Activity 3 - Nursing Care Plan: Oncology Virtual Duty
Activity 3 - Nursing Care Plan: Oncology Virtual Duty
Activity 3 - Nursing Care Plan: Oncology Virtual Duty
Section C
Subjective: Impaired gas exchange After 8 hours of my Note respiratory rate, depth, Respirations may be increased as a
After 8 hours of my
and ease of respiration. result of pain or as an initial
related to altered oxygen nursing interventions, the compensatory mechanism nursing interventions,
“hindi ako makatulog kase Observe for use of accessory
accommodate for the loss of lung
supply as evidenced by patient will demonstrate muscles, pursed-lip breathing, the patient has
hindi ako makahinga ng tissue; however, increased work of
dyspnea, restlessness and improved ventilation and changes in skin or mucous breathing and cyanosis may
demonstrate improved
maayos” as verbalized by respiratory rate of 23 adequate oxygenation of membrane color, pallor, ventilation and
indicate increasing oxygen
the patient. cyanosis. consumption and energy
cpm. tissues by ABGs within adequate oxygenation
expenditures and/or reduced
Trans: i can’t sleep patient’s normal range. respiratory reserve. of tissues by ABGs
becasue i can’t breath well. within patient’s normal
Auscultate lungs for air Consolidation and lack of air range.
movement and abnormal movement on the operative side are
Objective: normal in the pneumonectomy
breath sounds.
patient; however, the lobectomy
Vital signs: patient should demonstrate normal
airflow in remaining lobes.
Temp.: 37.1 C
May indicate increased hypoxia or
Investigate restlessness and
PR: 66 bpm complications such as a mediastinal
changes in mentation or level shift in pneumonectomy patient
of consciousness. when accompanied by tachypnea,
RR: 23 cpm tachycardia, and tracheal deviation.
Administer supplemental
oxygen via nasal cannula, Maximizes available oxygen,
partial rebreathing mask, or especially while ventilation is
high-humidity face mask, as reduced because of
indicated. anesthetic, depression, or pain, and
during period of compensatory
physiological shift of circulation to
remaining functional alveolar units.
Assist with and encourage the
use of incentive spirometer.
Prevents or reduces atelectasis and
promotes re-expansion of small
Monitor and graph ABGs,
pulse oximetry readings. Note Decreasing Pao2 or increasing
hemoglobin (Hb) levels. Paco2 may indicate the need for
ventilatory support. Significant
blood loss can result in decreased
oxygen-carrying capacity, reducing
SUBJECTIVE: Imbalanced nutrition: less After 8 hours of my Monitor daily food intake; Identifies nutritional strengths and
After 8 hours of my
have patient keep food diary deficiencies.
than body requirements nursing interventions, nursing interventions,
“hindi ako makakain ng as indicated.
related to poorly controlled the patient will verbalize the patient has verbalize
maasyos, masakit kase pain as evidenced by understanding Measure height, weight, and If these measurements fall below understanding
lalamunan ko” as inadequate food intake, sore interferences to adequate tricep skinfold thickness (or minimum standards, patient’s chief interferences to
verbalized by the patient other anthropometric source of stored energy (fat tissue) adequate intake.
buccal cavity, and a pain intake.
measurements as is depleted.
Trans: i can’t eat well, my scale of 7/10. appropriate). Ascertain
throat hurts. amount of recent weight loss.
Weigh daily or as indicated.
Assess skin and mucous Helps in identification of protein-
Vital signs: membranes for pallor, calorie malnutrition, especially
delayed wound healing, when weight and anthropometric
Temp.: 36.9 C enlarged parotid glands. measurements are less than normal.
PR: 89 bpm Encourage patient to eat high- Metabolic tissue needs are
calorie, nutrient-rich diet, increased as well as fluids (to
RR: 21 cpm with adequate fluid intake. eliminate waste products).
Encourage use of Supplements can play an important
BP: 120/70 supplements and frequent or role in maintaining adequate caloric
smaller meals spaced and protein intake.
Reported throughout the day.
inadequate food
intake Create pleasant dining Makes mealtime more enjoyable,
Sore buccal cavity atmosphere; encourage which may enhance intake.
patient to share meals with
Pain scale of 7/10 family and friends.
Administer antiemetic on a
regular schedule before or Nausea and vomiting are frequently
during and after the most disabling and
psychologically stressful side
administration of
effects of chemotherapy
antineoplastic agent as
Evaluate effectiveness of
antiemetic. Individuals respond differently to
all medications. First-line
antiemetics may not work,
requiring alteration in or use of
combination drug therapy.
SUBJECTIVE: Anticipatory grieving After 8 hours of my Expect initial shock and Few patients are fully prepared for After 8 hours of my
disbelief following diagnosis the reality of the changes that can
related to loss of significant nursing interventions, occur. nursing interventions,
“bakit ako pa ang of cancer and traumatizing
on processes of body the patient will be able to procedures (disfiguring the patient had been
nagkasakit ng ganito?” as (cervix area) as evidenced identify and express able to identify and
surgery, colostomy,
verbalized by the patient by feeling of hopelessness, feelings appropriately amputation). express feelings
denial of potential loss, and appropriately
Assess patient and SO for Knowledge about the grieving
showing of slight anger process reinforces the normality of
stage of grief currently being
OBJECTIVE: experienced. Explain process feelings and reactions being
experienced and can help patient
as appropriate.
Vital signs: deal more effectively with them.