 Scholari
cial institutioncatering to the Spanish District. It’s one of the and Pietro Cammelliri All four men are available for visits,
few remaining banks that hasn’t forced client service onto though Pier0 Giorie ref= to see anyone. This is partially
the OpNet. Hewily i d e d in the community, it does little due to his debilitating illness and partiallybecause he knows
to hide its religious affiliationsand thus attracts an older pa- Chalepends plans are in full swing. Fortunately, Giorie’s can-
tronage. Tellers wear their crucifixes proudly, and a few even cer takes precedence, and thedoctors refuseallv i s i i . Only
have an icon of Christ or a picture of Josemwie Escriva on police investgatom can actually see him, but even then,they
their desks. Word on the street is h o de Madrid is a re- can’t stay too long. Giorie plays faint wlw the questions are
cruitment office for the local lglesia de la Santa Virgen. Cus- too prhng, forcing the dodws to usher all visitors out.
tomers are often told that it’s easier to receive loans or mort- As for Scapagi, Schdari and Cammelliri, they stay si-
gages if they’re involved with the Iglesia. lent on principle. They’ll negotiate for their information, de-
Aside from some sinister religiousundertones, there mandingbansfertoaminimum-secuntyprisonorforanear-
is nothing at the Banco de Madrid for the characters to lier parole hearing. Unfortunately, none of them know about
find. Dominique Esposito, the branch manager, is away Giorie’sdealwithOpusDei.lFthecharactersrewaltoomuch
for the week, and he is the only link to the money-laun- about the money-laundering operation, the three men will
dering operation (which the tellers and acting manager negotiate with the Camparelli-Zukhov Megasynd~cate,ex-
know nothing about). changing information for future considerations. See Act 11
Pontifical Council Cor Unum: Pope Paul VI estab- for the Megasyndicate’s imrdvement
lished Cor Unum, meaning “One Heart,” in 1471. Its man- Madonna Horizons Consulting: Madonna Horizons
date is to help third-world populations through various Consultingwas runby la CosaNosh beforethe 2004 purge.
humanitarian programs and relief efforts. There are no Because the board of trustees altered their last names when
offices for Cor Unum in New York City, so research will they incorporated the company under forged documents, it
be OpNet related or through European contacts. Most escaped not& when the US governmentseized all criminal
information is availableon the Vatican sites and Cor Unum’s assets. Currently, Maduma HorhomComultingitself isa ha-
own mission statements and press releases. room operation located in a dilapidated office building. The
The Foundation for the Sahel is named after a re- door is locked and a sign announces “Back in Five Minutes.”
gion in Burkina Faso, Africa at the southern advance of That was four years ago.
the Sahara. Over the last seven years, the foundation do- The interior is barrenexcept for a secretary’sdeskand
nated 30 million dollars to fight this phenomenon. The coffee table in the lobby, and a desk in the main office. The
Storyteller should allow the characters a Standard Inves- magazinesin the reception area date back to 2000 to 2002.
tigation or Bureaucracyroll to figure out: Why is 30 mil- The building’s owner claims that the business was booming
lion dollars US being piped into an organization without several years ago but shut its doors in 2004. Once a year,
nova resources or advanced sciences when Project Uto- the owner receives cash From a courier to keep the space
pia is already terraforming the entire region?
rented, but he‘s never seen anyone use it. The courier isn’t
due for another few months. This trail is a dead end.
Dominique Esposito: If it seems convenient that
Esposito is on vacation when the investigation is under-
way, it’s because it’s deliberate. Although Angelo
Scene Three:
Chalepeno is using Esposito in the scheme, this Opus Dei Mr. Genavesse’s
supporter is still important to the organization. As such,
Chalepeno has arranged for Esposito’s “vacation” to take Corpse I Presume?
him out of danger until Monday, November 16.If the inci- There are two ways of reachingScene Three, thrcugh
dent in New York gets blown out of the water, Opus Dei an encounter with father Henry Stanislav or if the cham-
can always hide the Espositos in Denver. ters translatedthe notepad impression in Gemese‘s room.
If the characters t d Esposito down in Aspen or The location is an abandoned church on 2383 W. Sycamore
quietly await his return, the man is wily enough to talk his Street,as far away from the Pope’s parade mute as the city
way through the situation. At First, he’ll play innocent of could manage. Most buildings in this region we run-down,
any wrongdoing, but if pressed or confronted by a charis- abandonedorscheduledfordestrudlon.7here‘stdkofreno-
matic nova, he’ll claim he was coerced. If he didn’t cooper- vating the entire district t o attract investors and spur
ate with Piero Giorie and the Mafia by laundering money gentnfication, but discussion is all that’s happened. As are-
through his bank, they would have killed his family. He had jult, the area is practically abandoned and completdy mis-
t o protect them. This, of course, is a lie. Dominique Esposito sed. Storefrontsare boarded up, and the nearby factories
was following orders from Opus Dei through Chalepeno and are decayinghulks -ugly, corrodedand dangerous. Empty

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


warehouses hide colonies of rats, homeless people and the fling. To the left of the pulpit is a door to the manager’s
occasional crack house andddlar baqatn brothek. httered office. It’s half-cavered by tom curtains.
throughoutare tiny enclaves of d e s t i i neqhbomoodssur- The rear office smells horrible due to the adjoining
viving under one gang’s probxtion or another‘s. bathroom that’s been used by vagrants and addicts over
the years. A desk adorns the Spartan room, as does a
Setting chair with the seated and dead Mr. Genavesse.
2383 W. SycamoreStreet is a reconvertedstore built
to serve as the pulpit for the now defrocked &otherhood Mr. Genavesse
Church of Christ and the Disciples of the Hdy Spirit. The Mr. Genavesse sits in a swivel chair, his head lolled
first story comprised the store, while the remaining two to the side and his eyes open but pitch black as though
housed apartments of sqwlid condition. This was a house
church that once followed acharismatic preacher but closed
down Following charges of tax evasion brought when the
IRS discovered that he wasn’t a “legitimate” church. From
the outside, it looks like any one of the destitute buildings
tining the street. The windows and door are boarded from
the inside, and the glass is filthy. The jimmied door lock is
partiallyblockedby debm, allowingentry throughthe crack.
The storefront church is a two-and-a-half room op-
eration, with the mainstore floor in front and the manager’s
office and bathroom in the rear. The main room is a simple
affair with tattered posters of Jesus on the walls, a bulletin
board with ascattering of announcementsand boxes block-
ing the entrance, filled with molding flyers. Five rows of
broken, folding chairs face the back of the store and a small
pulpit. The painted wall, now fading and bwdyvisible, por-
trays the cross, a golden corona and doves ascending into
Heaven. The smdl of wet paper and exposedsewage is sti-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

the eyeballs themselves were removed. His skin (and even tional tidbits written by Genavesseto help tie some of the
hair) is an odd gray, almost muddy complexion, and clues together. The Storyteller can add further difficulty
cracked with fine web-like fractures. He looks rather like by saying the notes are written in Italian.
a detailed mud sculpture of his former self.
This is the effect of Apocrypha’s slow disintegra-
Genavesse’s Recording
The second item o f importance in Genavesse’s
tion abilities. It’s hollowed the poor man out, leaving be-
pockets is the chip recording of his encounter with
hind an empty shell filled with dust. Because he targeted
Apocrypha. The chip holds a minute o r so of dialogue
Genavesse’s flesh, the clothing (and recorder) is still in-
that offers the characters some forewarning of the
tact. If touched, pieces of Genavessecrumble and fall into
deadly power that can be used against them (Apoc-
his scoured out interior. Contact with hisshoulder or chest,
rypha can slowly disintegrate organic and inorganic
however, not only topples the fragile neck, but also brings
matter over several hours). Additionally, it deepens
the head crashing into the empty chest cavity (or on the
the Roman Catholic Church’s involvement in the or-
floor) &ere it shatters like an earthen pot. Disturbing
deal, lending sinister undertones t o Opus Dei’s plot.
Genavesse turns him into a pile of dust, which means
there’s no way of preserving him unless the team makes Ganavesse: (English) ...No please, who are you?
this office his tomb. Apoayph9: (Latin w l a faint metallic echo) Spar me
Shouldthe charactensearchGenavesse’seffects,they your crocodile tears, heretic.
come up with his notepadand a recorder in his jacket. Now, Ge- .(Latin) You... you speak Latin?!?
the Storyteller can play out the clues depending on the e Apocrypha:(Latin) l speak God’s words, and l I ete
team’s abilities and their current status in this adventure. out God’s judgment.
A Pzrty of slauths: If the team enjoys investigating e Gsnavesse: (Latin) 1 work for the Vatican, I’m i E-
mysteries but has yet to Follow up on the clues From the porter for Historical Society OF Jesus.
hotel room, the notepad could contain cursory information Apocrypha: (Latin) Through that door. Save >ur
(see Scene Two: Fact Finding). This would include basic words for prayer. A trw believer would not waste his ast
contact data on the people cr businesses mentioned, leav- breath with feeble pleas.
ing the characters to uncover m e of the remaining Facts
themselves (namely those of standard, +1 or +2 difficulty). Apocrypha: (Latin) You’ve betrayed your faith. 3rd
Ahead of the Game:If characters have already begun you’ve betrayed His Excellency. The Papacy will not tolr ate
researching data, the notebook can confirm sads or fill in such threats against Its being. Sit!
pieces the characters missed. Again, the Storyteller knows 0 Gerparesss: (Latin) 1 have done no such thing! Yc i’ve

her grwp the best and should adjust the clues accordingly. mistaken me for someone-
If the Storyteller wants the team to uncover information on * Apoaypha: (Latin) You are Bwtolli Genavesse?
its own, she can scrap the notebook entirely; Genavesse GeMvesse:(Latin) Y-yes.
left in the car, for example. It’s disintegrated at this point. Apocrypha:(Latin) Then sit down.
Advenbm is served: If the team is composed of the d (Latm) Not untilp u t$lme who ycu are
gung-ho sort of adventuring novas who don’t have time for Apocrypha: (Latin) Very well [Scuffle and ien
thesubtletiesof imrestigation,the Storytellercan Fill thenote- Genavesse screams]
book with all the relevant information. Specifically, it could 0 Genawsx (Latin) What ... ahhh! It hurts! What ave
contain all automatic, standard, +1 and +2 diffiiulty secrets. you done to-to me?
The Notepad ~Apocryphg(Lattn)SentyoutoGodforjudgment.xi#
As mentioned previously, the notepad can fill in miss- diewittnnanhotr.Doywtshrnetoadmiiisterextrememc on?
0 Gtnavsrsb: (Latin) You’re ... you’re a priest7
inq data or add new facts to the equation. Here are addi-
Apocryphs (Latin) Sit. It’llease your suffering. 1: hat
better? Ignore this fqade; 1 am a priest.
Genaverse:(Latin) Why are you... ahh! Why?
Apocrypha: (Latin) Shh. Ask for forgiveness. I m’t
die with a lie in your heart. Free your soul.
Gmamse(Latin) I’m innocent! I’m imocent!Damr rou!
I’m [Muted scream again, then Genawsse sobbpng and g q ig].
Apacr)rpha. (Latin) Forgive me, but 1 had to rei ove
your tongue lest you damn yourself further. I’m doing tl i to
save you. Now nod. Do yw beg for forgiveness? Nod! es?
Good, good. I’ll carry your pleas For absolution back tl the
Vatican with me. I’ll ask His Holiness to pray for your s( 1.
The recording lapses into silence after Apocrypha
administers last rites and leaves the room.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Springing the Trap
When Angelo Chalepeno hired or petitionedthe ser-
vices of the characters (or their organization), he immedi-
ately warned his hired novas (Apocrypha, Fidei Defensor,
Aureole, Dirge and Tenebrae). He has three novas keeping
surveillanceon the Church of the Resurrection and another
two at 2383 W. Sycamore Street. In both cases, the in-
structions are to keep watch on whoever enters either build-
ing and to attack them as enemies of the Vatican. In this
scene, Chalepeno left instructionsthat Aureole and Dirge
were to collapse the store several minutes after someone
entered the building. The two have kept vigil in an aban-
doned structure two blocks away.
Chalepeno knows a falling building will not easily kill
novas. He’s using two of his weaker dupes to confront the
characters, believingthe team will overcomethe odds. This
is another act in Chalepeno’s play to get the characters riled
up and blind to the possibility they’re being misled. He’s
baiting them so that when they uncover the money-laun-
dering scheme, they’ll be mad enough to reveal the “truth”
to him, regardless the consequences.
Before using Dirge and Aureole (their “ite-ups are in
the DramatisPersonaesection at the end of this act), the Sto-
ryteller should allow the characters enough time to find
Genavesseand to search him. Oncethey recmthe recorder
and notebook, or if thqire tdting too long, the attack begins.
Dirge and Aureole leaw their hiding spot and use the
alleyways across the street to maneuver into position op-
posite the “house church” (which accounts for their delay
in attacking). Dirge then uses a sonic scream to bring the
buildingdown. Given its dilapidatedcondition, he only needs
two blasts to accomplish his task. His first shot shakes the
building violently and collapses 8d10 6[5 health levels in-
stantly] worth of upper floor. The team has one action left
before the structure buckles. The second blast closes the
deal and deposits 16d106[lo healthlevels instantly] worth
of debris the next turn. Fortunately, because the rear door
is the easiest escape route, characters can retreat before
the entire structure crashes down.
If the team exits through the rear of the store, they‘ll
havea turn or two to regroupand regaintheir beanngs. Any-
off combat with a Strobe flash to blind the opposition. Dirge
joins in from a distance, while Aureole takes flight and pep-
pers the area from the sky. Dirge always remains indoors
duringthe fight. Thii limitsthe number of diredionsthe team
can attack him from, and it allows him to collapse this build-
ing if he‘s being overwhelmed. His Bodymorph (Sound) al-
lows him to use Density Control (Decrease) to slip through
rubble and fallingdebris. Aureole, on the other hand, prefers
unhindered movement and will rarely, if ever, allow herself to
be trapped close to the ground.
While Dirge and Aureole are convinced of the merits
of their duties, they’ve been instructed to retreat in the
face of overwhelming adversity. If possible, they should
withdraw to the Church of the Resurrection, where they

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

are to assist Apocrypha, Fidei Defensor and Tenebrae. The homes. The church has no parking lot. Instead, parishio-
characters are sure to show up there as well. If the team ners park on the street or simply walk to services.
already visited the Church OF the Resurrection, however, To the rear of the Church of the Resurrection is a
any escapees From that combat will show up here. small home For the two priests (Father Henry Stanislav and
If Dirge or Aureole is captured, they remain silent un- Father Paul Ackers) and a small community center with one
less the characters use extreme measures like Telepathy or classroom For Sunday school and a Fenced OFF playground.
Social Mega-Attributes to Ferret out the truth. Remember, Currently, Apocrypha, Fidei Defensor and Tenebrae are
however, that Chalepeno’s novas, with exception to Apoc- hiding in the community center, waiting For Stanislav’s sg-
rypha, believe they are fighting to protect the Holy Roman nal (seethe Fought on Faith section For more information).
Church From internal threats and corruption. The Pontiff
himself has sanctioned their actions through an intermedi-
Father Henry Stanislav
ary. They are Crusaders to the characters Saracens.
Father Staniilmr is on church grounds when the charac-
tersarrive. His reaction to them depends on how blatant they
Scene Four: are in presentingt M . Obviously, he won’t be pleased
should they appea in broad daylght and demand: “Father
The Church Stanislav,accolntFor~FRegardless,heescortsthetewn
into his office where hemspeak to them pivately.
of the Resurrection Despite Stanislav’s initial reactions, he’ll still coop-
Like a train gathering speed, the clues are Falling into erate For two reasons. First and foremost, he can’t risk
place. All that remains now is to Find the connection that anyone reading his thoughts too deeply or charming the
brings the puzzle together, and that rests with Father truth From him. Secondly, the story must get out, and
Henry Stanislav. Now, given the structure OF this adven- Stanislav isn’t concerned with its messengers. When the
ture, it’s entirely possible the characters come here be- characters arrive and confront Stanislav, he’ll confirm
fore ever Finding Genavesse’s body. That’s not a problem. whether or not they know at least part OF the story. If
IF they arrived with minimal backgroundresearch on the they don’t, he’ll send them looking For Genavesse. This
various individuals and businessescovered by Genavese, way, he can confirm suspicionsand validate theories rather
Stanislav can redirect the team back t o Finding the miss- than Filling in all the gaps. Stanislav knows this is a harder
ing reporter. He says things like: path, but it is necessary. Should the characters learn the
I’m only speaking to Bertolli Genavesse,so unless Facts From him alone, it’ll increase suspicions against him
you bring him to me, I have nothing to say. and his story. Doubt always works against the accuser in
I ’m sorry. I don ’t know whomyou work for or why. these situations. If Stanislav confirms rather than con-
lfyou can prove to me that you have an inkling of what’s demns, however, the impetus of doubt is no longer against
happening, perhaps then I ’d be more forthcoming. him. He can’t be suspect of divulging erroneous Factswhen
If you are trying to help, then help me find the characters uncovered the information on their own.
Genavesse. I was supposed to meet him, but 1 was being I F the team has investigated the matter and ap-
watchedandcouldn’tgo.No, Idon’tknow who was watch- proached Stanislav, he’ll First ascertain what they know.
ing me. I haven’t heard back from Genavesse. I was sup- After hearing their data, he’ll do his best to Fill in the blanks.
posed to meet him at 2383 West Sycamore Street in an The
abandoned church. Find him.
The Storyteller can say whatever she wants but
Money-laundering Operation
should use the excuse least likely to offend the party and For years, Father Stanislav sinned against the Church
the one that’ll allow them to cover the previous scenes. IF by helping the DeCavalcante Family in a massive money-
laundering scheme. The Mafia owns Madonna Horizons,
team members use mental abilities or Intimidation t o get
which it used as a consulting Firm For clientele, charging a
Stanislav talking, let them. They’ll simply miss out on the
pretty penny For its services. In truth, however, Madonna
Fact-Finding aspects of this adventure.
Horizons is a dummy corporation designed to handle
Setting money gained through illegal operations (drugs, gun smug-
The setting is the Church OF the Resurrection, the gling, prostitution, etc.). MadonnaHorizons channelsthese
heart of a small and idyllic suburban neighborhoodin New illegal Funds into charitable donations through churches
Jersey. The Church OF the Resurrection is OF above-aver- like the Church of the Resurrection.
age means, as evinced by its beautifully manicured lawns, Inturn,theChuKhoFtheResurrection uses“Smurfs,”
now a pale green From advancing winter, and protected or carriers, to deposit the donations into institutions like
flowerbeds. The building itself (borrowing an Anglican Banco de Madrid in installments OF $8,000 (transactions
cross-shaped Flow scheme) has a Gothic Revival FaGade of $8,200 have to be Filed by law) into multiple accounts.
with a sloped roof, arched windows and age-Faded brown- Bank complicity comes in the Form of Dominique Esposito,
stones. The stonework steeple and cross are reminiscent who hides the paper trail and maintains these different ac-
OF early 1900’s charm but also add a conservative touch counts. From Banco de Madrid, the money is wired over to
to the already quiet community of upper middle-income Vatican City as donations For the Foundation For the Sahel

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

(Vatican City is ranked eighth worldwide in money-laun- What Father Stanislav
dering schemes as source or destination).
Keeps Hidden
The Pontifical Council Cor Unum then sets aside the
What Father Stanislav knows, but does not say, is that
Banco de Madrid transfers for “contractual work” to fight
ihe Cor Unum laundering scam ended with the fall of the
the advance of the Sahara. Inthis case, the contractedcom-
IeCmlcante Family. There is indeed conuption within the
pany is Puzzo lnternationalConstruction Ventures. Rather
Vatican but not where Opus Dei expects. Because the laun-
than building, however, PlCV uses its appropriated funds to
dering network escaped investigationin 2004, it remained
pay multiple credit card bills and establish a positive line of
mostly intact when Angelo Chalepeno approached Piero
credit through a Swiss family bank (none of which have
Giorie. Once Giorie gave Chalepeno aH the vital informition,
shareholdersor need to provide books or stock reports to
Opus Dei then enlisted Stanislavto play the role of r e f d
the government due t o Switzerland’s strict Secrecy Acts).
criminal.If he refused, Chalepenothreatenedto tun himover
‘This excess credit is then turned into a wire transfer and
to the authorities. Stanislav would sooner screw over wvas
sent overseas for deposit in the accounts of companies like
than run afoul of the Vatican’s Hdy Mafia.
Madonna Horizon Consultingfor “services rendered.” Toreactivatetheddnetwork,Chdepenoarrangedfor
Although this might seem complicated, it is necessary the money to move throughBanco de Madrid insteadof New
to hide the mavement of funds in an electronic shell game. York Empire Bank, the original financial institution in the
Over one million transactionsgo through the OpNet every money-laundering cycle. Opus Dei controls BancodeMadrid
day, so tracking this shifting trail is exhaustive. Addition- a t neariy every level and often uses the bank to make it ap-
ally, because few people will go to Africa to confirm PlCV’s pear as though Opus Dei is still a non-profit organization.
comtrudion work inthe Sahel, it’s near impossibleto verify Next, Giorie’s avwseasholdingsand creditcadswere placed
the money is not being used for humanitarian purposes. in Antonio Bardi’s name to Frame him for accepting bribes
After Stanislav finishes with this explanation, he al- and gifts. Backtracking financd records and writs of own-
lows the characters a few moments to ponder and discuss ership, h m w , will reveal Giorie’s original proprietorship.
the significance of what they’ve just heard. He’s saving Finally, to make it appear as though the money-lwn-
the best for last. dering operation was still active from 2004 to 2010, Opus
Antonio Bwdi, brother to Mario Bardi (better known Dei and Banco de Madriddid some creative editing to alter
as Pope l3enedld XVl) is president of the Board of Trustees computer records for that period of time. SpeciFially, Do-
for PICV. Stanislav claims he recently lewnedthis through a minique Esposito reactivatedVOKM transactions and or-
contact at Cor Unum. Antonio f3ardi has never received any der numbers from the last F i e years and reenteredthem in
money directly from the company, but he has a home and the system as donations From the Church of the Resurrec-
boat in his name on LakeGenevain Switzerlandas a gift from tion to Cor Unum. The wire transfers are thereForespread
PlCV. A&tionally, he owns eight credit cards as Board of out over several years.Opus Deisympathizers in Cor Unum
Trustees president that are attached to Swiss family banks. then altered deposit dates to reflect Banco de Madrid’s
These are usedto overpay on credit limits for the putposeof records. The only portion of this cycle that remains lost,
sending wire transfers back to Madonna Horizons Consult- however, are the Swiss credit cards. Switzerland’s strin-
ing. This all began nght after f3enedlct XVli ascensionto the gent privacy protocols make it nearly impossibleto retrieve
Papal Throne and could not occur without his blessing. Anto- that information.lnterestinglyenough, however, the money
nio hasnocontactswithin theVaticanasacomtrudimengi- transferred by Banco de Madrid vanished behind
neer and neededsomeone of pto facilitate the tramac- Switzerland’s f o r t i f i i electronic vaults. None of the money
tim through Cor Unum, the Pope’s own charity organiza- made it back to Madonna Horizons Consulting, thanks to
tion. BenedidXVl is responsible for a w i n g Cor hum’s Opus Dei reclaiming its investment.
presldent, under-secretary, members and consultors. The
operation began just after their appointment, and anyone
Fought on Faith
Father Stanislav has one last trick up his deeve, and
helpingAntonio was handpicked by the Pope.
that’s a beeper in his pocket that will alert the three novas
Stanislavclaims his decision to recant his sins and re-
waiting to ambush the characters. Once Stanislavgives the
veal the truth to Genavesse came when he discovered the
signal, the three novas, Apocrypha, Fidei Defensor and
Pope’s potential involvement in the money-laundering op-
Tenebrae spring into action (if either Dirge or Aureole es-
eration. Stanislavcanaccept and regret his own weaknesses,
but the Papacy is more important than any individual. It’s
instantly creates three shadow clones and sends them with
the inMlibilityof God through Hisspokesmanon Earth.Were
Apocrypha. Fidei Defensor takes to the air.
thisscandalever tocomeout, it would rockCatholic faith to
The beeper, which Stanislav can activate simply by
the core. Stanislav wanted to report this to his superion
pressing his thumb against his pocket, ensures Apocry-
and needed an honest man within the Vatican in the f m of
pha doesn’t attack the characters before they uncover
Genavesse to help him and to protect him From the poten-
the truth. Apocrypha, of course, is the only member of
td backlash. Unfortunately, someone tipped the Vatican
the trio who knows that. The remaining two believe
off, and Genavesse (if Stanislav was told of his fate) has
Stanislav is playing evil to uncover the team’s plans to
paid for his help. Father Stanislav fears he is next.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

undermine the Church. Apocrypha won’t betray Stanislav’s number of things can happen, all of which are valid, and
“role” in this and will even attempt to “hit” him to make all of which are potentially temporary in the light of A d
the attack look convincing t o the characters. Again, 11. The characters, for one, now have a disturbing bit of
Chalepenodivided his novas so that the team is challenged news concerning the Pope. They must decide whether to
and possibly hurt but not entirely beaten. give the information to Chalepeno so that the Vatican
The ambush occurs in the churchyard simply because handles it quietly or to keep the news to themselves. Terats
these religious novas will not f i t in the houseof God.Whenand Aberrants, in particular, are likelier t o use this news
the charactersemergefrom their meeting, Tenebrae strikes to their advantage. Whether they curry favors from it or
first by targeting the largest cluster of novas and blanket-hope to use the money-laundering network themselves is
ing the area under a shroud of semi-tangible darkness. Fi- their choice. Chalepeno will pester the characters for the
dei Defensorthen lands near theshroudand uses Shockwe Facts but to no avail. There’s nothing he can do before the
to knock his opponents off balance. I n the next turn, events OF Act 11 throws everything into turmoil.
Tenebradsthreeshadowdonesenterthedarknessandstwt If the plan progresses as predicted, the c h d e r s
fighting the team while Fidei Defensor and Apocrypha at- earn Chalepeno’s wedge OF cheese at the end of the maze
tack anyone outside the shroud. and quietly hand him the information. Opus Dei can now
If the characters are overwhelming the three novas, make BenedictXVI a Babyloniancaptive in his own admin-
Apocrypha and his allies retreat to the best of their abil- istration and use him as a figurehead. Act 11 mght be the
ity. Fidei Defensor takes flight, and Apocrypha teleports only chance for the characters to rectify this situation.
away, while Tenebrae uses his pliant shadow-form to A third outcome is that the charaden actually un-
slither off. Regardless of the outcome, the street quickly cover the plot to frame the Pope. In this case, Opus D ~ I
fills with witnesses who report the battle and its partici- assassinatesChalepenoimmeckatdy, severing any ties to it.
pants to the police. Before itcan use its US operati- to off DominiqueEsposlto
and Father Stanislav, however, A d 11 swings into full gear.
Aftermath Another, far messier option is that, somewhere along the
Obviously, Chalepeno engineered the scenario to go way, the medfa got a whiff of the story and it goes public.
his way, but events rarely go the way we plan them. A Suddenly, the Pope’s visit to New York takes on an entirdy

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

new twist. Opus Dei assassinatesChalepeno and tries swing- and in doing so, redeem himself. He trained with Opus Dei
ing the College of Cardinals to its side. While the Vatican missionaries supporting various rebel camps throughout
might publicly support the Pontiff, the Holy Father is still an Africa and learned how to kill without compunction.
exile within his own administrationfor the time being. knage: Apocrypha is a wdl-built man, cut to definition
and sheathedina glowingsihrer-whiteshell. Heexudesacrack-
Dramatis Personae ling silver-blue flame. His face, c w d and shtekled, bean a
blackcroath+ which he can see and breath, though no
Apocrypha f e a b are evldent. He never walks but g l i i about like a
Back@: Marcus Tichendorf was a missionary ghost. His voice echoes with a h n t metallic remmce.
and recruiter for Opus Dei, enlisting supporters from among Roleplaying Hints You once questioned your faith.
AFrica’s affluent and influential ruling elite. This set him Now you have this form as a reminder of your disloyalty.
squarely in Khartoum when the Equatorial Wars swept You are silver like the Lord’s blade; you are not the guid-
through Sudan. To his credit, Tischendorf imperiled his life ing hand but the arc that slays all in its path. You kill, be-
by helpingcivilians escape the fighting. Unfortunately, wit- cause it is a Crusader’s right. You commit atrocities that
nessing a thousand atrocities best left to the ninth circle of you would otherwise question, because it is a Crusader’s
Helltook its toll on his psyche. He questioned God but con- duty. You will never doubt God again or dispute the wis-
tinued saving lives. It was this heroic gesture that brought dom of Opus Dei. Who are you to debate your place?
about his eruption as a now at a detriment to his sanity.
Geec Apocrypha’s vow of poverty precludes the accu-
Suddenly, Tischendorf became a monster to the people he
mulation of worldly goods.
was helping. Even his attemptsto administer last rites aban-
doned him, when his touch brought about nothing but slow
A l l e g i m Opus Dei
death. Tixhendorf believed he was being punishedfor for-
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Percep-
saking God. He failed whatever test Heaven had asked of
tion 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 4, Manipula-
him during this crisis, and he now bore the brand of nwa as
tion 3, Charisma 2
sure as God had marked Cain for his sins.
AbEtiss Academ~t4, AtMetics 2, Awaenen 3, &awl 2, Bu-
Initially, Tschendorf s w e d e r e d himself to Opus Dei
reaucracy 3, Eduimce 3,- I 4, l n t i m i i 3, Lm-
for judgment, hoping it wwld kill him as an abomination.
Better death than novahood, but better novahoodthan sui-
2, Rapport 2, Resislance3
cide, the ultimateoffense against faith. Opus Dei, however,
recognized a serviceable tool when it saw one, and refused
‘Tischendorf‘s pleas. Instead, it renamedhim Apocrypha and
set him to work accomplishingOpus Dei’s will. After all, Opus
Dei’s leadership convinced him, it would be a sin for them
to pursue misdeedswhen their hands were unblemishedby
blood. He, however, who had already killed and become an
abomination, could easily accomplish the Vatican’s dirty
business. What had he to lose?Besides, his sacrifice would
ensure Opus Dei remainedvirtuous. He would be its sinner,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Attunement 4, Backing 3, Contacts Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy, Enhanced
2, Eufiber 3, Node 2, Resources 1 Movement, Physical Prodigy), Mega-Wits (Quickness
Quantum5, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 8,Taint 4 (Rem- x 2), Mega-Appearance (Seductive Looks), Flight
nant Voice) ,Force Field *, Quantum Bolt (Laser - Le-
Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy, Rapid Strike), thal) * * * (MIRV), Strobe (Light) * * * *
Mega-Stamina (Durability, Regeneration), Mega-
Perception * * (Ultraperipheral Perception), Armor * * *
(Impervious), Bioluminescence *, Disintegration
Backycd: Aggie Zyiimke was nearly run over by a
truck while crossing the street, but in the moment it took
(Sustained), Flight *, Quantum Bolt (Holy Fire - Le-
him to scream, he erupted, becominglivingsound and shat-
thal) * * * * (Burning), Teleport *
tering the truck‘s lightsand windows while passing through
Aureole it. Thus, Dirge was born. If Zyiinske was a good man before
Beckgound:Lilia Deriada was a prostitute in Manila the eruption, he quickly changed afterward. A devout
when she erupted. Branded a criminal for killing the men Catholic man, Dirge tried to use his sonic abilities to be-
who’d tried to rape her, the young nova found sanctuary come “a force of good” For the Church in Warsaw, but his
in the local mission. OF course, when the nuns there of- own priest balked at the idea. Catholicismwasn’t about cre-
fered Deriada an escape from Manila and the Philippines, ating new Crusaders. It was about compassion.
she couldn’t refuse such generosity. Certainly, she had Zylimke repeatedly approached the religious leaders
never heard of Opus Dei before, but these kind men and of hiscity, his countryand, eventually, the Vatican itsdf.They
women had rescued her From certain death. all r e f d the idea of a Catholic-sanctioned team. Angdo
Older and now beautiful by any standard, Deriada Chalepeno, h m , thought 0therwise.Cllalepenoconvinced
works quietly for the Vatican, eliminating heretics for the Dirge that to get what he wanted, he‘d have to prove the
Pontiff himself (or so Opus Dei would have her believe). Catholic Church needed protecting. What better way to do
She understands that by trying to meet the Pope, she would that than to eliminate the threat that was unfolding in New
endanger the Holy Father’s reputation, so she’s satisfied York City. Dirge, perhaps blindly, was all too eager to agree.
to work from the shadows. She won’t betray his trust. This Nature: Follower
New York job, however, is the first time she’s had to battle Allegiance: Roman Catholic Church
other novas in the open. Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Percep-
h survivor tion 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Appearance 2, Manipula-
Allegiance: Roman Catholic Church tion 2, Charisma 3
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Percep- h i l i Academics 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 2,
tion 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 5, Appearance 5, Manipula- Bureaucracy 1, Intimidation 2, Intrusion 2, Linguistics 3
tion 2, Charisma 3 (Native: Polish; English, Latin, Russian), Melee 3, Might 1,
A b i l i Athletics 2, Awareness 1, &awl 3, Endurance 3, Resistance2, Stealth 4, Subterfuge 2
Intrusion 2, Legerdemain 3, Linguistics 1 (Native: Pilipino; Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 4, Taint 1
English), Resistance 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 Powers: Mega-Strength (Thunderclap), Mega-
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 4, Taint 1 Stamina * * (Adaptability, Regeneration), Mega-lntelli- ’

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

gence (Analyze Weakness), Bodymorph (Sound - Tenebrae
Density Control[Decrease] *, Hyper-Enhanced Hear- bckyand: Tenebrae remembers nothing of his life
ing, lmmolate[Bashing] *) *****,Disorient **, Quan- before lie wandered into a Ciercian Abbey in Foaanm,
tum Bolt (Sound - Bashing) e * * * (Area: Cone), Sen- Italy. The local priest hidtheyoung man who pukedwith dark
sory Shield * * *, Strobe (Hearing) * * * energy, even when Project Utopia announced a prisoner had
Fidei Defensor escaped their custody. Father Marconni, Tenebrae’s savior,
Background: The quiet Fidei Defensor came into unfortunately, could not house the young man indefinitely
this world as Joseph Bakilo of Nigeria. Bakilo, a social within a community as small as Fossanm. He arranged to
worker and Opus Dei supporter, watched his govern- transport ‘Tenebraeto Abbazia Cierceme di Casamari(The
ment squander fortunes on nova mercenaries, when the Abbey of Casamati) in Cerate. Father Marconnididn’t real-
money was better suited for reform and education. One ize the abbey had become an Opus Dei stronghold.
night, Bakilo erupted after a bad car accident that killed Since then,Tenebrae has forgeda new identiiFor him-
his wife and child. self, one revolvingaround Opus Dei’s version of Catholicism.
The Nigeriangwernment tried forcingBakilointo mili- While he finds their stricte t h i i chaffing, he appreciates their
tary service, but he wouldn’t have it. He’d spent the last Machiavdlian tactk and even admires the use of murder to
five years watching elites drain his country’s finances and further a cause.Tenebrae may not remember his former life,
swore he wouldn’t be counted among them. Matters came but he realizesthe skin of a murdererand criminal f i him well.
to a head when the government sent the army and other With religion, he‘s ako discwered a justifition for it
dites after Bakilo. Fortunately, he had allies in Opus Dei. Nature: Explorer
They helped smuggle him from Nigeria inreturn for his ser- Allegiance: Roman Catholic Church
vice. Since then, Bakilohas served Opus Dei and the Catholic Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Percep-
Church loyally as Fidei Defensor, Defender of the Faith. tion 3, Intelligence4, Wits 4, Appearance 2, Manipula-
Natue:Traditionalist tion 3, Charisma 3
A l l e g k Opus Dei A b i i i i Academics 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Brawl 2,
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Percep- Computer 3, Endurance 3, Intimidation3, Intrusion4, Lin-
tion 4, Intelligence3, Wits 3, Appearance 3, Manipula- guistics 2 (Native: Italian; English, Latin), Resistance 3,
tion 2, Charisma 3 Stealth 3, Subterfuge 2
Abilitiar:Athletics 3, Awaenen 2, M 2 , Command 1, En- Quantun4,QuantunPd28, W1Ilpower6,Taint4(Aua)
durance3, Firearms2, Intermgation3, Intimidation2, Linguis- Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy, Catfooted),
tics 2 (Native: English; Hausa, Ymba), Martial Arts 3, Might Mega-Stamina (Resiliency), Mega-Perception (Elec-
4, Resistance 4, s w v i 3 tromagnetic Vision), Mega-Wits (Enhanced Initia-
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 7, Taint 2 tive, Quickness), Bodymorph(Shadow - Clone *, Den-
Powen: Mega-Strength * * * (Crush, Shockwaw, ‘Thun- sity Control [Decrease] * *, Flatform, Invisibility [only in
derclap), Mega-Stamina * * * e (Dumbility, Hdbody, Re- shadom] *; see Aberrant:Teragan, p. 130 for more in-
siliency), Mega-Perception * (Quantum Attunement), flight *
formation) * * *, Immobilize * *, Quantum Bolt (Shadow
**,Invulnerability * * (&oadCategory:PhysicalAttacks) - Lethal) *, Shroud (Semisolid)

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[Encoded OpNet conference call between CarnparelbZukhov
- - Lieutenants.] ~

e Voice 1: Good morning gentlemen. We have a situation.

Voice 2: We’d better. lt’s 3:OO AM here.
Voice 1: Adapt. lt’s currently 7:OO PM Eastern Standard Time. That’s the time you have to worry about,
Voice 3: Can we get going? What was so important that it couldn’t wait till morning?
Voice 1: Two weeks ago, we detected high volume activity moving through a supposedly defunct money-laundering
operation in New York.
Voice 3: Which one?
Voice 1: Your brainchild Eduardo. The Madonna Horizons Consulting scam.
Voice 2: 1 don’t know that one.
Voice 3: Before your time. It was a Cosa N o s h operation, a sweet deal to launder money through the Vatican. When
T2M bagged the five families, it escaped notice. We abandoned it just in case the Feds were using it as bait.
Voice 1: We abandoned it.Piero Giorie and his boys didn’t.
Voice 3: Aren’t they serving time.
Voice 1: Till they turn to dust. Problem is, they set up a fund to keep Madonna Horizons Consulting operating for a
rainy day. Well, it’s pouring now.
Voice 3: Why did it take you two weeks to contact us?
Voice 1: 1 needed to confirm some facts. As of a month ago, Giorie and some outside players started laundering
money through the Vatican. Only, a couple of things have changed. Banco de Madrid is now handling the placement stage of
the financing, and the cash flow is stopping in Switzerland. They’re also changing dates to make it look like it’s been in
operation for the last five years.
Voice 3: That bitch! That was my deal. I’m gonna rip off Giorie’s arm and fuck him with it!
Voice 1: Good. As long as we get some answers. They’re still using the old Swiss network, so 1 was able to get some
idormation out of our old friend Nicholas.
Voice 3: Hey, how is that prick doing?
Voice 1: Dead. He did tell Jimmy the Pliers that somebody shifted Giorie’s holdings on Lake Geneva to ... get this ...
Antonio Bard;.
Voice 2: Holy shit!
Voice 1: Now you know why 1 woke you up. Eduardo, 1 need you to figure out this new network and track it to its
source. Start with that priest Stanislav. He’s involved.
Voice 3: On it!
Voice 1: Toni. Monitor things Europe-side, and find out who’s holding Banco de Madrid’s dick. 1want to know who’s
bankrolling Giorie and why they’re trying to frame the Pope’s brother.
Voice 2 You got it.
Voim 1: Eduardo, one last thing. 1 ako delayed telling you about this untilafter 1 sent somebody to keep an eye of Stanislav.
Voice 3: And?
Voice 1: Whomever he’s working for has novas to spare. My source saw Stanislav talking to f i e M-R jobs.
Voice 3: Got it. 1’11 use ScarCrow and his boys. This is right up their alley.
Voice 1: Tell them to be careful. The Pope’s landing in New York this week, and T2M is all over the place. 1 want this
operation eliminated. Tell your boys to be as brutal as they can. We need to set an example.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Act II: Introduction tween the remnants of Apocrypha’s forces, the
Megasyndicate, the characters and T2M.
No plan ever proceeds without a snag, and Opus Dei’s This is the culmination of Opus Dei’s plot to wrest
plot to frame Benedict XVI just hit a quantum-sized power From the current Pontiff. With the Megasyndicate’s
Murphy’s Law. The Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate is involvement, however, it’s now a Mafia vs. Holy Mafia war,
now involvedin the situationand has sent its novasto close with New York as the battlefield. The characters are the
down the money-laundering operation. Unfortunately, that only outsiders who know enough to stop the Fighting be-
means everyone who the characters have communicated Fore it kills too many innocents. They are also the Pope’s
with or know about are dead o r on the kill list. Someone best hope to clear his name before the College of Cardinals
destroyed the Church of the Resurrection (leaving gets wind of Opus Dei’s allegations.Unfortunately, regard-
Stanislavin intensivecare), murderedthe jailed Mafia lieu- less OF their success, this is only the beginning of the
tenants in prison (Giorie is still alive, however) and burned Camparelli-Zukhovand Opus Dei friction.
both Banco de Madrid and Madonna Horizons Consulting
to the ground.
Act 11 is a rescue operation. The characters must
Scene One: The
backtrack through their clues and information and figure Swathe of Destruction
out who’s killing the principles in the money-laundering The following list is of ScarCrow’s terrorist actions
scam. Unfortunately, the Pope’s arrival convolutes mat- as well as what the authorities have pieced together thus
ters further. The high-profile murders and bombings are far. Characters using contacts or allies in the police de-
doing nothing to ease T2Ms anxieties of a hidden threat partment, media or medical services can also gain these
against the Pope, though few people know the direct link bits of data. Again, if the team is into pure action, the
between the incidents. This means one major slip-up on Storyteller can arrange for the characters to learn these
the team’s part and there could be a four-way battle be- clues through their superiors.
As before, information is designated Automatic,
S t a d d , +1 or +2, depending on the sensitivity of the
data. The Storyteller should allow the characters to earn
clues using their resources, Abilities or contacts. Reward
them for having the foresight to spend their points on non-
combat oriented Abilities and Backgrounds. As a rule of
thumb, Automatic data is available through the general
press and wire services. Standard or +1 comes through
Abilities or low-level contacts. Information of +2 caliber
should be higher-level contacts or data accrued using the
character’s forte.
On a quick side-note: If the characters handed ei-
ther Stanislav or Esposito over to the authorities, both
men will be released on bail given their upstanding posi-
tions within their communities. Their high-priced lawyers
and bail arrangements are provided through Opus Dei,
giving the characters an inkling of the real puppeteers
behind this entire scam.
The Church of the ResurrectionBombing
Automatic: On Monday the 16th, 8:50PM, residents
bordering the Church of the Resurrection heard a high
pitched whine, like a falling bomb. Suddenly, an explosion
decimatedthe church. One witness saw a heavily armored
nova emerge from the wreckage and fly into the night
sky. Immediately, the neighborhood gathered in force and
dug Father Stanislav from the debris. Badly burned, he’s
in intensivecare at the Critical Burns Unit of Newark Beth
Israel Medical Center. He’s been asking for the charac-
Standard: The police know more than they’re say-
ing. Details of Stanislav’s troubles with the IRS, his re-
puted ties to la Cosa Nostra and the nova battle two days
ago have the authorities examining every shred of his
background. ‘This means that if any character openly ap-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

proaches the hospital to speak with Stanislav, the police the day. Once that happens, they’ll ask T2M to investi-
will detain him for questioning. To see Stanislav privately, gate the matter directly.
the characters must sneak into the hospital. +2: A private alarm and security firm for Banco de
+1: Through lnterpol and Project Utopia’s novacrimi- Madrid registered Dominique Esposito as entering the
nal database, the Church of the Resurrection bomber has premises 15 minutes before the blaze. Police are currently
been identified. He’s an elite known as 2-7 or Zulu-Tango, looking for him, but neither he nor his family is anywhere
a military call-sign for artillery support. 2-7 is a fast flyer to be found.
and damn-near invulnerable. He gains momentum while The Espositos
airborne, then flies into people and objects, transforming Automatic The police have iaued an APB for Do-
kinetic energy on impact into a firebomb explosion. Addi- minique Esposito, but nothing’s come up yet.
tionally, rumor also has it T2M is bringing in a telepath to Standard:After talking to the Esposito’s neighbors,
scan Stanislav’s mind. Given the unusual circumstances of the police discoveredthat the family left their homes with
the attack and their proximity to the Pope’s arrival, 72M suitcases packed (just after the Church of the Resurrec-
fears some sinister undertaking. tion bombing). Dominique Esposito returned an hour later,
+2: 2-7 is reputedly working for an organized crime without his wife and children. He supposedly never left
family now, possible Camparelli-Zukhov. He never works the house after that. When police came to question him
alone. If he’s on assignment, then his employers are ex- concerning the blaze at Banco de Madrid, they found the
pecting nova-led opposition. house empty and the car still in the driveway. Nobody saw
Assassinations of Thomasso Scapagi, Bennett0 him leave.
Scholari and Pietro Cammelliri +1: Police believe Mrs. Esposito and the children are
Automatic: Three men linked to the DeCavalcante hiding at their church. Father CNZ, however, won’t allow
family were murdered in prison over the last two days. the police to search the premises regardless of their as-
Prison officials have yet to comment whether these were surances that they only want to speak with the family. By
gang-war slayings or not. all indications, Dominique Esposito is not with them.
Standard: The three murders were not related to +2: Dominique’s home computer had its hard drive
gang tension. In fact, two of the three hit men were ex- erased. His OpNet account, however, reveals he accessed
Mafia enforcers for la CosaNostraserving time in prison. work files from home and downloaded them all, presum-
None of the other ex-Mafia members will break the code ably onto a DVD or chip.
of silence (omeda).
+1: Before Scholari was murdered, he appealed for a Optional Scene:
prison transfer. He told the warden he feared for his life. Locating Mr. Esposito
Some big hitters were in town to “clean house,” and he Unfortunately, Dominique Esposito is dead. When
thought he was next. Scapagi and Cammelliri, his two ex- 2-7 bombed the Church of the Resurrection, Dominique
partners, were already dead. grabbed his family and took them to lglesia de la Santa
+2: Word is Scapagi’s, Scholari’s and Cammelliri’s ex- Virgen. He then returned home, hoping to eliminate his
ecutions came down from the Camparelli-Zukhov personal files before proceeding to the bank to do the
Megasyndicate, which maintains ties to la Cos Nostraand same. Two novas working for the elite ScarCrow, how-
Russian Mafyah prison-gangs. It was an internal matter ever, were waiting for him.
concerning the betrayal of secrets. Spook and Phosphorus tortured Dominique for in-
Torching of Banco de Madrid and Madonna formation, pass codes and important data. They forced
Autordc These are two sepatate incidents that the Dominique to retrieve his work files over the OpNet be-
general media hasn’t linked togeihr yet, though they will by fore killing him in the basement. Essentially, Spook turned
m i n g ’ s end.“An unnahnally destructiveinferno” razed both Dominique intangible, pushed him into the floor and
buildingsto the Foundations, leading to speculation of man. drowned him inconcrete. The two novas then downloaded
Standard: Arson investigatorshave linkedthe twofires all their information and went to Banco de Madrid. Using
together and are certain they were nova-induced. Both Dominique’s personal codes for entry, they accessed all
Banco de Madrid and Madonna Horizons were the focal his hard copies (receipts and printouts) and burned the
points of a blaze that radiated outward like a flood. Arson building down to hide what they’d stolen. All the informa-
investigators found scorched footprints in Banco de tion, including some marginal links to Opus Dei, is on its
Madrid’s cement floors, indicating somebody capable of way t o Europe.
generating extreme heat. The police issued an APB for the If the characters decide t o search Dominique
questioning of Dominique Esposito, the bank manager. Esposito’s house, they have a chance to uncover his fate.
+1: Due to potential nova involvement in these cases They first have to sneak past the patrol car waiting for the
and the Church of the Resurrection bombing, the police Espositos to return (use the Police template in Act 1: Scene
are searching for a link between the two incidents. They One). lnside the house, there’s evidence the family left
haven’t discovered Banco de Madrid’s handling of the quickly. Most of their clothing is still in drawers, while toys
Church of the Resurrection donations, but they will within litter the children’s room. In Dominique’s study rests the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

computer and some overlooked clues. An Investigationroll nurse’s station (which rests across from the elevators).
at +1 difficulty reveals tiny blood splatters on the arm and Another officer waits by Stanislav’s door, while a fourth
back of the computer chair. There are also droplets on the sits in his room, reading. The police make radio contact
keypad. The blood is Dominique’s; evidence that Spook and every hour with a disguised van sitting in the parking lot.
Phosphom forced him to cooperate. Three more officers in plain clothes wait there, ready to
I f the characters spotted the blood, they may make call for back-up (usethe Police template from Act 1: Scene
either an Awareness or Investigation roll at +1 difficulty One). At the first sign of trouble, seven officers and 10
to follow the tiny splatters across the hallway and down security guards scatteredthroughout the hospital converge
the basement steps. Once there, Dominique’s cruel fate on Stanislav’s room.
slowly surfaces. There’s a crack in the floor where the Assuming the characterswon’t attract attention, en-
cement has swelled. Characterswith Bloodhoundcan smell tering the hospital is easy, as long as it’s during visiting
blood in the air. In fact, Dominique’s presence displaced hours (?:OO AM to 8:OO PM, after which a security guard
the cement, causing it to crack. Characters with High- ensures nobody ventures beyondthe Walk-In Emergency
End ElectromagneticScan or ESP will see a diffused skel- Clinic). Getting to Stanislav is another story. To begin with,
etal outline less than an inch below the floor. the characters must discover where he’s being kept. Sim-
If the characters tear up the concrete, Dominique’s ply asking a guard or staff member is a red-flag maneu-
fate becomes gruesomely evident - the characters ver that brings the character under scrutiny. The ques-
haven’t been diggingto find Dominique, they’ve been dig- tioned individual will immediatelynotiFy the police on the
ging into him. third floor, unless the character was so handsomeor per-
suasive that he beguiles the individual. Other methods in-
Scene Two: Visiting clude using the OpNet t o break into the hospital’s records,
speaking to the reporters parked outside or somehow
Hours for Stanislav stealing a doctor’s duty roster.
By now, New York City is buzzing with rumors and Once the charactersknow Stanislav’s location, they still
conspiracy theories. At the center of this storm is Father have to get to him. As mentioned previously, nobodygets off
Stanislav, a man dying painfully in Newark Beth Israel the elevators without being spotted by the two police offic-
Medical Center’s Critical Bums Unit. There’s already talk ers. The stairwells, on the other hand, are for emergencyuse
that Benedict XVI will make a special detour to visit the only. Using them tnggers a silent alarm that puts all rime
ailing priest. Before he can do that, however, T2M insists stations, security guards and police officers on alert. char-
on usinga tdepath to scan the patient’s mind. Utopiawants acters can bypassthe alarm through an Intrusion roll at Stan-
to make sure he isn’t part of some elaborate assassination dard difficulty. Once out of the stairwell, however, there’s
plot against the Holy Father. the policeman standing in Front of Stanislav’s door and an-
If the characters are to act, it must be now. Stanislav other waiting inside. How the characters get past either de-
has been calling them by name, fueling everyone’s suspi- pendsontheiringenulty,w)lethertheydrawtheofficersaway
cions. Unfortunatety, the team can’t simply stroll in and visit or use subtle means to incapacitate them.
Stanislav. The police have orders to question the charac- Other options to sneak in include using windows of
ters concerning the events of the last four days, and when unoccupiedrooms or entering the rooftop ventilation sys-
the cops are finished, in steps 72M. If the characters aren’t tem. In the latter case, the character must circumnavi-
afraid to take this approach, let them. The Storyteller should gate an unfamiliar duct system to search a hospital with
bear in mind, however, that the authorities and T2M would 596 beds and 800 medical staff. The character’s better
hold the characters For 48 hours, trying to discover if off using the hallways.
they’re involved in the events of the last few days. If the
~ Storyteller wants to be nasty, several witnesses will testify Action: The Dupes of Hazard
that the characters were Fighting on church grounds. At Hopefully, at least one character made it into
the very least, the police can charge them with disturbing Stanislav’s room long enough t o speak to him. Stanislav
the peace, destruction of private property and endanger- himself is badly burned and swathed head to toe in ban-
ing lives. When all is said and done, the characters are bet- dages. Tubes run up his nose, into his arms, between his
ter off sneaking into the hospital. legs and down his throat. An EKG unit monitors the beat-
ing of his near-torpid heart while the few gaps between
Setting his bandages reveal burnt and charred skin. Death is a
NewarkBeth IsraelMedical Center is a well-respected welcome inevitability for this man.
community hospital and the focus of unwanted attention. Now comes the fun part. The man in bed is Stanislav
Reporters wait outside for word on Stanislav’s condition, - but with ScarCrow riding shotgun. ScarCrow is using
while the police guard the third floor against unwelcome Parasitic Possession (a Domination variant) and keeping
visitors. If the chwacterscan pass for baselines (again, Dor- Stanislav alive by boosting his Stamina. This means the
mancy can be a character‘s best friend in these situations), painkillers are having limited effect, but ScarCrow’s used
they shouldn’t have a problem entering. All traffic on the t o this kind OF punishment.
third floor is heavily supervised by two policemen at the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Stanislav was a decoy to bring either the characters
or Apocrypha to ScarCrow, so he could scan their
thoughts. At the Church of the Resurrection, Phosphorus
tortured the priest by roasting him while ScarCrow read
his mind for information. They l e a d of the characters
and Apocrypha through Stanislav. ScarCrow, however,
wanted to find out what the team members had discov-
ered through their investigationand what they might have
kept to themselves. When ScarCrow was sure Stanislav
wouldn’t die immediately, he took possession of his body
and kept him alive. 2-7 then hit the church to draw the
most media exposure, leavingthe concerned parishioners
to dig out the sheltered Stanislav.
ScarCrow cannot use Telepathy without losing his
control over Stanislav’s body.Fortunately, that serves his
purpose. As soon as a character is close enough to
Stanislav, ScarCrow uses his Telepathy in a mental blitz.
His first concern is to learn what the characters uncov-
ered during their investigation. He needs t o know if they
represent a threat to his future plans. Of course, as soon
as that happens, ScarCrow evacuates Stanislav’s body in
a burst of electricity. He reappears eight meters outside
the shattered hospital window before dropping to the
ground three stories below. Stanislav, deprived of
ScarCrow’s heightened physiology, immediately goes into
cardiac arrest. The characters can go after ScarCrow, help
the dying Stanislav or divide the group to do both.
ScarCrow may be a risk taker, but he is smart. His ac-
tions allowed him to ambush the characters, and hopefully
come away with some information. In addition, by evacuat-
ing Stanislav’s body in such a messy fashion, ScarCrowknew
he would kill the priest. This now establishes the characters’
presence at the xene of Stanislav’s death and, hopefully, calls
their motives into question. Essentially, ScarCrow is under-
mining the team’s reputation. h r claims are now suspect
against evldenceof a fight at the churchof the Resurredion
and their presenceat the pnest’s deathbed.
Meanwhile, Zulu-Tango, who’s been waiting nearby,
sees and hears the window shatter. Intwo turns, he swoops
to within seven metersof ScarCrow, allowing histeam leader
to inhabit his body. 2-7 then kicks on his Hypermovement
Flightand exits theareaat top speed. lfthecharacters reach
ScarCrow before he can evacuate, he stalls them by saying:
“Wait! Let me explain. 1 needed to know if you were the
good guys.” Thii hopefully gives 2-7 the few seconds he
needs For the pick-up.

After math
It’s a messy situation, especially if things went ac-
cording to ScarCrow’s plans. Stanislav will die unless
somebody uses Healingto save him. Additionally, depend-
ing on how the characters dealt with the security in and
out of the room, police will arrive in as little as two turns
after ScarCrow shattered the window and sent Stanislav
into cardiac arrest.
This doesn’t bode well for the team, especially if it
is spotted in the room or outside the window. Security
and police will try and detain them for questioning, but

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

the characters can escape if they choose to. If they do, smashing their way through walls, Bayview does have an
the police issues an APB for their arrest on charges of increased security net. Now, security protocols include
murder (if Stanislav dies), resisting arrest and flight. air motility sensors, pheromone scanners, palm-print
The optimal situations are if the characters escape pads, vibration-differential recorders and quantum spec-
unnoticed or save Stanislav from dying. The former is the trographs. Attempts t o bypass secunty protocols require
simplest, while the latter the most heroic. If the team al- Intrusion rolls at +3 difficulty.
lows the police to question them, this goes a long way in Meeting Giorie at the New York Presbyterian Hos-
helping to clear the characters of any wrong doings. Un- pital is the team’s best bet, though isn’t without its dan-
Fortunately, the police will hold the characters for the full gers. The police aren’t expecting any problems with
48 hours, thus eliminating their window of opportunity Giorie’s visit, but if the characters havea warrant on their
to help Piero Giorie (the last survivor of this fiasco). heads, they’re not going to be welcome at the hospital.

A Side Note Setting

If the characters did not visit Stanislav, the Story- New York PresbyterianHospital became the world’s
teller can use Apocrypha to play the scene out. Apocry- first super hospital after combining Cornell and Colombia
pha visits Stanislav to eliminate him before T2M’s telepath under one helm in the 1440s.Facingthe now-pristine East
arrives. This time, however, there’s a battle between River, it is New York‘s foremost medical complex. In par-
ScarCrow’s forces and what’s left of Apocrypha’s. Both ticular, the Cornell RadiologyDepartment is still research-
sides withdraw, licking their wounds, but are otherwise ing the few incurable cancers left in the world Unfortu-
unharmed. Stanislav dies, deepening the mystery sur- nately, the department has lost students to booming nova-
rounding the attacks. Reporters at the scene record the related fields including cellular hyperbiology and exotic
skirmish for CNN, allowing the characters to see 2-7 and biochemistry. As such, its size has shrunk in relation to its
ScarCrow for the first time. Now the team should suspect slashed funding.
that more heavy hitters are in town. The Cornell Radiology Department has recently
moved to 68th and York Avenue, shanng space with the
Scene Three: Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Memorial Hospital.
They’re situated across from New York Presbyterian Hos-
Piero Giorie Cancer
Treatment Part I -
On Thursday the Wth, Benedict XVI landed at
pital and Weill MedicalCollege, but most people have come
t o see radiology as quaint - this millennium’s medical
equwalent t o phrenology.
Memorial Hospital is a horseshoe-shaped building
LaGuardia Airport amidst heavy security. Police presence
pulled short along one side (68th street) because of the
has increased dramatically in the Big Apple, and T2M
Howard Building. Cradled in the groove of the “U” is the
Americas keeps a ceaseless vigil over His Holiness. Emer-
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The Memorial’s interior
gency response teams and Auxiliary T2Ms are ready to
handle most emergencies quickly and quietly. is like any other hospital the characters have visited,
whether last night or in the more distant past. The floors
Getting to Scene Three requires dedudie reasoning
are pristinely clean, and the faint smell of disinfectant
on the characters’ parts, though the Storyteller can cer-
hangs in the air. The staff moves about with purpose, while
tainly push things along. Piero Giorie is the last member of
MadonnaHorizons’ Boardof Tmtees. He’s the last obstacle 1
in ScarCrow’s way. Additionally, Giorie changedprisons re-
cently and spends his days in BayvtewCmectional Facility’s
medical ward. The only way to reach him is to break into
prison (not recommended) or to wait for his weekly treat-
ment and overnight stay at the New York Presbyterian Hos-
pital on Thursday. That’s the likeliest time he’ll be exposed
to danger. If the characters don’t think to try Giorie next,
the Storyteller may allow them either an lnvestigation or 3
Awareness roll at standard difficulty. p
The characters should have a day before Giorie’s visit i
to the hospital. While it may make sense to reach him be-
fore then, it isn’t the wisest bet. Giorie still refuses visi-
tors, given he’s the last survivor of the Madonna Hori-
zons’ scam. Trying to intercept his car or break into
Bayview Correctional Facility is a mistake that could ag-
gravate the situation horribly. Bayview, like most prisons,
recently underwent renovations to deal with novas. While
it can’t handle nova prisoners or powered individuals

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

patients drift around in wheelchairs and walkers trying to Resurrection. He knows the Camparelli-Zukhov
kill the hospital-induced malaise. Megasyndicate is eliminating all trace of the Madonna
As with the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Me- Horizons laundering scam for whatever reason. ‘That
morial Hospital and Cornell Radiology Department are means he’s last on their list. While Piero Giorie is not
easily accessible during visiting hours. Unless the charac- scared of death, he’s afraid his son Matteo will suffer re-
ters are wanted on charges, they should be able to find prisals meant for him. Piero Giorie’s been trying to leave
their way around unmolested. The only exceptions are messages for Matteo without jeopardizing his son’s loca-
obvious novas. While the hospital does not discriminate, tion but to no avail. Opus Dei is not known for encourag-
the staff fears the presence of novas will disturb or un- ing its disciples to stay in touch with loved ones.
duly panic convalescing patients. Some deception or dis- Piero Giorie isdesperate to reachhisson.Hisonly hope
guise, in this case, may not be a bad idea. lies with the chwacters, if they make their presence known
Locating Piero Giorie might require some work. The to him. If theteam isusingthe ailing mobsterto luresfarcrow,
Cornell Radiology Department does not divulge appoint- the Stotytder should play up the phone call and the des-
ment information about their patients, but a quantum- peration in his voice. The characters should feel that m m
backed smile or crafty word can easily charm most desk- lives are at stake than what they originally believed.
bored receptionists. The subtler option is to hack into the If the characters approach Piero Giorie, he’ll nego-
system using a Computer roll at standard difficulty (the tiate his information for their help. He’ll tell the team what
information isn’t valuable enough to encrypt). This en- they want to know if they rescue his son from Opus Dei,
ables the team to uncover Giorie’s room number for his regardless of whether he wants to leave or not. Only when
overnight observation stay. he sees his son at the hospital will the mobster cooperate.
He’s very adamant on that point, despite his weakened
Giorie’s Agenda condition. To facilitate their search, Piero Giorie hands
Thursday is wide open For the characters. Giorie ar- the characters his only picture of Matteo, taken a few
rives early in the day and stays overnight due to the de- years ago, before he joined Opus Dei.
bilitating side effects of the treatment. He’s escorted by
two plain-clothes officers, but because they aren’t ex-
pecting problems, they’re relaxed. Unless otherwise hin-
Scene Four:
dered, Giorie’s timetable is as follows: Rescue Mission
10:52 AM - Park in the Staff Housing garage across Matteo Giorie is a numerary of Opus Dei, a rankcom-
the street, and proceed to Cornell Radiology. prising 30 percent of its total membership and perhaps
11:OO AM - Register at the nurse’s station, and wait the organization’s most ardent Followen. In exchange for
for the doctor. religious fulfillment, Giorie practices corporal mortifica-
11:25 AM - Radiology treatments begin. The two tion and celibacy. He relinquishes all income to Opus Dei
escorts stay in the waiting room. and surrenders privacy to the director, who reads his mail,
11:55 AM - Orderly and two escorts wheel the now monitors his phone calls and regulates every moment of
weakened Giorie to adjoining Memorial Hospital. his life. Matteo Giorie is a member of a Catholic-sanc-
12:02 to 5:22 PM - Arrival at Room 206, where the tioned cult; he’s also willing bait.
orderly helps Giorie into bed.The two officers then al- Opus Dei knows that the Camparelli-Zukhov
ternate shifts, with one sitting outside the room, while Megasyndicate is employing nwas against it. I n retalia-
the second goes for food and other distractions. Nurses tion, Opus Dei, through Angelo Chalepeno, is using
intermittently check up on Giorie. Matteo Giorie to draw out the individuals who destroyed
5:22 PM - Giorie wakes up and uses the telephone to the Church of the Resurrection, firebombed Banco de
dial cut,despite his weakened state. He calls the Opus Dei Madrid and accessed their computer records in Europe.
ManhattanHeadquarterstospeakwithhissonMatteo.When Because Piero Giorie is near death, murdering him won’t
he’s told his son is busy, he asks to leave another message, deliver satisfaction. Chalepeno is sure, however, that the
saying it’s an emergency.He finally hangr up the phone and younger Giorie will be the next target, given he’s his
collapses back into bed. He tries againumuccessfullyat 8:40 father’s sole reason for living. As such, Opus Dei has
PM when he reawakensand his escort is out of the room. left Matteo Giorie unguarded for anyone to find him,
9:OO PM till 11:40 PM: The two officers alternate along with a little surprise.
shifts. One takes a nap on 206‘s spare bed while the other
stands guard.
Opus Dei Headquarters
The Manhattan Opus Dei division is its most active
11:40 PMor Midnght - All hell breaks loose (seeAct 11:
Scene F i : Piero Giorie Cancer Treatment -Part 11) and successful branch in North America after Boston. It
includes segregated dormitories for lie-in numemies, a
~ Giorie’s Request recruitment center, church, classrooms for religious stud-
Piero Giorie has no illusions about what’s happening ies and the offices for the regional director. At the back of
in his life. Somebody ordered the murders of his three the school is an enclosed garden that’s surrounded on all
Mafia friends and sanctioned the hit on the Church of the four sides by tall buildings. People often come to the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

garden for meditation, quiet seclusion, Occasional outdoor Giorie, of course, can save his father’s soul by dying a martyr,
lessons or simply for a breath of fresh air. if hecantake novas alongwith him. That’swhat the 20 pounds
Normally, visitors and workers are not allowed on OF plastique hidden beneath his loose-fitting sweats and jer-
the premises after 6:OO PM. Today, however, the entire sey are for. Of course, this provides a media-sound story for
building is closed in preparation for the special dinner Opus Dei, when they claim Giorie “went postal” after dis-
reception for the Holy Father at the Kennedy Center. Re- covering he couldn’t see the Pope. Additionally, this elimi-
gardless the emergency or situation, visitors may not nates one of Chalepeno’s loose ends.
speak with numeraries for fear it’ll interrupt their spiri- During the day, Matteo Giorie spends his time in the
tual focus For this special event. chapel, preparing himself and making his peace with God.
Should any character walk through the facilities un- Opus Dei told Giorie that sacrificing himself ensures his
seen,she’ll notice the headquarters offers a contempo- father’s and his redemption by striking a blow o f the
rary, but austere Fagade, very much like a high-tech mon- Malleus Ma/eficamm, the “Hammer of Witches,” against
astery. There are no pictures of loved ones hanging in the novas. Unfortunately, Chalepeno let it slip that Piero
rooms, and corporal mortification is a very real practice. Giorie’s time on this world was drawing to a close, hence
There are no televisions, radios, newspapers or maga- his son’s sense of urgency in the matter. Matteo Giorie
zines save those printed by Opus Dei itself. Daily life fo- suspects Chalepeno has sent someone to punish his fa-
cuses on prayer, education and learning. The numeraries ther for his betrayal and wants to redeem the man’s soul
also speak Spanish to one another, as it is the language of through sacrifice before he dies. Faith, for Matteo Giorie,
their founder. is a blind parrot that repeats but does not see.
If an intruding character makes an Awareness roll at After 6:OO PM, Matteo Giorie goes to the rear gar-
standard difficulty, she’ll spot an announcement on the den and reads passages from the New Testament con-
bulletin board reminding people of the special dinner in cerning Jesus’ last night in the garden of Gethsemaneand
the Pope’s honor this evening. There’s also a list showing from the writings of Josemarie Escriva. He spends the
who’s traveling on which bus and the various departure evening there, expecting tonight to be his final one on
times. Strangely enough, Matteo Giorie’s name has been Earth. At all times, he has a double-switch remote trigger
scratched off. in his pocket that he touches and fumbles with.
At 6:OO PM, numeraries and Opus Dei staff gather in If the characters approach Matteo Giorie, he be-
the building’s lobby before heading outside for their once- lieves them to be the enemy. Any story they mentionabout
in-a-lifetime dinner. Charactersobserving the proceedings taking him to see his father is obviously a lie as far as he’s
do not see Matteo Giorie boarding any shuttles. He’s ap- concerned. They’re trying to murder him outside of the
parently not going. Once the final bus leaves at 6:30 PM, headquarters. He’ll go along willingly, however, nodding
the building is virtually empty, allowing the characters near and acting as though everything is normal. When he’s Far
unlimited access. The team should still be careful, however. enough away from the Opus Dei building, he says, ‘‘For-
An Intrusion roll at +t difficulty reveals internaland exter- give me Father,” then flicks the double switches in his
nal security c a m . Doors and -elevators leading to the pocket. Anyone within three meters takes 15010 L [12]
offices above the Fourth floor are key-card activated and worth of explosive damage. Characters up to six meters
require an Intrusion roll against +2 difficulty. away take half-damage.
Characterstrying to charm or persuadetheir way past Hopeful~,thethersrealizesomethingis~wdl
Opus Dei Numeraries or priestswill find it hard to do so (+1 before Matteo Giorie explodes. Some warning signs rely on
Difficulty on relatedrolls). Opus Deidoesn’t (publicly) con- the c h w a d e ~powers
’ of observation or their abilities.
done the existenceoFnavas, teachingits membersthat these Awareness roll, standard difficulty: Giorie keeps
creatures are no different than witches and heretics. Any- one hand in his pocket, like he’s fidgeting with an object.
thing a nova says is treated as a lie. If a numerary finds
Awareness roll, +1 difficulty: When Giorie walks,
himself believing one, he’ll press his cilice deeper into his
something stretches against the fabric of his jersey. His
own skin rather than succumb. The numeraries convictions chest and stomach looks quilted or padded.
are their lives, and charactersshouldn’t take this lightly. The
Awareness roll, +2difficulty: Giorie is fiddling with
Storyteller should stress how an Opus Dei member is will-
a device in his pocket. The character caught a glimpse of
ing to injure himself and draw blood rather than fall to temp-
a switch briefly sticking out.
tation. What a now sees as a simple trick to get her way,
Rapport d,standwd difficulty Giorie looks anxious
the Opus Dei member sees as a gross violation, tantamount
to spiritual rape.
Rapport roll, +ldifficulty: The character catches
Finding Matteo Giorie a glimpse of Giorie muttering something to himself. He
Followingthe events of the last few days, Opus Dei be- looks like he’s praying.
lieves its enemies will come after Matteo Giorie. That’s the Rapport roll, +2 difficulty: Giorie is screwing up
reason he‘s not seeing the Popetonight. In fact, Giorie’s been his courage to do something drastic. The prayer he con-
so heavily brainwashed that Chalepeno’s convinced him that tinues muttering is a chant to put him in a religious frenzy.
his Father failed at his one chance for redemption. Matteo He’s getting ready to die!

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

These, of course, are simple suggestions for char-
acters without Premonition. The Storyteller shouldn’t dis-
Scene Five:
count characters with Enhanced Initiative leaping away Piero Giorie Cancer
when Giorie apologizes or those with Natural Empath de-
tecting the agitated and suicidal trance he has entered. Treatment Part II
Additionally, characters who pick Giorie up to fly him to Scene Five is the culmination of Acts 1 and 11 and
the hospital or otherwise brush up against him through could yet be the bloodiest battle in the entire scenario.
incidental contact should feel the plastique packets be- Chalepeno has sent Apocrypha and his surviving allies to
neath his clothing. Even usingyour-danger-sense-is-tin- eliminate Piero Giorie once and for all. ScarCrow and his
ghg-type clues are all viable ways to save the charac- people, however, have other plans. While they wait to kill
ters. The Storyteller should allow the team some hope of Giorie later that night, Apocrypha’s intervention kicks off
escaping the explosion or to break Giorie out of his deci- the party early. Hopefully, the characters are either
sion through good roleplaying. present or just walking into the situation. This sparks a
three-way brawl in a hospitaldistrict comprisingnine city
What Matteo Knows blocks and several thousand innocent students, patients
This scenario assumes that, whether of his own vo- and medical personnel.
lition or not, Matteo Giorie didn’t flick the switch. How Before that happens, thecharadenshouldh a v e e n o u g h
the characters obtain this information is up to the Story- IeewaytospeakwithPieroGiorieasecondtimeNow,oneof
teller, but it obviously depends on what methods they use threethingscanhappen,dependingonwhetherM&eoGiorie
to question him. Just remember that Matteo Giorie’s will died in the explosion, refused to come (and the charaders
has been warped by Opus Dei’s vision. He’s easier to ma- let him go) or was Forced to come here.
nipulate, even though he’s dead set in his convictions. Matteo Dies: This devastates Piero Giorie, who
Matteo believes, thanks t o Chalepeno, that his fa- has lost his sole reason to live. He knows Chalepeno was
ther Failed to redeem himself in the eyes of God. Although responsible for his son’s actionsand reveak what he knows
he’s unsure of the arrangement between Chalepeno and to the charactersout of spite. He tells them of Chalepeno’s
his father, he knows it had to do with Piero Giorie’s old plan to discredit the Pontiff, from the money-laundering
Mafia contacts. After the arrangements were made, ev- scam to changing all his Swiss holdingsto Antonio Bardi’s
erything appeared fine. Then Chalepeno informed Matteo name. He also tells them that the recent attacks were
Giorie that his father had betrayed Opus Dei t o old allies probably ex-Mafia in the Camparelli-Zukhov
in organized crime. Chalepeno arranged t o deliver Megasyndicate who uncovered his betrayal of the omerta.
plastique into the young numerary’s hands with specific Unfortunately, all the evidence Piero Giorie has is against
instructions. He was to kill the novas who’d been attack- Chalepeno and not Opus Dei itself.
ing Opus Dei, novas with links t o organized crime who’d Matteo Refuses: Obviously, P w o Giorie is disap-
surely come to take him back to his father. Matteo Giorie pointedbut not deterred. He vows to regainhis son’s trust
believed the characters t o be these novas. but is still reticent about betrayinghissecrets. The charac-
Regardless what the characters tell him, the man is ters can cajole the truth from him if they promise to leave
emotionally distraught over his father. Matteo Giorie his son out of any accusations or reports.RemGiwie wants
wants to save his father’s soul but hates him nonethe- the blame resting firmly on his shoulders, though he isn’t
above making off-hand remarks about Chalepeno.
less. Part of the young man’s suicide-martyr mentality is
Matteo Sees His Father: Matteo Giorie wants to
also itching to strike back at his father by saying ‘‘see
return to Opus Dei and redeem himself for his weakness.
what you’ve pushed me to do.” Matteo Giorie’s hoping
He’s too lost to ever be found again. Any attempt to re-
his sacrifice will finally shock his father out of his wicked,
unite him with his father fails miserably. Matteo Giorie
self-involved ways. While it’s easy t o blame Opus Dei
believes his Father already dead and rotting in some for-
For this situation, Matteo Giorie’s love-hate relationship
gotten layer of Hell. He refuses t o acknowledge Piero
stems from his hard childhood and from his father’s ille-
Giorie, telling the characters all the horrible things his
gal pursuits. Opus Dei merely capitalized on his condi-
Father’s done in life. Piero Giorie accepts the accusations
tion and deepened his confusion.
becausethey’re true and lets his son go with a heavy heart.
During his discussion with the characters, Matteo
He knows Matteo Giorie will only forgive him when he
Giorie ref- to see his father, then lets it slip, without dies. Bound by his word, the mobster tells the characters
some measure of bitterness that “He’s made his choices everything but uses the same stipulations about his son as
in life and turned his back on my mother and me. He de- mentioned above.
serves whatever fate befalls him tonight.” If pressed,
Matteo Giorie will eventually admit to his suspicions that Set-Up #1: Mixing it Up
Chalepeno is going to do something about his father’s be- This is assuming both Apocrypha (or his team) and
trayal. He’s not sure what, but given that his father is out ScarCrow (or his team) are both active. The location re-
of prison and at his most vulnerable, whatever happens, mains the same as Act 11: Scene Three. The map provides
happens this evening. a good overview of the area involved, but now there are

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

several factors at play. First and Foremost, after 1O:OO
PM, ScarCrow’s henchmen are waiting on the rooftop of
Weill Medical College, a r d the corner from Memorial
Hospital. ScarCrow himself enters Memorial Hospital and
locates Giorie’s room (Room 206, facing York Avenue).
He returns to his team at approximately 11:OO PM and
waits with it. The plan is For ScarCrow to enter the hospi-
tal after midnight, possess one of Giorie’s escorts and kill
the officer’s partner and the ex-Mafia racketeer with a
bullet to each of their heads. 2-T, Phosphorus and Spook
provide back-up in case the characters’ team appears. If
the characters are already with Giorie, however, then 2-
T carries out the assassinationby dive-bombing the room,
regardless the collateral damage.
Apocrypha, on the other hand, has planned his strike
earlier, at 11:40 PM. Thanks to Pier0 Giorie’s messages to
his son,Opus Dei has his room location(though this is eas-
ily obtainedthrough other methods). Apocrypha carries out
the assassination himself. Flying outside the window, he
plans to direct a Quantum Blast straight through the glass,
into Giorie’s chest. If Fidei Defensor and Aureole are
present, they’ll provide air-support for Apocrypha and
protect him from potential nova attacks. If Tenebrae is
present, he’ll most likelybe on Yo& Avenue (onRockefeller
Universitygrounds) with three clones standing by. He pro-
vides ground support for his team. If he’s still active, Dirge
is atop the Staff Housing building across 68th Street. If
not, it’s either Tenebrae or Aureole hiding on that roof.
Should Apocrypha get in trouble, he knows to fly north on
York Avenue, where Dirge (or Tenebrae or Aureole) can
blindside his pursuers.
7heattackbegm 0 n c e A p o c r Y p h a ~ a t t h e w i n -
dow and opem fre At that momentscarCrow giws his team
the order to attack. S m c m ’ s been W i n g for Apocrypha
and doesn’t know when he‘l get another chance at him.
Phosphoruscuts loose with his flame, striking tar-
gets from his perch on PresbyterianHospital’s rooftop.
Zulu-Tango takes to the air and goes after aerial
opponents, sparking a dogfight between the buildings.
Spook attacks any non-aerial foes by using Quan-
tum Leap to reach them.
ScarCrow goes after Apocrypha.
Of course, these variables change according to the
team’s presenceand reactions.Any character in Room 206
will see Apocrypha hovering right outside the window. If
Apocrypha spots the character, he’ll likely target him first,
kickingoff the three-way fight. Some characters might also
try and stake out the hospital from vantage points across
the street. In that case,they’ll encounter their adversaries,
who hit upon the same idea. If the combat begins earlier
with the team uncovering ScarCrow’s rooftop hiding spot,
let it. The Storyteller can always bring in Apocrypha, who’ll
try and assassinate Giorie a couple of turns later duringthe
confusion. The last combat scene is open-ended enough to
throw almost anything at the characters. If the Storyteller
wants to throw everythingagainst the team, however, then
she can use Set-Up #2.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Set-Up #2: Everyone’s Invited. As the battle plays out, the Storyteller should make
‘This set-up covers one of three situations but with reference to the doctors, nmes and ambulancetechnicians
the same result. If the characters already dealt with weaving in and out of the fight to help the wounded. The
Apocrypha’s novas or somehow unraveled ScarCrow’s charaden camehere to save one life and are now trying to
elites, then there’s a third option for the attack on the stop a ww. Allow the players to act this situation out. The
hospital. One of the two factions (most likely ScarCrow’s) Storyteller should play up the surrounding suffering and
should still be present to assassinate Giorie, in w h i i case force the characters into a decision, whether they help save
it proceeds with its strategy as laid out in the previous peopleor helpstop Apoaypha and scarCrow. Bothare valid
section. Once the attack begins, however, a T2M Auxil- endeavors, and both cany a price.
iary steps in to stop the fight and arrest those involved.
Of course, the third option is to involve the T2M team in Dramatis Personae
the fracas covered in Set-Up #1.
In this situation, T2M discovered the link between
Pier0 Giorie and the men killed in prison and realized he
Backgwnd:Franco DeVincelliwas one of the lucky
capos to evade T2M in its war on crime. Actually, lucky
was the next target. Now T2M could have kept him out of
isn’t exactly correct, since Franco was badly burnedwhile
harm’s way by changing his treatment for another day or
escaping. T2M had launched a raid against a New York
even for another hospital, but Giorie made a great target
drug laboratory that Franco was overseeing. Local hero
to draw out the novas responsible for the murders and
Hiram “Slag” Goldberg accidentally hit a methane tank
bombings. Because this is the same evening as the Pope’s
and up went the Floor. Franco, severely burned, was
dinner at the Kennedy Center, however, T2M sent in its
pulled out by friends and taken underground. Unfortu-
Auxiliary to handle the matter. ‘They were expecting two
nately, “underground” doesn’t include good medical fa-
or three novas, not a multi-front battle.
cilities. Franco spent the next few weeks screaming in
This scenario is great for pairing unlikely groups to-
horrible pain. To his friends’ credit, they didn’t cap him
gether, especially if the fight breaks into teams like
when they couldn’t stand the screaming anymore. To
ScarCrow and Apocrypha vs. the characters’ team and
their discredit, they pumped him full of barbiturates in-
T2M. Conversely, the Storyteller can always include po-
stead of actual painkillers.
tential T2M rivals whdve fought the characters before.
Franco’s salvation came with his eruption, but not in
This turns the fight into a free-for-all in New York‘s larg-
the way he expected. At one point, when the pain was too
est hospital complex. The Storyteller can use Delaney
much, he simply dematerialized and posseaed one OF his
“Firefly“ Croft-Martin, MelissandaEsteves(seeAbsrrant:
friends. That’s when the agony stopped. Franco spent the
Project Utopia, pp. 133-135 for more information) and It next few months leaping into people’s bodies when he
(see Aberrant:Year One, p. 44). If the Storyteller needs
couldn’t stand the hurtingany longer. Knowinghehad a way
some quick novas for the fight, then use this T2M Auxil-
out,however, strengthened his resolve. It became a test to
iary Template:
endure the suffering longer and longer before w a r d i n g
Attributes Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Per-
himself by possessing somebody. Eventually, the pain
ception 2, Intelligence2, Wits 2, Charisma 3, Manipula-
stopped altogether, and Franco became ScarCrow.
tion 3, Appearance 4
Abilities:Awareness 1, B r a d or Martial Arts 2, En-
durance 3, Might 2, Resistance 3, Style 2, Subterfuge 3;
10 other dots, divided as necessary
Powen: Mega-Strength 0 . (Crush, Shockwave),
Mega-Stamina (Resiliency, Regeneration); Four dots
in other Mega-Attributes orone LevelTwo power at three;
four dots in Level One powers.
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 6, Taint 2

Dancing Among Corpses

In either set-up, the nova battle will undoubtedly af-
fect the New York PresbyterianHospital and the adjoin-
ing blocks. Every time a character evades a blast, a build-
ing with hospital rooms gets hit. Whenever somebody uses
Shockwave or Thunderclap, dozens of windows shatter.
When a nova gets knocked through a wall, there are prob-
ably two or three patients, tenants or students who died
from collateraldamage. Dirge, Phosphorus, 2-T and Fidei
Defensor are not precision novas. Their powers are most
effective when fully unleashed.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Using his new abilities, ScarCrow escaped to Europe,
where the Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate was form-
ing. By that point, Slag was already dead, allowing
ScarCrow to focus on matters beyond simple revenge. He
went to work for the newly organized crime family, work-
ing as its nova enforcer and, eventually, nova trainer.
Image: ScarCrow is a horrible mess of burn scars;
he’s a walking effigy already spent by flame. ‘The skin of
his head appears to fit too tightly over his skull, and his
eyes are completely black. His nose and ears are gone,
melted away. ScarCrow sports a leather, clasp-over vest
jacket and eufiber black tights with red trim. He also wears
jackboots and a metal belt.
Roleplaying Hints:You’re a scary motherfucker, and
you know it. Infact, it’s no longer an attitude, it’s the truth.
You don’t mourn your disfigurement because you prefer
the power you have. If you ever want to get laid, you just
possess somebody and go after his partner. Hell, you’ve
caught a lot of lesbian action that way. Who wants their
face back when they can have anybody else’s? Why risk
your neck when you can risk somebody else’s for that
matter? formed, his contacts put him touch with the organi-
Geac Cell phone, Chap-stick, heavy pistol. zation. The New York job is his first assignment for
Nature:Thrillseeker them, and he’s eager t o prove his worth.
Allegisnce: Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate h Bravo
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Percep- Allegiance Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate
tion 5, lntelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 0, Manipula- Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Percep-
tion 3, Charisma 2 tion 3, Intelligence2, Wits 3, Appearance 4, Manipula-
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Biz 3, Brawl 2, Bu- tion 3, Charisma 2
reaucracy 2, Command 4, Endurance 4, Firearms 2, In- M iAthletics 3, Awareness 2, &awl 4, Command 2,
terrogation 3, lntimidation 4, Investigation3, Rapport 3, Endurance 3, Firearms 3, Interrogation 2, lntimidation 3,
Resistance 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 Linguistics 2 (Native: Turkish; Arabic, English), Melee 2,
BE&& Allies 4, Backing 3, Cipher 2, Eufiber 2, Resistance3, Survival 3
Node 2, Resources 4 Quantum 2, Quantum Pool 24, Willpower 6,Taint 2
Quantum 5,.Quantum Pod 30, Willpower 16,Taint 4 (Ab- Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Enhanced Movement),
errant Eyes) Mega-Stamina (Adaptability) Mega-Wits (En-
Powers:Mega-Stamim (Regeneration), Mega-Per- hanced Initiative), Mega-Appearance * * * (Appearance
ception (Analytical Touch, Blindfighting, Elec- Alteration, Face of Terror), Immolate (Fire) (Ag-
tromagnetic Vision, Ultraperipheral Perception), Mega- gravated), Invulnerability(Fire) *, Quantum6dt (Fire
Wits * (Lie Detector), Mega-Manipulation * * (The - Lethal) (Spray/Jet)
Voice), Boost (Stamina) ** (Other Person), Domina-
tion * * * * * (Parasitic Possession), Mental Blast * *, Spook
Telepathy. Bsdcgand:Most people assume Tima V- is
called Spodc becarseof herpowers. Actually, her name isa
Phosphorus refaencetotfieeffedshehasonpeople.She’saueepymrman
Beckground: Mahmud Abdelkader was a courier with a quiet apprectatii for wder. Ms. V d m was a
for the joint Turkish-Sicilian heroin trade. When the DeVries Hitewhenshewasconb-dctedtorebievedcanenb
assault against organized crime began, Abdelkader from a compclnywith suspedsd ties to organizedcrime.After
was delivering a shipment into Bulgaria and thus bredcmgintotheWing,~,Shedtheormer,
missed the crippling raid that decimated the Istanbul who made her a counterprop05d:Wok for hs orginaatian
criminal empire, Instead, Abdelkader ran into a po- for better paymerrt and no resbidions. After negotiating her
lice barricade meant t o intercept his shipment. He fee, she ayeed to his terms and started her new job as a
erupted during the shootout and made quick work 01 Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate enforcer. DeVries has a
the local authorities. The remaining Mafia families bounty onvemoovaishead for breakq contract and h-
~ heard about Abdelkader and helped him vanish un- aging its reputation.
derground, since he could no longer return home Nature Analyst
Later, when the Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate Allegiance: Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Percep- (Hardbody),Amor .***,flight ****,Hypermeanent
tion 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Appearance 4, Manipula- (Flight) (Explosion: Only for the purpose of Aerial
tion 3, Charisma 2 Slam and Hyperspeed Slam maneuvers; 2-7’s explosion is
M iAcademics 3, Athletics 2,Awareness 3, W 2 , the energy converted from kinetic energy to heat).
Computer 4,Endurance 3, Firearms 2,lntrusion 4, Investi-
gation 3, Linguistics 1 (Native: English; Afrikaans), Resis-
tance 3, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 2
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26,Willpower 6, Taint 2 As mentioned before, this scenario can degenerate
Powers: -strength (Lifter, Quantum k p ) , quickly if the characters screw up too often. Fortunately,
Dexterity (Catfooted), Megastamina (Adaptability), there are several safety nets to ensure that faith in
Mega-Perception*** (QuantumAttunement,Ultraperipherd Benedict XVl is eventually restored. Regardless, three
Perception), Mega-Appeamxe (Face of Terror) Density matters remain the same.
C d @crease) * * (Affect Others; Spook uses this in First and foremost, the characters have now made
conjtmctionwithasphyxlatmattack,drarmingheropponents enemies of Opus Dei and its supporters. The team
in sdid objects), QuanhmVampire shouldn’t be surprised if religious extremist novas appear
from time to time to attack them. Secondly, Chalepeno
Zulu-Tango dies. Unfortunately for the team, Opus Dei’s involvement
Ekkgwnd: JoshCarrieres is a walking artillery shell. starts and ends at Angelo Chalepeno. After the hospital
He’s tough and decimates objects by flying full-tilt into
battle, the good Assessor for General Affairs will have
them. Carrieres is ScarCrow’s right-hand man and, most passed away in his sleep, another victim of the heart-at-
often, his back up on assignments. He’s the only member tack bug that passes through the Vatican annually. Opus
of ScarCrow’s nova team with military training and the Dei can then deflect attention from itself and claim
only one who’ll follow orders without question. ScarCrow Chalepeno didn’t represent the organization. He broke
also uses Carrieres as a drill sergeant when training the away from its doctrines several months ago, as attested
Megasyndicate’s elites. to in his dated and signed letter to Bishop Dionogi
Natue:Bureaucrat Tettamanzi. Thirdly, Opus Dei and the Camparelli-Zukhov
Allegiance: Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate Megasyndicate are in a war of attrition. It never mani-
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Percep- fests overtly as a gangland struggle, but there is an in-
tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 3, Manipula- crease in quiet deaths on both sides.
tion 2, Charisma 3 The optimalscenario is for the characters to foil Opus
A b i l i Athletics 3, Awareness 2,Brawl 3, Command 4, Dei’s plot before it instigates its coup against the Holy Fa-
Endurance 3, Firearms 2,Intimidation 3, Martial Arts 2, ther. I n this instance, there’s talk of Opus Dei’s secret in-
Might 3, Pilot 2, Resistance4, Stealth 2,Survival 2 volvement, which sparks a p r g e in the Vatican. Meanwhile,
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26,Willpower 7,Taint 3 the characters and their organization made some secret
Powers: Mega-Strength (Crush, Shockwave, Thun- Friends in the Holy See. While not publicly declared, the
derclap), Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy), Mega-Stamina team occasionally receivesunexpectedand mysterious help

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

in the form of premonitions. It’s the Storyteller‘s preroga- .ender themselves for questioning, ‘TZM considers them a
tive to decide who’s sendingthe characters telepathic warn- .hreat. ‘This may not affect Terats or Aberrants greatly,
ings and why. Chances are, however, that the Pope has hid- )ut this does mean Project Utopia is now after the team
den allies who appreciate the team’s efforts. ;pecifically. They’ve become a liability, and some people
Among the worst-case scenarios, the news media dis- 3re willing to mention that to their faces. If the characters
c m the money-launderingscam and links the Popeto or- r e with DeVries, the novatalent agency will cooperatewith
ganized crime. Although the accusations we 4 l y dis- VYPD to ease the situation. It allows detectives to question
proved, this still weakens Benedict XVl’s position among the :he team but only with a lawyer present.
College of Cardinals. Opus Dei manages to wrest some con- Last,but not least, the charadm havemadeenemiesof
trol away from the Vatican and strengthen its position. my surviving novas from this scenario. Apocrypha and
Another matter to consider is 72M, wen though it Smcraw, in pdrular, are reMurceM enough to bunch p
barely influenced this scenario. If the Characters are impli- n i t i i missiagainstthe team.‘They know what the h-
cated in any of the skirmishes or attacks and refuse to sur- terscando, and they k m v haw to draw them into theopen.

icedoel OpNet conference call
~gasyndicateliiutenant and si
Voice 1: Good morning sir Our problem in New York ha
Voice 2: Are you certain DAna? IF thfs crops up again
Voice 1: I’m well aware OF that sir All the pnncples in
e, who’s at death‘s door now Gone knowswe can diminah
Voice2 Even though the lud hmedhlsback on hen?
Voice 1: Strange, isn’t it?
Voioe 2: And Opus Del?
Voice 1: They’ve got teeth sir. Our contacts in Madnd v
IMight 1 suggest we. warn our lieutenants in Spain and So
Voice 2: Well D’Ana, start drawing up battle plans for
Voice 1: Already on it SK,but it could get bloody
Voice 2 ‘That’s fme. Opus Dei is too dangerous to have
e Holy See campay, and 1 can’t allow that Just remembe
Voice 1: Yes sir, of course

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
From the June 15,2012
issue of the London Times

Seven Killed in Night-

club Shooting
Last night, three men later identi-
fied as gang members strode into
Club 414 and fired into the crowd
with automatic weapons. At this
time, police detective Jonathan
Cole speculates that they’d come
in expecting to find members of a
rival gang. ‘We’vefound that there
was some kind of territorial dis-
pute over the club,” the detective
revealed to the limes earlier today.

The three assailants - identified

as Joshua Guillory, Scott Moore
and Paul Hadley -fled the scene
immediately after firing the hail of
bullets. Detective Cole assures us
that the police are even now
searching their known boltholes.

Moore, Guillory and Hadley’s vic-

tims include five men and two
women killed and another six
clubgoers injured. One remains in
critical condition. (cont’d page 4)

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Director Ozaki:
I’ve enclosed what little information 1 could get about England’s nova-management policies. They’re certainly not
as advanced as our Rashoud facilities, but they may already know too much about the harmful effects channeling
quantum can have on the human body.
I’ve found no evidence of heavily deformed or insane novas in English custody, but this is indicative of nothing.
Were 1 in their position, I’d bury them as deeply as possible, just as we do in Bahrain. My recommendationin this case
is to install the new detectors at the points I’ve marked out on the accompanying map. You won’t get them in through the
airport, so use whatever method works best.
On a final note, 1want a transfer. I’m positive those Directive bastards are onto me, and 1 can’t stay here without
compromisingsecurity. 1’11 brief a replacement as thoroughly as possible, but I’m getting tired of digging bugs out of my
OpNet terminal.

Agent Lindstrom:
We’ve lost contact with Fly, our primary London operative. 1 needyou to go in and find him. Don’t raise a fuss or get
involved in local issues. Get in, find him, and get out. We can arrange a rescue later.
If you can, get any files or notes he’s worked on in the past seven days. Enclosed are dossiers on known Directive
operatives in the area.

General Collin:
We’ve apprehended the Proteus operative codenamed “Fly.” He’s in custody awaiting your decision as to disposal.
1 suggest full-scale debriefing and incarceration.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

London Gets Municipal

Reuters, London (January14,

2008) -Yesterday, a massive
fire in new construction threat-
ened to spread and cover most
of downtown London when the
self-named “London Fog”
appeared on the scene and
doused the inferno with a
heavy downpour. She later told
reporters, ”London’s my city,
I’ll be watching,” and then flew
into the evening sky.

Two hours later, her agent

released a statement to the
press indicating London
Fog’s intent to serve as
London’s ”municipal de-
fender.” She’s currently in
negotiations with the city
government to define her
duties and responsibilities to
the city, as well as her salary
and benefits. Reportedly,
several toy manufacturers
have already made offers to
carry a line of action figures
based around London Fog,
and she’s entertaining offers
from two different comic-
book publishers.

Coat manufacturer London Fog

released a press statement
concurrent with the heroine’s,
indicating that she’s already in
negotiations to endorse their
line of rainwear.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
London Fog W as a Man!
by Edward Whitfield

London, 7 June, 2009 - Everyone in According to what I’ve learned, Ben-

London knows London Fog. She was jamin sought medical intervention
the talk of the town last year when she and sex-reassignmentsurgery in the
flew in and stopped a fire with her early OS, but couldn’t save the
weather powers. What hardly anyone money for the surgery. He shifted
knows is her history. Just who is Lon- from low-paying job to low-paying
don Fog and what is she trying to hide? job, never quite able to make ends
This Ieporter found out, and the truth meet and still afford the hormone
will astonishyou. treatments and counselingnecessary
as a prelude to the surgery.
My search began with public records
- records, I might add, that were Benjamin’s eruption must have
amazingly sparse when it came to been quite the lucky break for him,
information about London Fog and but why has he gone to all this ef-
her past. Certainly we know that her fort to conceal the truth from the
civilian name is “Elizabeth Deborah public? Is Benjamin ashamed of his
Barton,” but that name leads to a condition? Does he have anything
dead end. No records exist for her else to hide?Who is this person who
birth or education, yet she claims to claims to be London’s defender?
be a London native.

Of course, as we all know, novas can

change drastically in appearance
upon eruption, warped and twisted
by the flow of quantum energies
through the Mazarin-Rashoud node.
I sincerely doubt that Antaeus of
Project Utopia fame was born with
leaves sprouting from his head, af-
ter all.

My investigations took me to
Islington, where I met someone who
claimed to be a friend of London
Fog’s from state school. As it turns
out, “ElizabethDeborah Barton” was
born ”Benjamin Jeffrey Emory” in
1974 in Islington.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
melissa Weatherby mP
Minister Without Portfolio
MelissaW eatherby was the ConservativePartyElectionMan:igerfrom
As MinisterW ithout PottFolio, Ms. W eatherbywill be responsiblefor as-
sistingthe Prime Minister and other ministerialcolleagues in pres
coordinating andimplementinggovernmentpolicy .
Ms. Weatherbyis a Ministerof State inthe Cabin& Of fice, H
biliiesthere are crossdepartmental,assistinginthe strategic implei
tion of the government’ s policiesto ensurethe newadministrations
infulfillingits programme, includingthe key manifestopledgeson educ
iobs, healthandcrime.
Ms.Weatherby’ s responsibiliiforthe presentationof govemmei
isto ensure consistent andclear projectionof the government’ . -.
andmessagesto the public. Ms. W eatherbywill work closely with me Pnme
Ministerandother colleagues acrossWhitehall onthese issues. She is also
a memberof a numberof cabinetcommittees.
Ms.Weathetby ,38, waselectedas Memberof estminst
in 2000. She was appointedan Opposition whip i nd then
made Shadow Civil ServiceSpokesman in October2003. She stood down
from her post inJuly 2004 to focus full-timeon the Conservative Party’
election campaign,while remainingonthe Oppositionfront bench.
Ms. Weatherbystudied PPEat St. Catherine’ s College, Oxford. She was
a television producerfor England Today from 1992to 1995ai
irectorfor Campaigns and Communic

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Andrew Pennyworth, January 15,2007
In recent years, England has fallen behind other
nations in a few key areas, but our primary
concern is power. Oil is no longer the valuable
commodity it once was. Nuclear power is being
phased out in favor of cleaner energy sources. In
general, we have to change the way we think
about energy.

To that end, we at British Power are devoting

ourselves to seeking out more efficient and more
plentiful sources of power. Solar, geothermal,
hydroelectric - these are just the beginning.

We intend to develop a workable fusion reactor

within the next decade. This may seem unrealis-
tic to many - consider that despite having the
best nova minds at their disposal, even Project
Utopia has not yet successfully harnessed the
true power of the sun. This does not indicate an
insurmountable problem to us. Instead, it just
means we have to work that little bit harder.

It is unfortunate that we must raise our rates to

accommodate the increased research, but
consider the long-term benefits: A few pennies a
month now versus unlimited cheap energy for
your children.

Andrew Pennyworth,

British Power

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
iinn works It sits ii 1st hevnnrlmv

nearly Killed in Tragic flirline Crash

British Airways Flight 317 plunged into the icy waters of the Atlantic yesterday
hirty-nine people
.. died in what is currently a mystery to
. . _..investigators. Fortunately
IVI LI I- YUI v I v 11 iy ~ U Y Y G Iiyw a UI IU vi G V V , vi I= UCICIUU na ILUI I ai I IUI iy LI IGI I I, LI IG I

Inevitable was nearby and could mount a rescue ef fort.

Investigators are now going over the submerged wreckage to determine the
se of the mysteriouscrash. he black box recording, retrieved late last night,
indicates that the pilots lost all I as the plane simply dived into the ocean.
British Airways is keeping the names of the deceased confidential until their
milies can be contacted. If anyone reading this fears that a relative or friend may
have been on board, send a query to BA317abritish-airwavs.co.uk .

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Or. Burghalter:
Enclosed are the observations from the Bahrain facility, as requested.
I’ve catalogued every manifestation of taint syndrome we’ve observed since 1998, and 1 have to say that I’m at
something of a loss. I n some cases, novas manifest mutations in a seemingly random fashion, and in others, they seem
to relate directly to their powers. It has become clear that high-intensity power use accelerates the process in some
way, but this is by no means a hard and fast rule.
My primary concern does not lie in the physical mutations. Rather, it’s those who have become mentally
unstable. I’m not certain whether there’s a direct link, but 1 have no other conclusion. Some novas retain relatively
normal features yet develop increasingly irrational and antisocial behavior patterns. Patients 27, 45 and 63 all
developed the classic signs of various mental dysfunctions as outlined in the DSM-VI manual, yet none of them
have a history that would in normal circumstances lead to such dysfunctions. Patient 45 is the most telling example
- at age 36, she developed dissociative identity disorder. As is known, DID is reliably observed to develop as a
result of childhood trauma. Patient 45 showed no signs of such trauma before her eruption and the unfortunate
events that followed. In fact, she spontaneously developed the symptoms only a month ago.
1 have already recommended to Director Ozaki that these operatives be pulled from duty. They lack the stability
necessary to perform the work Proteus requires of them. Unfortunately, my words have, as yet, had no effect. Do you
think you could get Justin to apply some pressure? After some of the recent issues, Utopia can’t afford the potential
for trouble these psychos (yes,1 use that term advisedly) represent.

Interrogation Transcript
General Collin: Are you comfortable? Would you care for something to drink? A cigarette?
Fly: [through gritted teeth] No. I’m fine.
GC: Then shall we attend to business? Good. 1 hope you can satisfy my curiosity. Specifically, why you’ve spent
so much time observing our governmental buildings. Surely they can’t be that interesting, even to a tourist.
F: I’m an amateur photographer. 1 was just taking pictures.
GC:Really?Is that so? Why then were no photographs amidst your belongingswhen we picked you up? And why
did you try to run? Certainly, a simple photographer has nothing to fear from two men in business suits.
F: [pause] With suspicious bulges under their jackets? What would you think if two armed men approachedyou
like that?
GC: [laughter] Come now, you must realize that we’re more civilized than to simply shoot an American for taking
pictures. Still, you have a good eye, if you noticed that. Now, we know you sat outside an M15 office for six consecutive
hours, 1 presume photographing all who entered or departed. What we don’t know is why. 1 could make an educated
guess, but I’d like to hear your explanation first.
F: Before 1 say another word, 1 want to call the US Embassy.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Lord Alexander Frasier I I I
New Owners Reopen Millennium Dome
Lord Alexander Frasier III officiated at the
reopening of the Millennium Dome. After its
sale two years ago, various parties pooled
resources to convert it into a ”living museum of
England’s present.” Lord Frasier stated, ”Today,
we create our own future. Let those who come
after us admire our works.”

The Millennium Dome, now the London Mu-

seum of Living History, has exhibits displaying
the Galatea station, extensive documentation of
the ”Nova Age,” as it’s termed, as well as
several exhibits donated by British corporations
to showcase their present-day accomplishments
and future goals.

Lauren Meyer, the museum’s director, hopes to

keep the exhibits upto-date to match the
quickly changing world situation. Lauren
addressed the attendees, saying, ‘We are
privileged to live in these wondrous times,
when miracles are a daily occurrence and hope
reigns over the world. I want this [museum] to
embody the spirit of the current historic age.”

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
N!Sight with Parker S st 17,2009


years ago. It's clear-chat you enjoy M: Oh, no! Next to Lydia Divine,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Interview Transcript
Luiz Francisco: Are you both comfortable? Care for a drink?
Finn: 1’11 have tea -whatever you’ve got. He’ll have gin. Straight. What’s the nature of your problem, Seiior Francisco?
Francisco: My company produces the processor nodes used for Europe’s OpNet. We’ve recently developed a -
well, we’ll just call it a prototype. It’s very valuable to us and would cost us greatly if we lost it to a competitor.
Finn: Was it stolen?
Francisax No, but 1 believe one of our employees, Pablo Hernandez, took schematics for the new chipset and intends
to auction it off to our ... competitors.
Finn: This is his portfolio? Interesting. Didn’t you run a full check on him when you hired him?Just one glance tells me
this guy’s shiftier than quicksand.
Francisco: Look, not everything’s immediately obvious. Pablo came with impeccable references, and he’s one of the
best in his field-
* Dog: Cut the crap, Francisco. One look at his performance reviews shows he couldn’t design a potato chip, let alone
a computer chip. You can suck my cock and call it strawberry ice cream, but it’s still going to taste like cock. Now, why’d you
keep this loser in your employ knowinghe’s an incompetent security risk?
Finn: Dog has a point. What aren’t you telling us?
F m i s c t x Look, I’m giving you everything 1 have. This is all on the level.
Finn: That’s interesting. As it turns out, we know S e b r Hernandez isn’t your employee. He’s ako not stealing any-
thing from you. We do have evidence that your corporate spies tried to steal this very design from lntelbrope and that this
man was hired to recover the stolen prototypes. Lies give me gas, idiots give me a headache. Now 1have both, and all 1did
was sit in the same room with you for two minutes. Not very impresswe. Have a good day, Seiior Francisco. We won’t be in
touch, and 1 suggest that you never contact us again.
Dog: [snarls]

Reuters, Acapulco Mexico - Gunfire broke out on the lsland Princess cruise ship while still in port yesterday
afternoon. 26 casualties, includingthe Novox performingsensations, Brother Rap and Sister Soul, have been found so
far. lnvestigators believe that no others were harmed.
The assailants are unknown at this time, although investigators harbor strong suspicions that they were elites.
The massacre was over too quickly for baseline reflexes.
lnvestigators found evidence m the Novox duo’s cabin linking them to several terrorist actions conducted under
the banner of an extremist Nation of Islam group. 1f the evidence is accurate, lnterpol will discover the cause of at
least a dozen bombings in the past two years. Nation of Islam representatives deny any link to Brother Rap or Sister
Soul’s activities.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)



Given the great power Homosapiensnovuscandemonstrate, it’s not a matter of if but when some will decide to set
themselves up as living gods. In most cases, - on the scale we’re concerned with - this is harmless, and the novas in
question will grow out OF it.It’s the novas who revel in it, who use their powers to maintain it, strengthen it and create a
legion of followers who will obey their every command who are a danger.
Theoconception is an ugly thing. Humans with powers they can’t properly control taking on airs of godhood and
use entirely too gullible baseline humans to support their delusions. Cases that reach a critical meme vector of .6‘?
gamma will spread into the general population and have the potential to create social upset, either through zealous
followers or the nova’s personal schemes. At .75 gamma, it’s a guarantee that toppling local or national governments is
a viable course of action. Thankfully, it’s possible to identify such cults before they reach .60 gamma and encourage
them to dissolve before it’s too late to reverse the trend. Methods OF encouragement vary from cult to cult. Use what-
ever measures are deemed appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
The earlier a nova cult is defused, the better the likely resolution. It’s better to recruit a theoconceptor who has
not yet firmly decided he wants to follow through than one who’s prepared to execute a violent and bloody revolution in
a major nation (but the situation would have to get very out of control before this is even a consideration).
Assign highest priority to theoconceptors who demonstrate superhuman charm and powers of persuasion -
their subtle danger should not be ignored. They can exert a kind of control over their followers that’s not easily break-
able, possibly because it’s authentic, despite the source.
Assign next highest priority to the insane. Nova insanity feeds upon itself - it somehow interacts with the M-R
node and causes further mutation and insanity. A nova who begins as merely deluded finds that his own M-R node
reinforcesthose delusions over time. This process has been observed at the Bahrain facility in six separate case histo-
ries (refer to Bahrain case File BR-445) as of the last update (January, 2012) of this file.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Arthur Francis Anningsley grew up in this environ-
Introduction ment: His life spanned eight decades before his eruption,
Not all novas are content to work in the open. Some ~ndhe lived through the global depression of the ‘30s.
would rather work behind the scenes and try to manipu- he Second World War (where he saw London bombed
late events through proxies. Shadowy figures within Pro- nto rubble) and the slow decline of England’s social fab-
teus, the Directive and the Teragen all work toward their ic over the following decades. His own family was im-
own ends. Some novashavechosento work independently, mverished in the 17th century, in the wake of the Indus-
rather than link fortunes with any specific group. rial Revolution. Hanging on purely through social con-
Arthur FrancisAnningsley is quite probablyone of the iections, they maintained an appearance of affluence -
Fie most intelligent novas on Earth, and he’s devoted that wt even that eventually ended.
intelligenceto claimingas much influenceover globalevents I n 2005, Arthur Francis Anningsley, Duke of
as he can manage. Raised in an impoverishedEnglish family iouthminster, lived in a London townhouse he could barely
of noble Mood, he feels that the influenceand wealth rght- ifford. His holdings had been made into a tourist attrac-
fully his has been deniedhim. His eruptiononly made it pos- :ion years before, and he preferred to avoid such chaos.
sible for him to take that -and much, much more. 4t 80 years of age, he found himself disappointed in his
Anningsley’s eruption granted him immense mental ife and his country. He’d accomplished little in his long
capacity and the power to control multiple minds simul- ife and regretted many of his decisions. He entereda deep
taneously. He’s used this power and intelligenceto create lepressionthat would have killed him, had it not triggered
an organization centered upon him as a messianic figure. lis eruption.
Very few members of his secret cult are even aware he Anningsley didn’t dwell on past failures. Instead, he
exists, yet he’s interacted with every one of them. 3amined them, analyzed them, disassembled them and
‘The mainreason for Anningsley’s success on the pe-r- m-derstood them. He took his own mind apart, dispas-
m a l level is his lover, Violet Mayhew, a popular English iionatelyexamined the pieces and reassembledthem, oc-
media commentator and singer (sometimes referred to as casionally taking pieces from nearby minds and incorpo-
”The Silver Voice of Albion”). When Anningsley needs to -ating them into the final result. He remade his conscious-
bring a truly influentialrecruit into the cult, Mayhew usu- ness into somethingruthless, amoral and inhumanlypreda-
ally makes contact and brings the poor soul into the con- tory. He established his goal - nothing less than the
spiracy. She’s very effective at this, and Anningsley occa- United Kingdom’s political and economic revival. Under
sionally rides inside her mind and offers “cues’’ when nec- his guidance, England would join the superpowers of the
essary. Usually, he just lets her go, as she’s much more ca- 21st century.
pable of such seductions and subversions. To succeed, Anningsley neededsupport -not only
This chapter presents the growth and development in England, but globally, and to that end, he devised a cult,
of Anningsley’s cult and the ways in which the charadem with himself as the central figure. Anningsley reasoned
may interad with (and probably destroy) it. Anningsley’s that religiousdevotion was among the strongest a human
subtle execution means that he can grow his cult to a rea- could hold and crossed national lines; his goal was not to
sonable size before it’s noticed, but he can’t keep it hidden attract mindless followers but to attract influential busi-
forever. His ambition will probably be his downfall. nessmen and national leaders (or people close to them).

The Man He needed a means t o bring them under his banner and
convince them to follow him.
Who Would Be King Anningsley convertedViolet Mayhew first. He chose
her for her talents and what he perceived to be a certain
Not more than two centuries past, the sun never set
ethical flexibility. Until Anningsley met Mayhew, she used
on the British Empire. ‘The British seemingly had holding
her persuasive powers mainly to further her own career
and colonies everywhere -they were present in Africa
Asia and North America. ’Their aggressive colonial poli,
(and get the occasional valuable gift from hopeful suit-
ors). She had great ambition but no real direction.
cies took them to many places and led to much trade. Un,
Anningsley gave her that direction. He laid out his plam
fortunately, their good fortune was not to last.
for Mayhew, culminating with the two of them ruling a
In time, the subject nations overthrew their Britisl
new British Empire. Mayhew, fully convinced OF the right-
rulers or negotiatedfreedom. In 1997, the last of Britain’
ness of Anningsley’s goals, used her own connections to
extra-territorial holdings -Hong Kong -was returnec
lure influential men into Anningsley’s new cult.
to the People’s Republic of China. All that remained wa
England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England’s pros Camelot
perity faded as well, with economic depressionand w o w When Anningsley constructedhis “religion,” he took
In recent years, England’s decline (socially, economicall several cues from Christianity, Freemasons and his own
and politically) has continued as the United Kingdom re national legacy. ‘The Temple of the King, as he calls it,
fuses to join the European Community, foster a relation operates as something of a small elite society.
ship with Project Utopia or respect the Euro. Raciall: Most of the members view the Temple of the King
motivatedviolence is on the rise, and crime skyrockets. as a glorified social club. ‘Theyuse it to make contacts in

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

the business and political arenas and cut propriate responses, so he will
deals behind closed doors. be able to answer properly.
Anningsley’s intent is to create a Once the session is over,
sense of fellowship, so members ,the lights are turned on,
will preferentially deal with each t h e hoods are dis-
other over outsiders. With this carded, and he’s wel-
corned. The experience
is staged t o be very in-
will lead to an overall gain tense for the inductee,
f o r England. He doesn’t and it generally suc-
want to be too obvious in
this regard, but the island’s
increased fortunes will be- efit of membership is an
come apparent over time. active social schedule.

raderie among the member-

ship. The most basic of these is elite can cut deals with the
the initiation ritual. Every p&en- elite. A member can find her
tial member must have a sponsor to join prospects For promotion im-
the Temple, and the new recruit must proved, make that critical deal
meet the approval of at I or get enough support to guar-
members. ‘This is rarely a antee a political office and
the new member is someone Anningsley advance her career. The
Mayhew sees as a potential danger t o Temple is not only intended
t o give Anningsley access to
the elite but also to influence
rites and the mystery cults of the past. The new who joins the ranks of the
member is brought into a temple blindfolded. When the
blindfold is removed, he finds himself in a gloomy cham- Beyond the normal run of members are the truly
ber, with only a few candles t o provide light. Surround- influential- the Inner Temple. Potential members re-
ing him are several hooded figures (two are always quire two sponsors and unanimous agreement from the
women). They each give a ritual recitation and ask remaining membership. Initiation is similar to initiation
questions of him. His sponsor coaches him in the ap- in the Outer Temple (never referred to as such in front

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

OF Outer Temple members), with the exception that some are a more difFicult case, since he can’t simply expect to
of the Temple’s goals are revealed - England’s politi- exert his mental powers and use them as he does baselines.
cal and economic rejuvenation being the most notewor- Instead, he accepts that they are unknown quantities and
thy. The King is revealed t o be Arthur of Camelot, as a will move a nova from potential ally to threat without a
sign of hope for England. lnner Temple members are second thought if events warrant it.
encouraged to use their contacts to increasethe wealth
and influence of their native land.
The following information deals with how the fac-
Mayhew is the lnner Temple’s heart and soul. She
tions would react to knowledge of Anningsley’s activities,
keeps everyone in line, massages bruised egos and con-
should it come to their attention. Also included are hooks
vinces reluctant participants to shed their misgivings. She
to get the characters involved, regardless of their alle-
presidesover all initiations-giving a sense of majesty to
giance (or lack thereof).
theproceedingsnot possibleanyotherway.Unliketheouter
Temple, lnner Temple security is strictly enforced -and Project Utopia
the few who have tried to violate this didum have come to Utopia has no interest in allowing any one nation -
bad ends. Business for the lnner Temple is deadly serious, especially one so opposed to their activities -economic
as nothing less than England’s manifest destiny is at stake. dominance -even less so does anyone in the upper ech-
Mayhew uses all the persuasive power at her disposal to elons want a nova “despot” leading that nation. It’s one
hammer this home to new members (who have already been thing to have a third-world country with a nova ruler suf-
indoctrinated before they were approached). fering from limited ambition. Even The Fireman isn’t a
problem, since Portman has a strong sense of ethics and
- Get Involved? works within his nation’s laws. An unprincipled, megalo-
So Anningsley wants to economically revitalize En- maniacal supergenius is another issue entirely.
gland. So what? He has a goal that anyone can sympathize This is not to say that Utopia is against nova leaders
with, after all. Who wouldn’t want to bring his country to (they supported the candidacy of President Portman in
dominance in the global community? 2008, after all). Rather, Utopia is against nova leaders
In Anningsley’s case, however, he wants to do it at who don’t support Utopia’s goals.
the expense OF other nations’ welfare. He doesn’t want to Utopia’s other problem with Anningsley’s schemes
share the pie with anyone. His ideal world is a world in relates to the faa that he’s already subvertedseveral rank-
which &-itannia dominates all facets of life, globally - ing European members. He’s gained some influence &er
but that’s just the beginning. For his plans to work, he Utopia affairs and has no compunctions about using that
must nullify or distract all possible opposition. influence to inflict a great deal of harm and interference
Note that Anningsley isn’t stupid - quite the op- upon Utopia operations.
posite. He knows where he is, where he wants to go and Fortunately, he has not yet managed to infiltrate
has already determined how to get there. His plans are Team Tomorrow. The fact that it’s primarily a nova-op-
flexible enough to adapt to contad with the enemy, and erated branch (along with his very real fear of Caestus
Pax) has kept him away from any employees of T2M-Eu.
all he needs is patience, support and resources.
Anningsley’s first steps have been t o get a foothold
The big scare for Utopia, especially Utopiaemplqred
in both the political and economic arenas and use that to
m,would be the lidPR disaster A I T I I ~ could ~ be-
come if or when his actions become public knowledge. No one
improve England’s standing - so far, he’s been moder-
wanbbaselineconspiracytheoFiststostartwDndenngjust how
ately successful.Not so that anyone outside his conspiracy
manyMega-intelligent novas mght be SeCTeyI runningthings
would notice. England still suffers through economic re-
in my given govwmnent and just what that mght mean For
cession and is unwillingto cooperate with Project Utopia
society (especially given the impltcatiomof taint).
for the “common good.”
Anningsley’s plans call for multiple assassinations, Proteus Division
first within the English government and later in other na- Director Thetis absolutely does not want
tions (many of them Directive members). His plan t o up- Anningsley’s schemes to come about (once she hears of
set the global political and economic landscapeand to raise them). The very possibility shakes her to the core of her
England (under his rulership) to dominance is not a plan being. Once aware, her goal would be t o remove
the rest of the world wants to see come to pass - or Anningsley and Mayhew as quickly and quietly as pos-
would if they knew about it. sible, replace them with Proteus agents who can stand in
He’s identified now threats and allies and is prepared for them and use the opportunity to disassemble the
to move appropriately in each case. Hedoesn’t want an obvi- Temple, preferably in a clash of egos or petty infighting.
ous round of deaths among novas, but he will do what he Upon Proteus’ founding, the Aeon Society provideda
must to eliminate the threats he can’t convert to his cause. document called 7he Apostasy Protocds. This document
The novas he’s marked as potential allies don’t know includesan exhaustivelist of scenarios focused around no-
it yet. In each case, he needs an appropriate approach vas attemptingto conquer nations, infiltrate and/or under-
(usually intended to feed their egos and desires). Novas mine national or international agencies or impact national

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

or global economies. It contains signs and patterns to watch move them first. While this is not as easy as it sounds, the
for and recommendedstrategies for responding to subtle mechanism for such an action is already in place.
nova threats of an international nature. Elites are mercenaries who take highly visible and
7heApostasyProtmdsmade it possible to spot a few dangerous jobs for a lot of money. Anningsley simply tries
potentially threatening nova-driven conspiracies and stop to set them up - get them hired for a high-risk job, and
them before hey spreadtoo far. Anningsley’s Temple is sim- make sure they die. He expects this process to take sweral
ply the latest in a trend.Proteus is ready to send agents in years but has already started it.The elites (in general) won’t
and put a stop to Anningsley’s activities.Unlikethe Diredie take this sitting down. Any given elite might get involved
(seebelow), itsagentshaven’t tdentifdthecenteryet.They after a friend died in what was (to him) an obvious set-up.
do know of Mayhew’s involvement and consider her the pri- Investigation would lead him to the Temple.
mary starting point for any investition. Another possibility might be to actually set one ofthe
characters up for a fall -Anningsley’s decided the char-
A berrants acter is a potential threat to his position and needs to be
brought down. Any elite, after surviving the ambush, A d
cies against IWN~S.Another cabal that m e s “problematic
bevery curious about who set him up and why. If the dite in
dements”W0ukl certady get their attention.For themoment,
+ion was working for DeVries, the agency itself will
AnnmgslqrcormderstheAbenantspotentidallies(givenh investigate.Legwork will lead back to the Temple.
oppositionto Utopia or &at he perceives as d) .
nately, he uses many of the same tactics that turned the Organized Crime
Aberrants against ubopla m the f i i place. Not dl Aben;nts The Camparelli-Zhukov Megasyndicate has limited
are openly a part of the faction, and all associate with other operations within the United Kingdom, which they guard
novas. If a character’s blend mishes (seeMissing Persons, jealously. The simple fact that Utopia (or Team Tomor-
below), Aberrants a-e pnmed to investigatethe matter, row) isn’t welcome to operate within England sets the
stage for some useful rendezvous points and safe houses
Teragen (as long as they can pay off or avoid law enforcement).
Generally speaking, individual Terats might not find
Unfortunately, Anningsley’s managed t o bring a few
hrgsley’sgoakobjectmabk-exqtforthe~h Camparelli-Zhukov operators under his umbrella. This
he would try to eliminate the Teragen and other noas Seen
doesn’t directly impact their operations(at First), but it does
as threats. Nova Vigilance would find this poly quite offen- give some lieutenants a second set of loyalties they can’t
s i x . SomeTeratsmghtbe irrterestedinrecruitingAnni+,
afford to have. A sufficientlyinfluentiallieutenantmight get
but to do so, it would be neces~lyto nd him of his &as invited into the Inner Temple, at which point he either dis-
about dominance in the basdine world. Certainly, such ends
appears (because Anningsley knows that he‘s not going to
have &uses, but forthe One Race, it’s a rather petty goal. be loyal) or he twm against the Megasyndicate.
The Directive Anningsley has also pickedup some of theC a m p d i -
Anningsley‘s activities are a direct (if silent) attack Zhukcrv people in Europe (although they’ll new- get mto the
upon the countries makmg up the Directive.Few of the fac- Inner Temple). Once he k m encugh about Megasyndlcate
tions in the DKediive are interested in allowing a nova to o p e r a t i , he‘ll try to arrange operatiom against it within
gain the kind of temporal and political power Anningsley England (except for those fadions he already has in his
stands to gain if his goals are even partially met. Like Pro- pocket), eliminating it from his comdxation.
teus, dements within the Directive would be more inter- Independents
ested in containing the damage and eliminating the cause.
Any nova (of any faction, or none at all) can easily get
The Diredive is w e of Atwqdey‘s conspiracy, the involved for any number of reasom. Anningsley’s moving
Brigadier General’s participation and enough about quickly to get his fingers into many pm and using those
Anningsley’s pkms and goak that immediate action is abso-
pies to consolidate his influence.He’s spreadingthe Temple
lutely necessary.chaaden would be assignedto investigate
to the United States and Canada as soon as possible, and he
and contain the situation quickly, quietly and efficiently.
needs heartsand minds to m t h igods.
The Directive has its own documentation and pro-
tocols for dealing with situations like this. They’re very Novas know people -a lot of people. It’s not LCICOIII-
similar to The ApostasyProtocols, but go by other names.
monfornavast o h m influentdfnends- agents, politicos,
Elites Gas, ambassalas and so on. These ae Often the sort of
Part of Anningsleyi plans involve the direct elimi- peoplewhom Anniqsley wantsather to recruit or d i m i i .
nation of potential problems - most of whom are other Lodc wer the characten’contacts, allies and Mowen, and
novas. Specifically, Anningsley has targeted several elites dectdewhodbegoadcadiforAmRlgsleysTemple.
For termination. Anningsley realizes that once the wrong CandldatessurtaMeforthel~~~~rTemplework~belter-
people know his schemes, the elites will be the first on what may stat out as a “ d dh” h v i y turnsout to be
the scene to remove him from circulation. He’d rather re- something far more sinister. And what happens wfien the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

charaders’mend turns against them? Or frantily bies to
call for help-onlyto be cut OA?
Even more sinister, Anningsley has marked many
novas as potential threats and has already begun working
his way down that list. He hasn’t puked off more than two
or three novas so far, but what if one of those novas is a
friend of the characters? Anningsley won’t necessarily kill
every nova on his list. If he sees it as safe to do so, he
won’t hesitate to use his mental powers t o work over a
nova’s brain to transform her from a potential enemy to a
valuable servant. Such a drastic change in her personal-
ity, especially after an extended absence, should alert the
characters that something is up.
If Anningsley decides death is the only option, he
will be more careful about moving. Of course, given his
facility with mind control, it might not be too difficult for
him to frame another simply by acting through proxy.
Enough groups certainly exist to take the blame - the
Aberrants, the Tmgen, the Church of Michael Archan-
gel and others. Of course, such a murder must be eventu-
meisneedsdredly if Ammgsleycomestohimeveryother
ally traceable to Anningsley and his Temple or you will
have frustrated characters (and players). x k and demands that they pullout of some obscve third-
xld country or attempt to buy out extranational compa-

The Course of 5’ holdings in England. At least a some of the other board

embers are starting to suspect that someone else pulls
nnyworth‘s strings. Pennyworth is loyal to Anningsley’s
Events e, but if he‘s pushed much farther (and feels that much
ore powerless), he may tunagainst his hidden benefactor.
Anningskyj plotsspan yean, but by thetime the char-
F all the Inner Temple, Pennyworthonly respeds General
acten get invdved, they‘ve accelerated.It’s avery short p”
Jlin. “he others he sees more as hangers-on and oppor-
ntsts, looking for easy powx
1t’sassumedthattheStorybdlerwiIlbringchaacten intothisa
matter of weeksbefore Anningslq. intendstoassassinatethe ord Alexander Frasier 111
Prime Minister, but if he introducesthe Temple to the dwac- Alexander Frasier 111 enthusiastically accepts the
ters months or yean beforethe c r i t i i point, it’s possible for rthurian symbolism in the lnner Temple and supports a
them to get invdved muchearlier. ew W a i n where the monarchy truly are rulers and we
With the resourcesat Anningsley’s disposal, he won’t )tmerely figureheads living on state subsidies. Frasier re-
be able to succeed fully. Even so, after eliminating several
dozen critical people in important positions worldwide and
deliberately shaking up the economy, he can seriously dis-
rupt the global status quo. It’s best to stop him before he
sets the final phase in motion (if at all possible).

The Beginning
Anningsley moves very quietly at first, bnnging in the
Inner Temple’s core membenhip and Mayhew. He starts his
moves in 2004 and completes them within twoyears. By the
fall of 2011, he has a small but very dedicatedcore around
whtch he can build the Temple of the King. He refines his
observation of public novas, noting those whom he cannot
abide and those who would make potential allies or pawns.

Andrew Pennyworth
Andrew Pennyworth is the chairman for the Wtish
P m r boad of directors. He only recently came into that
position (with assistance from others in the Temple and di-
rect intercessionon Mayhew’s part), and now he’s only a fg-
wehead for Anningsley’s needs. He can’t address British

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

sents the way the rest of the world treats the English nobil
ity - more like fascinating animals on exhibit than as re;
people. He would rather have true power than superficii
fame. He views Ashton with disgust - the man clearly ha
no care for what he’s inherited and squanders his life i
pointless distractions. Pennyworth, on the other hand, h
views with envy. He’s begun to c w r t Dr. Morgan, as he‘
very attracted to her sharp and insightful mind.

Jacob Ashton
Jacob Ashton’s family was among the forefront of in
dusttialization in the 17thcentury. ‘Thqrmade a forhme build
ing an industrial empire and maintained it throughthe follow
ing decades. Ashton is wealthy enough to have nearly any

sociation wlth theTemple of theKingearly on but have not

t investigateddeeply emu# to uncover anything suspl-
us (though rt’s only a matter of time) Annlngrley values
Morgan’s input to thecabal but fears that Utopla will dis-
ver her dupltcity U n hto Dr Morgan, he’s implanted a
lc& impulse in her mind. If she’s dmavwed (and knam
,she will try to kill herself beforeconsciouslybetrayingthe
mple. Frasler’s advancescharm her, but she m’t prepared
accept them. His old-fashioned deals don’t easily lend
msehestoa f u n - t n n e d a t d i p wrthamxnan who works
ull-time career

rigadier General
‘latthew Collin
thing he could possibly want,except for an active M-R nock Matthew Collin has been in the SAS for d y 25-
Mayhew lured Ashton into the temple with stories tha d is among the best that England has to offer. He’s fought in
Anningsley might know how to tngger eruptions. Evenwith, iq and Central Europe during the ‘?Os and now finds
out that temptation, Ashton faces the challenge of raisin!
Englandabove all other nationswith anticipation. It’s a diffi.
cult road, but one he’s ambitious enough to navigate. Ashta
could care less about the rest of the lnner Temple. The onb
exception is Dr. Morgan, whom he believes holds Utopia
“secret” for inducing emption. He‘s not yet certain how I
broach the subject. Should anyone convincehim that Utopi
has no x h secret, he will react as if beb-ayed.

Dr. Loretta Morgan

Dr. LorettaMorgan is one OF the top l0global special
isk on theM-R nodeand nova physiology. She‘s also the on1
Project Utopie employee in the lnner Temple. She is an Ox
ford-educated English national, but her duties often requir
her to travel.She does have clearance for the Bahrain facilit
(where she studies taint closely). Her high level clearance i
Utopia gives her a great deal of access to informationh
Utopia’s operations, which she puts at Anningsley’s dispos
Anningsley has provided her with extensivefunding and fre
reign to work inside England on the projects she can’t gt

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

himself with much less work (given Elite presence). He has a
great deal of national pride but directs it carefully. For him,
Anningsley’s plan is a godsend. Collin doesn’t care about the
Arthurian legendry, but he does care about making England
the pnmary world power. He believes that a new k t i s h Em-
pire would have to be economic in nature and not political.
His contacts are primarily in the corporate arena - many
friends from the service have m d on to manage corpora-
tions, and he rigorously maintains contad with all of his in-
fluential friends. As a hgh-ranking member of the Directive,
course, Anningsley is more concerned with competence
he does bring valuable information and influence to and influence than with issues such as gender or race, so
Anningsley’s cabal. General Collin views the members of themembership is not heavily restricted.
Inner Temple as nationalresources to bedrawn uponat need. Between2011and 2013, he carefully and quickly pro-
He doesn’t intend to form any close attachments with any ofmotes the Temple and aggressively recruits anyone who
them. In some cases, their naked lust for power repels him.fits the criteria he’s laid down - the new member must
havesomethingto offer and something to gain from mem-
Minister Without Portfolio bership. He also has the Inner Temple scrutinize mem-
Melissa Weatherby bers to see who might be amenable to joining the cabal.
MelissaWeatherbyhasservedasMinisterWhtPort- Anningsley takes the Temple international, opening
folio since 2009. Her duties -she assists the PrimeMinis- chapters in New York, Washington, DC, Paris, Munich,
ter and other ministerial colleagues in w i n g and imple- Rome and Moscow. Mayhew handles the recruitment eF-
menting govemmental p d q - give her direct access to forts, with direction from the Inner Temple. He exploits
the Inner Temple’s contacts to bring in important (but not
too high-ranking) Utopia employees, governmental aids
and representatives of other countries (especially Euro-
pean nations and the United States).

Starting in 2014, Anningsley makes his first moves to-
ward other n-. Hesets up an elite tosee haw& it works
(with oversightfrom him, of couse). Anningsley haswatched
w a s ever since his eruption in 2006 and ethe informa-
tion he’s gained to his best advantage.He also has a Rashoud
facilitydirector in theNew Yo& Temple, whose mindhe 9-
larly sifts for information on known novas.
At this stage, Anningsley’s not yet ready to move
full-bore into his projected plans. He’s still moving care-
fully and hasn’t consolidatednearlyenough power to com-
pletely protect himself and the Inner Temple. His most
potent weapon is secrecy, and exposure is his greatest
threat. Should revelation of the cabal’s existence become
a possibility, Anningsley will panic. He will try his utmost
theupperechelonsofEngllshgovernment.weatherby‘snot t o remove the threat to his power base and plans. While
so concerned about the trappngs of Anningsley’s cabal so his actions wiU be as subtle as he can manage, they greatly
much as mamtaming her pnvileged p t m in the new re- increase the risk of exposure, and the characters (who
gime Her pr~mary mohvation IS mtmdane greed Weatherby probably triggered the reaction) would do well to capi-
IS willing to cooperate with any of the other lmr Temple talize on this vulnerability.
thetr full support should anything happen and will not j e ~ p -
ardize her standing. Even so, she doesn’t trustJacob Ashton
England in 2014
-he‘sbeenneatoornanyaccldents As noted in Abenat,p. 72, the English have re-
sisted both Project Utopia’s assistance and the adoption
Building the Temple of the Euro. Economically, England’s slowly sliding into a
Once Anningsley’s solidified his core, he’ll begin to nasty depression, draggingScotlandand Irelandalong with
work outward and recruit others into the Outer Temple it.This has caused some discordon the UNSecurity Coun-
The Temple of the King will be presented as a modern cil, as the English representative refuses to discuss the
incarnation of the “gentlemen’s dubs” of the past Of matter with Utopia’s representative.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Accordingly, England has no Rashoudfacilities any- least amount of susplcion can lead to denial. Novas who get
where (a condition that sometimes leads newly erupted past the screening are welcomed enthusiastilly (adn o m
novas to head straight to Paris for help with their new who have needed skills, powers or connections will get much
condition). As a stopgap, the Englishhave set up their own more leewaythan novas wfio simply have flashy powers).
approximation of Rashoud facilities to assist English no-
vas. Unfortunately, they lack the expertise and equipment London
available to the more advanced Utopia clinics. Alone among first-worM nations, England has grudg-
Perversely(at least to other nations), the Englishtake ingly accepted Utopia’s assistance in matters of health care
pride in their independencefrom the EC and Utopia. Many and advanced technology. The advances are present in En-
in thegovernmentseek toestablish England’sdestinywith- gland but not as common as in other nations.This reluctance
out interference from outside. How this will work, only contributes to London’s currently low standard of living.
time will tell. To those on the outside, it looks as if En- Disease is no more prevalent than it has ever been,
gland will crash and bum. but compared to cities like Venice, New York and Paris,
On the other hand, some patriotic novas do their part that’s considerably more than the standards in the rest of
to improve England. At least one self-appointed nova pa- the world. Pollution also tends to exceed that of other na-
trols London as a “municipal defender.” Appearances of tions. Since Utopia released the Zushma macrobe into the
altruism aside, she receives a healthy paycheck from the atmosphere, this minimizes theenvironmentaldamage Lon-
government to support her busy schedule. don puts into the environment but does not help London
In the past five years, several English corporations itself much. This does not mean that London or England
havebegunto establishprofitable relatiom with businesses itself is heavily polluted - England has adopted the
outside the islands. This is slow going, but some econo- hypercombustion engine and industry hasn’t been heavily
mists predict that the slackening isolationismwill rejuve- polluting for several decades. It’s just that, in comparison
nate England’s economy. to othernations, England is in worse condition.
The UK is one of the founding nations of the Direc- The Thames has been the subject OF some cleanup
tive, and it enthusiastically supports the international effort. At this point, it no longer stinks, but London au-
agency and its primary purpose -to monitor and gather thorities still caution against swimming in it.This caution is
information about Project Utopia. This enthusiasm leads with good reason. Government workers are still in the pro-
the nation to further forbid Utopia more than minor rep- cess of dredging the r i r , and they often dig up some very
resentation within London - at best, a small office and peculiar (and often not very wholesome) things.
few representatives. The Utopia employees present in London also supports a healthy “medical black mar-
London were subjected t o intense scrutiny and constant ket” where modem cures are available (but for an exorbi-
surveillance. So much so that most voluntarily left. At this tant price). This still leaves most OF the population unable
time, no full-time Utopia employees or operatives work to afford black-market services, and the wealthy simply go
openly within England’s borders. It should be noted that to other countries to receive treatment. The beneficiaries
English agenciesdocooperatewith Utopia in international tend to be underworldfigures or members of the dwindling
counter-terrorist and other operations. middle class who can scrape together just enough to get
the modernanti-cancer treatments. The government claims
Traveling to England that Englishnovas are working on their own a r e s and pro-
It’s not difficult to get to London. It’s a simple pro-
motes a sense OF nationalism about Englandfinding its own
cess to get a passport and arrange for travel. Citizens of
way in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the lack of medical
Commonwealth nations (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
care equal to other nations creates a great deal of resent-
etc.) still require passports, but they tend to move through
ment among those who have no alternative avenues.
customs more quickly.
Kolence and aim are on the upswing in London, as
Customs in England is strict - they check incoming
the lower classes turn to the only options available to them
luggage for bombs, firearms, hard drugs (anything from
- criminal activity. Gangs tend to form along ethnic lines,
cocaine t o soma) and anything else that may corrode
withadegmof fanaticiismdrivingthe “cause.”Thegoverrt-
England’s moral Fiber (or whatever). Customs agents may
ment spends a great deal of money equipping the police to
seize anything that would be illegal to carry in Englandand
deal with the surge of violent adimtaken against the city.
assess fines. In extreme cases (bringing in weapons or
London’s police force routinely carries firearms and
drugs), imprisonment is a distinct possibility.
tasers fw increased protedion.The Mack market brings in
Work visas are denied to anyone who isn’t a Com-
guns despite the t i t control over gun ownership on the is-
monwealth citizen. This is part of the effort to stop the
land - in truth, most acts of violence are committed with
black market, but it hasn’t cut down the activity by much.
homemade or impromptu weapons, and the laws only serve
The problem is that English citizens run the black market,
t o keep weapons out of the hands OF potential vidims.
not outsiders as some stubbornly insist.
The upper classes surround themselves with body-
lmmigationto Englandis p i M e -and encouraged if
guards and security forces, prefemng to avoid the evidence
of social disintegration around them,and look fornard to
Novas who apply are always investgated thoroughly, and the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

“better days,” when they knaw that England’s isolationism for this very reason. He’s currently convincedshe has the
will pay off. Many we simply maware of how bad things are same interests as he does.
getting on the street level, and those who are blame it on
outside forces. Only a few readily admit the true cause of
Violet‘s Agenda
Violet Mayltew’s taken the religious angle a step hr-
London’s problems and try to find ways to improve matters
ther than Anningsley wanted -she‘s concewedand built a
before the city becomes too much of a hell to live in.
cult around herself, exalting her as some combination of
Despite the y i m image paintedabove, Londonstill has a
Guinerere and the Lady of the Lake, preparing to return
twist trade.Historicd monunentssuchas theTower
Arthur to h t a i n and lead the nation to glory. Most of this
of LondonardBuckmghamPalacecontinuetodrawfareigners
cult is lower class, and many are unemployed. She draws
tow at theancient stmcbes. London @ r e and seclnty
people in who need -and don’t have -somethingtobe-
lieve in, to hope for. Her own limited shapeshifting abilities
popula hotels to keep one of the cty’s major swces of in-
enable her to conceal her true identity From her followers.
come hwn dwindling. This is largely successful, but every so
Mayhew also picks out promising candidates from
often, a family or group will &de to try London’s seedler
among the Outer Temple membership t o form her own
stde. ‘Theseoccasions often end in tragedy.
cabal, separate from Anningsley’s. She hasn’t begun the
Getting Around London process as of 2014, but she has several members under
Traffic in London -especially toward the clty’s cen- observation for possibie inclusion in her clique. lt’s a guar-
ter-isterminally umanageable.Trafficjams are the norm, antee that anyone affiliated with the characters will be on
and driving to work is generally not a very good idea. Fortu- her list of approachable candidates.
nately, London hosts an extensive undergroundtube system, M+ew intends to use her cult for her own defense if
with wmed guards on evwy car and cameras and other se- things come down to the wire - whether it’s an internal
curity measures minimizing risk from criminals. Characters split between her and Anningsley or attacks From outside.
would do best to get around under their own power or by Notethat due to the way Anningsleyset up the Temple, only
taking the tube Anything else is illa d v d . the Inner Temple would constder standing wrth him against
Mayhew (and then only if Mayhewi not nearby at the time).

Running the Story Anningsley hasn’t quite realized Mayhew’s Full potential and
pOwer when it comes to winning hearts and minds.
This story is self-contained but can impact any num-
ber of other factors in the greater world. If Anningsley’s Character Involvement
conspiracy is exposed, this could lead to public backlashas NonedthiisinfoFmationdoesanygoodoodwithouthooksto
people in other nations start to wonder just how many no- dragthecharadersintothemlddleofthings.Withthat mmind,
vas are doing the same thing in their countries. h e r e a r e d ways to i d u c ey w c h t e r s to the plot.
When running “A Green and Pleasant Land,” put pres-
e the players to react.Don‘t railroadthem into aspecifr
s u ~ on The Human Element
respome (or type of response), but give them ream to keep Most Aberrmt characters have mends - the Allies
d y i n g and pushmgagainst Armiiley‘s 9oup.If the b-and FollowersBackgrounds directly tie into this. ’These Sto-
ters are part of an organization like the Dkective or Project ryteller characters, generallySuppOFt system for novas,are
Pro&, it’s a simple matter to assign them to the case.If not, ready-made plot hooks.The questionsimply becomes, “how
the mwer is to male it penond.Some ideas fdluw for d q - to use them to involve the players’ characters.”
gmg chaaders into the middleof Anningsley’s plots. Many allies, contacts or followers may h e important,
influential positions somewhere - in a corporation, gov-
Cult or Conspiracy? ernment, ProjectUtopiaor the Directive,amongothers.Hdd-
The Temple of the King is a bit of both. Anningsley ing these positions automatically makes one a candidate for
has established a two-tiered system within the Temple. the Temple of the King. If any are English, then they become
The first is the Outer Temple, for general membership possiblecandidates for the Inner Temple cabal.
and networking. It’s predominantly a social club, but it lt’s best to choose one Storyteller character for
serves nicely for Anningsley’s information gathering membership in the Temple - too many supporting cast
needs, as well as concentrating enough people to make members flocking to Anningsley’s banner will look a bit
direct influence over business and politics a reality. contrived when the players figure out what’s going on.
The second tier is the Inner Temple, composed of It’s ako important to give players a clue that one of
six people either Anningsley or Mayhew specifically se- their associates has picked up a new interest. Itdoesn’t have
lected. Despite their own goals, each will do nearly any- to be obvious, but it’s something that should be apparent to
thing Mayhew asks (and she takes the time to cultivate any player who’s paying attention A supporting cast mem-
this devotion in each and every one of them). Whether or ber in the Temple should go through the following stages of
not they believe in or care about “Arthur Pendragon’s re- invdvement(withtheaccomparryingsignstohisnovahiend):
turn” is unimportant, their primary loyalties lie with Membsrdnp -The Friendjoins the Temple - a
Mayhew. Anningsley understands this and needs Mayhew branch just opened near &e he lives, and he was on the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

initial invite list. He might mention the additional social obli- It’s not inconceivable that one or more characters
gationshteractions to his friendlpatron somewhere along track him down and get him out of the flat (but when they
the line, but the Templeshould seem mainly like a social club. arrive, he doesn’t behave as expected, see below).
Favors -At some point, the new member is asked Teleport or Warp from Aberrantor Transmit from Project
to give favorable consideration to another member (possi- Utopia makes it possible to span the distance. If the char-
bly one of the Inner Temple members) in business, politics acters are in London at the time, it’s even easier.
or some other arena The favor should be difficult (but not “NO, avaything’s fm”-The next day, the new
impossible) for him to accomplish. Itshould also require him inductee returns from London and catches up on what’s
to ask his nova friend For assistance. It shouldn’t necessar- happened while he was gone. When asked what he was
ily be suspicious, at least not at first - it’s a warning sign, doing, he makesvague commentsabout “vacation time” or
not a declaration of war. Repeat a few times, with each fa- a “business trip.” When asked about the early morning
vor more difficult than the last. The last favor in the se- phone call, he denies it. In truth, he doesn’t recall the con-
quence (that could cover w e k s or months) should border versation. It was asomnambulisticepisode, hissubconscious
on the illegal, and the new Temple member should grow rebelling against the conditioning forced upon him.
more nervous with each new consideration. If Anningsley worked on him, he’s “programmed”
Note that he does get favors in return. The reason against disclosure. He simply can’t talk about what hap-
he’s asked for so many is simple: He knows at least one pened (and doesn’t want to). He steers the conversation
nova. His own position and his association with novas are to other topics if pressed (even with Mega-Charisma or
the primary reasonsthe Temple approached him for mem- Mega-Manipulation backing it up). The blockcan be over-
bership (at Anningsley’s direction). come with either the Domination or Hypnosis powers or
Conspiracy - Shortly after the final favor men- theenhancement Hypnotic Gaze. If the characters try this,
tioned above, either Mayhewor Anningsleydecidesto bring three successes are necessary to overcome Anningsley’s
him further in. If he’s English, Anningsley and Mayhew will conditioning (five with Hypnotic Gaze). If the characters
invite him to join the Inner Temple. If he’s not, Mayhew will break Anningsley’s conditioning, he appears quite relieved
bring him into her own cabal, in preparation for getting and tells them everything about his stay in London. Once
Anningsley out of the way. He’ll leave a message for his away from the characters, however, he tries to commit
friend, noting that he has a great opportunity (literally an suicide (see Dr. Loretta Morgan for details). This com-
offer he can’t refuse). After that, he simply drops out of pulsion must also be overcome.
contact for seven days (while he’s prepared for initiation). If Mayhew recruits him, he’s much less reticent about
Anningsley uses Telepathy and Domination to rework the time he spent in London. He mentionsthe Grand Temple
the new member’s loyalties toward himself, with a compul- of the King and some of the sights he saw (the Tower of
sion to reveal all he knows about the novas he associates London, Buckingham Palace, the Millennium Dome, etc).
with -their powers, habits, personalities,etc. Be fair about He doesn’t reveal what happenedwith Mayhew (or that she
this. Anningsley learns much about one or more characters, was involved). She controls him in a way that Anningsley
but he doesn’t learn everything.He’s already nervous about could never manage, because of the subtler nature of her
suborning someone so closely associated with novas, so he powers and her superior ability to manipulateothers’ emo-
wants to keep as many aces up his sleeve as possible. tions. This does meanthat it’s easier to get him to talk about
Mayhew, on the other hand, uses her considerable his experiences, but it will take time. Domination (again,
force of personality to redirect her new ally’s loyalties to three successes) makes him spill his guts immediately (but
her. She has no brute force means of guaranteeing this, he’ll try to confess to Mayhew as soon as possible) and
but her Mega-Social Attributes go a long way in this re- Empathy Control to transform his devotiontoward her into
gard. She doesn’t want to use her recruit against his friends hatred (or even dislike) makes him reveal everything.
-she wants to use his friends against Anningsley (when “lllbewatchingym.” - If Anningsley recruited
she deems it necessary). one of the characters’ allies, he uses Telepathy to eaves-
“Help Me!” - Shortly after the initiation hap- drop on the characters’ meeting with the new pawn.
pens (no more than a day later, and close to 3 AM, Green- Anningsley is paranoid, but he doesn’t expect the char-
wich Mean Time), the recruit calls his friend and franti- acters to break his conditioning so quickly (if they do).
cally ask for help. Play it up, and make it at least a bit When they do, he retreats to avoid detection and plans to
melodramatic.You want to communicate a sense of panic eliminate them. Otherwise, he takes the opportunity to
and desperation. When the character checks out his observe the characters’ behavior and reactions. He was
friend and finds he took a week‘s leave from work (or unaware of the call in the night but finds it troubling. If
whatever), he should be at least a little more curious. the characters decide to go to London to investigate the
The call is untraceable by normal means. A Computer matter (they probably do so whether or not they crack
(Hacking or OpNet) roll against +3 difficulty will trace the conditioning), he works to protect himself, hiring an
it t o a London flat (where he’s been staying during the elite or two, and waits in his townhouse.
preparations). Novas with Cyberkinesis have an easier 7heChhersids - In Ma+w’scase,she findsout if
time, but refer to the table in Aberrant, p. 187. the characters know about her when the new

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

.l f k C M r s f l d
moment One Of the Inore intelligent nova (Nov- out &ut Anningsley and the Inner Temple and Anningsley
eltY Consulting Or Argus more than Devries) might -e thE has happened (or bell- it likely), he certainly
p e d something’s up and send an operative over to un-
sets the charaders up,
ravel the structure he’s so carefully built Even worse, a Annlngsley arranges to hire the andsend
random elitehired standard espionage (Or them into a fatal situation I n this case, one of his pawns
counter-esPionage) might get caught P ‘ In the hires the characters (through whatever intermediary is
machinations and learn too much before she can be Iden-necessary, if any) for a legitimate task. Through another
OT yes, his fears are irrational - not
proxy, he hires Finn and Dog to “stop this corporate es-
Yet clinicallY Paranoid, but Probably be One Of his
pionage” o r some such thing to leak information to
first aberrations when he gains more taint Utopia or the Directivethat links the characters to some-
plot thread can go two (and need not be thing illegal or worse -something that mandates a rapid
exdUSive Of the PrevioUSIY). Anningsb tar- and violent respom. Finn and Dog check out the job and
One Of the ehmlnation.’n this case*‘On- come up clean - at least until the time for confronts-
’Ider the character’s Faction and goals. An elite Is
tion. play up the dramatic tension here, Since both are
enough to - JuSt haveOne the Of the
professionals. Gwe the characters a chance t o tell the elites

’ Outer Temple hire him to do a job -something routine, if the truth ad

somewhat challenging. It needs to be approprlate for the
character’s demonstrated abilities and power level, of
turn them to their ,.de.
Once the characters talk or fight therr way out of the
setup, it,s clear to Finn and ooghatthe &eers wen,tup
course. Utopian or Team Tomorrow novas can be hired to the reported shenanlgam Finn and Dog we cons,,,mate
through Nova Servlces International, of course p r o f e s s i dand hatesebpslikethrs. 7hedltes offer tocom-
The Other option (and this One can be run before pare notes with the Characters. If invited, Finn and Dogjoin
the option above) ISto set up a nova friend or acquain-
tance of the characters. Think carefully before you de-
cide to kill one of your regular Storyteller characters, and && -
the In the mess

The above can happen to a fnend or acquaintance, in
he dies +,, you mean br

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

killed while guarding a train car filled with high-tech gear?”) they’d better talk fast (or otherwise deal with her). She’ll
or survivesas described above and mentions it to the charac- have as much backup as she needs.
ters later. Alternatively, the novas hiredto attack the charac- My Ally
ters’ friend comment on the mission’s weird circumstances. In chaadenwhoapppachLadonFOg~eSpecdlyifthqr
either case,the friend mentiom who hired her and have my evidenceofAnniisconspiracy,can easily get her

I .‘

London down on their heads. Thls includesLondonFog (and

may include other novas who happen to be in town -
maybe even Finnand Dog), who’s never happy with anyone 4

who threatens London, people in London, places in Lon-

don, etc. It’s her town, and she’s going to put a stop to “all
this nonsense” When she catches up to the characters,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

a last minute m, but she can make that bit of difFerence(and start to lose, they retreat rather than fight to the death. It’s
intercedewlth the authorities when the InnerTemple mmeuwrs better to run away and live to fight another day, after all.
Forces into place).
The Inner Temple
Finn and Dog Investigationand events lead characters to discover
As mentioned previously, Finn and Dog are a pair of the Inner Temple. They learn about the cabal if Anningsley
elites who prefer not to make a big splash wherever they brought one of their friends into the Inner Temple or if
go. The pair can be contracted through the DeVries Mayhew recruited one for her own ends -she cautions
Agency and list their specialty as “Troubleshooting and her new co-conspirator against direct interaction with
lnvestigations.”They’re very careful about the paper trails Anningsley’s chosen.
they leave behind and the witnesseswhosee them at work. Findingthecabal -Once the members of the In-
They’ve turned down all offers for licensingdeals (although ner Temple have names or faces (some characters might
rumors circulate that at least one major book publisher is already know a few of the Inner Temple members), it’s time
making headway in serializingand publishingtheir exploits to investigatethem. Just doing a search on the OpNet or at
as a series of adventure novels). a library will turn up basic informationabout each of the six
Using them in the story is a simple matter. The best - what they do for a living, any news stories about them
use for them is as potential opponents. When the charac- (see the in-character section). None are known to be no-
ters get the Inner Temple’s attention and trigger a reac- vas, but all are formidable in their own right.
tion, that reaction may very well be Finn and Dog. As noted If the characters’ friend was initiated into the Inner
elsewhere, they like to do their homework and hateto be Temple and Anningsley is aware that they got informa-
lied to or fooled. When Anningsley’s people hire Finn and tion from him, then the Inner Temple members are “on
Dog, their research will check out (even if it requiresa little vacation” when the characterscome looking for them. Yes,
subtle nudging from Anningsley). Novas on a beeline for it looks suspiciousas hell, but each and every one of them
Anningsley and his Inner Temple will be sufficient cause face conspiracy and treason charges if they’re caught.
for Anningsley to break his normalrules regardingnova ma- They’re busily covering themselves in preparation for what
nipulations. they expect to come next.
Finn and Dog aren’t incidental players -they won’t If the characters tracked the conspiracy through di-
pop in to be convenient punching bags for the characters rect investigationof the Temple itself, the lnner Temple
and then pop right back out. Give them a reason to sus- conspirators are unaware of the characters’ actions. This
pect things just aren’t as they seem, and they will correct means that the characters have a chance to surprise them.
their mistake (and take a pound of flesh from the guy who Opposition - Once Anningsley and the Inner
set them up). When you bring Finn and Dog in, the char- Temple knows the extent of the characters’ investigations,
acters might hear rumors about them. The elites are fairly all bets are off. They do everything possible to expel the
well known among nova circles (by reputation, if not by characters from England - or kill them. Among the six,
face), so bring the characters up to date on who they are they have sufficient Backing, Contacts, Influenceand Re-
and what’s likely to happen if Finn and Dog catch them. sources to have free reign in London. If worked properly,
Turnabout all of London is after the Characters. Of course, if they
So Finn and Dog catch up with the characters, who identify the manipulations (or manipulators) and present
promptly convince them about the real story. Finn’s im- evidence to the proper authorities in London, they can
mediate reaction is to try to figure out just what exactly turn the tables on their tormentors.
is going on. He barrages the characters with questions Unless approached for assistance earlier, this is where
and demands evidence that they back up their claims. London Fog makes her appearance, and she shoots first The
Dog’s the quiet (but violent) one. He doesn’t participate charadersneedtotalkfasttocommunicatetheanswersthey
in the exchange beyond the occasional acerbic comment. need LondonFog to hear. If they convince her, she makes a
If the two can figure out how to turn the tables on their valuable ally. If not, it’s rough with another nova trying to
deceivers and still get paid, they’re all for it. catch them while they track down the Inner Temple.
Unfair Play If handled well, it’s posible for characters at this
The characters don’t convince the elites (or they stage to catch the entire Inner Temple. It’s also extremely
don’t try). Finn and Dog continue to track and harry them diFficu/t.Each of the cabal members has a great deal of
for the duration of their contract. They have every rea- temporal power that they will not hesitate t o use to avoid
son to believe that the characters are engaged in illegal or discovery. None can afford to let any single member fall
terrorist activities until convinced otherwise. Characters into police, government or nova custody (with evidence
who Fight and run won’t be very convincing when they OF their activities), since the conspiracy will quickly un-
protest their innocence. ravel shortly thereafter.
Use Finn and Dog carefully. They won’t charge into a Anningsley honestly regrets the loss of any of his
fight with guns blazing in a frontal assault. They’ll sneak people but acts to minimize the damage. In most cases,
around, set up an ambush and attack from surprise. If they it’s a simple matter - locate his minion, determine

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

whether it’s feasible to get him out of custody, and ar- tion isn’t enough). Feel free to extrapolate Anningsley’s
range it. If it’s not feasible, he regretfully kills the poor activities as necessary, keeping in mind that he’s a super-
soul in some dreadfully ironic fashion. If he wasn’t trying intelligentborderline paranoiac with megalomaniacal plans
to kill the characters before he’s forced to take such mea- for the world. It’s also possible to link Anningsley’s activi-
sures, he immediately switches to that tactic. ties to prior events in the series, if they’re sinister enough
Keep in mind that Anningsley attempts t o rescue or and haven’t had an explanation yet.
kill his people but has no guarantee of success. 1F the char- One important note to keep in mind: Anningsley isn’t
acters can find a way to go along with the arrestee, they pure evil. He’s pure ambition. He’s done both good and
can certainly keep him alive. Alternatively, if they person- bad things in his efforts to recreate Britain. As the char-
ally act to grab one of the Inner Temple members, they acters learn about his activities and plans, they should
have much more Freedom to deal with the situation. find elements to sympathize with and elements to de-
Revelation - This is the stage where the char- spise. Acting against him is not a clear-cut course, mor-
acters learn as much as possibleabout Anningsley’s con- ally speaking. He’s not a cackling arch-villain with no re-
spiracy. It happens through investigation(especially if one deeming qualities.
or more of the characters has Analyze Weakness or Mental
Prodigy: Investigation, Strategy or Tactics - although War
Mega-Perception or Mega-Intelligence might be suffi- Once even one member of the Inner Temple is ex-
cient) or the capture and interrogation of one of the In- posed and the charactersdiscover Anningsley’s plans, it’s
ner Temple members. time for him t o “[cry] ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of
Characters who dig deeply enough learn many things war.” The time for kid gloves and subtle tactics is over.
about Anningsley and hisoperations.Analysis of the Temple’s Now it’s war. By the same token, the characters may de-
activities will point at activity intendedto improve England’s cide it’s time to move against Anningsley and take him
standing in the global economic and political arenas (not a into custody/kill him/otherwise deal with him. How the
bad thing) but at the expense of other nations and the UN characters choose t o respond is up t o them. How
itself (seesidebar). The fact that one of his cabal is a highly Anningsley responds is up t o you.
ranked member of the Directive and another has access to The Followingevents are likelyextrapolationsbut are
sensitive Utopia data does not imprwe matters for novas not set in stone. Use them as a guideline while running the
who work with or for either organization. story, not as an inescapable track from which the charac-
Other novas might not be so concerned, at least until ters cannot deviate. The idea is to give the players (and
they learn that they - or their friends - are near the their characters) a satisfactory resolution, rather than
top of Anningsley’s personal liability list. The point is that force them into a box with only one way out. Whatever
something Anningsley’s up to should impact them fairly path you choose, make it intense and fast moving. Put the
closely (if the mindwarped friend or attempted assassina- characters in a position to act and react quid+.

rningsley’s Plans?
E d his beneficial intentions with some rather vile acts.
i coupled wlth the lrmer Temple’s influence to shift the +bal e
loved, these plans would prove very benefrialto England.
in London. It’s made several punitive attacks against gow
to the assassination of the Prime Minister. Once the PM
situation and pushes for martial law. Once the terrorists ar
/ho acts according to Anningsley’s instructions (and turns

ilount. The other influential nations must be brought to thei

3C,the United States of America, Japan, China, the Russian
Anningsley’s compiled a list of the heads of state and industr
n t restricted to the upper echelons, as Anningsley’s also pir
hierarchies to kill before he makes his final moves.
ingsley’s Temple cultivates ambitious young men and woma
them to work. Anningsley’s Temple puts the membership m
rnments and businesses to have an England-friendly outlooh
nation on the targets) to murder several hundred influentia
e threat he is. He is intelligent, and he does have a reasonal

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

First Strike -Who blinks first? Anningsley’s tac- be a part of. She‘ll make a big show as both the victim andthe
tics are simple - if he knows who the characters are, he hero (but she will not begrudge the characters a place in the
leaks information to their enemies (this works best if spotlight. After all, it pays to be gracious). Public approval
they’re known). if the characters are Teragen, he calls willback her up. Play this out any way that makes sense.
T~M-Eu,if the characters are T2M or Utopia, he leaks it
to the Aberrants, Teragen or anyone whose egos (or bod- l a s t Trump
ies) they’ve bruised in the past. Use the series’ history to The characters have chased Anningsley out of his lair,
give Anningsley’s choice greater context. Mayhew’s betrayed him, and Anningsley has no expecta-
If the players move first, they find Anningsley pre- tion that he will get the grail he’s so fervently planned for
pared to defend himself. The first attempt to locate him is and sought after. Of course, this means no one else should,
met with violence (from heavily armed, Domination-con- either. Anningsley sets a contingency in motion.
trolled mitoid thugs). He’s trying to prepare the above i n preparation for his final moves, Anningsley used
surprise while holdingthem off, but if thecharacters move General Collin’s contacts and influence to obtain high ex-
quickly enough, they bypass such troubles (only to en- plosives that he later had placed at critical junctures in
counter them later). Anningsley leaves London and sets the London tube system (the undergroundtrain). The In-
up shop elsewhere, so his reactions are delayed as he gets ner Temple’s resources made it a simple task to mine the
situated in new quarters. tube system (even if it did take a few years to completely
Violet’s Move - it’s time for Violet Mayhew to set up). With the approach of imminent defeat, Anningsley
play Mordred, if you want to includethis twist. it’s best to sets the timers to trigger the explosives. After all, he can
wait for Anningsley t o be completely occupied with the stop the countdown later if events turn out as planned.
characters (like when he’s directing his thugs against Odds are good that things won’t go well for
them). She doesn’t act directly against him (at first). In- Anningsley, and the tube explosives will count down to
stead, she offers t o assist the characters against zero, barring outside interference. The bombs should be
Anningsley, mobilizing her own cabal within the Temple set to go off between 30 and 60 minutes after the char-
to pick up the pieces after Anningsley falls. If pressed, acters capture Anningsley (or fail to). How do the char-
she may send elites directly after Anningsley (and make it acters find out? The simplest way is to tell them, but
seem that they came from someone else - using Anningsley’s unlikely to gloat that his actions will shortly
Anningsley’s own tricks). She sends her own “worship- lead to thousands of London commuters’ violent deaths.
ers” out to riot in the streets (all in the name of the Temple, Premonition: Characters with Intuition, Premoni-
of course) and (if the characters already found it) breaks tion or Pretercognition can have visions about the disas-
the complete story about Anningsley’s activities to N! She’s ter (or a sense of it in the case of Intuition). It’s up t o the
ambitious, intelligent and will not take self-destructive players to decipher just what the visions mean.
actions. She ensures her own safety, whatever form her Investigation: Anningsley’s files hold a lot of
betrayal takes. damning evidence. A character with high Computer
Keep the nature of Mayhew’s powers in mind - she (Hacking) skill or the Cyberkinesis power could retrieve
has Mega-Social Atbibutesat fa+ highlevels. if she’s caught, the data. it’s possible to intimidate or interrogate the
her story issimple. Anningsleyusedhis incredible mind-con- answer out of Anningsley (if he’s available) or simply
trol powm to force her to commit acts she never wanted to snatch it from his mind.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

W?Emqeq?:Aworkmaninthetubefindsoneof tube system, but make it difficult and entertaining. Die
the bombs and contacts the authorities. If the ctwacks are rolls in this part of the story should heighten the drama
w&ng with the poke or London Fog, they‘ll be asked to help.’ and tension, not defuse it.
The characters could also find out h-om a news bulletin
The l iisby no nleal5&m -usewilateveridra- If The Characters Fail
London’s tube system will be out of commission for
matic and appropriab based on the characten’choices dulng
several months to accommodate repairs, the disaster is
thestory, their capabilitiesand theirsituationat this point.
referred to as one of the worst in history. If characters
If the bombs go off, as mentioned above, thousands of
act immediately to mitigate the damage, they can still save
people will die, many thousands more will be trapped in the
many lives. Whatever happens, the outcome is grim for
now-demolished tube system, and the characten have their
London. Traffic and buses will be overtaxedas people who
work cut out for them with rescue and disaster relief efforts.
formerly road the tube are forced to seek alternatives
It’s possible to stop the timers on all the bombs simul-
and many of the explosions will damage aboveground
taneously.All that’s required is the transmitter (a cell phone
structures as well.
among Anningsley’s belongings in his quarters at the Lon-
don Temple). All that’s needed is the code to safely disarm If the Characters Succeed
, the bombs. This is possiblewith a Computer test (at +4dif- If the characters are public about it, interviews and
ficulty). Anningsley knows the disarm code, but getting it licensing deals might be in the works, and’their fame might
out of him should not be easy (+3 Interrogation difficulty or be on the rise. It couldn’t hurt to use the opportunity t o
an appropriate power or Mega-Attribute). buy some Influence if they don’t have any. The increased
Finding and defusing the bombs is more difFicult. “recognition factor” works to add plot hooks, especially
Anningsley’s placed 12 bombs throughout the system, and if members of the London government decide they want
all need to be defused. An Engineer test (at +2 difficulty) to draw on the characters’ resources later.
or appropriate powers (Cyberkinesis, Electrical Anima or
Mastery or whatever else would reasonably work) are Conclusion
necessary and take up to several minutes. What’s the aftermath? ‘The events in “A Green and
Whatever happens, tailor how it happens to the char- Pleasant Land” can and will have an effect on the world.
What kind of effect? Consider the possibilities.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

The Temple of the King pia could easily lose approval ratings across the board,
Anningsley and Mayhew created an intemational-scale just from suspicion alone.
conspiracy in a matter of years and had a real chance to ac- Proteus Division
complishtheir goals -only the characters’ involvementput Parallel to Utopia’s concerns, Proteus redoubles ef-
a stop to it. If Mayhew or the characters took Anningsley’s Forts to find any cults or conspiracies with goals or scope
actions into the public eye, consider the fallout World gov- on a scale similar to Anningsley’s (or greater). While Utopia’s
ernments were already paranoid about nova activity (and its trying to look good (despite the rumors and PR problems),
effect on them), but given actual evidence of a nwa-drkn Proteushas to make certain that this does not happenagain.
conspiracy to wrest control of an entire nation for his own The intent is to investigate and locate any similar op-
purposes, they will redoubleefforts to dig up such conspira- erations and quietb eliminate the ringleaders (and anyone
cies within (and without) their own borders. Evenworse, no- who can spill the news to the press). Anningsley’s conspiracy
vas with superhuman intelligenceand personalmagnetismwill is enough to give anyone cold sweats. Another public revela-
be under new-constant suspicion. tion could mean a terrible backlash against novas.
Corporatiommayhaveasimilardion- they’llwant Even more disturbing is the possibility of copycat cases
more guarantees beforegiving capable novas access to their - novas who decide to follow in Anningsley’s footsteps,
upper echelons or industrial secrets. Those novas who are only this time they intend to “get it right!” Director Ozaki
already there will be watched carefully and comtantly (and considers it an absolute priorityto profile as many novas as
given incentives not to betray the company). New n m em-
possible to locate those likely to do something so foolish
ployees will be investigated thoroughly before being hired. and stop them before they gain momentum.
Novas with marginal backgrounds(hired mainly for abilities If Anningsley survivedthe story, Proteus’ number one
and not heavily scrutinized, as was common in many case5 in
priority is to track him down and eliminate him - quietly
the past) will bescrutinized m f u l l y -many may find their or messily, it doesn’t matter. He needs to go. Proteus char-
very lucrative contracts severedbecause the board of direc- acters may be assignedthis (admittedly difficult) task.Once
torsdoesn’t see them as hustworthy. he’selimimted, Proteusagents will leak the news of his death
International Politics (probably shifting the blame tosomeoneelse-elites, the
Between national distrust for novas within their native Teragen, the Directive - whoever’s appropriate).
countries and the worry about other nations employing no- The Directive
vasas agentsprovmtem, tensions rise.The fallout includes
The Directive’s concerns parallel Proteus Division’s
tightened tourism regulations and increased restrictionson
veryclosely but will be accompaniedwith an internal purge,
imports, exports and work visas. The outcomewon’t destroy as former members of Anningsley’s Temple are identified
thedevelopingglobal communityestablishedn i-, but
and removed. Not all of those purged are part of
it does inflict lasting harm. Individual nations rely less u p Anningsley’s Temple, of course. The potential for an inter-
one another and more on their own resources-the sense
nal power struggle as various Factionsjockey for dominance
is encroaching(but not complete) isolationism. in the aftermath is great, and several ranking memberswill
Project Utopia certainly try to pick up the pieces. Ekigadier General Collin
Anningsley is precisely the type of nightmare that (ifhe survivedthe story) will find himself out of the Direc-
plagues Utopia directors far too frequently. Analysts in tive and facing a court-martial for treason.
Utopia determine that he could have easily succeeded had Directive characters may find themselves in a shifting
he not been exposed. Utopian (and by extension, Team landscape as power blocs within the Directiverestrudure in
Tomorrow) efforts will be focused toward clearing up the wake of Collin’s expulsion. If played well, they can ad-
nova-caused tensions. Characters in either group will be vance within the Directive. If played poorly, they can be im-
hard-pressed to act against the Temple’s fallout. plicated (and if they’re novas, this is a distinct possibility).
Utopia, having already lost some credibility with novas Aberrants
inAbenant:Woddwide-Phasel,sikonthe brink here.It Aberrants may be more interested in minimizing the
needs to keep photogenic novas out in the public eye,doing damage to the general now image, however they may choose
good deeds, saving people from famine, war and disease - to go about it.The downhill slide is not yet at a Frantic pace,
the usual. Unfortunately, guilt by associationapplies. If novas
which gives Abemnts (and other novas) room to keep too
can and will mastermindthis kind of thing, who’s to say Uto-
much tarnish from accumulatingon their collective image.
piadcan’t havesuch masterminds in its employ?Worse, who’s
to say they didn’t always have such masterminds? Teragen
Questions that in the past were glossed over in fa- With public perceptionshifting tosuspiciontoward no-
vor of Utopia’s accomplishments will come up more of- vas, those who isolate themsdves the most from humanity
ten. Just how did Utopia get set up so quickly? Why did will come under the greatest scrutiny and be subjectedto the
theunited Nationsaccept Utopiasoswiftly?Looking back wildest speculation. Giventhat DiviiMal hasalreadysethim-
on events, it almost seems as if Utopia (as an organiza- self up as a cult leader-like figure with near-religious signifi-
tion) anticipated events rather than reacted to them. Uto- cance, it won’t take much for the world to look at the already

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

alien and suspicious Terats and wonder if they aren’t plan- them (as noted previously) and tries to forge contacts with
ning the same thing as Anningsley and his Temple. them if Anningsley survived - both for protection and to
The Casablancas and Pandaimonion will have their preemptively deal with Anningsley before he gets arwnd to
hands full dealing with the backlash. After all, what dealing with her. In this case,she acts on the “enemyof my
Anningsley was doing secretly, Narcosisand Count Orzaiz enemy is my friend principle. Whether the characters ac-
do in the public eye (or that’s how many will reason - cept her assistance or protect her is, obviously, up to them.
and they won’t be far from the truth). How Teragen mem- Mayhew remains in the public eye as much as pos-
bers react to this is purely individual. sible to make it difficult for any possible assassins to get
Readiomamong the Pantheonare varied - +on to her unnoticed. Those who know her notice more des-
finds the situation ironically amusing, Narcosis is on the thin peration in her manner. She’s not quite as “in control” as
edge (her lawyers and press agents are working overtime), she was before everything fell apart.
the Apostle gets ideas (why not have baseline worshipers?), On the other hand, England still loves her dearly.
the Mathematiciandelivers grim prognosticationsand others
likewise follow their urges, beliefs and personalities.
Other Cults
Despite Anningsley’s public downfall, he’s an inspi-
Arthur ration for any number of ambitious novas - whether or
The conclusion of “A Green and Pleasant Land” does not they decide they want to rule the world or a single
not require that Anningsley end up dead or imprisoned. nation is not the point. They want people to serve them
In fact, it’s very possible for him to escape justice. With and bring them power. Some use the Temple of the King
his plots exposed and his Temple scattered, he needs time as a model, while others scorn Anningsley’s structure as
to retreat and reconsider his options. He’ll use his powers inherently flawed (he failed, did he not?).
and intelligencet o establish himself elsewhere. Some agen- Aberrant cults were already a problem before the
cies may even find it desirable to court him for their own Temple indicated their potential scope. Now, they’re
use. Elements within Proteus or the Teragen might ac- watched more carefully, and many go undergroundt o avoid
tively seek out his allegiance - after all, he’s much more the increasedscrutiny. Over the followingyears, more and
valuable as an ally than as an enemy. more cults spring up as more novas not satisfied with ac-
Anningsleyseriouslyconsiderssuch options (if he’s still tion figures, N!terviews and T2M membership realize how
free). As a Portent among the Teragen,he’d be able to hone easy it is to use their powers for personalgain and aggran-
his power to p a t e r levels and possibly bnng it under his dizement. The reasons for forming such cults are as varied
sway. Proteus is intriiing and provides an opportunity For as the novas who create them. Nova cults range from the
him to work behind the scenes again, this time with sanction. seemingly beneficent to the downright disturbing, as many
‘The best choice for his future loyalties is whichever faction adopt symbolism from human religions and legends or in-
the characters directly and regularlyoppose. vent their own to feed their titanic egos.
The characters may certainly want to track him down
for what he may have done to them - and this is per- The Characters
fectly viable (and a major reason he’d consider the above On the other hand, many feel that trustworthy no-
offers). He enthusiastically defends himself but will not vas are the best to find and expose conspiracies on this
move until he’s convinced he has a solid base to work from scale - the characters find themselves with more em-
(and that may take years). This time, he knows to avoid ployment offers than they can handle for just this reason.
the pitfalls that caught him the first time around. Most Keep in mind that with the Temple broken, the charac-
especially, he swears revenge upon Mayhew. ters s u c c d d . They’ve eliminated a threat to English na-
It is not necessary that Anningsley survives the story tional security and will be rewarded for it.
or avoids imprisonment. If the characters catch him, he is Not everyone views the characters’ success with
theirs to do with as they see fit. If he doesescape, they’re equanimity and goodwill. Some honestly believe that the
unlikely to let him go that easily. He makes a useful recur- characters destroyed England’s chance to pull itself out
ring adversary, but don’t feel obligatedto keep him around of the pit it’s dug itself into. This is, in fact, true. How-
if the characters defeat him. ever, it ignores the fact that the recovery would have come
at the price of global prosperity. Anningsley’s vision was
Violet to rob the world to pay the crown.
Violet Mayhew’s got a guilty conscience. She helped
buildwhat might have been somethinggrand a d then acted The Final Outcome
to destroy it so she could save herself -she doesn’t regret ‘The previous discussions note the negativefallout that
it, but she still suffers twinges at having sold Anningsley out. mycome from the events in “A Green and Pleasant Land.”
Her other immediate wony is that Anningsley will come It’s important to note that none of the above are absolute
around looking for revenge(if he’s still alive). statements of a downhill slide. Everything’s given in general
Mayhew parlaysthe fact that she turned over evidence terms to suggest a way for the series to tum,not gm an
into greater fame. If the characters presented evidence to ironclad set of directions. Even with the backlash from this
the authoritiesbeforesheaded,sheshares thespotlightwith event, maty people will still idolize novas.They’ll continue to

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

be media icons, ideologicalleaden and more. The actions c You rarely carry weapons, instead relying upon body-
oneor twonovascanshed suspicioningeneral, but currentl! lards (whom you’ll telepathically control, thus allowing you
the balance doesn’t need to be negative. apply your Tactical Prodigyand other mental abilities to
The consequences discussed above contribute to th ,ordinate defense while you makes your escape).
ongoing Aberrant timeline, in that they add to the pres m Cell phone, finely tailored suit.
sures that will lead to the Aberrant War in 2044. Whethe ature:Architect
or not you want to focus on these pressures is up to you. Ilegianw Himself
they don’t add to your series, don’t feel obligated to mak ttributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Percep-
the world any darker than you feel necessary. 3n 5, lntelligence 5, Wits 5, Appearance 3, Manipula-
3n 4, Charisma 4
Dramatis Personae M i Academics(Culture, Economics, Politics) 5, Athlet-
s 3, Awweness 4, Biz 4, &awl 2, Command 4, Drive 2,
Arthur Francis Anningsley durance 3, Etiquette 5, F i m 3, Interrogation 3, In-
Badcgand:Arthur Anningsleyspent much of his life a nidation 3, Investigation 5, Linguistics 4 (Native: English;
a disenfranchised noble, increasingly pawerless to influen: ench, Gaelic, German, Hindi), Martial Arts 2, Melee(Fenc-
g) 5, Might 1, Rapport 3, Resistance 3, Science (Psychd-
jy) 5, Style 4, Subterfuge 3
rlsrpnds Attunement 1, Backing 5 (Temple), Cipher 5,
mtads 5, Fdlowws 5, Node 4, Reswrces 4
uantum 3, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 4, Taint 3
~wers:Mega-Perception (Quantum Attunement,
ltraperipheral Perception), Mega-Intelligence
malyze Weakness, Mental Prodigy: Financial and Tacti-
11) Mega-Wits (Group Awareness, Synergy), Domi-
ition (Telepathic), Mental Blast 0 , Psychic Shield
0 , Telepathy 0 0 (Telepathic Channeling)
~tes:Unless Anningsley is absolutely certain a nova tar-
!t has no way to trace or repel an attempt to telepathi-
illy spy or control, he will preferentially use baselines.
‘ithout opportunity for long-term direct observation,
!’s never fully sure what any nova is likely to pull out of
:r sleeve and prefers to avoid the opportunity for un-
easant surprises or exposure.

Golet Mayhew
Mgomd:Violet Mayhew is one of England’s media
England’s downwardspiral.After his eruption (at age 80!), h dings. She regularly appears on OpNet broadcasts,
turned his attention to c&ing all thosethings he could nc
touch before, with vastly increasedmentalcapacities and hi
regained youthful vigor. He c m e a k his bue past from all h
meets (and few would p e s that he is one the most influentii
men in Europe). Anningsley poses as a normai member of th
‘Temple, caeful to meet as many membersas possibleand fre
quently traveling to attend to hs
i interests.
lmagse Arthv Anningsley is a healthy young man, mod
erately handsomeandin vigorouslygood hedth.Hestands jm
over six feet in height and sports a splendii physique. His ha’
and eyesare brown, and he maintains a perFect tan.He wea
expensive,tailored suits (preferably from Hong Kong).
RdeplayingHints: You are supremely self-confiden
Always act as if you are in control. Under normal circun
stances, you will present a friendly, casual front to anyor
you meet. You’re grateful for your rejuvenation and try 1
enjoy its fruits whenever possible. You’re sexually adver
turous and will flirt with any attractive woman, provide
she seems a challenge.You are charming, gracious and 001
ing with savoir-faire. When dealing with others, you try I
speak in their native tongue (if possible).

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

regaling the nation with global entertainment and fashion tst your c h intimidatesyou, and you’d rather avoid such
news and making public appearances. Mayhew was born in eople (making excuses for whatever reason).
1986 (as Lucy Prescott) in Liverpool and grew up among Don’t play to stereotype -you’re an intelligent, pow-
the lower dass. All her life, she tried to get away from her rful’woman, and you have no qualms about letting people
squalid beginnings.The best she ever managed was work as now it.
a nude dancer in a dingy nightclub - and even that wasn’t k c Cell phone, compact, chip player.
very successful, as she was rather plain. bHedonist
In2007, sevffal drutkenpatronspulledher off the stage Jlegiancec The ‘Temple of the King
and multed her. 7he tra~macatdyzed her M-R node, and ktrhtes Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Perception
she erupted. Everyonearound her simply stoppedand stared. , lntelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 5, Manipulation 4,
She told them all tosit downand behaw -and they did. She ‘harisma5
finished her shift and made more tips that night than in any M i Academl~s2, Arts ( L F ) 4, Athletics 4, A m -
previous month. That night was her last working at the club. ess 2, BIZ 3, &awl 3, Command 4, Computer 1, Drive (Fast
She took her new looksand talent and almost immediately got ‘n) 3, E h c e 3, Etiquette 3, Linguistics1 ( N a t k En-
work with the88C (and a recordingcontract). She rww has a lih; French), Martial Arts 3, Perform (Sing) 5, Rapport 3,
weddyshowandhasrdeasedtworecording5-~fm Lesistance 3, Streetwise3, Style 5, Subterfuge 3
theDustand fever D m s . Her personal m u s dstyle ranges kdptmc& Backing 5 (Temple), Contacts 2, Eufiber 3, Fd-
through @-techno and punk genres, fusing somewhere in iwers 3, Influence 4, Resources4
thestratosphere,andherrecordingsregularfytoptheEnglish !uantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 7, ‘Taint 0
charts. ‘hemMega-Dexterity (Physd Prodigy), Mega-Stamina
Mayhew had grown boredwith her life until Anningsley 1 (Resiliency), Mega-Wits (Artistic Genius), Mega-Ap-
took her into his confidence and explainedhis plansfor En- earance (Appearance Alteration, Awe-Inspiring, First
gland. She greatly anticipates the challenge before her but npression), Mega-Manipulation (Persuader, The
doesn’t truly believe that she and Anningsley can pomibly bie), Mega-Charisma (CommandtngPresence, Dread-
fail. ul Mien, Natural Agitator, Soothe), Psychic S h i i (see be-
Mayhew does believe that Anningsley is only a step- .v) ***, Quantum Bdt (Sone k e a m - Bashing) **,
ping stone to greater things. At some point, she‘ll decide , h b e(Hearing) 2, Stun Attack (Sonii) 2 (Area)
that it’s time to eliminatehimand take controlof the ‘Temple. loss Mayhew’sPsychic Shieldactuallyrepresentsher p
She‘s already working on winning the loyalties of enough wnd Manipulation and Subterfuge. She‘s literally able to
members that when the power struggle comes, she hopes to hrow up a “layer” of thought that conceals her true inten-
be able to overwhelm Anningsley’s people (if she can’t turn ions. Anytelepathwhofailstoo~omeherPsychicShield
them to her side instead). So far, Anningsley’s convinced of rill pick up relatively superficial (but pertinent) thoughts
her commitment to his causeand hasn’t bothered to check. Nut will not Sense her true motives.
For Mayhew’s part, she’s very good at hiding her true feel-
ings. When around Mayhew, Anningsley finds it very diffi-
.ondon Fog
B d q - u r dLondonFogwas born in 1974in Islington.
cult to distrust her.
ier birth name was BenjaminJeffrey Emory. Natureplayed
h q e V t t Mayhew is dropdead ~orgeous.She has
skmted, b r i l l i geen eyes, stny$t black, knee-length hair
(wilichsheusudlybrads, shatennlgthe length to her warsf or
ofheTwi5estyles). Her fezhres ireVt3-y Fne -dmost frayle.
or wwk, shedrenesdwn @ a h
she nevwweas anythngso &as
(sladqcasud dress), but
1 , ?
Usingher AppearanceAlteration, Mayhew oftenappears
somewhat shorter, with &brown haiiand eyes. She wars
her hair b r a i intoa “cmwn”of sorts, and her clothii isvery
fine silk in fashions evocative of the d l e v d era.
Rdcplayngtfmk Y o u ’ v e a c h i e v e d d l y w h -
m w &t?P‘ ower. You want lots of p ~ More . than anything
eke,it atbads you You like having power cwer the men and
women who woukl look down upon ycw M i& t i (if
theyacknawkdged her at dl) and din theconbd you hmre
o w those dyou. Only Anniiey is exempt from such
PeKeptiOns, a~ he is yo^ only true-4. Any~newho an E-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

a cruel trick on the child. She was born with the unshakable Image: Elizabeth Barton is a tall, unorthodoxwoman.
conviction that she was female, but she had a male body. She looks mostly normal, except that in place of hair, she
She spent most of her early years hovering between con- has a streaming, nearly tangible, fog crowning her head.
fusion and self-loathing, only to haveshifted firmly into self- Her eyes reflect the weather (bright blue on a sunny day,
loathing upon reaching puberty. dark gray on stormy days), and her body throws off harm-
Benjaminranaway from home at 15 and tried to start less flickers of electricity. She likes to dress in a casual
the process of sex reassignment. Unfortunately, Emory mode and rarely dresses for the weather. Since she’s as
lacked the funds for the expensive procedure. The police comfortable in Antarctic winds as she is in a tropical
caught Emory and returned “him” to his parents. jungle, she dresses primarily out of personal preference
At 18, Emory choseto forego higher education, choos- and avoids ostentatious or over-done fashions.
ing instead to try to find work to get the cash for reassign- RoleplayingHints: You’ve got it made, you’re a popu-
ment. Thii began a long chain of low-payingjobs throughout lar nova in one of the most famous (and oldest) cities in
London, none ever paying quite enough for Emory. At 20, the world, you have everything you could ever want, and
Benjamin Emory legally changed her nameto DeborahEmory your name is a household word. All that’s left to do is to
and l i as a m a n . Her life continued in much the same enjoy yourself and indulge your sense of duty. You won’t
vein over thefollowing 11years. Expenses(especially England’s hesitate to use your position to try to change things For
rising cost of living) made pursuingsurgery impossible, since the better (and have in many cases). You don’t like to
England’s socialized medicine system would not cover it. openly acknowledge your past, but you’ve done your best
In late 2005, Emory abandoned hope. Estranged from t o improve rights and opportunities for English
her family (who reFused to accept the change), neglectedby transgendered people and will continue to do so.
English law (that made it illegal for her to legally alter her Gear: London Fog trenchcoat, cell phone.
birth documents) and unable to save the money for surgery, Nature: Paragon
she decided to finish it. She walked t o the middle of Allegiance: London
Hungerfordt3ndge,spent a few minutesworkingup the nerve Attributes. Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep-
to jump, and when she sawa police offiier approaching, she tion 3, Intelligence3, Wits 4, Appearance 5, Manipula-
steeled herself and leaped, only to regret the decision to the tion 3, Charisma 3
core of her being a brief fraction of a second later. M iAcademics 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Biz2, Com-
A strong wind preemptedEmory’s suicide attempt. In- mand 3, Computer 1, Drive 2, Endurance 3, Etiquette 4, In-
s&, she exploded. The world around her flared into brilliant, vestigation 3, Martial Arts 4, Endurance 3, Intimidation 3,
flowing light, as she suddenly perceivedweather around her Rapport 3, Resistance3, Science (Meteorology) 4, Style 3,
as energy patternsthat she couldcontrol. Even moresignifi- Survival 5
cantly (to Emory), she discoveredthat she’d somehow trans- Backgrwds: Allies 3, Attunement 2, Backing 4 (London
formed completely into a woman. 7he newiy-manifestedM- Government), Eufiber 3, Followers 3, Influence 4, Node 3,
R nodeako gaveher headachesthe likes of whih she‘d never Resources 4
before experienced, the intensepaintriggering randomelec- Quantum 5, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 8, Taint 5
trical discharges into anything nearby. (see Image)
Emory directly checked herself into a Rashoud facil- Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy), Mega-Stamina
ity, where the resident experts tended to her headaches 0 0 (Adaptability, Resiliency), Mega-Perception 0
and taught her how to control her powers, and she was re- (Electromagnetic Vision, High-End Electromagnetic
leased after a month of care and training. With Utopia as- Scan), Mega-Charisma (Commanding Presence),
sistance, Deborah Emory legally changed her name again, Bodymorph (Fog - Density Control [Decrease] 0 0 ) 0 ,
this time to ElizabethDeborah Barton, to rnwe clearly di- Flight 0 , Immolate (Lightning - Lethal) ,Quantum
vide her old life from the new. Again with Utopia assistance, Bolt (Lightning - Lethal) 0 . 0 , Weather Manipulation
she located an agent who specialized in municipal defend- (Alter Temperature, Fog, Weather Alteration) 0 0
ers and started negotiations to fill that role for London.
On January 14,2006, Barton had her First oppor-
Finn and Dog
tunity to present herself to London. She stopped what Finnand Dogare a well-known pair of elites - at least
in the right circles. Most people never hear about them, and
threatened to become a rampagingfire in downtownLon-
they prefer it that way. Among some nova circles, they‘re
don with an incredible downpour. Her appearance also
accelerated the negotiations her agent was in with the
fairly well-known -elites, most especially.They don’t seem
to be in the business primarily for the money.Their services
London city government.
do fetch handsome prices, but they prefer to accept jobs
In 2007, a tabloidreporter outed her. She responded
that they find interestingor challenging - truly intriguing
poorly to questions on the topic, and her agent threat-
jobs may even get a discount. Finn and Dog don’t work solo
ened well-funded legal action if a retraction wasn’t printed.
One was (albeit buried on page four). London Fog doesn’t
-the client hires both, or he doesn’t hire them at all.
Finn and Dog refuse t o work for clients who will
discuss the matter in public, but it’s common knowledge
not reveal their identities and have been known toques-
(if not universally believed).

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

tion their clients’ motives. They pull out OF jobs if they effective persuasive powers, enabled him to work the duo
Find that the client has deceived them about the nature deep into the elite society and establish them as serious
of their assignment. On at least on two occasions, the players. While they aren’t particularly well-known in many
duo has caused considerable damage to parties who had circles, that’s the way they prefer it, and Finn constantly
done just that. works to ensure that those with the cash and the really
The two elites steer away Fromjobs that concentrate good jobs do know about them.
on straightforward, large-scale combat (such as war zones) I n most negotations, Finn does the talking, and he’s
- they claim that they’re boring and pointless. They’re very good at it. He’s charming, Fun to be around and
better known For operations that involve stealth and cun- doesn’t mind taking advantage of that if it suits his pur-
ning. They prefer constructive assignments-such as lo- poses. He’s not in the habit of using his powers to cheat
cating missing personsor trackingdown internationalcrimi- clients - that could put a stop to their business when
nals and terrorists. On the other hand, on Christmas Eve, word gets around.
2007, they left 26 dead aboard a Caribbean cruise ship, Image: Finn is a healthy, fit man in his 30s. Silver
including Brother Rap and Sister Soul, a pair of novas who strands run through his red beard and shoulder-length hair.
were later Found to be supplying the Nation of Islam with He nearly always shows an eager smile to the world, and
weapons and money. In the end, Finnand Dogare extremely appears to be friendly and easy-going. He dresses com-
eFFective and deadly when necessary. fortably and casually, even For special occasions. In ac-
In elite circles, Finn and Dog are considered t o be tion, he wears a black bodysuit designed For convenience
the odd men out, but both are professional enough to avoid and protection over style. It’s not uncommon For him to
problems with others in their profession of choice. They wear a leather jacket or trenchcoat over the body suit.
have solid reputations as dependable (if somewhat weird) RoleplayingHints When dealing with someone you
troubleshooters. A persistent rumor circulates that Finn like, you’re a hell of a nice guy. Generally speaking, you’re
and Dog are lovers, though no one has any actual evidence calm, cooperative, willing to negotiate and good company.
to support this. Both refuse to comment if asked - of You crack jokes and make folks feel right at home. Busi-
course, they refuse to comment or respond to most per- ness negotations close without a hitch - you know that
sonal questions, so this indicates nothing. you’re selling the good stuff and can make things happen
Finn and Dog are always well-equipped -they have with a minimum of fuss. You never argue about money -
the contactsand the money to get anything they need, be it you set a price. IF the client is willing to meet it, fine. IF
a bigger gun, personal armor or more exotic equipment. not, that’s also Fine - it’s not like you’re starving. IF the
gig is good enough, the money ceases to matter. IF it’s
Finn, Nova Elite some bloated multinationalcorporation, you milk it For all
Background: Finn originally appeared on the elite it’s worth and then some. If they want the elite, they hire
scene alongside Dog in ‘05. Whereas Dog soon became
Finn and Dog. IF they want some lame-ass losers, they’ll
known as the surly one, Finn quickly gained a reputation
hire someone else. What’s to argue?
as a nice guy - someone you could hang out with. Unlike
At the same time, you tend to assume that everyone’s
most elites, Finn is not image-conscious, nor does he en-
an asshole unless proven otherwise. You’re a severe mis-
gage in idle posturing. This, coupled with his amazingly
anthrope and this attitude is not limited to the baseline
population. Most novas, especially the likes oFCaestus Pax
or Divis Mal, are just as bad. You’ll give people the chance
to prove they’re not idiots. Should they Fail to do so, you
write them off as worthless Fools. This isn’t to say you’ll
let that slip (unless the idiot truly deserves it - you’re
Mega-Social Attributes make your expressed disapproval
a terrifying thing indeed).
Gear: Whipsword, brain-implant data connection (Full
OpNet), Flechette rifle, heavy pistol, knife.
Natue: Judge
Allegiance: Finn and Dog
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Percep-
tion 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4, Appearance 3, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 4
M i Academics 5, Athletics 3, Awaeness 3, Biz 4, Com-
mand 2, Computer 3, Drive 3, Endurance 3, F i m 4, Inter-
rogation 3, Intimidation3, Intrusion2, Investigation2, Leger-
demain3, Linguistics5 (Natw.English; Arabic, E k p , Bengali,
Chinese, Coptic, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German,Greek, He-
brew, Hindi, Italian,Latin, Navaho, Norwegian, Spanish,%ili,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Turk&) Martial Arts 2, Medicine 2, Melee 3, Pilot 3, Resis In combat, Dog becomes a whirlwind of carnage.
tance 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise3, Suvil 2 He’s fast, deadly and suffers no qualms when he needs
Backyounds Cipher 5, Contacts 4, Eufiber 5, Node I t o kill. He preFers to incapacitate his opponents but will
Resources 5 not hesitate to respond with lethal force if attacked with
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 6, Taint 3 intent to kill. When Dog draws his guns, he becomes a
Powers: Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap), Mega-Dex blur of motion, as he shoots at everything around him
terity (Fast Tasks), Mega-Stamina (Durability: with uncanny accuracy. It’s clear that he enjoys combat,
Mega-Perception (Quantum Attunement), Mega-ln and it’s not uncommon to see him charge into a fight
telligence (Linguistic Genius, Mental Prodigy: Tactics: with both guns blazing.
Mega-Wits (Natural Empath), Mega-Manipulation Image:Taint has twisted Dog’s features -his head
(Persuader), Mega-Charisma (Dreadful Mier is a mixture of human and schnauzer - but is otherwise
Soothe), Psychic Shield *, Stun Attack (Psychic) normal. He favors simple, stylish clothes with room for
holsters, pockets, belts and other weapons or equipment
Dog, Nova Elite he can realistically conceal on his person. Dog hates to be
Background: Back in ‘05, when he and his partne
surprised and always carries weapons when possible.
first appeared on the elite scene, Dog caused quite
Rdeplaying Hnk. You’re good and you know it. You
ruckus. He’s opinionated, intelligent, educated and will
don’t takeshit fromanyone.You knowforafact thatyou’re
ing to back those qualities up with quick wit and sar
not the toughest bastard in the valley, but you’re certainly
c a m - or fists, if necessary. He expresses contemF
the sneakiest and meanest.You can play nice, but you mostly
for most of his fellow elites, and this never helps. H
leave that for Finn. You don’t talk to miserable idiots if you
wins most of these arguments, one way or another. For
can avoid it. You’re civil until provoked, and have no toler-
tunately, Finn’s calming effect smooths over most of th
ance For fools. You’re not afraii t o let them know it, either.
bad spots, but Dog still has a reputation as a trouble Some say a dog’s bark is worse than his bite, but in your
maker - not that most people feel like making any
case, this is dead wrong. Still, you’re fair - you doesn’t
thing of it, since his reputation also includes a tendenc
pick on others unless they ask for it.
to successfully resolve disputes in his favor.
Gear: Twin small SMGs, twin light pistols, twin knives,
carbon-fiber garotte, an assortment of grenades.
Natum Bravo
Allegiance: Finn and Dog
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep-
tion 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5, Appearance 1, Manipula-
tion 3, Charisma 3
A b i l i i Academics 3, Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Biz 1, Com-
mand 1, Computer 1, Drive 3, Endurance 4, Firewms 5, Inter-
rogation 2, Intimidation3, lntrusion 2, Investigation 2, Leg-
erdemain 3, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Pilot 1, Re-
sistance 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise 3, Survival3
Backgrounds Cipher 5, Eufiber 5, Node 4, Resources 5
Quantum 4, QuantumPool 30, Willpower 6, Taint 6 (looks
like a humanoid schnauzer)
Powers: Mega-Strength (Lifter), Mega-Dexterity
a * * (Accuracy), Mega-Stamina (Resiliency x 2,
Hardbody, Regeneration), Mega-Perception (Analytic
Taste/Touch, Bloodhound), Mega-Wits (Enhanced Ini-
tiative, Quicknessx2, Multitasking), Intuition ***,Luck
,Psychic Shield *, Sensory Shield

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

1 Elite.
The word might as well be “regal,” costumes who threw lightning bolts
“mysterious,”“dangerous” or “sexy.” were confined to comic books, film
All these and more capture a bit of and video games. But now, beyond
the essence of these literal one-man the printed
armies, quantum-powered merce- page and the 2 1
naries living a life as romantic as any
in the media’s eye. Safe at home, we
TV Excemt From
look for the newest news about Pur-
suer, Sarge In-Charge or the enig- acters are con- Magazine, 01/I 4 Issue
matic Totentanz. We marvel at their tinuing to
exploits, as these paragons of lethal- blast the shit k
ity shrug off bullets, bayonets and out of each
even ballistic missiles. We cheer other. And it’s
when they clash with the only still as entertaining as it was when
things that can put them down: we were kids and there were no such
their own kind. things as novas.

And why not? Far better that half- Beautiful. Deadly. The elites are the
a-dozen people should fight a war heroes and villains of the great
than half-a-million. Especially when drama that is the ongoing theater
you consider that conventional war, of global conflict. Some would ar-
callous as it sounds, is boring. Who gue that it is barbaric to celebrate
wants to see footage of precision the ages-old dance of combat. Per-
bombing on some news channel haps they’re right. And when the
when powers spun from the funda- world’s baseline populace evolves be-
mental forces of the universe are be- yond the need for war, maybe we’ll
ing thrown around on N! ? There’s a put that barbarism behind us and
reason special effects flicks gross big the elites will hang up the mask.
at the box office. Garbed in their dis- But, until then, let’s make the best
tinctive uniforms, trading blows that of what we’ve got and enjoy the
break the sound barrier, nova elites show. Sure as hell, with the pay-
appeal to a kind of 21st century gladi- checks they’re making, the elites are
atorial fetish. Time was, people in enjoying putting it on for us.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
CNN News Report, 02/27/14
Philip St. Christopher; Calcutta, India
St. Christopher: “Spurred on by an ongoing deadlock with Project Utopia on the matter of ‘India Syndrome’, the Indian
government has finally put its foot down. No official confirmation yet, but eyewitness accounts in this area seem to indicate
that two or three nova elites were spotted overhead just about an hour ago, in transit to nearby rural communities. Presum-
ably, these elites and, if rumors are to be believed, at least a handful more, are specifically seeking out villages where novas
are worshiped as divine avatars, there to guard against involvementby Project Utopia and Team Tomorrow.
“All of this, of course, comes on the coattails of the debacle that ensued a week ago when Utopia representatives
arrived in an isolated farming village a far up the Ganges. The name of the village, due to conflicting reports, remains as yet
unknown, but what is confirmed is that the differences between quantum science and ancient faith erupted into a physical
confrontation that is believed to have left Gina Benet of Team Tomorrow Asia/Pacific in critical condition.
“Team Tomorrow and Project Utopia representatives were unavailable for comment on the matter, but representa-
tives from the Indian government have stepped forward to say that Utopian ‘Eurocentric imperialism’ and ‘anti-spiritual
sentiments’ will no longed be tolerated on lndian soil. Representativeswent on to say that India has finally had enough of
‘Project Utopia’s attempts to disprove the realities of the Hindu faith and t o create a mandatory adherence to scientific
belief structures.’
“How all of this will resolve from here is anybody‘s guess, but it looks like India intends to fight, if need be, for the right
to see these ‘new humans’ in the light they are most comfortable with.”

A Personal letter to General Yuri Petrov, Dated 03/01/14:

1 am pleased to inform you that your 01/13/14 request for assistance on retainer from the DeVries Agency has at last
been processed and approved. We apologize for the seemingly undue period of time between your request and our reply;
however, we are certain that you can appreciate the delicacy of our position in having dealings with a single member State
of the Russian Confederation. As a Bosnian by birth myself, though, 1 sympathize with your plight and have made every
effort to facilitate the approval process as best 1 could. Currently, the best operatives we have available for your particular
contract are the elites Cavalier, Gilgamesh, Haven and Manticore. Any or all of these elites (or, by consultation with myself
or another duly appointed DeVries representative, more or others) can be had on the scale of fees we had negotiated last
week. Of course, additional services may also be had for an additional fee. If you would like to go ahead with the contract, or
if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call me at any hour o f the day or night (really, there is no worry 1
don’t sleep) -you know my number. If 1 am not in my office at the time, you will automaticallybe forwarded to my cellular.

1 eagerly await word from you, general, and 1 hope that we can do business in the very near future.
Warmest Regards,
Radu Szlaniskovich,
DeVries Europe East Coordinator

Received by Several DeVries Mite Operatives, Dated 03/24/14:

Unique business opportunity. Offer will not be made twice. Most profitable job ever. Interested?


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

iss; Ibiza town, Ibiza keep words, and, eventually, fists
from flying here tonight.
Weiss: "...Now that the dust has
settled a bit and the interference we "Aggressions between China and Ja-
were experiencing has died down, pan are absolutely nothing new.
we are coming to you live from just There have been no military actions
outside the doors of the Amp Room, in decades, but old enmities die hard.
where bouncer "Ironskin" Andy In truth, suspicions of Directive
Vance and a few other novas from 'monitoring' of the Chinesepopulace,
inside have just broken up what founded or no, have proven sufficient
could have erupted into a very ugly to foster an atmosphereof resentment
confrontationbetween Ryu "Asahi" and distrust between these two an-
Okano of the Nippontai and Wei cient cultures. Details of the matter
Xixiang of the Exploding Heavenly are, naturally, uncertain, as Utopia
Mandate. This, of course, in the wake involvement in both China and Japan
of allegations of 'problems' stem- is limited and the Directive is, as al-
ming from possible involvement in ways, tight-lipped about the poten-
Chinese affairs on the part of the Di- tial situation and show no signs of a
rective, specifically that of the Japa- willingness to come forward and ei-
nese arm of the Directive. Though ther confirm or deny. Still, one has to
nothing has been confirmed,it didn't wonder how long it will be until
someone talks or something gives."

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)
The Overview in the armor of the global body politic. He knew that, sooner
or later, an opportunity to paralyze international govern-
Pound for pound, elites are probably the deadliest
ment and seize every mercenary’s “promised l a n d would
novas on Earth. They develop their quantum-powered
present itself, and novas would overthrow their baseline
gifts specifically to the end of becoming ever better sol-
masters and take control. Szlaniskovichenvisioned a surgi-
diers, more cunning assassinsand unstoppable killers. Even
cal strike, a black-op against the nations of the Earth.
Utopia refuses to take them on one-on-one. They are
In short, it was a covert mission like any other, sim-
consummate mercenaries, selling fantastic powers to the
ply far grander in scope.
highest bidder for nothing more than cash, and lots of it.
In early 2012, Szlaniskovichstarted browsing through
These are, by no stretch of the imagination, morally up-
the DeVries database of elites, searching for those who best
right people. Neglectingthe responsibilitiesof power, they
embodied that special blend of heartlessness, discretion,
instead attend to their own bank accounts and indulge in
team spirit, ambitionand obedience. One seasoned meme-
the thrill of the most dangerous kind of warfare humanity
nary, no matter how powerful, was no match for the world’s
has ever known.
peacekeepingorganizations. However, six t o ten could con-
Most people are too excited by the prospect of watch-
stitute a veritable army of novas, and a very formidable one
ing the Highwayman do his work on N! to think about the
at that. Such an army, working insmall teams,each unaware
implications of what 13 p r s (since elites first appeared in
of the movements of the others, yet all directedby a single
the EquatorialWars insub-Saharan Africa in2001) of con-
tinual conflict does to the mind of a nova. Sure, there are
in its path, flowing around what it could not destroy and
the nights of whirlwind romance in Hong Kong and dinners
slipping through the fingers of any who attempted to catch
with kings and princesto break up the monotony of slaugh-
it. Inshort, the plan was perfect.
ter, but these are not things that help one to remain firmly
Now, all that remained was to implement it.
grounded in the real world. An elite’s life exists in finer,
sharper colors than most of us are accustomed to. Pushing
themselves to greater h e i t s and depths of experiencethan
Theme and Mood
The theme of “Dominion” is power and its price. “Do-
any basdinecan hope to attain, the elite’s senses are honed
minion” brings characters face-to-face with all that is dark-
by the surreal moments when death seems inevitable, by
est within the hearts of novas and shorn them what they
the unrepentant decadenceof the times between missions
themselves have the potential to become as their quantum
and even by the smell of napalm in the morning. Our lives,
gifts grow and the call todivinlty begins to outstripthe sim-
by comparison, seem to them dull, gray, uninspired. This
pler needs of humanity. It serves as a macrocosm for the
lunatic affair with Deathslowly desensitizesthese nwas (not
inner conflicts within each nova, as the baselineworld be-
the most caring or compassionateof people to begin with)
comes more distant, more worshipful, more needy -and
to the consequences of their actions. Once you’ve reaped
more suspicious. As novas become more powerful and the
billions of dollars from partiiipating invarious international
inevitable confrontation of 2044 looms ever closer, the
conflicts, why keep doing it?Unless, of course, you love it.
characters are given the opportunity to peer into the rising
Indeed, with the media inundating the public with
darkness and see that, when its time comes, the apoca-
the “glamorous” lives of these super-powered hired kill-
lypse may be wearing their faces.
ers, there comes a point where the glamour becomes real.
Also, this scenario is about doing what is right, re-
The adoration of the masses elevates what is essentially a
gardless of the cost, regardless of the likelihood of suc-
bipedal piece of artillery to the status of a cultural icon.
cess. Sometimes, all an individual can do is stand up for
Ask any 12-year-old boy in 2014 who he’d rather be: Pur-
whatever she believes in. The important thing is to try.
suer or the President? The answer will probably be
unsurprising. Sooner of later, the elite will come to be-
No one wants to feel that their struggles are in vain, but
lieve in his own PR. At this point, what is to stop one from all of us know that sometimes the good guy does finish
wondering what it would be like to rule rather than be last and the villains (at least, from one’s own perspective)
ruled, to command rather than to take orders? walk away with the prize. However, defying the inevitable
A nova named Radu Szlaniskovich began wondering can be glorious and dramatic in and of itself (read
precisely that. Szlaniskovich, however, had a unique per- Tennyson’s “The Charge of the Light Brigade” or Frank
spective on that topic. As the Eastern EuropeanCoordina- Miller’s 300 if you need inspiration in that vein). It is the
tor for DeVries National Tactical Solutions, he was able to romance of standing before the storm and refusing to
see trends that remained iwisible to others: Humanity’s kneel. It is acknowledging that “a coward dies a thousand
ability to deal with novas through technological means was deaths, a brave man dies but once.”
increasing at an almost geometrical rate; at the same time, The primary mood of “Dominion,” on the other hand,
groups like the Directive and Project Utopia were snatch- is grim and unrelenting. The characters are fighting an
ing up novas before they had a chance to think about their uphill battle that they may or may not be able to win. At
whole range of options. The window of opportunity for es- no point should the characters feel that they can take vic-
tablishing a nova homeland was shrinking. Szlaniskovich tory for granted nor even necessarily feel confident that
beganplaying scenarios over in his head, lookingfor a chink their abilities are sufficient to stem this tide. The clock is

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

ticking. The enemy is stronger, faster, smarter and more fore in various criminal cartels and called in favors owed to
adaptable. The characters should feel like Cub Scouts him by those at the highest levels of various governments.
about to go head-to-head with Navy S.E.A.L.S. When- In some instances, all he asked for was silence. Thus was
ever the characters embark on a new leg of the scenario, funding generated, hardware stockpiled, intelligence gath-
they should be seriously wondering if all of them (or, in- ered and secrecy assured. And, though it all, Szlaniskovich
deed, any of them) will return. Only principle, conviction watched his chosen ones,selecting a mission here or there
and perhaps more than a little heroism should be able to to test their personalities, morals, values and methods. As-
overcome the sense of hopelessnessand futility that will sassinations, kidnappings, interrogations, sweep-and-clear
stand in their way. operations and so on and so forth. During this period, two
Directly in opposition to this, however, is set the more elites proved themselves to be unsuitably humane for
underlying mood of “Dominion’’; epic conflict on a global Szlaniskovich‘s purposes.
scale, a veritable clash of titans. The characters will be As early 2014 rolled around, Szlaniskovich finalized
able to sense that they are playing out a drama with the his plans. The mercenary set his sights on the Ukraine as
world as their stage. Though only a very few eyes are upon the rock from which he would hew his throne. The bread-
them, they are the eyes of the most secretive and power- basket of the Russian Confederation, it was populated
ful people on Earth. No matter what happens, the charac- enough to make a nation, fertile enough to make that na-
ters are heroes, perhaps more so than at any other point tion grow with careful cultivation and important enough
in their lives, as, for once, their nova powers don’t give t o Russia to give Szlaniskovich the satisfaction of taking
them the advantageover their enemies. This isn’t the hero- it away from those who had robbed his people of their
ism of the caped strongman who rescues a damsel from a independence and identity. And so, with a few last bits of
villain’s clutches, but that of the soldier who charges head- political and military nudginghere and there, he summoned
long into gunfire to save a buddy. It is the heroism that those he would make the champions of his bold new world.
stands up to the fear of death and conquers it (think of The meeting was held in DeVries’ EasternEuropean
Braveheart or G/ory, rather than the guy with heat vi- headquarters inthe RussianConfederation state of Croatia
sion). In short, the characters are being real heroes by in mid-April. Each participant was brought in separately
doing this, rather than four-color characters fighting for and placed in isolation from all of the others. It was held
“Mom and apple pie.” by teleconference on a secured line, and all of the elites
were given codenames to address one another so that no
What Has Come Before one’s identity was compromised. Szlaniskovich coaxed,
cajoled, persuaded and manipulated. His words were gos-
pel truth, his plans flawless, and his intentiom exactly what
each individual nova present wanted to hear. He played
egos like fiddles and played into everyone’s personal mo-
tivations. In the end, only one, El Toro, dissented. Later,
when Szlaniskovich gave each elite the names of three of
the others (excepting himself in all cases), that they might
start to work together as teams without the potential for
easily compromising the whole conspiracy, he used El Tor0
as an object lesson. Each of the conspirators received one
of the elite’s severed fingers hanging from a golden chain
along with an admonishment that infidelity to the cause
simply two among scores of weaknesses to exploit), men- would be punished by the most gruesome torments imag-
tally filing them away for use as diversions when the time inable and that anyone who became a liability should ex-
to strike was at hand. pect no mercy.
While Szlaniskovich maneuvered his pieces on the
It Begins
The characters, regardless of affiliation, should be
drawn slowly into the conspiracy’s web. As the plan goes
into effect in late April, 2014 (unless, of course, there is
another time, more appropriate to your series, that you
would prefer to set it in), little events, none in any way
suspicious, begin to set the stage. Big Time and Diecast
perform some small operation in Tanzania. Cinder as-
sassinates a very minor political figure in Thailand. Noth-
ing big, nothing questionable. At this point, it’s doubtful
that any of the characters would know any of the con-
spirators From Adam.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Still, the characters will slowly begin to become in- reason to be looking for it yet.) The important part is to
volved with the events as they transpire. If Tomorrowites, keep it plausible (these people are extremely good at cov-
they might be sent to deal with a brushfire conflict in Af- ering. their tracks), yet drop enough clues that they will
rica or rumors of elites moving Red 7 for the Medellin later be able to assemble a few of the pieces.
cartel. Fairly run-of-the-mill stuff for the world’s most
powerful gathering of novas. If the characters are opera- Opening Shot
tives for the Directive, they could be sent in on any of the As the conspiracy’s plan just begins to get off the
same kinds of jobs or, perhaps, even shadier ones. After ground, the eight elites involved are dispatched to vari-
all, someoneis going to wonder about at least one or two ous “points of interest” that factor into the grand design.
OF the files that Szlaniskovich has “appropriated” or ar- As previously stated, all of these operations are, as yet,
ranged to have lost. Some were just for the sake of liber- nothingovertly ambitious or even terribly noticeable. This
ally peppering his tracks with red herrings, and the char- period of time is much more about weakening structures
acters might “inherit” a bit of that runaround. Even the that the conspirators will later have to destroy and gen-
Teragen, Aberrants and others will find reasons to inter- erating capital and favors to be repaid at later dates. With-
act with these first faint glimmerings of the plan in its out Szlaniskovich’s tactical genius, overarchingperspec-
infancy (or, alternately, the plan might find ways, acci- tive on the matter and access to DeVries’ most sensitive
dentally or otherwise, t o interact with them.) Perhaps a files and projections on current and future developments
few young Terats will go to break up (or just protest) in global conflict, it would be nigh-on unthinkable for any-
Utopia’s “peacekeeping efforts”, or Aberrants will stumble one else to gamer even an inkling of what’s going on here.
upon some small facet of Utopia’s overarching agenda that The characters will probably feel that they’re getting
turns out not to be Utopian in origin at all. Corporatesmay into some “business as usual” during these months. Under
be sent to protect their company’s interests someplace no circumstances should they be suddenly stumbling upon
that factors, however peripherally, into Szlaniskovich’s evtdence of a planetwideconspiracy to conquer the Ukraine.
battle plan. The idea is to leave the characters wondering For Utopians, minor diplomatic missions in South America
later how they missed it (even though they had no real and Africa could instead suffice, so long as you slowly play

Europe. Comparatively. this is like six modem-day New ’

City’s worth of people spread over a landmass almost the
of Texas.Divided as they are, it is not too large a numb
people to conquer and subjugate. Also, the Ukraine is an w
worked, underpaid land, with the vast majority, almost i
Fad, of its people employed in industrial, agricultural or
vice professions. Evenwith Wadimir Sterka’s financial wizar
the “breadbasket of the Confederation” finds about 35 I
cent of its peopleliving below the povertyline and most 01
rest managinglittle better. Poor people, put simply, are es
to crush than wealthy, or even comfortable, ones.
To Szlaniskovich‘s thinking, all he really needs to (
cripple the military base in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital,
weather the storm for a couple of days, just long enoug
blackmail as many United Nations member states (inch,
a few in the Confederation itself) into not getting invol
When you’ve arranged or carried out violations of intei
tional law for those member states (including murder, as
sination, trafficking incontraband, kidnapping, espionage
more), that kind of blackmail isn’t too hard to come by. A
really needs are those two or three days to cement his I

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

up a subtle sense of the gradual buildup of tensions in the dynamics of societies, human aggression and the clash-
region. Directive agents might be sent in to investigate the ing egos of persons of power work. Radu Szlaniskovich
murder of a seemingly insignificant bureaucrat in a first- has all of those bases covered.
world government (in this case, the Directive’s monolithic It begins innocently enough; on June 3rd, 2014, two
paranoia actually works in their favor.) The conspirators nova elites (neither of whom is involved in the conspiracy)
anticipated that their enemies (everybody)would, prob- attack a small motorcade of Macedonian dignitaries en
ably m e r than later, discover evidence of their activities. route to a state dinner with visiting diplomats from Rus-
The idea, then, was to make sure that nothinglooked out of sian Confederation member states. As per their orders,
the ordinary in the earliest stages and to lay down a few the two simply causesome havoc and promptly leave, be-
false leads that would keep the attack dogs at bay until the fore any kind of resistance or pursuit can be organized.
plan kicked into high-gear. Keep it low-key, and keep it go- Later in the day, the OpNet is hit with a post from self-
ing long enough that the characters start to feel a bit bored proclaimed“supporters of President Radocani’s policies,
with it all and let down their guard. Then and only then do demanding his release from Utopia’s torture camp in
things start to get interesting. Bahrain.” Further, they threaten “continued” and ‘‘more
drastic” actions (naturally, all of this is just a ruse, and a
Strike the Match crude one at that; it is intended t o divert later suspicions
A person who is essentially in charge of a signifi- away from the area of the Confederation.) This, one way
cant number of mercenaries could theoretically man- or another, is where the characters come in.
age, by dint of his influence (the ability to manipulate If the characters work for a more hierarchical or
contract prices, close working relationships with mili- bureaucratic organization, one with a defined chain of
tary and political leaders, etc.), to engineer a conflict command, they will simply be ordered to go to Skopje,
of his own. Throughout human history, special interest Macedonia to investigatethe nature of this assault. If they
groups that stood t o profit by war have done that very are affiliated with a less hierarchical organization, it is
thing. All it would take is a certain insight into how the probably best to have an experienced and trusted mem-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

ber of the that faction (perhaps a mentor, ally, or con- has only barely managed to avoid the scrutiny of his many
tact) tip them off, ask them to look into it or otherwise pursuers and every close call makes him slip up just a little
get them to think that it would be a good idea to go pok- bit more. Likewise, a slightly less orthodox search party
ing around before someone else figures it out. It is hiqhh might be able to unearth its quarry.
implausible that truly independent novas will simply de-
cide to vacation in Macedonia a d accidentally blunder
upon this situation, so you’ll need to do a bit more leg-
work in the case of such characters to keep the scenario
believable for them. The charaden should arrive in Skopje
anywhere from the 3rd to the 6th of June (news just
doesn’t travel as quickly or as urgently in some circles as
it does in others). If the characters arrive on the 3rd. the
investigationcommences quickly and with few obstacles,
if they arrive on the 6th, then paperwork has to be filed,
permits secured, officials bribed, etc.)

Day One (Arrival)

Upon arriving in Skopje, the characters are prob-
ably going to need to orient themselves to the new city
(check in to wherever they’re staying, get a huge meal,
etc.) Give them time to assess the situation beFore delug-
ing them in conflict. This will probably be their last op-
portunity for quiet introspection for a while. Currently,
the heavy traffic of military, UN, Utopia and Directive
agents moving about in the city evokes imagery straight
out of the days of the CddWar. Policecheckpoints abound,
and the characters will likely have their identification ex-
amined any number of times over the course of the day.
They should probably quickly get used t o this kindof treat-
ment (being a nova, ironically, doesn’t help in this instance.)
If the characters are operatives in the employ of any of
the organizations mentioned above who are currently
scouring the streets, they will be subjected to a few less
impromptu interrogations, but only a few.
The characters will figure out shortly that the vari-
ous national and internationallaw-enforcement agencies
present have reason to believe that at least one of the
assailants has not had an opportunity to flee the country
as of yet. They intend to keep him boxed in until his loca-
tion can be pinpointed, but every hour that passes makes
the security forces worry more and more that he’s al-
ready given them the slip. Nothing could be further From
the truth. Currently skulking about in Skopje’s septic sys-
tem (Adaptability is good for more than just the vacuum
of space, after all), Robert “Manticore” duChamp is look-
ing for his golden opportunity to get the hell out of Dodge.
Before too long, he’ll either make his presence known to
the characters or be located by them, so don’t be in a
hurry to get them in touch with him just yet.
All told, when bedtime (where applicable) rolls
around, the characters should have some kind of game
plan For the next day. Obviously, the frantic searches be-
ing conduct by the various authorities already present
aren’t likely to yield much (as it stands, those groups have
that base covered far better than the characters could
hope to.) Thus, the characters will likely have to open
themselves to other, less obvious possibilities. Manticore

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Day Two city. Even if they are here in some official capacity, agents
D f other affiliationswill scrutinizethem, escalatingtensions
Depending on how the characters go about it, their
search could bear Fruit even this early into the investiga- inflame the mutual distrust that exists between many of
these groups, aggravating the situation further. In fact, as
tion. Manticore has already committed to the notion that
this distrust begins to build, the characters should begin to
he’s not just going to stroll out of Macedonia without
suspect that the investigation is suffering for it. Everyone
someone’s help. A Few near-encounters during the night
have forced him to take more audacious measures, and he
feelsthe pressure to outperform the other factions and be
is, by the second day the characters are in Skopje, com- the first to bring Manticoreto justice, distinguishingthem-
ing close enough to the surface to occasionally get a sehres before the eyes of the watching world.
Manticore could make contact with the characters
glimpse of the proceedings above-ground. Even with his
at this point - though keep in mind that he’s not stupid
low Node rating, Manticore has enough to sense other
and he’ll err, if at all, on the side of caution. If he chooses
quantum signatures in his immediate vicinity and thus
quickly take a r w g h head count of the n o m in any given not to show himself, the day passes with a quiet, but by no
neighborhood. Tempting fate, Manticore will attempt to means subtle, sense of building menace. Sooner or later
tail any novas he does locate -even if only briefly - in something willhappen. IF, by some chance, the characters
a desperate attempt to find potential nova allies. do get in touch with duChamp this day, skip ahead as above.
Ifthe charactersseem to him (from the methodsthey Day Four
use as they move around the city, whatever conversations If Manticore hasn’t been located by this point (i.e.,
of theirs he can listen in on and any clue he can get as to if the characters haven’t found him and turned him over
their overall attitude) to be perhaps a bit more reason- to whomever they perceive to be the proper authori-
able (however the Storyteller chooses to define that) than ties), things get ugly. The authorities seal off Skopje and
the various other parties hunting for him, he may be in- all points of access, in and out, are closed until the fugi-
clinedto approach them and ask for their help. Note, how- tive is brought to justice. Most importantly, the ominous
ever, that the characters’ actions would have to be ex- glances the characters got on day three turn into some-
ceptional for Manticore to put his life in their hands this thing more today. So long as the characters leave wher-
early into the game. Still, he knows that it’s only a matter ever they’re staying and venture out into the streets,
of time before the bigwigs bring in some kind of investi- they will receive this rude surprise.
gative specialist who can blow through his abilities of mis- The characters are approached on the street by
direction and camouflage. The only case in which he ab- three persons in the distinctive blue-and-white Directive
solutely will not do so is if the charactersare members of uniform (if the characters are with the Directive, they will
the Directive, which scares the shit out of him. be Utopians whom the characters recognize as having a
If the characters do manage to make a favorable im- good deal of on-scene authority) and asked to come to a
pression on Manticore, skip directly t o “Talking to local “facility” to answer “a few questions.” Naturally, the
Manticore” (but keep in mind that,dependinghow long they characters may resist if they so choose, but they will be
hang around Skopje, the characters may still run into some failing to comply with a legitimate agent of an organiza-
of the other problems looming on the horizon). tion that has every right to question them.
If the characters are brought in by the Directive, the
Day Three interrogation is just that. The Directive doesn’t really have
By the thirdday, policeadivity is frantic. RussianCon- a sterling reputation to maintain, and so, it can afford to
federation dignitaries, Macedonianand otherwise, are call- take the kid gloves off. The characters will be isolated
ing for the head of this terrorist. The Directive is eager to from one another and subjected to a battery of questions,
plumb his mind for evidence suggesting a possible uprising some of which may seem to have little or nothing to do
on the part of an as-yet-unknown factionof guerrillas loyal with the matter at hand (e.g., “Ms. Delgado, how many
to Yaroslav Radocani. Patrols are stepped up, and the in- times have you used the substance knownas soma?”). The
~ vestigators get ewn pushier in their dealings with both the idea is to make the ordeal trying and confusing and to
citizenry and the tourists. The authorities advocate shut- give the characters the sense that their rights have just
ting down all points of egress from Skopje until the culprit somehow been legally violated. The characters will each
is located. The world is watching what’s going on here, both be subjected to surreptitious Telepathy (as per the Te-
in the news and on the personal OpSites of those currently lepathy Extra) during the session, to verify their answers.
residing in the area, and the pressure to perform a t peak A telepath might be able to sense this procedure in use,
efficiency is intense. The various higher-ups in charge of as might someone with exceptional psychic barriers (or
the operation feel (not incorrectly) that a single nova elite Psychic Shield), at the Storyteller’s discretion, but most
- and not even a particularly famous one - is making will have no idea that someone is rifling through their
fools of them all and that the world is snickering at their heads. Lies will be pointed out, along with threats that a
ineptitude. It does not sit wdl. failure to comply truthfully and honestly with Directive
The characters get the definite s a n e that they are operatives will result in seriousconsequences. In all like-
k n g eyed warily by the various “official” operatives in the lihood, i.e., unless the characters behave completely in-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

appropriately, no consequences, serious or otherwise, will no threateninggestures. If instead the characters have to
befall them (too much press coverage), and any flippant wait it out until Day Four, then Manticore will be brought
or deceitfulcharacters will insteadsimply be markeddown to them by a plain-looking young man of Indian descent
by the Directive as “troublemakers” for future reference. calling himself “John Smith.”
If the characters are Directive operatives brought In the event that the characters make contact with
in by Utopians, the process will run much more smoothly, Manticoreat any point beForeDayFour, he will appear very
and it truly will consist of only a few questions. The char- haggard, sound nervous and smell like a septic tank. Just as
acters, however, as agents of the Directive, are really un- the characters begin t o speak with him (wherever in town
der no obligation to reply (or reply honestly), and Utopia they are; obviously someplace out of plain sight), they will
ultimately can’t do much more than plead with them For be interrupted by the aforementioned “John Smith,” who
any help they could offer. offers to bring them somewhere safe in the immediatevi-
When the interrogation is over the characters are cinity. You may need to stress to them just how vulnerable
free to return to the streets of Skopje, where the next they are out on the streetsand how little choice they prob-
element of the mystery reveals itself. ably have in the matter. If need be, a near-encounter with
some peacekeepingforces should be arranged. If the char-
Talking to Manticore acters have to wait until Day Four, the scenario is pretty
The characters have gotten here one of two ways. Ei- much the same, except that Smith Finds them and offers to
therthey have won enough OF duChamp’s trust through their bring them to duChamp and that the elite has had an op-
actions that he is willing to speak with them, OT they have not portunity to bathe first. However it happens, thesafe house
found him by Day Four. If it is the latter, then Manticore is is actually a run-down tenement building owned by an dd-
abouttobe(conditionally)delrveredtothem.Ifitisthefamer, erly widow who is using most of the apartments as board-
then the “delivery man” will insteadmake his presenceknown ing rooms For Folks traveling on the cheap.
in the opening m o w t s of the meeting. Manticore will, at this point, gladly inform the char-
If the characters are approached by duChamp, they acters of his mission while Smith looks on impassively.
will immediately know who he is (as his face has been PIEIS- DuChamp doesn’t really have all that much to confide.
tered up on TV, OpNet sites and flyers everywhere). While He was paid a reasonable sum to cause a little trouble in
he draws near, he keeps his hands in plain view and makes the processionwithout actually hurting anybody (which,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


if anyone has bothered to find out, he did not) and get

out of the area. The only reason he’s still here was a few
too many red lights that kept him from getting out of
town to hook up with his flight before security cracked
down at the edges of the city. If it looks as though the
conversation with Manticore is drawing to a close or
promising to go on for a long time, Smith will excuse
himself briefly. While gone, he will closely study a photo
and reactivate the Copycat enhancement so as not to
blow cover. Naturally, characters with exceptional pow-
ers of perception may be able to discover that Smith is
not who he claims to be (not that he’s really made a big
secret out of that), but he will quickly dismiss any such
conversation, claiming that it “isn’t relevant.”
After the characters are done talking to Manticore,
Smith will ask duChamp to “wait with the car.” He will then
withdraw a hefty Manilamelope from a briefcase and hand
it to one of the characters (if they haven’t noticed it by this
point, at least one of the characters will see that his hands
are gloved). Imide, Smith claims, is evidence of a vast and
powerfulcompiracywithin the DeVries Agency itself.Smith
doesn’t know who is responsible, as they are obviously ex-
tremely adept at covering their tracks. If pressed for infor-
mation as to how he can be so certain of the existence of
this conspiracy, Smith will let out the fact that he is an in-
ternal affairs operative with DeVries, and it’s his job to re-
mainunknown by the rank-and-file, reporting only to Anna
DeVries herself, about potential problems just such as this.
If the characters wish to continue speaking with
Smith for a little while, he’ll hang around just long enough
to address any major points they might turn up while
thumbing through the documents. However, he does in-
tend to get out of Skopje as soon as possible. The one
thing he will stress to the characters is that they must not,
under any circumstances, share the information they’ve
got with anyone, including their superiors. If they do, it
will likely mean that the conspiracy, already so well en-
trenched and hidden within DeVries will simply change its
tactics (Smith is certain that whoever is behind all of this

has at least a few contacts within allof the major nova

affiliations), only to resurface later in a new incarnation.
No, this must be dealt with on the sly by a small group of
novas who will have the discretion to see to the matter
personally. If the characters persist in trying to figure out
why they should keep this to themselves, Smith will in-
form them that, should all else fail, the company will likely
throw in with the conspirators. With the number of elites
effectively controlled by DeVries, Smith asserts, even the
combined efforts of the world’s peacekeeping authorities
and other mercenary agencies would be hard-pressed to
stop them. Effectively, DeVries needs someone to do its
dirty work in silence (Smith will not put it in such terms)
and is threatening t o play the “if you can’t beat ‘em,join
‘em” card if the charactersdon’t agree to play by its rules.
Of course, DeVries is willing to sweeten the pot. Just
as they expect the characters to play ball, they too under-
stand the rules of the game. Lucrative contracts, PR spin
doctors, sizable checks and the like can all be arranged at

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

the drop of a hat. Be willing to tailor the rewards to the If power within the company itself. “He” is a failsafe main-
characters. While a member of the Directive could con- :ained (and known about) by Anna DeVries and a handful
ceivably be persuaded to embark on this covert crusade )F others who lurk at DeVries’ highest levels of power.
with a promise of detailed tactical informationon second- Image: “Smith,” in her natural state, is an unassum-
and third-world nations, a staunch Utopian is not likely to ng-looking Taiwanese woman - pretty, certainly, but
find it adequate recompense. i o one who would stand out too much. With her powers,
If the characterswant to know why Smith has cho- iowever, she looks like whomever she pleases.
sen them, he will conFide that, all variables accounted for RdeplaylngHints Maintainyour secrecy, and break
and all odds being just about even, given the way he saw :hisconspiracy.This is the sort of thing the company keeps
them handle themselves throughout the “Manticore situ- /ou around for. Keep conversation brief, professional and
ation,” they strike him as the best possible candidates For mpersonal. Give anyone you talk to the impression that
this operation. (Naturally, this takes into account the fact fou will not tolerate anyone trying to get close t o you,
that the characters, hopefully, Comportedthemselves with ‘igure you out or otherwise compromiseyour mission. lde-
more intelligence and class than the Big Brother-like ac- ally, you will simply fade away after this is all done, and no
tivity currently going on in the streets.) In reality, it’s a me will really be any the wiser.
bit more complicated than that, but characters who can Sew Nanotech mosquitoes (seeAberrant: Elites, p. 74)
sense deceptionwill know that Smith is speaking enough oaded with mox, eufiber Fatigues, flak jacket
truth that he himself believes what he’s saying. Yatum Analyst
When Smith leaves, he tells the characters that he Allegiance: DeVries
doesn’t anticipateever seeing them again and wishes them Attributa Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Percep-
the best OF luck in their new endeavor. Within the enve- Lion 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5, Appearance 3, Manipula-
lope, the characters will find various esoteric notes re- tion 5, Charisma 3
Ferringto codenamedplaces and people, odd connections Abilitii: Academics 5, Athletics 2, Awareness 5, Biz 3,
drawn, in very wordy detail, between long-completed 3ureaucracy 5, Command 1, Computer 5, Drive 2, Endur-
DeVries operations and strings of weird fund allocations, ance 3, Engineering 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Interro-
phone bills, OpNet logins and more. To a character with- gation 4, Intrusion 5, Intimidation3, lnvestigation5, Leg-
out the Mega-lntelligenceenhancementsof either Men- erdemain 3, Linguistics 4 (Native: Mandarin; Cambodian,
tal Prodigy: Investigativeor Tactical, deciphering the notes English, Spanish, Swahili), Martial Arts (Tai Chi) 4, Me-
is going t o require an extended Intelligenceroll (25 suc- lee 2, Pilot 3, Rapport 4, Resistance5, Science 2, Stealth
cesses required, one roll per day, with a botch negating 5, Style 2, Subterfuge 5
all previously accrued successes). Characters with one BeCkpuik Backing 5 (DeVries), Cipher 5, Contacts 5,
enhancement only need 15 successes, and ones with both Dormancy 3, EuFiber 3, Node 3, Resources 5
only need 10.The Speed Reading Mega-Intelligence en- Quantum 4, Quantum Pool 28, Willpower ’?, Taint 2
hancementallows one roll to be made every six hours. The Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Catfooted), Mega-Percep-
long and the short OF it is that the character who success- tion (Quantum Attunement), Mega-Intelligence
fully wades through the ponderous notes will discern that (Analyze Weakness, Eidetic Memory, Enhanced
Smith has proof of a conspiracy but cannot point out its
Memory, Mathematical Savant, Mental Prodigy: Investi-
membership or pinpoint its projected goal as yet. How-
gative and Tactical, Speed Reading), Mega-Wits (Lie
ever, he can be reasonably certain that the conspiracy
Detector), Mega-Appearance (Copycat, Mr. Nobody),
intends to engage in a global-scale incident of aggres-
sion. Further, he goes on to draw up in great detail just
how disastrous all of this could end up being if it either Robert
went public or somehow got back to the conspirators. ”Manticore” duChamp
After Smith and duChamp depart, the characters
Back&: Robert duChamp is really just doing his
are free to do as they wish. The manhunt for “Manticore”
job. Unfortunately, he, unlike his associate for the mission,
will continue on, fruitlessly, for some time. Several
has also had the misFortune of missing his flight out of
months down the line, Robert duChamp will return to
Macedoniadue to a tightening of security at the airport. He
the elite circuit with a new identity and an expertly re-
would have tried the border by now, but he‘s too smart to
designed gimmick. So it is, with more than a few ques-
think that he can just waltz out without someone picking
tions and no real sense OF where to go from here, the
characters move into the next phase.
he knowsthat he’s much less likely to be spiritedoff to some
“John Smith” gulag to be tortured, killedand buried in a ditch in Siberia.
Back&: “John Smith” doesn’t exist, and that’s If approached by reasonable people(hopefully the charac-
just the way “he” likes it. “He” is anyone “he” needs to ters), Manticore will be happy to explain the nature of his
be for as long as it takes to do “his” job and vanish. That’s contra& scare the Macedonians without hurting anybody,
why the DeVries Agency keeps “him” on retainer as a collect paycheck, go home. He can’t go into any more detail
human tacticalsupercomputer, monitoringpossibleabuses

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

:her. DeVries takes the attitude that “there is no con-
spiracy within our company, and even if there were, we
wouldn’t tell you.” Likewise, other searches will be in vain.
There’s just too much ground to cover for the characters
to get a handle on what’s going on quite yet. Though this
will probably leave them feeling frustrated, Szlaniskovich
isn’t about to go slipping up just to oblige any potential
threats to his dream.
However, in mid-July, 2014, Szlaniskovich, with the
crushing weight of his charm and social graces, manages
to convince certain among his peers within DeVries’ re-
gional management to step up the number of elite con-
tracts being approved. With tensions as they are in India,
Africa and South America, DeVries stands to turn a mas-
sive profit. In fact, he even offers to put his fellow re-
gional managers in touch with important military and
political figures of his acquaintance (many of whom he
has “encouraged” to thinkabout martialsolutions to their
problems with that selfsame charm and grace) who would
be amenable to such an arrangement. Szlaniskovich is
friendly with an extensive list OF luminaries, a by-product
than that. Mercenaries,he will point out, aren’t paid to won- of his years spent in the circles of the beautiful and pow-
der about their orders. erful, and he Is in a position to spark full-scale wars, as
Gear:Ditched it while attempting to flee. opposed to the typical ongoing skirmishes DeVries gen-
Nature: survivor erally deals with.
Allegiance: DeVries The idea goes like this: Turn up the heat between
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Percep- lndia and Utopia to spark a confrontation. Next, play into
tion 4, lntelligence 3, Wits 5, Appearance 3, Manipula- Utopia’s commitment to the issue to start conflicts in South
tion 3, Charisma 3 America and Africa. Of course, Utopia has strongholds in
Abilities Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 4, Command 1, or near both areas, but they will obviously be understaffed
Computer 2, Drive 2, Endurance 4, Etiquette 2, Firearms while dealing with things in India. The Directive, which
2, Interrogation 2, Intimidation 2, Intrusion 2, Linguistics has little practical power in either South America or Af-
2 (Native: English; French, Russian), Martial Arts 1, Me- rica, will probably opt to keep out of the mix as much as
lee 2, Might 3, Pilot 2, Resistance 4, Stealth 1, Subterfuge possibleand instead watch for potential fallout in the First
2, Survival 3 World. 1f it doesstep up to bat, then Szlaniskovich will up
Badcgwrds:Allies 2 (other elites), Attunement 2, Cipher the ante with a rebellionamong member states of the Rus-
2, Contacts 1, Eufiber 2, Node 1, Resources 4 sian Confederation, but that’s a card he’d prefer not to
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 6, Taint 2 play unless he has to. All the pieces are in place, and the
Powers Mega-Strength * * (Quantum Leap), Mega-Dex- former elite literally has the power, with a few well-placed
terity (Flexibility), Mega-Stamina (Adaptability, Du- phone calls and (especially) some conversations in per-
rability), Mega-Wits (Quickness), Armor ***, Body son, to set some real wars in motion.
Modification(Stinger; sprouted at will, inflicts Str+2 lethal On August Yth, 2014, India formally declares its dis-
damage, can inject his Poison), Poison * e * , Shroud pute with the UnitedNations and with Project Utopia over
the matter of “crimes against religious freedom.” Fortu-
Fire It Up nately for the characters, Utopia’s problems with “India
While the characterstake a little bit of time for them- Syndrome” factor prominently into the notes Smith gave
selves after the oppressiveatmosphereof Skopje (depend- them. He Foresaw thisasa potentialweakness that thecon-
ing on what’s going on in your series, you might even wan1 spirators could exploit and strongly believed that the con-
to run a few episodes that have little or nothing to do witk spirators might try to use the growing rift between India
“Dominion”), the conspirators are preparingto make their and the UN to take over. Despite India’s huge nova popula-
push. Provided nobody talked about Smith or his revela- tion, Smith believed it to be an ideal target. Many of its
tions, the conspirators still have no idea that they are UF novas are highly disorganized and lack a perspective on
against someone who is waiting for them to make a move events going on even Four villages away. Some of the rural
(Even Szlaniskovich is not highly placed enough within thc novas might even welcomea new government, provided it
DeVries Agency to know about Smith or his functions.) was willing to preserve their way of life and defend it from
Any inquiries the characters have made into thc outside interference.Utopia, given its recent problemswith
matter are, ifthey’re lucky, stonewalledand taken no fur- India, could be reluctant to assist the nation (nor would

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

India be overly enthusiastic about accepting any assistance days from Calcutta, in one of the sutrounding Farmingcom-
proffered by Utopia). munities. The village is small, isolated and rural enough
Now, bear in mind that this is not a declaration of not to be a part OF Calcutta proper but close enough for
war, simply of a nation’s disapproval. However, this does the farmers to come to market with whatever meager sur-
mean that theunited Nations in general, and Project Uto- plus they might be able to grow. The characters, of course,
pia in particular, are now obligated to send representa- will probably be able to get there quicker (at the very
tives to India to attempt to defuse the situation. If the least, they can rent a car).
characters are with Utopia, they will not have too much Upon their arrival, the characters will note that the
trouble getting themselves assigned to the diplomatic entire village has been prepared as though for a celebra-
corps (as not too many people are clamoring for the job). tion. The villagers have donned their best clothing (for
Otherwise, the most they’ll probably need to do, depend- many of them, this probably consists of nothing more than
ing on their affiliation, is a bit OF minor string pulling to a threadbare but reasonably intact set of clean clothes),
secure a position “monitoring” affairs in India. and the smell of savory, if exotic, food lingers in the air.
So, whether with considerable fanfare or utmost As the characters come into the center OF town, a loud
secrecy, the characters arrive at the airport in Calcutta. cheer resounds. The villagers who emerge for their homes
look genuinely overjoyed to see the characters here. The
Day One (Arrival) boy runs to clutch at the skirt of a middle-aged woman,
The first thing that will strike the characters about
who gestures for the characters to follow her to the far
India (provided none of them are from there) is the sheer
end of the village. If any of the characters speak Hindi or
concentration of people everywhere. Calcutta is home to
possess Telepathy, they will understand her welcoming
literally millions. India has the largest populationof any na-
greetings and her wishes for them to accompany her to
tion on Earth in 2014, and nowhere in the cities can one
see the patron of the village.
escape from the uncomfortable realities of that Fact.
Just overlookingthe village’s meager tributary of the
The biggest problem the characters will face now is
Ganges is a small and simple home. Flowers are hung From
figuring out just where and how the conspirators intend
the outer walls and burning sticks of incensesurround the
to make a move in India. The possibilities are nearly limit-
dirt road leading to the front door, leaving only a narrow
less, and there is nothing in the notes that speciFically
path. The woman knocks loudly on the door and is invited
details what the conspirators might do here, only that In-
t o enter by a forceful, yet friendly, voice. She opens the
dia would be a favorable potential location for them. Let
door to admit the characters but remains behind, shut-
them get settled wherever they’re intending to stay. On
ting it behind them.
the way to their destination, however, any of the charac-
Within the house, the characters discover a four-
ters who are exceptionally high-profile (with international
armed man, sitting cross-legged on a large pillow. Sticks
celebrity status) will be subjected by some among the
of incense bum in a circle around him, trails of smoke coil-
throng to literal displays of worship and adoration. To
ing around his seafoam-green skin, and the walls are cov-
many Hindus, novas represent spirits that have achieved
ered in various examples of Hinduartwork, some old, some
penultimate awareness and thus power over the material
new, of varying degrees of quality. I n the most extreme
world within the course of samsara: the continualcycle of
cases, one or two crayon drawings are to be found, as
life, death and reincarnation. Some may find the notion
well as a small, gold-framed painting of Shiva that looks
disturbing, while others may consider it quite appealing.
(to those with an eye for such things) to be a well-pre-
Day Two (The Meeting) served 100years old. His garb is rich, but worn, as though
The characters’ second day in the city opens with much of it is in need of repair or replacement.
oppressive heat and no more answers than the previous The man offers an elaborate greeting in Hindi and
day. If the characters leave their hotel, one will be ap- waits for the characters to respond. If no one speaks Hindi,
proached by a small boy who will tell her in Hindi that her he gestures for them to simply talk, even if it’s only for
help is needed. If she doesn’t understand him, the boy will one of them to say, “1 don’t understand.” If this is the case,
concentrateas through strugglingto remember something he then indicates that the characters should continue to
and begin to stumble through the same message in a very speak. Once about 20 or so words have been said, the
rough pidgin of her primary language. Further, the boy says man will make a Mega-Intelligence Linguistic Genius roll
that she should bring the others and that he has a map to (if no one present speaks Hindi but one OT more of the
show her how to get where she is needed. All told, this will characters are linguistic geniuses as well, the whole pro-
probably be weird enough for the character to fed it war- cess will, naturally, go much faster.) Providedhe succeeds,
rants at least an investigation. he will then be able to use enough words to tell the char-
If anyone flies or possesses quantum-enhanced spa- acters to just keep talking at him, a messagehe will supple-
tial perceptions, the map will be easy to figure out; for a ment with Holo images if need be (a tactic he will con-
quicksketch, it is well-drawn, fairly accurate in scale, and tinue to use throughout the conversation whenever he gets
it clearly represents prominent landmarks. In worst case to a concept too complex to express with his rudimentary
scenario, at ordinary humanwalking speed, it is about four understanding).

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


Once a functional dialogue is established, the man, cere smile, Pradmurabpan will simply reply that he had
whose gives his name as Krishnamurti Pradmurabpan, in- foreseen everything about the boy’s journey, includingthe
forms the characters that he serves this village as a bridge fact that he would return unharmed. And his “visions”?
to the gods, a kind of demigod. He goes on to say that his ‘Those, the nova responds, are gifts from the gods which
visions of the future protected him from an assassin a few he himself does not fully understand. He knows that he
days ago. He foresaw a man and a woman stealing into his can see into the future (though events in the remote fu-
village to murder him in the night. By using his great power ture are often couched in riddle and symbolism) and oc-
of maya, Pradmurabpan forged a duplicate of himself to casionally, when the situation warrants it, into the past
receive the assassin’s blow in his stead, but his deception and that those things he sees will always come to pass,
was seen for what it was and a fierce battle ensued. It though not always in the fashion he imagines they will.
ended, Pradmurabpan reveals, with himself using potent Anything asked about the “army of wickedness” will
powers of illusion to temporarily trap the woman, who prompt Pradmurabpan to speak about a dark force that is
blazed like the sun, within the prison of her own evil mind. rising to grip the Earth in its unyielding fist. He talks of a
The man, no match for the village’s protector in a head- small group of men and women, gifted by the gods, but
1 on combat, spirited the comatose woman away through a selfish and cruel, who are slowly building a throne of mis-
hole in the air itself (a feat, Pradmurabpan will admit, he ery that shall cast a shadow upon all things. Pradmurabpan
himself is familiar with.) As he meditated on the events of also warns that these evil people have killed others like
the night, however, Pradmurabpan foresaw that his own himself, that their wickedness should keep the attentions
part in this was not yet done and that he had to convey a of a great giant whose duty it is to protect the world and
message t o others who could turn aside a great army of they might freely bring evil to lands of jungles and fire.
wickedness before its planscould be made complete. Thus, If the characters persist in knowing more about this
he sent the boy to Calcutta (his own presence would have latter part of Pradmurabpan’s revelations, he tells them
elicited too many questions from others) and told him that it will have to wait for after the feast. The “feast” is
where in the city to find those with whom he must speak. pretty meager vegetarian fare, but it is about all these
The characters almost assuredly have questions. people can spare. Even without nova-sized appetites,
Someone is probably going to ask how he could have sent these people are obviously malnourished. Pradmurabpan,
a small child to a city like Calcutta by himself. With a sin- however, does not eat. From the way the proceedings go,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

the characters would probably have to guess that he never lar deity, so he considers himself a vessel for them all. He
does. When dinner is concluded, Pradmurabpan tells the uses his great powers to protect and aid the people of his
characters that they must travel to a faraway jungle land, village; sending fantastic creatures to hdp with irriga-
where ancient kingdoms once thrived. He says that the tion, predicting the weather, and gently placing the ter-
lands are war-torn and that selfish men feed on pain in minally illinto worlds Free of pain until they pass from this
these places. Characters with a reasonable grasp on cur- one. The townsfolk would die for Pradmurabpan and he
rent events will probably figure that Pradmurabpanis likely for them.
speaking of Africa, South America or Southeast Asia Gear:Only the clothing on his back.
(though they will know that the former two, with the cur- Nature: Visionary
rent geopolitical climate, are likelier than the latter), but Allegiance: The Cycle of Creation
he will not be able to clarify the issue further. Instead, he Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Percep-
simply tells the characters to inform him of where they tion 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 4, Manipula-
wish to go and that it will be the right choice. tion 4, Charisma 4
‘The characters will probably need some time to dis- Abilities Arts 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 5, Brad 4, Com-
cuss what they want to do and where they want to go. If mand 4, Endurance3, Etiquette 3, Intimidation 3, Melee 1,
need be, Pradmurabpan will offer them the hospitality Might 2, Perform 2, Rapport 4, Resistance4, Style 2, Sub-
of the village for as long as they need to decide, but he terfuge 1, Survival 3
stresses that “what happened here, what you thought BadcgwKk:Allies 3 (thevillage), Attunement 2, Cipher 4,
you foresaw in your heavy book, was simply one part OF Followers5, lnfluence 1, Node 4
a greater whole that they come ever closer to realiz- Quantum 4, Quantum Pool 28, Willpower 9, Taint 5 (Col-
ing.” Depending on the characters affiliation, they may ored Skin [pale seafoam green])
have a tough time justifying why they’ve up and van- Powers: Mega-Strength (Lifter), Mega-Dexterity
ished, but that may just need to wait for later. The lead (Flexibility), Mega-Stamina (Adaptability, Regenera-
is fresh and, thanks to Pradmurabpan, they may have an tion), Mega-Perception (Quantum Attunement),
opportunity to head the enemy off at the pass. How- Mega-lntelligence (Linguistic Genius), Mega-Appear-
ever, this window may not last long enough to make re- ance (Awe-Inspiring), Mega-Charisma (Dreadful
ports and file (and be approved) for personal time, es- Mien), Body Modification (2 Extra Arms), Force field *,
pecially not in light of the escalating problems in India, Holo 2, Mirage ,Pretercognition ,QuantumCon-
now that various “village novas” are turning up dead and struct *, Warp *
the nation wants answers.
Regardless, though, now the characters must The Journey
make a choice. Where the characters end up wanting t o go,
Pradmurabpanwill gladly send them there, using his Warp
Krishnamurti Pradmurabpan power. Don’t despair; there’s something for them to do
Backpmd: KrishnamurtiPradmurabpan is venerated by
no matter where they go. As Pradmurabpan said, regard-
the people of his tiny farming village as a conduit to the
less of what they choose, it will be the right choice: They
gods. He does not feel a strong identity with any particu-
will be lauded with some small tokens of the village’s ap-
preciation for heeding the words of their semi-divine
benefactor and will be sent off with genuine good cheer
and wishes of good luck. With that, then, the warp is
opened to the destination of the characters’ choice.

For characters who decide on Africa, a strange
sight greets their passage through the warp. Preter-
natural direction sense will inform a character that the
group has arrived somewhere in the Congo, but the
view on all sides is that of the inside of a low-walled
military compound. The base looks old and in a ter-
rible state of disrepair. Trees are sprouting up from
within the compound itself, and the elements have
taken their toll on the buildings. A family of monkeys
has taken up residence in one of the taller trees. All
told, the place looks like the relic of a long-forgotten
conflict. A cursory inspection, however, will reveal, in
one of the nearby buildings, in a slightly better state
of repair, a peculiar find. Ten used military ration con-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

tainers, now being expertly cleaned out by a colony of ably going to want to get cracking on that piece of pa-
ants, are littered about. A small boulder, obviously car- per. (There are no guarantees that it means anything
ried in from outside, is the only seat in sight. whatsoever, but it’s just about all they’ve got.)
Ifthe characters search the area, though, they
may discover still more. An lnvestigation roll, at a +4
South America
If the characters choose to go instead to South
difficulty, can yield a find of great importance. (Char-
America, they will be in for a rude shock. Emerging from
acters with Mental Prodigy: lnvestigative are going
the warp, the characters will find themselves in the midst
to get their points’ worth here.) All of this can, of
course, be modified by such powers as Mega-Percep- of a gunfight between Medellincartel soldiers (as per the
tion, Luck and even Animal Mastery (“Say, monkey, soldier/policetemplate under “Strike the Match”) and one
have you seen anything unusual going on around here nova elite, clad in a duster and wide-brimmed hat and
lately?”) I f a character does manage to successfully armed with six-shooters. One o r more of the characters
make this roll, he will notice a single piece of paper may recognize the nova as “The Kid,” an up-and-comer
in the far corner of the room. on the elite circuit at the 147 spot on N!’s elite charts
On this piece of ruled notebook paper, in a nearly (once again, just use the nova peacekeeper template, ad-
illegible scrawl are a few codes (“A4R13,” etc.), some of justed as follows: Firearms 5; Mega-Dexterity * * * [Ac-
which are connected to one another with lines and ar- curacy], Mega-Perception [Ultraperipheral Percep-
rows, some of which stand alone. Also on the piece of pa- tion], Armor **, Claws * * [Kinetic Discharge]). The
per are the words “Both,” “Diecast,” and “South.” No- characters are in no immediatedanger (the fighting is just
where on the paper is found any explanation or context about 30 meters north of them), but they will be within a
for any of this. few seconds of arriving if they don’t camouflage them-
If the characters don’t seem to be getting the point selves, display enough power to drive off one or both sides
and you’re not so cruel as to want to make this a wasted of the combat, or use their powers to calm the situation
trip, you may of course make the matter a little more down.
obvious (if they’re not making an effort, though, let them If the characters either don’t interfere in any way or
suffer). If one of the monkeys is playing with the paper, side with the nova, all of the Medellinthugs are driven off
for example, it’s likely to be a bit more noticeable. Once or killed within a few minutes. If the characters attack the
they do get the paper (provided they actually do), it’s elite instead, the soldiers take the opportunity to flee. Re-
up to you where to go from here for the now. The char- gardless of how they react, when he has a moment to speak,
acters might choose to investigatethe area, but none of The Kid will try to get the characters’ attention and assure
the conspirators are about (Megalith left that page here them that he means them no harm. If the characters do
by mistake about two weeks ago). If you want, they could manage to drive off The Kid, he’ll soon come back around,
run into other elites, or perhaps even baseline soldiers, comically waving a white flag, and asking to talk.
who may or may not take kindly to folks snooping about If the characters give The Kid a chance to communi-
in their war zone. (Use the templates found in “Strike cate, he will seem grateful for the company of someone
the Match,” buffed up a bit t o reflect the soldiering who isn’t actively trying to kill him and will be eager to chat.
lifestyle.) Ultimately, however, the characters are prob- Sooner or later, he’ll inquireas to whether any of the char-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

acters has seen “this gorgeous redhead with a fire fetish” two days later, back in Bogota, when The Kid proves
named Cinder. Apparently, she was working on the other himself as good as his word and discovers that she was
side of the deal (with the Medellins, according to his tip off suddenly withdrawn from the mission, with no expla-
from some OF the higher-ups in DeVries), but she never nation offered, to instead attend a formal dinner with
showed. That, he goes on to say, would have been weird some of the second-tier Medellin leadership, along with
enough in and of itself, but he also discovered, just before another elite named Megalith.
the firefight broke out, that the cartel was moving mite, Provided that the characters worked with The Kid
rather than any cocaine-based product, something which and that Smith is still alive, they will get a call and an offer
is almost unheard-of for the Medellins. The Kid admits that similar to the one found above under Africa. Smith will be
he just wanted to talk to her beforehand and stage a good similarly dodgy and will promise to get in touch again when
show for both employers (he’ll say that he can’t specifically he’s got something more to report. If Smith is dead, The
tell who his bosses are for this job, but it goes something Kid will do a little bit of searching for the characters him-
like “Confirmed ldjits Association”) and then pull a mutual self (though he will offer the information to the “prettiest
retreat so no one got seriously hurt. filly” or “chummiest-seeming” among the characters.)
The Kid is very friendly and personable (even if
he does come across like a handsome young gunslinger Southeast Asia
clichk), and if the characters seem interested i n The most outside possibility, should the charac-
Cinder’s whereabouts, he will offer to look into what ters choose t o take it, yields up what may be the best
happened t o her as soon as he gets back to civilization clue yet. The characters find themselves warped inex-
if they agree to help him round up the Medellins who plicably into an alley in Bangkok. They will probably
fled the scene and destroy the small crates of mite spend a moment wondering why they hell they ended up
they’re carrying. He doesn’t care if they are killed or here. Suddenly, however, two deep male voices burst out
just knocked out, so long as the product is gotten rid into laughter that sounds t o be just outside the alley-
of. If the characters decide to help out, it will be a mere way, on a first-floor balcony. The mouth-watering smell

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

b I

of Thai curry wafts into the alley as the two men con- the intended end of killing anyone who might be able to
tinue to carry on a conversation in Russian. derail his dream.
Providedthe characters take the necessary measures If the characters have the intelligence to wait and
(getting very close to the conversation without beingseen, bide their time quietly, then they will find their patience
possessing extremely refined hearing or otherwise hav- rewarded. About 10 minutes after they arrive, both men
ing some means of discerning what’s going on without will rise, embrace and bid one another farewell. ‘The Rus-
compromisingtheir location), they will be able to listen in sian will refer to the Thai as “General,” and the other will
as the two men (one of whom is plainly not Russian, but
probably ‘Thai) discuss “future support,” “distribution of
resources” and “solidifying legitimacy.” All told, it sounds
very much like an “1’11 scratch your back if you scratch
mine” kind of arrangement.
If any of the characters have Intuition, Premonition
or similar powers, let them know, unreservedly, that show-
ing their faces t o the men dining just outside the alley
wwld likely be theworst thing they’ve ever done and would
almost assuredly be the last. A near-palpable sense of life-
threatening danger crouches at the end of the alley. Char-
acters who wish to sense for quantum with Node will sense
a quantum source, while those using the Quantum
Attunement enhancement will feel what is probably one
of the most potent quantum signatures they’ve ever ex-
perienced. Just outside the alley, speaking with one of his
old friends from his time as an elite, is Radu Szlaniskovich,
and if he senses in any way that his operation is compro-
mised, he will fight with all of his considerable power, to

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

return his goodbyes to “Szlaniskovich.” Shortly thereaf- generated much business lately. This new development,
ter, both will be gone and the characters will feel that on the other hand, most definitely would. Still, this gives
mantle of danger lifted from them. Once more, Smith will the Storyteller ample opportunity to throw the charac-
arrange to make contact with the characters shortly there- ters into intrigue-laden situations, as they realize the po-
after, as above. Also as above, he will then vanish to do tential scope and enormity of the conspiracy. DeVries is
his research, with a promise to get back to the characters willing to be a part of this, but who else could be involved?
as soon as possible. And if for whatever reason the char- After the characters let on that they know this (and have
acters choose to or have to go it alone on this one, it will known this), there may be repercunions. Will the char-
be at least as hard, if not harder, making any headway as acters’ mentor be upset that they didn’t let her in on what
it would be if the characters did likewise under Africa. they knew?And of course, once this conspiracy becomes
(more) common knowledge, what is to keep others from
Reaping the Whirlwind throwing their support behind it?
Regardless of where the characters choose to go and The characters will have a couple of weeks to work
how things wrap up, they are probably back to wherever through all of this (assimilating what they now know, deal-
they want to be by around August 20th, 2014, at the latest. ing with the fallout of revealing their hidden knowledge
Now, the characters have a bit of time to regroup (unless, and/or running this campaign of counter-intrigue against
of course, they missed the clue and/or Smith is dead, in the conspirators, the DeVries Agency and God knows who
which case they’re probably scrambling frantically to fig- else.) No matter what the characters might do, however,
ure out what to do next) and make plans. Clever characters, all of the conspirators are incognito for the time being.
should they have somehow missedout on any of the oppor- It’s as if the Earth has swallowed them up while they pre-
tunities to pick up clues, might go back to speak with pare for whatever else they’re now planning. They know
Pradmurabpan(who will be able to provide some informa- they’ve been compromised, and they’re not about to take
tion, though not as much and as clearly as Smith can). any pointless risks or tip their hand.
Assuming Smith is alive and in possession of what-
ever intelligence the charactershave gathered, he will call A World United
back after about a week. If the characters went to either The characters will come into this in one of two ways.
Africa or South America, they will be informed that Cin- The first (and preferable) option is that they have spilled
der, Diecast and Megalith (regardless of which destina- the beans about the conspiracy. The second is that an
tion they chose) are the names of three elites involved in enterprisingyoung woman from Szlaniskovich’s secretarial
the conspiracy and that it may go as high as one or more pool recently figured out enough that she filed a discrete
of the regional managers of the agency. Further, Smith plea to the United Nations to look into the matter (as
goes on to urge the characters to let the higher-ups within snooping in the boss’ office got her a hell of a lot more
the organization of their affiliation know what is going on. than she figured she’d find). UN contacts within DeVries
This is no longer a time for secrecy. If the characters went then turned up things they wished they hadn’t (assisted
to Southeast Asia, Smith replies, via an encrypted OpNet by Smith if he survived or by one or more of the members
e-mail, “Situation desperate. DeVries Europe East Re- of the Boardof Directors who didn’t like this turn of events
gional Coordinator Radu Szlaniskovich, formerly Impaler, otherwise). One way or another, though, it is time to do
behind conspiracy. Tell your superiors. They have my lo- something about this.
cation. This will be my last communication. Ultra-Violence, The time frame from here on in is left pretty loose
Cinder, BgTimeediecd’ Astute observers (or anyone who so that you can decide when, between this point and year’s
has ever really needed to send an e-mail in haste) will end, everything happens. It may be that the characters in
undoubtedly note that “John’s” obvious final spelling er- your game need a bit more time for intrigue, planning or
ror was the product of rushing to get the message sent. whatever, than the characters in someone else’s series.
About two minutes later, a new message shows up in the Generally, we will be assuming that this part of the sce-
character’s inbox; “Now you die.” nario takes place shortly after August 20th, but that is no
Nothing the characters may bring to DeVries (if they more set in stone than you need it to be.
even choose to go to the agency at this point) will move The “world” that ends up united by this, however, may
them. The characters will be stonewalled at every turn. be nothing more than the sum total of Aberrants currently
DeVries wants to see how this issue settles itself, and involved in that movement. Dependingon how big the fac-
they’re inclined t o bet on their own horse. In fact, the tion is that the characters belong to, the number of people
agency itself begins calling in favors owed by the most they bring together might also number in the millions. More
powerful member states of the United Nations to stay out likely than not, though, it is probably the case that the United
of this affair. This is not because the DeVries Agency par- Nations will be involved in this affair. (Regardless of the
ticularly cares about Szlaniskovich and the conspirators characters’ affiliation, you may want to find a reason for
(beyond the capital they’ve generated). It has much more this to occur, as it dramatically increases the epic score of
to do with the tantalizing prospect of putting a young na- “Dominion”; everything looks bigger when all the power
tion in their debt, and the Russian Confederation hasn’t players in the world are watching). Utopians and Directive

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

agents will almost assuredly find themselves called upon by any organization, even the Teragen), they will find them-
the United Nations, but don’t discount the storytelling pos- selves on guard duty in the Russian Confederation.
sibilitiesofapackof knownTeratsstandingbefore therep- Whether this means that T2M team leaders are pulling
resentatives of the member states. Expediency sometimes strings to relegate the characters to “chump detail” and
makes for strange bedfellows. thus snag all of the glory for themselves (as nobody hon-
So, whether to Caestus Pax, the Secretary General estly believes that anyone would be so bold as to attack
of the United Nations, Sophia Rousseau, Divis Mal or any the Russian Confederation itself) or the Mathematician
combinationof the above and then some (taking logic into
account), the characterswill be askedto speak about what Two big issues have traditionally hamstrung the UN in
they know. Many others, all of whom possess scattered combating international terrorism:
fragments of the puzzle, will also step up to bat, but no First, the UN has always found it difficult t o actually
one has had as much and as intimate contact with the con- define what “terrorismn is. People can point at it after the
spiracy as the characters. Now is their time to shine. The fact and say, “that was terrorism” (generally, there are al-
questions will keep coming, and the characters will be ways dissenting voices), but no one, as yet, has proposed a
pressed for every detail they know. ‘There will be criti- satisfactory means of identifyingterrorism before something
cism and many heated arguments over plans that are pro- blows up, someone gets held hostage or someplacegets nerve
posed, modified and thrown out, only to besuggestedonce gassed. Small countries are inclined to define it as whatever
again in an alternate form. Many cooks are hard at work lets bigger countries pick on them. Large nations call terror-
spoiling the broth. ism anything that threatens the stability of their vast infra-
This can be a golden moment for one or more structures. Religiouscountries include matters of faith in their
characters to step forward and demand decisive ac- definition. Nations in global ”hotspots” can either be very
tion. By now, the characters probably have a sense that liberal or very strict with their ideas. Many believe that it
all the talking in the world isn’t going to stop a group must consist of violence worked in the name of a political
of people who have proven themselves unafraid t o act. and/or ideological objective, but just as many are hasty to
Here, at the pivotal point, the characters can make leg- point out that this marks revolutions, national police actions
ends o f themselves. If none o f the characters step for- and even UN peacekeeping actions as acts of terrortsm to
ward to do so, though, you can have a Storyteller char- one extent or another. Often, the debate on what terrorism
acter (whether that be a trusted mentor or a complete is simply ends up degenerating into the representatives of
stranger) pipe up and deliver the speech that every- various countries accusing others of prior or ongoing “ter-
one needs to hear. Hopefully, the characters will make rorist” activities against their own nation, which has obvi-
a grab for their moment in the sun, but it’s not abso- ously neverstooped so low.
lutely necessary, and in some cases (like among cer- Second, once the representatives manage t o actually
tain cadres of Directive operatives), it might not even look past the (unresolved) “what is terrorism?” conundrum,
be appropriate. they need to contend with the formidable issue of what to
Ultimately, players should realize that their charac- actually do about it. The general consensus has almost al-
ters need to intervene. Whether they’re doing it for 7he ways been that the UN should probably seriously think about
Zurich Accord or 7he Null Manifesto, it’s got to be done. considering actions to condemn terrorist activities. Maybe.
Might does not make right, no matter how powerful one Some are in favor of fines or sanctions, whereas others wish
might be, and this can only end poorly for everyone, nova to install a system of more drastic measwes. However, as most
and baseline alike. This heretofore-unprecedented act of will tell you, this is all pending a mutually agreed-upon com-
terrorism needs to be prevented. It may well be the first mon, all-inclusive and universaldefinition of terrorism and a
time in the history of the United Nations that the repre- commitment by all member states to a comprehensive list OF
sentatives of all member states agree on labeling an act of preemptive countermeasures. I n short, the UN will be lucky
terrorism before the fact. if r t works all of this out by 3014.
When decisive action is agreed upon (unless the Thus, while the United Nations claims jurisdiction over
characters propose a better suggestion and actually get international counter-terrorism. no one in it could tell you
everyone t o listen to it, a daunting prospect if one is deal- what they’re combating - at least, not to the complete
ing with the UN), it will probably involve members of vari- satisfaction of even a majority of the representatives
ous peacekeeping forces scattered to “problem areas” present. It is, in part, this nebulous pseudo-definition of
that look ripe for conquest, places far from where terrorism that gives the UN (and, by extension, Utopia) such
Szlaniskovich actually intends to strike. Again, this may broad and largely unregulated authority in these matters.
not be the case in your series if the characters are trying The alternative, however, is to remain completely paralyzed
to pull this off with nothing more than, say, all the and unable to react to any act of any international aggres-
Aberrants they can muster. sion until suitable terminology is found. If that were the case,
As the characters are not going t o be the ranking Radocani’s would still be lording over Macedonia and the
members of whatever faction they represent (a pecking Ethiopian Highlands would probably be covered in blood
order defines who can “ask” whom to do what within rather than growing grain.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

takes them aside and rattles off an incomprehensible incite it). Still, the event does not end up being totally
string of equations defining why they have to go to the detrimental to the world at large.
Ukraine, the characters should be unequivocallyassigned Mayuno “Kou” Morioka, a Nippontai telepath known
there. Whether or not they expect it, they’re going to among certain high-ranking circles of the Japanese gov-
be in for the fight of their lives. ernment for the subtlety of her mental “explorations”
manages to get inside Szlaniskovich’s head during some
A IternativeIyo..
- of his sessions with Japan’s decision-makers and, while
If, for whatever reason, Smith is not around or the she lacks the power to manipulate his mind, she does get
characters feel like flying solo and you don’t want to magi- ahold of the names of a few of the conspirators (of your
cally put everything back on track, there’s another way choice) and of the nature of their mission. While she does
entirely you can get the characters where they’re going. not know where they will strike, she is aware that they
As alluded-to in the introductionto “Dominion,” tensions will. Further, Kou shares this information with her superi-
between China and Japan are growing, and while in early ors who, in turn, decide to carry on with the skirmish with
2014 they’re not quite at the breaking point, a lot can the Chinese as though nothing has happened and secretly
change by year’s end, especially if you need it to. The stan- bring what they know to the United Nations. Nippontai
dard Aberrant timeline will not be exploring this possibil- are ordered to engage but not to harm if at all possible
ity, and you won’t find any mention of “that war China (thus admirably rounding out the list of people who will
and Japan had back in ‘14” in Future products; it is in- owe Japan a great deal for their part in this matter when
cluded purely as an alternative means of getting to the everything comes to light).
Final confrontation in the Ukraine. Other than that, you can make this as long or short,
Basically, how it goes (and you can elaborate on this neat or messy, simple or complex as you want to. If your
in any way you require) is that, while lndia is hashing out series is best served by expediency, just sum it up. If, on
diplomatic and religious issues with the United Nations the other hand, you like the idea of getting the characters
and Utopia and a handful of brushfire wars are raging involved in yet more intrigue(and y w feel you’d be sweep-
across Africa and South America, there is a limited en- ing the details under the rug if you didn’t), you might want
gagement between the novas of the Exploding Heavenly to make at least a few episodes out of it.
Mandate and Nippontai. Though the event is small and
easily contained, it couldn’t have come at a worse time Judgment Day
(which is precisely why Szlaniskovich worked so hard to Whatever they’ve done, however they’ve gotten here,
the characters now stand at the threshold of a new age. For
the First time since their ascension to the public eye about
a decade-and-a-half ago, novas areabout to use their pow-
ers to attempt the blatant conquest of a first-world nation.
Frightening questionsabound about the nature OF novas and
whether this will be the ink in which humanity’s future is
writ. Perhaps it is only as few as a handful of novas or per-
haps it is as many as the representatives of all the govern-
mentsof the world, searching frantically for the target even
as they are already beginning to work at erasing this blem-
ish from the annals of history (in the hopes that it will fail
and never come to light in times to come), but a silent fear
lingers around all who keep this vigil - what if the con-
spirators succeed? Crouching like a hungry spider, DeVries
also watches and waits, putting just enough support into
the coup to help it to succeed but not so much that their
assistance can be reliably traced back to them. After all,
the hallmarks of the mercenary are ambition and pragma-
tism. The DeVries Agency is no exception on either count.
The opening shot of the Final confrontation is made
in Moscow. Streaking in like a formation of demons out of
Hell, every conspirator who can fly, Teleport or other-
wise move very quickly (with Hypermovement or Quan-
tum Leap) attacks the Kremlin itself. Overpowering the
Directive agents and other novas on the scene within min-
utes, they lay to waste the cabinet of the RussianConfed-
eration, injuring the leader of the Confederation(in fact
if not on paper), the nova Vladimir Sierka, before moving

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

on toward the Ukraine courtesy of Whisper’s Warp abil- The conspirators have tipped their hand, and now, they
ity. With a single decisive blow, the conspiratorshave ef- must finish the game.
fectively destroyed the Confederation’s ability to put up The characters have about seven minutes from the
an organized resistance, even as anyone who cares is pa- first indications of problems in Moscow to get things or-
trolling the savannas and jungles looking for something ganized to provide a “welcome” for the conspirators. Un-
they won’t find there. As chaos ensues in Moxow, the fortunately, even if they can be sure that they’re coming,
conspiratorsclose on the Ukraine, hoping to seize control they don’t know how or from which direction. Also, when
quickly, overwhelming any military resistance with only a the characters start mobilizing, especially if they claim to
modicum of effort. “know for certain” that the elites are coming here, they
whatthey‘renntcolntrngoni5thechaaders~there. are going to have a panicked populace on their hands. A
Even as the slaughter in the Kremlin unfolds, mili- populace, they should know by now, that the conspira-
tary personnel are going frantic in Kiev, where the char- tors are very much willing to inflict grievous harm on in
acters have been stationed(perhaps Pradmurabpan’s talk order to weaken any resistance.
of destiny is not so superstitious after all). Soldiers are Thanks to Szlaniskovich‘s extensive intelligenceon
racing about, trying to call to other bases for news, help Russian Confederation military procedures and troop
or anything. Many of them are simply unbelieving of what placements(the best he has on any nation), he is aware of
is unfolding on their radios, televisions and computers. exactly where the military base in Kiev is located and what
Someone needs to take control and establish some order kind OF confrontation he should be looking at. And while
here. Any characters with powers ranging from Mental he is expecting the outside possibility of one or two no-
Prodigy: Tactical to Premonition to Luck will sense that vas to mow down, he is certainly not anticipatingthe pres-
something verybad is about to happen. Here. Soon. Even ence of an entire team of them, especially not a team of
if no one in the group possesses these powers, those with novas prepared for his arrival. This element of surprise,
any kind of military or organizational training will realize however brief, may be the key to the only chance the char-
that going to red alert might not be such a bad idea. Geo- acters have.
graphically speaking, Moscow is not that far from Kiev.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

First, Cinder and Ms. Mayhem emerge from a warp, for the value of life. If the characters do decide t o
streaking out over the base. Cinder immediately strafes tangle with the elites, then the conspirators will try to
the ammo dumps with her bolts of flame, rocking the draw them away From the immediate area of the base
ground for kilometers with the enormity of the explo- and the city (something the characters are likely not
sion, while Ms. Mayhem liberally applies her Bioentropy averse to as it is both easier and less likely to rack up
Storm to as many nearby soldiers and civilians as she can. collateral damage). Regardless of how the characters
The shock and surprise last for only a few seconds, but it approach the situation, the third wave drops in.
is all the time these two women needto beginsewing chaos Running on (thankfully current) military schemat-
among the ranks. Even as the characters begin to react to ics, Shinobi and Ultra-Violence end up inside the com-
this, however, another warp opens. mand center of the base itself. IF one or more characters
This time, Megalithand Big Time emerge. They drop down are not actually there, then all the command personnel
into the midst of a good deal of the military heavy equip- will be dead within two minutes. If any of the characters
ment, which they begin heaving into various other struc- are there, they will be singled out for termination the in-
tures or,as the mood takes them, into orbit. If the char- stant they display now powers. Shinobi’s first priority,
acters begin to move visibly at either of the two power- leavingmost of the personnel to U-V if need be, is to get
houses, Big Time and Megalith will be surprised momen- Kiev’s short-range missiles (all of which are, naturally,
tarily (granted, for some novas, a moment is ample time) many kilometers outside the city itself) launched at ev-
but are sure to fling something sizable at the characters if ery other military base in the Ukraine within 10 minutes,
they get the chance. before any kind of counterstrike can be executed. To this
Now, the characters must divide themselves end, she will be using her considerable computer skills,
among two sets of targets if they wish to cut down on her Mega-Intelligence and her knowledge of similar sys-
baseline casualties. (If the Teragen is involved, this is tems she has memorized with her Enhanced Memory. In
not something one can take for granted.) If the char- short, if no one stops her, she wdllaunch the missiles.
acters don’t look as though they’re showing any inter- Next, Diecast, Whisper and Szlaniskovich himself,
est in the baseline body count, then the elites will con- once again relying on Szlaniskovich’s intelligence on the
centrate on them, keenly aware that they are obviously most important structures in Kiev, end up inside Ukrai-
dangerous if they possess that kind OF lack of respect nian governor Aleksei Chernenko’s statehouse or in the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

bunker beneath it, where the governor and many of his Doing so, however, will be no mean feat. This is the culmi-
most important ministers of state have retreated. As the nation of years of ambition, a plan to which the charac-
characters will not be allowed anywhere near this se- ters are the only real impediment. With that in mind, the
cret structure, unless they take truly exceptional mea- conspirators will kill everyone in Kiev, if need be, to de-
sures, Governor Chernenko and his aides will be dead stroy the characters.
within 20 seconds. As Diecast and Whisper move out to There is no “perfect moment” at which to bring in
engage the enemy outside, Szlaniskovich settles down the cavalry, have the conspirators break and run or end
to the business of cutting Kiev off from the rest of the the scenario in any other way you feel comfortable with.
world. With Shinobi doing her part at the military base The most important part is that the characters fight the
and Szlaniskovich his from the statehouse, they intend good fight, take their lumps, make sacrifices (perhaps,
to silence the city for the duration of the takeover. Also, for some of them, even the greatest of sacrifices) and
though he has no intention of letting any of his fellow generally live up to all that is best in novas, no matter how
conspirators know about it, Szlaniskovich is checking to they choose to define that. However, whenever you feel it
be sure that his intelligence about the escape tunnel in right, provided the characters succeed (something nei-
the bunker beneath the statehouse (which uses a small, ther the players nor the Storyteller should take for
subterranean computerized bullet train t o get to a point granted), a small force, consistingof both baselines and a
25 kilometers out of Kiev) is correct. Fortunately for handful of novas, will enter Kiev at the direction of the
him, should all this fail, it is. very newly, very hastily, temporarily elected Russian Con-
At this point, it pretty much comes down to how the federation president, Natalya Vasily (who will probably
characters choose to handle the situation with the con- end up holdingonto the title even after this mess is cleaned
spirators. Shinobi and Szlaniskovich will be largely occu- up). Whether they arrest, kill or simply drive off the con-
pied so, unless you really needthem to make this final battle spirators is up to you and whatever serves your series
difficult as hell (which you probably won’t), they will likely best. And so, for better or worse, a year-long conspiracy
end up spending most, if not all, of the fight hacking Kiev’s of conquest comes to an end. Perhaps all nine will stand
computers. However, cyberkinetics and other characters trial for crimes against humanity. Then again, perhaps
with exceptional intelligenceor computer skills will prob- Radu Szlaniskovich’s flag will cast its shadow over Kiev
ably be needed to keep the two from establishing com- when next the sun rises. It’s up t o you and the players.
plete control of all of the city’s major civil and military
systems. Remember, though, that if it begins to look as The Aftermath
though he’s in an untenable situation, Szlaniskovich will What happens now? Granted, Szlaniskovich and the
abandon his fellow conspirators at the drop of a hat and other elites have likely lost their jobs with DeVries, one
leave them to their fates. way or the other, but what else? That’s also yours to de-
As for other characters? Fighterswill obviously have
their hands full. No matter what the character’s particular
fighting style, there is more than likely an opponent (or
opponents) who suits her. Characters with leadership
qualities will be needed to keep the citizenry from pan-
icking. Also, such characters might be able to rally the
military (which still possesses some very potent combat
technology despite the current state of chaos) and help
them to organize a counterattack. In fact, there is almost
no set of Abilities, Mega-Attributes and quantum powers
that will not come in handy here. Granted, some must be
used in a more innovative fashion than others to be help-
ful but, then again, not everyone is going to want to slug it
out toe-to-toe with the conspirators.
From this point onward, it is up to the Storyteller to
make this a terrible battle on a truly epic scale. Charac-
ters may die; if so, let them go in a moving and heroic
Fashion. Explosions will rock the streets of Kiev, missiles
may be launched, there will be fire and panic and terror.
The conspirators will fight, with neither conscience nor
mercy nor remorse. The characters will probably be fewer
and their situation more desperate, but all they need to
do is to hold the elites long enough for help to arrive (hope-
fully before Szlaniskovichcan touch base with enough na-
tions to shut down any attempts to divert the conquest).

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

cide. How neatly (or messily) do you, as Storyteller, want evolutionary betters. Of course, such an act of charity,
everything to wrap up? Do you want the RussianConfed- regardlessof its philosophicaljustification, is likely to leave
eration to break up into warring nation-states? Go For it. some Terats questioning their beliefs. Not to say that they
Does your series cry out for a more globe-spanning con- are guaranteed to have a change of heart about their place
flict (and the novas to avert a WWIII-level of worldwide under Darwinian law but that a few might just Find The
destruction)? Sounds great. Or do the characters get NullManifestolacking in answersto their questions. Genu-
medals pinned on their chests in UN headquarters, hearty ine humanitarianism sometimes has that eFfect.
salutes from all present and a rousing cheer as the credits And what if the characters fail (provided, of course,
roll? It’s all a matter of how your want things to wrap up. that any or all of them survive)?
There are two different ways, regardless of who the Members OF Utopia and the Directive can expect a
characters are, that you can go with this. First of all, let’s running uphill battle against the forces of this new and
look at what might happen if the characters successfully heinous quantum tyranny. Perhaps still more elites (and
overcome Szlaniskovich and his conspiracy. others) get ideas about planting their flag in one fertile
Unfortunately, Utopians (including Proteus opera- stretch of land or another. Remember the Directive’s ref-
tives) and agents of the Directive have the least to take erences to “worst case scenarios predicted back in ‘98’’
away from this scenario (but then, they had it easiest corn- in the Teragen section of the Aberrant Introduction? Per-
ing into it). In large part, such characters must simply be haps China will step up the timeframe for their drastic
content to have fulfilled their group’s agendas and con- ultimatum. Such a thing could certainly be the spark that
tinue on from here. If, however, you don’t want such a ignites another Great War. Maybe the characters have t o
standardized, cookie-cutter “Good vs. Evil” conclusion, try to stop that war or, even worse, find that it’s far too
you can feel free to fabricate plausible reasons for drop- late for that and now they have to be a part OF it. Regard-
ping tidbits on the less-savory goals of the group of the less of how things turn out, if Szlaniskovich‘s flag flies
characters’ affiliation. (This is easier to do with T2Mers over the Ukraine, events are guaranteed to turn ugly
and regular Utopia personnel; Proteus and Directive op- sooner or later, and that is the fallout that members of
eratives don’t really have that many illusions about what international peacekeeping organizations will be heir to.
they’re doing and what their organizations are, in all like- Aberrants, if they don’t end up enmeshed in a
lihood, doing to them.) But then, those who get involved planetwide war, will probably discover that Utopia ends up
with global peacekeeping organizations usually aren’t in it cleaning up the situation (most likely through a joint effort
for the perks (or,at least, they can’t seem to be). between all the branches OF Team Tomorrow) and finds it-
Aberrants can be gifted with one of the greatest re- self in a position to leverage yet more “advisory power”
wards OF all: legitimacy. For a pseudo-secret society OF over the UN Security Council. In fact, Utopia’s “honorary
downtrodden underdogs led by a globetrotting queen of seat” could swiftly blossom into a more elaborate arrange-
“high art” crime and a rowdy young hedonist with a ven- ment; Utopia could easily end up the One World Govern-
detta for his former bosses, that’s probably more than ment with fodder like this for its fire. With that in mind, the
enough.Suchamoralvidorymight just begintoshowpeople Aberrants’ ethical disputes can very easily grow into some-
that these aren’t just malcontents who have it in For Utopia. thing more akin to a crusade, with the characters taking on
After all, the characters will have put their lives on the line the role of active Freedom fighters, doing battle with the
(indeed, some quite possibly made the ultimate sacrifice in savior who turns out to be the oppressor.
the line of duty) and pulled off what Utopia didn’t. While Teragen who cannot successfully Overcomethe con-
Caestus Pax and his crew were off breaking up elite skir- spiracy will witness the unfolding of the horrors that are
mishestwo-on-one in the hiddencorners of nationsso small the ultimate expression of the differences between
and transient most people don’t bother learningtheir names, baselines and novas. Instead OF reaching toward their des-
the Aberrants picked up the ball and did what was right. tiny and ultimate potential, Szlaniskovichand his elitessink
And what might that say to the world about who has their into the depths of decadence and depravity, polluting the
priorities in order? About who the realheroes are? giFt of the Mazarin-Rashoud node with base lusts. The
Terats, on the Flip side of the same coin, may also Teragen has a Romantic notion of what novas can become
actually win some sympathy for their position (among and what role they are to play in the world. Next to that,
people other than beer-swilling 18-to-35-year-old white no autocracy of intermingledspecies, no matter how pros-
American males who do not Fully appreciate the irony of perous or wealthy, is worth what one must lose. To dedi-
their testosterone-inducedappreciation of such a move- cated Terats, this is the road that Falls just short of the
ment). Since when has anyone heard of the Teragen do- promised land but beckons seductively enough to blind
ing something goodin the name of separatism? For once, those who walk it to the truth of who they are. Should you
the baseline chimps might get it through their thick pri- wish to run with either of them, the WWlll scenario and
mate skulls that this is an ideology (as opposed t o a the Utopian takeover are both thoroughly appropriate to
metahumancollection of thugs, a la“Supervillaim’ Union” supply ongoing struggles for the Teragen. Or perhaps the
or any other such ridiculousconvention of the comic book Teragen movement falls apart altogether. Or it calcifies
industry), and it is as good for their kind as it is For their into something more cohesive. Maybe Divis Mal himself

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

has something to say or something he feels he needs to do.
Maybe, for whatever reason, he intends to make the char-
acters a part of it.
Win or lose, there’s a lot for independent novas to do
in the wake of the conspiracy’s actions. Too much, in fact,
to adequately cover. Corporate novas might be “encour-
aged” to find some way, no matter how things turn out, to
turn a profit for their employer. If that employer is DeVries,
the stakes get even higher. Truly independentnovas willhave
made namesfor themselves, regardless, providedthey were
not already in the limelight (as novas go). Perhaps the ma-
jor factions vie for their allegiance, trying to turn their suc-
cess into an advantage. Or maybe they are targeted for
elimination by a mysterious party, due to the displeasure
they have incurred for their failure. If the characters don’t
work for DeVries, the company will sure as hell try to rope
them in with lucrative contracts and promises of the good
life after all of this.
The characters will also have new friends, enemies
and interestedobservers when the dust settles. Looseends
will probably abound, suggesting even more new directions astonishingly powerful and the recipient of a stellar of-
to follow. “Dominion” may just be the beginning.... fer from DeVries. Combined with his years of experi-
ence with guerrilla warfare as a baseline and his quan-
tum-powered strugglesand ultra-high-class, post-erup-
tion lifestyle, Szlaniskovich‘s time behind the desk taught
him true appreciation for the nuances of power. More
than a simple bully or tyrant, he is a consummate master
of all arenas: physical, intellectual and emotional. He
appreciates all that power has to offer without becom-
ing lost in its seductive embrace. He learns from yester-
day, enjoys today and plans for tomorrow. He is, in short,
the perfect man to orchestrate, from behind the scenes,
the conquest of a nation.
Image: Szlaniskovichis asavagelyhandsomeman, with
an obviously predatory air about him and a raw, sensual
appeal. Though not as powerfully built as some novas, he is
tall and statuesque. His sartorial choices are invariablystun-
ning (whether that be a tuxedo for dinner and dancing or
the ridged and articulated iridescent black armor used for
those now-rare combats) and of the finest eufiber money
can buy. Szlaniskovich’s black hair falls, straight and thick,
to his namow waist, and his moltenblue eyes are framed by
pale and angular features. The mercenary’s voice is deep
Radu ”Impaler” and sonorous, with a strong accent.
Szlaniskovich You have worked hardall of your life
to be more and better tomorrow than you are today. Even in
Background: Ever since he first killed a nova elite
a world of demigods, you have been uniquely ambitious and
as a baseline mercenary, Radu Szlaniskovich, the man
have pursued that ambition with all the patience of a man
who would one day come t o call himself (behind the
who knows he will live for at least the next severalcenturies.
mask) Impaler, understood one simple fact The enlight-
You are unfailingly polite and genteel, inan Old W d d sort of
ened pursuit of invincibility and absolute power is not
way, butyou could tear an infant in half if you thought it would
beyond the means of one with a flawless sense of ambi-
bring you half a pace closer to your ultimate goal. Your only
tion and a perfect, subtle patience. His eruption came
morality, ultimately, is self-advancement
to him as no surprise, and his three extremely lucrative
years of very low-profile elite work gave him a solid base
Gear:Flawlessly tailored eufiber suit, hair brush, straight
razor, cell phone.
from which to build his fortune. Shortly after the merci-
Nature: Visionary
less Slav hung up the mask, he found himself filthy rich,
Allegiance: DeVries (on paper, at least; in reality, none)

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

~ . .. . -

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep-

tion 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5, Appearance 5, Manipula-
tion 5, Charisma 5
Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Biz 4, Brawl 5, Com-
mand 4, Computer 3, Drive 2, Endurance 4, Etiquette 4,
Firearms 3, Interrogation 5, Intimidation 5, Intrusion 3,
Linguistics4 (Native: Russian; Arabic, Cambodian, English,
Spanish), Martial Arts (Muy Thai) 4, Melee 2, Might 3,
Rapport 4, Resistance 5, Stealth 2, Style 5, Subterfuge
5, Survival 3, Weave 4
B a c k p d s Allies 5 (elites), Backing 5, Cipher 5, Con-
tacts 4, Eufiber 5, Node 5, Resources 5 Quantum4, Quan-
tum Pool 30, Willpower 10, Taint 3
Powen: Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap), Mega-
Dexterity * * (Physical Prodigy), Mega-Stamina * * *
(Adaptability, Hardbody, Regeneration, Resiliency),
Mega-Perception (Quantum Attunement,
Ultraperipheral Perception), Mega-Intelligence (Men-
tal Prodigy: Financial and Tactical, Taint Resistance),
Mega-Wits (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness x 2),
Mega-Appearance (First Impression, Seductive
Looks), Mega-Manipulation (Persuader, The Voice),
Big Time
Mega-Charisma (Commanding Presence, Seductive), Background: Big Time is a gargantuan thug -
Armor *, Claws (Aggravated, Armor Piercing), nothing more, nothing less. He respects and appreci-
Psychic Shield ates secrecy (in his liFe as an elite, he has had to), but
For him, it all comes down to who dominates whom. Big

To Fight Them!?”
t seem a bit ... well, extraordinarily powerful for your “avm

o be a w e disappointment For those playerswho areaccmtom *n __ I

ning,”inthis &,probably means I&-rnore than preventingt se
adistic monsters from carving a nationfor themsdves(which, in and of M F ,shod be a major victory to any charader with a s t r , of
ience or decency). These are nine num who make their living by c d i c t and are exceptionally amoral and d e p d , wen For e 3;
is no “easy way” or ”sue-Fire v#tory plan.”They are very goodat k d l i people and will not allow themselvesto make stupid mhkes.
will not d e time with wttty repartee.They will not wdk blindly into traps.They will not stnke to incapacitate.
They will, on the other hand, torture one character t o locate the others, threaten innocents(and make good on their threats)
Iretend to walk into a trap ... only to spring one of their own. What this means is that the characters will have to actually stop
ig on the advantages OF their nova powers (as it is undoubtedly they, in terms of raw power, who are at the disadvantage
I and attempt to outwit and outthink the nine. It is only through clever planning, careful (and unorthodox) uses of powers,

mundane and superhuman, and probably no small measure of luck, that the characters can hope to defeat this juggernaut.
Even then, between money, connections and favors owed by various national and international interests, any novas who are
jht to the authorities are likely to beat the rap and simply walk. Contrary to the common wisdom, which says that characters
d feel exhilarated by success, this scenario is likely to leave the players’ novas feeling screwed for dolng the right thing
~rdlessof their motivations for doing so).They will have made powerful enemies (and if Szlaniskovich does not reveal himself,
most likely will not, even one they are not aware of...), taken serious lumps (the stakes here are high and the likelihood OF one
)re characters dying is strong) and will probably have their Faith in justice and the fundamental goodness of humanity and
i (if indeed they buy into such notions) shaken or even shattered by the experience.
This is good.
Even months after the Fact, Ms. Mayhem will h e it m For that bastardwho wrecked her career wittr DeVries, and nothing giws a
cter greater satisfachon than putting down a brute like Big Time a year later to avenge the F r d who died at his hands. A Paragon
D scarred by her confrmtation acquires a deeper appreciation of the sacrifices undertakenby those who would serve as an example
hers, while a marauding bully of the Teragen might actually gain an understandingof the fundamental philosophy behind his organi-
n, rather than seeing it as a justification. And Radu Szlaniskovlch, of course, almost certainly has cards left to play. In addition to
-atmga different kindof vlctory, this scenwio can serve as a springboard for all sorts of developments inywgame -plot hooks
ido not wrap up easily, questiom of morals and ethlcs for novas to ponder and a taste of the gathering storm fast approaching....

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Time relishes fear and really likes to hurt his enemies. selfish and lusty, livingto indulge her passionfor acquisitive-
While this doesn’t really amount to too much of a liabil- ness and carnage. And, of course, the opportunity for both
ity when one is slaughtering baseline rebels in a brush of the latter is the reason she signed on in the first place.
war, when dealing with other novas, Big Time’s sadism Gew.Cell phone, flak jacket.
may well be his one true weakness in battle (as it was, Natwe:Bravo
he was Szlaniskovich’s last pick: brutish but, unfortu- Allegiance The Conspiracy
nately, useful). The only reason he doesn’t bed down with Attributes Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Percep-
the Teragen movement is his greed and profoundly self- tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 4, Manipula-
centered attitude; he couldn’t give a damn about the tion 4, Charisma 3
rights and freedoms of other novas unless it’s going to Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Drive 2, En-
pay him, benefit him or exalt him. durance 3, Firearms 3, lntimidation 3, Intrusion 2, Lin-
Gear: Pocketwatch with monofilament fob (used like a guistics 2 (Native: English; Chinese, Portuguese), Martial
whipsword, see Aberrant: Elites, p. 69),cell phone Arts 3 (Judo), Melee 3, Rapport 2, Resistance 3, Style 2,
Nature: Bravo Survival 2
Allegiance: The Conspiracy B a c k p d s Allies 1, Attunement 2, Cipher 3, Contacts 3,
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep- Node 3, Resources4
tion 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Appearance 2, Manipula- Quantum 4, Quantum Pool 28, Willpower 6, Taint 4 (Ab-
tion 3, Charisma 3 errant Eyes [bright red irises])
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 1, Brawl 5, Endurance 5, Powen:Mega-Strength (Crush), Mega-Dexterity
lntimidation 4, Linguistics 1 (Native: Greek; English), (Rapid Strike), Mega-Stamina (Resiliency), Mega-
Melee 4, Might 5, Resistance 5, Survival 2 Perception * (Ultraperipheral Perception), Mega-Wits *
Backgrounds: Attunement 1, Cipher 3, Contacts 2, Re- (Quickness), Bodymorph (Fire) (Density Control
sources 4 [Decrease] *, Invulnerability [Fire] *e), Flight *,
Quantum5, QuantumPod 30, Willpoww 6,Taint 5 (Aberrant Quantum Bolt (Fire - Lethal Damage) (Burning)
Eyes [roiling white energy], Colored Skin [sbedygay-blue]) Diecast
Powen:Mega-Strength (Crush, Lifter), Mega-Stamina Background. Diecast is in it for the excitement. ‘This
(Durability, Resiliency), Armor *, Body Modifii- is perhaps the greatest forbidden thrill yet known to
tion (2 extra “Bruised” Health Levek),Sizemorph (Grow) *, baseline or nova. The risks involved in such a conquest
Temporal Manipulation (Internal Clock, Age Alteration, Fuel the ongoing adrenaline-rush that is Diecast’s life. for
Dilate Time) once, he might be able to put himself in the path of some-
Cinder thing (namely, a good number of the novas on Earth with
Badcgand:Cinder is a volatile, temperamentalcrea- the decency to try to stop him) that could conceivablykill
ture. She is an avatar of flame, burning down all that stands in him. And that is a rush no petty dictator with a tank or a
the way of her ambition. Her cruelty is matched only by her helicopter has been able to provide him in longer than he
efficiency. Cinder has no camcience to speak of, amoral as cares to think about. But, then again, Szlaniskovich pulled
the element from which she draws her power. She is greedy,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

him in for his nigh-suicidal disregard for his own personal Allegiance: The Conspiracy
safety in the face of a bold and audacious undertaking. Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Percep-
Gear: Hand-held railgun (see Aberrant: Elites, p.70), tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Appearance 3, Manipula-
cheap sunglasses, black eufiber fatigue pants and combat tion 4, Charisma 2
boots, cell phone. Abilities: Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Brawl 5, Drive 2,
Nature: Thrillseeker Endurance 4, Etiquette 2, Intimidation 3, Linguistics 2
Allegiance: The Conspiracy (Native: English; Cambodian, Spanish), Might 5, Resis-
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Percep- tance 4, Survival 3
tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 3, Manipula- Backgrounds. Allies 2, Attunement 2, Cipher 4, Node 1,
tion 4, Charisma 3 Resources 4
Abilitii: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Drive 2, En- Quantum4, QuantumPool 28, Willpower 6, Taint 4 (Bulg-
durance 5, Firearms 2, Intimidation 3, Intrusion 2, Lin- ing Muscles)
guistics 1 (Native: English; Spanish), Melee 3, Might 3, Powers: Mega-Strength (Lifter, Quantum Leap,
Resistance 5, Streetwise 1, Survival 2 Shockwave), Mega-Stamina (Durability,
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Cipher 3, Eufiber 1, Contacts 2, Hardbody, Regeneration), Armor (Impervious)
Node 2, Resources 4 Ms. Mayhem
Quantum 4, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 6, Taint 4
Background: Ms. Mayhem basically just wants to
(Changed Flesh [perfectly smooth and hard])
retire from the elite lifestyle. The only reason she got
Powers: Mega-Strength (Crush), Mega-Stamina
involved with it in the First place (other than her lack of
(Adaptability, Durability, Hardbody, Regeneration,
any real principles) was the ease with which she could
Resiliency), Armor * e * , Bodymorph (Metal)
accrue a vast fortune. At least, that’s what the recruit-
(Density Control [Increase] *) ment pitch was. The reality has been somewhat less en-
Megalith couraging and has resulted in too many brushes with
Background: Megalith, considering his massive death to just keep writing off. So, while Szlaniskovich’s
size and mercenary outlook, can be a disarmingly offer promises to be the most dangerous yet, the po-
charming and pleasant man. He knows that he is not tential payoFf just couldn’t be ignored.
the world’s smartest o r most well-spoken nova, but Gear:Cell phone, BFG (see Aberrant:E l i , p. 71), lucky
without any kind of exaggerated opinion of his own rabbit’s Foot.
social skills, he can make a good impression when he Natun:Conniver
needs to. Often, however, he is simply businesslike and Allegiance: The Conspiracy
works with dogged determination t o achieve his im- Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Percep-
mediate goal and have done with it. When it’s time to tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5, Appearance 5, Manipula-
fight, he is merciless and dreadfully efficient, and his tion 3, Charisma 2
desire t o win, no matter the cost, comes second only Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Drive 1,
to his desire to survive the confrontation. Endurance 3, Firearms 2, Intimidation 4, Intrusion 3,
Gear:Cell phone, bandoleer of assorted grenades. Linguistics 3 (Native: English; Cambodian, French, Ta-
Nature: Survivor

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

galog), Melee 4, Might 3, Resistance 4, Streetwise 1, Backgrounds: Allies 2, Attunement 3, Backing 3, Cipher 5,
Style 4 Contacts 4, Dormancy 3, Eufiber 3, Resources 5
Backgrounds: Cipher 4, Eufiber 3, Contacts 4, Node 3, Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 7, Taint 3
Resources 4 Powers: Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap), Mega-Dex-
Quantum 5, Willpower 7, Taint 3, Quantum Pool 30 terity (Catfooted, Flexibility, Rapid Strike), Mega-
Powers: Mega-Strength (Thunderclap), Mega- Stamina * (Adaptability), Mega-Perception * * *
Dexterity * * (Physical Prodigy), Mega-Stamina * * (Blindfighting, UltraperipheralPerception), Mega-lntelli-
(Hardbody, Regeneration), Mega-Appearance (Se- gence * (Enhanced Memory, Mental Prodigy: Investiga-
ductive Looks), Disorient *, Entropy Control tive), Mega-Wits (Enhanced Initiative), Mega-Appear-
(Bioentropy Storm), Flight ance (Appearance Alteration, Mr. Nobody), Mega-Cha-
risma (Dreadful Mien), Claws *, Invisibility
Shinobi (Enhanced Effect)

Backgruund: Ultra-Violence is a Grade-A socio-
path. He really, really likes to make people hurt and is, in
fact, hopelessly psychologicallyaddicted to the intense
rush of pleasure that accompanies the agony he inflicts
on others. DeVries had to do quite a bit of work cover-
ing up U-V's past before taking him on as an agent; it
wouldn't do to have people knowing that one's corpora-
tion was employing a murderer who had successfully
evaded capture by the authorities. For U-V, this is his
vindication and the chance to be who he is without Fear
of reprisal ever again.
Gear:Cell phone, corkscrew, pliers and other implements
of torture.
Nature: Bravo
Allegiana: The Conspiracy
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Percep-
tion 4, Intelligence3, Wits 5, Appearance 3, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 2
Abilities Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Drive 1,
Background: Shinobi is an extraordinary spy, a tal- Endurance 3, lntimidation 4, Intrusion 2, Linguistics 2
ented assassin and a woman who really and truly wants to (Native: English; Portuguese, Swahili), Martial Arts 2,
create something of lasting importance. She believes that Melee 4, Might 2, Pilot 2, Resistance 4, Streetwise 2,
this new nation could be the start of a trend toward novas Survival 1
taking a more active hand in the governance of the world.
To her, this can only be a good thing. Baselineshave been
screwing it up for 10,000 years. She is a no-nonsense
elite, with little time for small talk and no patience for
compromise. Sometimes, in order t o get the right thing
done, you have to be the monster everyone fears.
Gear: Shuriken, smoke grenades, cell phone (set to vi-
brate), carbon-fiber garrote (see Aberrant:Elites, p. 64).
Nature Architect
Allegiance: The Conspiracy
Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Percep-
tion 5, Intelligence4, Wits 5, Appearance 5, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 4
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Computer 5, Drive 2,
Endurance 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3, Interrogation 4,
lntimidation 2, Intrusion 5, Investigation3, Linguistics 4
(Native: Japanese; Cambodian, Chinese, English, Russian),
Martial Arts (Chin Na) 4, Medicine 2, Rapport 4, Resis-
tance 3, Stealth 5, Style 4, Subterfuge 4

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Backgrounds: Allies 1, Cipher 5, Eufiber 1, Contacts 5,
Node 4, Resources 4
Quantum 5, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 5, Taint 5 (Sa-
dism [experiences others’ pain as erotic pleasure], Anima
Banner [bleeds from the eyes when using his quantum
powers; no special effect])
Powers: Mega-Strength (Thunderclap), Mega-
D e x t e r i t y * * * (Enhanced Movement, Physical
Prodigy), Mega-Stamina (Durability, Resil-
iency), Mega-Perception (Quantum Attunement),
Mega-Wits (Quickness x 2), Claws * e * , Immo-
late (Electricity - Lethal).

Background: Whisper is in this for the payoff.
Nothing more, nothing less. He has no high-minded ide-
ology, dreams of conquest, beliefs in genetic superi-
ority or any other such justification. He knows what
he’s doing is wrong, and he doesn’t care. He’s too busy
looking forward t o the life of sickeningly decadent
wealth and privilege that will follow this little venture,
should it prove successful. He is exceedingly skilled in tics 3 (Native: English; Cambodian, Spanish, Swahili), Mar-
almost any black-op you can name and takes pride in tial Arts (American Submission Fighting) 4, Melee l, Rap-
his capabilities. Then again, he’s happy to take pride in port 4, Resistance 3, Stealth 4, Style 4, Subterfuge 5
pretty much anything people will give him credit for. Backgrounds: Allies 4, Attunement 1, Backing 3, Cipher
Geac Cell phone, whipsword, maser gun. 5, Contacts 3, Dormancy 4, Eufiber 4, Resources 5
N a h Hedonist Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 6, Taint 3
Allegiance: The Conspiracy Powem Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap), Mega-Dex-
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Percep- terity (Physical Prodigy), Mega-Stamina
tion 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5, Appearance 4, Manipula- (Adaptability, Regeneration), Mega-Perception
tion 4, Charisma 5 (Bloodhound, UltraperipheralPerception), Mega-Wits
M i :Athletics 4, Awareness 4, &awl 2, Computer 3, (Enhanced Initiative, Quickness), Mega-Appearance
Drive 2, Endurance 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Interroga- (Seductive Looks), Mega-Manipulation (Persuader),
tion 4, Intimidation 2, Intrusion 5, Investigation3, Linguis- Poison (Projectile), Telepathy *, Warp

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Matt Heston: If you’re just
joining us, welcome to this exclu-
sive N! and CNN late-breaking
story. To recap on the events of
the last 10 minutes: At 9:50 I‘M,
Greenwich Mean Time, Team
Tomorrow Europe raided the
Amp Room in Ibiza Town, Ibiza.
We‘re fortunate to have with us
reporter Kim Blakesdale and a
camera crew from N!tertainment
at the scene of the battle right
Kim, are you there?

Kim Blakesdale: Yes, yes, I’m still... holy [bleep]! Matt, are you getting
this? ”Ironskin” Andy Vance and Jake ”Dragon” Korelli just KO’d
Ragnarockette through the wall. The fighting’s spilt into the streets; the
night sky looks like the Fourth of July. It’s insane.

Matt: Incredible, Kim. Can you tell us what’s happening?

Kim: Michael, there! Thorn’s

trapped three novas in his vines.
Sorry, Matt, but as you can see,
the fighting’s intense, with
neither side giving ground. We
were covering a fashion show in
the Amp Room when the
ground started shaking. Sud-
denly vines broke through the
tremor cracks and T2M crashed
through the skylight.

Matt: Kim, you said neither side’s

giving ground. Who’s involved in
this conflict?

Kim: Anybody and everybody. I saw Count Orzaiz here earlier, but
he’s gone. He fought Thorn briefly. Initially it was the Amp Room
against T2M Europe. Now it seems to be everybody against everybody
else. A lot of people are settling old scores here tonight Matt. There’s
fighting in the streets... and ... wait, tremors again.

Matt: Kim, Kim! What’s happening?


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Kim: Ground’s shaking... tremoE...
we’re moving... c‘mon.. .outside now!

Matt: While Kim’s relocating, we’ll

fill you in on the current develop-
ments. Project Utopia has declined
comment so far. They will issue a
press statement later this hour, but
our sources say the Amp Room raid
was necessary as a preemptive
measure.Against what is anybody’s
guess. Currently, as near as we can tell,
there are at least 20 novas involved in the conflict, including Thorn,
Psyche, Tremor, Griffin Armstrong and Ragnarockette (from T2M
Europe), Count Raoul Orzaiz, ”Ironskin”Andy Vance and Jake ”Dragon”
Korelli, as well as a handful of independent novas, some with reputed.. ..
Wait, I’m told we have Kim again. Kim?

Kim: Oh God! Matt this is.. . it’s

incredible! Tremor triggered a
landslide, which nearly buried the
Amp Room and the surrounding
countryside. The northern face of
DAlt Vila fortress is wrecked,
Matt. A site that withstood French
and Turkish invasions, destroyed
in a matter of seconds.

Matt: Any idea on why T2M

attacked? Were they after the

Kim: I... I don’t know. It did look like T2M was searching for someone,
yes. No clue on whom and the fighting’s too intense to get near them. I
can tell you as an eyewitness, though, that there weren’t enough Terats in
the Amp Room this evening to justify this kind of destruction. Ibiza
Town is on fire tonight. Whatever
Project Utopia was after... [static]

Matt: Kim? Kim? I’m sorry folks,

but it looks like we‘ve lost our
satellite feed. While we reestablish
contact with Kim, we’ll switch over
to our panel of experts on T2Ms
operation in Ibiza....



Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

From: Director Thetis
To: Director Justin J. Laragione
Re: The Oswald Gambit
Date: August 12th, 2014
Mr. Laragione,
In regards to our conversation the other day, your reticence is noted. The Aeon Society, however, agrees to the
necessity of our plan. 1 have full sanction to pursue this missionas 1 see fit. 1 believe 1 have your full cooperation? Good.
The Aberrants and the Teragen have both proven a collective thorn in our side, one that we would do well to
eliminate. Unfortunately, dealing with either requires more resources than Proteus can currently muster. The sudden
and swift removal of subversive novas would also draw undue public attention given the visibility of some Teragen
members. As such, 1 have devised a plan whereby we can deal the Aberrants and Terats a crippling blow while still
maintaining a facade of respectability. This is where Project Utopia’s reputation and your cooperation are required.
You work for me Mr. Laragione. Try not to forget that.
The operation is called The Oswald Gambit. We circulate rumors that a member of an Internal Affairs Investiga-
tion Team wants to defect from Project Utopia’s fold. Given the sensitive nature of his work, he can’t leave without
suffering reprisals and needs help disappearing.This defector carries with him the truth behind the Rashoud facilities
as well as other negotiable tidbits. He’ll sell the information to the highest bidder on condition that the deal also
includes a new identity for him.
The agent 1 have in mind is a nova named Maurice Lourtd, code-named U-boat. He possesses two active person-
alities in a two-tiered thought process. We’re unsure which of the tvm identities is the original, but suffice to say, the
dominant one is loyal to Project Utopia and in control. The submissive personality is a buffer psyche and completely
protean. Maurice can program it into forgetting his double existence and into believing that he’s escaping Utopia over
real philosophical misgivings. He’s virtually resistant to mental probes. Anyone scanning his thoughts will encounter
the first, or programmed, facade that actually believes in his actions. Nobody thinks to probe for Maurice’s dominant,
but submerged, personality.
Once Maurice contacts our adversaries and is ready to “defect,” he’ll arrange a meeting with both the Aberrants
and the Teragen. When both parties are present, we spring our trap. That’s where 1 need your cooperation, Mr.
Laragione. T2M must launch the raid. They are the strongest novas in our employ and the ones who can deal with
opposition the quickest. Additionally, the publicity will do your administration good considering Slag’s a d Slider’s
unfortunate deaths, as well as Caestus Pax’s defeat at the hands of Divis Mal. Hopefully, this victory will help divert
public attention from Project Utopia’s more noticeable blunders.
Director Thetis


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

From: Director Justin J. Laragione
To: Director Thetis
Re: The Oswald Gambit
Date: August 15th, 2014
Director Thetis,
While your plan is certainly imaginative, 1have reservationsas to its effectweness. The Teragen and the Aberrants
haven’t survived this long by falling for Hollywood ploys. Secondly, have you forgotten about Project Utopia policy,
which states: “Team Tomorrow shall not engage enemy novas unless T2M outnumbers opponents by a ratio of two to
one or better.”
You’re right Director Thetis, Project Utopia needs a victory, at the very least, for the sake of private and public
morale. 1 will not, however, see another Hiram Goldberg sacrificed on the altar of higher ratings or for some half-
baked scheme to frighten Terats from the brush.
Finally, Director Thetis, 1 just want to remind you that we don’t work for each other. We work for the Aeon
Society and cooperate with one another. It’ll be my pleasure, however, to help you smooth out The Oswald Gambit’s
rough spots and glaring oversights.
Director Justin J. Laragione

From: Director Thetis

To: Director Justin J. Laragione
Re: The Oswald Gambit
Date: August 22nd, 2014
Mr. Laragione,
While 1 can appreciate your reservations in the matter, The Oswald Gambit will work. Yes, 1 agree the plan is
straightforward; most successful operations rely on simplicity, however. Secondly, T2M will not encounter the com-
bined forces of the Aberrants and Terats. More likely, each side will send a representative or, at best, a delegation,
to conduct negotiations(I’m surprised you overlookedthat possibility Mr. Laragione). Once they attend the meeting,
T2M arrests them on charges of conspiracy. From there, we can detain the delegates for questioning and use Allison
“Psyche” Pfaltzgraff to probe their thoughts for more information. Conceivably, we can unravel either organization
then or, at the very least, set them back a few years. In either case, 1 have the Society’s full sanction on this matter.
1 expect your cooperation regardless of your concerns.
Pleasesee Director Miller is brought up to speed on this operation. We need lnternalAffairs to start an investigation
of Maurice Lcurt6 immediately. His loyalty should be called into question, thus setting the groundwork for his defection.
Director Thetis


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

From: Director Moses Miller
To: Director Thetis
Re: The Oswald Gambit is a go.
Date: January 2?th, 2015
Madame Director,
Your suspicions paid off. Somebody accessed lnternal Affairs’ files on Maurice Lourtd through an unauthorized
terminal. We made it hard to gain entry into 1A’s systems, but whoever did was a pro, possibly even a nova. He covered
his tracks well and even went through other records to blur the trail. It was only because we were expecting it that we
noticed Lourt6‘s files had been accessed. We need stricter encryption methods for future reference, but for now, our
mystery hacker has shown us new weaknesses in our system. Thank heavens this wasn’t over truly vital information.
Director Moses Miller

From: Director Thetis

To: Director Justin J. Laragione
Fw Director Moses Miller
Re: The Oswald Gambit
Date: April 23rd, 2015
Our perseverance has finally paid off. Maurice Lourtd has not only gained the confidence of his Aberrant and
Teragen contacts, but they’re willing to negotiate for his secrets. Lourt6 has arranged to meet both delegates at the
Amp Room in lbiza Town, lbiza on May 28th for the final negotiations. More information will follow. For now, how-
ever, l need Coordination Director Carstens brought in on a need-to-know basis. Tell him about the defector and the
suspected meeting but not the sting operation. Let T2M Europe (this falls under their hemisphere mandate) believe
they’re actually averting a conspiracy plot. Allow them to play the heroes.
Additionally, we need the Diplomatic Corps to prepare their contacts within the Spanish government. Also inform
PR, but only a day or so before the operation. We want to minimize the number of people who know about the raid.
Director Thetis

[Emergency Emst Transmission from L t Miguel Haverio, Spanish F m e s in lbiza Town]

Lt. Haverio: ...repeat, this is Papa Papa 12, requesting help. We need heavier artillery against the rampaging novas.
More novas have appeared in lbiza Town, and we’re ill equipped to deal with them.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[Encoded OpNet Audio Message]
From: David Henries
To: Sophia Rousseau
subject: Utopia Defection
Date: April 15th, 2015
Sophie dearest,
1don’t mind telling ycu,thisreeks of ambush. 1 met wlth Mauice Lad6 and scanned him ckringm meeting. He readsgenuine
enwgh,but utopla’sbetrayd d o m i n a t e s h sand ~ adionsso cxtensdy, 1thought 1wiis interviewingChrist.’Thiiboy‘s martyr
material. He’s single-minded enough to be frightening. Somethingdoesn‘t smell right. Do we m@want him with theAberrants?
David Henries

[Encoded OpNet Audio Message]

From: Sophia Rousseau
To: David Henries
Subject:Re: Utopia Defection
Date: April 15th, 2015
1 trust your instinct, but 1 say we arrange a meeting. Tell me the specifics of your rendezvous, and 1’11 have two or
three guardian angels keeping watch over you. If anything happens, they’ll whisk you to safety. Better you not know who
your protectors are, in case Lourt6 reads minds.

From: Sophia Rousseau
To: Meztiszo
subject: Urgent
Date: May 28th, 2015
I’ve aborted the mission and pulled David from Ibiza. Rania received heavy temporal flux for the meeting that’s
supposed to be happening now, and that can only mean a big event of some consequence. Send in a team, the situation
is about to degenerate, and 1 want to know why. This could have some impact on future events, and we need to investi-
gate this before someone silences the matter.

from: Meztiszo
To: Sophia Rousseau
subject:Re: Urgent
Date: May 28th, 2015
Already on it, but Rania’s warning came too late. Turn on CNN. It’s bad. A team is on its way. Looks like Utopia
slipped up big time.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

From: Meztiszo
To: lnvestigation Team
Subject:Mission Parameters
Date: May 28th, 2015
Here we go again folks,
As you’ve probably just heard, T2M Europe blitzed the Amp Room a little under a half-hour ago. What you won’t
hear is we had a meeting set up to handle a defector from Utopia but pulled out at the last second. We don’t know
whether this is a set-up or ifour defector is legit and Project Utopia is actually this worried. Regardless, we’re sending
your team into the lbiza hot zone as observers.
Mission Objectives:
1) Find out what happened at the Amp Room that precipitated this level of violence. News reports are already
putting the death toll in the hundreds, and communication in and out of lbiza Town is down.
2) Locate our “defector,” Maurice Lourt6 (see enclosed picture). T2M Europe is still fighting, and that can only
mean they didn’t get what they wanted yet. Find out if he’s ambush lure or genuinely willing to defect.
3) Stay out of the fighting, if possible. I’m not going t o tell you t o ignore what you see around you, but weigh
whatever decision you make against the importance of this minion. You’re walking into a war zone, which means it’s a
thousand-and-one tales of personal tragedy.
Start your investigation at the Amp Room ruins, and work your way from there. People you should regard as non-
hostile contacts for questioning are:
“lrunskin” Andy Vance and Jake“Dragon” Korelli: Andy is the Amp Room front man and Charlotte Holden’s ally
(she knew Jennifer Landers, AKA “Slider”). Call it “six-degrees of separation” reasoning, but Andy’s proven sympa-
thetic to Aberrants in the past whether he knows it or not. Both Andy and Jake, his partner, were in the thick of the
fighting and might know something.
Count Raoul Onaiz: 1 know we’ve had our problems with the Teragen in the past, but Orzaiz is one of their few
redeeming qualities. Reporters mentioned he was at the scene of the fighting. 1f you can speak with him, great. If you
can help him, even better. Orzaiz would be a good ally to cultivate, especially if he owes us a favor.
If you need immediate transport to lbiza, 1’11 send in Slipstream to pick you up. She can fly you there in an hour. You
then have 10 hours before Slipstream returns to the Amp Room to pick you up. If you’re not there, she’ll return in
another two hours. After that, you’re on your own.
Good Luck

Project Utopia
Laragim What the hell’s happening in lbiza gentlemen?
Miller:A minor setback sir. The timetable’s been delayed, but our objectives remain the same.
Laragione:The hell with the objectives. Tremor brought down D’Alt Vila fortress on live broadcast. Diplomatic Corp
and Public Relations are already up to their necks in shit. The operation is a bust.
Carstem: With all do respect Mr. Laragione, the operation would be a failure if we pull out now. 1 agree with Mr.
Miller. We are still within sight of mission objectives.
Laragiona. Not anymore. If we keep T2M in lbiza, NATO will send in troops to deal with the fighting. It’s just a matter
of time. Christ! T2M was supposed to be in-and-out in under 10 minutes. What went wrong?
Miller: We’re looking into the matter right now, but according to what we’ve seen so far, it’s probably heavier
resistance than anticipated.
Lsragione:We’ll have plenty of time to review the intelligence later. Right now, 1 want T2M Europe evacuated from
lbiza and fast. We can’t keep communications suppressed for much longer. We’re impeding rescue operations.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Carstem Hold on Mr. Laragione, we still have an immediate concern.
M i l k That is?
Carstem Gvuthbjorg Danielsdottir, codenamed Ragnarockette, is still missing.
Mille. We saw lronskin and Dragonclock her on CNN. Looked nasty.
Carstem: Thorn and the others are trying to locate Ragnarockette, but they need more time. They’re continually
locked down in combat. We haven’t seen this level of action since the Ladakh Mountain offensive of 2002. Pax, Pratima and
Montoya-Bernal have all expressed their desire t o enter the combat zone.
Laragione:Absolutely not! Tell Thorn and his team to pull back for dust-off. They’re too high profile right now. The
longer they wait, the worse this becomes. We’ll send in another team; somebody low-key.
Carstem But Thorn’s there....
Laragim Nigel! 1 won’t jeopardize our standingon the UNCouncil for this. 1 won’t lose Guggi either, especially after
Hiram’s death. Find another team, preferably one with a low visibility quotient. Tell Pax and his crew to be ready in case we
can still pull this mission off. Otherwise, they’re on stand-by only.
Carstem Fine! But I’m going on record as being against this action. 1 will not take responsibility for the loss of lives.
Miller: Sorry, Mr. Carstens, but there is no “record” here. ‘This conversation never happened.
Carstem Sonwabitch! [click]
Lamgione:1’11 talk to him tomorrow. Right now, we’ve got another concern.
M i l k U-boat?
Laraglone: Yeah. We have to pull him out too.
M i l k Very well. 1’11 issue a private directive to Carsten’s rescue operation team-leader to find Lourt6 for “questioning.”
L a m g m If the Aberrants o r ‘Terats haven’t gotten to him. 1 want to salvage this operation before it gets pinned on
me. I’m not letting ‘Thetis squirm away this easily.
Milk Director Theta won’t be happy about this.
Laragtone:She doesn’t have to be. She wanted this mission, but it’s up to us t o clean up her mess. We went into this
on her terms. We’re getting out of it on mine! Besides, you can be damn sure the Directive’s sending in guns-for-hire to find
out what’s happening. We’ve got to find U-Boat before they do.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At 21:50 GMT, T2M launched a raid against the Amp Room For reasons currently classified as an lnternal Affairs
Directive. During the raid, T2M member Gvuthbjiirg “Ragnarockette’’ Danielsdottir was knocked out of the Amp Room
and remains missing. Her emergency transponder-locator unit was also damaged, making it impossible to track her
down. With the world press focused on lbiza Town, we cannot send a high-profile rescue team gwen the sensitivity of
the current situation. Therefore, it is your responsibility to find Ragnarockette, activate your transponder transmitter
and withdraw to the emergency evac-site at Playa de Figueratas (a beach in southern lbiza Town).
Your mission objectives are as follows:
1) Locate Ragnarockette at all costs. Her safety is paramount.
2) Stay out of the conflict. We’ve already ordered T2M Europe to withdraw from the situation. If the press wants
images of novas fighting, it won’t be us they’re showing.
Remember that your entry into lbiza Town is strictly unofficial. 1f you are caught, Project Utopia will deny sanc-
tioning this mission. You’re acting on your own. As such, you cannot arrest anyone, includingthe two novas responsible
for the attack on Ragnarockette - “lronskin” Andy Vance and Jake “Dragon” Korelli. In fact, you may need t o ques-
tion them, since the Amp Room is your first investigative lead in this mission.
Good luck, and remember, a woman’s life rests in your discretion.
Director Nigel Carstens


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

From: Director Justin J. Laragione
This is a classified protocol known only to Director Miller, you and myself. Divulging the contents of this directive to
anyone else is considered a treasonous offense and grounds for imprisonment.
Know first that Team Tomorrow Ecmpe conbded the raid on behalf of l n t d Affairs, with MI sanction From the Span&
GcwemmentTherefore,you are not b e qaskedto commitan illegalactTheT2Mraid was to halttheexcfiangeofd i v e infrnmatm
between nwa agitators and a spy within Project Utopia named Marice Lout6 (find attached photograph). In a d d h to locating
~ ~ y o u h a v e s a n d i o n t o o p ~ ~ 6 , s h o u k l t h e s i t u a t i o n ~ i t s a f , a n dhimunharmedforcplestioning.Lout6
wasat the- Roomh n g t h e e and may still be in lbmTam. Proceedwith caution and yocc best judgment.

From: Geryon
To: Undisclosed Address List
Wjed: Action Now!
Date: May 28th, 2015
Heads up mates,
We got troubles. If you’re awake, then you know about T2M’s raid on the Amp Room an hour ago. We got some
brothers and sisters who’re there right now, trying t o fight off Thorn and his 72M twits. Orzaiz isn’t answering his cell
phone, and communication in and around lbiza Town is wonky, presumably jammed; we can only assume Orzaiz’s in trouble.
It’s time to step up to the plate and earn your keep as Terats. Rule number one is you rag on one of us, you rag on us all.
Problem is, Utopia knows this; they attacked us for a big reason. We don’t know if this is a Utopia preemptive strike against us
or a ploy to draw our members away from vital locations like the Nursery or Club 2mei. Either way, we’re not playing their game.
Heavy-hitters like Levlathan, theC-, Epoch, Gauze and @f aregoingin to put God‘s fear intoT2MEmope.We needsome
of you, pfenbtyyou kw-keyT&, to stay cut ofthe fi& and find Orzain and the others. You’re ar eyes and ears.Thq;l be expecting
Leviathanand me to show,so wearen’t going tod;sppo;nt them.Thqr m ’ t betTqledlng,ween know,you. usethat toyocc-.
If you’re game for this mission, ping me back a response now, and I’ll backtrack you through Synapse. After we got
your location, Blinker will pop in for the pick-up. You’ve got an hour to settle your shit. Enjoy the party, boys and girls;
there’s never a dull moment in lbiza.
It’s not just a way of life; it’s survival.

From: Geryon
To: Undisclosed Address List
Subject: Your Objectives
Date: May 28th, 2015
Hey, chaps,
Bloody good to have you along for the ride. Here’s what you need to know. Orzaiz was in lbiza negotiating for the
defection of some Frog in Utopia. Looks like the meeting was a set-up, so we need you to ride in and find Orzaiz. Start
at the Amp Room, and work it from there. My mates and 1 are going in ahead of you by an hour, so we’ll drag the fight
elsewhere. Find Orzaiz; that’s your principle order.
Attached is a pictureof the “defector,” Maurice h u r t & .If you spot him, bring him badc alive, and you might get a big wet
one from Leviathan.Get him killed, and I’ll make sure Leviathangivesyou a big wet one.Just as a point of reference, Orzaiz was
tight with “lronskin” Andy Vance, the Amp Room’s PR face. He’s OK for a pooftah, so ask him for help if you need to.
Otherwise, stay out of the fight, and keep low. Nova Vigilance and me are going in to crack the skulls. You’re in to find Orzaiz.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


...Dead 1,240
Injured: 3,893
Missing: 487
Property Damage: $2.9

[NATO press release excerpt concerning ongoing in-

quiry into the Amp Room battle]

...In conclusion, despite the severity of damage, we cannot at-

tribute sole blame on T2M Europe for the fight resulting from the
Amp Room skirmish. Attached witness reports all confirm the
presence of nova and baseline agitators, possibly with Teragen ties,
who took advantage of the situation. Therefore, while Project
Utopia has assumed responsibility for restorations to D’Alt Vila
and neighboring Sa Penya district, they are not accountable for

surrounding regions including Sa Marina, Puig Des Molins or Es

Soto Complex.

The issue of remunerationfor survivors remains unsettled at this time.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

[Scene from The Sun Will Come Out T omorrow ,
OpNet movie about the events in lbiza Town,
lbiza on May 28th, 2015. Power Mistress’ (played
by Christina Montgomery) Act 111 monologue at
the ruinedfortifications of D’AR V ila]

Power Mistress: ”No! You’re wrong Ace. We can’t point

fingers elsewhere and blame others; not this time. We’re all
responsible for this destruction, every one of us. We hold the
stars in our hands, but everything we touch crumbles and dies.
Look around you. The best intentions caused this devastation.
Hundreds are dead ... countless more wounded or homeless. I-
I don’t know what to do. I can fight Geryon to a standstill and
out-fly jet fighters, but I don’t know how to better the suffering
of those around me. We fought one another over old grievances
and hatreds, but it’s the baselines who suffered the injuries we
meant for each other. We always counted victory by our perfor-
mance in battle, but we never once dared to measure defeat by
the lives we destroyed. Back there, in that last fight against the
Bushmaster, who was in that building we collapsed? Did we
kill a family who hadn’t evacuated or a frightened child who
was still hiding? Oh, God! The people. Tell me, Ace, did we
save even one?”

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Interviewer: We’re here in Palma de
Mallorca, at the arrival station for refugees
being ferried in from neighboring Ibiza. Par-
don me, can we get your reaction to the events
in Ibiza Town?
Berthold Piezer: It was...inu-edible? No, ”hor-
rible” better word. These novas running around
like gangsters... shooting ”pow, pow,” destmy-
ing buildings and killing without caring. How
could they do such things?

Rita Perraduchi:Fight? There was no fight.

I saw novas breaking down walls and rob-
bing stores just for pleasure. They were mur-
derers. Someone should put the fuckers down
like any rabid dogs.

Daniel Weiss: It all happened so quickly. We

were bar hopping in Sa Penya when the fight
spilled out from the Amp Room. They were
knocking each other through buildings and
throwing cars around like toys. Christ, the cars
still had people inside them.. ..

Ziad Khouri. What a disaster. So many beauti-

ful sitesknocked down.I could seebodiesof other
tourists, likeme,but dead. They were stuckunder
rubble. We tried to help, but it wasn’t safe. The
novas, they foughtlikenobody else existed.It was

Susanna Fortier: My son... he... they killed

him. Nobody helped. They just kept fighting
like we weren‘t there.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Matt Heston:...sporadic contact. Project Utopia says it’s ordered T2M
Europe to withdraw from Ibiza, but these live shots clearly show them
fighting local novas. [Bright flash of light]. What was that?!?
Somebody’s emerging from the.. ..

Ladies and gentlemen, as you can clearly see, known Teragen guerillas
Leviathan, Geryon, Gauze and two others we can’t idenhfy right now
have just emerged from the bright light. They’re engaging T2M Europe.
Any hope of a quick and peaceful end to this conflict just vanished. The
Teragen have entered the war.. ..


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Ciudad de Ibiza: Welcome To Paradise
Please note: Due to recent events in Ciudad de Ibiza, this site is currently under
construction. W e’ve attached damage reports to pertinent sections and will keep
you current on the latest developments in lbiza as we learn them.

Welcome to the capital of lbiza -Ciudad de lbiza to the locals and lbiza Town
to our internationalfriends. Whether you come for our renowned nightlife, our pris-
tine beaches within reach of the city or our warm weather , lbiza Town has every-
thing to of fer chic, world-travelingpartygoers lookingfor reasonable prices.
Take it from personal experience, Ibiza’ s lure is its easy access to soft drugs
and casual sex. Many people find themselves enamored with the laissez-faire atti-
tude of the natives and fellow travelers, so it isn’t uncommonfor tourists to settle
down in the region. The two big no-nos, however ,are irresponsiibilidaadeco~o~i~
(no money) and conducta antisocial (antisocial behavior includingdrunken and dis-
orderly conduct). Both are grounds for deportation and are commonplace, given
the island’ s hedonistic nature.
Tourist season runsfrom Maythroughtill October ,though lbiza Town’ snewfound
status as a nova-resorthasturned it into a year-roundparty .Additionally ,lbiza is a gay
mecca, surpassing Mykonos,and heighteningthe cQt s already festive atmosphere.
The localspridetheir crty on itsold-world architectureand contemporarysensibilities.


A Thumbnail History
lbiza Town traces its history back before the birth of Christ, when the
Carthaginians founded the port settlement. After falling under the rules of the an-
cient Greeks, Romans and Moors, the Balearic Islands became the Kingdom of
Mallorcabefore merging with the Kingdom of Castile in the mid-1300s.
lbiza Town has kept much of its medieval flavor .The buildings housed inside
DAR V ila’s walls date back over 500 years. Because the larger Mallorca attracted
most tourists untilthe 195Os, lbiza has preserved much of its ancient charm. Ibiza’ S
rich atmosphere, however ,caught the eyes of artists and writers seeking inspira-
tion, turning the city and island into an art colony . It was only naturalthat duringthe
1960s, lbiza attracted the European counterparts to the American Hippie move-
ment, giving it a unique charm that tourists enjoy to this date.


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Many tourists are surprised to find medieval buildings in this day and age, es-
pecially in a tourist haven like lbiza Town. Due to huge development projects that
threatened to destroy both lbiza and Mallorca’ s mystique from the 1960sto the
1980s, however ,the Spanish Government enacted laws protecting 35 percent of
the island chain from development. As such, while the suburbs surrounding lbiza
Town are all of modem design, the old core of DAlt V ilawhich overlooks the marina
and the Vara de Rey main strip remains a quaint nest of narrow cobblestone streets
and whitewashed houses with flat roofs. It isn’t uncommon to see olive, fig, pine,
palm and almond trees in the local landscape or to wander the shop-lined avenues
and come across “hippie” markets filled with beautiful handwoven crafts.
Surprisingly ,the beach scene was, up to a short time ago, the least attractive fea-
ture of lbiza Town. The rocky and jagged coastline rarely gave way to beach, and the
partsthat did were honiblyovercrowded. The Spanishgovernment recently allowed a

Vara de Ray (later becoming Avenida Espafia) runs west of DAlt V ila and is the
HollywoodBoulevardto Ibiza’ s California. Along the way ,more modern buildings
appear and bloom, until you hit the mega-hotel resorts like Hotel lsla Blanca -
small communities in their own right.


The Essentials
r conditions of the Amp Room conflict. The army ,in conjunction with the Red

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Beaches: We’ve already mentioned the two major beaches: Platjade Figueretes
and Platja de Talamanca. Unfortunately , both beaches are full by 1 1:00 AM and
absolutely stifling by 1:00 PM. Tourists in the know usually head north or south
alongthe coastline, but don’t be surprisedif you hitnude beacheslike PlayaCavallet.
Stay away from Playa d’en Bossa if you can, however; the novas have taken it as
their private strip and pay the local shopkeepers enough pesetas to keep them
happy. These novas aren’t likely to kick you out, but you never know these days.
*SportingActivities:Ahmara CentmDeportivois the physical-fitnesscomplexfor lbiza
island. Sure, the top-notch hotels havetheir own gyms, tennis courts and swimming
pools, butthe Ahmara also holds hot tubs, a sauna, a hamam (Turkish bath), a restaw
~~grillandbaramongotheramenities.Onewordofwamingthough: Checkyouregos
at the door ,folks, becausethe customers here aren’t slackers. This facility is a close
secondto California’ s Muscle Beach. Many novascan out-pressyou by a good ton on
your best day ,and the Ahmara makes sure it can handleany novastrength rating.
Shopping: Novas may be stronger , faster and more resistant than you, but
shopping’ s the great equalizer . Sa Penya is the place to be, folks. Sandwiched
between DAR V ila and Sa Marina, it holds the small but highly chic Amp Room and
a dense concentrationof world renown restaurantsand shops. The streets may be
small and comfortable, but the shopping experience is singular .With the hippie
influx of the 1960s, Sa Penya boasts couture uniquely lbiza and attracts models
and designers worldwide. Unfortunately , Ibiza’s hungry tourist trade either makes
or breaks localfashion designers. Still, most ply their craft quietly ,making enough
money with quallty items to last them through of f-season winter .
elbiza Update:Novas wrecked a goodportionof Sa Penya, destroyinga rich cul-
tural he&ge in the span of a few houB. Project Utopiapromises to rebuild Sa Penya
with a special eye topreserving her uniqueness, but I’ll believe that when I seeit.>>



Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

AS ma as it sounas, nor everymay comes TO imza IOparty nara. twin ir it: u i u y
and Sunset Cafe of fer a laid-backand quiet atmospherefor people lookingto social-
ize. Also availableare the cabaret spectaclesat the Hotel lsla Blancaand Casino de
Ibiza, or the fantastic DragQueenfloor shows at Samsara in lbiza Town’ s unof ficial
gay district (the eastemmostportion of Sa Penya). If bars aren’t your game, then an
Ocean night-diveor a midnight yacht party is always goodto enliventhe evening.
Then again, lbiza Town specializes in its clubs, and it never disappoints. Fa-
mous, or infamous, as the birthplace of the rave, the city itself upholds certain
traditions. Be warned though, door fees can run you $50 US and over on an aver-
age night (thoughmost placesof fer a complimentary drink). Additionally ,the nightlife
never falters and even taxes the endurance of some novas. Only veteran club-
goers can withstandthe week-long parties in lbiza Town.
Hereare some of the trendier locales amongthe hundredsflourishinginthe city:
El Divino: The diva of discos, El Divino caters to the elite and to entertainment’
most af fluent celebrities, whether they belongto the fashion or movie industry
well known nova beauties such as Alejandra and Narcosis often flit between El
Divino and the notorious Amp Room when intown. Avisit to lbiza is nothing if you
don’t party here at least once. A word of warning, however: Leavethe sandals and
tropical beach shirt at home. El Divino is the barometer of trendy , and the doormen
ensure it stays that way .
Privilege: Formally Ku (not to be mistakenfor Ku2), this disco is six kilometers
from town. Not to worry ,most hotels provide shuttle service to Privilege if they
aren’t already situated near the disco. Built to handleover 5000 patrons, Privilege
isa mazeof bars, rooms and private nooks for those customerslookingfor a quickie.
The party starts at midnight and runs past sunrise. Special events include English
Mondayswhere the club imports London’ s hottest DJs.
*The Amp Room: Builtwithin eyeshot of DAlt V ila’s Baluart de San Juan, the Amp
Room is lbiza Town’ s most infamous establishment, despite being two years old.
Although it caters to a nova-onlyclientele, that doesn’t stop the crowdsfrom clog-
ging Calle Obispo just to get a glimpse at the who’ s who of the erupted. It’ s the only
place where backroom Teragen, DeV ries’ Elites and T2M’s samaritan novas rub
elbows. Few outsiders really know what happens inside, but the raw sexuality and
animal power exuding of f most novas is enough to shame Ibiza’ s resident erotic
club, The Blue Rose, so the action must be hot.
eelbiza Update: The Amp Room is trashed, but “Ironskin” Andy Vance is negotiat-
ing with lbiza Town to reopen the club. Unfortunately ,the local hotel owners and
shopkeepersare mountingstif f resistanceto another nova-only club, claimingthe
last incident may have irreparablydamagedthe tourist trade. W e’ll see, however .
Tourist agenciesare already reporting record numbersfor round-trippackagesto
lbiza next year . The battle at the Amp Room may have increased lbiza Town’s
popularity ,given society’ s attractionto novasand their lifestyles. Already ,a number
of new hotel chains have promisedto buildand be ready by next summer!>>


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

~ _- I-

From transcript of N! the

News and CNN simul-
cast. Live coverage of
Conflict in lbiza Town:
The Amp Room Battle,
aired May 28th, 2015

Matt Heston: ...continued coverage of the

crisis. A conflict that began in the Amp Room
has now spilt into Ibiza Town. Reports tell of
novas rioting in the streets and spreading
further damage. Unfortunately, communication
with Ibiza Town is sporadic, and we’ve lost
contact with Kim Blakesdale, one of our veteran
reporters on the scene. Meanwhile, the Spanish
government issued an ultimatum to Ibiza
Town’s novas to cease their hostilities. From
what we understand, the military will take
lethal action against any nova considered
dangerous. The Spanish army, in conjunction
with the Directive, has secured the Formentera
Ferry Terminal and is evacuating citizens to
nearby Mallorca.... Sorry, I’m receiving an
update ladies and gentlemen. If you’ll bear with
me.. .. We‘ve just received confirmation that, yes,
the Directive has several CSH-2 Rooivalk
attack helicopters patrolling Ibiza
airspace, and they have opened
fire on at least two airborne
novas.. ..


Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

-~ ~~~ ~

Act I: Introduction Scene One:

lbza Town, home of the summer-long raves, Sodom’s
lascivious cousin and envy of decadence, is literally on fire
tonight. What started as a raid on the Amp Room degener-
e Amp Ruin -

ated intoa full-fledged novanot. Smoke fills the already dark- The destruction of lbiza Town is painfully evident.
ened sky, and though electricity is down across the city, burn- Many homes and businesses wear the scars of machine-
ing buildings and anima power-flares illuminate the night. gun fire and blast marks, while entire buildings lie in piles
The action begins two hours after the Amp Room of rubbsle and detritus. The sky is alive with thunder of
battle. Team Tomorrow Europe is fighting hit-and-run style varying1 pitch, pops OF multi-hued energy discharges and
combat against the Teragen bad-boys, while dozens of other the muffled, dull stutter of patrolling helicopter gun ships.
novas run riot for no particular reason. This is the height of Meanwhile, trains of refugees, shell-shocked and saucer
chaos, when nobody‘s in charge and everybody’s got a gun. eyed, carry their life’s remnants on their backs and stumble
The military can only contain the violence, but each crack away from the city’s core. Only the dead sleep in Ibiza.
of thunder or flash of unnatural light destroys another 500 O’n a side note: Some characters with Bloodhound,
years worth of history. For the characters, their mission ESP, Luck or Pretercognition might try to circumvent
parameters are simple. Find person X and, if you have the scenes and acts by using their powers to track down
time,sequester person\/. In thislight, themission isstraight- Ragnarockette or Orzaiz directly. While the Storyteller
forward. War, unfortunately, is rarely so accommodating. shouldn’t frustrate the players and make them feel use-
During the course of this adventure, the team will en- less, this investigative method will not work. There is so
counter war’s tragic vignettes. It’s about the survivors and much destruction and misery in the air that isolating two
what they’re suffering through right now. In previous con- individuals among a population of 40,000 locals (not to
flicts, the characters probably didn’t notice their uninten- mentionthe thousands of tourists) is impossible.The smell
tional victims. Here they have no choice. Here, wherever of exposed sewers, the dead and all the dust eliminate
they turn, another hand begs for help. Throughout the tracking through scent (+8to difficulty). Cognitive abili-
course of this adventure, the Storyteller can play out sev- ties reveal a dozen deaths with each glance. Probability-
eral tragic vignettes that have nothing to do with the ad- affecting powers lead the characters to baseline victims
venture and everything to do with the real victims of this on the verge of expiration; while quantum-discerning
conflict. By the same token, the adventure is open-ended senses illuminate a web of power from the many novas.
for the Storyteller to ignore optional mini-scenes and play
the high-action scenarios alone. Additionally, the Storyteller The Setting
can add scenes, including baseline rioters looking for an- TIE Amp h,situatedonGlleObtspo, rests inthehe&
swers to the devastation, looters robbing Ibiza’s historical of Sa Penya at the base of the once-magnificent DAlt Mb.‘The
wealth and rape gangs taking advantage of the chaos. d e M s W M n i s d m i n g . TMsTremoraccMlycdlqKed

I‘ hear for extended I

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

thenorthemhills& buildings
3 portim of DAlt Vila fortress and and looking for any reason to fall. Only the ground floor can
d Sa Penya like adanlnochn. Aslope of rubble arid rock, a support weight.
h$ly peteringoff a Few Mocks away from Sa Marina. T d i n g - the Ruins
towad DAlt Mla, is an exercise m rock dmblnq Anyone d i n g When the characters arrive, they aren’t alone in the
the mountainof debns must succeed ma standad Athletics roll. Amp Room. A nova bouncer by the name of Agathe
Otherwisetheyl-triggeramini-landslldedbnngdown Hembrook shifts through the rubble looking For survivors.
2dlO Bdamageon theii heads. The only light slips in through the shattered skylight or
Darknesscovers the entire area. Electricity is out for comes OFF Hembrook‘s anima nimbus. Hembrook isn’t look-
several days, and snapped pipes spill running water into the ing to fight; she’s exhausted and crying a steady stream of
streets. The east-west axis roads are tiny islands trapped tears while clearing debris from bodies. She doesn’t even
at the intersections by veins of debris. Rubble surrounds acknowledge the team’s entrance. Instead, she liberates
the Amp Room like a wave breaking around a swimmer. corpses belonging to Amp Room staff whom she worked
Debris one story high chokes Calle Obispo, while adjacent with for several months. Many were her friends. Hembrook
Calle Jaime 1 is a small, isolated block-long pocket free of continues crying as the confirmation of each death hits her
detritus, but pinched off at either comer. The only acces- likea train. She continuesdigging because the hope of find-
sible entrances to the Amp Room are a partially knocked ing survivors is the only thing she has left. Without it, the
down wall on Calle Jaime I, the completely shattered sky- significance of the situation will overwhelm her.
light and the third-story windows. If the charactersstand around and pester Hembrook
The Amp Room’s interior is a write-off. Stress and with questions, she’ll scream at them to help her. She’s
tremor Fractures riddle the floor and walls, every glass Fix- desperate to find survivors amidst all the death. If the
ture is broken, and many balconies in the once-airy interior characters work alongside her to clear away rubble, they
are either missing or in danger of falling. In fact, the only can coax the following information from her:
things keeping the Amp Room together are air and Thorn’s Team Tomorrow Europe raided the Amp Room and
vines. Realizing Tremor’s landslidewas bringing the building triggered a massive riot. Several groups took the fighting
down, Thorn quickly reinforcedthe walls with a latticework outside, after which, Hembrook saved those she could.
of roots and vines before escaping. Now the Amp Room in- “lromkin” Andy Vance and Jake “Dragon” Korelli
terior looks overgrown and neglected, likea decade’s growth took the wounded to the hospital, but Hembrook heard From
of jungle reclaiming abandoned ruins. A green web of vines a passerby that there’s a F i d hospital in Parc de la Pau han-
creeps across the walls, while thick roots weave through dlingthe overflow.Vance probablywefit there,since it’s closer.
the broken floor like stitching. Thorn’s quick Hembrookwas in the middle of the melee and saw
Fix won’t last, however. The Amp Vance and Korelli knockRagnamckettethrough the north-
Room IS structurally unsound ern wall. Sure enough, there’s a hole near a sec-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

ond-floor window. Using line-of-sight trajectory to Find ier abilities. Additionally, if the team knocked Hembrook
Ragnarockette won’t work, however. )ut before she could relate any information, Sandia pro-
While Hembrook saw Orzaiz briefly during the rides an excellent lead-in to the field hospital. She was on
combat, she lost track of him. IF the characters are look- ier way there when her water broke. She and her new-
ing for Orzaiz or anybody else, they can check the bodies )ern baby require proper care, and the field hospital is

that Hembrook pulled out of the rubble. ier best bet. The team must transport her there.
There are a dozen corpses and unconscious novas
Optional Vignette #2:
rubble. Those strong enough to walk already left, despite The Show that Brought
Hembrook‘s pleas for help. ‘The Storyteller can lighten the Down the House.
scene through Optional Vignette #2 (Further down). In this scenario, the characters Find a nova survivor
Maurice Lourt6 is among the dead, his back snapped pinnedbeneath rubble.Whether this occurs after Sandia’s
from falling debris. The characters should find him easily i r t h or when the charactersare about to leave, they hear
since he’s part of the team’s mission objectives regardless a voice crying For help from beneath a pile of debris. IF
of their affiliation. This apparently ends that portion of the Hembrook is present, she locates the voice and pulls rubble
investigation, but this little clue will haunt them later when away. If the characters ignore Hembrook‘s plea for assis-
they confront the Terat shapeshifter Turncoat, who’s cur- tance, so be it. While walking away, the characters hear a
rently posing as Lourt6. This takes place in Act 111. rumble from behind them. The Amp Room collapses com-
If, for any reason, the characters Forcibly hinder pletely, killing Hembrook, the would-be survivor and three
Hembrook from her work, she flies into a rage. The charac- or Four unconscious novas. The Storyteller should empha-
ters are stopping her from searching for swvivors, the only size to the team that their indifference just resulted in six
thing keeping her sane. Hembrook isn’t a murderer, but she more deaths in a city already choked on bodies.
has seen her hiends and loved ones killed. She isn’t rational If thecharactershelpHembrodcclearthedebris, they
right now. Hembrook‘s mite-up is at the end of Act 1. notice that the balconies and surrounding structure are
groaning under the pressure. The rubble is partially sup-
Optional Vignette # 1: porting the weight of the walls. Clearing it collapses the
Woman in Crisis building. If the characters point this out to Hembrook, she
After the characters exit the Amp Room and are will listen. She isn’t suicidal or stupid; she’s simply eager to
ready depart for their next objective (likely the field hos- save one more life in this hellhole. Hembrook will not aban-
pital in Parc de la Pa). they hear cries For help. A woman, don the survivor, however, and insists they all find a way OF
nine months into term, clambers over rocks and debris supporting the walls long enough to clear the debris.
trying to reach the heroes. One wrong step and she’ll likely The victim is currently under two tons OF rubble and
crack her neck in the fall; she appears oblivious to the too weak to use his abilities. Moving the debris without
threat. She stops every few seconds and clutches her belly supporting the surrounding walls causes an immediate
in pain. She’s about to give birth, and she’s desperate. cave-in well before the team reaches the victim. The re-
If the team helps the woman, they can’t fly her any- sultingcollapse incurs 30d10 8 [20 health levels instantly].
where,especiallywith thecurrentskinnishesbetweenfllght Of course, there are ways around this dilemma, mostly
borne novasand the Rooivalkchoppers.The woman’s name involving powers and abilities. The key is not brute
is Sandia, and she beseeches the team; she doesn’t want strength, but the manner in which it is used.
her unborn baby to die amongst this devastation. As if em- Several powers, induding Plant Mastery, Elemental
phasizingher point, she stumbles against a wall and lowers Anima, Gravity Conbd, Magnetic Mastery, Matter Creation,
herself to the ground. She’s breathing rapidly and crying Mega-Strength, Sizmorph (Grow) and Telekinesis are all
out in great pain. Anyone with the Medicine Ability knows viable meam of supporting the walls while the team dears
she’s going into contractionsand is about to give birth. The the rubble. Disintegration, Molecular Manipulation, Density
Storyteller can certainly play this scene out with a simple Control (Decrease) with the Affect Others Extra and Warp
roll, asking the character to succeed in a standard Medi- can also extricate the victim immediately or remove debris.
cine test, but where’s the Fun in that. Instead, the Story- In both cases,however, these powers either displace rubble
teller should roleplay the situation. aprovldestrududsupport inthemongplaces’Theproper
AydwracterwithMedlcineknamhellneeddeanblarr ”y to dear the debris while keeping the Amp Room stand-
kets to keep the baby w a ~ mand some meam of steriliing ing is through an Engineeringskill roll at +1 difficulty. If the
whztever implement’s used tocuttheunb~licud. Another character succeeds, he can use available reMuTces to rescue
dwacter will need to keep Sandla compamy. Lastly, somebody the victim without engineering a collapse. If the characters
must prude illumination. do not possess Engineering, they can use a default Intdli-
If nobody possesses Medicine, then Hembrook can gence roll at +3 difficulty. If they fail, their last hope is to
help with First Aid (if she’s conscious). She needs the provldeas much overhead support as possible, clear the de-
team’s help, but it’s up to them to decide who completes bns and hope they can withstand the collapse.
which task. In any case, Hembrook assists to the best of

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


Travel Tip #2: Please Don't Anno

The Spanish atmy knombetter than to enter Sa P e r y or D'AI
the "No Man's Land"s a n d w i i betweenSa Penyaand Cdle Obiqn
is partdy affeded by ftcjhy. with one or two destryed sbuctures
Army jeeps and APCs barricade Calle Obispo Huix itself, w
novas have already ventured as far as the Formentera Ferry 7
Rooiwlks and army jeeps have successfully fortified the De Ros
to the north, with less support in the west.
Anybody approaching Obispo Huix or De Rossellomust stop
ing, asking them about their business in lbiza, when they arrived ar
obviously nervous,however, and do little to aggravate the already'
they can pass. If novas refuse to stop for questioning, are caughi
destruction of property, the Storyteller can use the following ten
Span& Soldier
Physical Attributes and Wits 3, all other Attributes 2; Awai
3, Interrogation 2, Might 2, Resistance 3, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2.
launcher mounted underneath), jeep, flak jacket.

Vehiie Safe Speed hspeec
Army Jeep t 125 200
Armored Personnel Carrier 80 120
t'The jeep is armed with a 30mm cannon (seeAberrant,p. 27t

The nova victim in this instance is a blank slate and up with their 20mm gun mountedjeeps. For possibleencoun-
dependent on the Storyteller for life. The Storyteller can ters with patrols, see the Travel Tip #2 s i r .
introducea new team ally through the victim. Initially, he or
she will be barely c m i o u s and needs a week to recover The Setting
from the ordeal. Subsequently, he seeks the team out to ParcdelaPauisanislandofgreengassandshade-giv-
reward them for saving him. Unusual roleplayingscenarios ing trees in an otherwise crowded cky. Tm+, the parlc is a
include a would-be villain who fosters an uneasy respect little slice of hell on earth.The army rushestoerect more tents
for Project Utopia-style heroes, a mass-murderer whose around the injured lying on the soft g a s , and they'vealready
new lease on life sends her on a murderous binge in the built acentrd pavilionfor su-gery.Therearen't cots to
name of her saviors, a future love-interest for one of the go around, forcing "nyto sleepon blankets beneath thetem-
rescuers or a nova who aspires t o emulate the team's phi- peratesummer sky or d e r acanopy of bmches. when the
losophy (the ultimate Terat, the deadliest DeVries Agency team anives,the fidd hospltd is a hivre of activity, with amy
elite, more heroic than Caestus Pax, etc.). Until then, or doctors and first aid bidcivilians d o i i tnage on the spot.
unless healed, the new nova needs hospitalization. The unnd of wailing and crying fills the air
'The conditions in Parc de la Pau are so stifling that

Scene Two: the doctors are moving injured into the smaller, but imme-
diately adjacent park Mercat Nou.The Spanishanny, mean-

Rendezvous at while, commandeered neighboring Hosta1 Arag6n as its

headquarters during this crisis. Many tourists are either
fleeing to the western hotels that are already booked be-
the Field Hospital yond capacity or crowding Es Coddar International Air-
whethertheteam~wlthpatlentsornot,theemer- port, fie-and-a-half kilometers east of lbiza Town.
~ e n c field
y hospital in Parc de la Paushouldbe their next stop Parc de la Pau itself consists of one large central pa-
herpneand anyone i n j d &in sa Penpdistnct ~~head- vilion for surgery, three smaller pavilions for triage of the
ing there as wdl, carefully avoding streets where lwlvas still critically injured who can't be moved and hundreds of pa-
clash The F& hospltdIS akoa safe zone of sortswhere there's tients lying down whewer exhaustion claims them. Army
nofi$tmg Sevwdblcckseast,atCdleOtmpoHuoc,theSpanish engineers set up two tents for the emergency generators,
amy has drawn its line in thesand wlth bamcadesand over- but only the main pavilion has any power yet. The owr-
tuned cars It patrols the sb.eets and Conbplsthelntm- taxed doctors, nurses, orderlies and drafted helpers are
tlomto~nofightlngpreadsfutherwestulfcdlmately, unableto institute any semblance of order, leaving behinda
afewbattlesdooccurbehindthen-border,butthesehld.les hectic maze of injured and dying. Attendants move through
arerareandqulddyterminatedwhentheSpanKhamyshows the crowd with wheelbarrows, picking up the dead and

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

transporting them to pickup trucks waiting in the streets. iation. ‘The quickest way to gain his trust is if the char-
These corpses are bound for the emergency mortuary. Pa- cters mentiontheir fnendship or ties to Orzaiz. Theslow-
tients, meanwhile, reach out to anyone moving past them, st is if the team says they’re looking for Ragnarockette.
pleadingfor help, begging for someoneto removetheir pain. ‘ance isn’t a killer; he’s a nice guy, but he’s currently in-

I Searching for ariated with 72M and Project Utopia for sanctioning a
aid that’s responsible for devastating lbiza Town. Vance
Ironskin and Dragon ms there, and he knows T2M’s culpability in the matter.
rnyone who asks Vance about the attack receivesan ear-
Searching for “lronskin” Andy Vance and lake ul. He isn’t looking to fight, but he wants an explanation
‘‘Dragon” Korelli in this sea of suffering is not easy. Only a or whatever action necessitatedthis level of destruction.
handful of people (mostly doctors) know the two novas are \s far as he’s concerned, T2M Europe was negligent and
currently in the main pavilion helping the surgeons treat a hould be held responsible for all this death.
novapatient.Otherwise,thecharactersmustsewchthe park Since Vance isn’t protecting any secrets, the char-
andwalkamongthewounded.Eveniftheteamheadsstraight iders can learn the following during the conversation.
for the pavilions in the center of Parc de la Pau, they’ll still Seconds before the raid began, a nova seated at the
pass the rows of injured. This is a difficult situation for any- ear of the nightclub screamed in pain and staggered from
one, especially Cfiaracters with Healing, Natural Empath or lis chair, clutching his hex!. Onah, sitting two tables away
the Medicine or Rapport Abilities. The Storyteller should vith Lourt6 (Vance recognizes him only by his picture), made
require anyonewith Rapport or Natural Empathto rdlagainst I move for the man, as did Vance. Beforeeither reached him,
their ratings, using their dots in either as the difficulty value iowever, tremors ripped through the ground.
(therefore somebody with two dots in Rapportrolls against Vance lost track of the patron dunng the fight and
+2 difficulty, while a person with three dots rolls against +3). wer got a clear look at him. It was Turncoat disguised as
The Storyteller can require the same of characterswith Heal- ,ourtd; Orzaiz brought Turncoat to secretly scan the
ing OT Medicine but at base difficulty. If a character fails her jefector‘s thoughts, but the processbackfired. Unbeknownst
roll, she feels obligated to stay and help unless she spends 9 anyone, Ttmcoat now believes he’s Lourt6 and has as-
Willpower to continue with her mission. Should anyone use umed his personality. Vance does recognize LWrtB‘s photo
Medicine to help a patient, the dodon immediately come :if thecharadersshowit to him) as havingarriveda few min-
over and press the c h a d e r into service. They are over- kes earlier and sat down with Orzaiz. According to Vance, it
whelmed and need help desperately. couldn’t be the same manwho screamed in painsince Lout6
Should a character unthinkingly use Healing, how- yyas seated with Orzaiz when the attack happened.
ever, they become the center of a storm of injured who T2M Europe triggered the riot through a raid on
run, stumble and crawl to them. In this case, neither the the Amp Room. They unsuccessfully tried using tremors
doctors nor the Spanish a m y are willing to let the char- a n d flash-bang grenades to disorient the nova crowd.
acter leave. Peopledie by the handful each passing minute Since T2M didn’t present an arrest warrant or any other
and the local medical personnel are beleaguered by the official papers stating their business in relation to their
destruction. If the characters insist on leaving, the doc- duties with Project Utopia, both Vance and Korelli treated
tors ask, rather upset “What can be so important that them like any hostile nova patron.
it’s worth more than a person’s life? Every minute you Initially T2M focused more on Raoul Orzaiz than
stand here arguing, somebody dies. We can’t heal every- anyone else, but they were looking for other people in the
one, but you can. You can help dozens in the time it takes crowd. Several novas, however, protected Orzaiz and kept
us to treat one person. Please, don’t let these people die.‘’ saving the Teragen spokesman from being overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, Vance is in the central pavilion with Korelli. Vance eventually lost track of Orzaiz when the fight com-
helping the doctors hold down a badly burned nova. Sec- pletely degenerated.
ond- and third-degree burns cover the now, but his pow- Yes, Vance and Korelli were responsible for knock-
ers quickly metabolizeall painkillersor sedatives, lessenins ingRagnarocketteout of thebuilding,but hehasnoclue+e
their effects. The man screams inagony and thrashesabout she laded. Vance acted in defense of the nightclub.Once the
preventing thedodors from treating the burns. Only Vancc fight moved outside, they had done their job, and neither
and Korelli have the strength to hold the man down an( Korelli nor he pursued further hostilities. Unfortunately, a
inject the drugs past his already hardened epidermis. Even- landslideforced him out of the Amp Room. Vance and K d l i
tually Korelli uses a nerve-strike to knock the nova uncon. spent the remainder of their time digging survivors out from
scious. This allows Vance to speak with the character! the wreckage. By the time they made their way out of Sa
briefly. Korelli, on the other hand, eager for action, give! Penya, the field hospital was already gathering injured.
Vance a kiss and heads back to Sa Penya to help the arm] On a final but very important note, V m e doff re-
bring down some troublesome novas. The adrenaline-de member one thing that could help the characten. There was i
prived Korelli hasn’t seen this much action in months. newscrewfwN!filminga~fashionshowintheAmpRool~
Vance, if unfamiliarwith the characters, is suspiciou thatevening.‘Theycaughtmostofthe~ghtingondisk, buttheir
of their motives but too tired to really hold back on infor. Film may also show Orzah’s disappearance or the mystenolr

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

novathat fled in pain. Unfortunately, the reporter and her team Maybaker and Blitz-Freeze enter Parc de la Pau, hoping to
got in the way of a nwa battle shortly after the destruction of lose the Spanish army and Vance, but they end up dragging
D’Alt Vila. The reporter died, while the cameraman, Michael the fight through the injured masses. Maybaker, along with
Graff, was badly injured.Graff pocketedthe film beforeVance 40 innocents, dies in the melee, while Blitz-Freeze is
and Korelli took him to the field hospital. knocked out. It is only through the doctor’s intervention
Vance takes the characters to the ER tent where he that the Spanish army releases the unharmed Vance from
brought Graff. Unfortunately, the cameraman is no longer custody.
there. The doctors inform them, Graff died from head If the charactem help Vance against Maybakerand Blitz-
trauma injuries shortly after arriving. The attendants took Freeze, then the team can hopefully stop the two novas be-
his body to the makeshift morgue set up in a gymnasium, fore they cause more damage. From the time Vance heads
a kilometer north of lbiza Town along Route C-733, near for the brawl, the team has five t u r n to get there and stop
the community of Puig d’en Vallis. Any possessions went Maybaker and Blitz-Freeze. After the five turns, three army
with him to facilitate identification. This leads into Act 11. jeeps with 20mm machine guns arrive and order everyone
to stop fighting. Obviously, Maybaker and Blitz-Freeze will
The Hospital Brawl not, forcing the Spanish army to Open fire, unless the char-
After the characters finish speaking with Vance, a loud acters can convince them otherwise. If the situation is not
explosion rocks the park and a fireball demolishes a building resolved by the time the Rooivalks appear (three turns after
one block south of Parc de la Pauon Avenida Espaiia. Windows the ground forces first arrived), Maybaker and Blitz-Freeze
in a three-block area, including those Facing the park, shatter, break for the hospital, hoping to lose their pursuers. Unwill-
sending out a rain of cutting shrapnel. Fallingglass hurts dozens ing to incur further casualties, the Spanish army opens fire
of people; it’s doubtful anyonesurvwedthe building’s destruc- on all novas to stop them before anyone reaches the park.
tion. Snow then begins falling on the hospital, and tempera- The best option is to stop Maybaker and Blitz-Freeze
tures dip a noticeable five degrees. Vance yells, “We have to beforethe army wrives aml leavequickly. Otherwise, theSpan-
stop this before they reach the hospital,” and runs down Calle ish authorities will try to detain the team for questioningand
Canarias, toward the demolished building won’t release them until they can confirm their stories. This
Two novas, Henry “The Bomber” Maybaker and Blitz- obviouslytakesafewdays,sincetheriotingtakesprecedence.
Freeze, just blew through the army’s barricades on Calle Ofcourse, thecharacterscanalwaysescapeorleave,but that
Obispo Huix. They’re currently in a destructive brawl in makes them fugitives. Whether the soldien open fire is
the middle of the street. Further east, the Spanish
army races to the scene in three jeeps and will
arrive after five turns. Two Rooivalk chop-
pers are another three turns behind the
ground forces. Vance, however, is two turns
away from reaching Maybaker and Blitz-
Freeze. If the characters do not intervene,
Vance cannot stop the two novas on his
own. To worsen the situation, the Spanish
army arrives and opens fire on any nova in ,

the area, including Vance. Initially, all three ,

novas resist the ground fire, but when the ,
Rooivalks appear, all hell breaks loose.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

up to the Storyteller and largely dependent on how the char- dead. As brutal as this sounds, beyond-critical patients
acters reacted to the situation. require too much effort and time to treat. Even then, their
life expectancy is slim to non-existent. With the influx OF
Optional Vignette #4: injured, the doctors can’t afford to spend too many re-
Caught in the Act sources on one person. They must weigh their decision
A CBNet television newscrew reporting from the Field against the needs of everybody else.
hospital recorded the characters in action, whether it was In this scenario, a distraught man by the name of Ri-
the Maybaker/Blitz-Freeze brawl or a character tending to chard makes his way to the most imposing or charismatic
the injured. This is a direct violation of the team’s mandate character. He holds a boy in his arms. Eight-year-old
to stay hidden. Now the characters must decide how they’ll Emmanuel is near death; none OF the doctors will help him
treat the matter. Will they steal the recordingwith them on because of the blue twist-tie around his wrist. Richard is
it or ignore the reporters. Obviously, the taping wasn’t a desperate For help, any help. He begs to character to look
direct feed, given the problems with communication in and at his son... talk to a doctor... anything! Just save his b y .
around lbiza Town. This means the characters have time to A Medicineroll of standarddifficulty revealswhatthe
retrieve the optical DVD. doctors already know. The boy’s suffering from serious in-
The lead reporter is Thea Wong; the cameraman is ternal injuries. His kidneys are perforated and poisoning
Marcus Esdlinger. Both are baselines and no match for no- him, and the doctors don’t have a dialysis machineto keep
vas. The characters could simply strong-arm the disk from him on life support or a kidney transplant to save him. Tox-
the two,but not without a dozen witnesses to the attack. By ins have already entered the blood stream and will kill
the same token, Wong and Esdlinger won’t simply surrender Emmanuel within the next half-hour. Flying the boy to a
the disk even “in the interests of international security” (if major hospital outside lbiza Town might work if only to place
the team is stupid enough to try a line like that). Instead, this Emmanuel on a dialysis machine. Again, time is of the es-
piquesWong’s curiosity even more. She and Esdlinger sub- sence. Healing him is another option, though this opens a
sequently shadow the team, recording their movements and different can of worms, as discussed previously. IF thechar-
continually badgering them with questions as to their pres- acters have neither alternativeavailable, Emmanuelwill die.
ence in lbiza Town and their politicalaffiliations. Essentially, IF the team asks a doctor to save the Emmanuel, the
they’ll hamper the characters’ activities. physician quietly explains the situation. As heartless as it
Mega-Social Attributes and enhancementslike Awe- sounds, Emmanuel is already dead; his body simply hasn’t
Inspiring, Persuader or Commanding Presence are the expired yet. There’s nothing for them to do. Operating on
quickest and quietest solution to the situation. Usingmental him requires serious surgical procedures t o seal the Fail-
powers such as Hypnosis or Telepathy to steal the re- ing kidney, and even then, the chance of success is negli-
corded disk and alter Wong and Esellinger’s thoughts are gible. The doctors can’t spare the resources or manpower
also viable, if risky. If the characters attack the television when the lbiza conflict isn’t even over yet. Characters with
crew, but allow either Wong or Esellinger to see them, Medicine (Surgery) can attempt the reparation themselves
Wong will hunt for the team’s identities after lbiza Town. if they can convince the doctors to give them a chance
CBNet will even post computerizedrenderings of Wong’s (and they can prove their medical acumen). The surgical
assailants on its OpNet site, with a $500,000 reward for procedure is a Medicine roll at +4 difficulty. Even then,
any substantiated lead on the team. 1f the characters have Emmanuel will only survive for another day. He needs a
been recorded in the news before, Wong will discover that dialysis machine and a proper implant.
and accuse the characters of theft. This can prove rather If the character succeeds, then the impressed doc-
tiresome for teams trying to keep their identities hidden tors bring him more trauma cases. Again, they need help.
or their records spotless. Wong filed her accusations with If the character refuses, the doctor asks, “By what right
Project Utopia, meaning the characters now have crimi- does this boy alone deserve your skill and nobody else?
nal records For theft and assault (if they didn’t already). How can you fight for one child and not save another?’
Of course, if the team works for Project Utopia, the com-
plaint is conveniently lost, and the characters are privately
reprimanded for the lapse in judgment. Dramatis
Optional Vignette #5: No
Tears for the Dying
Typical with emergency situations such as this, doc- ”Ironskin” Andy Vance
tors move through the crowds, making snap-decisions as Bad<@: Bornand raised in small town Cody, Wyo-
to a patient’s condition. Usingcolored rags or plastic twist- ming, Andy Vance has the dual distinction of being openly
ties, the doctors mark individuals according to perceived gay and a now of some repute. As the first meta-normal to
priority. Only the red tags receive immediate attention erupt in his state, Andy has since gone on to champion gay
and surgery. The yellows are For later treatment, regard- rights, work PR for DeVries and co-manage the Amp Room
less the severity of complaints, while the blues are leFt for during Ibiza’s summer-party season. Well built, well traveled

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

and well spoken, Vance is in his element when dealing wit1 enius), Mega-Appearance (First Impression), Mega-
people and laying on a generous helping of his nova charm. harisma * * * (Dreadful Mien, Seductive), Armor
Vance knows and likes Count Raoul Orzaiz. Vancc *, Force Field *, Invulnerability(Mental Attacks)
may not agree with the Teragen, but he recognizes an( ***, Invulnerability (Cutting Attacks) **, Imulner-
respects Orzaiz’s skills in public relations. Vance and ht dity (Energy Attacks) * * (Broad Category)
are not so different.
Image: Playing the PR shtick to the hilt, Vance is al- ake ”Dragon” Korelli
ways well dressed in public and exceptionally handsome
Background: Once upon a time, Korelli was a suc-
ssful DeVries Elite with a dozen notches for completed
With a cut body surpassing most novas’, Vance knows how
issions, wars and sorties. Ever since his marriage to
to play up his sensual and flirtatious nature and enjoy!
showing ofF his developedassets in the Amp Room. Arounc mce, however, Korelli has stayed by his husband’s side
other novas, he can be quite the exhibitionist. ith nary a complaint. Still, he can Feel his once razor-
Rdeplaynrg Hints: You know how to use your bod) iarp skills dull and aches for the rush of combat and war-
and sensuality to catch other people off guard. You aren’l re. While the events in lbiza Town are a tragedy, Korelli
cheap, however, and understand the nuances between flir. in’t help but thrill at the prospect of life-threatening
tatious and slutty. You keep strangers at a distance, playin! ittles. Vance doesn’t like this aspect of his husband but
your privacy with a charm that makesyou seem mysteriou! lows Korelli has sacrificed much for the marriage, and
! cannot begrudge Korelli this battle. During the lbiza
and coy. Behind your toothpaste-ad smile and soft eyes
however, is a keen instinct for understanding people arx inflict, Korelli prowls the streets, fighting and arresting
their intentions.Your body, while on public display, is meani mpaging novas for the Spanish army.
for one person alone: Jake Korelli, your husband. x Karate uniform.
Geac Cell phone, white Versace suit. ~tum Thrillseeker
Nature: Hedonist legiance: “lronskin” Andy Vance
Allegiance: The Amp Room b i k e s : Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Percep-
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Percep- )n 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Appearance 4, Manipula-
tion 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 5, Manipula- )n 3, Charisma 3
tion 4, Charisma 4 i l i Athletics 3, Awareness(Troublemakers) 4, Com-
M iArts 2, &awl 3, D r i 2, Endurance5, Etiquette 4 and 2, Drive 2, Endurance 3, Intimidation 1, Martial Arts
lntimidationl,Lnguistics3(Native: English; Arabic, German hotokan Karate) 5, Resistance 3, Survival 2
Spanish), Resistance 5, Style 4 iantum 4, Quantum Pool 28, Willpower 6, Taint 2
Back& Allies 3 (Travius Diaz and Jake “Dragon’ 1we.m Mega-Strength * e * * (Quantum Leap, Thun-
Korelli), Backing 2, Contacts 5, Influence 3, Node 2, Re- irclap), Mega-Dexterity (Rapid Strike), Mega-
sources 4 amina * * * (Resiliency, Regeneration), Mega-Percep-
Quantum 5, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 6, Taint 1 in (Blindfighting), Mega-Wits * * * (Enhanced Ini-
Powers: Mega-Strength (Crush), Mega-Stamine itive, Quickness x 3), Boost (Stamina) 0, Claws

(Hardbody, Resiliency), Mega-Wits (Artistic

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


*, Force Field *, Luck *, Quantum Blast (Fire Strobe (Light) *, Quantum Bolt (Laser Blast - Le-
Breath - Lethal) thal) * *

Agathe "Sunbolt" Henry

Hembrook "The Bomber" Maybaker
Backywnd: For Agathe Hembrook, life began when Background: Maybaker's a living bomb, a perpetual
she erupted. Before then, she believed she was nothing, a explosion of plasma energy. He's also the rudest git on
docile woman willing to put up with an abusive husband both sides of the English Channel. Even before his erup-
because he feigned interest. During a particularly nasty al- tion, he was the sort of fellow who'd attend soccer matches
tercation, however, she erupted, blinding her husband with just to start a riot, which he did, many times. Finally, one
an unintentional blast of white light. For the following day, he pushed the wrong fans too far, and they ambushed
months, guilt kept her by her man's side, evenafter he lashed him outside the stadium. He didn't erupt until they set him
out with his Fists. He couldn't hurt her anymore, and with on fire, but when hedid, his flash Flare turned fiveattack-
that realization, her fears vanished. Hembrook lost her guilt ers into piles of scorched offal. Maybaker discovered he
and gained power over her life for the first time in years. liked killing people even more than starting riots and hired
Exhilarated by the quantum rush, she never wanted to be himself out to local gangs as an enforcer. He's been mur-
normal or vulnerable again. She abandoned her baselinelife dering innocents ever since.
and went to work for the DeVries Agency. From there, she Gear Rolex, flak jacket.
made friends with Jake Korelli, her martial-arts instructor, Nature: Thrillseeker
who eventually offered her a summer job at the Amp Room. Allegiance: Individualist
G e a None.
~ Attributes Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Percep-
Nature:Caregiver tion 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Appearance 3, Manipula-
Allegiance: The Amp Room tion 2, Charisma 2
Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Percep- Abilities:Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Drive 2, En-
tion 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Appearance 4, Manipula- durance 4, Firearms 2, Intimidation 3, Legerdemain 2,
tion 2, Charisma 2 Might 3, Resistance 3, Streetwise 3
A b i l i Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Endurance 3, Backgrounds: Attunement 3
Firearms 1, Intimidation 2, Linguistics 2 (Native: English; Quantum 5, QuantumPool 30, Willpower 4, Taint 4 (Glow)
Spanish, French), Martial Arts (Shotokan Karate) 2, Medi- Powers: Mega-Strength (Crush, Shockwave, Quan-
cine 2, Might 1, Rapport 2, Resistance3 tum Leap), Mega-Stamina (Adaptability), Disintegra-
Backgrounds:Allies 2 (Andy Vance and Jake Korelli), Re- tion * * * (Range), Immolate (Explosive Plasma - Le-
sources 2 thal) * * * * (Explosion)
Quantum 2, Quantum Pool 28, Willpower 7, Taint 2 Darren
Powers: Mega-Strength (Lifter), Mega-Dexterity
(Rapid Strike), Mega-Stamina (Hardbody, Regen-
"Blitz-Freeze" Paskey
eration), Absorption (Kinetic) *, Bioluminescence *, Background: Darren Paskey is an unusual candidate
for a nova, much less a DeVries Elite. After erupting late

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Act II: Introduction
The night drags into the earliest hours of the morn-
ing, and some fighting has subsided. The Directive and
the Spanish army have clear authority over the skies, but
the ground belongs t o novas. Reports indicate T2M Eu-
rope has withdrawn from lbiza Town due to stiff resis-
tance and political pressure from the Spanish government,
while their Teragen counterparts lay low. People fully ex-
pect T2M to launchan all out offensive against lbiza Town,
clearing out nests of novas. President Sabatini, disgusted
with the events of the last few hours, however, prefers to
settle the matter internally and forego anymore of Project
Utopia’s “help.” People on the street whisper of an im-
pendingarmed invasion by Spanish forces and escape the
city by the thousands each hour. Many head for thesafety
of Ibiza’s coastal villages to the west, while most evacu-
ate to the tiny city of Sant Antoni de Portmany. The capi-
tal grows stiller by the hour.
Act 11sees thecharactersdraggeddeeper into Ibiza’s
conflict, but now, their objectives grow clearer. There is
in life, the 50-year old Paskey was in much better health a light at the end of the tunnel but so much interceding
than his ailing wife or peers, who were already settling darkness left. Again, can the characters remain objective
into Florida’s retirement villages. Paskey found himself despite the horrors that await them? Can they be both
alienated From other novas because of age and from his heroes and loyal to their organizations, or is their indif-
own wife and friends because they couldn’t keep up with ference a sign of events to come?
his renewed vigor. Paskey, a former attorney, eventually
left his life behind and tried redirecting his energies else-
where. That’s when he applied to the DeVries Agency. Scene One:
Unfortunately, Paskey is a loner and prone t o brooding.
His current assignment has him pursuing a British punk The Mortuary -
named Henry “The Bomber” Maybaker for arrest. He Since the fighting in lbiza Town continues, rescuers
tracked the vacationing Maybaker to lbiza and is using cannot enter the truly devastated areas in Sa Penya and
the chaos to go full out with his powers. D’Alt Vila. Three-hundred corpses fill the makeshift mor-
Geer: Laser electroshock pistol (see Aberrant: Uites, p. tuary as opposed to the 1,240 who will have perished by
70),locket with picture of wife inside. conflict’s end. Most victims still lie where they died, be-
Nature: Bureaucrat neath tons of rubble and debris.
Allegiance: The DeVries Agency
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Percep- The Setting
tion 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Appearance 2, Manipula-
The emergency mortuary is in a public gymnasium,
tion 3, Charisma 3
north of lbiza Town along Route C-733. This is outside
Abilities Academics (Law) 4, Awareness 3, Biz 1, Bureau- the city by a mere kilometer and currently away from most
cracy 3, Command 2, Computer 1, Endurance 3, Intimida- of the fighting or patrols. The team can reach it from the
tion 3, Investigation 2, Linguistics 3 (Native: English; field hospital without crossing any blockades or check-
French, German, Italian), Martial Arts (Tae Kwon Do) 2, points. The facility itself serves as a civic center for the
Resistance 2 community of Puig d’en Vallis, and contains a basketball
Backgrounds: Backing 3 (DeVries Agency), Eufiber 2, court, indoor swimming pool, tiny weight room and sev-
Resources 3 eral class-rooms for the local children. Currently, it’s a
Quantum 5, Quantum Pool 30, Willpower 7, Taint 4 (Col- repository for corpses.
ored Skin [ice-blue]) The bodies are all being kept in the enclosed gym,
Powers: Mega-Dexterity (Accuracy, Fast Tasks, which is accessible from the exterior parking lot. It’s a
Rapid Strike), Mega-Perception (Electromagnetic typical basketball court like that found in most elemen-
Vision), Mega-Wits (Quickness), Elemental Mastery tary schools, with two nets, a high-vaulted ceiling with
(Ice) (Imprison, Lethal Blast, Shield, Storm) windows at the top, wood floorboards and retractable

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

bleachers that are currently pushed against the length- tendants (Invisibility or Holo helps in this situation), or
side walls. At the rear of the basketball court is a small they can simply walk into the gym.
stage with side stairs and adjoining alcove wings filled If thecharactemdon’t announcetheirpresenceandhave
with stacked chain and folded tables. The attendants set the meansto spy visually, they‘ll see the attendants layingout
their work desk on the stage and are cataloguing the dead the newly anived corpses, searchingthem for identification
through any IDSthey possess. and occasionally pocketing loose cash, expensive watches,
The military already installed a small generator to jewelry and North American passports. They do so openly
power the lights while the gym’s windows and doors are around each other and even share in the spoils. They appear
open to the night air, bleeding away the inevitable stink of indifferent to the death surrounding them.
decay. The bodies are lined up in neat rows and sealed in Should the team announce their presence by walk-
either body bags or beneath a plastic tarp. All identifica- ing through the gym’s doors, the attendants curtail their
tion is placed atop the corpse’s shroud to facilitate con- grave-robbing proclivities. The foreman steps Forward
firmation of the victim without having to look at the ca- with a roster in hand and asks in accented English: “Are
daver directly. The more valuable I D S that fetch a high you looking for somebody?” The morgue’s open to the
price on the black market, such as charge cards, Ameri- public to help locate and identify the dead. Any character
can passports and Social Security cards and Canadian speaking with the attendant or foreman will notice, after
passports and Social Insurance cards, are mysteriously a successful Awareness or Investigation roll at +l diffi-
absent. The morgue’s attendants are collecting quite the culty, that they’re wearing expensive Rolex watches or
nest’s egg for their retirement. bejeweled wedding bands easily worth several thousand
Near the double-door exit are the bodies of three men dollars. These are not the possessions of blue-collar work-
(including one brwght over in the next scene) so horribly ers and are obviously stolen. Confronting the grave rob-
obese that their skins are split open like ripe grapes. Their bers is up to the team, but the attendants will take excep-
clothing and shoes, ripped at the seams and tattered, sug- tion to accusationsof thievery, even when true. The fore-
gests average-sized people who suddenly gained over 800 man carries around a walkie-talkie, and threatens to call
pounds of pure Fat. A network of blueveins covers their cor- the Spanish Army if the team doesn’t leave.
pulent white bodies, while tracks of strdch marks are tom If the characters declare they’re looking for a re-
open. This is the handiwork of the Angel of Bones. These porter, cameraman or mention Graff by name, this obvi-
bodies are immediately noticeable upon entering the gym. ously frightens the foreman for a quick second before he
There is a minimum of four attendants in the morgue, regains his composure. A successful Rapport, Awareness
with another eight driving pickup trucks and ferrying the or Investigation roll detects the momentary panic and
dead like modern-day Charons. As the body count in- hesitation in the foreman’s voice, even though he’ll deny
creases, so to will the number of attendants. For now, how- any such apprehension.
ever, the attendantsdo not begrudge their lucrative work. The foreman’s concern is because MichaelGraff was
Attendantt indeed brought in earlier. The attendants identified and
Physical Attributes 3, all other Attributes 2; Aware- tagged him according to his press badge, which currently
ness 1, Brawl 1, Bureaucracy 1, Drive, 2, Firearms 1, rests atop his tarp-covered body. After the cameraman
Streetwise 1; Willpower 4; automatic pistol was processed, another reporter by the name of Samuel
Leathan arrived in one of the pickup trucks. Leathan was
A Sea of Dead at the field hospital and spotted Graff being taken away.
The gymnasium is easy to spot From the road or sky, He was acquainted with Graff From the Hotel lsla Blanca
given it’s the only building with electricity. Two pickup and knew the cameraman was covering a fashion show at
trucks from the field hospitalare parked at the gym’s ex- the Amp Room that evening. Leathan hitched a ride to
terior double doors, unloading their cadaver cargoes and the morgue on the off chance Graff was carrying hidden
leaving for their next batch. A moment later, a third truck equipment or a DVD of the T2M raid. After bribing the
arrives and unloads its sole occupant, one enormous Foremanto let him search the body, Leathan made off with
corpse. The clothing on this individual is tattered and his the recorded DVD and paid another attendant to drive
description fits that OF the bodies mentioned above. It him back to the Hotel lsla Blanca. The attendants saw the
requires all six attendants to move the corpse, and even DVD and know where Leathan’s staying.
then, they’re all straining and groaning. It’s a horrible sight. Of course, the attendants won’t volunteer informa-
The attendants eventuallydrop the body just past the door tion on Leathan’s bribe or his destination, since this ex-
with a thud and use three tarps to cover him. poses their side venture. Instead, the foreman spews empty
After the last vehicle leaves, it’ll be a half-hour be- threats about contacting the Spanish army until he realizes
fore another arrives. The characters have one of three he has no choice but to cooperate. He tells the team what
options. They can wait and spy from a distance if they he knows, in exchange for their silence. He even describes
possess any extended sensory abilities, they can sneak in Leathan if he thinks it’ll help keep his fat out of the fire. If,
and locate the cameraman’s body without alerting the at- at any time, the attendants and foreman believe they are in
serious jeopardy, however, they’ll use their sidearms (sup-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

plied by the Spanish army to deter looters) in self-defense. hours, after which the effects dissipate over the remaining
Otherwise, they are reasonableand willing to negotiate. 24 hours. In Pittsfield’s case, however, the myocin accu-
IF the characterssimply searchfor GrafF‘s body, they’ll mulated and dispersed rapidly through her body, starting
eventually find a tarp-covered corpse with a p r e s badge and spreading the process of rigor mortis Far more quickly
resting on his chest. The older man suffered a msty blow than normal. As her muscles tighten, they’re unleashing
to the head that eventually killed him. His vest pockets are stores of electricity in the form of erratic lightningarcs and
empty. If the characters don’t know about the attendants’ strikes. Each blast inflicts 8d10 L damage, and this phe-
penchant for robbing the dead, they should be aware now. nomena will continue for 20 turns until the electricity vents
The Storyteller may allow the characters an Investigation completely.
or Awareness roll to notice (if they haven’t already) the During this time, the attendants are caught in the
stolen merchandise adorning the attendants. dancing lightning field. One dies in the initial discharge
Sidenote: The Fat of the Matter (not the foreman), one more ducks under the bleachers,
while the remaining two men, including the foreman, are
The final matter of note in the gym are the three
two turns away from the doorway. The characters are no
obese bodies split open under the stress of their own
safer from the electric volleys. Each turn, five blasts arc
weight. A Medicine roll at standard difficulty reveals the
outward. The Storyteller should roll ldlO per blast. A re-
weight gain was sudden and traumatic. They probably died
sult of nine or 10 means the lightning strike hits someone.
of acute heart failure. With two or more successes, the
character notices a golf ball-sized lump offat on each vic-
If a character has mechanicalarmor or is made of metal, a
tim, situated either on their arm or neck. The lump is per- result of seven or eight means a blast is specifically tar-
geting him like a ground. The Storyteller should then as-
forated as though the victim was stung and suffered an
sign values to each character and two surviving atten-
allergic reaction. The attendants know little about the
dants and roll to see whom the lightning hits, using 5010
three men, save they were found west of Sa Penya. They’re
obviously tourists and probably victims of a nova power.
L to adjudicate the attack. The third attendant, hidden
Nothing else can explain their traumatic weight gain. behind the bleachers, is safe for the moment.
These corpsesare all handiwork of the Angel of Bones, Once the team is outside, an enant lightning shot hits
the bleachers near the third attendant, setting them ablaze.
a would-be elite trying to establish a name for himself. Un-
The attendant is knockedout and partially visible on theother
fortunately, he’s indiscriminate about whom he kills. These
three men were nothingmore than an attempt by the Angel side of the gym.Unless someone runs in to save the man, he
oFBones to spread fear in his ability. His real coups de grace will either die from the fire or from a lightning strike. Either
are the upcomingexecutions of Orzaiz and Ragnarockette. way, asthe foreman points cut,the Firewill consumethe gym-
nasium and the dead bodies unless stopped, destroying any
Optional Vignette #5: hope for relatives to identify their loved ones.The charac-
Necruption ters must decide what they want to do. Putting out the Fire
While the team is in the morgue, a randomcharacter shouldn’t beaproblemusing the fireextinguishers in thecivii
gets a rush of goose bumps after walking past a woman’s center, but somebody needs to save the unconscious man.
bullet-riddled corpse. His hair then stands on end. Any Both require the characters to reenter the gym;both mean
character with Electromagnetic Vision o r Quantum the characters are exposed to danger.
Attunement detects a massive surge of energy coming As a final note, it is important the foreman survive
from the corpse. A lightning arc suddenly shoots from her this encounter. If the characters save him, the gym or his
mouth, melting the tarp, striking the ceiling and overload- friends, he’ll tell the team everything he knows about
ing the generator. The gym goes dark. Before the charac- Samuel Leathan (if he hasn’t done so already).
ters can react, her body convulsions, firing off random
bolts of electricity that illuminatethe area in quick bursts.
The corpse is Joanne Pittsfield, one of the few, un-
Scene Two:
fortunate novas to get shot down by Rooivalk choppers.
With power over lightning, Pittsfield’s cells are like mi-
Hotel Isla Blanca
cro-batteries suffused with electricity. Now that she’s It feels like a dream, but with all the death and de-
dead, however, her cells are undergoing necrosis (dete- struction surrounding the team over the last few hours,
rioration of living tissue due t o a lack of blood-derived Hotel lsla Blanca is a vision of paradise, an oasis of lights
oxygen) and leaking energy in the form OF static electric- in a desert of silhouettes. At the very least, this portion
ity. Quickly, though, the effect cascades with the onset of of lbiza Town bears some semblance to a Caribbean re-
rigor mortis, randomly discharging Pittsfield’s reservoirs sort strip, with its hotel-lined coast and modern buildings
of yet untapped electrical energy. dressed in bright summer whites. Still, the sporadic power
In normal situations, a waste product called myocin outages along the hotel strip, the train of refugees head-
causes rigor mortis, or stiffening of the muscles, within 10 ing west and the patrol jeeps keeping the exodus orderly
hours of death. The entire body becomes rigid within 18 mar the illusion. In fact, the only place enjoying uninter-
rupted electricity is Hotel lsla Blanca on Avenida Espaiia.

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Hotel lsla Blanca, the most expenswe hotel in lbim colonel in exchange for some “considerations.” One of
Town, is a fortress. A military jeep parked outside the main them was keeping the refugees out, since lsla Blanca has
gate t u r n away refugees looking for a warm bed with claims its own generators t o keep it operating at peak effi-
that the hotel is full. The only people allowed in wear p r e s ciency. Colonel Espatta is currently in the hotel, enjoy-
badges or are on the guest list that’s being handled by a ing many of the extended complimentary services. His
wll-muscled suit. Meanwhile, on the rooftop‘s open-air men may not like their orders, but at least they aren’t
restaurant, guests sit with binoculars and telescopeswatch- fighting the novas further east.
ing DAlt Vila for sport. To the rich who don’t lwe here, this A chain-link fence mounted with concealed, mo-
is a unique opportunity to see novas in action. Their laugh- tion-sensitive security cameras runs the hotel perim-
ter drifts down to the street on the cool night air. eter. Characters can spot these through an Intrusion roll
of standard difficulty or an Awareness roll at +2 diffi-
The Setting culty. Because the cameras activate via movement, the
lsla Blanca is lbiza Town’s newest and most presti- security officers rarely keep tabs on live feeds, instead
gious hotel. Practically a resort itself, the 3o-story lsla relying on motion sensor warnings to alert them. Any-
Blanca contains a large summer garden, a rooftop restau- one using Invisibility, Sizemorph (Shrink), Shroud, Flight,
rant and an in-hotel discothequeto start p a r t y g m on their the Mega-Strength enhancement QuantumLeap or other
evening of club hopping. The more expenswe suites begin appropriate powers can all bypass the camera’s motion-
at $800 a night and offer such amenitiesas free passes for field. Additionally, Cyberkinesis is also useful, though
El Divino and Privilege, daylong yacht rides and, if rumors walking through the fence using Density Control (De-
hold true, an impresswe range of free drugs and prostitu- crease) activates the sensors.
tion services. lsla Blanca is the hotel for Europe’s idle rich The best entry point is throughthe rear garden, which
already burnt out on Monte Carlo and life in general. runs 100meters between the back of the hotel and perim-
Currently, an army jeep and a sportsmeny nova by eter fence. The front is too well lit and manned to be viable,
the name of Torpedo - Mafia slang for a contract killer while landingon the crowdedrooftop will automatically raise
- guard the front gate. With strong resistance to psy- the alarms. Another option is using Michael Graff‘s press
chic-based scans and attacks, Torpedo prevents unau- card. Although his picture in on the card, it’s nothing Holo,
thorized entry into lsla Blanca unless the person proves Copycat or Shapeshift can’t rectify.
he can afford an overnight stay in the hotel. Torpedo Should the characters get caught sneaking in, they’ll
uses Telepathy to scan a person’s mind if suspicious of have to contend with the 20 Spanishsoldiers and the three
their claims. novas. The spodsmeny, ironically, try and solve the situ-
Backing Torpedo are 20 Spanish soldiers there on ation quietly by allowing the characters to leave the pre-
orders from Colonel Espatta, a high-ranking officer cur- mises unharmed. They don’t want to frighten the guests
rently in lbiza Town. When the fighting began, lsla or damage the hotel in a brawl. Should the characters
Blanca’s manager extended a complimentary room to the refuse, however, the sportsmeny will not hesitate to at-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

tack. IF they capture the team, the characters are placed Leathan is a mercenary who’ll sell the DVD to the highest
under arrest and handed over to the military. Thanks to bidder, but he can’t access the OpNet transmitter yet. His
the Directive’s quick intervention in the lbiza conflict, the time-share isn’t until in the morning.
Spanish army also has access to moxinoquantamine. Meanwhile, around him are a dozen cameramen and
lsla Blanca’s plush interior is unlike most hotels. The reporters at any given time, watching the live N! and CNN
lobby alone is clothed in marble and designed with a mix of coverage of the lbiza conflict. Some characters may be
baroque and uniquely Spanish mozarabic styling. The hol- looking for the famous nova documentary team of Chris
low hotel core is built around an atrium design, with a multi- Gaal and James Najarin, but they warped back to N! head-
tiered artificial waterfall spilling down from the seventh floor quarters once it was obvious that the best conflict foot-
all the way to the ground-floor garden pool. The last five age was already in their cameras. Over the next half-hour,
stories contain the rooftop garden restaurant, an interior the room grows crowded in anticipation of a second ad-
swimming pool and penthousesuites. Escalators access the dress by President Sabatini. News anchors also report that
mezzanine conference rooms and ballroom. the UN Assembly isconvening an emergency session. The
In the interest of good publicity during this time of general consensus is that Spain will act within the next
crisis, management has partitioned the mezzanine exclu- few hours, whether on its own or by allowing the UN to
sively for international news correspondents.The hotel has negotiateon its behalf. Given Project Utopia’s obvious CUI-
set up cots in the conference rooms along with a 24-hour pability in the situation, however, it’s doubtful President
continental buffet and allowed time-shared access to lsla Sabatini wants their help resolving this matter.
Blanca’s communication uplink for reporters to send out If the characters sneaked into the hotel and have
their stories. Even in the dead of morning, the hotel is a hive avoided detection, talking to Leathan or wresting the DVD
of activity. None of the guests want to miss the action, and from him might be difficult. If the characters are in the
news crews constantly rush in and out with the latest gab. hotel legitimately, getting into an argument with Leathan
might also jeopardize their welcome. The gist of the mat-
A Moment’s Respite ter is this: Leathan is unwilling to part with his treasure,
IF the team sneaks into the hotel or enters via legiti- and the only proof that it isn’t his are the DVDs recorded
mate means, then the lsla Blanca offers a moment of re- contents. Otherwise, it’s common for cameramento carry
spite in this otherwise turbulent escapade. Still, the Sto- several DVDs, so it’s perfectly legitimate For Leathan to
ryteller shouldn’t hesitate to play up the obvious disparity claim the DVD is his. Additionally, if Leathan is coerced
between the comfort of the guests against the horrors into surrendering Graff‘s DVD, he’ll attempt to switch it
suffered by the locals outside. To the rich hotel patrons with one of his own or bargain for it in exchange For in-
spoiled by a lifetime OF comforts, this is the closest they’ll formation (see What Ifs: Optional Routes into Act 111sec-
ever get to “roughing it.” They haven’t seen the death tion, the Bargaining for the DVD bullet).
outside and generally ignore the exodus of refugees
The Contents of the DVD
streaming down the street. To them, this is an exciting
Michael GrafF recorded several hours worth of foot-
thrill unlike any other. It’s a game where death is a brief,
age including the Amp Room fashion show, the T2M raid
but annoying, commercial break.
and the subsequent battle. The characters can replay the
If the characters are obviously novas, they’ll stick
DVD from any reporter’s camera, including Leathan’s, or
out in this environment. Even if they’re guests, the
they can use the monitors with built-in DVD players scat-
sportsmenywill watch them to hedge any problems. Mean-
tered throughout the Mezzanine conference rooms. This
while, rich guests badger the characten for stories of the
will attract other reporters, however.
outside, trying to live vicariously through the team’s ex-
The Storyteller may run through the entire DVD in
ploits. Reporters, however, attempt to interview and ques-
point form or just describe significant portions. For
tion the characters, asking them for their views on the
simplicity’s sake, however, the following scenes are vital:
lbiza Town situation. Needless to say, this isn’t helping
There’s a shot of “lronskin” Andy Vance welcom-
them keep a low profile. The ideal disguise to hide all evi-
ing reporter Kim Blakesdale to the Amp Room. Vance
dence of novahood is the Dormancy Background. Barring
stipulatesthat while the camera crew can film the fashion
that, the team’s best option is to wear their civilian attire
show, they are not to disturb the patrons unless ap-
and blend into the crowd. Even if they’re disheveled given
the last few hours, people will mistake them for field re-
After several shots of the fashion show, Graff
porters back in from a harrowing night in lbiza Town.
catches Orzaiz in a slow pan. He’s sitting at a booth table,
This portion of the adventure is the most open-ended
talking with somebody who’s obscured from view. Like-
because of the dozen parameters affecting the situation.
wise, Turncoat, sitting at another table, is also hidden from
The team is after Samuel Leathan, a reporter who hope-
that angle by a column.
fully holds MichaelGraff‘s DVD. Finding him is simple since
More shots of the fashion show before there’s a
everyone knows the reporters hang out on the Mezza-
rush of commotion near Orzaiz’s table. GrafF catches a
nine. Leathan is in conference room Catalunya, reviewing
shot of Maurice Lourt6 (Turncoat actually) stumbling out
Graff‘s DVD in his camera. Unlike the other reporters,

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

conflict, but those who have have created an intolerable
off for a few seconds and returns to the full-out brawl of
situation. All nova expatriates must therefore evacuate the
the Amp Room raid. Involved in the fight, minimum, are
island within the next two hours (by 5:35 AM). Those who
Orzaiz, Griffin Armstrong, It, Spinner, Psyche, “lronskin”
leave can do so without fear of reprisals. Any nova still pur-
Vance, “Dragon” Korelli, Ragnarockette, Thorn, Tremor
suing hostile actions now or any non-native novas on the
and a number of other novas moving at dazzling speeds.
island after the 5:35 AM deadline will be shot on sight. Any
Duringthe course of the battle, the camera catches
nova not a citizen of Spain or already living in lbiza Town
Orzaiz ducking out. Characters who make an Awareness
roll at +1 difficulty notice a background shot of Orzaiz,
will be detained for questioning. There are no negotiations
in this matter. Several novas proved themselves hostile, and
badly wounded, stumbling out of the Amp Room through
Spain is more than willing to return the courtesy to protect
a hole in the wall. Suddenly, a shrouded figure with wings
its sovereignty. President Sabatini wishes to settle the mat-
of bones (the Angel of Bones) follows Orzaiz out the hole.
ter without further bloodshed but will not hesitate to em-
The characters can’t see anything after that.
ploy his naval fleet against all “invading forces.”
accidentally bnngs down DAlt Vila Again, the knockout Mow To facilitate the nova evacuation of lbiza Town, the
estaci6n maritima (feny terminal) in Sa Marina has Five fer-
against Ragnarockettedoesn’t reveal her fate. Thescene con-
ries waiting to transport ground-locked novasto Mallma. A
tinues until Graff annwnces: “We lost the signal.’’ From there,
sizable force of the Spanisharmy is also in Palmade Mallma
to ensure the violence doesn’t spread into that regionas well.
Graff‘s last shot of a battle outside the Amp Room.
Otherwise, the Spanish army will merely oversee the evacu-
Two novas are fighting amid the ruins of a street. Suddenly
ation of novas. The ferries will remain until 5:35 AM, after
Kim motions to Michael’s left. He trains the camera on the
fake Maurice h u r t 6 who’s darting From building to build-
ing, avoidingthe fights. Kimasks: “lsn’t that the guy from-
” Before she finishes her sentence, a nova blast cuts right

through her, disintegrating her upper body. Michael turns

What lfs: Optional
the camera on Henry “The Bmber” Maybaker. Hescreams: Routes into Act 111

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Scene Four has too many variables to simply plant clues acter for a reporter (if the character isn’t an obvious
and hope the characters find them - given they may not nova) and invites him to attend the Angel of Bones’ de-
even make it into the hotel. Obviously, the Followingare po- but with the deaths of Orzaiz and Ragnarockette. The
tential threadsthestorytellercanusedependingontheteam’s young man was simply paid to find reporters and relay
situation. It isn’t necessary to play them all, just enough to the information to them. He doesn’t know where the
get the characters moving again in a positive direction. Angel of Bones is hiding.
President Sabatini’s Broadcast: Following Presi-
dent Sabitini’s second address, military jeeps with loud
speakers move slowly through lbiza Town, announcing Dramatis
the nova evacuation in English, Spanish, French, Ger-
man and Italian. A Few novas helping the Spanish army Personae
o r emergency services also Fly through the city, spread-
ing President Sabitini’s ultimatum. A Friendly nova can Mikhail ”Torpedo”
relate this news to characters stuck outside, saying the Khairedinov
Ferry terminal is going to be a madhouse since the air- Background: Unlikethe other sportsmenywho trace
port is locked down and refusing to Fly novas out. The their Mafiyah service back to the days of the vory, or
estacio’n maritima is their only hope. IF the characters crime bosses, Mikhail served his father, a suki. The vory
are looking for Ragnarockette or Orzaiz, maybe some- and suki had been at odds since WWII, when the suki
body there has information. helped the USSR Fight Nazi Germany’s expansion into
Additionally, if the characters hear the announce- Russia. The vory, avid haters OF Communism, retaliated
ment and have seen the DVD with Maurice Lourt6 (Turn- by killing thousands of sukiduringthe Gulag’s “Scab” Wars
coat) alive and well, the Storyteller may allow them to OF the 1750s.Mikhail’s Father survived the conflict and
make either an Investigation at standard difficulty or a emerged with the desire to see the vorydead.
default Perception roll at +1 difficulty to Figure out their Mikhail carries his father‘s hatred with him now and
next move. Maurice Lourt6 is obviously Frightenedand on relishes the Fall of the old vory at the hands OF Project
the run. Given the ultimatum and the closing OF the air- Utopia. Unfortunately, the Camparelli-Zukhov
port, Lourtk‘s only perceivable way out is the Ferries. Megasyndicate is taking in both suki and vory criminals,
There’s a chance they’ll Find him there as well. and that’s causing friction. Mikhail doesn’t associate with
Waiting For Samuel Leathan: Within a Few min- most sportsmenybecause of the criminal blood feud. Still,
utes of President Sabatini’s announcement, Samuel Few sportsmeny are willing to challenge Mikhail, and he
Leathan leaves the hotel with a rush OF other reporters knows it. He’s their best telepath.
trying to get to the estacio’n maritima Ferries. Charac- k T a s e r , reinforced Armani suit, onyxsignet ring, light
ters unable to enter the hotel should recognize him by revolver in shoulder holster.
the Foreman’s physical description. The waiting taxis will Nature: Judge
only drive as far as the border to Sa Penya, after which Allegiance: Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate
Leathan and the others travel on Foot. Leathan is cur- Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Percep-
rently sharing a taxi with two other reporters and cam- tion 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5, Appearance 4, Manipula-
eramen. While not the ideal situation to approach him, tion 4, Charisma 3
it’s the team’s best shot.
Bargaining For the DVD: IF the characters con-
Front Leathan and take the disk, he’ll haggle For it with
some juicy information. A nova going by the name the
Angel of Bones reputedly has Orzaiz and Ragnarockette
prisoner. He’s planning t o execute them both at dawn but
has not disclosed the location yet. The reporters were to
meet in Sa Penya, in Front of the CaF6 Mexiko, at 5:35
AM, where a guide would escort them t o the actual site of
the execution. The Angel of Bones has already contacted
a number of reporters, inviting them to film the event.
Other Reporters: IF Leathan doesn’t pan out as a
source of information, there are other options to relate
the planned execution of Orzaiz and Ragnarockette. The
characters might run into a reporter who they’ve en-
countered previously and parted with on amiable terms.
Maybe they know a media personality through their Con-
tact or Ally Backgrounds who happens to be covering
lbiza Town. As a last resort, a young man mistakes a char-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

you for all your well-wishes durinq-my,recowry It has been a try
incarcerationunder the Angel of Bones is Finally subsiding. I’m sure many of you are curious as to the events surrounding the

n A tdlmg pillar mad

M iAthletics 3, Awarenea 4, &awl 3, Bureaucracy 2, prisoners, soon to be executed, and there are apparently
Command2, Endurance3, Firearms 3, Interrogation2, Intimi- two Maurice LourtQ. Unlike Act 1 and Act 11, both of which
dation 3, Intrusion3, Lingulstics2(English, German), Rapport touched upon the baselines, Act 111 revolves entirely around
2, Resiince 3, Sb-eetwise1, Style 1, Subterfuge4 the resolution of the team’s mission. This section isstraight-
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (various within Megasyndicate), forward. The adventure may have been segmented and dis-
Backing 4 connected at times, but wars are never about a clear se-
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 8, Taint 2 quence of events. Wars are about belief. Perhaps this ad-
Powers: Mega-Perception (Blindfighting, venture has forced the team to question its loyalties, or con-
Ultraperipheral Perception), Mega-Wits (En- versely, maybe it strengthened their faith. Either way, the
hanced Initiative, Lie Detector, Quickness), Disorient charactersshould emergetransformedon m e level. Sme-
0 , Mental Blast 0 , Psychic Shield 0 , Telepa- thing in lbiza had to touch them.
thy (Surreptitious)

Act 111: Introduction Scene One:

lbm Town is quiet, although+IC gunfire and errant
energy blasts still pierce the morning air. Most of the battles Dilemma with
and old grudges have died amy, leaving behindthose few no-
vas still eager for a fight with Spain’s forces. Drifting in from Turncoat
the Mediterraneanare the sounds of 20mm and 40mm gun- Turncoat, Diredive nwa turnedTkragen sympathii, is
fire. The aircraft carrierand hgatesare defending themselves an odd situation. Already afflictedwith multiple persondities,
from a couple of foolhardy novas that took the fight to the the encounter with Maurice Lourti% two-tiered mental pro-
seas. The gunfire vdleys are brief and effective. cess affected him deeply. Now he believes he is Lourt6, and
Sa Penya is devastated, and while the fighting leaves truthfully, who can say otherwise. Tmoat’s brain mirrors
with themajorityof novasgatheredat thedocks, theteam’s Lout& own gray matter down to the neurobammitter and
denouement still awaits it. Orzaiz and Ragnarockette are synaptic levels. Turncoat possenes the spy’s thoughts, emo-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

tiom and even d r i . Even more peculiar, Lourt6‘s hidden but When the characters arrive, Spanish soldiers eye them
regulatingpersonalityisfirmlyincontrdlikeastagecddriver briefly, sning up the team’s potential. Severalnovasdo the same,
steeringa hitchof horses.‘Thisdominant force even takespre- thoughlessobviously.They‘re just aseager astheSpanisharmy
cedence over Turncoat’s original persona, JesseHooks. to stop trollblemakers from spoiling this uneasy d6tente. Still,
The confrontation with Turncoat, AKA Lourt6, the number of novas standing wound is impressive, given that
should be an interesting encounter for the characters, if more than half are already on the ferries. charadws might
they can find the master Doppelgijnger in a sea of faces. find some familiar faces in the crowds. ‘The Storyteller could
The docks are crowded with novas preparing to leave with throw in a few campaign personas among the multitude of
their luggage in hand. Add to the mix weary Spanish sol- strangers,but itwould besafer to excludedd hatreds andteam
diers, and the characters could trigger a riot even uglier villains given thesitwtion’sdatili. Unless, of come, the Sto-
than the Amp Room fiasco. rytellerdoesn’t mind runningabrawlwith a hundrednovasthat
could easily k t a t e this portion of the Mediterranean. An
The Setting encounter with old allies or rivak could be interesting, gm
The estacidn maritima, or ferry terminal, is located the team’s mandate to stay hidden. Additidly, the charac-
on a pier extending from the Sa Marina dock into a small ters must be extra caeful with the presence of eager news
bay. Two peninsulas straddle the bay like pincers, lending crewsl d ifortheirshotat the Pulitzer.‘Thismeanstheteam’s
it an intimate atmosphere under normal circumstances. search for Maurice Lout6 just got harder.
Normal, however, went out the window last night. The Reflections in the Mirror
hours of fighting have ruined Sa Marina and adjoining Sa Fortunately for the team, Maurice Lourtd is on the
Penya, while several small yachts, boats and even cars lie pier, waiting to escape. Unfortunately, the soldiers and cam-
half-submerged in harbor waters. Few palm trees remain era crews have made him paranoid. He keeps an eye out for
standing. Novas uprooted and blastedthe trees along with trouble and is extremely resourceful when scared. If, by
portions of the boardwalk. The once whitewashed facade this point, the characters haven’t reviewed the tape, then
of lbiza is now smudged a Beirut black. eachcharadercanroll Awarenessat +2diWiculty.Thechar-
Novas crowd the estacidn markima pier. Some sleep acter with the highest number of successes spots Lourt6
against their luggage, most mill about waiting for the next first, recognizinghim from the missionbriefs and as a corpse
feniestocome in.Smallgroupsgathertogether, making quiet from the Amp Room. By the same token, Lourtd can roll
casual conversation to pass the time. A handful of novas with Awareness at standarddifficulty to notice a nova staring at
keen eyesight gaze out across the Mediterranean, watching him all gape-mouthed (since the team believes LourtB‘s
the Spanish fleet and staring at the four f3az6n Meroka 12- dead). If the team is expecting to find hurt&, however,
barreled 20mm guns pointed their way. Crowding the docks they can roll Awarenessat standarddifficulty (while h u r t 6
are five ferries, anchored dangerously close to one another. rolls at +2 difficulty to notice the characters).
No window is unattended, and no railing left cold from the If Lourt6realizes he‘s beenspotted, he ducks through a
dozens of novas leaningagainst them. The ferries are filled to crowd of people, instantly assuming another disguise in the
capacity and the gangplanks removedas the ships are about confusion. Trying to keep track of him requires an initial
to set sail to Palma de Mallorca with the first wave of novas. Awareness roll at +2 difficulty. If the character succeeds, he
Nobody has any illusions of the military presence ready to realizes h u r t 6 can alter his appearances and manages to
greet them there or the fact they’ll be shuttled to Aeroport continuetracking him. Lourtdducksand changesthroughout
Son San Joan with a qui& ... thank yw for coming, now get the chase if he believes he’s being tailed. The characters, in
the hell wt of Spain...kind of reception. turn must roll Awareness at +1 diffiicultyto keep track of him
Scatteredthroughout the immediatevicinity are Span- once they realize hurtB‘s trick. “his is a dangerous gambit,
ish soldiers patrolling on Foot or keeping watch from their however, because this continued cat and mouse game could
jeeps. Every few minutes, a Rooivalk passes overhead, ei- attract unwanted attention from the already pmnoid sol-
ther flying out to the aircraft carrier for refueling or com- diers and shutter-happy reporters. Unless wmebcdy opens
ing in for another patrol route. Soldiers also man the gang- fire with guns or some form of quantum power, however, the
planks to the femes, making sure the evacuation proceeds soldiers merely move in to investigatethesituationwith their
smoothly. Both sides eye one another cautiously, but ev- weapons drawn. ‘That is, if they notice there’s a situation. It’s
erybody just wants to go home and forget about this or- up to the Storyteller to decide what happem, dependingon
deal. This, of course, changes once the plague of reporters how the team handles Lourt6.
descends upon the docks with cameras in hand. Suddenly, Lourt6 realizes the inherent danger of the circum-
the reporters are conducting a dozen interviews at once, stances and is being as subtle as possible. If caught, he
with news teams moving through thecrowds, hopingtocatch speaks with the characters, knowing they can’t drag him
sight of a famous mug. Some reporters even try boarding away in front of all these novas and soldiers. If worse
the ferries, but the Spanish soldiers refuse them access. comes to worst, and the Storyteller is ready to deal with
Nobody is getting on or OFF these ferries until Mallorca. the ramifications of this, Lourt6 can always assume the
facade of a Spanish soldier and scream for help. The Sto-
ryteller should only employ this trick if he believes the

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

team can handle the repercussions of LourtB‘s actions or to snatch up Lourtd, Domination and Hypnosis to command
the team is being stupidly blatant about their intentions. him into leaving and Shroud, Strobe, Mirage and Holo to
disguisethe kidnapping(though at least two or three novas
Dealing with lourt6 have the sensory acumen to overcome these last powers).
For all intents and purposes Turncoat is Lourt6. He
possesses Lourtd’s memories, experiences, emotions, Novas:
neuro-chemical physiology and even the configuration of The Quick and Dirty Way
his M-R node. In Fact, LourtB‘s mental presence is acting In case the characters decide to bump heads with the
like a tether, linkingTurncoat’s multiple personalities into a noms waiting on thedocks, use the following template. These
near-cohesive entity. As such, he’s no longer Jesse Hooks. statistinalsoapplytothetwonavaswiththe Angelof Bones.
Rather, JesseHooks is another mental-process identity in Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3,
the multi-tiered mind of Lourtd. Of course, thecharacters Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Charisma 3, Ma-
will never realize this unless they talk to Orzaiz. nipulation 3, Appearance 4
Another option to unraveling the situation is through M iAwaeness 1, &awl or Martial Arts 2, Endur-
Telepathy. If the characten don’t possess this power, some- ance 3, Might 2, Resistance 3, style 2, Subterfuge 3; 10other
body on the docks might be of service, if the team is willing dots divlded as necessary
to jeopardize the mission by asking around.Another option Powers: Six dots distributed among Mega-At-
is if the team attradedthe attentionof a telepath while cap- tributes; five dots in Level One powers and three dots in
turing Lowtd. The now surreptitiously eavesdrops on the Level Two powers. The Storyteller may assign dots in Level
conversationand proves sympathetic to the team’s cause or Three powers, at her discretion.
allegiance.The telepathdetectsLourt6‘s Fragmentedthoughts Quantum 2 or 3, Quantum Pool 24 or 26, Will-
and offers her assistance. Otherwise, the characters won’t power 5, Taint 2
learn the truth unless they deliver Lourtdto their superiors.
Telepathy is the quickest way to reach the truth. Mul- Optional Vignette #6:
tiple personalitiesprotect LourtB‘sthoughtswiththeequiva- Death from Above
lent of a strong Psychic Shield. Jesse’sidentity, homer, is This vignette can be played out anywhere in Act 111,
acting as a buffer personality, which a telepath can reach at depending on how the team’s doing for time. Storytellers
standard difficulty. Jesse’smemories hold all the clues to the beware, however, this vignette is a killer, but it can lead into
situation. His thoughts are deeply recessed in self-defense, future adventures.This must take place inSa Penya or DAlt
however, because they conflict with LourtiS‘s memories of Vila, where nova presence is high, civilian presence is nil
the Amp Room. Lourtd was there to snare Orzaiz in a sting and very few soldiers are bold enough to patrol.
operation, but Jesse was present trying to scan LourtB‘s While the characters are moving through the streets,
thoughts. Essentially, Lourtdwas in the Amp Room watching an intense Flash of heat and light blasts down from the
himself talk to Orzaiz. This establishes a psychologicalco- sky. The clouds ripple like water struck by a large pebble
nundrum that’s key to unweling JesseHooks from this men- as a tight, laser-like blast punchesthroughthe atmosphere.
tal quagmire and erasing LourtB‘s presence. Seconds before hitting the earth, it breaks into several
Of course, this all depends on the team’s allegiance. smaller blasts like a shotgun spread and peppers a nearby
Project Utopia would be eager to harvest an agent with block. A bright flash and a flurry of loud sonic booms rips
Turncoat’s shapeshifting abilities, LourtB‘s loyalty and through the region, followed by the impact explosion. A
Hook‘s knowledge of both the Directive and the Teragen. block OF Sa Penya is leveled by the localized kinetic
Terats would want their agent back and wouldn’t hesitate shockwave. All glass in the area shatters.
to destroy LourtB‘s hold, after uncovering some facts Although the characters aren’t hit by the blast itself,
about him. The Aberrants, in turn have no use for Lourt61 the multiple sonic booms generated by the Mach 25 projec-
Turncoat because neither personality is loyal to them. tiles are equivalent to the power Strobe. The Storyteller
They’d scan him for all he’s worth, erase his thoughts and should roll 20d10 to determine the number of tumsthechar-
return him to the Teragen as a gesture of good faith. acters are deafened. Fortunately, interceding buildings pre-
The one major obstacle in all this is Lourtd himself. vented the flash from blinding the characters as well.
Unless the team is from Project Utopia or Proteus, Lourtd While the team recovers from the orbital round, they
won’t surrender quietly. Trying to forcibly kidnap him would notice in thedistance, anovastumbleaway from thestrike
attract soldiers and novas who are more likely to help the zone. His ears are bleeding, his clothing is torn and par-
outnumbered Lourtd then listen to any wild accusation lev- ticulate debris is imbedded in his skin. Before the charac-
eled by the characters. Fortunately, none of the novas on ters can react, however, a second ripple appears in the
the docks Fly (or they would have left by now) so soaring cloud cover, and another mach 25 round strikes the area
off with Lourtd is always an option. Wherever the charac- dead on. This time, the characters may roll Awareness at
ter goes, however, he better not remain airborne for too +2 difficulty to notice a military-looking man (use Span-
long unless he’s heading away from the island at top speed. ish Soldier stats) several blocks away, targeting the hurt
The army can call in Rooivalk choppers in less than four nova with a laser just before the second round hits. He’s
turns. Other abduction options include Warp, Telekinesis

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)


wearing goggles and ear-protection. Because the char- bers only as a voice speaking to him from a shadow saying,
acters are probably deaf, the Storyteller should relay this “Take this rifle and keep it trained on n o m until they ex-
information privately to any character that succeeded in plode. Stay as far away from them as possible. Do not handle
his Awareness roll. Otherwise, unless a character pos- the rifle without the gloves.” He received the rifle, ear pro-
sesses mental abilities, the team members can’t hear one tectors, gloves and shades just hows after the fighting be-
another and can only communicate through gestures. gan, along with several thousand dollars American. Most of
Thetagetedmisshreddedintheaccompenyingblast. the equipment is standard, except for the glows, which are
If anychara&rSuffered less than fnre turns of deafness, the made of eufiber and the rifle stock, which is, in fact, a so-
Storytellermay rdlanother lOdl0 for the Strobe effect. 0th- phisticatedsensor.If any character handles the targeting la-
erwise,the&aadenaretoodeaf to be futheraffeded. ser rifle, the scope lights up; it’s a miniature HUD (Head Up
Someone is using lbiza Town to test out their newly Display). On the display, the computer responsible for vec-
acquired Kinetic Interceptor Satellite (see adjoining toring the laser’s coordinates announces: Target Lock&; 0
sidebar for more information). The man painting the nova Degreesx-axis, ODegreesy-axis,ODegreesz-axis.Inshort,
guinea pig with a laser rifle is the satellite’s forward ob- the satellite is targetingthe rifle. ‘The eufiber gloves are part
server. He helps improve the targeting round through a of the security protocol and are as unique as a fingerprint.
constant stream of information provided by the gun. If Failure to handle the rifle with the glow activates the self-
the characters pursue the man, he’s fairly easy to appre- destruct protocol.‘The characters have less than three turn
hend and capture, though if given the chance, he’ll use to m u a t e the area. If they take the rifle with them or at-
the targeting laser on them. “Painted’’ characters must tempt to d v a g e the twgeting systems, the satellite fires
roll Awareness at +3difficulty for themselves or +1 diffi- off a widespread blast over their last registeredcoordinates.
culty for their friends, to notice the laser dot on their body. Note Under no circumstance can the characters use
It takes two to five turns to establish a lock for the satel- the targeting system to backtrackthe location of the satel-
lite, hopefully allowing characters enough time to evade lite, even with Cyberkinesis. Regardless of the outcome,
the targeting sensors and find their assailant. the characters are now left with a mystery. Somebodyp a -
Unfortunately, the man is hired help and a local. He sesses the technology toshoot novas froinorbit. If thechw-
doesn’t know much beyondhis assignment, which he remem-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

acters managed to salvage the rifle, they uncover compo- proaches them for help, he needs the characters to get to
nents whose schematic configurationsare copyrighted to the Cafd Mexiko and stop the execution.
the Japanese National Space Development Agency, or
NASDA, whose space center is located in Tanegashima,
Japan. The advent of the Saisho, or “New Beginning,” mow-
Scene Two: The
ment has propelledJapan to the vanguard of space explo-
ration and development. Further investigation into Japan’s Angel of Bones
space program reveals heavy ties to Kuro-Tek, the prin- This is the climax of events in lbiza Town. Most no-
ciple supplier of NASDA’s state-of-the-art technology. vas are at the docks awaiting the a r r i a l of the last ferries
From there, the team may uncover the shadowy ties to the before bidding the island goodbye. The curfew is nearly
Directive’s Space Division and the organization’s newest upon the city, as is dawn, but a few pockets of resistance
anti-nova weapon. The question is, will Kuro-Tek and the continue fighting. In the heart of lbiza’s once charming Sa
Directive allow the characters to get that far? Penya district, a crowd of reporters gather at the Cafe
Mexiko t o witness the executions o f Orzaiz and
Optional Vignette #E
Ragnarockette at the hands of an elite named the Angel
”Dragon” Korelli of Bones. Stopping this publicity ploy exposes the team
This is the team’s last opportunity to uncover to triple jeopardy: the Angel of Bones, the film crews and
Orzaiz’s and Ragnarockette’s planned executions. This the team’s presence in lbiza after the deadline.
works best if the characters parted company with How the team resolves the situation is up to them, but
“lronskin” Andy Vance on pleasant terms or, at the very it’s obvious they must first confront the unknown quantity,
least, if the team confided they were searching for either the Angel of Bones, and rescue Orzaiz and Ragnarockette
Ragnarockette or Orzaiz. Otherwise, if the characters from him. Secondly, reporters will surround the team, tak-
have helped baselines during this adventure, then Jake ing their pictures and destroying any hope of secrecy, un-
“Dragon” Korelli would have found out about it given how less, of course, the characters locate the Angel of Bones
few novas are actually trying to improve the situation. before the reporters arrive. ‘Thirdly, the Spanish army sets
‘There’s nothingsignificant behindthis encounter aside foot in lbiza Town in Full force in a matter of minutes. Once
from meeting Vance’s husband, Korelli. Korelli spent the the team has Orzaiz or Ragnarockette, they must depart
evening hunting down the more dangerous novas destroy- before the soldiers amve and try to arrest them.
ing lbiza Town and turning them over to Spanish authori-
ties. He’s picked up some of Vance’s PR strategies and is
ensuring novas aren’t all seen as evil monsters. In light of
The Setting
Although the rendezvous with reporters is set for
this, Korelliheard a troubling rumor that somebody was ex-
dawn at CaM Mexiko, the execution takes place two blocks
ecuting Ragnarocketteand Orzaiz within the next half-hour
over, in the ruins of Los Brisa, a hostel on Calle Cayetano
as a publicity ploy. Unfortunately, Korelli has to help the
Soler near the base of D A l t Vila. Fortunately, the street
Spanish authorities bring down a rampaging nova at the
missed much of the landslide, even though the hostel and
Formentera Ferry Terminal before he kills more people.
surrounding neighborhoodwere gutted during the fights.
Whether Korelli knows the team’s objectivesor simply ap-

to a Kinetic Railgun Fight

ergy Interceptor satellites have since undergone modifica
ch of that svstem. ‘The KEl is a rotarv satellite that can esta

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Los Brisa is nothing more than a pile of debris and col- to the courtyard and attack the Angel of Bones before
lapsed rooms surrounding a courtyard. the reporters ever arrive. Otherwise, the team will have
The characters have one opportunity to beat the re- to wait until the guides bring the reporters there.
porters to Los Brisa. Ten minutes before dawn, the Angel of Los Brisawasa two-story, white-washed quad build-
Bones dispatches a runner to see how many reporters are ing built around a large courtyard. The second floor origi-
waitingat CaMMexikoandif any soldiers or novasareamong nally jutted out over the first floor along the interior, cre-
them. Characters who arrived early can make an Awareness ating a covered walkway around the courtyard. It was sup-
roll at standard diffiiulty to notice a young man spying on the ported by rows of columnsand archways. Although the lower
reporters. Aside from the characters, there are no novas or floor collapsed, bringing the second Floor down with it, the
soldiers in the vicinity. If the runner spots the team and rec- arched gate accessing the interior courtyard remains in-
ognizes them as novas (unusually strong physiques, costumes, tact and offers a relatively debris-free passage. The Sto-
obvious Taint and anima signatures), he’ll race back to the ryteller can make the courtyard as big as necessary, bear-
Angel of Bones and relay the news. Realizing it could be a ing in mindone caveat. Most blocksand buildings in Sa Penya
trap, the Angel of Bonessends two men back. One pretends suit old-century aesthetics, not modern ones. As a result,
to guide the reportersto the executionbut leads them astray. they’re smaller and more intimate.
The second man lures two cameramen away from the rest of All alongthe courtyard’s walls are the interruptedrem-
thegroupandtakesthemback toLos&Isa. Ifthecharacters nantsofshiddedwal~yswiththeintactcdumnsandwches
are accompanying the reporters at this time, they might no- still supporting upper floor debris. Due to the surrounding
tice the second man vanish with the two cameramenthrough destruction, however, they’ve been turned into alcoves and
an Awareness roll of standard diffiiulty. niches. Ransackedcurtainsandblanketscmrtwosuchwch-
If the First runner doesn’t spot the team, he back- ways along the courtyard’s northfacing. The Angel OF Bones
tracks to the Angel of Bones and tells him the coast is and his two nova lackeys hid Orzaiz and Ragnarockette be-
clear. The runner and the second man then return to Caf6 hind the makeshift curtains; each grotesquely obese by over
Mexiko and lead the reporters to Los Brisa. In either situ- 1.000 pounds and unconsciousdue to constant beatings.
ation, if the team is present and the characters are fortu- Whether the characters arrive early or not, Orzaiz
nate enough to spot the runner, they can follow him back and Ragnarockette are already in place, awaiting their

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

ing into San Penya. He lets the Angel of Bones
know when the reporters are in sight. He can spotw
anyone approaching Los Brisa from three blocks away,
including characters arriving early (if they haven’t taken
precautions). When the filming begins, he remains on the
second floor, maintaining a vigil, but he’s far more dis-
tracted by the events in the courtyard. At this stage he of an archway, waitinq for his two


makes his Awareness rolls at +2 difficulty. baseline runners to announce his presence
The second nova remains in the courtyard, speaking to the reporters. Angel has a bad, almost melo-
with the Angel of Bones until the lookout announces the dramatic, sense of theatrics. This is his big mo-
arrival of the reporten. He then hides in a western-side ment, his triumphant arrival into the world of elites,
room that’s partially collapsed with an exposed wall to the and he’s going to go completely over the top.
courtyard. He’s the Angel’s ace-in-the-hole. Spotting this From beginningto end, the characters have 50 min-
second nova requires an Awareness roll at +4 difficulty. utes or so to stop the Angel of Bones and his two nova

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

cohorts. If reporters are present during the battle, they pia of entrapment; given Utopia’s current standing in the
will film the action. Some are even smart enough to pocket public eye, they drop the matter. If Turncoat was also cap-
their DVDs after the show ends. Still, when it’s over, the tured, he is kept under observation and examined. Eventu-
characters can expect a barrage of questions as to their ally, however, LourtB‘s personality fides into memory and
identities and agendas. JesseHooks once again emerges as the dominant identity.
There are a dozen different ways this scene can He escapes Project Utopia and returns to the Teragen.
progress, from teams who sneak Orzaiz and Ragnarockette 1f the characters worked for the A h n t s , then both
out from under the Angel’s nose, to characters who watch Orzaiz and Ragnarockette are handed back to their per-
the events unfold, hoping the Angd caps off one nova before spective organizations. While Ragnarockette’s retum is
they step in to save the other Accordingly, the Angel’s reac- through anonymous channels, the Aberrants use Orzaiz’s
tion to the rescue also depends on whether the characters rescue to strengthen relations between the two factions.
upstaged him on camera (in which case he’ll be furious) or if On an international level, Project Utopia suffers
they surprised him before the reporters even arrived. heavy sanctions for the botched raid on the Amp Room,
As for evacuating from the city, the Storyteller though the accompanying violence is blamed on nova loot-
should possess enough background information on lbiza ers. Project Utopia helps rebuild Sa Penya and D’Alt Vila
to know what the characters can or cannot do. The vari- and earns high praise for their near-faultless restoration
ous factions have a quick and quiet method of extraction efforts. By the following summer, lbiza Town is again the
set up, though getting to the dust-off coordinates might party capital of the world, though the island now main-
take work. The Spanish army is busy over the next six tains a strong nova law-enforcement presence, with
hours with uprooting the last novas from Sa Penya and DeVries’ help. These elites go a long way in keeping the
DAlt Vila. ‘This leaves the charactersto contend with air- peace among visiting novas.
support, random patrols or the roadblocks mentioned in Should the Angel of Bones survive as well, the team
Act 1. After this six hour grace period, the Spanish army has a new nemesis who’ll stop at nothing to destroy them.
will establish patrols and roadblockseverywhere. How the Additionally, the characters also have future adventure
characters escape is up to them. If the characters need hooks to bring them back to lbiza, including the Hotel lsla
access to outside communication, however, lsla Blanca is Blanca and the orbital weapons platform (if the Story-
their best option, if they can enter the hotel. teller used that optional vignette).

Aftermath Dramatis
As shown, this adventure can go a dozen different
ways and end in places the Storyteller never expected. If
the characters are caught on tape, that won’t please their Personae
superiors. Rescuing Ragnarockette and/or Orzaiz, how-
ever, goes a long way toward diffusing any reprimands.
The Angel of Bones
Additionally, finding LourtB/Tumcoat and bringing him
Backyound: The Angel of Bones doesn’t speak of his
back alive is a feather in the team’s cap no matter whose past as Ed Carmichael.Before his eruption, however, he was
side they work for. The same applies to Michael Graff‘s overweight and unhappyeverymoment of his life. He bought
recording of the Amp Room battle.
If the characters are Terats and the team captured
Ragnarockette, then Orzaiz sanctions her release and returns
her to T2M. He may not likethe organization, but he believes
there was enough misery in lbiza Town without adding to it.
‘This, of course, draws fire from other quartersof the Teragen
hierarchy; Divis Mal, however, invariably supports Orzaiz’s
decision as a freethinking now (and one of the few he re-
spects). What nobody realizes is that there’s now an umpo-
ken respect between Orzaiz and Ragnarockette due to their
shared experience. Meanwhile, if ‘Turncoat was brought back,
then he integrates LourtB‘s personality and l e n e Hocks be-
comes the core personality once again (after the Teragen
retrieves the information it needs).
If thecharactersarewith Project Utopiaandtheycap-
tured Orzaiz, then the count is eventually freed since there
are no witnesses to the accusations of sabotage. Because
the real Lourt6 died at the Amp Room, Turncoat’s testi-
mony is technically hearsay. Additionally, Count Raoul
Orzaiz’s lawyers have enough cause to accuse Project Uto-

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

into all the television ads promising weight loss at the drop Maurice Lourte/Turncoat
of a gel cap. Every diet was a lure to a better life, every hekground: Nobody knows who the real h u r t 6 is,
fitness gym was another wasted paycheck, and every year especially now that he’s part of Turncoat. Armed with
was another outgrown pant size. Eventually, Carmichael re- JesseHook‘s Doppelganger powers, however, Lourt6 can
alized it had to be all or nothing. He couldn’t control himself literally become whomever he wants. This will not last,
with moderation, but he understood excess. So, he opted however. Jesse will eventually re-assert dominance and
for nothing and started the one-finger gag regime. return to his allies in the Teragen.
Carmichael erupted through starvation. Gear. Ptocket chip-recorder.
Carmichael is now the Angel of Bones, a man Nature: Conniver
cursed by his own wishes. It had to be all or nothing, Allegiance: Project Utopia
and now he’s forever starving. He metabolizes food like Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Percep-
it was water, and his stomach cramps are constant. Like tion 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4, Appearance 3, Manipula-
some cruel karmic joke, he’s too thin, a caricature of tion 4, Charisma 3
skin and erupted bone. He’s a starvation victim who A b ~ l iAcademics
i (Politics) 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 3,
can make others fat, but can never sate himself. Still, Brawl 2, Bureaucracy 4, Command 4, Computer 2, Endur-
at least he’s empowered as a nova. He’s one of the cho- ance 3, Firearms 3, Interrogation4, Intimidation2, Intrusion
sen few and plans to compensate for a lifetime of self- 2, Investigation1, Martial Arts 2, Resistance 3, Subterfuge 3
loathing. Carmichael never did anything in moderation. Backgrounds: Attunement 1, Backing 2, Cipher 2, Con-
Neither does the Angel of Bones. tacts 2 (Director Thetis), Dormancy 3
Image: The Angel of Bones is a starvation victim, Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 8, Taint 5 (Psy-
gaunt and haunted, with onion parchment skin. Bone dig- chic Mimic MPD), Chrysalis 6
its and branches erupt from his back and shoulders like a Powers: Mega-Perception (Ultraperipheral Percep-
cadaver‘s wings, while thick ivory growths emerge from tion), Mega-Intelligence (Analyze Weakness, En-
his forearms and legs like wild coral. hanced Memory), Mega-Appearance * * (Appearance
Roleplaying Hink You’ve done the groveling “I’m Alteration, Copycat), Mega-Manipulation (Persuader,
shit” routine your entire life. That’s over now. You’ve Trickster), Holo (anima banner effect only), Psy-
got a deadly new body, and people fear you. Sure, your chic Shield e * * * * , Telepathy * * e *
hunger is maddening at times, but it’s a tradeoff. You’ve
never known a perfect day your entire life, so why bother
waiting for one to come. You’re going out there and tak-
ing what belongs to you. Now is your time. Christ, you’re
hungry though.
h T 2 M Power/Pakbnbackpackcontaininga bag of pork
rinds, DoublestuffOreos, tins of Spam, Ritz Crackers, Easy
Cheese, a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos, a can of spicy
bean dip and a 12-pack of Jolt Cola.
N a t u Critic
Allegiance: individualist
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Percep-
tion 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Appearance 0, Manipula-
tion 4, Charisma 2
M iAwareness2, &awl 2, C o m d 3, Computer 4, En-
durance 2, Intimidation3, Might 2, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 4
Backgrounds: Cipher 2, Eufiber 3
Quantum 3, Quantum Pool 26, Willpower 4, Taint 5
Powers: Mega-Strength (Quantum Leap, Thunder-
clap), Mega-Dexterity * * (Rapid Strike), Mega-Stamina
(Durability, Regeneration), Mega-Manipulation
* * (Persuader), Armor **, Claws **, Immobilize (vs.
Willpower) (Supertough), Poison

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Authors: Deird’re Brooks, Steven Michael DiPesa,
Lucien Soulban
Developer: Kraig Blackwelder
Editor. JohnChambers
Art Director: Rich Thomas
Artists: Mike Chaney, Mike Danza, Leif Jones,
Jeff Rebner, Brad Rigney
Cover Artist: Christoher Moeller
Layout, Typesettingand Design: Pauline Benney, Becky

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

Introduction 1
Chapter One: The Pope of Babylon (Spring, 2010) 3
Chapter Two: A Green and Pleasant land (Fall, 2012) 41
Chapter Three: Dominion (Winter, 2014) 79
Chapter Four: Where Heaven Ends (Summer, 2015) 112

Sam O'Reilly (order #3062869)

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