Promortion Exam - Senior, July 2009
Promortion Exam - Senior, July 2009
Promortion Exam - Senior, July 2009
7. ABG shows low pCo2 low HCO3 and normal PO2, which of
the following can cause this?
a) Emphysema
b) Mechanical ventilation
c) Enterocutanous fistula
9. SNL is indicated in
a) Palpable LN
b) Inpalpable LN
d) Tumor > 5cm
e) Post axillary dissection
15. Patient with 45% burn undergoing GA for skin grafting, has
sudden cardiac arrest which drug can cause this?
a) --rium
b) Aacorium
c) Roncorium
d) Suchcenyl choline
e) Pancorium
19. Which of the following will have the best results when
treated by splenectomy?
a) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
b) Idiopathic thrombocytopenia
c) Heridatry spherocytosis
d) Thalacemia
31. Lady with 6cm breast mass, Mamo central necrosis. FNA
inconclusive. Had excisonal biopsy that was malignant
phylliods. Next step
a) Rexison with 1cm margin
b) Rexixon with 3 cm margin
c) Rexions with 3 cm margin and axillary dissection
d) Mastectomy
e) MRM
47. In laparoscopy….
a) Inserion throught the umbilicus is easy because there is no
b) When using the veress and going through the peritoneal
layer you will here 2 clicks
c) Hasson technique uses N2O
a) Ultrasound
f) Computed tomography (CT)
g) Arteriography
h) Scintigraphy with 131I-6 b-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol
i) Scintigraphy with 131I-methaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)
72. Trauma victim who hit his upper abdomen to the steering
wheel, intraoperative findings were injury to the
duodenum grade 3 (invoving most of the
circumfrance)and normal pancreatic invvlment. Which is
the best surgical treatment?
a) Primary repair and NGT
b) Primary repair doundenostomy
c) Primary repair with pyloric exclusion
d) Pancreaticdoudenectomy