Unit One Chat

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19:43: MURUNGI AGATHA has left this chat

Unit One Chat - Importance of Websites in RAM:

19:43: Bithola Edison Barlow has just entered this chat

19:47: OLIVIA NABAASA has just entered this chat

19:48: shamila naava namwanje has just entered this chat

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19:51: Bithola Edison Barlow has just entered this chat

19:52: RUTH NAKIBONDWE has left this chat

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19:53: Saidat namubiru has just entered this chat

19:54: shamila naava namwanje has left this chat

19:54: Bithola Edison Barlow has just entered this chat

19:57: OLIVIA NABAASA has left this chat

19:58 Bithola:

Its a a connection of groups of pages on the world wide web regarded as a single entity
19:58: OLIVIA NABAASA has just entered this chat

19:58: shamila naava namwanje has just entered this chat

19:58 shamila naava:

Due to the high growth in the use of digital technologies worldwide. different institutions
for example Makerere University is converting its manual records to digital.Therefore
Website development in records management is key because its one way of improving the
digital accessibility of records to the different stake holders in records and archives
management.further more a good example is submitting this assignment using Muele
website .it improves the the lecturers accessibility to my work
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20:03: Saidat namubiru has left this chat

20:07: jaala Joseph has just entered this chat

20:08: jaala Joseph has left this chat

20:08 OLIVIA:

Website is a conectecd groups of pages on the world wide Web regarded as a single entity.
The following are importance of website development and internet technology.1 To
update files on the web.2 To store files on the web.3 To modify files on the web.4
accessing information. 5 exposure to the world.6 To service delivery 7. Credibility
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20:17 MURUNGI:

Websiteis a conected group of pages on the world widodific.credibility of

informationation of files.2 Managing files3 proper storage of bulky information.4easy
edesigning of systems.5 improved access to information.6 web regarded as a single entity.
The followings are importance of website development and internet technology1 M
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20:24: RUTH NAKIBONDWE has just entered this chat

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20:29 jaala:

Abig issue can come from the side of remote access where the record officers can handle
thier qork from any where with out specifically being at the work place... this can beat and
saffocate the issue of late coming and working for extra hours.
20:29: RUTH NAKIBONDWE has left this chat
07:42: RUTH NAKIBONDWE has just entered this chat
07:44 RUTH:

According to the question, first of all website development is the system of using
computers, internet and other software application s to develop a certain page. Or its a
Google tool which helps one to connect to different groups on the worldwide Web .
therefore website development is important to for organisation to receive and create
information whereby here one can be able through the organization web to get and send
what one wants.2. It also vital because it markets the organization name and its services
for example Makerere university web helps the researchers and students to get information
about new courses, new program and other related information about the university. 3.
Web is also vital because it makes the dissemination of the information easy since one can
just click to the web page and gets information even without going somewhere. For
example one can get the job advertisements on public service page even when in Kabale.
Lastly it's helps the organization or an individual to market and commu
07:46 STUART:

Website development has improved user engagement in records management. Due to the
transformation from brick and motor system to the digital management of records through
websites, it is easy for the records manager to create a good rapport with records users
who can provide feedback on the records management system. This helps in the easy
identification of loopholes and solutions for the proper records management. Websites
also have no timelimits like physical management. This is whereby records users can use
records anytime and send feedback anytime hence improved user engagement
07:52: RUTH NAKIBONDWE has left this chat

Florence Mwebaza has just entered this chat

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11:56 diza:

website development orovides detailed procudures on how records are selected created
and improved
12:05 Florence:

Websites maintains records according to their established records retention schedules

:17: Patricia namukobe has just entered this chat
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12:19 andrew:

Well with the global change in science and technology , I greatly think it's paramount
since records in many organisations are being digitized. Records managers are going to be
phased out and i can serve the best example evidenced where i was placed for internship
every one was managing their own records e.g the Judge , chief magistrate as well as their
clerks, therefore with website development we shall have come up with the best
innovations they have been yarning for ever since hence reboasting / marketing ourselves
12:19: okuga simon has just entered this chat

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12:22: Chrispus Musindo has just entered this chat

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12:24 calvin:

website development well enable records managers to be to communicate with there

clients on a bigger platform world wide, it will increase the awareness of how records are
usefull to people, it will help records mangers to properly percive what they do to different
people and it adds value to the work being done by the records managers
12:24: Patricia namukobe has just entered this chat

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12:25: winfred nassuna has just entered this chat

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12:26: Andrew Wandera has just entered this chat

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12:28: okuga simon has just entered this chat

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12:30: Andrew Wandera has just entered this chat

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12:32 okuga:

website development is paramount to be under taken in records managment because it

helps in effective information managment
12:33 aisha:

Website is a t
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12:40 Chrispus:

Website development is paramount in records management because it is most cost

efficient ways of displaying information to attract clients or information users so as to get
services in the field of their choice.
12:41 aisha:

Website is a trustworthy platform. This is most credible platform in records management.

This is through maintaining links, relevant content and easy to use navigate you in sending
a clear and confident message to record users
12:41 NGONZI:

Accessibility: People are quite tied up with their busy routine and daily life so it is not
possible for everyone to come to your office for a visit. But if you develop a website that
works exactly in the same manner as how your records work in office.
12:42: okuga simon has just entered this chat
12:42 okuga:

Website development is paramount to be under taken in records management because it

helps to improve legal obligations to maintain adequate records, it also creates a
knowledge base to help your employees grow and develop, website development also
helps in keeping good records to help utilize your time more effectively
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12:43: namuyaba joanitah has just entered this chat

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12:44 namuyaba:

12:44 namuyaba:

websites in records management are of great importance in such a way that they facilitate
easy location and sharing of information to end users.
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12:45: asiimire caroline has just entered this chat

12:48: Chrispus Musindo has left this chat

12:48: namuyaba joanitah has left this chat

12:51 asiimire:

Website development provides access to up to date information or records. Often websites

are regularly updated and are constantly evolving. This is one of the web's great strength.
13:09 nahabwe:

Website development helps in the creation of enough storage space for all the available
records. It also helps in to ease the records back up procedure which eases the retrieval
process of records .
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13:16: Aggrey Musinguzi has just entered this chat

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13:34 mukodha:

Communicate with others; website development in records management is vital and it

helps in interaction with others. By interacting with others you can deeply understand
peoples opinions and needs then afterwards you design your service in a manner that
fulfills other peoples or users requirements.
13:42: mercy nabutono has just entered this chat
13:42 mercy:

Websites helps in managing administrative records which provide evidence of the

management and operations on the website
13:43: sheila owomugasho has just entered this chat

13:44: AHUURA PATIENCE LAURA has just entered this chat

13:44 mercy:

Websites helps in managing administrative records which provide evidence of the

management and operations on the website.
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13:45 sheila:

I think it's Paramount to undertake website development in records management because it

helps to maintain communication between the records officers and potential clients in an
organization or company
13:45 sheila:

It also increases popularity

13:47 mercy:

Websites establish criteria for identifying the website records needed to document agency
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5:36 eron:

website is a conected group of pages on the web regarded as a single entity. website is plays
acritical role in records and archives management because of the following reasons. 1-
Accessibility of information 2- Exposure to other stakeholders. 3- Reduce the cost of personal
contact enabling quick transaction of records and archives activities. 4- information sharing with
other records and archives institution. 5- managing files on line
15:36: CYNTHIA ALUPO has just entered this chat
15:36 Aggrey:

website is a conected group of pages on the web regarded as a single entity. website is
plays acritical role in records and archives management because of the following reasons.
1-Accessibility of information 2- Exposure to other stakeholders. 3- Reduce the cost of
personal contact enabling quick transaction of records and archives activities. 4-
information sharing with other records and archives institution. 5- managing files on line
15:37: harriet nyafwono has just entered this chat

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15:38: YUSUF OLINGA has just entered this chat

15:39: Aggrey Musinguzi has just entered this chat

15:39 Aggrey:

Comprehensive Record life cycle Management Enables cost effective long-term storage of
content, and improves the record management policy for long term archival. Online
centralized repository Comprehensive search features on file plan, and records based on
general content properties, such as, date, range and metadata fields, lead to faster
information retrieval. Secured record archival and management Securely manage and
archive records with features like rights-based access, which prevent unauthorized access
to the repository and encrypted storage, ensuring information security. Easy access to vital
information Leverage the integrated Social Media engine to capture, monitor and archive
social content, and interactions with citizens. Deliver uniform services across departments
and agencies. Compliance and Risk Reduction Ensure DOD5015.02 Record Management
compliance, increase transparency in records management, capture extensive audit trails
and enforce policy based security. Removes information silos Leverage Enterprise
Content Management (ECM) platform that consolidates IT infrastructure, reduces
redundant legacy infrastructure, and allows for interoperability of systems and agencies
through expansive integration frameworks.
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15:46 angella:

website development in records management adds more credibility to the records thus
making them more justifiable and also improves on the accountability by giving detailed
facts about the records
15:46: CYNTHIA ALUPO has just entered this chat

websites are important because they credibility i records managent

15:48: harriet nyafwono has just entered this chat
15:48 harriet:

Website development in records management helps to protect the university's vital records
for example records which affect significant rights of an individual, a significant asset of
the university, or the performance of an essential function of the university .
15:48 CYNTHIA:

Website development will increase transparency and reduce plagiarism in records

management.(2) Website development will increase web knowledge and maintain
communication between potential clients in future. 3. It will generate leads for study
purposes in records

websites in records managent make the organisation accountable becuase they contain
records that document the organisations activities
15:49 angella:

website development in records management adds more credibility to the records thus
making them more justifiable and also improves on the accountability by giving detailed
facts about the records
15:50: CYNTHIA ALUPO has left this chat

they help to contro acess of record througn secure andrstricte access formats
15:52 angella:

it minimises redudancy in record keeping thus enabling proper management of records

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15:53: WASSWA EDWARD has just entered this chat

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15:55 LYTON:

It helps in creating saving space during records storage, it also helps in easy management
of records since retrieval is fast and easy and as well their security is defensive to most
record threats.
15:57 WASSWA:

A WEBSITE IS ALWAYS ACCESABLE It should be noted that a website is open 24

hours a day, 365 days a year. You can provide both regular and prospective customers the
convenience of reviewing your products and services when your store or office is closed in
records officers Not only that, with so many interactive features and add-ons available,
visitors to your website can contact you, sign up for your courses, schedule appointments
and even purchase directly to the records through your website even when you’re away
from your desk or after closing . A WEBSITE SAVES YOU TIME It should be noted that
Saving time is another great reason why records officers needs a professional website.
Time is an important commodity in our ever increasing fast paced world even if you don’t
attach a monetary value to it. Most people these days don’t have enough time for leisure,
pleasure, family or healthy activities. Having a professionally designed website saves you
time both in the short and long term. In the records work
Even if you have a big collection presence, another reason, and probably the most important
reason why your organisation needs a professional website, is so that you actually own or at least
pay lower rent for your online space.
16:20 WASWA:

It makes management of records easy where by records are easily retrieved in case they
are needs and as well record security is considered through the use of passwords to avoid
in authorised users
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Websites are accessible from anywhere in the world provided there is an internet
connection, since more and more people have access to the internet even on mobile
devices, in remote locations, you can target a much wider audience if your services as an
officer has a website. Think of all the people who can’t get to your services in an
organization from different departments and divisions without moving amuscle.
16:32: Phanice Akello has just entered this chat
access to information is made easy since one does not have to go to the organisation for
reference services
16:48: Maria Babirye has left this chat
16:48 aisha:

The website and social media accounts are accessible 24 //7/ 365. This clearly means the
records will be accessibly accessed by the records users and managers
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16:51 Maria:

improves on connectivity in away that the ability of computer to connect to or

communicate with another system.
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16:56: asiimire caroline has just entered this chat

16:58: Phanice Akello has just entered this chat

16:59 NGONZI:

Cost effective; website development is cost effective and you know how much your
website is going to cost you and its ongoings for example a record office and archive store
on the other hand is susceptible to many out of the ordinary occurrences which could blow
out the costs such as leaving the lights on, theft damage, extra staff among others
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17:02: NGONZI IRENE has just entered this chat

Allows u for automation of records This combination of technology with offline processes has
allowed for some serious automation. Of records On it’s simplest level automation can mean an
email automatically gets sent to you when a record is made. At its most complex level, an entire
records department can run fully automated with very little human intervention. Most records
centers today can take advantage of process automation to increase efficiency and free up
valuable time
17:19 Abias:

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17:21 allen:

good evening comrades, it has been interesting trying to find answers for this topic ,so
according to my research , undertaking website development in records management is
that it is convenient meaning people can always access the records any time with this vast
growing technology.It also alows accountabality of the records in the
17:23: YUSUF OLINGA has just entered this chat
17:23 YUSUF:

Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually
refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software
development. Web design used to be focused on designing websites for desktop browsers
A web designer works on the appearance, layout, and, in some cases, content of a website.
Appearance, for instance, relates to the colors, font, and images used. Layout refers to how
information is structured and categorized. A good web design is easy to use, aesthetically
pleasing, and suits the user group and brand of the website. Many web pages are designed
with a focus on simplicity, so that no extraneous information and functionality that might
distract or confuse users appears. As the keystone of a web designer’s output is a site that
wins and fosters the trust of the target audience, removing as many potential points of user
frustration as possible is a critical consideration. The following are the importance of
website development in records management A website development tool provides
companies with a podium for this necessary web presence and allows them to get in touch
with records of web surfers all over the world, widening the range of their potential
customers.. It also gives records managers the chance to portray themselves in the ways
they want to be seen, with a platform that's built on their terms and can effectively market
the services or products that they offer. In addition, a website will make businesses look
more reliable if they're represented in a professional way. To develop a website in
accordance with specific criteria, the business can either hire a developer or do it
themselves by choosing from the best web development software, which will assist in
creating polished websites. When your audience visits your website, it gives them their
first impression of your records They will judge you records within seconds. In these first
few seconds, you want to make a positive impact on your audience. If your website looks
unappealing or outdated, your audience will immediately have a negative impression of
your records. They won’t find your website appealing, which deters them from your page.
You’ll miss out on leads because they’ll leave your page for a competitor’s page. It builds
trust to the records users People don’t trust poorly designed websites. If they see your poor
design or the information looks outdated, they won’t trust your site. They may view your
site as seedy or shady because you don’t have an updated web design. On the other hand, a
professional site signals trust with your audience. They will trust your business and feel
comfortable checking it out further. It’s important to build trust with your audience so they
remain on your site. When visitors remain Communication with record users Interacting
with your audience is vital when it comes to generating more businesses. By
communicating with the audience you can deeply understand the needs of the customers
and afterwards you can design your product/services in a manner that fulfills the
requirement of your audience. Accessibility to records If you come up with a business
idea, and you are only thinking about to make that business/idea in a physical equivalent
[like a office] which is soon gonna help you to grow your business. Then you are wrong.
You might catch audience throughout the day when you being present at there. Content
The content of your site is important for reasons besides the fact that it literally
communicates your company’s brand position and promise. There are other very
important elements that are considered when a copywriter creates the content and the
designer creates the complementary visual environment for the content. Making the
message short and to the point, yet warm and welcoming (depending on the industry)
helps the reader to remember the message easier. Also, when there is too much text on a
page, the page becomes visually cluttered making it more difficult for a reader to
physically read the page, let alone remain interested in reading the page. Trust in records
management Building trust among records users is extremely important, but will not
happen unless you really get to know them and what they value. Marketing tactics can act
as a dialogue with potential customers, which will be a great way to discover more about
your clientele’s needs. By strengthening dialogue with customers, you can implement
what positively resonates with them in your new design. By making your website look
more welcoming and trustworthy to visitors, you will see the traffic to your website
increase, and an improvement in new business leads through website conversion. Website
development is paramount because it helps in the Working of the Semantic Web in
Managing Records in Organisations.
17:24 allen:

this plat form can easily account for the records used and accessed on the website
17:25 allen:

continued my point up
17:25: Abias Nabaasa has left this chat
website development in records management is paramount more especially today with the
increasing need to handle records effectively at all levels and one of the major reasons is
because, they improve on information circulation, and inquires once the websites have been
developed for any particular organization
18:07: Phanice Akello has just entered this chat
18:07 Phanice:

In reference to my internship experience, I recommend that utmost attention be undertaken

into website development in records management because it facilitates quick retrieval,
update of information among others. However, I wouldn’t recommend website
development in records management as this exposes the records to hackers and other
18:09: Ssemwanga Jackson has just entered this chat

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18:10 Ssemwanga:

Website presence enables content such as texts, images, and videos to be displayed on the
internet. There are many reasons why records manager need a representative website: to
inform potential records users about the Information and content, to represent the
company. To enable contact with different records departments in a given Organization, or
to distribute goods online. For private users, a website gives Records officers a chance to
actively take part in public affairs. There are also personal sites that contain informative
material or are used for entertainment.
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18:16: Joy Miracle has left this chat

18:17: noah wabwire has just entered this chat

18:19 noah:

website development provides more availability of records. this is because information

uploaded on websites are easily available to users all the time conviniently.
18:19: WAFAGIRA SAMUEL has just entered this chat

A website development provides records management with a podium for this necessary
web presence and allows them to get in touch with millions of web clients all over the
world, widening the range of their potential customers. This doesn't just make the records
accessible, but accessible to the global population. It can effectively market the services
that they offer. In addition, a website will make records management look more reliable if
its represented in a professional way.
18:21: noah wabwire has left this chat

18:22: gwomson silas has just entered this chat

18:22 gwomson:

Website development can include anything from simply programming the data of a
website to adding client liaison, content, network security and web server configuration
and more. It usually ranges from creating the simplest, plain text to the most difficult web-
based applications, social network services and electronic business in records
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18:26: Mulwana Nelson has just entered this chat

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18:26 maganda:

Easy Accessibility of Records, Have you ever experienced having to turn records and
information users away because it’s closing time? Well, you don’t have to close the doors
of your website. An online site can be visited any time of the day or night. People will
look to your site instead of going to Records Centre or office because it is more accessible.
Just make sure to post enough information or Records on website
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18:29 joan:

Website development helps in reducing risks that might have happened to physical records
because digital/electronic records are stored on a server which is not physical hence
reducing risks like fire outbreak and natural disasters.
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18:33: allen agudo has just entered this chat

18:33 allen:

Eeeh so Yusuf I have just read your post and only got the answer at the end of it , it's a
good one I really hadn't come across view.
18:35: Joy Miracle has just entered this chat

18:35: Ronald Kaye has just entered this chat

18:38 Ronald:

The development of websites in records management helps records managers in the easy
sharing of records with records users. Since websites can be accessed by all people online
from anywhere. The information uploaded online can be download and used by anyone
from anywhere.
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18:44 Muramuzi:

Website development is paramount in records management because it promotes maximum

utilisation of space in the organisation because when records are stored online, the space
that would have been used for physical records storage is used for other businesses
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18:48 allen:

Yes Ngonzi, that's really true when you think of it its cost effective.
18:50 jascent:

The time needed to develop web apps is low hence cheap this makes records management
18:50 jascent:

The time needed to develop web apps is low hence cheap this makes records management
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18:52: Moore Ninkusiima has just entered this chat

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18:54 allen:
Yes Ngonzi, that's really true when you think of it its cost effective.
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19:01: fahad Semwanga has just entered this chat

ost Effective You know exactly how much your website is going to cost you and it’s ongoings –
a brick and mortar store records , on the other hand, is susceptible to many out of the ordinary
occurrences which could blow out the costs such as leaving the lights on, theft, damage, extra
staff etc. in the records department
19:40 Arindwamukama:

Cost Effective You know exactly how much your website is going to cost you and it’s
ongoings – a brick and mortar store records , on the other hand, is susceptible to many out
of the ordinary occurrences which could blow out the costs such as leaving the lights on,
theft, damage, extra staff etc. in the records department
19:41: Shamim Lyla Nabuchabbo has left this chat

19:41: Shamim Lyla Nabuchabbo has just entered this chat

19:45 Shamim Lyla:

Website development is so paramount in records management because it provides a

controlled access to records. This is whereby the information uploaded on websites can
only be modified or deleted by an administrator hence an improved records management
system for an organisation
Website development helps in easy dissemination of information.This is because records users
can easily access records uploaded online and used from anywhere in different parts of the
20:04: Juliet Namuleme has left this chat

20:07: Amanyire richard has just entered this chat

20:11: namuyiga stella has just entered this chat

20:12 Amanyire:

Website development promotes long-term records management. This is because electronic

records stored on websites cannot detoriorate like physical records. This provides
maintenance of records for a long period which provides easy reference
20:13 namuyiga:
improves retrieval of records other than using paper-based records
20:13: Amanyire richard has left this chat
20:14 namuyiga:

it improves security of records whereby to access records online, one must be

authenticated thus improving records access
20:16 namuyiga:

it is easy to manage archival records since they are organised in electronically in an

orderly manar
20:17 namuyiga:

it is easy to access to records using audit trails since it shows who access what and when
20:18 namuyiga:

it is easy to manage access to records using audit trails since it shows who access what and
20:19: Amanyire richard has just entered this chat
20:22 Amanyire:

The impact of technology on the world not only affects how records institutions complete
tasks internall, it also influences the way those institutions interact with the public at large.
The popularity of the internet has resulted in these institutions growing increasingly relant
on wesites to meet the information needs of clients. As a result, records institutions need
to manage their web content effectively to ensure that clients are able to find the
information they want easily and are able to determine if it is accurate and current.
20:24 namuyiga:

it improves customer relationship through interacting with different people online t

Websites manage web content records which represent information presented on a website.
23:54: brenda atwiine has just entered this chat
23:55 rehemah:

To help identify the type of website related records your agency may have.
Can we discuss in relation to different records managment activities i.e. Records Processing,
Records Organisation, File Movement, Classification, Indexing etc.
06:55 Aloysius:

Also, publish research work, dont just publish your thoughts, read and site, e.g. Mwanje
(2019) has it that, website improve movement of file in organisations by .......
06:59: BAGAGGA NAJIB has just entered this chat
07:00 BAGAGGA:

website development may contain records, information that document companies,

orgsnisation activities that make it accountable for its exitance .
To control the creation and growth of records within the university and also reduce operating
10:38: JOLLY ZIHAWE has just entered this chat

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10:39: asiimire caroline has left this chat

10:40: sheila owomugasho has just entered this chat

10:41: sheila owomugasho has left this chat

10:45 STELLA:

In Makerere University, websites help in the communication and sharing of important

imformation. That is to say, students are able to access particular information provided by
the Vice Chancellor where they are also able to trace back to the Uniform Resource
10:50: NGONZI IRENE has just entered this chat
10:54 NGONZI:

Websites in records management help the University or an institution for example

Makerere University to operate efficiently as a business and as an academic entity.
10:55 STELLA:

The Makerere University webite helps to secure any information provided by any one and
if it is manipulated, that person can easily be traced.
10:55: aisha birungi has just entered this chat

10:57: mukodha angella has just entered this chat

11:00 mukodha:

It is viable to apply websites in records management for example Makerere University

because it will help to protect the university's vital or important records for example
records which affect significant rights of an individual, a significant asset of the university
for the performance of an essential function of the University.
11:01: mukodha angella has left this chat
11:01 aisha:

Website development enables the university to keep materials for as long as its needed to
perform its functions as an academic entity in makererere university
11:04: NGONZI IRENE has just entered this chat
11:05 aisha:

Website development ensures compliance with information legislation in the academic

entity of makererere university
11:06 NGONZI:

It is viable to apply websites in records management for example to an institution or

University that is to say Makerere University because it helps in the disposal of materials
when the University or business need has expired.
Guiding users to relevcent records. Using websitesb users can use their own descriptive for the
records needed
11:39: asiimire caroline has left this chat

11:41: TOM LUYOMBYA has just entered this chat

11:44 Harriet:

A case study of Makerere University; the purpose of this study is to find out why it if
feasible to apply website in records management, according to me a "a website is a
collection of related network, web resources such as web pages. The main objective of the
website to records management is to reduce Records volume and storage cost by reducing
the number of files, reports and emails that are produced by the university on a daily basis,
Scanning the documents that need to kept and storing them online. Significantly reduce
their storage cost and free up space within the offfices.
Pursuing collaborative initiative such as research data management and investigating electronic
records guidance.
12:18 asiimire:

Developing and training staff policies and procedures to comply with University practices
and federal/state laws.
To control the creation and growth of records within the university and also reduce operating
10:38: JOLLY ZIHAWE has just entered this chat

10:38: JOLLY ZIHAWE has left this chat

10:39: STELLA KAJUMBA has just entered this chat

10:39: asiimire caroline has left this chat

10:40: sheila owomugasho has just entered this chat

10:41: sheila owomugasho has left this chat

10:45 STELLA:

In Makerere University, websites help in the communication and sharing of important

imformation. That is to say, students are able to access particular information provided by
the Vice Chancellor where they are also able to trace back to the Uniform Resource
10:50: NGONZI IRENE has just entered this chat
10:54 NGONZI:

Websites in records management help the University or an institution for example

Makerere University to operate efficiently as a business and as an academic entity.
10:55 STELLA:

The Makerere University webite helps to secure any information provided by any one and
if it is manipulated, that person can easily be traced.
10:55: aisha birungi has just entered this chat

10:57: mukodha angella has just entered this chat

11:00 mukodha:

It is viable to apply websites in records management for example Makerere University

because it will help to protect the university's vital or important records for example
records which affect significant rights of an individual, a significant asset of the university
for the performance of an essential function of the University.
11:01: mukodha angella has left this chat
11:01 aisha:

Website development enables the university to keep materials for as long as its needed to
perform its functions as an academic entity in makererere university
11:04: NGONZI IRENE has just entered this chat
11:05 aisha:

Website development ensures compliance with information legislation in the academic

entity of makererere university
11:06 NGONZI:

It is viable to apply websites in records management for example to an institution or

University that is to say Makerere University because it helps in the disposal of materials
when the University or business need has expired.
14:23 Tumukunde:
In January 16, 2019 the Creative Guest stated that “You’re not fighting for space and
attention from other people like on social media, and you don’t have to worry about a new
algorithm getting in the way of people seeing your posts”. Your website is yours and no
one else’s—you have the control. This applies to records management information cannot
be altered in any form AND Your website can be one of many marketing tools to help
bring in new clients. Having a website alone with no other marketing isn’t going to
increase sales, but having a social media presence to bring people to your website is a
good step.

Based mostly in Norwich, UK, Charles Jackson has been writing articles professionally for the
Web since 2007.he stressed out that with websites it much easier to understand your clients/users
with just feedback from them and this enables an officer to know how to deliver there services.
14:47: angella naigaga has just entered this chat
14:47 jaala:

Based mostly in Norwich, UK, Charles Jackson has been writing articles professionally
for the Web since 2007.he stressed out that with websites it much easier to understand
your clients/users with just feedback from them and this enables an officer to know how to
deliver there services.
14:50 angella:

Makerere website enables students make necessary research about the past and latest
information about the university which keeps them updated .
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the central page of a awebsite is called a home page ,start page or index page
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14:59: angella naigaga has just entered this chat

14:59 angella:

Makerere website enables students make necessary research about the past and latest
information about the university which keeps them updated.2 the website also enables
staff and students who have loopholes to forward there problems and the solutions given
to them without the necessary movement. That is to say, its cheaper to use a website when
having information to pass on to the university.3.The dean of students also clarifies that
the makerere website provide linkages to various schools and colleges transfering
information hence its faster to communicate using a website.
14:59: Mary juliet Nakalembe has just entered this chat

generally websites enable content management suchas texts,images,videos to be displayed

on the internet ......makerere wedsite are fast and quick to access information/records for
both staff ans studenrs forexanple tge aims system, the students portal,....staff can
collect,ensure,better records tracking and distribution as well as report performance to
help run the university smoothly
15:00 Mary juliet:

Websites can be available and accessible 24 hours a day.Students can access all the
available information at any time possible
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krubuand osawaru(2011)assert that websites present an opportunity to provide value

added information services and access to a wide vraiety of digital based iinforamtion
resorces to their clients
Due to the increased number of students in Makerere University, Websites provide a wide range
of searching capabilities that make it very easy to locate needed documents for example
admission letters, transcripts within seconds compared to minutes ,hours or even days to locate
paper records
15:26: Saidat namubiru has left this chat

15:27: Amina Nakiboneka has left this chat

15:28 angella:

Websites make it easy to distribute documents throughout the entire university and to the
public if needed. Documents or files can be shared within the various colleges within the
university through a secured and controlled manner
15:31 Lovence:

Websites improves access to records.this is whereby as soon as records are created and
added to the online platform every member in makerere university who needs access to
them can see them without having to chase to wait
15:33 angella:

websites allow documents to be stored in a central location where eveyone accesses them
from the same page using the same file classification system . With a proper file
classification system, it is easy to know where the documents are supposed to be stored
and even if a document is incorrectly classified, it can be found and moved to its proper
location using the advance search functionality.
15:33: IMMACULATE BIRUNGI has just entered this chat

15:34: Christine Namutebi has just entered this chat

15:35: NAMAGGA STELLA has just entered this chat

15:36 angella:

Websites provide a version control where everyone accesses the most current version of a
document that is to say a student in Makerere University can be able to have access to an
updated version of his / her marks that have been uploaded and in case of any changes , he
or she can see them over time
15:37: NAMAGGA STELLA has left this chat
15:38 Christine:

Websites can be applied in records management because it reduces costs at a certain point
for example in dispatching records from one office to another its kinder cost effective.
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15:44: IMMACULATE BIRUNGI has just entered this chat


With the help of wesites, large number of records can be stored stored electronically hence
enabling an instution to build more offices since the records have been stored eletonically
on the website.futhermore , webistes provide security to records since only authorized
individuals can access the records. records stored on websites are safe when there is a
fireout break.
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Credibility, since credibility refers quality of being trusted and believed in.
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15:59: Mugeye Herbert has just entered this chat

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15:59 Mugeye:

Visibility Increasing visibility is one major factor that makes having a website important.
Even if people have heard about your company, they may want to carry out research
online first, before leaving the house. Provide a map and directions to your company's
shops or offices on your website so that visitors are less likely to have trouble finding the
16:00: NYAMARWA ESTHER has just entered this chat

Credibility, since credibility refers quality of being trusted and believed in. students of
Makerere University are able to trust information at right time because one can carry out
quick research with the use of website since its used online than manually which requires
a lot of time and prove.
16:00: bridget nanjula has just entered this chat
16:00 bridget:

websites can be used as an alternative to backup records in an institution. records that are
backedup on websites are secure and only individual with the right passwords can access
the information stored on websites.The reliability of websites is also one of the reasons
why its paramount to understand website development in records management. this is so
because records can be accessed at any time and any where an individual maybe .
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16:05: adong shammah has just entered this chat

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16:10: Annet katusiime has just entered this chat

16:10 adong:

websites are important in that it saves time if users can place requests online, its reduces
movement of physical files to different action officers
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16:11 Annet:

Website development simplifies advertising in that it grasps a big group of people since it
can easily be accessed anywhere and by many people,making it very easy to get
information for example use of ADs on social media platforms helps to make
advertisements easier and faster
16:12: MUKASA PASCAL has just entered this chat

16:15: SHAKIRAH SHATRAH NAMATOVU has just entered this chat

16:15 adong:

for the fact that its internet based thus no geographical limits just an internet connection
one can reference with a records officer though access should still be limited to users on
the guarantee of updating records
16:16: nayiga joan has just entered this chat

16:17: Nakirija Asha has just entered this chat

16:17: Mugeye Herbert has just entered this chat

16:18 MUKASA:

Because the website provides access to update information, often websites are regardingly
updated and are constantly evolving. but also information supplied on the website can be
sometimes viewed as a ephemeral in nature and as having little or no on going value, this
means that it can be last before being captured as evidence, for bussiness or historical
16:18 nayiga:

Easy accessibility that is to say Web accessibility by ensuring that there are no barriers
that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people
with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all
users have equal access to information and functionality.
16:18: Mugeye Herbert has left this chat

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16:19 Nakirija:

If the internet is slow, you may be tempted to upgrade the RAM to try increase the speed
and reduce lag, however RAM does play a part in how well you web browser can operate,
it may not increase your loading speed much if atall.
16:22: christine nalwoga has just entered this chat
16:23 adong:

taking makerere websiite and particularly students portal. i can view almost every detail
about my academics thats my results tuition status, registration among others but then i
can't edit any data there. meaning its reliable though not 100%
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Information can be shared easily and quickly among different users of Makerere
University at different colleges like students, staff, administrators in many secure and
controlled ways like viewing, creating, accessing, storing.
16:25: Naggayi Margaret has just entered this chat
16:25 Naggayi:

Easy Accessibility of Organization Records, website is online and accessible 24 hours a

day, so every day as far as Records and Archives Management is concerned, a Records
officer can upload the organization or institution Records or Information at any time of the
day hence make it easier for the Records Users to access records at any time that they need
use these records.
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Websites can have many functions and can be used in various fashions; a website can be a
personal website forexample a records officer’s website, a corporate website for a records
management firm, a government website forexample the National records and archives centre
website, an organization website forexample Makerere Central Registry’s website among others.
Websites can typically be dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, ranging from records
management professional training and social networking among records officers, managers,
assistants among others to providing news and education. For Makerere University, a website
can be made part of an intranet which helps to electronically store high value information,
sensitive/ confidential information and other archival information material that is of value to the
19:15: Moore Ninkusiima has left this chat

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It is always available 24hours,365days a year it will be readily available to anyone at any

place at any time forexample to records officers running records each and every time this
will be a better refugee
19:30 christine:

It says so much more that websites give detailed information concerning a subject
matter.This helps records users to use records more effectively.
19:31 proscovia:

it is easier(some websites have content management system which can create and publish
nee contents within minutes at no cost
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19:39: TAYEBWA EMANUEL has just entered this chat

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19:39: Pius Mbeera has just entered this chat

19:40 Pius:

19:41 Pius:

STD NUMBER 217000704

19:41 Pius:

reg no. 217000704

19:42 Pius:

19:43 TAYEBWA:

Website development is considered so important in records management because it

requires less expenses compared to physical records management. This is because certain
costs like rent for storage space is not faced.
19:43: RITAH KIRABO has just entered this chat
19:43 Pius:

reg. no 17/U/556
19:43 Pius:

student number 217000704

19:44 Pepekale:

According to Mimi Dionne, a certified Records Manager, Archivist, Document Imaging

Architect,Information Professional, and a Project Management Professional, in website
technology, provided there is an internet connection, the parties may sign uploaded
templates anytime and anywhere. Once these documents are signed, a unique record is
created. The website stores these records in its cloud on behalf of the client for a set
amount of time. It is in the client’s best interest to dictate to the website that its documents
should be stored not more than 30 days in the cloud which is just long enough for the
Records Management team to pull completed documents from the website and declare
them as records into their organization forexample Makerere University’s own repository.
Mimi Dionne (2013)
19:44 Pius:
19:45 Pius:

To digitise the records as opposed to the traditional way of using paper records that
consume alot of space
19:46 Pius:

To enable multiple and unlimited access to the records and archives as the user can access
the records whenver he or she wants
19:47: Pepekale Arafat has left this chat
19:48 Pius:

To enable safe and secure protection of that in a wy that records on website rarely get lost
19:49: RITAH KIRABO has left this chat

19:49: Kamidah Nagawa has just entered this chat

19:50: MERAB MUHIMBISE has just entered this chat

19:51: Pepekale Arafat has just entered this chat

19:51 Pius:

To enable the sharing of records an archive by people in distant place since websites can
be accessed in any place as long as there is internet connetion, this saves trime and
19:53: Moore Ninkusiima has just entered this chat

19:55: Vicent Omunyomong has just entered this chat

19:55 MERAB:

Website refers to the collection of publicly accessible interlinked web pages that share
single domain name.Together all publicly accessible websites constitute to the world wide
web. Therefore they reduce or eliminate level of records keeping redundancies by
quickening the process since they are interlinked
19:55: rashidah nakawooya has just entered this chat

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19:58 Vicent:

the web as aplform for RAM can deliver innovative solutions for both inter-and intra-
company business operations.
19:59: Kamidah Nagawa has just entered this chat
19:59 rashidah:

a set of related web pages located under a single domain name

19:59 Moore:

Wow, "network of networks", Moureen, that makes a lot of sense, websites bring together
a number of intranets, LANs, WLANS, WANs mention them, they are less susceptible to
office space inadequacy issues. they play a significant role in digital technology of RM
19:59: Moore Ninkusiima has left this chat

20:00: Kamidah Nagawa has left this chat

20:00 Vicent:

The advantages of the Web to RAM approach are shown below;

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20:03 Vicent:

Simplicity- In its original form, HTML as a markup language was easy for both
developers and naive end -users to learn
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20:08: Kamidah Nagawa has just entered this chat

20:09 Vicent:

Platform independence; A compelling reason for creating a web-based version of a

database say for RAM application is that browsers are mostly platform-independent.
Applications do not need to be modified to run on different operating systems.
20:10 Kamidah:

It is convenient to reachers in that they can access information they want at any time
without coming physically to Makerere University to make reach and they just go on
websitevto search the information they want
20:11 RITAH:

A website works twenty four seven therefore it does not close. This enables makerere
university students to access the website when they are home at anytime like results in
case they are out.
20:16 Vicent:

Graphical user interface; Web browsers provide a common, easy to use GUI that can be
used to access many things, including a database say for RAM in Makerere University.
Having a common interface also reduces training costs for end users.
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Website records provides content, processes and connectivity to help you maintain and provide a
record of compliance for electronic and physical records
12:55 isaac:

Website records provides content, processes and connectivity to help you maintain and
provide a record of compliance for electronic and physical records
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12:58: isaac kasasa has left this chat

12:59 mirembe:

web development is the creation of dynamic web applications .

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13:01: isaac kasasa has left this chat
13:01 isaac:

Website records provides content, processes and connectivity to help you maintain and
provide a record of compliance for electronic and physical records
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13:04: martha mpakibi has just entered this chat

13:04 mirembe:

data security is one of the importance of web development in a way that it helps in the
record storage and retrieval process secure whereby u can display your data security
knowledge by mentioning scrambling , encryption and data masking on your profile.
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13:06 mirembe:

data analysis is also of significance of web development in records management in a way

that it involves compiling and summarizing data effectively
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13:13: Rebecca Akello has just entered this chat

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13:22 martha:

Website is always an available resource which can be accessible during anytime a record
has interest. With website more than one activities can be conducted ie, a record officer
can ask a question and get information about that. Record officers can make a payment
using a purchasing website ie, can purchase files, receipt and those receipts are records.
13:24: Imran Sekabembe has just entered this chat

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13:28 Imran:

According to the research and the knowlege acquire3ed from the most trusted sources,
the genius says out the ollowing;
Transparent network: Another benefit of web design is that network access is essentially
transparent to the user, except for the specification of a URL handled entirely by the web
browser and the web server.
10:18: kato laurence has just entered this chat
10:22 kato:

Websites are convenient in records and archives management

10:23 Vicent:

Cross- platform support: Web browsers are available for virtually every type of computer
platform. This cross platform support allows users on most types of computers to access a
database from anywhere in the world. In this way, information can be disseminated with a
minimum of time and effort, without having to resolve the incompatibilty problems of
different hardware, operating systems, and softwaare.
10:25: grace ethel nakigozi has just entered this chat

10:26: angella naigaga has just entered this chat

10:27: kato laurence has left this chat

10:28 Vicent:

References: Connolly, TM (2009)Database Systemes: A practical Approach to Design,

implementation, and management. 4th edition, pearson eduction
10:29: sadat bukenya has just entered this chat

10:30: grace ethel nakigozi has left this chat

10:31 Vicent:

hi members
10:32: angella naigaga has left this chat

10:32: angella naigaga has just entered this chat

10:32 angella:

Makerere website and the community colleges are considered as significant organizations
which deal with a big number of academic and administrative staff. The Ugandan
government takes the best efforts to pay attention to the universities and community
colleges in order to help developing the country (Moe Report, 2005).
10:36 sadat:

Taking Makerere University as a case study, University records are identified because of
their content, not their format. A University record is evidence of an action or activity
undertaken by a member of the University community about or on behalf of, the
University for Example Registration of university students. A University record is not
necessarily a physical document but may also be in the form of an electronic format for
example web content. The following therefore are the different reasons that justify why it
is viable to apply websites in the records management function. Websites provide a
platform for capturing records of an organization for example through registration of
organization stake holders. For example makerere university uses the students portal ie
https://student.mak.ac.ug/portal-1.7/?cache to capture details about different students
admitted at the university which is a great records management function because it
accelerates the records creation function of records management. Websites provide an
online records storage area for different organizations. Makerere university uses websites
to store student research projects for example Mak UD ie http://dissertations.mak.ac.ug
which is a collection of undergraduate theses and dissertations/undergraduate research
project reports and field reports submitted as a requirement for the award of undergraduate
degrees of Makerere University and Makerere University Institutional Repository (Mak
IR), formerly called Uganda Scholarly Digital Library (USDL) is found at
http://makir.mak.ac.ug Mak IR is a collection of scholarly output of by researchers of
Makerere University, including scholarly articles and books, post-graduate electronic
theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, technical reports and digitised library
collections. It is the official Institutional Repository (IR) of Makerere University.
Therefore websites help in the storage of records which is a great records management
function. Websites accelerate easy retrieval of contents kept on them in case the
information is needed by any person either within or outside the organization. While using
websites, someone can access information needed minus moving to the registry to pick it
in case that person is authorized to access such information he/she needs. This task can be
completed by the search icon found on the website where the information is located.
10:37: Vicent Omunyomong has left this chat
10:38 angella:

Websites like makerere web allow students to be granted the credit points allocated to a
module upon provision of adequate evidence that all module requirements have been
fulfilled(Falchikov,2009). Therefore, a learner will be awarded the credit points assigned
to a module when sufficient evidence is provided that all module requirements have been
10:39: sadat bukenya has left this chat

10:41: sadat bukenya has just entered this chat

10:42 sadat:

Websites provide a platform for capturing records of an organization for example through
registration of organization stake holders. For example makerere university uses the
students portal ie https://student.mak.ac.ug/portal-1.7/?cache to capture details about
different students admitted at the university which is a great records management function
because it accelerates the records creation function of records management.
10:43 sadat:

Websites provide an online records storage area for different organizations. Makerere
university uses websites to store student research projects for example Mak UD ie
http://dissertations.mak.ac.ug which is a collection of undergraduate theses and
dissertations/undergraduate research project reports and field reports submitted as a
requirement for the award of undergraduate degrees of Makerere University and Makerere
University Institutional Repository (Mak IR), formerly called Uganda Scholarly Digital
Library (USDL) is found at http://makir.mak.ac.ug Mak IR is a collection of scholarly
output of by researchers of Makerere University, including scholarly articles and books,
post-graduate electronic theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, technical reports
and digitised library collections. It is the official Institutional Repository (IR) of Makerere
University. Therefore websites help in the storage of records which is a great records
management function.
10:44 sadat:

Websites accelerate easy retrieval of contents kept on them in case the information is
needed by any person either within or outside the organization. While using websites,
someone can access information needed minus moving to the registry to pick it in case
that person is authorized to access such information he/she needs. This task can be
completed by the search icon found on the website where the information is located.
10:44 angella:

A portfolio should be containing evidence which ensures the accomplishment of the

learning outcomes of each module,(Chang,2011).
10:47: sadat bukenya has left this chat

10:50: sadat bukenya has just entered this chat

10:50 sadat:
Records and information need to be managed and retained: for ongoing business use; for
legal purposes; as evidence; and for historical and cultural purposes. Just like paper and
digital files, websites support the current and future activities of the organisation. If
websites are valued as records and for the information they contain, capturing, managing
and retrieving that information for as long as it is needed is a powerful and positive
contribution to management of all of the essential records and information.
10:50: angella naigaga has left this chat
10:51 sadat:

Because the web provides access to up-to-date information, often websites are regularly
updated and are constantly evolving. This is one of the web’s great strengths, but also
means that information supplied this way can sometimes be viewed as ephemeral in nature
and as having little or no ongoing value. This means that it can be lost before being
captured as evidence, for business or historical purposes.
10:51: angella naigaga has just entered this chat
10:51 angella:

Websites assist in generation of information and evaluation of the portfolio. I.e, In higher
Professional Education, students might be using several portfolios including numerous
evidence records, these portfolios are used for generating information on a daily basis.
Nevertheless, it's crucial to have accurate and reliable information for the purpose of
evaluating and decision making. According to Seldin (2010), evaluation is a methodical
approach which facilitates collecting and evaluating evidence about the accomplishments
of an individual with regards to specific learning outcomes, for determining whether the
individual has exhibited proficiency.
10:51: sadat bukenya has left this chat
10:53 angella:

Website are also used to make quick decisions for example when using makerere website,
one can determine if it can be useful in his or her business, his or her work and easily take
alternative options
10:54: Rodney Kamugisha has just entered this chat
10:56 angella:

References, 1.Gizir, S.&Simsek, H. (2005). Communication in an academic context.

Higher education, 50(2),197_221.
10:56: Rodney Kamugisha has left this chat
11:00 angella:

I'm conclusion, Records are important for providing evidence.However, records are only
valuable if they are accessible and available at any time needed just like the makerere
website. In HPE, there are many records generated periodically and needs to be managed
effectively and efficiently in order to increase the performance of the education as well as
records management businesses.
11:03 angella:

I'm conclusion, Records are important for providing evidence.However, records are only
valuable if they are accessible and available at any time needed just like the makerere
website. In HPE, there are many records generated periodically and needs to be managed
effectively and efficiently in order to increase the performance of the education as well as
records management businesses.

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