Classroom Management Plan-2

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Classroom Management

Nikki Goad
Table of Contents

Philosophical Statement-------4

First Days of School----------5-8



Student Motivation------------16-17


Discipline--------------------20-23 2
My classroom management plan (CMP) will be a continuous work
in progress as I learn new management procedures, but this
CMP is a great place to start. I can make modifications if I
move through different grade levels, but this plan is geared
towards a third grade ELA switch classroom. A few things
included in this plan are my philosophy for how I’d like my
students to learn in my classroom, as well as procedures,
motivations, and ways to keep my classroom engaged.

Philosophical Statement
As a teacher, I will run a democratic classroom where
everybody’s voice is heard. My class will be centered around
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and I will make sure that all of
my students feel safe and secure in my classroom. My room
will be a safe space for my students where we will use fun
and imagination to learn. I will push my students to the
best of their abilities and expect nothing less than their
best performance. We will have Freiberg’s person-centered
classroom and every person will be treated with care and
respect. I want my students to see me as someone who helped
develop them into the best version of themselves, both
academically and as a person.
First Days
I’d like to start with a
get-to-know-you activity.
The human scavenger hunt is
a great way to get students
up and moving around, as
well as introduce them to
their classmates. This is
also a great way for
students to find friends
with similarities.

Source: The Science Life Blog

First Days
D-ice Breaker

The dice breaker is fun because

it gives students a chance to
use their imagination and come
up with outrageous answers. This
can get the whole class talking
and laughing. Students are split
into groups and given dice and
must answer the question
corresponding to the number on
the dice. Source: Scholastic 6
First Days
Class Constitution

I’d like my students to create the

rules for the classroom, but I’ll
guide the conversation by mentioning
respect and kindness. Together we
can create the rules aligning with
fun, friendliness, and respect.

Source: We Are Teachers 7

First Days
8:45-9:00- Greet students at the door and have them sit on the carpet

9:00-9:20- Introduce myself and welcome them to my classroom. Put the

assigned seats on the board and have them find their seat and then
fill out their Human Scavenger Hunt

9:20-9:40- Share answers of Human Scavenger Hunt and D-ice Breaker

9:40-10:10- Create Class Constitution

10:10-10:30- Go over class procedures and where resources are

10:30-11:10- Read a first day of school book and take students to

library to pick out silent reading books

11:10-12:10- Lunch and recess

12:10-12:30- Students a note for the mailbox with what they hope to
accomplish this year Source: Zazzle 8
Classroom Environment
Stations are set up around the room for small
group time, but the main focus of my
classroom is the carpet area. This is where
we will have most of the instruction and
where we will have our morning meetings.
Students have desks set up in a U-shape
around the carpet area, which allows me to
see each child’s face when they’re at their
seats. While students are at stations, I’m
able to work with groups at the small group
instruction table. I’ve placed it between
centers so I’m still able to monitor behavior
while I’m working with my small groups.

Created by Nikki Goad in ELED 3322
Classroom Environment
Calm Down Corner

Because emotions can get out of

control sometimes, I’d like to
incorporate a cool down corner
into my classroom. It will have
pillows, coloring pages and
stress balls to provide students
a safe space to refocus and

Source: Safe Schools 10

Classroom Environment
Student Work Wall

Students need to feel supported and

appreciated. I will have a place for
each child’s work on the wall, and
students can give me the work they
would like to hang. I’ll change it
out every 3 weeks to give students
plenty of time to have each project
on display.
Source: Live Laugh Learn in 2nd Grade
Classroom Procedures
Class Jobs

To help control behavior, I’m

implementing classroom jobs.
These jobs will rotate weekly
so each student has a job at
least once a month. Students
will “apply” for jobs and
write a few sentences
explaining why they should be
Source: Top Notch Teachers
Classroom Procedures
Morning Meeting

To help student’s emotions,

we will have a morning
meeting on the carpet every
morning to talk about how our
night or weekend was, and how
our morning was going so far.
This will also be the time
for me to make any important
announcements to the class. Source: Pinimg
Classroom Procedures
Check-out chart

Instead of bathroom passes, I

want a check-out chart. This
allows me to know where
students are and keep track of
attendance. It also keeps my
classroom sanitary because
bathroom passes aren’t needed.

Source: Pinimg 14
Classroom Procedures
Some other procedures I’d like to have are…
-Entering the classroom -Lining up

-Hanging up backpacks -Voice levels

-Turning in homework -Pen and pencil borrowing

-Absent folders -Exit tickets

-Fire drills -Teacher mailbox

-Transitions -Class jobs

-Attention getters -Hand signals to signal what you need

-Restroom procedures -Late work bin

-Taking out/putting away supplies

-Gathering lunch boxes in the morning and passing them out before lunch

-Using personal technology and tablets in class for work

Student Motivation

To keep my classroom upbeat,

I’d like to have a treasure
chest with prizes. I’ll have a
“student of the week” and
they’ll be able to pick a
prize from the treasure box on
Friday. This will help all
students feel important in my
classroom because prizes won’t
Source: Amazon
only be given to straight A
students. 16
Student Motivation

In addition to my treasure
chest, students can earn
tickets for good behavior and
good work on assignments.
Tickets can be redeemed for
prizes from the treasure
chest, or from a list of
options such as lunch with
the teacher,no homework pass, Source: Eventbrite
or shoes off during class. 17
Classroom Engagement
Brain Breaks

To keep kids from getting too

tired too quickly, I’ll use
GoNoodle to give them
periodic breaks. GoNoodle has
a variety of videos such as
exercise, calm breathing, and

Source: My Health Connect

Classroom Engagement
Popsicle sticks with names

In order to encourage students

to participate, I’ll have
popsicle sticks with students
names on them. This will help
make all students participate
instead of the same few kids
answering questions.

Source: Teach Like A Champion

Discipline SYstem
In order to control behavior,
I have a multi-tiered
discipline system in place. It
will start with nonverbal
cues, and then escalates to
verbal reminders and so on. My
goal is to give students many
opportunities to correct their
behavior before we have to
involve parents or faculty.
Source: Conscious Teaching
Discipline System
Expectations for my classroom:

-Be respectful

-Keep your hands to yourself and respect each other’s space

-Treat others as you want to be treated

-Turn assignments in on time and complete

-Always do your best

-Raise your hand before speaking

-Always choose kindness

Discipline System
The CHAMPS system works
wonderfully in elementary
schools. It stands for
Conversation, Help, Activity,
Movement, Participation, and
Signal. This gives children a
visual to be able to know
what is expected of them.

Source: Teachers Pay

Discipline System

To keep from placing the blame on students,

I’ll use I-messages when I need my students to
change their behavior. For example, “I can’t
hear myself think because there’s too much
talking”. This keeps the focus on the issue
and not the student. This will also help
students take other people’s feelings into
consideration. I’ll use I-messages as a soft
Source: Friendly Stock
verbal warning, and if behavior still doesn’t
improve I’ll pull the child aside and give a
more straightforward verbal warning before
moving up to the next tier of consequences. 23

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