"Other Worlds" - Science Fiction - July 1950

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The cover oj the Oct.

1912 All-Story, w h ich

•was the first Tarzan il-
lustration, and the first
Tarzan Talc.

TO A Romance </^Jundlt


By Darrell C. Richardson

TARZAN of the Apes first appeared as a novel in the October 1912 AU-Story Maga-
zine. It was Edgar Rice Burroughs' second published story and the third tale he had
ever written. Previously Under the Moons oj Mars had appeared serially in the same
publication under the pseudonym Norman Bean. "Tarzan" was an immediate hit, and
its publication in book form in 1914 started its author on the path to fame and fortune.

Today Tarzan has established his durability and is more popular than ever. Through
movies, radio, comic strip and television he has been introduced to a prodigious world-
wide public. 291 newspapers in America bring Tarzan to 15,672,000 people; 28 foreign
countries add millions more. There have been 364 Tarzan radio programs. 25 Tarzan
movies have been made, featuring 10 movie Tarzans. Half a billion people have seen
Tarzan on the screen.There have been 24 Tarzan books in all, with three more yet to
be published. Even more popular with the fantasy reader is John Carter of Mars. Mil-
lions of readers the world over think of Mars as the planet Barsoom, populated by
(Concluded on inside back cover)
September Issue
est Sale Jeste 30

•ENCHANTED VILLA GI (6,000 ntdi] A. I. ran vegt 6

ATOMIC ERROR (400 w«ra>> Fori-..* 1. »ck™. II

WISHIR TAKIS ALL (300 w.rdl) William r. Tempi, 20

COLOSSUS II (17,000 worji) S. J. Byrne M

THI JUSTICE Of MARTIN BRAND (39,000 w.rdl) «. H. Irwin 60
WAY IN THE MIDDLE Of THI AIR (4.SO0 worde) Hay SraaDOry l«




Ceres emtMt Hf Mskxnm Smut,

Pvbliehed bi-evmftty By CRM IW.li.Ston Company, at 11*1 Aehtann Ayenne. Evonlon, llllnnh.
Entered at rewnd-clois nurttar ot the Peel Office at tVanston, III. Additional entry at Chkaao, III.
We tin not netept ntepaneibillry far Ae rettim of enrotkited manuKripte, pnetegraakt or artwork.
CapyrlRM IPSO, Clark ryMMInn Company.
pwID YOU readers ever stop to in the small-town newspaper, where
j ) think how much drivel you've the editor crusades for law and order
had to absorb against your will in and gets foully murdered by the thugs
editorials by editors who could put and his blood clots the type so it
the natural gas companies out of busi- can't be used without "soaking it in
ness in short order if they'd only con- kerosene. However, those days are
nect their typewriters to the end of gone, and today when you spout
the gas pipes that lead from the oil- about justice, you are only trying to
fields? It seems that there is a good prove why you should earn a living,
old American custom that every jerk and the other guy oughta starve if he
who puts out a magazine has to foul isn't as smart as you think you are.

up the first few pages of his publi- Or, you could be a crackpot and
cation with what he calls an "editor- try to remake the world. You could
ial" but which is really only spilling yell about how scientific knowledge
bis guts, and he's got a lot of them! is outstripping man's spiritual ad-
As a matter of fact, we've just fin- vancement, and he's going to pulver-
ished writing an editorial, and wound ize himself with the H-bomb. The
up by tearing it up and throwing it inference to an argument like that is
in the waste basket. Which, we admit, that we ought to scrap our scientific
is where it belonged. advancement and go back to covered
Just what do you put in an editor- wagons and horses. Or maybe put a
ial for a magazine called OTHER "governor" on a scientist's mind so
WORLDS1 It's an insult to the read- he can think only so fast.
er's intelligence to list the stories for Or, we can collect quotes by both
him and tell him just why each one sides, like Einstein says the bomb
is the most wonderful story he's ever will kill us all, and a purple-nosed
read. He can judge that for himself. general says the best defense is a
And it's stuffy to fill the editorial good offense; all of which goes to
with scientific tripe picked up out of prove ostriches after all have the
scientific journals and passed on with —
best system they get booted in the
sanctimonious wisecracks about how tail-feathers, but they haven't built
"we told you so long before the scien- up an advance neurosis worrying
tists found It out." Now whatinell about It
does that make as? Prophets or just — Your editor just doesn't know what
plain egotists looking for a pat on the an editorial is, so he generally uses
back? We guess it's the latter. In the this space to have fun. Trouble is,
first place, we didn't know we were he sometimes isn't very funny. But
prophets until the scientists, with when a guy falls fiat on his face in
much labor, invented something close a mudpuddle, while carrying a stack
to what we'd dreamed up between of clean laundry, that's good for a
plpefuts of opium. terrific laugh. So, if we lay an egg
Then there** the old-time editorial with a gag, maybe even that comes

under the heading of fun. ingly we are reprinting all the old
Our editorial conclusion is that edi-
corn, and passing it off as a classic.
torials aren't to be taken seriously, In science fiction, a classic is a yarn
and considering the nitwits who write everybody has read before, but which
them, the reader ought to be condi- can be published without paying for
it because the author was damfool
tioned to begin laughing automati-
callywhen he starts reading one. enough to sell all rights. So, when he
sees his story reprinted as a classic,
As a matter of illustrating what we without receiving a check, he will
mean, we refer to a dozen editorials learn the hard way that he has been
we've just finished reading. Con- a fool and in the future he will be a
densed, the matter stands thusly: wiser man and will turn out good
Each issue of every magazine has literature instead of junk that editors
the best stories ever published in that can sneer at and buy all rights. It
magazine. The editor, because of his is a well-known fact that all editors

many years of close contact with the recognize a terrific story when they
public, is fully qualified to testify see one, and reward the author ac-
that the public is public, and you can cordingly. That is why the idiot who
quote me. The human race cannot bought the editor a beer gets three
be going to the dogs, since it just cents a word, while the incipient
went there. Ergo, we must be coming Hemingway gets rooked for a cent
back from the dogs. When we get on a yarn that will be read long after
back front the dogs, we will go back the editor's tombstone reads: "There's
to the dogs. Do you follow? Then always room at the top of the mast-
you are a dog-follower. The principle head for somebody else if you can't
of the H-bomb is not fully understood sell magazines, fella!"
by the scientists, because they have All of which brings us to the only
neglected to proceed in an orderly
important part of this editorial, the
manner. We
begin with the A-bomb,
part where we extend our sincere
but what happened to the B-bomb,
thanks to Ray Bradbury for giving
the C-bomb, the D-bomb, the E-
us our chance to buy his Way in the
bomb, the F-bomb and the G-bomb?
Middle of the Air; and to A. E. van
These fool scientists don't even know
Vogt for his Enchanted Village, which
what comes after Al So what chance
we enjoyed very much; and to G. H.
do they have to understand what a
Irwin for a story about people who
Null-A is? Our nest conclusion is that
act like ordinary people and make
readers of science fiction are readers
us like them very much, even though
of science fiction, but science fiction under the same circumstances we'd
need not be written for the adolescent funk out in terror. We appreciate,
mind, therefore, if written for the ma- too, simple little yarns like William
ture mind, science fiction can be good F. Temple's shortie; and S. J. Byrne's
literature, and what's more develop- Colossus //, which is part of a novel
ing to the mind than good literature? he wrote that got away from him and
Which of course leads us to the con- became a word-colossus so big it had
clusion that something must be done to be broken into three sections to
to reprint some good literature in publish. All we hope is you readers
science fiction magazines. Accord- enjoy 'em as much as we did. Rap.
XPLORERS of a new frontier ever his thirst became unbearable.
they had been called before
, Jenner climbed high before he re-
they left for Mars. alized that it was not just another

For a while after the ship crashed dune that had barred his way. He
into a Martian desert, killing all on paused, and as he gazed up at the

board except miraculously this one — mountain that towered above him, he
man, Bill Jenner spat the words oc- cringed a little. For an instant, he
casionally into the constant, sand- felt the hopelessness of this mad race
laden wind. He despised himself for he was making to nowhere but he —
the pride he had felt when he first reached the top. He saw that below
heard them. him was a depression surrounded by
His fury faded with each mile that hills as high or higher than the one
he walked, and his black grief for his on which he stood. Nestled in the
friends became a gray ache. Slowly valley they made was a village.
he realized that he had made a ruin- He could see trees, and the marble
ous misjudgment. floor of a courtyard. A score of build-
He had underestimated the speed ings were clustered around what
at which the rocketship had been seemed to be a central square. They
traveling. He'd guessed that he were mostly low-constructed, but there
would have to walk three hundred were four towers pointing gracefully
miles to reach the shallow, Polar sea into the sky. They shone in the sun-
he and the others had observed as light with a marble luster.
they glided in from outer space. Ac- Faintly, there came to Jenner's
tually, the ship must have flashed an ears a thin, high-pitched whistling
immensely greater distance before it sound. It rose, fell, faded completely,
hurtled down out of control. then came up again clearly and un-
The days stretched behind him, pleasantly. Even as Jenner ran to-
seemingly as numberless as the hot, ward it, the noise grated on his ears,

red, alien sand that scorched through eerie and unnatural.

his tattered clothes. This huge scare- He kept slipping on smooth rock,
crow of a man kept moving across the and bruised himself when he fell. He
endless, arid waste —
He would not rolled halfway down into the valley.
give up. The buildings remained new and
By the time he came to the moun- bright, when seen from nearby. Their
tain, his food had long been gone. walls flashed with reflections. On
Of his four waterbags, only one re- every side was vegetation —
mained; and that was so close to be-
ing empty that he merely wet his

green shrubbery yellow-green trees
laden with purple and red fruit.
cracked lips and swollen tongue when- With ravenous intent, Jenner head-
The village had been deserted for
ages, but it still had everything
necessary to support life — Martian
life . . . only Jenner was an Earthmaiu

ed for the nearest fruit tree. Close

up, the tree looked dry and brittle.
The large red fruit he tore from the
lowest branch however, was plump
and juicy.
As he lifted it to his mouth, he
remembered that he bad been warned
during his training period to taste
nothing on Mars until it had been

tUwfraiio* by
Jon Arfitrom
chemically examined. But that was uneasily, but there was not a sign of
meaningless advice to a man whose creature life. He braced himself. He
only chemical equipment was in his couldn't leave, as there was nowhere
own body. to go. If necessary, he would fight to
Nevertheless, the possibility of the death to remain in the village.
danger made him cautious. He took Carefully Jenner took a sip from
his first bit gingerly. It was bitter his water bag, moistening his cracked
to his tongue, and he spat it out hasti- lips and his swollen tongue. Then he

ly. Some of the juice which re- replaced the cap, and started through
mained in his mouth seared his gums. a double line of trees toward the
He felt the fire of it, and he reeled nearest building. He made a wide
from nausea. His muscles began to circle to observe it from several
jerk, and he lay down on the marble vantage points. On one side a low,
to keep himself from falling. After broad archway opened into the in-
what seemed like hours to Jenner, the terior. Through it, he could dimly
awful trembling finally went out of make out the polished gleam of a
his body, and he could see again. He marble floor.
looked up despisingly at the tree. Jenner explored the buildings from
the outside, always keeping a respect-
The pain finally left him, and slow- ful distance between him and any of
ly he relaxed. A soft breeze rustled the entrances. He saw no sign of
the dry leaves. Nearby trees took animal life. He reached the far side
up that gentle clamor, and it struck of the marble platform on which the
Jenner that the wind here in the village was built, and turned back
valleywas only a whisper of what it decisively. It was time to explore
had been on the flat desert beyond interiors.
the mountain. He chose one of the four-tower
There was no other sound now. buildings. As he came within a dozen
Jenner abruptly remembered the feet of it, he saw that he would have

high-pitched, ever-changing whistle he to stoop low to get inside.

had heard. He lay very still, listen- Momentarily, the implications of
ing intently, but there was only the that stopped him. These buildings
rustling of the leaves. The noisy had been constructed for a life form
shrilling had stopped. He wondered that must be very different from hu-
if it had been an alarm, to warn the man beings.
villagers of his approach. He went forward again, bent down,
Anxiously, he climbed to his feet and entered reluctantly, every muscle
and fumbled for his gun. A sense of tensed.
disaster shocked through him. It He found himself in a room with-
wasn't there. His mind was a blank, out furniture. However, there were
and then he vaguely recalled that he several low, marble fences projecting
had first missed the weapon more thaa from one marble wall. They formed
a week before. He looked around him what looked like a group of four wide,

low stalls. Each stall bad an open out of the room, coughing, tears in
trough carved out of the floor. his eyes, his face already burning
The second chamber was fitted from chemical reaction.
with four inclined planes of marble, He snatched his handkerchief and
each of which slanted up to a dais. hastily wiped the exposed parts of
Altogether, there were four rooms on his body and face.
the lower floor. From one of them, a He reached the outside, and there
circular ramp mounted up, apparent- paused, striving to understand what
ly to a tower room. had happened.
Jenner didn't investigate the up-
stairs. The earlier fear that he would The village seemed unchanged.
find alien life was yielding to the Leaves trembled in a gentle breeze.
deadly conviction that he wouldn't. The sun was poised on a mountain
No life meant no food, nor chance of peak. Jenner guessed from its posi-
getting any. In frantic haste, he tion thatit was morning again, and

hurried from building to building, that he had slept at least a dozen

peering into the silent rooms, pausing hours. The glaring white light suf-
now and then to shout hoarsely. fused the valley. Half hidden by
Finally, there was no doubt. He trees and shrubbery, the buildings
was alone in a deserted village on a flashed and shimmered.
without food, without
lifeless planet, He ?eemed to be in an oasis in a

water except for the pitiful supply vast desert. It was an oasis all right,
in his bag —
and without hope. Jenner reflected grimly, but not for a
He was in the fourth and smallest human being. For him, with its poi-
room of one of the tower buildings sonous fruit, it was more like a tan-
when he realized that he had come talizing mirage.
to the end of his search. The room He went back inside the building,
had a single "stall" jutting out from and cautiously peered into the room
one wall. Wearily, Jenner lay down where he had slept. The spray of gas
in it. He must have fallen asleep had stopped, not a bit of odor lin-
instantly. gered, and the air was fresh and clean.
When he awoke, he became aware He edged over the threshold, half-
of two things, one right after the inclined to make a test. He bad a
other. The first realization occurred picture in his mind of a long dead
before he opened his eyes the — Martian creature lazing on the floor
whistling sound was back, high and in the "stall" while a soothing chemi-
shrill, it wavered at the threshold of cal sprayed down on its oody. The
audibility. fact that the chemical was deadly to
The other was that a fine spray of human beings merely emphasized how
liquid was being directed down at alien to man was the life that had
him from the ceiling. It had an odor, spawned on Mars. But there seemed
of which Technician Jenner took a little doubt of the reason for the gas.
single whiff. Quickly he scrambled The creature was accustomed to tak-

ing a morning shower. minutes. Sharply, be glanced about,
Inside the "bathroom," Jenner trying to determine its source, but it

eased himself feet first into the stall. seemed to have none. Whenever he
As his hips came level with the stall approached a point where it appeared
entrance, the solid ceiling sprayed a to be loudest, then it would fade, or
jet of yellowish gas straight down shift, perhaps to the far side of the
upon his legs. Hastily, Jenner pulled village.

himself clear of the stall. The gas He tried to imagine what an alien
stopped as suddenly as it had started. culture would want with a mind-
He tried it again, to make sure it shattering noise —although, of course,
was merely an automatic process. It it would not necessarily have been
turned on, then it shut off. unpleasant to them.
Jenner's thirst-puffed Hps parted He stopped, and snapped his fingers
with excitement. He thought, If as a wild but nevertheless plausible
there can be one automatic process, notion entered his mind. Could this
there may be others." be music?
Breathing heavily, he raced into He toyed with the idea, trying to
the outer room. Carefully he shoved visualize the village as it had been
his legs into one of the two stalls. long ago. Here, a music-loving race
The moment his hips were in, a had possibly gone about its daily
steaming gruel filled the trough be- tasks to the accompaniment of what
side the wall. was to them beautiful strains of
He stared at the greasy looking melody.
stuff with a horrified fascination The hideous whistling went on and
food —
and drink. He remembered on, waxing and waning. Jenner tried
the poison fruit, andfelt repelled, but to put buildings between himself and
he forced himself to bend down, and the sound. He sought refuge in vari-
put his finger into the hot, wet sub- ous rooms, hoping that at least one
stance. He brought it up, dripping, would be sound-proof. None were.
to his mouth. The whistle followed him wherever he
It tasted flat and pulpy, like boiled went.
wood fiber. It trickled viscously into He retreated into the desert, and
his throat. His eyes began to water, had to climb halfway up one of the
and drew back convulsively.
his lips slopes before the noise was low
He realized he was going to be sick, enough not to disturb him. Finally,
and ran for the outer door but didn't — breathless but immeasurably relieved,
quite make it. he sank down on the sand, and
When he finally got outside, he thought blankly;
felt limp and unutterably listless. In What now?
that depressed state of mind, he grew
aware again of the shrill sound. The scene that spread before him
He felt amazed that he could have had in it qualities of both heaven
ignored its rasping even for a few and hell. It was all too familiar now

—the red sands, the stony dunes, the a slab of marble attached to it.
small, alien village promising so much Jenner stared at it, noting with sur-
and fulfilling so little. prise that he had been mistaken in
Jenner looked down at it with his thinking the stalk came up through
feverish eyes, and ran his parched a hole in the marble. It was merely
tongue over his cracked, dry lips. He stuck to the surface. Then he noticed
knew that he was a dead man unless something else — the shrub had no
he could alter the automatic food- roots. Almost instinctively, Jenner
making machines that must be hid- looked down at the spot from which
den somewhere in the walls and un- he had torn the slab of marble along
der the floors of the buildings. with the plant. There was sand there.
In ancient days, a remnant of He dropped the shrub, slipped to
Martian civilization had survived his knees,and plunged his fingers into
here in this village. The inhabitants the sand. Loose sand trickled through
had died off but the village lived on, them. He reached deep, using all his
keeping itself clean of sand, able to strength to force his arm and hand
provide refuge for any Martian who down —sand —nothing but sand.
might come along. But there were Hestood up, and frantically tore
no Martians. There was only Bill up another shrub. It also came easi-
Jenner, pilot of the first rocketship ly, bringing with it a slab of marble.
ever to land on Mars. It had no roots, and where it had
He had to make the village turn been was sand.
out food and drink that he could With a kind of mindless disbelief,
take. Without tools, except his hands; Jenner rushed over to a fruit tree,
with scarcely any knowledge of chem- and shoved at it. There was a mo-
istry, he must force it to change its mentary resistance, and then the
habits. marble on which it stood split, and
Tensely, he hefted his water bag. lifted slowly into the air. The tree
He took another sip, and fought the fell over with a swish and a crackle
same grim fight to prevent himself as its dry branches and leaves broke
from guzzling it down to the last and crumbled in a thousand pieces.
drop. And, when he had won the Underneath where it had been, was
battle once more, he stood up and sand.
started down the slope. Sand everywhere. A city builton
He could last, he estimated, not sand. Mars, planet of sand. That was
more than three days. In that time, not completely true, of course. Sea-
he must conquer the village. sonal vegetation had been observed
He was already among the trees near the polar icecaps. All but the
when it suddenly struck him that the hardiest of it died with tke coming
"music" had stopped. Relieved, he of summer. It had been intended that
bent over a small shrub, took a good, the rocketship land near one of those
firm hold of it —
and pulled. shallow, tideless seas.
It came up easily, and there was By coming down out of control, th« j
ship bad wrecked more than itself. Suddenly weary, he crawled into
It had wrecked the chances for life the shade of a tree. There was only
of the only survivor of the voyage. one possible conclusion to draw from
what had happened, and it almost de-

Tenner came slowly out of his daze. fied common sense. This lonely vil-
He had a thought then. He picked lage was alive.
up one of the shrubs he had already As he lay there, Jenner tried to
torn loose, braced his foot against the imagine a great mass of living sub-
marble to which it was attached and stance growing into the shape of
tugged, gently at first, then with in- buildings, adjusting itself to suit an-
creasing strength. other life form, accepting the role of
I came loose finally, but there was servant in the widest meaning of the
no doubt that the two were part of a term.
whole. The shrub was growing out of If it would serve one race, why
the marble. not another? If it could adjust to
Marble? Jenner knelt beside one of Martians, why not to human beings?
the holes from which he had torn a There would be difficulties, of
slab,and bent over an adjoining sec- course. He guessed wearily that es-
tion. It was quite porous—calciferous sential elements would not be avail-
rock, most likely, but not true marble able. The oxygen for water could
at all. As he reached toward it, in- come from the air thousands of
. . .

tend! ^ to break off a piece, it compounds could be made from sand

changed color. Astounded, Jenner though it meant death if he failed
drew back. Around the break, the to find a solution, he fell asleep even
stone was turning a bright orange- as he started to think about what
yellow. He studied it uncertainly, they might be.
then tentatively he touched it. When he awoke, it was quite dark.
It was as if he had dipped his
fingers into searing acid. There was Jenner climbed heavily to his feet.
a sharp, biting, burning pain. With a There was a drag to his muscles that
gasp, Jenner jerked his hand clear. alarmed him. He wet his mouth from
The continuing anguish made him his water bag, and staggered toward
feel faint. He swayed and moaned, the entrance of the nearest building.
clutching the bruised members to his Except for the scraping of his shoes
body. When the agony finally faded, on the "marble," the silence was in-
and he could look at the injury, he tense.
saw that the skin had peeled, and He stopped short — listened, and
that already blood blisters had form- looked. The wind had died away.
ed. Grimly, Jenner looked down at He couldn't see the mountains that
the break in the stone. The edges re- rimmed the valley, but the buildings
mained bright orange-yellow. were still dimly visible, black shadows
The village was alert, ready to de- m a shadow world.
fend itself from further attack*. For the first time, k leemed to him

that, in spite of his new hope, it might He guessed, then, that he was dy-
be better if he died. Even if he ing.
survived, what had he to look forward
to? Only too well he recalled how He spent the long hours of dark-
hard it had been to rouse interest in ness tossing, turning, twisting, be-
the trip, and to raise the large amount fuddled by waves of heat. As the light
of money required. He remembered ofmorning came, he was vaguely sur-
the colossal problems that had had prised to realize that he was still

to be solved in building the ship, and alive. Restlessly, he climbed off the
some of the men who had solved them dais, and went to the door.
were buried somewhere in the Mar- A bitingly cold wind blew, but it
tian desert. felt good to his hot face. He won-
might be twenty years before
It dered if there was enough pneumo-

another ship from Earth would try to coccus in his blood for him to catch
reach the only other planet in the pneumonia. He decided not.
solar system that had shown signs of In a few moments he was shivering.
being able to support life. He retreated back into the house, and
During those uncountable days and for the first time noticed that, despite
nights, those years, he would be here the doorless doorway, the wind did
alone. That was the most he could not come into the building at all. The

hope for if he lived. As he fumbled rooms were cold, but not draughty.
his way to a dais in one of the rooms, That started an association Where :

Jenner considered another problem: had his terrible body heat come from?
How did one let a living village He teetered over to the dais where
know must alter its processes?
that it he had spent the night. Within sec-
In a way, it must already have onds, he was sweltering in a tempera-
grasped that it had a new tenant. ture of about a hundred and thirty.
How could he make it realize he He climbed off the dais, shaken by
needed food in a different chemical his own stupidity. He estimated that
combination than that which it had he had sweated at least two quarts
served in the past; that he liked of moisture out of his dried-up body
music, but on a different scale sys- on that furnace of a bed.
tem and that he could use a shower
; This village was not for human be-

each morning of water, not of poi- ings. Here, even the beds were heated
son gas? for creatures who needed tempera-
He dozed fitfully, like a man who tures far beyond the heat comfortable
is sick rather than sleepy. Twice, he for men.
wakened, his lips on fire, his eyes Jenner spent most of the day in the
burning, his body bathed in perspira- shade of a large tree. He felt ex-
tion. Several times he was startled hausted, and only occasionally did he
into consciousness by the sound of his even remember that he had a prob-
own harsh voice crying out in anger lem. When the whistling started, it
and fear at the night bothered him at first l but he was too
tired to move away from it. There Jenner plugged the lighter into the
were long periods when he hardly battery, and deliberately scraped the
heard it, so dulled were his senses. red-hot end along the surface of the
Late in the afternoon, he remem- "marble." The reaction was swift
bered the shrubs and the tree he had The substance turned an angry pur-
torn up the day before, and won- ple this time.When an entire section
dered what had happened to them. of the floorhad changed color, Jenner
He wet his swollen tongue with the headed for the nearest stall trough,
last few drops of water in his bag, entering far enough to activate it.
climbed lackadaisically to his feet,
There was a noticeable delay.
and went to look for the dried-up re-
When the food finally flowed into the
trough, it was clear that the living
There weren't any. He couldn't village had realized the reason for
even find the holes where he had
what he had done. The food was a
torn them out. The living village had
pale, creamy color, where earlier it
absorbed the dead tissue into itself,
had been a murky gray.
and repaired the breaks in its "body."
Jenner put his finger into it, but
That galvanized Jenner. He be-
withdrew it with a yell, and wiped
gan to think again . . about muta-
his finger. It continued to sting for
tions a genetic readjustment, life
several moments. The vital question
forms adapting to new environments.
was: had it deliberately offered him
There'd been lectures on that before
food that would damage him, or was
the ship left Earth, rather generalized
it trying to appease him without
talks designed to acquaint the ex-
knowing what he could eat?
plorers with the problems men might
face on an alien planet. The impor- He decided to give it another
tant principle was quite simple: ad- chance, and entered the adjoining
just or die. stall. The gritty stuff that flooded
The had to adjust to him.
village up time was yellower. It didn't

He doubted if he could seriously bum one

his finger, but Jenner took
damage it, but he could try. His own taste, and spat it out. He had the

need to survive must be placed on feeling that he had been offered a

as sharp and hostile a basis as that. soup made of a greasy mixture of
Frantically, Jenner began to search clay and gasoline.
his pockets. Before leaving the rocket, He was thirsty now with a need
he had loaded himself with odds and heightened by the unpleasant taste
ends of small equipment. A jack- in his mouth. Desperately, he rushed
knife, a folding metal cup, a printed outside and tore open the water bag,
radio, a tiny super-battery that could seeking the wetness Inside. In his
be charged by spinning an attached fumbling eagerness, he spilled a few

wheel and for which he had brought precious drops onto the courtyard.
along, among other things, a power- Down he went on bis face, and licked
ful electric fire lighter. them up.

Half a minute later, he was still the Intelligence a chance to realize

licking, and there was still water. he wanted a change, then lay down
The fact penetrated suddenly. He once more. The heat was as great as
raised himself, and gazed wondering- ever.
ly at the droplets of water that spar- He gave that up because he was
kled cn the smooth stone. As he too tired to persist, and too sleepy
watched, another one squeezed up to think of a method that might let
from the apparently solid surface, the village know he needed a different
and shimmered in the light of the bedroom temperature. He slept on
sinking sun. the floor with an uneasy conviction
He bent, and with the tip of his that it could not sustain him for long.
tongue sponged up each visible drop. He woke up many times during the
For a long time, he lay with his mouth night, and thought: "Not enough
pressed to the "marble," sucking up water. No matter how hard it
the tiny bits of water that the village tries
—" then he would sleep again,
doled out to him. only to wake once more, tense and
The glowing white sun disappeared unhappy.
behind a hill. Night fell, like the Nevertheless, morning found him
dropping of a black screen. The air briefly alert; and all his steely de-
turned cold, then icy. He shivered —
termination was back that iron will-
as the wind keened through his ragged power that had brought him at least
clothes. But what finally stopped him five hundred miles across an unknown
was the collapse of the surface from desert.
which he had been drinking. He headed for the nearest trough.
Jenner himself in surprise,
lifted This time, after he had activated it,
and darkness gingerly felt over
in the there was a pause of more than a
the stone. It had genuinely crum- minute; and then about a thimbleful
bled. Evidently the substance had of water made a wet splotch at the
yielded up its available water and had bottom.
disintegrated in the process. Jenner licked it dry, then waited
estimated that he had drunk alto- hopefully for more. When none came,
gether an ounce of water. he reflected gloomily that somewhere
It was a convincing demonstration in the village, an entire group of cells
of the willingness of the village to had broken down and released their
please him, but there was another, water for him.
less satisfying implication. If the Then and there he decided that it
village had to destroy a part of itself was up to the human being, who
every time gave him a drink, then
it couldmove around, to find a new
clearly the supply was not unlimited. source of water for the village, which
Jenner hurried inside the nearest could not move.
building, climbed onto a dais and — In the interim, of course, the village
climbed off again hastily, as the heat would have to keep him alive, until
blazed up at him. He waited, to give he had investigated the possibilities.
That meant, above everything else, When he had finished the meal,
he must have some food to sustain he went to a food trough in another
him while he looked around. building. He refused to eat the food
that came up, but activated still an-
He began to search his pockets. other trough. This time he received a
Toward the end of his food supply, few drops of water.
he had carried scraps and pieces He had come purposefully to one
wrapped in small bits of cloth. of the tower buildings. Now, he
Crumbs had broken off into the pock- started up the ramp that led to the
et and he had searched often during upper floor. He paused only briefly
those long days in the desert. Now in the room he came to, as he had
by actually ripping the seams, he already discovered that they seemed
discovered tiny particles of meat and to be additional bedrooms. The fa-
bread, little bits of grease and other miliar dais was there in a group of
unidentifiable substances. three.
Carefully, he leaned over the ad- What interested him was that the
joining stall, and placed the scrap- circular ramp continued to wind on
ings in the trough there. The village upward. First, to another, smaller
would not be able to offer him more room that seemed to have no par-
than a reasonable facsimile. If the ticular reason for being. Then it
a few drops on the court-
spilling of wound on up to the top of the tower,
yard could make it aware of his need some seventy feet above the ground.
for water, then a similar offering It was high enough for him to see be-
might give it needed as to
the clue it yond the rim of all the surrounding
the chemical nature of the food he hilltops. He had thought it might be,
could eat. but he had been too weak to make
Jenner waited, then entered the the climb before. Now, he looked out
second stall and activated it. About to every horizon. Almost immediate-
a pint of thick, creamy substance ly, the hope that had brought him
trickled into the bottom of the trough. up, faded.
The smallness of the quantity seemed The view was immeasurably deso-
evidence that perhaps it contained late. As far as he could see was an
water. arid waste, and every horizon was
He tasted it. It had a sharp, musty hidden in a mist of wind-blown sand.
flavor,and a stale odor. It was al- Jenner gazed with a sense of des-

most as dry as flour but his stomach pair. If there was a Martian sea out
did not reject it. there somewhere, it was beyond his
Jenner ate slowly, acutely aware reach.
that at such moments as this the Abruptly, he clenched his hands in
village had him at its mercy. He anger against his fate, which seemed
could never be sure that one of the inevitable now. At the very worst, he
food ingredients was not a slow acting had hoped he would find himself in
poison. a mountainous region. Seas and

mountains were generally the two himself, "the heat alone will kill me;
main sources of water. He should and in absorbing my body, the village
have known, of course, that there will get back some of its lost water.
were very few mountains on Mars. He spent at least an hour crawling
It would have been a wild coincidence laboriously up the ramp of the near-
if he had actually run into a moun- est dais, and when he finally made it,
tain range. he lay as one already dead. His
His fury faded, because he lacked last waking thought was: "Beloved
the strength to sustainany emotion. friends, I'm coming."
Numbly, he went down the ramp. The hallucination was so complete
His vague plan to help the village that, momentarily, he seemed to be
ended as swiftly and finally as that. back in the control room of the
rocketship, and all around him were
The days drifted by, but as to his former companions.
how many he had no idea. Each With a sigh of relief, Jenner sank,
time he went to eat, a smaller amount into a dreamless sleep.
of water was doled out to him. Jen-
ner kept telling himself that each He woke to the sound of a violin.
meal would have to be his last. It It was a sad-sweet music that told
was unreasonable for him to expect of the rise and
fall of a race long dead.

the village to destroy itself when his Jenner listened for a while, and
fate was certain now. then with abrupt excitement realized
What was worse, it became in- the truth. This was a substitute for
creasingly clear that the food was the whistling — the village had ad-
not good for him. He had misled the justed its music to himl
village as to his needs by giving it Other sensory phenomena stole in
stale, perhaps even tainted samples, upon him. The dais felt comfortably
and prolonged the agony for himself. warm, not hot at all. He had a feel-
At times after he had eaten, Jenner ing of wonderful physical well-being.
felt dizzy for hours. AH too frequent- Eagerly, he scrambled down the
ly, his head ached, and his body ramp to the nearest food stall. As he
shivered with fever. crawled forward, his nose close to the
The village was doing what it floor, the trough filled with a steamy

could. The rest was up to him, and mixture. The odor was so rich and
he couldn't even adjust to an ap- pleasant that he plunged his face
proximation of Earth food. into it, and slopped it up greedily.
For two days, he was too sick to It had the flavor of thick, meaty soup,
drag himself to one of the troughs. and was warm and soothmg to his
Hour after hour, he lay on the floor. lips and mouth. When he 'had eaten
Some time during the second night, it all, he did not need a drink of

the pain in his body grew so terrible water for the first time.
that he finally made up his mind. "I've wont" thought Jenner, "The
"If I can get to a dais/' he told village has found a way!*
After a while, be remembered some- four-foot tail, and, Bfted his long
thing, and crawled to the bathroom. snout to let the thin streams of liquid
Cautiously, watching the ceiling, he wash away the food impurities that
eased himself backward into the dung to bis sharp teeth.
shower stall. The yellowish spray Then he waddled out to bask In the
came down, cool and delightful. sun, and listen to the timeless music.
Ecstatically, Jenner wriggled his THE END

Here is a little storyette which was written In
a humorous vein, but taken In the light of the
prospect of a super-destructive hydrogen bomb
and its threat to civilization. It may not
be quite to funny after all Is said and done.
JUwMtfw* h )<*» Affitnm

HE WOKE felt scalded

UP screaming.
So this
all over.

was what radiation burn from

He painlessly, that he would be volatized
in his dreams, either to awake
Hereafter, where there theoretically
in the

an atomic bomb felt like! were no atomic bombs, or never to —

He had feared this night since awake.
1945 — this night when a robot rocket But there was always the unface-
would jet over the North Pole at able possibility that he would be
supersonic speed; the night that an caught on the fringe of the fission;
unknown assassin nation would mas- then God knew what death would be
sacre America a-bed that atomic
; like. Not a ripping asunder too rapid

conflagration would transform the for the senses to record, but a slow
metropolises of the United States into death: A peeling away of the skin in
skyscraping mushroom clouds. leprous patches; a brain fried in its
He had hoped only that oblitera- skull, shriveled and convulsed like
tion would come instantaneously and worms writhing in a fiery skillet; eyes
liquefying and oozing out of their His fingers found the gun. It wag
sockets like sap from a tree. hot. In terror mixed with relief he
The man knew himself: Not a jerked it to his temple.
coward, but a cerebrotonic super- —
sensitive to the thought of pain. A "Now what could have made him
thousand times he had suffered pre- do that?" the fire chief puzzled. **He
mature agony, envisioning his life wasn't in any danger. The steam
ending in an atomic cauldron of radi- didnt even really scald him to
ation, his body burning in waves of amount to anything. He might have
invisible fire. He couldn't take a —
been a little dazed anybody'd be
death like that. That was why he shocked, sure, to have a boiler blow
protected himself with an automatic. up underneath 'em in the middle of
He always slept with it under his the night —
but I called to him,
pillow. He reached for it now. 'You're okay, Mister,' just a second
Pray God the radiation had not before he fished under his pillow for

warped it, melted the barrel or ex- the pistol."

ploded the cartridges! "Poor Mr. Vance." The hotel man-
In the darkness he groped. He
ager shook his head regretfully. "He
couldn't He couldn't hear a was born deaf, and on top of that lost
sound. He was conscious only of the
his sight two
about years ago."
prickling sensation ail over his body. THE END
Ittmtfotio* hi tiMWH Be*



If you ever meet a fairy , and are granted a
wish, don't try to be clever -you might very

easily outsmart yourself , . , and get nothing!

BRIGGS swept out under the fect and lasting health. My third
glassware counter, where he wish. . .

had not swept for many a day. Presently: "Your ninety - ninth
Something like a tinsel-adorned wish?" asked the fairy exhaustedly.
Christmas-tree fairy came tumbling "Um ... I wish I could always
out with the dust. Only she picked know what the other guy's got in his
herself up and dusted off her wings,
which a Christmas-tree fairy would "Granted. And your last wish?*
hardly do.
"I wish I had another hundred
"Hello," said Briggs. "What are

you animal, vegetable, or mineral?"
The fairy reeled.
"I'm a fairy," said the fairy. "Hi-
"Really!" she protested. "Is that
bernating. We're pretty rare, you
your idea of fair business? You should
know. Incidentally, before I get back
realize it's hard work for me. I've
to sleep, would you like three
made you the strongest man in the
world, the best pitcher, the best pool
"How much?" asked Briggs.
player. You can play the piano, the
"Quite free. We're not allowed to piccolo, the trumpet, the zither. Your
charge." corns are gone. And you are the rich-
"Okay, fire away," said Briggs est man in the world — all that jug-
promptly. gling with currency takes it out of
"Well, what's your first wish?" one, you know."
"I wish I had a hundred wishes," "Yes, I understand," said Briggs,
said Briggs. mean about
soothingly. "I feel pretty
"What?" said the fairy faintly. it,in a way. I wish I could give

"You can keep the change —I mean you a wish or something."

the other two wishes. Don't believe in He stopped, realizing.
putting too keen an edge on busi- "Thanks a lot," said the fairy
ness," said Briggs generously. quickly, and quite brightened up.
"That's nice of you. Oh, well, start "I'll grant you that wish. You're a
wishing. . . nasty man. I wish I'd" never met
"My first wish is for larger business you."
premises. My second wish is for per- Nor had she.

By S. J. Byrne

In the catacombs of Berlin, the

Nameless Ones plotted a new THE Kaiser
Strasse and
war to overthrow all the world turned right on Horst Wessel
— but they faced the gathering into Prenzlauer, on its way to
Weissensee. Janice Maine looked for-
might of the men from Under- ward with some anxiety to the re-
ground Agarthi and the Moon. union with her father.

W*stf0/e4 by Bill Ttty

In the catacombs of Berlin, the

Nameless Ones plotted a new THE squeezed
Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse and
through though, her father had not requested
to speak to her on the visiphone, nor
routine fashion. After five years of
not seeing her, his only daughter,
war to overthrow all the world turned right on Horst WesseL had he given instructions for her to who had cared for him almost like
— but they faced the gathering into Prenzlauer, on its way to wait at the airport for his town car. a wife ever since her motfier died,
Weissensee. Janice Maine looked for- They had merely issued her a spe- to hear from her should Have pro-
might of the men from Under- ward with some anxiety to the re- cial, diplomatic permit and she had duced an unusual response from him.
ground Agarthi and the Moon. union with her father. Strangely, gone through customs practically in But there was nothing—only the en-
22 23
W*st*Me4 by Bili Tttf

though, her father had not requested routine fashion. After five years of
to speak to her on the visiphone, nor not seeing her, his only daughter,
had he given instructions for her to who had cared for him almost like
wait at the airport for his town car. a wife ever since her motfier died,
They had merely issued her a spe- to hear from her should Have pro-
cial, diplomatic permit and she had duced an unusual response from him.
gone through customs practically in But there was nothing—only the en-
try permit. But nothing happened.
They were out on Lehder Strasse For a long time the men only stood
now and the traffic was quite thin. there, as though paralyzed, while her
The chauffeur said, "Fraulein, I don't head rang like a bell. It seemed that
like those two sedans that are fol-
her very skull vibrated with that ring-
lowing us. Maybe I'd better slow up ing noise ISuddenly, the four gun-
and see if those fellows want some- men collapsed, unconscious, onto the
thing. After a fellow has to
street, and in the same instant the
watch out neck these days."
for his
taxi driver started driving away as
The taxi turned off into a very though the devil were after him. She
narrow side street and came to a stop. saw his face in the rear vision mirror
One of the sedans parked ahead of and knew that he was driving in a
it and one parked behind it. Janice
reached into her purse and gripped
Somebody was helping herl It
her little pistol. This was obviously
couldn't be Agarthi, for three rea-
a trap!
sons: she had demonstrated that she
As she saw two tall gunmen in
was an enemy of Agarthi, she had
black overcoats and black hats step
made an attempt on the King's life,
out of each car and approach her,
and Agarthi was too far removed
with the taxi driver sitting very calm-
from Berlin to be effective here. No,
ly at his wheel, she thought of
she reasoned, her father had known
Agarthi and its invigorating , life-
the danger she was in. His scientific
prolonging light, its exotic gardens
corps, headed by that German genius
and heavenly perfumes; she thought
who was equal to Russia's Dr. Borg,
of that unforgettable episode with
the Nameless Ones' Chief of Re-
Rocky in the swimming pool enclo-
search, Dr. Gerhardt Eidelmann,
sure, felt again his strong, tattooed,
was protecting her by means of some
life-loving, fight-loving arms about
clever new device.
her, his lips against hers. She re-
gretted that she had torn herself When she saw that the chauffeur
away from that magic threshold of was heading definitely for her street,

happiness, that she had refused to be Friedrich Strasse, she took new cour-
his wife. Ignominious death in a rain- age and nursed the conviction that
spattered alley of Berlin was a far she had merely been running the
cry from the Heaven on Earth that gamut of opposition interference to
was Agarthi. get to her house, that her father was
Knowing that this was the end and doing all in his power to protect her

that her pistol was a useless toy in until he could really show himself
front of these gun-masters, she only and take her gratefully into his arms.
watched them through a film of mois- With a joyful smile of relief, she
ture in her eyes as they pointed their paid off the bewildered chauffeur and
automatics at her and prepared to ran up the pompous stairway in
pull the triggers . . . front of the Count's ancestral man-

sion. A butler whom she had not about it!" he said.

seen before opened the door. "Please
have my luggage brought in," she Count Georg Heinrich Wolfgang
said as she started in the door. von Immerschoen still wore the pasty
He blocked her path, "And who complexion of a consumptive, and he
are you?" he asked, bluntly. had added another set of pouches
"The Count's daughter!" she re- under his sickly gray eyes. But no
torted. "Would you mind permitting smile of welcome! Just that poker

me to enter my own house?" face that told her he was either mad,
worried, or embarrassed.
"Since when did he have a daugh-
"Papit" she exclaimed, still in the
butler's grip. "What have they done
Janice sputtered. "How
long have
to you? What is the matter, dear?
you worked here?" she asked.
Don't you know me?"
"Three years,"
The Count did not flicker an eye-
"And you mean to say— " lash, but he made a gesture with his
"I have worked here three years hands and the butler released her.
and during that time the Count never
mentioned he had a daughter
— "Begging your pardon, sir," said
the butler in mortified amazement.
This was enough for Janice's hot "You never told me you had a —
temper. She had her pistol out and Another gesture of those pale,
it was pointed straight at his belicose blue-veined hands, and the butler
paunch. "Did it ever occur to you, gulped. "I — go get the baggage,
Dumbkopf, that the Count would sir!" he said, and disappeared.
have a very good reason for hiding Janice ran to her father and threw
the fact, inasmuch as I have been her arms around his neck, sobbing.
serving the Cause for five years as a "Paptf PapiJ You have needed me
secret agent abroad?" so! They haven't taken care of you!
The butler's bushy brows turned But your Irmchen is home now and
up their arches. His mouth opened things will be different!"
in speechless, gold-toothed amaze- The Count made a balf-hearted
ment as he looked down at the gun attempt to pat her hand. "Thank
and absorbed what she said. God you are safe," he said. "It is a
"Now will you kindly step out of shock to see you. I thought you were
the way and let me in?" she said. dead."
In a lightning flash of legerdemain, Then came the shock of Janice's
the butler ducked, almost threw her life. A little bell buzzed in her skull,

arm out of joint, and took her gun and she was suddenly aware that
away from her before she could pull she was reading her fathers mind!
the trigger. He pinned her arm to How in the devil did she get here?
her back. He stood behind her and came his thought. Kerlberg, Semmel-
prodded her with the gun. "Suppose kopj, Singerman and Schmetterling
we hear what the Count has to say —my best agents. And they couldn't
take care of hert Why did she have face had something about it which
to come? I can't protect her. The could not be remembered. The fea-
Nameless Ones will not have her tures were normal enough, but some-
here in Berlin. And of all nights, thing was missing, missing in a way
why did she have to choose tonight that bothered human instinct. Janice
to pop up after jive years of absence, had to fight against her own fear of
when the cartel group meets under this man as he stood there in the
this I have failed the
very roof! doorway looking at her.
Nameless Ones. They ordered me to The Count sprang chubbily to his
kill her and I must! It's for the feet at once. His was a short, Napol-
Cause, and that's more important eonic figure, slightly deteriorated by
than my own flesh and blood! toneless flabbiness, and he looked
Vertigo tore through her conscious- suddenly very ridiculous and pitiable
ness like a cyclone. In spite of her- as he stood there with his popping
self, she started to faint. But some eyes and stared and sweated. Janice
counterbalancing force suddenly pen- had never seen him like this before in
etrated her being like a golden ray her life, and for the first time she
of life-giving energy. The blackness realized that the King of the World
cleared and she felt unaccountably was right Her father was a catspawl
alert and strong. Beware! came a Anger swept away her fears and
thought into her head, and she turned she faced the intruder boldly. "I
from her father to see a strange man don't believe," she said, "that we
standing in the doorway of the have been introduced. Father—"
library. Simultaneously, she felt her She turned to him, expecting at least
father's sudden surge of abject fear an attempt at the usual social amen-
and she knew that she was looking ities.

at a being whom she had often heard But the Count only turned pasti-
discussed in previous years but never er and said nothing. The Nameless
actually seen. She knew that she One ignored her with icy deliberation.
was looking at one of the Nameless "The Council," he said, toneless-
Ones, at one of those mysterious, ly, "is about to begin."
hidden "bosses" of the world, to Then the Count found his voice.
whom international cartel chiefs re- He smiled and winced and almost
ported humble subjection.
in stuttered all at the same time. "The
The man was tail, with a distinct- Council! Yes I" He started forward,
ly military bearing, cold and sharp turned back, took Janice's arm, re-
like a saber. He wore immaculate leased it, then backed away from her
evening clothes and a monocle. His and said, "You— ah —don't feel well I

eyes were black and glittering, re- You wish to retire, nicht wahr?"
minding Janice of Stephen Germain And without further ado he march-
in a way, except that here was the ed out of the room with his too im-
aspect of evil. His age was beyond maculate summoner. But not before
forty but otherwise indefinable. The Janice discovered something that

made her teeth want to chatter. She ly and so freely that she thought she
had found that she could read her had fallen into a huge cavern and
father's mind in the instant she was going to crash. However, she
willed it, but when she tried to read soon ascertained that the elevator
the stranger's mind there was no re- was following a regular shaft into
sult, as though he did not even exist! the depths of the Earth. Her cal-
culations told her that she had
Janice searched the house but descended perhaps two thousand
could find no one. Yet she remem- feet before she stopped.
bered what she had read in her fa- For the first time she realized how
ther's — under this very roof. foolhardy she had been. What would
The Council Room had to be some- happen to her was only too obvious
where—perhaps in the basement. But if she should step right out into a
on second thought she knew that full scale session of the Nameless
was unlikely because the basement Ones. Still, there was nothing else to
was chopped up into many small do now.
partitions, for liquor storage, trunks Experimentally, she tried to
and general keepsakes, winter pre- concentrate on reading someone'i
serves and so forth. No, it had to be thoughts, on the outside of the ele-
somewhere else. Perhaps a secret vator. And she read thoughts, the
sub-cellar! thoughts of a German soldier who
That gave her ideas. Her mind stood on guard just outside . . .

reverted to the elevator her father When will I ever get assigned to
had once had installed in the house the Schwalbenkorps? he was think-
for her invalid mother. After shehad ing.
died he had completely modernized Janice tried to concentrate on the
it. It was the latest magnetic type, guard's falling asleep. The little bell

for use in skyscrapers, but the man- buzzed faintly in her skull, and
sion only had three stories. Now she soon she knew by his dwindling
remembered with a start that she stream of thought that he was asleep.
had been sent to America just as the She opened the elevator door and
alteration work was begun, when she stepped out. As she did so, the ele-
was about fifteen years of age. Why vator automatically began its return
had she always been so blind and trip upward.
trusting? Why was it that only now She was in a rock-walled tunnel
she could see these things clearly? which was illuminated by fluorescent
That elevator led to the Council tubes. It stretched away in a curve
Room of the Nameless Ones—deep out of sight. At her feet, sprawled
down below the house! blissfully in a corner, was a German
She went to the elevator and corporal. She relieved him of bis
stepped inside. After closing its steel radium pistol and began to move
door, she pressed the button marked down the tunnel.
"K" and the cage dropped so rapid- She had not gone very far before
she heard the sound of soldiers everybody's mind. She lowered the
marching. In order to avoid detec- pistol and concentrated on having

tion she entered a very narrow niche the fellow fall asleep. Soon he did.
in the wall which gave admittance to She had to rush forward to grab him
a small passageway paralleling the and prevent his strange helmet from
tunnel. Following this hastily for a crashing into the visiscreen. It cost
short distance, she came to a flight her considerable effort to drag the
of stone steps. Once she had climbed operator from his seat, but she final-
them she encountered a turn in the ly managed it. After disarming him,
passage to the right. Slits were cut she sat down at the control panel.
in the left wall, and through these Her hands knew what to do with
she could see a large cavern that the controls if her mind did not. It
stretched away into dimness. seemed that Agarthi had been wait-
To her surprise, the floor was ing precisely for this advantageous
smoothly paved and had traffic lines moment, because the bell in her head
painted on it. Directly below she was now ringing loudly. Okay, she
saw a parking area in which approx- knew whose side she was on now.
imately ten beautiful cars were She would help them. Let Agarthi
parked. learn what it wanted to know
Somehow, these cars had been through her own eyes and mind!
driven down here from the surface! Before her in the visiscreen was a
The Council Chamber, she reasoned, complete picture of the Council
must be very close. Chamber. At one end, on a raised
She walked a few steps down a platform, sat six of the Nameless
passageway. To her right was a door, Ones in their elegant evening clothes,
and inside was a dimly lighted room. all of them characterized by that cer-
A soldier showing the arm insignia tain missing something in their faces
of the Technical Corps was seated that bothered instinct. Below them
there with his back toward her, in- was the chair and the elaborate desk
tent upon the controls of a very of the Chairman of the Council, her
strange looking machine. His head own father. Below him at a black,
was covered with what looked like a marble-topped conference table, sat
beauty parlor hair dryer, and metal ten very frightened looking men, five
disks touched the base of his neck on each side.
and his temples. Before him was a Before them sat the key men of
lighted visiscreen in which the Coun- the world, the cartel leaders. At the
cil Chamber was plainly visible. moment in which Janice began to
She looked at the radium pistol in listen, a man named Fritz Ober-
her hand. No sense in killing this hausen was making some concluding
man. But she wanted to work that remarks about a man named Roth-
machine herself. By means of it she bart.
could not only see everybody in the "The more favorable his position
Council Chamber but could also read becomes with the public," Ober-
" —

hausen complained, "the more egotis- hausen hastened to exclaim.

tical and demanding he becomes. Of
"Then you are dismissed
course, through your generosity we Oberhausen was only too glad to
are able to supply most of his physi- scuttle, out of the room . . .

cal demands just as long as the pub-

lic does not know the truth about
Whereupon, other world affairs
him. When he wanted a full scale
and problems were discussed. It
medieval castle with modern facilities
would be well to let the Chicago
to live in, we built it for him under-
negotiations succeed in establishing
ground. We resell half of his special-
the gold ounce at fifty dollars be-
ly built limousines and he doesn't
cause England would finally be
know But that harem
the difference.
forced to take advantage of her long
of his!" Oberhausen was sweating,
withheld South African gold reserves
his eyes wide with the horror of what
and thus counterbalance the XI. S.
he knew, "He plays bluebeardt We
monopoly. Wheat should go up five
can't procure enough women if he's
Also butterfat. Hold
going to kill them all —not the in-
steady on the market but
let its
telligentand beautiful women he
price be boosted through labor union
wants Especially if they are all
demands for higher wages. Keep a
supposed to be connoisseurs of classi-
skeleton staff busy in armament in-
'cal music. And that Schwarzhansl dustries through the fomentation of
He has too much freedom I am 1
temporary wars and revolutions.
sorry to report that Rothbart and his
Janice took special note of some
castle are getting out of hand."
remarks made concerning Russia
Count von Immerschoen was no and the recent great War. This time,
longer in the condition in which one of the Nameless Ones spoke.
Janice had seen him in the library.
"Our most immediate problem is
He was like his old self, cold and
our war with Agarthi." Janice stared
and strained to hear every word now.
"This not a place in which to
"The Elder Gods said that Agarthi
report or personal difficul-
failures would have to take over world gov-
ties," he said. "Rothbart's efficiency
ernment in one year. That still leaves
rating with the German public is us nine months to make sure Agarthi
ninety-eight percent, the most re- does not take over. The first step is
markable ever recorded. Even in ad- the shaping of public opinion. To-
joining countries his average runs
night the Indicator showed world
sixty-five.Therefore, appeasing his wide non-belief versus belief in
wants and keeping him satisfied is Agarthi and the Elder Gods as fifty-
more important than your own feel- That is s\ill a very
five to forty-five.
ings or interests. If that not clear,
Herr Oberhausen — is
dangerous percentage of belief. It
must be lowered still more. You must
I understand, mdn Herri" Ober- ridicule Agarthi and the Elder Gods.
"The nest step, to be carried out that looked particularly friendly.
simultaneously, is domination of the These veteran guards were fright-
underworld. Mr, Chairman, how ened, themselves, at the sheer mag-
many Schwalbenkorps are now
of the nitude of her offense.
searching the natural caves?" "How did you get in here?" asked
"We have close to a hundred thou- her captor. He was a tall, lean fel-
sand men down there now, sir," re- low with jutting eyebrows, the lanky
plied Von Irnmerschoen. Tyrolean type that was streamlined
"Send another fiffy thousand, as from leaning against the wind on a
many as you can train for the job. A pair of swift skis, she thought.
hundred thousand more, if possible. But she was also thinking about
They must block off the grav-sled the little bell ringer in her head that
ways that lead to Agarthi so that the bad been warning her of danger and
migrant Agarthians cannot join paralyzing people so handily. Where
forces with our main enemy. They was it now? Suddenly the ghastly
must find all the machines and thought came to her that Agarthi had
weapons and accumulate them as gotten what it wanted out of her and

swiftly as possible in the Berlin area. did not need her any morel She tried
Above all, we need more stationary to read her captor's mind, but noth-
war rays for fighting any chance ing happened.
extra-terrestrials as well as the Agar- Bitterness suddenly choked her.
thiams. The latter have space ships. Twice cast out! First her father's
We must also get hold of space ships. group had told her she was not need-
We need tunnel boring equipment ed. Now Agarthi was through with
and a larger type teletransporter herl It was the disillusionment that
than has been found to date. The hurt. She had really expected a bet-
ones Dr. Eidelmann has are not pow- ter deal. But, after all, she had tried
erful enough to reach Agarthi. Even to kill the King. Maybe she de-
of the smaller ranged teletransporters served what she was getting, which,
he requires as many as he can get of course, could be nothing but a
for the Doppelganger project. If he prompt execution.
succeeds at that, it will be a great
contribution." They kept her locked up in a little
Janice suddenly straightened up room for about an hour. Then four
when she felt the muzzle of a radium guards came and took her out. One
pistol in her back. She turned her of them was the tall Tyrolean. They
head enough to observe that the room led her silently along a tunnel which
was full of soldiers. had a slight upward inclination.
"Get on your feet!" said the one "Where are you taking me?" she
behind her, while two others picked asked.
up two radium pistols from her lap. "To the castle of Erich Rothbart *
When she got up and turned replied the Tyrolean.
around, she did not see any faces Janice tried to come to a stand-


still but they pulled her along with devoid of feelings, as though she had
them. been stunned. Rejected by the
"Where is my father?" she de- "Cause." Rejected by Agarthi. And
manded. now — rejected by her father 1

"How should I know? Do you

know where mine is?" said the Tyro- The girls in Rothbart's harem
lean. were from all parts of the world. In
"My father is the Count von Im- addition to a too voluptuous mulata
merschoen," Janice informed him. from Valparaiso there was an un-
All the guards stopped. The Tyro- usually exotic Egyptian girl, named
lean looked at her in amazement and Nezha, from Alexandria. There were
shook his head. "How do you do it?" blondes and brunettes and redheads,
he said. "First you sneak in here, some tall and stately, from Scandi-
which was impossible until you did navia and Finland, others small and
it. Then you take over that machine petite, from the more cosmopolitan
and learn everything that's going on centers of the Continent, such as
in the Council Chamber. Now your Paris, Budapest, Berlin. One was
father is supposed to be Von Immer- even a kidnapped movie star from
schoen Hollywood, Amelia Rand, a gorgeous
"What makes that' seem so youngster only seventeen years of
strange," she asked. age, with sky blue eyes and soft,
"Because his daughter was killed auburn hair. To look at her flawless
five years ago in a traffic accident in youth was to realize the full magni-
New York," replied the Tyrolean. tude of the criminality which the
"Besides that, Von Immerschoen was castle represented.
present when the Nameless Ones de- Most amazing of all was the social
cided that they could use you by status and background of each. The
having you help keep Rothbart sat- least ofthem was Julia, the Chilean
isfied. You'd think that a father mulata, who was the educated daugh-
would complain about his own daugh- ter of one of Chile's most important
ter's condemnation to a fate worse producers of champagne. The Egyp-
than death I" The other three guards tian, Nezha, was the daughter of a
winked at each other and guffawed. fabulously wealthy Mohammedan
Janice's face was pale. "The Count rice and cotton merchant.
said nothing?" she queried. It was only a week after Janice's
"Nothing! Of course, he did look arrival. She, like the rest of the
like he was going to puke, but he girls, had been "standardized."
always looks that way." This was for Scented baths, ultra violet ray treat-
the entertainment of the other three ments, beauty makeup, and an ex-
guards, who guffawed again. travagant but embarrassing negligee.
As they marched along the tunnel There was nothing else available to
toward Rothbart's subterranean lair, wear. Much to her disliking, the
Janice found herself to be curiously whole effect was to make her fairly
glow with irresistibility. In accord- with Ingaborg's.
ance with regulations, they all ate at Rothbart's thin brows went up in
the great, medieval style banquet some surprise, but he was elated.
table on the top floor, adjacent to He grasped her chin roughly in his
the huge reception hall. They were large, artistic hand and laughed in
seated at the table, eating and con- her face.
versing, when a sudden commotion "Wonderful!" he shouted. "Pride/
was heard in the hall. They heard That's what I like!" And then he
servants running and orders shouted, sneered. "I like to peel it off, layer
while they all looked tensely at one by layer, until nothing is left but a
another. cowering, groveling female! Ha!
"Weill" said Ingaborg, the tall What have you to pride? Your
Norwegian who had eyes like a father thinks he is my brain, yet he
Nordic fjord and a pair of lips ftat could not exert his influence enough
even a woman had to admire, plus to keep you from me! That's what
long braids of hair that looked like I'm going to love about you! Every
polished white gold. "Our lord and tear or scream for mercy I squeeze
master has returned!" She belonged out of you will be dedicated to your
to an aristocratic family in Oslo and so wonderful, putrid father!"
had come to Berlin as a singing stu- Janice could not restrain the pow-
dent to study Wagnerian opera. She erful slap she gave Rothbart. It was
would have made a refreshing Brun- a slap that resounded like a fire
hilde. All the girls looked up to her cracker and left a very red welt on
because they knew Rothbart was his face. The other girls present only
somewhat in awe of her. "Look your drew in their breaths and turned pale.
worst, girls," she advised, wryly. Janice's extensive training in abnor-
"Here he comes!" mal psychology told her that there
Rothbart strode into the room with was no good in the white that was
the red lining of his cloak swirling showing around the pupils of Roth-
in his wake like a destroying flame. bart's eyes or in the faint gloss of
He came to a dead stop directly in spittle that was gathering at the
front of Janice and gloated over her corners of his mouth as he stood
thinly clad form. But most of all there rigidly, recovering from that
he was delighted by what he saw in stinging slap.
her face. Janice ran like a gazelle for the
"Friiulein von Immerschoen " he 1
hall. She knew by the sounds be-
exclaimed, with a resonant, deeply hind her that Rothbart was after her.
masculine voice. "How delighted I She looked back once and saw Inga-
am to welcome you as my thirteenth borg and a slim brunette from Paris
wife!" trip him. But this only increased
"You never had a wife and never his rage. Janice ran for a tunnel en-
will," Janice retorted, with a hateful trance that she knew led to the main
defiance in her voice which competed elevator, but in a flash he was in

front of her, blocking her path. The blue negligee dueling with a giant of
other girts were crowded at the ban- a man with a red cape, in the vast
quet hall entrance, most of them reception hall of that medieval castle.
terrified into immobility, half of them Janice was faster and slightly more
screaming at her to run. Ingaborg expert with the blade and Rothbart
and Nezha, the Egyptian, were in the knew it. When she began to corner
hall, hoping in some way to run in- him, several guards came running in
terference for her. She appreciated from the tunnel and pinned her arms
that. It gave her courage. behind her.
She ducked and dodged and ran for Rothbart advanced to kill her then.
the sweeping stairway, but his long He was making insane, guttural
legs had her at a disadvantage. He grunts and half screams and was
was there before her again, on the swinging his rapier for her.
stairs glaring down at her. His hand The bell rang louder. In her skullt
collided with the hilt of a rapier on Janice screamed at the top of her
the wall. Grinning wildly, he drew lungs, "Agarthi!"
it from its long scabbard and came There was no time to do anything
at her with it, amidst a crescendo of else than think at the monster who
screams from the girls. was almost on top of her. Sleep, you
But a slight ray of hope came to poor, horrible, mad beast/ Sleep-
Janice when she saw the companion diet
of that rapier on the wall. She had The madman came a sudden
not won the Olympic championship halt and stopped his hideous shriek-
in fencing for nothing. She knew she ing. He emitted a curious little
had an advantage over Rothbart be- whine, like a puppy. Then he fell
cause of her training, even if he was flat on his face at her feet. The hands
taller and far stronger than she. of the guards relaxed and they, too,
As she ran from him, she cried out slumped down unconscious.
to Ingaborg, who was on the stair- In the midst of muffled exclama-
way, "Throw me the other swordl" tions of relief and amazement, the
Ingaborg lost no time in doing so, girls sprang to her. She motioned
even though Rothbart tried to pre- for them to follow her quickly.
vent it He lunged at her with his There was no time for conversa-
sword and she went down with a tion. She merely led them out. When
nasty gash in her white shoulder. But they got to the gate, itself, the guard
he did not have time to make a coup was nowhere in evidence. They found
de grace, because Janice came near to the garage with its limousines.
impaling him. Expertly, he ducked Janice assigned the big, powerful
and parried her thrust and then cars to the girls who could drive.
charged her. Those girls present who There were five chauffeurs. The other
were not trying to help Ingaborg girls piled in beside them. Janice's
would never forget the sight of a car was a Messerschmidt with aux-
beautiful young woman in a filmy, iliary rocket drive forhighway cruis-
ing. So was Ingaborg's. They har- Chamber and had the beginning of
bored a faint hope that if they could the long exit tunnel squarely focussed
reach a good main highway on the on his screen when Janice's car ap-
surface they would be able to turn peared, followed by the rest. Not
on the jets and head for Holland. caring to take time out for guessing
There were few surface vehicles, if the reason for such an apparition, he
any, that could overtake these spe- immediately sent a telepathic signal
cial deluxe Messerschmidts, of to a place where one of the Nameless
which there was a very limited num- Ones was always located . . .

ber in existence.
With a deep rumbling of high com- So it was that when Janice finally

pression engines, the scintillating cars reached the ramp that led toward the
began to roll down the tunnel. In surface she found her road blocked
Janice's car were Beatrice of Mallor- by several other cars parked side-
ea and Nezha of Alexandria, both ways. There had hastily gathered a
of them beside her in the spacious handful of guards who now stood in
front seat. Ingaborg went
With front of the parked cars with radium
Amelia and Three more girls
Julia. pistols in their hands. Janice could
came Duesen-
in the third car, a big have dashed away to her right, down
berg of special design, driven by the ramp, but she knew that the cars
Yvonne, the brunette from Paris. following her would be shot up or
Tanya the Yugoslav drove the captured. So she stopped abruptly
fourth, a huge Lincoln V-24, accom- before the guards and concentrated
panied by a red-headed girl from on them. To the amazement of Be-
Helsinki. The last car, a Douglas atrice and Nezha, the guards closed
Meteor, was driven by a blue-eyed their eyes and fell to the ground.
Irish girl named Margaret Hagan, "Get their pistols!" Janice told
whoe companion was a sandy-haired, the girls.

tomboy type of a girl by the name of The other two jumped out and
Judy Campbell, from New Zealand. picked up four of the powerful
A great number of people would have weapons just as Ingaborg skidded to
been somewhat astounded at the a stop behind them. Nezha tossed
sight of two Messerschmidts, a Dues- her two guns into Ingaborg's car and
enberg, a Lincoln V-24, and a Doug- said, "Follow Janice! " Then she
las Meteor, carrying thirteen beauti- climbed in beside Beatrice in the lead
ful girls in scandalous negligees
swiftly down a tunnel thousands of Janice, not quite sure of her strate-
feet beneath the streets of Berlin. gy now, turned right and headed
Herman Richter, of the Technical down the ramp. She knew by what
Corps, was certainly astounded at she had learned that she was heading
this spectacular procession. He hap- toward a dim, lost world, in fact,
pened to be experimenting with the the deserted caverns of Hell. But it
penetrovisiray above the Council was the only passage left open to

her. Ingaborg followed her in blind with thick glasses and a black Van
faith. There was nothing else to do. Dyke, eagerly placing a young pig
Now that they had been discovered in the raised teletransporter. Beside
there was additional reason for haste. him stood three of the Nameless
Janice knew that word would be sent Ones, who had come here specifically
ahead to block them. She gripped to witness this experiment which rep-
the steering wheel and stepped on the resented the most significant of all of
gas. The Messerschmidt leapt for- Eidelmann's contributions to the
ward like an express train. . . . Cause.
"Ordinary transference," he was
Experimental headquarters of the explaining to them, "from the sender
German Army's Technical Corps had to the receiver, is a relatively easy
been newly located approximately matter. But when we go into multi-
ten thousand feet underneath Pots- ple reception, thus duplicating the
dam, not far from Berlin. The cavern object sent, the result is an attenua-
was a thousand feet long and rather tion followed immediately by death
narrow, almost tunnel-like in its as- and dissolution. I will show you
pect, but this shape lent itself ad- .what I mean."
mirably to large scale laboratory With the pig securely imprisoned
work. On both sides of the cavern, in the transparent sending chamber,
long benches were lined up on which he signalled to his technicians at a
there was a great variety of small nearby control panel. The Nameless
and large bench tools and instru- Ones merely observed without any
ments. Huge power lathes and mill- sign of an expression on their faces..
ing machines turned industriously The pig, they saw, suddenly blurred
under fluorescent lights, between and disappeared.
benches. At other places, master ma- "Look at the receivers," said
chinists and jewelers worked hand Eidelmann, wiping the sweat of nerv-
in hand with some of the world's ous tension from his egg-bald scalp.
best electro-physicists over tiny jew- He peered through his thick glasses
elers' lathes and radiotronic devices. at the thirty teletransporters which
Down the ceiling ran the rails of a were all set to receive the pig simul-
huge crane, but most spectacular of taneously.
all was a battery of thirty teletrans- In the thirty receiving chambers,
porters which were lined up against thirty ghostly pigs took shape. Then,
the wall at one end of the cave. In as suddenly as they had appeared,
front of them, on a raised platform, they collapsed into little messy pools
was an extra teletransporter, like a on the floors of the chambers.
robot lieutenant in front of a platoon "Too much attenuation," ex-
of robot soldiers. plained Eidelmann. "Understand, of
Here was Dr. Gerhardt Eidelmann, course, tie subject sent will survive
one of the greatest scientific geniuses a certain amount, if we condition the
of his time, bald headed and myopic, chambers by greatly reducing the air
" "

pressure. But the life span is reduced in the sending chamber blurred and
proportionately. disappeared. But in the thirty re-
"We already know all that," said ceivers a miracle occurred. Fully
one of the Nameless Ones, impatient- thirty live and solid pigs material-
ly. "But now let's see the real Dop- ized!
pelganger experiment

"A secondary purpose of this ex-

"Very well," Eidelmann replied, periment," said Eidelmann, "is to
admitting a second pig into the send- provide food for the army which you
er. There was a note of pride in want to produce. This is a method of
his voice,and justifiably so, because doing it, although I must warn you
the Doppelganger experiment was an that there is actually nothing mirac-

improvement on ordinary teletrans- ulous under the stars, and that the

portation an improvement on some- effect you see is the result of causes
thing which a superior race of beings which in no way represent a viola-
had conceived of fifty or a hundred tion of the fundamental laws of Na-
thousand years before his time. ture. I am trying to point out that
"This time a tributary ray is fed in Nature no thing is gotten for noth-
into the main transference beam, ing. To
reproduce the extra pigs we
transmitted by a separate teletrans- had to expend a lot of effort to ac-
porter in another cave. The sum total cumulate the substances of which
of chemical substances which com- they are composed. In ordinary Na-
pose a pig's body has been increased ture this requires stock raising equip-
twenty-nine times and placed in the ment, a lot of food and water and
other sender. These chemicals are re- care and patience and months of de-
duced by energizing, like the pig, on velopment. What you have just wit-
the well known principle of the Ein- nessed represents a very speedy
stein equation, into a regular trans- method of reproducing food."
ference beam and fed into the main "Very interesting," commented the
beam before it gets to my multiple Nameless One who was the spokes-
divider which breaks it into thirty man for the other two. "But when
separate beams, one for each receiver. will you have the necessary materials
Hence, the beam that is laden with accumulated to reproduce men in the
the energy equivalents of the chem- same fashion? We need a vast, secret
ical components is also equally di- army in a very short space of time.
vided. The resultant received object There are at present two million reg-
is a live pig which is not attenuated! ulars in the German Army. We pro-
Eidelmann's magnified eyes beamed pose to multiply every man by your
grotesquely behind his lenses as he method, thus making sixty million,
added the punch line. "In other together with their portable weapons

words, I create out of the 'clay* — and food. You have most of the
twenty-nine extra pigsl Observe 1" formulas worked out covering the
Again he signalled to his assistants components of everything to be re-
and they fell to work. Again the pig produced, the source* of these com-

ponents are mostly all within Ger- when they raised their hands for
man territory, and they are even now silence. Then the spokesman turned
being gathered, at an increasing to him quickly.
speed. More teletransporters are be- "We have just received a commu-
ing made available. Within three nication that a very important enemy
months you must be set up to start agent and a group of companions
marching the entire army through the have escaped from Rothbart's castle
senders so that the true Doppel- and are headed this way in five of
ganger will be produced. You must Rothbart's cars. They are to be
produce a force which cannot be stopped at all costs. Contact Major
decimated." Blau at once and tell him to use all
Dr. Eidelmann looked somewhat the means at his command to stop
conscience stricken. "I — failed to them. The leader of this group, a
mention one thing/' he said, looking girl, is an agent of Agarthil"
almost guiltily from one Nameless "Agarthi!" exclaimed Eidelmann,
One to the other. incredulously.
"What is that?" said the spokes- "Yes, Agarthi. You may appreci-
man, coldly. The other two gave him ate now, Doktor, the necessity for
a baleful stare. haste in your work. Agarthi is be-
"There is one substance, if we ginning to move against us!"
may call it that, which we cannot
duplicate," replied Eidelmann. "In As Janice made a long, screeching
the human subject received it may turn on a gradually spiralling ramp,
be necessarily greatly attenuated. It there came into her head through the
is my theory that in the case of the Agarthian mechanism a word of
teletransportation of men through warning. She was told to slow to a
my multiple divider it will make a stop and ask all her companions in
basic difference in them." the other cars to get into hers.
"What is the missing substance?" When she told the other girls to
demanded the Nameless One. do so, they wanted to question her,
"Some people call it the soul," — but she said, "This place is all a
replied Eidelmann. "The men who mystery to you. I haven't got time
go through the senders will never be you about it. But I know far
to tell
themselves again. They will lose a more about it than you do. I can't
positive identity to become autom- guarantee that we'll ever come out of
atons!" here alive, but with me you'll have a
"So much the better," replied the better chance than you would by
Nameless One. yourselves."
All of a sudden, he and his two "You lead the way, Janice," said
companions looked at each other, Ingaborg, calmly. "I'm with you to
questioningly, as though they were the finish 1"
listening to a strange sound. Eidel- And the other girls expressed, in
mann was about to speak to them various languages, the same idea.
"Then hold on tight," she said. ing, like one who drives in a trance.
"Here go the rockets!" "A witch I" muttered one operator.
The voice in her head had told The looked wonderingly at
her to do this. She got up momentum him. He was right! This was some-
in the now heavily laden Messer- thing unexplainable. A witch was
schmidt and at a very high speed, driving straight into the belly of what
switched on the rockets. The big was left of Hell!

car belched flame from six jet tubes Janice and the girls had quickly
in the rear and soon lurched ahead recuperated from their paralysis, and
with a terrible new velocity. The she had shut off the rocket drive of
tunnel was straight in this stretch. the Messerschmidt. She knew she
Also, it was lighted. had been unconscious and yet that
The guards at station 157 would she had, under guidance, managed
never forget the very brief glimpse to hold the car in the center of the

they caught on their visiscreen of tunnel. Again she could thank Agar-
that flaming rocket car laden with thi for her escape. At first she won-

thirteen indescribable beauties as it dered if it were possible to get to

hurtled at two hundred miles an hour Agarthi, somehow, through the tun-
down the tunnel toward unexplored nel, but immediately she became
territory. They caught the car direct- aware of the problem of food and
ly in their paralysis beam, hoping water, among other problems. It ap-
that the driver's feet and hands peared that their only recourse was
would fall limply off the controls. to find a way back to the surface as

With the traction beams they tried quickly as possible. That was her
to bring the car to a halt, but with idea until they struck a pile of
the added weight of the thirteen girls debris when traveling about forty
there was just enough extra inertia miles per hour. Three tires blew out
to make the task problematical. The and the radiator was smashed be-
power units of the traction beam gen- yond repair after a screeching tussle
erators groaned under the strain and with the wall of the tunnel.
even threatened to blow up, but the So they began to walk.
plunging Messerschmidt struggled
onward and finally got out of effec- Ingaborg saw them first. They
tive range. They had escaped, even were marching behind a curious ma-
though they had been paralyzed I chine which was rolling along on
But then the operators received the large, broad-rimmed wheels. In the

surprise of their lives. In their visi- machine were materials, food, water
screens they saw that the coppery and equipment. On top of it was
headed beauty who had been driving mounted a formidable looking ray
was still doing the driving! Her generator of some sort. There were
companions lay as though asleep about five hundred people. And be-
about her but she still clung grimly hind them rolled more of the ma-
to that wheel, her eyes wide and star- chines. The men were very tall and
powerful looking and they wore hind Charles crowded his wife and
medieval type leather clothes and seven sons and three daughters, plus
skirts of chain mail. The women an eager group of other smiling young
were very good looking and were men. They had all come to a stop now
also dressed in a medieval type of and were facing each other.
clothing. "We are from the surface world,"
"How can we meet them like this?" said Janice. "We have had to run for
asked Beatrice. our lives to escape German soldiers
Janice looked at the sorry tatters who sought to capture us. We are
of the girl's negligee. "It's true that lost and hungry and rather helpless.
your assets are showing," she smiled. Can you tell us how to return to the
That brought all the girls to the surface?"
realization they were by now
that "Ho ho!" said Charles. "So the
half naked. Like sheep in a gather- huns are even after chasing women,
ing storm, the girls huddled together are they now! The scoundrels! May
to hide. But Ingaborg and Janice, God come soon to the aid of
who were just as much at a disad- Agarthi!"
vantage as the rest of them, declared Janice and all the other girls raised
that they would walk out to meet their brows in astonishment.
the strangers. Then the others said "What do you know of Agarthi, or
they would back them up. the Germans, for that matter?" asked
So was that Charles of Ravenoe
it Charles of Ravenoe now raised his
and clan were suddenly con-
his brows and chuckled. "What do we
fronted by thirteen maidens as fair know about Agarthi? My dear, we
and scantily clad as any red blooded are in the service of Agarthi now. We
man might ever hope to see. Some are en route to a great rendezvous.
were blushing with shame and kept Soon there will join us a superior
their eyes, like proper damsels, to force, and they in turn may bring a
the ground. Others, of higher birth great colony of theirs to Earth from
still, perhaps, looked him straight in another world to help us in this final
the eye. Especially the two out in struggle against the enemies of truth
front—the coppery haired one with and honor. We carry disintegrating
the fiery, blue-green eyes, and the rays, heat rays and visirays as well
statuesque Viking woman with the as long distance electronophones. Did
hair of white gold and the eyes like you think we were but ignorant pil-
long forgotten Nordic lakes. grims?"
"The Saints of Heaven preserve Janice found it hard to believe her
usl" said Charles, as his merry brown ears,but she wanted to more than
eyes joined his lips in a cheery smile. anything else in life. "Do you mean
"Whence come ye damsels, or are ye to say," she said, "that there exists
nymphs sprung out of heathen soil an Agarthian rendezvous now, where
to haunt us good Christians?" Be- their forces are being gathered at the
present moment?" to deny that Christ was the son of
"Charles of Ravenoe does not God, or that it is a virtue to follow
speak but to prattle," said the tall in the footsteps of the Author of the
leader. Golden Rule! Our religion is simple,
Janice looked suddenly very hum- but it is reconciled to the facts, and
ble and very anxious, all at the same it is still Christian!"
time. "May we join you?" she asked, Janice's eyes were dimmed with
simply. emotion as she looked straight
Charles of Ravenoe looked the through broad Charles of Ravenoe
girls over with an approving smile. at a brightening vision which she had
Then he looked back at the group of come near to losing from heart and
handsome warriors. They were all mind forever —
Agarthi City, and a
intelligent looking fellows, mostly red headed fellow who loved a fight.
blond and blue-eyed. And they were There was hope, after all, even in
grinning broadly. spite of her father, the Schwalben-
"Do any objections to hav-
I hear korps, and the Nameless Ones. Good
ing these fair maids join forces with forces were gathering under the
the clan of Ravenoe?" he asked. "Banner of the Sword." That was
No one said a word. The women where she wanted most of all to be,
smiled and looked away. The un- in the middle of the fight and carry-
married young men only grinned ing one of those banners out to a
hopefully. better world where men and women
"You see," he said, turning to — could really live someday accord-
Janice and Ingaborg and the rest. ing to the Golden Rule . . .

"We do not waste words."

"Thank you/' said Janice. "May August 28, 1971. Chicago sprawled
I askhow it is that you can know resignedly under the merciless glare
what you do about the true history of a summer sky. Lake Michigan
of Earth and still adhere to the hoarded any chance coolness it might
Christian religion as you do? How have had in its muddy depths and
can you reconcile the two?" the only breeze that was felt on
Again Charles of Ravenoe laughed. Michigan Boulevard was that caused
"That is easyi" he assured her. "We by the traffic.

admit that men have misinterpreted This was Saturday afternoon and
the word of God and could not see business offices were closing.
the true history of the world written There was a strange type of holi-
in the scriptures. We know that the day spirit in the air, as though a
Fallen Angels were the Gods who vaguely defined special occasion jus-
stayed on the Earth when the others tified this early closing of offices and
migrated outward we know that
; aimless wandering in the streets. It
Hell was the result of disintegrant was, no doubt, a subconscious public
energy, which produced devils. But reaction to the peculiar world situa-
that does not place us in a position tion.

The Chicago Tribune, like every power, alliances and mirit&ry treaties, etc,
are supposed to be suspended completely.
major newspaper in the world, was Furthermore, each nation is supposed to
as full of pros and cons as the Chi- elect one delegate to a universal conference

cago Daily News in fact, mostly it starting February 1, 1972, to be held in
Agarthi City before the King and the
was full of cons: Council of Elders, the purpose of which
"will be to outline the basic changes which
London, 28 (UP)—At 10:00 A.M. this
will be required in order to set in motion
morning, London Time, the Prime Min-
the most rapid social evolution possible
ister was visited formally by the Nepalese
ambassador to England, Majarajmat Fa fad toward an effectual world government."
Ramji, to be informed that Nepal had No reaction to this affront to the United
changed its name and that henceforth that States of America and to all nations of the
mysterious and heretofore secluded country world has as yet been registered officially
would be called Agarthi. It was further at the Capitol, but filibustering California
State congressman Tom Nichols was will-
pointed out that the reason for this change
was that Nepal had voluntarily accepted ing to say to the press, "No matter how
totalitarian by the government of
rule thin you slice it, somebody is crazy!"
Agarthi; in consideration of the "in-
tellectual, and technological advan-
tages to gained." This move auto-
be Editorial by L. Krtjnk.—There
J. J.
matically the very mysterious
are two events in the history of news-
kingdom of Agarthi as a sovereign country
with embassies and consulates in all the paper and magazine publicity which will
major countries of the world. always be remembered as outstanding
Although the prime minister of England hoaxes that really had the nation going
refused to make a statement to the press,
while the effects lasted. One was the
it was learned here from good sources that

a subversive plan is working behind the never to be forgotten scare in the old
move, and that Nepal has been victimized days during the "Flying Saucer" hoax.
by what is being termed the "crack- However, the latest hoax, which
brained" fanatics of Agarthi, who, as Larry
was internationally televised, continues,
Rone, spokesman for the British Socialist
Farty, put it, "are blowing pretty bubbles much to the great depreciation of the
into the air . ." . prestige of its authors. This hoax was
so well presented that it even succeeded
in suspending the Great War, at least
Chicago, 28 (AP) —
The government of the
temporarily, and for this the Democratic
United States of America received official
notification today from representatives of nations have already expressed their
the newly named government of Agarthi gratitude. But now the hoax is going
(until this morning known as Nepal) that
too far. It wants to rule us!
on January 1, 1972, all governments of
the world were to consider themselves Reference is made to that unforgetta-
officially under the rule and authority of ble night of December 17, 1970, when
their King and the Council of Agarthian
we were all treated to an impressive
Elders. The name given m the startling
speech by one Rama Khan Tor, sup-
document to the system under which all
peoples of the Earth were supposed to be posedly an Elder God who had come to
guided after December 31 was simply The help Agarthi save the world from its
Terrestrial Government. As soon as the folly. He told us that within one year
"Terrestrial Government comes into effect,"
Agarthi would take over. That night
all national governments are to continue
"as will be necessary to the routine con- we were also treated to $&pie expensive
tinuation of domestic and international fireworks in several parts of the world,
commerce, ordinary management of the all of which must have cost several
affairs of state, and general human wel-
millions of dollars. Reports came in
fare," but all international conferences rela-
tive to territorial agreements, balance of from everywhere that eyewitnesses had
— —
seen the thunderbolts of the "Elder twenty thousand vets full blooded Agar-
Gods" striking down from outer space thians, bless their souls I But may we
at the armies who were attacking ask—what of the author of their civic
Agarthi and various cities in Europe. demise? What happens to the citizen-
The peculiar disappearance of Reims ship of the recruiter, Mr. Michael Kent?
and Aachen and several villages in a If he wants to be a foreigner, too, why
severe earthquake at that time was an does he persist in making a harvest on
unusual circumstance on which the soil which is, by rights, no longer his
authors of the hoax sought to capitalize own? What's wrong with his making
by saying that the bolts had "disinte- recruits out of all the erstwhile Nepalese
grated" them. So impressive was the who became Agarthians today by royal
clever spectacle, coupled as it was with decree? Our boys have been dragged
the demoralizing disappearance of Nich- away from home often and long enough.
olas the First of Russia, that our en- Why not do something about Michael
emies at time suspended their
that Kent and keep our boys at home? Be it
attacks and have since withdrawn, at ever so humble, there is no place like
least apparently so. But these are still home—without termites!
very perilous times, and the price of
American liberty will always be a strong The boys down at Pops Roost oa
American vigilance. We must always be North Clark Street were trying to
quick to recognize a hoax when we see
drink beer, play Twenty Six, and
one, whiskers or no whiskers. If you do
not think that this ultimatum of Agarthi
come to a decision on world affairs,
all at the same time. Peevy, the big
to the nations of the world is a hoax,
what do you suppose Agarthi could re- fellow with a pock-marked face some-
ply to this simple question YOU AND what of the color of lead, usually had
WHAT ARMYT the last word, and as usual he was
Sorry not to be able to close on such making most of the decisions.
a good punch line, but speaking of "Dey oughtta be a law," he com-
armies starts us to thinking. Ex-major plained, sagely.
Michael Kent, lately attached to the
U. S. Army's Sixth Airforce, and pal
Little Tony Coletti widened his
of ex-captain Stephen Germain, lately big eyes and replied, "I donna know,
of the U. S. Strategic Services, has been Peevy. I see dissa fellow giva da
recruiting American volunteers for speech on da televize datta night, an'
Agarthi. Not without success, we should I tell a you he was a da goods!
add. Latest reports have it that some Maybe we needa to be all a straighten
twenty thousand pilots and airmen in out by somebody like a dees keeng of
general, including many of Kent's own Agarcla, or watta you call it. Gat
ex-commandos, have accepted free beers
reed of de politico! an' keep outta de
and transportation tickets to Nepal
war! I had a keed in de war." Tony's
oops! —
Agarthi, as they have started
eyes got watery. "Dey gotta heeml
calling it today.
We know that the laws of the United
Dey keel a heeml I vote a now for
States stipulate that any citizen who any fellow who can a use a hees brain
enlists in a foreign army automatically before he usa da bombaf"
loses his citizenship. That makes our Sandy "Big Swede" Larson shoved

back his straw hat from a sunburned As the sun went down and a stifling
forehead and took an enormous swig summer night began to dominate the
of beer. **Aw, shut up, Tony!" he world, lights blinked on in the execu-
said. "This Agarthi stuff is just a big tive wing. The President and his spe-
religious racket to make money. The cial committees were working over-
nerve of those guys! They aren't just time . . .

cracked. They warita commit suicide,

too!" Michael Kent started out early for
Peevy looked up from his dice at the Airborne Veterans' banquet at
Sandy and there was trouble in his the La Salle, where he had been in-
little, bloodshot eyes. "Don't tell vited to be the guest speaker. The
Tony to shut up," he said. "He lost banquet was scheduled for eight, but
his kid in the war, didn't he? He's he had started out in a taxi at seven
got a right t'talk!" because he wanted to take a careful
"I got a right to an opinion, ain't look at the place. Ever since he had
I?** bellowed Sandy. "I say this gotten his left arm shriveled by a
Agarthi stuffis the bunk and some- death ray in Santa Cruz, he had de-
body oughtta string this guy Kent veloped a precaution complex. He
up to a lamp post!" was a fighting man, and the mortifi-
Peevy got to his feet and Tony cation of not being able to fight any-
ducked over to the bar. Pop, the more had made him squeamish about
proprietor, yelled in falsetto, "Out- being taken at a disadvantage.
side now boys! This is a respectable This night there were plenty of
place! No fighting!" reasons for taking precautions. For
"I say shut up because you don't one thing, the news was out about
know what you're yappin' about!" Agarthi. Public opinion was aroused
said Peevy to Larson. against his recruiting activities.
"And I say you're an ignorant There might even be tar and feather-
bonehead!" replied the latter, also ing or lynching parties under way,
getting up. The vets were largely for him, be-
And so it started, a brawl that cause he talked their language and
traveled to the street and ended that was a well known vet, himself, per-
night in the local precinct's "cooler. H manently scarred by the war. They
But was typical of the general
this were mostly young bloods who had
situation. People were forming a lot not yet finished with adventure, and
of sharply opposed opinions and ar- they believed in what he said. But
guments originated at the drop of a this time he had let the cat out of the
hat. Out in Cicero some shots were bag. He had announced only today
fired over the issue and one of the that he was going to bowl them over
contestants was killed. with some heretofore unknown facts.
Through all this the big New Capi- Evidently some of the Airborne
tol Building on Michigan Boulevard Veterans had decided to come early,
remained aloof and non-committal. also, because when Kent sauntered
into the lobby of the La Salle, three a booth behind a table with a red
of them came to welcome him. Tall, morocco top. Brinks were ordered
strong boys, alert and keen eyed, subconsciously and cigarettes blov
cut off from the war's adventure too somed leisurely out. Except for Kent.
soon, he thought to himself. These He stayed with his pipe.
vets believed in what Kent adver- This was a very nice approach,
tised: Nationalism had served its thought Kent, but his mind was not
time; Universalism was the next logi- as slow as they figured. At first he
cal step, the only remaining defense had really taken them for vets, but
against war and destruction. Agarthi now he was thinking differently. He
could establish Universalism blood- was in the middle of what could be
lessly ina short length of time and termed a trap. His sudden suspicions
start thegroundwork for the building had caused him to use the gadget in
of a vast, Utopian world, but it his skull to read their minds, and
needed a few willing hands— not for the facts were quite clear. These
a war against civilization, but for a were agents of the U. S. cartel con-
war against the last true enemies of trol group, than which there were no
peace and security and progress the — killers with colder blood or greater
Nameless Ones and their huge cartel perseverance.
control groups. However, he bided his time and
Kent knew most of the local vets, still kept looking around the room as

but he did not recognize these three the conversation gradually drifted to-
fellows. He shook hands, anyway, at ward Agarthi and world government.
the same time casually scanning the He was very much surprised to rec-
room for suspicious looking char- ognize one chap at the bar who hid
acters. his face from him. That purple birth-
"We*re from Council Bluffs," said mark on the right ear was a dead
one of the vets, a lean faced fellow give away, but aside from that Kent
with a scar on his left cheek that would have recognized his wiry, ath-
zig-zagged like a bolt of lightning. letic frame and that wavy, sandy
"And he," said the second vet, hair anywhere. Sam Turner, of the
waving his thumb at vet number FBI, ex track champion, all around
three," is from a little oasis on the expert and instructor in the art of
Nebraskan plains called —what was self-defense, from Judo to fencing.
the name?" he queried of the third A good looking boy, and one of the
man. top agents. Wherever he went, it
"Don't tell me," smiled Kent. was like the smoke that preceded a
"He's from Omaha. When are your fire. Sure to be trouble.
two towns ever going to quit feud- But Kent really sat up straight in
ing?" his seat when he saw the pudgy-
By time they had arrived at
this faced, stockily built fellowwho was
the hotel's oasis, which was the bar, playing cards behind a cigar over in
and they all ensconced themselves in the corner. Few would know him,

because he never allowed himself to what you really want and get it over
be photographed, but Kent knew with?" said Kent. "You're no more
those heavily jeweled, fat looking vets than I'm a bat-winged canary I"
fingers that could pop tennis balls, "Scar Face" looked astounded and
that shiny, wavy black hair and the hurt. "What are you talking about?"
predominantly Greek look about him. he asked.
There was also enough Asiatic in "What do you take me for?" re-
him to slant his eyes slightly. Few torted Kent. "A campfire girl? I've
would have suspected that he held been around, boys If only one of

the position he did, for he hid it well you had come from Council Bluffs
under an old world taciturnity and or Omaha wearing a two hundred
craftiness that was a heritage from dollar suit and a penthouse shirt and
seafaring ancestors in and about the tie I'd have taken the bait. But
Agean. And there was enough Ger- there are no three honest vets from
man in him to make him stubborn. a couple of midwest towns who can
Greg "Baby Face" Stierman, one of all afford the same expensive tastes.
the country's leading citizens and You're phonies, so confess your
one of the most dangerous men alive racket and let's get this over with.
to involve in an argument if you What do you want?"
were playing for keeps. Hobbies: rare The three of them looked signif-
and beautiful jewels, one of the icantly at each other and simultane-
world's leading connoisseurs; chess, ously extinguished their cigarettes in
one of the master players ; knife the same ashtray.
throwing, the deadliest thrower in "Okay," said "Scar Face." "We
the recorded history of the art, be- want you. Our car is in the alley."
cause he had studied it, and what he "Before we leave," said Kent,
studied he perfected to an abnormal groping for strategy, "I want to tell
extreme. Such a versatile and peculiar you that I knew you'd look me up
man was the Chief of the Federal tonight. That's why I walked right
Bureau of Investigation, who seldom into your little set up. I've got a
appeared in public. message for your boss that's worth
To Kent, the presence of Turner one million bucks." What he was re-
and Stierman here together could ally thinking about was how not to
mean only one thing. They must be get a skull massage before he could
out after the big time agents who take care of them. His plan was to
had cornered him. It was a great get them into the alley and knock
consolation to have them so close at them out with the paralysis ray. He
knew that theFBI would be on his
"Have some of the recruits actual- heels, and he would be only too glad
ly become Golden Guardsmen yet?" to turn over his charges to them,
queried the fellow with the lightning he did not want the FBI to know
streak for a scar. about his special powers yet.
"Why don't you slickers tell me As they all got up to leave, with
no comment being made on his last talltimber. And Stierman had not
statement, Kent saw with satisfaction even disturbed the natty angle of the
that "Iron Man" Stierman was ruby stickpin in his tie. The other
squinting through his halo of cigar two agents had been taken care of
smoke at Sam Turner. That was from the first moment of attack by
enough. They were "on." the FBI men.
"Much obliged, Stierman," said
When the alley was reached, the Kent.
three agents grabbed him and got "Much obliged, yourself," replied
ready to knock him out, for easier the FBI chief. "We want you, too,
handling. Two held his arms, and you know."
"Scar Face" stood in front of him "Mel" said Kent. "What's the
warming up his knuckles as though charge?"
he were enjoying his work. It was "Suspicion — or you name it,"

going to be a devastating haymaker sighed Stierman, standing quietly and

on the button. Kent got so mad at immaculately near the light of a
the injustice of it that he almost for- glazed bathroom window and polish-
got about the paralysis ray. ing one of his jeweled rings. "The
He was just about to use it when President wants to see you."
six big fellows stepped out of the "In that case 111 be happy to go
darkness, some of them swinging along, because as a matter of fact
blackjacks — at the three agents. I —"

"Scar Face" ducked and flashed a "In any case," said Stierman, paus-
gun, but dropped it with a groan of ing to glare at him, "you'll go along."
pain as a knife "placked" through Kent liked Stierman. A very thor-
the bones of his hand and stuck ough man. He would not have liked
there rigidly. to use the paralysis ray on him. Be-
"We want this to be a quiet party," sides, he wanted to see the President

said Stierman, calmly taking the fel- now more than he wanted to see the
low's bloody hand and extracting bis Airborne Vets . . .

knife while an assistant began to

apply handcuffs. The President of the United States
"Scar Face" aimed a foul blow was a tall, lanky man with a long,
at him, but Stierman met his leg
homely face and fire in his eyes. Some
with a bone breaking Judo blow, people called him the second "Abe,"
simultaneously raising his elbow but he lacked Lincoln's deliberate
sharply under the other's chin as it slowness and calmness, as well as his
came howling down. This flipped his inherent greatness. Still, he was a
head violently upward, and Stierman highly intelligent and energetic exec-
threw a quick piledriver into his utive who would have preferred being
arching solar plexis, with one foot guided by principles rather than by
circumstances permitted.
politics, if
behind the other's feet. "Scar Face,"
broken, bleeding, and out, fell Kke "I think you're * good man," he

was saying to Kent in his private der cover. If there is anyone present
office in the executive wing of the who should not hear such inside facts,
Capitol, "and that's why I dislike you had better advise them to go
seeing you hook your horse up to the now, because this is going to be the
wrong wagon. What makes you think Naked Truth."
that Agarthi could possibly presume "I anticipated such a discussion,"
to tell the whole world what to do?" said the President, who was doodling
"That question," smiled Kent, on his desk calendar in a strangely
"will be answered tomorrow." tense and preoccupied way. "The
"The President," said Stierman, gentlemen present represent a Spe-
who sat close beside him, "can't wait attached
cial Service group, directly
until tomorrow. He is a busy man. tomy office until further notice. You
He wants an answer now." may speak your mind, Mr. Kent."
Together with Stierman and Sam "Okay, then here it is. You know
Turner there were two others in the as well as I do that Agarthi is real

room. Lieutenant, Colonel George and earnest, and that if any group

Henry Brion, new Chief of the O.S.S. of men in the world

is capable of

Six feet two, big fisted, a box-like governing allit is the Agar-
square face and black, curly hair, thian Elders. gave you my entire

gray eyes, and one artificial leg which story six months ago and presented
few people knew about. Then there indisputable proofs to you about
was the man called "Little Willy," Agarthi, so let's not take time by
alias James William Grange, D.S., questioning that point."
Ph.D., special technical aide attached "Just a minute," interrupted Bri-
to the O.S.S. on. "Mr. President, is it true that
These four men, alone, had been you have been presented with indis-
secretly assigned by the President putable proof that Agarthi is what
exclusively to the case of Agarthi. it pretends to be —
a place of supe-
The President knew much more than rior wisdom and science?"

what he read in the newspapers. He Turner and Grange looked ex-

knew there was a great deal behind pectantly at the Chief Executive,
Agarthi, but he wanted to measure while Stierman calmly lighted a
that "great deal" carefully before cigar.

issuing any public statements. His "Yes," said the President, uncon-
opening derogatory remarks had been ditionally. "Go on, Mr. Kent."
merely to egg Kent on. Brion and Turner and Grange now
"Well," said Kent, finally, "since listened to Kent with highly aroused

I have the advantage of your undi- interest. Stierman *s features were ex-

vided attention, Mr. President, I'd pressionless. {

like to speak very clearly and frank- "You also know very *well," con-
ly. You must realize that I know a tinued Kent, "that nationalism has
lot of big inside which a lot
facts served its time, that this great new
of big people would like to keep un- Age of Power calls urgently for the
nest step in the evolution of human paigns sound about the same, and
society —
Universal Government — the results are about the same after
Mankind's last hope for survival. If a candidate to public office is elected,
such a universal improvement is not because before he ever starts, his
made quickly, you know it is in- course is prescribed as though by the

evitable that we will all be involved hand of Fate, itself. These bosses are
inmore and more devastating wars. the sole dispensers of Power and In-
Even now the New Germany Party fluence. The world is so well geared
is starting on a Hitlerian course to obey their mandates that to upset
whose purpose is to conquer the the system would be cataclysmic.
world, as usual, and we're liable to Still,that system must be upset. For
have another war of Domination on as long as it continues there can

our hands, this time backed up by never be such a thing as truth and
weapons which were devised by the honor among common men. Look at
Elder Gods, themselves." today's reaction to the news about
"Gentlemen," said the President, as Agarthi. Can't you see there the in-
Sam Turner opened his mouth to fluence of the cartel bosses? They
speak, "all this concerning Elder Gods can't afford to let Agarthi win, be-
is true/ Mr. Kent has shown me cause that means the end of self-
physical proofs and given me tele- centered Power and Influence in the
vised as well as telepathic evidence." world!"
"Telepathic?" asked Stierman, "Again," said the President to the
raising his brows enough to look at others present, "to avoid time con-
his boss. suming conversation I must tell you
Yes, telepathedKent to everybody a fact which it will endanger your
in the room. Didn't you know it was lives to know, but since danger is
possible? your business I'll inform you between
"My God! " exclaimed Brion. these four, sound-proof walls. I am
Turner's mouth went agape. Stier- breaking a sort of unwritten "Aris-
man lay his cigar on his ashtray, totelean oath" of governing execu-
leaned back in his chair attentively, tives the world over and am also
and said, "You have the floor, Mr. taking my own life in my hands to
Kent!" confess it. But the fact is, gentlemen,
"Now we come to the spectacular all presidents and kings and dicta-

part," said Kent. "Mr. President, tors, except for a few renegades like
forgive me for dragging out of the Nicholas the First, are subject to the
closet of leading statesmen the world orders of higher rulers, gangster type
over a very nasty skeleton. You are bosses of the super cartel combines
all secret catspaws to international that own and control all things, di-
bosses who control the world's gov- rectly or indirectly. They hold the
ernment and finance and politics as strings of Power and Influence and
though they were gods. All political must be obeyed. Since they own the
speeches during major election cam- owners of the press and radio and

would be solved in six months " He


television and motion pictures and

all such tooJs which are utilized for looked at them all fiercely and gave
the shaping of public opinion, they them a bitter smile. "Did you really
can shape the public mind and make think it was a problem to avoid wars
it believe anything that is convenient and famine and ignorance and human
to their plans. Before the days of suffering? It is true what has so often
printing presses and all the other been said, that a child could find the
modern day devices, they had other answers But what always compli-

systems which were fully as subtle cated things was the eternal chess
and effective. They have always ruled game played by these mighty ones
the rulers down through history, but who must always hedge for advantage
much more successfully, or I should and power, so that they can offer the
say on a much grander scale, since bait to those who will forever be
the advent of capitalism and the ma- willing to buy that power and influ-

chine age." The President leaned ence with their very souls I I refer
forward, very earnestly. "What you you to the case of Abraham Lincoln,
gentlemen were led to believe was one among many which could be
going to be a little cross-examination mentioned. His great work of Eman-
of our friend, Mr. Kent, has become, cipation was his own desire. He re-

therefore, a desperate conference of sisted the Control factions, but he

brave men who must wonder if they had to tear the country apart to do
are not on the threshold of attempt- it. And although his great spirit

ing something unprecedented in the brought him success, he was quickly

annals of political history the — assassinated, which is the fate of all
throwing off of the yoke of these leaders who resist the 'system'." The
Men of Power and the opening of President pointed at Kent. "What I
the eyes and minds and hearts of all called Mr. Kent here for was to find
Mankind to this naked truth, so that out one thing once and for all. This
the simple human faith of a man in may amaze you, gentlemen, but I
his fellow man will henceforth prove have reached a certain desperate de-
to be a working proposition, so that cision. What I have said here to you
leaders and thinkers can truly lead!" tonight and what I could say still
Grange, Turner, Brion and Stier- further would mean my assassination
man had never seen the President get within a half hour of making it pub-

so worked up about anything before. lic. Now look here. I am a states-

He was tense, dramatic, and in a man and regrettably but necessarily a
rage. His fist even crashed on the But before all else I con-
desk. sider Mankind. It is far more im-
"Gentlemen, I tell you that if the portant to me than the\ antiquated
presidents and kings and prime min- tradition of nationalism when it

isters of all governments were re- comes down to a matter of choosing

leased from the power of these inter- between survival of the two. I am
national bosses the world's problems convinced that Universal ism is the

next step. Presidents before me calmly as possible.
should have led the way years ago The President and everybody else
and boldly opened the discussion of looked at him wonderingly.
a world constitution with the mem- "First of all," he said, "the sys-
bers of the U.N. when that organiza- tem of the international bosses is
tion was first established—and be- breaking down. Mr. President, please
fore it perished. If this had been explain to the gentlemen present who
done in time we would never have Peter Trimble is."
seen a Russian-made War of Dom- "Peter Trimblel" the President
ination. Now I occupy the same posi- gasped, both fearfully and hopefully.
tion in the world as those previous "Why he's the top boss of all the
presidents. I am no better than they. U. S. cartel combines 1 The name he
I am as enmeshed as my predecessors goes by in public is James Sylvester
in this secret system of political servi- Addison, President of United Alum-
tude to the international bosses. But inum." Brion and Stierman's eyes
I do see clearly that the only thing widened. "He reports directly to the
that will cleanse this foul disease Berlin Control Council."
from the body of all humankind is "Use the past tense there," cor-
for one man such as myself to be rected Kent, watching the other men
willing to die for his convictions and, closely. "He is now a prisoner in

once and for all, place principle be- Agarthi, along with Antonio Velarde,
fore politics/" His eyes blazed. the Latin American boss, and before
"Therefore, gentlemen, if Mr. Kent another day goes by we hope to have
is able to give me proof that Agarthi Lord Mercyfield by the coat tails.
can back up its claims to the limit, He, as you may or may not know,
I'll take my
stand before Congress is the boss man of the British Empire

and before the world, and I'll tell combines. We have full, recorded evi-
them exactly what I have told you dence against all these men, as well
the Naked Truth. And I'll be the as against the remainder of the world
first to recommend a world wide ac- bosses."
ceptance of Universalism under the "My Godl" exclaimed the Presi-

Agarthian plan though it cost me dent. "How is it possible 1"

my life! "Trade secrets," grinned Kent.

"Mr. Kent," said the President, Stierman was now beginning to
gently, as Kent sat there silently take a deep interest in the develop-
staring at him, "your pipe has gone ments. For the first time he was be-
out." ginning to be sincerely impressed
Kent stood up and stretched his with Kent. he had a question.

legs and sauntered very happily over "If Trimble was the boss," he said,
to a position beside the President, "and if he has been removed from

and then turned and looked at the power, why are the newspapers still
others. playing his game and telling lies'"
"I have good news," he said, as "Inertia," said Kent. "It will take

time before people realize that they other capitals."

can be truthful and actually get The President tugged at the sleeve
away with it." of Kent's withered left arm. "Don't
"But they'll select other bosses be difficult," he said. "What will we
taster than you can close in on see tomorrow at noon?"
theml" said the President. "Gentlemen," replied Kent, highly
"You say they," said Kent as be elated, "you will see some giant bat-
puffed quietly on his pipe. "Whom tleships floating in the air above
do you mean?" Lake Michigan. Space skips/ Ships
The President looked as though he that can carry emigrants in suspend-
were at a loss for words. "You ex- ed animation a hundred years
plain that one for me, will you, through interstellar space in search
Kent?" of other worlds on which to live, ships
"AH right." Kent addressed the that could take you to Mars and back
other men. "Underneath Berlin is a in ten days, powerful dreadnaughts
group of six men who are called the that could overwhelm any major
Nameless Ones. They have unusual navy, army or airforce in the world,
powers and they are the lords and single handed, and never get scratch-
masters of these international bosses. ed 1The Agarthians built them on
In short, they run the world. They the patterns of the actually existent
are the sole authors of the New Elder God space ships of fifty thou-
Germany movement. They are even sand years ago, which still lie in
now placing Elder God machines and their docks in the lower caverns of
weapons in preparation for a mass Agarthi."
assault on the world and Agarthi as "My God I" exclaimed Brion. "It
well." sounds like a Martian invasion 1"
"It looks," said Stierman, "as Sam Turner scratched his purple
though Agarthi were trying to buck ear and shook his yellow topped
up against a two-headed hydra. But head. "I don't get it," he said. "Too
may I ask a pertinent question here? much for mel I'll just wait until
Where are Agarthi's big teeth? Where tomorrow."
is the strong right arm, the con- "Mr. President," said Kent, "the
trolling force that is going to out- purpose of this visit by a portion of
balance all the current military pow- the Agarthian space navy is to answer
er of the world? I'm practical, like the very question which Mr. Stier-
most people. All I can understand, man has stated: Where are Agarthi's
let us say for the sake of argument, big teeth? I have been requested by
is power. Where is it?" Agarthi to ask for your cooperation
Again Kent smiled. "That," he in this matter."
said,you will see tomorrow at noon, "Now I'll be glad to cooperate,"
and so will London and Paris and replied the President, "but how?"
Moscow and Rome and Buenos Aires "By
taking a belligerant attitude
and Tokyo and Shanghai and a few and ordering us out of the United

States on the grounds that our pres- The other men in the room were
ence without the government's per- too dazed and amazed to get to their
mission is illegal. Nobody will get feet
hurt. The ships will merely remain
silent and uncommunicative for sev- Kent was awakened by the sound
eral hours, during which time the of shouting. It was nearly noon.
anti-aircraft units of the local garri- He rolled over on his back and lay
sons, and the TJ. S. Army Airforce, in bed listening as the sun crept in
should be called out in the greatest through his open window along with
strength possible to attack the ships. a welcome breeze from the lake. It
Attack them with all the live ammu- was one man shouting, down on the
nition you want, because you can't street, and Kent could hear his words.
hit them no matter what you do. "We have had enough of decep-
"After several hours of witnessing tion!" he was shouting. "This traitor,
such fireworks, the ships will move Michael Kent, who has come like a
closer to Chicago, and then Stephen malicious pied piper into our midst
Germain will address the entire to lure our young veterans away from
United States from the leadship, over their homes again, should and must
a powerful transmitter on board." be driven out!"
"Germain!" exclaimed the Presi- Kent hurriedly put on his clothes
dent. "So he is returning at last I" and went outside. He saw a huge
"Yes. He will explain to every- crowd of several hundred people lis-
body the entire social platform of the tening to a raving soap box artist.
King of the World. After he finishes Kent walked slowly toward the
what he has to say, you will be in- wild-eyed men that formed the van-
vited on board, and there you'll have guard of the crowd, keeping his mind
your chance to tell the truth to the clearly aware of the paralysis ray,

nation and nothing but the truth. the operation of which was a matter
If you were to speak on regular tele- of the will. He stopped, practically
vision hookups you'd be cut off be- in their midst, and raised his good
fore you got started and somebody arm for silence.
would make the lame excuse about "Friends, listen to me!" he
technical difficulties beyond their shouted.
control, and you'd be taken suddenly Awarning flashed into his brain,
was too late. A big rock came
ill' and nobody would get to hear but it

you finish. But on board an Agar- flying and hit his head.
thian battle cruiser you'll be pro- "Traitorl" somebody yelled at
tected and you won't be cut off." him.
The President sprang to his feet. And they all grabbed him. He was
He extended his hand to Kent, while too dizzy with pain to defend himself.
his face beamed with the inspiration Brutal hands tore at him. His cloth-
of a lifetime dream. "I'll take you up ing was ripped and he was lifted
on that! " he said. Hodily into the air.

"Give it to him good " shouted

I —
that I am right and that all of yon
the crowd. "The dirty stinkerl We have been shamefully deceived by
don't want foreigners or traitorsl the newspapers you read! Just twenty
Let's ride him clear out of the state minutes !

on a rail!" The crowd was stumped. But it

Kent tried to grin through a swol- finally broke loose again.
len eye and a bleeding lip. "Dunk him in the lakel" they
"When traitors are accused," he cried.
said, "they are given a chance to say "No! " shouted a fellow with a beer
a word in their own defense. How belly.Give him his twenty minutes
about it?" and then we'll let him really have it!"
"Shut his big mouth!" somebody "Okay Twenty minutes
I Set 1

shouted. your watches, boys!"

"Give him his last word!" some- Kent showed his watch to "Beer
one else argued. Belly," and from that the time was
"Okay! The last word hell ever given to everybody. The crowd got
speak in America!" cried another. very quiet and waited. Kent sat ex-
So Kent got up and shouted, "I hausted on the wagon and watched
plead guilty of the crime if crime — them.
it —
is of fighting for universal wel- If they got premature and tried to
fare!" injure him he was going to use the
"Boo!" retorted the crowd instant- paralysis ray. Suddenly very much
ly- aware of the mechanism in his head,
"None of that Agarthi baloney!" he sent out a telepathic call to
cried a ringsider close at hand. Stephen Germain, who by now should
"That's fake!" have been descending out of space
"Fake! Fake! Fake!" boomed into the Earth's atmosphere far
the crowd. above him, he reasoned.
Kent raised his good right hand Germain! he telepathed. How
and gained a loophole in the din. He soon will you arrive?
had looked at his watch a second And Germain answered back,

before one of the few things which Promptly at twelve, Slim, old boy!
had, miraculously, remained on him. Keep your shirt on! We're just slic-
"In twenty minutes," he shouted, ing the Kenniston-Heavyside layer.
"I can give you proof about Agarthi My shirt's gone o§ my back, he
—proof that you'll never forget to sent back, so I can't keep it on. I'm
your dying day!" The crowd began in a pickle, or rather I'm about to be
going bug-eyed and shushing itself a pickle. I'm sitting out here in pub-
to hear him. "You have all day to lic disgrace and disarray, with about

beat me to a pulp if that's the kind fifteen minutes of grafe to spare. If

of sport you like, but all I'm asking you don't speed it I'll have to

for is twenty minutes in which to start paralyzing some people, and

prove beyond any shadow of a doubt I'm liable to get shot for it.
Germain's thought delayed for a sleeping. He was on his feet and
moment. Then: We'll take care of looking upward. Spectators from the
you quickly. Where are you? Manor House saw the ship come to
In front of the Lake Shore Manor. a stop only twenty feet above the
Be right down. We are shielding lamp posts.'

you against the sleep ray, so you Immediately, a small door opened
know what to expect. We have you in the belly of the ship and a sort of

here now in the visiscreen. Jumpin' square, telescoping shaft extended

catfish! They really mussed you up! itself down to the ground. No crude

Hold tight! We're coming in! rope ladder for Kent; this was an
elevator! He got in it and a cage
Slightly before twelve o'clock noon was seen to rise in the shaft. When
the people of Chicago and especially it had entered the ship, the shaft

the people on Michigan Boulevard, telescoped back into the ship's belly.
saw a huge, submarine shaped vessel Then the huge vessel began to rise
appear in the sky and descend rapid- again, and it finally joined its two
ly toward the ground. A second vessel companions in the sky over Lake
appeared, and a third, but these lat- Michigan. No wings, propellors or
ter remained hovering silently
aloft, rocket tubes were seen on these ships,
over the lake at an altitude of about nor did they make any sound that
five thousand feet. could be heard below. They just hung
As the first vessel dashed ponder- there silently and nothing more oc-
ously downward toward the Lake curred except that the people who
Shore the huge crowd there began to had fallen asleep began to wake up
disperse in hysterical confusion. But and look sheepishly at each other.
before they could trample each other They looked up at the ships, which
seriously they all slowed to a stand- they could not doubt were from
stilland looked in awe at the sky. Agarthi, and then they looked still
With their mouths agape in astonish- more sheepish. So Kent was right!
ment, they slumped to the ground Gradually, two and two began to
with hardly a murmur. Thousands be put together. Those miraculous
of people were lying about every- ships could only mean that the whole
where, and at first the spectators on story was true —
Rama Khan Tor, the
the outskirts of the crowd thought Elder God who had spoken to the
that the had merciless-
invaders world on December 17, 1970 over
ly killed them in some manner, but an international television broadcast
it was soon determined that they were from his great ship at Agarthi had
merely enjoying a deep and peaceful been real all the time!
The bedraggled figure of Michael Now the pendulum of public opin-
Kent looked very lonely and forlorn ion began to swing the other way.
as the shadow of the descending ship "We have been deceived!" they
engulfed him. He alone was not shouted by the thousands, and they

crowded the beaches to watch in round the ships.

wonderment the silent and motion- Then the cruisers turned their big
less shipsout there above the lake. guns upward and fired heavy calibre
This was an event which they, and high velocity shells, but the shells
the hot dog and ice cream vendors, were seen to disappear in blinding
would never forget. flashes of light before they could do
By one o'clock, papers appearing any harm. They ceased firing after a
in special editions on the streets and half hour of useless effort.
special radio-television announce- In the meantime, about five hun-
ments informed the public that the dred swift Army jet planes with
United States Government had estab- rocket cannons filled the Sunday af-
lished television communication with ternoon sky with flame, but also to
the Agarthians and had advised them no avail. The Agarthian ships were
that their presence was illegal, as no too close to Chicago for bombing
permission had been granted to enter maneuvers or for using atomic
U. S. skies in vessels that were ob- bombs, so no bombers appeared.
viously equipped for combat. An At precisely four P.M., the Agar-
ultimatum was given that if by three thian flagship that had picked Kent
P.M. they were not gone they would up left the other two and sank to a
be openly attacked by the combined level of two thousand feet. Then it
ground, sea and air forces of the U. moved majestically in over the city.
S. Army and Navy. "Citizens of America!" boomed the
The Agarthians, however, re- greatly amplified voice of Stephen
mained where they were . . . Germain from the flagship, so that
National Guards and the Army about a million spectators on the
regulars worked swiftly to clear the rooftops and in the streets could
beaches, but the spectators took to hear him His voice and
the rooftops. Anti-aircraft batteries image were being broadcast by radio-
were set up on the beaches, and sev- television to all the forty-eight states
eral proud cruisers appeared omin- simultaneously as he spoke. "This is
ously on the lake, their anti-aircraft the voice of A%arih%! Agarthi comes
guns poipted aloft. to you and all the world today offer-
At three P.M., the thunder of sev- ing you truth, and the strength to
eral hundred anti-aircraft guns was abolish deception forever from the
heard, and the three Agarthian ships face of the Earth, so that Mankind
were engulfed in the smoke and flame may enter the promised Millenium of
of bursting shells, or almost. It was uninterrupted peace and prog, ess 1"
observed that an area remained clear
of explosions around their hulls for a During the next astounding hour,
depth of a hundred yards or so, as the people heard expounded the plan
though neither shells nor shrapnel and social platform of the King of
could penetrate a certain invisible the World, just as it had been re-

protective screen that seemed to sur- vealed to Rocky in the Administra-

tion Library of the Palace in Agarthi. the best solution to all the major
When the speech was finished, the problems of human society, when
President of the United States was something went wrong . . .

invited to come on board and ex-

press his opinion to the nation. The First of aH, the television and
President accepted. He went
on radio transmitters on board burned
board with Turner, Brion, Stierman out and melted down into an irrepair-
and Dr. Grange and was joined there able mass of junk. The President's
by. a refreshed and redressed Michael voice and image were instantly
Kent, who introduced Germain and blotted out. The last his audience
his wife and the ship's captain to saw of him, his eyes were filled with
everyone. In the radio-television a sudden fear.
broadcasting chamber of the great The Agarthian Ray operators de-
space vessel, the President lost no tected the influence of a heat ray that
time in giving the speech that shook could only have been generated by
the world. Elder weapons operated by the
"As the President of the United Nameless Ones. They immediately
States of America," he said to his threw out the ray guard screens.
great audience, "I am a statesman But their shield had gone out too
and a politician, the one by defini- late to block the teletransportation
tion and the other by necessity. As beams that kidnapped two of the
such it is naturally to be expected most important persons on board —
that I make a political speech." He Stephen and Lillian Germain! They
paused for a full quarter of a min- merely disappeared into thin air . . .

ute, while over two hundred million But this was not all . . .

people waited. "But I cannot do so Even after the guard screens went
under the circumstances," he con- up, three unwelcome visitors came
tinued in a voice suddenly filled with brazenly on board, or rather should it

emotion. His long face acquired the be said that they appeared on board.
hardness of flint as he glared into They appeared in the broadcasting
the televisor at the world. "/ must chamber, just in front of the Presi-
break allprecedents — and tell you dent. Tall men, immaculately dressed
only —the Naked Truth/" in tuxedos and wearing monocles, but
And he did. He told about the with something peculiarly, nameless-
cartel bosses and how public opinion ly missing about their faces!
was -shaped by them, how they made Greg Stierman, Turner and Brion,
of truth and honor and faith but closed in. But they felt like fishes
cardboard shams to suit their own out of water when their hands grasp-
purposes, and how human progress ed thin air instead of flesh and bone I

was virtually impossible while they "They're ghosts!" exclaimed Turn-

existed. er, turning pale.
He was just beginning to explain Stierman and Brion stood there
how the plans of Agarthi provided tensely, watching the three immacu-

late figures as they surrounded the first mate and two broadcast oper-
President. In the presence and atti- ators. The Agarthians did not speak
tude of these three strangers, every- English, except for their captain, and
one in that room, including the help- he had gone away earlier with Dr.
less Agarthian technicians, sensed an Grange to examine the ship.
all encompassing evil which was like Stierman spoke Kent. U I and
a mind-dimming mist, something Brion and Turner," he said, "are
that struck at the roots of the sub- responsible for the President. We'd
conscious and scared up mortal fear, appreciate some help in tracing down
like a bat-winged thing from the the true assassins. Would you mind
Unknown. educating us as to what happened
The only words one of them spoke exactly, and how it happened?"
were directed at the President: "Did Kent looked pale and sick as he
you really think you could get away regarded the President's quiet form
with it?" on the floor. Turner and Brion knelt
The President suddenly found down and picked him up. They put
himself. He straightened up rather the dead executive in a comfortable
proudly and succeeded in dominating chair, somehow unable to recognize
his instinctive fears. the fact that the great man who had
"I recognize you now," he said been speaking truth to the world but
calmly but very gravely. "You are a minute before was now blotted out
the Nameless Ones who presume to forever. Stierman only looked darkly,
control the world. I know you have fiercely determined as he waited for
come to kill me as you have killed all Kent's answer. Sweat stood out on
others before me who sought to speak his forehead.
the truth. Well, go ahead! You can "I am making myself responsible,"
erase me, but not what I have just said Kent, "for Germain and his
said to several hundred million peo- wife." Kent had grown up with
ple. If this is the occasion for saying Germain and Lillian. In fact, both
last words, then let mine be these: men had been in love with Lillian
/ regret that I have only one life to still were. "If you're willing to work
give —forMankind!" with me," he continued, "we'll do
From the foreheads of the Name- something about this, but it's got to
lessOnes, miniature streaks of light- be fast. It's obvious that Germain
ning flashed out to converge upon the and Lillian —
that's his wife will be —
President's head. He sighed, as taken to Headquarters, which is
though choked with pain, and then underneath Berlin.
he dropped dead to the floor. "How will they get there, and how
Whereupon, the Nameless Ones soon?" asked Brion.
disappeared . . . "They must intend ^o work swift-
ly," replied Kent, "considering Agar-
In that room were, besides Stier- thi's show of strength today, both
man, Brion, Turner and Kent, the here and in Europe. So they no
doubt have a high-powered strato- he said, "that the King has just com-
rocket somewhere with which they municated with us over the electro-
will transport their captives to Ber- phones."
lin. They might return to Berlin in "The King! " exclaimed Kent
such a conveyance in less than two "Does he know—"
hours." The captain nodded his head. "It
"Can this ship do the same?" is war," he said. "It had been planned
asked Stierman, grimly. for next week sometime, but in view
"Yes, even better/' replied Kent. of what has happened the zero hour
"But Berlin is the headquarters of has been advanced to now. We have
the enemy. There are all the con- fifty space ships operating in various
centrated forces Nameless
of the parts of the world. They have all
Ones, backed up by ancient weapons been ordered to make a rendezvous
such as our own. We could not go over Paris at once. From there we
there in one of these ships without move on Berlin. The forces of the
opening a full scale attack, and we Agarthian army, which are now over
can't do that unless Agarthi orders fiftythousand strong and reasonably
it. My idea, however, was for us well equipped, are being called upon
to-'* to march from their position under
"Just a moment, Mr. Kent!** Frankfurt directly on the headquar-
They all turned around to see the ters of the Nameless Ones. We hope
captain of the ship standing in the that by this time the Golden Guards-
companionway, behind whom stood men, led by Steven Rockner of
a starry-eyed Dr. Grange whose face Agarthi, have reached the ren-
suddenly clouded as he looked at the dezvous, because they are especially
President. The captain wore the trained and equipped to be of great
black, shiny, short boots of the Agar- help to us. It is only regrettable that
thian space navy, silver colored ac- we haven't time to wait for our third
tion trunks and a handsome, jeweled ally, who was to arrive in a few days,
belt which supported a disintegrater as we need all the help we can get.
gun. A gold colored shirt that looked The enemy is very strong."
like chain mail covered his broad "What ally is that?" asked Kent.
chest, bearing an emblazoned Sword "The Moon People," replied the
of Agarthi, in pure, glistening white. captain.
From his muscular shoulders hung a "Moon People! What in the devil
pure white cloak down to the top ?»'

of his heels. He was a handsome, "You must pardon me," said the
strong-faced man with blue-gray captain. "I am
needed on the bridge."
eyes, which were shadowed by the He paused, as his first mate joined
short visor of a special type of hel- him, to say, "The other gentlemen
met that contained compact electro- present may they wish, or
join us if
phonic and telepathic devices. disembark, but they must decide at
"It will interest you to know," once." He waited, looking at them.
colossus n 59

Stierman raised his slightly ori- allwars, was enough to make hira
ental eyes from the figure of the frown deeply with anxiety. But he
dead President to Lieutenant Colonel was glad, nevertheless, that Stier-
Brion and Sam Turner. He saw the man, Turner, Brion and Grange were
answer in their set faces and in the along. He felt attached to them, as
steely glint in their eyes. though they all formed a good fight-
"Thank yon," said Stierman. ing group together.
"Well stay." This is it, he told himself, to the
Kent would have grinned happily final end . . .

under other circumstances, but Ger-

main's and Lillian's disappearance, ino or colossus n
the President's death, the sickening
awareness of an overwhelming power (Coming next issue, Colossus III,
of evil that had visited them, and She final story in S. J. Byrne's trilogy
now this declaration of a war to end of a new world.)



by Nelson Bond; Gnome Press, NY, '49;
272 pages; $3.

WE HAVE learned, via the Newspeak

of Geo. Orwell's unspeakable world of
even gives
money when
Shakespeare a pun for his
comes to laying on words in
"1984," that 2 + 2 may equal S, so it should a playful manner.
not be difficult to accept Mr. Bond's dic- One of the most interesting in Bond's
tum that there are 31 days in February. Ac- baker's dozen is "The Cunning of the
tually it is the dictum of no less an auctorial Beast," a sort of cybernetics-in-reverse story
deity than James Branch Cabell, who once of flesh-and-blood beings being created by
intended the title for a chapter in "The a robot to serve mechanical men If I am !

Witch Woman," a discarded manuscript, not mistaken, "Pilgrimage," which closes

and graciously presented it to his admirer the volume, was originally titled "The
to title his present collection. Priestess Who Rebelled," and is in fact the
"The 31st" is subtitled JJ FUgktt of first of the famous "Priestess" series. How
Fantasy, and Nelson Bond is a high-flier about that, editor Rap —
y«u introduced
indeed. In "The Sportsman" he writes them, didn't you?
something like Lord Dunsany spinning a Bond is a conscientious craftsman who
Jorkens yarn; in "The Mask of Medusa" polishes up his pulp work before permitting
he is reminiscent of Bloch ; "The Enchanted it to be bound between hard covers, and
Pencil" might have been written by Henry the result is quite commendable. The book
Kuttner. This is not to suggest in the least is good both physically and "spiritually,**
that Mr. Bond is a deliberate copyist. He topped off by a tasteful jacket.


Uluimtion by BUI Tttry

Martin Brand was executed as a "It's already broken," Kathleen

traitor and kis coffin was enshrined Dennis said in a tight, strained voice.
in memory of a hero. Then a woman "It broke the day they took him
in love did a strange thing — she away, condemned as a traitor, and I
opened the coffin . . , and war flared believed it . until you told me the
. .

across three worlds. truth."

Orson stopped in the darkness and
^TT'S A crazy thing, Kathleen," grasped her arm. "Kathy, please
i Hal Orson said in a savage don't do itl You don't know how
whisper, "Worse still, it can much trouble you can get into if you
only hurt you. He's dead why . . . are caught at this mad scheme. You
open up old wounds? You'll break couldn't possibly explain why you did
your heart .

it " Orson pulled her around until

Driven by the most powerful emotions of which

a human being 1* capable, Martin Brand sought
out the Martian column in Luna -but when

be destroyed It, he became a living dead man.

she faced him in the gloom of the source. He lifted one hand and
tomb's interior. "Just why are you brushed his fingers across her velvet
doing it?" he insisted. "Why For I
skin. They came away wet. He
the life of me I can't understand . . shook his head in irritation.
"Why did you agree to come along "Because I was his best friend
in the first place?" she whispered or as good a friend as he'd let any-
body be. And because ." He fum-
. .
He tried to see her face in the bled for words, but the wetness on
gloom, but it was only a pale oval, his fingers strangled them in his

and for an instant he thought he saw throat. To say more would only hurt
something glistening, as though there her worse . . .

were tears on her cheeks reflecting "Because you felt there was a pos-
little glints of light from some unseen sibility that I might be right," she
finished for him. "That he might monument to seek the hero whose
not be ... " real heroism had never even been
"Kathy," he begged. "Don't say told, whose life had been forfeited by

it. You'll break yourself up . . the cowardice of a nation's govern-

"Because I'm crying?" she asked, ment. Kathleen followed behind him,
defiantly. "Hal, discovering that he clutching bis right hand with her left.

really is dead can't hurt me half as They reached the rail around the
much as the torture of not knowing. sunken marble mausoleum and Orson
And as long as this doubt gnaws at halted. "Over you go," he whispered.
me, be a river of pain dammed
I'll "I'll let you down and you can drop

forever from the sea. The dam will the last foot or so. It's only eight

break if I don't relieve the pressure." feet . . ." He put down the crowbar,
"Then let me look!" he exclaimed. and it clanged loudly against the
"There's no use in burning such a floor.

ghastly picture into your mind . . Kathleen clambered over* the rail.
"Don't be afraid of that," she said. He grasped both her wrists and low-
"For eleven years I've burned a pic- ered her gently, leaning over as far
ture of him into my mind — ten years as he could. Then, with a whispered
while I worshipped him from a dis- warning, he released his grip. He
tance, and one since I told him I heard her soft sandals slap against
loved him. No other picture can re- the floor, and knew that she hadn't
place that one. I can take it, Hal, lost her balance.
I'm no baby." "Here I come," he said, picking
"You're crying like one," he said, up the crowbar.
and regretted the words instantly. In an instant he stood beside her
"I'm sorry, Kathy. I didn't mean in the gloom and fumbled in his
that. I'm a fool . ." His voice. pocket for the black-light spectacles
broke and he stopped speaking. necessary to give them vision. She
She reached out and touched her put on a pair, and as he donned his,
cool fingers to his face. He stood she snapped on the black-light flash.
still while they explored. He didn't Without the glasses, nothing would
flinch when she found the wetness. have been visible at all in the im-
"Hal," she said. "You're good. penetrable darkness. An eerie red-
Too good to get into trouble because dish-glow seemed to fill the chamber.
of me. Go now, Hal — I'll finish the He turned to look at her. She stood
job alone." stiffly, staring at the huge marble
He hefted the crowbar in his left coffin in the center of the circular
hand. "No!" he said roughly. "I'm floor. Even in the weird light he
going to take this tomb apart, stone could see that her face was starkly
for stone, and if he's in there, I'm white.
going to take the Capitol Building He clenched his fist so tightly that
apart right afterward " He strode on I the nails bit into his palm, and turned
through the gloom of the marble almost savagely toward the coffin.

She held the light while he placed the edge of the sarcophagus.
crowbar against the thin crack that "The coffin I" she gasped. "It's

marked the lid. The slab was tre- there!"

mendously heavy, but by fractional "Of course," he said, almost sav-
inches he forced the thin edge of the agely. "It would be. And it's going
bar beneath it until enough of it was to be a devil of a job to open it. It's
under Uie slab to give leverage. His metal, and it'll be bolted shut. I
first heave moved the slab not more only hope the wrenches I've brought
than an inch. He tried it again, and will fit . .

once more he moved the slab a tiny He tried them one by one, then
bit. grunted as he found one that worked.
"Can you do it?" Kathleen asked He began loosening the first bolt . . .

"It's a cinch you alone couldn't An hour later he sank back, his
have," he grunted. hands bleeding. "There, that's the
"I'd have smashed it," she said last one," he gasped, "but I'll have

simply, "if it took me all night. I to rest a moment. I haven't got the

don't think anyone outside could strength left to lift that cover . .

hear what went on in here. It's al- Kathleen laid the flash on the floor
most soundproof." and leaned over the coffin.
"I hope so," he said, inching the "Kathy " said Orson sharply.

"Don't ."
bar under the slab once more. "It . .

looks as though we'll be making But with one superhuman heave,

plenty of noise before I get this off." she lifted the metal cover. It crashed
aside, ringing asthough a thousand
Ten sweating minutes later the gongs had been clashed together.
slabhad moved enough to show a Orson clapped his hands over his
thin black line of the interior of the ears, then took them off. He looked
outer coffin. Orson thrust the crow- at Kathleen, who was peering into the
bar into it with a mighty heave. The coffin.

muscles in his shoulders bunched as Suddenly she screamed. Again and

he strained against the bar. Then the again she screamed, ear-piercing
iid si id aside as though it were shrieks that penetrated his eardrums
greased and fell with a thunderous with more intensity than had the
crash to the floor. The echoes were noise of the metal coffin lid.

deafening in the vaulted chamber, He leaped forward, grasped her in

then silence came once more. his arms and pulled her away from
They waited almost a full minute, the coffin.
listening for the sound of running "Kathy! Come awayj Don't look
footsteps, for an alarm; but no fur- any more ..." 1

ther sound came other than their Her screams stopped and she
hoarse breathing. whirled on him, sobbing shrilly.

Kathleen thrust the light over the "Hal! He's . . . he's not there. He's

not there! Don't you understand? Brand grinned as the strains of
. . . He's alive/ He's not dead at all; Wagner's inspired music dinned in
he's aliveThe coffin's empty!"
1 his ears.He turned up the volume
"Oh God," said Hal Orson, fold- still further, until the roar of the
ing her trembling body in his arms. music drowned out the drone of his
"Oh God!" rockets.
As he stood there, holding the "Now come on, you lousy am-
sobbing girl tightly, his mind went bushers!" he roared.
back to that memorable day when Behind the ship against the rocky
the "luck of Suicide Martin Brand" wall of the a brilliant,
had become almost a legend with the soundless puff of light momentarily
Interplanetary Patrol. They had erased the inky moon-shadows at the
heard it all over his transmitter, mountain's foot.
which, in the heat of battle, he had "Missed!" exclaimed Brand tri-

forgotten to turn off. They had heard umphantly. "And you had me
him screaming his defiance at his boxed
enemies while he plunged in for his Suddenly, across his sights flashed
suicidal attack against impossible a hurtling dot. Brand tripped his
odds, accompanied by the roar of guns. Once again the bright light
Wagner's immortal Die Walkiire din- puffed, this time as one of Brand's
ning at them out of their loudspeak- shells exploded— in the hull of the
ers from the music tape he habitual- enemy ship.
ly carried into battle with him . . . "That's HI " screamed Brand.
* * * "The luck of 'Suicide' Martin Brand!
Back on Earth I'm a legend, but
ff/^DME and get me, boys! — If right here, I'm a damn fool —a fool

\J you can!" even the devil won't kill."

Martin Brand clenched one space- There was something bitter in
browned fist around the fighter's Brand's tone as he shouted aloud
throttle and threw the ship into a over the crash of the magnificent
screaming, roaring bank that ended Siegfried music which was filling the
in a terrific dive straight down, par- control room of the tiny fighter
allel with the breath-taking forty- rocket. There was bitter recklessness
thousand feet of cliff that was one in the thrust of his hand as he bore
side of the Liebnitz Mountains. the throttle over hard and sent the
With his other hand he pressed a flier zooming up again in a heart-

switch on the control panel a switch bursting maneuver.
that had all the earmarks of having The fire of the remaining three pi-
been crudely installed by one who —the thought
rates of the word pirate
was not a mechanic. brought an angry flash to Brand's
There was a faint hum, then from eyes—converged on the Lunar floor
a speaker mounted over his head over which he'd been, and then, sud-
came a burst of music. denly, they were below him and in

line with his sights as he looped over the heavens. He instantly computed
upward rush.
at the top of his the angle of intersection, then waited,
Once again those brown fingers squinting his eyes. The pirate ship
clenched, and this time a spray of sped up into range of his guns . . .
shells vomited outward toward his Ten seconds later the fight was
enemies. Not just one lucky pot- over. The wreck of the last pirate
shot,but a barrage with all six for- ship twisted madly as it hurtled down
ward-guns. to a soundless crash on the airless
Brilliance blinded him as thirty- sea-bottom.
six magnesium-atomics burst all

around the diving ships trapped in Brand slacked speed, bore his ship
his sights. When the light faded, around, and then brought it to a
he saw another ship dropping in a long, gliding landing near the wreck-
mass of fragments toward the deso- age.
late surface below. The other two And he did so, a rocket flared
were streaking desperately across the beyond the wrecked ship. A tiny one-
sea bottom, crater-hopping like mad, man escape rocket looped over a
to put distance between them and crater rim and streaked toward the
the demon fighter who had so reck- horizon. Brand cursed.
lessly and amazingly escaped the per- "Damn! He got out before she
fect "box" ambush they had laid crashed!"
for him along the slopes of the Lieb- There was no chance of taking-off
nitz. in time to catch the speedy little ship,
Without pausing, Brand lanced his so he switched on his communicator
ship after them. Gray lava swept and roared into it.
under the belly of his flier with a "Run! You rati And when you
blur of motion. With a grim, set grin get home, tell your boss I'll get him
on his lips, he centered the cross- sooner or later. The next time he
hairs on the flames of the laggard's tries to trap me, him to bring out
rockets. His fingers pressed delicate- his whole damn fleet!"
ly. Six shells "ringed" the ship, There was a faint hum in the re-
blasting it into fragments that show- ceiver, and Brand snapped off his
ered down even as Brand's flier tore recorder, which was still blasting out
through the expanding gas of the the music of his favorite selection.
explosion. A voice came faintly from the
It was then that the surviving ship speaker. Brand turned up the volume
made its fatal mistake. At the range to its peak. With a crackling of static,
that now existed, the pirate might but still quite clearly, the vpice spoke.
have escaped had its pilot continued "You never could hang 6n to any-
in a straight line. Instead he shot thing, Martin Brand," came the
his ship outward into space in an at- voice, dripping with mockery. "Not
tempt to flee the satellite. even a girl! And the next time we
Brand's pursuing ship flared across meet, you won't be so lucky. I'll
bring you in and you can give the "Just for me?" she questioned
boss your own messages!" coyly. "You've only known me five
There was a sudden snap and the months. Couldn't it just as well have
hum faded from the speaker. The been any other girl?"
man in the escape rocket had cut off He clutched her to him.
his radio. "Nol I've known you ever since
But Martin Brand sat as though I was old enough to know there could
frozen, only the static of empty space be anything like you on Earth. I've
breaking the silence inside his fighter. pictured you in my mind since al-
Only static; until his voice cracked most the first time I rocketed a ship
out in a hoarse whisper that, had it into space, a raw kid in the Inter-
become flesh and blood, would have planetary Patrol. I don't think there
been incarnate hate. could have been a little home if you
"Jeffry KMianI" hadn't really existed."
Again and again through Martin "You dear," she said softly. "You
Brand's head echoed the words he idealistic darling."
had just heard. You could never hang He fished in his pocket, showed
on to anything, Martin Brand. Not her the deed to their home to be,and
even a girll And as they repeated for many moments they read it to-
themselves over and over, another gether.
voice whispered in his mind ... a "I've got to go now," he said
voice as soft and musical as a sum- then. "But I'll see you tomorrow
mer breeze in a forest; cool, alluring, morning at the spaceport. Then well
sweet. It whispered in his mind and walk up to Commander Wilson and
carried him back over ten long get tied up in glorious style. Great
years . . . old man, Commander Wilson. Not
* * * a man in the universe I'd rather
rocket with. He gave me official
"I love you, Martin. Oh so very orders to let him do the officiating."
much ..." be wonderful," she breathed.
Martin Brand crushed the slim Again he kissed her, and left.
girl's form to him as he kissed her
yielding lips, passionately, tenderly, "Commander wants to see you,"
adoringly. said Brand's roommate when he
"We're going to be so happy, Es- reached his quarters. "Probably
telle," he said. "Just wait till you wants to make sure you've got the
see the home I've built for you. It's ring."
the coziest thing on three planets . . Brand grinned. He put his fingers
"I can hardly wait," she said. "And into his watch pocket, removed a
111 treasure everything in
it. You've tiny box and flipped it at the rock-
worked and fought so long and so
bard to get it . .
." "From now on, Hal, it's your wor-
"Just for you," he put in. ry. You're best man, you know. And

doesn't, lad, because #*

if 1 haven't a ring when Commander hope it . .

Wilson calls it, there'll be one

for the commander sobered maybe . .

member Orson family who'll

of the the next ten years are going to be
rocket no more!" tough ones."
"Take more than a Brand to stop "The Martians?"
an Orson," the rocketeer tossed at "Yes. The latest report comes from
Brand's back which was retreating Luna. It seems a party of Martian
through the doorway. scientists have obtained permission
Brand knocked at Commander from the Lunarian government to
Wilson's door and waited. A gruff conduct archeological explorations
voice answered and he went in. He on the dark side. Archeology my
closed the door behind him, saluted foot The dirty snakes are scouting

sharply. the territory for military purposes."

"Lieutenant Brand reporting as "You mean you think Senator
ordered, sir," he said. Beasley is right? That Mars intends
Commander Wilson's space- tanned to invade Earth?"
face appeared rather red in the glow Commander Wilson grunted.
of the desk light before him. "I'm a soldier," he said. "I can

"Never mind the formality, son," see a reasons why Mars

he said. "Sit down. I've got some should want to invade us, and how
things Lo say to you." they could do it. Those damned paci-
He fussed around at some papers fists keep prating about 41 million

on his desk for a moment, while miles of space being a bulwark of

Brand seated himself and waited. natural defense. Bulwark, my hat!
"Damned nuisance!" fumed the It's [list a matter of coasting. What
commander. "Just when T wanted a they rc;ii]y need is a base oi opera-
vacation . .
." tions near us . . . and that base is the
Brand leaned forward, startled. moon."
"We haven't been ordered out?" 'What are our orders?" asked
he questioned anxiously. Brand.
"Not immediately. But we leave "Unofficial," said Wilson. "Sen-
in four days. You'll have a very ator Beasley and the President aren't
short honeymoon, lad. Three days." asleep. We're to 'scout' beyond inter-

Brand looked disappointed, then planetary limits and keep our eyes
he stiffened. open, but damn it, that isn't enough 1

"We can arrange it, sir, If this Sooner or later we're going to have
thing's what I think it is, it's more to institute a secret-service unit
important. We can continue the hon- work entirely on its own
ttin.;h will

eymoon later. After all, we'll have a nv —a

body that can fi^ht it out
long litre to be married." frci'ance and be prepared to take
Wilson chuckled. the rap if caught ." . .

"That's youth for you— think the Count me in on that, Com-


honeymoon will never end. Well, I mander," said Brand swiftly. "I . .
"Not a chance." Wilson shook his "She's worth waiting for, Hal. But
head. "That'll be for single men only. if she doesn't come soon, I'll need a
It's too much of a suicide job. For fresh collar . .

instance, if the Lunarians nabbed one Ten minutes passed, and Com-
of these operatives, he'd probably be mander Wilson moved back into the
liable to life imprisonment, or even shade of the arbor. Orson's face took
shot as a spy, and our government on a sober look, and every few min-
would have to deny him altogether. utes he fumbled in his jacket pocket
In fact, he'd forfeit his citizenship wherein reposed the ring for which he
when he went into the service." was responsible.
"You talk as though this service The purr of an atomic motor came
were already in existence." from the road beyond the fence, and
"Not yet But let's talk about Brand stood erect. The line of officers
that wedding tomorrow. Has she snapped to attention; white gloves ;

picked out a ring . .

.?" went to sword hilts in readiness.
A messenger's cycle swept in 1

A confused babble of voices drifted through the gate in a swirl of dust. ,

across the take-off platform of the dismounted, propped up his

Its rider
Space Patrol landing field. Brilliantly machine and strode forward.

uniformed rocketeers stood chatting "Lieutenant Martin Brand?" he

with lovely girls, and behind them asked.
loomed the tremendous mass of the Brand stepped forward.
blasting pit's metal - and - concrete "Here." i

walls. The morning sun was shining Brand took the message the boy ]

brightly, and beneath an arbor of handed him, while Orson tossed the ,

flowers stood Commander Wilson, lad a coin. ;

waiting. Before him stood a double "Something wrong, Martin?" asked ,

line of officers of the

Space Patrol, Orson while Brarid scanned the mes-
wearing their dress swords. At the sage he had removed from the en- 1

far end of the line stood Martin velope. '

Brand and Hal Orson. Brand's face went white as the i

Brand was fidgeting nervously, words bit into his brain . . .

peering often toward the gates of the Congratulate us. Estelle and I will
landing field, which yawned to the be married by the time you read I

highway outside. It was here the this. No hard feelings. The best man [

limousine that would bring Estelle won. Jeffry Killian. \

Carter and her bridesmaids was He didn't hear Orson's repeated

scheduled to appear. question. He stood there, a blood-red

"This thing's twisted," said Orson. haze before his eyes, a roar in his '

"Isn't it supposed to be the groom head. Slowly his fingers curled into .

who traditionally keeps the bride a white-knuckled fist, crushing the

waiting?" paper into a ball. Then they relaxed !

Brand grinned faintly. and the paper fell to the ground, j


Unseeing, unhearing, oblivious of the on. A newscaster's face appeared. His

tense silence that hung over the land- voice droned . . .

ing field, he strode through the gate Martian war spread to another
toward his car. front on the red world today, when
He didn't hear the curse that Hal the Syrl'is armies attacked tiny Mal-
Orson let loose as he picked up and via without warning. Tank columns
read the message. Hal Orson was too followed initial attack by rocket-
enraged to notice the pink cheeks bombers and smashed through Mal-
which he caused to appear on some vian defenses at three vital points . .

of the girl attendants, and tensed The announcer's voice went on arjd
jaws on the part of their escorts. The his features were replaced at times
curse was echoed by Commander by maps illustrating the areas under
Wilson in modified form as he read discussion. Then he launched into
the sheet from Orson's hand. an account of local news.
"The skunk! The no-good, rotten Early this morning the wrecked
rat!" racing-rocket of the famed inter-
As he strode through the gate, planetary-racer, Jcffry Killian, was
whispered words formed on Brand's found on the Maine coast, half sub-
lips. merged. A young woman, tentatively
"She ditched me!" he said. identified as Miss Estette Carter of
"Ditched me for a dare-devil space- New York, was taken from the crack-
racer. Eloped! And she only went up in serious condition . . .

out with him once ." . . Orson turned slowly to face Martin
His hand whipped inside his jack- Brand, who was rising to his feet, a
et, tore out the deed to the little stricken expression on his face as he
house. He ripped it into fragments faced the televisor screen. On the
and threw it to the winds. And then screen now was a view of the wreck,
he laughed, harshly and loudly. a grimly shattered object washed by
foamy seas as the wind roared in a
There was a heavy silence in the gale from the Atlantic. The announc-
room. Hal Orson fumbled aimlessly er's voice continued:
with the television set, as a variety . . . and has been removed to the
of scenes faded in and out on the Community Hospital at Boston. The
screen. body of Jefjry Killian has not been
"We noon tomorrow,"
take-off at located as yet, and it is believed that
he said abstractly. "Be good to get it may
be lost in the sea, thrown
into space again. I've got a belly- clear of the wreckage.
full of this inaction ." Hal Orson snapped
. . off the televi-
Brand on the bed, looking
sat sion and tossed Brand his coat.
dazed. He
remained silent. Orson "Come on Martin, we'd better get
looked him, shook his head,
at started. I'll rocket you up there in
frowned, then returned his attention my speedster."
to the televisor. More scenes flashed Brand's face was pale, and his
— "

browned hand was trembling as he legs and arms strapped to the bed, a
caught the coat. leather strap across her breast. Her
"Thanks, Hal," he said. "But don't head was heavily bandaged and one
spare the fireworks. I've got to get arm was in a cast. Her eyes were
before ." open, and they stared directly into
to her before . . .. .

"We will," promised Orson. "We'll Brand's with an intense glare that
be there in a half-hour." stopped his lips with shock.
"Look at the tin soldier boy!" she
"She isn'tbadly injured physical- jeered. "I hate you! I hate yout
ly," said the doctor, "bruises and I hate everybody! You've got stars
contusions, a broken arm, and head in your eyes . .

injuries. We had to operate on her In startling change she recoiled,

head as soon as we got her here fearful, eyes dilated.
pressure on the brain. Would have "Stars!" she shrieked. "They're in
killed her in another two hours. Un- your eyes, and they're getting bigger.
fortunately, a bone chip on the inside The whole sky is full of them. Run-
of the skull had penetrated a portion ning races, that's what they are. Rac-
of the brain, causing damage to an ers! And cowards too! They aren't
extent which we can't predict at the really racing —
they're running away
moment. It may be ." . . . . ooohhhh-hh!"

"How's she now?" asked Brand Her voice ended in a high-treble

tensely. "Can I see her?" scream, filled with utter terror com-
The doctor shrugged. bined with horrible hate. She tossed
"Yes, you can see her, but it isn't convulsively on the bed.
exactly—well, pretty. You see, she's "The fool! He thought I loved
violently insane." him. He got a deed to a nasty little
Brand went white. shack Get away from me. You've
. . .

"You mean . . .?" got racers in your eyes


"Perhaps. There's not much hope Martin Brand recoiled. Then he

that she'll regain her sanity. There's moaned and a shudder shook his
been some sort of mental shock also. big shoulders. Abruptly he wheeled,
Perhaps the sight of her com- . . . ran from the room, colliding with
panion drowning while she was pow- Hal Orson whose face was white and
erless to help him," tense.
"I want to see her," said Brand, Outside, sobs tore from Brand's
tight-lipped. throat, while Orson gripped his arm
The doctor led the way down the tightly and held it.
corridor to a small room. Brand
entered first. He halted as he saw Commander Wilson extended his
the figure on the bed. hand and shook that of Martin
"She's strapped down!" he ex- Brand, soberly but with feeling.
claimed. "Welcome to the Special Service,"
On the bed lay Estelle Carter, her he said. "From now on you are a

free agent. You will receive your in- to us, you know."
structions from me only, and your A flinty grin crossed Brand's face.
area will be 24B-Luna. Your identity "I don't die easily, Commander,"
has been established as Robert he said. "But neither will I live long
Wales, political criminal. No one enough to be a sucker again!"
connects Robert Wales with Martin + * *
Brand, the ace of the Interplanetary
Patrol. As Robert Wales you have Martin Brand stared unseeingly
no rights as a citizen, although none across the wastes of the lunar plain
can deny that you are still an Earth- which stretched back toward the tow-
man. All of your actions will be those ering heights of the Liebnitz from
of a renegade. But your job is to which he had just come. Still ringing
smash the plot that is brewing on through his brain were those words
Luna. Mars must not be allowed to he had spoken ten long years before.
establish a fifth-column there, nor to They had been the basis for the
invade. Until the 'powers that be' Martin Brand the solar system now
realize our danger, we must work in knew as "Suicide" Martin Brand, the
the dark. If you get into trouble, luckiest man alive and the most —
your government will deny you." daring.
Brand nodded. Ten years ago, his life had been
"I know. It's all right. I have blasted into a terrible bitterness.
nothing to lose." His voice was dull. Now, when he thought the wound
Commander Wilson poured a healed by time, a voice had come out
brandy from his private stock, of the ether from a crater-hopping
"Driuk this," he said. "And snap little escape ship, tearing it wide
out of it, son. You've got a job to open once more. A voice that he
do. And you've done a noble thing hated, a voice he had thought he'd
by setting aside all of your savings never hear again.
as a fund for Estelle. She'll be taken "He isn't dead!" Brand's voice
care of. But don't let it make you rang with hate and shock in the tiny
bitter, lad. There are other wom- confines of his little pursuit ship.
en . .
." "Jefjry Kfflian is still alive! He
"Not in this service!" snapped didn't drown when his ship cracked
Brand. "Remember what you told me up . .

once before?" The full significance of it jolted

"Sur^j but .
" . home in his mind.
"That's the way it suits me," said "The rat cracked her np, thought
Brand. "And as far as my job is she was dead, and ran out^ on her
concerned, the Martians will wish I'd like a coward. And she kniwf She
never been born." was insane, but she still remembered
"I'm sure they will," said Wilson, he'd run out on her! And later he —
a troubled look in his eyes, "but don't must have known itl bearing that —
be reckless. A dead agent is of no use she was insane, he never came back.
Let her shift for herself ,"
. . Earth. He'd lost his citizenship be-
Martin Brand's face writhed in an cause of seditious acts. Oh, yes, the
old hate, now reborn to full growth rest of the solar system would accept
in a terrible manner. him without much question. His
"I'll get you, Killian!" he swore. wasn't a universal criminal act. In
"I'll get you, if I have to tear the fact, much of the solar system would
whole Moon apart!" secretly approve of an Earthman who
Beneath the savage pressure of his was a seditionist Mars especially,
. . .

fingers, the pursuit rocket roared up and perhaps Venus. On Luna he

from the age-old dust of the lunar would use still another name (he'd
plain, shot over the wrecks of the selected Edgar Barnes) because Luna
ships he had shot down, and out into was anxious about Mars, and curried
space toward Earth. favor from Earth. And too, she was
a bit irritated because Earth politi-
Three days later, Martin Brand, cians stuck bull-headedly to their iso-
pressed in the rough garb of a pros- lationist policy.Luna also resented
pector, peered from the porthole of being a "buffer" between Earth and
the limping freighter which was set- Mars without getting credit for it.
tling down past the high rim of the If Luna discovered that Edgar
•rater that exactly centered the side Barnes was Robert Wales she might
*f the Moon eternally hidden from deport him, certainly not to Earth,
Earth. He watched with interest as but very likely to Venus. So Martin
darkness settled around the ship. The Brand intended to play his dual role
jloom became deeper as the ship sank with all the cunning —and uncanny
into the bowels of this pock-marked luck—that was his.
world. The was dropping now in-
As he watched, the admonishing to an illuminated area. Light came
words of Commander Wilson rang in from below, and suddenly with the
his memory. It's a tough hunch shock that it always brings to per-

you're playing, my boy. If it really sons making a first descent into the

was leffry Killian you saw, then hollow world, the breath-taking spec-
something is going on inside Luna tacle of the cavern's immensity
that's no good at all. No good at all! opened out beneath him. There was
Whatever you encounter will be a city there. A modern Lunar city,
strictly your own funeral if it blows built, precariously it seemed, on a
up in your face. Good luck, son. terrific slope. How it could have
Somehow, soon, we've got to smash remained there was an incredible
that Martian infiltration, or it's cur- mystery.
tains for Earth, Brand shifted his body, and the
Yes, it would be strictly his funer- mystery was a mystery no longer;
al— because now he wasn't Martin for he almost fell, with a new shift
Brand. He was Robert Wales, and of balance from a new center of
Robert Wales was an outlaw on gravity. The precipitous slope on
which the city stood became a flat notice, then whirled upon her.

plain, and the black hole of the crater "Do I know you?" he asked
through which the ship now emerged abruptly.
shifted from its former vertical ap- It seemed to him that she drew in

pearance to a low-slanting shaft that her breath just a bit too sharply.
bore off at an angle. "No," she said in a low voice, staring
A moment later he adjusted him- straight at him. "You don't."
self to the sudden change in direc- "Wrong reaction," he said flatly.
tion, found the new "down" and "You're supposed to say: 'Can't you
regained his equilibrium. And when think up a more original approach
he had
shuddered with the contact of
it, the ship

than that go fry your hide.' I know
I don't know you. But I'd swear you

faulty landing in the rocket cradles know me."

at the city spaceport. She continued to look at him lev-
As he walked down the gangplank, elly.
reeling slightly with the unaccus-
"What your name?" she asked.
tomed light gravity in spite of his
"If well-known enough, I
leaded shoes, Brand wanted to laugh
might have heard of you."
aloud. He stopped himself as he
"Edgar Barnes," he answered.
heard several others laughing bois-
terously, then he saw them peering
"No," she said. "I don't know
around with a foolish look on their
faces. There had been nothing to
Brand grinned faintly at
She turned and walked away.
laugh at.
their discomfiture, realizing the cause Brand watched her retreating back
of the unseemly mirth . . . oxygen. a moment, noting the lilting sway of
The atmosphere of this inner-lunar her body, the grace of each step, the

world was artificial and richer in pure proud carriage of her head. He saw
oxygen than that of Earth. Its too- too the rich red-gold of her hair, and

swift stimulation often caused this remembered that her eyes had been
reaction when first breathed into a startling deep blue. He had noticed

lungs unaccustomed to it. had been anything

also that her lips

Brand stopped grinning as he saw a but forbidding, even tightly drawn

girl standing just outside the gate as they had been in what he could
of the spaceport looking at him with not certainly identify as deception.
what he was certain was startled Had she recognized him, or hadn't
recognition. But she was a perfect she? Was she concealing an initial
stranger to him, and he frowned.
Her betrayal of such recognition, or had
face now, as she saw him looking at she, like himself, been surprised at
her, went cold and emotionless and the laughter caused by the oxygen in
casual. the air? But he hadn't laughed; why
Brand walked over toward her, look at him?
seemed about to pass without further He shrugged, turned and strode

through the city streets. tire, and immaculately groomed, but
there was a queer tightness of his suit
Ahead of him he saw a brilliantly around the chest, and Brand's eyes
lighted cafe. Its neon lights pro- narrowed slightly as the fellow sat
claimed it as the "Star Club." Parked down opposite him. There was a
in front of it were sleek aero-cabs and shoulder holster under his arm, and
several fast, low-slung compression a steam gun in it. There was no mis-
flyers. taking that tell-tale tightness, for
Brand nodded to himself. Brand.
"There's where I'll find some of "Prospector?" queried his guest.
the big boys. Perfect front for in- "Of sorts." Brand shrugged. "Just
trigue." landed. Thought I'd try my hand at
He turned in at the entrance and the caves."
was halted by a doorman. "Bad business, those caves," said
"You can't go in dressed like that." the stranger affably. "Takes a good
Brand grinned. man to browse around in 'em. Never
"Call the manager," he said, "un- prospected myself, but I've hunted
less you'd rather take this ten-spot lu-bats in those caves. Incidently,
yourself. I've got a little to un- my name's Ormandy. Saw you down
load . .
," that drink, which is exactly how I
The doorman snatched the bill feel at the moment. Mind if I join
Brand handed him, grinned back, and you in the next?"
said, "Sure. The boss'H understand "Why should I? Maybe you can
when I give him the sign. And give me some dope on the caves
thanks . . that's worth sharing a drink."
Brand followed a waiter to a small The waiter arrived, and strangely
table to one side, seated himself and enough he had the other man's drink
ordered a drink. Then he sat quietly, on his tray.
listening to the haunting strains of "They know me here," explained
the Lunarian stringed orchestra Ormandy. "When I sit down at a
which was wailing its odd cadences table, any table, they stick my drink
for the dancing of the couples sway- in front of me."
ing voluptuously on the dance floor. "Not a bad thing," grinned Brand,
Lunarian dances were the ultimate "saves time."
in sensuous expression. Brand snort- He lifted his glass, then held it
ed, and downed his drink in a gulp rigidly in his fingers for a moment.
when it came. The waiter lifted his There, behind Ormandy, across the
eyebrows, and Brand ordered an- room, was the girl Brand had ac-
other, loudly. costed at the spaceport. There was
Several men nearby looked at him, no mistaking the red sheen of that
studied him a moment. lovely hair. And once more she was
One of them got up and sauntered staring at him. This time there was
over. He was dressed in evening at- no recognition, just a studied at ten-


tion that held him motionless with caves."

surprise for an instant. Ormandy reached carelessly into
"What's up?" queried Ormandy. his vest. When his hand came out,
"See a lu-bat?" he palmed a small steam pistol. The
tiny opening in the barrel was all
He turned to stare in the direction that was visible to Brand as he stared
Brand was looking, and raised his at the hand. He didn't move a
eyebrows. muscle.
"Say," he said in approval. "Don't Across the room a nattily-dressed
blame you for looking. She's strictly American space-lieutenant lifted his
inner-world I voice in a popular space song which
Brand recovered himself hastily. the orchestra was playing at the mo-
"Yeah/' he agreed, tossing his ment. His voice rang out clearly, but
drink over his shoulder into a potted- slightly tipsily in the quiet that seem-
palm as the girl looked away. Or- ed to have fallen over the room.
mandy's head was still turned. Brand
smacked his lips and put his glass "Let me tell you of a girl
down. I met among the stars.
Ormandy drank his, then leaned Her eyes are blue as Rigel,
on the table. Her lips as red as Mars."
"You haven't introduced yourself,"
he said. "Not curious, but I ought to "Ten years ago," said Ormandy
have a handle to hang on you. Any softly, "I stood in line at a wedding
one'H do." ceremony, my sword at the ready.
Brand grinned. I was prepared to add my weapon to
"Ed Barnes," he said. "Just an the arch through which a young
ordinary name, but it's done me this couple were to walk in a few mo-
long, I guessyou can use it too/' ments. But the wedding never came
"Y'know," said Ormandy. "For a off. It seems that the man who was
minute I thought you were somebody to form half of that team was being
else,but I guess it's that deep coat jilted . .

of space-tan you've got. Either you've Brand's face tightened just a trifle
been prospecting the airless asteroids, and he looked hard at the man across
or been rocketing around space for a the table from him, but said nothing.
spell." Instead, queerly, the song's second
"Both," said Brand. "In fact, this verse registered in his ears, and he
is the first air outside of a tank I've listened to it as he studied Ormandy's
breathed in a long time, except on eyes.
the freighter that brought me here.
I shipped on from a space station '''Nowhere in all the system
out of New
York, intended to go to You'll find a girl like she;
Earth, but decided against it. I've And you can bet your ray gun
always wanted to try the Luna That she's the one for me!"
Ormandy's voice went on: one of the boys in that line, with or
"That man was just a lieutenant without swords, were my friends. All
ir. the space-patrol then. I was also except the one who ran off with my
one, but I had other interests. They girl, cracked up with her, and ran
had something to do with a situation off like a rat, leaving her to a life of
that was only beginning then. I didn't insanity. And thirdly, I don't look
know at the time that the man who like Martin Brand at all. I'm a mess
w,'i.s being jilted would be so bitter of plastic."
<T kj«t
: it that he'd become a thorn Ormandy looked at him a moment,
in my on. Of course the
.side later then he laughed contemptuously.
interests which I planned were then "You're smart, Brand and a liar.
in their infancy. Today they are quite But so what? Right now you're go-
well advanced . .
." ing to walk out of here with me,
climb into the black aero-cab directly
"Her hair is like the ghostweed in front, and sit tight. The driver
That drifts on Venus' sea. knows me quite well. In fact, you
From top to toe a figure might say he's a friend. He'll never
As perfect as can be." remember having taken a fare any-
where tonight, especially a prospec-
"It would be a shame to let any tor named Ed Barnes, whom no-
possible harm come to them now. So body'H ever see again. Not when his
that is why you are looking into the body drops into Black Hole."
muzzle of a very efficient little steam- "Black Hole?"
gun right now, Mr. Martin Brand. "That's the crater that goes no-
'Suicide' Martin Brand, I believe is where that anybody's ever been able
the popular designation, which, at to discover —
and came back alive."
the moment, is quite appropriate in- "Oh, I see."
deed." Brand's eyes strayed a split second
"Perhaps," agreed Brand. "I've over Ormandy's shoulder, and saw
gotten to depend on my luck so much with surprise that the girl was gone.
that I often stick my head into the Her drink stood on the table at which
lion's mouth like this. Someday it's she'd been seated. It was untouched.
going to make me careless." "Get up," ordered Ormandy. "The
"Like now?" questioned Ormandy drinks are on me. Just walk out."
softly. Brand got up. He nodded casually
"Maybe. But how'd you spot me?" to thedoorman as he walked past.
Ormandy frowned. Ormandy was a few paces behind.
"Recognized you, of course," he Outside, Brand waited.
snapped. "That cab," indicated Ormandy.
"That's a lie," said Brand. "In Brand glanced around carefully.
the first place you've never seen me In a doorway to one side of the
before,and in the second place you brilliantly lit marquee of the Star
never were at any wedding. Every Club he saw a There was
glint of red.

a slight hiss, a tiny white lance of that betrayed itself in tiny, tense
light came from the doorway, and wrinkles around her eyes, on the
ended in the temple of his captor. bridge of her nose, and especially in
Ormandy sighed, slid gently to the the nervous twitching of the fingers
walk, and dropped the steam-gun of one hand.
from his nerveless palm. Moving softly, furtively around
Brand stooped, scooped it up, the room, an aproned girl dusted
whipped open the door of the aero- furniture with almost fearful indus-
cab, and trained the weapon on the triousness. Often she glanced quick-
startled driver. ly at the quiet figure in the easy
"Start going places/' he snapped. chair, then snatched her attention
"Fast!" away again to return to her work.
He leaped in, turned to see the Someone appeared in the doorway.
figure of the mysterious girl in the The maid glanced up.
doorway. He saw her return a steam- "Good morning," said the new-
gun to her bodice, then disappear comer, drawing a brilliant robe
into the Star Club's side door once around her figure, waiting expectant-
more. On the walk before the cafe ly for an answer. None came from
the body of Ormandy lay like an the girl in the chair, but the maid
ink-blot. For the instant no one was rushed forward on tiptoe, one startled
in sight, then the doorman came run- finger to her lips in an unmistakable
ning out, and several pedestrians be- gesture.
gan to converge on the corpse. Then "Quiet!" she hissed. "Do you want
the scene vanished from view as the to make her violent again?"
aero-cab lifted, shot into the dark- "Oh, shush, Olga," said the visitor,
ness over the city. pushing back a lock of graying hair
* * * from her more than middle-aged face,
"She isn't going to be violent. She's
The girl sitting in the easy chair no more crazy than I am or . . —
in the solarium was staring blankly she fixed a stern glance on Olga's
at the landscape that spread out be- fear-ridden face, ". . or you," Olga

fore herbeyond the wide-flung win- reddened, and returned flustered to

dows admitting the morning sun and her silent pursuit of dust that didn't
air. exist. Under her breath she mumbled.
Behind her an ornate radio played "Crazy? Miss Pennyfeather, you're
softly, rendering thesymphonic tone insane!"
poem, Rakastava, of Sibelius. Its Miss Pennyfeather heard, she
notes were muted, low, distant. They gave no indication. Instead she
were soothing, restful. And the girl walked over to the girt in the easy
who sat so still seemed lost in them. chair and sat down on the window
Her eyes were fixed on nothing, her ledge directly before her, craning her
body relaxed. Yet, beneath the calm neck to bring her gaze directly into
exterior there was a strange tension line with the girl's blank stare. For
a long moment she peered. room, building up to crashing chords.
"Good morning, Estelle," she said. Miss Pennyfeather sat patiently
There was no answer. Miss Penny- waiting for her "brightening up"
feather looked irritated. She inched efforts to take effect on her victim.
herself more directly in line with
Estelle Carter's gaze, rising to a "Those stars keep racing around,"
half-sitting position that gave her the said Estelle abstractedly. "And I
appearance of a poised scarecrow. hate racers."
There was no evidence that Estelle Miss Pennyfeather lifted her eye-
saw her visitor. Miss Pennyfeather brows.
became more irritated. She reached "Stars?" she asked. "Where do you
out a hand to still the fingers of the see stars racing?"
girl'shand, then sat back again, and Estelle's eyes focused on her vis-

a judicious look crossed her face. itor's face, as if she were seeing her
"It's that music," she decided. for the first time.
"It's too spiritless. We
must have "I don't see them," she said. "He's
something with something to
fire, a star. A star racer. He's won so many
wake us." She got up, walked over medals. But he always runs away.
to the radio and snapped a switch. He's a coward, and I hate him."
"This is betterl The Ride of the "Don't you love anybody?" asked
Valkyries, from Die WalHire, by Miss Pennyfeather.
Richard Wagner!" She read the title "No. Men are such fools."
with gusto. "This will brighten us "Hasn't anybody ever loved you?"
upi" Estelle laughed.
She inserted the record, snapped a "Certainly . but I didn't love
. .

new switch. Then she turned up the him. He wanted to buy a little house
volume slightly and returned to her and tie me down in it. He was so
seat on the window ledge. She tossed old-fashioned. He knew how to kiss,
a defiant stare at Olga, who had been and that's all I wanted . .

standing disapprovingly in one posi- The girl's gaiety vanished sudden-

tion while Miss Pennyfeather launch- ly, and she leaned forward in her
ed her campaign for "brightening chair. An anxious look came over her
things up." features.
"Go about your work, Olga," she "I hear his voice!" she exclaimed.
said sharply. "That radio is simply Miss Pennyfeather frowned.
filthy She rubbed her
with dust." "The only men here are Doctor
fingerson her skirt with distaste. Allen and Doctor Deakin," she said,
Olga frowned and returned to the "and you couldn't hear any voices
chair on which she had been work- outside anyway. The music is getting
ing, but she cast an exploratory too loud."
glance at the radio and squinted. Estelle relaxed again, and her
The strains of the Wagnerian fingersresumed the twitching motion.
music began swelling through the Behind them Olga neared the

radio. She peered at it closely. directed Doctor Allen. "I'll take care
"Filthy with dust!" she whispered. of Miss Carter. I'm afraid this might
She began polishing it with her cloth, be serious. It's enough to kill her,
an ecstatic look in her eyes. Her or cure her . .

fingers accidently touched the volume

control, turning it over to full Several days later the two men
strength . . . faced each other in their office.
With startling suddenness the "What's the verdict, Allen?"
music roared out deafeningly. The Doctor Allen leaned back in his
climactic chords of the tremendous chair.
selection shook the walls. "Cured! Completely cured! That
Estelle leaped from her
Carter shock absolutely counteracted the one
chair. Her scream rocketed
shrill which deranged her mind in the ac-
through the even above the blast-
air, cident. She's as sane as you or I,
ing radio. Her face was a mask of and she knows it. She has a fine
shock and surprise and terror. She mind, or she couldn't have taken the
ran back and forth, as though seek- revelations of the past few days with-
ing an escape, her hands clasped out suffering a breakdown. It's quite
over her ears, and she screamed again a shock to realize that you've been
and again. insane for ten years."
"Martin! Martin!" "You're going to release her?"
Miss Penny feat her lookod as "Certainly. Fortunately she has
though she'd been struck by light- quite a sum still in her fund, that is
ning, Olga crumpled to the floor next being turned over to her. I have no
to the radio, crying in hysteria. doubt but what she'll find a place
Estelle shrieked once more, then for herself without difficulty. She's
fell to the floor in a faint. —
a clever girl even brilliant. I've
Miss Pcnnyfeather leaped into ac- been amazed at the extent of her
tion. With terror in her face, she knowledge and her intelligence rat-
rushed through the doorway, collid- ing."
ing with the form of Doctor Deakin. "You don't fear a relapse?"
She recovered, and rushed on down Allen shook his head.
the hall, passed Doctor Allen with "No," he said slowly, "I don't.
averted eyes, and turned into her There's something pretty solid in her
room. mind. Perhaps the combination of
"Turn offradio!" shouted
that those two shocks has accomplished
Doctor Allen, reaching the solarium. something that might not otherwise
"Good God, there's no telling what have been possible. She's as cold and
this shock will do to Miss Carter!" analytical as a mathematics machine.
The blasting thunder of the music If anything, she's too sane. Her emo-
was cut off abruptly, and only the tions are under a powerful mental
sobs of the maid filled the room. control. What she really needs is the
"Get Olga out of here, Deakin," outside world. I might even hope
that ihe'd fall in love, although the ordered Brand grimly, "and make
way ihe'» constituted now, I'd hard- for the Black Hole. We've got a
ly think that was possible. Anyway, little date there."
she's leaving us today." He saw the red neck of the driver
"Where's she going?" go pale.
"Says she has hopes of a business "What you going to do?" he qua-
contact with a fellow named Jeffry vered.
KiUian." "Kill you," said Brand laconically.
"Jeffry Xillianl Why that's the He saw the driver's knuckles go
man she cracked up with. He's dead white on the steering wheel, but the
—drowned in the wreck I" face remained rigidly toward the
"Eh I" exclaimed Doctor Allen, front. The aero-cab drove on through
startled. "Eh!" the darkness beyond the city, through
He back in his chair, a
settled the artificial atmosphere of the great
puzzled look on his face, then, after cavern. Pockmarked everywhere were
a moment, it cleared: great black areas that betokened un-
"That's too bad," he said, "but inhabited areas, and bright spots that
maybe it has its compensations. Af- indicated cities. To one side, the side

ter ail, sorrow is akin to love it's — facing the sun, several bright spots
an emotion. And that's what she indicated craters that extended
needs. Once emotion returns to her, straight through the crust, similar to
she'll be a pretty fine woman. I the giant one which provided the
think I'll just let her go, and find main access to the moon's interior
out about Killian for herself. She can down which Brand had come in the
certainly take the shock, and it might freighter.
soften her nervous system up a bit." Dimly, across the black void above
"It might . .
." said bis companion them, paths of light indicated the
dubiously. "Perhaps it might . .
." sun's beams. In the windless interior,
* * * no dust floated, and dust motes did
not break up the beams and make
Martin Brand poked the steam- them the brilliant shafts they are in
gun into the aero-car driver's back Earth caves.
with a vicious jab. Only opposite the crater through
"Was the guy back there your which the beams entered did the sun's
boss?" rays add any appreciable light to
"No. I'm a taxi driver."
just this Stygian inner-world. There, bril-

"You lie! I know all about this liant white spots outglowed the arti-

set-up, and I'm here to break it. I ficial light of cities, but were easily
intend to break itl" confused with the cities.

The driver turned half around. Brand knew had they been further
"What set-up?" he asked. "I ain't out from the surface he could have
in no set-up . .
." seen the huge Black Hole that was
"Keep on driving, and face front," their destination. It might be on the

near up-curving hutRoii in almost driver uttered a little moan, slumped

any direction, and Brand felt with over the wheel. The aero-car began a
certainty that the driver of the aero- whistling dive down into the crater
cab was not going toward it. He'd darkness.
seen him cautiously, with extreme Brand wrestled the inert body
slowness, so as not to make it notice- away from the control seat and took
able, change his course several times. over. In amoment he had halted the
And Brand knew this was
a just downward dive, bore the ship off in
means of determining if he, Brand, a slanting zoom away from the dan-
knew where the Black Hole was. ger of crashing the walls, then hung
With an inner smile playing about for a moment, getting his bearings,
his lips Brand waited, eyes and ears Above him was the landing ledge
open, on the alert. he had seen before. Certain that he
The driver indicated a black area hadn't lost the clue it had given him,
just ahead. Brand began to drop the ship slowly
"There is the beginning of the again. Into pitch darkness they
Black Hole crater," he said. "What went. Brand kept one ear cocked to
do you intend to do with me now?" the stertorous breathing of the driver,
"Go directly over it," Brand said, who was still unconscious. Any
"and then drop down into it slowly." change in it would indicate returning
The man complied, and the little Abruptly the aero-cat bumped
vessel dropped slowly down in a di- solid rock. Brand turned off the
rect vertical. motors. A quick flash of the lights,
Brand seemed to be intently watch- on dim, showed that he had reached
ing the crater walls, shrouded in the floor of this particular pit. It was
blackness, but in reality, his atten- certainly not the Black Hole, In all,
tion was fixed on the driver. He saw it was perhaps three miles deep, and

the slow tensing of the tiny muscles small in diameter at the base. He
in the fingers of his right hand as placed a small package in the man's
they drew near to a certain out- pocket, searched him for weapons,
cropping of rock that formed a found none, and after a moment of
rather wide ledge. Here was a dim thought left a small flashlight. It
glow, and Brand saw that even a was a weak, two-celled affair, and its
space ship could land on the ledge beam would penetrate the gloom only
with room to spare. But their aero- a few feet. He dragged the uncon-
car was several hundred yards out scious man from the cab-*
from it, and descending very slowly. Then Brand stepped bac*k into the
Suddenly, Brand acted. He leaped aero-cab and started up the shaft of
forward, raised the steam - gun, the crater toward the ledge above.
brought it down on the driver's head
just as the man's right hand shot out He drove the ship silently down
toward a button on the dash. The toward the far end of the great ledge,
landed in pitch darkness close to the in the phosphorescent glow of the
crater wall, under a slight overhang luminous-paint splotches. He no
of rock. There he turned off the longer had to feel his way, held his
motors and left the ship. steam-gun in readiness prepared for
Slowly, he made his way through any surprise.
the inky blackness on foot, carefully Here, he felt sure, judging from the
feeling his way along the rocky wall, covert actions of the aero-cab driver,
extending an exploratory foot for- he could expect to find sentries. At
ward before taking each step. He leasthe knew he'd find someone to
proceeded in this manner for nearly whom a bright light would have
an hour. meant apprehensive action.
The dim light on the ledge grew Alert, he went on, his soles grind-
stronger, and suddenly Brand discov- ing softly in the sandy pumice of the
ered the reason for it. Here and ledge-floor. Before him he saw a
there, in patches on the rock wall, a black area in the cliff wall. It was a
dully - luminous paint had been cavern opening, and on both sides of
splashed. His hunch had been right. it were groups of heavy boulders.
The driver of the aero-cab had been Behind them several men could have
intent on Sashing on all the lights hidden very easily.
of his cab thereby attracting atten- Brand dropped down and crawled
tion, and being rescued from his along on his belly, taking advantage
plight. He had firmly believed that of every possible concealment. There
Brand intended to kill him, and had was no noise, but to Brand the scuff
tried to save his life —
and in so doing of his own body in the sand sounded
had betrayed the hiding place of the almost thunderous.
men Brand was seeking. It was with surprise that he
Here in this pit, somewhere along slopped his progress and became rig-
this ledge, there must be an opening idly immobile at the sight of a dark
big enough to admit space ships. An figure seated with his back against a
opening big enough to be used as a rock. The man was smoking a cigar-
base for the fifth-column activities ette, and the tip of it glowed red as he
Brand sought to uncover and destroy. dragged on it. His face was illum-
Perhaps now, at last, he would inated, and Brand's pulse leaped.
come to grips with the master crim- A Martian!
inal, Martian genius who was
the He'd found the opening. There
building up the secret springboard was no doubt that this was the hid-
for an all-out offensive against Earth. ing place of a part of the fifth-column
The offensive that Earth authorities Mars was establishing on Euna. Thin
and Earth people alike scoffed at, man was a guard. Across his knees
because they denied the possibility was a long atom-rifle, one that could
of an invasion across 41,000,000 to easily shootdown an aero-car at a
I.?4 000,000 miles of space.
distance of several miles. Brand
He went on, now able to see dimly knew the weapon, a deadly invention

of I\arih. which had been stolen by ..'e pointing directly at Brand's body.
spies and duplicated in Martian fac- by the dexterity of the fel-

tories. It had been b-.d to potent low'smovements, Brand had time to

j'dv^.!V;:i.,';e in tJie Martian invasion of do no more than press the trigger of
Callislo. It had telescopic sights that his steam-gun. A white lance leaped
were so perfect, and had so great a out, striking the Martian in the ab-
range that even the astronomer:; domen. The Ivfartian doubled over in

man •!< «] at them. agony, but retained his footing,

bringing his gun once more into line.
The Martian seemed certain that Brand shot again, swiftly, surely,
his duty was an unnecessary one. and the steam lance ended its trail
That an intruder would find this of death directly between the guard's
ledge or attempt to land on it was eyes. Like an empty sack of brittle
preposterous to him. Brand glanced burlap which refused to flatten out,
out into the void of the interior of the Martian's fragile body collapsed.
Luna, and saw that any ship without He lay motionless on the pumice,
lights would be perfectly invisible dark blood oozing from the wound
against the black curtain. That is, in his head.
unless it chanced to cross a spot of "He wasn't so off-guard at that,"
light that betokened a city on the muttered Brand. "And it wasn't so
other side, or blundered into one of good for him. It cost him his life.
the shafts of sunlight that lanced al- If I could have sneaked by ." . .

most invisibly across the cavern. It But then he laughed.

was obvious that the guard had not "What am I feeling sorry for?
seen the aero-cab descend. Nor could These fellows intend to murder mil-
he see a light from the crater bottom, lions on Earth, if we give trmni the
because it would be necessary for him chance!"
to go directly to the ledge termina- He stepped over to the body,
tion and peer over. searched it. He found nothing but a
Slowly Brand crept forward, his pack of cigarettes, which he pocketed,
gun inhand. The guard smoked his some matches, a second steam-gun in
cigarette down, flicked it away into a holster, and a belt of ammunition.
the darkness, then he climbed slowly He picked up the atom-gun, hefted
to his feet. His seven feet of height its long length, then retraced his
towered over Brand, who froze mo- steps toward his ship some hundred
tionless again. The guard relaxed the yards, and cached his loot along the
bold on his rifle, stretched his great base of the cliff-wall.
shoulders and yawned. He returned and lifting the Mar-
Brand rose slowly to his feet and tian's body, he carried it to the edge

ad ..-'.need. A pebble crunched beneath of the ledge and hurled it over.

his feet. Then, all traces of his activities
The guard whirled, his gun came having been removed, he made his
up with amazing swiftness, the muz- way into the black opening of the
cave.As he rounded a bend, a source place, perhaps several miles in diam-
became visible, and he
of illumination eter. One glance was enough to tell
saw that ahead there was a broad- him it was entirely empty. There was
ening of the tunnel, .
plus several no possible place in this huge lava-
branching tunnels that led off at an- bubble where anything as large as a
gles. Obviously, this was a complex rat could have hidden.
system of caves and tunnels —an ide- 'Wrong trail!" exclaimed Brand in
al hiding place for Martian agents annoyance. His voice echoed and
and Lunarian fifth-columnists, re-echoed from the walls of the cave
Brand crept forward, following the with startling "repetition. Brand
illumination, his nerves tense with clenched his lips shut in tight alarm,
caution. He progressed several hun- as those sounds might echo for miles
dred yards before the illumination be- through these tunnels.
came bright enough for him to follow When silence descended again,
without feeling for his footing. He Brand took a last look. He saw a
could now see the rock underfoot, and tiny black opening in the wall sev-
he realized that this was no artificial eralhundred feet away, and walked
illumination, but a natural glow that toward it cautiously. It led into pitch
emanated from the rock itself. darkness.
So far he had seen no signs of the Was this the way? Was he on the
human occupancy that he sought, and right trail at that?
his brows furrowed in puzzlement. He stepped inside, walked on into
Why bury themselves so deeply? Ob- gloom that grew blacker, until with
viously, farther ahead, there was a a turning of the passage it became
huge cave, lighted with phosphores- complete. Once more he was forced
cence, but peering at the tunnel floor, to feel his way along. After a time,
Brand could see no traces of any the sound of his footsteps ceased
passage through the sand and scat- abruptly to echo back to him, and
tered pumice. In fact, his own foot- became almost soundless. He halted.
prints showed clearly and distinctly. He had emerged into a space more
vast than any he had yet been in.
Brand halted. Something was That was obvious. About him was the
wrong about this. If the enemy used atmosphere, the feeling, of sheer im-
this tunnel as a hideout, they either mensity, of empty distance.
carefully obliterated their trail, or There were no tunnel walls to
entered by another route. Perhaps guide him, be realized that another
the right way through was one of step might plunge him into a bottom-
those diverging tunnels behind him? less pit. Very obviously this was not
. . . But they had not been illum- the hiding place of the people he was
inated. The light had drawn him seeking. Better retrace his steps . . .

here. A rustle out of the darkness

Brand went ahead more slowly, brought him around in sudden alert,
came into the main cavern, a large his gun ready. Looming over him.


swooping down with incredible speed, immensity of the depths before him
was a shadowy monster, giant- inconsequential.He realized that he
winged, reptile-bodied. It glowed stood now on the rim of the famed
with a pale violet radiance all its Black Hole of Luna, the crater that
own, giving the appearance of a had no bottom and had never been
ghostly and very huge bat'. Brand safely explored. Floating there under
recognized it instantly, although this a ledge, concealed from above, but
was his first sight of such a creature. starkly revealed in the brilliant white
This was the dreaded lu-bat of Luna's light that was dying now as the lu-bat
caves attacking him! disappeared miles below still falling,
Desperately, he raised his steam- was a giant space battleship! Be-
gun, trained it on the body, depressed hind it was another— and behind that

the trigger and held it there. The a third. Brand could see no more,
white lance leaped out, played over because darkness became complete.
the luminous violet of the body, but But registered on his dazed retina
apparently nothing was happening. was the unmistable identity of these
The monster didn't veer in its down- super- warships. They were Martian
ward course. Brand could hear the
whistle of wind as it planed down Now a bathed Brand
brilliant light

at him now. He kept the steam-gun in its rays and a voice behind him
pouring out its lance. said:

Suddenly, with devastating effect, "Up with the hands, Mister! And
the white lance took effect. With a drop that gun."
tremendous roar, and a blinding Brand turned slowly, dropped his
flash of light, the lu-bat exploded. steam-gun to the pumice at his feet.
Brilliantly flaring fragments of it
He tried to see beyond the bright
scattered and fell like meteors, or flashlight trained on him, but
star-shells on a battle-front, into a couldn't.
tremendous crater. "That's the first time I've ever seen
Brand saw that he was within a lu-bat knocked down with a steam-
yards of the edge of this vast depres- gun," said the voice. "Usually it
sion in the moon's inner surface. He takes a heavy atom-rifle to get 'em.
also saw that there was apparently no Never been tried with a steam-gun
other side, even in the brilliant white before, as far as I know. It would
light that came from the flaming be too silly to try, or would have
fragments of the lu-bat. Undoubt- been up to now. It seems, handled
edly his steam-gun's intensely hot ray right, they do a pretty fancy job."
had caused a chemical combustion in Brand was silent, waiting for his

the gaseous interior of the lu-bat, captor to make a move.

releasing the radioactive elements of "Who are you?" asked the man be-
itsmake-up in flaming pyrotechnics. hind the flashlight.

But the other things that Brand "Robert Wales," said Brand.
saw in the brilliant light made the "What are you doing here?"
. "

"Isn't that a rather silly question with a steam-gun."
to ask? " Brand put in. "Judging "I'll say," grunted the guard. "But
from what I saw anchored out there then, nobody ever shot one down
. .
." he waved a hand in the direction with a steam-gun either, until now!"
of the Martian battleships he'd seen There was frank admiration in the
huddled against the crater wall ". I . . soldier's face.
have a faint hunch my business here
same nature as yours."
is of the Brand's captor ordered him ahead,
"Judging from what you saw an- and they advanced into a warm,
chored out there," said his captor, lighted scries of caverns. Down sev-
"you haven't any business of, my eral branches,Brand saw many men,
nature that you're going to be doing." most of them in the uniform of the
The man with the flashlight moved space-navy of Mars. His lips tight-
around behind Brand, and in the ened at the sight.
light, Brand saw a pathway leading "Commander Wilson," he mutter-
toward an opening other than the one ed under his breath, "this isn't any
by which he had reached the Black sabotage, any fifth-column it's a
. . .

Hole. full-scale invasion, practically ready

"Walk that way, ahead of me," to go!"
directed the voice behind the flash- "What's that you said?" asked the
light. "We'll have a little business guard sharply.
discussion with some people I "I said this's a pretty fancy set-
know . .
." up."
Brand began moving. They moved "Yea, fancier than you think . . .

for several hundred yards, then came turn right, in that next room."
to a door built into the tunnel. A Brand obeyed the sudden order,
guard peered forth, then the door entered a small room where two more
opened. guards stood, rifles in hand, rigid at
"What you got there, Joe?" asked attention. There was a distinct mil-
the guard, eyeing Brand. itary pose to their bearing —but they
"A guy I found out in the Black were Earthmen.
Hole, snooping around.He just shot Brand's captor saluted.
down a with a steam-gun.
lu-bat "Sewell, reporting to Commander
You should have seen the fireworks. Killian with a captive," he said.
Most amazing damn thing I ever saw. Brand whirled on the man.
Lit up the whole crater . "Killian!"he exclaimed. "Com-
"Lit it up?" mander Killian!
"Yeah, for miles." "Of course. He's in charge here.
"Then , .
." About-face, and march in. You'll be
"Sure. I'm taking him to Jeff. glad to see him, no doubt, if he's an
He's seen too much, and besides, he —
old friend of yours and in the same
ain't a lu-bat hunter. No lu-bat business! " The fellow who called
hunter ever went after those babies himself Sewell grinned mockingly.

One of the guards opened the door, stepped back, shrugged.

and Brand stepped through, his jaw "That'll teach you to keep your
tense, his teeth biting together so mouth shut," he said.
hard his jaw hurt. In his mind one He turned to Sewell.
raging thought flamed. Jeffry Killian "What's your report?"
was the man he sought. Jeffry Killi-
an was the mastermind, the arch "I found him on the edge of the
criminal, the power behind the Black Hole. He was attacked by a
treachery on Luna! lu-bat. Shot it down with a steam-

He faced the man who sat behind gun."

an ornate desk, dressed in a plain "Steam-gun!"
khaki uniform without insignia of "Yes. Kept it trained on the body,
any kind. and something must've happened in-
"Come to deliver your message to side. It blew up and burned with the

the boss?" queried Jeffry Killian brightest light you ever saw. Lit up
softly. the whole crater for miles around.
"No!" said Brand savagely. "I've This gave him a good look at what
come to kill you! And the only thing we got hid out there. So I stepped
that'll prevent me is for you to kill in and stuck him up. He said his

me first." name was Robert Wales. Also said

Jeffry Killian rose to his feet.His his business was the same as ours."
face was cold now. Killian laughed grimly.
"That can be arranged," he snap- "Sure He's a spy, but for
it is.

ped. "I promise you that you will the other side. You can go now,
die, but first, I have a few things I Sewell. And good work. I'll see that
want to talk over with you." you get a captaincy out of this."
"Talk away!" blazed Brand, reel- "Thank you, sir," said Sewell, and
ing under the wave of hate that was saluting, turned and went out.
washing over him now. "I've got Killian eyed Brand a moment.
some talking to do myself. Some "Just how'd you find me?" he
things I've been saving up to say for asked.
ten years ..." He choked. "You Brand laughed.
scummy, cowardly, yellow rati" "By the stink!"
Killian stepped out from behind the Killian tensed, then smiled.
desk, signaled covertly, and Brand "Pretty crude, Boy Scout," he
found both his arms grasped by the sneered. "About the answer I'd ex-

two guards. Then Killian lashed out pect from a man of your intelligence.
with a fist, flush to Brand's face. You never were good at anything that
Brand reeled under the blow. An- took any special ability outside of
other smashing punch sent him to his sheer luck. But you can bet your bot-
knees. He clambered back up again, tom dollar that your luck's run out
eyes blazing, lips tight, but silent. now! You aren't going to get out of
At the look in his eyes, Killian this with your skin. And besides,
isn't that what you've always claimed stand.
you wanted? Bellyaching all over the "What are you going to do with
solar system about pulling Death's me?" he asked slowly.
tail? 'Suicide' Martin Brand! That's "Kill you, of course," said Killian.
a laugh. And all because of a woman. "But not right away. I've got a few
How a guy with as little balance as things in mind . .

that ever got old enough to vote, is "What about those ships out
beyond me." there?" Brand asked bluntly, waving
Killian sat down again. a hand in the direction from which
"By the way, whatever happened he'd come.
to Estelle?" Killian laughed.
Brand's face went white. "A little hell, for Earth," he sneer-
"You know damn well what hap- ed. "No harm in telling you. In fact,
pened to her! You cracked her up, I think I'll enjoy telling you. And
showing off those insane racing stunts when I say a 'little' hell, I mean just
of yours. Then when you thought that. What you saw is just a sample.
you'd killed her, you thought of me, We've spent ten years preparing and
and ran like a yellow cur. Later you we're just about ready. Even the
must have found out she'd gone in- Lunarians don't
suspect a single
sane, so you never did come back. thing, outside of the usual song
Big enough to take a girl, but not to they've been singing to deaf-and-
stay when she needed you. That's dumb Earth congressmen for years,
where you showed your true colors. about taking the rap as buffer state
Daredevil racer, eh? You go so fast between Earth and Mars in case of
because you're afraid of your own an invasion. Invasion? This isn't
shadow! going to be an invasion, it's going to
"I'd never have done anything to be a picnic 1"
you. If you were what Estelle want- Brand's face was pale. For the
ed, that would have satisfied me. first time in ten years he called upon

I know nowit was she who sent that his luck in real earnest. For the first
telegram, not you.Even you couldn't time in ten years he didn't want to
have had the colossal ego to call die.
yourself a man, much less the best "Just one chance . , he mur-
one. But at that, I guess Estelle got mured. The almost inaudible plea
the kind of a man she deserved . .
," was a prayer.
Brand stopped, bit his lip. Even "What?" asked Killian sharply.
now the hurt of ten years ago bit "What'd you say?"
deep. . Brand stared at him, his lips tight,
Killian seemed curiously unmoved and said nothing.
by this tirade. Instead a sneering Killian flushed. Then he rose to his
smile played around his mouth. feet.

Brand frowned. There was some- "Take him out, boys," he said,
thing here that he couldn't under- "Lock him up in the cell, and I'll

take care of him later." prison was indeed an effective one.

The two guardsmen marched He sat down and his thoughts
Brand between them, out of the door raced, but the more he thought, the
and down the tunnel. They took more hopeless things became. Jeffry
several turns, during which Brand Killian held all the cards, and
saw many more soldiers, both Earth- through him, Mars held a winning
men and Martian. Here and there he hand. There was no telling when the
saw a Lunarian, also in Martian uni- blow would fall, but it seemed certain
form. It turned his stomach. This that it vvoud be soon.
was a hotbed of traitors, but the "Got to nial<e a break for it," he
seriousness of it all was just begin- muttered. "As soon as they take me
ning to strike home. out of here even suicide is better
. . ,

The inside of the moon was the in- than letting this happen!"
vasion base that Commander Wilson His face became grim. He realized
had feared might become. It was
it that at last the luck of 'Suicide'
not a possibility, but an actual, exist- Martin Brand had become just that
ing, and extremely powerful base, . luck. Only this time it was the
. .

ready for action. other kind.

Luna wouldn't be invaded from Outside the prison door came the
space, which was constantly watched sound of a short, sharp scuffle, a
by the Luna space fleet and the heavy thudding blow, and the sound
Lunarian army, but from her own of a falling body.

bowels treacherously, swiftly, com- Brand leaped to his feet, listening
pletely. Luna wouldn't have a intently.
chance, and Earth would then be The key grated in the lock, and the
helpless. She couldn't defend all of door swung open. A shadowy figure
her great area from attack which entered, came toward him.
could be directed at any particular "Martin?" came the low call, me-
spot in a few hours' notice. lodious, haunting, familiar.
"Just one chancel" prayed Brand. Brand froze, his blood congealed
"I've got to get away!" His whisper in his veins.
was inaudible this time. "Martin?" came the voice again.
"Are you here? Please answer me,
In a few moments the guards halt- Martin."
ed him before a barred door, opened Brand stumbled forward, his voice
it, thrust him inside. They locked it a hoarse croak of amazement, of won-
and one of them took up station der, of stunned surprise.
outside, while the other returned. "Estelle!" he gasped. "Oh, my
Brand found himself in a rather God, EsteHe! It isn't ..."
large cave, which led back into dark- Now her soft hands were in his,
ness for quite some distance, and he and soft lips pressed swiftly, hurried-
explored it thoroughly. There was ly, anxiously against his own.
an end to it, but no other exit. His "It is!" she whispered. "I've come
back to you. Thank God, Martin, "They've discovered your escape!
that I found you in time. I've been Oh, quickly! We've got to get out
eating my heart out, wanting to tell of this tunnel ..."
you what a fool I've been, and how She switched on a small flashlight
horribly sorry . .
," and in its light, began a stumbling
"Estelle!" he choked out, reeling run down the uneven floor. Behind
beneath the shock of it all. "You . . . them, the dull booming of the alarm
you're all right? You aren't . . ,?" like a huge drum, or a bell that has
"No," she said softly. "I'm not cracked, throbbed incessantly. Added
. . . insane any more." to it were faint shouts, hollow and
Her hands tugged at him. eerie because of the enclosed spaces.
"Come quickly," she begged. Suddenly, the tunnel opened on a
"We've got to get out of here, be- narrow ledge, and beyond the light of
fore Jeffry finds out . ,
." the flash,Brand could see the abrupt
allowed himself to be led out blackness and the awful gulf that
of the prison, past the unconscious indicated the Black Hole. Out there,
body of the guard. hanging in the darkness were those
"Jeffry?" he mumbled, "Does he three —or more —giant Martian bat-
know . . . but how ... I don't under- tleships, waiting to surge up and out
stand . .
." into space in destructive attack on
"Never mind all that now!" plead- Earth.
ed Estellc Carter. "I'll explain later.
Right now we've got to get away. Estelle flicked off the flashlight's
Got to! Come . . . this way. I know beam and left them in total darkness
a way out." once mote. Out here the booming
Her warm hand in Martin Brand's of the alarm shrank to almost sound-
sent a strange shock to all his nerve less proportions, swallowed in the
centers. He was dazed, groping about vastness of the emptiness around
in his mind for an explanation to this them.
miracle that had come to him out of "Where are we going?" Brand
the dark. asked.
"Estelle," he whispered, still un- "There are several small cruisers
believing. "I don't understand ." . . from the battleships anchored along
"Never mind," she said tensely. the ledge, further down. If you can
"You've got to get away. Jeffry will reach one of them, you can escape.
certainly kill you." They'll never find you in the crater."
They came to a dark opening in the Brand stopped dead in his tracks.
basalt wall. She slipped into it and He reached out in the darkness and
Brand followed. They groped through clutched Estelle's arm, drawing her
inky darkness for nearly a half-hour, closer to him.
then a hollow booming echoed out of "What's all this emphasis on me?"
the distance from behind them. he demanded. "If I do any escaping,
"The alarm." gasped Estelle. you're going along."

He felt, rather than saw, her head be action, pronto. We'll bottle up this
shake. invasion fieet, and smash 'em ." . .

"No, Martin, please. I must stay. She stood straight before him.
Nobody will know it was I who "No," she said firmly. "I'm not
helped you escape . . going with you. You can believe what
Brand gasped. you want about me. I know I treated
"They know you're here?" you shamefully, and I know I de-
"Yes," she said lowly. "I realize served to lose your love. But whether
it's hard to understand, but it's too or not I ever win it back again, I
long a story to tell you now. I came am going to pay off Jeffry Killian
here, looking for Jeffry. I remem- for what he did to me. You, nor any-
bered, even after ten years . .
." she one else is going to stop me. Another
hesitated and he felt her shudder few minutes, and they'll realize we
". . . ten years in that mad house, aren't in the caves, and they'll come
where to contact certain persons, and out here. If they find us .
." .

I got word to him. Then, I came .**

. . She whirled and he heard her mak-
He stiffened and his voice grew ing her way along the rocky wall.
cold. Dazed by the cold fury and deliberate
"You came back to him!" he ex- intent in her voice, Brand followed,
claimed roughly. hugging the rough basalt to avoid
She stepped close, abruptly, and pitching into the Black Hole's depths.
her warm body pressed against his Something inside him felt like a
and her arms went around his neck. lump of ice. It was almost a sense
Her breath was hot and sweet in his of fear —
fear of this woman he had
face. once loved, who had come to him
"No!" she said fiercely. "Flease, now with such intense bitterness that
nol Don't believe that. But he left he was appalled. Surging through
me to die, ran away like a coward. him, also, was a hot emotion that he
He'll pay for that I That's why I fought helplessly to thrust down. It
came to him. He thinks I love him, made him speak to her now . .
but he'll know very soon that I "Estelle .
." he choked.

don't!" She stopped. His arms closed

Estelle's lips met Brand's and around her convulsively . . .

pressed fiercely, passionately. Al- "Estelle," he said hoarsely. "Is it

most without conscious volition, he really you? Are you all right?"
responded, clutching her in his arms For an instant she was still in his
tightly, then he pushed her away. arms, then she spoke.
"My God!" he said hoarsely. "Don't be a fool," she said coldly.
"What's happened to you? You can't "After what I did to you, are you
do that! You come with me. We'll going to let my appeal sway your
get him another way. When I get reason? If, after this is all over, I
back to Commander Wilson with can prove to you by other means that
the news I've got to tell him, there'll I deserve you, maybe ..." her voice

softened an instant, then hardened wasn't the bitter exaltation of the
again."How can you be so stupid as past ten years paced by the madden-
might not betray you once
to think I ing thunder of Wagner's music. The
more? Perhaps I have other motives, thunder was in his blood, in a sudden
not good for you at all, in helping uncontrollable beating of his heart.
you to escape. Perhaps I intend only All at once he grinned in the dark . .

to do harm to Jeffry Killian by re- Up from the immensity beside

leasing you, simply because it would- them shot a bright spark, leaving a
n't be a good thing for him for you trail of lesser sparks behind it that
to get away, I tell you, I hate him, died as they drifted. Abruptly a
and I intend to pay him off!" brilliant light burst forth, and a
He gasped, but he had no answer glare filled the whole crater, lighting
to this amazing series of statements. the walls about them with eye-blind-
Slowly he withdrew his arms from ing brilliance.
around her. "Run !
" Estelle burst out. "They've
"Maybe you're right," he said with shot up a flare from the battleship!"
a curious inflection in bis tone. What From the tunnel behind them came
she had just said somehow went shouts, but as Brand turned, no one
against his grain. It made him feel was in sight. They ran. Plainly re-
like a puppet, a helpless bystander, vealed before them, anchored to
and placed her before him as a force wooden decks fastened to the sheer
that would sway him as it willed. crater wall, were several small
Suddenly, he rebelled. cruisers.
"Yes," he said. "Maybe you are They reached them as a group of
right. Since the job I'm doing here men burst from the tunnel. Estelle
is bigger than either of us, and cer- was ahead, and out of their sight.
tainly bigger than your personal ven- But they saw Brand, and a barrage
geance, I'm going to take you at your of white lances leaped out at him
word. Besides, I think my score from their steam guns. The range
against Killian is bigger than yours, was too far, and they fell short.
and I say he's minel I swore I'd Brand's boots rang on the planks
get him, and I will. Show me those of the dock, and he ran toward Es-
cruisers." telle. He reached out for her.
"Now," he panted. "You're getting
Brand fought down the almost in with me and we're off . .

overpowering desire to believe what She slipped out of his grasp. In

he wanted to believe about this amaz- her hand appeared a tiny steam gun.
ingly warm and human, yet terri- "No!" she said coldly. "Get in
fyingly chilling woman before him. and go."
But they were there, those emotions, He eyed her a second.
and they brought back that curious "You won't shoot," he decided
exaltation that he always felt when with a grin. He leaped forward . . .

going into battle. Only this time it A lance of white leaped out, and the

planks at his feet curled and crackled ous certainty, he realized that the
in flame and splinters. Amazed, he blast from Estelle's bow guns had
lurched to a halt, drew back. been deliberately close, yet far
"Get in!" she screamed. "Before enough harmlessly to miss him. He
it's too late!" realized that if Estelle had wished,
she could have blasted him complete-
The shouts of the men from the ly. She had missed intentionally.
tunnel were close now. Brand hesi- And now, she was back there, prob-
tated one single furious second, then ably docking again, to report failure
plunged into one of the cruisers and in stopping him. Then she'd carry
slammed the cowl shut Out of the out the cold words she had spoken to
corner of his eye he saw her leap him, return to Jeffry Killian to carry
into another. her vengeance to the chilling conclu-
But he had no time to be surprised sion that Martin Brand knew sud-
at this new maneuver. He shot the denly she would. In spite of the
cruiser into the emptiness beyond memory of her loveliness, the recol-
the dock. Lances from steam guns warmth and allure
lection of the soft
were piercing the darkness around the of her body, Brand shuddered.
cruiser now, while above the flare "My God," he whispered. "What's
faded and died. Behind him, the happened to her?"
cruiser piloted by Estelle bore at him.
Its bow gun flamed fire, and a blast Brand turned off the motors of the
of energy seared past him. cruiser and drifted silently along in
"Damn!" he swore in shock and the utter blackness of the Black Hole.
surprised anger. She was shooting at Vainly his eyes tried to pierce the
him/" gloom, tried to see either a light
With wild rage in his heart, he indicating an exit to the surface, or
slammed the throttle down to the a distant rock wall that might glow
floor, and whipped the tiny cruiser with phosphorescence and allow him
into the black depths beyond the to follow it to an opening back into
great battleship and in an instant Luna's interior.
he was lost in pitch blackness that Right now he was somewhere in
was broken only by the faint flash of Luna's crust, which ranged from five
steam guns far behind on the ledge. hundred to a mere two hundred miles
He had gotten away, clean! in thickness. A sense of dizziness
Burning anger seethed through swept over him momentarily as he
him as he set the automatic black- discovered that he couldn't deter-
light pilot in operation. That would mine which was up and which was
prevent him from crashing against a down. In fact, he floated aimlessly
crater wall, even though it was hun- in emptiness so complete that he had
dreds of miles to the other side. As absolutely no sense of direction, if
the cruiser rushed on in the black- such a thing as direction had ever
ness, his thoughts calmed. With curi- existed.
Suddenly he knew the reason for ly. The air was rarer than before!
the legends and terror attached to "Up!" he said exultantly. "Who's
being lost in the famed Black Hole lost!"
for he realized now that he was lost. Carefully he noted the calibrations
Out in empty space, no matter how on the meters on the control board,
vast it seemed, there were always then swung the ship around in a one
stars. —
millions of them, all recogniz- hundred-eighty degree arc. Again he
able in their formations, so that di- opened up the motor and blasted
rection was merely a matter of a star through the blackness.
map. Here, in utter blackness, space A half-hour later the motor-jets
lost its immensity, and became a ceased firing.

black shell that pressed hard against

one. Beyond it was nothing —
not The enormity of the catastrophe
even in imagination. that had happened dawned on him
In spite of himself, an eerie sensa- with a rush. The cruiser still hurtled
tion of terror crept over Brand. His along at high speed, but it would
hands remained calm, and his gradually slow down, then it would
thoughts crept deliberately over his drifttoward the nearest crater wali
problem, but the hair on his neck and land there. From then on it
rose in unexplained terror. The Black would be a matter of making his way
Hole was demonstrating its most ter- on foot.
rible feature— its ability to immerse On foot! In the Black Hole!
those lost within its immensities in He looked hopefully at the fuel
terrifying mind-chilling panic. indicator, pounded it with his fist,
"Steady, Martin," he told himself. but the needle remained stationary
"The wall of this thing is right be- at the empty mark.
hind you, back where the docks are." "I hope they're as careless with
Even as his voice sounded muffled those battleships!" he growled angri-
in the cockpit of the tiny cruiser, ly-
Brand knew that "behind" was just He settled back in the seat, help-
another word. He didn't know which less todo anything but scowl at the
direction had been behind. Now it dimly illuminated instrument panel.
was just the other way from ahead. He took mental stock of his situation.
He shot back the cowl of the He had no weapons on his person, but
cruiser, and breathed the heady at- he did have a gun mounted in the
mosphere of Luna's interior. It bow, which was too heavy to detach
seemed curiously rare here, and he and carry.
grinned suddenly. He fumbled about the interior of
"That's it!" he exclaimed the cruiser, but it was tiny, and ob-
For a moment he drove the ship at viously never intended for fighting
high speed, having once more closed purposes. There were no other
the cowl, then he shut off the motor, weapons. Furthermore, there was no
opened the cowl, and breathed deep- food, nor water.

He had no flashlight, and to walk actually standing at right angles to

anywhere in this giant crater without the perpendicular. Gravity was a pe-
a light would be a suicidal under- culiar thing on this hollow world!
For several hours he drifted aim- Then he climbed out of the cruiser
fretting at the inaction. His
lessly, and walked to its bow. He considered
speed, according to the indicator, had it a moment then began walking
dropped to a mere eight miles per slowly forward in the direction the
hour, He might drift endlessly at bow indicated he had been traveling
that rate, depending on his direction when the cruiser had struck. That
in relation to the walls of the Black way would be "down" toward the
Hole. interior of the moon. To walk was a
As he debated on this possibility, difficult task as due to the light
he was hurled forward in his seat as gravity, he often found himself twist-
the cruiser crashed into solid rock. ing helplessly in the air.
Even at this slow speed, the shock Behind him, in the darkness,
was abrupt, although not enough to Brand heard a faint rustling, a swish
injure him. After the noise of the of moving air, and he turned awk-
crash was gone, the silence enveloped wardly. There was a rushing sound,
him. The lights on the cruiser had growing in the dark like the nearing
gone out. The only indication of life approach of some huge body, and
was his own breathing, which boom- the skin crawled on his scalp. The
ed loudly in his own ears. dim light he carried only served to
Brand leaned forward in the dark- accentuate the darkness beyond its
ness, fumbled at the instrument range, and he could see nothing.
panel. He swore vehemently several In desperation he tore the wires
times, but finally he came up with a loose from their connections, and the
dashlight, which he'd wrested whole light went out. As he did so, the
from the panel. With it came a hand- cause of the rushing wind became ob-
ful of wire torn from its bowels, and vious. Swooping down, almost upon
several batteries. him, was the dreaded, faintly-glowing
It took fully fifteen minutes to body of a Iu-bat!
connect them up, and the result was Before he could dodge its attack, a
a dim glow that spread radiance only curiously light but strong body crash-
a few feet in each direction. It was ed into him, and cruel talons dug into
enough of a glow for him to see that his flesh. A pair of powerful tentacles
he had crashed on a barren rock sur- wrapped themselves around him, and
face. Judging from the weight of his with a dizzying rush he felt himself
body, which was about twenty-five carried aloft at terrific speed.
moon pounds, he was at the moment For a moment, th'e pain of the
perched precariously on the steep talons clutching him and the shock
perpendicular wall of the Black Hole. of the attack had dazed him, but
In relation to the moon itself, he was when he recovered his senses, he re-
alized that he was being carried to The giddy swaying of the lu-bat's
some unknown destination at express- motion was beginning to make Brand
train pace. He had no doubt as to very sick, and the pain of the crea-
what this destination was— the nest ture's talons was becoming intense.
of the lu-bat! The purpose —food He could feel blood running down
for young lu-bats! one side, as the cruel claws pierced
He became aware that he still his skin. He used one hand to tear
clutched the wires from his make- at the tentacles holding him, and
shift light in hishand, but the light they tightened, but the talons loos-
itself and the
batteries were gone. ened, releasing him altogether as
He was about to drop the wire also, the lu-bat became aware of his efforts
when a thought struck him. He had and concentrated on wrapping him
a grim look of determination as he more tightly in the tentacles.
squirmed around and peered up at Brand gasped for breath and de-
the scrawny neck of the lu-bat which sisted his efforts. If this was any

was bobbing up and down as it flew indication, the lu-bat was going to
through the increasingly heavy lunar- have all the better of the strangling
ian atmosphere. contest which would begin the mo-

"You'll never get me to that nest!"

ment he tightened that tourniquet.
he vowed softly. "Because where I Below his feet, Brand saw a faint
go, corpse or not, you'll go tool" glowing spot, and he peered intently.

With a painful
The rush of wind in his eyes pre-
effort, he slung the
vented accurate observation, but
loose end of the wire around the lu-
suddenly he identified it.
bat's neck, and tied a secure, but
loosely looped, knot in it. Then he
"A city!" he exclaimed.

removed the empty steam-gun holster

The tentacles around his body
tightened convulsively. His explo-
from his belt, inserted it in the coil
sive utterance had alarmed the lu-
of the wire,
and twisted it slowly un-
bat. Blackness washed over his vi-
tilit began to tighten around the
sion in a wave that was not the
neck of the lu-bat like a tourniquet.
blackness of the Black Hole.
Then, hands on the holster, he
When he could see again, the dim
waited. If he killed the creature now
spot of light was gone. It was only
it would mean dashing himself to
when he relocated it off to the side a
death when they crashed to the sur-
few minutes later that he realized
face. If he waited, he could apply
the lu-bat had changed its course.
the pressure, and it would be a battle
All at once Brand noticed a differ-
to the death. If he won . . .
ence in the darkness. There was a
His jaw tightened. sharp line where pitch black ended,
"The luck of 'Suicide' Martin and a slightly lesser degree of black
Brand will have to be better than it began.
ever has before," he whispered softly The edge of the Black Hole!
to himself. He was out of the "pit of lost
men!" He was being carried by the to twist, then stopped, conscious
bat through the atmosphere of inner despite the whirlwind of tossing and
Luna itself I floundering around, that too much
Then he noticed that the black twisting might snap the wire and al-
rim was sliding upward a bit. and low the pressure to be released. .

coming nearer. The lu-bat wasn't He hung on, managed to slip one
emerging from the pit, but merely end of the holster beneath the loop
heading toward what was possibly of the knot in the wire itself. This,
its somewhere along the inner
lair he did so it wouldn't spin around and
edge of that rim. As they drew near- loosen the tourniquet when uncon-
er, Brand tightened his grip on the sciousness would cause him to lose
steam-gun holster, and readied him- his grip.
self for a quick series of twists that He felthuge beast smash into
would tighten the innocuous, but the ground one leg went numb
. . .

deadly strand of wire around the with the blow. One hand was torn
beast's throat. from his grip on the holster, and
The lu-bat slackened speed and ground against a rocky surface that
hovered an instant over a ledge. shredded his skin.
Brand saw the darker opening of a Tremendous shocks buffeted him
small cave that slid smoothly down- as the lu-bat flopped around. Then
ward. This was undoubtedly the bat's he felt himself hurled fifty feet
and perhaps an impossible place
lair, through the air, and despite the low
out of which to climb. In quick de- gravity, he landed with a stunning,
termination, Brand twisted frantical- bone-breaking crash at the base of
ly on the tourniquet. It was now or the wall that marked the inner edge
never! of the ledge. He felt his body slip-
The wire loop sank out of sight ping slowly over the edge of the lu-
into the leathery neck of the lu-bat, bat's nest,and glimpsed below him
and a fearsome squawk became a the yawning mouths and the staring
screaming gurgle. Instantly, Brand eyes of a dozen small lu-bats, who
found himself the center of a cyclone were lunging about in excitement and
of pain and swirling action. anticipation of the feast that awaited
The tentacles tightened convul- Frantically, with bis last con-
sively around him, and he felt a scious effort. Brand clawed his fingers
rib crack with agonizing torture. His into the creviced rock and tried to
head seemed to be swelling and about drag his body back from its precar-
to burst. The air rushed out of his ious position. The tremendous thrash-
lungs as though he were being ing of the dying parent lu-bat raised
smashed beneath a steam roller. The a din in his ears that kept him from
talons of the lu-bat sank into his the brink of unconsciousness for the
shoulder and cut deeply. moment, but then he found himself
Almost in a faint, Brand continued going limp, and his fingers released
their grip. He slipped down . . . ''The luck of Suici . .
." he shut
tremendous blow from the lu- his lips tightly, suddenly. Then he
bat's wing smashed into him, and went on, covering up his near slip.

the lu-bat flopped down past him "The luck of Satan himself must be
into its lair. Brand was almost un- with me."
aware of the tremendous commotion "Yes, Martin Brand," she said,

that resulted below him as all went "your luck is still holding out. No
black and sound was blotted out by need to look startled, or alarmed.
terrible silence. I know who you are, and why you
are here."
Martin Brand found himself lying Brand lifted himself on one elbow
in a bed and suddenly became aware and groaned. "Damn!" he said feel-
of his surroundings in a very unsat- ingly. *Tm all busted up."
isfactory manner — to him. He dis- He sank back again, and continued
covered was distinctly no
that it what he had been about to say:
pleasure to awake and find every "You know an awful lot, too much,
limb aching and his head feeling in fact. Just who are you, anyway."
as though a dozen imps were pound- "My name," she said, "is Kathleen
ing on his skull with red hot ham- Dennis. My number is 28, and my
mers. sector is 24A, Luna. You have two
But there was one thing that was broken ribs. We are in my ship some-
certainly not painful. Instead, it was where near the Liebnitz mountains
strangely soft, cool and caressing. It and a small crater near the Black
ran soothingly across his forehead in Hole. And you are going to stay right
a gentle way that reminded him of a where you are until you are able to
woman's fingers . . . woman's fingers? get back to work."
Looking down into his eyes were the He stared at her.
cool blue ones of the mystery girl, the "That's just dandy! And who says
girl who had killed a man to save his so?"
life — for no reason at all. "Special Services."
He closed his eyes. "Do you mean to tell me," he
"No," he whispered to himself. asked wonderingly, "that you, a
"I'm lying in a hole with baby lu- woman, are in the Special Service
bats picking my bones clean. I can't working on the same problem I am?"
be in a bed, with her nursing me. She nodded.
It just isn't logical." "Is that so unusual? Don't you
"But it's true," came her calm think I can handle the job?"
voice, soft and melodious. "You are "So far," he said wryly. "I'm in
in bed. I am stroking your forehead, no position to deny that. And I'm
and the lu-bats aren't picking your rather relieved to know you killed
bones because I got to you before
. . . Ormandy because he had me on the
you fell to them." spot. I had you ticketed for a lot
He opened his eyes again. different set-up . . he stopped, and

his eyes narrowed slightly may- . . "A patrol cruiser!" gasped Brand,
be it a different set-up!"
is sitting up in spite of the pain. "Good
"You mean you don't believe my God, girl, that crater is full of battle-
story?" ships/ The minute a cruiser shows
He looked at her steadily. up, it'll be blasted wide open. It'll
"Personally, I'd like to, but actu- never come back out of the Black
ally,I'd be a fool to. You may be Holel"
one of the gang. Just the same, your She looked at him curiously.
orders don't go with me. I'm getting "Do you really believe that?" she
up right now, and doing a little send- asked. "I told headquarters base
ing over your radio." you were babbling about battleships,
but he was convinced you were de-
Brand tossed back the covers, lirious. Such ships could not possibly
grimacing with the pains his motions have gotten into Luna. They'd have
caused, and tired to get his feet to pass the fleet, and they could not
(which he discovered were bare) out have come down the entrance crater
onto the floor. He was clad in brilli- on Dark Side. There is no other
ant blue pajamas, certainly not at all crater through which they could
intended for the male sex. enter."
"You've certainly taken some lib- "What about the one you just told
erties!" he said with some confusion, me about?" he asked. "If you came
"or is the orderly out on an errand?" out near the Liebnitz ranc;e from a
"There is no orderly," she said, crater that opens near the Black
"and you aren't getting up, nor are Hole, the answer is obvious."
you sending anything over any She smiled sweetly.
radio." She put her hands gently on "Too small," she said. "It's known
his shoulders and pressed him back only to the Special Service, and it's
on the pillows. through that the patrol ship will go
"Oh, yes, I am!" he said angrily. with barely enough room. That's the
"It's a matter of vital importance. main reason a patrol is being sent.
And you don't let me get up, I'll
if The other is simply to check on your
fix you, but good!" however wrong, that there are
She crossed the tiny cabin, took his armed forces in the Black Hole."
clothes from a locker, and walked to She moved into the doorway.
the door. "Where are you going with my
"You can have these," she said, clothes?" he demanded, scrambling
"after you feel better. As for your painfully half out of bed.
'vital' message, I've already taken "Somewhere where you won't be
care of that. I radioed the home tempted to putthern. on and leave
base of the presence of armed en- this ship," she said.* "And too, I
emy ships in the Black Hole. He is have work to do. I have to guide
sending in a patrol cruiser in a few the patrol to the crater entrance.
hours." They don't know where it is."
She shut the door, and as he stared, can open up the radio key and send
he heard the lock turn. a little message to that patrol."

"Damn I" he said loudly. She whirled around, faced him.

She took one amazed glance at the
With a groan, he heaved himself space suit, then she smiled.
door and rattled
erect, crossed to the "I forgot the suit," she confessed.
the knob. "I'd have come in the pajamas,"
"You crazy little fool!" he shout- he said grimly, "or without, if nec-
ed. "That patrol ship will never come essary. That patrol has got to stop!"
outl Let me out of herel I'll radio Her eyes narrowed.
Commander Wilson myself 1" "Why?"
There was no answer, and as he "Because it'ssuicidel" he said
stood there, the ship lurched, and angrily. He opened the face plate
took off slowly. He reeled back to on the suit.
the bunk, sat down, and hung on "Open that key," he demanded.
until the ship leveled off. Then he "I'm in no mood to fool around."
got up again, crossed to the lockers She turned and pressed the key.
and opened each one in turn. The first Then she spoke into the transmitter.
was bare; the other held a regulation "Twenty-eight calling Space Patrol
space suit. He grunted, then with N-twenty-seven."
great effort, he climbed into it. When The reply came instantly.
he had completed his job of make- "Space Patrol N-twenty-seven.
shift clothing, he removed the small Ready for message."
crowbar from the belt of the space
suit. He crossed to the door and in- Brand leaned over, grasped the
serted it between door and jamb. microphone in his free hand.
Then, sweating with the pain the "Cancel that order to investigate,"
effort caused, he pressed until the he said. "It's suicide. There are at
lock sprang open and the door swung least three heavy battle cruisers an-
inward. chored inside, and they'll blast you
He gripped the steam gun from the to atoms in two seconds."
holster in the space suit and walked "What came a startled gasp
. .

unsteadily down the tiny corridor from the patrol ship. "Battle cruisers
toward the control room. Here he . .hey, wait a minute. I'll have to

found the girl seated at the controls. call Captain Craig." There was a
She was looking out of the observa- moment's pause, then the voice of
tion window. There was another ship the operator came in again.
out there, a patrol cruiser. Brand "Who are you?" asked the puz-
recognized its sleek lines. zled voice. "Is this the ship along-
He stood behind the girl, leveled side?"
his gun. "Yes," said the girl. "I'm right
"Okay, Kathleen," he said, his here. At the moment I have a steam
voice muffled in the space suit, "you gun in my back. My patient has

refused to believe I have orders from things were about to break. So when
you said Martin Brand ."
headquarters." , .

"I believe 'em," snapped Brand. Brand's senses whirled dizzily

"That's what's bothering me. I know around him,

what you fellows are going into, and "You mean . . .?"he gasped.
I've got to stop it." "Yes. I lied to you when I said
A new voice cut in. I radioed about the battleships. I did
"Captain Craig calling," the voice radio, but could only report suspi-
said. "What's the trouble, twenty- cious activity in this locality. If this
eight?" Special Service thing were to become
known to the Senate ."
"Captain,*' said Brand urgently. . .

"This is Martin Brand. I've discov- "Then Craig intends to arrest

ered at least three of Mars' biggest me?" questioned Brand harshly.
battleships anchored in the Black "Yes. And when he does, he'll ar-
Hole. If you go in there, you'll be rest you as Robert Wales. You'll be
blasted out of existence . .
* exiled to Venus, perhaps, but that's
spy ."
"What did you say your name better than being shot as a . .

was?" asked Captain Craig's voice Kathleen's voice was trembling

with a peculiar note to it. strangely.
"Martin Brand," snapped Brand. "I only wanted to save you from
"I am a Special Service operative, the terrible situation you are in , .

acting under Commander Wilson."

"Commander Wilson, eh? Who- A moment Brand stared at her
ever you are," said the radio, "land curiously. Then he smiled.
at once and prepare for boarding . .
* "I'm not in a jam," he said. "Com-
The radio went dead. mander Wilson foresaw that some-
Brand stared down at Kathleen in thing might happen to him, so he
surprise.Her hand was on the key. placed a complete record on file, to
"What'd you do that for?" he be opened in an emergency concern-
asked. "And what does he mean ing Robert Wales, which will com-
'whoever I am'?" pletely exonerate me and reveal me
Her face was white, and there was as a Special Service agent. It will

something in her eyes akin to terror. even prove that my original convic-
"Martin," she said tensely. "Com- tion, under the name of Robert
mander Wilson died four days ago Wales, was a put-up job to conceal
of a heart attack! So, when Captain my true mission,and give me access
Craig questioned your identity, he to the plots and counterplots of the
had good reason. Another thing: fifth-columnists."
Didn't you know that a public funer- Kathleen rose to her feet and faced
al was held for you when you became him, her face even whiter than before.
Robert Wales in actuality a week "No, Martin," she sa^d, "you are
ago? Commander Wilson deemed it wrong. There are no such papers, A
the wisest course, because he knew week ago the Bureau of Records of
the Special Service was completely he turn on the lights.
wrecked by an explosion, and every A scream came from behind him.
document was burned in the resulting "Martin! We're going to crash!
fire. I am the only other living being . . This tunnel turns at right angles

who knows you are Martin Brand, two miles down!"

and I couldn't prove it. I can't even Looming up a mile ahead was the
prove you are Robert Wales ." . . wall of rock that seemed to be the
For a long moment Brand stared end of the tunnel. Rockets roared
at her in stunned surprise, Then, and flame filled the crater shaft as
the tiny cruiser rocked as a shell ex- Martin gave the decelerators every-
ploded across her bow. thing the ship had. Blackness reeled
"We've got to land!" Kathleen in on him, but he hung on grimly,
cried. "They're shooting a warning ignoring the pain in his chest that
over our bow!" threatened to engulf him in uncon-
Abruptly Brand pushed her aside, sciousness.
slid into the control seat, ignoring Even through the walls of the ship
the agony in his chest. the scream of the bow rockets was
"Where's that crater opening?" he audible and it was the last thing
. , .

asked savagely. "Straight ahead?" Brand heard before he sighed help-

"Yes," she said, "No! We're over lessly and eased down into a feathery
U now!** Her eyes were fixed oblivion —
that and his own tortured
on the observation window. "But voice whispering in agony: "Damn
Martin, please don'tl They'll shoot those broken ribs . .

us down . ."

Below them Martin Brand saw the It was a dream. It couldn't be

small, dark opening of the crater. anything else . . . waking in a bed,
With a motion that hurled the girl in- feeling a cool hand on his forehead,
to a corner in a heap, and pressed him opening his eyes to stare up into the
savagely back into his seat with pain deep blue ones of the girl with the
grinding in his chest, he sent the red hair — that had all happened be-
cruiser hurtling down into the black fore.
depths. The brilliance of sunlight "How do you feel now?" Kath-
was replaced by pitch darkness. It leen asked.
was lighted momentarily by the bril- He looked up at her, and puckered
liant flash of a magnesium-atomic his brows.
exploding against the wall beyond "I feel pretty good," he admitted.
him as the patrol ship took a des- "But all this is a little cockeyed. It's
perate shot at him in a crippling at- happened before, and that isn't logi-
tempt. The light showed Brand what cal. This time I'm only dreaming.
he needed, and for the next six sec- I'll wake up, andfind myself lying in
onds he drove the cruiser down a the bottom of a crater . .

narrow, slanting shaft with death at He sat up, discovered that his ribs
each elbow. Then and only then did were still sore, but was conscious that

all (he agonizing pain was gone. is non-existent. I am an assumed

"Hey I I am awake! And this isn't name which can't hold up a minute
a ship. It's . .
." under inspection, with the strange
"It's a hospital in Luna City," angle that when the fraud is discov-
said Kathleen. "I flew you here after ered, there's no real name to tack
ducking the patrol in the crater shaft. onto me. I'm the living example of
They went on to the Black Hole to a nonentity!"
investigate. I found some papers in "Yes," she said. "I know what
your clothes saying you were Edgar I've done."
Barnes, prospector, and I told them "Why are you doing it?" he asked
I'd picked you up after you had been bluntly.
attacked by lu-bats."
"How long ago was that?" asked She looked at him a long moment,
Brand urgently. then she spoke slowly.
"Oh, I brought you here over a "First, because it's part of my
week ago. You've been in a pretty work. I have a job to do, which is
bad way." just as necessary for me to carry
"I don't mean that!" exploded through, as yours is for you. Now,
Brand impatiently. "How long ago with the situation the way it is, the
since the patrol ship went into the whole thing is left up to me. The
Black Hole?" second and I guess, the best explana-
"They went in immediately after tion is because I love you."
we eluded them. But no one in Luna Brand sat bolt-upright in bed,
knows it." "What!"
"Any report since?" Hor eyes met his steadily.
"I don't know. I had to hide my "For ten years I've admired you
ship in a crater. Besides, the radio —no, longer! I think I loved you. in
got smashed when we hit the way even be-
a worshiping, little-girl
wall . . fore your intended marriage. I was
"Hit the wall!" happy when I thought you had found
"Yes, but not hard. You had the your happiness, and I cried when she
ship nearly stopped when we reached jilted you. I've cried many times since
the turn in the crater shaft." then —every time I heard another
"You took over from there, hid story of 'Suicide' Martin Brand and
from the patrol, and took me here, his reckless on the space
concealing my identity?" lanes. Everybody called you a lucky
"Yes." fool, a fighting daredevil who always
"Do you know what you've done? seemed to bear a charmed life, who
You've aided a criminal to escape. always won what he fought for. But
You've placed yourself in a situation I knew the real drive behind you.
as impossible to explain as my own. I knew the unhappinfess that filled
I'm a nobody now. I'm dead and you, the hurt you were trying to hide,
buried. Even my mock-personality the ache you were trying to kill, and
the memories you were trying to stood trp. "Call an orderly. I want

forget. my clothes. I'm getting out of here

"I joined the Service simply be- right now, and I'm damned if I'm
cause I loved you, and I wanted to going to run away. Commander Wil-
find you, and follow you, and meet son is still my boss, and he gave me
you . . . and try to take the place of a job to do. I'm going to do it, if I
that, that . . ? canl"
She paused and her eyes fell final- She stood staring at him.
ly. But she went on: "Please," she pleaded. "You must
"Once I almost met you. It was in go away. You can't do anything.
a bar. You were too drunk to notice Even if you found out the truth, you
anybody, and I was sitting nearby. couldn't make any Earth official be-
I heard you say something that lieve it . .

proved all I knew about what really "Then 111 do it myself!" said
goes on inside you. You said, to no Brand, "I know the truthl" That
one in particular, because you were Black Hole is filled with Martian bat-
alone: 'I wanted a woman, a woman tleships, and they'll be coming out
who could ride the stars with me in a soon to blast at Earth. Then it'll be
little cottage on the sea shore .'1 . . too late. And why you, who are sup-
When you said that, Martin, I dis- posed to be on the same mission I
covered I wanted to be that wom- am, keep insisting on letting that
an .. happen, I can't understand. If you
Her voice ceased, and her eyes say you know me so well, and are in
lifted again, looked at his. love with me, which is the wildest
For a long moment there was thing I ever heard of, then why dont
silence while he looked at her, while you help me, instead of hindering
he fought for something to say. Then me?"
it was she who spoke. Her face burned red. Then she
"I know I'm making a fool out of spoke, and her voice was level.
myself, but what I've said had to be "I'll send an orderly. Put your
said now, because I think be it will clothes on and meet me in the lobby.
the last chance I will ever have to say We're going to the Black Hole . . .
it. I'm going now, and I won't see together/ And if you can show me
you again. You had better go too. those battleships . .

Your work is ended. You must leave She whirled and almost ran from
here, because even if no one on Earth the room while Brand stared after
will believe who you are, there are her in amazement and bewilderment.
people here who know and they
see that you are removed." In a few minutes the orderly came,
"You crazy little fool," said Brand and Brand asked for his clothes.
chokingly. "You crazy little fool. "I'm leaving," he said. "Please
Somebody ought to spank you." He have my bill made out . .

swung bis legs out of the bed and "It's been paid," said the orderly.

Brand flushed. had been standing. There was a

"Then get my clothes," he barked. thud, a muffled curse, and (he sound
"I'm in a hurry." of a falling body, but Brand wasn't
Ten minutes later he walked down waiting to hear more. He plunged
the hallway, rather unsteadily, but toward the door, which was dimly
with growing strength as he regained lighted from the street lights outside.
a surety of step. He went down in Without bothering to open it, he
the elevator, walked into the lobby. shielded his head in his arms and
He glanced around, but saw no one. hurled his body straight through the
Suddenly he noticed two men ad- thin plastic-glass. It shattered with
vancing toward him. One was dressed a crash, and he fell to the sidewalk
in the uniform of the Lunar Police. outside. Parked at the curb was a
The other was the taxi-driver Brand taxi, which Brand hurled himself
had marooned in the crater-bottom into. With one savage blow he knock-
near the Black Hole. ed the driver unconscious, then
"You're under arrest," said the dumped him over the side.
Lunarian officer. From somewhere down the street
Brand's eyes narrowed and he a white flash came. The glass of the
tensed himself. He eyed the taxi- windshield shattered and frosted
driver who now was dressed in civil- weirdly under the effect of the in-
ian clothes and stood looking at him tensely hot steam bolt from a steam-
with a strange calmness in his man- gun. But Brand had the taxi under
ner, a peculiar glint in his eyes. way now, and it hummed into the air,
"What for?" asked Brand. flashed around the corner of a build-
"For theft, for attack with intent ing, and roared upward into the dark-
to do great bodily harm, for kid- ness of inner Luna.
naping, and if that isn't enough . . .

for murder," said the officer. "Put Behind him a fast ship, not a cab,
out your hands." was climbing in pursuit. Brand re-
There was a pair of handcuffs in alized it was a police flier, obviously
one hand, and a steam gun in his the vehicle of the officer who had
other. It was leveled straight at come in to arrest him, with a fellow
Brand's heart. officer in it. Apparently the en-
As Brand put out his hands re- counter with Brand on his feet, when
luctantly, therecame a slight hissing. they had expected to arrest him in
The light globe in the ceiling shat- his bed, had caught them a bit un-
tered, and the room was plunged into aware.
darkness. Brand hurled himself in- The ship behind was by far faster
stantly to one side. A brilliant lance than the cab, but Brand had gotten a
of white pierced the spot where his good start. Now, against the pitch
body had been. Brand stumbled over black of the inner world's eternal
a chair, picked it up and hurled it midnight sky, Brand Vnew it would
savagely at the spot where the officer be a difficult job for them to spot
him. He made sure every light was crater, stepped out, and shot the
out, then sent the cab hurtling on a motor button all the way down. He
tangent. Three times he changed di- dropped to the ledge in a heap as the
rections, thenzoomed down close to taxi roared upward and away. It
the rocky surface and slowed so that raced out of the crater like a meteor,
his motor roar became a dull hum- its exhausts visible now with the tre-
ming. He searched the black vault mendous speed.
above him with keen eyes. He dropped behind a boulder and
The pursuing ship was nowhere in waited. The police ship roared over
sight. the edge of the crater, spun violently
"Those Lunar police are no fools,** to avoid collision, then looped to fol-
he said. "They've probably doused low the hurtling, driverless taxi. Both
their lights too, and are waiting for ships bore away on a straight line at
me to come up again." tremendous speed, and Brand chuck-
Brand studied the faint lighted led.
spots that indicated Lunar cities far "He thought I intended to drive
above on the other side of the hollow him against the wall with that
ball and tried to determine his where- maneuver. Now hell follow until he
abouts. Finally he nodded grimly, gets me!"
then sent the taxi humming toward From behind Brand there came a
the north of Lunar City. If he hadn't shout, and he turned to see armed
forgotten, it was near there he would men pouring from the tunnel at the
find a familiar crater . . . They had seen him
base of the ledge.
A half-hour later he was sure his land,and were after himl
directions were right. He rose higher Brand rose to his feet, ran back
in the air, and increased his speed. into the shadows along the crater
Ahead loomed the black spot that was wall and raced along. Around him
the crater. Abruptly a brilliant beam bolts from steam-guns were hitting.
of light bathed the ship in its rays. He ducked low, unable to fire back.
Behind him the police ship bore down He had no steam-gun this time. It
on him. hadn't been with his clothes. A sud-
"Right!" gasped Brand. "He den memory staggered him in his
wasn't so dumb. That guy's a real stride and he stopped in his tracks,
policeman I" retraced his steps several yards, anx-
There was admiration in his voice, iously scanned the base of the crater
even as he shot the taxi down at the wall where met the floor of the

limit of its speed, straight for the ledge. His pursuers, amazed at this
edge of the crater. He looped over inexplicable maneuver, slowed down;
it fast, dropped down like a plum- several dropped behind boulders.
met. Then he leveled off and landed Then Brand saw it . . , the atomic
on the now familiar ledge. He whirled rifle he had taken from the Martian

the wheel of the cab, faced it on an guard he'd killed the first time he
angle toward the farther edge of the landed on this ledge!

He seized it, dropped flat on his loomed up suddenly, so close that he

stomach, and sighted at the advanc- grazed the giant hull.
ing men. Brilliant explosions rocked Brand stopped the cab short, hung
the ledge. Several men went down motionless under the belly of the
like stricken sheep. Brand fired great, deadly fish of space. He could
quickly, methodically, and in a mo- see its bulk dimly, stretching for a

ment the ledge before him seemed thousand yards in each direction.
deserted. All of his attackers who had Somewhere off to his left would be the
not been killed, had hidden them- wooden docks where the small cruis-
selves as effectively as possible. ers were located. If properly fueled,
Brand laid down a thundering one of those ships would be much
barrage of shots that blanked out the better than the unarmed aero-cab.
ledge in waves of smoke and dust, Against the giant battleships, they
then he leaped to his feet and ran would be as impotent as a mosquito,
back the way he had originally been of course, but Brand had no inten-
heading. In the black shadows he tion of attempting anything so futile.

almost ran into the aero-taxi where He moved the aero-cab slowly
he had hidden it. With a thrill of along under the belly of the monster
thankfulness he climbed into it, slid ship, noting the huge bomb racks

into the driver's seat, and sent the with their gaping openings. Those
craft humming into the darkness of bombs were hydrogen atomic bombs,
the crater, hidden from view of the just as were the bullets in his atomic
men on the ledge by the smoke that rifle. They must never be loosed on
still hung thickly around the scene Earth!
of the exploded atomic shells. He sent the aero-cab toward the
A moment he was over the
later wooden docks, and reached them in
edge and speeding forward toward pitch darkness. With some unavoid-
the Black Hole. able bumping around, he managed to
"Now to find out about that patrol make the cab fast and climbed onto
ship," he said grimly. the dock. He couldn't see whether
there were any cruisers tied up there
It was obvious that the system of or not.
caves through which he had traveled "Can't risk a light," he muttered.
originally to reach the Black Hole He dropped to his hands and knees
was located between the crater he and crawled along the docks, so as
had just left, and the Black Hole it- not to stumble off into space. At
self. Therefore, the Martians would each mooring post, he felt for a cable
be anchored directly below him and that would indicate a cruiser moored
perhaps only four or five miles down. there.
That hunch proved to be correct. Finally he found one. The gang-
As Brand allowed his aero-cab to plank was down, and in a moment
drift slowly down in the inky black- he had opened the 'lock and stepped
ness, the bulk of a tremendous vessel inside. This ship was considerably
larger than the onehe had escaped in Then abruptly she snapped out the
before. Itwas at least a ten-man flashlight and was in his arms, her
cruiser, and when he had closed the lips pressed against his passionately,
lock, he fumbled for the light switch devouringly. She was sobbing.
and snapped it on. "Oh Martin, Martin, I'm so glad
Lying on the floor at his feet was you've come back. I'm in terrible
the body of a Martian guard, his trouble . .

face seared away by a steam-gun Brand stood there, holding her in

blast and his body lying in a pool of his arms tightly, a strange tumult in
blood 1 his breast.
"My Godl" eiclaimed Brand in "Estelle ..." he choked. "I . .

stunned surprise, unable to fathom The soft shaking of her shoulders

the meaning of this discovery. and hungry pressure of her lips
stirred him as nothing had ever
Swiftly Brand snapped off the stirred him before. But even in the
lights and stood still. Was there any- confusion of it all, he remembered
body else on this ship? He listened the near-miss of her guns as she had
intently, but heard no sound. Softly tried to shoot him down as he escaped
he made his way forward. This cruis- into the Black Hole.
er would have a radio — and it was She must have sensed the doubt
the radio he wanted to find. He and reading
in his half-yielding lips,
reached the control room door and "You thought I
his mind, she said,
opened it softly. It was dark inside. at you?" she questioned
was shooting
He closed the door behind him, then tearfully. "I wasn't, Martin. I only
groped forward. wanted to make it look as though I
Behind him a flashlight beam was trying to get you. So that Jeffry
lanced out, caught him full in the Killian would trust me when I came
back. His own shadow loomed gi- back to him ." . .

gantically against the control board His hands were on her shoulders,
ahead of him. holding her at arm's length.
"Don't move," said a chill fem- "Came back?" he asked. "You
inine voice. "Raise your arms into mean you wanted him to believe you
the air slowly 1" were a friend, and your real inten-
"Estelle!" he gasped, and whirled tion was revenge?"
around. "Yes," she said slowly. "I hate
"Martini*1 For an instant the voice him . . more than I love you, if

held unutterable shock, and she stood that's possible. I wanted to kill him;
as though paralyzed. He couldn't see torture him slowly first, then kill him
her face distinctly behind the bright- just as slowly. But I . .
." she paused.
ness of the flashlight, but for an in- Brand tried to see her features in
finitesimal fraction of a second, he the dark and failed.
thought he saw annoyance mirrored "What did you say?" he whis-
in her tight lips. pered hoarsely.

u l wanted to kill him ..." she much that has been going on while
began. you were gone! Martin, they're al-
"No, nol You said something most ready! The attack will come
else . .
.» any day now!"
She lifted his hands from her "Estelle," said Brand soberly. "I'm
shoulders, pressed close to him, and afraid there isn't much I can do about
this time her lips kissed his cheeks, it. I'm' in trouble too, and there's no

his lips, his nose, and finally buried way out. You see, Commander Wil-
themselves at his neck. son is dead. Officially, so is Martin
**I said 'as much as I love you'," Brand. In my identity as Robert
she whispered. "And I do, Martini Wales, I am a political criminal, and
Oh, I dol So very much . . all record of my work as a Special

Service agent is destroyed. I'm no-

A fiery exaltation was suddenly body, Estelle, except a nameless pros-
surging through Brand's veins, and pector wanted for murder by the
there was exultation in his voice. Lunar police. I've got a job to do,
"Thank God, Estelle, I've gotten and no one to help me do it. I've
you back at last! I've been going got to work entirely alone."

mad for ten years, with hunger for "What are you going to do?" she
you, with memories . . gasped.
He kissed her lips tenderly, then "Just what you intended to do,"
he stood erect and gripped her arms said Brand. "I'm going to use that
tensely. radio. But first, you must tell me
"You said you were in trouble I something. Has there been any ac-
What kind of trouble? Who killed tion down here? Has an Earth Patrol
that Martian soldier in the corridor?" ship investigated? And if so, what
"I did. I had to. He was guard- happened to it?"
ing the cruiser —
they've put a guard She shook her head.
on everything now, since your es- "No. I'm sure of it. There has
cape." been no disturbance. But I do know
"But why?" asked Brand. "What that several more battleships have
was so urgent on this ship that made arrived, and many transports. They
you kill a man to get into it? Were are strung in a long line straight
you running away?" down from this anchorage. They have
"No. I wanted to send a radio sufficient force to invade Earth and

message, and this is the only way I subjugate it. The moon will be a
could do it without Jeff finding out simple matter. One battleship and
where it came from, or who sent it." one transport can take over the
"A message to whom?" Lunar cities at will. The battleship
"To Commander Wilson. I knew will anchor at the center of the moon,

he was your superior officer, and I command all the cities at long range,
had to know if you had escaped, and and blast those that nefuse to sur-
what you were doing. There's so render.
"The Martians will take over all Estelle gave him the flashlight, and
the space ports, and fifth- columnists he turned it on. He turned to the
will aid in this work. Jeff said there radio, and seated himself. He snapped
were two hundred thousand fifth- on the switches, waited while the
columnists waiting for the battleship tubes warmed up, then pressed the
to emerge and destroy the main entry sending switch.
shaft. That will be the signal for the "How do you know the wave-
fifth-column attack." length?" asked Estelle curiously.
"But that's suicidal!" said Brand. Brand ignored her question for the
"How will they get the battleships moment. Instead he began calling
out of the moon to attack Earth, tensely into the microphone.
with the main entry shaft gone? "Robert Wales calling Patrol Ship
That's the only crater shaft large N-twenty-seven. Calling Patrol Ship
enough to admit such ships." N-twenty-seven. Robert Wales call-
"They came in at Copernicus/' ing Patrol Ship N-twenty-seven.
said Estclle. Please come in,N-twenty-seven. Ur-
"Copernicus t Impossible I That gent. Please come in . .

crater has a solid bottom." "N-twenty-seven, answering Rob-

ertWales," a voice suddenly crackled
"No it hasn't. Martian engineers from the receiver. "Who the hell are
have been working on it for two you, and where are you?"
years, constructing a huge shaft at an "Never mind -who I am," said
angle, so it isn't visible from above. Brand. "Where are you?"
Naturally no one ever visits that "Nice work, if you can get it,"

hellish hole." said the voice from the ether. "Hold

"That's bad," said Brand. "Not on a minute, I'll call Captain Craig.
even the Earth patrol will detect the He'll talk to you."
Martians until they actually attack. "There is an Earth Patrol ship in
Patrol ships don't cover the area be- the Black Hole!" gasped Estelle.
tween Earth and Luna." "Sure . . ." Brand turned to her
"They'll win, Martin/' said Estelle. with a curious look. "What's so odd
"They'll -win!" about that? It was sent in here to
There was a strange note in her investigate and it never came out, so
voice and her trembling, strangely, it's still here."
had stopped. "But who sent it?" asked Estelle.
"Maybe not!" said Brand grimly. "Certainly you wouldn't it would —
"Give me that flashlight I'm going be suicide, if they did find the battle-
to try to pick up that patrol ship. ships. Why, in one second they could
I'm sure it's still searching some- be blasted to bits I"
where in the Black Hole. I'll have to "I know, and I didn't send it.

get him, or nobody. The radio in this Kathleen ." . .

cruiser won't penetrate the Lunar

crust, and can't reach the Earth." "Captain Craig calling Robert

Wales," came a familiar voice from voice blasted from the receiver. "So
the radio. "What is your message?'' you're Edgar Barnes tool I picked
"Listen, Captain," said Brand ur- that up on the radio just a few hours
gently. "Radio Earth and tell them ago. Killed an Earth citizen, kid-
to send a task force to blockade naped a taxi-driver, marooned him
Copernicus crater, and to investigate in a crater, and left him to die. Only
escape shaft at its bottom. Martian he didn't die. He got out, and came
battleships are planning to emerge to the police with enough to hang
from it to attack Earth. This attack you . .

may be soon . . ." "Listen, you stupid ape," said

"I recognize your voice!" said Cap- Brand lowly. "I'll give myself up to
tain Craig in sharp interruption. "So you right now, if you want to come
you're using your real name now, and get me, but when you pick me
eh? Before it was Martin Brand. I up, you'll also see those battleships.
checked on that again, you lousy This is the only way I can carry out
traitor. Martin Brand is dead and my work. Commander Wilson had
buried, as official as hell. And you me covered, but an explosion and fire
are an exile from Earth because of destroyed any evidence I had to prove
seditious acts. Come again, Wales. my identity. You can believe what
If you think an Earth task force will you wish —
Martin Brand, Edgar
be lured into any Copernicus trap, Barnes, or Robert Wales. Now if

you're mistaken. I'll call Earth all you'll point your ship wherever you
right, and the whole Patrol will be are, in the direction of Luna city,
out after your hide." and keep your eyes open, you'll see
"Captain," Brand angrily,
said something very soon. As soon as you
"you are a fool! Do you think it's see it, I'll be coming at you from that
logical that anybody could hope to source, to come aboard. After that,
gain from the destruction of any the rest is up to you."
singleEarth unit? I tell you, the
danger is urgent. So long as you are There was a moment's hesitation
in the Black Hole right now, you from the receiver, then the voice of
have the opportunity to check. If I the captain came again.
show you a fleet of Martian battle- "Whoever you are," he said slow-
ships, will you believe me?" ly, "you sure sound sincere. Okay,
"I've got eyes," said Captain Craig, buddy. Show me something, and I'll
"and from the sound of you, you're radio Earth so fast it'll singe the hair
pretty close to us. What did you do off every Martian on Luna!"

to Miss Dennis?" There was a hard, "Attaboy, Captain," said Martin

cold, furious note in the patrol cap- Brand thankfully. "And one more
tain's voice. thing, whateveryou do, don't come
"I left her in Luna City, where too close. You can't beat what's lying
she took me to the hospital ." . . here, and I would like to get out alive,
" You skunk /" Captain Craig's if possible. I've got a friend here,
who .Brand turned to smile tri-
. The Martian laughed hoarsely.
umphantly up at Estelle and broke "Say, did you think you had a
off inmid-sentence. "She's gone " he !
chance with that baby? She's ice.
gasped. I don't know how she does it. Maybe
"Who's gone? " asked Captain it's because she was crazy once. She
Craig's voice. sure isn't now! Why the other
"Never mind," yelled Brand. day . ." .

"Watch in the direction of Luna City "Look out!" screamed the other
for fireworks, right down in the Black guard. "Lu-bats!"
Hole. I've got to stop that girl . . . The sweeping rush of wind that be-
she's gone after Jeffry Killian , . tokened the dive of one of the mons-
He snapped off the key and whirled Black Hole screamed down
ters of the
toward the doorway. He plunged at them on the narrow ledge. One of
down the corridor recklessly, stum- the guards lifted his atomic rifle and
bled over the corpse of the Martian began firing blindly.
guard, and reached the gangplank. "There's more than one!" scream-
As he stepped down to the dock, a ed the guard again. "There're three,
beam winked on,
brilliant searchlight at least. We'll never get 'em in time
and caught him full in its brilliance. . . We're done
. . .

"Put up your hands!" came a "Steam -guns!" shouted Brand.

shout. "Don't move another step!" "Train your steam guns on the car-
Brand halted, baffled and angry. cass, you fools! They can be blown
Several Martian soldiers came out up that way !

of the darkness and gripped his arms. "That's right/' shouted one of his
They marched him along toward the former captors, now shrinking back
caverns he had once escaped from. against the cavern wall, trying to pull
Their faces were grim. his steam-gun out of its holster.
"You didn't know when you were "You pulled that trick before, didn't
welt off!" said one. you . . .?"

"Yes/' said the other. "When Miss

Carter gets hold of you, you'll be Brand snatched the pistol from his
worse off than before. She's really grasp, trained it aloft, and pressed
doing a job running this show! An the trigger. The other guard was do-
order from her is as good as one ing the same. The scream of the
from the Commander, himself. I gotta wind from the diving lu-bats was a
hunch it'll be Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry shriek in their ears now, as they
Killian, governors of America, or came down to the atta.ck. They had
something like that, when we smash undoubtedly been attracted by the
the Earth in a couple of days. Smart, searchlight, whose beams still bathed
that dame . .
." the docks and the pathway.
Brand's blood ran cold in his veins. Suddenly the lu-bat Brand had
"What's that you say?" he fal- concentrated on blew up with a ter-
tered. rific roar and a blinding flash of

flame that communicated itself to one it, he saw Estelle's ship reach the
of its two companions, and it too side of the monster warcraft, saw
went off with a thunderous blast. it slip into an air-lock that opened
But the other lu-bat came on, to receive her.
seemingly oblivious of the holocaust Brand snapped open the radio key,
of brilliance around it that now lit waited impatiently while the tubes
up the crater for ten miles around. warmed up, but as he waited, he
Desperately Brand added the fire of slammed home the motor levers and
his steam-gun to that of the other drew the ship away from the dock.
guard, and suddenly the combined He cursed when the ship stopped
beams took effect. A third flaming with a jolt. He'd forgotten to cast
carcass came plunging down like a off the mooring cable.
meteor, to flash past into the depths, His finger pressed down savagely,
only a few yards from them. and as the cruiser leaped away, half
A hoarse scream of agony came the dock tumbled Into the abyss of
from the guard with the steam-gun, the crater behind him, and he grinned.
and a large flaming fragment crashed Perhaps that hadn't been a half -bad
down squarely on him. He screamed mistake, at that. Now any pursuers
horribly once, then plunged off the couldn't reach the other cruisers to
ledge into the depths, a seared corpse. take off after him.
Brand whirled, half-blinded by the He sent the cruiser hurtling at right
light, and raced down the pathway angles away from the huge battleship.
toward the docks. An atomic rifle Now that the lu-bat carcasses had
bullet exploded just behind him, disappeared into the depths, their
sending a cloud of rock splinters into brilliant flames extinguished, he lost
his back that struck with numbing himself in the blackness that had
force. Brand whirled, up his flicked resulted.
steam-gun, caught the Martian sol- Pressing the radio key, he called
dier squarely in the chest. He went anxiously into it.

down, dead before he hit the rocky "Martin Brand calling Captain
trail. Craig, Patrol Ship, N Twent . .

At the other end of the dock, a hear you I" came the excited
small cruiser darted out toward one voice from the receiver. "And boy, I
of the battleships and Brand cursed. see you too! We're only a dozen
"Who the hell . .
." Get off "the
miles away, straight out.
Then it dawned on him and he air, Brand, or Wales, or whoever
went white. you are, I'm radioing Earth head-
"Estelle!" he choked. "She's in quarters."
that ship . .
." "Go ahead!" yelled Brand. "And
He stumbled on down to the start running. If those battleships
cruiser, and clambered into it. He spot you, it'll be curtains. Full speed
shut the door, and made his way to away! Quick!"
the control room. Just as he reached He snapped off the radio and sent
the cruiser flashing along the crater The Earth was entirely unaware of
wall. When he reached a spot where the danger that threatened it. Estelle

a sort of indentation offered conceal- had tricked him. She had played up
ment, he edged into it. Then he to him, fooled him with caresses. He
stopped the ship and waited. He lis- thought almost subconsciously, with
tened intently to the radio, heard strange agony, of the red hair and the
Craig's voice calling urgently into his blue eyes of Kathleen Dennis, and a
transmitter, strange pang struck into his breast.
"Patrol Ship N- twenty-seven, call- A great anger was beginning to grow
ing headquarters," he barked. "N- inside him, and it expressed itself in
twenty-seven calling Earth . . . Come words now; words full of bitterness
in,Earth headquarters . . and hate that echoed through the
Suddenly a brilliant beam of light silence of the control room.
cut through the Black Hole as a "She wasn't sane! No sane person
searchlight on one of the battleships could have acted that superbly. Her
— the one Estelle had boarded — mind might have regained its func-
flashed on. A moment it flicked tions, but all the good in her, if there
through the void like a giant sword, ever was any, had been killed. She
then suddenly it caught a tiny note, was . .

lost it once, then held it fast. He found no word to describe her.

"Damn!" said Brand, clenching his Suddenly the radio receiver crack-
fists. "They've spotted the N-twenty-
led and a voice came over it.
"Estelle Carter, calling Martin
A flash came from the battleship,
Brand," came the soft tones, but soft
and Brand could follow the course of
only in the sense that they were not
it along the searchlight beam, saw it
loudly spoken.
end at the tiny fleeing mote. There
was a brilliant burst of flame, and In a sort of stupefied surprise,
the voice of Captain Craig in the re- Brand clicked open the switch and

ceiver cut off abruptly. answered. "What can I do for you

And as its echoes died, Brand re- now?" he said sarcastically.
alized the truth — -the message had "I, too, remembered the wave-
not gotten through. Earth had not length," her soft voice came to him
yet replied to its patrol ship's call! mockingly. "And I am sitting in the
control room, speaking over the pri-
Martin Brand sat in stunned vate radio of the Commander of the

silence for moments.

several long Martian Invasion Fleet Enroute to
Now, when he'd been just on the Earth. In a few hours, I will take
verge of the success of his mission, off to blast the Lunar entrance, and

failure had blanked him out as com- take control of the inner world. The
pletely as he had ever been. The luck rest of the fleet will proceed, under
of "Suicide" Martin Brand had come my orders, through Copernicus to
to an end. Earth, to destroy the defenses. Earth

will have to surrender in a matter of Earth with me, so he killed Jeffry

hours. Killian for me, while I watched. I!
"Then, because it was I who did was very interesting to see him die
it, I will be able to dictate my own knowing that he was paying for what
terms. I shall rule the Earth as the he did to me ten years ago. Perhaps
representative of the Martian govern- that is the only emotion that I still

ment. I shall be truly an empress of retain to a slight degree, the ability

the world, as there never has been to hate. But when it is satisfied by
before." revenge, it is a very pleasurable emo-
"You're mad I" said Brand. tion."
"No," she said in the same level Brand listened with horror to this
tones. "Mad once, but not now. To- it was not finished.
cold recital, but
day I am the sanest person alive. I She went on:
am, I realize it now, the ultimate "I had persuaded Jeffry Kilhan to
example of sanity. All people have commission me as his first lieutenant,
some insanity in their make-up. I and now, with him dead, I was able
have none. Everything but absolute to take command without question.
logic has been erased from my brain. So under the ruse of going out to the
I am not hindered by emotion, al- flagship to take over command, I led
though I understand fully what it is, my Martian friend to the cruiser, and
and can simulate it if necessary. You told him the truth. Then I shot him
should know that. in the face. He was a very surprised
"If you had been as I am, you Martian.
would not have been tricked by your "I told the truth when I said I
emotions. You would have seen was calling Commander Wilson. I
through my empty kisses, because, in wanted to know where you were. You
the light of cold reason, theyhad no have proved a pastime for me more
foundation. But you let your body than once, and I would have been
rule your reason. You responded, and very interested in making you be-
forgot to think ..." come a traitor for love of me, But
"You're possessed by the devil!" this way is better. I don't intend to
croaked Brand. bother you again. You are in a sit-
"I am a sane, logical, steady- uation that is perfect. Even I could
minded human being. Perhaps, the not have figured out a better predica-
only one who has ever lived." ment. It will be interesting to watch
"What how did you do what
. . . what happens to you."
you have done?" he asked. But Martin Brand was no longer
listening to the mocking voice. Lurk-
"Remember the Martian you found ing in the depths of his mind was a
dead in the ship in which you now response to this jumble of words he'd
sit?" heard.
"Yes." He sent the cruiser out into the
"I told him that be could rule Black Hole, all lights doused, and
drove it brjck toward the giant bat- and he finally maneuvered the cruiser
tleship. beneath the tremendous belly. Final-
The voice of Estelle Carter went ly he had the ship hanging motion-
on. less,then he spoke.
"Are you listening, Martin Brand?" "Listen, Estelle," he said quietly.
"Yes," he said grimly. "I've been letting you talk on, listen-
"Good. I am curious to know who ing to you gloat over me. It's been
Kathleen is? Could it be that the very interesting to me. I can, of
heart-broken, bitter, savage soldier of course, only judge you on an emo-
space found a new love after all? tional basis, since I am not as 'sane'
If yon did, then it must have been a as you are. To me, your present con-
weak luve indeed, to wilt that mo- dition is something to pity, and if I

ment 1 threw myself into your arms!" feel anything at all about you now,
Brand did not answer. Instead he it is a large measure of sympathy.
was intent on a giant black bulk "I am sure you are not responsible
looming up ahead of him. He dipped for your actions, and although for a
the cruiser down, proceeding slowly moment I felt that I hated you, now
and silently in the darkness. I only pity you. I must destroy you
"I see you do not answer me," because your warped mind is the
mocked Estelle. "You are afraid that most dangerous thing that has ever
I will find her and do something to faced Earth's peace and happiness,
her. That is silly. If she really loves and threatened it with permanent
you, and you her, I would not think destruction.
of destroying the beauty of that love, "Mars may conquer Earth, but
and the trials and tribulations it will wars come and go, and freedom is
have to endure because of the in- won again. But if you were to come
tolerable situation that exists for in power, with your mad mentality,
you. then indeed a sad thing would hap-
"Certainly you can never make her pen to the world I love.
happy. You can never marry her. "That is why I am going to destroy
You can only face the reality of being you now!"
nobody at all. You haven't even a
name you can call your own. As For a moment there was silence,
Martin Brand you are dead. As then Estelle's voice came to him cold-
Robert Wales you are a traitor and ly, with short-clipped words coming
seditionist, with no rights of citizen- from her lips like venom from the
ship on any world, therefore no right fangs of a snake.
to marry. As Edgar Barnes, you are "It is you who are mad now,
a murderer, and as such, will be exe- Martin Brand! You speak wildly of
cuted if caught, according to Lunar destroying. You can destroy nothing!
law." You sit there in a tiny tenman cruiser,
The mocking voice went on. hiding like a rat in some hole in the
Brand's jaw tightened as he listened, wall You have at your disposal one

small cannon, which fires an atomic but of shattering rock.

shell capable of smashing only a small He brought the buffeted cruiser to
destroyer. What can you do to me a steadier pace, and looked back
here in the mightiest battleship in all when his sight had cleared enough to
the solar system? You . .
." see what had happened behind him.
Martin Brand interrupted. Like a slow-motion move, the
"That atomic cannon you speak of whole wall of the crater was toppling
is pointing at the moment straight over, engulfing all the cataclysmic
into the bomb rack of your mighty holocaust of shattered ships as though
ship. It will send that atomic shell it had been but a match-flame in the

you speak of straight into the mag- darkness. And many minutes later
azine of your battleship. And when it the whole mass came to rest on the
explodes . .
." side of the crater and once more dark-
"You lie!" shrieked Estelle Car- ness fell over the scene.
ter. "You lie! You are nowhere near." The Martian armada was no more.
"Before you die," said Brand, And then, Martin Brand, desperate
"there is one thiijg you can think of. dare-devil of space, bowed his head
What is that emotion in your voice in his hand and cried.
now? I'd call it fear. Fear is a terri-
ble thing, Estelle, and because I pity The lights of Luna City were
you, I don't intend to let you suffer bright before him, several hours later,
any longer. My finger is on the trig- as he brought the cruiser slowly for-
ger .
* . ward. In his mind were crowding the
Martin Brand pressed the trigger, memories of the past hours, and he
and with the other hand sent the tiny gave no thought to his own situation.
ten-man cruiser peeling off in a tre- Nor did he do more than glance idly
mendous swooping dive straight out at the small ship that bore down on
and down into the Black Hole's him now from above and behind. It
depths. Behind him a great mush- was only when his radio crackled, and
rooming flame grew and grew until a voice came through the receiver,
it seemed that it would catch up to that he stirred, and the grim immo-
him and destroy him too. But it bility of his features changed.
tossed him on, like a feather before a "Lunar patrol ship A-forty calling
gale, and his senses reeled with the cruiser below us —land at Luna City
awful sensation of a dive almost spaceport and no tricks. We'll blast
more than human tissue can stand. you if you make a move I "
Even through the reeling of his Brand drove the ship slowly to-
mind, he heard the thunder of the ward the spaceport and brought it
holocaust he had set off behind him. down. The patrol ship landed behind
All was flame and light and smoke him, and he stepped put to meet the
and bursting sound in the Black Hole. two figures who climbed from it. One
And added to it was a new thunder of them was familiar, clad in the trim
that was not that of rending metal, uniform of an Earth Patrol agent,

118 OTHER '


red hair gleaming under smart mil- had seen those battleships in the
itary cap, and blue eyes expression- Black Hole. They were ready to at-
less in her white face .. Kathleen
. tack. Estelle Carter, completely mad,
Dennis. was in command . .
The officer spoke. Kathleen's eyes opened wide.
"Robert Wales, alias Edgar Barnes. "I see it all now," she said. "I
I arrestyou for murder, for attempt- heard that she was released as cured
ed sabotage, and for conspiring to . . She turned to the Lunar officer.
destroy the peace of Luna and "This man was exiled from Earth for
Earth." sedition. He has attempted the same
Martin Brand scarcely heard the thing here. He has claimed to be
charges. He was staring at Kathleen Martin Brand, whom you know is

Dennis, at the hurt in her eyes, at the dead. It was Martin Brand's old
disgust on her face, and at the stiff sweetheart he just mentioned. Some-
unyielding posture of her trimly uni- where he got hold of that, and tried
formed figure. to use it to his own advantage. He
"Why are you looking at me like is a traitor, and I leave him in your

that?" he said. hands."

"You traitor/" she said in a low "We'll take care of him," promised
voice. the Lunarian grimly. "He won't be
Brand reeled in shock, then step- exiled again I"
ped forward. Kathleen turned to Martin Brand.
"What do you mean?" he asked. In her eyes he saw a light that be
"Captain Craig radioed the whole himself had in his own eyes ten
story toLuna Headquarters just be- years ago.
fore his radio blanked out, just be- "I have a job to do," she said,
fore you shot him down with that "and I intend to do it! Then she?'

Martian cruiser you smuggled into turned and stalked swiftly away.
the Black Hole!" Martin Brand found his wrists encir-
"He was shot down by the Mar- cled by a pair of handcuffs.
tiansl" Brand burst out. "I blew up He stared down at them and a
the magazine of the flagship, and the whisper escaped his lips.
whole fleet was buried beneath a "The luck of 'Suicide' Martin
slide in the Black Hole . . Brand!" he murmured. "It's run out
"That'll be enough!" interrupted at last."
the Lunar officer. "Come along, He looked at her disappearing back.
Robert Wales. You are under arrest, "It's all right, Kathleen. You'll get
and I promise you, this time you over it. But maybe someday you'll
won't just be exiled. It's execution know that I had a job to do too,
for you i and I did it just as you think you are
"But I tell you it's true. That's doing yours now in condemning a
what Captain Craig was trying to dangerous traitor!"
radio to Earth headquarters — that he
It was silent in Hal
the tomb. about it. No possibility of the fact
Orson, still deep became
in thought, that it really was empty could get
aware that Kathleen's sobs had died out. It was just a logical precaution."
away as she stirred restlessly in his Orson rose to his feet. "Then
arms. where is he? He was useless to the
'T'm all right now, Hal." Service for any further work. There'd
He released her almost automati- be no reason to keep away from me I

cally. She looked up at his intent I was his best friend ..."
face in the glow of the black light "I know why,"
said Kathleen calm-
lamp. ly. because he wasn't useless.
"What is it, Hal ... ?" It's because he's still working for

"So —they lied to us," he said, a the Service! I know it, as sure as
baffled note in his voice. "But why?" I'm a woman."
He sat down on the marble slab where "How?"
it lay beside theempty coffin of a "Intuition . . . and because you
Martin Brand who was believed dead can't love a man for eleven years as
by three worlds. Why was it empty? I have, without getting so close men-
Was it because . . , tally that you can sense whether he's
"He isn't dead," said Kathleen in alive or dead. I know he's alive; I

a whisper. "That's why they lied. can . feel him."

. .

There would be no ether reason for Orson laid a hand on her arm, gen-
it If he had been executed on Luna tly. "Kathleen, you're a clever girl.

as a murderer and a spy, there You must be able to see the other
would have been no reason to lie possibility — that what you feel

about Martin Brand's body ..." might just be wishful thinking. Love
Orson nodded. "I get all that. We does strange things to the mind,
of the Service knew Martin wasn't in sometimes ..."
that tomb to begin with, that his She whirled and pointed to the
death had been faked. This would coffin. "Is that wishful thinking?"
avoid any possibility of Luna's link- she demanded. "What strange thing
ing Robert Wales with Martin Brand, ishappening to your mind that makes
and therefore with Earth politics, and you see an empty coffin when it's
thus uncover the secret of the Special really not empty ..."
Services and its work on Luna. But "Score for you," said Orson. "I'm
why didn't they leave it that way? not seeing things that coffin's emp- —
All of us would have understood any- ty. And there's only one reason for
thing but this ..." thatl What that reason is, we're
"It's simple," said Kathleen. "This going to find out . " He stopped . .

way, with everybody in the Service suddenly and groaned. "Kathyl '

believing that Martin's body had ac- We've got to get out of here and
tually been recovered from Luna and work fast. Tomorrow, when all this

put into the tomb it was supposed to havoc is discovered, there'll be hell
occupy, no legend would be built up to payl If we're asked, where will
" .

we say we were tonight?" immediately. Whoever Martin Brand
"This wasn't your idea," she said is
—" The secretary stopped short,
calmly. "We were in my apartment." "Not the Martin Brand in the rifled
"You say a thing like that, and tomb !
" he exclaimed. "Mister, if

I'll beat the tar out of you! You you're using this as a gag to see the
won't throw your reputation to the senator, I'd advise you to start run-
dogs to shield me. I'm no baby, ning now, because you'll be in real
either, Kathy, and don't forget it!" trouble I

"I'm not going to let you get into Orson grinned. "Wouldn't you like
trouble over mel" to know I"
"I'm not going to try to keep out The secretary flushed and led Or-
of trouble. Tomorrow I'm going to son to a door. He opened it and let
make trouble!" Orson through it. Then he backed
"What are you thinking of?" she out, shut the door behind him. Orson
said sharply. "Whatever it is, I faced the man at the desk, a large
forbid it I" man with bristling eyebrows and
He grinned at her. "Go ahead and square jaw.
forbid. You don't scare me at all. "Sit down," said the senator.
There's nothing you can do." Orson sat down in the chair op-
She regarded him silently a mo- posite the desk and remained quiet
ment. "Oh, isn't there?" while the senator eyed him.
"No 3
there isn't. And now, we're "You know," said Senator Beasley,
getting out of here ..." "there's no name more unusual for
He led the way out into the night. announcing yourself than that of a
famous deceased hero. I should say
"I'm sorry, Mr. Orson, but the first that unless you have a very good rea-
available time on Senator Beasley's son I may be forced to ask you quite
appointment list is three weeks from a few questions."
today. You can't possibly see him "When I've asked you the ones I
before then." want to ask," said Orson, "I'll be glad
"Will you pick up that phone," to answer any you wish to ask. First,
urged Orson, "and simply say Mar- I've read the papers, and I know what
tin Brand can't wait three weeks?" they say."
The secretary looked at Orson, "What do they say?" asked Beas-
then shrugged. "Maybe after a cryp- ley, folding his hands across his ex-
tic remark like that, he'll never want pansive stomach.
to see you, but if you insist ..." "They say that the body of Mar-
"I insist." tin Brand has been stolen from its
The secretary lifted the phone and mausoleum," said Orson. "Only it

spoke rapidly into it. Then his eye wasn't."

brows lifted and he put the receiver Senator Beasley slumped down a
down. "I'll take you in," he said. more in his chair, and his voice
"Senator Beasley said he'd see you remained deep and calm. "You were

with her, then?" he asked. are the person for whom this was
Orson stiffened with surprise in his intended," he said. "We found it in
chair. "With her . . .1" her wastebasket"
"Yes. And you know, as she does, Orson snatched the paper. It was
that the coffin never had a body in unsigned but it was unmistakably
it," Beasley concluded. in Kathleen's handwriting. It read:
Orson looked at the senator rue- There is only one place he could be,

fully. "Guess there's not much I can and I am going there. Stay out of it.
tell you, then," he said, "but how you Senator Beasley spoke. "I assume
know, beats me. Where'd you get It was her idea, judging from that
your information?" note."
"Fingerprints. You and the girl "But it doesn't say Venus," said
left them an over the place. Hers Orson. "How do you assume that's
were easy to classify, and the identi- what she meant? And I'm in it as
fication was placed on my desk an much as she is."
hour ago. I've been expecting your him?"
"Is she in love with
classificationto arrive any minute. "With a broken heart!" empha-
But you said something about want- sized Orson.
ing to ask me some questions before I "And are you in love with her?"
questioned you. I'd be glad to an- Orson stared at the senator. "In
swer them." love with her —
? You mean you think

"You would?** that's why I helped her?"

Senator Beasley smiled. "Of course. "Is it?"
Did you think I'd refuser" Orson looked thoughtful. "If Mar-
Orson shrugged. "I don't know tin were dead, maybe I might think
what to think. I haven't known what of it. But now that he's alive ..."
to think ever since I found the coffin "I see. Well, lad, let's have the
empty. You see, Martin Brand was rest of those questions."
my best friend. I've always mourned "Why has the government resorted
him as dead, and it's been something to this—this flummery?"
of a shock to find that he wasnt I "The government hasnt resorted
don't understand it, sir, and least of to it I handled the whole thing at —
all do I understand his not contact- the request of the President. You, I
ing me. That's the first question, presume, are a member of Special
sir: where is Martin Brand?" Services?"

"On Venus where Kathleen will "I joined when Martin was —
be in a few days, unless we stop her." killed."
Orson leaped to his feet. "Kathleen "Then you know why It was done,
—on Venus I But that's impossible, and why only the President and I
sir. I just left her a few hours ago." know there was no body to be
Beasley unfolded his hands, picked stolen," said Beasley. "Now we'll
up a piece of paper from his desk and have to resort to some more —flum-
handed it to Orson. "I presume yo* mery —and pretend to find the body,
apprehend the grave robbers, and re- slipping quietly out of the milk-and-
storeMr. Brand to his mythical rest- honey twenty miles behind her. She
ing place." was almost sure they had been fol-
"You're being quite frank," said lowing her, and yet she had cleared
Orson, "Why?" the spaceport without the slightest
"Because you are the grave rob- trouble. She'd gambled on that the —
ber," said Beasley quietly. "I'm Special Service wouldn't have risked
afraid that with the evidence, in- publicity by trying to stop her of-
cluding your own confession, no- ficially —they'd stop her some other
body'd listen to a crazy story that way. So she'd left the tarmac as soon
the tomb was empty —
especially as her papers had cleared. That had
when we find the body where you been several days ago.
hid it." Now, sitting in the Venus de Milo,
Orson sat quietly a moment,
for she sure they'd never recognize
considering the senator. **I see," he her. Her coppery hair was jet black,
said finally. "It's an excellent bit of her eyes were slanted back, pulled
— flummery. But I have one more into that position by invisible strips
question ..." of tape that were concealed by her
"Ask it." hairdo. Her fingers were joined by
I go to Venus too?" tiny webs that extended half-way
There was a long silence in the out to the first knuckles, and the
room, and finally the senator seemed tiny moons in her fingernails were a
to have made a decision. He leaned brilliant green in color. Her com-
forward and pressed a button on his plexion was faintly green also, as
desk. though her blood had been tinted be-
"Just as soon as you've been ex- neath the skin, as indeed it had.
ecuted," he said. This effect was achieved by a new
chlorophyll dye that turned the red
Kathleen sat sipping a cocktail in corpuscles green without impairing
the bar of the Venus de Milo cafe in their oxygen-carrying abilities. This
Venus City. She remembered the effect would last for several days be-
weird experience of flying her own fore a renewed injection of dye was
private ship into the milky atmos- necessary.
phere of Venus, almost sixty miles in From all outward appearances,
depth, where visibility was still as Kathleen was a Venusian, her dis-
much astwenty miles, and coming guise so perfect that not even a
out finally from the stratosphere into Venusian could detect any difference.
the perpetual rosy dawn-light that is She knew, however, that a member of
Venus' day. She still marveled at the Special Services would have little
pink orb of the sun, a vague rosy spot trouble spotting her. She was count-
in the milk-white. ing on the necessity for secrecy about
She remembered, too, the glimpse the SpecialService to protect her
she had caught of the Patrol ship until she had discovered what she

wanted to know. at him. As her eyes met his, that

haunting sensation of familiarity
Seated around a table In a comer heightened, and a tremor shot
of the cafe were four Venusians, con- through her body. Suddenly she
versing rapidly in low tones. Kath- found herself breathing more swiftly,
leen bad been watching them ever and for no real reason she felt afraid.
since they came in, just as she had Of what? Not of a Venusian spy, or
watched them tie first day. Now they a Martian fifth columnist—or of her
seemed to be aware of her. Several life . . . What then?

times she caught them glancing in her He half-turned on his stool. "Then
direction, and conversing with faint perhaps we'd better remain strang-
frowns immediately thereafter. ers," he said. "I dont judge people
Finally one of them got np and —
by their names and actually names
sauntered toward her. Kathleen mean nothing, so, if you'd prefer .

watched him come, observing his re- He slid off the stool with a polite nod.
flection in the big mirror behind the "Wait," she said.
bar. There was something oddly He stood looking at her.
familiar about him, but try as she "Now that you're here, you might
would, she could not place him. He as well have a drink with me."
was a Venusian, that was apparent, "Why?"
for a Martian could not possibly pose Kathleen stared at him in surprise.
as a Venusian—she started—or he Suddenly she felt a surge of anger
could be an Earthman in disguise. As rise in her throat. He was looking at
he seated himself beside her, she was the slew flood of green suffusing her
suddenly sure of it- Inwardly she white throat, and strangely there was
felt an exultation; it meant she was a look of scorn in his eyes.
on the right trarik. She knew now "What kind of a man are you?" she
that the four were fifth columnists. flared.
"You're new here, aren't you?" "Generally I like to be alone," he
the man asked, his voice strangely said. "I'm a very bad Judge of fe-
husky and familiar. There was a —
male character and perhaps I've
haunting timbre to it that wandered judged wrong again. If you'll pardon
through her memory as though me ..." He bowed slightly, stiffly,
searching for something. and made his way back to his three
"I don't believe I know you," she companions.
said, regarding his reflection in the Kathleen tossed off her drink with
glass, then sipping her drink casually. an angry gesture, then climbed down
He grinned at her. "That can be from her stool and marched over to
remedied," he said, "besides it's a the table. She faced the Venusian
shame for so lovely a girl to be drink- squarely. "My name," she said stiff-
ing alone." ly, "is Kay deNees. And I like to

"I don't make friends easily—with be alone too." She turned and walked
strangers," she said, turning to look stiffly from the cafe. As she passed
a large mirror near the doorway, she kerchief. "You'd have been dead by
saw the Venusian staring at her re- tomorrow morning if we hadn't
treating back. In his eyes was a pe- snatched you, Miss Dennis. You just

culiar expression and he looked puz- don't know what you were getting

zled, as though he vere trying to re- into. That mob had you spotted, and
member something also. Kathleen our man reported this morning they
frowned. She felt more sure than were going to check you today. If
ever now that somewhere before she you didn't measure up you'd be elim-
had seen this Venusian —
and he had- inated as a precautionary measure.
n't been a Venusian then. Who was And, who are you trying to find? . .

he? As she walked slowly down the Say! Don't tell me you're looking for

street outside, she searched her mem- the guy who stole Martin Brand's
ory diligently, but without success. body? If you are, you're behind the
times. They found the body the day
So occupied was she with her after you left Earth, and the man
thoughts that she was unaware of the who stole it has been executed. If
swift approach of a dark figure until you ask me, the dirty grave-robbet
easy ."
strong arms lifted her off her feet got off . .

and hustled her toward a waiting car. The Special Services man stopped
She screamed shrilly once then a be- speaking in alarm and stared at Kath-
lated hand clapped over her mouth. leen'swhite face. "Joe," he said to
She promptly bit the hand and his companion, "she really did love
screamed again. As she was thrust the guy. She's fainted 1"
into the waiting car and seized by two His companion began to chafe
Earthmen, she saw the door to the Kathleen's wrists. "Yeah," he said
it a shame
cafe burst open. The man who had sympathetically. "Ain't 1

accosted her at the bar dashed out some people never get any breaks? ]

and stood watching as the car drove Imagine a girl taking chances with

away in a burst of speed. her life this way looking for the body
of her dead lover. She must have

For a moment Kathleen was silent,

studying the faces of her captors. known it was just plain suicide ..."
"For Special Services men, you aren't
very efficient," she observed. "You Several hours later Kathleen sat
letme scream my head off. If Com- staring at the plain furnishings of an
mander Wilson were alive, you'd be office in the Federal Building. Her
to consider the horrible
news she had heard, and her eyes
Suddenly she slumped down in the were dry. So, when the doot opened
seat and began to cry. "Now I'll and a man entered, she paid him
never find him," she said, her voice scarce attention.
muffled by her sobs. "Why couldn't "How do you feel now?" the new-
you let me alone?" comer asked.
One of the men handed her a hand- "All right, I suppose," said Kath-

leen dully. Then she turned to look sythe." He bowed himself out and
at her visitor and stiffened in shock. closed the door.
The man was one of the
facing her An instant later the door opened
four Venusians she had been spying again. A man stepped in backward
upon at the Venus de Mflo cafe. and closed the door before he turned.
"Yes," he said. "I thought you'd "Hall" shrieked Kathleen. "Hal
recognize me. Actually, however, Orson 1"
I'm Don Coleridge, a member of "Not so loud I" said Orson in con-
Special Services. I've been on the in- sternation. "Nobody here knows I'm
side with the fifth column for several Hal Orson."
months now. So, when you showed Kathleen rushed forward and threw
up, I knew the score." herself into his arms. "They told me
"What are you doing here, then?" you'd been executed," she gasped.
she asked, wonderingly. "Won't this "Oh Hal, I've been going through
spoil everything for you?" hell thinking about it."
"I don't think they'll find out. But "I know," he said, disengaging him-
I had to —
do something don't you self gently, "but it had to be that
realize you were under suspicion? way."
When was made to kill
the decision Kathleen stood looking at him for
you, I had to act to rave your life. an instant, then her eyes clouded and
So I notified my superior officer and she sat down and cried quietly for a
had you arrested. That way, we hope, few moments. Orson stood looking
suspicion will be thrown off you." down at her silently until she had
Kathleen shrugged. "What good finished.
will it do now? I'm useless to every- "Ready for work now?"
body." She looked up at him and nodded.
"Not at all. Youll find out about "What kind of work?"
that in a few minutes. I'm going to Orson sat down beside her. "That
leave now, but my purpose in com- Venusian who was just in to see you,"
ing here was to prove to you that I he explained, "is one of our men. He's
am on your side. Next time we meet, gotten pretty high in the enemy intel-
youll know that, but you won't give ligence circle and this is all his plan.
any sign. From now on, you're work- He saved your life by pulling this
ing with me." fake arrest; now he's arranging to
"Working with you?" 'rescue' you."
The disguised Venusian nodded and "Rescue me?"
turned toward the door. "The su- "Yes. Tonight youll be placed in
perior officer will giveyou the details a cell in the Federal Building jail
of the plan. Meanwhile, best of luck. and about midnight a group of Ven-
And remember, I'll be handling the usians will raid the place to free you.
affair from the other end so you They'll encounter little resistance, a
needn't be frightened. When you see careless guard, and a great deal of
me again, I will be Lieutenant For- overconfidence on our part. They'll
succeed in rescuing you. After that, game in the Solar System now, and
you'll be, we hope, another member there's no doubt about it. We're all
of the SS in the enemy circle. playing with the biggest potential ex-
"But what good will I be?" asked plosion imagined and if we
ever —
Kathleen. don'tmanage to touch it off where it's
Orson grinned at her. "What harmless,it'll be the end for more

you've got is exactly what we need than we few SS men. Kathy, if we

now. You have no idea how effective don't stop these fellows, it's curtains
a beautiful woman will be in prying for Earth. What we've learned about
secrets from these Venusians. They what the Martians have on tap for us
go for a pretty face and figure like is . well, frightening. We've got
. .

nobody's business. I think you know to know when and where the first
how to handle yourself to best advan- blow will fall, because the first blow
tage there." will likely be the last. That's what
Kathleen frowned. "I'm not so you and I and Coleridge will be try-
sure. I'vehad a little experience with ing to find out."
one of those fellows already. He gave "I'll do my best," said Kathleen.
me the most beautiful brush-off I've Orson flashed a convincing smile
ever gotten. If you ask me, there are and rose to go. "I know you will,
some Venusians who could make a Kathy. And Kathy ..."
marble Venus shiver in a steam bath." "Yes?"
"He was only the fellow picked to "I don't know where, but I know
'feel you out' as it were, and decide for sure that Martin is on Venus right
if you were spying on them or not. now, alive and well. Headquarters
He had no intentions of making up lost all track of him because he re-
to you." quested to be entirely on his own,
Kathleen looked dubious. "He and we won't hear from him until he
wasn't acting a part. That fellow has something positive to report if
really is a lone wolf. I played coy for by any chance you run across him
just one sentence and he froze me
off like . . ." Kathleen knit her eye- Kathleen went white.
brows. "I've seen that man some- "... don't do anything to give
where before, but I can't place him either of you away," finished Orson.
at all," "Don't let on by the slightest sign
"Um," said Orson. "I don't like that you know who he is, or let him
that —
know about you until it's all over.
Kathleen looked at him quickly. Of course, I don't think you'll meet
"Never mind," she said. "It makes him— the chances are extremely re-
no difference. I'm sure he doesn't mote—but if you do ... "
know me. The way he acted proved "You don't think I'd risk his life
it.There'll be no danger." again, do you, Hal?" Kathleen said
Orson laughed drily. "No danger! in strained tones. "I'd die first!"
Kathy, you're in the most dangerous "I hope you don't," said Orson,

wheeling abruptly and striding from gun at the neck of the jailer, and win.
the room. a moan the fellow dropped to the
floor. The rescuers shoved him into
The long hours until midnight the cell and locked the door, then
dragged interminably for Kathleen, motioned Kathleen to follow them
lying on her bunk in the cell, trying down the corridor. They went down a
desperately to get some sleep but fail- side corridor and emerged finally in
ing utterly to compose her mind. a driveway where a cab stood waiting.
"Martin," she whispered into the They got into it and the driver drew
darkness. "Oh Martin, if only I can the car away from the curb without a
find you —
see you just once more word.
For several minutes no one spoke,
She lay there, thinking, her eyes then Don Coleridge removed his
full of tears, but her heart full of mask and placed it in his pocket.
hope. Outside, in the corridor, the His companion did the same. "That
sound of footsteps aroused her. They was almost too easy," he said.
stopped at her door, and she heard Coleridge grunted. "It was, Far-
the sound of a key grating in the row, but I guess we were lucky. Or,
lock. I should say, you were lucky, Miss
"Come on out, Miss deNees," said deNees. Do you realize that you'd
a soft voice. "We're taking you out have been in the toughest spot imag-
of here." inable if the Earthmen could have
She recognized the voice as that pinned anything concrete on you?''
of Don Coleridge. As she stepped Kathleen said nothing.
through the cell doorway, she saw "Okay," acknowledged Coleridge.
the jailer standing with his arms w At least you're smart. But, you can
slightly elevated, keeping a calcu- you will. As a matter of
trust us, if
lating d careful eye on the two men fact,you have no other choice now.
who stood beside him. One of two If you aren't on our side, you'll be
masked Venusians had a steam gun in a much worse fix than if we'd left
trained on the jailer. Kathleen de- —
you there but we figured anybody
cided this one was Don Coleridge. they were mad at, ought to be a friend
"Thank you," she said. "I don't of ours."
know why you're doing this, but I ap- Kathleen shrugged. "I'm on no-
preciate it." body's side but my own. It's just that
"We can make mistakes too, some- I hate Earthmen's guts —
that's all."
times," he said. "But come on, we've Coleridge regarded her calculating-
got to step lively. This is the quiet ly for a moment. "Maybe you'd like
period around here, but it'll be tough a job," he said. "Maybe you'd like
if this fellow manages to spread the to do something they wouldn't en-
alarm. Well have to silence him
just joy."
for awhile . .
* "What's in it?* asked Kathleen.
Swiftly he chopped down with his Farrow laughed, "Money," he said.
"Isn't that what you want?" down in a tiny clearing in the forest,
Kathleen read the inflection in his and the three made their way into a
voice right, and turned to stare into tiny hut. Inside, Coleridge touched
his eyes. "Money isn't everything," a rustic table that was securely fas-
she said. "But it's almost every- tened to the floor. The entire floor
thing when you haven't got it. Can began to sink slowly into the ground;
you think of a good substitute?" they were on a cleverly concealed ele-
The sudden glint that carne into vator.
Farrow's eyes told Kathleen she was At the bottom they stepped off.

on the right track. He said nothing, The floor returned to its original
however, and she sank back into her and as it did so, a light came on.
seat, satisfied that she had discov- Kathleen saw they were at the end
ered at least one weak spot in the of a dim tunnel that led a short way
enemy armor. into the earth before it turned. They
The cab left the city. Once on the followed the tunnel and entered a
highway outside the residential area, room. It was
large, brilliantly lighted
it crept off onto a side road. There, plainly furnished. Behind a large
in the dark, a transfer was made to desk sat a saturnine- faced Martian.
an aerocar, which took off immediate- "Here they are, sir," said Farrow,
ly on a course directly over the Venu- saluting.
sian jungles. Coleridge froze in his tracks for a
Kathleen glanced at Coleridge and brief instant, then saluted also and
he interpreted her look correctly. stood facing the Martian. Kathleen
"Venus City is no place for any of gave Coleridge one swift glance, then
us, from now on. We can't afford to faced the Martian. Something had
take any chances. You'd be picked gone wrong here— definitely wrong.
up in a minute back there. And we "You may go, Farrow," said the
can't be sure how smart that jailer Martian.
was, or how much he'll remember of Farrow saluted again. He whirled
us." on his heel, and walked back the way
"Should have killed him," said they had come. As he passed Coleridge
Farrow. and Kathleen he grinned knowingly
"You're too bloodthirsty," said and one derisive whispered word
Coleridge. reached their ears.
"Not bloodthirsty; just practical "Smart."
and smart." Coleridge tried to bluff it out.
Coleridge looked at Farrow quiz- "This is Miss Kay deNees," he said.
zically, but said nothing more. Kath- "She was picked up by Earth Secret
leen felt a sudden misgiving and she Service men, so we decided we could-
tried to study Farrow without seem- n't risk them keeping her. As it turn-
ing to be too interested in him. ed out, sir, she is perfectly willing to
work with us, and in my opinion we
Several hours later the aerocar set can put her to good use."


i The Martian smiled. "I'm sore we an orderly entered. "Send me Cap-

can. As a matter of fact, we have tain Lutain and ask Lieutenant Far-
already put her to excellent use. You row to come back in, please."
Earthmen can't keep your heads in In a moment Farrow and Lutain
the presence of a pretty woman. If entered. Kathleen recognized the
you could, perhaps we'd never be able captain at once as the man who had
to detect a spy in our midst" accosted her at the Venus de Milo.
Coleridge had gone white, but "Gentlemen," said the Martian,
Kathleen's eyes widened in astonish- "we have here two spies. I am de-
ment and she whirled on Coleridge. tailing one of them to each of you.
"An Earthman!" she exclaimed. "Is Farrow, you will take the gentleman,
this true?" Her astonishment turned and when you have taken him deep
to fury. "So, you tricked me! You into the jungle, kill him and bury
Earthmen are all the same. Rescue him In the quicksand. Lutain, you
me, will you Now you've really got-
I will do the lovely, if detestible, Miss
ten me into trouble. Whatever's deNees the same service."
going on here, it strikes me as pretty Captain Lutain spoke up. "If you
dangerous, but if it's what I think it would be so kind," he said, "I'd
is, I'm all for it!—if that filthy, rot- rather you'd spare me the task sir.

ten mind of yours hasn't got me a Were she an Earthwoman, I'd have
jungle grave! no compunctions, but since she is a
The Martian regarded with her Venusian, I'd rather not"
amusement. "I can see, Miss deNees, The Martian laughed. "She's not
why your superiors thought you a Venusian, but no matter. As a
could achieve success in a mission matter of fact, on second thought, I
against us," he said. "You are clever, want to confer with you. Mission E
and a very good actress. Unfor- is due to get underway on secret
tunately for you, however,we have orders which may come within forty-
some clever men on our aide. Mr. eight hours. I'll appoint another man
Farrow very neatly uncovered the
whole plot. As a matter of fact, he Farrow saluted and spoke, "Sir,
even has a series of interesting micro- there will beno need. I can take
photos of your consultation with your care of both spies. I started this
companion in espionage in the Fed- matter, and I'd like the honor of fin-
eral building back in Venus City. ishing it."
When he showed them to me, I ac- The Martian's eyes lit in approval.
cepted his suggestion that we appear "You're a good man, Farrow, but you
to fall for the plan, and bring about must use dispatch. As a member of
your rescue. That way, we'd bag both Mission E, it will be necessary that
of you with a minimum amount of you return before the orders come."
trouble —
with actual SS assistance as Farrow's eyes lighted with a feral
a matter of fact" glow. "I'll be here sirl I wouldn't
The Martian pressed a buzzer and miss being in on the big . . .*
"That will do, Farrow. You had The orderly wheeled and went out,

best be quick about your assignment returning in a moment with a Venu-

ifyou want to be sure of that." sian dressed in plain clothes.
Farrow smiled gloatingly and pro- The Venusian halted in bis tracks,
duced his steam pistol. "All right, a look of stunned astonishment on
you two." he said, "walk ahead of his face as he saw Orson. "My Godl'^
me down the corridor. I know a "ie said. "Hal!"
quicksand deposit only a few hours "That will be all!" said Orson
away . . sharply. "Orderly, please withdraw,
Kathleen, her heart in her throat, but remain on call." The orderly
turned to walk down the corridor withdrew.
ahead of the prodding steam gun. Orson faced the Venusian. "Now,"
She saw Captain Lutain staring at her he said. "Who the devil are you?"
again with that same puzzled look in The Venusian grinned. "What's
his eyes. He took one impulsive step the matter, Hal? You seem mighty
forward, then halted, shaking his coy about your name, all of a sud-
head. den. Back on Earth, in the SS, you
The Martian misinterpreted his used it without any qualms don't —
motion. "Farrow can take care of it, tell me you've got in trouble, too, and
Captain,'' he said with a wave of his had to give up being yourself? And
hand. "Besides. I want to check a few since when can't a man address his
things with you right now." former bunk mate by his first name?"
Kathleen squared her shoulders "Martin!" exclaimed Orson. "Mar-
and marched into the gloomy corri- tin Brand!"
dor, a vague remembrance hammer- With one bound he was out from
ing at her memory for recognition, behind the desk and flung his arms
but th;;re was no response —once around the tall figure. Then he grasp-
more she failed to place the strange ed Martin's hand and pumped it up
feeling she had when she looked at and down "You >ld rascal!" he al-
the Venusian captain. most sobbed. "You son of a gun!
Damn your conscienceless hide . .

The orderly standing before Com- He broke off, unable to continue.

mander Hal Orson's desk in the Fed- "What are you doing here?" asked
eral Building atVenus City saluted. Brand, returning his handclasp with
"What is it?" asked Orson. equal vehemence. "I hardly expected
"There's a gentleman, a Venusian, my old pal to be in command in
here to see you, sir. He insists that Venus City."
it is extremely important, and he re- "I'm not your old pal," said Orson.
fuses to give his name." "I was executed for grave-robbing
Orson nodded. "All right. Send back on Earth, and now I'm just as
him in, but stay on guard with your much a non-entity as you are. I'm
steam gun ready. We've had enough commander here because I know too
trouble with Venusians here already." much to be anywhere else. I know

almost as much as you do about this Orson, his face gray, went back
affair." behind his desk and sat down heavily.
"Grave-robbing?" asked Brand "What will we do?" he asked. "What
with a puzzled look. "What on Earth can we do?"
would you be doing robbing graves?" "I've been assigned to that detona-
Orson swallowed uncomfortably. tor ship," said Brand. "I'm one of
"That's a long story, Martin, and * . . the most trusted men in the whole
"Then it'll keep," said Brand. plan. Don't ask me how I did it.

"What I've got to tell you is much Take it from me, if it's humanly pos-
more important, and I haven't much sible, that ship will not reach the
time. Hal, this is serious, the most Earth, or anywhere near it. I've made
serious thing that can happen; and all my plans, and it's a one-man job.
we've only one way out: The Mar- Even if I succeed, that would only
tians are sending in a big battleship, remedy the matter temporarily. An-
but it's the fastest thing in space, and other ship is nearly ready to go, and
there's not one chance in a million of I've just learned where it is. You've
intercepting it, or even of destroying got to finish things up here. You've
it if we could intercept it— without got to destroy that ship,and round
knowing exactly what its course to up the fifth column on Venus. I've
Earth would be." got a list and location of all the big
Orson looked puzzled. "One bat- —
shots here " Brand tossed a note-
tleship? You mean they're attacking book down on the desk "—and if
Earth with one ship? I can't see how you ever acted with a high hand, now
that could make a great deal of dif- is the time. Call in the Space Patrol

ference even if they get through. It fleet, and radio for the War Fleet.
just can't get them anywhere . .
." Declare war on Venus if they won't
"This can! Hal, that ship is noth- cooperate. But get those fellows and
ing but a generator ship —
and the that second ship!"
biggest thing you ever saw. It's sole Orson picked up the notebook and
purpose is to generate an impulse, stuffed it in his pocket. "I'll tear
from one Earth diameter out, that Venus apart," he said savagely. "I'll
will cover the whole globe. That im- get every last one of them; and no
pulse will detonate hydrogen-bombs other detonator ship will leave
concealed in every great city, in every Venus, you can bank on that; But,
important area on Earth I These Martin, what about Kathleen —and
bombs have been hidden during the Coleridge?"
past five years by Venusian freight-
ers, traders, and importers. Once that Martin Brand stared blankly at
generator ship gets within eight Orson. "Kathleen?" he asked. "What
thousand miles of Earth, our power to about her? And who's Coleridge?"
resist will be ended! The Martians "Yoa . . . don't know?" faltered
will be able to come in at will and Orson.
take over." A peculiar expression crossed
Brand's face. "I don't know a thing," come?"
he said. "Out with it, man. What's "It was all her idea," said Orson
on your mind?" hoarsely. "All along she kept in-
"You mean you, a member of the sisting you weren't dead, and finally
fifth-column group, didn't know that she made up her mind to find out.
we had another SS man group?
in the She told me she was going to open
His Vcnusian name is Forsythe . . your coffin and find out if you were
Brand's face went pasty. "For- really there. There was no talking
sythe he whispered. "Bid you
. . her out of it, so I did the next best
say Forsythe?" thing; I went with her. Naturally
Orson didn't answer. He saw in your body wasn't in the coffin,"
Brand's face that there was no need. "She figured Venus was the only
"So that's what bothered me when place you could have gone, and that
I saw her walk away from me ." . . you were still working for the SS or
said Brand in stunned tones. "How- you'd have contacted me or her. So,
could I have failed to recognize the without telling me, she took her own
swing of those proud shoulders .?" . . private ship to Venus.
His voice failed and he stood as "I went to Senator Beasley and
though stricken with vocal paralysis. made a clean breast of the whole
"Martin," said Orson. "What's —
matter which was hardly necessary;
wrong . .
.?" they had both of us ticketed already,
Slowly Martin Brand drew in his from our fingerprints in the tomb.
breath, then he sighed in a great It wound up with me going to Venus
shuddering gust. His face took on on this job, a fake story about your
a set of utter pain and despair. "She's body being recovered, and my own
. been executed," be said in almost
. . execution so I couldcome here with-
unrecognizable tones. "Forsythe was out suspicion.
detected by Lieutenant Farrow. Far- "That's the whole story . . Orson
row knew all about him, and carried stopped speaking.
out a plan to trap Forsythe and the Brand's face had become stony.
new operative he was bringing in. "Kathy was always that way," he
I never suspected who it was. I did- said emotionlessly. "She had three
n't recognize her, even when I was strikes against her the minute she
picked to question her before the fake fell in love with I'm death to
arrest you fellows pulled. She fooled everybody I come near, but this'll be
me —
both ways I thought she was the last time. This time it's 'suicide'
just a Venusian trollop . .
." Martin Brand lor sure because—
He whirled on Orson. "Why'd she that's what blowing up the detonator
come here?" he asked. "Nobody back ship will be, for me. Without Kathy,
on Earth would have sent her where I don't want to go any further . . ."
I was. It would have been too dan- He thrust out his hand and Orson
gerous to me, now that I was the took it wordlessly. "So long, Hal.
key man here. How could she have Get those babies for me, will you?


You can be sure 111 take care of my Coleridge, however, turned on Far-
end of the job, Kathy never shirked row heavily.
her duty when she saw it. The least "You'd better get me the first
I can do is finish, her job off the way shot,Farrow," he said. "Because I'm
she would have." going to kill you if you don't. Once
Orson swallowed hard as he said, these fingers wrap your neck, it'll
"Goodbye, Martin. Don't worry take more than a steam gun to get
about my end of it Venus will be me loose."
scoured clean of these vermin within Farrow laughed. "Heroics, eh?"
twenty-four hours, and if I can get he sneered, "Tell you what I'll do
hold of that fellow Farrow, 111 skin I'll give you a fighting chance. I'll
him inch by inch and layer by layer." toss my other steam gun at your feet
"That's part of my job," said If you can pick it up and fire it be-
Brand. "He'll be on the big ship fore you're dead, you might even hit
with me. Only thing I'll regret is me, who knows?"
dirtyingup Space with his atoms. ** "You haven't that much sporting
One long instant both men looked blood in you!" exploded Coleridge.
at each other levelly, then Brand
spun on his heel and almost ran from
"No?" asked Farrow. "Well, start
jumping, friend. Here's the gun!"
the room.
With a swift motion he drew his sec-
Hal Orson swore mightily and
ond steam, gun from its holster and
snatched up his desk phone.
tossed it toward Coleridge. He waited
until Coleridge's fingers had closed
The ceaseless drip of water from
on the gun.
the dark green leaves of the lush
vegetation in the Venusian jungle
Coleridge stretched himself out full

formed a whispering background for length in the mud. Like lightning he

the slosh-slosh of Kathleen's feet

snatched the gun. Without trying
to get up, he leveled it and pressed
through the mud as she stumbled
along ahead of Don Coleridge. Be- the trigger. Nothing happened!

hind Coleridge came Farrow, his Farrow laughed contemptuously.

handsome face still sardonic and "Only an Earthman would be idiot
gloating. During the two hours he enough even to consider the possi-
had urged them along the muddy bility that anyone would risk his life
trail, there had been no chance for on that sort of sporting deal." With
escape. Farrow was as alert as a fox, a sneer he pressed the trigger of his
and his finger was constantly on the steam gun and Coleridge shuddered
trigger of his steam gun. once, then lay still. "\

Now his voice barked out. "Stop. Kathleen, who had faced the two
This is where we get off." when the conversation had begun,
Kathleen halted, but did not turn looked at Farrow calmly, repressing
around. She stood hopelessly, look- a shudder with every ounce of her
ing at the leafy jungle all around her. self control.


"Do you need to shoot me?" she rise wiihin her. "In this case you are
asked. following them," she said. "Your
Farrow lifted his eyebrows, "That's boss, the Martian, ordered you to kill
an odd question," he said, "Why do me. Neither he nor you know whether
you put it that way?" I'm a spy or not, but that seems to
"Because maybe you've made a make no difference, Coleridge butted
mistake." into my and now
life, I'm going to
"I never make mistakes." pay for it ." She looked at the
. ,

"You've ascertained positively that body on the ground and her eyes
I was working with him?" she asked. blazed for a moment, then they dulled
He looked at her a moment. "I see again and the hopeless tone crept
what you mean. Well, does it make back into her voice, "Besides, it's
any difference?" too late . .

"Not any more," she said bitterly. Farrow began walking slowly to-
"It might have, back at the cafe ward her, a strange light in his eyes.
Venus de Milo." His gaze was devouring her figure,
"Just what difference might it have appraising her again and again. He
made?" There was a slight frown on jammed the steam gun into her
his face. stomach and held it there, his finger
She shrugged. "I was watching on the trigger.
yeu ." She let her voice trail off.
. . "Nobody's giving me orders," he
Farrow stared at her thoughtfully said. "I do things because I want to,
for a moment "That's true," he said, and when I want to do a thing, I do
a peculiar light in his eyes. "You it. That fat Martian back there
were looking at me a great deal." He means nothing to me—except that my
was still an instant longer, then he position now assures me of at least a
said bluntly. "W hy?"
governorship back on Earth when we
She loolied at the ground and an- —
take over and that'll be very soon
swered, "Why does a woman look at now. As a matter of fact, I'll be one
a man?" of the few top Venusians on Earth.
"Maybe in this case because she Not even the old Earth Romans will
was a spy," he suggested. be able to hold a candle to the spot
"That's why I said it didn't make I'll be in."

any difference now," she said. "Go "If you're trying to torture me, you
ahead; get it over with. I can see can forget about it," she blazed at
you'll follow your orders regardless him. "What difference does it make
to me whether your position on Earth
His jaw tightened a bit and a flush is better than an Emperor's? Go
of anger began to creep up from his ahead and kill me. Follow out your
neck. "I'm not exactly the flunky orders and get it over with."
you think I am," he snapped. "I "I don't follow orders," he repeat-
don't follow orders, I give them.** ed. "I give them." He pressed the
Kathleen felt a slow surge of hope gun more firmly against her and

moved closer. "For instance, kiss shoved her through the void like a
me!" giantfist, aimed directly at the Earth.

She looked up at him. She tossed Behind lay Venus, a giant white ball
her hair back with a defiant gesture. in space, already several million miles
"Why not?" she said. "I was think- astern.
ing of it back at the Venus de Milo Martin Brand stared back at it
— when it might have meant some- through the portholes of the belly
thing . .
." deck and shook his head. He bit his
She flung her arms around his neck lip savagely and turned away from
and placed her Hps against his. She the white planet almost angrily. His
kissed him passionately once, then face was grim and drawn. With an
dropped her arms and looked down. effort he thrust down the vision of
Her face flushed, and she held her a proud Irish face surrounded by a
breath tightly to make it grow even cloud of turbulent red hair, and
more so. "Now go ahead and kill me," curiously superimposed over it the
she said. slant eyes and pale green complexion
For reply he laughed. "I'm giving of a Venusian girl.
the orders, not you. Here, help me "She did her job," he whispered.
toss this body into the quicksand." "Now it's up to me to do mine."
He sheathed his gun and waited. He made his way slowly toward
Kathleen looked at him, then look- midship and finally came to the bomb
ed at the crumpled body of Don section. Here, on networks of steel
Coleridge. "It'll be a pleasure," she rails, rested the atomic bomb arma-
said. ment of the ship, ready to be launch-
When they had dragged the body ed in rocket warheads. There were
off the trail and shoved it into the hundreds of them here, capable of dev-
quicksand bog just beyond its edge, astating the cities of a whole planet,
they stood watching the body sink once they could be launched from a
slowly out of sight. Fanow looked range where accurate aim was pos-
at Kathleen a long moment. sible. These would be the bombs
"One thing I'm sure of," he said. with which this and other, but smaller
"What's that?" Martian ships would finish up opera-
''You aren't a spy, but you are my tions on remaining Earth centers of
kind of woman." resistance, once the giant detonator
"I don't know how you're going to generators located in the bow of the
manage it," she said, "but if you do, ship sent out the fatal impulse that
you won't regret it." would make raging atomic infernos
He licked his lips. "I'll manage it," of hundreds of strategic areas on
he said, "and come to think of it, Earth.
you will make a lovely Empress!" When that impulse went out, the
death blow to Earth's resistance would
The ponderous power of the giant, have been dealt. No matter how many
atom-propelled Martian warship Martian battleships, converging on


Earth after the big blast, were de- tend to take those three minutes.
stroyed by Earth's mighty space Carefully he considered his chances.
navy, it would be meaningless, with On this giant battleship were less
no further bases of supply for that than fifty men. Almost all of the
navy. Once out of fuel, they would great ship was robot-controlled. In
be drifting hulks at the mercy of the space warfare, little was risked in
enemy. And Mars, right now, was the way of manpower. Also, in auto-
on the other side of the sun, too far matic operation there was almost no
away for successful counter-attack. chance of such failure as might occur
Brand looked at the atomic arse- from the human element. According-
nal before him, gazed calculatingly at ly, Brand could make his way about
the bomb bays through which the the giant ship with little chance of
rockets would dart when launched meeting another of the crew. Since
and nodded grimly. Before him rose the take-off, he had observed care-
the vision of a battleship almost as fully just what and where each man's
big as this one, inside the Black Hole duties were. He was satisfied that he
on Luna. Once more he heard Estelle knew the time schedule of every man
Carter's voice ringing in
its madness in this section of the ship.
in his ears as he crept closer to the He glanced at bis watch. In one
belly of her ship. He lived again the hour he would make the attempt.
gigantic flash thatmarked the deto- As he thought of it, he felt cold,
nation of her bombs, exploded by his
atomic barrage from the lone rifle in "All right, you can come out now. M
his stolen cruiser. These big ships Farrow released the catch on the
were amazingly vulnerable, provided ventilated container and Hfted the
they could be approached. Out in cover. With one hand he helped
space this was impossible, but in the Kathleen clamber out of her hiding
Black Hole it had been easy— just place in the storage hold of the ship.
as it would be comparatively easy to Then he stepped back and stared at
do it here. He would merely launch her as she straightened her rumpled
himself into space in the auxiliary clothes and brushed out her hair as
cruiser, and fire instantly he cleared best she could with her fingers.
the ship and could bring the bomb "You look beautiful even the m
bays into line. He would have at morning," he observed. **If you look
most a minute or two, before the au- that good coming out of a packing
tomatic radar-operated guns would box, you really ought to be a sensa-
blow his cruiser to bits. tion coming out of swan's down and
Either way, it was the end for Mai- silk."
tin Brand. He didn't intend to take "Where are we?" asked Kathleen,
any chances on being hit before he advancing toward him and nestling
could explode those bombs. Given against his shoulder.
three minutes, he might stand a "Out in space.*'
chance to get away, but he didnt in- "I know that/' she pouted. She sBd

her arms around his neck and kissed drink in this place?" she complained.
him. "Ought to be something here .

He pushed her away. "I'd better Farrow lifted his eyebrows. "Say,
answer your question first," he said. baby, maybe there is at that. As a
"That is, if you're really interested." matter of fact, the Martian has a
She shrugged. "It doesn't make stock of the best brought along with
much difference. But I would like to him wherever he goes. Maybe it's
know how long I'm going to be here."
cooped up here." He walked up and down the stor-
"We'll be landing on Luna, which age racks, and finally exclaimed in
will be surrendered to us just as soon pleasure. "Here it is! " He ripped
as they realize what's happened to open a carton and produced a bottle.
Earth, En about two Earth days. And Kathleen came to his side, took it and
when we land, you'll come off this kissed him. "Better take another
ship like you came on — in that box. one," she suggested, "we might need
Once you're off, you'll be a free it."
woman, and I'll pick you up when As Farrow turned to get another
I've finished my work. After that bottle, she raised herown above his
head and brought it down with all
"Yourassignment to an Earth her might. Without a sound Lieu-
area as governorl" she exclaimed. tenant Farrow slid to the floor.
"What area do you think you'll get?" Working swiftly, Kathleen tore his
"I've expressed a preference for clothes into strips and bound him
the United States area," he said. tightly. When she had finished, she
"And, quite frankly, they could hard- surveyed her work with satisfaction.
ly give me less. I rank second only He would not escape from those
to Captain Lutain." bonds unless somebody released him.
"Who's he?" asked Kathleen petu- They had been applied with true SS
lantly. "Why should you rank second efficiency.
to anybody?" Picking up Farrow's two steam
Farrow reached out and pulled her guns, Kathleen turned and made her
to him. "Maybeyou've got something way toward the door of the storage
there," he said admiringly. "Why hull.

should I? I think something may be

done about that, but don't worry Martin Brand made a final in-
about it. Right now, how about con strument adjustment in the elec-
tinuing that kiss where you left off? tronics' systems room,>which was in
We've got about an hour before I've his charge. He hoped that the slight
got to be back at my station." reduction in power output he had
"Nobody will bother us here?" made would slow up the action of the
He grinned. "Nobody." radar-operated guns. This would give
Kathleen glanced around the stor- him perhaps three or four minutes
age hold. "Isn't there anything to more of valuable time, in case he
encountered difficulty in lining up his bright flashes illuminated the corri-
guns with the bomb bay openings. On dor, and then came the sound of
this heavily armored ship, a hit on running feet.
the outer hull would be worse than Brand raced desperately for the
useless with such a small rifle. Only bulkhead door. He had to get through
a direct hit on the bombs would do it and get it closed before those run-

the trick, ning feet, whatever they meant,

Now, his lips pressed tightly to- came into sight. He cursed the luck
gether, Brand made his way down that had caused such an unexpected
decks toward the launching level for commotion. He had no time to won-
the tiny cruisers the battleship car- der what it was, but steam gun in
ried. In a few more minutes he would hand he was racing directly toward
step into one of them, press the but- those bright flashes.
ton that set the launching mechanism All at once a racing figure burled
into operation, and would be hurled itself intoview at the far end of the
into space. Once he was out, a quick corridor. Suddenly it slid to a halt,
burst of the rockets, and a speedy dropped to one knee, and leveled a
dive and loop ought to bring him up steam gun. Unable to halt his head-
with his bow gun pointing directly at long dash in time to aim his own
his target. He knew he would get weapon, Brand dove for the floor.
time for only one pass at the bomb A sizzling white beam crackled over
bays, or at the outside, one more his prostrate body, and hot metal
desperate loop at six gravities. He flew from the wall just behind him.
hoped he could hold his senses long Instantly Brand was on his knees,
enough, in that event, to press the aiming his steam gun at the figure
firing lever at the proper instant. down the corridor. The newcomer
M he was now erect, taking careful aim at
"Ill get 'em the first time!
muttered. him. Brand's eyes widened and he
He made his way without incident dropped his gun in stark astonish-
past the two operations decks. On ment.
deck three he almost ran into a " Kathleen !" he bellowed, and
Venusian. He saluted sharply and again hurled his body away from her
went on. The man also saluted and bolt. Once more she missed and he

went on his way. yelled again. "Kathyl Kathyl It's

He reached the launching deck —
me Martin Brand! Don't shoot!"
without seeing anyone else. Quickly The figure down the corridor stood
he approached the bulkhead door be- stock still for an instant, then slump-
yond which the cruisers lay. As he ed to the floor.
neared it, there came a hoarse shout Brand leaped to his feet and raced
down the long corridor that led to the to her side. With one single motion
storage deck. There came the bright he swept her into his arms and raced
flashof a steam gun and a horrid back to the bulkhead door leading to
scream of a man in agony. Two more the cruisers. He kicked it open, leaped

through, and laid Kathleen down on before it suddenly loomed over him.
the floor. He
shut the door, bolted it Then, all at once, he was bearing di-
securely, and then picked Kathleen rectly for it, and there in the fore-
up again. He carried her to the near- part of the hull were the black open-
est cruiser, locked in its launching ings of the rocket-bomb bays.
ways, and thrust her inside. In an Brand pressed the firing studs of
instant he had released the locking the cruiser's bow atomic rifles,and
mechanism and clambered inside locked them into position. For an
himself. agonizing three seconds he bore
Ittook only a few seconds to thrust straight for the openings, then he
Kathleen into a shock seat and strap looped over again, at maximum speed.
her in. Then he raced for the pilot The blackness before his eyes swept
seat. over bim like a tide, but all at once
He ignored the straps, using only it seemed to recede for an instant
the support bar to hold him fast. under an intolerable brilliance. Then
Frantically he pressed the starting itsurged up again and this time over-
button, and as soon as the force of the whelmed him. As it did so, his leaden
launching acceleration told him the hand pulled the steering lever into
ship was moving toward the exit port, neutral . . .

which was opening slowly, he jabbed

the rocket lever forward. The taste in his mouth was salty
Red flame filled the cruiser com- and he wondered vaguely why. Then
partment, and the ship leaped for- he realized his nose was bleeding pro-
ward like a live thing. It roared out fusely. All at once someone swabbed
of the exit port before it was even at his face with a large piece of cot-
wholly opened, and Brand reeled ton.
under a savage shock as the ship "Sissy!" he heard a voice say.
smashed the doors outward. But he He kept his eyes closed, trying to
exulted, because if he failed at his remember something. Then it came
first pass it would be impossible to to him, slowly, like amovie in slow
open the bulkhead door. There'd be motion Kathy's face, racing to-
. . .

no firing at him from the other ships ward him; white bolts of her steam
in their cradles. gun darting at him; whirling action;
He hurled the ship into a steep her body heavy in his arms; the roar
dive, and brought it up tightly in an of the cruiser rockets; red flame;
inside loop. Streaks of white filled black space; spinning stars; an ugly,
the blackness of space. They were growing black tide oyer his eyes; a
the stars passing before his eyes in brilliant white flash; blackness, into
dizzy passage. The battleship was which her face grew above him . . .
nowhere in sight, and he strained his He realized that he was opening his
eyes to pick it up as he continued eyes. Her face remained before him
around the killing loop. Blackness ... a Venusian face, slant-eyed, tear-
threatened to sweep over his vision streaked, nose bloody.
"It's a new face," he said. "It fool- going to let you radio to anybody. We
ed me, but I should have known that don't need any help. I've got this
walk . ,
." ship pointed in an orbit that will
"So that's what you were looking bring us to Earth's atmosphere in
at?" about forty-eight hours."
He nodded. "You won't ever be "Forty-eight hours? How far are
able to hide that gait," he grinned. we from Earth?"
"It's as Irish as the Sweepstakes." "About three thousand miles."
"You fooled me too. How I failed "But that's only two hours away,"
to recognize the uppity self-pity of he said, struggling once more to get
Martin Brandy though, I'll never up. She pushed him back again.
know ..." "Martin Brand, that may be your
"It's not pity," he retorted, strug- idea of how to travel, but it's going
gling erect to discover himself on the to take forty-eight hours if I have
floor beside the pilot seat of the to back this ship up to do it And
cruiser. "You women seem to have a besides . .

penchant for showing a man the flat "Besides what?"

of your back." "If you don't wipe that blood off
"You're not looking at my back your face, I'm going to kiss you any-
He looked at her a long moment. He looked up at her and grinned.
"And I'm never going to/' he said, "Go ahead," he said. "And while
"but where are we? What happened?" you're doing that, I'll try to imagine
"You blew the battleship up, just that's green lipstick on your face

like you did the Martian fleet inside sissy I"

the Black Hole." A minute later he pulled away fran-

"So you admit, finally, that I did tically, gasping. "I've got to breathe 1"
blow it up?" he demanded. "But let he panted. "How many G's do you

me at that radio we've got to get a think a guy can take
.?" . .

you— forty-eight
pickup before we get clean out of tell hours
the solar system ." from now," she said sweetly. "Draw

. .

a deep breath here I come again."

She pushed him back firmly. "No
you don't! I've tried you Outside the portholes, the green
to get
where I've got you for eleven years, earth rotated slowly beneath the
drifting ship.
and now that we're alone with no
chance of being interrupted, I'm not


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Slowly the block river moved past, on inexorable
tide, bound for a strange, unbelievable rendezvous
with a fleet of spaceships that was coming to take
them to the promised land, to a land in the sky . . .

u you hear about it?"
"About what?"
how can they do that?"
"They not only can, b>
"The niggers, the niggers I" and are."
"What about 'em?" "Just a couple?"
"Their leaving —
pulling out- -go- "Allot themt"
ing away; did you hear?"
"What you mean, 'pulling ouV "Yesl"

Btmirttte* by Jo* Win Tithuom

Slowly the black river moved past, on Inexorable
tide, bound for a strange, unbelievable rendezvous
with a fleet of spaceships that was coming to take
them to the promised land, to a land in the sky . . .
" —


"I got to see that. I don't believe tide came the sound of a river, a
it. Where they going—Africa?" summer-day river going somewhere,
A silence. murmuring and irrevocable. In that
"Mars." slow steady channel of darkness that
"You mean the planet Mars?" cut across the white glare of day,
"That's right." were touches of alert white, the eyes,
The men stood up in the hot shade the ivory eyes staring ahead, glancing
of the hardware porch. Some one aside, as the river, the long and end-
quit lighting a pipe. Somebody else less river, took itself from old chan-
spat out into the hot dust of noon. nels into new ones. From various
"They can't leave, they can't do and uncountable tributaries, in creeks
that." and brooks of color and motion, the
"They're doing it, anyways." parts of this river had joined, become
"Where'd you hear this?" one mother current, and flowed on.
"It's everywhere, on the radio a Brimming the swell were things car-
minute ago, just come through." ried by the river —
Grandfather clocks
Like a series of dusty statues, the chiming, kitchen clocks ticking, caged
men came to life. hens screaming, and babies wailing.
Samuel Teece, the hardware pro- Swimming among the thickened ed-
prietor,laughed uneasily. "I won- dies were mules and cats, and sudden
dered what happened to 'Silly,' I excursions of burst mattress springs
sent him on my bike an hour ago, floating by with hair stuffing sticking
and he ain't come back from Mrs. out of them. There were boxes and
Bordman's yet. You think that black crates and pictures of dark Grand-
fool just pedaled off to Mars?" fathers in oak frames — the river
The men snorted. flowed on while the men sat like
"All I say is he better bring back nervous hounds on the hardware
my bike. I don't take stealing from porch, their hands empty and it was
no one, by God." too late for them to mend the levee.
"Listen 1

Far up the street the levee seemed Samuel Teece wouldn't believe it.

to have broken, and the black, warm "Why, hell, where'd they get the
waters descended and engulfed the transportation, how they goin' to get
town. Between tb.e blazing white to Mars?"
banks of the town stores, among the "Rockets," said Grandpa Quarter-
silence of treesand men, a black tide main.
flowed. Like a kind of summer mo- "Of all the damn fool — rockets
lasses, itpoured turgidly forth upon ain't ready for that yet."
the cinnamon-colored dusty road. It "Yes they are."
surged slowly, slowly, and it was men, "Be another ten years before
women, horses and barking dogs, and rockets can go even to the Moon
it was little boys and girls. From the "These are ready."
mouths of the people drifting in this "I never heard about it."

"Seems these niggers kept it secret, won't get down on my knees (o stop
worked on the rockets all themselves, her." *

don't know where, in Africa I "But she's like a family member!"

reckon." "Don't shout! I won't have you
"Could they do that?" demanded bhibberin' in public thisway about
Samuel Teece, pacing about the no god damn

porch. "Ain't there a law?" His wife's small sob stopped him.
"It ain't as if they're declarin' She dabbed at her eyes. "I kept
war," said Grandpa quietly. tolling her, Lucinda, I said, 'you stay
"Where do they get off, god damn on and T raise your pay, and you get
it, working' in secret, plottin'?" two nights off a week, if you want,'
shouted Teece. but she just looked set! I never seen
"Schedule is for all this town's her so set, and I said, 'Don't you
niggers to gather out by Loon Lake. love me, Lucinda,' and she said 'yes,'
Rockets be there at one o'clock, pick but she had to go because that's the
'em up, take 'eni to Mars." way was is all. She cleaned the

"Telephone the governor, call out house, dusted it, put luncheon on the

the militia," cried Teece. "They table, and then she went to the parlor
shoulda given notice!" door, and stood there with two bun-
"Here comes your woman, Sam." dles, one by each foot, and shook my
Tile men turned again. hand and said, 'Goodbye Mrs. Teece,'
As they watched, down the hot Then she went out the door. There
road in the windless light, first one was her luncheon on the table, and
white woman and then another ar- allof us too upset to even eat it."
rived, all of them with stunned faces. Teece almost struck her. "God
Some of them were crying, some were damn it, Mrs. Teece, you get the hell
stern. came to find their hus-
All home. Standin' there, makin' a sight
bands. They pushed through bar- of yourself
room swinging doors, vanishing. They "But, Pa—"
entered cool, quiet grocery stores. He strode away into the hot dim-
They went in drug stores and garages. ness of the store, but came back out
One of them, Mrs. Clara Teece, came a few seconds later with a silver pistol
by the hardware
to stand in the dust in his hand.
stiff and
porch, blinking up at her His wife was gone.
angry husband as the black river
flowed behind her. The river flowed black between the
"It's Lucinda, Pa, you got to come buildings, with a rustle and a creak
home I" and a constant whispering shuffle. It
"I'm not comin' home for no damn was a very quiet thing, with a great
darkie!" certainty to it; no laughter, no wild-
"She's leaving, whatH I do with- ness, just a steady, decided, and
out her?" ceaseless flow.
"Fetch for yourself, maybe. I Teece sat on the edge of his hard


wood chair. "If one of 'em so much to smile confidently a* the men in
as laughs, by Christ, I'll kill 'em.** the shade.
The men waited. Belter looked at the river going
The river passed quietly in the along the street, that dark river flow-
dreamful noon. ing and flowing between the shops,
"Looks like you goin' to have to the dark river on wheels and horses
hoe your own turnips, Sam," Grand- and in dusty shoes, the dark river
pa chuckled. from which he had been snatched on
"I'm not bad at shootin* white his journey.He began to shiver. "Let
folks neither." Teece didn't look at me go, Mister Teece. Ill send your
Grandpa. Grandpa turned his head money from up there, I promise I

away and shut up his mouth. "Listen, Belter." Teece grasped

"Hold on there 1" Samuel Teece the man's suspenders like two harp-
leaped off the porch. He reached up strings, playing them now and again

and seized the reins of a horse ridden contemptuously, snorted at the sky,
by a tall negro man. "You, Belter, and pointed one bony finger straight
come down off there!" at God. "Belter, you know anything
"Yes, sir." Belter slid down. about what's up there?"
Teece looked him over. "Now, just "What they tells me."
what you think you're doin'?" "What they tells him! Christ!
"Well, Mr. Teece—" Hear that? What they tells him I"
"I reckon you think you're goin', He swung the man's weight by his
just like that song — what's the suspenders, idly, flicking a finger in
words? Way up in the middle of the the black face. "Belter, you fly up
air; ain't that it?" and up like a July Fourth rocket and
Bangl There you are, cinders, spread
"Yes, sir." The negro waited on
all over space. Them crackpot sci-

entists, they don't know nothin',

"You recollect you owe me fifty
they'll kill you all off!"
dollars, Belter?"
"I don't care."
"Yes, sir."
"Glad to hear that, because you
"You tryin' to sneak out? By know what's up on that planet Mars?
God, I'll horsewhip you!"
There's monsters with big raw eyes
"All the excitement, and it slipped like mushroomsl You seen them pic-
my mind, sir."
tures on those other world magazines
"It slipped his mind." Teece gave you buy at the drug store, ain't you?.
a vicious wink at his men on the Weill The monsters jump up and
hardware porch. "God damn, Belter, suck marrow from your bonesl"
yon know what you're goin' to do?" "I don't care, don't care at all,

"No, sir." don't care." Belter watched the pa-

"You're stayin' here to work out rade slide by, leaving him. Sweat
that 6fty bucks, or my name ain't lay on his darkbrow and he seemed
Samuel W. Teece." He turned again about to collapse.

"And it's cold up there— no air, "Here, now!" cried Teece, stiffen-
yon fall down, jerk like a fish, gaspin', ing up tall.
dyin', strangling stranglin' and dyin', The money appeared. The old man
you like that?" fingered it into his hat and gave the
"Lots of things I don't like, sir. hat to Belter. "Son," he said, "you
Please, sir, let me go. I'm late." ain't missin' no rocket."
"Ill let you go when I'm ready Belter smiled into the hat. "No
to let you go. We'll just talk here sir, I guess I ain't!"
polite until I say you can leave, and Teece shouted. "You give that
you know it damn well. You want to money back to them!"
travel, do you? Well, 'Mister Way Up Belter bowed handing
In The Middle of The Air,' you get the money over, and when Teece
the hell home and work out that fifty would not touch it he set it down in
bucks you owe me! Take you two the dust at Teece's feet. "There's
months to do that!" your money, sir," he said. "Thank
"But if I work It out, I'U miss the you kindly." Smiling, he gained the
rocket, sirl" saddle of his horse and whipped his
"Ain't that a shame now?" Teece horse along, thanking the old man
tried to look sad. who rode with him now until they
"I give you my horse, sir." were out of sight and hearing.
"Horse ain't legal tender. You "Son of a bitch," whispered Teece.
don't move until I get my money." staring blindly at the sun. "Son of
Teece laughed inside. He felt very a bitch."
warm and good. "Pick up the money, Samuel,"
said someone from the porch.
A small crowd of dark people had It was happening all along the
gathered to hear all this. Now as way. Little white boys, barefoot,
Belter stood, head down, trembling, dashed up with the news. "Them
an old man stepped forward. that has helps them that hasn't and
"Mister?" that way they all get free! Seen a
Teece flashed him a quick look. rich man give a poor man two hun-
"Well?" dred bucks to pay off some'un! Seen
"How much this man owe you, some'un else give some'un else ten
mister?" bucks, five bucks, sixteen, lots of
"None of your damn business!" that, all over, everybody!"
The old man looked at Belter. The white men sat with sour water
"How much, son?" in their mouths. Their ayes were al-
"Fifty dollars." most puffed shut, as if they had been

The old man put out his black struck in their faces by wind and sand
hands at the people around him. »nd heat.
"There's twenty-five of you. Each The rage was in Samuel Teece. He
give two dollars, quick now, this is climbed up on the porch and glared
no tune for argument." at the passing swarms. He waved his
gun. After awhile when he had to do riverwas dried up, the town silent,
something, he began to shout at any- and the dust settled in a film on the
one, any Negro who looked up at stores, the seated men, and the tall
him. "Bang! There's another rocket hot trees.
out in space!" He shouted so all Silence.
could hear. "BangI By God! 1
dark heads didn't flicker or pretend The men on the porch listened.
to hear, but their white eyes slid Hearing nothing, they extended
swiftly over and back. "Crash! All their thoughts and their imaginations
them rockets fallin'! Screamin', dy- far out into the surrounding mea-
in'l Bang! God All Mighty, I'm glad dows. In the early morning the land
Fm right here on old terra firroa. As had been filled with its usual concoc-
they says in that old joke, the more tions of sound. Here and there, with
firma, the less terra! Ha, ha!" stubborn persistence to custom, there
Horses clopped along, shuffling up had been voices singing, honey laugh-
dust. Wagons bumbled on ruined ter under the mimosa branches, pick-
Springs. aninnies rushing in laughter to the
"Bang!" His voice was lonely in creek, movements in the fields, jokes
the heat, trying to terrify the dust and shouts of amusement from the
and the blazing sun sky. "Wham! shingle shacks covered with fresh
Niggers all over space 1 Jerked outa green vines.
rockets like so many minnows, hit Now it was as if a great wind had
by a meteor, by God! Space fulla washed the land clean of sounds.
meteors. You know that? Surel Thick Skeleton doors hung open on leather
as buckshot; powie! Shoot down hinges. Rubber tire swings hung in
them tin can rockets like so many the silent air, uninhabited. The wash-
ducks, so many clay pipes! Ole sar- ing rocks at the river were empty,
dine cans full of black codl Bangui' and the watermelon patches, if any,
like a stringa ladyfingers, bang, bang, were left alone to heat their hidden
bang! Ten thousand dead here, ten liquors in the sun. Spiders started
thousand there. Floatin' in space, building new webs abandoned huts,
around and around earth, ever and dust started to sift in from unpatched
ever, cold and way out, Lord! You roofs in golden specules. Here and
hear that, you there!" there, a fire forgotten in the last rush,
Silence reigned. The river was lingered and in a sudden access of
broad and continuous. It had entered strength, fed upon the dry bones of
all cotton shacks during the hour, some littered shack. The sound of a
flooded all the valuables out, and it gentle feeding burn went up through
was now carrying the clocks, wash- the silenced air.
boards, the silk bolts and curtain rods The men sat on the hardware
on down to some distant black sea. porch, not blinking or swallowing.
High tide passed —
It was two "I can't figure why they left now,
o'clock—Low tide came. Soon the with things lookin' up. I mean, every
" "


day they got more rights. What they take the day off," he said, apolo-
want, anyway? Here's the poll tax getically.
gone, and more and more states anti- "And tomorrow and day after to-
lynching bills passing and all kinds of morrow and the day after the day
equal rights, what more they want? after that," said Teece.
They make almost as good money as "I'm afraid so, sir."
a white man, but there they go." "You should be afraid, boy. Come
Far down the empty street a bicy- here." He
marched the boy across
cle came. the porch and drew a paper out of a
"I'll be god damned, Teece, here desk. "Remember this?"
comes your 'Silly' now." "Sir?"
The bicycle pulled up before the "It's your workin' paper, you
porch, a seventeen year old colored signed it, there's your x right there,
boy on it, all arms and feet and long ain't it? Answer me!"
legs, and round watermelon head. He "I didn't sign that, Mister Teece."
looked up at Samuel Teece and The boy trembled. "Any one can
smiled. make an x."
"So you got a guilty conscience "Listen to this, 'Silly.' Contract:
and came back," said Teece. I will work for Mr. Samuel Teece two
"No, sir, I just brought the bicy- years, starting July IS, 1962, and if
cle." intending to give four
leave will

"What's wrong, couldn't get it on weeks notice and continue working

the rocket?" until my position is filled. There."

"That wasn't it, sir." Teece slapped the paper, his eyes glit-

"Don't tell me what it was I Get tering. "You cause trouble, we'll take
to court."
off, you're not goin' to steal my it

property 1" He
gave the boy a push "I can't do that," wailed the boy,
and the bicycle fell. "Get inside and tears starting to roll down his face.

start cleaning the brass."

"If I don't go today, I don't go."
"I know just how you feel, 'Silly,'
"Beg pardon?" The boy's eyes
yes, sir, Isympathize with you, boy.
But well treat you good and give you
"You heard what I said. There's
good food, boy, now you just get in-
guns need unpacking there, and a
side and start working and forget all
crate of nails just come from
Natchez — about that nonsense, eh, 'Silly'?
Sure." Teece grinned and patted the
boy's shoulder.
"And a box of hammers need fix-
The boy turned and looked at the
in'— old men sitting on the porch. He
"Mr. Teece, sir?" could hardly see now for his tears.
"You still standin' there!" Teec* "Maybe, maybe one oi these gentle-
glared. men —
here " The men looked up in
"Mister Teece, you don't mind, I the hot, uneasy shadows, looking first
at the boy and then at Teece. "Let him go."
"You meanin' to say you think a Teece felt for his gun in his pocket.
white man should take your place, He saw the men's faces, took his hand
boy?" asked Teece, coldly. away, and left the gun in his pocket
and said, "So that's how it is?"
Grandpa Quartermain took his red "That's how it is," someone said.
hands off his knees. He looked out Teece let the boy go. "All right.
at the horizon thoughtfully and said,
Get out!" He jerked his hand back
"Teece, what about me?" in the store. "But I hope you don't
"What?" think you're gonna leave any trash
"HI take 'Silly's' job." behind to clutter my store."
The porch was silent. "No, sir!"
Teece balanced himself in the air. "You clean everything outa your
"Grandpa," he said, warningly. shed in back; burn it."
"Let the boy go. I'll clean the 'Silly
shook his head. "I'll take
brass." it with."
"Would you, would you, really?" "They won't let you put it on that
'Silly'ran over to Grandpa, laughing,
damn rocket."
tears on his cheeks, unbelieving.
"I'll take it with," insisted the boy,
"Grandpa," said Teece. "Keep
He rushed back through the hard-
your damn trap outa this!"
ware store. There were sounds of
"Give the kid a break, Teece."
sweeping and cleaning out and a mo-
Teece walked over and- seized the
ment later be appeared, his hands full
boy's arm. "He's mine. I'm lockin'
of tops and marbles and old dusty
him in the back room until tonight."
kites and junk collected through the
"Don't, Mr. Teece!"
years. Just then the old tin Ford
The boy began to sob now. His drove up and 'Silly' climbed in and
crying fdled the air of the porch. His
the door slammed. Teece stood on
eyes were tight. Far down the street,
the porch with a bitter smile on his
an old tin Ford was choking along face. "What you goin' to do up
with a last load of colored people in there?"
it. "Here comes my family, Mr. "Startin' new," said 'Silly.' "Gon-
Teece, oh, please, please, oh God, na have my own hardware."
please "God damn it, you been learnin'
"Teece," said one of the other men my trade so you could run off and
on the porch, getting up, "let him use it!"
go." "No, sir, I never thought one day
Another man rose also. "That goes this'd happen, sir, but it did. I can't
for me, too." help if I learned, Mister Teece."
"And me," said another. "I suppose you got names for your
"What's the use?" The men all rockets?"
talked now. "Cut it out, Teece." They looked at their one clock on

the dashboard of the cat. ing up sharper, like a car full of

"Yes, sir." cranes, under the night trees of sum-
"Like Elijah and the Chariot, The mer, their eyes mean. Honking the
Big Wheel and The Little Wheel, horn and him slamming his door, a
Faith, Hope and Charity, eh?" gun in his hand, laughing to himself,
"We got names for the ships, Mis- his heart racing like a ten year old,
ter Teece." driving off down the summer night
"God the Son and the Holy Ghost, road, a ring of hemp rope coiled on
I wouldn't wonder? Say, boy, you the car floor, fresh shell boxes making
got one named the First Baptist every man's coat look bunchy. How
Church?" many nights over the years, how
"We got to leave now, Mister many nights of the wind rushing in
Teece." the car, flopping their hair over their
Teece laughed. "Yon got one eyes, roaring, as they picked a tree,
named Swing Low, and another a good strong tree, and rapped on a
named Sweet Chariot?" shanty door I

The car started up. "Goodbye, "So dial's what the son of a bitch
Mister Teece." meant?" Teece leaped out into the
"You got one named Roll Dem sunlight. "Come back, you bastard!
Bones?" What am I goin' to do nights, why
"Goodbye, Misterl" that lousy, insolent son of a—"
"And another called Over Jordan! It was a good question. He sick-

Hal Well, tote that rocket, boy, lift ened and was empty. Yes. What will
that rocket, boy, go on, get blown we do nights? he thought. Now
up, see if / care!" they're gone, what? He was absolute-
The car churned off into the dust ly empty and numb.
The boy rose up and cupped his He pulled the pistol from his
hands to his mouth and shouted one pocket, checked its shells.

last time at Teece. "Mister Teece, "What you goin' to do, Sam?"
Mister Teece, what you goin' to do someone asked.
nights from now on, what you goin' to "Kill that son of a bitch!"
do nights, Mister Teece?" Grandpa said, "Don't get yourself
Silence. The car faded down the heated."
road. It was gone. But Samuel Teece was gone around
behind the store. A moment later he
"What in hell did he mean?*' drove out the drive in his open-top
mused Teece. "What am I goin' to car. "Anyone comin' with me?"
do nights?" "I'd like a drive," said Grandpa,
He watched the dust settle and it and got up.
suddenly came to him. "Anyone else?"
He remembered nights when men Nobody replied.
drove to his house, their knees stick- Grandpa got in and slammed the
ing up sharp and then- shotguns stick- door. Samuel Teece gutted the car
geraniums, dishes of waxed fruit,
cartons of Confederate money, wash
tubs, scrubboards, washlines, soap,
somebody's tricycle, someone else's
hedge-shears, a toy wagon, a jack-in-
the-box, a stained-glass window from
the Negro Baptist Church, a whole
set of brake rims, inner tubes, mat-
tresses, couches, rocking chairs, jars
of cold cream, hand mirrors. None
of it flung down, no, but deposited
gently and with feeling, with decor-
um, upon the dusty edges of the road,
as if a whole city had walked here
with hands full, at which time a great
out in a great whorl of dust. They bronze trumpet had sounded, the ar-
didn't speak as they rushed down ticles had been relinquished to the
the road under the bright sky. The quiet dust, and one and all, the in-
heat from the dry meadows was shim- habitants of the earth had fled
mering. straight up into the blue heavens.
They stopped at a cross-roads. "Wouldn't burn them, they said,"
"Which way'd they go, Grandpa?" criedTeece angrily. "No, wouldn't
Grandpa squinted, "Straight on burn them like I said, but had to
ahead, I figure.* take them along and leave them
They went on. Under the summer where they could see them for the
made a lonely sound.
trees, their car last time, on the road, all together
The road was empty and as they and whole. Them niggers think
drove along they began to notice they're smart."
something. Teece slowed the car and He veered the car wildly, mile
bent out, his yellow eyes fierce. down the road, tumbling,
after mile,
"God damn it, Grandpa, you see smashing, breaking, scattering bun-
what them bastards did?" dles of paper, jewel boxes, mirrors,
"What?" asked Grandpa, and chairs. "There,by damn, and there!"
looked. The front tire gave a whistling cry.
Where they had been carefully set The car spilled crazily off the road
down and left, in neat bundles every into a ditch, flinging Teece against
few feet along the empty country the glass.
road, were old roller skates, a ban- "Son of a bitch." He dusted him-
dana knick-knacks, some old
full of self off and stood out of the car,
shoes, a cart-wheel, stacks of pants almost crying with rage.
and coats and ancient hats, bits of He looked at the silent empty
Oriental crystal that had once tin- road. "Well never catch them now,
kled In the wind, tin cans of pink never, never." As far as he could see

there was nothing but bundles and idly among the snowclusters. In still
stacks and more bundles neatly further meadows the watermelons
placed like abandoned
little shrines lay, unfingerprinted, striped as tor-
in the late day, in the warm blowing toise cats lying in the sun.
wind. The men on the porch sat down,
looked at each other, looked at the
Teece and Grandpa came walking yellow rope piled neat on the store
tiredly back to the hardware store an shelves, glanced at the gun shells

hour later. The men were still sitting glinting shiny brass in their cartons,

there, listening, and watching the sky. saw the silver pistols and long black
Just as Teece sat down and eased metal shotguns hung high and quiet
his tight shoes off, someone cried, in the shadows. Somebody put a
"Look I" straw in his mouth- Someone else
"IH be damned if I will," said
drew a figure in the dust.
Finally, Samuel Teece held his
empty shoe up in triumph, turned it
But the others looked, and they
over, stared at it and said, "Did you
saw the golden bobbins rising in the
notice? Right up to the very last, by
sky, far away. Leaving flame behind,
God, he said 'Mister*/*
they vanished
In the cotton fields, the wind blew TBB END


latest reports m wkt m rasdm are dofuj.

dtis, smS we* awf pamMm fe ftt WgfeJ

THE Sdentifilm Cycle is coming, fans!

Plana in popping in Hollywood aB —
Paramount owns the following
ties: "Rossum's Universal Robots," the or-

over tht world to fascinat* film-goer* iginal android play by Karel Capefc; "Food
with wonders out of this world ! Inevitably, of the Gods," the adventure into giant size
an increasing number of outright fantasies by H. G. Wells; "Tu« Island of Dr. Mor
will be produced too. can," the evolutionary*™ of beasts-into-
First on the docket, as everyone by men, already once produced under the title
now must know, is DESTINATION of The Island of Lost Souls" with Chas.
MOON, the technicolor trip to our satel- Laughton, worth either reviving or renlm-
lite. Laid in I960, this prophetic picture ing; Weils" famous invasion from Mars,
(adapted from Robt. HeinlebVi book, "War of the Worlds"; M. P. Shield last-
"Rocket Ship Galiieo") will soon be re- man-in-the-world classic, The Purple
leased.A number of other interplanetary Cloud"; and an original, "SO Yean from
films wffl follow. RKO writer Kd Earl Now," worked on by Philip Wylie and the
Repp, author of The Radium Pool" and lata science fiction author, Joe Skid mo re.
TheStellar Missiles," has prepared a script Certainly "Dr. Cyclops,*' the Curt Siod-
entitled "Operation Luna." Academy award mak technicolor experience -in -small oess, is
winner John Ford b interested dome m rtpt for revival. Fans—writs Paramount,
"Men of Man." aging tht Ksbowing and production of
your favorites of the foregoing titles. the old master's "20,000 Leagues Under the
The King Bros., independent producers, Sea."
own a property titled "Bandits on the Wm. Dieterle hopes to make "The Lonely
Moon," the very antithesis of "Destination Steeple," described as an American "Wuth-
Moon," the former being a space-chase ering Heights."
with ray-guns and all the trimmings, where- "Francis," the comedy of a talking mule,
as the latter is a strictly matter-of-fact may be playing when you read this.
Moon movie. Delayed in production since A World Federalist in Hollywood has
1947, "Bandits on the Moon" will now no produced an amateur sound film in color
doubt go back on an early shooting sched- showing Atoroigcddon as viewed from our
ule. It's to be a million dollar production. satellite. It has been televised.
The King Bros, have also announced plans In England, a fullength cartoon, "Amin
to produce an atomic prophecy entitled and Aladdin's Lamp," has been produced,
"1965." and may possibly be imported.
The famous date novel, "1984" by Geo. A current import is "The Iron Crown,"
Orwell, having meteored to best-seller class an Italian fantasy combining elements of
and been successfully dramatized on the Tarzan with the fable of Beauty and the
radio, will next be seen as a play. It is Beast.
my prediction that it will be one of the From the pages of Saturday Evening
hH films of 1951. Post is scheduled to come a /untasy film
Fritz Lang, the scientifilmaestro of "Me- called "Morning Star" by John Spencer
tropolis" and "Girl in the Moon" fame, is Carr.
scheduler! to direct a drama of the future Intriguing is the word for the scheduled

titled "Tomorrow," an original screenplay title, "Ladv in Space."

by Sylvia Richards. (Sylvia adapted Love- James Mason and Ava Gardner have
craft's "Dunwich Horror" to the radio.) been mentioned as costars for the super-
Lang also expressed, to your reporter, an natural legend of "The Flying Dutchman."
interest in doing Lovecraft's "Shadow Over And what visions RKO's mysterious title
Inns-mouth," "The Machine to Kill" by conjures up: "Dead Planet"!
Gaston Leroux, and van Vogt's SLANt Murray Lesnster tells me of television
Speaking of van Vogt, he and E. Mayne interest in bis "First Contact" (cartbmen
Hull have collaborated on a 22nd century meet interstellar men in deep space) and
television show, introducing a new char- movie feelers towards his "Murder of the
acter of the future, Pell Melton. Two chap- U. S. A."
ters have been filmed. Artwork by the Curtis Harrington, producer of the sur-
prominent fan artist, Bill Rotsler. realist film "Youthful Narcissus,- fa seek-
Edgar Rice Burroughs' immortal aperoan ing rights to production of Donald Wan-
will nextbe seen in the jungle adventures drei's Esquire fantasy, "The Eye and the
of "Tarzan and the Golden Lion" and Finger."
"Tarzan and the Slave Girl." Rene Lafayette reveals that his immor-
Disney's plans include feature length Doc Methuselah, will be seen
tal character,
fantasticartoons on "Peter Pan," "The on the screen in an adaptation of his
Little People," "The Sword in the Stone" Astounding story, "Plague."
and "Alice in Wonderland.** There is the Ray Harryhausen, the sdentifan who
possibility of importation from France of saw "King Kong" 75 times and then be-
a puppetoon version of "Alice," and a third came chief animator himself on "Mighty
version is scheduled for filming in England. Joe Young," is now busy on a hush-hush
— —
The 4th and original version, with many successor,"Land of the Mist."
American stars in rubberoid suits and mask MGM, who did The
Beginning or the
(a la "Wizard of Oz") has been recently End," is preparing to follow up with David
revived in several cities. There is a possi- Bradley's "No Place to Hide." Ate-miged-
bility of Margaret O'Brien doing "Wizard don, here we come I
of Oz" on video. "The Apple Has Been Eaten," a fantasy
Ray Bradbury's prize-winning O. Henry of Adam and Eve, is a German film which
Memorial Award fantasy, "Homecoming," may be playing the "art" theaters one of
may be televised this Hallowe'en. these days. Watch your local "little" cine-
"Isle of Zorda" by Jules Verne has been mas for these too: "Lucky Star" by Owen
for production by Lippert. Abo Rutter, a British firm about an island in

the sky; "Baron Manchhausen," a Ger- in technicolor but may feature a fabulous
man technicolor treat of fantastic adven- climax in Frescofifm, a 3-dinttnsional proc-
tures on the Moon "The Chips Are
; tn without glasses!
Down," a French existensionalist view of Paulette Goddard will star in Stein-
hit after death; and, if its rescue can be beck's strange "Cup of Gold." Casting of
effected, a Bavarian thriller-—"Space Ship her has also been announced for Thorne
No. 1 Starts I* Smith's "Stray Lamb" and Aldous Hux-
Fans should bring pressure at this time ley's "Brave New World"!
on 20th Century-Fox to revive its musi- If the sequence is retained In the final
comedy of a trip to Mars in I960, "lust editing, "Jet Pilot" will show John Wayne
(Imagine." An ideal companion revival being bmzed by a flying saucer I

would be 'Tt's Great to Be Alive" (when In England a jet pilot picture of the
masculitis wipes out every man in the future is now playing a circuit of 3500
world but one, leaving the female popula- theaters. One scene shows the jetter as a
tion untouched—"JUST IMAGINE" ! boy, reading a copy of NEW WORLDS
Another scientifUm which 20th-Fox should (the OTHER WORLDS of across the
be encouraged to revive is "6 Hours to Pond).
Live," story of a scientific Lazarus. This In case you missed it, you may still
might go well with the same star, Warner have time to catch at the second run
Baxter, in another film of the survival of theaters an amusing scientifiim called "Free
personality. "Earthbound." for All," about the synthesis out of seven
Universal-International owns many sden- simple substances of a piU that will turn
tifilm properties, and I feel it will not be water into gasoline The inventor gets into

long before they start to put them into plenty of hot H2OI
production. Then we may look forward Chesley Bonestell, illustrator of "The
to such fascinating themes as a machine Conquest of Space," would like to private-
to foretell the future (Edwin Balmer's "The ly produce a black-and-white short subject
Billionaire") and the menace of the me- concerning a trip to the Moon.
chanicalman in Abner J. Gelula's Amazing "The Man from Another Star" is the title
"Automaton.* of a German-made comedy of s tourist of
I would not be at aB surprised to see the Universe who makes the mistake of
revivals of Brain," The Devil stopping on Earth (in modern Europe)
Commands" (adapted from Wm. Sloane's without a passport, ration coupons, and
Btf novel, "The Edge of Running Water"). all the rest of the vital paraphernalia 1
"The Man They Could Not Hang," "The Another German postwar fantasy is
Man with 8 Lives," "The Invisible Ray" "The Strange Adventure of Mr. Fridolin
and perhaps Thome Smith's "Nite Life of B."
the God's." And announced for production in Ger-
MGM already has a great deal of foot- many is a fantasy, "The Lost Face."
age shot on a full-scale fantasy titled "A Nite in the Life of the LASFS" fe
"War Eagles," about an attack on New being filmed, directed by fan Walt Daugh-
York by iocs and winged men ! Same studio erty, produced by fan Morrie Dollens. The
owns a robot property, "Sasha Gerhart," LASFS is the Los Angeles Science Fantasy
in caseParamount should produce "RUR." Socy, which in the past IS years has held
RKO has two untitled scientifilms up its over 600 meetings. Reenacted will be a
sleeve,one about a gigantic underground typical meeting, showing such enthusiasts
cavern beneath the United States, with an as A. E. van Vogt, Ray Bradbury, Weaver
opening to the sea, and how a boatload Wright, E. Mayne Hull, Jean Cox, Wen-
of men, having harpooned a whale, are dayne Mondelle, E. Everett Evans, Russ
dragged to a lost world as the sea beast Hodgkins, Ross Rocklynne, Alan and Fred-
makes for its death waters; the other, die Hershey, Bryce Walton and many
a super adventure which may be made in others of the local group "in action" in the

Mexico featuring a battle between a bull club room with its big library of prozines
and a dinosaur I and its walls covered with original illustra-
Rider Haggard's "King Solomon's" Mines tions by Paul, Finlay, Bok, Cartier, and all
has been announced for refUming. the favorites. Film may be exhibited at the
WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, the Bal- forthcoming "Norwescon," the 8th World
mer-WyBe classic, will not only be shot Science Fiction Convention, to be held over
Labor Day in Portland, Ore, somewhat qualify in the category of films.
A South Sea Island witch doctor inflicts His "Conqueror's Isle," story of super-
his spells on New York in a musicomedy men on tlie Earth today, has been telecast,
fantasy being written for Broadway en- as have his ubiquitous "Lobblies," and the
titled"7 Days Wonder," old Unknown favorite, "Cartwright's Cam-
Hiding- behindthe innocuous title of era." Republic Studios own his Blue Book
"Spring" is an unusual Russian scientifiJm fantasy, "The Magic Staircase."
about the processing of power from the H. G. Wells' immortal "Time Machine"
sun! has twice appeared in elaborate video form
Scheduled for reissue is one of the top in England.
funtasy films of the past, "Here Comes Algernon Blackwood himself has just
Mr. Jordan," starring Claude Rains. The finished working on a series of 6 of his
author of "Mr. Jordan" has done a new short fantastic stories at Wembley Studios
fantasy about an angel and an unborn in England.
child— Clifton Webb wi31 play the angel! Culled from recent publicity releases
"Marvin, the Successful Ghost," a This are the following titles, which columnists
Week ghostory, will be filmed as a two- say are scheduled for production. Several
reeler by Warners. will undoubtedly be serials. I am skeptical
MGM will produce the unique Cosmo- that all the titles will ever reach the
politan story, "The Next Voice You Hear." screen nevertheless, where there's smoke
The "Voice" is not Frank Sinatra but God,

there's liableto be a pillar of fire sup- —

Jalking over the radio ! porting a rocket! Here are the titles:
Faust rides again in "The Beauty of the "Rocket Men Are Coming," "Rocket Man
Devil," being filmed in Italy by Bene on the Moon," "King of the Rocket Men,"
Clair. "Rocket Men on Mars," "Rocket to the
The leprechaun
play, "Fitiian's Rainbow," Moon" and "Trip to the Moon" (the latter
Is to be turned into a movie with Barry supposed to be based on the original Jules
Fitzgerald. Verne novel, and to be filmed partly in
"The Legend of Good Women" will star France, partly in Holland and partly in
Sonny Tufts as Hercules if Hollywood has the USA). There is also "The Disc Men
its way. Are Coming."
"Heigh -Ho, Broomstick," a story of Just as the science fiction magazine is re-
witchcraft in Salem, may make a Hal- placing the mystery pulp, as the detective
lowe'en debut in play form, book is giving way to the stf novel, as
A film which can be rented privately tales of other worlds are appearing with
from A. F. Films of New York is titled increasing frequency on the air (William-
"Fact and Fantasy" and revolves around son's "With Folded Hands" and Leinster's
5 scientific subjects, including space flight "First Contact** are scheduled on NBC,
and perpetual motion. and the Satevepost "Outer Limit" saucer
A future episode in RKO's "This Is story was recently broadcast) so scientific -

America" series willwerewolves,

feature tion is now spreading like wildfire to the
vampires, zombies, etc., ff enuf fantastic screen. Under consideration for filming are
footage can be found. Dealing with Ameri- A Merritt's "The Fox Woman," Hugo
can superstitions, title will be "Hoodoo." Gernsback's "Ralph 124C41 +
," Heinlein'a

The time-travel funtasy, "Boys from "Waldo" and "Magic, Inc. " Wm. Temple's
Syracuse," may be remade, this time in "Four-Sided Triangle" and Oscar Friend's
Italy. "Kid from Mars" (wouldn't Danny Kaye
An ambitious play about reincarnation, be terrific in the rdle?) "The Big Eye**
Atlantis, etc.—"LilU Abi"— has just been has also been rumored for both radio and
finished in Hollywood by Louis Lovelace, films.
and is being offered in the East. It is not beyond the bounds of believe-
Nelson Bond is becoming well known on abitity that one of your favorite stories
television. As TV shows are often kineto- from OTHER WORLDS will one day be
scoped for future re-presentation, they filmed I


Bert Lang lariy vulnerable to propaganda, either good
You were so right Dear DevU h one of or bad. A majority of the fans, by their
the tenderest (tones I have ever read with very interest in science fiction, are dreamers
the possible exception of Only A Mother and visionaries, and, as such, inclined to be
'which appeared m ASF some time ago. somewhat impractical. I hope I don't see
Eric Frank Russell must be a genius to any more socialistic propaganda in OTHER
turn a monstrous, ugly being into a creature WORLDS.
of compassion, love and beauty. Not only did I object to the propaganda
In War Of Nerves the bird beings are as such, but it was clumsy. It weakened
hazy and so is the story. This story is defi- the structure of an otherwise excellent
nitely not the van Vogt best, story. In the first place, such a universali-
. . . And AS For One has a decidedly zation of social enterprises could not exist
Afferent twist. TJghl I will always have without regimentation. In the second, when
an aversion to fat meat. have "trade guilds" ever produced sufficient
Do you want me to avoid women, espe- goods without incentive? Actually in the
cially beautiful ones? Portrait 0} Narcissus light of present and past events, Mr.
scares the heck out of me. concept of a socialistic "Utopia" is abso-
Edmund Latimer's Milking Machine is a lutely cockeyed.
fairly good yarn but I find it easy to forget. If such as he describes ever came to pass,
Colossus is very good. Although I do not there would be no authors—only state con-
particularly like "explanation" type stories, trolled propagandists —
no science fiction,
this one is very well written and shows for it would not contribute anything to
great promise for the forthcoming Co~ the state.
R. R, 1, Box 273A
I like stories about the conquest of space. Plainfield, Indiana
P. O. Box 2J4,
SchoolfieM, Va.
First, Mr. Bugbee, nothing sUpped by us.
In the following letter, your opinion of Nor did we insert anything intentionally.
Colossus is reversed. You might find a dif- Since science fiction began, its authors have
ference of opinion interesting mthe light of depicted imaginary worlds of the future.

your use of the word "explanation.'' Rap. They DID depict the Great Britain of to-
day, and the Russia of today. They wrote
stories of Utopias, and long ago decided
Don Bnfbee they were impractical. You are just behind
I enjoy reading OTHER WORLDS very the times on that.
much. However, I was disappointed and As for readers of science fiction being
distressed when I read the story, Colossus particularly vulnerable to propaganda, good
by S. J, Byrne. It was a very good story, and bad, nothing could be further from the
but how did the obvious socialistic-com- truth. Of any popular reading group in the
munistic propaganda slip by you or your world, the sf fan is the least susceptible to
managing editor? I cannot believe that you having his thinking done for him. That's
published it intentionally. why he reads science fiction I
I am an industrial editor, and much infor- There is a great danger hi misunderstand-
mation as well as examples of the "party- ing words. Community does not mean
line" comes across mydesk. Industrial edi- communism. Mr. Byrne, who uses the
tors throughout the nation are combatting word, is branded by you as a purveyor of
the socialistic trend toward the "welfare" on "obvious party-line.'* In short, you are
or "nationalized" state. We perhaps better calling him a red and saying he is subver-
than any others can see the effects upon sive. We know Mr. Byrne personalty, and
our workers of the empty promises, and he is NOT even pink. Be is working loyal-
the false hopes which are offered them. ly now, on Guam, for the Nation of which
The readers of science fiction are particu- he h proud, the good old VSA.
/( is Mfpetkible that your President does Analytical Laboratory. Your overall quality
not seem to be combatting the trend toward approaches very (josely that of ASF. Keep
the "welfare" slate you mention. it up.
I am sure that our readers will resent 18 Cooper Place,
being called dreamers and visionaries. Cer- Wceliawken, N. J.
tainly that they are impractical. If you but
knew how impractical. Today the editorial Beginning with the October issue, we'll
offices are. fdied with those same impracti- institute a department which will let you
cal fans who now edit, publish, and run the know how the stones and articles rated.
magazines they once read. If you can name We'll try to dream up something practical
one editor who isn't, we'd be right glad to and interesting.
know his name. It seems to us they were
Practical enough to go out and gain control
and earn very good livings in their dreams D. Bruce Berry
and visions. Dear Ray. I'm being personal, see? I
Naturally we don't argue politics in figure I can do it because I have followed
OTHER WORLDS, even though our writ- your work ever since you started editing
ers are free to envision any sort of imagi- Amazing Stories. Th*t shows you some-
nary world of the future they care to and — thing of how long I'vfl been reading science
point outits weaknesses and its strengths — fiction. Sixteen years, to be exact. That
but we might mention the Co-Ops, espe- rates me an old-timer.
cially in Wisconsin, which are really trade During that time, I wrote to you only
guilds, and they are doing a marvelous fob once. That was to object to the slaying of
of keeping prices down among the people Martin Brand. It was a short letter of fifty
who are facing real financial problems. The words (or around that) and you placed it
incentive to achieve a thing has nothing to at the top of the readers" column. So now
do with politics, but with personal needs you are reviving Brand. Swell! And he
and desires. It's the dreamers who dream bad better be alive!
the dreams that the workers bring about. This breaking of my Iqng silence is to
We all dream of a perfect civilization where serve a twofold purpose, though. The sec-
happiness and free from want and fear is a ond item is this: You have mentioned
reality. Today there is no freedom any- that you are turning out a sister magazine
where in the world from fear. Perhaps not to OTHER WORLDS. Stop! Hold the
even our writers can imagine the real rea- presses I would have a fatherly chat with

son but certainly it is not because of any you.

•group of well-meaning people working to- Your present mag is tops. It is working
gether for the common good. its way toward being the answer to the
The only way we could prevent
wltat you readers' prayer. There is only one fault
so greatly fear would be to edit every so- with it. It is not a monthly. Now, instead
ciological opinion out of our magazine — of adding to your woes and confusion by
which seems to us to be dictatorship of the dividing your time between two mags, why
worst sort. OTHER WORLDS—controlled not make OTHER WORLDS a monthly
propaganda, you might call it, and we publication? In this manner you could
doubt if it would contribute anything to devote your time to turning out a superior
the state /—Rap. mag (which you have). Remember the
worth of a perfect jewel is in its rarity.
1438 Madison Street,
Oakland 12, Calif.
John C. Strole
When OTHER WORLDS hit the news- Well, this issue ought to make you happy.
stand I decided it was going to be another Brand is here, and alive I
cheap FANTASY and S. F. pulp mag, with As for our new magazine, it will come
the accept on pure fantasy, but I felt what out August OTHER WORLDS
1. Also,
could I lose ? Previously only ASF would WILL BEGIN COMING OUT EVERY
satisfy my desire for top-grade science fic- SIX WEEKS with its October issue. And
tion. Pleasant surprise January
! fair. : eventually it wilt become monthly. You
March: good. May: even better. I sug- get all that and the new tnagaaine too. And
gest you start a department such as The the new masasine wilt come out monthly


eventually also. You readers have shown Charles Atlas cluttering up your train of
us you'll read a good magazine, and we're thought. And say, that is a good feature
going to give you two of them. Lord about Destination Moon. Give us some
knows tke field needs —Rap.
it I more info on big events like that. Like a
feature on the coming Norwtscon.
32 Park Place, R. D. #4
Bill (Bill Who?) Pittsbtirgh 9, Pa.
The covers get better and better. The
stories get better and better. The illustra-
tions get better and better. The depart- Now, Bill. . . There are quite a few rea-
ments get better and more so. And the edi- sons why we don't think it's wise to pay
torials ... Oh my! It's a pleasure and a $2.00 for letters. First, we want to know
big charge just to read them. I must say that our readers are writing what they
you deserve a pat on the back for breaking write became they want to let us know
away from the old dry policy of reviewing what they think about the magazine, actu-
ally, and not just to make two bucks. Sec-
a current scientific development in the so-
calkd editorials and filling 'em with some ond, we certainly don't have to bribe our
good ol' babblings of Ye Ed., and drollery.

readers to write in we get hundreds of
letters we can't find room to print. Third,
There is, however, one field in which a
we once offered to pay for letters in Amaz-
competitor is beating you out. I'm refer-
ing Stories, and we actually got fewer let-
ring to that new magazine, FUTURE AND
SCIENCE- FICTION STORIES. They — ters! You see, our readers are of the same
mind we are.
they are offering $2.00 per letter published.
Much as I enjoy writing to you and the As for naked dames on our cover, we cer-

other mags, when one progressive editor tainly aren't going to -make them a policy.

offers payment for fan-letters —welt, who- The present cover, and the coming Septem-
ber cover represent what we think real
ever beard of a fan who couldn't use two
bucks ? I feel the time is ripe to call a letter- science fiction covers should be but we'll —
strike, organizing the letter writing fans to present a Mac Girl when we get one—and
refrain from writing to any mag that does we've got one— because she's just too darn
not pay for letters. Only one trouble . . .
beautiful not to print. There's a difference,
some cold blooded editor might reciprocate you know. When McCauley paints a Mac
Girl, it's like a Petty in Esquire, as against
by deleting the letter column altogether.
You wouldn't do tbat, would you Rap, dear a Superwoman in a comic book.
boy? Glad you like our no-confetti- spreading
AH foolishment aside, let's see how the magazine's edges. We always swore at the
last ish looked. What an excellent cover delay in turning the page at an exciting
Seems to me that other mags might do passage, and many's the time we tore the
well to emulate your policy and keep those
naked dames off the covers. Next, I think
you deserve another laurel-wreath for not thumb and zing, there you are I

using tbat rough-cut edge on your mags. I Oh Bill. . . . Now we've got a Rosicrucian
must complain to Merwin about this some — ad and a couple other ads. Hope you won't
mags scatter confetti all over the floor from be mad at us, but when we tell you they
those masticated edges as you read 'em. helped pay for that front cover . Any- . .

Makes your clothes look a mess too. An- way, you won't see any Scabby Foot ads.
other thing: I disagree with Ed Wood on As for that feature on the Norwescon,
the qaulity of paper you use. My experi- you got something, pall We'll get right on
ence is that OTHER WORLDSsays to- the ball. October issue, coming up! With
gether where other mags are coming apart no time to spare! Rap. —
at the seams. The pages stay in, too. Mi-
raculous but true.
And one last ululation. Don't know if
anyone mentioned it before, but boy-o-boy t s Rog«r N. Dard
no ads cluttering up the back of the book. I read the first issue of your publication
Tbass wunnerfulf How can you do it? some time ago, and although it was inter-
But it's great to wade through a story esting enough, I felt it did not come up to
without having ads by the Rosicrucians and my expectations. I did not see number 2,
but just recently number 3 arrived, and I and criticize and praise your competitors is
was amazed at the tremendous improve- nothing short of staggering. Another fea-
ment. As a result, my disinterest has now ture greatly appreciated is the Personalt
changed to one of enthusiasm. page. Once again, you are first into the
By far the best feature of the entire field with a free service to your readers. The
publication your editorial. I do not
is pocket size, however, does not appeal to me.
know you are aware of it or not, Mr.
if 232 James Street,
Palmer, but your editorials are revolution- Perth, Western Australia,
ary. Their candor, your complete lack of
fear or favor, the way you name names, When ends Letters for this month.—Rap.

ATTENTION: Anyone with information Aug. '23, Dec. '24; stills from The Sky
as to the present whereabouts of David A. Splitter, Just Imagine, Metropolis, Our
Maclnnes please notify Don Ford, 129 Heavenly Bodies, By Rocket to the Moon,
Maple, Sharonville, Ohio. Maclnnes was Mysterious Island, RUR, High Treason,
last heard of in Sandy Springs, Maryland First Men in the Moon; addresses of Slater
and is now believed to be in Canada, LaMaster, Albert DePina, Cordwainet
presumably Toronto Burton R. Terrell,
. . . Smith, Ree Dragonette, Leslie Rubenstein,
Pekin, Ind. would like to hear from anyone Evi Detring-Nathan, Andrew Lenard,
who has seen flying disks or believes that Eleanor McGeary; issues of Orchideen-
invisible beings walk the earth . . Roger . garten, Thrill Book, Fantastica, Shuster
Nelson, 627 Robinson, San Diego, Calif, & Siegel's Science Fiction, first 2 yrs. Buck
has a collection of stf and fantasy books Rogers Sunday strips; any gold or silver
which he is selling 3/$l and has some artwork by Paul; Science Fiction League
magazines to sell or trade. He wants lapel emblem; Science Fiction Ass'ri. rock-
copies of books by Cummings, Wheatley, et tie; $1,000,000 to keep up with science-
Kline, Stapledon and Merritt . Guy A. . . fiction . . . Will trade Weapon Makers,
Gossclin, Gorham, N. Hamp. wants to Outsider, Futuria Fantasia, Acolytes, Worm
correspond with amateur astronomers . . . Ouroboros, Fantazius Mallare for what —
Carl H. Geist, 2323 W. Ainslie St., Chica- rarities have you? The Case of the Baroque
go 25, 111. has for sale Unknown Worlds Baby Killer: Bradbury, 5c; The Mystery
1948 Anthology, AS March thru Sept. 1948, of the 33 Stolen Idiots: Keller, 50c Invasion
FA Oct. '44, Mar. '48, May thru Sept. '48 from Mars text; Welles, 15c; Monsters of
and the first 8 issues starting May, 1939 the Moon, Scientifilmemento, 25c Fan ;

. . Fans wishing to join The Science-

. Artists Portfolio, 75c; Bok Artfolio, $1.50.
Fantasy Society write to Calvin T. Beck, Contact Weaver Wright, Box 6151 Metro
Box 877, Grand Central Station, New York Station, Los Angeles 55, Calif. Mrs. . . .

17, N. Y. If you live in or near Cleveland, June Leeds Moore, 1112 Turk Street, San
O., ask Cal for information on the Cleve- Francisco 15, Calif, would like pen pals
land chapter of the S.F.S. ... The Uni- who are interested in metaphysics . . . Tom
versal Musketeers, an up-and-coming fan Moulton, 15 Ford way Ave., Blackpool,
club announces that it has a free library Lancashire, England will exchange English
for the use of members, as well as five fantasy books for back issues of Fate,
fanzines which all members receive free. Other Worlds, and other stf magazines
Interested fans should write Ronald Fried- . . . Wanted: Reports on Flying Saucers.
man, 1980 E. 8th St., Brooklyn 23, N. Y. Readers who have seen mysterious objects
If you live in the vicinity of Norfolk, in the sky, and who can report accurate
Suffolk, Newport News, Richmond or Tide- details, please send your report to Robert
water, Virginia get in touch with Jack N. Webster, editor FATE, 1144 Ashland,
Schwab, 58 Greene Blvd., Portsmouth, Va. Evanston, Illinois This is your column;
. . .

. . Wanted, by F. J. Ackerman, 236#

. send in your personals for publication, on
N. New Hampshire, Hollywood 4, Calif., any subject. Exchange penpals—or heads.
Canadian WT
'SS-'iS; Science & Invention, Anything goes.


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Due to the unexpected demand
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Insufficient copies. You may miss
out if you get there late.
Besides, there are two distinct ad-
vantages: You'll get your magazine
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Note We can supply back Issues as

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missed them. You ore in
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Claris Publishing Company, 1144 Ashland Avwwe, EvanikM, 1

I wbh to wbtcrfte to OTHER WORtDS for (chodc .qvar*

12 mm 24Ium
W.oo woo
Enckned k
Q IIMn *r 9r^*T ?

Begin my tubccrlptioa witk tb* itsvo.

Pictured below is the jamous art-
ist, J. Allen St. John, whose in-
spired pictorial representations oj
Tarzan and John Carter helped
skyrocket Burroughs' stories to
fame. The illustration is the fron-
tispiece jor "Tarzan and The
Golden Lion.'

The picture above is the last ever taken oj

Edgar Rice Burroughs. The group depicts
(left to right) Vernell Coriell, a well-known
Burroughs fan; Mike Pierce, Burroughs'
grandson; Lex Barker, newest of the film
Tarzans, and (sealed) Edgar Rice Bur-

Tars Tarkas and his green men, the red

men of Helium, the headless Rykors, the
Holy Therns, the Black Pirates, Thoats,
Zitidars, Dejah Thoris and John Carter,
Warlord of Barsoom. The last of the
Martian series, Skeleton Men of Jupiter,
was never completed. The third popular
creation in the Burroughs saga is the
Pellucidar series featuring David Innes.
Carson of Venus is another newer sci-
ence fiction hero. In addition to all these, Burroughs wrote at least three other books
that stand out as classics of fantasy. And now the world has learned that Tarzan's
creator is dead. It has come as a shock to millions of his readers, young and old, be-
cause they had almost come to hope he was immortal, like his own fantastic creations.
Edgar Rice Burroughs will always be considered as an outstanding example of what
may be accomplished with the opportunities of the American way of life. He took
merely his incredible imagination and with it earned a fortune of over ten million dol-
lars.Burroughs never claimed that his stories had any great literary value. He was
modest to a fault. An editorial in ForTune said that "some of his stories are not so hot,

but they sell an argument that admits of no rebuttal." When asked about his rules
for writing back in 1945, he replied: "In all these years I have not learned one single
rule for writing fiction or anything else. I ^fill write as I did thirty years ago; stories

which I feel would entertain me and give me mental relaxation, knowing that there
are millions of people just like me who will like the same things that I like." Therein
lies his greatest achievement —
he has entertained and relaxed billions of people and
the world is the better for it!
Do you wonder if there is life on Mars?
What is the truth about Spiritualism? Is there
really a life after death? What new dis-
coveries are being made by scientists about
mental telepathy — ghosts — other planets —
insanity — extra-sensory-perception —
ing the future ? What do
people really believe
in, but are afraid to admit because of fear of
ridicule or even worse? Do the stars really
determine your future? What is a mystic?

What secrets lie in Tibet in Big Business-

in Russia? Where did Man really come
from ? Have you ever attended a seance ? Do
dreams really mean something?




Here is the most fascinating, most entertain-,'

ing, most sensational little magazine ever to"
appear on the newsstands of America. Noth-t*
ing is sacred to it. Nothing is suppressed oi;
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thought-provoking, stimulating. And mosjj
important of all, it gives you the right to do
your own thinking, and provides you witlj
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to sift for yourself. Nowhere else can youj
find such a treasure-house of the unusual)
the strange, the unknown.




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