Electric Motor Bearing Grease: LGHQ 2
Electric Motor Bearing Grease: LGHQ 2
Electric Motor Bearing Grease: LGHQ 2
Typical applications
• Electric motors: Small, medium and large
• Industrial fans, including high speed fans
• Water pumps
• Rolling bearings in textile, paper processing and drying machines
• Vertical shaft applications
Lubrication management
Just as asset management takes maintenance to a higher level, a lubrication management
approach allows lubrication to be seen from a wider point of view. This approach helps to
effectively increase machine reliability at a lower overall cost.
Normally implies one Detailed assessment. Formulation of Execution of the Reassessment and
day of assessment and Normally implies five specific activities proposed activities implementation of
provides an overview days and provides a additional improvement
on the lubrication thorough analysis of the proposals
programme maturity lubrication programme