0806 Synthetic Biology
0806 Synthetic Biology
0806 Synthetic Biology
University of Nottingham
An independent review commissioned by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Table of contents
Executive Summary................................................................................................ 3
5. Uncontrolled Release........................................................................................ 15
6. Bioterrorism....................................................................................................... 18
References............................................................................................................ 33
This review was commissioned by a working group of the Bioscience for Society
Council (BBSRC). BBSRC is not responsible for the views expressed in the report or
the accuracy of its content. These are solely the responsibility of the authors.
We would like to thank the BBSRC BSS Panel, Brian Johnson, Ben Davis and other
members of the synthetic biology working group, and Sharon Fortune and Maggie
Leggett of BBSRC Office for their support, comments and advice in producing this
report. We would also like to thank Filippa Lentzos and Jane Calvert for their
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
May 2008
Executive Summary
1. What is Synthetic Biology?
There is no agreed definition of synthetic biology, but it is best understood as the
deliberate design of biological systems and living organisms using engineering
4. Synthetics, or Synbioethics:
The rise of concerns about Synthetic Biology
Many parallels have been drawn between the early development of recombinant
DNA technology in the 1970s and synthetic biology. A number of key ethical and
social issues raised by the technology have been debated, including:
5. Uncontrolled Release
One of the main aims of synthetic biology is the creation of novel genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), which may have utility in the production of energy and
bioremediation. However, such a prospect raises concerns about their accidental
release into the environment, as by their very nature such biological machines could
evolve, proliferate and produce unexpected interactions that might alter the
ecosystem. A number of measures are being proposed or adopted to ensure
adequate biological control, including: engineering bacteria to be dependent on
nutrients with limited availability; and integration of self-destruct mechanisms that are
triggered should the population density become too great.
6. Bioterrorism
The ability of synthetic biology to produce known, modified or new microorganisms
designed to be hostile to humans is a major concern, and has been demonstrated by
the synthesis of the polio virus and the pandemic Spanish Flu virus of 1918. A major
issue in this respect is the ready availability and poor control over commercial DNA
synthesis. Furthermore, in the future ‘garage biology’ (synthetic biology at home) may
be established as a hobby. However, most concern arises from state-level biological
warfare programmes. A number of proposals have been made by both scientific
groups and government agencies to address the dual use (military/civilian) nature of
synthetic genomics, including: controls over commercial DNA synthesis and public
research; and considering the impact of synthetic biology on international
bioweapons conventions. As yet there is no policy consensus on these issues.
Furthermore, there is an ongoing debate about whether improved biosecurity
measures should be achieved through professional self-regulation or formal statutory
nanotechnology. However, whilst rapid scientific progress is possible, it must be
recognised that translating this knowledge into real world applications is often a slow
process requiring significant investment.
2. The scientific community must take, and be seen to be taking, a lead in debating
the implications of their research and engaging with broader society around the
issues raised by synthetic biology.
3. Partnership with civil society groups, social scientists and ethicists should be
pursued as a highly effective way of understanding critical issues, engaging with
publics and winning support for emerging scientific fields. Experiments in upstream
engagement and public consultation should be undertaken to provide a valuable
channel for helping negotiate the boundaries of what is socially acceptable science.
Research agencies, such as the BBSRC, have an important role, not only in terms of
funding the best science, but also in steering and shaping the field. Thus research
can be undertaken in a way that ensures ongoing public support and realises the
potential social and economic benefits of these powerful technologies, whilst
controlling risks in a way that reassures both the public and the scientific community.
Synthetic Biology: social and ethical challenges
Synthetic biology is an exciting multidisciplinary field that promises many benefits,
whilst at the same time raising important social and ethical issues. Yet although it is a
rapidly emerging field, it must be stressed that work on synthetic biology is still at a
very early stage with relatively few UK researchers choosing to call themselves
synthetic biologists and no dedicated funding stream supporting these activities.
However, this looks set to change in the near future, with funding agencies such as
the BBSRC, EPSRC and the Medical Research Council (MRC) playing a key role in
creating this new area of investigation. This report has been commissioned as part of
the activities of a BBSRC Strategy Panel working group that has been considering
the main social and ethical issues that might be of concern to the public as regards
synthetic biology. It is hoped that it will help inform debate in both the scientific
community and the wider public more generally, so that some of the sensitive issues
that might arise as the field advances can be taken into account at an early stage.
This report therefore aims to briefly review the main social and ethical issues raised
in public debates about synthetic biology. In particular, it draws on media reports,
academic publications and grey literature mostly published in the last five years. The
first two sections provide some definitions of synthetic biology and summarise the
central areas of scientific research. This is followed by a description of how the
science and technology has developed in recent years, the emergence of public
debate about its implications and the policy response to these concerns in a number
of key areas. Finally, some reflections on the lessons that might be learnt from the
earlier debates over genetic engineering and recommendations for policy are offered
in the conclusion.
What seems to be at stake in this struggle for nomenclature is not only the
establishment of a disjunction, the drawing up of boundaries for a new field, but also
the weight of social implications and public (mis)understandings of what it promises
to achieve. Indeed, due to internal fears over possible incitement of anti-recombinant-
DNA riots the proposed title of Steven Benner’s 1988 conference in Switzerland,
‘Redesigning Life’, had to be renamed [Ball 2004]. There seems to be a fear that the
single word synthetic connotes negative images of monstrous life forms let loose by
maniacal scientists. However, it is certain that whilst terminology plays a role in
perception, the fears for and about synthetic biology will not be allayed by simply
changing its name.
Rob Carlson’s Blog http://synthesis.typepad.com/synthesis/2006/05/synthetic_biolo_1.html
Pages from his book available at: http://www.biologyistechnology.com/
Whatever umbrella term is placed over the research the goals are broadly similar and
can be summarised thus:
The aim of engineering life was also instrumental in shaping the development of what
became known as molecular biology during the 1930s. A key factor in the emergence
of this new science and the realisation of what Kay has called the 'molecular vision of
life' was the role of the Rockefeller Foundation in sponsoring a very large programme
of research into the physical and chemical basis of life [Kay, 1993]. Before the war
the Foundation was the largest source of funding for basic research in biology, with
Federal government support only becoming significant after 1945. Between 1932
1959 it invested over $25 million in molecular biology in the USA [Ibid., p6].
Video available at: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/event_details.php?webcastid=15766
One of the programmes funded by NEST – more detail can be found below.
Let me now comment on the question "what next". Up to now we are working
on the descriptive phase of molecular biology. ... But the real challenge will
start when we enter the synthetic biology phase of research in our field. We
will then devise new control elements and add these new modules to the
existing genomes or build up wholly new genomes. This would be a field with
the unlimited expansion potential and hardly any limitations to building "new
better control circuits" and .... finally other "synthetic” organisms, like a "new
better mouse". ... I am not concerned that we will run out of exciting and novel
ideas, ... in the synthetic biology, in general. [Szybalski, 1974].
However, the widespread use of the term synthetic biology has only occurred since
the mid-2000s. The reasons for this are complex, but the resurgence of interest in the
idea of using engineering principles to create artificial life is largely down to the falling
cost of gene sequencing and synthesis following the completion of the human
genome project and the development of high speed automation. In this sense,
advances in the speed and scale of existing technologies, rather than the arrival of
new ones, have enabled the realisation of one of the longest held promises of
modern biology.
a) Minimal Genomes
The production of minimal genome microbes entails experiments designed to
determine the smallest number of genes required for a bacterium to survive and
follows the top-down approach to synthetic biology. Craig Venter’s team at the
Institute for Genomic Research began to experiment with the bacterium Mycoplasma
genitalium in the 1990s. This research built on a survey of the M. genitalium genome
using random sequencing [Peterson 1993] and resulted in the estimation of a gene
complement of 470 coding regions for such things as DNA repair, energy metabolism
and other essential processes [Fraser et al 1995]. This figure was reduced to 386
essential genes by 20056. The production of minimal living genomes is undertaken to
produce a ‘chassis’ that can have other synthetic pathways added [ETC 2007],
thereby enabling various products to be made from the same basic organism. It is
hoped that these basic cells could be utilised for such things as producing efficient
fuel alternatives or as a means to slow climate change. Though the basic science
involved in the production of these minimal genomes, predominantly gene knockout
technology, has been utilised for some time, the outcome of such experimentation in
the production of minimal genomes is relatively new. Furthermore, the development
of those minimal genome microbes into working systems for the production of fuels
or clean up of environmental contaminants is still at a very early stage.
Benner and Sismour [2005] outline the two types of interchangeable parts being
developed by the synthetic biology community: DNA and proteins. Deoxyribonucleic
acid has proven to be an excellent structure for modification since the backbone that
supports the base pairs is relatively stable, even when entirely synthetic nucleic acids
are added to the sequence. Slight modifications to the DNA polymerase enzyme
allow for normal ‘reading’ of a DNA sequence that contains nucleotides other than
AGCT [Benner and Sismour 2005]. The two artificial nucleotides produced by
Benner’s team are K and X, forming what he calls AEGIS (An Expanded Genetic
Information System).
In contrast, the search for protein-based interchangeable parts has proven more
difficult. Engineering proteins by modifying the amino acid sequence in a predictable
fashion is a highly complex process due to the secondary and tertiary structures that
proteins arrange themselves into. Amino acids interact with each other causing the
chain to fold and bend into a three dimensional structure that is hard to anticipate
from sequence data alone. As such, attempts to engineer interchangeable parts have
so far been successful mostly by DNA modification.
See: http://openwetware.org/wiki/Image:AbstractionHierarchy.jpg for a visual explanation
The MIT BioBricks Project is a Wiki of standard biological parts that have been designed with standard prefix and suffix
sequences such that they can be assembled using well known cloning techniques.
International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition http://parts.mit.edu/igem07/index.php/Main_Page
c) Artificial Cells
The creation of artificial cells operates through a bottom-up process, as opposed to
the top-down strategies so far described [ETC 2007]. Scientists such as Steen
Rasmussen, who was awarded a $5m grant from the Los Alamos National
Laboratory, are attempting to build life-like cells from scratch [ETC 2007]. They place
three components at the centre of that project: a system of metabolism; an
information-storing molecule; and a membrane to hold it together. Rasmussen’s team
is developing a ‘protocell’10. The protocell is different from naturally occurring cells,
or minimal living organisms, perhaps most evidently in the use of Peptide Nucleic
Acid (PNA) in place of DNA. PNA uses peptides in place of the DNA sugar-
phosphate backbone. Rasmussen’s lab is just one of the 13 partners in the PACE
(Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution) consortium11. This research network aims to
produce self-organising, evolvable, life-like systems to make the next generation of
self-repairing computer and robotics technologies and to ‘direct all kinds of complex
production and remediation on the nanoscale’12.
d) Synthetic Biomolecules
As earlier indicated the search for interchangeable parts through protein modification
has proven complex due to the secondary and tertiary structural features of these
molecules. The modification of amino acid sequences after they have been
transcribed from genes in the cell can greatly alter the functionality of the sequence,
offering some explanation for the observed discrepancy between low gene number
and increased complexity in the higher animals. British scientists [van Kasteren et al.
2007] have recently developed a chemical tagging system that utilises established
GM techniques (the LacZ reporter enzyme scaffold) to attach post-translation
modifications to amino acid sequences, thereby producing proteins that have
functions such as detecting mammalian brain inflammation and disease. Other
examples of protein modification are detailed in a Science perspectives article [Davis
2004], and include such things as the construction of a synthetic mimic of
erythropoietin that has a prolonged circulation time in the body [Kochendoerfer et al
out its first issue in March 200716. BioMed Central publishes the open-access journal
Systems Biology, which includes much scope for synthetic biology and has been
publishing articles since January 200717. Key reviews of the field were published in
2005 [Benner and Sismour 2005] and 2006 [Heinemann and Panke 2006].
Bhutkar [2005] briefly outlines the status of funding for synthetic biology in the US
and Europe. Significant amounts of money are being injected into the field by the US
government Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the
Departments of Defense (DoD) and Energy (DoE). DARPA is interested in DNA
computing and the DoD has allocated $3m to Craig Venter’s not-for-profit Institute for
Biological Energy Alternatives. A new research centre at UC, Berkeley was opened
in 2006 by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant of $16m, to be spent over five
In addition, over the last couple of years, there has been a wave of commercial
interest and investment in synthetic biology coming from wealthy individuals and
venture capitalists. Such individuals, including Craig Venter and Bill Gates, have
developed particular interests within synthetic biology. In 2006 Microsoft awarded
$570,000 to six projects with the aim of stimulating basic research in synthetic
biology and DNA nanotechnology19. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated
$42.6m over five years (beginning 2004) to a collaboration between the Institute for
OneWorld Health, UC Berkeley and Amyris Biotechnologies to develop a synthetic
form of artemisinin, an anti-malarial drug20. Amyris was also awarded $70m by a
consortium of venture capitalists to use the same technology platform to develop bio
fuels21. Amyris Biotechnologies was founded by well known synthetic biologist Jay
Keasling at UCB and its CEO is presently John G. Melo, previously president of U.S.
Fuels operations for BP22.
Codon Devices23, founded by synthetic biologists Drew Endy, George Church, Jay
Keasling and Ron Weiss, has 35 US patent applications and 10 issued US patents,
28 foreign applications and 12 issued and describes itself as a Constructive Biology
Company. They claim their BioFab technology is the most advanced genetic
construction platform in the world. In 2005 Codon’s first funding round collected
$13m in capital24 and in 2006 the second round brought in $20m25.
and environmental challenges. In particular, they aim to develop an efficient fuel.
Synthetic Genomics has received at least $30m from venture capital firms30.
Across the Atlantic, firms in the UK include Glycoform37 which has developed a
synthetic glycoprotein designed to treat anaemia. They received £960,000 in a 2004
funding round with contributions from the ISIS College Fund managed by Quester
Capital Management Limited and other share holders38. A further $1.1m was raised
in 2006 from existing investors following completion of several milestones39.
The EU’s New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) programme provided
early stage funding during 2003/04 and 04/05. Synthetic Biology featured as a case-
study at the NEST 2005 conference and a fact sheet under the 6th Framework
Programme 05/06 called for research proposals for:
http://www.ambrx.com/wt/page/pr_1152200371 and http://www.ambrx.com/wt/page/pr_1153528812
Available here: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/nest/docs/5-nest-synthetic-080507.pdf
o Complex molecular devices for tissue repair/regeneration
o Smart drugs
o Biological delivery systems
o Vectors for therapy
o Personalised medicine
o Cells with new properties that improve human health
Synthesis of biopharmaceuticals
o Complex natural products
Sustainable chemical industry
o Environmentally friendly production of chemicals
Environment and energy
o Bioremediation
o Production of energy
o GMO safety
Production of smart materials and biomaterials
Security/ counter-terrorism.
The report led to framework six funding for 18 synthetic biology research and policy
projects [Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 2008]. Further projects
within the EU include: ‘TESSY: Towards a European Strategy for Synthetic Biology’;
‘SYNBIOSAFE: Safety and Ethical Aspects of Synthetic Biology’, ‘EMERGENCE:
setting up the bases for synthetic biology in Europe’ ‘SYNBIOLOGY: an analysis of
synthetic biology research in Europe and North America’ ‘SynBioComm: towards a
European synthetic biology community’. The first intends to bring together research
groups through workshops to develop a research roadmap for European research on
synthetic biology. The second examines the ethics, perception, safety and security
of synthetic biology, with the third being concerned with education and infrastructure.
In the UK a joint call for proposals in Networks in Synthetic Biology was made in
October 2007 by the BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, and AHRC, for a total of £900,000,
part of which was intended for ethical and social debate. The funding and
development of ‘systems biology’41 has also been considered by the Academy of
Medical Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering42 [Academy of Medical
Sciences and Royal Academy of Engineering 2007]. Their report recommends the
establishment of three to five new academic centres at leading universities in the UK
costing ~ £325m over ten years and suggests that government financial support
would be needed for such a project. It also argues that the interdisciplinary nature of
the field poses problems for the contemporary structures of university departments
and the arrangement of research grant committees, stating that:
Some consider the term synonymous with synthetic biology, whilst others argue there are significant differences.
Irrespective of such confusion, the concerns of the academies remain applicable since, if they are different, they still retain
the common feature of interdisciplinarity and novelty.
Available at: http://www.raeng.org.uk/policy/engagement/pdf/Systems_Biology_Report.pdf
The Research Assessment Exercise, as currently structured, continues to be a
barrier to interdisciplinary research.
[Academy of Medicine and Royal Academy of Engineering 2007]
4. Synthethics, or Synbioethics:
The rise of concerns about Synthetic Biology
The scientific community hasn’t shied away from acknowledging the potential
dangers of synthetic life forms, with ethics playing a role in international conferences
and with almost every review of synthetic biology indicating a need for ethical debate,
internal regulation and safe practice. Indeed a declaration made by members at the
Second International Meeting on Synthetic Biology (Synthetic Biology 2.0) supports
the adoption of policies to ensure safe practice in the scientific community43. There is
some feeling that similar ethics and standards guidelines could be produced as have
been elsewhere:
A particular theme that crops up in the discussion on the ethics of this emergent
science is the comparison to the situation faced by genetic engineering in the 1970s
and ‘80s:
Synthetic Biology needs to establish itself as a community effort that is safe
and nurtures responsible practices and attitudes. For this, a code of ethics and
standards need to be developed for biological engineering. Learning from
gene therapy, we should imagine worst-case scenarios and protect against
Chopra and Kamma 2006, p408
The Laurence Berkeley National Laboratory and MIT have both developed
programmes on synthetic biology that include some exploration of ethical issues. In
2005 the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awarded MIT $570,000 to explore the potential
ethical issues arising from synthetic biology44. At the European level, in 2007 NEST
published a brief statement of intent to create a European framework of ethics,
regulation and public consultation on synthetic biology called SYNBIOSAFE45. The
project is funded for €236,000. By answering the questions posed by an ethics of
synthetics the project hopes to offer advice on risk assessment, safety, ethics,
Available here: http://syntheticbiology.org/SB2Declaration.html
MIT press release here: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2005/syntheticbio.html
intellectual property rights to researchers, stakeholders and the public. Initial findings
from the project based on interviews with leading researchers indicate that whilst
there are important issues to be addressed, most scientists believe there are no new
ethical issues raised by synthetic biology [Deplazes, 2008].
In part, the readiness of the scientific community to discuss ethical issues stems from
concerns within the profession and there have been calls for greater self-regulation,
with proposals for a new Asilomar Conference to consider how synthetic biology
should be governed46. However, it also acknowledges the fact that a number of
NGOs and civil society groups have raised social, safety and ethical concerns about
the development of this new field. These include environmental organisations such
as the action group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC) and Friends of
the Earth, as well as peace and security groups such as the Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists. In particular, ETC has been active on the subject, producing a major
report on the field titled Extreme Genetic Engineering: an introduction to synthetic
biology [ETC, 2007].
In thinking about the ethical, social and legal issues raised by synthetic biology a
number of areas of concern can be identified: uncontrolled release into the
environment, bioterrorism, patenting and the creation of monopolies, trade and global
justice, and the creation of artificial life. We now take each of these areas and use
some of the successes of synthetic biology to explore the main ethical and social
issues raised by scientists, NGOs, and the media.
5. Uncontrolled Release
a) Scientific/Technical Development
In 2003 Craig Venter, the somewhat infamous genome pioneer, caused a
controversy about synthetic biology when he announced that his team had taken just
fourteen days to create the first synthetic virus from scratch, bacteriophage Phi X174
(5,386 bp) [Smith et al 2003]. His latest company, Synthetic Genomics Inc., was
founded in 2005 with $30m of venture capital with the aspiration of developing
microbes for use in bioremediation and energy production. The Minimal Genome
Project is part of the non-profit Institute of Genomic Research (TIGR) which has been
exploring the minimal requirements for microbial life in multiple species since the
early 90s47. As part of that research, in 1995, TIGR was responsible for another first:
the complete DNA sequence of a bacterium, Haemophilus influenzae. A controversial
patent on the minimal bacterial genome48 is one of the latest in a series of
developments made by the TIGR team. The Canadian ETC group has named the
patented organism, Mycoplasma laboratorium, Synthia49 as a follower in suite to
Dolly the cloned sheep. Venter’s team appears to be getting close to their goal with
the publication of the first synthetic bacterial genome in January 200850. They
synthesised a 582,970 base pair genome of a bacterium, Mycoplasma genitalium
JCVI-1.0, which they claimed to be the second step of three that might lead to the
creation of the first synthetic organism. As part of the process the team inserted
The Asilomar conference, held in 1975, was a landmark event in which the scientific community met to consider how the
new field of recombinant DNA and genetic engineering should be regulated.
Such experiments used gene knockouts or antisense RNA
Number 20070122826 ‘Minimal Bacterial Genome’ here: http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-
In their press release here: http://www.etcgroup.org/en/materials/publications.html?pub_id=631
‘watermarks’ into the sequence that would not typically be found in Nature, which
were discovered to be advertising for the Venter Institute51.
Would a synthetic bug cause havoc if it escaped from the lab? No, because
it's too weak to survive in the wild. Could synthetic biology be used to build
bioweapons? Yes. … By the way, isn't it mindblowing that "life" can range
from a gaggle of 400 genes mooching about in a Petri dish, to a free-thinking
assortment of 30,000 genes, with sparkling eyes and heartstopping dimples?
Anjana Ahuja, ‘Life is Just a Bowl of Petri’ The Times July 2 2007
The ETC however were very critical and wrote to Venter and the patent authority
asking that it be withdrawn or rejected on the basis that it was contrary to the public
morality and safety. They claim that the patent application represents a “high-stakes
commercial race to synthesize and privatize synthetic life forms” [ETC Group 2007c].
They raise many other fears such as potential misuse of the organism, including
creating a biological weapon and also ask, “How could their accidental release into
the environment be prevented or the effects of their intentional release be
evaluated?” [ETC Group 2007c]. They draw comparisons to other controversies
including the Dolly clone and are sceptical about the promise of synthetic biology:
Synthia may not be as cuddly as a cloned lamb, but we believe this is a much
bigger deal. … It's purely speculation and hype that syns [synthetic living
organisms] will be used to ameliorate climate change by producing cheap
It is interesting to note that in the review of UK newspaper reports of synthetic biology undertaken for this paper, there
were few signs of sensationalist reporting, with most journalists writing in a balanced manner that, if anything, underplayed
the debate on the social and ethical issues raised by this technology.
ethanol or hydrogen … The same minimal microbe could be harnessed to
build a virulent pathogen that could pose grave threats to people and the
Jim Thomas, ETC Group ‘Patenting Pandora’s Bug’ June 7 2007 [ETC Group 2007c].
A major issue raised by the critics of this technology is that by their very nature
biological machines are evolutionary machines; they are subject to natural selection
and potentially gene flow [Benner and Sismour 2005]. This means that mutations in
the genome of the synthetic organisms could produce unexpected interactions with
the environment and other living, natural organisms. Considering the myriad unusual
functions enabled by BioBricks that could be integrated in synthetic genomes, a
concern is that functions upon which nature has never operated may provide
advantages over natural organisms leading to unexpected proliferation of a synthetic
biology product, thereby radically altering the ecosystem. Microorganisms intended
for clean up of one particular chemical may interact with others, potentially passing
synthetic genes to natural species thereby “contaminating” the gene pool [Tucker and
Zilinskas 2006]. It’s also claimed that even without such evolutionary intervention the
released species may interact with naturally existing substances and cause
unexpected side-effects [Bhuktar 2005]. These fears are reminiscent of the concerns
voiced by anti-nano groups and individuals such as Prince Charles, who famously
envisaged a world reduced to “grey goo” by out of control nano machines53.
In this context questions have been asked about the adequacy of existing regulatory
regimes for the control of GMOs, which are based on assessing relatively simple
genetic changes to bacteria [Schmidt, 2008]. In particular, established risk
assessment methods may not be adequate to deal with the much more complex
changes brought about by synthetic biology, which involves the engineering of entire
biochemical pathways. This challenge may require important changes to the methods
and procedures used to assess the environmental risks posed by the novel
organisms created by synthetic biology.
Quorum sensing
‘treat synthetic microorganisms as dangerous until proven harmless.’ Using the NIH
guidelines for genetically engineered microorganisms they suggest that any synthetic
DNA containing BioBricks would have to be studied under high levels of physical
containment (level three or four).
A report, produced by Drew Endy of MIT, several of the J. Craig Venter Institute team
and G.L Epstein from the Center for Strategic and International Studies proposes
numerous ‘options for governance’ of synthetic genomics [Garfinkel et. al. 2007]. The
authors attribute the current biosafety framework to the “foresight of the scientists
who invented recombinant DNA” and argue that any proposed framework for
synthetic genomics should be based upon this existent scheme, since it has “enabled
the demonstrably safe development and application of recombinant DNA technology
over the past three decades”.
They identify six policy options to improve the safety of benign/beneficial synthetic
1. Education about the risks of, and guidance on best practice for, synthetic
genomic experiments at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels
2. Production of a safety manual specifically tailored for synthetic biology labs
3. Development of a clearing house mechanism to dispense advice on best
practice and emergency procedures
4. Broadening of the Institutional Biosafety Committees’ (IBC) remit
5. 4 & - Creation of a National Advisory Group for extra-risky/novel experiments
6. Broader IBC review and enhanced enforcement of compliance with biosafety
The first two options form part of a ‘modest’ portfolio of options, these two combined
with 4 and 5 may indirectly produce a more effective portfolio, but at greater expense.
Implementation of all six options would, according to the report, represent an
‘aggressive’ policy towards biosafety.
6. Bioterrorism
a) Scientific/Technical Development
The development of biological weapons has a long history, with military programmes
using advances in basic biology, including recombinant DNA techniques, to try to
create new forms of offensive weapons [Dando, 1999]. In this context, it is notable
that a CIA Report from 2003 [CIA 2003] painted a dark picture of the bioweapons
future suggesting that some “engineered biological agents could be worse than any
disease known to man” and that the genomic revolution had made such rapid
progress that the traditional methods of monitoring weapons of mass destruction
could prove inadequate. To ensure that the intelligence services remained
knowledgeable on the potential applications of bioengineering the report suggests a
closer working relationship with the biological science community. In the UK similar
concerns have arisen about synthetic biology with the Ministry of Defence
highlighting the field as one that may impact future military capabilities and in 2006
the Defence Science Advisory Council agreed to examine the military opportunities
and threats arising from the field (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
The major issues about synthetic biology’s ability to be misused centre around the
production of known, modified or new microorganisms designed to be hostile to
humans either directly or indirectly. The development, production and stockpiling of
bioweapons is restricted under the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention55. Tucker and Zilinskas [2006] point out that synthetic biology not only
allows for production of new forms of life, but also the synthesis of those that exist
already. By reproducing known pathogens in the lab, such as influenza, one might be
able to obfuscate the controls imposed on the movement of such organic
Whilst the academic community continues debating regulation and ethics, biohacking
or ‘garage biology’ is, according to some media reports [Rowan 2006], being
established as a home hobby. As DNA sequencing becomes cheaper and quicker
and second hand equipment becomes available on eBay the power to create
synthetic sequences may be dispersed to many individuals and groups. Biohackers
have also become known by the portmanteau ‘biopunk’ (biotech punk)58, that has its
Available here: http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/bwc/text/bwc.htm
As evidenced in most scientific reviews of the field and the few ethical reviews
origins as a science fiction genre. The most recent, and significant addition to this
movement has been the online publication of a ‘Primer for Synthetic Biology’, a
manual, written in simple, non-technical language, for those wishing to engage
themselves in some bio hacking [Mohr 2007]. Interestingly Mohr, a student at Boston
University at the time of writing, includes in his 72 page draft a notice of intent to
provide an outline of the key ethical issues facing synthetic biology titled ‘ethics for
everyone’. Though biohacking is beginning to develop a web presence, and is
certainly becoming quite prominent in the blogosphere there is little evidence, as yet,
that it has any active/practising following. Tucker and Zilinskas identify two potential
terrorist categories: the ‘lone operator’ and ‘the biohacker’. The lone operator is a
rogue synthetic biologist and the biohacker is, as above, a college kid eager to
demonstrate their technological prowess. If indeed second hand tools for genome
assembly are becoming available to the public at affordable costs then this would
seem to add weight to the concerns over possible terrorist use of synthetic biology
However, Tucker and Zilinskas [2006] argue that ‘At present, the primary threat
of misuse appears to come from state-level biological warfare programs’. They
suggest that the construction of an entirely new pathogen using synthetic sequences
is unlikely given the present state of the art and that the more likely threat is from the
creation of already known pathogens, such as polio, as discussed above. The
technological obstacles to producing either pathogen are seen as a limiting factor
that renders synthetic biology no more concerning that previous debates about
genetic engineering [Tucker and Zilinskas 2006]. Furthermore, even if such
organisms could be produced, they are hard to ‘weaponise’ – something which would
be essential for their role as offensive weapons or instruments of terror.
Whilst the prospects for the creation of biological weapons based on synthetic
biology remain contentious and uncertain, a more fundamental problem has been
raised about the level of awareness within the scientific community of the potential
military uses of the technology. Most proposals for governance and oversight depend
on scientists being aware of and reporting potential misuses. However, this in turn
will critically depend on researchers being aware of the possible applications and
risks of synthetic biology. A recent study carried out by Alexander Kelle found a low
level of awareness of the key policy documents and debates about biosecurity
amongst synthetic biology researchers in Europe [Kelle 2007]. This raises major
questions about how easy it will be to implement any such measures in this area.
Select Agent Regulation
• Restricting access to new sequence information about Select Agents;
• Monitoring the sale of chemicals and lab equipment used to synthesize DNA;
• Voluntary/involuntary surveillance/tracking of researchers/students using or
trained to use synthetic genomics;
• Modifying the SAR so that all select agent genomes are covered; and
• Modifying the SAR or issuing new regulations defining Select Agents in
terms of their sequence.
The Sunshine Project, an anti-bioweapons NGO, argued that there was a conflict of
interest at the NSABB [Sunshine Project 2006]. In particular, the Project claimed that
the NSABB has set up a working group to ostensibly make recommendations for the
safe government of synthetic biology, but that it ‘will instead assault regulation of a
wide range of biodefense and biotech risks’ [Sunshine Project 2006]. This, they
argued, came from pressure exerted by powerful scientists on the NSABB and the
working group. The Sunshine Project identified a competition for funding between
two scientific camps: synthetic biologists and infectious disease researchers. Whilst
the two compete for funding they have a shared common goal, “to take down what
they perceive as a threat: biosecurity legislation designed to protect the public”
[Sunshine Project 2006].
The Sunshine Project has been very sceptical about the report and suggests that the
findings and recommendations are not logically coherent. They go even further and
argue that the report is a pre-emptive attack on the regulation of synthetic biology
and the SA rule to free up regulatory space for the development of synthetic
Where the Sunshine Project, along with many other civil society organisations,
advocate external regulation, the majority of the scientific community seek to
establish self-regulatory practices. In preparation for debate on self governance at
the Synthetic Biology 2.0 conference, Maurer, Lucas and Terrell [2006] produced a
report on safety and security. Their document argues that self regulation is important,
Practising synthetic biologists, representatives from the intelligence community, organisations that have conducted or are
conducting policy studies on the implications of synthetic genomics or synthetic biology, and federal agencies responsible for
implementing and enforcing the SAR.
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Agriculture
United States Government
but that it shouldn’t ‘necessarily displace traditional interventions based on regulation,
legislation, and treaties’ [Maurer et. al. 2006]. They argued that the difference
between the ethical problems associated with more traditional biotechnological
developments and synthetic biology are minor and suggested the risk posed by
synthetic biology is relatively small. The four main areas of concern in the paper are:
i) sequence screening; ii) community norms; iii) continuing debate; iv) technological
1&2 (Gene firms/Oligo manufacturers): firms must screen orders and biosafety
officers must verify applications.
3 (DNA Synthesisers): Equipment must be registered and licensed and a
license must be required to purchase reagents and services
4 (Users and Organisations): broaden IBC review and creation National
Advisory Board
The debate over policy options clearly demonstrates that many synthetic biologists
are highly concerned about ethical issues, both in regards to not wanting to cause
harm and not wishing to lose the promise of synthetic biology to unwarranted media,
public controversy or regulation. Others fear the concentration of power over policy,
arguing that those practising the science cannot also be those regulating it. In
particular, they suspect that science will be supported by governments irrespective of
its potential risks and that public concerns are being sidelined.
All measures to control the potential misuse of synthetic biology, including self-
governance and statutory regulation, critically depend on policymakers and
researchers being vigilant. Evidence of a lack of awareness of the potential threats to
biosecurity posed by synthetic biology within the scientific community must therefore
be addressed as a matter of priority in order to meet this challenge.
There are two major concerns about the intellectual property puzzle of synthetic
biology, namely patents that are too broad and those that are too narrow. The
difficulty is that broad patents may restrict collaboration and stifle development in the
field, and narrow patents may over-complicate the process, meaning that hundreds
of patents have to be negotiated to produce a system from standardized parts.
The spur for debate on the IP problems surrounding synthetic biology has come from
Venter’s patenting of Synthia. He hasn’t only sought a patent for the minimal living
cell in the US, but also at the international level through the World Intellectual
Property Organisation66. More recently Venter has filed patent applications for
making synthetic genomes (UPSTO no. 20070264688) and putting them into cells
(20070269862). The ETC Group claims that Venter’s ‘enterprises are positioning
themselves to be the Microsoft of synthetic biology’ [ETC Group 2007b], or what they
called Microbesoft [Anjana Ahuja 2007]. ETC argues that the landmark ruling of
Diamond vs. Chakrabarty67 opened the door to patent all biological products and
processes, and that synthetic biology easily fits into its scope. Other than the
detraction to potential research on synthetic biology the ETC Group doesn’t expand
on why such a monopoly on synthetic life forms should be avoided.
Henkel and Maurer [2007] point out that the development of registries of
standardised parts is likely to stimulate the emergence of competing libraries that
may seek to license the entire library rather than individual components: “Suppose
that Company Y owns 70% of the most popular parts and Company Z owns the
remaining 30%. Then, Company Y can get 100% of the business by offering a
complete suite of whatever parts that the users need, that is, turning the contest into
a competition between libraries instead of individual parts.” This potential problem of
monopoly stems from what economists call a network effect, wherein the competition
between parts is mediated by reducing costs as some parts are used more frequently
than others [Henkel and Maurer 2007]. Costs reduce as experience increases. Thus
a part may become ‘locked in’ by being used more initially: those in the network
benefit by using the same parts over and over; whilst other competing parts become
used less frequently and may ultimately fall out of use. This is known as a ‘tipping
dynamic’. Henkel and Maurer go on to argue that the challenge to the open-source
synthetic biology movement is to foster the design of institutions that encourage
appropriate decision making as regards patents. They cite research that they say
indicates companies can earn more by sharing information rather than hoarding it.
They provide a further alternative to Rai and Boyle’s [2007] versions of the patenting
puzzle by suggesting that the registry be open only to those whom agree to make the
parts they develop similarly available, perhaps after a specified number of years of
number WO2007047148
royalty returns. In a presentation given at SB 3.069 Henkel and Maurer indicated that
parts of the MIT registry were already patented and that the registry may benefit from
making it clear which these are so that researchers can avoid using them. They
conclude that synthetic biology will require a mixture of IP and open-source.
Whereas Rai and Boyle [2007] fear the intellectual property ‘perfect storm’, a Nature
editorial [Nature 2007] considered this conjunction to be more a ‘tempest in a test-
tube’. The editors claim that Venter’s patent looks unlikely to be awarded on the
basis that (a) it doesn’t give sufficient information to enable an expert in the field to
make or use it; and (b) many of the non-essential genes described are already in the
public domain. However, if Venter’s patent application for the minimal genome is
successful then he could monopolise the market for biofuel production. Henkel and
Maurer [2007], as paraphrased above, indicate that via the ‘tipping dynamic’ early
leaders in a field may become steadily entrenched over time and come to dominate.
Indeed Venter’s plans do sound grand, he told the Sunday Times, "Obviously, if we
made an organism that produced fuel, that could be the first billion or trillion-dollar
organism" [Sunday Times 2007] and according to the Guardian he plans to do it
within a decade [Ian Sample 2007]. The question, asks the Sunday Times is, “who
will benefit most - Venter or mankind?”
resistance does not build up. However, ETC argues that Novartis has a virtual
monopoly on ACTs and quote the Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands ‘This
monopoly-like situation has created an imperfect market defined by scarcity of raw
materials, speculation and extremely high retail prices’. Critics contend that synthetic
artemisinin would ensure that no local production of natural Artemisia could be
stimulated or sustained, thereby maintaining the discrepancy of wealth and health.
The Gates foundation has been applauded for its charitable and practical aim, but it
is not clear that producing a drug of this sort in developed countries is the best way of
either eradicating malaria in the long term or supporting sustainable development in
the poorest countries. As with many other advanced technologies, such as GM
crops, when applied to issues of economic development, public health and global
justice, a number of important questions are raised about the extent to which these
innovations help tackle these problems or make them worse.
A number of research teams have the creation of life-like cells as a major objective.
For example, a consortium of 13 partner institutions has been formed under the
banner ‘PACE’71 (Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution) and has, as its mission
statement, the goal of bringing the binary and living worlds closer together72.
On the moral front, Mooney [of the ETC Group] says of Venter: "God has
competition." To argue that the making of life should remain the province of a
divine creator is no argument at all.
Anjana Ahuja, ‘Life is Just a Bowl of Petri’ The Times July 2 2007
Fears have been raised about the dangers of tinkering with life and releasing
malignant bugs. "We don't yet know what are the social, ethical and even bio
weapons implications of this research," said Hope Shand of the ETC
technology pressure group. The most ominous note was struck by a scientist
at MIT: "The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It's time for a rewrite."
Feature, ‘The Scientist Who Wants to put a Microbe in Your Tank’ Sunday Times July 1 2007
Scientists are a step closer to creating artificial life after transforming one type
of bacteria into another. … But the announcement has also triggered unease,
with some critics warning that the scientists were 'playing god'.
Reporter, ‘Scientists ‘Closer to Creating Artificial Life’’ Daily Mail June 29 2007
Synthetic biology has been touted as the discipline geared towards ‘engineering life’
[Chopra and Kamma 2006]. It is the notion of artificiality, the unknown quality, of
synthetic biology’s products that seems to underlie many of the aforementioned
ethical concerns. Furthermore, the living, breeding nature of the synthetic biology
output makes the threat of environmental contamination or the development of
biological weapons so powerful. In this way, the ascription of the term life gives them
agency; as though these microbes might seek to destroy us. It shouldn’t be surprising
then that this framing of the potential of biological engineering taps into the concept
of risk and that some of the responses, particularly the regulative strategies outlined
earlier that are aimed at identifying ‘risky’ engineers, are focussed on minimising
potential harms whilst enabling scientific progress. However, such concerns are
largely utilitarian, ‘what might happen if this microorganism escaped?’
Whilst these arguments are brought to the fore what have been pushed to the edges
of the scientific discourse are potentially more fundamental issues about tampering in
natural systems and creating ‘life itself’. It has been suggested by Edward Machery73,
a philosopher of science at the University of Pittsburgh, that a stable definition of ‘life’
is impossible and useless. Machery argues that synthetic biologists (amongst other
researchers) are confused over what life is, where it begins and particularly, how
complex it must be. This, he suggests, is no surprise and is consistent with a whole
programme of ‘life definitionism’ that fails to confine its object. A similar set of issues
have been raised in a recent Nature Editorial [Nature 2007], which notes that “Many
a technology has at some time or another been deemed an affront to God, but
perhaps none invites the accusation as directly as synthetic biology.” It then goes on
to argue that ‘It would be a service to more than synthetic biology if we might now be
permitted to dismiss the idea that life is a precise scientific concept.’
The final step in Venter’s three step process of creating a synthetic organism
involves inserting the synthesised genome into a bacterial cell and waiting to see if it
springs to life. The publication of this information in January 2008 resulted in quite
extensive media coverage with many articles leading with the life aspect: ‘Scientist
Creates Artificial Life – Almost’74; ‘Synthetic Life: Watch this Space’75. The Economist
concluded its article on the publication with the lines:
…if Dr Venter can take the final step of kicking the new, wholly synthetic
genome into reproductive life, he will not only have made a great technological
http://www.pitt.edu/~machery/ - his paper was available for download but is no longer – he is currently (spring 2008)
revising it.
leap forward, he will also have erased one of the last mythic distinctions in
science—that between living and non-living matter.
Anon, ‘Nearly There’ The Economist January 24 2008
If Machery is right, that the idea of life is highly complex, but can possibly be defined
by science, it would require multiple definitions across multiple fields. What
implications might this have for an ethics that sought to trouble synthetic biology at
the level of life definition? Put another way, if life is not a stable concept how might
one argue that it is fundamentally immoral to create it? In contrast, if Zimmer is right
that our definition of life, or at least the scientific definition, hasn’t changed since the
Enlightenment, then perhaps the claim to be creating life is less about heresy and
more about hype. He argues that whilst being expertly technical and scientifically
significant, the research doesn’t reveal the mysteries of existence; in fact he argues
that it doesn’t even reveal the mysteries of genetics76 and that creating a new living
organism will lead to a whole new set of mysteries. In this sense we are a long way
from playing God.
Reflect on the form and essence of the parts, devices, chassis, and systems
being created by synthetic biology;
Analyze the differences between the objects created in older recombinant
technologies and those projected in synthetic biology;
Empirical research tracking how these parts, devices, chassis, systems, and
test beds are designed and the ways that evolution and contemporary
synthetic approaches differ from and enforce each other;
Observe and design new institutional arrangements and interventions
appropriate to the new objects being brought into the world;
Eventual standardization of this new mode of productively assembling
scientific, technological, economic, cultural, ethical, and security components.
A number of the scientists involved in the chell programme have argued the case for
a modified version of Turing’s test for life imitation [Crowin et. al. 2006]. Turing
developed a test as a response to the perceived uselessness of the question ‘can
this machine think?’ Turing argued that the more pertinent and pragmatic proposal
should be to assess to what degree the machine is capable of imitating living beings.
He believed, incorrectly, that machine imitations would be sufficiently sophisticated
by the year 2000 to be indistinguishable from human communications [Crowin et. al.
2006]. Others have found a longer history to the concept of an imitation test, with
some tracing it to Descartes’ observations on machines and men in his Discourse on
The proposal made by the chell scientists is that the imitation test (or game) could be
modified to allow for a more universal means of assessing whether something is
living or not. They argue that such a method is required so ‘researchers from a
variety of communities … [may] objectively recognize success’ in creating life-like
cells. Their version of life is one that requires individual self-replication, self
sustaining systems, and a mechanism that allows for spatio-temporally resolved
organisation of information within these systems, though they themselves find this
somewhat restrictive [Crowin et. al. 2006]. The equivalent of the Turing test would be
one in which the chell was able to interact with natural cells in an appropriate manner
so as to be unrecognisable from those same cells. They foresee an ever increasing
level of complexity in both their understanding of the cell in its natural environment
and their capacity to imitate those processes such that the test for life becomes ever
more stringent.
However, taking into account Machery’s observations we may find that even the
obfuscation of the more intangible questions, via use of a Turing-like test, there
remains a fundamental barrier to translating the concept of life into a scientifically
robust concept. Furthermore, it is unclear if these moves to undermine folk or lay
concepts of life will ameliorate deeper fears about the blurring of the boundary
between the artificial and the natural world.
materials science and nanotechnology. Furthermore, synthetic biology can point to
some important success, both in terms of creating new technology platforms, and in
developing practical applications in the manufacturing of drugs and the synthesis of
pathogenic viruses.
Despite its novelty, it is clear that the emergence of synthetic biology is following a
now well established path in terms of the debates about the social and ethical issues.
Many of the early fears surrounding the growth of recombinant DNA have never
come to pass, but this is, in large part, due to the creation of robust governance
regimes at local, national and international levels that have controlled the
applications of the science and technology. These have included rigorous
containment measures and multilateral controls on some aspects of their military use,
as well as public debates over sensitive ethical issues. This is not to say that all
concerns have been successfully resolved, but it points to a continuing dynamic in
relation to synthetic biology, where societal issues will have a major influence on the
funding of science, the types of technologies developed, their application in the real
world, how they are ethically framed and the extent of regulation. The history of
genetic engineering tells us that these debates can sometimes be long and difficult,
but that they have been essential to negotiating uncertainty around the risks and
benefits of the technology, regulating its socially acceptable use, and addressing
concerns over who should control it. In this way, we can think of the science,
technology, regulatory frameworks and social implications as co-evolving through a
process of mutual shaping.
Another important lesson from the development of biotechnology over the last 30
years is that whilst the technology holds great social and economic potential and
rapid scientific progress is possible, it is far more problematic to translate this
knowledge into real world applications outside the laboratory [Nightingale and Martin,
2004, Martin and Morrison, 2006]. High expectations of both the promise and threat
of synthetic biology should therefore be tempered by a realistic sense of how difficult
it is to create successful new biotechnologies.
Secondly, the scientific community must take, and be seen to be taking, a lead in
debating the implications of their research and engaging with broader society around
the issues raised by synthetic biology. It is not sufficient to wait until particular issues
arise through the practical application of the technology, as this will be too late.
Public debates do not develop in a linear or rational fashion, but are unpredictable
and driven by often deeply held cultural attitudes to nature, the environment and the
place of science. Anticipatory intervention is therefore essential.
Thirdly, partnership with civil society groups, social scientists and ethicists should be
pursued as a highly effective way of understanding critical issues, engaging with
publics and winning support for emerging scientific fields. However, at the same time
it must be recognised that this is a two-way process and that some ethically
problematic scientific projects and potentially controversial technologies may have to
be abandoned in order to maintain trust. From this perspective, experiments in
upstream engagement and public consultation should be undertaken as they provide
a valuable channel for helping negotiate the boundaries of what is socially acceptable
Research agencies, such as the BBSRC, therefore have an important role, not just in
terms of funding the best science, but also in steering and shaping the field so that
research is undertaken in a way that ensures ongoing public support and helps
realise the potential social and economic benefits of these powerful technologies,
whilst controlling their risks in a way that reassures both the public and the scientific
Given the pervasive nature of synthetic biology and its potential for widespread
application in what ultimately may be a mundane fashion, its development and
application will need to be governed at multiple levels and using a range of policies
and practices. These may include the establishment of new professional norms in the
scientific community (e.g. codes of conduct concerning dual use technology), local
and national research oversight, statutory regulation (e.g. new laws and formal
regulatory agencies) and international co-operation and treaties. Such a multi-level
governance framework will have to provide a robust overarching framework, whilst
respecting different national traditions and empowering local enforcement. It will also
have to be fully supported by the scientific community and other professional groups
involved, through a process of training and awareness-raising. Finding the right
balance between formal statutory regulation and self-regulation of the scientific
community remains a contentious issue and will occur only after the risks of synthetic
biology are more widely understood and debated.
Are there new potential threats posed by synthetic biology in terms of risks to
Does synthetic biology require new forms of risk assessment and governance
beyond those already used in relation to established practices of genetic
Environmental release
Are there new potential threats posed by synthetic biology in terms of the risk
of unplanned release and damage to the environment?
Under what circumstances could synthetic biology based products be safely
released into the environment?
Do existing risk assessment procedures and controls on the release of GMOs
adequately cover novel organisms created using synthetic biology?
What problems are posed by synthetic biology in terms of the development of
new technologies and capabilities for the development of biological weapons
by individuals, states and non-state groups?
Do established international regimes for the control of bioweapons need to be
amended to incorporate the introduction of synthetic biology?
What measures should be taken to increase awareness within the scientific
community of the biosecurity issues surrounding synthetic biology?
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