Expressing Facts KOALA
Expressing Facts KOALA
Expressing Facts KOALA
Topic : Koalas
General Facts :
Koalas are found in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia. They have grey fur with a
cream-coloured chest, and strong, clawed feet, perfect for living in the branches of trees. Koalas
can live around 10-15 years, and they have only a few natural predators, including dingoes, large
owls, eagles, and goannas, which generally only target juveniles.
The IUCN Red List classifies the koala as a species of least concern. However, they face
several threats to their survival. Motor vehicle accidents and dogs are major causes of death for
koalas, along with disease. The largest threat they face, however, is loss of habitat caused by land
clearing/development, bushfires, and eucalyptus tree dieback. Eighty percent of the original
habitat has been destroyed since Europeans settlers came to Australia.
Facts about the past :
In the past, Koalas lived freely because their natural habitats were well preserved.
Facts about the future :
Although Koalas themselves are protected by law, around eighty percent of any remaining
habitat occurs on privately owned land and almost none of that is protected by legislation. To
support koala protection laws, we can send an email or letter to the federal minister of the