Saudi Arabia: Recent Developments
Saudi Arabia: Recent Developments
Saudi Arabia: Recent Developments
The freeze of religious tourism and fiscal
Recent developments adjustments (most notably the tripling of
VAT rate to 15 percent effective July) will
Saudi Arabia continues to evolve its re- further suppress private consumption and
sponse to the twin shocks of COVID-19 investment and prolong non-oil sector
Table 1 2019 and lower oil prices. Daily confirmed weakness. With the VAT increase, head-
P o pulatio n, millio n 34.1 COVID-19 cases have trended down- line inflation spiked to 6.1 percent in July,
GDP , current US$ billio n 749.1 wards, and oil prices recouped some of from a one-year low of 0.5 percent in June.
GDP per capita, current US$ 21 941 .7 their lost ground in the Spring owing to The budget deficit widened in the first
a OPEC+ agreement and a pick-up in eco- half of 2020 to SAR 143.3 billion (11.7 per-
Scho o l enro llment, primary (% gro ss) 99.8
a nomic activity as countries ease contain- cent of GDP) compared to SAR 5.6 billion
Life expectancy at birth, years 75.0
ment measures. Furthermore, the govern- (0.4 percent of GDP) during the same peri-
Source: WDI, M acro Poverty Outlook, and official data.
Notes: ment has extended various fiscal mitiga- od last year. Lowering spending by 8.3
(a) M ost recent WDI value (2018). tion measures, estimated at SAR 180 bil- percent through cutting the wage bill and
lion (7.3 percent of GDP), to mitigate the slashing capital spending fell short of
impact of the pandemic on the local pri- matching the collapse in revenues, which
vate sector. These include the payment of dropped by 35.6 percent. The scale of the
up to 60 percent of wages of local private decline in oil revenues means that even
sector employees and the deferral or waiv- with painful fiscal measures like the sus-
COVID-19 and lower oil production lev- er of certain taxes and fees, with unspeci- pension of cost of living allowance and
fied expiration dates for many measures. increasing VAT, financing needs are very
els and prices are weighing heavily on the
After contracting by 1 percent in the first large. Thus far, depletion of reserves and
economy and fiscal position, despite siza- quarter 2020, Saudi GDP declined by 7 ample market access have proven suffi-
ble fiscal and monetary mitigation percent during the second quarter. Output cient, providing space to smooth some of
measures. The 2020 outlook remains very contracted during the first quarter 2020 by the fiscal adjustment to when economic
1 percent, with oil sector falling by 4.6 conditions are stronger.
weak with medium-term recovery depend-
percent reflecting production cuts in re- Poverty information and access to survey
ent on global economic rebound and even- sponse to weak market conditions predat- data to measure welfare conditions have
tual containment of the pandemic. Medi- ing the pandemic outbreak. The oil sector been limited. However, in recent years
um-term fiscal deficits are estimated to continued its drag on the economy as there have been gains in administrative
continue, leading to a rapidly rising pub- fresh production cuts (subsequent OPEC+ capacity to identify and support low in-
agreements) led oil output to fall by 5.3 come households. Like other GCC coun-
lic debt trajectory. The prospects for suc- percent during the second quarter. Output tries, the bulk of low-income residents
cessful diversification are complementary across the non-oil sectors contracted by 8.2 are migrant workers, but there is as yet
to a stable fiscal framework that is well- percent during the second quarter 2020 no systematic data on their repatriation
signaled to the private sector. reflecting the impacts of containment as a result of the pandemic. Unemploy-
measures. Net foreign investment flows ment among Saudis is largely made up of
fell drastically over this period, but the the young and educated. The participa-
government is continuing to implement tion rate of women is 26 percent, and the
FIGURE 1 Saudi Arabia / Saudis unemployment rate FIGURE 2 Saudi Arabia / Central government operations
by gender
40 35
25 30
20 20
15 15
10 10
-10 5
-20 0
0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020Q1
Budget Balance Revenues
Total Male Females Expenditures Debt (rhs)
Sources: Haver Analytics. Sources: Haver Analytics, Macroeconomics Trade & Investment.
TABLE 2 Saudi Arabia / Macro poverty outlook indicators (annual percent change unless indicated otherwise)