Busbar Cross Section - IEC 60298

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ar 298 OIEC — 8 ‘Annex BB (normative) Method of calculating the cross-sectional area of bare conductors with regard to thermal stresses due to ‘currents of short duration ‘The following formula can be used to calculate the cross-section of bare conductors necessary to withstand the thermal stress due to currents with a duration of the order of 0,2 $10 5 s s- N& ‘Sis the cross-section, expresed in aquare millimetres Tis the ems, value of the curent in amperes ais ere nA ($_)” and a he oon as 13 _ for copper 9,5 for aluminium, 443 for iron 25 for lead 1 che time, expressed in seconds «ise ahe temperature oe, expresed in Kelvins (K); for bare conductor, i is normally 180 Tf the time is more than 2 s but less than 5 5, the value for A@ may be increased in the same formula to 215 K. ‘This takes account of the fact that the temperature rise is not strictly adiabatic

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