Special Focus: Reboiler Pinch: An Approach To Optimize Flare System Design During FEED
Special Focus: Reboiler Pinch: An Approach To Optimize Flare System Design During FEED
Special Focus: Reboiler Pinch: An Approach To Optimize Flare System Design During FEED
tentially decrease by approximately 30% liquid composition at normal The normal heating medium flowrate
or more. This significantly impacts the conditions instead of the will be determined by using the following
header size, flare stack height, knockout bottoms composition). hierarchy:
drum sizing, fencing requirements and a. If the lower boiling point 1. Use the flowrate in the heat and
purging requirements, among other pa- composition results in a material balance (H&MB).
rameters. The savings can run into sever- duty less than 60% of normal 2. When the hot side is steam,
al million dollars, depending on the size duty, limit the duty to determine the amount of steam
of the flare system. 60% of normal duty. that is necessary to generate
b. If the lower boiling point the normal duty based on
Reboiler pinch calculation method- composition results in a saturated steam conditions at
ology. The following are details of over- duty greater than 75% of the inlet to the exchanger and
pressure scenarios where the hot-side normal duty, then limit full condensation of the steam
fluid flowrate is not expected to increase. the duty to 75% of normal at the outlet of the exchanger,
Reduced duty—Column reboilers. duty. This was a project- with service UA specified.
The reduced reboiler duty will be calcu- specific limitation. 3. When the hot side is hot oil or a
lated for column reboilers based on the This approach is reasonable because process stream, determine the hot-
service’s unified architecture (UA) value. the tray liquid will tend to weep (dump) side flowrate necessary to generate
The liquid assumed to be in the reboiler to the bottoms as the reboiler starts to the normal duty based on the
uses the following logic: pinch significantly. The feed stream typi- normal inlet temperature to the
1. Use normal bottoms composition. cally represents a mixture of the remaining exchanger and the normal outlet
If the predicted pinch-out is severe inventory on the trays and in the column. temperature from the exchanger,
(i.e., the reduced reboiler duty at Exceptions are made for a water sys- with service UA specified.
relief pressure is less than 60% tem, such as amine absorbers or sour 4. When the hot side is hot oil or
of the normal reboiler duty), water strippers. For these systems, the a process stream, determine the
then go to Step 2. reboiler may pinch to less than 60% hot-side flowrate necessary to
2. Lighten up the reboiler of normal reboiler duty or completely generate the normal duty based
composition (i.e., use the feed pinch out to zero. on simulation of the exchanger by
specifying the service UA, normal
TABLE 1. Deethanizer relief load comparison
cold-side inlet conditions and
normal hot-side inlet conditions.
Mass flow, Vapor volume flow, MOL flow, Molecular Direct fired furnace heaters/reboil-
Reboiler duty lb/hr MMsft3d lbmol/hr weight ers. A reduced reboiler duty will not be
Normal 1,267,501 381.7 41,894 30.3 calculated for furnace type heaters/re-
Pinch 1,161,402 217.3 23,859 48.7 boilers, and the normal reboiler duty—as
provided by the H&MB—will be used in
Stream to
Normal vapor return relief simulations.
Temperature 217.8 F
reboiler Pressure 448.5 psig Steps to calculate the reduced duty
Actual gas flow 3460 ACFM
Mass flow 1110802 lb/hr of the reboiler, using process simula-
op-102 Normal case to reboiler Molecular weight 48.14
tion softwarea:
Mass density 5.351 lb/ft3
LP steam 9 Normal vapor return 1. Simulate the normal reboiler
• On the normal column
Normal reboiler 4
Normal case to reboiler simulation, double-click on
Temperature 204.3 F V-101
Pressure 448 psig
Normal reboiler
1.031e+008 Btu/hr
the column icon and select
Molar flow 3.082e+004 lb mole/hr
Actual liquid flow 7802 USGPM Tube inlet temperature
Tube outlet temperature
“Flowsheet” and then
Shell inlet temperature 204.3 F 7 “Internal Streams.”
Shell outlet temperature 217.8 F
LMTD 102 F
The relief stream • Click on “Add” and give the
VS Overall UA 1.22e+006 Btu/F/hr
stream a name.
op-103 Relief case to reboiler
Mass flow
Actual gas flow
• Select the bottom tray, then
LP steam
Relief case to reboiler relief 9-2
Molecular weight 48.94 select “Liquid” in the Type
Mass density 7.749 lb/ft3
psig Relief The relief stream
column and select “Net” and
Molar flow 2.373e+004 lb mole/hr reboiler click on the “Export” box.
Actual liquid flow 7802 USGPM This scenario shows the case
4-2 of using the reduced reboiler • Click on the “Run” button at
Normal reboiler
duty vaporizing the normal the bottom of the screen,
V-101-2 reboiler feed composition
Tube inlet temperature
F at the normal volumetric rate and then the stream will show
Tube outlet temperature
Shell inlet temperature
7-2 up on the main flowsheet.
Shell outlet temperature 247.2 F • Add “Heat Exchanger”
LMTD 74.29 F
Overall UA 1.22e+006 Btu/F/hr equipment from the palette
and attach the stream to
FIG. 1. Snapshota of the steps for the deethanizer relief load comparison.
the exchanger.
54 OCTOBER 2020 | HydrocarbonProcessing.com
Plant Safety and Environment
• Create the steam stream and set setting the steam outlet to system (e.g., sour water stripper
the pressure and temperature. saturated liquid. and amine columns), allow for
Calculate the steam rate • Double-click on the “Heat pinching of more than 60%.
automatically by setting the Exchanger” icon and on
steam outlet to saturated liquid. the “Design” tab. Select Impact on relief loads. The following
• Double-click on the “Heat “Parameters,” and, for “Heat are some of the examples from a typical
Exchanger” icon and on Exchanger Model,” select gas processing unit, where the relief rates
the “Design” tab. Select “Simple Weighted.” Enter obtained using the conservative approach
“Parameters,” and, for “Heat the shell-side and tube-side (normal reboiler duty and top tray liquid
Exchanger Model,” select pressure drops in the “Weighted composition) are compared to rates while
“Simple Weighted.” In addition, Model Inputs” section. taking credit for reboiler pinching.
enter the shell-side and • On the same “Design” tab, Example 1: Deethanizer relief
tube-side pressure drops select “Specs” and click loads. A comparison of deethanizer relief
in the “Weighted Model on “Add.” Select “Overall loads is shown in TABLE 1. The reason for
Inputs” section. UA” and enter the result the difference between the normal and
• Verify that the duty of this from the normal reboiler pinch-off relief loads: The calculated re-
external heat exchanger simulation. The user can duced duty in the reboiler in pinch-off
matches the duty of the then see the “Overall UA” mode was 75.1 MMBtu/hr as opposed to
column heat exchanger, as on the “Performance” tab the normal reboiler duty of 103.6 MMB-
stated in the H&MB sheet. of the heat exchanger. tu/hr. The volumetric flow to the flare
2. Simulate the reboiler at relief • Add a separator to the cold-side was reduced by 43%. A snapshot for this
conditions outlet to split the phases. The process is shown in FIG. 1.
• Create another stream with vapor phase is the relief stream. Example 2: Sulfur recovery unit
the same composition as the • For hydrocarbon streams, note (SRU) regeneration column relief
normal stream but set the new if the reboiler pinches more loads. A comparison of SRU regen-
stream to the relief pressure than 60% of normal duty. If this eration column relief loads is shown in
and bubble point temperature. is the case, then change the feed TABLE 2. The reason for the difference
Adjust the mass rate so that the composition to the feed stream between the normal and pinch-off relief
volumetric rate is the same as liquid and use 60% of normal loads: The calculated reduced reboiler
the normal rate. duty. If the column is a water duty was 21.2 MMBtu/hr as opposed to
• Add a “Heat Exchanger”
from the palette and attach TABLE 2. SRU regeneration column relief load comparison
the stream.
Mass flow, Vapor volume flow, MOL flow, Molecular
• Create the steam stream Reboiler duty lb/hr MMsft3d lbmol/hr weight
and set the pressure and
temperature. Calculate the Normal 72,363 28.4 3,119 23.2
steam rate automatically by Pinch 24,221 11.9 1,312 18.5
Normal reboiler
Amine regenerator composition Amine regenerator
reboiler at normal conditions reboiler at relief conditions
Determine BP at relief V-101 with normal reboiler composition
Temperature 307.1 F
Pressure 56.4 psig
9 VS
Reboiler feed at relief
Steam rate calculated Normal reboiler op-102 Temperature 307.1 F
Temperature 327.8 F feed composition Normal steam rate Pressure 56.4 psig Backup relief
Pressure 73 psig Temperature 327.8 F Reboiler Molar flow 5.790e+004 lb mole/hr Temperature 307.1 F
Mass flow 108735 lb/hr Pressure 73 psig
Condensed steam Normal vapor return Mass flow 105735 lb/hr feed at Actual liquid flow 2524 Pressure 56.4 psig
Molar flow 24221 lb/hr
Steam rate calculated
Temperature 262.2 F relief Actual liquid flow 18.47
Pressure 20.29 psig
Normal Mass flow 105363 lb/hr Normal steam rate Steam out
T75-E-0112AB Mass density 823.4e+002 lb/ft3 Vapor from reboiler
2 Molecular weight 18.15 175-8-0112AB relief
Normal T75-E-0112AB Normal vapor return T75-E-0112AB relief Boilup
Duty 95550002 Btu/hr Duty 21209e+192 Btu/hr
2-2 MDC-100 relief
Tube inlet temperature 327.8 F Tube inlet temperature 327.8 F
Tube outlet temperature 312.5 F Tube outlet temperature 318.6 F V-101-2 Assume
Shell inlet temperature 261.9 F Shell inlet temperature 307.1 F NC come out
Shell outlet temperature 262.2 F ADJ-1 Shell outlet temperature 307.2 F
LMTD 53.5 F
V-100 LMTD 11.5 F 6-2
Overall UA 1.844e+006 Btu/F/hr Overall UA 1.844e+006 Btu/F/hr
FIG. 2. Snapshota of the steps for the SRU regeneration column relief load comparison.
Takeaway. Given its cumulative impact TABLE 7. Low-pressure flare header size comparison
on optimizing multiple relief flare loads,
Approach Header size, in.
the reboiler temperature pinch at relief
condition should be considered. Reduced Conservative 72
flare loads help reduce the flare header size Taking credit for reboiler pinching 56
and lower the costs incurred in designing
and building the flare header. In addition, yr of experience in the process and operations of oil Dhote has led various process safety studies
future operating and maintenance costs and gas and petrochemical industries. Prior to joining for more than 14 yr, such as quantitative risk
Saudi Aramco, Mr. Amin worked with CH2M Hill assessment, process hazard analysis, pressure
for the plant are optimized. (formerly VECO Canada), Worley Parsons Canada, relief analysis, and flare header analysis, among
and others in the process engineering department. others for oil and gas, petrochemical and chemical
DISCLAIMER Throughout his career, Mr. Amin has worked projects at various locations. He is also a certified
The information contained in this article repre- in various project lifecycle activities, including functional safety professional. Mr. Dhote graduated
sents the current view of the authors at the time of this proposals, conceptual design, front-end engineering, in 2001 from the Laxminarayan Institute of
publication. Process safety management is complex, detailed engineering, construction support, Technology at Nagpur University in India.
and this article cannot embody all possible scenarios or commissioning, operations and maintenance.
solutions related to compliance. This article contains He earned a BSc degree in chemical engineering and SACHIN KANADE is a Technical Safety Lead at
examples for illustration and is for informational pur- an MSc in total quality management (TQM) from the Siemens, supervising a team of engineers to
poses only. The authors’ companies make no warran- University of Punjab, Pakistan, as well as an MEng execute and provide process safety technical
ties, express or implied, in this work. degree in chemical and petroleum engineering from support. He has 16 yr of experience in process
the University of Calgary, Canada. He is a registered safety and risk assessment in the oil and gas
professional engineer in Alberta, Canada. industry. Mr. Kanade has extensive experience
NOTE performing consequence modeling and
a Aspen Technology’s HYSYS process simulation PRAVEEN DHOTE is a Chemical Engineer and a quantitative risk assessment studies, dispersion
software Process Safety Team Leader at Siemens. He has studies, facility siting/layout studies, radiation
19 yr of experience, specializing in process safety analysis, HAZOP studies, overpressure assessments,
HASAN AMIN is a Senior Process Engineer with the management (PSM) studies, and his extensive pressure relief and flare design, and much more.
process and control systems department at Saudi experience includes working on projects in Asia, He has a master’s degree in chemical engineering
Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He has nearly 22 central Africa, the Middle East, and the U.S. Mr. from Texas A&M University.