A. Pilihan Ganda: Indonesian Student Card Application

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The following form is for questions 1 – 3


Card serial number: 112 0000 23456 1

Given Name: Selina Kristin

Last Name: Wally
Place of Study: SMA NEGERI 1 SENTANI
Mobile: 0812 4122 3456
Email: [email protected]
Address: Jalan Kemiri 57, Sentani, Papua 99352
Nationality: Indonesia
Date of Birth: January 11 2004
I declare the information provided is full and correct.

Cardholder Signature: Selina K. Wally

Date: September 25 2021

As registrar / principal I certify that the information provided is correct and that the applicant is registered at this

Registrar / Principal Signature: Benyamin Deda

Date: September 26 2021

Your card will be issued within 30 days of the application date and will be sent to your homeroom teacher.

1. Why Selina fill out this form?

a. To get power card to rule the school
b. To get scholarship card from the school
c. To get students’ card from the school
d. To get accepted card in the selected school
e. To get the benefit card from the homeroom teacher

2. Where would Selina take her student card if it is ready?

a. In her home
b. In her homeroom teacher
c. In her classmate
d. In registrar
e. In principal

3. When would Selina get her Student Card?

a. 11/02/2021
b. 25/06/2021
c. 26/09/2021
d. 02/11/2021
e. 26/10/2021

Read the following text and answer the question 4 – 8!

Have you ever seen the pictures of our banknote rupiah? Yes, the Indonesian national hero
picture. One of them is the picture of Mohammad Thamrin. His face is featured on the one side of
the Rp. 20,000.00 banknote. Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin was a Betawi or Jakarta of origin. He was
born in Weltevreden, Batavia (now Sawah Besar, Jakarta), on February 16 1894. His father Thamrin
bin Thabri was a Wedana (district head) of the Batavia Dutch East Indies administrative under
Governor General Johan Cornelis van der Wijck. It was a very rare position for inlanders
(Indonesian native) in the Dutch East Indies government system.

Because of his father’s position, little Thamrin was lucky enough to have education in his
early days. First, he entered Bosch Institute (a kind of private Dutch Elementary School). After
graduated from this school, he then proceeded to Koning Willem III Gymnasium High School,
which made him very easy to get an administrative job later. He then worked in several
governmental jobs before finally working as a Book Keeper in Koninklijke Paketvaart
Maatschappij (KPM – a Dutch Shipping Venture). This was his last job as an employee because
after that, he only devoted his energy and mind to the social and political issues.

4. The text mainly focused on …

a. The Betawi’s great figure
b. The banknote rupiah’s picture
c. Moh. Hoesni Thamrin biography
d. Moh. Hoesni’s Thamrin’s political activities
e. The education privilege of Moh. Hoesni Thamrin

5. Hoesni Thamrin found an job easily because …

a. He is rich and famous
b. He had studied in a Dutch school
c. He had a good educational background
d. His father had a good position as inlanders
e. His father worked in several governmental job

6. What did Moh. Hoesni Thamrin do before being involved in social political issues?
a. Spending most of his time studying
b. Changing job several times
c. Taking his father position
d. Working in a Dutch company
e. Studying Dutch language

7. The underlined word in “. . . he only devoted his energy and mind . . .” in paragraph 2 can be
replaced with . . .
a. Spent
b. Thought
c. Gave
d. Served
e. Voted

8. Hoesni Thamrin finally decided to stop being an employee and dedicated his life . . . social and
political issues.
What is the best conjunction to fill the missing sentence?
a. or b. for c. but d. so e. in

This text is for question 9 – 11

Birds are interesting flying animals. They are

vertebrate and warm – blooded animals. They belong to Aves
and they can be found all over the world.
Birds breathe with their air pocket. Beside as
respiratory organ, air pocket can also enlarge or reduce their
weight when flying or swimming.
There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special
characteristic. They have different morphology according to
their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seed, pollen,
fish, or meat. There are some species that live in land and the
others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.
Female birds have specific tasks. They lay and
incubate the eggs. Besides that, they need to find foods for
their babies once they hatch.

9. What is the text about?

a. Giving information about earth birds
b. Telling the special tasks of female birds
c. Describing birds in general
d. Explaining the kinds of birds
e. The uniqueness of birds

10. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. Birds’ weight and height
b. Birds’ respiratory organ
c. Birds’ diet and habitat
d. Birds’ characteristics
e. Female birds’ special tasks

11. The following are true facts about birds, except . . .

a. Birds eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat
b. Female birds lay eggs and feed their babies
c. Birds control their flying with their respiratory organ
d. Birds are cold – blooded animals which are included in Aves class
e. Birds can be found all over the world
This text is for question 12 – 13

People buy this thing to eat but they do not eat it.

12. What thing that the sentence mean?

a. Apple
b. Food
c. Glass
d. Spoon
e. Ice

13. What kind of the text above?

a. Idiom
b. Slogan
c. Puzzle
d. Riddle
e. Proverb

14. Bambang : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Sari : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
What is likely said by Sari?
a. You must sing
b. You can see the doctor tonight
c. You should lie down and have some rest
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too

15. David: So what do you think of my singing?

John: It's really good, but I suggest you try singing in a high tune.
David: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dav!
From the dialogue above, we know that John is...
a. Giving attention
b. Giving an opinion
c. Giving help
d. Asking for help
e. Asking for an opinion

16. him – did – not – I – any – last – week – money – give

Rearrange the words into a correct sentence!
a. I give him any money did not last week
b. I did not any money give him last week
c. I did not give him any money last week
d. Him did not give any money I last week
e. Last week I give any money him did not

17. If you use a city map, you . . . your way

a. did not lose
b. have not lost
c. will not lose
d. are not losing
e. would not lose

The text is for questions 18 – 19


The Little Boy Lost

‘Father, father, where are you going?
Oh do not walk so fast!
Speak father, speak to your little boy
Or else I shall be lost.’

The night was dark, no father was there,

The child was wet with dew
The mire was deep, and the child did weep,
And away the vapor flew
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/

18. What is the moral value of the poem?

a. Care and love your children
b. Always listen to your children
c. Don’t forget to wait for children
d. Hold on your child’s hand tightly
e. Don’t walk too fast in reaching your intention

19. “And away the vapor flew” (stanza 2, line 4).

The underlined word can be best replaced by . . .
a. Cloud
b. Darkness
c. Mist
d. Smoke
e. Sorrow

20. Which of the following sentences is the example of proverb?

a. What can you catch but not throw?
b. Don’t hate what you don’t understand
c. The ice smirked as they slipped and fell
d. I have three eyes, all in a row. When the red one opens, all freeze.
e. A woman has seven children, half of them are boys, and how can this be possible?

21. “Do not cast your pearls before swine”

What is the meaning from the proverb above?
a. The finest things are to get
b. A mistake can be a great teacher
c. Don’t give a precious thing to someone who cannot value it
d. It’s preferable to be cautious than be rash and get into trouble
e. When things seem at their worst, they might be just begin to improve

Read the following notice to answer questions 22 – 23

22. What merit will students get upon understanding the notice?
a. They feel secure as everyone should be friendly
b. They have to make friends with anybody
c. They will be careful in choosing friends
d. They should behave appropriately
e. They will know each other easily

23. If the school spots any student against others, what most likely must be done by school?
a. The school will establish a stricter rule
b. The school environment will not be conducive for learning
c. The students will not become popular among others
d. The school must handle this problematic student wisely
e. The school will call the police to solve the problem

24. Mother: Your bag is so full of books that the bag is opened.
Lia : ______________________________
What does Lia likely respond?
a. My books are so big.
b. My bag is so small that I cannot close it goodly.
c. My bag is so big that I cannot close the zipper.
d. My bag is so big that all books can be included there.
e. My bag is such a big one that I can include all of my books there.

This text is for questions 25 and 27

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named the King of Crete. He had a
stepson which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build
a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to leave
Crete. But the king would not let him go.
Daedalus finally escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also
made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and
excited that he soon went to high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until at
last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called the Icarian

25. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform something
b. To describe Athena
c. To entertain the readers
d. To report something
e. To explain about something

26. Why the sea is called Icarian Sea now?

a. Because the body wax melted into the sea
b. Because Icarus cannot fly high
c. Because Icarus fell down into the sea
d. Because Icarus escape from the king
e. Because Icarus escape from Daedalus

27. “He had a stepson…” (Paragraph 1 line 2). The word “he” refers to …
a. Daedalus
b. Icarus
c. The bull
d. The sun
e. The King of Crete

28. Ilham : Good morning, Sir. What do you bring in your car?
Mr. David : Good morning, Ilham. I bring many books to my daughter.
Ilham : Do you want me to help you bring those books, Sir?
Mr. David : Sure, thank you very much. Put it on the table in my room.
The underlined expression shows ….
a. Offering to do something
b. Asking to do something
c. Apologizing for someone’s mistake
d. Disagreeing with someone’s opinion
e. Greeting someone

The text is for questions 29 – 32

If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decisions about
which jobs to take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career. It may mean sacrifice at
first. You may move to a different region or a different country to get a job that is right for you.
You may have to work late hours, at least temporarily. You might even have to take lower salary
for a job that offers you the experience that you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not
related to your career goals.

Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the training or
experience you need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such a position and
consequently will not perform your best. This will have an effect on the people around you who
will not feel as if you are being part of the team. The best advice is to think carefully before
accepting any position and make sure the job is the one you want to have.

29. What is the type of the text?


a. Report
b. Narrative
c. Procedure
d. Biography
e. Hortatory exposition

30. What is the most significant factor in evaluating a job?

a. Salary
b. Prestige
c. Location
d. Value to your career
e. How much you like it

31. Which is NOT mentioned as a sacrifice for a valuable job?

a. No benefit
b. Low salary
c. Bad working hours
d. Moving to their country
e. Moving to other region

32. What is wrong with taking a job outside your career path?
a. You will earn less money
b. You will be part of a team
c. You will not perform well
d. People will give you advice
e. People will complain to you

This text is for questions 33 – 34

Cheating in school exams is an open secret. Almost everyone does it, but no one openly talks
about it. Thai director Nattawut Poonpiriya came up a hip film "Bad Genius" that tackles this very sticky
topic and wound up with the highest grossing film in Thailand.

Lynn is a brilliant math genius and scholar in a prestigious high school. Her richer (but not so
academically blessed) classmates conscripted her to let them copy her answers during major exams by
tempting her with a generous fee of 3,000 baht per exam per person. When time came for the
international-based STIC exams, Lynn called in her fellow genius scholar and competitor, Bank for his
incredible memory as the stakes of their massive cheating operation were raised to reach millions of baht
for both of them.

Lynn was played by Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, The millionaire classmate Pat and his
pretty popular girlfriend Grace were played by Teeradon Supapunpinyo and Eisaya Hosuwan,
respectively. They play typical rich brats who think money can buy their way out of any situation.
Thaneth Warakulnukroh played Lynn's father, a humble schoolteacher Vit, in a most realistic and
sympathetic way. I totally identified with his painful frustration and unwavering support of his daughter. 

The story was told and edited in a very exciting way, like a heist caper. The elaborate plans even
involve Lynn and Bank flying to Sydney, Australia in order to get a four-hour head start on the exam
answers to transmit to Pat and Grace. I don't know if this is based on a true incident in the past but that

final sequence alternating between events in Sydney and Bangkok was very suspenseful. All possible
thrill gimmicks were used to enhance the tension during that climactic series of events. 

Overall the movie is a cautionary tale against dishonesty. At my age, it was uncomfortable watching
cheating in school unfold on a big screen, but I am sure high school students will find it very funny and
entertaining, but I hope not educational in terms of techniques. A twist before the ending came gave me a
big jolt because of a shift in character which I did not expect and I did not like, but I admit that this change
was not completely implausible. Lessons about academic integrity will be taught here in this film, and I
hope the target audience learns it. 8/10

33. What does the reviewer think about the movie?

a. Boring
b. Terrifying
c. Interesting
d. Unsatisfying
e. Not as good as the novel

34. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. Explain the movie briefly
b. Critique and evaluate the movie
c. Describe the background of the movie
d. Give the best information of the movie
e. Present two points of view about the movie.

This text is for question 35 and 36

In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in Mandala Restaurant. I drove my car
along the road at a reasonable speed.
About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement
suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was surprised that I braked as hard as I could. I
was really panic but I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked
by the side of the road. Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn’t injured, but I had a bad cut on my face
because I hit the windscreen. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the
hospital where I had to have five stitches and took a rest for some hours.
There was a lot of damage to my car. The windscreen was broken and the bodywork was
badly dented.

35. What caused the writer to get involved in a car accident?

a. The writer didn’t wear the seat belt
b. The writer was talking on the phone
c. A car parked near to the writer’s car
d. The windscreen in the writer’s car was broken
e. A pedestrian suddenly cross the road in front of the writer’s car

36. What can be inferred from the text?

a. The writer was careless
b. The pedestrian was careless
c. The witness helped the victims
d. The writer drove the car over speed
e. The writer was a beginner driving a car

This text is for question 37 – 40

Dear Sirs,

With reference to your advertisement in Cenderawasih Pos, I would like to be considered for
Marketing Senior assistant post. My present position in an electronic marketing staff where I have special
responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electronic goods, like cameras and
smart phones.

I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2018. My
tasks among other are building good relationship with distributors and customers, providing inputs for the
company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
I enclose my curriculum vitae and recent photograph. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Harry Suebu

37. Why does the sender write the letter?

a. To apply for a certain position
b. To provide inputs for the company
c. To give information about his specialty
d. To convince the readers about his experience
e. To tell his ability in photography

38. Who applied for the job?

a. Cenderawasih Pos
b. Sirs
c. Sir Harrys
d. Harry Sinclair
e. Harry Suebu

39. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
a. Wait for the response of the recipient
b. Call the recipient for the confirmation
c. Work as a marketing specialist
d. Complete his first degree
e. Keep sending the letter

40. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae...”  The word “enclose” has the closest meaning to…
a. Hedge
b. Attach
c. Confine
d. Take
e. Encircle


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