Rei-KI - Reiki Self Attune

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Learn Reiki from Home Study Course©

Now - whether you Self-Attune or are Attuned by a Reiki Master

The wonderful tool of Reiki is available to everyone on the planet!

The Reiki Self Attunement provided in this Learn Reiki from Home© Study Course is equally as effective and powerful as
any attunement provided LIVE or via a Distance attunement session and is sufficient for all levels of Reiki training. For
many, it is simply more convenient than seeking out a Reiki Master. You can easily and effortlessly attune yourself and
be practicing Reiki for you, your family, your friends and more.

When Reiki Master Dr. Usui began teaching and attuning his students he was not “attuned” by a Master nor did he share
symbols during his attunement process; the symbols came later. He simply began teaching and attuning his students
everything he knew about the Reiki energy; no part of the energy was withheld from his students. Reiki practitioners
around the world find the same results with Reiki energy, whether they self-attuned or were attuned by a Reiki Master

Like any other field of study it is essential that you practice using Reiki in your life in order to expand on every level.
Empower yourself and empower others with Reiki.

If you choose to self-attune using these guidelines or the Guided Self Attunement audio included in this Learn Reiki From
Home© Study Course it is highly recommended that you “set the tone” ahead of time by following the pre attunement
procedures, also included in the Learn Reiki From Home Study Course. Additionally, some people choose to print out
the four main Reiki Symbols, Choku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and Dai Ko Myo to use as a visualization tool.
Many will intend that the symbols be activated within them as well.


Cleanse and clear the space you are going to receive your attunements in whatever way works best for you. You may
want to include burning incense and/or candles and playing soft music in the background.

Begin by setting your intention, either silently or out loud receive the Reiki energy. Ask for the help of Source to do a
perfect attunement for you. If you have spirit guides, Reiki guides, angels, ascended masters, etc., you can ask them to
assist in this being a perfect attunement, for highest good of all.

Once you have prepared for your self-attunement session, by clearing the space and setting the intention to receive the
full Reiki Attunement and energy listen to the Guided Self-Attunement MP3 provided with the course or follow the steps
below. Both are equally as effective.

Sit comfortably with your feet planted firmly on the floor, imagining that you have roots growing out of your feet
connecting you to the core of Mother Earth, grounding and balancing you.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath pulling the air through your nose and exhale out of your mouth (you can exhale out
of your nose as well). Take another deep breath.

As you take your deep breath imagine you are breathing in a warm light, filled with pure love, from the source of all that
is and that this light is filling the body, providing energy to all your chakra centers.
Learn Reiki from Home Study Course©
Raise your hands to the Gassho position, placed together in front of you in the prayers position.

In your mind’s eye visualize or “see” this white light, Reiki energy, from the center of the universe entering the top of
your head, your higher self and crown chakras. Imagine that this light, this Reiki energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing,
clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your third eye chakra. Imagine that this light, this
Reiki energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your throat chakra. Imagine that this light, this Reiki
energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your heart chakra. Imagine that this light, this Reiki
energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your solar plexus chakra. Imagine that this light, this
Reiki energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your sacral chakra. Imagine that this light, this Reiki
energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your root chakra. Imagine that this light, this Reiki
energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

“See” this loving energy flow easily and effortlessly down through your feet chakras. Imagine that this light, this Reiki
energy, is filling your chakra, cleansing, clearing, balancing and harmonizing your chakra.

See this light, this Reiki energy, filling every part of your body radiating out through your hand chakras and surrounding
your energy field.

Take a moment to focus on the interaction of your chakras. Picture all of them as suns to help you in your development,
and that their rays interact with each other, sharing energy, harmonizing, feeding ideas and power to each other. Feel
your complete being as all of your chakra centers glow together with Reiki energy emanating a very strong power while
they heal each other and heal you.

Continue to breathe easily, allowing the energy you breathe in to bring peace and balance. You are healing.

Finally, silently intone a thank you prayer to Source/The Divine for the Reiki Attunement. Example: I thank Source/The
Divine universal life force of Reiki, Dr Usui, Dr Hayashi and Madam Takata and all the Reiki masters, ascended masters and
all helping spirits, past, present and future for taking part in this attunement ceremony on my behalf. I ask that the power
and wisdom of Reiki nurtures and guides me from this point forward enabling me to move forward as a powerful and
confident Reiki Practitioner.

Aho and Namaste,

Teri Williams
Reiki Master
Shamanic and Intuitive Practitioner

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