Template - Stopwatch 5 Test Plus U1
Template - Stopwatch 5 Test Plus U1
Template - Stopwatch 5 Test Plus U1
Name ( /40)
classical rap Latin pop country world music rock jazz reggae
0. World
music sounds very 1. songs are so 2. comes from
old. popular and nice. Jamaica.
3. Y
ou can listen to 4. singers like to
in art cafés. wear boots and hats.
5 Unit 1 Test Plus D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 1
1 Unscramble the words to form sentences. Some sentences have two possibilities. ( / 5)
0. old / as / Leo / is / Tammy / as Leo is as old as Tammy. OR Tammy is as old as Leo.
1. James / strong / as / is / Patrick / as .
2. my / as / story is / yours / scary / as .
3. nice / parents / as / she / is / her / as .
4. romantic / as / her / this / not / as / song / is .
5. tired / as / Karen / is / Tania / as .
5 Unit 1 Test Plus D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 2
Listening and Reading
1 Listen and match the columns. There is one extra phrase in Column B that you do not need to use. ( / 4)
Music Festivals
Coachella Music Festival. The first festival fans attended the five-day event. The festival
took place in 1999 in the Coachella Valley in is known for its pyramid stage. Over the years,
California. Now it is one of the most important it has also been closely connected to a number
North American music festivals. It includes of charitable causes including Greenpeace and
a diverse group of popular performers. Even the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
though the festival always had solid concerts,
Lollapalooza. Lollapalooza was created by
2003 was considered a breakout year as it got
Perry Farrell as a touring alternative music
media attention with the presentation of Red
festival. The first Lollapalooza festival took place
Hot Chili Peppers, and the reunion of Iggy Pop
in 1991, and it included groups like Nine Inch
and The Stooges. Coachella broke all its records
Nails. The festival became famous for helping
in 2015 with an attendance of 193,000 over the
promote the popularity of alternative music. In
two weekends the festival lasts.
2005, the weekend event was moved to a single
Glastonbury Festival. The Glastonbury location in Grant Park in Chicago. Since 2011,
Festival first took place versions of the festival
near Pilton England in LaineN / Shutterstock.com also have taken place in
1970, under the name countries like Brazil and
Pilton Festival. The Chile. Lollapalooza lasts
following year, it adopted three days and, in 2015,
the name Glastonbury. about 10,000 fans a
It wasn’t held for a few day attended.
years, but restarted again
in 1978. In 2011, 135,00
5 Unit 1 Test Plus D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 3
Speaking and Writing ( / 10)
2 Write about a musical group you like. Describe why you like them and some facts you know about them.
Include the kind of music they play, your favorite songs and how you feel when you listen to the songs.
5 Unit 1 Test Plus D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 4