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I hereby declare that the work contained in this research report is my own except

those which have been duly identified and acknowledged. If i are later found to

have committed plagiarism of other forms of academic dishonesty, action can be

taken against us under the Academic of Regulations of UPM.





Alhamdulillah, praised to Allah S.W.T. with His bless, I’m able to complete

this research report within the stipulated time. Although there are a lot of

obstacles in completing this report, I will managed to overcome the problem with

the help of many individual who directly or indirectly involve in completing this


First and foremost, i would like to acknowledge Dr Mass Hareeza, my

beloved lecturer for giving me encouragement and guidance from the beginning

until the end. With your invaluable support and gives me guidelines through the

face to face lectures, I will succeeding in completing this report.

Lastly, the gratitude appreciation also goes to my family and friends for

supporting a lot towards successfulness of this report. And also to my staff at

Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca that have given full of support

and effort to finish this research proposal. Thank you.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 2


There are many factors that influences to impact on the job performance among
workers, which are from the design of task, interpersonal relationship, work roles
and through environment conditions where the employee done their task or job.
The study determines the level of stress among workers at Academy Of Road
Transport Malaysia, Malacca. Other than that, it also identifies the impact of
stess on job performance among workers at Academy Of Road Transport
Malaysia, Malacca and as well as examine the relationship between job stress
and job performance among workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia,
Malacca. The method of study is using the convenience sampling of 100
employees at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca. The stress and
impact on job performace among workers at Academy Of Road Transport
Malaysia, Malacca were examined by obtaining the respond from the
questionnaires that has been distributed to them.


Matric Number J41397
Bachelor of Business Administrative
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Bachelor of Business Administrative 3


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Problem Statement 7
1.3 Research Objectives 8
1.4 Scope of the Study 9
1.5 Significance of the Study 10
1.6 Definition of Terms/ Concepts 10

Chapter 2: Literature Review & Conceptual Framework

2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Introduction 16
2.1.2 Stress 19
2.1.3 Impact on job performance among workers 19
2.1.4 Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca 21
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.2.1 Work Stress 23
2.2.2 Impact on the Design of Task 24
2.2.3 Impact on the Interpersonal Relationships 24
2.2.4 Impact on the Work Roles 24
2.2.5 Impact on the Environmental Conditions 25
2.3 Hypothesis 26

Chapter 3: Research Method

3.1 Research Design 27

3.2 Unit of Analysis 27
3.3 Sample Size 27
3.4 Sampling Technique 27
3.5 Questionnaires 28
3.6 Measurement / Instrumentation 29
3.7 Data Collection 35
3.8 Data Analysis 36

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Chapter 4: Discussion and Conclusion

4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 Discussion 41
4.2.1 Stress and Its Impact on the Job Performance 42
4.2.2 Impact on the Work Stress 42
4.2.3 Impact on the Design of task 42
4.2.4 Impact on the Work Roles
43 4.2.5 Impact on the Envirionment Conditions
4.3 Recommendations 44
4.4 Conclusion 45
4.5 Qualification/Limitation 46


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1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, there are many factors influence to the stress among workers

either it comes from home or workplace. Some of cases, stress from home due

to marriage issues, divorces, family problems, monetary problem, and else.

People should going through their life in rational situation, calm and action

properly with their problem and in other situation. When people can going

through their life in rational situation it may improve their life, increased self

confidence, achieve a successful life, and encourage job performance in higher


Every single day in our life, all bunches of emotions can be felt, sad,

happy, satisfied, tired, depressed, stress, anxious and so on. People like to be

appreciated by others on what they have done and people will easy to goes

through their daily life in peace. Stress make people exposed to negative

actions, such as depressed, impatient, unfocused, and unhealthy, sick and so on.

Everyone faced their own stress issues, such as monetary problem,

mariage problem, divorce, parenting issues, and else. Sometimes employee

brings their own problem to the workplace it will influence the job duties and

focus on the responsibility. Then it become job stress due to work overload, time

Bachelor of Business Administrative 6

consume, long working hours, difficulty of concentrating, tired, problem of

relationship with colleagues or unclear about duties. All of these issues effected

to job performance among workers in organizations, it may results bad reputation

of organizations, employee and organization cannot achieve their own goal and


1.2 Problem Statement

Employees are the important part in the organizational to deliver services

and dealing with customers. Stress may not happen to certain people only, but to

everyone. In organization, from top management until to lower level of

management, there all have their own stress either job stress or personal matter

stress, it may different but still have to identify the level of stress, symptoms and

effect of the stress and impact of job performance in organizational.

Research by Energy Psychology Center of Malaysia (EFT) found that

Malaysian Psychiatric Association up to 30% of the population has an anxiety

disorder. 6% of Malaysians have suicidal thoughts due to stress. The suicide rate

has increased to between 9 and 12 persons per 100,000 people compared with

eight in the 1980s. The rate among Indian-Malaysians is particularly alarming, at

between 30 and 35 persons per 100,000 people.20% of Malaysian children and

11% of adults have stress-related mental problems.Malaysians aged 70 and 74

have the most stress-related problems (19.5%), followed by those aged between

16 and 19 (14.4%) . Around 14% of Malaysian adults have acute sleeping

problems.In Malaysia, 13% of children aged between 5 – 15 years old suffer from

Bachelor of Business Administrative 7

a mental health disorder that severely disrupts their ability to function at home, in

school, or in their community. Malaysia may have up to one million addicts in our

country of 25 million, or 4% of the total population. Compare this to the United

States where it is estimated that one in 3,000 are addicts, or only 0.03% of their


These national statistics indicates that many are not processing and

dealing with their stress issues properly. Negleting an emotional health will lead

to the tragic issues. Stress may influence employee’s performance in

organization. If a good stress such as, changes made by managerial to

increased profit or increased their performance of organization it pressure

employee to work harder to achieve organization goal. It will results a productive

employee, sustainable dan competitive employees.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 To identify the level of stress among workers at Academy Of Road

Transport Malaysia, Malacca

1.3.2 To determine the impact of stress on job performance among

workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca

1.3.3 To examine the relationship between job stress and job

performance among workers at Academy Of Road Transport

Malaysia, Malacca

Bachelor of Business Administrative 8

1.4 Scope of the Study

The study covers of employees at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia,

Malacca. It took three (3) months covers to complete this study and the

respondents to evaluate the researched and gather data information among

workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca regarding the stress

and impact on the job performance among workers.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) in UK reported the distinction

between pressure and stress, the pressure is the feeling which promotes an

individual to do a certain task or job and it has a positive effect on the

performance of the individuals but up to a certain limit, when it crosses that limit

then pressure will becomes a stress.

Stress sometimes may encourage people to perform their job

performance. Which when an individual received some heavy task in short

period to complete task, it will cause pressures to individual to settle over it.

Every single person faced the stress in different forms and received different

impacts in their life. Stress causes the imbalance in life, it may improve the

efficiency of the individual or negative impact in health, attitude, emotions,

relationship with others people and job performance of the individuals.

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Job performance can be seen as employee skills, employee efforts of job,

and employee working conditions. Employee skills shown by their know how to

conduct the job duties as well, educational level suits with working field,

experiences, and passions of job duties. Employees efforts can be seen when

they have supported by managerial they will do the best for organization,

together with organization to achieve goal and objective, efforts to increased

profit and bring to successful organization to the worldwide. Working conditions

in job performance such as full of energy, enthusiasm, and relationships with

collagues, rational thinking, and others positive characters.

1.6 Definition of Terms/Concepts

1.6.1 Stress

Stress is a pressure or tension exerted on a material object or the degree

of stress measured in units of force per unit area. Stress is a state of mental or

emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances

( Stress has physical, mental, emotional, behavioral

reactions related with it in every person.

1.6.2 Impact

Impact means the striking of one body against another or a collision. It is

an effect or impression of one thing on another or a force or impetus transmitted

Bachelor of Business Administrative 10

by a collision. (Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009, the free

dictionary by farlex).

1.6.3 Job Performance

Job performance in industrial and organizational psychology is the branch

of psychology that deals with the workplace. It's also part of Human Resources

Management. It most commonly refers to whether a person performs

their job well. Despite the confusion over how it should be exactly defined,

performance is an extremely important criterion that relates to organizational

outcomes and success. Among the most commonly accepted theories of job

performance comes from the work of John P. Campbell and colleagues. Coming

from a psychological perspective, Campbell describes job performance as an

individual level variable. That is, performance is something a single person does.

This differentiates it from more encompassing constructs such as organizational

performance or national performance which are higher level variables .

(Campbell, J.P., Dunnette, M.D., Lawler, E.E., & Weick, K.E. (1970). Managerial

behavior, performance, and effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill.)

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1.6.4 Workers

Workers known as a person who works at a specific occupation, a laborer

or employees (Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009the free

dictionary by farlex). A person that responsible to specific job duties and hired by

top management.

1.6.5 Workplace

The workplace is the physical location where someone works. Such a

place can range from a home office to a large office building orfactory. The

workplace is one of the most important social spaces other than the home,

constituting "a central concept for several entities: the worker and his/her family,

the employing organisation, the customers of the organisation, and the society as

a whole". The development of new communication technologies have led to the

development of the virtual workplace, a workplace that is not located in any one

physical space. (Paul Jackson, Reima Suomi, e-Business and Workplace

Redesign (2004), p. 37.)

1.6.6. Eustress

Eustress is derived from the Greek word “Eu” which is means good or

positive (Selye, 1980). Positive stress motivates the people to achieve their

goals and enable them to meet the challenges. Stress may be a positive

stimulator that helps to motivate employee in doing their job. It encourage

employee to perform their job more productively. For instance, get new born

Bachelor of Business Administrative 12

baby, job promotion, purchasing land or houses, get bonus, making investment

and else (International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, vol. 1

No. 2)

1.6.7 Distress

Distress is a negative stimulator that unfavorably affects the employee’s

cerebral and corporeal health that has a negative or poor impact on employee’s

performance (Salami, Ojokuku, and Illesanmi, 2010). With distress it reduces

employee’s performance, reduces their level of motivation and declines their

performance in rearching improvement in their career and life.

1.6.8 The design of task

Task Design definition is a manner of how a task plan and its workflow are

organized. In other words, the meaning actually stands for how profoundly a

task's plan is projected. The better the task design, the less administrative

questions and problems may appear during the work. It can comprise the

following integrated elements making the design consistent the scope of

organization, objectives, constraints, resources, and workflow


Tasks designed solely in accord with the prescriptions of classical

management theory and industrial engineering may lead to dysfunctional

outcomes for both the organization and the individual worker. (Jon L. Pierce and

Bachelor of Business Administrative 13

Randal B. Dunham, Task design: A literature review, University of Wisconsin,

Madison, pg 83)

1.6.9 Interpersonal relationship

Interpersonal relationships are social associations, connections, or

affiliations between two or more people. An interpersonal relationship is an

association between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to

enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity, regular

business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. Interpersonal

relationships are formed in the context of social, cultural and other influences

( At workplace, interpersonal relationship can be

defined connection with two people or more with their colleagues, bosses, staff,

stakeholder, vendor and else. While outside the organization they connecting

with other people else outside, neighboor, friends, family, childrens and else.

1.6.10 Work roles

Work roles define the duties and requirements of an employee’s job

in detail. The job specification provides detailed characteristics, knowledge,

education, skills, and experience needed to perform the job, with an overview of

the specific job requirements. (By Susan M. Heathfield, Human Resources, Guide,).

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1.6.11 Environmental condition

Environmental condition at workplace should be a priority by

management, which that is a place that employee on their working hours.

Environmental condition such as, hot air conditions, power lighting, poor utiility

supply, broken equipment, noises, grease floor, dirt, oil and else. Poor

environment condition influence employee condition of health and motivation to

stay or leave the organization.

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2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Introduction

This paper focuses on the word of stress at the workplace and the impact

of the job performance among the workers at the workplace. This chapter also to

provide an overview of the knowledge and the condition which leads to stress at

work and associated with health and safety. It is referred to the physchological

factors including the job and work environment such as organizational culture,

roles. It also to analyze the impact on the performance of workers. Some of the

policy that have been recommended that can be adopted to improve of the

performance of the employees. The study of the adopted policy is evaluate by

the organization to reduce the stress ( Anil Chandnok 2013).

2.1.2 Stress

The term of stress can defined as the pressure, condition causing

hardship, disquiet (Oxford Advanced Learners 1983). Others The National

Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (1999) define stress as the “harmful

physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do

not match the capabilities, resources, needs of workers”. Hans Selyes, a scientist

who popularized the concept of stress, said, “Stress is a scientific concept suffers

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the misfortune of being too widely known and too poorly understood.” Stress is a

reality that cannot be tolerated in the work environment. It has become an issue

in the academic and industrial sector or the government. Stress is the biggest

issue to an individual or an organization. Stresses is the caused and give the

pressure in a variety of harms such as being absent, accidents, medical

expenses are high and the most important decrease in productivity (Zaharin Haji

Othman 2010).

Eustress originally explored in a stress model by Richard Lazaras, it is the

positive cognitive response to stress that is healthy, or gives one a feeling of

fulfillment or other positive feelings. Selye created the term as a subgroup of

stress to differentiate the wide variety of stressors and manifestations of stress. It

is the amount of positive energy that excites, motivates and moves a person to

achieve a goal and to get thing done (Andreas Dorn).

Distress mean that the lesser of distress the higher of the job is the

performance ( C.R.Samantha 1993). Distress like mental worries, depression,

feeling insecurity, anxiety on the mental side are bound to produce an adverse

effect on the workers concentration, devotion, and attention to the job. Lazarus

(1952) in the definition of work on stress defined acute stress reaction as being

composed of physiological, motor behavioral, cognitive and emotional of


Stress is major issue for companies and for individuals. It is stated that

many company still have not combat the stress at the workplace involve by the

Bachelor of Business Administrative 17

workers. In Malaysia the employees spent more than 10 hours daily. The

workload of employees had been increased with the pressure to deliver the

quality with the limited resources. This is the new challenge of the employees in

Malaysia (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010).

At a conceptual level, there are three types of relationships were proposed

to exist between the measure of the job stress (Jamal 2007). Firstly the negative

linear relationship occurs when productivity is decreases with stress (distress).

The productivity also can increase as a consequence of stress by implying a

positive linear relationship between the two Thirdly, there could be U-shaped or

curvilinear relationship, mild stress could increase the productivity begin at peak

to declines the person descends into a state of distress. ( Anil Chandnok 2013).

As the findings that there are different factors of the job stress causing

stress on workers performance. Job stress is also regarding time pressure, more

supervision, fired without cause any time, insecurity about the job and work load.

Work load is cause of concern for the job stress. This is the purpose of the report

to explore in the job stress of the workers.

The important findings of this study are the desires of the more benefits

like bonus, promotion, which helps to brighten their career. Secondly the working

of the environment is safe. The employee will satisfy if the working environment

is better. Thirdly the organization will offer a good training course and facilities

will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the productivity and the services.

Fourthly, the factor over the work load gives more pressure on the job of the

Bachelor of Business Administrative 18

employees whether they belong to private or public. These are the analyze

impact of the job performance among the workers.

As the conclusion it is important that to understand the important to

manage the stress on the job performance among the workers at the workplace.

Therefore it is important to balance of the two variables in our lives. It is

recommended that there must be initiative taken by the employer and the

employees to help the built emotional intelligence in the organization. If the

employees will strong emotionally then they will be able to handle stress.

2.1.3 Impact on job performance among workers

Employees to change their own stress level. This is the reason they are

being paid for. So if they unable to perform they should stay at home. Recently

the key performance indicators (KPIs) are met the team managed productivity

and it is considered the good approach to maintain the KPIs. The impact of

stress among the employees in an organization. The positive and negative

impact will caused increase in motivation and performance likely increase the

productivity but the negative will affect the job performance and productivity as a

whole (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010).

There are factors that will affect toward stress such as intrinsic of work,

the role in organization, the relationship among the employees at work, career

development, geological factor to the works. The burden of the intrinsic of work

such as works environment, new technological challenge, the time of work and

location of work influence the stress (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010).

Bachelor of Business Administrative 19

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states that the

job stress results from the interaction of the work and the conditions of work. The

importance of workers characteristics versus working conditions as the primary

cause of the job stress. The excessive workload demands suggest that certain

working conditions are stressful to the most people (Steven Sauter, Lawrence

Murphy 1998).

Andreas Dorn emphasize stress also causes a narrowing of attention and

overall fatigue which can increase the rates of accidents and serious mistakes

made by employees. Some of the other job condition that may lead to stress

such as the management style which leads to the lack of participation by workers

in making and poor communication in the organization, lacks of family-friendly

policies. Example I need to get approval for everything by top management and

the company is incentive to my needs (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010).

Some of factors are environmental condition which is unpleasant and

dangerous physicals conditions such as crowding, noise, air pollution or

ergonomic problems. The works role such as conflicting or uncertain job

expectation, too much responsibility. Example employees are always in difficult

situation trying to satisfy both the customer’s needs and the company

expectations (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010).

Stress may influence employee’s performance in organization. If a good

stress such as, change made by managerial to increased profit or increased their

performance of organization it pressure employee to work harder to achieve

Bachelor of Business Administrative 20

organization goal. It will results a productive employee, sustainable dan

competitive employees. Deputy Minister Human Resource, Malaysia (2007) said

employee suffer 3 stress under stress at the workplace. According to him, the

disease hearing loss due to noise in reported at the workplace is the highest

number involve in Malaysia .The number of skin disease reportedly decline last

year while pulmo disease improved returned in the figure.

Work stress imposes enormous and far-reaching costs on workers well

being and corporate profitability (NIOSH director Linda Rosenstock,M.D).

Research and experience tell us that certain factors such as heavy workload,

conflicting or uncertain job responsibilities and job insecurity, are stressors

across organizations and that the risk for the job stress can be reduced through

smart, strategic action.

2.1.4 Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca

.The existence of Road Transport Academy is a catalyst for efforts in

human resource development in the Road Transport Department through the

planning and execution of quality training . The establishment of this Academy

will also be able to strengthen its human capital potential RTD to always be

relevant to the current scenario where RTD staff should be trained with latest

applications , and a system to absorb new ideas , practicing good values and

identity have even had the initiative to solve the problems of citizens as

customers . Located at Km 15 , Jalan Tiang Dua , Air Molek , Melaka , Malaysia

Road Transport Academy location is so strategic to its location about 16

Bachelor of Business Administrative 21

kilometers from Melaka City and approximately 20 miles from the entrance to the

North-South Expressway ( PLUS ) at Air Keroh . With a land area of about 147

acres or 36 hectares , the construction of Phase One Road Transport Academy

was conducted from March 20, 2000 and completed on 18 June 2001 with a cost

of RM25.406 million . The construction of Phase One of this project includes the

construction of the Administration Block , Hostels , Dining Hall , Parade and

obstacle course . On October 17, 2002 , Dato 'Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik , Minister of

Transport has launched Road Transport Academy Malaysian Malacca .

2.2 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.2: Conceptual framework of the relationship between stress and

impact on the job performance of the workers at Academy Of Road Transport

Malaysia, Malacca


Impact on the job performance of
1. Design of Task
the workers
2. Interpersonal Relationship
3. Work Roles
1. Work Stress
4. Environment Condition

Bachelor of Business Administrative 22

2.2.1 Work Stress

Stress occurs when perceived the perceived pressure exceeds your

perceived ability to cope (Palmer et al, 2003). Robin and DeCenzo (2007) divide

the stress into the personal and organizational. Good management and healthy

environment are the best forms stress prevention. It is the management to

concern if the employees feel stress. Work related stress normally is the

responses of people that they are not match to their knowledge and abilities and

which challenge their ability to cope. The workplace has become a stress

environment in much organization cutting across industries.

Factors that cause of employees stress like high workload, tight deadlines,

high targets, type of work, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours, pressureto

performs. This will link the cause of absenteeism, higher attrition and decreased

in productivity. In Cohen model (1979), stressors create conditions of information

overload because they force people to pay special attention. This result is fatigue

needed for the performance.

Any employee can suffer from stress regardless of age, status, gender,

ethnicity or disability. It is important that managers, HR personnel, safety officers

and welfare staff have a clear understanding of the main issues involved with

workplace stress prevention and management.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 23

The major impact of the stress or this problem in term of lost productivity,

disease and decrease in the quality of life. A study found that time pressure and

other emotional and personal problem at work were strongly associated with

reported health problem than any other personal life stressor ( St. Paul Fire and

Marine Insurance Company 1977).

2.2.2 Impact on the design of the task

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by

NIOSH Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is the heavy of workload, long hours and

shiftwork and do not utilize the workers skill.

2.2.3 Impact on the interpersonal relationships

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by

NIOSH Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is the condition where the poor of social

environment and lack of support and help and also encouragement from workers

and supervisors.

2.2.4 Impact on the work roles

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by

NIOSH Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is the conflicting of the uncertainty of the

job expectation, and too much of the burden of own task and responsibility at


Bachelor of Business Administrative 24

2.2.5 Impact on the environmental conditions

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by

NIOSH Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is a condition which is unpleasant and

dangerous physical conditions such as noise, air pollution and crowding.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 25

2.3 Hypothesis

H1: The stress has positive relationship with the impact on job performance

among workers of interpersonal relationship.

H2: The stress has negative correlation between stress and impact on the job

performance at the workplace.

H3: There is significant difference in the stress level among the level of the

management in an organization.

H4: There is no linear correlation between job stress and work performance

among workers

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3.1 Research Design

For the purpose of this study, research design will be cross sectional survey. The

research requires the information from the staff at Academy Of Road Transport

Malaysia ,which is situated in Tiang Dua Ayer Molek Malacca. We will distribute

the questionnaires to the staff at any level which will be the respondents.

3.2 Unit of Analysis

This study will focus on the relationship between the stress and impact on the job

performance among workers. Therefore, the unit of analysis will be the

workers/staff at, Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia Malacca.

3.3 Sample Size

The sample size for the purpose of this study encompasses of 100 customers at

Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca.

3.4 Sampling Technique

100 workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca were selected.

We were using the convenience sampling. This sampling procedure involves the

Bachelor of Business Administrative 27

selection of units that are easily accessible. Therefore, the selection is not

dictated by chance.

3.5 Questionnaires

The questionnaire section is divided into two sections which are Section A for

profile of respondents that consist of seven questions pertaining to the personal

information which are gender, age, race, maritial status, education level, level of

income and occupation. Section B consists of stress which consists of 7

questions in order to know the stress. Meanwhile, others questionnaire is

regarding the impact of the job performance among workers that has been

divided into four impacts that are impact on the design of the task, impact on the

interpersonal relationship, impact on the work roles and impact on the

environment condition. The total questions under this section are 31 questions.

There are 5 questions which have been divided into 4 parts from the impact that

are impact on the design of the task, impact on the interpersonal relationship,

impact on the work roles and impact on the environment condition. All of these

sections are combined to know the relationship between the stress and impact

on the job performance at the work place.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 28

3.6 Measurement/ Instrumentation

Table 3.6.1: Table of measurement or instrumentation

Objectives Concepts/Constructs Measurement Question No

1 To identify the level of Stress as a change in one’s Five point Likert Scales is used to
stress among workers at physical or mental state, in identify the level of stress among
Academy Of Road other words disturbance or workers at Jabatanimigresen, Klang.
Transport Malaysia, imbalance from normal state. 10 questions have been classified into
Malacca Stress is caused disturbed 2 sections which are Eustress of the
events in work environment, stress and distress of the stress
social environment, and in among that impact to the workers job
routine life ( work, family and performance.
social life) and also caused by
emotional, psychological, Eustress of the stress
mental and physical illness” 1 I am clear what is expected of me at
(Fauzia Ali, Ayesha, Fatima work
Amin, Kawkab Yahya, 2. I am given supportive feedback on
NabeelaIdress, Mehmooda the work I do
Amjad, Maiam Ikhlaq Sadia 3. I am clear what my duties and
Noreen & Asma Irfan, Effects responsibilities are
of stress onJob Perfomance, 4. I have to neglect some tasks
International Journal Business because I have too much to do
& Management Tomorrow, 5. I am clear about the goals and
2009-2011 ) objectives for my department.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 29

Eustress Distress of the stress
Eustress originally explored in 1. I am not satisfied with the benefit
a stress model by Richard provided by my employer
Lazaras, it is the positive 2. I am pressured to work long hours.
cognitive response to stress 3. I am aware of others being subject
that is healthy, or gives one a to bullying at work
feeling of fulfillment or other 4. Staffs are always consulted about
positive feelings. Selye created to change the work.
the term as a subgroup of 5. I am supported through emotionally
stress to differentiate the wide demanding work
variety of stressors and
manifestations of stress.

Distress is an opposite of
eustress which means it a
negative stress that more likely
to become sick, mentally and

Bachelor of Business Administrative 30

Job Performance
2 To determine the impact Job Performance is a Five pointsLikert Scale is used in the
of stress on job commonly used in concept of questionnaires that measure the
performance among the branch psychology that impact of stress on job performance
workers at Academy Of deals with the workplace. It among workers which are work roles,
Road Transport most commonly refers to the design of task, interpersonal
Malaysia, Malacca whether a person performs relationship and environmental
their job well where as the condition.
performance is an extremely an
important criterion that relates
to organizational outcomes and Job performance
success. Based on John P. 1.Productivity
Campbell, the job performance  Speed of task completed
as an individual level variable in  Objective / goal achieved
the organization.  Work expectation to complete

Work Roles 2. Work Roles

Work role is a regular activity  Accessibility
performed in exchange for  Duration of work
payment. The duration of a job  Responsibility of work given
may range from an hour to a
 Conflicting demand of work and
lifetime which is it depends on
a job person to holds their life is
 Role conflict
their career.
(  Benefit and others reward from
 Salary and bonus attraction.
 Status of work
 Job insecurity
 Role ambiguity

Bachelor of Business Administrative 31

The Design of Task  Low salaries
The design of task is the  Lack of opportunity for growth
analysis of how a task is and advancement
accomplished that including a
detailed description of both 3. The design of task
manual and mental activities,  Flexibility of work schedule to
task and element durations, complete the task
task frequency, task allocation,  Instruction given is clear or not
task complexity , environmental clear
condition, necessary clothing  The Objective and goal of task
and equipment, and any others is clear or vague.
unique factors involved in or  Equipment provided is
required for one or more people complete / uncompleted
to perform a given task.
 An adequate preparation for
dealing with more difficult
aspects of job
 Knowledge and skills of
Interpersonal Relationship
Interpersonal relationship is an
association between two or  Capabilities of employees to
more people that may range in complete the task given
duration from brief to enduring.  The new technology is involved
This association may be based to the task. Examples: -
on inference, love and solidarity Application and software.
and the it formed in the context  Effectiveness of Department
of social, cultural and other uniform and transportation
influences.  Allocation and effectiveness of
( task
 Unrealistic job expectations.
 Heavy workloads

Bachelor of Business Administrative 32

4. Interpersonal Relationship
 Social or physical isolation
Environment condition  Lack of social support from
Is a general duty for the other staffs
employer to provide a safe and  Conflict with other staffs
healthy workplace and secure  Violence
the welfare of employees?  Poor relationship with
Providing a safe and healthy supervisors and managers
workplace includes ensuring
that there is no negative impact
to the workers. 5. Environmental Condition
( The occupational Safety and  Poor work environment
Health act, 1994 under Section (lighting, noise and bad
15 ) postres)
 Organizational culture like
discrimination, working
climate ,segregation and poor
 Poor development environment
 Poor problem solving

Bachelor of Business Administrative 33

3 To examine the Job Stress The correlation is being used as
relationship between job Job stress commonly defined measurement to see the relationship
stress and job as the harmful physical and between job stress and job
performance among emotional responses that occur performance based on five
workers at Academy Of when the demands of the job dimensions.
Road Transport exceed the capabilities, needs
Malaysia, Malacca or resources at the worker.

Job Performance
Job Performance is a
commonly used in concept of
the branch psychology that
deals with the workplace. It
most commonly refers to
whether a person performs
their job well whereas the
performance is an extremely an
important criterion that relates
to organizational outcomes and

Bachelor of Business Administrative 34

3.7 Data Collection

The data for this study was collected based on the field work collection data as

primary data among workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca

according to the sampling technique that had been mentioned above.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 35

3.8 Data Analysis

3.8.1 Table of data analysis

Objectives Variables Measurement Scale Statistics

To identify the level of Stress Five point Likert Scales, Interval Mean,
stress among workers 1. Strongly disagree Standard
at Academy Of Road 2. Disagree deviation
Transport Malaysia, Eustress of Stress 3. Neither disagree nor agree
Malacca 4. Agree
Distress of Stress 5. Strongly agree
Are used in the questionnaire to
measure the stress through two
components of stress which are
eustress of the stress and distress
of stress.

Eustress of the stress

1 I am clear what is expected of me
at work
2. I am given supportive feedback
on the work I do
3. I am clear what my duties and
responsibilities are
4. I have to neglect some tasks
because I have too much to do
5. I am clear about the goals and
objectives for my department.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 36

Distress of the stress
1. I am not satisfied with the benefit
provided by my employer
2. I am pressured to work long
3. I am aware of others being
subject to bullying at work
4. Staffs are always consulted
about to change the work.
5. I am supported through
emotionally demanding work
Job Performance Five point Likert Scales,
To determine the 1. Strongly dissatisfied Interval Mean,
impact of stress on job Work Roles 2. Dissatisfied Standard
performance among 3. Moderate deviation
workers at Academy The Design of Task 4. Satisfied
Of Road Transport 5. Strongly satisfied
Malaysia, Malacca Interpersonal are used to measure the level of
Relationship impact of stress on job performance
among workers at Jabatan
Environment Imigresen, Port Klang, Selangor
Job performance
 Speed of task completed
 Objective / goal achieved
 Work expectation to

2. Work Roles

Bachelor of Business Administrative 37

 Accessibility
 Duration of work
 Responsibility of work given
 Conflicting demand of work
and home
 Role conflict
 Benefit and others reward
from employer
 Salary and bonus attraction.
 Status of work
 Job insecurity
 Role ambiguity
 Low salaries
 Lack of opportunity for
growth and advancement

3. The design of task

 Flexibility of work schedule
to complete the task
 Instruction given is clear or
not clear
 The Objective and goal of
task is clear or vague.
 Equipment provided is
complete / uncompleted
 An adequate preparation for
dealing with more difficult
aspects of job
 Knowledge and skills of

Bachelor of Business Administrative 38

 Capabilities of employees to
complete the task given
 The new technology is
involved to the task.
Examples: - Application and
 Effectiveness of Department
uniform and transportation
 Allocation and effectiveness
of task
 Unrealistic job expectations.
 Heavy workloads

4. Interpersonal Relationship
 Social or physical isolation
 Lack of social support from
other staffs
 Conflict with other staffs
 Violence
 Poor relationship with
supervisors and managers

Bachelor of Business Administrative 39

5. Environmental Condition
 Poor work environment
( lighting, noise and bad
 Organizational culture like
discrimination, working
climate ,segregation and
poor communication
 Poor development
 Poor problem solving

To examine the Job Stress Interval and Correlation

relationship between Interval
job stress and job Job Performance
performance among
workers at Academy
Of Road Transport
Malaysia, Malacca

Bachelor of Business Administrative 40



4.1 Introduction

This chapter will examine the findings in the context of prior literature or

knowledge about the phenomenon in question.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Stress and Its Impact on the Job Performance

Stress can be defined as harmful physical and emotion responses that

occur when the requirement of the job not match with the capabilities, resources,

needs of workers ( Impact on the job performance is an

effect or impression on the work (Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins

Publishers 2009, the free dictionary by farlex). The impact of stress among the

employees in an organizationcan de divided into the positive and negative impact

will caused increase in motivation and performance likely increase the

productivity but the negative will affect the job performance and productivity as a

whole (Zaharin Haji Othman 2010). Job performance refers to whether a person

performs their job well (Campbell, J.P., Dunnette, M.D., Lawler, E.E., & Weick,

K.E. (1970). Managerial behavior, performance, and effectiveness. New York:

McGraw-Hill). The level of the stress among workers at Academy Of Road

Transport Malaysia, Malacca has been identified by using five elementof the

work stress, the design of task, interpersonal relationship, work roles and

environment condition. All these five element of data were used to to determine

Bachelor of Business Administrative 41

the level of stress among workers. Based on our research were found that the

employees are stressed toward his job.

4.2.2 Impact on the work stress

Based on Author findings, most of respondents perceive that the impact on the

work stress is very weak significant. The impact of the job performance at

Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca are on the design of task,

interpersonal relationship, work roles and on environment condition.

4.2.3 Impact on the Design of task

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by NIOSH

Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is the heavy of workload, long hours and

shiftwork and do not utilize the workers skill. Based on our findings, most of

respondents perceive that Impact on the design of task contributes to the

prediction impact of the work stress at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia,


Bachelor of Business Administrative 42

4.2.4 Impact on the Work Roles

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by NIOSH

Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is the conflicting of the uncertainty of the job

expectation, and too much of the burden of own task and responsibility at. Based

on our findings, the work roles is not the main factor influence the impact of

stress because it did not meet t selection of criteria to contribute the stress.

4.2.5 Impact on the Environment Conditions

The impact on the design of the task according to the Stress at Work by NIOSH

Publication No.99 – 100 (1998) is a condition which is unpleasant and dangerous

physical conditions such as noise, air pollution and crowding. Based on Author

findings, the work roles are not the main factors influence the impact of stress

because it did not meet the selection of criteria to contribute the stress.

4.3 Recommendations / Suggestion

There are several suggestions that can be proposed to the Academy Of Road

Transport Malaysia, Malacca in order to know the level of stress among the

workers. It was found that the result indicates that there is strongest relationship

between level of stress and Its Impact on the Job Performance come from the

question “I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are. At the end of this

research, it has proved that the level of stress and Its Impact on the Job

Performance among the workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia,

Bachelor of Business Administrative 43

Malacca is much related to the causes of stress. Thus, we have proposed the

suggestions that concern on the actions from staffs as well as the top

management. These suggestions need to be considered by the workers is clear

their duties and responsibilities. These indicate that the workers is still under

stress and showing that the top management and workers can still tolerate in the

under stress situation.

Work stress imposes enormous and far-reaching costs on workers well being

and corporate profitability (NIOSH director Linda Rosenstock, M.D). Research

and experience tell us that certain factors such as heavy workload, conflicting or

uncertain job responsibilities and job insecurity, are stressors across

organizations and that the risk for the job stress can be reduced through smart,

strategic action.

4.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, based on Author research regarding the relationship between job

performances among workers at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca

is not meeting the objectives that we want to achieve in the study. Basically it did

not achieve and discover the relationship is very weak.

From the analysis of data, Section A from the questionnaire determines the

profile of the respondents which we are able to find out the frequency and

percentage of each question.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 44

The normality for each of the variables has been determined by the skewness

and kurtosis that refer to the shape of distribution. Author also have found out the

results of the mean, standard deviation, and frequency and percentage to see

the different results of the variables of the work stress, the design of task, the

interpersonal relationship, the work roles and environment condition.

Based on the first objective, Author observed that most workers have high level

of stress towards Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca. In the second

objective, the Author found out that most of respondents agree that the

relationship between job stress and job performance among workers is very

weak relationship at Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca. Generally,

it means that the workers e provided by the JPN Malacca. Apart of that, the third

objective is to determine the impact relationship on the job performance among

workers Academy Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca. The Author found out

that there is significant relationship between them with the R Square value of


Bachelor of Business Administrative 45

4.5 Qualification/ Limitation

Limitation refers to the barriers in conducting the study. Throughout the process

in carrying this study, we found out there are several challenges and limitations.

The first limitation is in terms of the sample size which is one hundred

respondents and it represents less than the actual level of workers at Academy

Of Road Transport Malaysia, Malacca. Thus, it might affect the generalization the

findings of the study.

The second limitation is this research does not examine the different perceptions

of workers with different background such as level of education and genders as

they might have different view as a worker.

Bachelor of Business Administrative 46


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behavior, performance, and effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill.)

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Bachelor of Business Administrative 48






Dear Sirs/Madams,
We are students at Faculty of Economics And Management University Putra Malaysia, Serdang Selangor
are seeking for your kind co-operation to answer the survey attached herewith for our Research
Application project.
Your response would purely be used for our research database and be discarded afterwards.
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Saya adalah pelajar di Fakulti Ekonomi Dan Pengurusan, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang Selangor
ingin mendapatkan kerjasama tuan/puan bagi menjawab kajiselidik yang disertakan dibawah ini untuk
projek Research Application kami.
Maklumbalas tuan/puan akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk pengkalan data projek kami dan akan
dihapuskan kemudian.
Kerjasama tuan/puan kami dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.



1. Gender
o Male
o Female

2. Age
o Below 25 years old
o 26 – 30 years old
o 31 – 35 years old
o 36 – 40 years old
o 40 years old and above

3. Race
o Malay
o Chinese
o Indian
o Others

4. Marital Status
o Single
o Married
o Divorce

5. Education level
o Certificate
o Diploma
o Degree
o Others (please specify …….)

6. Level of income
o RM 1,000.00 - RM 2,000.00
o RM 2,001.00 - RM 3,000.00
o RM 3,001.00 - RM 4,000.00
o RM 4,001.00 above

7. Occupational
o Support staff
o Management & Professional
o Other, Please specify


Each box represents one question. Please tick at the most suitable box according to you. Setiap kotak mewakiti satu
soalan. Sila tandakan pada kotak yang paling sesuai bagi anda.

1 = Strongly Disagree / Sangat Tidak Setuju

2 = Disagree / Tidak Setuju
3 = Uncertain / Tidak Pasti
4 = Agree / Setuju
5 = Strongly Agree / Sangat Setuju


1. I am clear what my duties and responsibilities are. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I am given supportive feedback on the work I do. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I have to neglect some tasks because I have too much to do. 1 2 3 4 5
4. I am able to complete task given during on average day. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Inadequate breaktimes / mealtimes 1 2 3 4 5
6. Unfair distribution of work 1 2 3 4 5
7. Repetitive work 1 2 3 4 5
8. Flexibility of work schedule to complete the task 1 2 3 4 5
9. Equipment provided is complete 1 2 3 4 5
10. The objective and goal of task is clear 1 2 3 4 5
11. Employees have the knowledge and skills 1 2 3 4 5
12. I have sufficient tools to complete my tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
13. I am comfortable with current working environment at workplace. 1 2 3 4 5
14. Lack of social support from other staffs 1 2 3 4 5
15. Conflict with other staffs 1 2 3 4 5
16. Poor relationship with supervisors and managers 1 2 3 4 5
17. Harrassment or discrimination 1 2 3 4 5
18. Lack of communication from management 1 2 3 4 5
19. My superior always responsible whenever there’s problem to complete a tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
20. Conflicting demand of work and home 1 2 3 4 5
21. Benefit and others reward from employer 1 2 3 4 5
22. I am given clear instruction on every task assigned 1 2 3 4 5
23. Lack of opportunity for growth and advancement 1 2 3 4 5
24. Accessibility of work anytime and anywhere 1 2 3 4 5
25. You can participate in decision making for your own job 1 2 3 4 5
26. Poor work environment (lighting, noise and bad posture) 1 2 3 4 5
27. Unsocial hour 1 2 3 4 5
28. Poor maintenance of equipment 1 2 3 4 5
Organization culture like discrimination, working cllimate, segregation and poor
29. 1 2 3 4 5
30. Receive appreciation for good work 1 2 3 4 5
31. Easy access and user friendly of technology / internet 1 2 3 4 5

Thank you.


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