Analysis of The Dual-Fed Distributed Power Amplifier
Analysis of The Dual-Fed Distributed Power Amplifier
Analysis of The Dual-Fed Distributed Power Amplifier
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11. Dual-Fed Amplifier Analysis at the right most output port and hence the corresponding
In the analysis that follows, we will represent the circuit of Fig. output voltage is labelled Vou,,+ Likewise, for E,nBand VOurE. In
1 by a simplified circuit so that the salient aspects of circuit the conventional single-fed case, EInEis zero whilst in the dual-
operation may be identified. As with the analysis of fed case, ElnEwill be equal to E,, d 4 where @ is the phase
conventional distributed amplifiers [6], the FET input and difference between the input voltages. Both the input and
output parasitics are absorbed into the input and output output transmission lines will be effectively matched at both
transmission lines based on the low frequency assumption for their ends.
artificial transmission lines. The input coupler may be
replaced by a pair of Thevenin sources representing the output We shall replace the exp(-yl) terms in the analysis that
signals fiom the input divider. The output coupler may be follows by the complex variable z (not unlike the delay
replaced by the loads it presents to the ends of the output variable z in sampled data systems). The gate voltages will
transmission line. For argument sake, we will firther assume therefore be related to the input voltages:
that the input and output transmission line sections have equal
length, both have effective characteristic impedance 2, and
propagation constant y. The effective transmission line Z
parameters Zoand y account for the effects of FET input and
output parasitic parameters. It will be assumed that the ...2
couplers are both matched to 2, at the fiequencies of interest.
The result of these assumptions is the equivalent circuit shown
in Fig. 2. .%. z
The voltages and currents in Fig 2 are rms values and refer and the total drain voltages will be related to the gate voltages
to signals and do not include dc bias. It will be assumed that by:
the FETs are all identical, are operated in class A mode, and
have high linearity so that the drain current of the i* FET is
approximately related to its gate voltage by: %I
...1 x
where G,,, is the large-signal transconductance. We will
assume, as many other such analyses assume, that feedback
may be neglected.
Equations (3) and (4) account for the fact that each drain
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of dual-fed distributed amplifier. current source causes waves to propagate in both directions
along the output transmission line, and hence, the total voltage
The amplified version of the input voltage ElnAwill appear at a given point on the output transmission line will be a
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superposition of a number of wave voltages each attributed to It is clear from-this analysis that the minimum optimum
a drain current source. If E,,," and Einshave equal magnitude, spacing between FETs will be either half or one guide-
then ti-om (2) and (4) we see that Vo,,L.l
and VOylBwill have equal wavelength and that optimum performance can only be
magnitude and phase difference equal to the phase difference obtained over a narrow bandwidth. Such spacing would result
between Eid and EinB.Equation (3) is important as it allows in physically large circuits and the assumptions underlying the
one to determine values of z so that the drain voltages are conventional approach of "absorbing" FET capacitances into
equal. the transmission lines would be inaccurate. However, these
problems could be overcome by realising artificial
Finally, the output power by the i"' drain current source is transmission lines with periodic capacitive loading at intervals
given by: considerably less than one guide-wavelength [7]. Such lines
are expected to have lower values of attenuation per unit length
PO",, Re (- ' d , Id,* ) .5
than in conventional distributed amplifiers where periodic
lossy capacitive loading is always associated with lossy
111. Numerical Results and Discussion
In this investigation, it is fiuther assumed that the transmission
lines are lossless and hence i will lie on the unit circle and
have an argument of -/31 where /3 is the effective phase constant
of the transmission lines. In the analysis 2, was set to 40 Q and
G;was set to 50 mS, giving G, Zo/ 2 equal to unity; and the
input voltage magnitudes were both set to unity. We
considered a 4-stage (n = 4) amplifier of which output powers
and output voltages were calculated as a fhction of Pl for the
case of in-phase inputs (Fig. 3) and quadrature phase inputs
(Fig. 4). The numbering of the traces in Figs. 3b and 4b
correspond to the FET numbering with 1 being the left most
FET and 4 being the right most FET. 0 2 4 6
For the case of equal phase inputs, Fig. 3 reveals that the
output voltages (and hence load power) will be maximum, and
the FET output powers equal, for ,Ofequal to integer multiples
of 2x. Under this condition, the total load power to total input 0.10 r
power is 6dB greater than the single ended case, as predicted
in reference [3], and illustrates the ability of this configuration $ 0.08
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IV. Conclusion References:
In conclusion, we have developed equations that give insight [ 11 J. L. B. Walker, "Some Observations on the Design and
into the operational behaviour of the dual-fed distributed Performance of Distributed Amplifiers", IEEE T. on
amplifier and determined the conditions under which maximum Microwave Theory & Tech., 40(1), Jan 1992, pp 164 -
load power and equal FET output power is obtained. This 168.
information has illustrated the benefits of this configuration
compared to the conventional single-fed distributed amplifier [2] M. Campovecchio, B.Le Bras, R. Hilal, M. Lajugie, &
and is useful in the design and operation of such amplifiers. J. Obregon, "Large Signal Design Method of Distributed
Power Amplifiers Applied to a 2-18-GHz GaAs Chip
Work is continuing to investigate the application of the Exhibiting High Power Density Performances", Int. J. of
above results when realising such dual-fed amplifiers using Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided
both MMIC and hybrid MIC technologies. Engineering, 6(4), 1996, pp 259 - 269.
[5] G. D Vendelin, A. M.Pavio & U. L. Rohde, Microwave
Circuit Design Using Linear and Nonlinear Techniques,
John Wiley, 1990, p 350 - 369.
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