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Linear Programming (LP, Also Called Linear Optimization) Is A Method To Achieve The Best

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In the OR project I wanted to optimize the carbon footprint by changing the diet chart of the
people. For this Optimization problem I have used Linear programming model to find out the
optimum solution. Firstly, what is linear programming?
Linear programming (LP, also called linear optimization) is a method to achieve the best
outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements
are represented by linear relationships. Linear programming is a special case of mathematical
programming (also known as mathematical optimization).
linear programming is a technique for the optimization of a linear objective function, subject
to linear equality and linear inequality constraints.

My Contribution
My contribution in the overall project includes
1. Helping in Partial collection of the Data like carbon footprint data, Nutrient values data
and cost data.
2. Helping in deciding the constraints and model formulation.
3. Fully preparing the Analysis of Final optimal solution, I have prepared the excel sheet
table and calculated the nutrient content values, carbon footprint and cost of the items for
optimal solution quantity.

My Motivation
Carbon emissions and Climate change is one of the present burning problems which needs to be
solved. So, I gave it a thought of what can I do to reduce it and while surfing through the internet
I found that Food and agriculture is one of the biggest contributors of carbon emissions. After
that I was shocked to know how much carbon emission, I am causing every day. So, It gave me
the motivation to change my diet and optimize my carbon footprint while remaining healthy and
within my budget for food.
So, what I have done in this project is that I have taken 3 food groups- Animal & plant
protein food groups under which I’ve taken 7 products (beef, chicken, eggs, lamb, pork,
fish, beans); dairy food group in which I’ve 5 products (regular milk, almond milk, soy
milk, tofu, cheese) and cereals food groups products are (rice, bread, oats, quinoa). Food
Products have been taken keeping in mind US dietary habits.
As mentioned above, my objective is to minimize the carbon emissions from each food groups
and i wanted to calculate what food products i must consume and their optimum quantity, which
is my decision variable, so that my objective is met. While formulating I’ve taken the values of
nutrients, carbon emissions and cost of the food per 100g.
The below table shows the data we have collected for this project. We determined for each food
product Carbon emissions per 100g per day, carbohydrate, protein, fat and sodium per 100g, and
cost of each food product per 100 gm.
Since, in our main PPT presentation in class we have taken all the Input values which
are facts like carbon footprint, cost and nutrient values. so, for the Input values in the
Individual project are all dummy (fake values) because it is mentioned that input
values should be different.

I have taken the following assumptions, Maximum spending on each food groups is US $6.
During my research I found out that an average person spends US$ 550 per month on food in
USA, therefore per day expenditure is approximately US$ 18.33. Since I am taking only 3 food
groups (fruits, vegetables, fats and oils are not taken) I’ve taken 18$ as our budget and divided it
into 3 equal parts.
90% of carbohydrate intake is through cereals and remaining through dairy and meat
90% of protein intake is through meat, pulses and eggs and remaining through dairy products
50% of fat intake is through meat products and remaining though dairy and nuts and oils
Some Facts: - The following are the per day nutrient intake needed for the single person to
remain healthy. The data is taken from the Title 21 Code of Federal Regulation which is the US
food regulation.
Carbohydrate: 275g to 350 g
Protein: 50g to 70 g
Fat: <78 g, Sodium: <2300 mg
There is only maximum value for Fat and sodium because it is unhealthy component.

Model Formulation
Cereal Food group Model –
Bread= a; Rice= b; Quinoa= c; Oats= d (these products are my decision variables with quantity
as 100g)
Minimization of CO2 emissions: Z= 0.25a+ 0.75b + 0.16c+ 0.07d (co-efficient is my carbon
emissions per 100g/day for each product, the carbon emission values are dummy values)
Constraints –
I have taken constraint regarding how much I can spend daily on each food group which as
explained before I’ve taken as $6
Maximum spending in a day on cereals food products is $6: 0.230a + 0.08b+ 0.9c+ 0.9d <= 6
As explained before we have taken that 90% of our carbohydrate requirement will come from
cereals, our atleast 90% of 275 g which is 247.5 should come from cereals and we have taken a
upper limit of 350gm as some diet should be balanced so i can intake this nutrient from other
sources as well.
Minimum carbohydrate nutrient intake 50a + 90b + 65c + 65d >= 247.5 (90% of 275 g)
Maximum carbohydrate nutrient intake 49a + 80b + 64.16c + 65.7c <= 350
Since sodium has a maximum intake of 2300mg for our total diet, i have equally divided its
consumption from all 3 food groups so that’s why max 800g can be eaten from cereals
Maximum sodium intake 500a + 10b + 10c+ 20d <= 800 (2300/3 because there are 3 food
The family also has a preference for particular food products which are bread and rice. Bread
value they definitely want to consume atleast 50g and rice also atleast 50 g
Minimum quanity of bread consumed (50 g) a>= 0.5
Minimum quantity of rice consumed (50 g) b>= 0.5

DAIRY Food Group Model

Now we have dairy products, similarly we are minimizing carbon emission with quantity of
food products as our decision variables
Regular Milk=a; Almond milk= b; Soy Milk= c; Tofu= d; Cheese= e
Minimization of CO2 emissions: Z = 0.4a + 0.08b + 0.1c + 0.15d + 3.3d
Constraints –
$6 cost constraint is there
Maximum spending in a day on dairy food products is $6: 0.9 a + 0.4b + 0.35c + 0.72d + 1e <= 6
As mentioned before we wanted to ensure that carbohydrate consumption from other sources is
there so 10% of minimum requirement of 275g which 27.5 is atleast be consumed through dairy
products. We have set the upper limit to 30g so that we do not exceed our upper limit of
Minimum carbohydrate nutrient intake 6a + 3c+ 4d + 2 d+ 1e >= 27.5
Maximum carbohydrate nutrient intake 6a + 3c+ 4d + 2 d+ 1e <= 50
Maximum fat intake can be 78g. Half of it that is 39 g is from meat products, and other half is
through dairy and fats and oils. Since fats and oils is not part of our project we are assuming
approximately half of 39 g which 20 g is upper limit of fat through dairy. Our lower limit is 10g
so that we atleast we consume atleast some minimum amount of good quality fat from dairy.
Minimum fat nutrient intake 2a + 4b + 2c+ 5d + 35e >=15
Maximum fat nutrient intake 2a + 4b + 2c+ 5d + 35e <= 25
90% of 50g which minimum amount of protein intake is through meat and remaining is through
dairy. So we have given a minimum limitation of 10g through dairy products.
Minimum protein nutrient intake 4a + 2 b + 7c + 9d + 24e >=10
Sodium constraint is similar to cereals group
Maximum sodium intake 40a + 200b + 50c + 10d + 60e <= 800
Family also has a preference of 90g of soy milk and 60g of regular milk daily
Minimum quanity of soy milk to be consumed (90 g) c>= 0.9
Minimum quantity of regular milk to be consumed (60 g) a>= 0.6
Plant and Animal Protein food group Model
Similarly, we are applying minimization of co2 emissions for protein products
Beef= a; Chicken= b; Eggs= c; Fish = d; Lamb = e; Pork = f; Beans = g
Minimization of CO2 emissions: Z = 11a + 2b + 1c + 1d + 6e + 3f + 1g
Maximum spending in a day on protein food products is $6: 1.7a + 0.7b + 0.4c + 2.8d + 2.2e+
0.9f + 1.7g <= 6
As explained before 90% of minimum intake is through this group and we have added our
maximum constraint so that we can consume rest of the protein through other food groups
Minimum protein nutrient intake: 30a + 30b + 15c + 20d + 25e + 30f + 20g>= 50
Maximum protein nutrient intake: 30a + 30b + 15c + 20d + 25e + 30f + 20g <= 60
Maximum sodium intake: 72a + 82b + 124c + 61d + 72e + 62f +12g <= 700
Preference of beef and beans is there
Minimum quanity of beef consumed (30 g) a>= 0.30
Minimum quantity of beans consumed (60 g) g>= 0.6

Final Optimal solution analysis -

This is the solution we obtained by solving in QM for Windows
So, our optimal solution consists of
50g of bread, 50g of rice, 273 grams of oats, 60 g of regular milk, 74 g of Almond milk, 542 g of
soy milk, 30g of beef, 50g of eggs, 108 g of fish, 60g of beans. with this diet chart cost for one
person for one day is $8.65 and Total Carbon footprint / day = 7.0123 kg

The Data has been collected from the following sources and references.
Carbon Footprint data - https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46459714
Cost Data - https://www.globalprice.info/en/?p=usa/food-prices-in-usa

Nutrient values - Title 21 Code of Federal Regulation which is the US food regulation

QM for Windows File Google drive Link

Model 1 (Cereals) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l8NzqLd7Bmxc3XmpD9l3_sb-

Model 2 (Protein) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bs1iknWe8hTx-_x1ic4Vu3ZEaq8TzOc2/view?

Model 3 (Dairy) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF5jw6H3-xFRuxFphJBsy5Ion7c24Zbu/view?


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