PRPP BCesq Corregido
PRPP BCesq Corregido
PRPP BCesq Corregido
In this work . . .
1 Introduction
2 The Privatized Rural Postman Problem
The Privatized Rural Postman Problem has been defined in the work of
Aráoz, Férnandez and Zoltan [2], we repeat here the definitions and results
relevant for our algorithm. Since this problem is a generalization of the
classical Rural Postman Problem, we began with its definition.
Definition 2.1 Rural Postman Problems (RPPs)
Given a graph G(V, E), a set R ⊆ E and a cost function c from E in
IR+ , the Rural Postman Problem is to find a cycle C ∗ , not necessarily
simple that minimizes the value of
(te ce )
where C is such that R ⊆ E(C) and te is the number of times that edge e is
traversed in C.
We denote a RPP by (G, R, c).
Retired Professor Dpt. Process and Systems.
Visiting Professor Dpt. Statistics and Operation Research.
Retired Professor Dpt. Computation and Information Technology
We use standard graph nomenclature, the reader could see [?] or [2] for
definitions and elementary properties.
In a Privatized Rural Postman Problem instead of required edges we
have benefits that we could collet passing through an edge.
That is, in a PRPP, we look for the most Profitable Subtour passing
through d.
In [2] was proved that the PRPP is NP–Hard, for this reason our ap-
proach is to apply to the linear system with an exponential number of in-
equalities defined in [2] the Cut approach of a Branch and Cut method.
citar algo?
We define the functions ϕe = be − ce and ψe = be − 2ce = ϕe − ce . These
two functions play an important role in a PRPP: ϕ e is the value obtained
when traversing the edge e the first time, whereas ψ e is the value obtained
when traversing the edge e twice.
We partition the set of edges in three sets:
We denote by GR ≡ (V (R) ∪ {d}, R) the subgraph induced by the edge
set R and the depot.
Let Ci , i ∈ P = {0, . . . , p)} be the connected components of the graph
GR and we assume that d ∈ C0 . When necessary, we denote by Vi = V (Ci )
and we differentiate between γ(Vi ) in the original graph G and γR (Vi ) in the
graph GR . That is γR (Vi ) = γ(Vi ) ∩ R.
Let eRi be an arbitrarily selected edge in C i , i ∈ P .
Since it could be that no edge of R meets d, it is possible that V 0 = {d}
γR (V0 ) = ∅ and that eR 0 would be undefined. In this case we add a loop
(d, d) with b(d,d) = c(d,d) = 0, in this case this dummy edge will be e R
0. creo que
Given an optimum solution C, in [2], were proved the following proper- lo mejor es
ties: no tener
edje en C0
2.3 Dominance 1. No edge is used more than twice in C.
y definir
x R = 1 en el
2.4 Dominance 2. If and edge e ∈ C is used with value c e then it is used 0
twice. sistema
3 Polyhedral Model
The linear equations that we use to define the feasible solutions correspond-
ing to d-eulerian subgraphs of G0 are like the ones in the paper of Aráoz,
Férnandez and Zoltan [2] where the PRPPs were defined.
Let (G, d, b, c) be a given PRPP. cual es
The model is defined on the graph G0 (2.9)where each edge of G has been la mejor
replicated. Each edge e0 ∈ E 0 is associated with the variable xe0 whereas manera de
each edge e00 ∈ E 00 is associated with the variable ye00 however whenever manejar las
there is not confusion we use xe and ye instead of xe0 and ye00 . copias
The PRPP Linear Program (PRPPLP) model is the following: ver la ecua-
cion 2
max z(x, y) = φe xe − ce ye (1)
e∈E 0 e∈E 00
x(δ 0 (v) \ F 0 ) + y(δ 00 (v) \ F 00 ) ≥ x(F 0 ) + y(F 00 ) − |F 0 ∪ F 00 | + 1,
v ∈ V, F 0 ⊆ δ 0 (v), F 00 ⊆ δ 00 (v), |F 0 ∪ F 00 | odd. (2)
0 00
x(δ (S)) + y(δ (S)) ≥ 2xe ,
S ⊆ V \ {d}, e ∈ γ 0 (S) \ R0 (3)
x(δ (S)) + y(δ (S)) ≥00
S ⊆ V \ {d}, k 6= 0, Vk ∩ S 6= ∅ (4)
0 0
x e = x eR , e ∈ γ (Vk ) ∩ R , k ∈ P (5)
• Inequalities (3)and (4) ensure connectivity with the depot of any edge
that is selected, that is an edge e0 corresponding to xe0 = 1, by Dom-
inance 2 we do not need to check the edges in E 00 and by Dominance
4 if e0 ∈ Ck we only use eRk.
max z(x, y) = φe xe − ce ye (11)
e∈E 0 e∈E 00
0 00
x(δ (v)) + y(δ (v)) ≥ 2xe , v ∈ V, e ∈ δ 0 (v). (12)
0 00
x(δ (Vk )) + y(δ (Vk )) ≥ 2xeR , k∈P (13)
x e = x eR , e ∈ E ∩ γR (Vk ) and k ∈ P (14)
This initial program has the same functional (1) and all the inequalities
(5)-(9) of the PRPPLP. However it relax the integrity condition (10) and
from the inequalities of the type (2) it take only the ones that correspond
to the sets with |F 0 | = 1 ∧ |F 0 | = 0.
That is, let F 0 = {e} we obtain
3. Do:
4.3 Separation Cuts
At a given iteration of the algorithm Step (3(c)i) consists of the following:
Av = min x∗ (δ 0 (v) \ F 0 )
F 0 ⊆δ 0 (v)∪F 00 ⊆δ 00 (v)
+ y ∗ (δ 00 (v) \ F 00 ) + (1 − x∗e ) + (1 − ye∗ ) − 1
e∈F 0 e∈F 00
The minimum is obtained by the set F 0 ∪F 00 that contains all the edges
e0 and e00 incident with v such that x∗e0 ≥ 0.5 and ye∗0 ≥ 0.5 If Av < 0
then: If |F 0 ∪ F 00 | is odd then for v and F 0 ∪ F 00 the following inequality
is violated by (x∗ , y ∗ ):
or set-parity) we use the algorithm of Gusfield to calculate the tree of
min-cuts of the graph G0 obtained from the original one by eliminating
all edges in E 0 or E 00 with value zero and assigning a cost to each edge
with value equal to the value of the variable associated with that edge.
The tree of min-cuts of G0 contains the same vertices as G0 . In order to
determine in that tree the value of the min cut in G 0 between two given
nodes v and w, one has to find in the tree the edge e ∗ of minimum
cost (the costs of the edges in the tree correspond to costs of cuts in
G0 ) in the path that connects the vertices v and w. The value of e∗ is
the value of the min-cut that separates v and w in G 0 , and the set of
vertices that defines the minimum cut is the set of vertices of any of
the two connected components that result when eliminating edge e∗
from the tree.
The connectivity inequalities are separated with an exact algorithm.
That is, if there exists a violated connectivity inequality this algorithm
finds it. This result are from from Belenguer and Benavent [4, p.261].
The algorithm does the following:
For each edge e = {u, v} ∈ E 0 with v and w different form the depot
and x∗e > 0 we determine the minimum cut δ(S) such that e ∈ γ(S).
This min-cut is easily obtained from the min-cut tree as they explain
in the above referenced book. If the value of the min cut is smaller
than 2x∗e then the following inequality is violated by (x ∗ , y ∗ ): x(δ(S))+
y(δ(S)) ≥ 2xe0 . The set parity inequalities are separated exactly with
a very simple algorithm: For each edge e = {u, v} ∈ E 0 we determine
the minimum cut δ(S) that separates v and w. If the value of this
min cut is less than 2xe then the following inequality is violated by
(x∗ , y ∗ ): x(δ(S)) + y(δ(S)) ≥ 2xe .
PRPP. The other required edges of RPP will be the edges of PRPP
with value x∗e ”close” to 1.
Mnemonic Parameter Name
PN Problem Name
LRV Linear Relaxation Value
HV Heuristic Value
PDRH Percent Difference Between LRV and HV=(LRV-HV)/LRV*100
TBHS Total Benefits Heuristic Solution
TCHS Total Cost Heuristic Solution
LRT Linear Relaxation Time (sec)
HT Heuristic Time (sec)
LRIN Linear Relaxation Number
LRCR Linear Relaxation Connection Restriction Number
RSPRN Linear Relaxation Set Parity Restriction Number
RVPRN Linear Relaxation Vertex Parity Restriction Number
ORN Objective Rounding Number
Table 1: Acronyms
6 Conclusions
7 Acknowledgements
The work of the first and third authors has been partially supported by
grants from FONACIT Project USB S1- 2000000438, Venezuela. The re-
search of the first author has been partially financed by the Spain “Secre-
tarı́a de Estado de Educación y Universidades”. The research of the second
author has been partially supported by grant TIC 2000 1750 006/3 of the
Inter-Ministerial Spanish Commission of Science and Technology. These
supports are gratefully acknowledged.
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ALBAIDAA 719057 718901 156 0,02 729500 10599 4,16 1,48 6 126 23 38
ALBAIDAB 571851 571671 180 0,03 580300 8629 2,38 1,23 6 227 22 38
P01 2424 2424 0 0,00 2500 76 0,01 0,18 3 11 1 2
P02 7858 7848 10 0,13 8000 152 0,02 0,04 2 9 2 2
P03 6899 6898 1 0,01 7000 102 0,10 0,05 5 24 1 4
P04 5419 5416 3 0,06 5500 84 0,03 0,02 3 34 1 7
P05 6780 6776 4 0,06 6900 124 0,04 0,05 3 11 4 3
P06 6900 6898 2 0,03 7000 102 0,06 0,03 3 19 6 7
P07 9170 9170 0 0,00 9300 130 0,04 0,01 3 29 1 10
P08 9179 9178 1 0,01 9300 122 0,06 0,02 5 0 0 13
P09 5619 5617 2 0,04 5700 83 0,03 0,01 4 9 2 6
P10 4428 4420 8 0,18 4500 80 0,01 0,03 2 7 2 0
P11 1377 1377 0 0,00 1400 23 0,01 0,00 1 0 0 0
P12 1281 1281 0 0,00 1300 19 0,01 0,00 2 4 0 0
P13 1165 1165 0 0,00 1200 35 0,30 0,00 1 0 0 0
P14 14312 14298 14 0,10 14500 202 0,06 0,18 2 28 4 11
P15 17562 17559 3 0,02 18000 441 0,06 0,15 4 56 8 6
P16 13702 13697 5 0,04 13900 203 0,17 0,53 4 64 5 8
P17 6193 6188 5 0,08 6300 112 0,03 0,08 2 17 4 2
P18 5956 5954 2 0,03 6100 146 0,05 0,05 3 38 6 8
P19 13545 13544 1 0,01 13800 256 0,13 0,06 4 62 2 12
P20 27815 27796 19 0,07 28200 404 0,49 3,21 6 100 1 30
P21 28443 28430 13 0,05 28800 370 0,35 0,69 5 172 9 23
P22 49285 49279 6 0,01 49900 621 0,42 0,10 4 131 0 27
P23 37528 37525 3 0,01 38000 475 0,62 1,04 6 208 0 38
P24 28798 28795 3 0,01 29200 405 0,39 0,11 4 112 1 17
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DEGREE1 24006 23927 79 0,33 24700 773 0,07 0,02 11 76 21 1
DEGREE2 31551 31498 53 0,17 32200 702 0,02 0,01 2 9 4 1
DEGREE3 33546 33546 0 0,00 34300 754 0,08 0,00 12 72 36 2
DEGREE4 32759 32680 79 0,24 33600 920 0,06 0,03 8 60 14 0
DEGREE5 48106 48037 69 0,14 49000 963 0,03 0,04 4 18 3 4
DEGREE6 39648 39591 57 0,14 40500 909 0,03 0,03 4 40 7 2
DEGREE7 45464 45366 98 0,22 46400 1034 0,03 0,12 3 29 3 3
DEGREE8 60471 60387 84 0,14 61400 1013 0,03 0,11 3 12 4 6
DEGREE9 35586 35563 23 0,06 36600 1037 0,19 0,05 8 130 50 3
DEGREE10 22761 22761 0 0,00 23500 739 1,18 0,02 26 559 168 2
DEGREE11 61812 61812 0 0,00 62900 1088 0,18 0,08 5 117 35 1
DEGREE12 50315 50315 0 0,00 51400 1085 0,15 0,03 5 86 46 6
DEGREE13 71466 71396 70 0,10 72500 1104 0,12 0,10 3 54 18 2
DEGREE14 94409 94384 25 0,03 95800 1416 0,13 0,03 3 32 11 8
DEGREE15 89919 89895 24 0,03 91300 1405 0,14 0,08 4 33 9 11
DEGREE16 105221 105153 68 0,06 106600 1447 0,20 0,09 4 77 17 14
DEGREE17 121855 121743 112 0,09 123500 1757 0,32 0,11 5 6 2 16
DEGREE18 70450 70385 65 0,09 71700 1315 22,20 0,62 54 1654 252 3
DEGREE19 71549 71507 42 0,06 72900 1393 25,18 0,21 15 359 140 7
DEGREE20 64957 64937 20 0,03 66200 1263 3,46 0,09 15 773 155 11
DEGREE21 113516 113486 30 0,03 115100 1614 1,33 0,32 6 213 43 23
DEGREE22 111532 111445 87 0,08 113200 1755 1,16 0,45 5 183 55 17
DEGREE23 115681 115626 55 0,05 117400 1774 1,53 0,13 8 184 43 27
DEGREE24 170142 170105 37 0,02 172300 2195 0,91 0,12 5 52 12 31
DEGREE25 145445 145386 59 0,04 147400 2014 1,07 0,54 6 125 22 32
DEGREE26 184434 184332 102 0,06 186800 2468 0,86 0,26 5 135 21 42
DEGREE27 88575 88507 68 0,08 90300 1793 56,90 1,93 28 1600 377 17
DEGREE28 101996 101918 78 0,08 103800 1882 208,33 2,81 74 5242 737 22
DEGREE29 88510 88394 116 0,13 90200 1806 298,31 6,68 134 8757 1388 19
DEGREE30 152955 152890 65 0,04 155200 2310 17,50 0,80 17 1669 140 43
DEGREE31 175918 175883 35 0,02 178300 2417 43,10 1,31 35 3048 176 47
DEGREE32 145719 145636 83 0,06 147800 2164 4,21 3,93 5 244 90 26
DEGREE33 213394 213254 140 0,07 216200 2946 7,44 9,99 7 393 29 53
DEGREE34 217857 217737 120 0,06 220600 2863 11,02 1,21 13 1360 41 52
DEGREE35 215469 215354 115 0,05 218200 2846 4,41 0,55 5 231 29 55
ALBAIDAAM 6324 5909 415 6,6 14400 8491 70,81 0,20 75 7607 88 50 0
ALBAIDABM 4405 4330 75 1,7 10723 6393 3,53 0,08 8 449 60 35 0
P01M 3 3 0 0,0 9 6 0,01 0,00 2 6 0 0 0
P02M 66 66 0 0,0 202 136 0,02 0,00 4 24 0 3 0
P03M 57 49 8 14,0 160 111 0,10 0,02 4 57 7 7 0
P04M 46 41 5 10,9 123 82 0,04 0,01 4 34 1 8 0
P05M 35 35 0 0,0 158 123 0,03 0,01 3 18 12 4 0
P06M 60 60 0 0,0 151 91 0,06 0,01 3 11 4 8 0
P07M 91 89 2 2,2 217 128 0,05 0,01 3 38 6 8 0
P08M 90 86 4 4,4 185 99 0,06 0,01 6 23 3 15 1
P09M 48 43 5 10,4 119 76 0,02 0,00 3 11 6 4 1
P10M 42 38 4 9,5 126 88 0,02 0,01 3 7 3 4 0
P11M 9 9 0 0,0 32 23 0,01 0,15 2 4 0 0 0
P12M 10 10 0 0,0 26 16 0,01 0,00 3 4 0 2 0
P13M 5 5 0 0,0 29 24 0,30 0,00 1 0 0 0 0
P14M 129 106 23 17,8 277 171 0,17 0,16 5 66 15 17 1
P15M 46 39 7 15,2 261 222 0,10 0,00 6 102 45 8 1
P16M 113 106 7 6,2 291 185 0,26 0,04 5 56 8 20 1
P17M 43 36 7 16,3 148 112 0,06 0,02 5 33 11 9 1
P18M 22 10 12 54,5 149 139 0,12 0,01 8 117 22 7 1
P19M 90 80 10 11,1 269 189 0,23 0,01 6 49 17 14 0
P20M 255 222 33 12,9 573 351 0,44 0,19 5 57 3 22 1
P21M 259 245 14 5,4 591 346 1,02 0,10 10 292 29 32 1
P22M 475 438 37 7,8 1103 665 0,50 0,04 5 120 4 35 0
P23M 360 360 0 0,0 762 402 0,34 0,04 4 160 8 30 0
P24M 238 226 12 5,0 586 360 0,68 0,06 9 195 15 28 1
DEGREE0M 109 109 0 0,0 223 114 0,01 0,00 1 0 0 0 0
DEGREE1M 115 115 0 0,0 873 758 0,05 0,00 8 71 19 4 0
DEGREE2M 274 274 0 0,0 948 674 0,02 0,00 2 10 8 2 0
DEGREE3M 172 172 0 0,0 627 455 0,04 0,00 5 30 18 4 0
DEGREE4M 210 210 0 0,0 1065 855 0,04 0,00 4 33 7 5 0
DEGREE5M 316 268 48 15,2 1113 845 0,04 0,01 5 27 9 7 0
DEGREE6M 166 166 0 0,0 921 755 0,03 0,00 4 31 10 4 0
DEGREE7M 275 235 40 14,5 1231 996 0,07 0,00 7 64 0 9 0
DEGREE8M 478 457 21 4,4 1187 730 0,05 0,00 5 27 11 10 1
DEGREE9M 160 160 0 0,0 757 597 0,44 0,00 14 250 86 9 0
DEGREE10M 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0,23 0,00 11 192 34 4 0
DEGREE11M 409 392 17 4,2 1362 970 0,77 0,01 14 441 60 8 0
DEGREE12M 286 271 15 5,2 1146 875 0,29 0,02 8 161 103 10 0
DEGREE13M 728 662 66 9,1 1754 1092 0,42 0,02 9 207 61 11 0
DEGREE14M 810 810 0 0,0 2148 1338 0,20 0,02 4 70 33 12 0
DEGREE15M 722 649 73 10,1 1887 1238 0,31 0,02 7 99 15 20 1
DEGREE16M 1022 965 57 5,6 2405 1440 0,24 0,04 5 153 21 15 1
DEGREE17M 1122 1010 112 10,0 2580 1570 0,24 0,04 6 97 10 23 0
DEGREE18M 533 508 25 4,7 1677 1169 1,33 0,04 8 324 118 8 1
DEGREE19M 517 472 45 8,7 1623 1151 3,02 0,05 12 483 254 14 1
DEGREE20M 470 440 30 6,4 1553 1113 8,19 0,03 22 1156 166 12 1
DEGREE21M 1017 939 78 7,7 2540 1601 1,70 0,15 8 333 111 22 1
DEGREE22M 1014 875 139 13,7 2571 1696 1,68 0,40 7 195 62 18 0
DEGREE23M 995 878 117 11,8 2537 1659 4,11 0,09 13 528 70 31 1
DEGREE24M 1504 1384 120 8,0 3338 1954 0,85 0,07 4 125 34 30 0
DEGREE25M 1328 1313 15 1,1 3219 1906 1,02 0,05 5 251 42 35 1
DEGREE26M 1674 1499 175 10,5 3757 2258 1,57 0,09 6 44 8 36 1
DEGREE27M 573 497 76 13,3 2175 1678 51,76 0,13 36 2781 843 32 1
DEGREE28M 845 678 167 19,8 2413 1735 228,67 0,70 89 6004 938 32 1
DEGREE29M 582 424 158 27,1 2149 1725 42,34 1,07 25 1900 302 31 1
DEGREE30M 1414 1350 64 4,5 3485 2135 4,68 0,13 5 233 54 44 1
DEGREE31M 1549 1350 199 12,8 3721 2371 21,10 2,53 14 1240 141 54 0
DEGREE32M 1087 909 178 16,4 3119 2210 4,08 0,27 5 195 72 36 0
DEGREE33M 2090 1957 133 6,4 4880 2923 7,22 4,44 8 452 50 51 0
DEGREE34M 1828 1640 188 10,3 4256 2616 24,13 0,12 19 2085 62 61 0
DEGREE35M 1942 1783 159 8,2 4513 2730 11,52 0,56 9 378 34 62 0