Aeronomy of The Middle Atmosphere - 2005
Aeronomy of The Middle Atmosphere - 2005
Aeronomy of The Middle Atmosphere - 2005
The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume.
Aeronomy of the Middle
Chemistry and Physics of the
Stratosphere and Mesosphere
Third revised and enlarged edition
Guy P. Brasseur
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,
Hamburg, Germany
National Center for Atmoshpheric Research,
Boulder, CO, U.S.A.
Susan Solomon
NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory,
Boulder, CO, U.S.A.
A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
Published by Springer,
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Preface ix
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
4.3 Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.4 The Attenuation of Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere . 169
4.5 Radiative Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
4.6 The Thermal Effects of Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . 206
4.7 Photochemical Effects of Radiation . . . . . . . . . . 218
Appendix 1: Physical Constants and Other Data . . . . . . 599
Appendix 2: Conversion Factors and Multiplying Prefixes . . 603
Index 637
1.1 Introduction
Our atmosphere is the medium for life on the surface of the planet, and
the transition zone between Earth and space. Humankind has always
been interested in the characteristics, manifestations and perturbations
of the atmosphere — in its changing weather patterns, and its brilliant
sunsets, rainbows, and aurorae.
The lower part of the atmosphere has been continuously studied
over many years through meteorological programs. The development
of rocket and satellite technology during the past 40 years has also led
to the investigation of the upper atmosphere, establishing a new field of
The intermediate region which extends from about 10 to 100 km
altitude is sometimes called the middle atmosphere. This region is
somewhat less accessible to observation and has only been systematically
studied for the past 25 to 30 years. The purpose of this volume is to
outline some of the factors which control the behavior of this layer of
the atmosphere, a region which is particularly vulnerable to external
perturbations such as solar variability and volcanic eruptions or the
emission of anthropogenic material, either at the surface or at altitude.
One of the most important chemical constituents in the middle
atmosphere is ozone, because it is the only atmospheric species that
effectively absorbs ultraviolet solar radiation from about 250-300 nm,
protecting plant and animal life from exposure to harmful radiation.
Therefore, the stability of the ozone layer (located near 15 to 25 km) is
a central part of the study of the middle atmosphere.
In the study of planetary atmospheres it has been customary
to distinguish between thermodynamic and dynamic aspects, which
constitute a portion of the field of meteorology, and the chemical and
photochemical aspects, which are part of the domain of aeronomy.
However, the interactions between these different disciplines play an
can sustain life for higher organisms) has been a special characteristic
of the Earth. Today, the most abundant gases in the atmosphere of our
neighboring planets, Mars and Venus, are not nitrogen (N2 ) and oxygen
(O2 ) as on Earth, but carbon dioxide (CO2 ).
Present photosynthetic life is protected from harmful solar radiation
by oxygen and ozone. Thus we must ask how these original creatures
survived and evolved to the present state even as they formed the
protective shield which their descendants would enjoy. It is possible
that they were a form of algae, protected by liquid water from the sun’s
rays. It has also been suggested that primitive microbes could have been
protected by layers of purine and pyrimidine bases, which absorb in the
ultraviolet range (Sagan, 1973).
In conclusion, it is clear that the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
depended on many factors, including its albedo, the biosphere (plant
and animal life), the oceans, the sun, and the composition of the solid
Earth. Physical processes such as volcanic eruptions together with
biological activity at the surface have contributed to the evolution of
the composition of the terrestrial atmosphere and of the Earth’s climate
over geological time. Lovelock and Margulis (1974), for example, have
argued that the Earth’s environment is controlled primarily by the biota
in a way that is favorable to life. Thus, the stability of our atmosphere
is a complex function of both organic and inorganic processes. Today,
many of these processes are disrupted by the human species. In the
rest of this chapter and throughout this volume, we discuss the natural
processes which control the present atmosphere, and assess the possible
impact which human activities may have upon it.
produces numerous chemical species, such as CO2 , CO, CH4 (and many
other organic compounds), H2 , N2 , N2 O, NO, NO2 , COS, CH3 Cl,
CH3 Br, CH3 I, HCN, CH3 CN, as well as aerosol particles (e.g., black
carbon; see Crutzen et al., 1979; Andreae and Merlet, 2001). Some of
these compounds eventually reach the middle atmosphere, where they
can influence the budgets of several minor species, particularly ozone.
Further, the introduction of modern agricultural techniques, especially
the intensive use of nitrogen fertilizers, has altered the natural nitrogen
cycle by increasing the fixation of this element in the form of ammonia,
amino acids, and nitrates. During nitrification and denitrification, part
of the nitrogen is emitted to the atmosphere in the form of N2 O rather
than N2 . N2 O provides the principal source of NO in the middle
atmosphere and accelerates the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere
(see Chapter 5).
The rate of nitrogen fixation on the Earth’s surface is not known
with great accuracy. The contributions of natural biological fixation,
as well as the effects of lightning and combustion must be considered.
It is estimated, however (Vitousek, 1994), that the annual amount of
nitrogen fixed naturally by the biosphere is between 50 to 200 Tg N/yr,
while fixation by combustion represents about 20 to 40 Tg/yr. The
contribution from nitrogen fertilizers probably exceeds 80 Tg N/yr,
and the fixation by legume crops is of the order of 30-50 Tg N/yr.
An additional 2-20 Tg N/yr are fixed by lightning in thunderstorms
and 20 Tg N/yr in internal combustion engines. Since human-induced
nitrogen fixation has increased with time, the effect of this artificial
source on the ozone layer (pointed out by Crutzen, 1974, and McElroy
et al., 1976) could become significant in the future.
The possible effects of nitrogen oxides on the middle atmosphere have
been very actively studied since Crutzen (1970) and Johnston (1971)
indicated that the injection of large quantities of these species in aircraft
exhaust might alter the protective ozone layer. Later, calculations
showed that the effect introduced by such aircraft depends directly
on the flight altitude: An injection of nitrogen oxide could contribute
to ozone production at altitudes below about 15 km (Brasseur et al.,
1998; IPCC, 1999), but to ozone destruction if the craft flew at higher
altitudes. It is estimated that current commercial aircraft release
approximately 0.5 Tg N/yr (a third of which is being released in the
stratosphere) and that the fleet of 500 high-speed civil transport aircraft
projected in the early 1970s would have injected 0.1 Tg N/yr (mostly as
NO) near 15-22 km altitude. Another source of nitrogen oxides which
perturbed the atmosphere in the 1950s and 1960s is the explosion of
powerful atomic bombs. Approximately 0.15 to 0.55 Tg N were injected
into the stratosphere during the Soviet tests in the fall of 1962. This
Andreae, M.O., and P. Merlet, Emission of trace gases and aerosols from biomass
burning. Glob Biogeochem Cycles: 15, 955, 2001.
Brasseur, G.P., R.A. Cox, D. Hauglustaine, I. Isaksen, J. Lelieveld, D.H. Lister, R.
Sausen, U. Schumann, A. Wahner, and P. Wiesen, European scientific assessment of
the atmospheric effects of aircraft emissions. Atmos Env: 32, 2327, 1998.
Crutzen, P.J., The influence of nitrogen oxide on the atmospheric ozone content. Quart
J Roy Met Soc: 96, 320, 1970.
Crutzen, P.J., Estimates of possible variations in total ozone due to natural causes and
human activity. Ambio: 3, 201, 1974.
Crutzen, P.J., L.E. Heidt, J.P. Krasnec, W.H. Pollock, and W. Seiler, Biomass burning
as a source of the atmospheric gases CO, H2 , N2 O, NO, CH3 Cl, and COS. Nature:
282, 253, 1979.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Aviation and the Global
Atmosphere. J. Penner et al. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1999.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Climatic Change 2001: The
scientific basis. J.T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. Van de Linden,
X. Da, K. Maskell, and C.A. Johnson (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Johnston, H.S., Reduction of stratospheric ozone by nitrogen oxide catalysts from
supersonic transport exhaust. Science: 173, 517, 1971.
Kandel, R.S., Earth and Cosmos. Pergamon Press, 1980.
Kasting, J.F., Earth’s early atmosphere. Science: 259, 920, 1993.
Lovelock, J.E., and L. Margulis, Atmospheric homeostatis by and for the atmosphere:
The gaia hypothesis. Tellus: 26, 2, 1974.
McElroy, M.B., J.W. Elkins, S.C. Wofsy, and Y.L. Yung, Sources and sinks for
atmospheric N2 O. Rev Geophys Space Phys: 14, 143, 1976.
Miller, S.L., A production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions.
Science: 117,7 528, 1953.
Miller, S.L., and H.C. Urey, Organic compound synthesis on the primitive earth. Science:
130, 245, 1959.
Molina, M.J., and F.S. Rowland, Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine
atom catalyzed destruction of ozone. Nature: 249, 810, 1974.
Moulton, F.R., On the evolution of the solar system. Astrophys J: 22, 165, 1905.
Sagan, C., Ultraviolet selection pressure on the earliest organisms. J Theo Bio: 39, 195,
Stolarski, R.S., and R.J. Cicerone, Stratospheric chlorine: A possible sink for ozone.
Can J Chem: 52, 1610, 1974.
Vitousek, P.M., Beyond global warming: Ecology and global change. Ecology: 75, 1861,
Walker, J.C.G., Evolution of the Atmosphere. McMillan Pub., 1977.
Wofsy, S.C., M.B. McElroy, and Y.L. Yung, The chemistry of atmospheric bromine.
Geophys Res Lett: 2, 215, 1975.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
often called the Morse curve (see Figure 2.1.a). The potential energy
increases sharply towards smaller internuclear distances, as charge
repulsion becomes more intense. For large internuclear distances, the
molecular bond is stretched and can break; in this case, the molecule
dissociates. In the non-idealized case, weak overtone transitions with
∆v = ±2, ±3, etc. are possible and the vibrational energy levels are
not equidistant anymore, but are more closely spaced with increasing
quantum number v. Note, in addition, that vibrational transitions occur
only if the electric field of the radiation can interact with an oscillating
electric field produced by the dipole moment of the vibrating molecule.
Only heteronuclear diatomic molecules such as NO or CO produce such
an oscillating dipole moment, while homonuclear species like O2 and N2
do not undergo vibrational transitions. Since the energy corresponding
to a vibrational transition is relatively large compared to the thermal
energy, most molecules present in the atmosphere are found to be in
their lowest vibrational state (v = 0). Vibrationally excited species
can be produced by photon absorption, collision with an atom or a
for each mode. For example, (010) means that the quantum number is
zero for ν1 , one for ν2 and zero for ν3 . As we shall see in Chapter 4, the
15µm ν2 band of CO2 plays a dominant role in cooling throughout the
middle atmosphere.
The absorption of visible and ultraviolet radiation can lead to
electronic transitions. The curves labelled XY∗ and XY∗∗ in Figure 2.1.a
correspond to electronically excited states of the hypothetical molecule
XY considered earlier. Electronically excited states may be repulsive
at any internuclear distance (as in the case of XY∗∗ ), or may have a
stable bound configuration (XY∗ ) like the ground state, with associated
vibrational and rotational levels. If an electronic transition occurs along
with simultaneous vibrational and rotational transitions, the selection
rules are not as restricted as those described above. Transitions from
the fundamental vibrational level v = 0 to high levels (v > 1) becomes
possible. Rotational transitions with unchanged quantum number J
(∆J = 0) are observed and produce a Q-branch in the corresponding
The electronic states of molecules and atoms are expressed by
quantum numbers, which represent the total orbital angular momentum
and the net spin of the electrons. The corresponding symbols and the
selection rules for electronic transitions are discussed in Sections 2.2.1
and 2.2.2, respectively. Different electronic configurations of the same
particle generally have very different reactive properties; for example, the
excited O1 D atom behaves very differently upon collision with a water
molecule than does the ground O3 P atom. Photochemical processes
involving absorption and emission of photons induce transitions from
one state to another, and these occur more readily between certain
electronic states than others. The transitions between electronic states,
which result from absorption of relatively high energy photons, serve two
important purposes in the middle atmosphere. They represent the major
source of heating, as will be discussed in Chapter 4, and they initiate
photochemical processes (e.g., photodecomposition or photolysis and
photoionization) which play a major role in establishing the distributions
of minor constituents (this is described in detail in Chapters 5 and 7).
with the derivation of L and Λ. Part of the reason for this is the fact
that the selection rules involving orbital angular momentum are often
not strictly followed in actual transitions; the restrictions regarding spin
are the ones which tend to be most rigidly followed in practice, and we
shall concentrate only on these. For increasing L from 0 to 6, the term
takes on the values S, P, D, F, G, H. For increasing Λ, the Greek symbols
Σ, Π, ∆, and Φ are used. See, for example, Karplus and Porter (1970).
The spin terms can be readily evaluated given knowledge of basic
atomic and molecular orbital theory (see Moore, 1962; Karplus and
Porter, 1970). The ground state of the oxygen atom is conventionally
described as
(σg 1s)2 (σu 1s)2 (σg 2s)2 (σu 2s)2 (σg 2p)2 (πu 2p)4 (πg 2p)2
Polyatomic molecules have different term symbols, but again the spin
multiplicity is given by the left-hand superscript. For example, the
ground state of the ozone molecule is denoted by the term 1 A1 . Note that
these terms should not be confused with the excited states of diatomic
molecules, which can also contain A, B, etc. in their term symbols.
The importance of the term symbols lies in their use in predicting the
ease with which photon absorption
A + hν → A∗ (2.1)
and radiative decay can occur.
A∗ → A + hν (2.2)
The selection rules for radiative processes permit us to evaluate the ease
or difficulty with which a particular transition can proceed. The basic
rules are as follows:
∗ Spin is unchanged in an allowed transition, for both atoms and
25.4 kcal per mole. We shall see later in Chapter 4 that this process
can serve as an important source of heat in the upper part of the middle
An endothermic reaction can proceed if the required energy is
provided by some external source, such as a photon. The energy of
a photon of wavelength λ is given by
E= (2.14)
where h = 6.62 × 10−34 Js is Planck’s constant, and c = 2.998 × 108
m s−1 is the speed of light in a vacuum. Other commonly used units
are the frequency, ν, which is related to λ by
ν= (2.15)
and the wavenumber ν̄, given by
1 ν
ν̄ = = (2.16)
λ c
Thus consider, for example, for the photolysis of molecular oxygen to
form two O3 P atoms:
O2 + hν → 2O(3 P) (2.17)
hc hc
∆HR = 2(59.55) − = 119.10 kcal/mole − (2.18)
λ λ
This process requires that at least 119.10 kcal/mole, or 8.27 ×
10−19 J/molecule, be provided by the photon. This corresponds to a
wavelength λ ≤ 240 nm.
ln (A) = −ku t + C (2.27c)
where C is the constant of integration. Assuming that initially (A) =
(A)o at time t = 0, the evolution with time of number density (A) can
be expressed as
(A) = (A)o e−ku t (2.27d)
The time required for the concentration of A to decrease to 1/e of its
initial value, if this were the only reaction process occurring, is therefore
equal to 1/ku . This defines the chemical lifetime (or e-folding lifetime)
of species A. The concept of lifetime is an important one in atmospheric
applications. If, for example, we wish to know whether an atmospheric
species is likely to be directly affected by transport processes, we
can compare its chemical lifetime to the time scale appropriate to
transport. If chemistry is much faster than transport for that particular
species, then the direct effects of transport can be neglected to a first
approximation. This will be discussed in more detail in Chapters 3 and
Referring to the general bimolecular equation A + B → products, the
rate at which such a reaction proceeds is described by
d(A) d(B)
R=− =− = kb (A) (B) (2.28)
dt dt
where kb represents the reaction rate constant (expressed in cm3
molec−1 s−1 for a two body reaction).
In the case of a termolecular process
A + B + C → products (2.29)
the reaction rate is expressed as
R=− = kt (A)(B)(C) (2.30)
where the rate coefficient is now expressed in cm6 molec−2 s−1 . Very
often, one of the reactants is not directly involved in forming the reaction
products, but assists in promoting the reaction by transferring energy
through collisions with the other reactants. This reactant, conveniently
termed M, is called the third body and in most cases represents an O2 or
N2 molecule.
Second and third order reactions (A + B → products and A + B +
C → products are commonly reduced to a pseudo first order form to
examine the chemical lifetime. For example,
(A) ≈ (A)o e−kb (B)t or (A) ≈ (A)o e−kt (B)(C)t (2.31)
X + O3 → XO + O2 (2.40a)
XO + O → X + O2 (2.40b)
Overall: O3 + O → 2 O2
Other cycles including more than two reactions are known to destroy
ozone efficiently (see Chapter 5). Catalytic cycles can be very efficient,
even if the concentration of the catalyst X is several orders of magnitude
smaller than that of ozone. The efficiency of such a cycle regarding the
destruction of ozone is given by the number of times the cycle repeats
itself before the catalyst is eventually lost, usually by conversion to a
stable reservoir species (e.g., NO and NO2 are converted into HNO3 ).
The rate limiting step for the destruction of ozone in a cycle like (2.40)
is provided by the reaction that ultimately determines the rate at which
ozone is destroyed. Such a step can be identified, provided that all
reactions involved are known.
8kT (mA + mB ) 2
vr = (2.43a)
πmA mB
where mA and mB are the respective molecular masses of A and B,
and k is Boltzmann’s constant. For typical masses, the mean relative
speed is about 4 × 104 cm s−1 , and the value of kAB is about 4 ×
10−11 cm3 molec−1 s−1 . We can also see that the temperature dependence
of the rate constant thus defined is T 2 . Note that if the mass of one
of the colliding particles is much larger than that of the other particle
(e.g., mB >> mA ), the velocity vr can be approximated as
8kT 2
vr = (2.43b)
π mA
This expression is typically used to describe the collisions between
molecules (mass mA ) with aerosol particles (mass mB ).
Unfortunately, the actual interactions between reacting gases are
considerably more complex than this and not all two-body rate constants
are equal to 4 × 10−11 (in fact few of them do conform to this simple
description). The reasons for this lie in the differences between the
actual interactions between reacting molecules and the “hard sphere”
assumption made above. In general, particles form an intermediate
species during reaction, and this intermediate is often called an activated
complex. Indeed, several detailed theories of chemical interactions
achieve successful descriptions of certain processes simply by considering
the energy modes available to the activated complex (e.g., RRK theory,
see Rice and Ramsperger, 1927; Weston and Schwarz, 1972). Here
we simply note that formation of such a complex generally involves
an enthalpy of reaction, such that the overall process can be crudely
represented as shown in Figure 2.3. In general, a certain “energy of
activation” is associated with forming the activated complex. If the
reactants have sufficient energy to surmount the barrier involved in
complex formation, then products will be formed.
The energy distribution of particles is often expressed as a Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution:
dn∗ m 2
= 4π c2 e−(mc /2+p )/kT dc (2.44)
no 2πkT
(see, e.g., Castellan, 1971) where p is the potential energy of the
particle, and where dn∗ is the number of particles per cubic centimeter,
which have velocities from c to c + dc, and m is the particle mass. Here
k is the Boltzmann constant. The exponential term accounts for both
the kinetic and potential energies of the particle. For a given potential
energy, the kinetic energy distribution depends only on temperature T.
Given the form of this expression and the reaction barrier discussed
above, it is not surprising that the experimentally derived kinetic rate
expression for many processes is:
kreaction = A e (−Eact /RT) (2.45)
In this expression, called the Arrhenius equation, Eact represents the
activation energy, R is the gas constant, and A is the “pre-exponential”
factor (assumed to be constant over a limited temperature range). In this
case, we would then expect the exponential term to denote the fraction
of colliding molecules which have the energy required to surmount the
barrier, while A represents roughly the collision rate constant, kAB
as presented in Equation (2.41). Once again, we find experimentally
that this is not always the case. One simple explanation for this is
that only certain orientations are conducive to reactions, especially for
complex molecules. Thus we can introduce a “steric factor” to represent
the probability that the molecules will be in the proper geometric
arrangement when they collide. Finally, another area of possible failure
in the hard sphere model lies in the true nature of the approaching
particles: They are not hard spheres, rather, they exert attractive forces
on one another. In the case of ion-molecule reactions, the attractive
forces are coulombic, and exert an influence even at relatively large
distances. Therefore these reactions often proceed very much faster than
values derived from simple hard sphere collision theory. Even for neutral
unpolarized molecules, London forces produce an interaction potential.
Thus the interactions between particles become multi-dimensional and
quite complex. Molecular scattering experiments, in which reaction
kinetics are examined as functions of energy and orientation, have led to
considerable progress in our study of these processes. See, for example,
Johnston (1966), Weston and Schwarz (1972) and Smith (1980).
be independent of pressure.
d(A) kact (A)
kd (M) >> kr ; = −kr (2.53)
dt kd
At very low pressures (low pressure limit), the observed rate is
proportional to the pressure, since the rate limiting step is given by
the production of the energized molecules by Equation (2.47a).
kd (M) << kr ; = −kact (A)(M) (2.54)
Between these two extremes, the reaction is neither first nor second
order, and the pressure dependence must be carefully parameterized.
The thermal decomposition of N2 O5 ,
N2 O5 → NO2 + NO3 (2.55)
is an important stratospheric reaction which is of intermediate order at
stratospheric pressures.
k∞ k0 (M)
kt = (2.60)
k0 (M) + k∞
At low pressure when kuni >> kd (M) (e.g., in most of the stratosphere),
the apparent kinetic rate depends linearly on pressure (third-order
kt = k0 (M) (2.61a)
kt = k∞ (2.61b)
k∞ k0 (M) 2 −1
kt = Fc {1+[log10 (k0 (M)/k∞ )] } (2.62)
k0 (M) + k∞
When HCl molecules are dissolved in the aerosol, they can contribute
to the uptake take of other molecules, and the γ coefficient is modified as
a function of the concentration of HCl dissolved in the solution [HCl](M)
and hence of the partial pressure of HCl in the atmosphere pH2 O and
temperature T(K) since
[HCl] = HHCl pHCl
if HHCl (M atm−1 ) is the Henry’s law constant which can be expressed as
HHCl = 10(15.514−0.1791W)
Figure 2.6. Reactive uptake coefficient (γ) for the heterogeneous conversion of
ClONO2 on 55.6 wt% sulfuric acid aerosol particles. The triangles represent the
measurements of Hanson and Ravishankara (1994). The solid line represents
the parameterization of γ as a function of the atmospheric partial pressure of
HCl. The dashed lines represent the fraction of ClONO2 reacting with water
molecules (γ H2 O ), with HCl in the bulk of the aerosol (ΓHCl
b ), and with HCl on
the surface of the particles (ΓHCl
s ). A HCl mixing ratio of 2 ppbv at a pressure
level of 50 hPa (lower stratosphere) corresponds to a HCl partial pressure of
10−10 atm. From Peter (1997).
the fraction of ClONO2 reacting with HCl in the bulk (ΓHCl b ) and on
the surface (ΓHCl
s ) of a sulfate aerosol particle (see Eq. 2.71). Note
that the reaction pathway with H2 O dominates for low concentrations
of HCl, but drops as the reaction with HCl becomes dominant. In this
latter case, the probability for the reaction to occur on the surface of
the aerosol is often larger than in the bulk of the particle. As expected,
the total γ coefficient tends to saturate at a value close to unity for high
values of the HCl partial pressure.
XY + hν → XY∗ (2.75)
Figure 2.8. Potential energy diagram for the principal states of the oxygen
molecule. Adapted from Gilmore (1964).
more details). The absorption cross sections and quantum yields are
determined in the laboratory. In many cases, these quantities vary with
temperature. In some cases, the quantum yield is a function of pressure.
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Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
(mi) (km)
os 60
0.001 90
Mesopause 50 80
0.1 40
Mesosphere 60
1 Stratopause 30
er 40
mp Ozone Region
10 30
100 10
Mt. Everest
Tropopause 8848 m
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 (deg K)
Figure 3.3. Net radiative heating rate associated with (1) absorption of
ultraviolet radiation by molecular oxygen in the upper mesosphere and
thermosphere, and by ozone in the stratosphere and mesosphere, and (2)
emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric CO2 , O3 , and H2 O. Values given
in K/day
/ and positive in the summer hemisphere ((net diabatic heating)) and
negative (net diabatic cooling) in the winter hemisphere. From London (1980).
band (Hays et al., 1993; Ortland et al., 1996; Burrage et al., 1996).
Figure 3.4 shows the wind fields recovered from HRDI at an altitude
of 25 km on March 8, 1994 (Ortland et al., 1996). The Wind Imaging
Interferometer (WINDII) on the same satellite has provided the neutral
winds in the 80-300 km altitude range from measurements of the Doppler
shift in the O(1 S) green line emission (Shepherd et al., 1993; Gault et al.,
Figure 3.5 presents a typical latitude height distribution of mean zonal
winds, averaged over longitude and time. In the lower stratosphere, the
zonal circulation is an extension of the tropospheric flow characterized by
the two jets centered at 30-40 degrees latitude, with wind speeds almost
twice as large in winter as in summer. In most parts of the stratosphere
(above 20 km) and the mesosphere, the prevailing mean zonal winds are
directed eastward (westerlies) during winter and westward (easterlies)
during summer, with maximum velocities of the order of 60-75 m/s near
70 km. Above this altitude the zonal flow becomes less intense and its
direction even reverses in the extratropics above 85-95 km. Note also
the strong westerly winds in the winter polar stratosphere which form
the so-called polar vortex and partly isolate the polar region from low
latitude influences. The zonal mean flow is strongly influenced by the
seasonal variation in the solar heating.
Figure 3.5. Longitudinally averaged zonal wind (m/s) from the surface to
approximately 120 km altitude in January, based on Fleming et al. ((1988). )
Positive winds are blowing eastwards (westerlies)
( ) and negative winds are
blowing westwards (easterlies). Note the presence of the 2 tropospheric
subtropical jets. Stratospheric winds are primarily westerlies in winter and
easterlies in summer. A reversal of the winds is observed above approximately
90 km altitude.
This form allows for ready evaluation of the influence of external heating
(Q) on Θ, and expresses that, in the absence of heat input or loss [Q =
0], the potential temperature is conserved.
Newton’s second law, relation (3.1), is generally written as three
scalar equations, often expressed in spherical coordinates. Given the
independent variables:
λ the longitude in the easterly direction
φ the latitude in the northerly direction
zg the geometric altitude
we define
r = a + zg as the distance from the center of the Earth
(a is the Earth’s radius).
u = r cos φ dλ/dt as the zonal component of the wind
velocity v measured towards the east.
v = r dφ/dt as the meridional component of v measured
towards the north.
w = dzg /dt as the vertical component of v.
These components of motion are the scalar products of v with the unit
vectors in the zonal, meridional, and vertical directions, respectively.
i = Ω xr
j = kxi
k = r
In the spherical coordinate system, the components of the acceleration
dv/dt are not simply given by the derivatives of the components of v
because the derivatives of the Cartesian unit vectors i,j, and k must be
considered. Figure 3.8 shows a schematic representation of the adopted
coordinate system.
The equations of motion then become:
du tan φ 1 1 ∂p
= uv − uw + 2Ω v sin φ − 2Ω w cos φ − + Fλ
dt r r ρr cos φ ∂λ
dv tan φ 2 1 1 ∂p
=− u − uw − 2Ω u sin φ − + Fφ (3.11b)
dt r r ρr ∂φ
dw 1 1 1 ∂p
= u2 + v2 + 2Ω u cos φ − g − + Fz (3.11c)
dt r r ρ ∂zg
with the material derivative (or derivative following the motion) defined
d ∂ u ∂ v ∂ ∂
= + + +w (3.11d)
dt ∂t r cos φ ∂λ r ∂φ ∂zg
and where Fλ , Fφ , and Fz are the 3 components of the dissipative force
The last of these three momentum equations can be greatly simplified
by retaining only the two dominant terms:
1 ∂p
+g=0 (3.12)
ρ ∂zg
This simplification is commonly called the hydrostatic approximation.
The approximation states that, in the vertical direction, the most
important forces acting on a parcel of air are the vertical pressure
gradient and gravity. This approximation is common in dynamical
models, although it neglects some phenomena such as sound waves, and
is not appropriate for high resolution models. The ideal gas law can be
used to substitute for ρ in the above equation to obtain
dp dzg
=− (3.13)
p Hg
where Hg is called the atmospheric scale height. Hg is given by
Hg = = (3.14)
g mg
⎡ ⎤
no To ⎢ dh ⎥
n (zg ) = exp ⎣− ⎦ (3.15b)
T(z) Hg (h)
Scale Potential
Altitude Temperature Height Pressure Concentration Temperature(2)
(km) (K) (km) (hPa) (cm−3 ) (K)
∂ (ln Θ)
N2 = g (3.19b)
1 ∂Φ
fv = (3.36b)
a cos φ ∂λ
These equations show that stratospheric winds blow approximately
parallel to the contours of the geopotential field. An alternative
version of the geostrophic balance can be obtained by substituting
the hydrostatic approximation as given in (3.23c) into (3.36a,b), after
differentiating with respect to z:
∂u R 1 ∂T
f =− (3.37a)
∂z H a ∂φ
∂v R 1 ∂T
f = (3.37b)
∂z H a cos φ ∂λ
These are the thermal wind equations, which state that the vertical shear
of the horizontal wind field is proportional to the horizontal temperature
gradient. These equations illustrate that the wind structure is strongly
coupled to the temperature gradient, underscoring the close relationship
between thermodynamic conditions and advective motion. Note, for
example, that the zonal wind, u, as shown in Figure 3.4, increases
with altitude in the presence of an equatorward temperature gradient
(Figure 3.2) in both the northern and southern hemispheres. It decreases
for a poleward temperature gradient. Thus the region of maximum zonal
wind (the “jet”) near the polar night region can be understood to be a
manifestation of geostrophic balance as expressed by the thermal wind
For a large class of scale of motions, the primitive equations (which are
rather expensive to solve numerically) can be replaced by approximate
equations for the vorticity or the potential vorticity. Relative vorticity
can be thought of as a measure of the rotation of the fluid with respect to
a coordinate sytem fixed to the Earth. Its vertical component is defined
in spherical coordinates as
1 ∂v 1 ∂ (u cos φ)
ξ= − (3.38)
a cos φ ∂λ a cos φ ∂φ
By cross-differentiating and combining the primitive equations (3.23a
and 3.23b) and using the continuity equation (3.25), one obtains the
vorticity equation
d (ξ + f) 1 ∂u 1 ∂ (v cos φ)
= (ξ + f) +
dt a cos φ ∂λ a cos φ ∂φ
1 ∂Fφ 1 ∂ (Fλ cos φ)
+ − (3.39)
a cos φ ∂λ a cos φ ∂φ
The sum ξ + f is called the absolute vorticity. It represents the spin
of air parcels relative to a coordinate system fixed to the Earth and
of the planetary vorticity (represented by the Coriolis parameter f),
which accounts for the fact that the coordinate system is rotating at
angular vorticity Ω. As shown by equation (3.39), even in the absence
of frictional forces, the absolute vorticity is not a conserved quantity.
Its tendency is proportional to the horizontal component of the wind
convergence. If this component is positive, absolute vorticity filaments
will gather closer together, increasing the magnitude of the air parcel
spin by decreasing the cross-sectional area of the vortex tubes (see e.g.,
Pedlosky, 1987).
A more general form of the vorticity is provided by Ertel’s potential
vorticity (Rossby, 1940; Ertel, 1942). In the log-pressure coordinate
system, this quantity is defined by
1 ∂Θ
P= (ξ + f) (3.40a)
ρs ∂z
and is therefore the product of the absolute vorticity and the vertical
gradient of the potential temperature. The potential vorticity is a
measure of the vertical component of angular momentum of fluid
elements. In the stratosphere, the value of P on an isentropic surface
increases monotonically from the South Pole to the North Pole as the
Coriolis factor f increases with latitude. The value of P is generally
negative in the Southern hemisphere and positive in the Northern
hemisphere. In the vicinity of the tropopause (where the vertical
gradient of the potential temperature is large), a strong vertical gradient
is also observed in the potential vorticity.
As indicated earlier, atmospheric motions are often advantageously
represented in an isentropic coordinate system. In this case, Ertel’s
potential vorticity is defined by
P = (ξ + f) (3.41)
where σ is the “pseudo-density” (see expression (3.32)). Starting from
the primitive equations (3.28a-b), one can show that P satisfies the
following equation
dΘ P 1 ∂ (Fλ cos φ) ∂Fφ ∂Q ∂v ∂Q ∂u
= − + − + cos φ
dt σa cos φ ∂φ ∂λ ∂λ ∂Θ ∂φ ∂Θ
∂Q ∂P
+P −Q (3.42)
∂Θ ∂Θ
where the material derivative in the isentropic system is defined by
(3.29). This expression shows that for frictionless and adiabatic
conditions (Fλ = Fφ = 0; Q = 0), Ertel’s potential vorticity is a
conserved quantity following the motion.
Apart from the absolute vorticity (ξ+f), the Ertel’s potential vorticity
varies in the vertical as Θ9/2 (see Lait, 1994). It is therefore useful to
define a modified potential vorticity
Θ −9/2
Π=P (3.40b)
which removes the quasi-exponential variation with height while
preserving the conservation properties of P. (Θ0 is a reference potential
temperature chosen, for example, as 420 K, see Lait, 1994). Figure 3.9
500 16
-8 8
Figure 3.11. Approximate altitude profiles of the mean zonal winds in winter
(left panel) and summer (right panel). The permitted phase speeds for the
propagation of gravity waves and their breaking levels are also shown. Adapted
from Lindzen (1981).
E = ρo |v (z)|2 (3.43)
|v (z)| = A [ρ0 (z)]− 2 (3.44a)
Figure 3.13. Geopotential height ((km)) and temperature ((K)) on the 10 hPa
surface in the stratosphere during Northern Hemisphere winter (18 February
1999 — left) and summer (9 July 1999 — right). Planetary-scale waves
are visible in the winter hemisphere with the polar vortex displaced towards
northern Europe and a “high” visible over Western Canada and the Aleutian
Islands. The temperature is lowest over the north Atlantic and is highest over
Siberia. This situation is representative of a wavenumber 1 event. In the
summer hemisphere, planetary-scale wave activity is low and the geopotential
height and temperature fields are nearly symmetric around the North Pole
(Courtesy of W. Randel, NCAR, 2001).
Figure 3.15a,b. Zonally averaged wind velocities for the equinox period
(February 12 to May 3, 1993) at 12:00 h local solar time derived from the
combined observations of HRDI and WINDII on board the UARS satellite.
Zonal (a) and meridional (b) wind velocities (m/s) are shown between 65 and
140 km altitude. Dashed lines correspond to westward winds (easterlies) for the
zonal component and to southward winds for the meridional component. The
signature of solar tides is visible. Adapted from McLandress et al., 1996.
dµi Si
= (3.45b)
dt ρ
is equivalent to (3.45a). Relation (3.45b) expresses that, in the absence
of chemical processes, the mixing ratio of a chemical tracer in an air
parcel is conserved along the parcel trajectory. Just as in the case of
the potential temperature and potential vorticity, tracer mixing ratios
can be used to characterize air motions in the atmosphere if dissipative
(chemical) processes are weak.
The continuity equations can also be expressed in terms of number
density ni = ρi /m and mole fraction or volume mixing ratio Xi = ni /n,
where n = ρ/m is the air number density, m = M/NA is the molecular
mass of air, NA is Avogadro’s number (6.02 × 1026 molecules per mol)
and M is the molar mass of air. In the homosphere, where M 29
kg/mol is approximately constant,
+ ∇ · (niv) = Si (3.45c)
dXi Si
= (3.45d)
dt n
∂ni ∂ ∂ (ni /n)
= Si − −Kz (3.52)
∂t ∂z ∂z
Figure 3.18. Observed mixing ratio of several chemical compounds (O3 , NOy ,
SF6 , CH4 , CFC-12, HCl) represented as a function of the observed mixing ratio
of N2 O. These scatterplots are established with measurements made from the
ER-2 high altitude aircraft and during the spaceborne ATMOS experiment.
From Chang et al. (1996a, 1996b).
case of ozone if measurements are performed in air masses that have been
travelling in the polar regions during springtime when massive ozone
destruction takes place (e.g., Antarctic ozone hole). The compactness of
the correlations also breaks down for many species in the tropical upper
stratosphere (where lifetimes become short) and for ozone in the middle
and upper stratosphere.
Plumb and Ko (1992) have shown that, for two chemical compounds
whose local photochemical lifetimes are longer than the quasi-horizontal
transport time constant, the slope of the correlation curve is provided
by the ratio between the net fluxes of the two species through their
respective mixing ratio isopleths (see also Murphy and Fahey, 1994).
In addition, they calculated that for two long-lived source gases (e.g.,
N2 O, CH4 , etc.) that are emitted at the surface and are photochemically
destroyed in the stratosphere, the slope dX2 /dX1 of the correlation curve
is related to the ratio of the atmospheric photochemical lifetimes τ1 /ττ2
of the 2 species. For steady-state conditions:
τ1 dX2 X1 (0)
· (3.55)
τ2 dX1 X2 (0)
where X1 (0) and X2 (0) represent the mixing ratio of compounds 1 and
2 in the very low stratosphere (or in the troposphere). Measurements of
correlations between chemical species provide a powerful analysis tool
to establish the origin and fate of air masses in the stratosphere and in
the troposphere.
∂u v ∂ (u cos φ) ∂u
+ +w − fv
∂t a cos φ ∂φ ∂z
1 ∂ 1 ∂ w
= Fλ − u v cos 2
φ − ρ 0 u (3.58)
a cos2 φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
1 ∂ (v cos φ) 1 ∂
+ (ρ0 w) = 0 (3.59)
a cos φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
∂Θ v ∂Θ ∂Θ
+ +w
∂t a ∂φ ∂z
1 ∂ 1 ∂
=q− v Θ cos φ + ρ0 w Θ (3.60)
a cos φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
p0 Q
p cp
si = (3.62)
is the chemical source term (m−3 s−1 ) divided by the total air density
n (m−3 ). The eddy terms in the right-hand side of the momentum,
thermodynamic, and chemical continuity equations are known as the
eddy flux divergences. Note that equations (3.58) to (3.60) do not
constitute a closed system; they contain products of eddy quantities
(such as v Θ ) which are not calculated within this system. These eddy
terms can be an important part of the heat and momentum budgets.
For example, Figure 3.19 shows the relative magnitudes of the most
important terms in the thermodynamic equation as a function of latitude
at 10 hPa. Note that the terms w∂Θ/∂z and 1/a cos φ ∂/∂φ(v Θ ) cos φ
are larger than the diabatic heating rate and are nearly in balance with
one another.
middle and high latitude tropopause was much too warm to explain
the observed dryness. Thus he suggested a circulation exhibiting rising
motion only in the tropics, and descending motion at extra-tropical
latitudes. Dobson (1956) suggested a qualitatively similar transport
pattern based on observations of stratospheric ozone.
Murgatroyd and Singleton (1961) presented the first calculated
mean circulation for the middle atmosphere by using an analysis of
radiative heating rates. They derived a circulation much like the
one suggested by the tracer studies discussed above. However, they
noted that discrepancies existed in the angular momentum budget of
the derived circulation, which were presumably due to eddy transport
processes. The meridional circulation derived from that study is shown
in Figure 3.20.
A few years later, observational studies using the angular momentum
and/or heat budgets led to mean circulations of the lower stratosphere
based on meteorological data, (specifically, observations of the dominant
eddy terms in Eqs. 3.58 and 3.60; e.g., Reed et al., 1963; Julian and
Labitzke, 1965; Vincent, 1968). These studies produced circulations
which were quite different from the one derived by Murgatroyd and
Singleton or those deduced from tracer studies (see e.g., Figure 3.21).
In particular, the existence of rising motions (the “Ferrell cell”) was
suggested as occurring during winter at high latitudes (60◦ ) in the
troposphere and lower stratosphere.
Figure 3.22. Schematic diagram of the idealized planetary wave structure and
the resulting eddy transport of heat. Adapted from Matsuno (1980).
provide a more meaningful separation between the eddies and the mean
meridional circulation. Andrews and McIntyre (1978) introduced the
so-called Lagrangian mean averaging, wherein horizontal averages are
computed not along latitude circles, but along a path that follows the
wave trajectory in latitude and longitude. Referring again to Figure 3.22,
it should be clear that if v is evaluated along any of the wave streamlines
shown, then no eddy fluxes appear. Although the Lagrangian mean
formalism is mathematically elegant and physically meaningful, it suffers
from technical problems that limit its applicability to situations where
wave amplitudes are very large (McIntyre, 1980).
A more practical approach is simply to derive the net mean circulation
directly from the diabatic heating rate, q, as suggested by Dunkerton
(1978). From the thermodynamic equation (3.60) in which it is assumed
that ∂Θ/∂t and (v/a)(∂Θ/∂φ) are small (see Figure 3.19), and that the
vertical eddy heat fluxes are negligibly small, one can deduce that
∂Θ 1 ∂
w q− v Θ cos φ (3.63)
∂z a cos φ ∂φ
This expression reveals that for small diabatic effects (q 0), the eddy
heat flux divergence is in close balance with the vertical advection of the
mean potential temperature (non-acceleration theorem).
A transformation can be introduced to represent the net mean
meridional and vertical velocities v ∗ and
1 ∂ ρ0 v Θ
v∗ = v − (3.64a)
ρ0 ∂z ∂Θ/∂z
∗ 1 ∂ v Θ cos φ
w =w+ (3.64b)
a cos φ ∂φ ∂Θ/∂z
It defines the transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) or residual circulation.
When these definitions are applied to the simplified form (3.63) of
the thermodynamic equation, the resulting circulation is called the
diabatic circulation and the meridional and vertical velocities will be
noted (vD , wD ) rather than (v ∗ , w ∗ ). In this case, the simplified
thermodynamic equation and the steady state approximation for the
continuity equation become
wD =q (3.65)
1 ∂ 1 ∂
(vD cos φ) + (ρ0 wD ) = 0 (3.66)
a cos φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
Note that the eddy heat flux does not appear in the transformed
thermodynamic equation (3.65). From these equations, vD and wD may
be derived directly from a knowledge of the diabatic heating rate. We
emphasize that this is, in fact, just what Murgatroyd and Singleton
(1961) did when they ignored the eddy heat flux. See also Dunkerton
It is important to note that the diabatic circulation can be
estimated from the thermodynamic and continuity equations only if
the temperature distribution is known a priori. However, a fully
self-consistent mean meridional circulation can be obtained when the
momentum budget is considered together with the thermodynamic
and continuity equations. When transformations (3.64a, b) are
applied to the zonal mean equations (3.53-3.60), the solution of the
following momentum, continuity, and thermodynamic equations defines
the transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) or residual circulation (here
expressed in log-pressure coordinates):
∂u v ∗ ∂u cos φ ∂u ∇·E
+ + w∗ − fv ∗ = + Fλ ≡ Gu (3.67)
∂t a cos φ ∂φ ∂z ρ0 a cos φ
1 ∂v ∗ cos φ 1 ∂
+ (ρ0 w ∗ ) = 0 (3.68)
a cos φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
∂Θ v∗ ∂Θ ∂Θ
+ + w∗ = q + GΘ (3.69)
∂t a ∂φ ∂z
1 ∂ ∂Θ/a∂φ
GΘ = − ρ0 v Θ + w Θ (3.69a)
ρ0 ∂z ∂Θ/∂z
represents the contribution of the eddies to the temperature tendency.
This term is generally small and often ignored (although the contribution
involving w Θ can be important for gravity waves). The forcing term
Gu appearing in the zonal momentum equation includes the divergence
of the Eliassen flux ∇ as well as any additional dissipative force (Fλ ).
The components of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux are
∂u v Θ
Eφ = −ρ0 a cos φ u v − (3.70a)
∂z ∂Θ/∂z
1 ∂u cos φ v Θ
Ez = ρ0 a cos φ f− − u w (3.70b)
a cos φ ∂φ ∂Θ/∂z
For planetary waves in the stratosphere, quasi-geostrophic scaling can
be applied, in which case expressions (3.70a) and (3.70b) reduce to
Eφ = −ρ0 a cos φ u v (3.71a)
v Θ
Ez = ρ0 a cos φ f (3.71b)
Thus, the meridional component of the EP flux is proportional to the
momentum flux u v while the vertical component is proportional to the
meridional heat flux v Θ .
Note that, aside from the contribution of GΘ in the thermodynamic
equation, which vanishes exactly for steady conservative waves (Andrews
and McIntyre, 1978), wave forcing in the TEM system is limited to the
Eliassen-Palm divergence in the zonal momentum equation (assuming
Fλ 0). The important role played by the momentum budget will
be discussed in more detail in Section 3.7. Figure 3.23 shows the
transformed Eulerian mean streamlines from the model of Becker and
Schmitz (2002). As the transformed Eulerian mean circulation is
very similar to the diabatic circulation, upward transport by TEM
motions occurs primarily where the net diabatic heating (Q) is positive,
while downward transport is found in regions where Q is negative. A
1 ∂ ∗ 1 ∂ ∗
GX = v X cos φ + ρ0 w X
a cos φ ∂φ ρ0 ∂z
where the net eddy flux components are expressed by (Garcia and
Solomon, 1983)
∗ v Θ ∂X
v X = v X −
∂Θ/∂z ∂z
∗ v Θ ∂X
w X = w X +
∂Θ/∂z ∂y
For inert tracers, and for conservative and steady waves, the GX
term vanishes identically, and the zonally averaged distribution X is
determined solely by the residual circulation (v∗ , w∗ ). If the chemical
lifetime of the chemical compound is comparable to the physical scale of
the wave, and if that lifetime is comparable to the time it takes for an
air parcel to move through the wave, then the effects of production
and loss along wave trajectories cannot be ignored. Under these
special circumstances, the wave can move air parcels into different
photochemical environments (regions of different chemical lifetimes),
introducing chemical eddy transport. This effect can be parameterized
in terms of wave structure and the photochemical lifetime of the
species considered (see Plumb, 1979). The importance of this effect
has been shown, for example, by Garcia and Hartmann (1980), Pyle
and Rogers (1980), Matsuno (1980), Hartmann (1981), Strobel (1981),
and Kawahira (1982). In practical applications, the net eddy flux
Figure 3.24. Calculated ozone distribution (in ppmv) for Northern Hemisphere
winter solstice with and without chemical eddy transport. From Garcia and
Solomon (1983).
Figure 3.27. Schematic representation of the global diffuser model ((upper panel))
and tropical pipe model (lower panel). Gray arrows denote meridional transport
by the transformed Eulerian mean circulation while the heavy solid arrows show
quasi-horizontal mixing by large scale waves. The vertical lines in the lower
panel represent dynamical barriers against meridional transport in the tropics.
From Plumb and Ko (1992).
− fv ∗ = Gu ≡ −kr u (3.75)
where kr is the Rayleigh friction coefficient. Although the formulation
in equation (3.75) must be regarded as no more than a crude
parameterization, the dynamic and thermal structure obtained by
models that include Rayleigh friction is in broad agreement with
observations as long as k−1
r is of the order of 100 days in the stratosphere
and a few days in the mesosphere. The higher values of kr required
for the mesosphere as compared to the stratosphere highlights the
importance of gravity wave dissipation above the stratopause.
In the thermosphere, where ions (charged particles) represent a
substantial fraction of the atmospheric fluid, dissipative forces involve
the effects of the electromagnetic field and of momentum transfer
between ions and neutral particles. As a result, the dissipative forces
cannot be expressed anymore by a simple Rayleigh friction coefficient,
but by a tensor λij (Dickinson et al., 1975; 1977; Hong and Lindzen,
1976; Kasting and Roble, 1981) characterizing an anisotropic drag:
hence the ions and the neutrals to behave as two independent fluids
(ions move preferentially along magnetic field lines), neutral particles
that cross field lines suffer momentum loss: this dissipation is called ion
drag. Hong and Lindzen (1976) have shown that the ion drag coefficients
can be expressed as
λxx = αi (z)
λxy = αi (z) sin2 I
5 × 10−10 Ni (z)
αi (z) = 2 s−1
1 + (νi /ωi )
λxy = λyx = αi (z) sin I .
In the above expressions, I is the dip angle of the magnetic field. For
magnetic poles coincident with the geographic poles, tan I = –2 tan φ,
where φ is the geographic latitude. λij coefficients become significant
only above 100 km altitude. The time constant (1/λxx ) associated with
ion drag is typically 1 day at 120 km and about 1 hour at 250 km. The
Lorentz effect (λxy ) plays a role only in the lower thermosphere (110 to
150 km).
At lower altitudes, except at the tropical tropopause and in
the winter hemisphere, the stratosphere may be considered to be
approximately in radiative equilibrium, while the mesosphere is very
far from these conditions. The most dramatic manifestation of the
importance of meridional motions for the temperature structure of the
middle atmosphere occurs at the summer polar mesopause, where the
temperature (about 130 K) is the lowest observed anywhere on Earth,
even though the region receives substantially more solar radiation than
does the winter mesopause (Box 3.2).
It has long been suspected that wave drag in the mesosphere results
from the dissipation of gravity waves (e.g., Lindzen, 1967). Radar
observations (e.g., Fritts and Vincent, 1987) support the view that the
momentum flux associated with these waves accounts for the momentum
budget of the mesosphere. Several parameterizations to represent these
effects have been developed (Lindzen, 1981; Weinstock, 1982; Fritts and
Lu, 1993; Medvedev and Klaasen, 1995; Hines, 1997a,b) and used in
atmospheric models. Lindzen (1981), for example, assumes that, above
the breaking level, gravity waves produce strong turbulent diffusion and
further growth of their amplitude is prevented. This assumption leads
to expressions for the wave drag and the turbulent diffusion that are
strong functions of the Doppler shift, u − c, the difference between the
zonally averaged wind (u) and the phase speed (c) of the wave:
k(u − c)3
Gu = − (3.77)
k(u − c)4
Kz = (3.78)
In these expressions, k is the horizontal wavenumber of the gravity wave,
H is the atmospheric scale height, and N is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency
(see e.g., Eqs. 3.19a-b, and Holton, 1992). Equation (3.77) is a more
satisfactory description of the effect of wave drag in the mesosphere than
is the simple Rayleigh friction used in Equation (3.75), since it is based
on a simple but physically motivated description of the wave breaking
process. Equation (3.77) can produce positive or negative acceleration
of the zonal wind, depending on the sign of u − c. Figure 3.33 shows a
typical meridional distribution of the forcing produced on the zonal mean
velocity as a result of gravity wave breaking. The resulting meridional
circulation consists of a single cell directed from the summer to the
play a significant role (see e.g., Huang and Smith, 1991; Lieberman et al.,
2000) through conversion of turbulent energy to heat (see Eq. 3.69a)
(1) 1 ∂
GΘ = ρ0 w Θ
ρ0 ∂z
and, above the gravity wave breaking level, by transport of heat through
induced turbulence
(2) 1 ∂ ∂Θ
GΘ = ρ0 Kh
ρ0 ∂z ∂z
(1) (2)
In these expressions, GΘ and GΘ represent additional dissipative terms
to be added to the thermodynamic equation (3.69). Kh represents the
vertical eddy diffusion coefficient for heat, which is related to the vertical
eddy diffusion coefficient for momentum and tracers (Eq. 3.78) by the
Prandtl number Pr:
Kh =
Strobel et al. (1985) and Strobel (1989) showed that tracer and heat
transport in the mesosphere were best reproduced for a Prandtl number
of 3. Huang and Smith (1991) suggested the choice of a Prandtl number
of 10, which implies that gravity wave breaking has a small direct effect
on the thermal budget of the mesosphere. Gavrilov and Roble (1994)
(1) (2)
showed that gravity wave dissipation GΘ and turbulent heating GΘ
are nearly in equilibrium near 100 km altitude.
The origin and magnitude of wave drag in the stratosphere is also an
important question for stratospheric dynamics. Geller (1983) suggested
that gravity wave breaking may provide much of the frictional dissipation
in the stratosphere as well as in the mesosphere. However, Rossby wave
transience and dissipation must also be important, at least in winter.
Figure 3.34 shows a climatological view of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux
and its divergence produced by the absorption of Rossby waves during
the month of January. The EP flux is directed upward and equatorward.
Wave propagation into the stratosphere is observed primarily in the
winter hemisphere and the momentum forcing on the mean flow is largest
between 30◦ N and 70◦ N. As indicated earlier (McIntyre and Palmer,
1983; 1984), Rossby waves tend to break in the vicinity of the critical
surface (u = c), where a substantial EP flux convergence and hence a
strong wave-mean flow interaction take place (see Figure 3.34). Such a
situation is accompanied by strong quasi-horizontal mixing on isentropic
surfaces over distances of typically several thousands of kilometers (see
also Figure 3.10). The mechanism leading to Rossby wave instability
is not, as in the case of gravity waves, the presence of vertical static
Figure 3.34. Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (arrows) and its divergence (dashed lines)
represented as a function of altitude and latitude for January. The EP flux
propagates in the stratosphere only during winter. The EP flux divergence is
associated with Rossby wave transience and dissipation. Courtesy of W. Randel,
NCAR (2001).
planetary wave drag due to wave transience and critical level absorption.
As a result of the decelerated flow, the propagation of planetary waves
is modified and produces an even stronger deceleration of the mean
zonal wind at a lower altitude. At the same time, a mean meridional
circulation is induced with strong downward motion at high latitude
and upward motion in the tropics, producing the observed high latitude
warming as a result of adiabatic compression. Sudden warmings have
significant effects on the annual cycle of total ozone, and on many
other constituents. Observations (e.g., Naujokat and Labitzke, 1993)
show that the wind deceleration associated with momentum convergence
often starts in the upper stratosphere and propagates downward. A
sudden warming is considered to be major when the zonal wind reverses
in the region poleward of 60◦ and above the height corresponding to
10 hPa. Extreme warming events are occasionally observed in the upper
stratosphere where the temperature (which is typically 240 K at 40 km
in January) can reach more than 320 K at certain locations near the
pole (see e.g., von Zahn et al., 1998).
In the tropics, where the dynamics is determined by the vanishing
Coriolis force and its maximum change with latitude, the zonal mean
circulation in the middle atmosphere is characterized by oscillatory
equatorial zonal wind systems, including super-rotating westerly jets,
and a spectrum of transient vertically propagating waves, some of
them equatorially trapped. At these latitudes, the zonal forces exerted
by dissipating equatorial eastward and westward waves can efficiently
accelerate (decelerate) zonal currents or jets and indirectly cause
secondary meridional circulations. Existing zonal jets in turn alter
the propagation and dissipation conditions for waves emerging from
the troposphere, leading to a strong vertically varying wave mean-flow
interaction and dynamical vertical coupling of the atmospheric layers.
The most prominent examples of oscillatory low latitude wind systems
are the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the equatorial stratosphere
and the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) at the equatorial stratopause
(Figure 3.35). The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) (Veryard and
Ebdon, 1961; Reed et al., 1961) is characterized by the downward
propagation of westerly and easterly jets from the upper stratosphere
to the lower stratosphere near 70 hPa, almost without loss in amplitude,
at a rate of typically 1 km per month (Figure 3.36). The period of the
QBO varies between 22 and 34 months (28 months on average), and the
amplitude of the westerly and easterly jets is typically 15 m/s and -30
m/s, respectively. The QBO is the main cause of interannual variance
of the zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere. Detailed reviews are
given by Dunkerton and Delisi (1985) and Baldwin et al. (2001).
Figure 3.35. Time-height cross section of the zonal wind near the equator
highlighting the quasi-biennial oscillation between 16 and 36 km and the semi-
annual oscillation in the vicinity of the stratopause. Solid lines are drawn at
intervals of 10 ms−1 . Shaded areas denote flow from west to east (westerlies).
Other areas correspond to westward winds. The mean value of the wind has
been filtered out. From Wallace (1973).
Figure 3.36. Time height cross-section of the zonal wind at Singapore between
1992 and 1997 with the quasi-biennial oscillation between the pressure levels of
100 and 10 hPa. Contour intervals 10 m/s. Shaded areas represent eastward
(or westerly) winds. Courtesy of B. Naujokat, Free University of Berlin.
be expressed as
dv 1
× v = g + µ ∇2 v +
+ ∇p + 2Ω Fi
dt ρ ρ i
dT 1 dp 1
cp − + ∇·E=Q
dt ρ dt ρ
with most of the symbols defined in Section 3.3.1. In the above
expressions, µ is the viscosity coefficient and Fi accounts for the external
is the heat flow
forces (e.g., ion drag) applying to i-type particles. E
vector, which is proportional to the temperature gradient
= −λ ∇
where λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Expressions for µ and λ
can be derived from the gas kinetics theory. Semi-empirical expressions
of the form
µ = A Ts
λ = B Ts + CT + D
can also be applied for a mixture of gases (see e.g., Banks and Kockarts,
1973), with s usually chosen as equal to 0.69, and A, B, C, and D varying
with the relative abundance of the major thermospheric compounds.
Vertical transport of chemical compounds in the thermosphere is
governed primarily by molecular diffusion. The vertical flux of chemical
species associated with molecular diffusion can be derived from the
momentum equations applied to thermospheric conditions (Gombosi,
1998). Considering elastic collisions between particles, but ignoring all
reactive collisions, and taking into account the effect of thermal diffusion,
the vertical “molecular diffusion velocity” for species i at geometric
altitude zg can be expressed as (Banks and Kockarts, 1973)
1 dni 1 dT 1
wD,i = −Di + (1 + αT ) + (3.79)
ni dzg T dzg Hi
where ni is the concentration of minor constituent i, Hi = kT/mi g
is the scale height of this species and mi its molecular mass. αT is
the thermal diffusion factor (–0.40 for helium, –0.25 for hydrogen, 0
for heavier particles) and Di the molecular diffusion coefficient. This
coefficient is related to the collision frequency between species i and all
other molecules and atoms. Its value can be derived from the classic
gas kinetic theory (Chapman and Cowling, 1970). An approximate
expression for Di (in cm2 s−1 ) is provided by Banks and Kockarts (1973):
1 1
1 1 2 T2
Di = 1.52 × 10 18
+ (3.80)
mi m n
where the molecular mass of species i (mi ) and the mean molecular
air mass (m) are expressed in amu, the temperature (T) is expressed
in Kelvin and the total air density (n) is expressed in cm−3 . Since
it is inversely proportional to the air density, the molecular diffusion
coefficient Di increases quasi-exponentially with height with values of
the order of (1-5) × 104 cm2 s−1 at 80 km and (1-5) × 107 cm2 s−1 at
120 km.
As indicated earlier, vertical exchanges associated with turbulent
mixing such as that caused by gravity wave breaking below the
homopause are often represented as eddy diffusion. When expressed
in terms of number density in an atmosphere following hydrostatic
equilibrium conditions, the effective vertical “eddy diffusion velocity”
1 dni 1 dT 1
wE,i = −Kz + + (3.81)
ni dzg T dzg Hg
T0 1 Λi (z ) dz
i (zg ) = ni,0 exp − +
T (zg ) zg,0 Hi (z ) Hg (z ) 1 + Λi (z )
αT 1 dT
− dz (3.83)
zg,0 1 + Λi (z ) T (z ) dz
where ni,0 and T0 are the number density of species i and temperature at
altitude zg,0 , respectively, and Λi = Kz /Di is the ratio between eddy and
molecular diffusion coefficients. In the homosphere where Λi → ∞, the
vertical profile of an inert gas follows the hydrostatic law (corresponding
to perfect mixing)
T0 dz
i (zg ) = ni,0 exp − (3.84a)
T (zg ) zg,0 Hg (z )
described in the previous section and run “on-line”. In this case, the
three-dimensional transport of chemical tracers is calculated using the
large number of distinct air parcels with prescribed mixing ratios are
followed along the wind trajectories), the accumulation of errors in
the determination of the parcel trajectory over long periods of time
introduces a limitation when applied to chemical-transport models. The
semi-Lagrangian approach (Robert, 1981), in which the trajectory of air
parcels is derived over 1 time-step and interpolations are made on the
Eulerian grid of the model, is not mass-conserving. Conservative flux-
form semi-Lagrangian methods, however, have been recently developed
(Lin and Rood, 1996).
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Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
Figure 4.1. Spectral regions and their effect on molecules: from left to right:
ionization, dissociation, vibration, and rotation.
4.2 Definitions
2π −1
Fν ↓ (z) = dφ µLν (z; µ, φ)dµ (µ < 0) (4.6)
0 0
such that the net irradiance is given by
Fν (z) = Fν ↓ (z) − Fν ↑ (z) . (4.7)
The radiance L (r, ω ) and irradiance F (r, ω ) over a frequency interval
∆ν is derived by integration over the frequency
L (r, ω ) = Lν (r, ω ) dν (4.8)
F (r, ω ) = Fν (r, ω ) dν (4.9)
where L (r, ω ) and F (r, ω ) are expressed in W m−2 sr−1 and W m−2 ,
To determine the heating rate at the layer between altitude z and z +
δz, the energy balance at each boundary of the layer must be solved (see
Figure 4.4c). As the thickness δz approaches zero, the energy absorbed
per unit volume is given by the net flux divergence dF/dz. Therefore,
the diabatic heating rate (expressed as the variation of the temperature
in the layer per unit time) is given by
−1 dF g dF
Q= = (4.10)
ρcp dz cp dp
Figure 4.5. Schematic diagram of the solar atmosphere with its different layers
and physical characteristics.
Figure 4.6. Vertical distribution of temperature (T) and density (ρ) at the
Sun’s surface and its atmosphere (left), which determines the solar irradiance
spectrum (right) between 1 and 105 nm. From Lean, 1997.
also originate from higher levels, but their effective emission temperature
is lower than the kinetic temperature.
The layer above the photosphere extends to 5000 to 10000 km,
and is called the chromosphere. This layer can sometimes be seen
during total solar eclipses. Its temperature is 105 – 106 K at the
upper levels. Radiation originating from the chromosphere is composed
predominantly of emission lines (H, He, Ca), and the visible emission is
The region above the chromosphere is called the corona, which extends
outward for several solar diameters. Its temperature is about 106 K.
Several emission lines are associated with this region. Its free electrons
scatter photospheric light.
Active regions in these upper layers are characterized by variations in
chromospheric plages, spicules, prominences, solar flares, and enhanced
coronal emission. Plages are bright areas in the chromosphere, and
are usually observed by their intense calcium K line emission. They
usually precede sunspots and last after the sunspots disappear. Spicules
are small protuberances which appear continuously at the top of the
chromosphere, even in quiet regions. Their lifetime is only a few minutes.
Prominences are large, rather stable clouds of bright gas in the upper
part of (and sometimes above) the chromosphere. Solar flares are intense
eruptive phenomena occurring in the active regions of the chromosphere.
They are accompanied by a rapid increase in brightness and an intense
enhancement in the emission of ionizing radiation (EUV and X-rays).
Flares last from a few minutes to more than an hour, and are divided
into different classes in order of increasing importance to the Earth’s
atmosphere (class 1 or 3). The most intense flares are accompanied
by ejection of large quantities of high energy particles (e.g., protons,
electrons, and alpha particles).
The Sun is also a source of radio waves. These emissions vary with
the solar cycle, and are enhanced (radio burst) during chromospheric
or coronal events. Since these emissions can easily be recorded (e.g., at
10.7 cm or 2.8 GHz), they are often used as an indicator of solar activity.
The solar constant is defined as the total radiative energy flux outside
the Earth’s atmosphere. This parameter is used to characterize the total
solar radiation input. The magnitude of this constant is estimated by
Brusa and Frohlich (1982) to be 1367 W m−2 , at 1 AU (astronomical
unit), which corresponds to an effective solar temperature of 5780 K.
where c1 = 2πc = 1.88 × 1023 cm−2 s−1 µm3 . The total number of
photons of frequencies between ν1 and ν2 is therefore given by:
2πβs ν2
q (ν1 − ν2 ) = 2 dν (4.19)
c ehν/kT − 1
In the ultraviolet where the factor (hν/kT) is much greater than one:
3 2 ν1
2πβs kT −hν/kT hν
q (ν1 − ν2 ) = 2 e +1 +1 (4.20)
c h kT ν2
A better description of the solar spectrum is obtained by adopting an
equivalent temperature which varies with frequency. Such an equivalent
temperature corresponds to the temperature of an effective emission
layer in the solar atmosphere at the frequency. A complete description
has to account for the solar emission lines in the visible, near ultraviolet,
and far ultraviolet regions (see below).
Since this volume focuses on the terrestrial atmosphere below 100 km,
we shall concern ourselves only with the radiation penetrating to or
below that level (i.e., the ultraviolet, visible and infra-red, as well as
X-rays of wavelengths shorter than 1 nm).
The visible and infrared portion of the solar spectrum is essentially
a continuum with the highest emission taking place near 500 nm.
Emission lines superimposed on the continuum become increasingly
more pronounced in the ultraviolet at wavelengths less than 300 nm.
At wavelengths shorter than 208 nm, a sharp decrease in the solar
flux occurs. This feature is associated with the Al I ionization edge.
Other less pronounced edges with their related continua are due to other
ionized elements in the solar atmosphere, such as H, Mg, Si, Fe, and
C. Below the aluminum edge, the importance of the solar emission lines
increases rapidly, while the absorption lines disappear from the spectrum
below 150 nm. At wavelengths shorter than 140 nm, the emission by
chromospheric and coronal lines begins to dominate the emission in the
continuum. The source of the solar emission thus changes from the
photosphere to the chromosphere as the wavelength decreases from 300
to 120 nm. As shown in Figure 4.7, the effective emitting layer of the
radiation moves up with shorter wavelength while the absorption in the
solar atmosphere increases. The minimum in the brightness temperature
between 180 and 150 nm characterizes the transition region between the
photosphere and the chromosphere. The variation in the brightness
temperature (6000 K above 300 nm, 5000 K at 200 nm, 4500 K between
170 and 130 nm) is reflected in the flux values at different wavelengths.
The solar spectrum has been the subject of numerous rocket
experiments undertaken since the 1940s. The first spectrum measured
above the ozone layer by a V-2 rocket dates from October 1946 (Baum
et al., 1946), and not until the 1950s was a solar spectrum observed
from an altitude of 100 km (Johnson et al., 1952). Today the solar
irradiance is routinely observed by spectrometers on board balloons,
aircraft, or spacecraft. During the 1990s, for example, the solar UV flux
was measured almost continuously between 120 and 400 nm by the Solar
Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) and the Solar/Stellar
Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE), both on board the
The solar flux in the 120-420 nm spectral interval plays a key role in
the photochemistry of the middle atmosphere. It contains radiation
emitted from the chromosphere (temperature of 104 to 106 K) and
photosphere (temperature of approximately 5700 K) in both lines and
continuum. Figure 4.8b presents the solar spectrum measured on
29 March 1992 by SUSIM with a 1.1 nm spectral resolution (Brueckner
et al., 1993) and by SOLSTICE at 0.1 to 0.25 nm spectral resolution
(Rottman et al., 1993).
Analyses of observed data suggest that, over the 11-year solar cycle,
the solar flux varies by a factor of 2 at Lyman-α (see Figure 4.9), 20%
at 140-155 nm, 15% at 160 nm, 10% at 170-190 nm, and 8% at 200 nm.
The variability above the Al I edge at 208 nm is extremely difficult to
measure since its magnitude is smaller than instrumental error. It is at
most a few percent between 210 and 300 nm, (3-4% at 250 nm, 0.5-1%
at 270 nm), and an estimate by Lean (1997) of the 11-year variability in
the Sun’s spectral irradiance between 0 and 400 nm is given in Figure
Changes in the solar irradiance with a 27-day period (apparent
rotation period of the Sun) are also observed. The amplitude of the
variability decreases with wavelength in a manner similar to that shown
in Figure 4.10., but with reduced amplitudes.
Figure 4.8b. Solar irradiance spectrum between 119 and 420 nm measured
on March 29, 1992 by the SUSIM and SOLSTICE spaceborne spectrometers
on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). From Woods
et al. (1996).
Figure 4.9. Evolution with time of the solar irradiance at Lyman α, based on
measurements by the Atmospheric Explorer-E, the Solar Mesosphere Explorer,
and the SOLSTICE instrument on board the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS), after correction by Woods and Rottman (1997).
Figure 4.10. Ratio between the solar irradiance at solar maximum and
minimum activity conditions ((11-year solar cycle) as a function of wavelength
(10-400 nm), as estimated by Lean (1997).
4.4.1 Absorption
by 15◦ for each hour from noon. The infinitesimal distances along the
optical path ds and along the vertical dz are related by
ds = dz sec χ = dz/µ0 (4.27)
where µ0 = cos χ. Further, the concentration n(z) is often assumed to
vary exponentially with altitude z according to a scale height H (n0 is
the concentration at z = 0; see Chapter 3):
n(z) = n0 exp (−z/H) (4.28)
such that, for a medium containing only one well-mixed absorbing gas
(e.g., O2 ), the variation of monochromatic solar radiation with altitude
in a plane-parallel atmosphere (neglecting the curvature of the Earth)
can be written (omitting the index λ):
⎛ ⎞
I (z) = I (∞) exp ⎝−sec χ σa n0 e−z/H dz ⎠ (4.29)
= I (∞) exp −sec χσa n0 H e−z/H (4.30)
where I (∞) represents the solar intensity outside the earth’s
atmosphere. The rate of formation of ions, the rates of photodissociation
and production of heat, are all directly linked to the rate of energy
deposition in the atmosphere by absorption. This last quantity can be
written as
dI dI
r=− = cos χ (4.31)
ds dz
= σa n0 I (∞) exp − + τ0 exp(−z/H) (4.32)
τ0 = σa n0 H sec χ (4.33)
represents the optical depth of the entire atmosphere for zenith angle χ.
The rate of energy deposited in the atmosphere exhibits a maximum at
the altitude
zm = H ln τ0 = H ln(σa n0 H sec χ). (4.34)
For an overhead sun, this maximum is located at the altitude:
z0 = H ln(σa n0 H) (4.35)
The rate of energy deposited at altitude
zm = z0 + H ln sec χ (4.36)
is thus equal to
rm = σa n0 I (∞) cos χ exp −1 − . (4.37)
When the solar zenith angle exceeds 75 degrees (sunrise or sunset), the
effect of the earth’s curvature can no longer be neglected and the secant
must be replaced by a more complicated function (Chapman function),
which depends not only on solar zenith angle χ but also on the altitude
where the absorption occurs (see Box 4.1). The effect of refraction may
also be important, especially for long optical paths and for radiation
penetrating deep into the atmosphere. Figure 4.13b provides an estimate
of the relative contributions of absorption by O2 and O3 for different
wavelengths. The cross sections of each of these gases must be multiplied
by their respective column abundances to compare their absorption
effects. The effect of molecular oxygen dominates for wavelengths less
than 220 nm but ozone absorption dominates near 250 nm and in the
• For solar zenith angles smaller than 90◦ , the optical depth can be
computed by Eqs. (2a) and (2b)
• For solar zenith angles larger than 90◦ , the optical depth is given by
z ∞
σa n(z ) σa n(z )
τ (z, ∞) = 2 dz + dz (6)
z0 µ0 (z ) z µ0 (z )
where 1/µo (z) is given by (2b) and where
Ων (ττν )
+ pν (ττν ; µ, φ; µo , φo )Φν (∞)e−τν /µo
where Ω(ττν ) is the albedo for single scattering (see Eq. 4.45) and
pν (ττν ; µ, φ; µ , φ ) is the phase function defining the probability that a
photon propagating in the direction (µ , φ ) is scattered in the direction
(µ, φ). Thus, the first term in equation (4.54) represents multiple
scattering effects, while the second term represents the contribution of
first-order scattering.
If the atmosphere is perfectly clear (neglecting the presence of solid
and liquid particulates), the scattering is due only to air molecules
and Rayleigh theory can be applied. The corresponding attenuation
coefficient is given by the equation (4.46), and the phase function is
given by:
p(Θ) = (1 + cos2 Θ) (4.55)
1 1
cos Θ = µµ + (1 − µ2 ) 2 (1 − µ 2 ) 2 cos(φ − φ ) (4.56)
Θ being the angle between incident and scattered light.
The scattering by solid and liquid particulates constitutes a more
difficult problem (see, e.g., McCartney, 1976; Bohren and Huffman,
1983). If the particles may be assumed spherical, Mie theory can be
invoked. In this case, for aerosols of radius r, the phase function is given
p(r, Θ) = (S1 S1∗ + S2 S∗2 ) (4.57)
2πks (r)
where the coefficients are given by the following expressions:
2n + 1 an dPn1 P1
S1 (Θ) = + bn n (4.58a)
n(n + 1) dΘ sin Θ
2n + 1 P1 dP 1
S2 (Θ) = an n + bn n (4.58b)
n(n + 1) sin Θ dΘ
Pn1 is the associated Legendre polynomial and an and bn are coefficients
depending on the index of refraction and on the Mie parameter αa =
2πr/λ. S ∗ is the complex conjugate of S and ks is the scattering
ks (r) = 2 (2n + 1)(a2n + b2n ) (4.59)
αa n=1
The number of significant terms in this series is of the order of 2αa + 3.
In the presence of an ensemble of aerosols characterized by a
distribution function f (ra ), the phase function p(Θ) is deduced from
a function related to a specific radius ra by the relation
p(ra , Θ)σ(ra ) f (ra ) dra
p(Θ) = ∞ (4.60)
σ(ra ) f (ra ) dra
Mie theory can be extended to non-spherical particles (such as ice
crystals, for example) but it is often sufficient to assume that randomly
oriented irregular particles scatter light in the same way that spherical
particles do.
Several analytic methods have been proposed to solve the equation
of radiative transfer in an absorbing and scattering atmosphere, but
they can only be applied for the most simple cases. To obtain
quantitative solutions, numerical methods are generally used, such as the
Monte-Carlo method, DART method, iterative Gauss, discrete ordinate
method, etc. A complete summary of these techniques is provided by
Lenoble (1977), and a detailed discussion of multiple scattering processes
in plane parallel atmospheres is given in the book by Liou (2002).
Because multiple scattering, surface reflection, clouds, and aerosols
have a significant effect on radiative intensities at photodissociative
wavelengths and consequently on the composition of the middle
atmosphere (see, e.g., Luther et al., 1978), simplified radiative transfer
+∞ ∞
r n(r)dr
N (r0 ) = n(s) ds = 2 ' (4.62)
−∞ r0 r2 − r20
if n(r) represents the vertical profile of the concentration (note that r
and r0 are defined from the center of the earth). The inversion of
Equation (4.62) to derive the vertical profile n(r) is often performed using
an “onion peeling” method in which the atmosphere is divided into a
finite number of vertical layers, and the concentration of the absorbing
compound is calculated successively from the top of the atmosphere to
the bottom layer. Note that in some cases absorbing constituents are not
uniformly distributed in the layers, especially if their concentrations are
strongly affected by photochemical conditions. In this case, a correction
must be applied (see e.g., Newchurch et al., 1996).
One of the advantages of the solar occultation method is that the
concentrations are derived from the measurement of a ratio of 2 fluxes, and
therefore are not substantially affected by instrument calibration errors or
solar spectral features. Because of the observing geometry involved, this
technique provides good vertical resolution. The major limitation results
from the limited number of observations due to the sunrise or sunset
contraints. Better coverage can be obtained by considering, in addition,
lunar and stellar occultations.
Assuming that the column N(z) above altitude z is proportional to the
pressure at level z,
N(z) = c p(z) (4.63)
and noting that further attentuation occurs as the scattered light
propagates towards the top of the atmosphere, the radiance Iν measured
by the spacecraft is proportional to
Iν = Iν,∞ p(z) exp [−2σν c p(z)] dz (4.64)
It can easily be shown that the largest contribution to this integral is
provided by the atmospheric layer at pressure
p = [2σν c]−1 (4.65)
Thus, by choosing a set of wavelengths for which the cross section σν is
notably different, the mole fraction of the absorbant (proportional to c)
can be retrieved at different altitudes. This method is commonly used
to measure the vertical distribution of ozone in the stratosphere on the
global scale. The vertical resolution, however, is not better than several
The total ozone column abundance can be obtained by measuring the
differential absorption of reflected near-UV radiance at two distinct wave-
In the infrared region above 3.5 µm, the contribution from terrestrial
radiation dominates the solar input. Significant thermal emission and
absorption by atmospheric gases and aerosols take place in this spectral
region. Scattering can usually be neglected. The detailed study of
radiative transfer requires complete knowledge of the important bands
and a compilation of a large body of spectroscopic data (see, e.g.,
Rothman et al., 1998, and references therein).
Figure 4.20 shows the infrared emission spectrum recorded by a down-
looking spaceborne instrument. Also shown are the black body curves
for several temperatures. The deviations in the observed spectrum
from black body behavior can be attributed to the nonisothermal
character of the atmosphere and the variation of the atmospheric opacity
with wavelength (or wavenumber). Highest emissions correspond to
infrared fluxes originating from the warm surface of the Earth in quasi-
transparent spectral regions (called windows). Lowest spectral emissions
correspond to spectral regions where absorption by atmospheric
molecules is strong, and hence the observed radiation originates from
the cold layers of the upper troposphere.
Figure 4.20. Thermal emission spectrum of the Earth recorded by the IRIS
Michelson interferometer on board the Nimbus 4 satellite over the Sahara
region. Strong absorption by CO2 (15 µm or 667 cm−1 ), and ozone (9.6 µm
or 1041 cm−1 ) and water bands are clearly visible. From Hanel and Courath
are sufficiently frequent that the energy levels are populated according
to a Boltzmann distribution, see Eq. 2.44) then the source function is:
Jν (ττν ) = Bν (T(ττν )) (4.66)
where Bν (T (ττν )) is given by Planck’s law:
2hν 3 1
Bν (T(ττν )) = 2 hν/kT (4.67)
c e −1
The radiance over most of the middle atmosphere (below 75 km)
can thus be derived from the transfer equation (called Schwarzchild’s
equation, see e.g., Liou, 2002):
∂Lν (ττν ; µ, φ)
µ = Lν (ττν ; µ, φ) − Bν (ττν ) (4.68)
In other words, assuming azimuthal symmetry (no dependence of
the radiance on φ) and making use of equations (4.52) and (4.53), the
upward and downward components of the radiance will be evaluated
from equations of the following type:
∂Tr,ν (z , z; µ)
Lν ↑ (z; µ) = Bν (Ts )Tr,ν (z, 0; µ) + Bν (z ) dz (4.69a)
∂Tr,ν (z , z; µ)
Lν ↓ (z; µ) = − Bν (z ) dz (4.69b)
where Ts is the temperature of the Earth’s surface and z is the altitude,
while ⎛ ⎞
Tr,ν (z, zo ; µ) = exp ⎝− kν dz /µ⎠ = exp (−σν N) (4.70)
is the transmission function at frequency ν (see Eq. 4.25) for an optical
path from zo to z with inclination µ. The quantity N represents the
integrated amount of absorbing gas between altitudes z0 and z, and σν
is the effective absorption cross section at frequency ν. Equation (4.69a)
provides the formalism that is central to infrared remote sounding of the
atmosphere from space (see Box 4.3).
The solution of equations (4.69a,b) is complex since the absorption
spectrum exhibits structure characterizing the numerous rotation and
vibration-rotation lines of atmospheric molecules. The absorption
coefficient or the transmission function Tr,ν varies therefore considerably
over small regions of frequency (or wavenumber) and in principle a line-
by-line integration is required. Figure 4.22 shows, for example, the
vertical transmittance through the atmosphere at the edge of the strong
15 µm CO2 bands (Edwards, 1992).
Figure 4.23. Lorentzian, Doppler, and Voigt spectral line profiles for
approximately equal half widths and intensities. (From Andrews et al.., 1987).
∞ ∗ (z, z )
Fν̄ ↓ (z) = − πBν̄ (z ) dz (4.83b)
Thus, in theory, by knowing the location, strength, and shape of all
absorption lines, the irradiance at any wavelength (or frequency) can
be derived, and the total irradiance corresponding to an entire band
could be obtained by a lengthy integration over the spectrum. In order
to simplify the computation, and to derive the irradiance over a larger
spectral range, the previous equations can be integrated over an interval
δν̄ which is sufficiently narrow that the Planck function can be assumed
constant (δν̄ < 50cm−1 ), but containing the largest possible number of
emission lines (δν̄ > 5cm−1 ). In this case, the irradiance for interval i
is given by the following expression (after integration by parts of the
expression above):
dBi (z ) ∗
Fi ↑ (z) = πBi (z) − π Tr,i (z , z)dz (4.84a)
∗ dBi (z ) ∗
Fi ↓ (z) = −πBi (z = ∞)Tr,i (z, ∞) + πBi (z) + π Tr,i (z , z)dz
where Bi (z) represents the Planck function in the frequency interval i
for the temperature of the air and the altitude z, and where
T∗r,i (z , z) = T∗r (z , z)dν̄ (4.85)
where the first term, called the cool-to-space component, accounts for
the emission of radiation from any level z out to space, and the second
term accounts for exchange of radiation between any level z and levels
above and below this level of interest.
The determination of the effective transmission Eq. (4.85) requires, in
principle, a line by line integration including all the complex structures
of the various absorbing lines and their overlap. Such a calculation
is potentially very accurate and capable of including all the relevant
radiative transfer physics, although it may require a considerable amount
of computer time. As with all schemes, there remains the uncertainty
associated with the underlying spectral line data. However, because
they perform the spectral integration directly, line-by-line models may
be used as a reference against which the accuracy of more approximate,
but faster, techniques may be measured (Ellingson et al., 1991). They
can also be used to provide input parameterizations to an approximate
method in which the effective transmission function for a band or a
portion of a band is expressed in terms of global parameters such as
the mean line strength, the mean spacing between the individual lines,
and the mean line width. Models have been developed to treat either
sections of bands (narrow band models) or entire bands (wide band
models). See Tiwari (1978) and Goody and Yung (1989) for excellent
reviews of these models. The choice of any particular formulation of
the transmission function is dictated by the degree to which the model
approximates experimental data. The spectral parameters are usually
adjusted to optimize the fit to observed absorption.
Narrow band models parameterize the transmission for wavenumber
intervals δν of typically 5 to 20 cm−1 . The narrow band model of
Elsasser (1942) represents the spectrum by a series of regularly spaced
Lorentz lines of the same size and intensity. This model is best applied to
linear triatomic molecules such as CO2 and N2 O. The model by Goody
(1964) is based on the idea that the lines are randomly spaced over
a particular wavelength interval, with some exponential distribution of
line strength. This model can readily be applied to water vapor and
to carbon dioxide. If an exponential distribution of the line intensities
where S (cm−2 atm−1 ) is the mean strength of the lines for the interval
δν̄, γ the mean half width (cm−1 ), and d the mean line spacing, w
the amount of absorber (atm cm−1 ). Malkmus (1967) introduced a
distribution of the lines in S−1
j . The statistical model then yields
−(S/d)δν̄ S
Tr,δν̄ = exp 1 + 4w −1 (4.88)
2(Sπγ)δν̄ πγ δν̄
Because lines in vibration-rotation bands are arranged neither at regular
nor at random intervals, other models have been suggested, such
as the random Elsasser model, which is constructed by the random
superposition of several different Elsasser bands. Each of the superposed
bands may have different average line intensities, line widths, and line
spacing. Such a model provides a more accurate representation of the
absorption for bands whose lines have relatively constant intensities over
a narrow band region, but different intensities from one of these regions
to another. These models were originally developed for Lorentz lines,
but have also been extended for the Doppler and Voigt line shapes (see
Tiwari, 1978).
The above formulations of the effective transmission function have
been derived for homogeneous (constant pressure and temperature)
optical paths. In the atmosphere, the pressure and the temperature vary
with altitude, and the value of the spectral parameters (line width, line
strength) should be adjusted accordingly. Curtis (1952) and Godson
(1953) presented an approximation in which the transmission of an
inhomogeneous atmospheric path is replaced by the transmission of a
homogeneous path with an effective line strength
S̄ = S (T) dw (4.89)
and an effective half width of the line
w w
γ̄ = S (T)γ(p, T)dw / S (T)dw (4.90)
0 0
after which the band models for the homogeneous case can be applied.
This approximation provides fairly good results for species whose optical
mass decreases with pressure (CO2 , H2 O), but is rather poor for
in which the layers of the atmosphere are treated repeatedly until these
conditions are satisfied.
Middle atmosphere models calculate the spatial and temporal
distribution of the net heating rate Q and the temperature not only
as a function of altitude but also as a function of latitude, and even
of longitude (local time). Such studies consider the multidimensional
transport of heat and the solution of a thermodynamic equation like
the one shown in Equation (3.10). The effect of waves should also
be considered. Gravity wave dissipation, for example, may play an
important role in the mesospheric heat budget. In the multidimensional
models, the radiative scheme is often simplified and parameterized; the
most simple approach is to assume the “cool-to-space approximation”,
in which it is assumed that exchange of heat between layers can be
neglected in comparison to propagation out to space.
Relations (4.103) and (4.105) assume that the incoming solar energy
absorbed by O2 and O3 is entirely converted into heat, and that this
process occurs at the location where the photon absorption takes place.
In reality, the processes involved are more complex. Absorption of solar
radiation often leads to the dissociation of the absorbing molecule, and
the release of heat occurs as the photolysis products recombine or react
with other chemical species (exothermic reactions). Garcia and Solomon
(1983), Apruzese et al. (1984), and Brasseur and Offermann (1986)
noted that the recombination of atomic oxygen provides an important
heating source for the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The
hypothesis behind equations (4.103) and (4.105), which is valid in
the lower atmosphere where collisions are frequent and recombinations
are fast, must therefore be rejected at high altitudes, where the
recombination of atomic oxygen can take place several thousands of
kilometers away from the location where the original photon was
absorbed. In addition, collisions are so infrequent that energy gained
by the photolysis products can be partly released by radiative emission
rather than through quenching. The primary energy source remains
the absorption of solar ultraviolet light by O2 and O3 . A fraction of
the heating is provided (as kinetic energy) through collisions of the
photolysis products with other chemical species; it can be quantified
Chappuis bands = 1.05 × 10−15 exp (−2.85 × 10−21 N3 )
(O3 )
QHu 1
Huggins bands = 4.66 × 103
(O3 ) N3
−7.8 × 102 exp (−1.77 × 10−19 N3 )
−3.88 × 103 exp (−4.22 × 10−18 N3 )
Hartley region = 4.8 × 10−14 exp (−8.8 × 10−18 N3 )
(O3 )
Schumann Runge =
bands (O2 ) 0.67N2 + 3.44 × 109 (N2 )1/2
If N2 < 1018 cm2 , = 2.43 × 10−19
(O2 )
Schumann Runge = 0.98 exp (−2.9 × 10−19 N2 )
continuum (O2 ) N2
−0.55 exp (−1.7 × 10−18 N2 )
−0.43 exp (−1.15 × 10−17 N2 )
(Note that N2 and N3 represent the total slant column abundances (molec
cm−2 ), and (O2 ) and (O3 ) the number densities (molec cm−3 ), of O2 and
O3 , respectively. Heating rates are in degrees K/sec.)
as the difference between the energy of the initial incoming photon and
the energy required to photodissociate the absorbing molecule (O2 or
O3 ). Chemical heating is released by exothermic reactions in which
the photolysis products are involved. The most important of these
reactions as well as their rate constants and heat of reactions are listed in
Table 4.5. As noted by Crutzen (1971), Brasseur and Offermann (1986),
and Mlynczak and Solomon (1991), in addition to the recombination of
oxygen atoms, several reactions involving members of the odd-hydrogen
family affect the energy budget of the mesophere.
Table 4.5 Reactions, Rate Constants and Heat of Reactions. (From Mlynczak
and Solomon, 1991)
Figure 4.26. Contribution to the stratospheric solar heating ((between 100 and
0.1 hPa)) of UV and near IR absorption by O2 , ozone absorption (Hartley,
Huggins, and Chappuis bands), ) CO2 near infrared absorption, and NO2
absorption. From Mertens et al.(1999).
equation (4.86)
1 dTi∗
Qi = − πBi (∞) (z, ∞) . (4.106)
ρcp dz
If we assume that the temperature T relaxes to some reference
temperature To , then to a first order
Bi (T) = Bi (To ) + (T − To ) (4.107)
∂T To
Q(T) = Q(To ) + α (T − To ) , (4.108)
which is the expression for the so-called Newtonian cooling. Coefficient
α defined as
∂B ∂T∗
α = −ρcp (z, ∞) (4.109)
∂T To ∂z
determines a Newtonian relaxation time or a radiative time constant
τrad = 1/α. This time (Figure 4.28) is of the order of 6 days in the
upper stratosphere, 20 days near 30 km altitude, and 100 days or more
in the lower stratosphere (15-20 km). Mlynczak et al. (1999) found that
the radiative relaxation time had increased substantially in the lower
stratosphere in the early 1990s due to the presence of aerosols produced
by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Transport of heat can only occur
if the dynamic time constant, τdyn is less than or comparable to the
radiative time constant, τrad . In the troposphere, where τdyn < τrad , the
temperature field is very dependent on transport, while in the middle
atmosphere, where τrad << τdyn , the thermal structure is strongly
affected by the difference between absorption of ultraviolet radiation
and emission in the infrared. Where the radiative lifetime is less than
a few days, the diurnal variation in solar energy input produces only
small diurnal temperature variations. Variations in the temperature
structure induce modifications in the concentration of chemical species,
particularly ozone, and as a result, influence the transfer of radiation.
Ghazi et al. (1979) showed that this effect leads to a reduction in the
radiative lifetime in the upper stratosphere, and that the total relaxation
coefficient can be written:
α = αNC + αPH (4.110)
i.e., as the sum of the Newtonian cooling and photochemical relaxation
coefficients. Note that the Newtonian cooling approximation requires
that the exchange term in Equation (4.86) can be neglected, that the
temperature perturbations be small, and the temperature effects in the
transmission can be ignored. The approximation is therefore not valid
Figure 4.28. Globally averaged infrared radiative relaxation time deduced from
data provided by UARS and LIMS. Note the increase in the lower stratospheric
relaxation time in response to enhanced aerosol load after the eruption of Mt.
Pinatubo (UARS measurements). From Mlynczak et al. (1999).
4.7.1 General
et al. (1966) and by Lean and Blake (1981), the temperature dependence
(cm2 molecule-1)
(cm2 molecule-1)
10-18 10-21
130 140 150 160 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205
1796/fig 2.6a & 2.6b/8.98/dpm Ozone
The energy required to dissociate the ozone molecule being only of
25.4 kcal, (corresponding to a wavelength threshhold of 1180 nm) a large
fraction of the solar radiation from the near infrared to the ultraviolet
can, in principle, lead to the photolysis of O3 . It is, however, primarily
in 3 specific spectral regions that the absorption by ozone takes place
(Figure 4.35): the Hartley band (200-310 nm), the Huggins bands (310-
350 nm), and the Chappuis bands (410-750 nm).
The primary absorption by ozone occurs in the Hartley band. The
absorption cross section maximizes at about 250 to 260 nm, where
σ = 10−17 cm2 . The absorption in this band has been studied since
the beginning of the century. The temperature dependence of the
absorption is negligible for wavelengths shorter than about 260 nm.
Vigroux (1953, 1969), however, observed a weak variation of the cross
section with temperature at longer wavelengths, which is probably due
to the superposition of strong predissociating bands on the continuum.
These bands were observed as early as 1929 by Lambrey and Chalonge.
Around 300 nm, the Hartley band becomes weak, and from 310
to 350 nm it blends with the temperature dependent Huggins bands.
Figure 4.35 shows the importance of this temperature sensitivity,
especially at long wavelengths. A careful calculation is required to
account for the details of the spectral structure as a function of
Figure 4.35. Spectral distribution of the ozone cross section in the Hartley band
(200-300 nm), Huggins bands (310-350 nm), and Chappuis bands (410-750 nm).
Ozone also absorbs in the visible region via the Chappuis bands
(Figure 4.35). This spectral regime contributes significantly to the
photodissociation of ozone and plays a dominant role in the lower
stratosphere and troposphere (z < 25 km).
Finally, at wavelengths less than 200 nm, the absorption by ozone is
related to the existence of large bands superimposed on a continuum.
This spectral region plays a very minor role in the photochemistry of
the ozonosphere because these wavelengths are absorbed by molecular
oxygen at altitudes far above the ozone layer. It should be noted,
however, that in the region of the O2 Herzberg continuum both ozone
and oxygen contribute to absorption of radiation.
A large number of laboratory measurements have been reported for
the absorption cross sections of ozone (e.g., Inn and Tanaka, 1953;
Vigroux, 1969; Molina and Molina, 1986; Daumont et al., 1992; Yoshino
et al., 1993), and are the basis for the recommended values presented by
WMO (1985) or JPL (1997). High resolution measurements from 195
to 345 nm, and at different temperatures, have been made by Malicet
et al. (1995).
O2 (3 Σg ) O2 (1 ∆g ) O2 (1 Σg +) O2 (3 Σu +) O2 (3 Σ−
leads mainly to the formation of the electronically excited atom O(1 D).
The formation of O(1 S) is possible for λ < 196 nm.
The calculation of the rate of formation of the O(1 D) atom and the
O2 (1 ∆g) molecule requires exact knowledge of the quantum efficiency
for channel (4.114b), especially near the “fall off” region in the vicinity of
310 nm. Several measurements of the quantum yield for O1 D formation
as a function of wavelength and temperature have been reported in
the literature (e.g., Lin and De More, 1973; Moortgat et al., 1977;
Ball et al., 1993; 1995; Takahashi et al., 1996; 1998), suggesting the
following picture: At wavelengths less than 305 nm, the O(1 D) yield is
approximately constant and equal to 0.9-0.95. In the vicinity of 310 nm,
it decreases rapidly with wavelength, but remains different from zero
at 335 nm (Silvente et al., 1997; Michelsen et al., 1994). In addition
to the spin-allowed photolysis (4.114b) of vibrationally excited ozone
molecules, the spin-forbidden dissociation process
O3 + hν(λ ≤ 411nm) → O(1 D) + O2 3
g (4.114c)
ALTITUDE (km) Chappuis
10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2
Figure 4.38. Relative effects of scattering on the photolysis rate of ozone from
the ground to 60 km for several solar zenith angles. Surface albedo = 0.3.
Figure 4.39. Spectral distribution of the absorption cross section of water vapor
((H2 O),
) methane (CH4 ), hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), and the peroxy radical
(HO2 ).
The products of water photolysis vary with the energy of the incoming
radiation. At wavelengths larger than 147 nm (continuum), they are
primarily hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radicals in their fundamental
electronic state (X2 π). At wavelengths shorter than 147 nm (diffuse
bands), hydrogen molecules together with oxygen atoms are believed to
be produced with a quantum efficiency between 105 and 145 nm which
could vary from 2.5 to 23% according to Rebbert et al. (1972) and is
estimated as 11% according to Stief et al. (1975). At wavelengths less
than 136 nm, the OH radical produced could also be in its electronically
excited A2 Σ+ state, with a yield of perhaps 10% (Nicolet, 1978). Thus,
one has to consider, in the mesosphere, 3 channels that are initiated by
the solar Lyman-α line:
H2 O + hν (λ = 121.6 nm) → H + OH X2 π (4.115a)
→ H2 + O 1
D (4.115b)
→ H + OH A2 Σ+ (4.115c)
CO2 (SRC) = 9.28 × 10
−8 −1
and, for T = 300K,
CO2 (SRB) = 1.90 × 10
−9 −1
These values are also subject to solar activity variations, especially
the contribution of Lyman α and the Schumann Runge continuum.
The complete calculation of the photolysis rate including absorption
by molecular oxygen indicates that CO2 photolysis is due primarily to
Lyman α in the upper mesosphere, and to the Schumann Runge bands
in the mesosphere and stratosphere. Due to the strong temperature
dependence of the CO2 cross section in the O2 Schumann Runge bands
region (DeMore and Patapoff, 1972), the value of JCO2 decreases at lower
temperatures (see Nicolet, 1980).
nitric oxide absorption have also been reported by Murray et al. (1994).
The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of NO exhibits four band systems
(Marmo, 1953) defined by the following transitions (cf. Figure 4.43):
γ bands : A2 Σ → X2 π
β bands : B2 Π → X2 π
δ bands : C2 Π → X2 π
bands : D2 π → X2 π
Calculation of the photolysis rate of nitric oxide must include the
predissociation process which occurs at wavelengths less than 192 nm.
In particular, predissociation occurs (Figure 4.43) in the δ bands, the
β bands (v > 6) and the bands (v > 3). Callear and Pilling (1970
a,b) indicate that emission dominates predissociation in the bands. At
zero optical depth, the contribution of the γ bands is small compared to
those of the δ and β bands.
In the mesosphere and stratosphere, the β bands of quantum number
v greater than 9, are almost totally attenuated and the other β bands
contribute less than 10 percent to the photolysis rate. Thus, only the
two bands δ (0-0) at λ ≈ 190.9 nm and δ (1-0) at λ ≈ 182.7 nm
need be considered in calculating the photolysis rate in the middle
atmosphere. JNO has been studied by Cieslik and Nicolet (1973), Park
(1974), Frederick and Hudson (1979), Nicolet and Cieslik (1980), and
Minschwaner and Siskind (1993). It should be noted that the derived
values are sensitive to the different values assumed for the oscillator
strength and the solar flux. Minschwaner and Siskind (1993) indicate
that for zero optical depth
JNO (δ [0 − 0]) = 2.6 × 10−6 s−1
JNO (δ [1 − 0]) = 3.2 × 10−6 s−1
The calculation of the photolysis rate at all atmospheric levels requires
detailed knowledge of the solar spectrum. The primary attenuation
of the solar flux in the δ (0-0) band is due to the (5-0) Schumann-
Runge band of O2 ; the attenuation in the δ (1-0) band is due to the
(9-0) and (10-0) bands of O2 . Thus, the determination of JNO requires
consideration of the ensemble of rotational lines of each NO and O2 band
system. Further, the effect of temperature is important in the intensities
of both the NO and O2 bands. The vertical temperature structure must
therefore be considered for aeronomic studies. The attenuation of the
δ (1-0) band is more rapid than that of the δ (0-0) band; thus the
photolysis rate of NO in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere depends
Figure 4.45. Spectral distribution of the absorption cross section for various
nitrogen oxides at 220 K.
Figure 4.46. ((a)) Vertical distribution of the NO2 photolysis rate for several
values of the solar zenith angle (absorption of direct solar radiation only). (b)
Relative effect of scattering on the photolysis rate of NO2 . Earth albedo = 0.3.
Figure 4.47. Spectral distribution of the absorption cross section for HNO2 ,
HNO3 , and HNO4 at 220 K.
The quantum yield for OH production could be as low as 0.75 at 248 nm
(Schiffman et al., 1993). More detailed investigations are needed.
cross sections for halon 1211 (CF2 ClBr) and halon 1301 (CF3 Br) are
given in Figure 4.49b.
Romand (1949). JHBr at zero optical depth is about 5 × 10−6 s−1 , but
it is comparable to the rate of reaction with the OH radical in the
The absorption spectrum of hydrofluoric acid or hydrogen fluoride HF
indicates that its photolysis can be completely neglected in the middle
atmosphere. BrCl
Absorption cross sections for BrCl (Figure 4.51) have been measured
by Maric et al. (1994). They vary with temperature. The resulting
photolysis rate is very rapid because of the large cross section at visible
J (z,χ) = i σi Qi (z, χ) (4.121)
Qi = qλ dλ (4.122)
is the solar actinic flux within spectral interval i at altitude z and solar
zenith angle χ.
b) The absorption spectra of some molecules exhibit a structure of
discrete narrow bands. Examples include NO and O2 in the Schumann
Runge bands (175-205 nm). In these cases, it is not possible to determine
a mean value σi of the cross section for use in a broad spectral interval.
The generalized expression for atmospheric absorption Eq. (4.113) must
then be considered, and an integration performed over spectral intervals
smaller than the width of the bands. Such a calculation is often
computationally expensive, and approximate methods are often used
to reduce computation time. Two aspects must be considered: on one
hand, the rate of photolysis of O2 must be computed, and on the other,
the transmission of solar radiation including O2 absorption must be
considered in order to calculate the photodissociation coefficients in the
Schumann Runge bands for constituents such as H2 O, CO2 , N2 O, HNO3 ,
etc. NO must be treated separately because of the very narrow width
of its lines (Doppler widths of about 0.1 cm−1 ). The Schumann Runge
region can be analyzed by dividing it into 20 intervals beginning at each
O2 rotational band. The first band, (19–0) is found at 175.345 nm, while
the last occurs at 204.08 nm. Other intervals can be adopted, notably
the classical division in 500 cm−1 bands.
One method which leads to a simple treatment of the penetration of
radiation in the Schumann Runge bands and the photolysis rate of O2
involves establishing an equivalent cross section of O2 in the interval
δλi and then applying the methods for continuum absorption. Thus,
for each interval δλi over which the quantum yield is assumed to be
unity and the ozone transmission Tr,O3 is not varying significantly with
wavelength, the O2 photolysis frequency
JO2 (δλi ; z, χ) = σO2 (λ) q∞ (λ) Tr,O2 (λ; z, χ) Tr,O3 (λ; z, χ) dλ
can be approximated as
JO2 (δλi ; z, χ)
σeff,i (δλi ; z, χ) Qi,∞ (δλi ) TSRB
r,O2 (δλi ; z, χ) Tr,O3 (δλi ; z, χ)
where the effective O2 cross section for wavelength interval δλi is
δλi σO2 (λ) q∞ (λ) Tr,O2 (λ; z, χ) dλ
σeff,i (δλi ; z, χ) = (4.125)
δλi q∞ (λ) Tr,O2 (λ; z, χ) dλ
Note that if the solar flux q∞ (λ) varies slowly within interval δλi , the
effective O2 transmission TSRB
r,O2 ,i is equivalent to the reduction factor Ri
introduced by Kockarts (1976).
For compounds X other than O2 (or NO) for which the absorption
cross section varies slowly with wavelength (continuum) over the
Schumann-Runge region (e.g., H2 O, CH4 , CO2 ), the photodissociation
frequency over interval δλi can be derived from
JX (δλi ; z, χ) = σX (δλi ) Qi,∞ (δλi ) TSRB
r,O2 ,i (δλi ; z, χ) Tr,O3 ,i (δλi ; z, χ)
The solar flux at altitude z and for solar zenith angle χ, integrated over
wavelength interval δλi is simply
Qi (δλi ; z, χ) = Qi,∞ (δλi ) TSRB
r,O2 ,i (δλi ; z, χ) Tr,O3 ,i (δλi ; z, χ) (4.129)
Since a detailed treatment of radiative transfer in the Schumann-
Runge bands is often computationally prohibitive when applied to
photochemical models, the effective O2 cross section σeff and atmo-
spheric transmission TSRBr,O2 are often pre-calculated through detailed
line-by-line integrations, using expressions similar to those shown above.
Parameterizations have also been developed (Hudson and Mahle, 1972;
Kockarts, 1976; 1994; Allen and Frederick, 1982; Nicolet and Kennes,
1989; Gijs et al., 1997) in which these quantities are expressed as a
function of the O2 slant column
N (O2 ; z, χ) = sec χ (O2 ) dz (4.130)
if (O2 ) is the O2 number density at altitude z . Kockarts (1994), for
example, expressed effective parameters through polynomial expansions
that account for temperature variations, while Gijs et al. (1997) express
the effective O2 cross section for each chosen spectral interval by
ln [σeff (N (O2 ))] = A (N (O2 )) [T (N (O2 )) − 220 K] + B (N (O2 ))
where T(N(O2 )) is the local temperature at the altitude corresponding
to the O2 slant column N(O2 ). Parameters A and B are expressed as a
function of ln (N(O2 )) using Chebeshev polynomial fits. The effective
−τi (O3 ;z,χ)
Ji (O2 ; z, χ) = Qi (∞)e wj σj (O2 )e−σj (O2 ) N(O2 ) (4.134)
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Chapter 5
5.1 General
Table 5.1 Mean Atmospheric Mole Fraction and Total Mass Content
vector, S̃i is the net chemical source term (expressed for example by kg
of species i per cubic meter of air and per second), ρ is the air mass
density (kg m−3 ) and t is time (s). Noting that the total derivative is
given by
d ∂
= +v·∇
dt ∂t
equation (5.1b) can also be expressed as
dµi S̃i
= (5.1c)
dt ρ
which shows that, in the absence of chemical source or sink, the mass
fraction is a conserved quantity. The continuity equation can also
be expressed in terms of number density ni (expressed for example in
number of particles i per cubic meter of air):
+ ∇ · (ni v) = Si (5.1d)
where Si is the net source term, now expressed for example in particles
per cubic meter of air and per second. Note that, as the loss term for
species i is often proportional to its concentration ni , the net source term
is often expressed as
Si = Pi − Li ni
where Pi is the gross production and Li is the loss coefficient. In the
homosphere (below 90-100 km altitude), Eq. (5.1d) can be written in
terms of mole fraction or volume mixing ratio Xi = ni /n, and
dXi Si
= (5.1e)
dt n
if n is the air number density, Thus, in regions where the mean molecular
mass of air is constant, the mole fraction is also a conserved quantity in
the absence of chemical conversion processes. When chemical reactions
take place, the source terms for species i such as Si depend on the
concentration of other compounds nj , and the single continuity equation
has to be replaced by a system of N equations, if N is the number
of interacting chemical species. The product φi = ni v represents the
flux of constituent i which can be represented in a one-, two-, or three-
dimensional space. In numerical models, continuity equations must be
solved simultaneously for all of the many species under consideration
with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. There are a variety of
numerical methods which can be used to provide solutions to this coupled
set of equations (see, e.g., Brasseur and Madronich, 1992). Algorithms
frequently used to solve a system of nonlinear chemical equations
(continuity equations in which the transport terms are neglected) are
briefly discussed in Box 5.2.
y(m+1) n+1
= y(m) − J−1 G y(m)
where G is an N-valued
vector function
n+1 n+1
G y =y − yn − ∆t S tn+1 , yn+1 (5.6)
and J is the Jacobian matrix whose elements are Jij = ∂Gi /∂yj . The
iteration converges to the solution for time steps smaller than a problem-
dependent upper bound.
Another approach is to linearize the source term
S (t, y) = P (t, y) − L (t, y) y (5.7)
where P represents the production and transport rates and L the loss
coefficient. The solution at time tn+1 for iteration (m + 1) can easily be
derived from
y(m+1) = yn + ∆t Pn+1
− Ln+1 yn+1
(m) (m+1)
(m = 0, 1, 2, ...) (5.8)
where Pn+1(m)
= P tn+1 , y n+1
and L n+1
= L tn+1 , y n+1
. This
approach is computationally far less expensive than the Newton-Ralpson
iteration since only a diagonal, rather than a full matrix needs to be solved
at each iteration. In both algorithms, the initial guess for the solution at
time tn+1 is the solution at time tn :
y(0) = yn
Another algorithm is provided by the semi-analytic algorithm
(Hesstvedt et al., 1978) in which the solution of the iith component of
Eq. (5.2) with (5.7) is given by
n n
n+1 Pi n Pi
yi = + yi − exp (−Ln i ∆t) (5.9)
Li Li
where Pi /Li represents the solution at steady-state. This scheme, which
represents the (exact) analytic solution for a scalar linear equation with
constant coefficients, is stable. For a system of coupled equations,
the accuracy of the solution is improved by an iterative procedure.
This computationally efficient algorithm is, however, inherently non-
conservative, although rather accurate solutions are obtained in many
Single step methods, such as the Eulerian forward and backward
algorithms, can be regarded as particular cases of multistep methods
(Byrne and Hindmarsh, 1975). One of them, developed by Gear (1971) is
particularly well adapted to “stiff” systems. In this algorithm, the solution
to (5.2) is approximated by
yn+1 = αk yn−k + ∆tβ0 S tn+1 , yn+1 (5.10)
where coefficients αk , β0 , and K, the order of the method (up to
6), are selected to maximize stability and accuracy. Elegant solver
packages build around Gear’s method continuously and automatically
adjust the time step and the order of the method to meet user-specified
error tolerances. Gear’s method is extremely accurate, robust and
stable, but computationally very expensive (since solutions at K previous
integration times need to be stored, and numerous iterations and matrix
manipulations need to be performed), and hence is not practical for multi-
dimensional codes.
The recent application of sparse-matrix techniques combined with
computer optimization (vectorization) techniques has, however, improved
the speed of Gear’s code substantially, so that this advanced algorithm
can now be used to study complex problems in multi-dimensional models
(see e.g., the SMVGEAR package developed by Jacobson (1995; 1998)
and Jacobson and Turco, 1994).
Finally, in order to reduce the “stiffness” of the chemical schemes
under consideration in atmosphere models, fast-reacting compounds can
be grouped into chemical families whose lifetimes are relatively long.
Examples of such families are the odd oxygen, odd hydrogen, odd
nitrogen and odd chlorine families discussed in the present chapter.
Time-dependent solutions for the concentration of the “families” are
found by using simple implicit or even explicit algorithms with relatively
large timesteps. When the chemical species belonging to a given
family cycle rapidly among each other, the concentrations of individual
family members can be computed by assuming photochemical equilibrium
conditions between these family members. The advantage of this method
is that it is relatively fast since large time steps can be used; the
disadvantage is that care must be exercised in choosing the group and
assuring that the equilibrium assumptions are valid. In many cases, e.g.,
during nighttime, the partitioning between family members cannot be
derived from equilibrium considerations.
Ozone plays a key role in the chemical and radiative budgets of the
middle atmosphere. By absorbing solar energy at wavelengths shorter
than approximately 320 nm, it protects the biosphere from harmful solar
radiation, and specifically from DNA damage in living cells, from animal
and human skin damage, including skin cancer, and from eye cornea and
lens damage.
Ozone was discovered in 1839 at the University of Basel, Switzerland,
by the German chemist C.F. Schönbein,
¨ who had detected the odor of a
gas produced in the laboratory without being able to identify its chemical
structure. Schönbein
¨ named this gas ozone, from the Greek word óζiν
(ozein, to smell). In 1845, M. de la Rive in Geneva, Switzerland,
indicated that this gas was most likely produced by the transformation
of oxygen, and in 1863, J.L. Soret, also in Geneva, suggested that ozone
was made of 3 oxygen atoms.
Early measurements of atmospheric ozone were provided by chemical
analysis (starting in 1853 by Schönbein
¨ himself in Vienna, Austria, in
1858 by A. Houzeau in Rouen, France, and systematically from 1877
to 1907 by A. Levy at the Parc Montsouris in Paris). Spectroscopic
observations were also made, involving the contributions of A. Cornu
(1878 in France), J. Chappuis (1880 in France), W.N. Hartley (1880/81
in the United Kingdom), W. Huggins (1890 in the UK), A. Fowler
and R.J. Strutt (1917 in England), C. Fabry and H. Buisson (1920
in France), F.W.P. Götz¨ (1924 in Switzerland), and G.M.B. Dobson
(starting in 1924 in the UK). Today, the most accurate measurements
of the vertically integrated ozone concentration (also called the ozone
column abundance) are still provided by UV spectrometers similar to
the instrument developed by Dobson in 1928.
The first theory for the formation and destruction of stratospheric
ozone involving only oxygen reactions was presented by the British
geophysicist S. Chapman at a scientific conference held in France in 1929
(Chapman, 1930). Additional mechanisms were later invoked to account
for the destruction of ozone in the mesosphere and stratosphere (see
e.g., Nicolet 1975a), including the contribution of hydrogen compounds
(Bates and Nicolet, 1950), of nitrogen oxides (Crutzen, 1970; Johnston,
1971), of chlorine species (Stolarski and Cicerone, 1974), and of
bromine compounds (Wofsy et al., 1975). The role of industrially
produced chlorofluorocarbons as a major source of stratospheric chlorine,
and hence as a threat for ozone, was pointed out by Molina and
Rowland (1974a,b). In the 1980s, record low ozone concentrations
were reported in Antarctica (Chubachi, 1985; Farman et al., 1985)
during springtime. The cause of this ozone hole was attributed to
the presence of anthropogenic chlorine in the stratosphere, enhanced by
surface chemistry on polar stratospheric clouds (Solomon et al., 1986;
Molina and Molina, 1987).
The next section presents the major photochemical processes affecting
the formation and destruction of ozone in a “pure oxygen atmosphere”.
The following sections describe the roles of other chemical species in the
budget of stratospheric and mesospheric ozone.
(k6 ); O2 (1 ∆g ) + O2 (3 Σ− 3 −
g ) → 2O2 ( Σg ) (5.18)
or it can relax radiatively by emitting a photon in the infrared at
λ = 1.27µm
(A1.27 ); O2 (1 ∆g ) → O2 (3 Σ−
g ) + hν (5.19)
d(O3 )
+ (J3 + J3∗ )(O3 ) + k3 (O)(O3 ) + k5 (O(1 D))(O3 )
= k2 (M)(O2 )(O) (5.24)
+ 2k1 (M)(O)2 + k2 (M)(O2 )(O) + k3 (O3 )(O)
= 2J2 (O2 ) + J2∗ (O2 ) + J3 (O3 ) + k4a (N2 )(O1 D)
+ k4b (O2 )(O1 D) (5.25)
d(O1 D)
+ [k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 ) + k5 (O3 )] (O1 D)
= J3∗ (O3 ) + J2∗ (O2 ) (5.26)
d(O2 1∆g )
+ A1.27 (O2 1∆g ) + k6 (O2 )(O2 1∆g ) = J3∗ (O3 ) (5.27)
O3 + hν → O(1 D) + O2 (5.16)
O( D) + O2 → O + O2 ( Σg )
1 1
O + O2 + M → O3 + M (5.13)
d(O1 D)
≈ 0 ≈ J3∗ (O3 ) + J2∗ (O2 ) − [k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 )] (O1 D) (5.37)
J3∗ (O3 ) + J2∗ (O2 ) J3∗ (O3 )
(O1 D) ≈ ≈ (5.38)
k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 ) k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 )
The partitioning between O(1 D) and ozone is thus expressed by the
following ratio:
(O1 D) J3∗
≈ (5.39)
(O3 ) k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 )
Similarly, Eq. (5.25) becomes
d(O3 P)
≈ 0 ≈ J3 (O3 ) + [k4a (N2 ) + k4b (O2 )] (O1 D) + 2JO2 (O2 )
− [k2 (M)(O2 ) + k3 (O3 )] (O3 P)
Substituting for O(1 D) from the expression above, the concentration of
O(3 P) at equilibrium is
ozone has been systematically observed for many years and at numerous
locations. Therefore, the general spatial and temporal behavior of
this gas in the atmosphere is very well documented (Dütsch, ¨ 1970;
1980; London, 1980). For example, it is well known that ozone
is characterized by latitudinal and seasonal variations that include a
maximum abundance in the region of the least production (see, for
example, Dobson, 1963). Figure 5.5 shows the total ozone column versus
month for several locations in the northern hemisphere. These values
are expressed in Dobson units (DU), which correspond to the height
(in millicentimeter) that the ozone column would have if all the gas were
at standard temperature and pressure (1 DU = 10−3 atm. cm = 2.69 ×
1016 molecules cm−2 ). It should be noted that ozone is most abundant
at higher latitudes during most seasons. This increase with latitude is
most pronounced in winter and spring. The seasonal variations only
become large at latitudes poleward of 30 degrees north. At 80◦ N, for
example, the relative variation in total ozone is about 50 percent over
six months.
The global distribution of total ozone as a function of latitude and
time deduced from the observations by the Total Ozone Mapping
Spectrometer (TOMS) on board the Nimbus 7 satellite is presented
in Figure 5.6. This figure shows that the ozone column abundance
is typically 260-270 DU in the tropics. The peak total ozone
Figure 5.5. Mean seasonal variation of the total ozone abundance at different
latitudes in the northern hemisphere. From Dobson (1963).
Figure 5.6. Variation of total ozone (DU) with latitude and season in the year
1990, as measured by the TOMS instrument.
Figure 5.7. Mean vertical distribution of the ozone partial pressure ((10−4 hPa)
for different latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in April and October (D¨ utsch,
Figure 5.8. Relationship between the variations in total ozone and the altitudes
of the tropopause and the 200 hPa level. From Dobson (1963).
Figure 5.9. Evolution of the total ozone column abundance during 1994 at
Uccle, Belgium (De Muer, private communication).
Figure 5.10. Zonally averaged ozone mixing ratio (ppmv) in the stratosphere
((15-55 km)) in January. Climatological values derived from observations by the
Halogen Occultation Experiment ((HALOE)) and the Microwave Limb Sounder
((MLS)) on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). (Courtesy
of W. Randel, NCAR).
76 4
66 Control 6
56 8
26 Dynamical
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
1138 fig 13.10/1.95 dpm
120°E 60°E
150°E 30°E
150°W 30°W
120°W 60°W
Figure 5.12. Ozone mole fraction (ppmv) on the isobaric surface of 10 hPa
measured by the LIMS instrument (Nimbus 7) on 24 January, 1979. Note the
intrusion of subtropic ozone into the polar region during a planetary scale wave
disturbance. Courtesy of L. Lyjak and J. Gille, NCAR.
ozone and the 11 year solar cycle. This has long been the subject
of vigorous controversy (Willett, 1962; London and Haurwitz, 1963;
Willett and Prohaska, 1965; Paetzold et al., 1972; Angell and Korshover,
1973). Observational studies suggest a connection between the chemical
and thermal structure of the middle atmosphere and variations in the
solar ultraviolet flux. This is certainly true for short-term (27-day)
variations (associated with the apparent solar rotation), as revealed by
analyses of satellite data (Gille et al., 1984; Hood, 1987; Keating et al.,
1987; Hood et al., 1991; Hood and Jirikowic, 1991) and model studies
(Eckman, 1986; Brasseur et al., 1987; Summers et al., 1990; Brasseur,
1993). Convincing statistics are more difficult to obtain for the 11-year
period, although more recent satellite data analyses suggest a correlation
of stratospheric ozone with the solar cycle (Chandra, 1991; Hood and
McCormack, 1992; Hood et al., 1993). Model studies (Brasseur, 1993;
Huang and Brasseur, 1993) imply that the variation in total ozone over
the solar cycle is probably less than two percent. Detection of such a
small variation is difficult because of the natural variability in total ozone
due to its dependence on dynamical conditions, especially at middle and
high latitudes (Figures 5.5 and 5.9).
Finally, and perhaps more importantly, statistical analyses of ground-
based and satellite ozone observations suggest that, on the global scale,
the abundance of stratospheric ozone has decreased significantly over
the 1980s and 1990s. The downward trend is most marked at mid- and
high latitudes, and is believed to result largely from the production of
industrially manufactured chlorofluorocarbons. This question will be
further discussed later in this chapter and in Chapter 6.
5.3.1 Methane
→ CH2 + H2 (5.49b)
→ CH2 + H + H (5.49c)
→ CH + H2 + H (5.49d)
The quantum efficiencies for these different channels vary with
wavelength. The values quoted in Chapter 4 (see also Brownsword et al.,
1997) for Lyman α excitation need to be confirmed. CH2 produced by
two of these channels reacts rapidly with O2 to form CH2 O + O, HCO +
OH, CO + H2 O and CO2 + H2 (or H + H). The photolysis of methane
produces atomic and molecular hydrogen. However, since the amount
of methane in the upper part of the middle atmosphere is small, CH4
photolysis can generally be neglected in the global atmospheric methane
Since there is no source of methane in the atmosphere, the
vertical distribution of CH4 results from an equilibrium between its
photochemical destruction and transport upward from the surface. The
continuity equation can therefore be written:
∂(CH4 )
+ ∇ · φCH4 + c1 (O1 D) + c2 (OH) + d5 (Cl) + JCH4 (CH4 ) = 0
where c1 = c1a + c1b .
Figure 5.14 shows the photochemical lifetime for atmospheric methane
as a function of altitude along with the time constants associated with
transport by the winds and vertical mixing. Since the stratospheric
lifetime of this compound against photochemical destruction is the same
order of magnitude as the transport time, it provides an excellent tracer
to study transport processes.
After the spectroscopic detection of atmospheric methane by Migeotte
(1948), methane has been observed many times and its vertical
distribution has been characterized at various latitudes by optical
methods, or by cryogenic collection and laboratory analysis (balloons,
rockets, space shuttle) (see Ehhalt, 1974; Ehhalt et al., 1974; Ackerman
et al., 1977; Bush et al., 1978; Fabian et al., 1979; Gunson et al., 1990;
and Figure 5.15). These data show that methane is well mixed in the
troposphere with a current mixing ratio of approximately 1.75 ppmv,
while above the tropopause its concentration decreases rapidly. Methane
has also been measured by the Stratospheric And Mesospheric Sounder
(SAMS) on board Nimbus 7, and, more recently, by UARS (HALOE
and CLAES instruments), so that the global distribution of atmospheric
methane can now be characterized, and used to deduce information
about transport processes. Figure 5.16 shows the mixing ratio of
methane measured in the stratosphere and mesosphere by the HALOE
Figure 5.14. Photochemical lifetime of CH4 , and the time constants associated
with transport processes.
4900 Tg
≈ 8 years (5.51)
600 Tg produced per year
d(CH3 O2 )
+ [c5 (NO) + c7 (HO2 ) + 2(c14a + c14b )(CH3 O2 )
+c6 (ClO)] (CH3 O2 ) (5.69)
Figure 5.17. Schematic diagram of the methane oxidation scheme in the middle
d(CH3 O)
+ c15 (O2 )(CH3 O) = [c5 (NO) + 2c14b (CH3 O2 )
+c6 (ClO)] (CH3 O2 ) + JCH3 OOH (CH3 OOH) (5.70)
d(CH3 OOH)
+ [JCH3 OOH + (c17a + c17b )(OH)] (CH3 OOH)
= c7 (CH3 O2 )(HO2 ) (5.71)
d(CH3 OH)
+ c16 (OH)(CH3 OH) = c14a (CH3 O2 )2 (5.72)
d(CH2 O)
+ [c8 (OH) + c9 (O) + JH−HCO + JH2 −CO + d10 (Cl)
+c10 (NO3 )] (CH2 O) = c1b (O1 D)(CH4 )
+ c3 (O)(CH3 ) + c15 (O2 )(CH3 O) + c14a (CH3 O2 )2
+ c16 (OH)(CH3 OH) + c17b (OH)(CH3 OOH) (5.73)
+ [JCHO + c12 (O2 )] (CHO)
= [JH−HCO + c8 (OH) + c9 (O)
+d10 (Cl) + c10 (NO3 )] (CH2 O) (5.74)
middle atmosphere:
PCO = c1 (O1 D) + c2 (OH) + d5 (Cl) (CH4 ) + JCO2 (CO2 ) (5.78)
On the global scale, taking into account stratospheric as well as
tropospheric processes, the oxidation of methane by the chemical
processes just described leads to an annual production of CO of
about 400-800 Tg. The contribution of the oxidation of nonmethane
hydrocarbons, mostly in the troposphere, is similar in magnitude (200-
600 Tg CO/yr). These sources depend directly on the mean value
of the OH radical density and constitute about 50 percent of the
total CO production. Surface emissions of CO by combustion of
gasoline and natural gas represent an injection of about 300-650 Tg/yr
through combustion (IPCC, 1996; 2001), with a distribution (more
than 90% in the northern hemisphere) that depends on the location
of anthropogenic sources. These emissions are comprised of automobile
and industrial effluents and are localized in industrial areas. Thus, the
direct anthropogenic production of CO is globally of the same order of
magnitude as the production via hydrocarbon oxidation. It is, therefore,
not surprising that the observed abundance of CO varies greatly with
latitude, especially in the troposphere. Observations made at the surface
(see e.g., Novelli et al., 1998) show that the mole fraction of carbon
monoxide in the “remote” locations typically increases from 50±15 ppbv
in the southern polar regions to 140±70 ppbv in the northern hemisphere
at high latitudes. The quoted variations around the mean values reflect
the seasonal variations. Thus, in the marine boundary layer, the mole
fraction of CO reaches a maximum of 200-210 ppbv in the northern
winter and a minimum of 35-45 ppbv in the southern summer. In
regions affected by urban and industrial pollution, concentrations reach
higher values. Tropospheric carbon monoxide has also been observed
from space (e.g., from the Space Shuttle, see Reichle et al., 1990, and
by the MOPITT instrument on board the EOS/Terra satellite).
Other sources of CO which contribute substantially to the global
budget include: domestic combustion of wood for heat, agricultural
operations and savanna burning, principally in tropical zones, as well
as forest fires and plant respiration (see, Seiler and Crutzen, 1980).
CO sources were discussed by Seiler and Conrad (1987), Khalil and
Rasmussen (1990), and Crutzen and Zimmermann (1991). A budget
based on these estimates is shown in Table 5.4. CO sources have
also been derived using model inversion techniques (Manning et al.,
1997; Bergamasschi et al., 2000; Pétron
´ et al., 2002). In spite of
the uncertainties in the budget figures, it seems likely that the total
emissions of CO are between 1250 and 3000 Tg/yr with as much
as 2/3 being produced from anthropogenic activities, mainly through
Sources Magnitude
Sinks Magnitude
Figure 5.18. Photochemical lifetime of carbon monoxide, and the time constants
for transport processes.
Figure 5.20. Distribution of the zonal mean carbon monoxide mixing ratio
(expressed in ppmv) in the stratosphere and mesosphere represented as a
function of latitude and atmospheric pressure (or approximate altitude), as
measured on 7 August 2001 by the Sub-Millimetre Radiometer on board the
Odin satellite. Note the downward transport of CO at high latitudes in the
winter hemisphere. From Duprey et al., 2004.
clouds are often present in this layer of the atmosphere. In the absence of
ice condensation nuclei, however, supersaturation of air parcels relative
to ice is observed (Jensen et al., 1999; Folkins et al., 2002) above the level
of zero diabatic heating, where air detrained from convective clouds is
transported upward and can penetrate into the stratosphere. Potential
long-term changes in the mechanisms (such as convection) that control
the humidity of the tropical tropopause layer could have major impacts
on the climate system. In the extratropical troposphere, moisture is
determined primarily by ascent and descent motions associated with
large scale wave motions, although local convection can play a significant
In the middle and upper stratosphere, where increasing water vapor
mixing ratios are observed, the formation of water vapor results from
methane oxidation via the mechanisms discussed in Section 5.3. In
the mesosphere, the presence of water vapor leads to the formation of
hydrated cluster ions, such as H+ (H2 O)n , which have been commonly
observed in the D-region (see Chapter 7). H2 O photolyzes in
the thermosphere and upper mesosphere by absorption of shortwave
various soils (see e.g., Ehhalt, 1973; 1999; Novelli et al., 1999) depends
primarily on microbial activity in soils, soil texture and soil moisture
(Conrad and Seiler, 1985). Estimates of global H2 uptake range from 40
to 90 Tg H2 /yr.
In the troposphere and in the lower stratosphere, the chemical
production of H2 is due to the photolysis of formaldehyde produced by
methane oxidation. About 13 Tg H2 /yr are produced by this mechanism
(Schmidt et al., 1980). Oxidation of isoprene and other terpenes in
the lower troposphere leads to an additional production of about 10-
35 Tg H2 /yr. A precise determination of these quantities requires a
Production Tg/yr
Loss Tg/yr
Oxidation by OH 19
Soil uptake 56
Total 75
+ [a5 (O) + a6 (O3 ) + 2a16 (OH) + a17 (HO2 ) + a19 (H2 )
+ a30 (H2 O2 ) +2a83 (M)(OH) + a36 (CO)] (OH)
= JaH2 O (H2 O) + 2a∗1 (O1 D)(H2 O) + a2 (O3 )(H)
+ a6b (O3 )(HO2 ) + a7 (HO2 )(O) + 2a23a (H)(HO2 )
+ a26 (NO)(HO2 ) + 2JH2 O2 (H2 O2 ) + a81 (O)(H2 O2 )
+ a24 (O)(H2 ) + a24 (O)(H2 ) + a∗3 (O1 D)(H2 )
+ a∗2 (O1 D)(CH4 ) (5.108)
d(HO2 )
+ [a6b (O3 ) + a7 (O) + a23 (H) + a26 (NO) + a17 (OH)
+2a27 (HO2 )] (HO2 ) = a1 (M)(O2 )(H) + a6 (OH)(O3 )
+ a30 (OH)(H2 O2 ) + a81 (O)(H2 O2 ) (5.109)
d(H2 O2 )
+ [JH2 O2 + a30 (OH) + a81 (O)] (H2 O2 )
= a27 (HO2 )2 + a83 (M)(OH)2 (5.110)
This last expression can be further simplified; in the upper part of the
middle atmosphere (z > 40 km), one may assume:
(HO2 ) a5 a1 (M)(O2 )
≈ × (5.115)
(OH) a7 a1 (M)(O2 ) + a2 (O3 )
In the middle stratosphere, we obtain
(HO2 ) a6
≈ (5.116)
(OH) a6b
and near the tropopause, it becomes
(HO2 ) a36 (CO) + a6 (O3 )
≈ (5.117)
(OH) a26 (NO) + a6b (O3 )
In the upper stratosphere and in the mesosphere,
a5 (O)(OH)
(H) ≈ (5.118)
a1 (M)(O2 ) + a2 (O3 )
so that
(H) a5 (O)
≈ (5.119)
(OH) a1 (M)(O2 ) + a2 (O3 )
These ratios establish the approximate partitioning between members of
the HOx family, as was shown previously for Ox :
(OH) 1
= (H)
(HOx ) 1+(OH) + (HO2 )
In the upper stratosphere and in the mesosphere, H2 O2 is approximately
in photochemical equilibrium defined by
a27 (HO2 )2
(H2 O2 ) = (5.121)
JH2 O2 + a30 (OH)
In the lower stratosphere the H2 O2 lifetime becomes longer, and the
time dependent equation (5.110), must be used with a transport term
∇ · φ (H2 O2 ) added. Heterogeneous removal in clouds must also be
considered in the troposphere. Figure 5.28 shows calculated vertical
distributions of H, OH, HO2 , and H2 O2 between 10 and 70 km altitude.
In the lower thermosphere, atomic hydrogen becomes the dominant
odd hydrogen species. Adding expressions (5.107) through (5.110),
assuming d(OH)/dt = d(HO2 )/dt = d(H2 O2 )/dt = 0, omitting minor
terms and adding a transport term, we find:
+ ∇ · φ (H) + 2(a23b + a23c )(HO2 )(H) = 2JH2 O (H2 O) (5.122)
Below 75 km, the concentration of H becomes small relative to OH and
HO2 , and the addition of equations (5.107), (5.108), and (5.109) leads
to the following expression, in which secondary terms are neglected but
reactions with HNO3 , HO2 , NO2 , and carbon compounds are added:
2a17 (OH)(HO2 ) + 2a30 (OH)(H2 O2 ) + 2b27 (OH)(HNO3 )
+ 2b28 (OH)(HO2 NO2 ) + 2c17 (CH3 OOH)(OH)
= 2JH2 O (H2 O) + 2a1∗ (O 1 D)(H2 O)
+ (O 1 D)(CH4 ) [2c1a (1 + X) + c1b X]
+ 2c2 X(OH)(CH4 ) + 2a3∗ (O 1 D)(H2 )
where X, given by
JH−HCO + c9 (O)
JH−HCO + JH2 −CO + c8 (OH) + c9 (O)
is approximately equal to 2. This equation can be simplified in the
a17 (OH)(HO2 ) + (a23b + a23c) (HO2 )(H)
= JH2 O + a1∗ (O 1 D) (H2 O) + a3∗ (O 1 D)(H2 )
and in the stratosphere above 30 km:
a17 (OH)(HO2 ) = a1∗ (O 1 D)(H2 O) + a3∗ (O 1 D)(H2 )
+ (1 + X)c1a (O 1 D)(CH4 ) + c2 X(OH)(CH4 )
A. Natural
Oceans 1.4-5.2
Tropical Soils
Wet Forests 2.2-3.7
Dry Savannas 0.5-2.0
Temperate Soils
Forests 0.05-2.0
Grassland ??
B. Anthropogenic
Cultivated Soils 1-3
Animal Waste 0.2-0.5
Biomass Burning 0.2-1.0
Stationary Combustion 0.1-0.3
Mobile Sources 0.1-0.6
Adific Acid Production 0.4-0.6
Nitric Acid Production 0.1-0.3
Removal by Soils ?
Photolysis in the Stratosphere 9-17
Atmospheric Increase 3.1-4.7
stations (Swanson et al., 1993) indicate that, on the average, the growth
rate in the surface mixing ratio of N2 O was 0.5-0.6 ppbv/yr during 1976-
1982, increased to a maximum of 0.8-1.0 ppbv/yr in 1998-1989, and
declined to 0.5-0.6 ppbv in the early 1990s.
Figure 5.34 shows the distribution of the nitric oxide production by
oxidation of N2 O. This production is directly related to atmospheric
dynamics that carries N2 O to its loss region; it reaches a maximum
in the mid-stratosphere where its value is about 100 molec cm−3 s−1 .
Crutzen and Schmailzl (1983) suggest a global value between 1.1 and
1.9 ×108 molec NO cm−2 s−1 , using the N2 O distribution measured by
the SAMS satellite.
Figure 5.33b. Zonally averaged distribution of the N2 O mixing ratio (in pptv)
measured by the CLAES instrument on UARS during 1-20 September, 1992.
Courtesy of W. Randel, NCAR.
(Livesey et al., 2001). Typical mole fractions of 40-60 ppbv are reported
in the tropics between 20 and 30 km altitude. Values are decreasing at
higher altitudes (about 10 pptv at 45 km near the equator) and higher
latitudes (20 pptv in summer and 10 pptv in winter at 60◦ latitude and
30 km altitude).
The quantum yield for process (5.149b) decreases with wavelength, and
is reported to be 0.72, 0.38, 0.21, and 0.15 at 248, 266, 287, and 289 nm,
respectively (Ravishankara et al., 1986).
Another important stratospheric nitrogen containing species is HNO3 .
This molecule, which introduces an interaction between nitrogen and
hydrogen compounds, is formed by the three body process:
(b22 ); NO2 + OH + M → HNO3 + M (5.151)
A heterogeneous reaction converting N2 O5 into HNO3
(h1 ) ; N2 O5 (g) + H2 O(, s) → 2HNO3 (5.152)
occurs on the surface of ice particles [H2 O (solid)], water droplets
[H2 O (liquid)], nitric acid ice [HNO3 · 3H2 O (solid)], sulfate aerosol
[H2 SO4 /H2 O] and ternary solution [H2 SO4 /HNO3 /H2 O] particles in
the lower stratosphere. In the case of sulfate aerosols, the reaction
probability γ is close to 0.1 (see e.g., Mozurkiewicz and Calvert, 1988;
Hanson and Ravishankara, 1992; Fried et al., 1994; Lovejoy and Hanson,
1995; Hanson, 1997) with only a modest dependence on the H2 SO4
content and on temperature. For a water ice particle, however, the
reaction probability is much less (of the order of 0.01, see Hanson and
Ravishankara, 1993). If the ice particle becomes coated with HNO3 ,
the value of γ drops even further (approximately 0.001). This reaction
provides an efficient mechanism to convert nitrogen oxides into nitric
acid, especially at high latitudes where the gas-phase conversion of NO2
to HNO3 by the OH radical is slow, particularly during wintertime.
When particles are present in the stratosphere, Reaction (5.152) is rapid,
and the rate of heterogeneous conversion of nitrogen oxides (NOx ) to
nitric acid (HNO3 ) is limited by the rate at which the gas-phase reaction
of NO2 with ozone (Reaction 5.141) proceeds. Note also that, as the
concentration of NO2 is reduced by Reaction (5.152), the presence of
sulfate aerosol particles in the stratosphere, and occasionally of polar
stratospheric clouds (PSCs), tends to enhance the levels of ClO and
OH in the lower stratosphere. The concentration of ClO is increased
mainly because the rate at which this radical recombines with NO2
(Reaction 5.157) is reduced. The level of OH is enhanced mainly because
its gas-phase reaction with NO2 to form HNO3 (Reaction 5.151) becomes
The two primary chemical loss processes for HNO3 are:
(JHNO3 ); HNO3 + hν (λ ≤ 310 nm) → OH + NO2 (5.153)
the continuity equations for NO, NO2 , NO3 , N2 O5 , HNO3 , and HO2 NO2
can be written:
d (N)
+ [b6 (NO) + b7 (O2 )] (N) = JNO (NO) + PN (5.161)
d (NO)
+ [b4 (O3 ) + b6 (N) + b84 (NO3 ) + a26 (HO2 )
+c5 (CH3 O2 ) + d4 (ClO) + e4 (BrO) + JNO ] (NO)
= [b3 (O) + JNO2 ] (NO2 ) + JbNO3 (NO3 )
+ JbN2 O5 (N2 O5 ) + b7 (O2 ) (N) + P (NO) (5.162)
d (NO2 )
+ [JNO2 + b3 (O) + b12 (M) (NO3 ) + b22 (M) (OH)
+ b23a (M) (HO2 ) + b81 (M) (O) + d31 (M) (ClO)
+ e13 (M) (BrO)] (NO2 ) = [b4 (O3 ) + a26 (HO2 )
+ c5 (CH3 O2 ) + d4 (ClO) + e4 (ClO)] (NO)
+ JHNO3 (HNO3 ) + JaNO3 + b71 (O) + b72 (OH)
d(NO3 )
+ [b12 (M)(NO2 ) + JNO3 + b71 (O) + b72 (OH)
+ (b73a + b73b ) (HO2 ) + b84 (NO)] (NO3 ) = b9 (O3 )(NO2 )
+ [JN2 O5 + b32 (M)] (N2 O5 ) + b27 (OH)(HNO3 )
+ b81 (M) (O) (NO2 ) + JaClONO2 (ClONO2 )
+ JaBrONO2 (BrONO2 ) (5.164)
d(N2 O5 )
+ (N2 O5 ) [JN2 O5 + b32 (M) + h1 ]
= b12 (M)(NO2 )(NO3 ) (5.165)
d (HNO3 )
+ [JHNO3 + b27 (OH)] (HNO3 )
= b22 (M) (OH) (NO2 ) + 2h1 (N2 O5 )
+ b73b (HO2 ) (NO3 ) (5.166)
d(HO2 NO2 )
+ (HO2 NO2 ) [JHO2 NO2 + b28 (OH) + b23b (M)]
= b23a (NO2 )(HO2 )(M) (5.167)
where PN and PNO account for all ionic production of N and NO, JNO3 =
JaNO3 + JbNO3 , JHO2 NO2 = JaHO2 NO2 + JbHO2 NO2 , and JN2 O5 = JaN2 O5 +
JbN2 O5 .
The odd nitrogen family (NOy ) is defined as the sum of all nitrogen-
containing species except the major atmospheric constituent N2 and the
source gases such as nitrous oxide (N2 O), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and
methyl cyanide (CH3 CN). Thus, in the middle atmosphere, if we include
halogenated nitrates,
NOy = N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + 2 N2 O5
+ HNO3 + HO2 NO2 + ClONO2 + BrONO2
it is easy to show by adding (5.161) to (5.167) and accounting for the
contributions of ClONO2 and BrONO2 , that
∂ (NOy )
+ ∇φNOy + 2b6 (N) (NO) + βNOy (NOy ) = PN + PNO (5.168)
where βNOy represents an effective loss coefficient accounting for wet
scavenging of HNO3 .
In many cases, the NOx family is formed as the sum of NO and
NO2 , and accounts for the most reactive nitrogen species. The NOx /
NOy concentration ratio, which is often reported from field observations,
is an indicator of the reactivity of odd nitrogen and its ability to
destroy stratospheric ozone (or to affect other chemical families including
chlorine and bromine compounds). The value of this ratio increases
with altitude above 30 km to reach a value of nearly one in the
upper stratosphere and mesosphere. It decreases substantially when the
stratospheric aerosol load is enhanced, for example, after large volcanic
eruptions (Fahey et al., 1993), and substantial amounts of nitrogen
oxides are converted to nitric acid by heterogeneous reaction (5.152).
It is also low in the polar regions, especially in air masses processed by
polar stratospheric clouds.
Note that NOz is sometimes defined as NOy – NOx (and refers
essentially to odd nitrogen reservoirs), and that some authors define NOx
as the sum of N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + 2 N2 O5 + HO2 NO2 (all NOy
compounds except HNO3 ), considering thereby all nitrogen compounds
which are rapidly converted to NO2 and NO. This latter definition is
adopted in Figure 5.37. In this case, the continuity equation for NOx
can be written
d (NOx )
+ b22 (M) (OH) (NO2 ) + 2b6 (N) (NO) + 2h1 (N2 O5 )
= 2b39 (N2 O) O1 D + PN + JHNO3 (HNO3 ) (5.169)
Figure 5.37. Photochemical time constants for NOy , N, NO, NO2 , NO3 , N2 O5 ,
HO2 NO2 , and HNO3 , as well as the time constants for transports by the zonal
and meridional winds and a one-dimensional eddy diffusion coefficient.
The NOy family can be partitioned using the ratios defined above:
(NO2 )
(NOy )
(N) (NO) (NO) (NO3 ) (HO2 NO2 ) 2×(N2 O5 ) (HNO3 )
1+ (NO) × (NO2 ) + (NO2 ) + (NO2 ) + (NO2 ) + (NO2 ) + (NO2 )
(NO) (NO) (NO2 )
= × etc. (5.179b)
(NOy ) (NO2 ) (NOy )
Figure 5.39 presents a model calculation of the diurnal variation of
NO, NO2 , NO3 , N2 O5 , and HNO3 at 20 and 40 km.
Figure 5.39. Diurnal variation of nitrogen species calculated for May 10 and
65◦ N at 20 km (left) and 40 km (right).
(in the case of NO, see Ridley et al., 1987; Fahey et al., 1989; Kondo
et al., 1992), mass spectroscopy (in the case of HNO3 , see Spreng and
Arnold, 1994), UV-visible absorption (in the case of NO2 , see Noxon,
1979; Pommereau and Piquard, 1994; Pfeilsticker and Platt, 1994) and
infrared absorption and emission (in the case of NO2 , N2 O5 , HNO3
and ClONO2 , see Oelhaf et al., 1994; Rinsland et al., 1996). Figure
5.40 shows the vertical profile of NO, NO2 , N2 O5 , HNO3 , and ClONO2
observed by a balloon-borne Fourier Transformed Infrared instrument
at 35◦ N in early fall (Sen et al., 1998).
In the case of NO, the mixing ratio increases by a factor of about 100
from 20 to 35 km, and is about 10 ppbv near 40 km. A large degree of
variability is also observed, associated with atmospheric dynamics. The
rapid increase of the NO mixing ratio after sunrise, as predicted from
model calculations (see Figure 5.39), is seen in the measurements made
by Ridley et al. (1977) (see Figure 5.41).
The observations of nitrogen dioxide reveal an increase in the mixing
ratio with increasing altitude up to about 35 km, while above that
altitude a progressive decrease is seen, reflecting the changing ratio of
NO2 /NO, e.g., Eq. (5.171). More recent satellite observations of NO2 by
LIMS, SAGE and UARS have provided further information, confirming
Figure 5.41. Time variation of the NO mixing ratio at about 26.5 km by Ridley
et al. (1977).
many of the features inferred from earlier studies. Figure 5.42 shows
a monthly averaged distribution of nighttime NO2 measured by LIMS.
Note the small abundances observed at low altitudes in the tropics, and
the high values found at mid-latitudes in summer; the low densities seen
in high latitude winter are related to the formation of N2 O5 as discussed
above. Note the tendency for the altitude of maximum abundance
to decrease at higher latitudes, presumably as a result of downward
transport by the mean meridional circulation.
The earliest measurements of the NO2 total column as a function of
latitude (Noxon, 1979; Noxon et al., 1979; and Coffey et al., 1981b)
showed that the abundance of NO2 increases with increasing latitude
in summer, while in winter the abundance decreases poleward of about
40 or 50 N. As noted by Noxon (1979), very sharp gradients are often
observed in the winter hemisphere (about a factor of four in total
column in only 5-10 degrees of latitude), particularly at the edge of the
winter polar vortex (this is sometimes referred to as the Noxon “cliff”).
Plate 10 shows a satellite view of the NO2 column in the polar region in
The behavior of nitrogen compounds in the polar regions and
specifically the observed decrease in the abundance of NOy observed
in the vicinity of the winter vortex are the result of complex chemical
and physical processes. In the polar night, NO is converted into NO2
Figure 5.42. Zonally averaged distribution of nighttime NO2 from the LIMS
instrument (Nimbus 7) on 15 January 1979 (Gille, personal communication).
and further into NO3 by reactions with ozone (see equations (5.132) and
(5.141)). NO3 then combines with NO2 to form N2 O5 which provides
an important reservoir for nitrogen compounds in the winter hemisphere
(see e.g., Evans et al., 1982; Solomon and Garcia, 1983). N2 O5 , however,
can be rapidly converted into nitric acid by heterogeneous reaction
(5.152) on the surface of sulfate aerosol particles and, if the temperature
is sufficiently low, on the surface of polar stratospheric cloud particles.
The gravitational sedimentation of these latter particles provides a
mechanism to “denitrify” the lower polar stratosphere (e.g., Fahey et al.,
1990). Inside the Antarctic vortex during winter and early spring, for
example, the abundance of NOy (and hence of NO, NO2 and HNO3 ) is
very low. Denitrification processes are also observed occasionally in the
Arctic, but are less frequent than in Antarctica since the temperature is
generally somewhat higher during wintertime.
In the sunlit high latitude wintertime lower stratosphere, the
photochemical lifetime of N2 O5 is as large as a few days. This is
comparable to the time scale associated with transport. In the presence
of planetary wave structure, winds often flow across latitude lines,
rapidly moving N2 O5 from regions where its lifetime is long (e.g., polar
night) to sunlit regions where its lifetime is less than a day. Under
these circumstances, the N2 O5 content of a given air parcel is far from
0 6
the low concentration of HNO3 in the winter polar region of the lower
stratosphere, where this compound has been removed by sedimentation
of particles.
The general tendency for NOy to increase with latitude can be
qualitatively understood in terms of atmospheric transport. Like ozone,
NOy is a long-lived tracer in the lower stratosphere whose source lies in
the tropical middle stratosphere. Downward and poleward transport by
the meridional circulation (see Chapter 3) leads to increased total NOy
abundances towards higher latitudes, just as is found for O3 . Space
observations indicate the importance of planetary waves in establishing
odd nitrogen distributions in the middle atmosphere. They also suggest
that odd nitrogen transport from the thermosphere to the mesosphere,
and even to the stratosphere, occurs during the high latitude polar
night period. This subject will be discussed in somewhat more detail in
Section 5.5.7.
Figure 5.44 shows the vertical distribution of NOy at 24◦ N between
20 and 55 km deduced from space observations. The maximum mixing
ratio of approximately 18 ppbv is reached between 35 and 40 km altitude
where the production by the oxidation of nitrous oxide is large. The
decrease in the mixing ratio near and above the stratopause is associated
with the mesosphere destruction through the N + NO reaction.
Simultaneous measurements of NOy and N2 O provide a useful tool to
quantify the budget of odd nitrogen in the stratosphere. Observations
(Loewenstein et al., 1993; Kondo et al., 1996) show that there is
often a tight linear anticorrelation between these two compounds (see
Figure 5.45), confirming that N2 O is the dominant source of NOy and
that there is no efficient removal process for NOy in most parts of the
stratosphere. Deviations from this relationship found, for example,
in the lower polar stratosphere suggest that NOy is removed from
this region of the atmosphere by sedimentation of nitrate-containing
particles (Fahey et al., 1990). The departure from the linear NOy -N2 O
relationship for low N2 O concentrations (upper stratosphere) is another
manifestation of the N + NO reaction (Kondo et al., 1996; Chang et al.,
molecular oxygen:
(b7∗ ); N(2 D) + O2 → NO + O (5.180a)
or is de-activated by quenching with atomic oxygen
(bQ ); N(2 D) + O → N(4 S) + O (5.180b)
while the ground N(4 S) state reacts much more slowly, and the rate of
its reaction depends strongly on temperature:
(b7 ); N(4 S) + O2 → NO + O (5.139)
A reaction with OH also converts N(4 S) to NO:
(b7a ); N( S) + OH → NO + H
Photodissociation of nitric oxide mostly in the δ-bands (see Chapter 4),
initiates the primary loss process for odd nitrogen in the middle
(JNO ); NO + hν → N(4 S) + O (5.138)
because it leads to the formation of an N(4 S)
atom, which can then react
with NO in a so-called “cannibalistic reaction”
(b6 ); N(4 S) + NO → N2 + O (5.140)
wherein two odd nitrogen particles are destroyed. The following kinetic
equations can be written for mesospheric and thermospheric conditions:
d(N4 S)
+ [b6 (NO) + b7 (O2 ) + b7a (OH)] (N4 S)
= JNO (NO) + bQ (O)(N2 D) + P(N4 S) (5.182)
d(N2 D)
+ b7∗ (O2 ) + bQ (O)(N2 D) = P(N2 D) (5.183)
+ b4 (O3 ) + a26 (HO2 ) + c5 (CH3 O2 ) + d4 (ClO) + b6 (N4 S)
+ JNO ] (NO) = [JNO2 + b3 (O)] (NO2 ) + b7∗ (O2 )(N2 D)
+ [b7 (O2 ) + b7a (OH)] (N4 S) + P(NO)
or, considering Eq. (5.171),
+ b6 (N4 S) + JNO (NO)
= b7∗ (O2 )(N2 D) + [b7 (O2 ) + b7a (OH)] (N4 S) + P(NO)
Figure 5.47b. Nitric oxide daily averaged density ((107 cm−3 ) measured by the
SNOE satellite (Solomon et al., 1999) in the lower thermosphere. Low auroral
Figure 5.47c. Same as Figure 5.47b but for high auroral activity.
The HALOE and SNOE observations also show the dynamic behavior
of the nitrogen oxides at different heights (Plate 11). For example, above
100 km altitude, the NO concentration is characterized by a strong
seasonal component associated with solar energy input. At 97 km, the
evolution of the NO concentration is primarily influenced by the intensity
of the atmospheric tides. The vertical wind produced by the migrating
diurnal tides can induce factor 2 changes over 12 hours in the mixing
ratio of NO at the equator (Marsh and Russell, 2000).
Table 5.8 Estimated Budgets of CH3 Cl, CH3 Br, and CH3 I
(After Brasseur et al., 1999)
Biomass burning source 0.7 0.01-0.05 -
Ocean source 0.4 ∼0.03 1-2
Terrestrial ecosystems 0.1 - -
Anthropogenic source 0.05 0.02-0.06 -
TOTAL SOURCES ∼1.2 ∼0.05-0.15 ∼1.5 Chlorine
The natural production of chlorine atoms in the stratosphere is
provided by the destruction of methyl chloride, either by photolysis
(JCH3 Cl ) ; CH3 Cl + hν → CH3 + Cl (5.190)
or by reaction with the hydroxyl radical
(d0 ) ; CH3 Cl + OH → CH2 Cl + H2 O (5.191)
A major source of anthropogenic chlorine currently results from
the photolysis of chlorofluorocarbons and other chlorocarbons in the
stratosphere. In the case of CFCl3 (also called chlorofluorocarbon-11 or
CFC-11) the most likely degradation scheme is the following:
CFCl3 + hν (λ < 226 nm) → CFCl2 + Cl (5.192a)
CFCl2 + O2 + M → CFCl2 O2 + M (5.192b)
CFCl2 O2 + NO → CFCl2 O + NO2 (5.192c)
CFCl2 O + M → COFCl + Cl + M (5.192d)
COFCl + hν → FCO + Cl (5.192e)
Following this chain, three chlorine atoms are released. Similar reaction
paths apply to other chlorofluorocarbons including CFC-12. In this case,
the primary destruction mechanism is
CF2 Cl2 + hν (λ < 215 nm) → CF2 Cl + Cl (5.193)
A secondary destruction path is provided by the reaction with the
electronically excited oxygen atom O(1 D). For example, in the case of
CF2 Cl2 + O(1 D) → CF2 Cl + ClO (5.194)
Other channels are possible and could produce Cl or Cl2 . The
importance of the degradation of industrially manufactured chloro-
These reactions reform atomic chlorine. The reaction between ClO and
NO represents an important coupling between the chlorine and nitrogen
cycles, and the pair of reactions (5.201) and (5.203) constitutes an
important catalytic cycle which destroys odd oxygen (primarily in the
upper stratosphere).
The photodissociation of ClO
(JClO ); ClO + hν → Cl + O (5.204)
and conversion of ClO to Cl by OH
(d8 ); ClO + OH → Cl + HO2 (5.205)
play a secondary role. However, this latter reaction has a small efficiency
to produce hydrogen chloride HCl (5-7%)
(d46 ); ClO + OH → HCl + O2 (5.206)
This channel reduces significantly the calculated ClO/HCl ratio in the
upper stratosphere and, hence, the sensitivity of ozone to chlorine.
There are also other slow processes that yield hydrogen chloride. Like
HNO3 , HCl provides a relatively inert reservoir which sequesters a
photochemically active species and hence reduces the rate of its catalytic
reaction with odd oxygen.
(d5 ); Cl + CH4 → CH3 + HCl (5.48)
Finally, HCl is soluble in water, and can therefore be removed from the
atmosphere in cloud processes.
To end this brief discussion on the reactions of chlorine species, we
must consider the formation of other constituents such as ClOO, OClO,
ClONO2 , HOCl, etc. Chlorine nitrate ClONO2 , another important
“chemical reservoir” for chlorine, is formed by the reaction of ClO with
NO2 :
(d31 ); ClO + NO2 + M → ClONO2 + M (5.157)
and dissociated in the ultraviolet (Chang et al., 1979)
(JaClONO2 ); ClONO2 + hν → Cl + NO3 (5.159a)
with a quantum yield of approximately 0.8. The efficiency of a second
(JbClONO2 ); ClONO2 + hν → ClO + NO2 (5.159b)
is of the order of 0.15-0.20 while the yield of a third channel
(JcClONO2 ); ClONO2 + hν → ClONO + O (5.159c)
is less than 0.05. A loss with atomic oxygen, atomic chlorine and the
hydroxyl radical should also be mentioned:
(d32 ); ClONO2 + O → products (5.214)
(d82 ); ClONO2 + Cl → Cl2 + NO3 (5.215)
(d87 ); ClONO2 + OH → HOCl + NO3 (5.216)
This latter reaction leads to the formation of HOCl. The primary
production of HOCl, however, is provided by the reaction
(d33 ); HO2 + ClO → HOCl + O2 (5.217)
HOCl is destroyed mostly by photolysis
(JHOCl ); HOCl + hν (λ < 503 nm) → Cl + OH (5.218)
and by reaction with OH:
(d34 ); OH + HOCl → H2 O + ClO (5.219)
It can also react with atomic oxygen
(d35 ); HOCl + O → ClO + OH (5.220)
and with atomic chlorine
(d37 ); HOCl + Cl → Cl2 + OH (5.221a)
with a possible channel
(d37a ); HOCl + Cl → HCl + ClO (5.221b)
The concentration of inorganic chlorine compounds in the strato-
sphere can also be affected by heterogeneous reactions on the surface
+ (Cl) [d2 (O3 ) + d5 (CH4 ) + d6 (H2 ) + d7 (HO2 ) + d8 (H2 O2 )
+d10 (CH2 O)] = PCl + [d3 (O) + d4 (NO) + JClO + d8 (OH)] (ClO)
+ (ClO) [d3 (O) + d4 (NO) + JClO + (d8 + d46 ) (OH)
+ (HCl) [d12 (O) + d11 (OH) + JHCl + h3 (ClONO2 ) + h4 (N2 O5 )
+h5 (HOCl) + βp ] = (Cl) [d5 (CH4 ) + d6 (H2 ) + d7 (HO2 )
d(ClONO2 )
+ (ClONO2 ) [JClONO2 + d32 (O) + h2 (H2 O)
dt (5.244)
+h3 (HCl) + h3 (HBr) = d31 (M)(ClO)(NO2 )
d(Cl2 O2 )
+ (Cl2 O2 ) [JCl2 O2 + d61 (M)] = d60 (M)(ClO)2 (5.245)
+ JOClO (OClO) = d47 (ClO)2 (5.246)
+ d62 (M)(ClOO) = d49 (ClO)2 + JCl2 O2 (Cl2 O2 ) (5.247)
+ JBrCl (BrCl) = e5c (ClO)(BrO) (5.248)
d(Cl2 )
+ JCl2 (Cl2 ) = h3 (ClONO2 )(HCl) + h5 (HOCl)(HCl)
+ d48 (ClO)2 (5.249)
d(ClNO2 )
+ JClNO2 (ClNO2 ) = h4 (HCl)(N2 O5 ) (5.250)
where JClONO2 represents the total photolysis coefficient of ClONO2 .
One-dimensional model predictions of the theoretical distributions of
chlorine compounds are shown in Figure 5.50. The diurnal variations of
these species at two specific altitudes are also displayed in Figure 5.51. Fluorine
The dissociation of chlorofluorocarbons such as CFCl3 and CF2 Cl2 ,
as well as other species such as CF4 , represents a source of atmospheric
fluorine. Fluorine atoms react rapidly with molecular oxygen
F + O2 + M → FO2 + M (5.251)
to form FO2 , which in turn is rapidly converted back to fluorine atoms:
FO2 + NO → FNO + O2 (5.252)
FNO + hν → F + NO . (5.253)
The F atom also reacts with ozone:
(ff2 ); F + O3 → FO + O2 (5.254)
to produce fluorine monoxide, which, like chlorine monoxide, can react
either with atomic oxygen
(ff3 ); FO + O → F + O2 (5.255)
Figure 5.51. Diurnal variation of chlorine species calculated for May 10 and
65◦ N at 20 km (a) and 40 km (b).
(ff6 ); F + H2 → HF + H (5.258)
(ff7 ); F + H2 O → HF + OH (5.259)
Unlike HCl however, hydrogen fluoride does not react appreciably with
OH, so that the fluorine atoms, which react with methane, hydrogen,
or water vapor, are effectively stabilized as HF. Since the sources of HF
and HCl are similar but their loss rates are quite different as a result
of the reaction of OH with HCl at low altitudes, the HF/HCl ratio can
provide an indication of the abundance of the OH radical (see, e.g., Sze
and Ko, 1980).
Because of the stability of HF, the atmospheric densities of F and FO
are very small and the effect of fluorine on odd oxygen is insignificant.
The reaction of HF with O(1 D) is chemically possible, but is negligible
due to the low abundance of this excited atom. The distribution of HF
is therefore largely determined by the rates of the surface emission of
fluorine containing gases, of photochemical destruction of these gases,
and atmospheric dynamics. Bromine
Molecules of the type Cx Hy Brz produce bromine atoms upon
photodissociation and oxidation, like the other halogen atoms just
discussed. Unlike fluorine, the chemistry of bromine is broadly similar
to that of chlorine (see Yung et al. (1980); Poulet et al. (1992); Lary
(1996) and Figure 5.52) and is therefore capable of affecting the ozone
budget. The production of bromine atoms is followed by the reaction
(e2 ); Br + O3 → BrO + O2 (5.260)
which produces BrO, the most abundant inorganic bromine compound
in the stratosphere below 40 km altitude. In the lower stratosphere, Br
is also converted into BrO by
(e71 ); Br + OClO → BrO + ClO (5.261)
The main loss of BrO in the upper stratosphere is due to its reaction
with atomic oxygen
(e3 ); BrO + O → Br + O2 , (5.262)
Ozone in the lower stratosphere may in principle be affected by iodine
chemistry (Solomon et al., 1994). The abundance of total iodine in the
troposphere is believed to be of the order of pptv, but the fractional
partitioning of iodine free radicals (I and IO) is much higher than in the
case of other halogens (chlorine and even of bromine; see Section 5.6.3).
Figure 5.54. Diurnal variation of bromine species calculated for May 10 and
65◦ N at 20 km (a) and 40 km (b).
of chlorine (Xy = Cly ). The flux divergence ∇·φX accounts for the
transport of all inorganic compounds of the Xy family.
In some cases, sub-families of the chemical family Xy (representing,
for example, the relatively reactive species) can be defined. In the case
of chlorine, for example, the most reactive compounds can be grouped
into the Clx family, defined as the entire odd chlorine family minus the
slow-reacting chlorine-containing species HCl and ClONO2 :
∂(Clx )
+ ∇ · φ(Clx ) + [d5 (CH4 ) + d6 (H2 ) + d7 (HO2 )
+d8 (H2 O2 ) + d9 (HNO3 ) + d10 (CH2 O)] (Cl) + [d31 (M)(NO2 )
(ClO) d2 (O3 )
= (5.295)
(Cl) d3 (O) + d4 (NO) + JClO
(HOCl) d33 (HO2 )
= (5.296)
(ClO) JHOCl + d34 (OH)
Figure 5.55. Photochemical lifetimes of Clx , Cl, ClO, HOCl, ClONO2 , HCl,
CF2 Cl2 , and CFCl3 , as well as the time constants appropriate to atmospheric
or, approximately
The ClO radical has been directly measured since 1976 using in-
situ resonance fluorescence techniques and by Menzies (1979), Anderson
et al. (1980), Waters et al. (1981), De Zafra et al. (1989), and
Stachnik et al. (1992) using remote sensing microwave methods.
Global observations such as those provided by the MLS instrument
aboard UARS (Waters et al., 1993; Figure 5.57) have improved the
understanding of the behavior of ClO and the amplitude of its variations.
This constitutes an important element in the study of the chlorine-ozone
interaction, discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
Infrared spectra of ClONO2 provided the first estimates of the
abundance of this key compound (Murcray et al., 1977). Global
distributions have also been measured by the CLAES instrument on
board UARS (Roche et al., 1993; 1994; Figure 5.58) and by the CRISTA
and ATMOS instruments (Zander et al., 1996; Offermann et al., 1999;
Riese et al., 1999) on board the Space Shuttle. The largest mixing
ratios are found at high latitudes near 25-30 km altitude. The low
concentrations observed in the winter polar region below 20 km altitude
are due to heterogeneous conversion of ClONO2 .
HOCl has been observed by infrared thermal emission (Chance et al.,
1996) and by infrared solar absorption (Toon et al., 1992a). The column
abundance of OClO has been measured in Antarctica using visible
absorption methods, for example, by Solomon et al. (1987), and in the
Arctic by Wahner and Schiller (1992).
Hydrogen chloride (HCl) has been detected by spectroscopic absorp-
tion (Ackerman et al., 1976; Farmer et al., 1976; Raper et al., 1977;
Williams et al., 1976; Zander et al., 1996), by absorption radiometry
(Eyre and Roscoe, 1977), by in-situ filter sampling and chemical analysis
(Lazrus et al., 1975, 1976), by submillimeterwave heterodyne techniques
Figure 5.57. Meridional distribution of the ClO mixing ratio (ppbv) in July
based on the measurements by the UARS/MLS / instrument. Elevated levels in
the lower stratosphere in winter at high latitudes ((here south of 60◦ S between
15 and 28 km)) are associated with heterogeneous reactions on PSC particles.
(Courtesy of W. Randel, NCAR).
Figure 5.59. Meridional distribution of the HCl mixing ratio (ppbv) in January
based on the measurements by the UARS/HALOE instrument (Courtesy of W.
Randel, NCAR).
Figure 5.60. Observed stratospheric BrO mixing ratios (pptv) at mid- and high
latitudes (Harder et al., 1998).
indicating that less than 10% of the molecules typically reach the lower
stratosphere. Other sulfur compounds such as H2 S and (CH3 )2 S are
short-lived and are therefore rapidly destroyed in the troposphere. On
the other hand, COS is very stable and its mole fraction is of the order
of 500 pptv throughout the troposphere (Hanst et al., 1975; Sandalls
and Penkett, 1977; Maroulis et al., 1977; Friedl et al., 1991; Weiss
et al., 1995), even at tropopause levels (Inn et al., 1979; Mankin et al.,
1979). The lifetime of tropospheric COS is long, of the order of a year,
and only above about 15 km does the mole fraction begin to decrease,
reaching about 15 pptv at 30 km. CS2 possesses an intermediate
lifetime, as evidenced by an observed tropospheric variability of about
50% (Sandalls and Penkett, 1977). Its surface mixing ratio is about
100 pptv over polluted areas, but can be as low as 1-5 pptv in remote
regions (Bandy et al., 1993b). Therefore, middle atmospheric sulfur
is linked in part to transport of COS across the tropopause as first
suggested by Crutzen in 1976. COS is primarily produced by biologic,
volcanic and anthropogenic sources. Thus, a potential increase in COS,
particularly as a result of the use of large quantities of coal, could
alter the composition of the atmosphere, increasing the concentration
of sulfur aerosols and modifying the terrestrial radiative balance (see
Crutzen, 1976; Turco et al., 1980). No trend in COS has, however, been
observed (Bandy et al., 1992; Rinsland et al., 1992). Large hemispheric
gradients (15-25%), with larger concentrations measured in the Northern
hemisphere, have been reported over the North Atlantic (Bingemer et al.,
1990; Johnson et al., 1993). Table 5.10 provides an estimate of the
global budget of sulfur in the atmosphere and shows that the largest
gaseous emissions (approximately 90 Tg/yr) are of anthropogenic origin.
However, only a fraction of this reaches the stratosphere. This budget
can, however, be perturbed substantially by large volcanic eruptions.
It is estimated that after the eruption of El Chichon ´ (Mexico) in 1982
nearly 10 Tg of sulfur were injected into the stratosphere. The eruption
of Mt. Pinatubo (the Philippines) in 1991 injected approximately 20 Tg S
above the tropopause.
When COS reaches the stratosphere, photolysis occurs:
(s1 ); S + O2 → SO + O (5.303)
Compounds Flux
Net: 3 O2 → 2 O3
In the longer-term, and with contemporary loads of chlorine in the
stratosphere, the presence of volcanic aerosols causes a reduction in
the ozone abundance resulting from the large increase in aerosol surface
area available for heterogeneous reactions (Hofmann and Solomon, 1989;
Brasseur and Granier, 1992; Michelangeli et al., 1992; Pitari and Rizzi,
1993; Tie et al., 1994). These effects will be further discussed in
Chapter 6.
Figure 5.61 shows a schematic diagram of the chemistry of sulfur
and Figure 5.62 presents calculated distributions of the gaseous sulfur
compounds from the model by Whitten et al. (1980). Some observations
are also shown for comparison. This model shows that below 30 km
Figure 5.63. Schematic diagram of the physical and chemical processes related
to the formation, growth, transport, and destruction of atmospheric aerosols: C
= coagulation, Ch = chemistry, D = diffusion, E = evaporation, Em = emission,
G = condensation and growth, I = injection, N = nucleation, P = photolysis,
S = sedimentation, W = washout and rainout. From Turco et al. (1979).
Figure 5.64. Observed particle size distribution with altitude. From Hofmann
and Rosen (1981).
Figure 5.65. Median meridional distribution of the sulfate aerosol surface area
density (µm2 cm−3 ) for the period 1985-1994, based on observations by the
SAGE II satellite. From Thomason et al., 1997.
For more than a century, the presence of thin clouds has been
reported at high altitudes in the polar regions. Because of their colorful
appearances, especially at low solar elevation, these clouds have been
named “mother-of-pearl” or nacreous clouds, or–more recently in the
context of polar ozone research–polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs).
While PSCs form in the winter lower polar stratosphere, there is a
second class of high altitude clouds that are formed during summertime
at mesopause levels, when the temperature observed at these heights
drops below approximately 150 K (see Plate 13). The chemical role
of these mesospheric clouds is not yet well understood, but it has
been suggested that the frequency of appearance of such clouds could
increase in the future in response to human-induced cooling of the
middle atmosphere (associated with enhanced levels of CO2 and other
“greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere).
PSCs (see Plate 14) are observed during winter in both the Antarctic
and Arctic polar stratosphere (Stanford and Davis, 1974; McCormick
et al., 1982), typically from 12 to 26 km altitude (see e.g., Poole and
McCormick, 1988; Browell et al., 1990; Gobbi and Adriani, 1993; Godin
et al., 1994). The presence of these clouds is associated with cold
airmasses (T < 200 K). It was originally assumed that these PSCs
were composed mainly of water ice (Steele et al., 1983). Such particles
are often observed in the Antarctic (e.g., Poole et al., 1988; Fahey
et al., 1990) and only occasionally in the Arctic (e.g., Carslaw et al.,
1998a,b). Their diameter is typically 1-30 µm and their concentration
can vary by several orders of magnitude. Because of their relatively large
size, ice particles sediment in the atmosphere by typically 100 m per
hour (assuming a diameter of 20 µm), leading to regular dehydration
of the lower Antarctic stratosphere and very occasionally also in the
Arctic. Such particles, which have been observed, for example, by
lidar, can be identified by their optical properties (high depolarization
corresponding to nonspherical and therefore solid particles). Early
lidar observations made in Antarctica by Poole and McCormick (1988)
have shown that, in addition to ice particles (called type II PSCs),
optically thinner PSCs were also present at temperatures up to 5-6 K
above the ice frost point. Crutzen and Arnold (1986) as well as Toon
et al. (1986) suggested that these small particles could be formed by
uptake of nitric acid and water onto pre-existing frozen sulfate aerosols
(sulfuric acid tetrahydrate or SAT). The particles, first called Type I
PSCs, have been frequently observed in the Antarctic (Fahey et al.,
1989; Pueschel et al., 1989; Goodman et al., 1989; 1997) and in the
Arctic (Larsen et al., 1996; 1997; Rosen et al., 1997; Enell et al., 1999).
Fahey et al. (1989) observed that these particles contained considerable
amounts of reactive nitrogen, which could possibly be identified as
crystals of nitric acid trihydrates (HNO3 · 3 H2 O or NAT), which are
the most thermodynamically stable solid hydrates under stratospheric
conditions (Hanson and Mauersberger, 1988). Final evidence for the
existence of NAT in the winter polar stratosphere has been provided
by balloon-borne mass spectrometric measurements (Voigt et al., 2000).
The presence of nitric acid monohydrate (NAM) (McElroy et al., 1986)
and dihydrate (NAD) (Tolbert et al., 1992; Worsnop et al., 1993) has
also been considered as a possibility. NAT particles are characterized
by low backscatter ratios and high depolarization, and by atmospheric
concentrations of generally less than 0.1 particles cm−3 . The diameter
of these NAT particles ranges typically from 1 to 5 µm, and the
volume densities of these particles (typically 1 µm3 cm−3 ) inferred
from observations is considerably smaller than for ice particles. Fahey
et al. (2001) have observed in the Arctic very large HNO3 -containing
et al., 1996; Beyer et al., 1997; David et al., 1997; Rosen et al., 1997;
Larsen et al., 1997; Carslaw et al., 1998a,b; Steele et al., 1999). They
seem to form a few degrees below the stability temperature threshold
for NAT. In well developed clouds, STS are submicron particles at
concentrations similar to ambient sulfate aerosols, whereby a significant
increase in particle volume is observed 3-4 K below the NAT stability
The formation of PSC particles, as the temperature decreases, can
no longer be represented by a “step function” as the stability point
for NAT is reached, but should be regarded as a gradual transition
from aqueous sulfuric acid aerosols to liquid PSC particles. Carslaw
et al. (1997) have provided a detailed review of the thermodynamics of
ternary solutions. As shown by Figure 5.66, in cold environments (T
< 195 K), significant quantities of nitric acid are absorbed by sulfate
aerosol particles, forming the H2 SO4 /HNO3 /H2 O ternary solution. As
the temperature decreases even further (T < 191 K), more HNO3 and
H2 O are absorbed from the gas phase, leading to the formation of a
Figure 5.66. Relative mass concentration of H2 SO4 , HNO3 and HCl dissolved
within a liquid aerosol particle as a function of temperature. Note the
change from linear to logarithmic scales below 2 wt%. Adapted from Carslaw
et al. (1994).
Figure 5.67. Total particle volume density observed by Dye et al. (1992) from
the high altitude ER-2 aircraft on 24 January 1989, north of Stavanger, Norway,
at 19 km altitude. As the temperature decreases, the aerosol particles initially
grow as a result of H2 O uptake by the H2 SO4 /H2 O binary solution. At a
temperature below 193 K, the volume increase is much more rapid, and suggests
combined uptake of H2 O and HNO3 by a H2 SO4 /HNO3 /H2 O ternary solution.
The data points are consistent with mixing ratios of HNO3 ranging between
5 and 15 ppbv. The light solid line corresponding to the H2 SO4 /H2 O binary
aerosol is calculated for a water vapor mixing ratio of 5 ppmv. The dash line
corresponds to NAT particle growth without nucleation barrier. From Carslaw
et al., (1994).
H + O2 + M → HO2 + M
HO2 + O → OH + O2
Net: O + O → O2
OH + O → H + O2
H + O3 → OH + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2 O2
With some algebraic manipulation, the chemistry of these hydrogen
catalyzed reactions can be included in the equation for the photochem-
ical equilibrium ozone abundance between about 50 and 80 km to yield
the following simple formulas at various altitudes (Allen et al., 1984):
2 1 2 1 4
(JO2 ) 3 (k4a a17 ) 3 [k2 (M)] 3 (N2 ) 3 (O2 ) 3
(O3 )50 km ≈ 2 1 1 (5.319)
(JO3 ) 3 (J3∗ a1∗ a5 a7 ) 3 (H2 O) 3
JO2 (a17 ) 2 k2 (M)(O2 )2
(O3 )70 km ≈ 1 1 (5.320)
JO3 (JH2 O a5 a7 ) 2 (H2 O) 2
HO2 + O3 → OH + 2O2
Net: 2O3 → 3 O2
This process dominates the odd oxygen destruction near the tropopause
because it is the most effective catalytic cycle involving only ozone as the
reactive odd oxygen species. Most of the other HOx , NOx , and ClOx
cycles (see below) also require reaction with atomic oxygen, which is
present only in very small amounts at low altitudes. For example, the
following cycles are important in the middle and upper stratosphere,
and in the mesosphere
OH + O3 → HO2 + O2
HO2 + O → OH + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2 O2
OH + O → H + O2
H + O2 + M → HO2 + M
HO2 + O3 → OH + 2O2
Net: O + O3 → 2O2
OH + O → H + O2
H + O3 → OH + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2O2
The nitrogen compounds can also catalyze the destruction of odd
oxygen. This cycle is most efficient near 35-45 km (Crutzen, 1970;
Johnston, 1971):
NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
NO2 + O → NO + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2O2
This cycle must be compared with another cycle that has no effect on
odd oxygen:
NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
NO2 + hν → NO + O
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
Net: Null
Thus, the efficiency of the NOx catalyzed destruction of odd oxygen
depends on the competition between photolysis and reaction with atomic
oxygen for the NO2 radical; the rate-limiting step for the destruction of
odd oxygen is therefore provided by the NO2 + O reaction. Other
secondary cycles should also be noted:
NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2
NO3 + hν → NO + O2
Net: 2 O3 → 3 O2
NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2
NO3 + NO2 + M → N2 O5 + M
N2 O5 + hν → NO3 + NO2
NO3 + hν → NO + O2
Net: 2 O3 → 3 O2
Note that these cycles result in ozone destruction only when the
photolysis of NO3 leads to NO + O2 rather than NO2 + O. In the
latter case, the effect of these cycles is also null.
The catalytic destruction of odd oxygen by chlorine species must also
be considered, particularly in the upper stratosphere where this cycle
is quite effective (Stolarski and Cicerone, 1974; Molina and Rowland,
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
ClO + O → Cl + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2 O2
A similar cycle involves bromine compounds:
Br + O3 → BrO + O2
BrO + O → Br + O2
Net: O + O3 → 2 O2
Below 30 km except in regions where heterogeneous reactions are
proceeding rapidly, the densities of Cl and ClO are generally much
reduced due to the formation of slow-reacting chlorine reservoirs
including HCl and ClONO2 . Formation of these reservoirs limits the
ozone loss in the lower stratosphere, and the effect of the direct chlorine
HOCl + hν → Cl + OH
OH + O3 → HO2 + O2
Net: 2 O3 → 3 O2
When high concentrations (∼ 1 ppbv) of ClO are present in the lower
stratosphere (e.g., in air masses wherein the reservoir’s HCl and ClONO2
have been processed by polar stratospheric clouds), additional cycles
must be considered (see Figure 5.68); one of them involves the formation
of the Cl2 O2 dimer which dominates the destruction of polar ozone (e.g.,
Antarctic ozone hole):
ClO + ClO + M → Cl2 O2 + M
Cl2 O2 + hν → Cl + ClOO
ClOO + M → Cl + O2 + M
2 (Cl + O3 → ClO + O2 )
Figure 5.68. Reaction scheme responsible for rapid ozone destruction in polar
regions when large amounts of chlorine and bromine are activated by polar
stratospheric clouds. Concentrations (cm−3 ) and fluxes (cm−3 s−1 ) associated
with chemical reactions are calculated for Antarctic springtime conditions
(lower stratosphere). After Zellner (1999).
ClO + BrO → Br + Cl + O2
Br + O3 → BrO + O2
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
BrO + IO → Br + I + O2
I + O3 → IO + O2
Br + O3 → ClO + O2
Net: 2 O3 → 3 O2
Figure 5.69. Evolution with time of temperature ((upper left panel) and chemical
composition (other panels) of an airmass situated at 82◦ S and 20 km altitude,
highlighting the activation of halogen compounds in the presence of polar
stratospheric clouds. As temperature drops below the threshold for PSC I
formation, initial signs of denitrification are seen (June). Dehydration occurs
about a month later as the temperature reaches the threshold for water ice
formation. The reservoir species (HCl and ClONO2 ) are converted to reactive
chlorine species by heterogeneous reactions on the surface of PSC particles.
ClOx is enhanced throughout the polar night and ozone is destroyed as solar
radiation becomes available in the spring. The partitioning between the ClOx
species (here defined as Cl + ClO + 2Cl2 O2 + OClO + HOCl + 2Cl2 ) is
shown in the lower right panel. Ozone recovery takes place in late spring as
PSC disappear and reactive chlorine is converted back to ClONO2 and HCl.
Values based on the MOZART-3 global chemical/transport model. Courtesy of
D. Kinnison (NCAR).
Net: 2 O3 → 3 O2
For typical levels of BrONO2 , this latter cycle is believed to be more
effective at destroying ozone than the similar cycle involving chlorine
compounds (Toumi et al., 1993; Lary, 1996). These cycles illustrate the
importance of the interactions between various chemical families.
In the ozone destruction cycle presented above, the conversion of NO
to NO2 by direct reactions with ozone can be replaced by other pathways,
including the reactions involving the peroxy radical HO2 ,
NO + HO2 → OH + NO2
OH + O3 → HO2 + O2
or the chlorine oxide radical ClO
NO + ClO → Cl + NO2
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
It is important to note that certain cycles can lead to ozone formation;
this phenomenon is readily observed in the troposphere (see Box 5.4),
which is rich in anthropogenic hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. In
the free troposphere and lower stratosphere, the conversion of NO to
NO2 by peroxy radicals (HO2 and CH3 O2 ) produced by the oxidation
of methane and carbon monoxide, followed by the photodissociation of
NO2 leads to the formation of O3 . The complete chains are the following
(Crutzen, 1974):
CH4 + OH → CH3 + H2 O
CH3 + O2 + M → CH3 O2 + M
CH3 O2 + NO → CH3 O + NO2
NO2 + hν → NO + O
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
CH3 O + O2 → CH2 O + HO2
HO2 + NO → NO2 + OH
NO2 + hν → NO + O
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
CH2 O + hν → CO + H2
CH4 + 4 O2 + hν → H2 O + CO + H2 + 2 O3
CO + OH → CO2 + H
H + O2 + M → HO2 + M
HO2 + NO → OH + NO2
NO2 + hν → NO + O
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
Net: CO + 2 O2 + hν → CO2 + O3
If, however, NO is reduced by efficient heterogeneous reactions (e.g.,
on polar stratospheric clouds), the oxidation of methane becomes
catalyzed by ClO, and, rather than producing two ozone molecules per
cycle, destroys two ozone molecules for each methane molecule oxidized
(Crutzen et al., 1992). The chain is the following (Lary, 1996):
CH4 + OH → CH3 + H2 O
CH3 + O2 + M → CH3 O2 + M
CH3 O2 + ClO → CH3 O + Cl + O2
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
CH3 O + O2 → CH2 O + HO2
HO2 + ClO → HOCl + O2
HOCl + hν → OH + Cl
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
CH2 O + hν → CO + H2
d(O3 )
+ JO3 (O3 ) + k3 (O)(O3 ) + a2 (H)(O3 ) + a6 (OH)(O3 )
+ a6b (HO2 )(O3 ) + b4 (NO)(O3 ) + b9 (NO2 )(O3 ) (5.342)
+ 2k1 (M)(O)2 + k2 (M)(O2 )(O) + k3 (O3 )(O) + a5 (OH)(O)
+ a7 (HO2 )(O) + b3 (NO2 )(O) + d3 (ClO)(O) + e3 (BrO)(O)
= 2JO2 (O2 ) + JO3 (O3 ) + JNO2 (NO2 ) + JBrO (BrO) + JaNO3 (NO3 )
where equilibrium has been assumed for O(1 D). Adding Eqs. (5.342)
and (5.343), the rate of change for odd oxygen (Ox ) becomes
d(Ox )
+ 2k1 (M)(O)2 + 2k3 (O)(O3 ) + a2 (H)(O3 )
+ [a5 (OH) + a7 (HO2 )] (O) + [a6 (OH) + a6b (HO2 )] (O3 )
+ b3 (NO2 )(O) + b4 (NO)(O3 ) + b9 (NO2 )(O3 )
Under this convention, the terms that appear in this general equation
for Oy represent the net production and destruction rates of odd oxygen,
and correspond to the “limiting rates” in most of the cycles presented
above. At all altitudes (Oy ) ≈ (Ox ), so that Eq. (5.345) can be regarded
as a form of the odd oxygen equation. In the stratosphere below 50 km,
while, above 70 km
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6.1 Introduction
(see Chapter 3); indeed, if it were not for the presence of ozone, the
Earth would not have a stratosphere at all. If the concentration of ozone
changes due to some perturbation (such as NOx increases due to solar
proton events, see next section), then the temperature will change in
response. A simple, linearized description of this linkage was suggested
by Dickinson (1973):
PH ∆ (O3 )
∆T = · (6.1)
α (O3 )
where PH is the total gross heating rate, α is the relaxation rate (see
Eq. (4.89)) and ∆ (O3 )/(O3 ) is the relative ozone change. At 50 km, for
example, PH ≈ 10K/day and α ≈ 0.2/day, so that for an ozone reduction
of 20%, a temperature decrease of about 10◦ K is expected based on this
Such a description can serve as a useful guide, but its applicability
is limited by several factors. Ozone plays some role in the emission of
infrared radiation as well as in absorbing ultraviolet radiation, so that
the relaxation rate in the above equation is also linked to ozone change.
Figure 6.2. Observed variations in ozone and temperature based upon satellite
data from 30◦ N to 50◦ N (top) and from 30◦ N to 30◦ S (bottom), from Finger
et al. (1995).
Perhaps the most striking evidence for the prominent role of the
NOx cycle in influencing ozone was first provided by observations of the
changes in ozone following major charged particle precipitation events
(see Chapter 7). Protons, electrons, and alpha particles released from
the sun are channelled by our planet’s magnetic field lines and produce
ionization as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Ionization in turn
results in production of NOx (about 1.5 NO molecules are produced
per ionization) and HOx (about 2 HOx molecules are produced below
75 km per ionization). Solar disturbances can be associated with input
of large quantities of charged particles to the Earth’s atmosphere, which
result in the northern and southern lights (the aurorae) due to emissions
by excited atoms and molecules. They can also lead to relativistic
electron precipitation (REPs) and solar proton events (SPE, also referred
to as polar cap absorption or PCA events). While REPs are related
mainly to mesospheric ionization and can occur at latitudes as low as
about 50◦ , SPEs and PCA events are characterized by particles with
higher energies, some of which can penetrate to the stratosphere, but
are generally restricted to high latitudes near the geomagnetic poles.
The possibility that odd nitrogen would be produced by energetic
particle precipitation was first advanced by Dalgarno (1971), but the
role of odd nitrogen in ozone chemistry was not understood at that
time. In the early 1970s Crutzen et al. (1975) predicted that particle
events could be linked to transient ozone loss. A notable depletion of
upper stratospheric ozone was observed following the major solar proton
event of August 1972. Ozone dropped by as much as about 20% near
35 km at 75◦ N on the day after the primary event, and remained low
for weeks afterward (see e.g., Heath et al., 1977). A rapid drop in ozone
supports the short photochemical lifetime of ozone in this height range,
while the continued perturbation is consistent with the long lifetime of
the enhanced NOy in this region (order of months to a year). While
dramatic, such events are rare. Major solar proton events are relatively
infrequent, and typically occur only near the maximum of the 11-year
cycle of solar activity.
More recent work on later solar proton events has benefited from
concurrent observations, not only of ozone but also of NOx compounds
(e.g., Jackman et al., 2001), allowing a better link to be drawn between
ozone and the enhanced catalytic NOx concentrations. Figure 6.3
presents a striking illustration of the ability of current models to simulate
the general features of observed NOx and O3 changes during a solar
proton event observed in July 2000 (from Jackman et al., 2001). Note
that HOx also contributes to the observed decreases, especially in the
mesosphere. Further, it has been shown that the sensitivity of ozone
to increasing NOx depends upon stratospheric chlorine loading: for the
low total chlorine amounts of the early 1970s, upper stratospheric ozone
depletion was predicted and observed, but a SPE that occurred in the
1990s actually showed evidence for ozone increases in some regions, due
to the much higher chlorine loading present then (Jackman et al., 2000).
Thus solar proton events have provided a useful probe not only of the
NOx -catalyzed destruction of ozone, but also of its coupling to chlorine
over past decades of change in the ozone layer.
Production of mesospheric and thermospheric NOx by particle
precipitation does provide a possible source of stratospheric NOy , as
illustrated by the data in Figure 6.3. However, its magnitude is
Figure 6.3. Satellite observations from the HALOE instrument of ozone and
NOx changes following the major solar proton event of July 2000, compared to
model calculations. From Jackman et al. (2001).
Figure 6.4. Spectral distribution of the variability in the solar flux associated
with the 11-year solar cycle. Based on the observations by UARS/SOLSTICE
(see also Figure 4.10). Courtesy of G. Rottman, Univ. of Colorado.
Figure 6.5. Comparison of the observed and calculated ozone sensitivities over
27-day solar rotation timescales, from Chen et al. (1997). The dashed line
shows a one-dimensional model calculation, while the solid and dot-dashed lines
display two-dimensional model estimates using two different prescriptions for
the absolute irradiance changes. Observations from Nimbus-7 SBUV are also
presented for comparison.
The upper stratosphere was not only depleted in ozone, but was also
colder by the 1990s than it had been 20 years earlier (Ramaswamy et al.,
1996). The cooling of the upper stratosphere is due in part to the
chlorine-driven ozone changes and is hence subject to ozone/temperature
feedback as discussed in Section 6.2.1. But much of the upper
stratospheric cooling is driven not by ozone itself but by increases in
greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor). While
greenhouse gases warm the planet surface, they cool the stratosphere.
Thus, changes in the upper stratospheric thermal structure driven by
trends in these gases were believed to be responsible for an average
cooling of about 1.5◦ K near 40 km in 1997 as compared to 1979, and
an associated damping of the ozone trend that would otherwise have
occurred (see e.g., Forster and Shine, 1999).
HO2 + NO → NO2 + OH
which has the effect of increasing the net production of odd oxygen
Figure 6.10. Observations of the vertical profile of ozone observed at the South
Pole in the Octobers of the late 1960s and early 1970s, contrasted with those of
1986 and 1997. Total ozone ((DU)) is indicated for each profile, from Hofmann
et al. (1997). The right hand panel shows a typical polar stratospheric cloud
observed at the South Pole from the observations of Collins et al. (1993). From
Solomon (1999).
Figure 6.11. Observations of the full seasonal cycle of daily ozone at Halley,
Antarctica, in the years before the ozone hole (1976/7
( / and 1977/8),
/ ) and in
/ and 1996/7 / ((courtesy of J. Shanklin).
) Note the rapid September drop
in total ozone in the years displaying the ozone hole. From Solomon (1999).
the sunlit atmosphere for brief periods (Tuck, 1989; Sanders et al., 1993;
Roscoe et al., 1997).
Observations of PSCs, low NO2 amounts in polar regions (Figure
6.12), enhanced polar HNO3 (Murcray et al., 1975; Williams et al., 1982)
and the vertical profile of the ozone depletion based upon the Japanese
measurements (Chubachi, 1984) were cited in support of heterogeneous
chemistry as the primary process initiating Antarctic ozone depletion.
Such a mechanism would be most effective in the Antarctic due to
colder temperatures and greater PSC frequencies there than in the
corresponding seasons in the Arctic (McCormick et al., 1982), a point
discussed further below.
As in the discussion of gas-phase chemistry, a complete understanding
of ozone depletion requires consideration not only of how much ClO is
present (i.e., ClO/Cly ), but also of the catalytic cycles in which ClO
may engage. Solomon et al. (1986) emphasized the catalytic ozone
destruction initiated by the reaction between HO2 and ClO. However,
this process cannot destroy enough ozone early enough in the spring
season to be consistent with the seasonality of the ozone loss process as
shown above in Figure 6.11.
Molina and Molina (1987) showed that very rapid ozone depletion
can occur through a previously-unrecognized catalytic cycle involving
formation and photolysis of a ClO dimer, Cl2 O2 . Following a period
of some uncertainty regarding the kinetics and photochemistry of the
dimer, laboratory studies confirmed its importance (e.g., Sander et al.,
1989; see Rodriguez et al., 1990 for model calculations and JPL, 2000,
for a summary of laboratory data). This cycle is now well-recognized
as the primary catalytic process responsible for about 75% of the ozone
removal in the ozone hole. Note that the reaction of ClO with itself
and a third body to form Cl2 O2 is the rate limiting step in this critical
catalytic cycle, implying that measurements of ClO provide a direct
measure of the rate of this odd-oxygen loss process.
McElroy et al. (1986) and Tung et al. (1986) emphasized the role of
bromine chemistry in ozone hole formation (in particular, its coupling to
chlorine through the reaction between ClO and BrO); this cycle is now
known to contribute about 20% to the annual formation of the Antarctic
ozone hole (e.g., Anderson et al., 1989). Both McElroy et al. (1986)
and Tung et al. (1986) also emphasized the need for reduced NO2 in
order for ClO to remain active (noting the links to the Noxon ‘cliff’),
and McElroy et al. (1986) also emphasized the Japanese ozonesonde
observations, particularly the observation of ozone loss at low altitudes,
where bromine can be very effective for ozone destruction.
Figure 6.15. The left panel illustrates laboratory data on the efficiency of the
reaction between HCl and ClONO2 for ice, nitric acid/water
/ solid surfaces,
and liquid sulfuric acid/water solutions. The right panel depicts the altitude
variation of the temperature at which the efficiency of this reaction on liquid
sulfuric acid/water solutions becomes greater than 0.3 for water vapor mixing
ratios that can be observed in the lower stratosphere.
see Robinson et al., 1998 for a detailed recent analysis). This reaction
takes place in liquid solutions with an efficiency greater than 1 in one
hundred (0.01 as shown in Figure 6.15) for temperatures colder than
about 197 K at 20 km, and an efficiency of 1 in ten for temperatures
below about 195 K. Ravishankara and Hanson (1996) have emphasized
that liquid PSCs can be comparable to or more effective than solid PSCs
for many surface reactions at temperatures below about 195 K at 20 km,
a point also illustrated in Cox et al. (1994), Borrmann et al. (1997a),
and Del Negro et al. (1997).
Because liquid aerosols are present throughout the global stratosphere
and because the water vapor pressures available to condense into them
increase with increasing total pressure, the temperatures at which
effective reactions may occur in liquid particles are higher for lower
altitudes (Hofmann and Oltmans, 1992), as is also shown in Figure 6.15.
This is an intriguing issue for both the polar and mid-latitude lower
stratospheres. Some studies suggest that both liquid and solid surfaces
can activate chlorine efficiently near the tropopause (Borrmann et al.,
1996; 1997b; Bregman et al., 1997; Solomon et al., 1997). Observations
of enhanced ClO and reduced NO close to the tropopause for relatively
wet (15 ppmv of H2 O) conditions provide some evidence for such liquid
surface chemistry at mid-latitudes (Keim et al., 1996; see also Brune
et al., 1990), although there is also evidence for some suppression of
such chemistry at the tropopause itself (Smith et al., 2001). Recent
work has emphasized that ammonium may play a role along with
sulfate in forming aerosols in the upper troposphere and perhaps at the
tropopause (see e.g., Tabazadeh and Toon, 1998; Kaercher and Solomon,
1999; Prenni et al., 2001), and the effect of ammonium ions or other
impurities such as organics on heterogeneous chemistry is not currently
known. Note that Figure 6.15 is based upon the thermodynamic model
of Carslaw et al. (1997a); its extrapolation to very high water vapor
pressures (e.g., greater than 5 ppmv at 200 mbar) is uncertain at present
and requires laboratory studies for those conditions (see Robinson et al.,
1998); impurities such as ammonium have also not been considered here.
It is useful to note that the HCl + ClONO2 reaction competes with
the H2 O + ClONO2 reaction for the available ClONO2 on liquid aerosol
surfaces. Thus, if HCl has been depleted, the rate of the latter reaction
increases, so that effective heterogeneous activation of chlorine is not
dependent upon both HCl and ClONO2 being present. Further, the
reactions of HCl with HOCl and HOBr are also quite efficient on liquid
aerosol under moderately cold and/or wet conditions (Ravishankara and
Hanson, 1996; JPL, 1997), providing additional pathways for chlorine
the size of the hole. However, as discussed below in the context of the
Arctic ozone depletion, the interactions of waves with the mean flow
is a complex process that makes a definitive prediction of the future
temperatures of the polar and sub-polar stratospheres a challenge.
or not temperatures are cold in the spring season when sunlight is also
available), and not by denitrification. Gao et al. (2001) showed that
extensive denitrification, as documented by Fahey et al. (2001), did
enhance O3 loss (by about 30%) in a narrow layer in 2000, but Tabazadeh
(2001) showed that the more important question may be the depth of
such layers. Years of deepest ozone depletion observed in the 1990s were
often associated with little or no denitrification (Santee et al., 1998;
1999), and the years of greatest denitrification (e.g., 1999/2000) were
not those of greatest Arctic ozone loss. This is the subject of the next
Figure 6.17. Observations of the average temperatures at 65◦ S and 65◦ N from
the Fleming et al. (1990) Cospar International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA)
climatology (top). The middle and bottom panels show satellite measurements
of the annual cycles of total ozone at 65◦ N and 65◦ S in the late 1970s and in
1996 and 1997 (from SBUV/SBUV2, courtesy of R. Nagatani). From Solomon
et al., 1990; Salawitch et al., 1989; Koop et al., 1995; Fahey et al.,
Based on ClO observations (Brune et al., 1990) and related model
calculations, observed and calculated rates of ozone loss in February
1989, were shown to be of the order of 20 ppbv/day near 20 km
(Schoeberl et al., 1990; Salawitch et al., 1990; McKenna et al., 1990).
Further, the BrO observations of Toohey et al. (1990) revealed that
the ClO-BrO catalytic cycle was probably of particular importance for
the Arctic, since ClO enhancements were generally smaller than in the
Antarctic and hence the efficiency of the ClO dimer cycle was reduced;
note that the rate of the latter depends on the square of ClO density,
e.g., Salawitch et al., 1990; 1993). However, the early warming observed,
for example, in February 1989, as illustrated in Figure 6.19, prevented
extensive total ozone loss in that year. Some early studies suggested that
the less extensive denitrification of the Arctic would limit ozone losses
there (Brune et al., 1991; Salawitch et al., 1993) through less effective
NOx reduction and hence an early cutoff of the depletion process in
spring; the previous section illustrates how new understanding of liquid
aerosol chemistry has affected this picture. Thermal decomposition of
the Cl2 O2 dimer (which cuts off the ClO dimer ozone loss cycle) also
affects the degree of possible ozone loss as air warms in spring even if
denitrified (McKenna et al., 1990; MacKenzie et al., 1996).
mainly responsible for maintaining the high ClO (Santee et al., 1997)
that depleted the Arctic ozone in those years (Manney et al., 1997).
Figure 6.11 shows that the Antarctic ozone hole fills in to a substantial
degree around December. This increase in ozone is associated with
the final stratospheric warming that breaks down the polar vortex
and brings in ozone-rich air from lower latitudes. However, it is also
important to note that the seasonal increase in Antarctic ozone that
marks the warming now occurs systematically later than it did prior
to the discovery of the ozone hole — note the ozone seasonal increases
observed not in December but in November in the 1970s (see Jones
and Shanklin, 1995). Theory suggests that the massive destruction of
Antarctic ozone has greatly altered the thermal budget of the Antarctic
stratosphere, and is likely to be responsible for this considerable delay
in the timing of the Antarctic stratospheric spring warming (e.g.,
Randel and Wu, 1999). If there were to be a similar delay in the
breakdown of the Arctic polar vortex caused by ozone depletion or by
another mechanism (such as greenhouse gas changes), then it could have
profound implications for Arctic ozone loss in the future. There is some
evidence that Arctic stratospheric warmings are tending to occur about
2 weeks later than they did in the past (Zhou et al., 2000). If this trend
were to continue, Arctic ozone depletion may deepen in the future, since
the spring seasonal overlap between cold temperatures and the amount
of sunlight is critical in driving ozone depletion.
In summary, there is abundant evidence for some chemical perturba-
tions and ozone destruction in the Arctic even in relatively warm years,
but the degree of ozone depletion depends upon cold temperatures in
sunlit conditions, just as in the Antarctic. An unprecedented number
of cold years occurred in the Arctic in the 1990s. Each of these was
reflected in low ozone in the Arctic record as shown in Figure 6.9. Five
of the years from 1991-1998 have been significantly colder than average
(Coy et al., 1997; Zurek et al., 1996), and there is evidence that Arctic
warmings may be occurring later than before. This series of unusually
cold years raises the key question of cause. Randel and Wu (1999) argue
that the cooling observed in both the Arctic and the Antarctic is due
to the ozone depletion itself. They propose a feedback mechanism as
in Shine (1986) wherein ozone losses lead to colder temperatures and
hence even greater depletion. The studies by Thompson and Wallace
(2000) and Thompson et al. (2000) suggest that changes in the dynamics
of the north polar vortex may be linked to the underlying tropospheric
wave field, particularly the North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations (NAO,
AO) in wave patterns (i.e., the spatial distribution of tropospheric
disturbances). These authors suggest a wave-driven systematic linkage
between tropospheric waves and stratospheric temperature, which could
reflect ozone changes. Hartley et al. (1998) argue for a similar linkage
involving the modification of stratospheric dynamics due to the ozone
changes, with tropospheric propagation as a key element. Other
evidence for downward propagation of stratospheric waves is presented
by Baldwin and Dunkerton (2001). However, other studies argue for
smaller effects, and suggest mechanisms including greenhouse gases and
surface temperatures could account for these changes (see references in
Thompson et al., 2000).
As has already been emphasized, the ‘greenhouse effect’ due to
increases in CO2 and other gases warm the planet surface but cool
the stratosphere (e.g., Fels et al., 1980). This effect is predicted to
be small (only a few tenths of a degree in today’s atmosphere, far
less than the recent coolings observed in the Arctic), but dynamical
amplification of such changes is also possible. A number of studies
have suggested that increased CO2 and other greenhouse gases could
substantially affect stratospheric dynamics, thereby cooling the Arctic
stratosphere far more than the radiative effect alone would predict and
leading to greater Arctic ozone depletion (e.g., Austin et al., 1992;
Shindell et al., 1998). The work of Shindell et al. argues for a key
role for such a dynamical feedback both in the 1990s and perhaps in
future years, with the peak Arctic ozone losses being predicted to occur
near 2010, well after the expected peak of chlorine loading (see also
Dameris et al., 1998). However, some other three-dimensional models
display the opposite effect — those studies suggest that the Arctic
stratosphere could warm rather than cool in the future if emissions
of CO2 and other greenhouse gases continue. The different signs of
the temperature effects predicted by various models demonstrate great
sensitivity to how planetary waves propagate, dissipate, and couple to
the mean circulation and temperature fields. At present the possibility
that the recent colder Arctic temperatures are simply part of a natural
low-frequency cycle that could, for example, induce a series of colder
years every fifty years or so cannot be ruled out given the short record
of existing global stratospheric temperature data. Hence, while it is clear
that there has been significant chemical ozone depletion associated with
the cold Arctic winter/spring seasons of recent years, the fundamental
reasons for those cold temperatures and their future persistence remain
a topic of research.
The discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole naturally raised the question
of whether mid-latitudes might also display greater ozone depletion than
expected. Within a few years after the ozone hole was discovered,
statistically significant trends in ozone were documented at northern
mid-latitudes (Ozone Trends Report, 1988, and references therein). By
the 1990s, significant trends had been established for both northern
and southern mid-latitudes, not only in winter and spring but also in
summer (WMO/UNEP, 1991; 2003; Stolarski et al., 1991; McPeters
et al., 1996a,b; Harris et al., 1997). Mid-latitude ozone column trends
as of the late-1990s were of the order of 5-10%, much smaller than those
of the Antarctic (Figure 6.20) but far greater than gas-phase model
predictions. Analyses of vertical profiles measured by ozonesondes and
satellites suggested that the bulk (at least 2/3) of the northern mid-
latitude ozone decline is occurring in the lower stratosphere near 12-
20 km (see McCormick et al., 1992; Miller et al., 1995; WMO/UNEP,
1994; Bojkov and Fioletov, 1997; SPARC, 1998). Figure 6.20 depicts the
ozone record from Arosa, Switzerland, the sole station in the world where
ozone measurements date back to the 1920s. Systematic records were
begun at many other stations in the northern hemisphere in the 1950s or
60s (see Ozone Trends Panel Report, 1988), but the length of the record
at Switzerland is unique. The figure shows the large seasonal cycle of
ozone at mid-latitudes and illustrates that variability in that cycle is
one factor that makes observation of a trend difficult. However, when
attention is restricted to a single month, such as January for example
(shown by the filled circles in the figure), the data do suggest a trend
after about 1980. The trend becomes far clearer when the data are
averaged over several years, in order to reduce sensitivity to processes
such as the quasi-biennial oscillation or the El Niño,
˜ which can cause
short-term fluctuations of a few years due to dynamical perturbations.
Here we present a five-year running mean. The trends in this long-term
averaged record are evident; indeed the figure shows evidence for about
a 6% maximum trend in mid-latitude ozone and displays considerable
similarity to the Antarctic depletion (albeit much smaller in magnitude).
We next probe the causes for this striking change — this Antarctica in
miniature — observed for mid-latitude ozone.
Figure 6.20. Observations of total ozone at Arosa, Switzerland since the 1920s,
the world’s longest-running total ozone record. The top panel shows monthly
mean data for all months and years, illustrating both the large seasonal cycle
and its variability. Januaries are indicated by the filled circles, and this month
does display a long-term downward trend. The bottom panel presents the 5-
year running mean of the same data. Periods when modelling studies suggest
volcanic influences due to the El Chichón ´ and Mt. Pinatubo eruptions are
until the late 1980s that laboratory studies showed that N2 O5 can
hydrolyze rapidly (reaction efficiency of about 0.1) on sulfuric acid/water
films (Tolbert et al., 1988) and particles (Mozurkiewicz and Calvert,
1988). Hence the possibility of heterogeneous chemistry on the liquid
sulfate layer that is pervasive throughout the stratosphere began to be
considered in earnest (but see also Cadle et al., 1975, for an early and
interesting exploratory paper).
The hydrolysis of N2 O5 reduces NOx and its impact on ozone in the
lower stratosphere, and indirectly enhances the effect of ClO through
its control of the ClONO2 /ClO ratio, as discussed earlier. Recent
studies have examined the dependence of the N2 O5 hydrolysis reaction
on temperature and pressure (Robinson et al., 1997) and have probed
reaction conditions in extensive detail (JPL, 1997; 2000). This key
reaction and the related hydrolysis of bromine nitrate (Hanson et al.,
1996) both take place rapidly at virtually all stratospheric conditions,
making their influence extremely widespread (and, as shown below,
extremely important). In addition to these indirect effects, however,
there is evidence for some direct activation of chlorine on liquid sulfate
aerosols as well. As noted in connection with polar chemistry, Tolbert
et al. (1988) suggested that ClONO2 could react with water and with
HCl on sulfuric acid/water surfaces, but with a strong dependence on
the particle composition, specifically the water content of the particle
(hence on the temperature and water vapor pressure).
The laboratory investigations of Tolbert (1988) and Mozurkiewicz
and Calvert (1988) prompted Hofmann and Solomon (1989) to study
the role of N2 O5 hydrolysis and chlorine activation on sulfuric acid
aerosols at mid-latitudes, particularly under volcanic conditions when
such processes would be enhanced. They suggested that this chemistry
could be significant for both background and volcanically enhanced
conditions, and that the ozone reductions noted by several authors
(e.g., Adriani et al., 1987) following the eruption of El Chichón
´ in 1981
might be linked to heterogeneous reactions similar to those occurring
in Antarctica, albeit with reduced rates. Observations of marked
reductions in NO2 over New Zealand after the El Chichón ´ eruption
(Johnston and McKenzie, 1989) provided some of the first chemical
evidence that such processes could be important at mid-latitudes.
Several modelling studies further probed the role of this chemistry
in determining global ozone trends and related questions of chemical
partitioning and odd oxygen destruction cycles studies (e.g., Rodriguez
et al., 1991; 1994; Brasseur and Granier, 1992; Prather et al., 1992;
McElroy et al., 1992; Pitari et al., 1993; Toumi et al., 1993). Prather
et al. (1992) pointed out that the hydrolysis of N2 O5 saturates beyond
a certain aerosol load at which N2 O5 is converted to HNO3 as fast as
1994). The high aerosol load present just after the eruption in mid-
1991 changed stratospheric heating and hence reduced tropical ozone
through dynamical effects (Brasseur and Granier, 1992), but this lasted
only a few months and was largely confined to the tropics (see Schoeberl
et al., 1992; Tie et al., 1994). For reviews of the many studies
establishing the large and persistent mid-latitude ozone changes after
Pinatubo, see Toohey (1995) and WMO/UNEP (1994; 1998). Because
the stratospheric Brewer-Dobson circulation transports material upward
and poleward, major volcanic eruptions that inject material into the
tropical stratosphere can have the greatest and longest impacts on
global ozone, while volcanic injections at higher latitudes are removed
by downward motion. Both El Chichón ´ and Pinatubo are tropical
Chemical measurements after Pinatubo have identified many signa-
tures of heterogeneous reactions on sulfate aerosols at mid-latitudes that
are akin to those occurring in the ozone hole region. Observations
from New Zealand showed both reduced NO2 and enhanced HNO3
column abundances (Johnston et al., 1992; Koike et al., 1994). Aircraft,
ground-based, balloon- and shuttle-borne experiments revealed similar
large changes in NOx /NOy partitioning associated with the roughly
thirty-fold increases in aerosol surface observed (e.g., Rinsland et al.,
1994; Webster et al., 1994; Fahey et al., 1993; Mills et al., 1993;
Coffey and Mankin, 1993; Sen et al., 1998). Figure 6.21 shows direct
observations of perturbations in NOx /NOy and ClO/Cly at 20 km from
Fahey et al. (1993) associated with the buildup of Pinatubo aerosols
at mid-latitudes. NOx /NOy decreases follow the behavior broadly
predicted by Prather (1992) and expected from the dominance of N2 O5
hydrolysis. It is important to note that these observations confirm that
some of the ozone depletion observed following Pinatubo must have
been due to chlorine chemistry, although they do not in themselves
establish its magnitude. Randinaya et al. (1997) and Slusser et al. (1997)
used summer polar observations of NO2 to show evidence for BrONO2
hydrolysis on sulfate aerosols as well. Observations of enhanced OH
at sunrise further suggest that the latter process is significant not only
in reducing NOx via heterogeneous chemistry but also as a source of
OH (Hanson and Ravishankara, 1995, 1996; Salawitch et al., 1994; Lary
et al., 1996).
Turning to the key chlorine-related species, Avallone et al. (1993a,b)
and Wilson et al. (1993) showed post-Pinatubo ClO observations
suggesting heterogeneous perturbations in mid-latitude air. HCl
observations by Webster et al. (1998) provide evidence that not only
is ClO enhanced by high volcanic loading at mid-latitudes as an indirect
effect through shifts in NO2 , but also is directly affected to some degree
Figure 6.22. Observations of CH3 CCl3 and CFC-11 from the Atmospheric
Lifetime Experiment/ / Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment ((ALE/GAGE)/ )
and Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) databases,
respectively. The projections from the baseline emission scenario of
/ ((1998)) are shown for comparison. The scenario includes
estimated industrial production and emission for each year ((including the effects
of delayed release in some applications such as refrigeration, see WMO/UNEP,
) The methyl chloroform data show a rapid decline observed in recent
years due to reduced emissions and the 5-year lifetime of this gas ((Prinn et al.,
1995; WMO/UNEP,
/ 1998), while the CFC-11 abundances have just passed their
peak ((Elkins et al., 1993; Montzka et al., 1996; updated courtesy of J. Elkins
and S. Montzka) and are projected to decline slowly in the future due to the
50-year lifetime of this gas. From Solomon (1999).
Figure 6.23. The top panel shows the total tropospheric chlorine content
estimated from the baseline scenario in WMO/UNEP (1998); this is based
on a gas-by-gas analysis like those shown in Figure 6.22. The bottom panel
shows the changes in the 5-year running mean ozone observed over Switzerland
(Staehelin et al., 1998a,b) compared to a model calculation for 45◦ N applying
the same time averaging, with and without considering the effects of volcanic
enhancements in aerosol chemistry (from the model of Solomon et al., 1996;
1998). The major eruptions since 1980 were those of El Chichón´ in 1982 and
Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Updated from Solomon (1999).
the processes described here. The changes in ozone observed over Arosa
are in good agreement with the zonally averaged global satellite data
discussed earlier, and the time-averaged trends obtained there appear
to be generally representative of northern mid-latitudes. The figure
illustrates that the future of mid-latitude ozone depletion is likely to
be linked not only to chlorine but also in part to volcanoes for at
least several decades. If there were to be an extremely large volcanic
eruption such as that of Tamboura (whose 1815 eruption is estimated
at about three times the stratospheric impact of Mt. Pinatubo) in
coming decades, it is likely that mid-latitude ozone depletion would
be increased even though the chlorine content of the stratosphere is
expected to be lower than it is today. This illustrates the connection
between the accumulation of chlorine in today’s atmosphere due to
human activities of the industrial era and the unpredictable time scales
of geologic phenomena that couple into this altered chemical state.
This book has emphasized many spatial and temporal ‘fingerprints’
that illustrate the role of chlorine in depleting ozone in the contemporary
stratosphere (Table 6.1). Indeed, it is the structure of the ozone loss
in space (e.g., in the 40 km region) and time (e.g., in the Antarctic
spring and in mid-latitudes in the years following Mt. Pinatubo) that
tests and supports scientific understanding, illustrating how gas-phase
and heterogeneous modulation of ClO/Cly partitioning affects ozone
depletion. Through the impacts of this chemistry, the stratospheric
ozone layer in the 21st century will continue to reflect the impact of
the changes in chlorine enacted in the 20th .
Table 6.1 Summary of Key Fingerprints of Ozone Depletion
Latitudinal structure of ClO, Airborne and satellite ≈50-85◦ S; 50-85◦ N 20 Heterogeneous chlorine
HCl, NO, NO2 , and ozone loss activation and NO2
in polar regions suppression
Vertical structure of seasonal Balloon-borne, lidar, and 90◦ S, 50-85◦ S, 12-24 km Heterogeneous chlorine
ozone loss and PSCs in polar satellite 50-85◦ N activation
Seasonal changes in PSCs, Balloon-borne, lidar, ≈50-90◦ in both ≈12-24 km and Heterogeneous
ozone depletion, OClO, ClO, ground-based, and satellite polar regions column chemistry
HCl, and ClONO2
Post-Pinatubo (≈1992-1995) Ground-based and some Mid-latitudes and near 20 km and Heterogeneous chemistry
ozone depletion and recovery; satellite polar regions column
contrast with post-Agung
Post-Pinatubo changes in Airborne, ground-based, Mid-latitudes and near 20 km, near Heterogeneous
stratospheric chemical state balloon-borne, and satellite some polar tropopause, and chemistry, particularly
and aerosol content (NOx , column N2 O5 hydrolysis and
ClO, HNO3 , OClO) some chlorine activation
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Chapter 7
7.1 Introduction
At the end of the 19th century, it was suggested that the presence of
an electrically conducting atmospheric layer could explain the observed
diurnal variation in the terrestrial magnetic field. In 1901, Marconi
established the first radiowave transmission between Europe and North
America, and Kennelly and Heaviside independently suggested that
this communication was possible only because of the reflection of radio
signals by a conducting layer near 80 km altitude. Radiowave methods
later led to the first quantitative studies of this layer, through analysis of
emitted signals reflected to the surface. Systematic sounding of this type
showed that the base of the electrically conducting layer was located at
about 50-60 km. Present understanding of chemical processes affecting
ions is due primarily to laboratory investigations and to in situ mass
spectrometric measurements made from balloon and rocket platforms.
Such studies have revealed, for example, that electrons are present in
very small abundances below the stratopause, and that positive and
negative ions dominate the ion composition of the stratosphere while
positive ions and electrons dominate the mesosphere and thermosphere.
Atmospheric gaseous ions not only affect the electrical properties of the
atmospheric medium; they also play an interesting role in the chemistry
of the atmosphere.
The ionosphere is a weakly ionized fluid of net neutral charge.
Atmospheric atoms and molecules can be ionized either by short
wavelength solar radiation (UV and X-rays), or by precipitating
energetic particles, e.g.,
X + hν → X+ + e (7.1)
X + e∗ → X+ + 2e (7.2)
where e∗ represents an energetic electron. These processes are the
starting points for a series of reactions which determine the structure
of the ionosphere. Several types of general reactions of importance
in ion chemistry should be outlined in order to study the ionosphere.
For example, different ions may be produced from the initial (also
called primary) particles through charge exchange reactions with neutral
X+ + Y → Y+ + X (7.3)
Negative ions can also be formed by electron attachment on neutral
e + Z + M → Z− + M (7.4)
Electrons can be released from negative ions, either by photodetachment
or by collisional detachment:
Z− + hν → Z + e (7.5)
Z− + M → Z + M + e (7.6)
Positively and negatively charged particles can recombine:
X+ + e → neutral products (7.7)
X+ + Y− → neutral products (7.8)
Understanding the formation of the ions requires knowledge of
the spectral distribution of solar radiation at short wavelengths, the
structure of solar and galactic cosmic rays, as well as the chemical
composition of the atmosphere and its physical characteristics such as
pressure, temperature, and transport. The variations of solar activity
must also be considered.
It is customary to divide the ionosphere into a number of characteristic
layers based on the mean vertical profile of electron density.
The D-region is located between about 60 km and 90-95 km. In this
layer, ionization results mostly from photoionization of NO by Lyman
α radiation (121.6 nm). High energy cosmic rays also contribute to the
ionization of O2 and N2 below 70 km. Radio waves are readily absorbed
in the D-region, as will be discussed in Section 7.6.
The E-region extends from about 90-95 km to 130 km. It is produced
by ionization of molecular and atomic oxygen, and molecular nitrogen,
by X-rays and Lyman β radiation (102.6 nm). Although the predomi-
nant ions in this layer are O+ +
2 and NO , relatively large concentrations
of Fe+ , Mg+ , Si+ , and Ca+ are also observed. These latter ions are
produced mainly by meteor ablation between 85 and 130 km.
The F-region begins above 130 km and is sometimes subdivided
into two layers, F1 and F2 . It is primarily produced by ionization of
atomic oxygen and molecular nitrogen by extreme ultraviolet radiation
(9-91 nm). The atomic oxygen ion, O+ , dominates. The electron density
attains its maximum value of about 106 cm−3 in this layer. The F-region
plays an important role in the transmission of certain radio waves, which
Figure 7.1. Definition of the ionospheric layers based on the vertical distribution
of electron density. From Banks and Kockarts (1973).
dne ae n2 ne ne dλ
= − ne [dp + fd n+(1 + λ)αi ne ] − (7.15)
dt λ λ dt
eliminating dne /dt, we obtain the ratio, λ:
1 dλ ae n2 nI
= + (dp + fd n) − + (αi − αD ) ne
λ(1 + λ) dt λ (1 + λ)ne
which is a Riccati differential equation. Analysis of approximate
magnitude of the respective terms in Eq. (7.16) shows that it is possible
to neglect the contribution of the ionization and recombination terms,
so that the equation reduces approximately to
= (1 + λ) ae nna − (1 + λ) λ (dp + fd n) (7.17)
Since the time constant for negative ion formation by attachment (ae ) is
at most about an hour at the top of the middle atmosphere (and is much
less at lower altitudes), photochemical steady state can be assumed:
ae nna
λ= (7.18)
dp + fd n
This equation shows that the ratio of the negative ions to electrons
depends principally on the rate of attachment of electrons on neutral
particles, and on the rate of detachment by solar radiation and collisions.
dne nI
= − (αD + λαi ) n2e (7.19a)
dt 1+λ
= nI − αD n2e (7.19b)
A more realistic analysis considers formation of several ions (j), and
involves more complex expressions of the type
dne nj Ij ne
= − (αD, j + λαi, j )n+
j (7.20)
dt j
1 + λ 1 + λ j
nj + = (1 + λ) ne (7.21)
dne nj Ij
= − αeff n2e (7.23)
dt j
1 + λ
Table 7.1 Flux of ionizing solar radiation (cm−2 s−1 ) for different
levels of solar activity.
102.6 (L−β) 3.5 (9) 5.0 (9) 8.0 (9) 1.2 (10)
97.7 (C III) 4.4 (9) 5.0 (9) 6.0 (9) 1.0 (10)
91-79.6 7.5 (9) 1.0 (10) 1.3 (10) 1.5 (10)
79.6-73.2 1.0 (9) 1.3 (9) 1.5 (9) 2.0 (9)
73.2-66.5 5.0 (8) 6.0 (8) 8.0 (8) 1.0 (9)
66.5-37.5 4.0 (9) 6.0 (9) 8.0 (9) 1.2 (10)
37.5-27.5 7.5 (9) 1.0 (10) 1.5 (10) 2.0 (10)
27.5-15.0 7.5 (9) 1.0 (10) 1.5 (10) 2.0 (10)
15.0-8.0 5.0 (8) 7.5 (8) 1.0 (9) 2.0 (9)
8.0-6.0 2.5 (7) 5.0 (7) 1.0 (8) 1.5 (8)
6.0-4.1 2.5 (7) 5.0 (7) 1.0 (8) 1.5 (8)
4.1-3.1 7.5 (6) 1.5 (7) 3.0 (7) 4.5 (7)
0.8-0.5 2.9 (2) 2.9 (3) 2.9 (4) 2.9 (5)
0.33-0.5 2.0 (1) 2.0 (2) 2.0 (3) 2.0 (4)
0.15-0.33 1.0 (0) 1.0 (1) 1.0 (2) 1.0 (3)
Constituent Ao A1 A2 α
Figure 7.4 shows the ionization rate for four primary ions (O+ +
2 , N2 ,
O+ , +
and N ) between 90 and 120 km altitude. Note that the N ion is+
Figure 7.4. Production rate by EUV radiation of primary ions in the E-region
of the ionosphere calculated for 50◦ N at local noon during summertime (from
Fritzenwallner, 1997).
THE IONS 543 General
Energetic charged particles can penetrate into the Earth’s atmosphere
and ionize atmospheric species. They propagate along helical
trajectories following the Earth’s geomagnetic field. In polar regions
(magnetic latitude Λ > 75◦ ) the magnetic field lines are open and
cosmic particles (e.g., galactic) can easily enter the atmosphere. The
depth of penetration of charged particles depends on their mass and
energy. When energetic particles collide with neutral gas particles, a
small amount of their energy is converted to X-rays as they are rapidly
decelerated. This process is called the bremstrahlung process. The X-
rays can penetrate deeper in the atmosphere than the original particles.
Figure 7.8. Rate of ionization by cosmic rays in the lower stratosphere and
troposphere. From Brasseur and Nicolet (1973).
latitude, altitude, and solar activity level. For latitudes less than 53◦ ,
the following expressions can be used:
X1 = 1.74 × 10−18 (7.32a)
X2 = 1.93 × 10−17 (solar max), 2.84 × 10−17 (solar min) (7.32b)
X3 = 0.6 + 0.8| cos φ| (7.32c)
then, for total number density (M) greater than 3 × 1017 molec cm−3 ,
(1−X3 )
QCR = X1 + X2 | sin φ|4 3 × 1017 (M)X3 (7.33a)
while for (M) less than 3 × 1017 cm−3 ,
QCR = X1 + X2 | sin φ|4 (M) (7.33b)
where φ is the latitude. For latitudes greater than 53◦ (polar caps)
QCR = X1 (M) (solar mean) (7.34a)
QCR = (X1 + X2 )(M) (solar min) (7.34b)
QCR = (X1 − X2 )(M) (solar max) (7.34c)
X1 = 1.44 × 10−17 ; X2 = 4.92 × 10−18 (7.35)
The impact of cosmic rays on the chemical composition of the
atmosphere has been assessed, for example, by Jackman et al. (1993).
Figure 7.9. Ion production rate (cm−3 s−1 ) as a function of altitude due to
monoenergetic particles at various initial energies. Production rate due to a
normalized flux of 1 electron cm−2 s−1 at energies ranging from 1 to 300 keV
(adapted from Rees, 1963).
is not frequent, it often lasts for several days. These events can change
the ionization rate from its normal value of about 10 cm−3 s−1 to 104
or 105 cm−3 s−1 . As we shall see below, these events can also alter the
composition of the neutral atmosphere (see e.g., Jackman et al., 1990;
1995; Reid et al., 1991). Figure 7.11 presents the vertical distribution of
the ion pair production rates associated with some of the solar proton
events of recent years. The events of August 1972, July 1982, October
1989, and October 2003 were particularly intense.
Figure 7.11. Ionization rates associated with some solar proton events,
compared to that due to cosmic rays. Adapted from Solomon et al. (1983).
e∗ + N2 → N + N + e (7.38c)
and on the oxygen molecule:
e∗ + O2 → O+
2 + 2e (7.39a)
e∗ + O2 → O + O+ + 2e (7.39b)
The ratio of the peak cross section for simple ionization versus that for
dissociative ionization is 0.76:0.24 for N2 (Eqs. (7.38a,b)), and 0.67:0.33
for O2 (Eqs. (7.39a,b)) (Rapp et al., 1965). Assuming that the rate of
production is proportional to these cross section ratios, we obtain the
following approximate expressions (Rusch et al., 1981):
PN+2 = 0.76 × 0.77Q = 0.585Q (7.40a)
Figure 7.12. Ionization rates produced by various sources in the region from
50 to 100 km at noon (50◦ ) (upper panel) and during the night (50◦ ) (lower
panel) in January with mean solar activity. From Fritzenwallner (1997).
Sporadic sources
Figure 7.15. Evolution between 21:30 and 23:00 of the Ca+ density (expressed
in number of ions per cubic centimeter) measured by resonant lidar technique
between 92 and 106 km on October 27, 1983. The time integration for the lidar
observation is 8 minutes. From Granier et al.(1989).
X + hν → X+ + e− (m1 )
X + O+
2 → X + O2
(m2 )
X + NO+ → X+ + NO (m3 )
following reactions
X+ + O3 → XO+ + O2 (7.49)
X+ + O2 + M → XO+
2 +M (7.50)
XO+ + O → X+ + O2
XO+ + O3 → X+ + 2 O2
XO+ + CO → X+ + CO2
XO+ + NO → X+ + NO2
In addition
2 + M → X + O2 + M
X+ + e− → X + hν
XO+ + e → X + O (7.53)
2 + e → X + O2
Na+ + N2 + M → Na+ N2 + M
Na+ N2 + CO2 → Na+ CO2 + N2 (7.54)
Na+ CO2 + H2 O → Na+ H2 O + CO2
Figure 7.17. Vertical profile of the ion concentration ((cm−3 ) calculated for
different metallic species at 50◦ N for the month of January ((noon). ) The
concentration of a corresponding (dominant) neutral species is also shown (from
Fritzenwallner, 1997).
Other cluster ions such as NO+ (H2 O), NO+ (CO2 ), NO+ (H2 O)2 , O+ 4,
O+2 (H2 O), etc., are also observed. The altitude (known as the transition
height) at which the cross over from proton hydrates to molecular ions
(NO+ and O+ 2 ) occurs varies from about 70 to 90 km according to
season and latitude. The hydration order of the ions (n) is dependent
on geophysical conditions (particularly temperature) as well as the
atmospheric water vapor content.
Figure 7.19 shows the density profile of the main ions and ion classes
measured by Kopp and Herrmann (1984) above Red Lake (Ontario,
Canada) on 24 February 1979. As indicated above, NO+ and O+ 2 are
the dominant ions above approximately 80 km, while proton hydrates are
the most abundant positive ions below this altitude. The density profiles
of each individual proton hydrate (hydration orders 1 to 4), measured
during the same experiment, are shown in Figure 7.20.
Figure 7.19. Vertical profile of the main ion densities (cm−3 ) between 60 and
130 km measured by magnetic mass spectrometry above Red Lake (Ontario)
on 24 February 1979. From Kopp and Herrmann (1984).
N+ +
2 + O2 → O2 + N2
2 + O → O + N2
2 + O → NO + N
O+ + O2 → O+
2 +O
O + N2 → NO+ + N
O+ +
2 + O2 + M → O4 + M
O+ +
4 reacts with atomic oxygen to reform O2 and O3 :
O+ +
4 + O → O2 + O3 (7.56)
and with water vapor to form the first hydrated species:
O+ +
4 + H2 O → O2 · H2 O + O2 (7.57)
The O+
2· H2 O ion is very short lived because of the fast hydration
2 · H2 O + H2 O → H3 O · OH + O2
H3 O+ · OH + H2 O → H+ (H2 O)2 + OH (7.59)
As a result, a proton hydrate of the form H+ ·
(H2 O)n and an OH
radical are produced. Successive hydration can occur through the
following equilibrium reactions:
H+ · (H2 O)n + H2 O + M ⇐⇒ H+ · (H2 O)n+1 + M (7.60)
It should be noted that under high atomic oxygen concentrations, the
efficiency of O+ 2 hydration is reduced as a result of reaction (7.56).
Thus, the rapid decrease in hydrated ions which is observed above
80 km is due at least in part to the rapid increase in the atomic oxygen
abundance which occurs in the lower thermosphere. The reaction scheme
just described does not completely explain the observed D-region ion
distributions, since the primary ion at these altitudes is predominantly
NO+ rather than O+ 2.
Another chain of reactions was found to resolve this discrepancy
(Ferguson, 1971; Reid, 1977), explaining how proton hydrate formation
occurred starting from NO+ as the primary ion. Although the direct
hydration processes
NO+ + H2 O + M ⇐⇒ NO+ · H2 O + M (7.61)
NO+ · (H2 O)n + H2 O + M ⇐⇒ NO+ · (H2 O)n+1 + M (7.62)
were found to be too slow to explain the observations, it was shown that
the equivalent reaction can occur via two indirect sequences involving
CO2 and N2 :
NO+ + CO2 + M ⇐⇒ NO+ · CO2 + M (7.63)
NO+ · CO2 + H2 O → NO+ · H2 O + CO2 (7.64)
NO+ + N2 + M ⇐⇒ NO+ · N2 + M (7.65)
NO+ · N2 + CO2 → NO+ · CO2 + N2 (7.66)
followed by
NO+ · CO2 + H2 O → NO+ · H2 O + CO2
Higher order clusters can then be formed via reaction (7.60). Most
of the equilibria (e.g., Reactions (7.61), (7.62), (7.63) and (7.65)) are
strongly temperature sensitive, implying that the composition of the
D-region should be quite variable with season and latitude, and that
sporadic changes associated with local temperature variations should be
Figure 7.21 presents a schematic diagram of the aeronomy of positive
ions in the D-region. Recombination of these ions with negative ions
and electrons must also be considered. The recombination coefficient
of positive ions with electrons should be between about 10−7 and
10−5 cm3 s−1 ; the coefficient is faster for clusters than for molecular ions
such as NO+ and O+ 2 (Leu et al., 1973). Models of positive ions in the
D-region have been presented by Reid (1977), Thomas (1983), Brasseur
and De Baets (1986), Koshelev (1987), Burns et al.(1991), Fritzenwallner
(1997), Kull et al. (1997), and Kazil et al.(2003). Figure 7.22 presents
model distributions of the principal ions calculated at noon between 50
and 120 km for winter conditions (50◦ N) (Fritzenwallner, 1997).
O+ +
4 + O3 → O5 + O2 (7.68)
and this process competes with reaction with H2 O (Reaction 7.57). The
reaction with atomic oxygen is negligible in the stratosphere due to the
reduced abundances of this atom there. O+ 5 is almost as abundant as
O+4 near 25 to 30 km, where ozone densities are greatest. O+
5 reacts
rapidly with H2 O:
O+ +
5 + H2 O → O2 · H2 O + O3 (7.69)
H3 O+ + N2 O5 → NO+
2 · H2 O + HNO3 (7.70)
H3 O+ + HNO3 → NO+
2 · H2 O + H2 O (7.71)
followed by
NO+ +
2 · H2 O + H2 O + M → NO2 · (H2 O)2 + M (7.72)
2 · (H2 O)2 + H2 O → H · (H2 O)2 + HNO3
These processes accelerate the conversion of the first hydrated water
cluster ion to the second. It should be noted that Reaction (7.70)
converts N2 O5 to HNO3 . Bohringer
¨ et al. (1983) have shown that this
process is probably not fast enough to be important in stratospheric
neutral chemistry, however.
could play a role, but the vertical distribution of methanol is not well
Table 7.5 shows the mass of positive ions measured in the stratosphere
by mass spectrometry and the identification of the corresponding
ions. Comprehensive reviews of the chemistry and observations of
stratospheric positive ions are provided by Arnold (1980), Arijs (1983),
and Arijs (1992). Models of positive ions in the stratosphere have been
developed by Brasseur and Chatel (1983), Arijs and Brasseur (1986),
Beig and Chakrabarty (1988), Beig et al. (1993a), etc.
NO− 2 at mass 46. Since that time, only a very few measurements have
been performed. Narcisi et al. (1971) and Arnold et al. (1971) observed
the D-region at night. The presence of a transition zone above which
the concentration of negative ions rapidly decreases was established by
observation but the altitude of this layer seemed to vary considerably
with time (Arnold and Krankowsky, 1977; Arnold, 1980).
This transition zone between electrons and negative ions appears to be
located near 70 km during the day, and 5 to 10 km higher at night. But
the few available observations are not in agreement as to the composition
of the D-region negative ions. Narcisi et al. suggested that the dominant
ions were hydrated clusters, probably of the type NO− 3 · (H2 O)n , but
Arnold et al. (1971) found that over Northern Europe (69◦ N) the most
abundant species were CO− − −
3 , HCO3 and Cl . Figure 7.26 shows some
vertical profiles derived by Arnold et al. (1971). Further observations
are badly needed.
The chemistry of negative ions has been intensively studied in the
laboratory since the 1960s by Ferguson and coworkers. A schematic
diagram of the suggested chemistry resulting from their experiments is
Figure 7.27. Schematic diagram of the negative ion chemistry of the D-region.
From Ferguson (1979).
e + O2 + M → O−
2 +M (7.76)
The rate of this reaction varies with the atmospheric density (M), leading
to a nearly complete disappearance of free electrons below a certain
altitude. The attached electron can be liberated, however, by several
2 + O → O3 + e (7.77)
2 + O2 ( ∆g ) → 2O2 + e
2 + hν → O2 + e
These reactions lead to a balance between negative ions and electrons.
The increasing densities of atomic oxygen in the upper mesosphere
result in increased electron abundances there through Reaction (7.77).
The chain leading to stable negative ions occurs through the following
O− −
2 + O3 → O3 + O2 (7.79)
O− −
3 + CO2 → CO3 + O2 (7.80)
The CO−
3 ion can also be formed by a second sequence:
O− −
2 + O2 + M → O4 + M (7.81)
O− −
4 + CO2 → CO4 + O2 (7.82)
CO− −
4 + O → CO3 + O2 (7.83)
This last reaction competes with the following processes:
CO− −
4 + O3 → O3 + CO2 + O2 (7.84)
O− −
3 + CO2 → CO3 + O2 (7.85)
Another source of CO−
3 is provided by the binary formation of O−
e− + O3 → O− + O2 (7.86)
followed by a reaction with CO2
O− + CO2 + M → CO−
3 +M (7.87)
The CO−
3 ion is rapidly destroyed by reaction with atomic oxygen
CO− −
3 + O → O2 + CO2 (7.88)
which interrupts the formation of negative ions. However, the sequence
above can also be followed by:
CO− −
3 + NO → NO2 + CO2 (7.89)
NO− −
2 + O3 → NO3 + O2 (7.90)
which leads to the formation of a terminal ion NO−
3. This species is
particularly stable because of its very high electron affinity. If, however,
Figure 7.28. Vertical distribution of the 4 dominant negative ions (0) and of
their single ((1)) and doubled ((2)) hydrated ions in the D-region as modeled by
Fritzenwallner (1997) and Fritzenwallner and Kopp (1998b) at 50◦ (summer).
can still occur, and is even more efficient because the low densities of
CO− −
3 + NO2 → NO3 + CO2 (7.100)
The first observations by Arnold and Henschen (1978), and later by Arijs
et al. (1981) confirmed the presence of some of these cluster ions; the
most abundant species observed at 35 km were HSO− −
4 · (H2 SO4 )3 , HSO4 ·
− −
(HNO3 ), NO3 · (HNO3 )2 , and HSO4 · (H2 SO4 )2 . Figure 7.32 shows the
fractional abundance between 23 and 38 km of major negative cluster ion
families containing NO− −
3 and HSO4 cores (Viggiano and Arnold, 1981).
Studies of the fractional abundance of negative ions can be used to infer
the vertical profile of neutral H2 SO4 in the stratosphere, as discussed
briefly in Chapter 5.
(γ12 ); N+ + O2 → O+ 2 4
2 + N ( D; S) [F4 ] (7.107)
(γ12 ); N+ + O2 → NO+ + O (7.108)
N2 + e∗ → N (2 D; 4 S) + N+ + e [F6 ] (7.110)
The fractional production of the nitrogen atoms in each electronic state
is not yet known with accuracy. This parameter represents an extremely
important factor in determining the density of nitric oxide in the E- and
D-regions, as discussed below (see also, Norton and Barth, 1970; Rees
and Roble, 1979; Solomon, 1983).
Almost all of the atoms which are produced in the 2 D state react with
O2 in the middle atmosphere, producing nitric oxide:
(b∗7 ); N (2 D) + O2 → NO + O (7.111)
Deactivation by atomic oxygen and electrons play only a minor role
below 100 km:
N (2 D) + O → N (4 S) + O (7.112)
N(2 D) + e → N (4 S) + e (7.113)
On the other hand, the reaction of the ground state atom with molecular
oxygen is relatively slow:
(b7 ); N (4 S) + O2 → NO + O (7.114)
so that almost all of these nitrogen atoms are destroyed in the lower
thermosphere by the rapid reaction with NO:
(b6 ); N (4 S) + NO → N2 + O (7.115)
Therefore, when dissociation of molecular nitrogen yields one N (4 S)
and one N (2 D) atom in the lower thermosphere, the net odd nitrogen
production is extremely small: almost every N (2 D) atom produces
one NO molecule, but almost every N (4 S) atom immediately destroys
one at these altitudes. Net production is provided only by the very
small fraction of N (4 S) atoms which react with oxygen rather than
with NO. Even very small deviations from a 50%-50% branching ratio
can have large effects on lower thermospheric NO densities, making this
parameter an extremely important one in NOx chemistry. Laboratory
studies by Kley et al. (1997) concerning the state of the product atoms
produced in these reactions show that F3 = 0.76, while studies by Zipf
and McLaughlin (1978) suggest that F5 = 0.5. To model the effects
of these processes, indirect estimates based on airglow studies are often
adopted. Rusch et al. (1981) adopted, for example, F1 = 1, F2 = 0.5,
and F4 = 0. Massie (1979) assumed F1 = 1, F2 = 1, F4 = 1, and
F5 = 0.75. Figure 7.33 shows the chemistry of nitrogen compounds in
+ 2αN+2 (1 − F2 )(N+
2 ) ne + (1 − F3 )αNO+ (NO ) ne
H3 O+ · OH + e → H + OH + H2 O
Net: H2 O → H + OH
2 · H2 O + H2 O → H3 O · OH + O2
H3 O+ · OH + H2 O → H3 O+ · H2 O + OH
H3 O+ · H2 O + nH2 O → H3 O+ · (H2 O)n+1
H3 O+ · (H2 O)n+1 + e → H + (n + 2) H2 O
Net: H2 O → H + OH
Figure 7.34. Schematic diagram of the ion chemistry leading to odd hydrogen
production. From Solomon et al. (1981).
Figure 7.35. Rate of production of nitrogen atoms and odd hydrogen radicals
per ion pair as a function of altitude. From Fritzenwallner (1997).
will we review the many techniques used for such studies. The object of
this section is to indicate the basic principles which underlie studies
of this sort and to present an elementary description of magneto-
ionic theory (Appleton, 1937; Hartree, 1931), and finally to show how
this approach yields information about the properties of the D-region,
particularly in winter.
The conditions of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in the
ionospheric medium are determined by the Maxwell and Lorentz
equations. These equations determine the properties of the electric
(E) and magnetic (H) fields, as well as the displacement (D) and the
induction (B) as a function of the electric charge and current densities
(J) (see, for example, Budden, 1961; Davies, 1965):
∇·D=ρ (7.120)
∇·B=0 (7.121)
∇×H=J+ (7.122)
∇×E=− (7.123)
D = 0 E + P (7.124)
B = µ0 H (7.125)
where P is the polarization vector, 0 is the permitivity of free space, ρ
is the space charge density, and µ0 is the magnetic permeability. The
Lorentz equation describes the flow of charge as a function of the electric
and induction fields. For electrons, one may write
me = −e (E + V × B) − me νc V (7.126)
where me is the mass of the electron, V is its speed, -e is the electrical
charge and νc is the collision frequency between electrons and neutrals.
If one assumes that a plane transverse wave
E = E0 exp i(ωr t − kx) (7.127)
of amplitude Eo and frequency ωr propagates as a function of time t
in the x direction with a propagation factor k = 2π/λ, λ being the
actual wavelength in the medium, then it can be shown (after some
mathematical manipulation), that the index of refraction of the ionized
medium is given by the Appleton formula:
n2 = 1 − 4
1/2 (7.128)
1 − iZ − 2 (1−X−iZ)
± 4(1−X−iZ) 2
2 + YL
1954). It has been found that while the absorption varies systematically
with the mean zenith angle in summer, abnormally high absorption
is observed in winter. In the absence of changes in the atmospheric
composition, one would expect to obtain lower absorption in winter
than in summer because of the larger wintertime solar zenith angle.
However, observations suggest the opposite (winter mean values of the
electron concentration are larger than the summertime values, producing
the so-called “smooth winter anomaly”). During winter, the day-to-day
variability in the electron concentration is also higher (typically a factor
of 3-4). In addition, unexpected intense absorption events lasting a few
days are often observed in winter even under quiet solar conditions (see
Figure 7.36). This effect was observed by Appleton as early as 1937,
and is often referred to as “sporadic winter anomaly”. It has been the
subject of considerable research. The phenomenon is clearly related to
an increase in electron concentration (Mechtly and Shirke, 1968) and
NO+ ion density (Zbinden et al., 1975). Under these conditions, the
level at which the water cluster ion densities equal that of the molecular
ions (NO+ and O+ 2 ) is typically 5 km below normal.
The observations obtained during a measurement campaign at El
Arenosillo (37◦ N) (European winter anomaly campaign 1975/6, see
Offermann, 1979) as well as model studies (e.g., Koshelev, 1979; Solomon
et al., 1982b) have indicated that the origin of the winter anomaly
probably lies in sporadic injection of large amounts of nitric oxide from
the thermosphere to the mesosphere in association with changes in
atmospheric dynamics. D-region models which include the effects of
both chemistry and dynamics (Solomon et al., 1982a,b; Brasseur and
De Baets, 1986) show that ionization is more intense in winter than in
summer, even under normal conditions, as a result of the greater NO
densities in the winter season. The observed changes are consistent
with the observations of a “smooth winter anomaly” underlying the
sporadic enhancements. Measurements of NO densities during sporadic
winter anomaly events (Beran and Bangert, 1979; Beynon et al., 1976;
Arnold and Krankowsky, 1979; Aikin et al., 1977) indicate that the
NO concentration is greatly elevated during these conditions. The
sporadic winter anomaly may be related to atmospheric heating, which
decreases the positive ion-electron recombination coefficient because the
concentrations of the cluster ions decrease while those of the molecular
ions increase (Danilov and Taubenheim, 1983). It is now believed,
however, that the NO enhancement and winter anomalous absorption of
radio signals is related to transport processes associated with planetary
waves (Labitzke et al., 1979; Kawahira, 1982, Garcia et al., 1987).
Figure 7.36. Time series of D-region absorption during summer and winter at
mid-latitude. From Schwentek (1971).
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Appendix 1
Table A.1.1
Dry Air
Table A.2.1
Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Electrical current ampere A
Temperature kelvin K
Derived Units
Force newton N kg m s−2
Pressure pascal Pa N m−2
Energy joule J kg m2 s−2
Power watt W J s−1
Electric potential
difference volt V W A−1
Electrical charge coulomb C As
Electrical resistance ohm Ω V A−1
Electrical capacitance farad F A s V−1
Frequency hertz Hz s−1
Conversion Factors
Area 1 ha = 104 m2
Volume 1 liter = 10−3 m3
Force 1 N = 105 dyn
Pressure 1 bar = 105 Pa
1 atm = 1.01325 × 105 Pa = 760.0 Torr
Energy 1 cal = 4.1855 J
1 eV = 1.6021 × 10−19 J
Power 1 W = 14.3353 cal min−1
Temperature T(◦ C) = T(K) - 273.15
T(◦ F) = 1.8 T(◦ C) + 32
Mixing ratios 1 ppb = 10−3 ppm
1 ppt = 10−3 ppb = 10−6 ppm
Logarithms ln x = 2.3026 log10 x
Table A.2.2
Multiplying Prefixes
Multiple Prefix Symbol Multiple Prefix Symbol
The International System of units is used except where usage suggests otherwise. The
unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa), but meteorologists commonly use the millibar (mb) or
equivalently the hectopascal (hPa). Number densities are often expressed in molecules
per cubic centimeter (cm−3 ). Volume mixing ratios are given in percent, parts per
million (ppmv), parts per billion (ppbv), or parts per trillion (pptv). Mass mixing ratios
are given in kilograms per kilograms or grams per kilograms. Wavelengths are often
expressed in micrometers (µm) or nanometers (nm). Wavenumbers are expressed in
inverse centimeters (cm−1 ).
Table A.2.3
Table A.3.1
a The rate constant (cm3 molecule−1 s−1 ) is expressed by k = A exp(−Ea /RT), where
A, the pre-exponential factor, is given in cm3 molecule−1 s−1 , and Ea /R (activation
energy of the reaction divided by the gas constant) is given in Kelvin. The value of the
rate constant k298 at 298 K is given in cm3 molecule−1 s−1 .
b Sander, S.P., R.R. Friedl, D.M. Golden, M.J. Kurylo, R.E. Huie, V.L. Orkin,
G.K. Moortgat, A.R. Ravishankara, C.E. Kolb, M.J. Molina, and B.J. Finlayson-Pitts,
Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation
No. 14, JPL Publication No. 02-25, Pasadena, Calif, USA, 2003.
Table A.4.1
Appendix 5
N2 O5 (g) + H2 O
→ 2HNO3 H2 O (s) 188-195 0.02 2
H2 O (l) 260-295 ∼0.05 2
HNO3 · 3H2 O (s) 200 4 × 10−4 3
H2 SO4 · 4H2 O (s) 195-207 0.006 2
N2 O5 (g) + HCl (s)
→ ClNO2 + HNO3 H2 O/HCl (s) 190-220 0.03
HNO3 · 3H2 O · HCl (s) 200 0.003 2
HOCl (g) + HCl (s)
→ Cl2 + H2 O H2 O · HCl (s) 195-200 0.2 2
HNO3 · 3H2 O · HCl (s) 195-200 0.1 2
ClONO2 (g) + H2 O (s)
→ HOCl + HNO3 H2 O (s) 180-200 0.3 3
HNO3 · 3H2 O (s) 200 0.004 3
H2 SO4 · nH2 O (l) 200-265 see Note 1
ClONO2 (g) + HCl (s)
→ Cl2 + HNO3 H2 O (s) 180-200 0.3 3
HNO3 · 3H2 O · HCl (s) 185-210 0.2 2
ClONO2 (g) + HBr (s)
→ BrCl + HNO3 H2 O/HBr (s) 200 >0.3
HNO3 · 3H2 O · HBr (s) 200 >0.3
a Adapted from Sander, S.P., R.R. Friedl, D.M. Golden, M.J. Kurylo, R.E. Huie, V.L.
Orkin, G.K. Moortgat, A.R. Ravishankara, C.E. Kolb, M.J. Molina, and B.J. Finlayson-
Pitts, Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation
No. 14, JPL Publication No. 02-25, Pasadena, Calif, USA, 2003.
Note 1: Values of γ are strongly dependent on the H2 SO4 concentration of the droplet,
increasing with decreasing [H2 SO4 ].
Table A.5.2
Table A.6.1.
log−palt. CH
H4 H2 O CO HCl HBr H2
0 1.7E−06 4.3E+13 1.7E−02 4.4E+17 7.5E−08 1.9E+12 1.3E−12 3.2E+07 3.7E−14 9.4E+05 2.7E−07 6.9E+12
5 1.7E−06 2.4E+13 1.2E−03 1.7E+16 5.8E−08 8.4E+11 1.5E−12 2.1E+07 1.9E−14 2.7E+05 2.7E−07 3.9E+12
10 1.7E−06 1.4E+13 3.6E−05 3.0E+14 5.5E−08 4.5E+11 3.2E−12 2.6E+07 2.0E−14 1.7E+05 2.7E−07 2.2E+12
15 1.7E−06 7.3E+12 3.4E−06 1.5E+13 4.6E−08 2.0E+11 5.9E−11 2.6E+08 1.0E−13 4.4E+05 2.7E−07 1.2E+12
20 1.5E−06 3.1E+12 2.1E−06 4.2E+12 2.3E−08 4.7E+10 9.7E−10 2.0E+09 3.1E−13 6.2E+05 3.0E−07 6.0E+11
25 1.4E−06 1.3E+12 2.6E−06 2.5E+12 1.7E−08 1.7E+10 1.3E−09 1.3E+09 3.0E−13 2.8E+05 3.3E−07 3.1E+11
30 1.1E−06 5.0E+11 3.4E−06 1.5E+12 2.2E−08 9.9E+09 1.7E−09 7.9E+08 2.4E−13 1.1E+05 3.6E−07 1.6E+11
35 7.6E−07 1.7E+11 4.1E−06 8.9E+11 2.2E−08 4.9E+09 2.4E−09 5.1E+08 2.4E−13 5.2E+04 3.7E−07 8.0E+10
40 4.4E−07 4.4E+10 4.8E−06 4.8E+11 2.6E−08 2.6E+09 2.6E−09 2.7E+08 2.4E−13 2.4E+04 3.6E−07 3.6E+10
45 2.2E−07 1.0E+10 5.2E−06 2.5E+11 4.8E−08 2.3E+09 2.9E−09 1.4E+08 3.1E−13 1.5E+04 3.3E−07 1.5E+10
50 1.2E−07 2.8E+09 5.4E−06 1.2E+11 8.7E−08 2.0E+09 3.3E−09 7.5E+07 3.5E−13 8.1E+03 3.4E−07 7.8E+09
55 1.0E−07 1.1E+09 5.3E−06 6.1E+10 1.7E−07 1.9E+09 3.4E−09 3.9E+07 3.0E−13 3.4E+03 4.1E−07 4.7E+09
60 9.3E−08 5.5E+08 5.2E−06 3.1E+10 3.1E−07 1.9E+09 3.5E−09 2.1E+07 2.6E−13 1.5E+03 5.1E−07 3.0E+09
65 8.5E−08 2.6E+08 5.0E−06 1.6E+10 5.4E−07 1.7E+09 3.5E−09 1.1E+07 2.5E−13 7.7E+02 6.9E−07 2.1E+09
70 5.9E−08 9.6E+07 4.6E−06 7.4E+09 1.1E−06 1.7E+09 3.5E−09 5.6E+06 2.5E−13 4.0E+02 1.1E−06 1.8E+09
75 2.8E−08 2.3E+07 3.6E−06 3.0E+09 2.2E−06 1.8E+09 3.5E−09 2.9E+06 2.4E−13 2.0E+02 2.0E−06 1.6E+09
80 1.1E−08 4.3E+06 2.3E−06 9.5E+08 4.3E−06 1.8E+09 3.5E−09 1.4E+06 2.0E−13 8.1E+01 2.9E−06 1.2E+09
85 4.0E−09 8.0E+05 1.1E−06 2.2E+08 7.2E−06 1.4E+09 3.0E−09 6.1E+05 2.8E−14 5.6E+00 3.3E−06 6.6E+08
90 1.7E−09 1.7E+05 5.0E−07 5.0E+07 9.9E−06 9.9E+08 2.3E−09 2.3E+05 4.9E−16 4.9E−02 3.3E−06 3.3E+08
95 9.2E−10 4.6E+04 2.7E−07 1.4E+07 1.2E−05 6.1E+08 1.8E−09 9.2E+04 2.0E−17 1.0E−03 3.3E−06 1.7E+08
100 5.7E−10 1.5E+04 1.7E−07 4.4E+06 1.4E−05 3.7E+08 1.5E−09 4.0E+04 1.9E−18 4.9E−05 3.3E−06 8.5E+07
105 2.6E−10 3.3E+03 7.6E−08 9.6E+05 2.0E−05 2.5E+08 1.1E−09 1.4E+04 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 3.1E−06 3.9E+07
110 7.6E−11 4.3E+02 1.8E−08 1.0E+05 4.2E−05 2.4E+08 3.8E−10 2.2E+03 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 2.8E−06 1.6E+07
Table A.6.2.b 618
log-palt. CH
H2 O CCl4 CFC-11 CFC-12 CH
H3 CCl3 CH
H3 Cl
0 1.2E−10 3.1E+09 1.1E−10 2.7E+09 2.7E−10 6.8E+09 4.6E−10 1.2E+10 1.5E−10 3.8E+09 6.0E−10 1.5E+10
5 3.2E−11 .6E+08 1.1E−10 1.5E+09 2.7E−10 3.9E+09 4.6E−10 6.7E+09 1.5E−10 2.1E+09 5.8E−10 8.3E+09
10 1.0E−11 8.1E+07 1.1E−10 8.8E+08 2.7E−10 2.2E+09 4.6E−10 3.8E+09 1.5E−10 1.2E+09 5.8E−10 4.7E+09
15 4.8E−12 2.1E+07 1.0E−10 4.5E+08 2.6E−10 1.1E+09 4.5E−10 2.0E+09 1.4E−10 6.2E+08 5.6E−10 2.4E+09
20 9.9E−12 2.0E+07 6.3E−11 1.3E+08 1.7E−10 3.4E+08 3.9E−10 7.8E+08 8.6E−11 1.7E+08 4.6E−10 9.3E+08
25 2.4E−11 2.3E+07 1.3E−11 1.3E+07 5.3E−11 5.1E+07 2.8E−10 2.7E+08 1.8E−11 1.7E+07 3.2E−10 3.1E+08
30 5.6E−11 2.5E+07 1.1E−13 5.2E+04 1.8E−12 8.3E+05 1.4E−10 6.4E+07 2.1E−13 9.6E+04 1.7E−10 7.9E+07
35 8.7E−11 1.9E+07 6.2E−18 1.3E+00 1.2E−15 2.6E+02 2.9E−11 6.3E+06 2.7E−17 5.8E+00 5.0E−11 1.1E+07
40 9.1E−11 9.2E+06 1.8E−12 1.8E+05 6.0E−12 6.0E+05
45 6.2E−11 2.9E+06 5.2E−14 2.4E+03 3.3E−13 1.6E+04
50 3.6E−11 8.3E+05 1.5E−15 3.5E+01 2.2E−14 5.0E+02
55 2.7E−11 3.1E+05 8.5E−17 9.8E−01 4.0E−15 4.6E+01
60 2.1E−11 1.2E+05 7.8E−18 4.6E−02 1.4E−15 8.2E+00
65 1.2E−11 3.7E+04 1.1E−18 3.4E−03 6.4E−16 2.0E+00
70 3.9E−12 6.2E+03 3.3E−16 5.2E−01
75 1.1E−12 9.4E+02 1.7E−16 1.4E−01
80 3.5E−13 1.4E+02 9.3E−17 3.8E−02
85 7.6E−14 1.5E+01 5.4E−17 1.1E−02
90 1.8E−14 1.8E+00 3.5E−17 3.5E−03
95 8.8E−15 4.4E−01 2.5E−17 1.3E−03
100 8.6E−15 2.2E−01 2.0E−17 5.2E−04
105 5.8E−15 7.3E−02 1.3E−17 1.7E−04
110 7.4E−16 4.2E−03 6.7E−18 3.8E−05
Table A.6.2.c
log-palt. HF CH
H3 Br O3 O((3 P) O(1 D) H
0 1.2E−13 3.0E+06 5.6E−12 1.4E+08 7.8E−11 2.0E+09 1.6E−17 4.0E+02 1.0E−14 2.6E+05 1.7E−13 4.2E+06
5 7.0E−14 1.0E+06 3.4E−12 4.9E+07 2.8E−11 4.0E+08 1.1E−17 1.6E+02 1.2E−14 1.7E+05 8.5E−14 1.2E+06
10 7.0E−14 5.7E+05 1.0E−12 8.3E+06 2.6E−12 2.1E+07 4.0E−17 3.2E+02 6.0E−14 4.9E+05 7.6E−14 6.2E+05
15 9.6E−14 4.2E+05 5.3E−13 2.3E+06 1.4E−12 6.2E+06 1.9E−16 8.3E+02 1.3E−12 5.7E+06 6.9E−13 3.0E+06
20 1.8E−13 3.7E+05 1.5E−12 2.9E+06 1.2E−11 2.4E+07 4.0E−15 8.2E+03 1.7E−11 3.5E+07 8.6E−12 1.7E+07
25 6.9E−13 6.6E+05 6.0E−12 5.7E+06 6.2E−11 5.9E+07 1.5E−14 1.4E+04 6.4E−11 6.2E+07 5.1E−11 4.9E+07
30 3.4E−12 1.6E+06 1.6E−11 7.5E+06 1.2E−10 5.7E+07 8.5E−14 3.9E+04 1.1E−10 5.0E+07 8.8E−11 4.0E+07
35 1.7E−11 3.7E+06 3.2E−11 6.9E+06 1.0E−10 2.2E+07 5.1E−13 1.1E+05 2.2E−10 4.8E+07 1.4E−10 3.0E+07
40 6.7E−11 6.8E+06 5.8E−11 5.9E+06 7.8E−11 7.9E+06 2.1E−12 2.2E+05 4.3E−10 4.4E+07 1.8E−10 1.8E+07
45 1.8E−10 8.5E+06 1.0E−10 4.9E+06 6.2E−11 2.9E+06 1.1E−11 5.1E+05 4.6E−10 2.2E+07 1.4E−10 6.7E+06
50 3.0E−10 6.8E+06 1.7E−10 4.0E+06 5.9E−11 1.4E+06 3.2E−11 7.2E+05 2.3E−10 5.2E+06 7.4E−11 1.7E+06
55 4.0E−10 4.6E+06 2.4E−10 2.7E+06 5.3E−11 6.2E+05 4.9E−11 5.6E+05 1.1E−10 1.2E+06 3.4E−11 3.9E+05
60 5.5E−10 3.2E+06 3.2E−10 1.9E+06 5.4E−11 3.2E+05 6.0E−11 3.5E+05 7.4E−11 4.4E+05 2.3E−11 1.4E+05
65 9.1E−10 2.8E+06 4.9E−10 1.5E+06 8.2E−11 2.5E+05 6.7E−11 2.1E+05 7.1E−11 2.2E+05 1.9E−11 5.7E+04
70 2.0E−09 3.2E+06 9.4E−10 1.5E+06 2.2E−10 3.6E+05 7.1E−11 1.2E+05 7.2E−11 1.2E+05 1.5E−11 2.4E+04
75 4.1E−09 3.4E+06 1.8E−09 1.5E+06 5.3E−10 4.4E+05 8.7E−11 7.2E+04 5.5E−11 4.6E+04 1.1E−11 9.3E+03
80 7.5E−09 3.1E+06 3.0E−09 1.2E+06 9.2E−10 3.8E+05 1.6E−10 6.5E+04 1.0E−11 4.3E+03 4.0E−12 1.6E+03
85 2.4E−09 4.9E+05 6.3E−10 1.3E+05 1.1E−10 2.1E+04 6.5E−10 1.3E+05 3.3E−13 6.7E+01 1.5E−14 3.0E+00
90 5.9E−10 5.9E+04 4.0E−11 4.0E+03 3.6E−12 3.6E+02 1.4E−09 1.4E+05 2.1E−13 2.1E+01 7.7E−17 7.7E−03
95 2.6E−10 1.3E+04 6.5E−12 3.3E+02 3.5E−13 1.8E+01 1.9E−09 9.4E+04 1.2E−13 6.2E+00 2.4E−18 1.2E−04
100 1.3E−10 3.4E+03 1.6E−12 4.0E+01 6.9E−14 1.8E+00 2.1E−09 5.6E+04 7.3E−14 1.9E+00
105 4.8E−11 6.0E+02 2.3E−13 2.9E+00 8.8E−15 1.1E−01 2.6E−09 3.3E+04 3.2E−14 4.0E−01
110 1.1E−11 6.5E+01 3.7E−14 2.1E−01 2.2E−16 1.3E−03 3.3E−09 1.9E+04 8.0E−15 4.6E−02
Table A.6.2.e
0 1.3E−12 3.3E+07 1.2E−10 3.1E+09 3.5E−10 8.8E+09 1.3E−11 3.2E+08 1.5E−11 3.8E+08
5 4.0E−13 5.7E+06 1.5E−11 2.2E+08 4.8E−11 6.9E+08 4.0E−13 5.7E+06 1.0E−11 1.5E+08
10 5.0E−13 4.1E+06 4.5E−11 3.7E+08 5.9E−11 4.8E+08 3.0E−14 2.5E+05 2.3E−10 1.9E+09
15 5.9E−12 2.6E+07 6.7E−11 2.9E+08 7.6E−11 3.3E+08 3.5E−14 1.5E+05 3.1E−10 1.3E+09
20 2.2E−10 4.4E+08 9.1E−11 1.8E+08 2.0E−10 4.0E+08 6.5E−13 1.3E+06 2.7E−09 5.5E+09
25 7.3E−10 7.0E+08 2.4E−10 2.3E+08 7.2E−10 6.9E+08 3.9E−12 3.7E+06 4.8E−09 4.6E+09
30 9.8E−10 4.5E+08 1.8E−17 8.3E+00 1.1E−09 5.1E+08 3.3E−09 1.5E+09 1.3E−11 6.0E+06 4.9E−09 2.3E+09
35 6.2E−10 1.4E+08 6.7E−16 1.5E+02 3.5E−09 7.6E+08 7.6E−09 1.7E+09 2.8E−11 6.1E+06 2.6E−09 5.8E+08
40 2.4E−10 2.4E+07 4.6E−15 4.7E+02 5.1E−09 5.1E+08 7.3E−09 7.4E+08 6.3E−11 6.4E+06 5.6E−10 5.7E+07
45 4.1E−11 2.0E+06 1.3E−14 6.1E+02 4.6E−09 2.1E+08 5.1E−09 2.4E+08 6.8E−11 3.2E+06 5.3E−11 2.5E+06
50 4.0E−12 9.3E+04 3.5E−14 8.1E+02 3.3E−09 7.6E+07 4.2E−09 9.6E+07 1.9E−11 4.4E+05 6.8E−12 1.6E+05
55 9.8E−13 1.1E+04 1.2E−13 1.3E+03 2.4E−09 2.8E+07 4.1E−09 4.7E+07 3.6E−12 4.1E+04 2.4E−12 2.8E+04
60 5.6E−13 3.3E+03 4.2E−13 2.5E+03 2.8E−09 1.6E+07 4.2E−09 2.5E+07 2.6E−12 1.6E+04 2.2E−12 1.3E+04
65 3.6E−13 1.1E+03 1.6E−12 4.9E+03 5.0E−09 1.5E+07 5.7E−09 1.8E+07 7.0E−13 2.2E+03 3.8E−12 1.2E+04
70 8.2E−14 1.3E+02 5.8E−12 9.4E+03 1.2E−08 1.9E+07 7.1E−09 1.1E+07 7.0E−14 1.1E+02 5.6E−12 9.1E+03
75 4.5E−15 3.8E+00 3.6E−11 3.0E+04 2.6E−08 2.2E+07 3.1E−09 2.6E+06 3.9E−14 3.2E+01 3.6E−12 3.0E+03
80 6.9E−17 2.8E−02 1.2E−10 5.1E+04 4.9E−08 2.0E+07 2.6E−10 1.1E+05 3.8E−14 1.6E+01 7.0E−13 2.9E+02
85 3.1E−10 6.1E+04 9.3E−08 1.9E+07 2.1E−11 4.3E+03 5.6E−15 1.1E+00 1.1E−13 2.1E+01
90 6.8E−10 6.8E+04 2.0E−07 2.0E+07 2.3E−11 2.3E+03 3.9E−15 3.9E−01 3.9E−14 3.9E+00
95 1.4E−09 7.0E+04 4.8E−07 2.4E+07 3.2E−11 1.6E+03 3.3E−15 1.7E−01 2.4E−14 1.2E+00
100 2.6E−09 6.9E+04 1.3E−06 3.3E+07 4.7E−11 1.2E+03 2.9E−15 7.5E−02 1.9E−14 5.0E−01
105 5.7E−09 7.1E+04 4.7E−06 5.9E+07 8.5E−11 1.1E+03 2.6E−15 3.3E−02 1.4E−14 1.8E−01
110 1.4E−08 7.7E+04 1.4E−05 8.2E+07 1.1E−10 6.3E+02 1.4E−15 7.9E−03 8.6E−15 4.9E−02
Table A.6.2.f 622
0 1.2E−11 3.1E+08 3.6E−13 9.0E+06 9.1E−16 2.3E+04 1.3E−14 3.4E+05 6.6E−14 1.7E+06 1.7E−13 4.3E+06
5 2.3E−11 3.4E+08 9.5E−12 1.4E+08 3.2E−15 4.6E+04 3.0E−14 4.3E+05 6.2E−14 8.8E+05 1.2E−13 1.7E+06
10 1.5E−11 1.2E+08 2.4E−11 2.0E+08 2.0E−14 1.6E+05 6.3E−14 5.1E+05 3.0E−14 2.5E+05 1.6E−13 1.3E+06
15 2.7E−12 1.2E+07 1.5E−11 6.7E+07 6.9E−14 3.0E+05 2.6E−13 1.1E+06 4.3E−14 1.9E+05 4.7E−13 2.0E+06
20 3.6E−11 7.3E+07 7.0E−11 1.4E+08 9.9E−14 2.0E+05 1.7E−12 3.4E+06 4.1E−13 8.3E+05 3.0E−12 6.1E+06
25 2.2E−10 2.1E+08 1.7E−10 1.6E+08 9.9E−14 9.4E+04 3.1E−12 2.9E+06 1.2E−12 1.1E+06 5.2E−12 5.0E+06
30 9.9E−10 4.5E+08 2.0E−10 9.3E+07 1.5E−13 7.0E+04 3.1E−12 1.4E+06 1.3E−12 6.1E+05 5.4E−12 2.5E+06
35 1.1E−09 2.5E+08 7.2E−11 1.6E+07 3.9E−13 8.4E+04 3.3E−12 7.3E+05 1.6E−12 3.4E+05 4.0E−12 8.6E+05
40 5.3E−10 5.4E+07 1.3E−11 1.4E+06 8.8E−13 8.9E+04 3.6E−12 3.6E+05 2.3E−12 2.3E+05 1.9E−12 1.9E+05
45 1.8E−10 8.5E+06 3.5E−12 1.6E+05 2.3E−12 1.1E+05 2.8E−12 1.3E+05 3.1E−12 1.5E+05 4.7E−13 2.2E+04
50 1.1E−10 2.6E+06 1.4E−12 3.2E+04 4.0E−12 9.2E+04 1.7E−12 3.8E+04 3.5E−12 8.0E+04 1.1E−13 2.5E+03
55 5.0E−11 5.7E+05 5.9E−13 6.8E+03 4.8E−12 5.5E+04 1.7E−12 1.9E+04 3.2E−12 3.7E+04 4.0E−14 4.7E+02
60 9.9E−12 5.9E+04 2.8E−13 1.7E+03 5.2E−12 3.1E+04 2.2E−12 1.3E+04 2.8E−12 1.7E+04 2.7E−14 1.6E+02
65 6.2E−13 1.9E+03 1.4E−13 4.4E+02 5.6E−12 1.7E+04 2.7E−12 8.4E+03 2.3E−12 7.0E+03 2.1E−14 6.4E+01
70 9.2E−15 1.5E+01 3.7E−14 6.0E+01 6.8E−12 1.1E+04 2.5E−12 4.1E+03 1.4E−12 2.3E+03 3.3E−15 5.4E+00
75 3.2E−16 2.6E−01 5.9E−15 4.9E+00 9.4E−12 7.8E+03 1.1E−12 8.8E+02 5.0E−13 4.1E+02 1.8E−16 1.5E−01
80 3.1E−17 1.3E−02 8.2E−16 3.4E−01 1.1E−11 4.5E+03 4.4E−14 1.8E+01 5.4E−14 2.2E+01 1.4E−17 5.8E−03
85 5.5E−18 1.1E−03 6.3E−17 1.3E−02 1.1E−11 2.3E+03 2.3E−16 4.6E−02 1.0E−15 2.0E−01 2.6E−18 5.3E−04
90 1.9E−18 1.9E−04 1.8E−17 1.8E−03 1.2E−11 1.2E+03 4.5E−17 4.4E−03 2.4E−16 2.4E−02
95 1.1E−18 5.3E−05 1.1E−17 5.4E−04 1.2E−11 5.9E+02 1.7E−17 8.7E−04 1.6E−16 7.9E−03
100 8.5E−18 2.2E−04 1.2E−11 3.1E+02 7.5E−18 1.9E−04 1.3E−16 3.5E−03
105 6.9E−18 8.8E−05 1.2E−11 1.5E+02 2.7E−18 3.4E−05 1.2E−16 1.5E−03
110 5.7E−18 3.2E−05 1.2E−11 6.8E+01 9.4E−17 5.4E−04
Table A.6.2.g
log-palt. BrCl CH
H3 O2 O2 ClOx Cly Bry
0 3.5E−18 8.9E+01 5.4E−12 1.4E+08 2.1E−01 5.3E+18 1.8E−13 4.6E+06 2.8E−12 7.0E+07 2.9E−13 7.2E+06
5 6.9E−18 9.9E+01 2.3E−12 3.3E+07 2.1E−01 3.0E+18 1.0E−13 1.5E+06 2.0E−12 2.8E+07 2.3E−13 3.3E+06
10 2.4E−16 2.0E+03 2.4E−13 2.0E+06 2.1E−01 1.7E+18 3.0E−13 2.5E+06 4.1E−12 3.3E+07 2.9E−13 2.4E+06
15 2.9E−14 1.3E+05 1.7E−13 7.5E+05 2.1E−01 9.1E+17 4.8E−12 2.1E+07 7.0E−11 3.1E+08 9.7E−13 4.2E+06
20 1.7E−13 3.4E+05 4.4E−13 8.8E+05 2.1E−01 4.3E+17 4.7E−11 9.5E+07 1.2E−09 2.5E+09 5.7E−12 1.2E+07
25 3.3E−13 3.2E+05 6.8E−13 6.5E+05 2.1E−01 2.0E+17 1.5E−10 1.5E+08 2.2E−09 2.1E+09 1.0E−11 9.7E+06
30 1.8E−13 8.3E+04 7.7E−13 3.5E+05 2.1E−01 9.6E+16 2.3E−10 1.1E+08 3.0E−09 1.4E+09 1.0E−11 4.7E+06
35 3.2E−13 7.0E+04 1.0E−12 2.3E+05 2.1E−01 4.6E+16 3.7E−10 8.1E+07 3.4E−09 7.3E+08 9.8E−12 2.1E+06
40 8.2E−13 8.3E+04 2.3E−12 2.3E+05 2.1E−01 2.1E+16 6.2E−10 6.3E+07 3.5E−09 3.5E+08 9.7E−12 9.8E+05
45 7.1E−13 3.3E+04 5.2E−12 2.4E+05 2.1E−01 9.9E+15 6.2E−10 2.9E+07 3.6E−09 1.7E+08 9.7E−12 4.6E+05
50 2.6E−13 6.0E+03 9.0E−12 2.1E+05 2.1E−01 4.8E+15 3.4E−10 7.7E+06 3.6E−09 8.2E+07 9.9E−12 2.3E+05
55 1.1E−13 1.3E+03 1.5E−11 1.7E+05 2.1E−01 2.4E+15 1.9E−10 2.2E+06 3.6E−09 4.2E+07 1.0E−11 1.2E+05
60 7.4E−14 4.3E+02 2.2E−11 1.3E+05 2.1E−01 1.2E+15 1.6E−10 9.3E+05 3.6E−09 2.1E+07 1.1E−11 6.2E+04
65 5.1E−14 1.6E+02 2.5E−11 7.7E+04 2.1E−01 6.5E+14 1.6E−10 4.8E+05 3.6E−09 1.1E+07 1.1E−11 3.4E+04
70 2.3E−14 3.7E+01 1.1E−11 1.8E+04 2.1E−01 3.4E+14 1.6E−10 2.6E+05 3.7E−09 5.9E+06 1.1E−11 1.8E+04
75 3.6E−15 2.9E+00 2.4E−12 2.0E+03 2.1E−01 1.7E+14 1.5E−10 1.3E+05 3.7E−09 3.0E+06 1.1E−11 9.3E+03
80 8.6E−17 3.6E−02 7.1E−13 2.9E+02 2.1E−01 8.6E+13 1.7E−10 7.1E+04 3.7E−09 1.5E+06 1.1E−11 4.7E+03
85 9.6E−18 1.9E−03 4.5E−13 9.0E+01 2.1E−01 4.2E+13 6.5E−10 1.3E+05 3.7E−09 7.4E+05 1.1E−11 2.3E+03
90 3.7E−18 3.7E−04 2.6E−13 2.6E+01 2.1E−01 2.0E+13 1.4E−09 1.4E+05 3.7E−09 3.7E+05 1.2E−11 1.2E+03
95 2.5E−18 1.3E−04 9.6E−14 4.9E+00 2.0E−01 1.0E+13 1.9E−09 9.4E+04 3.7E−09 1.9E+05 1.2E−11 5.9E+02
100 2.3E−18 5.9E−05 4.7E−14 1.2E+00 1.9E−01 5.0E+12 2.1E−09 5.6E+04 3.7E−09 9.6E+04 1.2E−11 3.1E+02
105 2.1E−18 2.6E−05 1.9E−14 2.5E−01 1.7E−01 2.2E+12 2.6E−09 3.3E+04 3.7E−09 4.7E+04 1.2E−11 1.5E+02
110 1.6E−18 9.0E−06 3.0E−15 1.7E−02 1.4E−01 7.7E+11 3.3E−09 1.9E+04 3.7E−09 2.1E+04 1.2E−11 6.8E+01
Table A.6.2.h
American Geophysical Union: Figures 2.10, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.11, 3.12,
3.15a,b,c, 3.18, 3.24, 3.25, 3.27, 3.29, 3.32, 3.35, 4.8b, 4.9, 4.18, 4.25, 4.26,
4.27, 4.28, 4.29, 4.42, 5.4, 5.11, 5.13, 5.16, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.29, 5.40, 5.44,
5.45, 5.47b,c, 5.56, 5.60, 5.65, 5.66, 5.67, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12,
6.13, 6.14, 6.17, 6.18, 6.21, 6.22, 6.23, 7.11, 7.13, 7.15, 7.18, 7.25, 7.31. Plate 3.
American Meteorological Society: Figures 3.21, 3.23, 3.31, 3.38, 4.19a, 5.33a,
5.62, 5.63
Elsevier: Figures 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.31, 4.41, 4.44, 5.34, 5.35, 7.3, 7.8, 7.9,
7.26, 7.32, 7.34, 7.36
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): Figures 3.3, 3.19, 5.7, 5.15, 5.25
National Space and Aeronautics Administration (NASA): Figures 2.5, 3.2, 3.5,
3.17, 4.20, 5.6, 5.47a, 7.7. Plates 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15.
Nonprofit Publisher of Annual Review off Series: Figures 2.6, 4.6, 4.10
University of Bern: Figures 7.4, 7.12, 7.17, 7.22, 7.28, 7.29, 7.35
Plate 2. Zonally averaged methane (CH H4) mixing ratio (ppmv) and the Brewer-Dobson circulation
(shown by the arrows) in the middle atmosphere (15-55 km altitude) during October. Methane is
released at the Earth surface and is destroyed by chemical reaction with the OH radical, while
transported in the troposphere and the stratosphere. The ascending branch of the Brewer-Dobson
circulation carries high-methane air from the tropical troposphere into the stratosphere, while the
descending branch carries air masses with low methane mixing ratios from the upper stratosphere
and mesosphere to the polar troposphere. From NASA/GSFC.
Plate 5. Ozone anomalies (ppmv) versus altitude (km) and time (years) in the equatorial region
(4ºN-4ºS) derived from observations made by the HALOE instrument on board the Upper Altitude
Research Satellite (UARS). Superimposed on ozone values are the zonal winds measured by the
HRDI instrument on the same satellite. Full lines are eastward winds and dashed lines westward
winds with intervals corresponding to 10 m/s. In the 20-30 km altitude range, the positive ozone
anomalies are associated with the westerly shear in the quasi-biennal oscillation (QBO), while the
negative anomalies are indicative of easterly shears. Above 30 km, ozone variability is associated
with temperature variability, which affects the photochemical source terms. Above 35 km, the ob-
served variations are due to temperature effects associated with the QBO and to the semi-annual
oscillation. Courtesy of Paul Newman, NASA/GSFC.
Plate 6. Atmospheric transmittance in the infrared (600-2500 cm-1 or 4-17 µm) observed on 4 April,
1997 over the South Pacific by the Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases (IMG) on board
the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) (upper panel). The three lower panels show the
contributions of water, other strong absorbers (CO2, O3, N2O, CO, CH H4), and weak absorbers (NO,
NO2, OCS, HNO3, CFC-11 and HCFC-22). Adapted from C. Clerbaux, J. Hadji-Lazaro, S. Turquety,
G. Megie, and P.-F. Coheur, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1495, 2003.
Plate 7. Thermal infrared cooling rates [10-3K(day)-1(cm-1)-1] by H2O, CO2 (355 ppm), and O3
represented as a function of wavenumber (cm-1) and atmospheric pressure (hPa) for mid-latitude
summer conditions. The band centered at 667 cm-1 (15 µm) is dominated by CO2, and exhibits
strong stratospheric cooling and a local warming at the tropopause. The band around 1043 cm-1
(9.6 µm) is dominated by O3 and exhibits cooling in the upper stratosphere and warming throughout
the lower stratosphere. Water vapor makes a strong contribution to upper tropospheric cooling near
300 cm-1, although its effects are moderated by CO2. Adopted from Clough and Iacono (1995) with
courtesy of WCRP/SPARC.
Plate 8. Global view of the ozone column abundance (Dobson) on 30 November, 1999 as measured
by the GOME instrument - Values have been assimilated by the Royal Meteorological Institute of the
Netherlands. Note the very low ozone column abundance over Antarctica. Courtesy of Hennie
Kelder, KNMI, Netherlands.
Plate 9. Interannual variability in the Antarctic ozone hole. The figures compare the ozone column
abundance observed on September 24 in 2001 and in 2002. In 2001 as in most previous years of the
last 2 decades, the hole was centered approximately over the South Pole with low ozone values over
the Antarctic continent. In 2002, a strong wave-2 planetary wave disturbed the polar vortex and
produced a very peculiar distribution of the ozone column. The warming associated with this event
led to limited ozone depletion and a disappearance of the ozone hole at the end of September. From
Plate 10. Vertical column density (molecules cm-2) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured over
Antarctica by the spaceborne GOME instrument between early and mid-November, 1997. The low
values (blue) are associated with the polar vortex, which is displaced towards South America as a
large planetary wave develops in the region (final warming). Strong latitudinal gradients can be
observed in the abundance of NO2 (called “Noxon Cliff” after J. F. Noxon who discovered them).
Courtesy of A. Richter and J. Burrows, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen,
Plate 11. Nitric Oxide density variation in the lower thermosphere at 107 and 97 km as measured by
the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer satellite using the γγ-band fluorescence technique. Percent
differences from the latitudinal average in the intertropical region at ~11:00 local time are shown.
At 107 km, solar control dominates with the peak density shifting to the summer hemisphere. At 97
km, this effect can still be discerned, but the dominant perturbation is now dynamical, as vertical
winds driven by middle atmosphere tides control the distribution. The diurnal tide drives changes in
the nitric oxide density at the equator, particularly at the equinoxes when tidal forcing tends to be
high. Courtesy of Stan Solomon, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO.
Plate 12. Evolution between 1979 and 2003 of the zonally averaged aerosol optical depth at 1000
nm represented as a function of latitude. The timing and location of several large volcanic eruptions,
which have affected the sulfate aerosol load of the atmosphere, are also shown. The value of the
optical depth (typically 10-3 during quite periods) increased dramatically after the major eruptions
of El Chichon in 1982 and Mt Pinatubo in 1991. The surface area available for heterogeneous
processes was also dramatically enhanced. The recovery time following stratospheric perturbations
produced by major volcanic eruptions is of the order of 2-3 years. Courtesy of Larry W. Thomason,
Plate 13. Noctilucent clouds observed over Kühlungsborn, Germany (54°N) on 10 July 1997 at
01:00 GMT. These polar mesospheric clouds are found at approximately 90 km altitude and are
illuminated by the Sun, which at that time is located approximately 11 degrees below the horizon.
Courtesy of F.-J. Lübken, Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Kühlungsborn, Germany.
Plate 14. Mother-of-Pearl clouds (also called Polar stratospheric Clouds or PSCs) observed in
McMurdo Antarctica. Photo by David J Hofmann.
Plate 15. Satellite observations of chlorine monoxide (ClO) and ozone (O3) within the lower
stratosphere (465 K potential temperature level) of the Southern Hemisphere on 30 August, 1996.
The white line delineates the edge of the vortex, while the black line on the chlorine monoxide panel
indicates the edge of the dark region over the pole. Chlorine monoxide levels are greatly enhanced
in the region between the white and the black lines – that is, in sunlit cold air within the Antarctic
polar vortex. The bottom panel shows the corresponding ozone distribution. Ozone abundances have
begun to drop inside the vortex where chlorine monoxide is elevated. The region displaying reduced
ozone (purple) corresponds very closely to the region of enhanced chlorine monoxide. From NASA.
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