Grade 4 Multiplication and Division Unit Plan

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The key takeaways are that this unit plan is about teaching multiplication and division to 4th grade students. It outlines the essential questions, learning outcomes, lessons, activities and assessments for the unit.

The essential questions for this unit are: How can we use knowledge of multiplication and division to solve everyday problems? How can skip counting and arrays be used to solve multiplication and division problems? How is addition related to multiplication? How is subtraction related to division? How are division and multiplication related?

The specific learning outcomes for this unit are for students to apply the properties of 0 and 1 for multiplication and the property of 1 for division, describe strategies for basic multiplication and division facts, demonstrate understanding of multiplication and division through use of arrays, properties and strategies, and relate division to multiplication.


Unit Title: Math - Number - Multiplication and Division
Grade Level: 4
Teacher: Kelsey Shoults
Timeline: January 11th - February 18th

Essential Questions

How can we use knowledge of multiplication and division to solve everyday problems?

How can skip counting and arrays be used to solve multiplication and division problems?

How is addition related to multiplication?

How is subtraction related to division?

How are division and multiplication related?

General Learning Outcome

GLO 1: Develop number sense.

Specific Learning Outcomes

SLO 4. Apply the properties of 0 and 1 for multiplication and the property of 1 for division. [C, CN, R]

SLO 5. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9 and related division facts.
[C, CN, ME, R]

Understand and apply strategies for multiplication and related division facts to 9 × 9. Recall multiplication and related
division facts to 7 × 7.

SLO 6. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (2- or 3-digit by 1-digit) to solve problems by:
• using personal strategies for multiplication with and without concrete materials
• using arrays to represent multiplication
• connecting concrete representations to symbolic representations
• estimating products
• applying the distributive property. [C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]

Students investigate a variety of strategies, including standard/traditional algorithms, to become proficient in at least one
appropriate and efficient strategy that they understand.
Through this outcome, students have the opportunity to maintain and refine previously learned addition and subtraction
number facts:
Grade 3, Number SO 10 – Apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties in order to understand and recall basic
addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
[C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]

SLO 7. Demonstrate an understanding of division (1-digit divisor and up to 2-digit dividend) to solve problems by:
• using personal strategies for dividing with and without concrete materials
• estimating quotients
• relating division to multiplication.
[C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]

Students investigate a variety of strategies, including standard/traditional algorithms, to become proficient in at least one
appropriate and efficient strategy that they understand.
Through this outcome, students have the opportunity to maintain and refine previously learned addition and subtraction
number facts:
Grade 3, Number SO 10 – Apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties in order to understand and recall basic
addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
[C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]

Understand, recall and apply addition facts up to and including 9 + 9 and related subtraction facts.

[C] Communication
[CN] Connections
[ME] Mental Mathematics and Estimation
[PS] Problem Solving
[R] Reasoning
[T] Technology
[V] Visualization
Multiplication: An operation of combining equal groups and arrays.

Product: The result of two or more numbers when they are multiplied together.
- The product of any number and zero is always zero.
- The product of any number and one is the number itself.

Factor: When we multiply two whole numbers we end up with a product and the numbers that we multiply together are factors of the
product. (Example 3 x 5 = 15 - so 3 and 5 are factors of 15)

Commutative Property/Property of Multiplication: Changing the order of the numbers we are multiplying does not change the
product (Example 3 x 5 is the same as saying 5 x 3 - regardless of position they come up with the same product)

Multiply: To multiply is to add equal groups or repeated addition of the same number.

Repeated Addition: Adding equal groups together - or multiplication. The same number is repeated and so we can write that as a
multiplication question.

Division: An operation involving two numbers which tells us how many groups there are or how many are in each group.

Quotient: The answer to the division of two numbers.

Array: Objects or numbers arranged in rows or columns.

Date to be
SLO’ Key Questions related to Equipment/ Resources/
Completed Lesson Title GLO’s Assessment Learning Activities
s this Lesson Technology

January 11, Introduction GLO 1 - SLO Observation What is multiplication? Direct Instruction: Review place value. Smart board
2021 to Develop 5 Discussion Math journals
Multiplication Number Questions Whole group/small group Discussion:
Sense - What is multiplication?
- Words that relate?
- Strategies?
Direct Instruction: Commutative property,
property of 1 and 0.
Multiplication Problems

January Repeated GLO 1 SLO Observation What is multiplication? Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart board
12, 2021 Addition 5 Discussion friendly numbers Math Journals
6.1 Questions Multiplication war Dice
Review: What is multiplication? Cards
Words that relate?
Direct Instruction: Repeated addition
Create your own questions: Solve using repeated

January Introduction GLO 1 SLO Observation What is an array? Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
13, 2021 to Arrays 6.1 Thumbs up friendly numbers White Boards
6.2 Questions Multiplication grouping: Blocks on students desk - White Board Markers
they group (look for arrays) Manipulatives/Materials
Area Array (Demonstrate with fishbowl strategy) Area Array Cards
Review: What is an array Blocks
Base 10 Blocks

January Using Arrays GLO 1 SLO Observation How can we use arrays Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
14. 2021 5 Discussion to represent friendly numbers Computer
6.1 Questions multiplication Review: What is an array Math Journals
6.2 equations? Practice questions Blocks
Base 10 Blocks

January Multiplication GLO 1 SLO Observation N/A Multiplication war Cards

15, 2021 Games and 5 Discussion Multiplication brain bender Smart Board
Brain Bender Multiplication Charts m,

January Estimating GLO 1 SLO Questions What are strategies we Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
18, 2021 Products and 6.1 Observation can use to help us friendly numbers Dice
Introduction 6.4 Discussion estimate products? Array check White Boards
to 2 by 1 Direct instruction: Estimation White Board Markers
digit Estimation dice game Math Journals
Estimation problems

January 2 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Questions How can we use Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
19, 2021 digit - 6.1 Observation estimation to help us friendly numbers Manipulatives
estimation 6.3 Discussion solve for the actual Review: Estimation Math Journals
6.4 product? Estimation problems Questions
Multiplication war (2 digit by 1 digit and 1 digit by
1 digit)

January 2 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Observation How can decomposing a Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
20, 2021 digit - 6.1 Discussion number help us to solve friendly numbers Dice
introduce 6.3 Questions for the product of a 2 digit by 1 digit - with manipulatives and Math Journal
decompositio multiplication equation? decomposition/distributive property
n 2 digit by 1 digit dice game Manipulatives
2 digit by 1 digit problems
1 sentence summary

January 2 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Observation How can decomposing a Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Math Journals
21, 2021 digit - 6.1 Discussion number help us to solve friendly numbers Smart Board
decompositio 6.3 Questions for the product of a 2 digit by 1 digit dice game Dice
n multiplication equation? Review decomposition Manipualtives
2 digit by 1 digit problems
1 sentence summary
January Among us 2 GLO 1 SLO Observation What different strategies Among us mystery puzzle explanation Among us mystery
22, 2021 digit by 1 5 Among us can we use to solve for 2 Among us mystery puzzle puzzle sheets
digit puzzle 6 worksheet digit by 1 digit Strategy summary

January 2 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Questions How can we use Number talk: Strategy - Making landmark or Smart Board
25, 2021 digit - 6.1 Observation distributive property to friendly numbers Manipulatives
decompositio 6.3 Discussion solve multiplication Group Problem Printed Questions
n 6.5 equations? 2 digit by 1 digit problems Math Journals
Work on among us

January 3 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Observation How can we use Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
26, 2021 digit - 6.1 Discussion distributive property to Review 2 digit by 1 digit problems Printed Questions
decompositio 6.5 Questions solve multiplication Group problem: 3 digit by 1 digit Math Journals
n equations? 3 digit by 1 digit problems

January 3 digit by 1 GLO 1 SLO Questions How can we use Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
27, 2021 digit 6.1 Observation distributive property to Group problem: 3 digit by 1 digit Printed Questions
decompositio 6.5 Discussion solve multiplication 3 digit by 1 digit problems Math Journals
n equations?

January Introduction GLO 1 SLO Observation What is division? Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
28, 2021 to division 7.1 Discussion How many ways activity Manipulatives
Exit Slip Introduction to division How Many Ways Sheet
Review question Math Journals
Review division strategies

February Introduction GLO 1 SLO Math What is division? Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
1st, 2021 to division 7.1 Journals How can we use Review what division is Manipulatives
Observation division to solve real Group problem - discuss strategies Division Questions
Discussion world problems? Division terminology Math Journals
Division questions Number line

February Fact Families GLO 1 SLO Among us How are multiplication Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
2nd, 2021 7.1 white board and division related? Group problem: 20 tennis balls - student Manipulatives
7.3 check involvement. Dice
Observation Fact family video Among Us Powerpoint
Discussion How can we use Fact family game White Boards
multiplication to help us Among Us fact family activity White Board Markers

February Relationship GLO 1 SLO Among us How are multiplication Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
3rd, 2021 to 7.1 white board and division related? Among Us fact family activity Manipulatives
Multiplication 7.3 check How can we use Open ended - vertical surface question White Board
Observation multiplication to help us Discussion of vertical surface question White Board Markers
of vertical divide? Salute Number line
surface Elbow partner summary

February Estimating GLO 1 SLO Observation How can we use Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
4th, 2021 Quotients 7.2 Discussion estimation to help us Group problem: 42 cookies per day. White Board
with division? Quotient KABOOM White Board Markers
Elbow partner summary Manipulatives
Number line

February Multiplication GLO 1 SLO Observation How can we use various Explanation of math games Smart Board
5th, 2021 and Division 5 strategies to help us Math games: area array, race to/from 1000, Dice
Math Games 6 solve multiplication and multiplication squares, horse race, headbands/salute, Math Game Sheets
7 division problems? quotient kaboom (Laminated)
White Board Markers

February Estimation/ GLO 1 SLO Math What is estimation? Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
8th, 2021 Remainders 7.1 Journals How can we use Estimation Questions Estimation Questions
7.2 Observation estimation to solve a Introduce division with remainders Manipulatives
Discussion division problem? White Board Markers
What is a remainder? White Board Markers
Number Lines
Math Journals
February Remainders GLO 1 SLO Math What is a remainder? Number talk: Strategy - Partial products Smart Board
9th, 2021 7.1 Journals Group questions: Flames team eats granola bars Manipulatives
Observation Horse race game Number Lines
Discussion Questions with remainders White Board
White Board Marker
Game Piece
Horse Race Board
Math Journals

February Room 24’s GLO 1 SLO Math How can we use our Room 24’s Amazing Race explanation Room 24’s Amazing
10th, 2021 Amazing 5 Journals strategies for Room 24’s Amazing Race Race Description
Race! 6 Observation multiplication and Fist to 5 Task Envelope Covers
7 Discussion division to help us with Questions Cut Up
Fist to 5 word problems? Letters Cut Up
Math Journals
White Boards
White Board Markers
Answers To Questions

February Multiplication GLO 1 SLO Review How can we use our Number talk: Strategy - Doubling and halving Smart Board
16th, 2021 and Division 5 Booklet strategies for Introduce review booklet Manipulatives
Review 6 Observation multiplication and Work on review booklet Number lines
7 Discussion division to help us solve Fist to 5 Hundreds Chart
problems? White Boards/Markers
Unit Review

February Multiplication GLO 1 SLO Review How can we use our Number talk: Strategy - Doubling and halving Smart Board
17th, 2021 and Division 5 Booket strategies for Work on review booklet Manipulatives
Review 6 Observation multiplication and Fist to 5 Number lines
7 Discussion division to help us solve Hundreds Chart
problems? White Boards/Markers
Unit Review
February Multiplication GLO 1 SLO Unit Quiz N/A Unit quiz explanation Unit Test
18th, 2021 and Division 5 Unit quiz Pencils
Unit Quiz 6 Erasers
Grade 4
Multiplication and Division Review
Develop Number Sense

Apply the properties of 0 and 1 for multiplication and the property of 1 for division.

Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplications facts to 9x9 and related division facts.

Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (2 or 3 digit by 1 digit) to solve problems by using personal strategies for
multiplication with and without concrete materials, using arrays to represent multiplication, connecting concrete representations to
symbolic representations, estimating products, and applying the distributive property.

Demonstrate an understanding of division (1 digit divisor and up to a 2 digit dividend) to solve problems by using personal strategies
for dividing with and without concrete materials, estimating quotients, and relating division to multiplication.
Unit Review (___/66)

1. Write a multiplication and division sentence for each array. (4 marks)

2. Write the related number sentences for each set of numbers (16 marks)

a) 5, 6, 30 b) 7, 3, 21 c) 9, 8, 72 d) 9, 4, 36
3. Solve the multiplication and division problems. (20 marks)
A) 7 x 0 = F) 6 x 7 = K) 24 ÷ 4 = P) 72 ÷ 8 =

B) 5 x 1 = G) 9 x 6 = L) 20 ÷ 5 = Q) 56 ÷ 8 =

C) 4 x 3 = H) 8 x 8 = M) 40 ÷ 1 = R) 29 ÷ 9 =

D) 10 x 10 = I) 7 x 4 = N) 28 ÷ 4 = S) 68 ÷ 7 =

E) 8 x 6 =. J) 9 x 5 = O) 45 ÷ 9 = T) 82 ÷ 6 =

4. Solve for each product. (6 marks)

A) 21 D) 325 B) 53
X 4 X 6 X 9

C) 74 F) 135 E) 200
X 8 X 3 X 5
5. Among us stickers cost 68 cents a sheet. How much money does Miss. Shoults need for 7 sheets? Show your work. (3 marks)

6. There are 62 jelly beans in a bag. There are 4 people who want to share them. About how many does each person get? Show your
work. (3 marks)

7. 52 students signed up to play hockey. There can be 8 teams in the tournament. Each team should have 6 players. Are there enough
players to make 8 teams? Explain. Show your work. (3 marks.)
8. Josh plays video games for 4 hours every day. How many hours does Josh play video games over 6 weeks. (3 marks)

9. In our fur trade game the First Nations pile had 56 animals trade goods. The Voyageurs pile had 42 trade goods. If we had 3 piles of
each trade good how many goods would we have in total? Show your work. (4 marks)

10. In a pickle ball game players play doubles games (partners) and single games (individual). 4 players are needed for doubles games.
2 players are needed for single games. There are 22 players and 7 games. How many doubles games and singles games are there?
Show your work. (4 marks)
Grade 4
Multiplication and
Unit Quiz
Unit Quiz /46

1. Draw an array for the multiplication and division facts. (2 marks)

a) 8 x 7 b) 9 ÷ 3

2. Write the related number sentences for each set of numbers. (8 marks)

a) 6, 8, 48 b) 7, 3, 21 c) 9, 8, 72 d) 9, 1, 9
3. Solve the multiplication and division problems. (12 marks)
A) 5 x 4 = B) 8 x 6 = c) 5 x 9 =

D) 4 x 3 = E) 7 x 6 = F) 4 X 8 =

G) 50 ÷ 10 = H) 45 ÷ 9 = I) 64 ÷ 8 =

J) 27 ÷ 3 = K) 16 ÷ 8 = L) 36 ÷ 9 =

4. Solve for each product. (6 marks)

A) 32 B) 435 C) 73
X 4 X 6 X 6

D) 500 C) 84 F) 345
X 5 X 8 X 3
5. Solve for each quotient. (Make sure to include remainders) (3 marks)
A) 28 ÷ 6 = B) 32 ÷ 7 C) 62 ÷ 4 =

6. Henrik bought 6 packages of Ninja headbands. Each package contains 57 headbands. How many headbands did Henrik buy? (3

7. Miss. Shoults shares 49 pencil crayons among 8 of our students. How many crayons does each student get? (3 marks)
8. Melina has 35 cupcakes. She shares the cupcakes equally among 7 students. Each student needs 6 cupcakes. Does Melina have
enough cupcakes? Explain. Show your work. (3 marks)

9. Ethan walks his dog every day for 2 hours. How many hours does Ethan walk his dog in 5 weeks? Show your work. (3 marks)

10. Mr. McLaren splits the class into 4 groups. Each group needs 145 cm of string. How much string does Mr. McLaren need in total?
(3 marks)
Formative Assessment:
- Daily questions and practice
- Anecdotal notes during games
- Unit Review

Summative Assessment:
- Unit test
- Small group instruction/support
- Access to manipulatives, number lines, hundreds charts, white board and white board markers
- Including videos
- Challenge problems for higher level students

- Jump Math resource - pg 115 - 164
- Number Talks - Chapter 7 pg 231 - 261
- Mathletics
- Khan academy
- Teaching division with lego:
- Array of sunshine: Multiplication with a arrays
- ATA mathematics 4-6:
- Elementary math Nelson (potential questions for lessons):
- Multiplying by 0 or 1
- Movement math games:
- Multiplication games:
- Division games:
- Grade 4 math:
- Fact families:
- Fact families:
- Division with number line:

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