WorkingPaper 57
WorkingPaper 57
WorkingPaper 57
2010: 57
Attiya Y. Javid
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad
Robina Iqbal
Freelance Researcher
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +92-51-9248065
Abstract vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 3
1.3 Organisation of the Study 4
Chapter 2. Overview of Corporate Governance in Pakistan 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Institutional Framework 5
2.3 Code of the Corporate Governance 9
2.4 Assessment of Corporate Governance 10
2.5 Corporate Governance under Concentrated
Ownership 12
2.6 Corporate Governance in South Asia 13
2.7 Summary and Conclusion 16
Chapter 3. Determinants of Corporate Governance 16
3.1 Introduction 16
3.2 Review of Previous Literature 17
3.3 Corporate Governance Index 18
3.4 Determinants of Corporate Governance 20
3.5 Estimation Technique 21
3.6 Empirical Findings 22
3.7 Summary and Conclusion 24
Chapter 4. Corporate Governance and Corporate Valuation 25
4.1 Introduction 25
4.2 Review of Previous Empirical Literature 26
4.3 Data and Methodological Framework 29
4.4 Empirical Findings 31
4.5 Summary and Conclusion 36
Chapter 5. Corporate Governance and Corporate Ownership 37
5.1 Introduction 37
5.2 Review of Previous Literature 39
5.3 Data and Methodological Framework 45
5.4 Empirical Findings 48
5.5 Summary and Conclusion 55
Chapter 6. Corporate Governance and External Financing 55
6.1 Introduction 55
6.2 Review of Previous Literature
6.3 Data and Methodological Framework 60
6.4 Empirical Evidence 62
6.5 Summary and Conclusion 64
Chapter 7. Conclusion 64
Appendi ces 69
References 72
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Year Wise Distribution of Companies 8
Table 2.2 Provincial Wise Distribution of Companies 8
Table 2.3 Capitalisation Break Down for the Year 2007 9
Table 2.4 KSE Performance at Glance 9
Table 2.5 Ownership Concentration of 50 Random Companies
for Pakistan for 2003-2007 12
Table 2.6 Inventors Composition in Listed Private Companies 13
Table 2.7 Ownership Composition of Pakistan’s Top 40 Listed
Companies 13
Table 2.8 Basic Statistics of Corporate Sector of India 15
Table 2.9 Types of Financial Institutions in Bangladesh 15
Table 2.10 Dhaka Stock Exchange Select Statistics 15
Table 3.1 Summary Statistics of Corporate Governance Index 22
Table 3.2 Evidence on Determinants of Corporate Governance 23
Table 4.1 Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm
Performance (Tobin Q) 33
Table 4.2 Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm
Performance (ROA) 33
Table 4.3 Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm
Performance (D/P) 34
Table 5.1 Determinants of Concentration of Ownership by Top
Five Shareholders 49
Table 5.2.1 Relation between Tobin Q and Ownership by Top Five
Shareholders 51
Table 5.2.2 Relation between ROA and Ownership by Top Five
Shareholders 51
Table 5.3.1 Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity 53
Table 5.3.2 Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity 53
Table 5.3.3 Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity 54
Table 5.4 Evidence on Performance and Manager-Ownership 55
Table 6.1 Determinants of External Financing through Equity 62
Table 6.2 Evidence on Firm Performance and Need of External
Finance 63
Table A1 Corporate Governance Index (CGI) Components 69
Table A2 Description of Variables 70
Table A3 List of Companies 71
In this study the relationship between corporate governance and corporate
valuation, ownership structure and need of external financing for the Karachi
Stock Market is examined for the period 2003 to 2008. To measure the firm-
level governance a rating system is used to evaluate the stringency of a set of
governance practices and cover various governance categories: such as board
composition, ownership and shareholdings and transparency, disclosure and
auditing. The sample consists of 60 non-financial firms listed on Karachi Stock
Exchange and comprises more than 80 percent of market capitalization at
Karachi Stock Market in 2007. The results confirms the theoretical notion that
firms with better investment opportunities and larger in size adopt better
corporate governance practice. The proposition that ownership concentration is a
response to poor legal protection is also validated by the results. The more
investment opportunities lead to more concentration of ownership and the
ownership concentration is significantly diluted as the firm size expands. The
findings are consistent with theoretical argument claiming that family owners,
foreign owners and bring better governance and monitoring practices which is
consistent with agency theory. The results suggest that firms which need more
equity financing practice good governance. The results show that firms with
high growth and large in size are in more need of external finance. The
relationship between external financing and ownership concentration is
negative. The results reveal that the firms which practice good governance, with
concentrated ownership, need more external finance which have more profitable
investment opportunities and are larger in size are valued higher. The interaction
term of any variable with law enforcement term are not significant in any model
suggesting that firm performance is not affected by rule of law in countries
where legal environment is weak. These results adds an important link to the
explanation of the consequences weak legal environment for external financing,
corporate valuation and corporate governance. The results show that Corporate
Governance Code 2002 potentially improves the governance and decision
making process of firms listed at KSE.
JEL classification: G3 F3
Keywords: Ownership Concentration, Corporate Governance, Firm
Performance, External Financing, Panel Data
1.1. Background
Good corporate governance contributes to sustainable economic
development by enhancing the performance of companies and increasing their
access to outside capital. In emerging markets good corporate governance serves
a number of public policy objectives. It reduces vulnerability of the financial
crises, reinforcement property rights; reduces transaction cost and cost of capital
and leads to capital market development. Corporate governance concerns the
relationship among the management, board of directors, controlling
shareholders, minority shareholders and other stakeholders. In Pakistan, the
publication of the SECP Corporate Governance Code 2002 for publicly listed
companies has made it an important area of research of corporate sector.
A corporate governance system is comprised of a wide range of practices
and institutions, from accounting standards and laws concerning financial
disclosure, to executive compensation, to size and composition of corporate
boards. A corporate governance system defines who owns the firm, and dictates
the rules by which economic returns are distributed among shareholders,
employees, managers, and other stakeholders. As such, a county's corporate
governance regime has deep implications for firm organisation, employment
systems, trading relationships, and capital markets. Thus, changes in Pakistani
system of corporate governance are likely to have important consequences for
the structure and conduct of country business.
In its broadest sense, corporate governance refers to a complementary set
of legal, economic, and social institutions that protect the interests of a
corporation’s owners. In the Anglo-American system of corporate governance
these owners are shareholders. The concept of corporate governance presumes a
fundamental tension between shareholders and corporate managers [Berle and
Means (1932) and Jensen and Meckling (1976)]. While the objective of a
corporation’s shareholders is a return on their investment, managers are likely to
have other goals, such as the power and prestige of running a large and powerful
organisation, or entertainment and other perquisites of their position. In this
situation, managers’ superior access to inside information and the relatively
A takeover which goes against the wishes of the target company’s management and board
of directors.
economic change [Alchian (1950); Stigler (1958)], competition would take care
of corporate governance.
Corporate governance in agency theory perspective is referred to as
separation of ownership and control [Barle and Means (1932)]. There are two
most common approaches to corporate governance to protect investors’ rights.
First approach is to give investors power through legal protection from
expropriation by managers. Protection of minority rights and legal prohibitions
against managerial self-dealing are examples of such mechanisms. The second
major approach is ownership by large investors (concentrated ownership):
matching significant cash flow rand control rights. Most corporate governance
mechanisms used in the world-including large share holdings, relationship
banking, and even takeovers- can be viewed as examples of large investors
exercising their power. We discuss how large investors reduce agency costs.
While large investors still rely on the legal system, they do not need as many
rights as the small investors do to protect their interests. For this reason,
corporate governance is typically exercised by large investors. Despite its
common use, concentrated ownership has its costs as well, which can be best
described as potential expropriation by large investors of other small investors
and stakeholders in the firm [Shliefer and Vishny (1997)].
2.1. Introduction
Corporate governance matters for the financial development by
increasing the flow of capital to the capital market. East Asian financial crisis
attract serious attention to importance of corporate governance in developing
countries. The OECD has established a set of corporate governance principles in
1999 that have become the core template for assessing a country’s corporate
governance arrangements.
La Porta, et al. (2000) Defined, “Corporate governance is, to a certain
extent, a set of mechanisms through which outside investors protect themselves
against expropriation by the insiders.” They define “the insiders” as both
managers and controlling shareholders.
“Corporate governance comprises the private and public institutions (both
formal and informal) which together govern the relationship between those who
manage corporations and those who invest resources in corporations. These
institutions typically include a country’s corporate laws, securities regulations,
stock-market listing requirements, accepted business practices and prevailing
business ethics” [Omran (2004)]. Thus, changes in Pakistani system of corporate
governance are likely to have important consequences for the structure and
conduct of country business.
The issue of Corporate Governance of banks has also fundamental
importance for emerging Economies. SBP restructured the regulatory
framework governing the commercial banking industry and issued some
guidelines for corporate governance. The study of Kalid and Hanif (2005)
provides an overview of development in the banking sector and measures of
corporate governance in Pakistan. Their study observes that SBP organised its
role as a regulator and supervisor and make the central bank relatively more
effectively in recent years. Moreover, the legal and regulatory structure
governing the role and functions of commercial banks has been restructured.
However, as the process of corporate governance of banks in Pakistan is very
recent, not enough information is available to make an assessment of the impact
of these policies such as an evaluation of the improvement in bank efficiency or
reduction in bank defaults.
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan issued Code of
Corporate Governance in March 2002 in order to strengthen the regulatory
mechanism and its enforcement. The code of corporate governance is the major
step in corporate governance reforms in Pakistan. The code includes many
recommendations in line with international good practice. The major areas of
enforcement include reforms of board of directors in order to make it
accountable to all shareholders and better disclosure including improved internal
and external audits for listed companies. However, the code’s limited provisions
on director’s independence remain voluntary and provide no guidance on
internal controls, risk management and board compensation policies.
The plan of the chapter is as follows. The institutional framework is
presented in Section 2. Section 3 briefly reviews the code of corporate
governance of Pakistan. The assessment of the code of corporate governance is
provided in Section 4. Section 5 explores corporate governance under ownership
structure of Pakistan. Section 6 concludes our discussion.
See official website of securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan for detail;
for smooth and efficient settlement operations of the Pakistani capital market.
Almost all of the total settlement of the stock exchanges is now done through the
CDS. 3
To encourage corporate governance the institute of corporate governance
of Pakistan a non-profit organisation is established under Section 42 of company
ordinance, 1984. It is public private partnership. Securities and Exchange
Commission of Pakistan, State Bank of Pakistan, three stock exchanges and
banking and insurance institutions are founding members of this institution.
In 2006 PICG in collaboration with IFC and State Bank of Pakistan
conducted a conference of banking reforms in Pakistan. The conference aspired
to create increased understanding of the need for good governance among
Pakistan’s banking sector. Charged
Table 2.1
Year Wise Distribution of Companies
Financial Year Incorporated Companies No. of Equity Issue to Public (Rs bill)
1998-99 968 0.44
1999-00 1074 0.00
2000-01 1169 2.03
2001-02 1183 1.99
2002-03 1553 5.97
2003-04 2207 0.98
2004-05 3078 48.88
2005-06 6186 24.34
2006-07 4703 9.60
Source: Annual Report of SECP 2006-07.
Table 2.2
Provincial Wise Distribution of Companies
2005 2006 2007
Province / Territory (% Share) (% Share) (% Share)
Punjab 43 39 46
Sindh 39 29 34
NWFP 11 9 6
Baluchistan 1 4 1
Islamabad Territory 6 19 13
Source: Annual Report of SECP 2005, 2006, 2007.
See official website of CDC
Table 2.3
Capitalisation Break Down for the Year 2007
Listed Unlisted Private
Paid Up Capital (Rs) Com Public Com Com SMCs Total Percentage
Up to 10,000 1 448 20,607 373 24,429 42.87
100,000 to 500,000 1 343 7,037 100 7,481 14.97
500,001to1,000,000 0 105 4,566 59 4,730 9.46
1,000,001 to 10,000,000 34 343 10,804 48 11,229 22.47
10,000,000 to 100,000,000 226 662 3,168 28 4,084 8.17
1000,000,001 to 500,000,000 236 224 319 2 799 1.60
500,000,001 to 1,000,000,000 45 32 29 0 106 0.21
1,000,000,001 and above 69 36 18 0 123 0.25
Source: Annual Report of SECP 2007.
Table 2.4
KSE Performance at Glance
2004 2005 2006 2007
KSE 100 Index 5,279.18 7,450.12 9,981.40 13,772.26
Market Capitalisation (Rs bill) 1,421.58 2,068.19 2,801.28 4,019.46
Turnover (Shares Mill) 389 343 321.10 367.96
Source: Annual Report of SECP 2004,2005,2006,2007.
All listed companies shall encourage effective representation of independent non-executive
directors, including those representing minority interest, on their Boards of Directors so that the
Board as a group include core competencies considered relevant in the context of each listed
company (Clause (i) of Code of Corporate governance, 2002).
Implementation of the clause of non-executive directors is voluntary not mandatory.
corporate affairs and the decision making process and requires directors to
discharge their fiduciary responsibilities in the larger interest of all stakeholders
in a transparent, informed, diligent, and timely manner. The salient feature of the
Code includes setting up of audit committees and internal audit functions by all
listed companies [Code of Corporate Governance (2002)].
In August 2002 SECP launch a project on corporate governance in
collaboration with UNDP and Economic Affairs Division of Government of
Pakistan. This project is launched mainly for the implementation of code of
corporate governance and strong regulatory frame work for the corporate sector
in Pakistan.
In 2007 the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, International
Financial Corporation (IFC) and Institute of Corporate Governance of Pakistan
(PINCG) conducted a Survey on “Code of Corporate Governance of Pakistan”.
The survey targeted the local listed and large local non-listed companies and
financial sector institutions. Among the key findings in the survey, a major one
is the need for creating awareness amongst the directors of companies about the
benefits of the Code, so that they could go further than the tick-box approach to
implementing the Code, and understand and implement the Code in its true
spirit. Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan developed a board
development series (BDS) with the help of IFC. PICG conducted many
workshops for the purpose of understanding corporate governance and
responsibilities of boards of directors.
(AGMs) or hold in places where it is difficult for shareholders to reach. The law
also does not support voting by post or electronically. The concentrated control
limits and influence of minority shareholders, and effectively reduce their
protection from abuse. When families dominate the shareholders meeting and
board, director’s accountability to other shareholders become critical and
currently in Pakistan this accountability is absent in many companies. The
shareholder recording process for share hold in the CDC works effectively.
However, although the registration’s role has been reduced by the CDC’s
operations, some inefficiency is still there. Some companies do not pay dividend
on time, and take longer than 5 days to re-register share in the name of
depository. The annual reports of SECP suggest that the percentage of
companies paying dividends is 35 percent and shareholders can complain SECP
about non payment of dividends.
The quality of disclosure has improved over last six years due to
increasing monitoring role of the SECP and the requirement of code.
Shareholders owning 10 percent or more of voting capital disclose their
ownership and the annual report includes the pattern for major shareholdings.
However pyramid structure, cross holdings and the absence of joint action make
it difficult for outsiders to understand the ownership structure of companies,
especially in case of business groups.
The family owned companies are typically managed by owners
themselves. In case of state owned enterprises and multinationals there is often
direct relationship between state/foreign owners and management again
bypassing the boards. Many important corporate decisions are not made on
Board AGMs level. The code explicitly mentions director’s duties to act with
objective an independent judgment and in the best interest of company. In
business groups boards are dominated by executive and non-executive members
of controlling family and by proxy directors appointed to act on their behalf.
Inter-looking directorships are often used to retain majority control. Family
dominated boards are less able to protect minority shareholder’s rights and risk a
loss of competitiveness as other boards become more professional.
The code strengthen the role of non-executive directors by restricting the
percentage of executive director to 75 percent in non-financial firms and
recommending that institutional investor in 75 percent in non-financial firms and
recommending institutional investor be representation. However given the
dominant ownership structure, this does not present controlling families from
having disproportionate representation on the board.
“The adoption of the Corporate Governance Code has improved the
overall corporate structure and business environment by making the companies
more responsible, and by ensuring transparency and accountability in the
corporate and financial reporting framework. The inclusion of non-executive
directors on the board is a big step forward as it will discourage the tendency of
protecting personnel interests and motives at the expense of the minority
Table 2.5
Ownership Concentration of 50 Random Companies for Pakistan for 2003-2007
Mean Median Minimum Maximum S.D
T3 52.0 50.70 2.5 96.8 21.0
T5 62.39 64.23 3.5 99.00 21.17
T3: Percentage of ownership shares held by top three shareholders.
T5: Percentage of ownership shares held by top five shareholders.
Table 2.6
Inventors Composition in Listed Private Companies
(Percentage Shares Owned by an Investor Type)
Investor Type Textile Non-Textile
Direct Holding by Family Members 29.3 9.1
NIT/ICP 8.4 11.1
Financial Institutions 5.1 8.2
Foreign Investors 1.9 14.3
Joint Stock Companies 23.2 16.9
Associated Companies of the Controlling Family 17.4 21.4
Source: Cheema, Bari, and Siddique (2003).
Table 2.7
Ownership Composition of Pakistan’s Top 40 Listed Companies
% of Top 40 % of Top 40s Market
Companies Capitalisation
Ownership Type All Non-financial All Non-financial
Local Private Family -Based 52.5 59.0 30.2 29.8
Government 12.5 12.0 36.5 36.8
Semi-Government 22.5 14.0 16.3 15.6
MNCs 12.5 15.0 17.0 18.0
Source: Cheema, Bari, and Siddque (2003).
draw lesson that critical importance of the company and contract laws and the
efficacy of the legal system should also be recognise. It is notable that all the
countries have developed special commercial courts of one sort or another to
handle the commercial disputes, but the reports all generate a sense of gloom,
almost of despair, when it comes to the efficacy of the law, and of the need to
modernise bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings.
The OECD and the World Bank Group have combined their efforts to
promote policy dialogue on corporate governance and have established Regional
Corporate Governance Round tables and assessment of corporate governance in
close partnership with national policy-makers, regulators and market
participants. It draws lessons from the 1997 Asian financial crisis, assesses
progress and remaining challenges, and formulates common policy objectives
and a practical reform agenda for improving corporate governance in Asia.6
India has a sizeable corporate sector registered as closely- or widely-held
companies under the Companies Act. Table 8 g ives the data for basic statistic of
corporate sector of India for1997-2000. “Since the first Corporate Governance
ROSC assessment dated July 31, 2000, a series of legal and regulatory reforms
have transformed the Indian corporate governance framework and improved the
level of responsibility/accountability of insiders, fairness in the treatment of
minority shareholders and stakeholders, board practices, and transparency In
particular, the securities regulator introduced a corporate governance clause in
the listing agreement that clarified many issues. Recent efforts to strengthen
enforcement have enhanced investors’ trust in the market. The financial press is
increasingly reporting violations of shareholder rights. These are positive drivers
of change. However, enforcement and implementation of laws and regulations
remain important challenges.” ROSC (2004).
In Bangladesh lending institutions are broadly categorised into banks and
non-banking financial institutions. Overall performance measures of the stock
exchange show low trading volume, intermittent and very few new offerings,
and declining valuations Sobhan and Wendy (2003). 7 “The Bangladesh
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Bangladesh have demonstrated a keen interest in implementing International
Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA) to
upgrade the quality of corporate financial reporting. Various steps have already
been taken; however, further results will require the design and implementation
of a comprehensive action plan on accountancy reform. The accounting and
auditing practices in Bangladesh suffer from institutional weaknesses in
regulation, compliance, and enforcement of standards and rules. The preparation
of financial statements and conduct of audits, in many cases, are not consistent
with internationally acceptable standards and practices. Better-qualified
See White Papers on corporate governance in Asia, 2003.
See Table 2.10.
Table 2.8
Basic Statistics of Corporate Sector of India
1997 1998 1999 2000
Number of Companies
Closely held (Private limited) 386,841 415,954 440,997 487,111
Widely held (Public limited including listed) 64,109 68,546 71,064 76,029
Widely held (Public limited including listed) 1,257 1,409 1,503 2,063
Government Companies
Number of Companies 1,220 1,223 1,240 1,256
Table 2.9
Types of Financial Institutions in Bangladesh
Type of Financial Institution Number of Institutions
Non-Bank Financial Institutions 28
State-owned Commercial Banks 4
Specialised and Development Banks 11
Private Commercial Banks 26
Islamic Private Commercial Banks 02
Foreign Commercial Banks 10
Source: Sobhan and Wendy (2003).
Table 2.10
Dhaka Stock Exchange Select Statistics
1999 2000 2001 2002
No. of Listed Companies 221 230 231 239
Market Capitalisation ($ Mill) 870 1,165 1,176 1,184
Market Cap as % of GDP 2.04% 2.65% 2.52%
DSE All Share Price Index 647.95 853.75 829.61 848.41
Source: Sobhan and Wendy (2003).
3.1. Introduction
In the developed markets the subject of corporate governance is well
explored as a significant focus of economics and finance research but there is
also a growing interest across emerging markets in this area. In Pakistan, the
publication of the Corporate Governance Code 2002 by SECP for publicly listed
companies has made it an important area of research of corporate sector.
A corporate governance system is comprised of a wide range of practices
and institutions, from accounting standards and laws concerning financial
disclosure, to executive compensation, to size and composition of corporate
boards. A corporate governance system defines who owns the firm, and dictates
the rules by which economic returns are distributed among shareholders,
employees, managers, and other stakeholders. As such, a county’s corporate
governance regime has deep implications for firm organisation, employment
systems, trading relationships, and capital markets. Thus, changes in Pakistani
system of corporate governance are likely to have important consequences for
the structure and conduct of country business.
The plan of the chapter is as follows. Section briefly reviews the literature
in this area. The measurement of corporate governance index and its sub-indices
is presented in Section 3. The Section 4 examines the determinants of corporate
governance in case of Pakistan equity market. Last section concludes the study.
constraints, and reservations about the way it was drafted and implemented. The
study by Ghani, et al. (2002) examines business groups and their impact on
corporate governance in Pakistan for non-financial firms listed on the Karachi
Stock Exchange of Pakistan for 1998-2002. Their evidence indicates that
investors view the business-group as a mechanism to expropriate minority
shareholders. On the other hand, the comparative financial performance results
suggest that business groups in Pakistan are efficient economic arrangements
that substitute for missing or inefficient outside institutions and markets. The
study by Ashraf and Ghani (2005) examines the origins, growth, and the
development of accounting practices and disclosures in Pakistan and the factors
that influenced them. They document that lack of investor protection (e.g.,
minority rights protection, insider trading protection), judicial inefficiencies, and
weak enforcement mechanisms are more critical factors than are cultural factors
in explaining the state of accounting in Pakistan. They conclude that it is the
enforcement mechanisms that are paramount in improving the quality of
accounting in developing economies.
Mir and Nishat (2004) and Shaheen and Nishat have done rating of
corporate governance based on annual reports and survey data respectively for
the year 2004 and relate this governance score with firm value. Javid and Iqbal
(2007) used panel data from annual reports for 2003 to 2006 to measure factors
of corporate governance. All these studies come to the conclusion that better
governance practices increase the value of the firm. The International Financial
Corporation (IFC), SECP and Institute of Corporate Governance, Karachi
undertook a survey to awareness the corporate governance for the year 2006.
There is an increasing interest in analysing affect of corporate governance
on stock market in Pakistan but many issues in this area are uncovered. In
particular, firm-level corporate governance rating and its affect on the corporate
valuation, corporate ownership and corporate financing are central issues of this
area which needs in depth research. It is in this pers pective this study aims to
make contribution in the literature on corporate governance.
The list of these variables is given in the Appendix. Table A2.
This is based on the report of World Bank, Report on the Observance of Standards and
Code (ROSC), Corporate Governance Country Assessment: Pakistan, June 2005.
Any member of a company’s board of directors, who is not an employee or shareholder in
the company.
The model (3.1) develops the linkage between corporate governance and
ownership concentration, need of external finance, quality of enforcement of law
and other firm specific variables and interaction terms [Durnev and Kim
(2006)]. In the set of control variables which include size (natural logarithm of
assets) and investment opportunities (average sale growth) are used in
estimation. Firm size and growth control for potential advantages of scale and
scope, market power and market opportunities. The leverage (long term
debt/total assets) controls for different risk characteristics of firm. Ownership
concentration is expected to improve investor protection. In case of family
ownership the entrepreneur have significant ownership stakes in the listed firms
and use their own resources and retained earning to finance their firms, to
capture concentration of ownership the percentage of ownership by top five
largest shareholders is used.
A growing firm with large need of external financing has more incentive
to adopt better governance practices in an attempt to lower cost of capital
[Klapper and Love (2003) and Gompers, et al. (2003)]. The firms with more
need of external finance would be more likely to choose better governance
structure because firm’s insiders believe that better governance structure will
further raise firm value they adopt good governance to signal that insider behave
well and they can easily excess to external finances.
Yit = α + β X it + µ it … … … … … (3.2)
Where Y and X have both i and t subscripts for i =1.2, N firms and t = 1, 2,…T
time period. Yit represent the dependent variable in the model, Xit contain set of
explanatory variables. The previous empirical studies suggest that the
Generalised Method of Moment (GMM) is more suitable method [Arellano and
Bonds (1991)]. The lagged dependent variable is most likely to be correlated
with the firm specific effect and estimates using ordinary least square method
(OLS) provided inconsistent and biased estimates. To get the consistent
estimation, the model is first difference to estimate the fixed effect and then we
use the instruments on the right hand side variable using their lagged values to
estimate the inconsistency which can be arising from endogenity of the
For panel data we have six years of data and 60 firms of Karachi Stock
Exchange (KSE). The Arellano and Bonds (1991) suggest that the estimation
from GMM is first difference; which removes the time invariant µi and leave the
equations automatable by instrument as described by the following equation:
Yit – Yit-1 = a + (y it –y it-2 ) + ß (xit – xit-1 ) + (µi -µi ) + (v it –v it-1 ) … (3.3)
Which leads us to assume that there is no serial correlation in the disturbance
term eit and all the lagged level of variables can be used as valid instruments in
the first difference equation.
Table 3.1
Summary Statistics of Corporate Governance Index
Mean Max Min SD CGI Board Rights Disc
CGI 54.30 70.42 30.89 7.99 1.00
Board 55.58 87.50 25.00 16.02 0.62 1.00
Share 46.97 78.57 7.14 16.10 0.57 0.11 1.00
Disc 60.36 94.29 30.00 10.93 0.44 0.05 0.06 1.00
from 70.42 to 30.89. The sub-index with highest rating is Disc (Disclosure,
Transparency and Auditing), which can be explained by the fact that this area is
emphasised by regulations of SECP.
To investigate the determinants of corporate governance due to
multicollenearity in ownership concentration and external finance firm corporate
governance score is regressed on two set of determinants and results are reported
in Table 3.2. One set includes concentration of ownership and control variable
and other determinants include external finance plus control variables.
Ownership structure shows negative and significant relationship with CGI and
Disclosure scores however, when use interaction term of own with law the result
shows no impact of legal environment. This suggests that weakness of
investment protection and absence of corporate control firms rely on governance
structure that is dominated by high concentration of ownership. The firm with
concentrated ownership there is no reason to expect firms to disclose more. The
inclusion of disclosure and transparency scores and other attributes are included
in CGI scores also and they are not directly related to agency problem. In
addition, this result indicates that negative relationship between corporate
governance and ownership concentration is strong with weak legal regime. The
Dunev and Kim (2006) have come up with same finding in case of US market.
Table 3.2
Evidence on Determinants of Corporate Governance
Determinants of Determinants of Determinants of Determinants of
CGI Board Shareholdings Disclosure
EF 0.16** 0.63** 0.20*** 0.29***
(1.92) (1.62) (1.57) (1.53)
Own –1.34** –0.30*** –0.23* –0.29
(–1.89) (–1.47) (–2.44) (–1.33)
Inv 0.05** 0.01*** 0.12** 0.03** 0.11** 0.11** 0.13** 0.04***
(1.76) (1.57) (1.69) (1.52) (1.84) (1.82) (1.64) (1.58)
SIZE 0.56*** 0.69** 0.62*** 0.12** 0.29*** 0.29** 0.18*** 0.16**
(1.54) (1.82) (1.47) (1.48) (1.67) (1.92) (1.43) (1.85)
Lev 0.14** 0.05** 0.31*** 0.35** 0.23*** 0.17***
(1.92) (1.71) (1.67) (1.56) (1.46) (1.52)
LAW*OWN 0.12 0.17 0.11 0.25
(1.11) (0.11) (0.61) (0.83)
LAW*EF 0.001 0.01 0.004 0.02
(0.56) (0.89) (1.02) (1.11)
Constant –0.27 0.48 0.42 1.11 –0.23 –0.14
(–0.31) (1.27) (0.27) (1.02) (–0.07) (–0.71)
R2 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.31
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
entrepreneur can get easy and less costly access to external finance [Pistor, et al.
(2003)]. The positive sign of the coefficient of size shows that large firms show
better governance. Investment opportunities have positive impact both CGI and
Disclosure scores. This confirms the theoretical notion that firms with better
investment opportunities perform better corporate governance practice. The
interaction terms of legal regime with external financing show positive and
insignificant relationship with CGI and Disclosure scores which suggests that in
legal environment which is less investor friendly firm specific factors matters
more in choice of corporate governance practices.
4.1. Introduction
Corporate governance is the means by which minority share holders are
protected from the expropriation of the managers or controlling shareholders.
Good corporate governance contributes to sustainable economic development by
enhancing the performance of companies and increasing their access to outside
capital. In emerging markets good corporate governance serves a number of
public policy objectives. It reduces vulnerability of the financial crises,
reinforces property rights; reduces transaction cost and cost of capital and leads
to capital market development. Corporate governance concerns the relationship
among the management, board of directors, controlling shareholders, minority
shareholders and other stakeholders.
The better corporate governance leads to better firm performance by
protecting the rights of outside investors from the expropriation of controlling
shareholders. In Pakistan, with traditionally low dispersion of ownership, the
primary methods to solve agency problems are the legal protection of minority
investors, the use of boards as monitors of senior management, and an active
market for corporate control. In contrast to developed markets in Pakistan
corporate governance is characterised by lesser reliance on capital markets and
outside investors, but stronger reliance on large inside investors and financial
institutions to achieve efficiency in the corporate sector. In this case, outside
(smaller) investors face the risk of expropriation in the form of wealth transfers
to larger shareholders.
The main focus of this chapter is to examine the relationship between
corporate governance and firm performance for publicly listed Karachi Stock
Exchange (KSE) firms. In the firm level corporate governance characteristics we
considered board composition and effectiveness, ownership and shareholding
rights, auditing, transparency and disclosure quality. They are summarised in an
aggregate corporate governance index (CGI) which is computed as sum of three
indices. It is only investigated whether corporate governance broadly defined
affect firm performance, but identify whether some corporate governance factors
are more important than other corporate governance indices and firm value
which is measured by Tobin Q, ROA and ROE with corporate governance
practices adopted by these firms.
This study extends our earlier work [Javid and Iqbal (2007)] in several
ways: by updating the data, adding more variables and using panel data
estimation technique. It contributes to the emerging literature in Pakistan
relating indices of corporate governance to firm level performance which is
measured by Tobin Q (which is market performance measure and captures
market penetration) and return on assets and return on equity (accounting
the Japanese case. The continental European corporate governance systems are
significantly different in some respects from the market-oriented Anglo-
American model. Each European country has its own distinct laws, institutions
and norms. Corporate governance in Germany and Japan are often compared
since both have relied heavily on relationship banking and monitoring by major
bank creditors, in contrast to the greater reliance on capital market finance in the
US and UK”, Patrick (2001).
“In recent years, there has been significant effort to understand the
agency conflicts among the different agents related to the firm and the
effectiveness of the internal and external control mechanisms in inducing
managerial value-enhancing actions. These controls traditionally have been
classified as internal or external. A recent group of studies in the area of
corporate governance recognise the possible existence of interactions among the
different control mechanisms. In this sense, Williamson (1983) states the
substitution hypothesis between internal and external control mechanisms,
according to that, when the takeover market is weak, as in the case of the
Spanish market, there is a greater role for internal control mechanisms. The
alternative control mechanisms are grouped forming the corporate governance
system. Traditionally these systems have been classified as external (market
oriented) and internal (network oriented). The external systems, dominant in
Anglo-Saxon economies, are based on the control exerted by the markets. These
systems are characterised by the existence of a highly developed and liquid
capital market, with a high amount of listed companies.
The Spanish economy is characterised by a low proportion of listed
companies compared to the US or the UK. Moreover, the stock ownership is
highly concentrated in the hands of non-financial companies, financial
institutions and families. This lower development of the financial markets and
the stability and concentration of stock ownership suggests that the Spanish
corporate governance system is an internal one based on the board of directors
and the supervisory role of large shareholders”, Fernandez and Arrondo
There is a large of body of empirical research that has assessed the impact
of corporate governance on firm performance for the developed markets
[Anderson and Reeb (2004); Bahjat and Black (1999, 2001); Black, et al.
(2003); Bradley (2004); Drobetz, et al. (2004); Durnev and Kim (2005); Roe, et
al. (1996); Gompers, et al. (2003) and numerous others]. These studies have
shown that good governance practices have led the significant increase in the
economic value added of firms, higher productivity and lower risk of systematic
financial failure for countries. The studies by Shleifer and Vishny (1997) and
Hermalin and Weisbach (2003) provide an excellent literature review in this
area. It has now become an important area of research in emerging markets as
well [Klapper and Love (2003); Javid and Iqbal (2006) and Mir and Nishat
There are some empirical studies that analyse the impact of different
corporate governance practices in the cross-section of countries. A noteworthy
study in this regard is done by Mitton (2001) find the firm-level differences in
variables are related to corporate governance has strong impact on firm
performance during East Asian Crisis in Korean, Malaysian, Indonesian,
Philippines and Thailand. The results suggests that better price performance is
associated with firms that have indicators of higher disclosure quality, with
firms that have higher outside ownership concentration and with firms that are
focused rather than diversified.
Most of the empirical work for exploring possible relationship between
corporate governance and firm performance is done for developed markets. For
US Firms a broad measure of Corporate Governance Gov-Score is prepared by
Brown and Caylor (2004) and their findings indicate that better governed firms
are relatively more profitable, more valuable and pay more cash to their
shareholders. Gompers, et al. (2003) show that firms with stronger shareholders
rights have higher firm value, higher profits, higher sales growth, lowest capital
expenditures, and made fewer corporate acquisitions.
It is expected that limiting board size is to improve firm performance
because the benefits by larger boards of increased monitoring are outweighed by
the poorer communication and decision-making of larger groups [Lipton and
Lorsch (1992) and Jensen (1993)]. The study by Yermack (1996) provides an
inverse relation between board size and profitability, asset utilisation, and
Tobin’s Q which conform this hypothesis. Anderson, et al. (2004) come to
conclusion that the cost of debt is lower for larger boards, because creditors
believe these firms are having more effective monitors of their financial
accounting processes. Brown and Caylor (2004) find that firms with board sizes
of between six and 15 have higher returns on equity and higher net profit
margins than do firms with other board sizes.
The relation between the proportion of outside directors, a proxy for
board independence, and firm performance is inconclusive. Fosberg (1989),
Weisbach (1991) and Bhagat and Black (2002) find no relation between the
proportion of outsider directors and various performance measures. Baysinger
and Butler (1985) and Rosenstein and Wyatt (1990) on the other hand show that
the market rewards firms for appointing outside directors; Brickley, et al. (1994)
find a positive relation between the proportion of outsider directors and the stock
market reaction to poison pill adoptions; and Anderson et al. (2004) show that
the cost of debt, as proxied by bond yield spreads, is inversely related to board
independence. The studies that using financial statement data and Tobin’s Q find
no link between board independence and firm performance, while those using
stock returns data or bond yield data find a positive link [Hermalin and
Weisbach (1991) and Bhagat and Black (2002)]. Brown and Caylor (2004) do
not find Tobin’s Q to increase in board independence, but they do find that firms
with independent boards have higher returns on equity, higher profit margins,
larger dividend yields, and larger stock repurchases, suggesting that board
independence is associated with other important measures of firm performance
aside from Tobin’s Q.
The evidence on the association between audit-related governance factors
and firm performance is mixed. Brown and Caylor (2004) show that
independent audit committees are positively related to dividend yield, but not to
operating performance or firm valuation. Klein (2002) documents a negative
relation between earnings management and audit committee independence, and
Anderson, et al. (2004) find that entirely independent audit committees have
lower debt financing costs.
The separation of CEO and chairman affects firms’ performance because
the agency problems are higher when the same person holds both positions.
Yermack (1996) shows that firms are more valuable, when the CEO and board
chair positions are separated. Core, et al. (1999) finds that CEO compensation is
lower when the CEO and board chair positions are separate. Brown and Caylor
(2004) conclude that firms are more valuable when the CEO and board chair
positions are separate.
In past few years corporate governance has become an important area of
research in Pakistan. Mir and Nishat (2004); Shaheen and Nishat (2004)
empirically test the link between corporate governance structure and firm
performance for Pakistan using one year cross firm data and find a positive
relation between governance and firm performance measures. Javid and Iqbal
use panel data analysis and document a positive and significant association
between the quality of firm-level corporate governance and firm performance
for the period 2003 to 2006.
There is an increasing interest in analysing affect of corporate governance
on stock market in Pakistan but many issues in this area are uncovered. In
particular, the firm-level corporate governance rating and its affect on the
valuation of the firm, which is central issue of this area needs in depth research.
It is in this perspective this chapter aims to make contribution in the literature on
corporate governance.
4.3.1. Data
To asses the relationship corporate governance and firm valuation at firm
level, data of 60 non-financial firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange is used.11
The data set is obtained from the annual reports of these firms for the year 2003
to 2008. Data on rule of law has been taken from World Bank governance
List of companies is provided in Appendix Table A1.
indicators. The ranking of rule of law as ranging from 0 to 1 for Pakistan is 0.34
as average of five years. That indicates very poor legal environment for Pakistan
in term of enforcement of law. 12
The Corporate Governance index and sub-indices are developed in
Chapter 3. The size is defined as natural logarithm of total asset and growth of
sales is taken as investment opportunities. The leverage is defined as ratio of
book value of long term debt to book value of total asset. The data of all these
variables are obtained from the annual reports of the listed firms in the sample.
The panel data models are used and GMM is adopted as estimation technique
discussed in Chapter 3.
Where Prefi is performance measure Tobin’s, D/Pi , ROA i and ROEi are used to
measure firm performance, CGIi is a vector of corporate governance index, Invi
is investment opportunities measured by the past growth in sales, Lw i is rule of
law that is used for the proxy of enforcement of law, and Sizei is measured by
the log of total asset. εi is random error term. It is expected that firms that are
adopting better governance practices with better investment opportunities and
larger is size should have higher valuation.
In exploring that good corporate governance cause higher firm valuation,
an important issue is endogenity [Black, et al. (2003) and others ]. The firms
with higher market value would be more likely to choose better governance
structure because the firm’s insiders believe that better governance structure will
Although as Pakistan belongs to common law countries legal origin. In view of La Porta,
et al. (1997) common law countries provide strong investor protection in term of law on books. The
ranking of rule of law indicate the fact that enforcement of law is very low against high ranking on
law on books.
La Porta, et al. (2002) show that firm value is positively associated with the rights of
minority shareholders. Daines (2001) finds that firms incorporated in Delaware have higher
valuations than other U.S. firms.
As indicated by the ranking of rule of law by World Bank.
further raise firm value. In addition, the firms adopt good governance to signal
that insiders are doing well to raise the firm value. A growing firm with large
need of external financing has more incentive to adopt better governance
practices in an attempt to lower cost of capital [Klapper and Love (2003) and
Gompers, et al. (2003)]. These investment opportunities are reflected in the
valuation of the firm, implying a positive association between governance and
firm performance. Therefore, in estimating governance-performance relation the
panel data estimation technique is used to control for endogenity.
To deal with issue a set of control variables is included following Kaplan
and Zingales, (1997); Black, et al., (2003) and Klein, et al. (2005). The firm
performance is regressed on corporate governance indices and other control
variables. Along with three governance indices, board, shareholdings and
disclosure, a set of control variables which include size (ln assets), leverage
(debt/total asset ratio) and investment opportunities (growth rate of sales) are
used in estimation. Firm size and investment opportunities control for potential
advantages of scale and scope, market power and market opportunities. The
leverage controls for different risk characteristics of firm.
practice. The firm size has positive and significant association with firm
performance. The leverage is positively and significantly related to firm
performance. The interaction terms of legal environment with corporate
governance show positive and insignificant relationship with Tobin Q which
suggests that in legal environment which is less investor friendly firm specific
factors matters more in choice of corporate governance practices.
The results based on total corporate governance suggest that corporate
governance does matter in Pakistani stock market. However these findings do
not fully reveal the importance of each category of corporate governance to firm
performance. The results regarding relationship of firm value with three sub-
indices and all control variables. These results indicate that two sub-indices
except disclosure have positive and some significant impact on firm
performance. The board composition and ownership and shareholdings have
some significant influence on firm performance. However investors are not
willing to pay a premium for companies that are engaged in open and full
disclosure. The results based on sub-indices reveal importance of board
composition, ownership and shareholdings with firm performance and this
evidence is also supported by other studies [Klein, et al. (2005)].
The board composition index has a positive and statistically significant
effect on firm performance and when entered in model with other sub-indices it
remains positive but become insignificant but coefficient of determination has
improved. This past evidence generally failed to find any clear relation between
board composition and firm performance. The survey of literature concludes that
the evidence on this matter is ambiguous [Bahjat and Black (1999, 2000) and
Hermalian and Weisbach (2003)]. The ownership and shareholdings sub-index
has a positive effect on Tobin Q when it is entered into model alone however,
when include with other sub-indices but this effect is turned insignificant. These
results show that most of the firms have ownership with dominant block holder
or have ownership concentration and in block holder firm board independence is
not associated with good performance. The assumption of agency theory does
not fully apply to these firms where the alignment of ownership and control is
tighter thus suggesting the need of outside directors on the board of these firms.
As control variables are included specification of model improves.
The results of firm performance including control variables are also
consistent with prior research. The coefficient of size is positive and significant in
most of the cases. This shows that the listed firms that are likely to grow faster
usually have more intangible assets and they adopt better corporate governance
practices. The coefficient of investment opportunities is significant and positive
because higher growth opportunities are associated with higher firm valuation.
The coefficient of leverage is positive and significant, is consistent with the
prediction of standard theory of capital structure which says that higher leverage
increase firm’s value due to the interest tax-shield [Rajan and Zingales (1998)].
The interaction terms of legal environment with corporate governance sub indices
show positive and insignificant relationship with firm performance indicating that
in weak legal regime the firm chose to adopt better governance practices.
Table 4.1
Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance (Tobin Q)
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
CGI 0.03**
Board 0.01* 0.02*
(5.04) (2.06)
Share1 0.04** 0.01
(3.14) (1.41)
DIS 0.04 0.01
(0.18) (0.18)
INV 0.03** 0.02* 0.003* 0.003 0.002*
(1.98) (2.04) (3.51) (2.36) (2.15)
SIZE 0.05* 0.04* 0.04* 0.05* 0.04*
(5.27) (4.46) (3.85) (4.20) (3.05)
Lev 0.06* 0.06* 0.04* 0.06 0.06*
(3.70) (4.00) (2.16) (4.06) (2.09)
LAW*CGI 0.003 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.001
(0.06) (0.71) (0.91) (0.99) (0.01)
Constant –0.07 –0.15 0.04 –0.15 –0.06
(–0.37) (–0.23) (0.18) (–0.79) (–0.80)
R2 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-stat istics.
Table 4.2
Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance (ROA)
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
CGI 0.39**
Board 0.13* 0.21**
(2.00) (1.84)
Share1 0.01 0.13***
(1.23) (1.52)
DIS 0.23* 0.06
(2.71) (1.26)
INV 0.02** 0.02*** 0.01** 0.03* 0.0***
(1.39) (1.46) (1.32) (2.36) (1.38)
SIZE 0.26* 0.29* 0.27* 0.28* 0.28***
(6.62) (6.29) (5.26) (2.85) (1.69)
Lev 0.33* 0.33* 0.33* 0.31* 0.06*
(5.31) (4.26) (3.26) (4.88) (2.09)
LAW*CGI –0.11 –0.42* –0.03 0.44* –0.10
(–0.51) (–1.11) (–0.08) (1.26) (0.46)
Constant 0.26 0.22 0.31 0.71 –0.06
(0.33) (0.29) (0.40) (0.91) (–0.80)
R2 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.31
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 4.3
Evidence on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance (D/P)
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
CGI 0.01**
Board 0.02* 0.01
(2.06) (1.13)
Share1 0.01 0.01
(1.41) (1.37)
DIS 0.01* 0.02
(2.44) (0.51)
INV 0.22** 0.22** 0.17*** 0.12*** 0.01**
(1.96) (1.88) (1.65) (1.59) (1.84)
SIZE 0.03* 0.04*** 0.02*** 0.02 0.01*
(2.02) (1.38) (1.40) (0.91) (2.05)
Lev 0.02** 0.06* 0.03** 0.01** 0.02*
(1.90) (2.02) (1.83) (1.84) (2.72)
LAW*CGI 0.16 0.26 0.04 0.05 0.13
(0.81) (1.17) (1.02) (1.21) (1.11)
Constant –0.62 –2.13 –0.77 –0.80 1.65
(–0.71) (–1.50) (–0.81) (–0.38) (0.94)
R2 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.31
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
5.1. Introduction
The nature of relation between the ownership structure and corporate
governance structure has been the core issue in the corporate governance
literature. From a firms’ perspective, ownership structure determines the firms’
profitability, enjoyed by different stake-holders. In particular, ownership
structure is an incentive device for reducing the agency costs associated with the
separation of ownership and management, which can be used to protect property
rights of the firm [Barbosa and Louri (2002)]. With the development of
Some authors find a relationship between ownership concentration and firm value or firm
performance, other find no significant relationship, no conclusion can be drawn about the real effect
of ownership concentration.
Pyramids are a particular form of inter-firm shareholding arrangement in which firm A
holds a stake in firm B, which holds a stake in firm C. The distinguishing characteristic of pyramid
arrangement is that firm A is attempting to exercise control over firm C while minimising its
financial investment in firm C, either directly or indirectly.
It occur when a firm’s employee sits on other firm’s board, and that firm’s employee sits
on the first firm’s board. These employees are generally the CEO or another person high in
management of their respective firms.
Cross-holding means company Y directly or indirectly controls its own stock.
large family shareholders can have on firm value can be even greater when
family members hold executive positions in the firm. The choice of a family
member as CEO can have a significant impact if the individual does not have the
talent, expertise or competency to run the business and may lack have labour
market. The opportunity cost created by a suboptimal appointment will be
shared by all shareholders while the private benefits accrue entirely to the family
[Peres-Gonzalez (2001)]. Klein, et al. (2005) argue that differences in ownership
structures across countries may create differences in the governance-
performance relationship. Likewise, differences in the general environment (for
example, competition in product and capital markets, the efficiency of the
market for corporate control and managerial labour markets) may produce
different governance-performance relationship in different countries. Firms with
large undiversified owners such as founding families may forgo maximum
profits because they are unable to separate their financial preferences with those
of outside owners. Families also often limit executive management positions to
family members, suggesting a restricted labour pool from which to obtain
qualified and capable talent, potentially leading to competitive disadvantages
relative to non-family firms [Morck, et al. 2000)]. Maury (2006) finds that in
Western European Countries family control increase firm profitability, whereas
legal environment protect minority shareholders against family opportunism.
Ben-Amar and Andre (2005) find that a large proportion of Canadian public
companies have controlling shareholders (families) that often exercise control
over voting rights while holding a small fraction of cash flow rights. The long-
term nature of the founding-family ownership suggest that external bodies, such
as suppliers or providers of capital, are more likely to deal with the same
governing bodies and practices for longer periods in family firms than in non-
family firms. Thus, the family’s reputation is more likely to create longer-lasting
economic consequences for the firm relative to non-family firms where
managers and directors turn over on a relatively continuous basis [Anderson and
Reeb (2003)].
Since Berle and Mean (1932), the conflict between manager and
shareholders has been studied extensively by researchers seeking to understand
the nature of the firm. When shareholders are too diffused to monitor managers,
corporate assets can be used for the benefit of the managers rather than for
maximis ing shareholder wealth. Therefore a solution to this problem is to give
managers equity stake in the firm. Doing so will resolve the moral hazard
problem by aligning managerial interests with of shareholders [Himmelberg,
Hubbard, and Palia (1999)]. The capability of the managers to perform mutual
monitoring depends on the dispersion of managerial power, a mutual monitoring
system being more difficult to establish when there is a clear concentration of
power in the hands of a single manager. If a single member of the managerial
team clearly dominates the others, the rest of the managers could lack the power
or even the information to control the head of the organisation [Fernandez and
51 percent shareholding in Indian firms gives foreign investors unambiguous control over
assets and income partitioning. An over 51 percent stake has been assumed to imply not only
operational control, but also over decision-making.
Takeovers: if a firm is inefficiently operated, then there is scope for improved performance
if an outsider (or some of current shareholders) take over the firm, replaces its management, and
initiates a new business strategy [Yafeh (2000)].
Recent evidence highlights a substantial degree of ownership concentration including
family ownership in large firms around the world [Morck, et al. (2005); Burkart, et al. (2004)].
Cheema, et al. (2003) provide descriptive nature of ownership structure of Pakistan’
corporate sector while empirical studies on relationship between ownership and performance are on
their early stages.
List of sample firms is given in Appendix.
The idea behind 10 percent of the shares is that the passage of special resolution under the
Pakistan Companies ordinance of 1984, as a result of which alteration in a firm’s activities can be made
only by the 75 percent majority vote of shareholders in favour of such resolution. Only 10 percent class
of shareholders have the ability to block the members’ special resolutions that are necessary to make
significant changes. Moreover, disclosure of the aggregate of shareholding, restriction on the sale of
shares to public are all associated with more than 10 percent holding of shares.
to India where no foreign investor hold more than 51 percent equity stakes of a
firm. Financial Institutions/Banks Ownership 25 is defined as financial
institutions in our sample represent legal minority shareholder (holding at least
10 percent of share holders on average).26 The GMM estimation technique is
applied on panel data as discussed in Chapter 3.
Under the financial institutions ordnance, 2001 “Financial Institution” are defined as; (i)
any company whether incorporated within or outside Pakistan which transacts the business of banking or
any associated or ancillary business in Pakistan through its branches within or outside Pakistan and
includes a government savings bank, but excludes the State Bank of Pakistan; (ii) a modaraba or
modaraba management company, leasing company, investment bank, venture capital company, financing
company, unit trust or mutual fund of any kind and credit or investment institution, corporation or
company; and (iii) any company authorised by law to carry on any similar business, as the Federal
Government may by notification in the official Gazette, specify (The Financial Institutions
Ordinance, 2001,XLVI of 2001).
The Company Ordinance, 1984 and the Code of Corporate Governance do not recognise
minority shareholders with a shareholding below 10 percent. The minimum threshold for seeking
remedy from the Court against mismanagement and oppression requires initiation of the company by
no less than 20 percent of the shareholders. Shareholders representing 10 percent can apply to SECP
for appointment for inspector for investigation into the affairs of the company. See section 263 and
290 of the Company Ordenence,1984.
the past growth in sales, Lwi is rule of law that is used for the proxy of enforcement
of law, and Sizei is measured by the log of total asset. εit is random error term.
It is expected that shareholders with greater cash flow rights practice
lower quality corporate governance. The negative relationship between
ownership and quality of corporate governance is stronger is stronger in weak
legal regime [Durnev and Kim (2006); La Porta, et al. (1998). The owner
shareholders of the firm with more profitable investment opportunities divert
less for outside shareholders gain and practice high quality governance [Durnev
and Kim (2006); Johnson, et al. (2000)]. The firm level variables, we control the
firm size and we expect an inverse relationship between Sizei and Owni due the
risk neutral and risk averting effects because the market value of a given stake of
ownership is greater in larger firm, this higher price should reduce the degree of
concentration. At the same time risk aversion should discourage any attempt to
preserve the concentration of ownership in face of larger capital because this
would require the owners to allocate more of their wealth to single venture
[Domsetz and Lehn (1985)]. Following La Porta, et al. (1998) the ownership
concentration of the firm is related to legal environment of the country, the rule
of law index as a proxy for the efficiency of the legal environment is used. We
expect to find negative relationship between ownership concentration and rule of
law because in countries like Pakistan with poor investor protection ownership
concentration might become a substitute for legal protection as shareholders
may need to own more capital in order to exercise control.
Perfi = β 0 + ∑ θ Own
j ijt + β1 Invi + β3 Sizei + β 4 Lwi * Invi + β 5 Lwi * Owni + ε it (5.3)
Where Ownijt is the percentage of share held by owner of type j of firm i at time
t. Fur ownership variables are included to see the impact of different categories
of ownerships: family ownership (Fam), the managerial shareholding (Dir),
financial institution shareholding (Fin) and foreign investor’s shareholding
(Fore).Other variables are the same as used in model (5.1) and (5.2).
Table 5.2.1
Relation between Tobin Q and Ownership by Top Five Shareholders
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Owni 0.04* 0.06* 0.09* 0.03** 0.10* 0.07** 0.05 0.10*
(1.98) (1.95) (3.38) (1.86) (2.36) (1.67) (1.58) (2.36)
CGIi 0.05** 0.05
(1.85) (0.28)
Board 0.04* 0.01* 0.04* 0.09*
(3.15) (5.68) (3.33) (5.30)
Disci 0.05* 0.01** 0.05* 0.06
(2.57) (1.86) (2.80) (0.27)
Inv 0.06** 0.05** 0.04** 0.01** 0.12 0.05** 0.01** 0.09** 0.11**
(1.66) * (1.54) (1.76) (1.97) * (1.84) (1.75) (1.94)
(1.55)) (1.42)
Size – – – 0.04 – –0.03 – 0.04** –
0.03** 0.02** 0.02** (.–2.90) 0.02** (–2.51) 0.04** (–3.04) 0.12**
(–2.41) (–1.86) (–1.84) (–1.78) (–1.78) (–1.81)
Lev 0.08** 0.09** 0.10** 0.07** 0.08** 0.08 0.04 0.08** 0.09
(1.61) (1.77) (1.78) * (1.70) (5.22) (1.71) * (1.71)
(1.36) (1.49)
Law*CGIi –0.10 0.05* 0.01 0.04*
(–0.17) (5.03) (1.05) (4.12)
Intercept 0.59 0.19 0.19 0.91 –0.02 0.21 0.08 0.53 –0.01
(3.07) (0.66) (0.65) (4.27) (–0.01) (0.86) (0.28) (2.07) (–0.05)
R Square 31 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.33
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 5.2.2
Relation between ROA and Ownership by Top Five Shareholders
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Owni 0.04* 0.04* 0.03* 0.03** 0.03* 0.03 ** 0.03* 0.03** 0.03**
(2.14) (2.18) (2.17) (1.92) (1.84) (2.02) (2.04) (.1.78) (.1.79)
CGIi 0.12 0.03
(1.13) (0.03)
Board 0.13* 0.15* 0.13* 0.12**
(2.47) (2.26) (2.61) (1.77)
Disci 0.12** 0.18* 0.15** 0.15**
(1.60) (2.24) (1.74) (1.74)
Inv 0.13* 0.13* 0.13** 0.15* 0.15* 0.13* 0.13* 0.14* 0.15*
(2.83) (2.04) (2.03) (3.31) (3.34) (2.84) (2.86) (3.303 (3.24)
Size 0.03 0.03** 0.03* 0.03* 0.03 0.03 0.03* 0.15 0.03
(5.63) (5.72) (5.71) (.6.13) (5.94) (5.26) (5.59) (5.80) (5.78)
Lev –0.05* –0.04* –0.05 –0.04** –0.04 –0.04 –0.04 –0.04* –0.04*
(–7.03) (–7.02) (–7.00) (–7.07) (–7.06) (–6.84) (–6.87) (–6.84) (–6.84)
Law*CGIi 0.26 –0.22 0.63** 0.12
(0.12) (–0.56) (1.92) (0.27)
Intercept –10.69 –20.81 –18.66 –19.63 –16.24 –1.82 –11.85 –10.19 –11.29
(–1.67) (–1.76) (–1.96) (–2.69) (–1.72) (–0.21) (–1.20) (–1.14) (–1.14)
R Square 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.33
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 5.3.1
Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity
Fam 0.18* 0.16* 0.22* 0.12** 0.21* 0.17* 0.31* 0.08* 0.05*
(3.09) (2.57) (3.41) (2.27) (2.01) (1.98) (1.95) (1.88) (1.77)
Fore 0.02** 0.02** 0.02* 0.25 0.13** 0.04** 0.11*** 0.04*** 0.01
(1.63) (1.74) (2.04) (1.41) (1.86) (1.77) (1.67) (1.82) (1.73)
Fin 0.17 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.11 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.12
(1.00) (0.44) (1.13) (1.33) (0.44) (1.04 (0.51) (0.51) (0.97)
CGIi 0.19 ** 0.15** 0.21***
(1.98) (1.89) (1.73)
Disci 0.18** 0.02** 0.01***
(1.66) (1.74) (1.54)
Inv 0.06** 0.06** 0.05** 0.02 0.02* 0.01* 0.001 0.02* 0.01**
(1.62) (1.74) (1.66) (1.40) (1.91) (1.89) (0.95) (1.98) (1.69)
Size 0.03 0.03 * 0.04* 0.33 0.21** 0.07** 0.92* 0.92* 0.432*
(4.12) (4.24) (4.31) (1.83) (1.84) (2.01) (2.72) (2.72) (1.98)
Lev 0.01 0.01 0.02***
(1.01) (1.03) (1.57)
Law*CGIi 0.29 0.49 –0.12 0.01 0.004 0.02 0.11
(0.08) (0.15) (1.04) (1.11) (0.88) (1.06) (0.49)
Intercept 0.26 0.14 0.19 –0.77 –0.80 –0.54 1.65 –2.15 –1.11
(2.93) (0.97) (1.29) (–0.81) (–0.38) (–1.55) (0.94) (–2.31) (–2.24)
R2 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 5.3.2
Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity
Dir 0.26* 0.20* 0.30* 0.17** 0.19** 0.20* 0.18** 0.18** 0.19**
(3.85) (3.37) (4.16) (1.95) (1.87) (2.00) (1.97) (1.89) (1.96)
Fore 0.20** 0.21** 0.10 0.09** 0.08** 0.07** 0.10** 0.11** 0.10*/
(1.87) (1.92) (1.74) (1.74) (1.87) (1.77) (1.89) (1.87) (1.74)
Fin 0.10 0.09 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.10 0.11
(0.90) (0.96) (0.44) (1.01) (0.42) (0.63) (0.59) (0.87) (0.67)
CGIi 0.01 0.01 0.01
(1.24) (1.13) (1.11)
Disci 0.52* 0.49 0.41*
(3.55) (2.65) (2.04)
Inv 0.06** 0.06** 0.05** 0.03** 0.02** 0.02* 0.02*** 0.03*** 0.02**
(1.72) (1.73) (1.67) (1.66) (1.69) (1.67) (1.61) (1.63) (1.60)
Size 0.31* 0.31* 0.33* 0.29* 0.27* 0.27* 0.30* 0.28* 0.28*
(3.99) (4.02) (4.13) (2.87) (3.01) (3.00) (2.66) (2.97) (2.88)
Lev 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.10
(0.90) (0.92) (1.47) (0.87) (1.02) (1.10) (0.86) (0.90) (1.11)
Law*CGI i 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
(0.16) (0.26) (0.23) (0.25) (0.20) (0.21)
Intercept 0.23 0.15 0.20 0.23 0.16 0.21 0.24 0.14 0.25
(3.11) (1.20) (1.60) (2.12) (1.23) (1.45) (2.02) (1.12) (1.49)
R2 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 5.3.3
Evidence on Performance and Ownership Identity
. Tobin Q ROA ROE
Fore 0.25* 0.14* 0.14 0.20* 0.10* 0.11 0.21* 0.13* 0.12*
Fii 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.16 0.03 0.02 0.14
Inv 0.06** 0.09* 0.09* 0.10** 0.07* 0.07* 0.11** 0.08* 0.08*
Size 0.08** 0.01 –0.01 0.38** 0.01 –0.01 0.38** 0.01 –0.01
Lev 0.02 0.06* 0.06* 0.02*** 0.04* 0.05* 0.02 0.05* 0.05*
(1.00) (2.42) (2.51) (1.54) (2.39) (2.44) (1.33) (2.23) (2.41)
Intercept 0.62 0.44 0.39 0.60 0.45 0.37 0.60 0.41 0.35
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
Table 5.4
Evidence on Performance and Manager-Ownership
Dir 0.46** 0.24* 0.11** 0.12** 0.21* 0.27* 0.33* 0.08* 0.05*
(3.20) (1.88) (1.97) (2.27) (2.01) (2.08) (1.95) (2.11) (1.98)
CGIi 0.11** 0.04** 0.11***
(1.74) (1.89) (1.84)
Disci 0.01* 0.02** 0.01***
(1.96) (1.74) (1.63)
Inv 0.01* 0.03*** 0.02** 0.02*** 0.02* 0.01* 0.01 0.02* 0.04**
(1.98) (1.77) (1.82) (1.64) (1.91) (1.89) (0.95) (1.98) (1.69)
Size 0.04 0.27* 0.13** 0.04 0.21** 0.10** 0.25* 0.03* 0.02*
(0.90) (2.02) (1.82) (1.83) (1.84) (2.01) (2.72) (2.72) (1.98)
Law*CGIi 0.02 0.001 –0.12 0.01 0.004 0.02 0.11
(0.97) (1.02) (1.04) (1.11) (0.88) (1.06) (0.49)
Intercept –0.62 –2.13 –2.77 –0.77 –0.80 –0.54 1.65 –2.15 –1.11
(–0.71) (–1.50) (–2.01) (–0.81) (–0.38) (–1.55) (0.94) (–2.31) (–2.24)
R2 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.30
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
6.1. Introduction
Corporate governance is a mechanism in which the supplier of finance to
corporations assures themselves of getting return on their investment. It makes
supplier of finance get manager to return some of the profits to them, and make
sure that managers do not use for their interest the capital they supply or invest it
in unprofitable projects, above all how do the supplier of finance control
managers [Shleifer and Vishny (1997)]. The enterprises need finance for
investment and acquire it either by internally generated finance or externally
generated finance, which are closely related to the ownership structure, financial
market development and enforcement of law of a country. In companies with
foreign owners have an advantage in their access to external finance as compare
to domestically owned companies because their financial resources coming from
The access to external finance is an important factor to determine the
ability of a firm to operate and expand. The economic researchers have studied
how various macroeconomic and microeconomic factors influence such access;
for example, the empirical literature shows that the need of external finance
depends on the macroeconomic environment because the availability of external
financing varies with the change in the business cycle conditions and change in
monetary policy in particular. This credit channel research argues that corporate
access to credit is the principal mechanism linking monetary policy and the real
economy [Kashyap, et al. (1993, 1995) and Oliner and Rudebusch (1996a,
1996b). At the micro level, research has shown that characteristics specific to a
firm influence the degree to which macroeconomic changes affect its access to
external financing; specifically, firms that are more vulnerable financially—such
as smaller, younger, riskier, and more indebted firms —are found to be more
affected by tighter monetary policy [Atanasova and Wilson (2004) and
Bougheas, et al. (2006)].
This is conformed by empirical evidence that firms with high dependence
on external finance grow faster in countries where external finance is readily
available [Pistor, et al. (2003) and La Porta, et al. (1999)]. Corporations with
limited access to external resources may still operate in the informal sector and
at a reduced scale in under developed countries [Pistor, et al. (2003); Rajan and
Zingler (1998); Livine and Zervos (1998)]. La Porta, et al. (1999) argue that in
countries where legal environment provides protective to the rights of outside
investors, investors are willing to finance firms by equity and debt and financial
markets become expanded and valuable. On the other hand in countries where
legal environment is weak investors’ rights are not protected the financial
markets remains under-developed.
Many studies show that to promote economic growth attention has shifted
to the capital markets due to the limited conventional sources of raising finance.
In capital markets, corporate governance plays important role in determining
external financing sources provided by outside investors. Corporate governance
institutions appear to be weaker in developing than in developed countries and
thus provide less of a check on managers in developing countries who wish to
issue equity to finance low return investments. Managers who wish to undertake
low return investments in countries with strong corporate governance systems
accordingly prefer to rely on internal cash flows to finance these investments,
managers making similar investments in countries with weak corporate
governance systems are freer to use the equity market as a source of finance
[Pistor, et al. (2003)]. Thus, differences in corporate governance structures will
be seen to explain both differences in the sources of finance for investment
across countries and differences in the returns on investment [Gompers, et al.
(2003)]. Corporate governance has recently received much attention for this
purpose the impact of corporate governance practices on access to external
financing is investigated in case of Pakistan.
This empirical analyses is extension of our earlier study [Javid and Iqbal
(2007)] which identify the determinants of external finance resources The firm
with profitable investment opportunities lead to more diversification due to need
of more external financing. The firms with greater external financing reliance
are better performing firms. This study contributes to existing literature by
exploring the firms which rely more on external finances have higher value. In
addition in this study panel data estimation technique is applied. To establish the
empirical framework on the basis of theory which suggests that with better legal
environment of country investors are more willing to provide external funds
debt and equity, the rule of law is used as indicator of enforcement of law in
Pakistan. The effects of ownership is captured by focusing only on the
concentration of ownership in the hand of top five shareholders and this
restriction is in line with the previous literature that reveal the fact that in
countries like Pakistan with weak governance practices, it is efficient for the
corporations to retain control of their firms in hand of few investors .27
The rest of this chapter is organised as follows. Section 2 of the chapter
presents review of the literature. Section 3 describes the data and methodology.
Section 4 presents empirical finding. Section 5 concludes the chapter.
See Jensen and Meckling (1977), Zingales (1995), Bebchuk (1999).
finance. While this may be the general pattern, or at least the stereotype, there
are considerable national and firm-specific variations in the nature and degree of
separation of ownership and control, and some large firms remain under
inherited family control. And of course there are always new firms which have
grown rapidly and remain under founder control”, Patrick (2001).
A large body of empirical literature suggests that financial market
underdevelopment and limited availability of bank credit is serious barrier for
the establishment of new enterprises and constraint to economic growth.28 The
literature on law and finance shows that investor protection plays an important
role in shaping the financial structure of an economy, by affecting the relative
importance of equity and debt financing [La Porta, et al. (1999)].
In the view of Patrick (2001) the sources of corporate governance change
and improvement lie not only within the firm, but particularly in the financial
markets, where lenders, bondholders, and shareholders condition the cost and
availability of funds on good corporate governance and performance, supported
by government changes in relevant legal rules and their implementation,
including those of standards-setting organisations of accountants and other
“Under the agency view, managers over invest to reap private benefits
such as “perks”, large empires, and entrenchment. Since the external capital
market limits the extent to which managers can pursue self-interested
investment, an influx of cash flow enables the manager to invest more and
increases investment distortions. Under asymmetric information, the managers
themselves (who act in the interest of shareholders) restrict external financing in
order to avoid diluting the (undervalued) shares of their company. In this case,
cash flow increases investment, but reduces the distortion”, Malmendier and
Tate (2004).
In Hyytinen and Pajarinen (2005) study the relation between firm-level
disclosure quality and the availability of external finance to Finnish firms. They
estimate excess growth is made possible by external finance and the excess
growth is associated with the quality of disclosure which seems to be strongest
for financially constrained firms. Their empirical analysis identify the firms in
need for external finance voluntarily look for good disclosure quality, because it
reduces barriers to external finance.
Durnev and Kim (2006) in their study using firm-level governance and
transparency data on 859 firms in 27 countries, find that firms with greater
growth opportunities, greater needs for external financing, and more
concentrated cash flow rights practice higher-quality governance and disclose
more. Moreover, firms that score higher in governance and transparency
Rajan, and Zingales (1998), Levine (1999), Cetorelli, Nicola, and Philip Strahan (2006),
De Soto, Hernando (2000), Beck, Levine, and Loyaza (2000), Black, Sandra and Strahan (2002),
Beck, Demirguk-Kunt, and Levine (2005).
rankings are valued higher in the stock market. All these relations are stronger in
countries where investment environment is less investor friendly, demonstrating
that firms do adapt to poor legal environments to establish efficient governance
The findings of La Porta, et al. (1997, 1998) show that weak investor
protection limits excess to external finance. While De Soto (2000) suggests that
poor legal enforcement of corporate laws and unclear property rights limit
individuals' ability to commit contracts and thus their excess to external
resources. Shleifer and Wolfenzon (2002) argue that better transparency and
disclosure of information to the shareholders, and the enforcement of laws that
protect their rights, reduce the costs of external finance. Perotti and Volpin
(2007) provide evidence that better investor protection not only favour
competition and entry into the financial developed sector, it is also better for the
politically accountable countries. The paper also suggests that improving formal
investor protection laws while ignoring its enforcement may not improve access
to finance.
In view of Bekaert, Harvey, and Lundblad (2005) financial liberalisations
are most successful in countries with good political institutions. Bebchuk and
Neeman (2006) provide evidence that block-holders by using corporate
resources protect their control benefits and may undermine good corporate
governance. La Porta, et al. (1997, 1998) in their study conclude that differences
in the structure of laws and quality of their enforcement, such as legal origin of
their laws, play important role for the differences in financial development
among different countries. Empirical results of Beck and Levins (2005) also
show that legal origin 29 has very significant impact on firm’s abilities to raise
external finance. Their data indicate that firms in French Legal Countries face
higher obstacles in contracting for external finance than firms in other countries.
Firms in countries with common law face lower financial obstacle than firms in
civil law countries. Moreover their result also indicate that foreign-owned firms
and large firms face lower financing obstacles than domestic, or small firm,
whereas family owned firms particularly face high obstacle in raising external
finance. Countries with high GDP face lower obstacle in raising external finance
than countries with lower GDP.
González, Lopez, and Saurina (2007) examine access by Spanish firms to
external financing from bank and non-bank sources over the period from 1992 to
2002 and their results provide insights into the determinants of firms ’ borrowing
efforts in Spain and more broadly. For example, they find that Spanish firms are
quite dependent on short-term, non-bank financing, which is less sensitive to
firm characteristics than bank financing. Yet, short-term bank financing is
accessed more frequently during economic expansions, suggesting that firms
La Porta, et al. (1998) identify mainly two legal families around the world, common law
origin and civil law origin.
6.3.1. Data
To analyse determinant of external recourses, and linking access of
external finance with corporate governance, corporate and corporate valuation at
firm level, the data of 60 non-financial firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange
is used. Any direct measure of external finance is not available therefore;
following La Porta, et al. (1998), the ratio of the stock market capitalisation held
by minorities to sales is used as proxy for external finance for all 60 non-
financial firms. The financial variables are obtained from the annual reports of
the firms. The GMM estimation technique is applied to estimate panel data
model as discussed in Chapter 3.
As indicated by the ranking of rule of law by World Bank.
of their rights [La Porta, et al. (1998)]. In this study the significance of rule of law as
determinant of external financing is analysed. Since the influence of legal
environment across the firm is assessed, therefore it is introduced in interaction
terms. To test the hypothesis that the firms which are in need of greater external
finance practice higher level of corporate governance, following La Porta, et al.
(1997) and Pistor, et al. (2003) the empirical specification of the model becomes:
EFi = α + β1CGI i + β2Owni + β 3Invi + β 4Size + β 5Levi + β 6 Lwi *CGI i + εit (6.1)
Perfi = α + β1EFi + β 2CGI i + β3Invi + β4 Size + β5Levi + β6 Lwi * CGI i + εit (6.2)
Table 6.1
Determinants of External Financing through Equity
Independent Variables 1 2 3 4
CGI 1.27**
Dis 0.08** 0.56*
(1.67) (1.98)
Board 0.31 0.78
(0.30) (1.03)
Own –0.01*** 0.12*** 0.001** 0.04
(1.76) (1.53) (1.72) (1.32)
Inv 0.12* 0.03* 0.10*** 0.02***
(3.02) (3.09) (1.61) (1.56)
Size 0.14* 0.13* 0.13*** 0.12*
(3.30) (3.11) (1.52) (2.21)
Lev 0.11* 0.12* 0.11*** 0.03**
(3.50) (3.47) (1.36) (1.90)
Lw*CGI –0.03 –0.01 –0.03 0.20
(–0.90) (–1.07) (–1.49) (0.03)
Constant –0.50 –0.48 0.49 0.55
(–2.86). (–2.75) (–1.92) (–2.67)
R2 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.29
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
To investigate the relation between firm value and access to external financial
resources, the three performance measures Tobin’s Q, ROA and ROE. Performance
indicators are regressed on external finance, corporate governance and firm attributes:
investment opportunities, size and interaction of enforcement of law with external and
corporate governance and Table 6.2 presents the results. The firm that adopt better
governance practices and disclose more in order to access less costly financing sources
and these factors adds to their performance. Positive and significant coefficient of
aggregate governance score and disclosure score indicate this fact that firms with
higher-quality corporate governance and which are transparent are valued higher. In
general the firms that align the managers and shareholders interest and are transparent
are significantly valued by investors. These results are consistent with agency theory
which focuses on monitoring of managers whose interests are assumed to diverge from
those of other share holders. The study by Dernev and Kim (2006) also conclude that
firms in need of external finance follow high governance practices and high class
corporate governance is valued higher in case of US market. Investment opportunities
have positive and significant impact on corporate valuation in all the models. These
results confirm the predictions that firms with better investment opportunities have
higher valuation. The coefficient of size is positive and significant in most of the cases.
This shows that the large-sized firms that are likely to grow faster usually rely more on
external resources and they adopt better corporate governance practices. The results of
interaction term of rule of law with corporate governance and external financing do not
have any significant impact on the valuation of the firm. These results indicate that
legal framework is not providing relevant information regarding firm valuation in case
of Pakistan. However, these findings are consistent to some extent with the notion that
positive relationship is between access to external finance, governance and valuation is
stronger in weak legal regimes [La Porta, et al. (1997); Pistor, et al. (2003); Durnev
and Kim (2006)].
Table 6.2
Evidence on Firm Performance and Need of External Finance
EF i 0.10** 0.13* 0.11* 0.04** 0.03* 0.02* 0.04*** 0.11 0.12**
(1.87) (3.51) (2.87) (1.86) (1.93) (1.71) (1.57) (1.36) (1.58)
CGIi 0.23** 0.11** 0.03**
(1.94) (1.88) (1.97)
Disc i 0.04* 0.1 1** 0.01**
(2.00) (1.96) (1.87)
Inv 0.13** 0.23** 0.02** 0.09* 0.17*** 0.12*** 0.16** 0.04** 0.12
(1.77) (1.96) (1.88) (2.01) (1.65) (1.59) (1.54) (1.88) (0.05)
Size 0.09* 0.05* 0.15* 0.12 0.01** 0.03*** 0.09** 0.36** 0.12
(1.95) (2.21) (2.11) (1.69) (1.71) (1.59) (1.69) (1.97) (0.72)
Lev 0.01* 0.02** 0.03** 0.12** 0.10** 0.16** 0.12** 0.02** 0.07***
(1.78) (1.52) (1.87) (1.86) (1.74) (1.97) (1.75) (1.92) (1.54)
Law*CGIi –0.68 0.–70 0.92**
(–1.27) (–1.49) (–1.74)
Intercept –2.36 –0.24 –3.10 –0.57 –0.73 –0.80 0.87 –2.01 –1.65
(–1.47) (–2.50) (–1.87) (–1.22) (–2.43) (–2.38) (–1.98) (–3.54) (0.94)
R2 0.30 0.31 0.32 0..29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31
Note: The *, ** and *** indicates the significance levels at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent
respectively. Values in parenthesis are t-statistics.
The relationship between corporate governance variables has been widely
analysed for the developed markets but very little work has been done on how a
broad range of governance factors effect the corporate performance, corporate
ownership, and corporate access to external financing in thinly traded emerging
markets. In this study this gap is filled by analysing the relationship between
corporate governance and corporate valuation, its ownership structure and its
ability to access to external financing for the Karachi Stock Market. To measure
the firm-level governance we use a rating system to evaluate the stringency of a
set of governance practices and cover various governance categories: such as
board composition, ownership and shareholdings and transparency, disclosure
and auditing. The sample consists of 60 non-financial firms listed on Karachi
Stock Exchange and comprises more than 80 percent of market capitalisation at
Karachi Stock Market in 2007.
Sub-Index include (i) Board composition index, (ii) The ownership and shareholdings
Index, (iii) Disclosure and Transparency.
legal environment which is less investor friendly firm specific factors matters
more in choice of corporate governance practices.
In exploring the relationship between corporate governance and corporate
valuation, the firm performance is linked to corporate governance, investment
opportunities, firm size, and leverage and interaction term of law enforcement
with corporate governance. The results document a positive and significant
relation between the quality of firm-level corporate governance and firm
performance. The firm performance is measured by two market level measures:
Tobin Q and dividend payout ratio and two accounting measures: return on
assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). In general the ownership and
shareholders rights that align the managers and shareholders interest are
significantly valued by investors. This is also true for board composition and
independence index. Both these sub-indices have positive association with firm
performance. These results are consistent with agency theory which focuses on
monitoring of managers whose interests are assumed to diverge from those of
other shareholders. However, the assumptions of agency theory are not applied
to block holder owned firms. Most of the firms listed on KSE are family owned
or institution owned. In these firms the alignment of ownership and control is
tight and thus suggesting the need of outside directors on the board. However,
the results show that open and transparent disclosure mechanism that reduces
the information asymmetry have no affect on firm performance. This is due to
the reason that we have used the annual reports as data source and these reports
do not reveal all the information required for rating corporate governance.
The factors which determine the ownership concentration are explored,
and the results suggest that there is negative relationship between ownership
concentration and quality of corporate governance practices. The results reveal
that in Pakistan corporations has more concentration of ownership which is the
response of weak legal environment and this result validates the La Porta, et al.
(1997, 1998, 1999, 2000) findings. This result suggests that ownership
concentration is a response to poor legal protection [La Porta, et al. (1999)],
Durnev and Kim (2006)]. The leverage is not a significant determinant of
ownership concentration in all cases. The affect of profitable investment
opportunities .is always positive and significant in all our models, which shows
that more investment opportunities leads to more concentration of ownership
and when firm suffers from a substantial drop in profitable investment
opportunities, the controlling shareholders divert more corporate resources. The
impact size on concentration of ownership is negative indicating that ownership
concentration is significantly lower as the firm size expands.
The concentration of ownership seems to have positive effect on firms’
profitability and performance measures. Our results are consistent with several
empirical findings that document a positive and significant relationship between
ownership concentration and firm performance implying that ownership
concentration matters in determining firm’s value. There is negative association
performance. The fact that the firms with higher-quality corporate governance
practices and which are transparent; investors are more willing to provide
finance to them. These results are consistent with agency theory which focuses
on monitoring of managers whose interests are assumed to diverge from those of
other share holders and investor feel protected and expect to get returns of his
investment. The results investigating the relationship between corporate
governance and corporate ownership reveal that in Pakistan corporations has
more concentration of ownership which is the response of weak legal
environment and this result validates the La Porta, et al. (1997, 1998, 1999,
2000) findings. The concentration of ownership seems to have positive effect on
firms’ profitability and performance measures. There is negative association
between corporate governance practices and disclosures and transparency with
concentration of ownership. The identity of ownership matters more than the
concentration of ownership. The results indicate that firm specific factors
influence more in concentration of ownership. The findings reveal that more
investment opportunities provides greater opportunity to for ownership
concentration, however size has opposite effect and leads to delusion of
ownership. It results in diverse ownership to get wider access to funds and share
ownership. These results are consistent with studies Boubakri, et al. (2003).
The results show that Corporate Governance Code 2002 potentially
improves the governance and decision making process of firms listed at KSE.
Large shareholders still have a tight grip of companies. However the results
show that the firm level factors are more important indicate that adequate firm-
level governance standard can not replace the solidity of the firm. The
implication that the results suggests is that the low production and bad
management practices can not be covered with transparent disclosures and
transparency standards. Other implication that comes out from these findings
that pro-growth polices generate more profitable investment opportunities and
stimulate the external financing needs of the corporations. In Pakistan
corporations has more concentration of ownership which is the response of weak
legal environment. These results adds an important link to the explanation of the
consequences weak legal environment for external financing, corporate
valuation and corporate governance.
One can argue that a good corporate governance system should combine
some type of legal protection of both the rights of large investors and those of
small investors. Indeed, corporations in successful market economies, such as
the United States, Germany, and Japan, are governed through somewhat
different combinations of legal protection and concentrated ownership. In
Pakistan there is lack of mechanisms for legal protection of investors and
ownership concentration is substitute for this. The analysis suggests that the in
revising corporate governance regulations SECP should adapt the international
code of corporate governance according to the needs of Pakistani corporations.
Table A1
Description of Variables
Variable Symbol Definition
Firm Value Q Tobin Q defined as sum of the book value of long term
debt and market value of the equity divided by the
book value of the total asset. Source: Annual Reports
of Corporations.
Return on Assets ROA A performance measure. It is measured by operating
profit divided by the book value of total asset. Source:
Annual Reports of the Corporations.
Return on Equity ROE A performance measure. It is measured by operating
profit divided by the equity capital. Source: Annual
Reports of the Corporations.
External Equity Finance EF Market capitalisation of each firm multip ly with
percentage of shares that are not taken by the top three
shareholders. Source; Market capitalisation from
Business Recorder’s website:
(, percentage of shares are not
held by top three shareholder is from annual reports of
Investment Opportunities Inv Average Sales Growth. Source: Annual Reports of
Corporate Governance CGI Score of Corporate Governance Index. Source.
Disclosure Disc Disclosure and Transparency Scores. Source:
Shareholding and Ownership Share Shareholding and Ownership Scores.
Board Composition Board Board Composition Score.
Ownership Concentration Own Percentage of share ownership of first Five largest
shareholders. Source: Annual Reports of Corporations:
Annual Reports of Corporations.
Family Ownership Fam Percent Share held by Family: Annual Reports of
Director Ownership Dir Percent Share held by Directors: Annual Reports of
Foreign Ownership Fore Percent Share held by Foreign: Annual Reports of
Financial Institution Ownership Fin Percent Share held by Family: Annual Reports of
Percent Share held by Financial Institution ICP, NIT:
Annual Reports of Corporations.
Size of the Firm Size Ln(Assets). Source: Annual Reports of Corporations.
Law Lw Rule of Law. Source: World Bank.
Profit Pr Net income/total assets. Source: Annual Reports of
Leverage Lev Book value of Long-term Debt/Book value of total
asset. Source: Annual Reports of Corporations.
Table A2
List of Companies Included in the Sample
Name of Company Symbol Sector
Abbot Pakistan ABBOT Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Aruj Garments ARUJ Textile Composite
Agriauto Industries Ltd. AGIL Engineering and Allied
Al-Ghazi Tractors AGTL Auto and Allied
Azam Textiles AZTL Textile Composite
Ayesha Textile AYTL Textile Composite
Brother Textiles Ltd. BRTL Textile Composite
Bata Pakistan BATA Leather and Allied
Cherat Cement CHCC Cement
Crescent Textile Mills CRTM Textile Composite
Crescent Steel CSAP Engineering
Dadabhoy Cement DBYC Cement
Dar Es Salaam Sugar DSSL Sugar and Allied
Din Motors DEEN Auto and Allied
Fuji Fertili ser Bin Qasim FFCL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Dawod Hericules DHML Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Engro Chemical Pakistan ENGRO Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Faisal Spinning FASM Textile Spinning
Emco Industries Ltd. EMIL Glass and Allied
Fauji Fertili ser FFCL Fertiliser
Fateh Textile FTHM Textile Composite
Ferozson L td. FZML Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Ellcot Spinning Mills ESML Textile Spinning
Gul Ahmed Textile GULT Textile Composite
Honda Atlas HONDA Auto and Allied
Hub Power Co. HUBC Power Generation & Distribution
I.C.I. Pak ICI Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Indus Motors INDU Auto and Allied
Indus Polyester Company IDML Auto and Allied
Japan Power JPPO Power Generation & Distribution
Karachi Electric Supply Co. KESC Power Generation & Distribution
Lever Brothers Pakistan LEVER Food and Allied
Metropolitan Steel MMSL Engineering and Allied
Mandviwalla Mauser Ltd. MMPL Plastic and Allied
Merit Packing Ltd . MPL Paper and Board
Maple Leaf Cement MPLC Cement
Mohammad Farooq Textiles MFTL Textile Composite
Mitchell's Fruit MFFL Food and Allied
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills MPKS Sugar and Allied
National Refinery NATR Fuel and Energy
Nestle Milk Pak Ltd. NESTLE Food and Allied
Oil and Gas Development Corp Ltd. OGDC Fuel and Energy
Packages Ltd. PACK Paper and Board
Pakistan PVC Ltd. PVCL Cables and Electric Goods
Pakistan Tobacco Company PAKT Tobacco
Pakistan Hotel Development Ltd. PHDL Service
Pakistan Services PKSL Leather
Pakistan Gum and Chemicals Ltd. PAKG Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
PTCL PTC Fuel and Energy
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. PPL Fuel and E nergy
Pakistan Papaersack Corporation PPCL Paper and Board
Sitara Chemicals SITC Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Sui Southern Gas Company SNGC Fuel and Energy
Sui Northern Gas Company SSGC Fuel and Energy
Shahtaj Sugar Mills SSML Sugar and Allied
Sindh Abadgar Sugar SASL Sugar and Allied
S.G. Fibre Ltd. SGFL Textile Composite
Suzuki Motorcycles SMCL Auto and Allied
Southern Electric SELL Fuel and Energy
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