Wave Equation

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Schrodinger Equation (which is a fundamental equation of quantum

Mechanics) is a wave equation in the variable Ψ . Schrodinger used de Broglie’s ideas to

set up a mathematical theory to describe the dual nature of matter. The essential feature
of this theory is incorporation of de Broglie’s wavelength expression λ = h / p into the
general classical wave equation. Thus he derived a wave function for a single moving
To describe the motion of a particle, a differential equation known as
Schrodinger wave equation is used.

Time independent Schrodinger wave equation:

According to de Broglie’s concept, a particle of mass m moving with a velocity v
has wavelength λ = h / mv. A particle which has wave properties describes the behavior
of the particle is specified by a wave function Ψ is given by
 x
− iω t − v  ---------------- (1)
Ψ = Ae  

If γ is the frequency then ω = 2πγ and v = γλ

 x
−2πi  γt − 
∴ψ = Ae  λ ---------------(2)
Let E be the total energy and p, the momentum of the particle. Then E = hγ and λ = p
Where p =mv . Then equation (2) becomes,
 Et xp 
−2πi  − 
ψ = Ae h h 

( Et −xp )
ψ = Ae h ---------------(3)
Equation (3) is a mathematical description of the wave equivalent of an unrestricted
particle of total energy E and momentum p moving in X-direction.
Differentiating equation (3) twice with respect to x, we get,

d 2ψ 4π 2 p 2 − 2hπi ( E t− px)
=− Ae
d x2 h2

d 2ψ 4π 2 p 2
= − ψ -------------------(4)
dx 2 h2
The total energy e of the particle is partly kinetic and partly potential.
E = mv2 + V
Or E = +V
Or E ψ = ψ + Vψ ------------------(5)
− h 2 d 2ψ
From (4), we have, p ψ =2

4π 2 dx 2
Substituting for p ψ in equation (5), we get,
− h 2 d 2ψ
Eψ = + Vψ
8mπ 2 dx 2

d 2ψ 8mπ 2
+ ( E − V )ψ = 0
dx 2 h2
It is known as time independent Schrodinger wave equation in one dimension or steady
state form of Schrodinger’s equation.
For 3 dimensional motion of a particle, we have,
d 2ψ d 2ψ d 2ψ 8mπ 2
+ + + ( E − V )ψ = 0
dx 2 dx 2 dx 2 h2

8mπ 2
∇ ψ+
( E − V )ψ = 0

This equation can be applied for determining the total energy of an electron when it is
moving in an electric field so that its potential energy V is specified in terms of special
coordinates. Like the other differential equations, its solutions are also governed by the
boundary conditions. Generally, the solutions are only obtained for certain values called
characteristic or eigen values and the corresponding wave functions are called
characteristic or eigen functions.

Applications of Schrodinger wave equation:

Consider a particle of a mass m which is free to move in a one dimensional box of
length l as shown in figure. The potential energy V of particle at bottom of box is
constant. Let V = 0 inside the box. Let potential energy be infinite for x < 0 & x > L.
the wave function Ψ = 0 at x = 0 & for all negative values of x, since the particle is not
allowed over the walls of the box. Similarly, Ψ = 0 for all values of x>L. We have,
Schrodinger’s equation as
d 2ψ 8mπ 2
+ ( E − V )ψ = 0 -------------(1)
dx 2 h2
Since V = 0 inside a box, equation (1) is reduced to
d 2ψ 8mπ 2
+ ( E − V )ψ = 0
dx 2 h2

The suitable general solution of equation (2) is

Ψ (x) = A Sinkx + Bcoskx -------------(3)
From boundary condition, we have, Ψ = 0 when x = 0 then B = 0

And also Ψ = 0 when x =L

ie. 0 = A SinkL ⇒ A = 0 or SinkL = 0
but A # 0 then SinkL = 0 ⇒ kL = nΠ or k = nΠ / L or k2 = n2Π 2 / L2

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