Uv 420 TT-LH: Classifi Cations
Uv 420 TT-LH: Classifi Cations
Uv 420 TT-LH: Classifi Cations
UV 420 TT-LH
fluoride-basic type
EN ISO 14174
S A FB 1 65 DC H5
Characteristics and typical fields of application
UV 420 TT-LH is an agglomerated flux of fluoride basic type characterised by the neutral metallurgical behaviour. In combination with
suitable wire electrodes, the weld metal exhibits good toughness properties at low temperatures. For joining and surfacing applications
with general purpose structural steels, fine grained structural steels and creep resistant steels. It is suited for single wire and tandem
This flux has also been available on the market as "BÖHLER BB 24".
Flux properties
Polarity DC
Basicity index (Boniszewski) 2.5
Grain size (EN ISO 14174) 3 – 25 (0.3 – 2.5 mm)
Flux consumption 1.0 kg flux per kg wire
Redrying 300 – 350 °C. 2 hrs min.
Diffusible hydrogen (ISO 3690) ≤ 5 ml / 100gr (as produced / re-dried)
Composition of sub-arc welding flux
SiO2+TiO2 CaO+MgO Al2O3+MnO CaF2
wt. % 15 35 21 28
Typical wires to combine
Name EN ISO Class AWS / SFA Class
Union S 2 14171-A S2
Union S 3 14171-A S3 A5.17 / -5.17 EH10
Union S 2 Mo 14171-A S2Mo A5.23 / -5.23 EA2
Union S 3 Mo 14171-A S3Mo A5.23 / -5.23 EA4
Union S 3 Mo 24598-A S S MnMo A5.23 / -5.23 EA4
Union S 4 Mo 14171-A S4Mo A5.23 / -5.23 EA3
Union S 2 Ni 2,5 14171-A S2Ni2 A5.23 / -5.23 ENi2
Union S 3 NiMo 1 26304-A S3Ni1Mo A5.23 / -5.23 EF3
Union S 3 NiMo 14171-A S3Ni1,5Mo A5.23 / -5.23 EG
Union S 2 CrMo 24598-A S S CrMo1 A5.23 / -5.23 EB2R
Union S 1 CrMo 2 24598-A S S CrMo2 A5.23 / -5.23 EB3R
Union S 1 CrMo 5 24598-A S S CrMo5 A5.23 / -5.23 EB6
Thermanit MTS 4 24598-A S S CrMoWV12 A5.23 / -5.23 EG
Type Weight
PE-bag 25 kg