The Software Communication Architecture Specification: Evolution and Trends
The Software Communication Architecture Specification: Evolution and Trends
The Software Communication Architecture Specification: Evolution and Trends
Abstract-The Software Communication Architecture (SCA) such as Software Defined Radio Forum (SDRF) and Object
is the software architecture developed as the top design by the US Management Group (OMG).
Military's Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) for the next
generation of radio systems. The SCA is designed to facilitate The standardization is one of the key goals of the JTRS
waveform portability and improve software reuse in Software program and the process of the standardization is realized
Defined Radio (SDR). The SCA specification is built on the through the release of the SCA specification. Up to now the
evolving commercial standards, so it keeps evolving since its birth. highest version of the SCA specification is SCA 3.0, and the
Below the evolution process of SCA specification there are some latest is the SCA 2.2.2. In the evolution process of the SCA
hidden rules which are important for related researchers. In this specification some maturing technologies are adopted and
paper the rules are revealed through summarizing the evolution some rules are revealed. This paper will analyze the evolution
process and com paring the different versions of SCA process of SCA specification and reveal the underlying rules.
specification. The trends underlying the evolution process are Based on the rules this paper will farther discuss and forecast
forecasted too, which will help the researchers to grasp the the trends of the SCA specification, which will help the
correct research directions. researchers to grasp the correct research directions.
Index Terms-Software Communication Architecture (SCA); II. THE SOFTWARE COMMUNICATION ARCHITECTURE
Software Defined Radio (SDR); SCA specification; evolution;
trends Today's rapid pace of technological advances make
communication devices obsolete shortly after they are
I. INTRODUCTION produced. To keep up with this pace, communication systems
must be designed to maximize the transparent insertion of new
Software Defined Radio (SDR) has been an active research
technologies at virtually every phase of their lifecycles. When
topic in wireless communication since it was firstly proposed
the new technologies are inserted, the upgraded devices should
by Joseph Mitola [1] in 1992. The basic concept ofSDR is that
be able to communicate with each other and with legacy
the functions are implemented through loading different
systems. The SDR is the most suitable technology to resolve
software on the universal, standard and modularized hardware
this problem. Defining the radio behavior in software lets one
platforms. In the early SDR practices such as Speakeasy [2],
add new functionality without hardware alterations during a
GloMo [3] and DMR [4], the function of the radios could be
technology upgrade.
changed through loading different software, but the software
was not built on an open, common and standard infrastructure. In order to maintain interoperability, the radio systems must
So the benefits of ideal SDR such as waveform portability, be built upon a well-defined, standardized, open architecture.
software reuse and facilitating new technologies insertion Defming an architecture also enhances scalability and provides
couldn't be obtained. In order to establish a set of consistent plug-and-play behavior for the components of a radio. The
protocols and interfaces to manage, configure and control the Software Communication Architecture is such a common
SDR systems and simultaneously facilitate the waveform specification standard and component-based software
portability between hardware platforms from different vendors, framework/architecture defined by the JTRS Joint Program
the famous Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) program was Office (JPO) for SDR. The SCA is designed to facilitate
originated by US military to address these problems. As the waveform portability between different platforms and to
common software infrastructure of the SDR system and the top leverage commercial standards, frameworks and architectures
design of the JTRS program, the Software Communication to reduce development cost and improve reuse.
Architecture (SCA) is not only adopted as military
communication standards by many countries, but also adopted The SCA defmes an Operating Environment (OE) that will
as commercial and civilian standards by those organizations be used by JTRS radios. It also specifies the services and
interfaces that the applications use from the environment. The
interfaces are defined by using the Common Object Request
other is black bus) as shown in figure 2[5]. The red bus is this supplement. The researchers had to tum back to
connected with the black one through a security module. But reconsider the SCA 3.0. As the result the SCA 2.2.2 was
there is only the software architecture in the SCA 2.2.2 and the released by JTRS JPO in August 2006 and the SCA 3.0
software architecture shown in figure 3 [8] is different from quickly became superfluous. In order to resolve the software
the formers. The reason for this change is obvious and easy to portability between the special hardware, with CORBA
understand. When the community tries to implement the SDR available for DSP and FPGA , we can communicate directly to
radios, if they adopt the architecture as shown in figure 2, those devices and use the in similar fashion as for general
there will be two sets of operating environment including purpose processor (GPP).
operating system, CORBA middleware, networking stack and
serial interface services and board support package. This will V. THE FORECASTED TRENDS OF THE SCA SPECIFICATION
not only aggravate the load for hardware but also the As stated in the previous section, the SCA specification is
complexity of software. Thus this can't help to achieve the built on the evolving commercial frameworks and
goals of JTRS program and reduce the costs of development architectures, so it will evolve along with those evolving
and maintenance. commercial architectures. The research and practice on SCA-
based SDR systems will greatly promote the development of
the SCA specification. In the evolution process there have
been some forecasted trends [10- I3], in which the most
common viewpoint is that the SCA specification will become
smaller and simpler. But some opinions were not correct
proved by the practice. For example, the forecasted trend in
reference [10] was proved wrong by the succedent fact.
Because the SCA specification didn't evolve to version 3.1
from version 3.0 to support the real waveform portability
between the heterogeneous processors, the SCA 3.0 was
(ORB .\ORBk (mUl.-\OKII&
~nir," "
quickly discarded and the SCA 2.2.2 was released.
,,,bU I,..utl .\pp.,IIO'" f\ liol.II". Ir" .\pp l.UIIU-'
Taking all the factors into account, we forecast there are
four trends of SCA specification in the future.
A. Thefirst trend
Figure 2. The SCA software architecture before SCA 2.2.2 The SCA specification can adopt more commercial
standards and architectures and evolve towards the direction of
smaller size and lower complexity. The SCA specification has
completely referred those OMG specifications such as
Minimum CORBA, Naming Service, Event Service, POSIX,
UML and XML. In the future more commercial standards can
be adopted by the SCA, so the SCA core framework will be
smaller, require less testing, and eventually support ultra light
Figure 3. The software architecture inSCA 2.2.2 weight deployments in small and low-power consumption
devices. The trend has been approved by the fact that
B. The second revelation Lightweight Logging API is removed out from the SCA
specification and refers to the corresponding OMG version.
The current technologies of waveform portability
between the special hardware are not mature. The Specialized In addition the OMG "Deployment and Configuration of
Hardware Supplement (SHS) [9] to SCA 3.0 which specifies Component-Based Applications" specifications (D+C) which
how to improve portability of software for processing was created to enhance the deployment model of CORBA
elements other than general purpose processors can be applied Component Model (CCM) can affect the evolution process of
to the non-CORBA components running on the specialized the JTRS SCA specification. Currently there is an overlap
hardware. This supplement specifies a hardware abstraction between the SCA specification and the D+C (with Lightweight
layer connectivity (HAL-C) specification, a reduced POSIX CCM) specifications. Moving forward , the JTRS JPO can
AEP for DSP environments, waveform functional blocks to be choose between two points to determine the path for the
provided as part of each radio set and an application interface evolution of the SCA specification. Figure 4 shows the
for antenna interfaces. The HAL-C specifies a series of APIs relationship between the SCA and the OMG specifications, as
through abstracting the interface for the communication well as the options for SCA evolution [14].
between components running on specialized hardware. The
The first option would be to continue making minor
communication can be achieved through invoking the well
modifications to the SCA and the relevant OMG specifications
defined API. This will greatly minimizes the effect of the
through change proposals. This would bring these
hardware platform 's communication mechanisms on the
specifications closer, thus increasing the COTS content of the
software design and reduces the probability of significant
SCA CF implementations. The burden of maintenance would
component rewrites during porting. The ideal was very good,
stay the same as this approach does not necessarily reduce the
but the current technologies couldn't meet the requirement of
size of the SCA specification. More beneficial results could be
achieved by the second option: explicitly referencing the specification is summarized. The different SCA specification
aforementioned OMO specifications in the SCA (like the versions are analyzed and compared. The rules underlying the
current SCA references the Lightweight Logging service). evolution process are revealed as follows: the main contents
have changed greatly and the current technologies of
waveform portability between the special hardware are not
matured. In addition the future trends of the SCA specification
are forecasted too, which will help the researchers to grasp the
correct research directions.
The paper is sponsored by science research fund of naval
university of engineering (No. HODJJ07017). Thanks for the
support from this fund.
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