(INS-SA-EN) Ichroma H.pylori SA - Rev02 - 180710
(INS-SA-EN) Ichroma H.pylori SA - Rev02 - 180710
(INS-SA-EN) Ichroma H.pylori SA - Rev02 - 180710
Revision date : July 10, 2018
H. pylori SA
Lot numbers of all the test components (cartridge, ID chip,
detection buffer, and Extraction buffer tube) should agree.
Do not interchange the test components between different
lots or use the test components after the expiration date,
either of which might yield misleading of test result(s).
INTENDED USE Do not reuse. An extraction buffer tube should be used for
processing one sample only. So should a cartridge.
ichroma™ H. pylori SA(H. pylori Stool Antigen) is a fluorescence
The cartridge should remain sealed in its original pouch before
Immunoassay (FIA) for the qualitative determination of H. pylori antigen
in human feces. It is useful as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection use. Do not use the cartridge, if is damaged or already opened.
and to demonstrate loss of H. pylori antigen following treatment. Frozen sample should be thawed only once.
For in vitro diagnostic use only. For shipping, samples must be packed in accordance with the
INTRODUCTION Just before use, allow the cartridge, extraction buffer tube
and sample to be at room temperature for approximately 30
Helicobacter pylori, previously Campylobacter pylori, is a gram-
negative, microaerophilic bacterium found usually in the stomach.
ichroma™ H. pylori SA as well as the instrument for ichroma™
It was present in a person with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers
tests should be used away from vibration and/or magnetic
conditions. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers
field. During normal usage, it can be noted that instrument for
and stomach cancer. More than 50% of the world's population
ichroma™ tests may produce minor vibration.
harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract. Individuals
Used extraction buffer tubes, pipette tips and cartridges
infected with H. pylori have a 10 to 20% lifetime risk of developing
should be handled carefully and discarded by an appropriate
peptic ulcers and a 1 to 2% risk of acquiring stomach cancer.
method in accordance with relevant local regulations.
Several ways of testing H. pylori infection is exist. One can test
An exposure to larger quantities of sodium azide may cause
noninvasively for H. pylori infection with a blood antibody test, stool
certain health issues like convulsions, low blood pressure and
antigen test, or with the carbon urea breath test.
heart rate, loss of consciousness, lung injury and respiratory
The ichroma™ H. pylori SA is an immunoassay for the detection
of H. pylori in stool sample.
- Use ichroma™ H. pylori SA should be used in conjunction
with the instrument for ichroma™ tests.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; the detector STORAGE AND STABILITY
antibody in buffer binds to antigen in sample, forming antigen-
The cartridge is stable for 20 months (while sealed in an
antibody complexes, and migrates onto nitrocellulose matrix to be
aluminum foil pouch) if stored at 4-30 °C.
captured by the other immobilized-antibody on test strip.
The detection buffer dispensed in a tube is stable for 20
The more antigen in sample forms the more antigen-antibody
months if stored at 4-30 °C.
complex and leads to stronger intensity of fluorescence signal on
The extraction buffer dispensed in an extraction buffer tube is
detector antibody, which is processed by instrument for ichroma™
stable for 20 months if stored at 4-30 °C.
tests to show H. pylori antigen concentration in sample.
After the cartridge pouch is opened, the test should be
performed immediately.
ichroma™ H. pylori SA consists of ‘Cartridges’, ‘Detection buffers’, LIMITATION OF THE TEST SYSTEM
‘Extraction buffers’, ‘ID chip’ and ‘Instruction for use’. The test may yield false positive result(s) due to the cross-
The cartridge contains a test strip, the membrane which has reactions and/or non-specific adhesion of certain sample
anti-H.pylori IgG at the test line, while rabbit IgG at the control components to the capture/detector antigens.
line. The test may yield false negative result. The non-
Each cartridge is individually sealed in an aluminum foil pouch responsiveness of the antibodies to the antigens is most
containing a desiccant. 25 sealed cartridges are packed in a common where the epitope is masked by some unknown
box which also contains an ID chip. components, so as not to be detected or captured by the
The detection buffer contains anti-H.pylori IgG and anti-rabbit antibodies. The instability or degradation of the antigen with
IgG, which labeled with fluorescence dye. time and/or temperature may cause the false negative as it
The detection buffer is dispensed in a tube. 25 detection makes antibody unrecognizable by the antigens.
buffer tubes are packed in the test cartridge box. Other factors may interfere with the test and cause erroneous
The extraction buffer contains bovine serum albumin (BSA) as results, such as technical/procedural errors, degradation of
a stabilizer and sodium azide in Tris-Cl buffer as a preservative. the test components/reagents or presence of interfering
The extraction buffer is dispensed in an extraction buffer tube. substances in the test samples.
25 extraction buffer tubes are packed in the test cartridge box. Any clinical diagnosis based on the test result must be
supported by a comprehensive judgment of the concerned
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS physician including clinical symptoms and other relevant test
For in vitro diagnostic use only. results.
Carefully follow the instructions and procedures described in
Prilosec® (5mg/ml), Mylanta® Antacid (1:20), Pepto-Bismol For technical assistance; please contact:
(1:20), Barium sulfate (5%), Whole Blood (50%). Leukocytes Boditech Med Inc.’s Technical Services
(50%), Mucin (3.4%), Stearic acid/palmitic acid (Fecal fat) (4%), Tel: +82 33 243-1400
Hemoglobin (tarry stool) (12.5%). Also there was no significant E-mail: [email protected]
cross-reactivity with Enterobacter cloacae, Candida albicans,
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus
subtilis.spizizenii, Clostridium sporogenes, H. influenzae, Boditech Med Incorporated
Campylobacter jejuni, Borrelia burgdorferi, Proteus morgani. 43, Geodudanji 1-gil, Dongnae-myeon,
Chuncheon-si, Gang-won-do, 24398
Comparability with reference product Republic of Korea
Reference ELISA result Tel: +(82) -33-243-1400
Positive Negative Total Fax: +(82) -33-243-9373
Positive 102 1 103 www.boditech.co.kr
Negative 3 54 57
H. pylori SA
Total 105 55 160 Obelis s.a
- Percent positive agreement = 97.1% Bd. Général Wahis 53,
- Percent negative agreement = 98.2% 1030 Brussels, BELGIUM
- Overall percent agreement = 97.5% Tel: +(32) -2-732-59-54
Fax: +(32) -2-732-60-03
REFERENCES E-Mail: [email protected]
1. Chang, A. H. and Parsonnet, J. Role of Bacteria in Oncogenesis.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2010; 23 (4): 837–857.
2. Amieva, Manuel and Peek, Richard M. Pathobiology of
Helicobacter pylori–Induced Gastric Cancer. Gastroenterology.
2016; 150 (1): 64–78.
3. Blaser MJ Who are we? Indigenous microbes and the ecology
of human diseases. EMBO Reports. 2006; 7 (10): 956–60
4. Stenström B, Mendis A, Marshall B. Helicobacter pylori—The
latest in diagnosis and treatment. Aust Fam Physician. 2008;
37 (8): 608–12.