Classroom Management Plan-2
Classroom Management Plan-2
Classroom Management Plan-2
Nikki Goad
Table of Contents
Philosophical Statement-------4
Student Motivation------------16-17
Discipline--------------------20-23 2
My classroom management plan (CMP) will be a continuous work
in progress as I learn new management procedures, but this
CMP is a great place to start. I can make modifications if I
move through different grade levels, but this plan is geared
towards a third grade ELA switch classroom. A few things
included in this plan are my philosophy for how I’d like my
students to learn in my classroom, as well as procedures,
motivations, and ways to keep my classroom engaged.
Philosophical Statement
As a teacher, I will run a democratic classroom where
everybody’s voice is heard. My class will be centered around
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and I will make sure that all of
my students feel safe and secure in my classroom. My room
will be a safe space for my students where we will use fun
and imagination to learn. I will push my students to the
best of their abilities and expect nothing less than their
best performance. We will have Freiberg’s person-centered
classroom and every person will be treated with care and
respect. I want my students to see me as someone who helped
develop them into the best version of themselves, both
academically and as a person.
First Days
I’d like to start with a
get-to-know-you activity.
The human scavenger hunt is
a great way to get students
up and moving around, as
well as introduce them to
their classmates. This is
also a great way for
students to find friends
with similarities.
12:10-12:30- Students a note for the mailbox with what they hope to
accomplish this year Source: Zazzle 8
Classroom Environment
Stations are set up around the room for small
group time, but the main focus of my
classroom is the carpet area. This is where
we will have most of the instruction and
where we will have our morning meetings.
Students have desks set up in a U-shape
around the carpet area, which allows me to
see each child’s face when they’re at their
seats. While students are at stations, I’m
able to work with groups at the small group
instruction table. I’ve placed it between
centers so I’m still able to monitor behavior
while I’m working with my small groups.
Created by Nikki Goad in ELED 3322
Classroom Environment
Calm Down Corner
Source: Pinimg 14
Classroom Procedures
Some other procedures I’d like to have are…
-Entering the classroom -Lining up
-Gathering lunch boxes in the morning and passing them out before lunch
In addition to my treasure
chest, students can earn
tickets for good behavior and
good work on assignments.
Tickets can be redeemed for
prizes from the treasure
chest, or from a list of
options such as lunch with
the teacher,no homework pass, Source: Eventbrite
or shoes off during class. 17
Classroom Engagement
Brain Breaks
-Be respectful