Perona-Malik Anisotropic Filtering: Machine Vision - RE4107 Dr. Colin Flanagan

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Perona-Malik Anisotropic Filtering

Machine Vision – RE4107

Dr. Colin Flanagan

Group Members:

Name ID
Cian Conway 10126767
Patrick Stapleton 10122834
Ivan McCaffrey 10098119

Perona-Malik diffusion or anisotropic diffusion is a computer vision filtering technique that

aims at reducing image noise without reducing the image’s quality in the process. This
diffusion technique typically resembles the process that creates a scale space, where an image
generates a parameterized family of successively more and more blurred images based on a
diffusion process. Each of the resulting images in this filter is given as a convolution between
the image and a 2D isotropic Gaussian filter. This diffusion is a linear and space invariant
transformation of the original image. Anisotropic diffusion is a much generalized version of
the diffusion process. It produces a family of parameterized images where each resulting
image is a combination between a filter that depends on the content of the original image and
the original image itself. This means that anisotropic diffusion is a linear and space invariant
transformation of the original image.

Algorithm Properties

Let Ω ⊂ R2 denote a subset of the plane and I(∙, t) → R be a family of greyscale images. With
this, anisotropic diffusion can be defined as:

Where, ∆ denotes Laplacian, ∇ denotes Gradient, div(…) is the divergence operator and
c(x,y,t) is the diffusion coefficient. c(x,y,t) also controls the rate of the diffusion. When
Perona and Malik pioneered the idea they proposed two functions for the diffusion


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The constant K controls the sensitivity to edges and is usually chosen experimentally or as a
function of the noise in the image.

Comparison of “Stopping” Functions

To implement an alternate stopping function, the following code should be implemented in
the python program:

def f(lam,b):
func = 1/(1 + ((lam/b)**2))
return func

This code is commented into our program.


This section contains the input and output from our python code. By viewing these images it
is easy to see Perona-Malik anisotropic filtering in action. The images were taken from the
sample images provided in the Sulis folder.

Image 1: noisy_rect.png

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Image 2: noisy_empire.png



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It is obvious that the above images were successful in efficiently implementing Perona-Malik
anisotropic diffusion. The above images clearly a show a significant noise reduction
difference between the before and after images. Noise reduction was successfully achieved
but it also important to note the edges and lines maintained their sharpness.

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