Latest Rotary Kiln Burner Technology

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Latest Rotary Kiln Burner Technology:

Possibilities and Experiences
Rainer H. Nobis

Abstruct-This paper describes the development of the rotary

kiln burner for pulverized coal. @ Ignition time
Falling motion of a
@ Burning time of the gases

0 Fulfills clinker quality requirements

INTRODUCTION - no reduced burning conditions

R OTARY KILN burners have a major influence on kiln

fuel consumption, kiln operation, clinker quality, and
the emission of nitrogen oxides. Therefore, sophisticated 0
- correct clinker crystal structure
- no permanent overburning.
Is user friendly
burner technology becomes increasingly important. - flexibility in flame adjustments
With the introduction of new burner technology, the gen- - usage of various type fuels
eral flame appearance changed. Although the straight bumer - good ignition and stable flame on startups
pipe produced a long nondivergent flame, the new burners - adjustability of burner tip in vertical, axial, and
mostly produced a short, divergent, and bushy flame. horizontal direction
A new, third generation of burners was introduced to the - low wear rates.
market around 1986. It produced a slightly longer flame with 0 Produces low amounts of NO,.
minimum flame disturbances. Further developments showed
potential reductions in NO, formation. OPTIMUM HEATECONOMY
In regard to the different flame concepts, let us distinguish The heat transfer in a rotary kiln between the flame and
between the following three burner generations: material load in the burning zone is mainly performed by
radiation. Heat transfer by convection is only possible when
Generation 1 One-channel burner (slim, long flame)
hot combustion gas and refractory come in direct contact
Generation 2 multichannelburner (short, divergent flame
with a lot of turbulence) with the feed.
Generation 3 Multichannel bumer (nondivergent flame Fig. 1 shows the combustion of a coal particle, according
with a minimum of turbulence). to Haupt [l]. After the coal particle is dried and raised in
temperature, ignition takes place. At high temperatures, car-
No matter which generation, the ideal burner fulfills the bon monoxide, methane, and other combustible gases are
following requirements: driven off. These gases bum up within an extremely short
Optimizes heat economy period of less than .01 s. After a short time delay, the
remaining coke bums, which consumes the majority of com-
- high flame temperatures
bustion time. The entire process varies considerably with the
- effective combustion
content of volatile matter, particle size, and surface, as well
- low primary air requirements
as the surrounding conditions, especially temperature and
availability of oxygen.
Paper PID 90-46, approved by the Cement Industry Committee of the
IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1990 Cement The high-temperature flame can only be reached with a fast
Industry Committee Conference, Tarpon Springs, FL, May 2-24. Manuscript mixing ignition and chemical reaction of fuel and oxygen.
released for publication September 27, 1990. The rate of combustion is dependent on the slowest of the
The author was with Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Allentown, PA.
He is now with Heidelberger Zement A.G., Heidelberg, Germany. above stages. Although the ignition and chemical reaction are
IEEE Log Number 9144779. very fast, mixing is slow.

0093-9994/91/0900-0798$01.00 0 1991 IEEE

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w w

i 1.n-z~ z.6-m

Area 01 h i g h e l l l u e l c o n c a n t r a t l o n


LSscondary 81,

combustion sa*
LPrlmary 81, and f u e l

Fig. 2. Idealized entrainment of secondary air into the primary air jet and
recirculation of combustion gas.

Fuel/secondary air mixing occurs as a result of jet entrain- 3-60

ment. According to Thring and Newby [ 2 ] , the suction of Area 0 1 h l g h a a t luel c o n c a n t r a t l o n
masses are influenced by two major parameters. They are the I n t e r n a l gaa r e c l r c u l a t l n g zone
ratio between primary air and secondary air velocities. (b)
The relative velocity of the primary air and secondary air
let friction occur at the boundary of the jet. The friction
between primary air and secondary air masses assures that I

secondary air is pulled into the flame. The jet expands as a

result of the entrained air until the jet velocity is the same as
that of its surroundings. The jet stream not only pulls sec-
ondary air into the flame but also entrains flame gases from
further up the kiln. The resulting gas recirculation is neces-
[ ‘‘’li::
h:a:s;t: fuel concentration
I n t e r n a l r e c l r c u l a t l n g and raduclng zone

sary for faster mixing and improved combustion. If ratios are (C)
higher, the distance between the burner tip and the point Fig. 3. Different flame shapes: (a) Axial flame, single channel burner; (b)
where all secondary air is entrained into the flame becomes divergent flame, multichannel burner; (c) nondivergent flame, nondivergent,
high-velocity burner.
shorter, as shown in Fig. 2 .
When the multichannel burner was developed in the late
1970’s, the highest priority was given to the rapid mixture of A thorough mixture of fuel and secondary air is not only
fuel and secondary air at low primary air rates. This was important to reach high flame temperatures but also to oper-
accomplished by high primary air velocities, swirl action, ate the kiln system at the highest completeness of combustion
and often a divergent coal/primary air outlet direction. The at lowest excess oxygen levels, respectively.
coal particles basically are pushed into the hot and oxygen-rich Optimized kiln exit gas oxygen levels improve the fuel
secondary air stream .A recirculation of flame gases not only economy by decreasing the amount of exit gas volume and
at the flame’s boundaries but also at its center assures a fast temperature [4], [ 5 ] . At lower than optimum oxygen levels,
ignition. the flame length increases, and combustion might become
When the first of the latest burner generations came on the insufficient. The results are combustibles at the kiln exit and
market, a new combustion theory was developed. a low flame but higher kiln exit gas temperatures. Fig. 4
The theory is that the rate of combustion is limited by shows the effect of kiln exit oxygen on heat loss.
gaseous diffusion of oxygen across a very thin boundary layer The minimum position of the curve is almost entirely a
at the surface of the burning particle and the radiant heat flux function of the efficiency of the fuel/secondary air mixing of
between the burning particles and the fuel particles, which the burner system. If the operation can be closer to the lowest
have not started burning. The rate of gaseous diffusion can be point of the curve, the heat losses in exit gas can be lower.
increased by increasing the velocity differential between the REDUCTION OF NITROGEN O X I D E FORMATION
fuel particle and the surrounding gas stream; the radiant heat
flux at a given temperature differential is also increased by Environmental concerns led to considerable research on
decreasing the average distance between particles. the mechanisms of the formation and behavior of nitrogen
Forced convective mixing, caused by swirl and divergent oxides in rotary kilns in the cement industry. Considerable
action, actually decreases the particle concentration and the efforts were also put into the development of new low NO,
velocity differential. This would lead to the conclusion that burner technology. According to the present state of knowl-
the peak flame temperature and the rate of particle burning edge, there are, in principle, three different sources for
would be decreased. Therefore, a concentrated fuel stream in nitrogen oxides in the combustion process. These sources
the form of a hollow cylinder ejected from a nozzle with a differ in the nature of the source of nitrogen and the location
minimum amount of disturbances and a maximum velocity of the reaction [6]-[9]. These three sources are
should maximize flame surface area gaseous diffusion of 1) Formation of NO, from nitrogen, which is chemically
oxygen and radiant heat flux [3]. The three different flame combined in the fuel
shapes are shown in Fig. 3. 2) NO, from atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen

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- .6 0 .6 1 .o 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.0

Oxygen Level in Kiln System E x i t Gas (%I

Fig. 4. Effect of oxygen level on kiln system heat loss.

- Areas of maximum NOx Formation

0 reducing oxygen concentration
reducing retention time of fuel in high oxygen environ-

Reduced Qxygan
.......... ....... ......... The latest burner generation avoids local temperature peaks
in the flame by having a uniform nondivergent flame pattern.
It also avoids the fuel particles being thrown out of the flame
and burned in an oxygen rich environment. Reducing the
Fig. 5. Areas of maximum NO, formation in coal flame.
. oxygen concentration in the flame can be accomplished by
using lower primary air rates in the burner systems. Research
burners being developed have lowered the oxygen content by
recirculating low oxygen combustion gases to the burner
3) thermal NO, from molecular nitrogen and oxygen of (staging combustion) and have reduced NO, emissions by up
the combustion air. to40% [12].
According to the Zeldovich theory, the NO, formation
increases with increasing temperature, increases with increas- DEVELOPMENT KILNBURNERS

ing oxygen levels, and increases retention time. PULVERIZEDFUELS

These variables are heavily influenced by the flame pat- The single-channel burner is still and will be widely used
tern. The highest amounts of NO, are formed in areas where as long as direct-firing systems are around. High primary air
primary and secondary air mixes with high temperature gas rates between 15 and 45% ensure a high jet momentum
derived from fuel. These areas are mainly the axis and the leading to acceptable mixing conditions. Besides the high
outer boundaries of the flame. Although the NO, formed at primary air rates, a disadvantage is that the burner’s turn-
the flame’s center is reduced at the following highly reduced down ratio is limited, and flame stabilization during start-up
flame zone, the NO, formed at the outer boundaries only is periods is not good. In addition, the single-channel burner
reduced at lower rates. provides virtually no way of changing flame pattern during
Fig. 5 shows the areas of main NO, formation in a rotary operation.
kiln-type flame. Most direct-fired systems operate with burner outlet veloci-
Considerable reductions of NO, can be accomplished by ties around 40 to 60 m/s, no matter what primary air rates
the systems are running at. Lehigh Portland Cement Com-
reducing overall combustion temperatures pany has had very good experience with primary air veloci-
avoiding short duration temperature peaks in the process ties adjusted to the specific kiln parameters, as shown in Fig.
avoiding local temperature peaks in the flame 6.

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Primary Air Velocity

100 m/sec single jets instead from a cylindrical round nozzle. This was
done to increase the jet’s surface and friction between pri-
mary and secondary air.
Flame shaping is accomplished by varying the amount and
proportions of swirl and axial primary air using dampers at
70 - the back end of the burner. The swirl and axial air nozzles
are designed for velocities between 70 and 130 m/s, reflect-
ing low primary air rates. The Pyrojet burner is designed for
70 - even higher outlet velocities of up to 140- 1160 m/s for swirl
air and up to 350-450 m/s for jet air.
All burners have coal nozzles designed to give the lowest
60 - possible velocities of about 20 to 22 m/s. This low velocity is
one of the main characteristics of the three-channel burner. It
allows a very low wear rate at the burner’s nozzle and also
50 - allows effective flame shaping.
Practical experience has shown that about 8 to 12% total
primary air rates are possible with the VR3-K and the
Swirlax burner. The Pyrojet burner operates with 6 to 9%
primary air. Lehigh’s experience is that the amount of con-
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
veying air should be approximately 2-3% of combustion air
Specific K i l n Throughput (st/h/mq
(at least 0.2 m3/kg coal). Conveying velocity should not run
Fig. 6. Optimum primary air velocities in relation to primary air percent- lower than 22 m/s, thus ensuring a pulse-free and low-wear-
age and specific kiln capacity. rate operation.
Lehigh’s operational experience with multichannel burners
Primary Air and Coal Channel -- ~
are very good in general. The wide ranging adjustability of
flame shapes has made it possible to adjust each burner to the
special needs of each single kiln system. The length and the
diameter of the flame can be separately varied. This has
Refractory Lining
Swirl Air Channel proven to be very helpful not only for kiln optimization but
Fig. 7. Two channel burner. also for the positive influence on coating formation, kiln shell
temperature control, and clinker quality.
The overall wear rate of all three burners is very favor-
TWO-CHANNEL BURNERS able. The common three-channel burners give some options
A further development of the one-channel burner is the for the reduction of NO, formation. However, some results
two-channel burner. It is the forerunner of the multichannel of experiments appear to be contradictory. Some authors
burner. An additional inner swirl air channel, equipped with report that “short” flames rather than “long” flames reduce
its own auxiliary air fan, gives the option for flame adjust- NO, formation. The reason for the controversy seems to be
ments. Fig.7 shows a burner that has been used successfully that the concepts of long and short flames do not sufficiently
for years. describe the governing factors for NO, formation.
Lower NO, emissions were reported and proven in exten-
MULTICHANNEL BURNERS sive testing where the Pyrojet burner was employed 1121,
A revolutionary new burner technology was introduced [13]. KHD justifies the lower formation of NO, by easier-
approximately 10 years ago. Pillard, Inc. developed the first to-control burning zone temperatures and the fact that the jets
three-channel bumer. F. L. Smidth and KHD soon followed probably put a low temperature veil around the flame. In
with their own designs. The general arrangement of the addition, the high jet velocity might not allow coal particles
Pillard and FLS three-channel burners are shown in Figs. 8 to be thrown out of the main flame.
and 9.
The main advantage of the new burner compared with the LATEST
one- or two-channel burner is that it produces a shorter, more A very different and new direction of burner design was
divergent flame at considerably lower primary air rates. In introduced to the American cement industry in the mid
addition, the burner has superior features, which allows wide 1980’s. The company, J. R. Tucker and Associates, devel-
adjustments in flame pattern while running. The center jacket oped the Turbo Flame burner.
pipe holds an oil or gas nozzle for auxiliary fuel. The inner By applying the new combustion theory, significant im-
channel carries the swirl air, which gives the primary air and provements in regard to clinker quality, energy efficiency,
coal the divergent and rotating motion. The next outer chan- and overall system operation were reported [13]. The burner’s
nel represents the coal channel, which can be given a straight general arrangement is shown in Fig. 11.
or divergent action. The Pyrojet burner from KHD, as shown All coal is mixed with all primary air before it enters
in Fig. 10, is a little different. The outer axial air ejects from tangentially into the burner at the rear end. Natural gas

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8 Adlustment device lor lip StJCIIOfl OUtM

pure air circuil (axial d m t m or
Item No divergence)
9 Adlustmen1 device lor /low rate inner pure
1 lacket pipe with luel supply lor liquid or air circuif
gaseous start-up luels 10 Adjustment device lor llow rate outer air
2 Pure air circuil lor diverging and rotating circuli
/IOW 12 Wear inserls in coal inlet pipe
3 Coal dust circuit 13 Adjustment device lor coal tip section
4 Pun air crrcuil lor axial or diverging llow 14 Aguslmenr device lor coal tip veloCitY
5 Tip section lor divergence and rotallon 15 Pressure gauge lor inner pure air circuil
6 Tip section lor divergence or axial direction 16 Pressure gauge lor outer pure air circuit
17 Pressure gauge lor coolrng air c i r c ~ i l
7 Ad/ustmenl device lor tip seclion inner
pure air circuit (divergence and rolation~ 18 Pressure gauge lor coal circull

Fig. 8. Three-circuit rotary kiln burner.

Fig. 9. SWIRLAX burner for coal/oil general arrangement.

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Coal/Primary Air Nozzle


Inner Air N
Oeflrll x
1 primry air for drivlng jets
VLer A 2 cwldust ond IronsDort ac
-- ~

3 swirlino or,
4 011 no&e assembly
\ 5 pilot burner
I 6 locket lube
, 7 burner head iDPL12-0851 /
Natural Qao Nozzle
Fig. 12. Turboflame bumer nozzle arrangement.
Fig. 10. Pryojet burner for coal and oil.
firing system with an indirect-type system on one of their
precalciner kilns. The main goal was to decrease primary air
rates from approximately 28 to 10% and to improve burning
Problems with the new TURBO FLAME burner developed
when switching over from gas to coal or vice versa, which
requires fine adjustments of primary air rates. To get a good
gas flame, the main coal blower needs to run. If the main
valve in the coal conveying line (while on gas) is not adjusted
properly, the loss of the flame is frequently experienced.
Due to the fact that the plant burns a mixture of coal and
coke, the high burner outlet velocity of approximately 100
m/s causes extremely high wear at the burner tip. Using
high-wear-resistant materials or hardfacing, the tip did not
improve the situation.
The option of changing flame pattern by using central
divergent air did not work sufficiently. Whenever we utilized
this possibility, the flame was too disturbed to run the kiln as
vuvc U 7 r v n n ~~ 11
required. The option of central air became unavailable any-
0.1 Conveying Llne
way because coal ash plugged up the nozzle. Another disad-
vantage is the tangential instead of the typical small angle
axial inlet to the burner. The present design has caused
problems in regard to an even coal distribution across the
coal nozzle opening. At times, coal seems to be concentrated
in certain sections of the nozzle.
The overall approach to produce a dense nondivergent
flame generally worked out quite well. The burner produces
a hot and little longer flame, resulting in a uniform and stable
coating formation. Alkali reduction stood constant or im-
Fig. 1 1. Turboflame burner general arrangement. proved slightly at unchanged bypass rates. Improvements in
clinker and cement quality, as well as clinker grindability,
supply for up to 100%fuel capacity is also introduced at the were not realized.
rear end. In general, it is believed that the approach of ejecting the
The burner's nozzle section is shown in Fig. 12. Basically, coal through a hollow cylinder with as few disturbances as
it consists of two round nozzles. The outer nozzle ejects the possible worked out well. The fact that the flame practically
mixture or primary air and coal, and the inner nozzle ejects cannot be altered by primary air adjustments is a major
natural gas. drawback. In addition, the high amount of wear needs to be
Both nozzles are straight and have no swirl or divergent resolved.
action. The central air nozzle is supplied with clean air from
a low-pressure auxiliary air fan. This inner air nozzle is only POLFLAME BURNER
used if considerable changes in flame pattern are desired. A very interesting new concept came from Polysius. Their
In 1987, Lehigh Portland Cement replaced a direct-type new Polflame burner falls in the category of burners in which

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Fig. 13. Polflame bumer general arrangement.

Fig. 15. Rotaflam bumer general arrangement.

the jet would collapse after a short distance, thus decreasing

the active surface. The small amount of coal diverted into the
diffuser nozzle is to prevent this collapse. This development
of expanding fumes not only avoids the collapsing of the
main jet but also gives the flame a reduced internal condition,
which is a prerequisite for forming low amounts of thermal
Most Polflame burners are operated with a primary air rate
Fig. 14. Polflame bumer tip. of approximately 8%. Experience in regard to wear in gen-
eral has been good.
the coal is mixed with all primary air before leaving the Very good early results in NO, reductions of up to 50%
burner. [14] led Polysius to be enthusiastic about the design concept.
The general design of the burner is shown in Fig. 13. Nevertheless, due to only moderate NO, reduction results in
During normal operating mode, all coal supplied via the main later installations, Polysius made the decision not to proceed
coal conveying line is distributed into two channels and with the development but discontinued the program.
mixed with the remainder of the primary air coming from the
primary air fan. Seventy to 90% of all coal is diverted into
the main ring nozzle, and 10-30% is diverted into the inner Environmental concerns for reduced NO, emissions led
diffuser nozzle. The amount of coal and air into both chan- Pillard to develop a new burner. The main goal for the
nels can be modulated by means of hand-operated valves. By burner was to reduce the formation of thermal NO, in the
changing the distribution of air into both channels, the outlet kiln. A second goal was a further reduction of necessary
velocity is being influenced. During start-up mode, swirl air primary air usage. The overall burner design is shown in Fig.
is being added through a center nozzle to stabilize the flame 15.
in an early stage. Looking at the new bumer from the outside, it appears to
Fig. 14 shows the burner tip design. The outer ring jet has be similar to the well-known three-channel burner. The ob-
no swirl action. Coal/air outlet velocity is approximately jective of the new burner was to continue to use components
60-90 m/s. In order to enhance the entrainment of secondary using hand-operated dampers and through axial movements
air, the ring nozzle has a large diameter, increasing the of inner pipes.
fuel/air surface and reducing jet stream thickness. The Nevertheless, to satisfy the new requirements, extensive
straight hollow cylindrical jet creates a negative pressure at modifications were made to the original three-channel burner
its center. Due to this negative pressure, Polysius argues that (see Fig. 16).

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Fig. 16. Rotaflam burner tip.

Type o f Burner 3 - C h a n ne I ROTA F L AM

0 The central jacket pipe holding the oil or gas nozzle is
surrounded by a new kind of flame stabilizer using
P r i m a r y Air Rate 12.5 % 6.9 Yo
extremely low amounts of air.
0 The swirl air channel is now located outside of the
Clinker C a p a c i t y 2.995 t / d 3100 t / d
coal/air or gas channel. Exit air velocities are designed
for about 170 m/s. The swirl air nozzle has no divergent
NOx Emission 1.10 kg/t cli. 1.05 kg/t cli.
action at all.
0 The outer axial air nozzle now is divided into single air I

.90 kg/t cli.

jets that are adjustable in size.
0 The outer pipe extends slightly farther inside the kiln < I7 0 s C..,. SOS *.I".., 0..

than does the burner tip itself in order to achieve a

I I I.0.
I )*I.
ca.,. *' I
. rr., ,... ..,,
D. ".,

"bowl" effect. Fig. 17. Operating results with Rotaflam burner.

The flame stabilizer currently used in burners for boilers
creates an inner improved gas recirculation. Its minimum easily thrown out of the main flame core. Due to the fact that
supply of air reduces the availability of oxygen at the flames's the swirl air is not used as a means to stabilize the flame but
center. In addition, the improved flame stabilization at cool only to enhance mixture, the overall primary air rate can be
kiln conditions makes it possible to switch to coal earlier. reduced to as low as 5% plus coal conveying air.
The flame stabilization without divergence and a very undis- Practical experience in two plant operations were reported
turbed coal/primary air flow assures a high fuel density at the to be favorable [15], [16]. The actual burner operation
flame's center. In addition, the flame stabilizer eliminates conditions are shown in Fig. 17. As can be seen, overall
coal ash from plugging up the burner's center part. primary air rate could be reduced from 12.5 to only 6.9%.
Having the swirl air component surrounding the coal noz- The plant also reports good coal ignition right at the burner
zle also supports the fact that coarse coal particles are not tip and a stable dense flame. The overall flame length in-

Capture of Fine Particles on Charged Moving

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creased but led to a uniform burning zone temperature and H. 0. Gardeik, H. Rosemann, S. Sprung, and W. Rechenberg,
coating profile. “Behavior of nitrogen oxides in rotary kiln plants of cement industry,”
ZKG, vol. 10, 1984.
In regard to NO, emissions, results were questionable F. A. Miller and A. H. Egelov, “Relationship between cement kiln
because the kiln not only was equipped with a new burner but operation and content of NO, in kiln exit gases,” ZKG, vol. 8, 1980.
also was modified in other areas. Nevertheless, NO, was E. Steinbiss, “Multi-jet burner for the special requirements of pulver-
ized coal firing,” ZKG, vol. 5, 1982.
reduced between 5 and 18%, depending on the operating H. Xeller, “Reducing NO, formation using a step burner with exit
mode. gas recircling from preheater,” World Cement, Mar. 1988.
H. Kruger, H. Kremer, F. Straws, and E. Rodenhauser, “Optimiung
CONCLUSION eines PYRO-JET Brenners zur NO,-Absenkung in Drehrohroefen,”
KDH/Ruhr Univ. Bochum, unveroeffentlichter Bericht.
As we have seen, the cement industry continues to find E. R. Hanson, “New flame shape improves results-Rock products,”
ways of using more sophisticated firing and burner technol- Apr. 1988.
1141 Polysius AG, Forschung und Entwicklung, Messbericht uber
ogy. Burners of the latest generation reduce primary air rates POLFLAME Brenner in Zementwerk Hermann Milke, Geseke.
while coping with environmental requests for lower NO, Pillard, Tech. Notes, Jan. 15, 1990.
emissions. Additional testing and development are necessary H. Rosemann and P. Kuenne, Betriebserfahrungen mit dem
Rotaflame-Brenner, Alsen-Breitenberg, Zement und Kalkwerke
for improving the burner’s designs and performance even GmbH .
T. Haupt, Bonn, Untersuchung der Vorgaenge bei der Verbrennung
von Koklenstaubteilchen. Rainer Nobis was born in 1953 in Germany.
M. W. Thring and M. P. Newby, “Combustion length of enclosed Between 1975 and 1980, he joined the Technical
turbulent jet flames,” in Proc. 4th Symp. (Int.) Combustion. University in Aachen, where he received the mas-
1. R. Tucker and Assoc., Internal papers. ters degree in mineral processing.
P. J . Mullinger and B. G. Jenkins, “Rotary kiln coal firing,” ZKG, In 1980, he started to work for the Heidelberger
vol. 5 , 1987. Zement AG organization. Until 1984, he was em-
T. M. Lowes and A. D. 1. Lorimer, “Cement kiln coal flames,” in ployed as production engineer in the Blautal Plant,
Proc. VDZ Kongress ’85 (Duesseldorf), 1985. Heidelberg’s largest cement production facility.
161 H. 0. Gardeik, H. Rosemann, and A. Scheuer, “Verhalten der Between 1984 and 1990, he was with the Lehigh
Stickstoffoxide in Drehofenanlagen der Zementindustrie,” ZKG, vol., Portland Cement Co., Allentown, PA, where he
10, 1984. oversaw the company’s pyroprocessing activities.
[71 A. Scheuer, “NO, reduction in rotary kiln plants in the cement In September 1990, he: returned to Germany, where he is now in charge of
industry,” ZKG, vol. 12, 1986. special projects within the Heidelberger Zement AG organization.

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