Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility
Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility
Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility
Ethical Consumerism
The rise in popularity of ethical consumerism over the last two decades can be
linked to the rise of CSR. As global population increase , so does limited pressure on
limited natural resources to meet rising consumer demand .Industrialization in many
developing countries is booming as result of technology and globalization. Consumers
are becoming more aware of the environmental and social implications of their day to
day consumer decision in ethical concern.
Ethics Training
Code of Ethics
A Code of Ethics
They should be specific enough to convey the spirit of how things should be
done, yet loose enough to allow for freedom and judgement.
For every trade or business, there is usually a business code, and for every
profession, there is an enforced professional code.
Professionals and business codes pronounce ideal statements. In the real world,
these ideal statements are seldom observed. Nevertheless, the formulation of these
codes is significant, for the society is furnished with standard upon which it can judge
professional and businessmen whether or not they perform their perspective work in
ways they are expected to be performed.
*for recognition that although rates pay in determined economic and legal
pressure ,wages and salary policy should be based of the right of employees to fair
and improving standard of living irrespective of race,sex and so.on.
* for fair recruitment practice affords equal opportunity to all qualified
* for the job security , adequate compensation for employees in cases of
separation and retirement.
* for safe and healthy atmosphere in work environment conducive in physical
and moral well being for the employees.
* for conditions in which human potential and relationship can developed our
work force and participate elements so that knowledge, experience and creativity to
contribute in decision making.
*for participative elements so that the knowledge, experience and creativity of all
who work in the enterprise may contribute to the decision making process.
* deliver the product or services in the quality quantity and avoid the creation of
artificial shortages, price manipulation and like practices
* establish an after sale and complaints service.
* ensure that all mas media, promotional, and packaging communications be
* the terms of all contracts be clearly stated and unambiguous , and honored in
full unless terminated or modified by mutual consent.
* that abuse of economic power in dealing with similar concern be avoided, and
that in all cases, terms of payment be strictly and fullt observed.
* that no supplier be encouraged to commit his resources for apparently long
term purposes.