Ontela Student's Name Institution Affiliation

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Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Ontela carried out a study to find the most appropriate Personas to augment their average

per user and wireless carrier services (Sawhney et al., 2017). The study aimed to determine their

allocation of resources. Regina, the adolescent, should be the main target based on the research

criteria. This demographic size extensive and substantial (Stanley et al., 2017). Teenagers are

easily persuaded and are trendy; they are susceptible to trends on the internet and desire the

newest gadgets and applications to go with the inclination (Taylor, 2017). Ontela PicDeck can

synchronize electronic devices fast, and this feature will attract most of the teenager’s attention,

and their parents (segment Sarah) would be introduced to it by their children. Compared to

segment Sahar and Steven, segment Regina is the fastest way of attracting social attention and

increasing revenue. 

Question 2:

My positioning statement could be: Are you a photo enthusiast who is tired of sharing

pictures the old manual way? Ontela got you covered! Using PicDeck, quality and

straightforward service from Ontela, photo sharing from to e-mail, desktops, and your social

media accounts has been automated. No click and the prices are almost free.

Teens are well familiar with emergent technologies (Mishra et al., 2018). The key themes that I

should be stressed are the ease at while the service can share pictures. PicDeck will automatically

send photos to their desired location with minimal effort, and they can access them universally.

Sending and receiving images with friends and family will be convenient and instant. 

Question 3:

The significant risk of utilizing a persona to represent a segment is the assumption that

the selected personas fully represent the whole segment (Salminen et al., 2020). This approach

overlooks misrepresentation (So & Joo, 2017). 



Mishra, A., Maheswarappa, S. S., & Colby, C. L. (2018). Technology readiness of teenagers: a

consumer socialization perspective. Journal of Services Marketing.

Salminen, J., Guan, K., Jung, S. G., Chowdhury, S. A., & Jansen, B. J. (2020, April). A

Literature Review of Quantitative Persona Creation. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14).

Sawhney, M., Grayson, K., Duprss, P., Hsu, C., Metzger, R., Obuchi, F., ... & Wilson, K. (2017).

Ontela PicDeck (A): Customer Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. Kellogg School

of Management Cases.

So, C., & Joo, J. (2017). Does a persona improve creativity?. The Design Journal, 20(4), 459-


Stanley, J. L., Vaterlaus, J. M., Tulane, S., & Beckert, T. E. (2017). A place for technology in

parent education: An exploratory study of parent perceptions. Marriage & Family

Review, 53(8), 811-825.

Taylor, K. (2017). Teenagers in the digital age: Online presence for future pathways?. Education

Technology Solutions, (79), 20.

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