Yes Your English Supplement Volume 4

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Your English Supplement

Volume 4
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22 pages of

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YOUR The Land of
Game of Thrones
INVOLUNTARY Are you learning
BODY English or Effle?

restaurant English

What goes wrong

in translation

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to King Midas
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YES Volume 4
4 How to Use Your English Supplement

This page should help you to navigate the magazine in
Current Affairs Contents
News, Language News and Names News
Science News including archaeology,
health and physiology
general. Notice that on pages 6, 20, 66, 87 and 111 there 14 Internet: digital vs. real-life
are more details for each section of the magazine. connections + smartphones
16 Society: masculine eclipse
17 Economics: marketing to Gen Y

20 Culture Contents
21 Croatia: speaking English in the newest EU State
25 Language: are you learning English
or are you learning Effle?
28 Sports: assess the ref
everything you need to know about hiccupping,
burping, yawning, sneezing, laughter, smiling,
frowning, farting, itching, scratching and blushing
39 Art: celebrity in painting
40 Religion: religious bodies
41 HAIR FEATURE: baldness, beards,
16 21 wigs and extensions
46 Body language: a body of lies
48 Music: a cappella of the derrière
49 Food banks
50 Explorers: Sir Vivian Fuchs
52 Literature: in search of Sylvia Plath
54 Poetry: Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott
58 Cinema: Will Smith
62 What goes wrong in translation

66 Grammar Contents
30 41 67
Euphemisms: body functions
Word Building: -body and body- words
70 English in Context: essential restaurant talk
72 Grammar Focus: false comparatives
74 Etymology: an unfinished science
76 Phrasal verbs: body functions and phrasal verbs
78 False friends: nationalities
80 Idioms: the ancients in English expressions
82 Pronunciation: euphonization
84 Phonetics: turned script a

85 Subscription Information
50 54 86 Picture Description

87 Audio Scripts Contents

88 Audio Scripts
To download the audio files for this issue, please go to the
111 Exercises Contents
'Downloads' page on for instructions.
112 Exercises
You will need the code given above to access the files.
134 Staff and contact addresses // // @yeszine 135 In next month’s issue

YES 4 | 3
of the Dead
The Tube can also be macabre...

How to Use Death on the Tracks

Your English Supplement

Metro systems the world over1 attract the suicidal.
Underground workers use the euphemism ‘a one-under’
to refer to someone who has thrown himself or herself
under a Tube train. 2 King’s Cross and Victoria stations
attract the most suicides.
The Grea
There was
SYMBOLS in North L
Each page-long article in the magazine has been ging4 unde
created to be used more or less independently – hundred
so that you can learn and practise even if Black Deat
you only have five or ten minutes free.
At the same time, the symbols below allow you to
develop a theme you are interested in more extensively. ghosts. Th
Teachers can use these symbols to instantly prepare at Farringd
a class or classes around a common theme. pieces by h
Sarah Whi
Philip, was
Photo by Tzortzis searching
said to vis
death11 in
a noisy –bu
Exercise (at the end Speaking extension.
of the magazine). Test A question aimed at Follow
and consolidate what provoking a group
you have learned. discussion of the 1
the world
topic in question. the world
in New Yo
‘track pizz
to be mea
posed to b
to dig (dig
to run into
– encounter
Downloadable audio This arrow directs you 6
plague pi
file (see also audio to other related articles Photo by Sunil060902

scripts). There are in the magazine.

69-70 23 6
recommendations on
how best to use the
audio files on p. 87.

These are the only
abbreviations you
have to know to use
Listening extension this magazine:
(Internet). Once you’ve sb. = somebody
learned the basic sth. = something
vocabulary of a topic, swh. = somewhere
why not listen to [U] = uncountable noun
further discussions? [C] = countable noun

4 | YES 4
Metro systems the world over attract the suicidal.
Underground workers use the euphemism ‘a one-under’
to refer to someone who has thrown himself or herself
under a Tube train. 2 King’s Cross and Victoria stations Photo by Fish Gravy
attract the most suicides.
The Great Pestilence
FOOTNOTES There was meant to be3 a Tube station at Muswell Hill
The superscript numbers in the text in North London. Unfortunately, when they started dig-
refer to the footnotes at the bottom ging4 underground they ran into5 a massive plague pit6
or at the side of the same page. The – hundreds of skeletons of people who had died of the
footnotes explain the difficult vocabu- Black Death.
lary as determined by our non-native
proofreaders. Like you, these proof- Spectral Stations
readers are learners so they are able Meanwhile7, four stations are all said to be haunted8 by
to identify the exact words you need ghosts. The ‘Screaming Spectre’ of Anne Naylor appears
to know to understand the sentence. at Farringdon Station. She was murdered and cut into
Definitions are given in English, so that pieces by her mistress9 in 1758. Bank Station is home to
you learn to think in English and these Sarah Whitehead’s ghost. She was a nun10 whose brother,
definitions are then checked by the Philip, was executed in 1811. Her phantom is supposedly
non-native proofreaders to ensure that Photo by Tzortzis searching for him. The spirit of actor William Terriss is
you will understand them. Some words said to visit Convent Garden Tube. He was stabbed to
are defined by pictures: we use these death11 in 1897. Finally, Elephant & Castle is said to have
visual stimuli when that is the best way a noisy –but invisible– ghost.
to fix an idea in your memory. Read
the definition or look at the illustration Follow-on:
and then re-read the sentence in ques-
tion. By working with English-language 1
the world over – all around for victims of the Bubonic
footnotes you will rapidly increase the world Plague
your vocabulary and learn how English 2
in New York they are more 7
meanwhile – at the same time
words relate to each other, all of macabre; the term there is 8
to haunt – (of ghosts) frequent
which will have a dramatic impact on ‘track pizza’! 9
mistress – (in this case)
to be meant to be – be sup- female boss, lady in whose
your fluency and self-confidence .
posed to be house one works as a servant
Some readers find it useful to put 4
to dig (dig-dug-dug) – excavate 10
nun – religious woman who
their finger next to the word in the 5
to run into (run-ran-run) typically lives in a convent
article that they are looking for in the – encounter 11
to stab sb. to death – kill sb.
footnotes to make it easier to return Photo by Sunil060902
plague pit – common grave with a dagger/knife
to the text afterwards. Either way, it
YES 1 | 37
69-70 shouldn’t
23 be6 difficult to find your place
because the footnotes are numbered
and the words are highlighted in bold.
Notice that the syllables and words that
should be stressed2 are underlined.
Red footnotes give extra cultural
(rather than linguistic) information, 1
self-confidence – self-assurance (opposite of ‘self-doubt’, ‘hesitancy’)
or they refer you to other articles. 2
to stress sth. – emphasize, underline

Consonants Pure Vowels Dipthongs

PHONEMIC /ʧ/ as in church, watch /æ/ as in cat /iə/ as in ear, here
SYMBOLS /ʃ/ as in wash, sure, action
/ʤ/ as in judge, gesture
/ʌ/ as in cut
/ə/ as in occur, supply,
/eə/ as in air, there

Here are the phonemic /ʒ/ as in measure, vision aroma

symbols that we use /j/ as in yes /ɜ:/ as in first, turn, earn
which might cause you /θ/ as in thick, path /ɔ:/ as in court, warn
problems. /ð/ as in this, breathe
/ŋ/ as in sing

YES 4 | 5
7 What should the minimum age for

using a lethal weapon be?

8 For more on the lady pirates watch:
This section of the magazine offers short news
What’s the most embarrassing
stories organized thematically:
mistake you’ve ever made?

9 How important is a company’s name

7 News to its success in your country?
- a couple of serious news stories
from around the world 12 For more on English cannibalism in Virginia, watch:
8 Language News
- news from the world of linguistics
and language learning 16 There’s an interesting mini-documentary
9 Names News on The Feminine Mystique at:
- some interesting bits of information that
have emerged recently regarding names
10 Science News: Health
- the results of the latest medical research
11 Science News: Physiology
- the most recent physiological
discoveries as a lead-in to pp.30-38
12 Archaeology News
- keep up with the past!

14 Internet News
- is e-connection replacing face-to-face
interaction? How smart are Smartphones?

16 Society: A Masculine Eclipse?

- the crisis of Western manhood

17 Economics: the Birth of Consumer Research

- How a Viennese laundry changed
the way we do business
18 Economics: Marketing to Gen Y
- rip up the marketing rule book!
19 Behavioural Economics: it’s
all about experience
- the psychology of the Gen-Y consumer

6 | YES 4
Science news | HEALTH

In Yes2 we presented you with 10 scientifically proven
cannabis users have a lower risk of developing diabetes
than those who do not smoke the drug. In part, this may
be because potheads15 are on average16 slimmer17
ways to lose weight. Now a team from the University than those who don’t smoke dope18, though an active
at Buffalo, New York, and the University of Vermont ingredient in cannabis – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) –
has found an even better way to diet. The secret to the may prove useful in future anti-diabetes treatments.
‘dull2 diet’ is deceptively3 simple: monotony. Identify a
balance meal and then eat the same thing every day. In
tests people whose diet was monotonously boring ate
100 fewer calories per meal than they otherwise would.
In evolutionary terms the human diet was presumably
rather4 repetitive. We probably evolved to guzzle on5
unusual food because it would offer nutritional benefits.
Unfortunately, the same mechanism can lead to6 obesity
in a society in which endless varieties of food exist.


Research from Imperial College London suggests that
drinking just one fizzy9 drink a day can significantly
increase the risk of suffering from late-onset diabetes10.
The research which analyzed the habits of 28,000 Euro-
peans found that those who drank a can11 of carbonated
soft drink a day or more had a 22% greater probability
of developing type-2
diabetes than those who
drank one can a month
or fewer. Even when the
weight gain caused by
the consumption of fizzy
drinks was taken into Photo by David Osado

account12, those who

drank a can a day or more
were 18% more likely
Research from Switzerland has found that those who live on
to suffer13 from diabetes the ground floor19 of tower blocks are 40% more likely
later in life. It seems that to die20 of lung21 cancer and 35% more likely to die of
sugary drinks alter our heart disease22 than those who live on the eighth floor or
resistance to insulin. higher. Since23 most modern blocks have lifts24, the differ-
Meanwhile14, a US ence is probably due to25 air quality. The only form of death
study has found that Photo by Simon Cousins that was more likely for those living high up was suicide.

foolproof – infallible taking narcotics probability of suffering – have a 40% greater probability
dull – boring, monotonous 9
fizzy – carbonated 14
meanwhile – at the same time of dying
deceptively – misleadingly, (in 10
late-onset diabetes – 15
pothead – sb. who consumes 21
lung (adj.) – pulmonary
this case) surprisingly type-2 diabetes marijuana 22
heart disease – coronary
rather – quite, surprisingly 11
can – 16
on average – typically illness
to guzzle on – eat a lot of 12
to take into account 17
slimmer – thinner, less fat 23
since – (in this case) given
to lead to (lead-led-led) – result (take-took-taken) – take 18
dope – pot, marijuana that, as
in into consideration 19
ground floor – storey at street 24
lift (UK English) – elevator
fizz – bubbles in drinks 13
were 18% more likely to level (US English)
buzz – feeling of euphoria from suffer – had an 18% higher 20
are 40% more likely to die 25
due to – because of

10 | YES 4
46 Psychology: a body of lies – the

misinterpretation of body language
48 Music: Joseph Pujol at the Moulin Rouge
49 Food Banks: a sign of the times
50 Explorers: Sir Vivian Fuchs – the Antarctic Fox
This section of the magazine offers...
52 Literature: in search of Sylvia Plath
54 Poetry: Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott
21-24 Travel: Croatia – Lois visits the EU’s EXERCISE 34
newest member and finds out that 58 Cinema: Will Smith
the Croatians have an excellent grasp of English EXERCISE 18
EXERCISE 33 62 What goes wrong in translation?
25-27 Language: are you learning English EXERCISE 26
or are you learning Effle?
What’s wrong with classroom English?
28 Sports: assess the ref
45 Watch this excellent documentary – Hair
- some of the greatest refereeing
India – on how inequality is reflected
failures in the history of sport
in the world of hair extensions:

30 Hiccupping: one man’s life sentence
46 Here’s an interesting TED talk on body language:
31 Burping: cultural myths
49 There’s loads on food banks on YouTube
32 Yawning: more contagious than Ebola!
but this short documentary from
33 Sneezing: don’t look into the light
the US is a good place to start:
34 Laughter: some serious benefits
35 Smiling & Frowning: from the cradle
to the grave
36 Flatulence: farting laws and fish
that use farting to communicate
37 Scratching & itching: pleasure and pain
38 Blushing: mixed messages

Celebrity in painting: why is

the Mona Lisa so famous?
Religious bodies: faith, flesh and food

41 History: a brief history of hairstyling
42 Baldness: what it says about you
43 Beards: the strange case of the
US facial-hair terrorist
44 Wigs: the rise and fall of the hairpiece
45 Hair extensions: stealing from the poor

20 | YES 4

The Bald

F or many men over the age of 30

(and some quite a bit younger)
baldness2 is the issue3 of their lives.
To be bald means to be middle aged,
over the hill4 . But is all the trauma
justified? Certainly, slapheads 5 face
some discrimination. There is a myth
in Anglo cultures that baldies don’t
get elected to public office – despite Photo by Marina Carresi
the fact the Churchill and Roosevelt Bald men are cleverer and better fathers.

were bald – and Putin manages

to get ‘re-elected’ again and again No Time for Baldies families together by making men
and again! The most hair-obsessed of ancient feel less attractive. Bald men are on
peoples were the Assyrians, who are average16 cleverer, richer and more
considered the inventors of hair- virile than those men who have hair
styling6.7 However, they had no time on their heads. Silverback gorillas
for slapheads 5 since 8 they associ- are usually bald and young male
ated baldness with weakness and gorillas have been seen to rub17 their
impotence; it was associated with heads against trees, presumably in
eunuchs. This is ironic because cas- an attempt18 to get balder.
tration is an effective – if a tad9 radi-
cal – cure for baldness. 10 The Bad Side of Bald
On the downside 19 , Japanese
Sexy Slapheads research 20 suggests that bald men
However, the idea that the bald- are between 30% and 70% more
headed are past it11 is clearly wrong. likely to21 suffer from heart dis-
Some psychologists believe that ease 22 than hirsute 23 men. In any
women find bald men attractive case, the cold comfort 24 for men
because their lack of12 hair suggests going bald is that they are men. 30%
maturity, they’ll hang around13 and of women start to experience hair
take care of14 the kids15. Meanwhile, loss by the age of 40 and baldness is
Frank Skinner in The Times has far more25 traumatic for them.
Photo by Cadet Patrick Caughey
Patrick Stewart suggested that baldness helps keep

the bald truth – the basic/unadorned truth 10
‘male pattern’ baldness is caused by 18
attempt – effort
baldness /ˈbɔ:ldnəs/ – having no hair on top testosterone 19
on the downside – on the negative side,
of one’s head 11
to be past it – be over the hill4, be too old on the other hand
issue – (in this case) problem, question 12
lack of – absence of 20
research – scientific investigations
to be over the hill – be past one’s prime, be 13
to hang around (hang-hung-hung) – stay, 21
are more likely to – have a greater proba-
in decline not abandon one’s family bility of + -ing
slaphead – (informal/offensive) bald man 14
to take care of (take-took-taken) – care for, 22
heart disease – coronary illness
hairstyling – hair aesthetics look after 23
hirsute – hairy, who have hair
see exercise 21 on p. 124 15
kids – (colloquial) children 24
cold comfort – inadequate consolation
since – (in this case) given that 16
on average – typically 25
far more – much more
a tad – a little, somewhat, rather 17
to rub – scour, scrape, scratch, abrade

42 | YES 4
70 Here is an old Efl classic restaurant sketch:
This section of the magazine offers...
Track 1 Does psychiatry work for people
or for Big Pharma?

Euphemisms: how not to talk about

67 Track 2 In Britain 45% of first marriages end in
involuntary body functions divorce. However, only 31% of second
EXERCISE 5 marriages do. Meanwhile, parents often don’t
get married, while other couples choose not
68 Word Building: compound words to have children. Is the traditional family
formed from -body and body- becoming extinct? If so, does it matter?
Track 3 Tomorrow belongs to her – do women
70 English in Context: Essential Restaurant Talk hold the keys to the future of the West?
Track 5 Describe your perfect home.
Grammar Focus: False as... as... Comparative

74 Etymology: an unfinished Ssience

Should we accept all etymologists’ conclusions?

Body Functions & Phrasal Verbs


False Friends: nationalities


Ancient Peoples in English

idioms and expressions

Pronunciation: Euphonization

Phonetics: turned script a


Subscription Form
Picture Description

66 | YES 4
English in

Whether1 you go on holiday abroad2 or you work over
the summer in a hotel, the place you are most likely to
need3 English is in a restaurant. Fortunately, the conversa-
tions between waiters and diners4 are highly predictable.

Magic Words Photo by Marina Carresi

A cursory5 look at the sentences below should con-

vince you that the secret to interacting in a restaurant in Waiter: Good evening.10
English is saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’. There Waiter: Is that a table for four?
is a reason for this. When we interact with strangers6, Waiter: How many will that be, please?
Anglos generally prefer respectful but formal relations Diner: There’s four of us.
between equals. The biggest mistake made by non-Anglo Waiter: Would you follow me please?
diners is to think they are in a position of superiority over Diner: We’d like to sit near the window, please.
their waiter; the biggest mistake made by non-Anglo wait- Waiter: How’s this table for you?11
ers is to be overly7 informal. Of course, you should judge Waiter: I’ll just get you some menus.
each interaction separately and behave8 accordingly, but
respectful formality is the best starting point. Ordering
Clarity when the order is being taken can avoid all sorts
First Contact of problems later on:
First impressions count and you will put the other person Waiter: Are you ready to order?
at their ease9 if you show you understand English during Diner: Could we have a little longer12? We’re not quite
your initial contact: ready yet.
Waiter: Of course, sir.

Waiter: Can I recommend the lemon sole13?

Waiter: How do you like your steak?
Diner: Rare14/medium rare/well done, please.
Diner: Are there any nuts15 in this? I’m allergic.
Waiter: I’m sorry but it seems there’s no lasagna left. Is
there anything else you would like instead16?
Waiter: And what would you like to drink?
Diner: A bottle of mineral water, please.
Waiter: Still17 or sparkling18?
Waiter: So, that’s two beers, a Coke and a sparkling min-
eral water.
Photo by Usien

whether – irrespective of customer in a restaurant 10
notice that, however late it 13
lemon sole – (Microstomus
whether (= ‘if’ – but ‘if’ cannot be 5
cursory – quick, superficial is, we only say ‘good night’ kitt) a common flatfish
used before ‘or’) 6
stranger – (false friend) sb. one when we or other people are 14
rare – fried/grilled very little
abroad – overseas, in a foreign does not know leaving 15
nuts –
country 7
overly – excessively 11
how’s this table for you? – 16
instead – in sub-
are most likely to need – have 8
to behave – act, conduct would this table be satisfactory stitution for that
the greatest probability of oneself for you? 17
still – with no
needing 9
to put sb. at their ease (put- 12
a little longer – a little more bubbles
diner /ˈdainər/ – (in this case) put-put) – make sb. feel relaxed time 18
sparkling – fizzy, with bubbles

70 | YES 4
8 15
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The following pages contain the transcriptions
of what is spoken on the audio files.

Spoken English is significantly different from the written language: YES NO. 4 TRACK LIST
A more limited vocabulary is generally used
and it is, by definition, more colloquial. Mini-debates (33m10s)
Moreover1, spoken English uses many more 1. Is psychiatry inventing spurious
incomplete or badly constructed sentences. disorders? (12m19s)
On the other hand, intonation and stress can be used in speech. 2. What is a family? (10m58s)
3. Is the West experiencing a
‘masculine eclipse’? (9m52s)
Follow our eight-step process to get the most out of the audio scripts: 4. Pronunciation (4m02s)

Before you listen we recommend that you read through Monologues:

1 the relevant section of the footnotes2 (not the text itself). My Perfect Home (12m46s)
This should give you some idea of the subject3 and help you 5. Monologue 1 [US English] (2m47s)
to understand the more difficult vocabulary as you listen. 6. Monologue 2 [Irish English] (3m38s)
7. Monologue 3 [Anglo-Welsh] (3m58s)
When you listen the first time, don’t expect to 8. Monologue 4 [British English] (2m21s)
2 understand everything; listening practice should
not be a painful4 process. Simply see how much 9. Phonetics (1m19s)
meaning you can extract from the recording.
Mini-dialogues (19m51s)
Listen more times going back to the footnotes 10. The Anniversary Trip (5m31s)
3 to integrate the information you have. 11. The 2x4s Ain’t 4x4 (9m43s)
12. Home Delivery (4m35s)
Once you understand reasonably well, do the relevant exercise.
4 13. Euphonization (0m55s)

Finally, read the audio scripts as you listen again. 14. Picture Description (4m25s)
15. Essential Restaurant Talk (2m23s)
Stop each time you get lost or encounter a
6 structure that interests or confuses you. Total time: 1h15m13s

Repeat words or phrases whose pronunciation surprises you.

moreover – what’s more, furthermore
Two or three days later, listen to the text again without
8 reading to see if your understanding has improved5.
footnotes – notes at the bottom
of the page (in this box)
subject (n.) – (in this context) theme
This process is intense and time-consuming. However, it will
painful – (in this context) arduous, unpleasant
to improve – get better
eventually6 solve the problem most learners have of relating7 the 6
eventually – (false friend) in the end
spoken word to the written. Once you’ve done that, the rest is easy! 7
to relate – associate, connect, link

YES 4 | 87

Mini-Debates  (33m10s)

1. Debate 1 EW: But different… I mean13, every-

body has… there’s a line, isn’t there?
(12m19s) EM: It’s a continuum.
EW: That you can have a little bit…
Is psychiatry inventing spurious1 disorders2? The psychiatric profession EM: Sure.
stands accused of making up3 mental illnesses so that pharmaceutical EW: But do they actually16 define
companies can sell more drugs4. Are we popping too many pills5? what is… when it’s a serious…
EM: I don’t know the details. I’ll just23
give you a couple more. There’s inter-
Englishman (EM): Right, well, the they publish themselves, they have net disorder2…
American Psychiatric Association people who are psychologists 15 that Irishman (IM): I’ve got that.
have just recently6 published the invent – I would say – these new ill- EM: …which is being addicted to
latest7 version of the Diagnostic and nesses, they invent them so that they computers. Yeah, fine, OK. There’s
Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- can use them to diagnose patients binge-eating24 disorder2.
der2 which is a sort8 of bible of psy- and have more patients and in order EW: I’ve got that.
chiatric care. This book has a – sort to sell more drugs4. Apparently, if an EM: There’s hyper-sexual disorder2,
of9 – interesting history because illness is not defined in this manual which means you’re addicted to sex.
it was… in the 1950s it was ring- then they cannot diagnose someone I don’t know what pills they have for
bound10 thing with a – y’know11 – with that illness… that.
couple of entries and now it’s huge EM: Oh, right. AM: But these are new?
great big12 tome with thousands and AM: …and therefore they can’t pre- EM: These are new ones apparently
thousands of illnesses. And, I mean13, scribe drugs4 to them. for this latest edition. Y’know11, you’d
there’s a number of new ones again Englishwoman (EW): But can they think they probably already had those
this year in the new volume. And actually16 invent an illness or do they in there. But I mean13, you get 48 mil-
according to the last volume, one in just basically17 define a condition? lion Americans as mentally ill even
six Americans was mentally ill, 48 EM: Well, let’s have a look at some without those new ones.
million, presumably that will jump of the new ones that have gone into AM: Well, those numbers are good
up14 now with the new illnesses. Are the latest book. There’s hoarding18 for them and good for the pharma-
these illnesses? I mean13, if you get to disorder2, which means that you find ceutical business. I mean13, the more
a point where 50% of the population it difficult to get rid of19 possessions, patients you have the more money
can be defined as mentally ill, does you’re addicted to having stuff20. you make.
mental illness have any meaning? There’s21 also television programmes IM: It’s basically a racket25.
American man (AM): Well, I think to back that one up22. I’m not quite EM: But, so what is mental illness?
this manual that they have and that sure what the pills are for that, but… AM: Very good question.

spurious – bogus, false 10
ring-bound – 18
hoarding – the excessive accumulation of
disorder – (in this case) psychological 11
y’know – (pause filler) kind things
problem of, sort of, I mean, like 19
to get rid of (get-got-got) – discard, throw
to make up (make-made-made) – invent 12
huge great big – away, eliminate
(pharmaceutical) drugs – (in this case) (emphatic/colloquial) 20
stuff – (informal) possessions, belongings
pharmaceutical products enormous 21
there’s – (informal) there are
to pop pills – take tablets 13
I mean – (pause filler) like, 22
to back sth. up – support sth., make sth.
just recently – (emphatic) recently y’know, kind of, sort of more convincing
latest – most recent 14
to jump up – increase significantly 23
just – (in this case) quickly
sort – kind, type 15
he means ‘psychiatrists’ 24
binge-eating – eating an excessive quan-
sort of – (pause filler) kind of, like, I mean, 16
actually – (false friend) really tity of food in one meal, compulsive eating
y’know 17
just basically – (emphatic) basically 25
racket – fraudulent scheme, swindle

88 | YES 4
11 66
122 17. Phrasal Verbs Round-up: how many new
phrasal verbs have you learned this month?
18. Cinema: a quiz relating to Will Smith
(pp. 58-61).
112 1. Illustrations round-up: see if you can identify 123 19. False Friends: test how well you have
most of the objects and actions illustrated in the understood p. 78.
footnotes of this issue. 20. False Friends Round-Up: review the false
2. Following on from the article on p. 33, here is friends identified in the footnotes.
a Victorian rhyme for predicting the future from
your sneezing! See if you can fill the gaps. 124 21. Prepositions: fill the gaps in this text
about Assyrian hairstyles with the correct
113 3. Title Tag: can you match these alternative titles prepositions (p. 41).
to the news, language and science articles on 22. Internet Listening: test your listening
pp. 7-13? comprehension of this fascinating talk about
4. Grammar Focus: fill the gaps in this false- art (p. 39).
comparatives exercise (pp. 72-73).
5. Euphemisms: match the euphemisms to their 125 23. Reading comprehension: an exercise relating
meanings (p. 67). to pp. 50-51.
24. Phrasal verbs: revise the multi-word verbs
114 6. Word Search: find words relating to involuntary from pp. 76-77.
body functions (pp. 30-38).
126 25. Dialogues: a listening comprehension on
115 7. Homophones: replace the homophones so that tracks 10-12 (pp. 102-109)
this excerpt about the history of football referees 26. Translation: correct this real example of
makes sense (pp. 28-29). broken English from Lisbon.
8. See how well you absorbed the English in
Context material about essential restaurant 127 27. Economics: a varied exercise relating to
English (pp. 70-71). pp. 17-19?
28. Wordplay: another word game relating to the
116 9. Crossword for general vocabulary revision. Society article on p. 16.

117 10. Sentence transformation for general syntax 128 29. Word Building: complete these sentences with
revision of structures from this issue. compound ‘body’ words from pp. 68-69.
30. A multiple-choice reading-comprehension
118 11. Debates: listening comprehension for audio exercise relating to pp. 25-27.
tracks 1-3
129 31. Listening comprehension for the monologues
119 12. Too many words: find the unnecessary words (audio tracks 5-8, pp. 98-102).
in this extract about beards from p. 43. 32. Pronunciation: practise your euphonization.
13. US vs. UK: fill the gaps in the chart. This (pp. 82-83).
relates to the whole magazine.
130 33. map exercise: a bit of topography relating to
120 14. Idioms: complete the sentences with names of the travel article (pp. 21-24).
ancient peoples from pp. 79-81. 34. Poetry: use the rhyme scheme to complete
15. Pronunciation round-up: review the difficult these stanzas from the poem analyzed on
words from the footnotes. pp. 54-57.

121 16. Word game: test your vocabulary and 131-133 ANSWERS
understanding of English morphology

YES 4 | 111
12. Facial Hair. Read the article on p. 43 and answer the following questions:

1. What, according to the article, does the popularity of beards represent?

2. Why would we therefore expect the Ancient Greeks to favour beards?
3. Why did Alexander the Great’s soldiers and Roman soldiers shave their beards?
4. Why were beards banned in the British army in World War I?

ii. Below we reproduce the last section on p. 43: ‘The US Hair Terrorist’. However, there is an unnecessary word in each
line. Indentify it and write it on the right. Don’t look back at the article until after you have finished the exercise:

When Lincoln was being elected in 1860 he was the first bearded US 1..............................................................................................
President. A Democrat named with Valentine Tapley had sworn 2.............................................................................................
that he would never shave himself again if Lincoln became president 3.............................................................................................
and, by the time of Tapley’s death in 1910, his own beard was 4............................................................................................
around four metres long. The USA hasn’t had a new bearded 5.............................................................................................
President for 120 years despite of a series of them in the second 6............................................................................................
half of the 19th Century.

In February of 2013 an Amish leader in Ohio, Samuel Mullet, was 7.............................................................................................

jailed for 15 years prison for organizing the kidnapping of 8............................................................................................
dissident members of his community and too cutting their hair 9............................................................................................
and beards off. 15 of Mullet’s followers were jailed up for lesser 10..........................................................................................
terms for carrying out his orders. The married Amish men are 11............................................................................................
expected to grow beards, so that the attacks were a symbolic castration. 12...........................................................................................

13. US vs. UK. Throughout the magazine we highlight variety-specific vocabulary in the footnotes. See if you can
complete this chart with the missing terms:

UK English US English page/footnote reference

1 crayfish (p. 8, n. 4)
2 elevator (p. 10, n. 24)
3 fetus (p. 30, n. 4)
4 laughter lines (p. 35, n. 10)
5 blusher (p. 38, n. 32)
6 wait in line (p. 39, n. 12)
7 name sth. for sb. (p. 48, n. 4)
8 full stop (p. 65, n. 6)
9 bodysuit (p. 69, n. 4)
10 behaviour (p. 77, n. 10)
11 Holstein cow (p. 79, n. 7)
12 cooker (p. 98, n. 182)
13 smack-bang (p. 99, n. 197)
14 zucchini (p. 101, n. 238)
15 cutlery (p. 103, n. 286)
16 a tin (p. 104, n. 295)
17 gaol (p. 104, n. 296)

YES 4 | 119



Anglo Files, S.L. (publisher) FOR MORE INFORMATION, WRITE US AT [email protected]

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Douglas Jasch, Prof. Raoul Franklin,
Colman Keane, Almudena Cáceres,
Susannah Jones, Robbie Jones, Lois
Humphrey, Julie Davies, Adrian Hall,
AmyJo Doherty, Hamish Binns, Ruth Nathan Burkiewicz
[email protected] [email protected]
Hellema, Garrett Wall, Dave Mooney,
Howard Brown, Bea Alzona, Saskia Eijkins.
Published by Anglo Files S.L. C/ Bronce 27, 11-B, Madrid 28045
PHOTOGRAPHY Depósito legal: M-9788-2013 // ISSN: 2255-5676
PVP: 10,00€ VAT included/incluido IVA // Printed in Spain
Cover photo: ‘Will Smith’ by Vanessa Lua.
All rights reserved. Neither all nor part of this magazine
Leonardo L. Carresi, Lois Humphrey, can be reproduced, recorded in or transmitted by any
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Raúl Puy and Irene Sanz written permission from the publisher and in accordance with
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conditions will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

134 | YES 4
In the Next Issue of
Your English Supplement

Let’s get cerebral:

How to be Intelligent:
- Emotional intelligence,
- Artificial intelligence and
- The benefits of stupidity

The process of thrombosis:

- Jill Bolt Taylor’s Stroke of Insight

Aware of being conscious:

- What is consciousness and
do we really have it?
- My brain made me do it –
criminality and consciousness
- Are animals conscious?

The first sign of madness:

- Talking to ourselves: the
conversation in our heads

Left hemisphere, Cinema Poetry

right hemisphere: Charlize Theron – Blake’s The Tyger: children’s poem
- Does your brain determine the South African chameleon or revolutionary philosophy?
your politics?

This is the end:

- Thoughts after death

Plus loads more stuff on economics, internet, science,

news, language etc. which we haven’t decided yet!

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