Quadratic Arch Model
Quadratic Arch Model
Quadratic Arch Model
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The Review of Economic Studies.
Reviewof EconomicStudies(1995) 62, 639-661 0034-6527/95/00290639$02.00
? 1995The Reviewof EconomicStudiesLimited
First version received December 1991; final version accepted July 1995 (Eds.)
The analysisof economic and financialtime-seriesdata usuallyinvolvesthe study of the
firstand possiblysecondconditionalmomentsof the series(givenpast behaviour)in order
to characterizethe dependenceof futureobservationson past values. Besides,these two
conditionalmomentsare often identifiedwith importanteconomicconcepts.For example,
considerthe univariatestochasticprocessfor stock marketexcessreturns,x,, t = 1, 2, . . ..
whose first two conditionalmomentsgiven the informationset (generatedby) X, 1, =
{Xt-I, Xt-2, .}are:
In this context, p, is usually associatedwith the risk premiumfor the stock market
as a whole, a 2 with its volatility, and p, /U2 with the market price of risk. From an
empiricalpoint of view, the first step often consists in the estimationof the conditional
meanand variance.In practice,though,this is not a simpletask as both p ( ) and a2( ) are
generallyunknownfunctionsof the informationset X,_, . The most commonapproach
employed is to assume a particularfunctional form for p( ) and &2( ) characterized
by certainunknownparameters(which have to be estimated),althoughnon-parametric
techniques(which obtain estimatesof p, and U2 directly)and mixed approaches(semi-
parametric)have gainedincreasedattentionrecently.
A fact that should be borne in mind when modellingconditionalvariancesis that
they are non-negative(or, in the multivariatecase, positive semi-definite).Just as it is
reasonableto use non-linearmodels for p( ) when x, is alwayspositive (e.g. Wooldridge
(1992)), it makes sense to use functionalforms for &2( ) that ensurepositivity.Here, an
additiveparametricfunctionalform for &2( ) is proposedas a naturalextensionof many
ARCH models alreadystudied. Since it is clear that a first-orderpolynomialin X,_1,
cannot be alwayspositive (unlessit is triviallyconstantor x, has boundedsupport),and
this is also true of any odd-orderone, an even-orderpolynomialis required.The purpose
of this paper is to discuss how to model the conditionalvariancea2( ) as a quadratic
functionof X,_ . To stressthis point we shallcall this formulationthe QuadraticARCH
p2, i =
2pq and A = oo', a rank 1 matrix.2 An obvious fourth restrictedparameterization,
of which the asymmetricARCH model is a special case, is also encompassed:a model
with A (band-)diagonalbut ,ip 0, which we shall term the (band-)diagonalQARCH
The cross-productterms give an indicationof the extra effect of the interactionof
laggedvalues of x, on the conditionalvariance.Hence,by allowingthem to be non-zero,
we can accountfor the possibilitythat the occurrenceof, for example,two successivelarge
values of x, of the same sign affects the conditionalvarianceby more than an ARCH
model would allow. But the substantiveadvantageof the QARCH formulationvs. the
AARCH and ARCH models which it nests, is that by allowing yVto take any value, i.e.
by not centringthe quadraticpolynomialfor &2( ) at 0, a dynamicasymmetriceffectof
positive and negativelagged values of x, on u2 is allowed. As an example,let's take the
QARCH(I) model, i.e. o2 = 0+ f X, - + a IIxt- I . If vI is negative, the conditional variance
will be higher when x,tI is negative than when it is positive.3In the context of stock
market volatility, this could capture the leverageeffect noted by Black (1976). Hence,
the QARCH model provides an additive heteroskedasticalternativeto the asymmetric
multiplicativeheteroskedasticEGARCH model of Nelson (1991). On the other hand, in
1. Engle's(1982) originalmodel is sometimesreferredto as linearARCH. However,the term linearis
unfortunatesince as (2) shows it is only linear in the squaresof the past values, not in the informationset
X, - I. .
2. It does not encompass,though,the modelsof Taylor(1986) and Schwert(1989),in whichthe variance
is quadraticin the absolutevalue of innovations.
3. Besides, when I<0 the absolute value of the derivative of &2(x,-I) with respect to x, -_
(= , + 2a, ,x, , ) is also higher for negative than positive x, -I. Hence, the conditional variance function is not
only asymmetric,but also steeperfor x, -, negative.The rate of growthof this derivative,though,is assumed
to be the same (=a,,).
ARCH and AARCH models (i.e. V = 0), only the magnitude,not the sign, of x,_ affect
i the linear standarddeviation model symmetryis only achievableif
2 In contrast, in
p = 0 (in which case we have AARCH with a2(0) = 0), or underhomoskedasticity.
As we mentionedbefore,one of the main reasonsfor using a quadraticpolynomial
impliesa non-negativevarianceeverywhere.To see
is to ensurethat our parameterization
underwhat conditionsthe right-handside of (2) will be non-negativefor any X,_ 1q, let's
re-write(2) as:
ip'/2 0 ][I
By analogy with Bollerslev's(1986) GARCH and Bera and Lee's (1990) GAARCH
models, we shall term these models GeneralizedQARCH models of ordersp and q, or
GQARCH(p, q) for short. As in the case of ARMA models, theseGQARCHmodelswill
generallyresultin longermemorymodels with a flexiblelag structure,which,at the same
time,could offera moreparsimoniousapproximationto the conditionalvariancefunction.
For instance,the generalGQARCH(1,2) model
Cao (1992) point out for the standardGARCH(p, q) model, requiringthe positivityof
the finite QARCH part plus Sj>O for all j is unduly restrictive except in the
GQARCH(1, 1) case. Conditions for the positivity of the conditional variancein (5),
could be obtained as an extension to O., ip.Oand A,,, of the methods for finite q in
Notice that the covariancestationarityof x, does not dependat all on the linearterm
in the conditional variance, #P'X,- I,q, only on the quadratic term associated with the matrix
A. Looselyspeaking,it is as if the quadratictermasymptoticallydominatesthe linearone.
Besides,the stationarityconditionfor GQARCH (and hence GAARCH) is the same no
matterwhat the off-diagonalelementsof A are, and so it coincideswith that of the nested
GARCH model. Notice also that the actual value of the unconditionalvariancedoes
not depend on yi. Besides,as (7) does not depend on the off-diagonalelementsaij, the
unconditionalvarianceof a GAARCH(p, q) process equals the unconditionalvariance
of the GARCH(p, q) process obtained from it by setting the off-diagonalelements of
A toO.
The formalproof of the above resultis obtainedby re-writingthe GQARCHprocess
as a randomcoefficientsmodelas in Tsay (1987) and Beraand Lee (1990). But an heuristic
proof of (7) may help us understandthe reason for the similarityof the unconditional
variancesfor GQARCH, GAARCH and GARCH models. Let's suppose that E(x,)
is bounded and thereforeequal to a2 = E(a2 ). Then, if we use the parameterizationof
the conditional variance given in (8) (i.e. _t=O+Z y,1,x, = aiix2_i+
2 E<. a,-x,_ x, +>j a2_j), take expectationsat both sides and solve for a2, we get
exactfyexpression(7$ as both the linear termsand the cross-productsvanish becausext
is a zero-meanuncorrelatedprocess.
As in standardGARCH models, the sum Eq aii+ Ej=I 3Aj providesa measureof the
persistenceof shocks to the varianceprocess (but see Nelson (1990)). Hence, we can
analogouslydefine IntegratedGQARCH process as those for which this sum is 1 (cf.
Engle and Bollerslev (1986)). For instance, the IGQARCH(1,1) will be defined as
2 -
+_yt,x I + (1 -
a, = 0 + )X, + 3_ , which shares with the IGARCH( 1, 1) the property
that E(2+j IX,, )=jo + a2 9
In orderto discusshighermoments,let's definex* as the standardizedvariableassoci-
ated with x, (i.e. x* = x,/at). So far we have mostly assumedthat E(x* IX,_l =0, and
E(x7*2IX,1,o ) = 1, but if we assumethat x, X,_ is symmetric,so is the unconditional
distributionof x,. To obtain unconditionalfourth moments,assume for simplicitythat
x* is i.i.d. with finite fourth moment K. Provided that the appropriatemoments are
8. See Nelson and Cao (1992) for some GARCH cases and Demos and Sentana (1991) for several
9. IGARCHprocessesareclearlynot covariancestationary,but theyarestrictlystationaryandergodic(cf.
Nelson (1990)andBougerolandPicard(1992).Giventhatthebehaviourof GQARCHprocessesis dominatedby
the quadraticterms,one wouldexpecta similarresultto be true of IGQARCH.
- 1cl, - 2a 1s,
(I -O- [0(1+ a,I+1 ) + 21 (8)
which reducesto the expressionin Bollerslev(1986) for v' =0 and ic=3 (i.e. normality).
However,if V,I#0, the GQARCH(1, 1) processis moreleptokurticthanthe GARCH(1, 1)
model which it -nests,although the condition for boundednessof fourth momentsis the
same (see Bollerslev(1986)).
10. Notice that our assumptionsimply that the remainingelementsof the bi-covariancefunctionare all
4.1. Daily U.S. stock market returns
The analysisof financialtime serieshas turnedout to be the most fruitfulapplicationof
conditionallyheteroskedasticmodels (see Bollerslev,Chou and Kroner(1992) for a recent
survey). ARCH-type models have been used mainly as a reduced-formdescriptionof
conditionalvariances,but more recently,they have also been used as buildingblocks for
structuraleconomicmodelswith time-varyingvolatility.The asymmetricmodel of chang-
ing volatility in stock returnsof Campbelland Hentschel(1992) providesan illustrative
examplein which the QARCH model discussedhere is used to develop a formal model
of volatilityfeedback.
As part of their empirical exercise, Campbell and Hentschel (1992) estimate a
restrictedversionof the generalGQARCH(1, 2) model in (6a) for daily U.S. stock market
returnsoverthe period1926-1988(a total of 16,981observations).For tractabilityreasons,
they impose the restrictionsa,2=0 and YV2/a22= =V, /a,l, so that their model can then be
written as 52 = c+a11 (xt-, -b, )2 +a22(X,- 2-b, )2 + S1o-,2_ l. This restricted model gener-
ates non-negative variances whenever c, a,,, 3,> 0 and a22?-3,a,i (see Demos and
Sentana(1991)). Campbelland Hentschel(1992)findthat sucha modelappearsto capture
most of the "leverageeffect",and that unlike a symmetricGARCH model, it does not
significantlyoverestimateaveragerisk premia.12
In theirapplication,the parameterb,, which measuresdynamicasymmetries,is esti-
mated to be positiveand very significantlydifferentfrom zero in a GaussianMLE frame-
work. But their results also suggest that the maintainedassumptionabout conditional
Gaussianityis rejectedby the data. Althoughthis does not make the normalpseudo-MLE
inconsistent,the sizes of standardWald, LM and likelihoodratio tests could be affected.
For that reasonwe have computeda robustversionof the Wald statistic(as in Bollerslev
and Wooldridge(1992)), which shows that the significanceof b, is not an artefactof a
We next test their restricted parameterization against our most general
GQARCH(1,2) model. A robustLM test of the two restrictions(see Wooldridge(1991))
producesa valueof 7 32, whichis significantat the 5%level (X2o o5= 5 99). The parameter
estimates of the general model together with standarderrors are reportedin Table 1.
Importantly,we have estimatedthe model both in termsof the free elementsin P, D, b
and c, as well as in terms of the parametersof interest 0, A and yr directly.The first
procedureguaranteesnon-negativevariancesin and out of sample(see Demos and Sentana
(1991) for details) while the second does not. In our case, both set of estimatescoincide,
which is reassuring.
Parameter Estimates
r 005352 (0 00543) [0 005731 {0-00541}
6 0 00859 (0 00075) [0-000611 {0.00095}
VIl -0 09857 (0.01013) [0 006381 {0-02010}
V2 0-06119 (0-00996) [0-006881 {0.01538}
all 0-13472 (0-01026) [0-005201 {0.02088}
a,2 -0-00029 (0.00263) [0-001821 (0 00387}
a22 -0 05926 (0-01056) [0.017971 (0 02073}
6, 0 91790 (0 00362) [0-002541 {0.00532}
Log-likelihood-21,100 07
Note: Hessian-basedstandarderrorsin parenthesis,outerproduct-basedstandarderrorsin square
brackets,robuststandarderrorsin curlybrackets.
Parameter Estimates
r 0-05208 (000540) [0-005701 {0.00537}
0 0-00805 (0-00072) [0 00060] {0.00090}
VI, -0-09483 (0-01028) [0 006391 (0.02036}
V2 -0-00169 (0-01450) [0-009401 {0.02786}
Y/3 0-06145 (0-00920) [0-006181 {0-01768}
al, 0-14286 (0-01055) [0-006381 {0-01998}
a,2 -0-02709 (0.00751) [0-005541 {001 104}
a22 -0-07086 (0-01077) [0-006811 {0-01961)
a,3 0-00832 (0-00252) [0?001951 (0 00355}
a23 0-02842 (0 00731) [0-00546] (0-01058}
3, 0 92189 (0 00345) [0.002431 (0005101
Log-likelihood-21,061 18
Note: Hessian-basedstandarderrorsin parenthesis,outerproduct-basedstandarderrorsin square
brackets,robuststandarderrorsin curlybrackets.
15. As the varianceparametersalso affect the mean, the computationsare more complicatedthan in
Section4.1 becausea matrixregressionis necessary.
16. In the GQARCH(I, 1) case, positivityof the varianceis achievedif a,,, 3, _0 and V1'<4a,1O. To
impose these restrictions,we have estimatedthe likelihoodfunctionwith o = c2+1,1(e, ,-b, )2+dlda,2,, so
that O=c2+l12l,b2,a, =1,2;,3a=d2 and =-2l1,2b,.
GARCH(I, l)-M and GQARCH(l, l)-M models
U.K. monthlyexcessstock returns1971:2-1990:10(237 obs.)
r,=pa2+ _e.
CF2-a,~+ VI E_ I+a?, 12 + 41,_ .2
Parameter estimates estimates
p 024348 0-16669
(0.07728) (0 08091)
[0 080671 [0-088151
{0*10514} {0.09905}
0 0-08926 0-14682
(003797) (0 05159)
[0-052051 [0-040561
{0.059281 (0-11980}
Y/t -0-23969
31 0 67928 0-66351
(0 08757) (0-11312)
[0146861 [0-094711
{0.07172} {0-22878}
Log-likelihood -275 147 -268-081
Note: Hessian-basedstandarderrorsin parenthesis,outer product-
based standarderrorsin squarebrackets,robust standarderrorsin
note that the ARCH parametera,, is smallerin this case, whilethe GARCH parameterS,
is roughly the same, which taken togetherimplies a smallerpersistenceof the volatility
shocks. The differencebetween both models is even more obvious graphically.Figures
1(a) and I(b) plot the conditionalstandarddeviationof returnsimpliedby the GARCH
and GQARCH models around the two most significantepisodes in our sample: the
October1987crash (a 26 3% drop in stock prices)and the January1975 bounceback (a
51-6% surge). Both models capturethe effectof the 1987crash in a very similarmanner,
and the same happens for the bearish 1974. In contrast, the period immediatelyafter
January1975 is noticeablydifferent.The problemwith the GARCH(1, 1) model is that
it treatsboth episodesin the samemanner,despitethat the restof 1975was not particularly
The implicationsfor risk premia are also different.The price of risk parameteris
smallerin magnitudeand less preciselyestimatedin the GQARCH(1, 1) model, but still
significantlypositiveif we considerthe relevantone-sidedtest.Again,the averageestimated
risk premia is much closer to the mean excess return.Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the
1 73 1 74 1 75 1 76
I - GARCH(l1,1) | \
86 i 87 1 88 1 89
Most of the existing literatureon ARCH models (includingthe precedingsections) is
concernedwith univariatemodels. Given that many issues in finance,and in particular,
asset-pricingtheories,are relatedto the variancesand covariancesof many assets, it is of
the utmost practicalimportanceto be able to extend univariatemodels so as to capture
time-variationin the (conditional) mean vector and covariancematrix.
Multivariategeneralizationsof the QARCHmodelare straightforward in theory.Let
y, be a multivariatestochasticprocess of dimensionm whose conditionalmean is 4,=
E(y,t Yt- 1,)-p( Y,t ,,) and whose conditional covariance matrix is t-= V(y, Yt- l ,) =
I( Y,- loo) where Y,- l= vec (y,- I, y,-2,. . . ). Again, for the sake of clarity,we shall
deal initiallywith the case in which the dependenceof the conditionalmomentson the
past is limited to a finite number of lags of y,. Let Y,_,q=vec (Y,- l, Yt -2, .. ., y,-q) be
the mq x 1 vector containing the values of the m series for those q lags, and let s, =
vech (I, ) = vech [(( Y,t- )]) S(ft,- l,q), be the vector-valuedfunctionwhich containsall
the distinctelementsof the conditionalcovariancematrix.SinceI, containsm conditional
variancesand m(m- 1)/2 differentconditional covariances,the dimensionof s, is n =
m(m+ 1)/2. For simplicitylet's assumethat p(Y,- ,,,)=0 so that s,=E,-, [vech(y,ty').
It is again clear that only an even-order polynomial can guarantee the positive
(semi-)definiteness of the conditionalcovariancematrixfor all possiblevaluesin the condi-
tioning set. On this basis, we can definea multivariateQARCH model by using second-
orderpolynomialsas follows:
S(Yt-1,q)= 0+ TYt - 1q +(In 0Yt'_1,q)A Yt -1,q (9)
1 GARCH(l,1)
1 73 1 74 1 75 1 76
EstimatedRisk Premia
0*75 -
- GARCH(l,l)
GQARCH( l, l)
I 1 1A I I I I I I I I I I II I I ,II I I
-0-25 I I
I 86 1 87 1 88 1 89
EstimatedRisk Premia
model of the type discussedin Section 5 for excess stock returnson 26 U.K. sectorsfor
the period 1971:2 to 1990:10 (see the Data Appendixfor details).
Given the relativelysmall number of observations(just over 200), we have only
consideredGARCH(1, 1) and GQARCH(1, 1) parameterizations for the commonfactor,
and constantconditionalvariancesfor the idiosyncraticterms.'9To model the conditional
mean, we use the dynamicversionof the APT in King, Sentanaand Wadhwani(1994).2?
Specifically,if r, is the vector of 26 sectorialexcess returns,the model that we estimate
can be writtenin vector notation as:
,p+ cft+wJtC(pt1t-,1
rt= CA1,-% +f,) + wt (12)
where f, is the common unobservable factor, w, represents idiosyncratic risks, c is the
vector of factor loadings, p is the price of risk parameter, , , = V(f,lr,t,...)=
O+iv,E(f,lir,t,,.. .)+a,iE(fr llIrt-,,.. .)+361A,)-1t-2, V(w,Ir,_,,. . .)=F diagonal
and E(ffw,j r, - I,. . 0.2
In this papera generalquadraticmodel for the conditionalvarianceof a time serieswhich
ensurespositivityis introduced.It turnsout that this model is the most generalquadratic
version possible of the class of AutoregressiveConditionallyHeteroskedastic(ARCH)
modelsintroducedby Engle (1982)and for that reasonwe havecalledit QuadraticARCH,
or QARCH. Its main distinctivefeatureis that it allows an asymmetriceffectof positive
19. Hence,we allow for possibleco-persistencein varianceas definedin Bollerslevand Engle (1993).
20. As far as the conditionalvarianceis concerned,similarresultsare obtainedif we assumea constant
21. For scaling purposes,estimationof the factor model was carriedout imposingthe restrictionO=
I - a,, - 3, so that the unconditionalvarianceof the unobservablefactoris 1.
and negative lagged values of the series. To allow for infinitedependenceon the past,
laggedvalues of the conditionalvariancehave been includedas in Bollerslev(1986).
In turn, the QARCH model may be nested into two non-parametricapproachesto
dynamicconditionalheteroskedasticity.First,a quadraticpolynomialconstitutesthe lead-
ing term in Gallant's(1981) FlexibleFourierForm approach,whereextra trigonometric
terms are added to the conditionalvariancefunction (see Pagan and Hong (1991) and
Pagan and Schwert(1990)). Second, a piecewise-quadratic spline approximationto the
unknownconditionalvariancefunctionwouldalso encompassQARCHas a trivialsmooth
example,as well as the modelsof Glosten,Jaganathanand Runkle(1993), Schwert(1989),
Taylor(1986), and Zakoian(1990). Hence,QARCHmay also providea usefulbenchmark
to comparethe relativeperformanceof thesemodels.Ourapproachis also similarin spirit
to the semi-non-parametric estimationtechniquebased on a polynomialexpansionput
forwardin Gallant and Tauchen(1989) (see also Gallant,Rossi and Tauchen(1992)).
The time-seriespropertiesof (G)QARCH processes are very similar to those of
Bollerslev's(1986) GARCH. In particular,GQARCH(1, 1) and GARCH(1, 1) models
are remarkablyclose: they both have the same mean, variance and autocorrelation
functionsfor both the seriesand its squares,as well as the sameforecastingrecursionrule.
Nevertheless,the GQARCH(1, 1) has the advantagethat by adding a single parameter,
it can allow for both an asymmetriceffect on the conditional variance and higher
(unconditional)kurtosis,which goes in the rightdirectiontowardscapturingsome of the
stylizedfacts characterizingmany financialtime series.
An additionaladvantageof quadraticARCH modelsis that they areeasy to integrate
in the analysis of structuraleconomic models, just as linearmodels for the conditional
mean are. The asymmetricmodel of changing volatility in stock returns of Campbell
and Hentschel (1992) provides an illustrativeexample. In their model, a multiplicative
parametrizationwould have been analyticallyintractable,while the QARCHmodel made
their derivationsstraightforward.
Multivariateextensionsof the QARCHmodel are straightforward in theory,but as in
multivariateARCH models,difficultto estimategiventhe numberof parametersinvolved.
However, QARCH formulationsare the only ones that can be easily adapted to the
context of conditionallyheteroskedasticlatent factor models, and do not entail a large
Two univariateempiricalapplicationsto daily U.S. and monthlyU.K. stock market
returnsprovide support for the fact that the GQARCH conditional variancefunction
representsthe data substantiallybetterthan a standardGARCH model. The main reason
is that it is able to capturethe so-called leverageeffect, which the other is ruling out a
priori. An applicationof a factormodel to 26 U.K. industrialsectorsalso shows empirical
supportfor the GQARCHformulationvs. the GARCH one. In addition,all threeapplica-
tions show that it also providesa betterrepresentationof risk premia.
There is obviously no compellingtheoreticalreason why the conditional variance
function should be literallyquadratic,just as there is no reason why conditionalmeans
shouldbe linear.If anything,one could expectnon-linearitiesas well as "non-quadratities"
to be the rule, ratherthan the exception,and not surprisingly,the literatureon non-linear
conditionalmean and variancemodels is growingfast. At the same time, semi-parametric
and non-parametricmethodsare becomingever more popular.Henceno generalityclaim
should be made about our approach.But equally,it seems sensibleto use the quadratic
conditionalvariancefunctiondiscussedhere as a benchmark,just as one would initially
use linearmodelsfor conditionalmeansfor variablesthatcan takeon negativeand positive
The GQARCH(p,q) processin (5) is equivalentup to conditionalsecondmomentsto the followingrandom
X, = + Ej= I I?tx
x ?,qs+j, ,,+j I jtat _
tX_i + vEi'= Al
[I ?] [? ? ] [? O ]; 0 -
s-I I q s-q p s-P I s-I
Then x, as generatedby equation(A2) is covariancestationaryif and only if all the eigenvaluesof the
s x s matrixR are less than 1 in absolutevalue,where:
R=(4d?4 )+vec (G) vec'(LsL'+ A,). (A5)
Providedthat this conditionis satisfied,the unconditionalvarianceof z,, V, will be:
vec (V) = (c +b'LL'b)[(Is(?s)- RI-' vec (G). (A6)
Given the shape of G, the unconditionalvarianceof x, will be given by (c +b'LL'b)multipliedby the
element1, 1 of [(Is?s) - R5-', which is easily seen to be the reciprocalof the determinantof [(Il?ls) -RI-'.
Tediousalgebrashows that this determinantis equal to the familiarexpressionI - Eqa,aii- =, A>,wherea11
is the i-th diagonalelementof the matrixA = LL'.Thereforethe unconditionalvarianceof x, is indeedgivenby
The followinglist refersto the definitionof the 26 FinancialTimesActuariesSectorIndicesas of December31,
1990,and includesthe DATASTREAMfour-lettersectormnemonics(all startingwith FTA).
BANK Banks
BDIS Brewersand Distillers
BMAT BuildingMaterials
CHEM Chemicals
CONC Contracting,construction
ELEC Electricals
ENGG EngineeringGeneral
FDMG Food Manufacturing
FDRT Food Retailing
INBR Insurance(Brokers)
INCM Insurance(Composite)
INLF Insurance(life)
INVT InvestmentTrusts
LEIS Leisure
MERB MerchantBanks
METL Metalsand Metal Forming
MISC Miscellaneous
MISF OtherFinancial
MTRS Motors
NWSP Publishingand Printing
OILS Oil and Gas
PAPA Packagingand Paper
PROP Property
SHPT Shippingand Transport
STOR Stores
TEXT Textiles
Of these sectors,seven (Banks,Life Insurance,InsuranceGeneral,InsuranceBrokers,MerchantBanks,
Propertyand InvestmentTrusts)are not in the FTA 500 shareindex (FTA500I).The beginningof the month
3-monthTbill rate was used as the safe interestrate (UKTRSBL%).
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(KelloggGraduateSchoolof ManagementFinanceWorkingPaper168).
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Heteroskedasticity: A Random Coefficients Approach", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 10,
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ticity"(mimeo,Universityof Illinois).
BERA,A. K. and LEE, S. (1993), "InformationMatrixTest, ParameterHeterogeneityand ARCH: A Synthe-
sis", Review of Economic Studies, 60, 229-240.
from the AmericanStatistical
BLACK,F. (1976), "Studiesof Stock MarketVolatilityChanges",Proceedings
Association, Business and Economic Statistics Section, 177-181.
Journalof Econo-
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