Thinking Organizers: Tools For Candidates To Organize and Record Their Thinking During Both Formative and Summative Edtpa Experiences

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Thinking Organizers: Tools for Candidates to

Organize and Record Their Thinking During Both

Formative and Summative edTPA Experiences
Purpose: As teacher candidates undergo the edTPA assessment process,
they can experience difficulty keeping track of the reasoning and thinking
behind all of the decisions that they made during the process. These
thinking organizers provide an avenue through which candidates can record
their thoughts, reasoning, and evidence of practice throughout the edTPA
process and then have easy access to that information when they are ready
to write their commentaries.

These thinking organizers were created by Elisa Palmer (edTPA coordinator,

Illinois State University) to assist candidates with the organization of their
thoughts prior to writing their official responses to the edTPA commentary
prompts. These supports provide a table for each commentary question
that the candidate fills in with his or her thoughts. The teacher candidate
can then use that table to write his or her official response to that question.

Use of the thinking organizers is not limited to work on the summative

edTPA portfolio. Instructors can use the tables in formative experiences
leading up to the summative edTPA portfolio creation. For example, a
course may have an assignment or clinical experience that requires
reflections upon professional practice. The course instructor can utilize
some of the thinking organizers and adapt them to the particular questions
asked in that assignment or clinical reflection.

Overall, the thinking organizers are helpful in aiding teacher candidates in

their documentation of their thinking and reasoning throughout the
completion of their edTPA portfolio as well as providing a tool for creating
and organizing responses in formative course work.
Thinking organizers are available for the following edTPA handbooks:

 Agriculture
 Business Education
 Early Childhood
 Elementary Education
 Elementary Literacy
 Elementary Mathematics
 English as an Additional Language
 Family and Consumer Sciences
 Health Education
 K-12 Physical Education
 K-12 Performing Arts
 Middle Childhood English Language Arts
 Middle Childhood Mathematics
 Middle Childhood Science
 Middle Childhood Social Studies
 Secondary English-Language Arts
 Secondary History/Social Studies
 Secondary Mathematics
 Secondary Science
 Special Education
 Technology and Engineering Education
 Visual Arts
 World Languages
2015-16 edTPA Thinking Organizer Editing Team

Judy Boisen, Northern Illinois University

Kristy Brown, Shorter University
Kristall Day, Ohio State University
Jessie Dugan, University of Wisconsin Whitewater
Angel Hessel, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Elisa Palmer, Illinois State University

Commentary prompts used in the thinking organizers are from edTPA handbooks
and used with permission. Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland
Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. edTPA is a trademark of Stanford
or its affiliates. Use, reproduction, copying, or redistribution of trademarks without
the written permission of Stanford or its affiliates is prohibited. The Thinking
Organizers have been developed by Illinois State and are not endorsed by the
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE).
Planning Commentary Thinking Organizers and Helpful Hints (PETE Version)

Please note: The purpose of this thinking organizer is to help you gather and organize your thoughts in
preparation for writing your planning commentary. You will still need to write your answers in paragraph form in
the official edTPA planning commentary template.

1. Central Focus

a. Describe the central focus and purpose for the content you will teach in the learning segment.
Sentence starters:

The central focus of this learning segment is …

I am teaching this content because…

b. Given the central focus, describe how the standards and learning objectives within your learning segment
address the development of student competencies in the psychomotor domain and at least one other
learning domain (cognitive and/or affective) related to
 movement patterns
 performance concepts and/or
 health-enhancing physical fitness
Organize your response:
Identify which domain Explain how this standard or If in the psychomotor
List the standard or this standard/learning learning objective addresses domain, identify which of the
learning objective objective addresses. this domain. student competencies above
is being addressed.

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
c. Explain how your plans build on each other and include meaningful tasks that develop the student
competencies listed above while making connections between psychomotor and cognitive or affective
Organize your response:
Identify the movement Describe the
pattern, performance Explain how it is Explain how Lesson Explain how connection to the
concept, or health- addressed in 2 builds on Lesson 1 Lesson 3 builds on cognitive or affective
enhancing fitness Lesson 1 Lesson 2 domain addressed
concept being during these lessons.

d. Explain how you will structure the learning environment to be both emotionally and physically safe.
Is this designed to make the
Aspect of learning environment environment emotionally or physically How does this make the environment
safe? safe?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
2. Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching
For each of the prompts below (2a–b), describe what you know about your students with respect to the central
focus of the learning segment.
Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs, English
language learners, students with higher/lower proficiency levels, underperforming students or those with gaps in content
knowledge, or students needing greater support or challenge)
a. Prior academic learning, experiences, and prerequisite skills related to the central focus—Cite evidence of
what students know, what they can do, and what they are still learning to do.

Organize your response:

What the students are
Students Related content already Related skills students learning to do related to
learned already have the learning segment

Class as a whole

Students with IEPs

Students with 504 plans

Other groups of learners

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
b. Personal/cultural/community assets related to the central focus—What do you know about your
students’ everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and interests?

Organize your response:

Students’ everyday Students’ cultural Students’ cultural Students’ interests

Students experiences related and language and language related to the learning
to the learning backgrounds related practices related to segment
segment to the learning the learning segment

Class as a whole

Students with IEPs

Students with 504


Other groups of

Notes: Stay positive – discuss your students’ assets

Keep the learning segment in mind – only discuss student assets related to the learning segment

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
3. Supporting Students’ Physical Education Learning
a. Justify how your understanding of your students’ prior academic learning, experiences, and
personal/cultural/community assets (from prompts 2a–b above) guided your choice or adaptation of
learning tasks and materials/equipment. Be explicit about the connections between the learning tasks and
students’ prior academic learning, assets, and research/theory.
Organize your answer:
Chosen learning task Associated student Why did you make What research How does the
or material (or learning or asset this choice? supports this choice? research support this
adaptation of either) choice?

b. Describe and justify why your instructional strategies and planned supports are appropriate for the whole
class, individuals, and groups of students with specific learning needs.
Consider students with IEPs, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in
academic knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support or challenge.
Organize your answer:
Instructional/planned How is this tied to the Why is this appropriate for the whole class or what
support learning objective? particular group of students is this designed for?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
c. Describe common student errors or misunderstandings within your central focus and how you will
address them.
Organize your answer:

Possible student error or How will you identify if students How will you address it during
misunderstanding within the central have this issue? instruction?

4. Supporting Physical Education Development Through Language

a. Language Function. Choose one language function essential for student learning within your central
focus. Listed below are some sample language functions. You may choose one of these or another more
appropriate to your learning segment:

Analyze Compare Evaluate Sequence Signal Summarize

Sentence starter: “The language function essential for student learning within my central focus is

b. Identify a key learning task from your plans that provides students with opportunities to practice using the
language function. Identify the lesson in which the learning task occurs. (Give the lesson/day and number.)
Sentence starter: “The key learning task that gives students the opportunity to practice using the language function
is ___________________. This task occurs on day __________ in Lesson __________________.”

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
c. Additional Language Demands. Given the language function and learning task identified above, describe
the following associated language demands (written or oral) students need to understand and/or use:
- Vocabulary, symbols, signals (i.e., official), and key phrases
- Plus at least one of the following:
- Syntax
- Discourse
Consider the range of students’ understandings of the language function and other language demands—what do students already know,
what are they struggling with, and/or what is new to them

Organizing your response:

Language demand What do students already What are they struggling What is new to them?
know? with?




Key phrases



Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
d. Language Supports. Refer to your lesson plans and instructional materials as needed in your response to
the prompts.
 Describe the instructional supports (during and/or prior to the learning task) that help students
understand and successfully use the language function and additional language demands identified in
prompts 4a–c.
Organizing your response:
How does this language support
Language demand Language support planned help students use the language

Vocabulary and/or symbols

Signals and/or key phrases

Syntax and/or discourse

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
5. Monitoring Student Learning
In response to the prompts below, refer to the assessments you will submit as part of the materials for Task 1.
a. Describe how the assessments throughout the learning segment will provide direct evidence of students’
development of competencies in the psychomotor domain and at least one other learning domain
(cognitive and/or affective).
Organize your response:

Explain how this assessment will

Area of Targeted Student Description of assessments designed to provide evidence of student mastery of
Learning monitor the targeted student learning. this area of targeted student learning?

Psychomotor domain
(movement patterns,
performance concepts, or
health-enhancing fitness)

Cognitive or Affective

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
b. Explain how the design or adaptation of your planned assessments allows students with specific needs to
demonstrate their learning.

Consider students with IEPs, English language learners, students with higher/lower proficiency levels, underperforming
students or those with gaps in content knowledge, or students needing greater support or challenge.

Organize your response:

The student(s) for whom the How does this assessment allow this
Description of assessment or assessment was designed or student(s) to demonstrate his/her
assessment adaptations adapted learning?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
Instruction Commentary Thinking Organizers and Helpful Hints (PETE Version)

Please note: The purpose of this thinking organizer is to help you gather and organize your thoughts in
preparation for writing your instruction commentary. You will still need to write your answers in paragraph form
in the official edTPA instruction commentary template.

1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clips? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan number.
Sentence starters:

“The lesson shown in the clips is Lesson #_______”

“The lesson shown in Clip 1 is Lesson _______ and the lesson shown in Clip 2 is Lesson ________.”

2. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment

a. Describe how you provided a positive, low-risk emotionally and physically safe environment.

Organize your answer:

Characteristic of Positive Learning Video segment(s) with time stamps How does this clip demonstrate this
Environment that demonstrates this characteristic characteristic?

Mutual respect for students

Responsiveness to students’ needs

Physical safety of students

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
b. Explain how rules, routines, and transitions maximized students’ engagement in the lesson.

Organize your answer:

Incidences of student engagement Video clip with time stamps that shows How does this video clip show student
maximized through… this incidence engagement being maximized?

Use of rules

Use of routines

Use of transitions

3. Engaging Students in Learning

a. Explain how you actively engaged students in learning tasks aligned with the objectives of the lesson in
the psychomotor domain and at least one other learning domain (cognitive or affective).

Organize your answer:

Video clip with time stamps that shows
Student action this action How is this action seen in the video?
Students are engaged in a learning
task that aligns with an objective in the
psychomotor domain.
Students are engaged in a learning
task that aligns with an objective in the
cognitive or affective domain.

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
4. Strengthening Student Competencies through Monitoring
a. Explain how you actively monitored students’ performances during the learning task(s) and asked
questions or provided corrective feedback to strengthen student competencies.
Organize your response

Evidence of monitoring students’ Video clip (including time stamps) Describe how this monitoring
performances strengthened student competencies.

Active monitoring

Asking questions

Providing corrective feedback

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
b. Explain how you used instructional cues/prompts, explorations/demonstrations, and/or student analysis of
their own and/or others’ psychomotor skills to develop student competencies in the psychomotor and at least
one other learning domain (cognitive, affective).

Organize your response

Explain how this was used to develop
Tools for Developing Student Video clip (including time stamps) student competencies in the
Competencies showing modification/extension psychomotor or cognitive/affective

Use of instructional cues/prompts


Student self analysis of psychomotor


Peer analysis of psychomotor skills

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
6. Analyzing Teaching
Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (such as students with IEPs, English language
learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students).

a. What changes would you make to your instruction—for the whole class and/or for students who need
greater support or challenge—to better support student learning of the central focus (e.g., missed

Organize your response:

Learning need seen in video Video segment (including video # and Proposed change in teaching practice
time stamps)

b. Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with evidence
of student learning and principles from theory and/or research.
Organize your response:
How would this change
Proposed change in assist students with How does this research
teaching practice achieving the learning What research is this support your proposed
objective? change based on? change?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
Assessment Commentary Thinking Organizers and Helpful Hints (PETE Version)

Please note: The purpose of this thinking organizer is to help you gather and organize your thoughts in
preparation for writing your assessment commentary. You will still need to write your answers in paragraph form
in the official edTPA assessment commentary template. The exception to this is your response to 1b.

1. Analyzing Student Learning

a. Identify the specific learning objectives measured by the assessments you chose for analysis.
Organize your answer:
Identify if this is connected to the Explain how this is measured in the
Learning Objective psychomotor, cognitive, or affective assessment(s)

b. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative that summarizes evidence of student learning for your
whole class (or, if more than 30 students, group) in the psychomotor domain and at least one other domain
(cognitive and/or affective). Be sure to summarize student learning for all evaluation criteria submitted in
Assessment Task 3, Part D.

Create a table that shows the student learning/performance by question or activity aligned to objective.

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
c. Analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class (or group) and differences for groups or individual
learners relative to competencies targeted in the psychomotor domain and at least one other learning domain
(cognitive and/or affective).

Organize your answer:

Pattern of student learning observed Is the pattern relative to the psychomotor

(What are they doing well or what domain (movement patterns, performance Evidence from whole class
are they struggling with?) concepts or health-enhancing fitness), summary
cognitive, or affective domain?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
d. Cite direct evidence from the focus student work samples and/or the written documentation of the
assessment of the psychomotor activity to support the analysis.

Consider what students understand and do well, and where they continue to struggle (e.g., strengths, weaknesses, common
errors, confusions, need for greater challenge).

How does this video clip

Pattern of learning observed Focus student Video clip evidence support the pattern of
demonstrating this pattern (including time stamps) learning described?

e. If a video work sample occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), provide the name of the clip and clearly
describe how the scorer can identify the focus student(s) (e.g., position, physical description) whose work
is portrayed.

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edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning
b. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual strengths and needs
relative to the learning objectives measured.
Hints: Be sure to provide feedback to students on both their strengths and their errors.
Be sure to provide equal feedback to all student work samples.
Description of feedback Associated learning Does the feedback focus on
Focus student provided objective the student’s strengths or

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
c. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback to further their
learning related to learning objectives. Use of feedback can occur in a different task or lesson within the
learning segment or at a later time.

How student will understand and use How you will support the student in
the feedback for further learning to understanding and using the
Focus student their current work? feedback?

3. Evidence of Language Understanding and Use

Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able to use or struggled to use the

􏰁 selected language function,

􏰁 vocabulary, AND

􏰁 syntax or discourseto develop content understandings.

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
Organize your response:
How does this evidence show the
Language demand Evidence of use (be specific) students using the language demand
to develop their content

Selected language function (write it in)




4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction

a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1b–d, describe next steps for instruction
 for the whole class
 for the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs
 Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs, English
language learners, students with higher/lower proficiency levels, underperforming students or those with gaps in content
knowledge, or students needing greater support or challenge).

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edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission
Students Next steps for instruction

Whole class

Focus student 1

Focus student 2

Focus student 3

b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of student learning. Support your explanation with
principles from research and/or theory.
Next step for What learning need is Why did you choose What research How does this
instruction this in response to? this as your next step supports this research support this
for instruction? instructional choice? instructional choice?

Thinking Organizers - 2015 © Board of Trustees of Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.
edTPA Commentary Prompts ©2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Used with Permission

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