Advanced Heroquest: QUEST 1: The Axe of Grorm

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ADVANCED HEROQUEST When they have been killed the axe can be taken,

preferably by a Dwarven Hero, if a non-dwarf takes the

axe, all the guards come back to life and will need to be
QUEST 1: The Axe of Grorm killed again. This will only happen once, after they have
By Martin Knight been killed again the Axe can be taken by any other Hero,
Read to the Heroes but don’t tell the Heroes this.
The Axe of Grorm is rumoured
to lie deep in the lower levels of WANDERING MONSTER MATRIX
a dwarven mine, buried with its 1D12 Wandering Monster Treasure PV
1-2 2 Goblins & 1 Orc 20 GCs 2
king in a locked tomb it has
3-4 2 Orcs 20 GCs 2
rested for an age. Many years 5-6 2 Goblins Archers &1 Orc Champion 30 GCs 3
have passed and the tale is 7-8 1 Orc & 1 Orc Champion 30 GCs 3
hardly told these day. Time 9 4 Goblins & 1 Orc Champion 40 GCs 4
4 Goblins Archers & 1 Orc
passes slow enough to forget the 10 40 GCs 4
stories of old and as the coils of 11 1 Orc & 2 Orc Champion 50 GCs 5
time wind away, each passing 12 1 Orc Warlord 60 GCs 6
generation slowly forgets, and
the story turns in to a myth. LAIRS MATRIX
1D12 Occupants Treasure PV
The mine was once known by a name, now it is only 1 4 Goblins & 4 Goblin Archers 40 GCs 4
2 2 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 1 Orcs 40 GCs 4
known for what it mined, Mithril! During the age of the
3 4 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 1 Orcs 50 GCs 5
Dwarves, the mine had provided the Dwarven empire 4 2 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 2 Orcs 50 GCs 5
with a bustling economy. Its produce was shipped to the 5 4 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 2 Orcs 60 GCs 6
four corners of the land. Even the king had taken resident 6 2 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 3 Orcs 60 GCs 6
at the mine and for some time everything worked. After a 7 4 Goblins, 2 Goblin Archers & 3 Orcs 60 GCs 6
4 Goblins, 4 Goblin Archers & 1 Orc
good many years the mine wound to a halt, it had been 8
60 GCs 6
worked to hard and dug to deep; the Mithril was to scarce 3 Goblins, 3 Goblin Archers, 3 Orcs
9 80 GCs 8
to keep the mine open. & 1 Orc Champion
3 Goblins, 3 Goblin Archers, 1 Orcs
10 80 GCs 8
& 2 Orc Champion
On the day the mine was to close, it was attacked by a 11
2 Goblins, 2 Goblin Archers, 2 Orcs
80 GCs 8
& 2 Orc Champion
band of Greenskins. They tore deep in to the mines, 2 Goblins, 2 Goblin Archers,1 Orc
showing no mercy as they killed every living thing they 12 100 GCs 10
Champion & 1 Orc Warlord
came across. The king and his guards fought well, but by
the forth day they had been pushed to the lower levels QUEST MATRIX DUNGEON LEVELS 1 & 2
and were desperately defending themselves in a hidden 1D12 Occupants Treasure PV
chamber. It was here that the king fell by the hand of a 1 6 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 100 GCs 10
2 4 Orcs, &1 Orc Warlord 100 GCs 10
cave troll, his guards fought back and managed to seal
2 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion & 1 Orc
the chamber long enough to bury their king in a tomb. 3 100 GCs 10
4 6 Orcs, & 3 Orc Champions 120 GCs 12
4 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion & 1 Orc
The kings axe has never been found, it is assumed the 5 120 GCs 12
guards buried it with their king. The Greenskins still lurk 2 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Orc
6 120 GCs 12
in the mines and the few Heroes that have entered, have Warlord
7 3 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 120 GCs 12
never returned. Some believe that the ghosts of the kings
2 Orcs, 3 Orc Champions & 1 Orc
guards still protect their king and will never rest until the 8 140 GCs 14
Axe of Grorm is returned to its people. 9
6 Orcs, 1 Orc Champions & 1 Orc
140 GCs 14
4 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Orc
10 140 GCs 14
GMs Only Warlord
11 2 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Ogre 140 GCs 14
The dungeon has been rolled randomly, using my own 12
3 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Cave
160 GCs 16
map building tables. The mine is made up of 3 levels.
There is one quest room for each dungeon level The
monsters in the quest rooms on the first and second QUEST MATRIX DUNGEON LEVEL 3
1D12 Occupants Treasure PV
levels are guarding two Mithril discs, these are in fact
1 5 Skeletons 100 GCs 10
magic keys to the kings tomb found in the quest room on 2 6 Skeletons 120 GCs 12
dungeon level 3. With out these keys the tomb cannot be 3 4 Skeletons &1 Undead Champion 140 GCs 14
opened. Inside the tomb is the remains of the King and 4 5 Skeletons &1 Undead Champion 160 GCs 16
the Axe of Grorm. When the keys are placed into their
slots the tomb will open and the Kings guards will be
animated in to the room
Wielders Strength
Fumble Critical
1-2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Grorms Axe - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Never 11-12
Dungeon Level One



Tomb Rack

Table Barrel

Weapons Wandering
Rack Monster

CUPBOARD Cupboard Doorway

FIREPLACE Fireplace Chest

Dungeon Level One the stairs and attack (monsters get +1 to surprise roll). 2
Goblin Archers and 1 Orc Champion (30Gc’s)

Location A Location J
This area is guarded by 2 Orcs (20Gc’s), the Sorcerers
table, contains (Scroll: Power of the Phoenix x 1). The room is empty apart from a barrel (150Gc’s).

Location B Location K (Quest)

The room contains 6 Orcs and 3 Orc Champions
This is the way down to the next level, encourage Heroes
keen to skip this level to finish exploring level one. (120Gc’s). A log can be grabbed from the fireplace instead
of making an attack and has the same effect as a dagger
in combat. One chest contains (10 feet of Rope and
Location C 30Gc’s). The other contains (A Palm Sized disc made of
A group of wandering monsters are lurking here and get a Mithril and inscribed with dwarven runes and 2 Arrows
+1 to their surprise roll. 1 Orc and 2 Orc Champions of True Flight (Always hits target, no roll is needed). Give
(50gc’s). the Hero who takes the disc handout one.

Location D The Mithril Discs are magic keys that must be placed into
the tomb of Grorm in order to open the lid. The first disc
This room is empty apart from a weapons rack which
is found on level one and the second on level two. The
contains (1 Spear).
discs when placed into the tomb read a inscription and
hint to whom can remove the Axe from the tomb.
Location E
These rooms are empty, however if the Heroes return to Disc One Reads,
these rooms again there is a 50% chance they will
encounter some wandering monsters. Roll 1d12, on a Only A True Dwarven Hero
result of 1-6 the room is empty still, on a roll of 7-12 they Only A True Dwarven Hero
encounter a wandering monster/s, roll on the wandering
monster table.

Location F
The room contains a rack and a treasure chest. The chest
contains (Rat Poison and 50Gc’s). The chest is the trigger
and as soon as it opens the room will rotate each turn.

Location G
These stairs lead out of the dungeon to the surface, if the The Tomb Reads,
Heroes leave the dungeon the expedition is over. The
chances of re-entering the dungeon by this way again are Can Remove The Great Axe
slim, roll 1d12 on a roll of 1-10 the Heroes cannot find Can Remove The Great Axe
the way in and must start at the main entrance, on a roll
of 11 or 12 they manage to find the entrance again and
can continue the quest from this point.

Location H (Lair)
This room is a Lair and contains 4 Goblins and 4 Goblin
Archers (40Gc’s). Once the monsters have been disposed
of the Cupboard can be searched
The Second Disc Reads,

(Healing Potion, AHQ 31) the chest (100Gc’s) and the Of Grorm From Its Tomb
Tomb, a STR test is needed to lift the lid, no skeleton is Of Grorm From Its Tomb
disturbed and inside is (Dawnstone: with 3 Fate Points).

Location I
The two squares shown contain an alarm trap (Spot 7,
Disarm 7). As soon as any Hero steps onto either of the
two spaces marked on the map with the Alarm, a load
drum noise is heard and a group of monsters race down

Dungeon Level Two





Alchemists Secret
Bench Door
Table Wandering
Circle S Statue


Fireplace Chest

Dungeon Level Two of their current fate points. The Gems are worth (400Gc’s

Loc ation A Location H (Quest)

A group of wandering monsters are lurking here and get a The room contains 3 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions and a Cave
+1 to their surprise roll. 2 Orc (20Gc’s). Troll (160Gc’s). A log can be grabbed from the fireplace
instead of making an attack and has the same effect as a
Location B dagger in combat. The chest contains (A Palm Sized disc
The room is covered in mould (AHQ p,28). made of Mithril and inscribed with dwarven runes). Give
the Hero who takes the disc handout Two. The Alchemists
Location C Bench contains a (Strength potion, AHQ p,31). One barrel
has a magic trap (Spot 8, Disarm 7), if the trap is set of
The room is guarded by 4 Goblins and 1 Orc (40Gc’s). place a magic template over the Hero who caused the
The Alchemists Bench contains a (Healing Potion, AHQ trap, any model in the area of effect is effected by a
p,31). Flames of Death Spell. The barrel contains (a Magic
Sword, +1 to Str when using the Sword). The other barrels
Location D contains (100Gc’s).
The room has a large circle etched into the floor if a Hero
stands on any part of it, a group of monsters are
summoned. The Heroes are automatically surprised (no
need to roll). 1 Orc and 1 Orc Champion (30Gc’s). are
summoned. The bookcase contains a (Map), give the
Heroes Handout 3; it is a map of dungeon level 3.

Location I
The space contains a hidden mantrap (Spot 7, Disarm 6),
any hero who enters the space will trigger the trap (AHQ
p, 34).

Location J
The secret door is hidden, it looks like a dead end on one
side and just a dungeon wall on the other. Any hero who
searches this area for a secret door will automatically
find the door (no roll needed).

Location K
The room contains a chest (2 Flasks of Greek Fire) and a
Alchemists Bench (Potion of Prowess, must bedrunk at
Location E start of turn. WS, BS and Speed are increases by 1 point
The square contains a gas trap (Spot 10, Disarm 7). If the each and lasts fro 3 turns).
square is stepped on a cloud of gas is expelled (AHQ p
34). The gas is a Mild Poison. Location L
The room is empty apart from stairs leading down to
Location F (Lair) Dungeon level 3.
This room is a Lair and contains 3 Goblins, 3 Goblin
Archers, 1 Orc and 2 Orc Champions (80Gc’s). A log can
be grabbed from the fireplace instead of making an attack
and has the same effect as a dagger in combat. Once the
monsters have been disposed of the Sorcerers Table can
be searched (Scroll: Open Window x 1). The Treasure
Chest is trapped with a Poison Dart (Spot 9, Disarm 8) . If
it is sprung roll 1 damage dice for the dart. The chest
contains (10 Feet of Rope and 30Gc’s).

Location G
Each side of the corridor are two menacing looking
statues. They both have a large gem set into their stone, if
a Hero tries to remove them they are cursed and loose all
The Dwarven King with his axe.
Dungeon Level Three







Secret Door


Treasure Chest
P1 Pressure Pad



Rope Bridge



Dungeon Level Three Location E to protect the tomb, which they are frantically
still trying to get open). In the corner of the room are 4
mushrooms, which can be picked; if they are eaten each
Location A will restore all of a Heroes lost wounds.
The Heroes emerge into a large cavern, on each side
overlooking the middle are raised walkways (Locations Location E
B), once used by the noble dwarves to overlook the These narrow walkways bridge a river of flowing lava.
miners during important gatherings. Goblin Archers The heat is unbearable, as fire and lava erupts and spills
(20Gc’s), 2 on each side guard the cavern and begin onto the pathway. A hero attempting to walk along the
shooting down on the Heroes as soon as they enter the bridge will take 1 wound for every space they move. The
cavern. Heroes are surprised (no need to roll). only way to prevent this is to douse themselves with
water. The water must be applied on the space just before
The entire cavern is made up of a large room tile and a the lava bridge and will only protect the drenched Hero
small room tile, there is no wall between the two. for 5 spaces (just enough to cross the bridge). The
downside is the only water in the dungeon is back in
The end wall (shown with a dotted white line) is in fact a Location A (Lets hope the Heroes dealt with the Bats).
very large door (spot 6) that slowly raises up in to the Both buckets can be filled, however only one bucket can
ceiling. It has been disguised to look like part of the be carried by a Hero or Henchman at a time. To drench a
dungeon wall. There is a pressure pad (spot 6) located in Hero or Henchman uses up half a bucket, the Heroes had
front of the door which has also been disguised and looks better remember to take enough water with them or else it
like the dungeon floor. When enough weight is placed on will be a hot trip back. The weighted barrel at Location D
the pressure pad the door will raise, if the weight is should be used for the pressure pad on the right hand
removed it will lower . The Orcs found that by using an bridge, because in order to open the Quest room all
empty barrel they could chuck rocks in to it, when the pressure pads on this level need to be weighted. For each
door opened they stopped, now throughout the dungeon trip the Heroes make back to the water pool the they will
weighted barrels have been left laying around and are encounter a group of wandering monsters (rolled
used to activate these pads. Moving a weighted barrel randomly).
reduces a Hero or Henchman’s move by half.

The pool in the room contains just water and has no

Location F
effect if drunk, its main purpose for the Heroes is to use There are 2 locations marked F on the map, they both
the water on their clothes to stop themselves from have a weighted barrel and a pressure pad (spot 6).
burning when they travel through Locations E – The lava
bridges. There are 2 buckets next to the pool. A Hero or Location G
Henchman’s movement is halved when carry a bucket
The passage is a dead end and only contains a lever. The
full of water. If carrying both buckets full of water their
lever controls the door mechanism to raise the wall
movement is reduced to a quarter.
section (dotted white) for Location K. All of the pressure
pads throughout the level must be weighted or the lever
Locations B will not budge (i.e. cannot be moved).
These two locations overlook the main cavern, they can
be found by going through the wall door at the end of the Location H
room and up the two winding stairs off to the left and
The passage is a dead end and only contains a lever. The
right. The Orks have posted 2 Goblin Archers on each
lever controls the door mechanism to raise the wall
side to keep guard.
section (dotted white) for Location I. Pressure pad 1 and
both of the pads marked 2 must be weighted or the lever
Locations C will not budge.
The rope bridges cross two very deep chasms and
because the room connecting contains bats the Heroes Location I (Lair)
must fight their way across. As soon as the lead Hero
This room is a Lair and contains 2 Goblins, 2 Goblin
steps onto either bridge the bats will attack (AHQ p, 28
Archers, 1 Orc and 1 Orc Warlord (100Gc’s). The Orc
Fight it Out). The only way to avoid this, every time the
Warlord sits on the Throne and will only get off if
Heroes cross a rope bridge is to get to Location D and use
attacked or if all of the other monsters have been slain,
Greek Fire (AHQ p, 28) to kill them all.
while he is sat on the throne the monsters get +1 to their
Toughness and roll 1 extra damage dice. The Treasure
Location D Chest is trapped with a Guillotine (Spot 6, Disarm 8) see
The room contains bats, they will only attack when a AHQ p, 34. The chest contains (200Gc’s). and the
Hero tries crossing one of the rope bridges connecting to bookcase is empty. The grate can be lifted (AHQ p,28)
the room. By using Greek Fire (AHQ p, 28) the Heroes can below is Location J, however the Heroes do not get a
flame the room and destroy the bats. The room also bonus to their surprise roll as the occupants have heard
contains two table, a chest (Magic Dagger AHQ p,32) and all the commotion in the room.
a weighted barrel (the Orks moved it from the pad in
Location J
Still rumbling the lid has moved over half the way across
The room contains 2 Goblins and 1 Orc (20Gc’s) being the tomb. Like a distant echo the voice you just heard
held prisoner. The pressure pad (spot 6) must be weighted speaks again, only this time softly and calmly , almost
by the dead bodies of the monsters, all of the monsters ghost like “Only a true dwarven Hero. . . hero . . . can
must be heaped onto the pad to activate the mechanism. remove the great axe . . . axe . . . of Grorm from its tomb .
. . tomb . . .” as the last word echoes off in to the distance,
Location K the loud rumbling noise stops and a loud clatter sounds
The room contains the Tomb of Grorm and a Treasure as the tombs lid falls to the floor.
Chest, containing (a Magic Shield: -1 to BS, +2 to T).
There is a secret door leading to some stairs behind the Then a Dwarven skeleton figure springs up from the
tomb and any Hero searching that wall will automatically tomb, its mouth stretched open wide, a horrible grotesque
find the door (no roll needed). The stairs lead out of the screeching emits from its mouth as 6 shooting wisps of
dungeon and should a Hero climb the stairs the smoke fly across the room, the figure slumps back into
expedition is over. the tomb and you watch in terror as the smoke hits the
ground, climbing out of each fallen wisp of smoke is a
As soon as a Hero examines the Tomb read the following. dwarf sized skeleton, its time to fight.

The Tomb glistens in the dim torchlight, by the gods its The skeletons are placed where the skull symbols are on
made of solid Mithril. This must be the resting place of the map. If they are defeated. Read the following.
the lost king Grorm. Casting your eyes across the ornate
casket, while your hand traces the etched battle scenes With the Kings guards defeated your attention is brought
your fingers stop at a plate raised up a little from the back to the tomb. Inside is a great axe clenched tightly in
surface of the lid (GM: Give the Hero Handout 4). The the bony claws of a long dead king. With all that has
engraved message is written in Dwarven and each side is happened to you, you should decide who will take the
a palm sized round slot, it looks like something should be Axe.
placed here. . .
If a non Dwarf hero takes the axe, read the following (1)
Now its up to the Heroes, if they think to place the Mithril otherwise read (2).
discs into the slots then give them Handouts 5. The discs
have to placed in the right way or nothing will happen see 1) As your hand grasps the axe, the skeleton King sits up
diagram below. and slowly cocks his head towards you, his head turns
slightly as if examining you and then his mouth stretches
open wide, a horrible grotesque screeching emits from his
mouth and you can just make out the words “wrong
choice” as 6 shooting wisps of smoke fly across the room,
the figure slumps back into the tomb and you watch in
terror as the smoke hits the ground, climbing out of each
fallen wisp of smoke is a dwarf sized skeleton, its time to
fight again.

As soon as the discs are in the correct order read the The skeletons must be fought again however they all only
following. have 1 wound each. Once they have been defeated for the
second time, any Hero can take the axe. If the Heroes
As you place the last disc into its slot, the message begins dare read the following.
to glow, faintly at first and then brighter and brighter until
the light begins to hurt your eyes. You turn your head, (2) As your hand grasps the axe, the skeleton kings bony
shielding your eyes with your hands, as a rumbling claws slip from the its shaft and fall to his side. Holding
noises starts to emit from the tomb, the lid is moving. the axe with both hands, you feel an immense power
project through your body,
While watching the lid, you hear a voice boom “Only a the axe of Grorm is now
true dwarven Hero . . .” with each spoken word, part of yours to keep.
the inscription on the left hand disc stops glowing and
disappears, as if in time with the words. Fate Point Reward
If the Heroes left the dungeon
Again the voice booms “can remove the great axe . . . “the with the Axe of Grorm, they
inscription on the tombs plate, part by part glows and each gain +1 to their Fate
disappears as if the voice is rubbing out the words. Point Characteristic. The axe
is made from Mithril and is
The voice booms yet again “of Grorm from its tomb . . .” worth 1000Gc’s however the
again, bit by bit the inscription on the right hand disc Dwarves may pay a lot more
glows and disappears. for the long lost relic.





Lava Bridge Floor Tile


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