MIR Spectral Characterization
MIR Spectral Characterization
MIR Spectral Characterization
Waste Management
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Article history: One of the major limitations in polymer recycling is their sorting as they are collected in mixes. The
Received 8 August 2018 majority of polymers are highly incompatible without compatibilizers. For sorting of polymers, high-
Revised 14 April 2019 speed online Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is nowadays relatively widespread. It is however limited
Accepted 26 May 2019
by the use of carbon black as a pigment and UV-stabilizer, which strongly absorbs near-infrared signals.
Available online 1 July 2019
Mid-Infrared (MIR) hyperspectral cameras were recently put on the market. However, their wavelength
ranges are smaller and their resolutions are poorer, in comparison with laboratory equipment based on
Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR). The identification of specific signals of end-of-life polymers for recy-
Polymer recycling
cling purposes is becoming an important stake since they are very diverse, highly formulated, and more
MIR and more used in copolymers and blends, leading to complex waste stocks mainly as WEEE (Waste
WEEE Electrical and Electronic Equipment). Dark colored plastics are the major part of WEEE, which also con-
Identification tains mainly styrenics (ABS, HIPS and their blends). In addition, styrenics are especially concerned by the
Styrenics need of identification. In this framework, spectral characterizations of ten types of polymers were scru-
tinized through about eighty pristine and real waste samples. Polymer characteristic signals were aggre-
gated in charts to help rapid and automatized distinction through specific signals, even in limited
resolution and frequency ranges.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-053X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
514 C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525
2017). Sink-float solution is based on the difference of density differences can be subtle between polymers and plastic formula-
between polymers. NIR spectroscopy makes use of hyperspectral tions can be misleading, as with every other elemental technology,
imagery (HSI) cameras (Serranti et al., 2010) which create 3D pic- because of very similar atomic compositions. Also, the viability of
tures of polymer scraps on a conveyor, the 3rd dimension being a industrial solutions is currently limited. Raman is also considered
spectrum of the considered pixel. The identified scraps are then (Roh et al., 2017; Yamaji et al., 2013). This spectroscopy provides
ejected in two or three different collecting trays depending of their information similar to infrared, as vibration energies are studied.
chemical nature, thanks to a line of compressed air nozzles, the But, as the excitation mode is very different, collected signal is
‘‘ejector” seen on Fig. 1. weaker, implying high sensibility or powerful sources, which can
Unfortunately, waste streams, especially in WEEP, are expected be problematic for heating issues. More unusual ways were stud-
to become even more complex with the use of more blends, ied, as fluorescence lifetimes differences (Langhals et al., 2014),
copolymers and composites designed to meet the required func- impact acoustic emissions(Huang et al., 2017) or melted state sep-
tional properties. Also, fire standards and elimination of bromi- aration (Dobrovszky and Ronkay, 2014). It is however important to
nated fire retardants (often used in styrenics) due to public consider different technologies as potentially complementary in a
regulations in various countries, have urged plastic manufacturers complex sorting scheme (Gundupalli et al., 2017).
to create more complex set of flame retardant additives, used in for MIR is proposed in this study because MIR hyperspectral cam-
also more complex materials, such as ABS-PC, ABS-PMMA or HIPS- eras are already developed at industrial scale and documented in
PPE instead of ABS or HIPS (Peeters et al., 2015). This entails over- the literature. MIR spectroscopy, especially FTIR (Fourier Trans-
lapping plastic densities (Peeters et al., 2014), limiting sink-float form Infrared), is widely used for analysis in organic and polymer
separation. In addition, a great part of ELV (End-of-Life Vehicles) chemistry as the absorbed wavelengths are characteristic of differ-
and WEEE plastics are black, mainly for aesthetic and photo- ent vibration modes of covalent bonds. Chemists tend to describe
ageing reasons. Hence, carbon black is used as it is relatively cheap, the MIR domain widely as 4000–400 cm 1 (2.5–25.0 mm). Optic
easily incorporated to plastics and widely produced since the researchers and commercial hyperspectral cameras producers tend
beginning of the twentieth century. Regrettably, carbon black to define two subdomains within this range: MWIR, Middle Wave-
strongly absorbs NIR rays, consequently making NIR-HSI inappro- length Infrared from 2 to 5 mm (5000–2000 cm 1); and LWIR, Long
priate for sorting these plastics (Beigbeder et al., 2013). In conse- Wavelength Infrared, roughly from 7.4 to 14 mm (1350–700 cm 1).
quence, innovative sorting technologies must emerge. Both these ranges were first used in thermal imagery (Mooney
Sorting technologies issued from the mining industry, as hydro- et al., 1997) and were probably adapted to HSI afterwards. It
cyclone, froth flotation or jigging, are largely considered in the lit- should be emphasized that these definitions are not normalized,
erature (Censori et al., 2016; Gundupalli et al., 2017; Yuan et al., vary between manufacturers and could change in the future.
2015). Because of their close chemical natures and thus, densities In addition to shorter operating ranges, Hyperspectral Imagery is
and surface properties, ABS and HIPS cannot be efficiently and eco- subject to other limitations, in comparison with laboratory FTIR. The
nomically sorted at an industrial scale with the aforementioned first one is the acquisition time: whereas a spectrum is often
techniques. Optical techniques, especially spectroscopic, are acquired in several seconds to enable good signal-to-noise ratio
reported as more promising for complex problematics (Vrancken (SNR) by performing more than a dozen scans, HSI cameras used
et al., 2017). Among spectroscopic sorting techniques, LIBS has in an industrial recycling context must lead to identification within
been intensively studied (Ángel Aguirre et al., 2013; Aquino and a few milliseconds to enable sorting through compressed air nozzles
Pereira-Filho, 2015; Barbier et al., 2013; Costa et al., 2017; activation, as conveyors go usually at several meter per second. Such
Grégoire et al., 2011; Huber et al., 2014). Based on atomic emission a high output is mandatory to make the sorting step economically
caused by plasma atomization, identification is enabled by quanti- viable in the industrial recycling context. Also, whereas laboratory
fying emitted species (C2 or CN). Especially, ABS can be differenti- infrared sources are punctual and can be weak since analysis is made
ated from HIPS because of its nitrogen atom, thus emitting more in contact, industrial applications need strong sources similar to
CN (Barbier et al., 2013). Besides this example and oxygen content, radiant heating systems as analysis is remote. Heating issues must
be assessed and foster to use high speeds for conveyors. Another lim- third work of spectral characterization will be done on the impact
itation of HSI is resolution. Whereas FT-IR spectrometers are of depreciated acquisition parameters and formulation (especially
equipped with Michelson interferometers in which wavelengths carbon black, fillers and flame retardants) on polymer identifica-
can be finely scanned, HSI cameras have a limited number of spectral tion as WEEP and ELV plastics are especially concerned by black
channels for each pixel. Each channel is associated to a subpixel and plastics sorting issues. A fourth work is about the impact of pho-
their number is thus technologically and economically limited. todegradation on spectral features of styrenics, polyolefins and
Finally, both these technologies share limitations with other optic/ polycarbonate and possible repercussions on identification.
spectroscopic techniques: only the surface is analyzed and is thus
subject to ageing, dirtiness, degradation, paint or coating; relatively 2. Materials and methods
diluted species as flame retardants, plasticizers, minor components
of a blend can be difficult to perceive. 2.1. Materials
The goal of this first study is to transpose NIR HSI spectrum
analysis to MIR HSI, an emerging technology which could help The types of polymer standard samples considered in the over-
sorting black plastics. A few papers have been published about all project were decided after bibliographic researches but also
plastic discrimination thanks to MWIR (Kassouf et al., 2014; from analysis of real waste samples provided by Suez company
Rozenstein et al., 2017). However, they mainly discussed about (France). This first study was focused on styrenic materials encoun-
technology and/or computational matters, as models of HSI cam- tered in WEEE streams, which are principally represented by ABS
eras and/or development of algorithms to enable automatized dis- (acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene) and HIPS (High Impact Polystyr-
crimination. They also considered only materials which are not the ene). These two polymers are derivatives of respectively SAN
main ones connected to industrial current issues, e.g. PLA which (styrene-acrylonitrile) and GPPS (general purpose polystyrene or
represents at this moment a negligible waste stock. This study pro- PS crystal). They are often blended with technical polymers as PC
poses an innovative overview of the joint consideration of polymer (polycarbonate), PMMA (poly methyl methacrylate) or PPE (poly-
distinction within MWIR, LWIR and MIR more focused on physical- phenyl ether). Virgin plastic references used in pellets to produce
chemistry analysis to serve as a proof of concept for a wide and standard samples are presented in Table 1:
detailed range of polymers actually found within the considered Some samples from a collection of industrial materials stan-
waste stocks. A complex waste stream of WEEP is thus examined, dards called the ‘‘Materiautech”, a service provided by Allizé-
containing more engineering plastics, mainly styrenic polymers Plasturgie (‘‘Allizé-Plasturgie: a professional organisation at the
and their blends. As HSI is strongly limited in comparison with service of plastics and composites | Allizé-Plasturgie,” n.d.) were
FTIR, it seems important to be rather exhaustive in laboratory char- analyzed for complementary information. This was done when
acterization, not to put aside a signal which could make the differ- concerned materials were unavailable at the laboratory in pellet
ence. This is why every peak in the whole wavelength range of MIR form or to check potential composition ratios variations for blends
was considered, whereas most of literature is focused on reduced and/or copolymers (Table2):
ranges for simplification and clarity. This study is also devoted to 112 waste samples were kindly provided by the Suez company
waste characterization at laboratory scale, as we tried to point from their plants in Feyzin (SITA) and Berville-sur-Seine (NORVAL)
out some unusual materials easily mistaken for other chemically in France. 43 of them were selected as whole objects or fragments
close polymers, especially in the case of degraded acquisition con- from WEEE. The 69 others were scraps issued from grinding mills.
ditions due to limited resolution, unfavorable surface aspect, and About a third was from casings of cathodic and flat screens. The
occurrence of additives or fillers. Described signals were also rest was from a sinking fraction of municipal waste deposits and
checked within real waste samples to assure that they were char- WEEP. Most of them could not be identified by NIR technology.
acteristic of the polymer, and not formulation or ageing. Consider- They are mainly dark colored, unmarked or exhibit bad surface
ations thus go from a global scale to a rather detailed state and aspect. More than half of them were styrenics and their spectra
extrapolations to industrial systems about automated decision were analyzed for this work.
reliability must be adapted to their respective performances, espe-
cially as they will progress in the future. 2.2. Micro-injection
A second paper will deal with polyolefins: PE and PP, as they are
the second most important part of WEEP. In addition, they are very Small disks, with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of
detrimental to styrenic properties as impurities upon recycling. A 1.5 mm, were injected to serve as virgin standard samples. They
Table 1
List of polymer pellets references.
Commercial PS crystal Polystyrol Polystyrol Terluran Terluran Terluran Novodur Luran Luran Luran S Luran S CM404 - Makrolon Altuglas
name 1340 485I 495F GP-22 GP-35 HI-10 H701 388 S 368 R 757G 778T Stapron C 2808 V825T
Company Total BASF Styrolution DSM Bayer Arkema
Table 2
List of used ‘‘Materiautech” references.
were produced thanks to a Zamak-Mercator injection molding because of its residual double bonds, outdoor applications require
machine. Closer to small-scale transfer molding, this equipment rather ASA than ABS, where PB is substituted by acrylic rubber
allows to work on a few grams of pellets. This form was chosen (Tolue et al., 2009), which corresponds to the second A of ASA.
for reproducibility of ATR spectra as every disk has a similar sur- Because of their ductile behavior and processing easiness, they
face aspect, flat and smooth enough for good detection. can be blended with more technical polymers (Utracki, 1998).
Therefore, ABS-PC is widely found in WEEE. HIPS-PPE (polypheny-
2.3. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy lene ether or PPO, polyphenylene oxide; also called PPE/PS) and
ABS-PMMA are also found in smaller amounts which could highly
A Vertex 70 FT MIR spectrometer from Bruker with an ATR unit increase in the future (Peeters et al., 2015). These blends are partic-
was used. The used resolution was of 4 cm 1, 16 scans for back- ularly used in the automobile industry.
ground acquisition and 16 scans for the sample spectrum. Spectra The most remarking patterns of styrenics (Fig. 2) are the two
were acquired from 4000 to 400 cm 1 and analyzed thanks to the aliphatic CH stretching signals at 2920 and 2850 plus the 3–5 aro-
OPUS software provided with the spectrometer. Most of samples matic CH stretching signals between 3000 and 3100 in MWIR and
were directly analyzed on the crystal. Some of them needed to the two aromatic CH waging at 700 and 750, the second one at
be cut to get a smooth enough surface for a good acquisition of one third of the height of the first one at the lowest wavenumber
the spectrum. Standard samples and very dirty waste samples limit of LWIR.
were cleaned with ethanol.
FTIR-ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) was chosen for conve-
nience and to be closer to the industrial conditions of HSI cameras. 3.2. Spectra comparison methodology description
Indeed, both techniques are reflective and can be used directly on
solid samples. The industrial application is obligatory reflective as To help polymer discrimination, all the charts were built by
nearly all of samples are opaque to infrared rays. Technologies computing most of the signals seen on the spectra both in MWIR
based on reflectivity have strong sensibility of surface condition, (Table 3) and LWIR (Appendix B) ranges. Each line is attributed
especially labels, paint and dirtiness. However, ATR and HSI main to a polymer nature and lines are organized by chemical closeness.
difference is that the first one is made with contact with the sam- Peaks were aggregated in each column when they were 10 cm 1
ple whereas the second is remote. ATR is thus very sensible to flat- close to each other: signals in the ‘‘1375” column should be at
ness and roughness of the sample whereas HSI is less. However, 1375 ± 5 cm 1. Most of values are averages of wavenumbers from
the major part of encountered difficulties to obtain a understand- standards and waste samples when several ones were available.
able spectrum were related to surface quality. No empty column was constructed. Therefore, two adjacent col-
umns can have a very close or very far wavenumber difference
3. Results and discussion (e.g. 850–840 and 2720–2510). Colors show subjectively the rela-
tive intensity of a signal, in comparison with the strongest peak
3.1. Presentation of the styrenic family of the considered range. Three levels were chosen: red for the
strong ones, orange for moderate and yellow for weak ones. Pale
All styrenic polymers contain styrene (St) as one of their mono- yellow is also used for especially hard-to-see signals. In the case
mers, hence the name. GPPS (General Purpose Polystyrene) is the of shoulders and convoluted signals, the color is more associated
simplest of all, consisting only of styrene. SAN is a random copoly- to how well the peak was seen than to the real height of it.
mer of acrylonitrile (AN) and styrene (St). As both PS and SAN are Thanks to these charts, signals characteristic to certain poly-
fragile, slightly crosslinked polybutadiene (PB) is added to their mers can easily be identified. Most of the discussion on polymer
formulations to respectively produce HIPS (High Impact) and ABS distinction in this work is largely based on these charts which
(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), which have better impact resis- highlight specific peaks, then comforted by spectra direct visual
tances. As PB is immiscible to these matrices, it creates nodules comparisons. The spectra of the ten considered references are
(Forest et al., 2015). As this elastomeric phase is sensitive to aging available in Appendix A.
Table 3
Signals of styrenics and their blends in MWIR.
Polymer 3080 3060 3040 3025 3000 2995 2965 2955 2930 2920 2870 2850 2735 2240
GPPS 3081 3059 3025 3002 2920 2849
PS HIPS 3081 3059 3025 3002 2920 2849
HIPS/PPE 3081 3059 3025 3002 2920 2849 2735
SAN 3083 3061 3026 3003 2923 2854 2237
ABS 3083 3061 3026 3003 2921 2851 2237
SAN ASA 3085 3060 3027 3003 2957 2929 2874 2237
ABS/PMMA 3063 3026 2990 2950 2922 2847 2237
ABS/PC 3060 3027 2967 2926 2872 2852 2237
PMMA 2993 2950 2922 2848
PC 3058 3040 2967 2932 2871
The MWIR chart (Table 3) was limited between 3080 cm 1 and wavenumbers turn out to be very reproducible and rather specific
2240 cm 1 as no significant signals were seen elsewhere for the of polymer nature, even within 5 cm 1.
chosen polymers. The LWIR chart in Appendix B was intentionally
built with a slightly wider range than commercial ones to show 3.3. Styrenic polymers and copolymers: GPPS, HIPS, SAN, ABS and ASA
that it could be highly profitable that LWIR HSI cameras extend
their wavenumbers ranges. Indeed, very interesting signals can The main difference in MWIR between ABS and HIPS is the acry-
be observed just below (aromatic CH bending at 700) and just lonitrile carbon-nitrogen triple bound stretching which produces a
above (CH2 and CH3 bending about 1400 and moreover the C@O pretty weak but sharp signal at 2230 cm 1, a very specific location
stretching from 1550 to 1800 depending on its chemical (Fig. 3). There is also a difference in aliphatic/aromatic intensities
environment). on each side of 3000 cm 1. Whereas aromatic and aliphatic signals
When compared to the one hundred of waste samples, the are almost at the same level in GPPS, aliphatic are slightly stronger
MWIR and LWIR charts were proven to be representative and very in HIPS as it contains PB, thus, more aliphatic CH. It is also the case
helpful in polymer discrimination, especially as most peaks with SAN compared to GPPS as it contains AN. It is even more
marked with ABS as it contains both PB and AN. These height ratios to detect in case of limited SNR, due to bad acquisition conditions
differences were not retrieved within real waste samples, as age- as a non-flat rough surface, or in case of reduced intensity due to
ing, blending and formulation affect them. Only the acrylonitrile blending as discussed in part 3.4 with ABS/PC.
peak is thus reliable for distinction in this range, especially in Another difference within styrenics is due to varying amounts
degraded conditions, and PB is undetectable. of PB within the different polymers (Fig. 4). As reported by
In the LWIR range (Table 4 and supporting information), one of Saviello et al. (2014), PB has only a few signals, with only two
the two St signals (aromatic CH bending) was found at 750 ± 4 for easily seen in LWIR at 965 and 910 cm 1. Sadly, the second one
the forty PS based samples (GPPS, HIPS, HIPS-PPE) but around is superimposed with a styrene specific signal. As expected, pris-
759 ± 3 for the twenty-five SAN based samples (SAN, ASA, ABS- tine styrenics grades with higher impact strengths (but slightly
PMMA, ABS and ABS-PC). Similarly, the other St signal was at found lower modulus and higher viscosities) often display stronger PB
at 695 ± 2 for PS based samples but at 700 ± 3 for SAN based poly- signals. Generally, ABS samples seem to contain more elastomeric
mers (as highlighted by dotted lines on Fig. 4). It can be deduced parts than HIPS ones, which can be linked to commonly better
that the presence of acrylonitrile in the polymer chains affect the impact strengths. Indeed, ABS is reported to contain between 5
aromatic C-H vibrations. This difference was proved to be more and 30 w% of PB (Wypych, 2016a) whereas HIPS rates would usu-
reliable than the acrylonitrile peak at 2230 since it can be hard ally be from 6 to 8.5 w%, with highest ones limited at 15 (Alfarraj
Table 4
Some LWIR signals typical of St and PB in the styrenic family and their blends.
Polymer 1185 1160 1140 1075 1015 960 910 850 840 830 760 750 700 690
GPPS 906 841 749 694
HIPS 965 906 841 749 695
HIPS-PPE 1183 1019 958 906 855 830 752 696
SAN 910 845 759 698
ABS 965 910 845 758 699
ASA 1161 1068 964 912 842 761 699
ABS-PMMA 1141 1075 965 910 842 758 701
ABS-PC 1187 1158 1080 1013 965 911 828 757 700
PMMA 1189 1142 964 912 840 750
PC 1187 1158 1079 1013 828
Fig. 4. Presence of PB (framed in blue) and shifts in St CH peaks (framed in red) due to AN in styrenics – LWIR – vertical dotted lines placed on PS peaks at 695 & 750 cm-1.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525 519
and Bruce Nauman, 2004). Higher amounts of PB can also explain first oxidation target and its spectral signature rapidly disappears
why aliphatic signals are stronger than aromatic ones in MWIR from the surface.
for ABS than HIPS samples. ASA is spectrally different from other styrenics. The two main
However, these PB signals are often hard to see, as on Fig. 5, signals below 3000 seem shifted to the higher wavenumbers
where waste sample ‘‘EN2” displays a surface spectrum closer to (Fig. 6). In fact, the SAN signals are partially masked by the stronger
GPPS than HIPS. As numerous others, it was however identified ones of butyl acrylate. As this phase is chemically close to PMMA,
as HIPS as it was ductile and not fragile when cut. Waste sample we observe a spectral resemblance, luckily only partial, which thus
‘‘EN5” is among the few exceptions as its spectrum displays PB preserves differentiation. PMMA displays a supplementary signal
peals. ABS waste samples display similar behavior towards SAN at 2990 cm 1, which is rather high for an aliphatic C-H stretching
and ABS references. As PB is often the key parameter in styrenics in polymers. In PLA, this wavenumber has been attributed to CH
ageing (Arnold et al., 2009; Vilaplana et al., 2006), it is often the stretching of CH3 (Kister et al., 1998). We can go further and
Fig. 5. MIR spectra comparison of HIPS real waste samples to GPPS and HIPS references to highlight PB disappearance (framed).
Fig. 6. MIR comparison of reference samples of ASA, ABS and PMMA – highest aliphatic C-H stretchings arrowed.
520 C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525
suppose that it is specifically associated to CH3 groups in alpha commercial HSI cameras. PB is hardly detectable in both MWIR
position of an ester function. However, no ASA waste sample was and LWIR, especially as it is strongly subjected to oxidation. How-
found among the studied waste stock, but ABS-PMMA blends dis- ever, almost every encountered waste samples were impact-
cussed below, spectrally reminiscent but different. modified (only one SAN and no GPPS) as they were ductile. Incom-
For thermal stability, a-methylstyrene can substitute a part of patibility between GPPS and HIPS is limited (Perrin et al., 2016), if
styrene in ABS or ASA formulations (Utracki, 1998). It is the case not inexistent, especially at these proportions. Same behavior is to
with Novodur H701 (Fig. 7). The most notable spectral difference be expected from SAN toward ABS. ASA is sufficiently spectrally
is a band at 1388 whereas regular ABS rather has a mount culmi- different to be detected in both MWIR and LWIR but was not
nating at 1353 cm 1. This signal is close to 1375, generally associ- encountered within the waste stock. Finally, ‘‘thermal” alpha-
ated to CAH bending in CH3 groups, as in PP. It also leads to methylstyrene copolymers display very minor spectral modifica-
stronger intensities of aliphatic CAH stretching signals between tions which are hardly perceived, even at laboratory scale, but
2800 and 3000 cm 1. These differences were too subtle to enable compatibility issues are not to be expected.
alpha-methylstyrene detection within waste samples (blended,
aged, formulated and with rough surfaces) even at laboratory scale. 3.4. Styrenic blends: PPE-PS, ABS-PC and ABS-PMMA
However, these polymers are unlikely to be incompatible with
their ‘‘non-thermal” counterparts. This difference is also visible in In the MWIR range, PPE-PS (in fact HIPS-PPE) has stronger ali-
ASA (Fig. 8). phatic CH signals (3000–2800) compared to aromatic ones
PS-based (HIPS and GPPS) and SAN-based (SAN, ABS, ASA and (3100–3000) than pure HIPS (Fig. 9). This can be explained by
methyl-styrene copolymers) polymers can be differentiated mainly the fact that most PPE are made from dimethylphenol (Wypych,
through to the acrylonitrile peak in MWIR, however not very 2016b). As aromatic CH bonds have weaker absorption coefficients
intense. It is thus essential to achieve a good sensibility in its zone than aliphatic ones, the CH3 groups of PPE contribute more to the
(2237 cm 1) and also sufficient resolution as carbon dioxide sig- 3000–2800 signals whereas its aromatic CH contributes to the
nals are relatively close, roughly 2400–2300 cm 1. They also differ- 3100–3000. Also, there is a slightly visible shoulder at the left side
entiate in LWIR through the exact positions of aromatic CAH of the 2920 peak and a very weak signal at 2735 which is barely
deformations (695 + 750 for PS, 700–760 for SAN). These signals perceptible, not seen on all samples, especially waste samples,
are however at the limit of LWIR, even out of range for several surely because of varying spectra qualities and various ratios of
Fig. 7. MIR comparison of reference samples of standard ABS and ABS containing a-methylstyrene – main difference arrowed.
Fig. 8. MIR comparison of reference samples of standard ASA and ASA containing a-methylstyrene – main difference framed.
C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525 521
PPE and HIPS. These subtle differences were also retrieved on especially through convolution at low resolution and as it means
waste samples (‘‘EN2” and ‘‘CC2” on Fig. 9) but are not expected more consequent data treatment. Indeed, high output of sorting
to be seen industrially because of sensibility and resolution machines means high acquisition time but also high calculation
reasons. time. Having more data to handle can be thus critical for
In LWIR range (Fig. 10), HIPS/PPE has a lot more signals than performance. Within the studied waste stock, one sample was
pure HIPS, especially at 1180 cm 1 for CAO stretching. Ratios identified as HIPS-PPE for every five HIPS ones. No PPE alone was
between signals characteristic of HIPS and those of PPE can be sub- found, concordantly with the fact it is very rarely commercialized
ject to variation as they are compatible on a wide range (Yee, alone. As HIPS and PPE are widely compatible, confusing them is
1977). However, the six samples identified as HIPS-PPE displayed not critical, even if it means being enable to valorize HIPS-PPE at
spectra similar to the reference as ‘‘CC5” shown on Fig. 10. As its maximal potential.
one could overlook the 1500–800 cm 1 and just pay attention to ABS-PC is widely used in WEEE and the weight ratio between PC
MWIR, C@O and St signals, HIPS-PPE can be mistaken for regular and ABS is usually 70/30 as it leads to the best performance in both
HIPS at laboratory scale. tensile and impact properties (Greco et al., 1994). The distinction in
According to these results, HIPS and HIPS-PPE are not expected LWIR between ABS-PC and pure PC can be done thanks to the PB
to be industrially differentiated through MWIR. LWIR could enable signal at 965 and the St ones at 760 and 700 cm 1, absent on pure
identification but peaks richness could negatively impact it, PC (Fig. 11). As well, signals of the PB phase from ABS are visible at
Fig. 9. Differences (framed) between PS and PPE/PS in MWIR – a reference and a waste sample for each material nature.
Fig. 10. Differences (framed) between PS and PPE/PS in MIR – a reference and a waste sample for each material nature.
522 C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525
Fig. 11. MIR spectra comparison of ABS, ABS-PC and PC references to waste samples identified as ABS/PC and PC – visible ABS peaks in ABS-PC framed.
965 and 911, and CH2 deformation at 1450 (just beyond LWIR), ABS-PMMA spectra of analyzed samples are closer to pure
whereas PC only contains CH3, aromatic hydrogens and hydroxyls. PMMA than pure ABS (Fig. 13), which can be explained by stronger
In MWIR, the acrylonitrile peak at 2230 cm 1 is hardly visible in absorption features of PMMA and low ABS amounts. This is coher-
most real ABS-PC samples, especially with bad spectrum quality, ent with the semi-transparency (‘‘ABSTRON TIM 300 - Bhansali
because this signal is intrinsically weak, and ABS is the minor Engineering - datasheet,” n.d.) of one waste sample issued from a
phase (Fig. 12). The signals from 3000 to 2800 cm 1 go through a vehicle light casing (‘‘CG4” of Fig. 13). This could only be explained
convolution of signals of both ABS and PC and the resulting group by a significant miscibility between SAN and PMMA (Lee et al.,
gets more complex and the reference of ABS-PC pretty different, 1994) and negligible impact of PB nodules if they are grafted
spectrally speaking, from its separated components. However, enough, small enough and few enough (Han and Yang, 1987;
waste samples of ABS-PC and PC display spectra similar between Kim et al., 1993).
each other but different from references of ABS-PC and PC. These Compared to PMMA, ABS-PMMA has a supplementary signal in
differences could be explained by PC ageing, as OAH bands are vis- MWIR range at 2330 because of acrylonitrile, also concerned by the
ible from 3000 to 3300 and the carbonyl peak (central on Fig. 11) is same sensibility issue than in ABS-PC. Weak signals above 3000
widened at the base, concordantly to the photo-Fries mechanism associated with aromatic C-H stretching are also seen. The most
(Collin et al., 2012; Rivaton, 1995). However, ageing studies rarely notable difference in LWIR is the presence of the St signals at
focus on aliphatic CAH stretching signals from 2800 to 3000 cm 1. 700 (strong) and 760, whereas PMMA has a weaker signal at 750.
It seems improbable that the carbonate motif transformation Signals of PB can also be seen at 964, which is then stronger in
impacts methyls which are separated from an aromatic cycle. ABS-PMMA than in pure PMMA. Finally, in the few analyzed PMMA
Weak interactions between chains, which are rearranged because samples, waste or references, the group of signals between 1000
of ageing, are a more plausible explanation. Formulation is another and 1300 cm 1 displays a gap in its middle, which is not the case
one but no other ‘‘foreign” peak was spotted. with ABS-PMMA samples. As with HIPS/GPPS or ABS/SAN,
Fig. 12. MWIR spectra comparison of ABS, ABS-PC and PC references to waste samples identified as ABS-PC and PC – acrylonitrile peak characteristic of ABS framed in blue.
C. Signoret et al. / Waste Management 95 (2019) 513–525 523
Fig. 13. MIR spectra comparison of waste samples identified as ABS-PMMA and PMMA to references of ABS, ABS-PMMA and PMMA – ABS peaks visible in ABS-PMMA framed.
ductility/fragility during cutting remove any doubt at laboratory often colored with carbon black, preventing NIR HSI sorting.
scale for ABS-PMMA/PMMA or ABS-PC/PC differentiations. Surely Moreover, their densities overlap, preventing sink-float sorting.
for these impact resistance reasons, blends were found in majority Thus, MIR (4000–400 cm 1) spectral features of styrenics were
in comparison to PC or PMMA alone. Mixing blends with respective finely described as every signal can be discriminant in the limited
components does not seem critical if only small amounts are conditions of MIR HSI. In the MWIR range (5000–2000 cm 1), they
added, especially for ABS-PC whose 30/70 ratio is an optimum. present several rather weak but visible signals in the 3100–3000
About PMMA and PC differentiation, and thus, ABS-PMMA and range corresponding to aromatic hydrogens. They also display
ABS-PC differentiation, the first clue is the carbonyl peak two large signals at 2920 and 2850. Acrylonitrile signal at
wavenumber, at 1720 cm 1 for PMMA, at 1770, for PC. This higher 2235 cm 1 is very specific of ABS. In LWIR (1350–700 cm 1),
value can be simply explained by the inductive effect of an oxygen the two aromatic CAH bending signals are very specific, with
atom on a carbonyl group. As PC present two oxygens as it is a car- 750 and 695 values for PS based polymers, and with 760 and 700
bonate instead of only one for PMMA, an ester, these effects are for SAN based polymer. Differentiation between GPPS and HIPS,
stronger. ASA carbonyl peak is at 1733 cm 1, closer to PMMA as and between SAN and ABS, which relies on the presence of PB, can-
it is also acrylic. However, this signal is out of range for current not be reliably detected through infrared surface analysis. How-
HSI cameras. ever, this should not present compatibility issues.
In MWIR, PMMA has a 2990 signal which is rather distinctive, as ΑSA is very distinguishable because of the acrylic nature of its
said above, whereas the highest aliphatic CAH stretching peak (so rubbery phase. a-methylstyrene which can be copolymerized to
below 3000) in PC is at 2970. In LWIR, the CAO stretching presents styrenics to enhance their thermal properties, adds a hardly detect-
very different patterns. Indeed, PC displays with three close but able peak at 1375. HIPS-PPE blend is easily differentiated from
very distinct peaks at 1220, 1190 and 1160 with growing heights. HIPS in LWIR, but hardly in MWIR, especially in degraded condi-
PMMA has four peaks from 1280 to 1060 with growing heights but tions. ABS-PC and ABS-PMMA spectra are rather close to PC and
they are closer and more convoluted than in PC, and as said above PMMA with small additional peaks which can be hard to detect
with or without a gap in the middle depending of the presence of even at laboratory scale. PC and PMMA are easily differentiated
ABS. As discussed with HIPS-PPE, LWIR signal richness could be a in MWIR, where PMMA has stronger and higher aliphatic C-H
handicap for convolution and data managing issues. stretching peaks, and in LWIR with very rich and very different
C-O stretching patterns between 1300 and 1000 cm 1. The car-
bonyl stretching wavelength is very discriminatory between them
4. Conclusion but out of range for current HSI cameras. In general, LWIR contains
more signals but this abundance which can facilitate identification
Characteristic signals of various types of styrenic polymers can also be a drawback as peaks can convolve and this means more
enabled to build tools to help Mid Infrared spectral identification data handling in the short acquisition-treatment time necessary in
at both laboratory and industrial scales. Hyperspectral Imagery industrial conditions.
cameras present far weaker wavelength ranges and resolution for With spectral comparison to a hundred of real waste samples, it
technological reasons. High output, necessary in an industrial con- was found that wavenumbers are really characteristic within the
text, also demands acquisition times in the order of the millisec- used resolution and a difference out of this range is probably sig-
ond, whereas laboratory equipment takes often several seconds. nificant of a chemical difference. It is also important to use several
Styrenic materials are the majority of WEEE plastics which are peaks to identify a polymer and double-check its nature. For exam-
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