Generative Manufacturing and Self-Assembly: Project Report Manufacturing With Metallic Materials (MEL 202)

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Generative Manufacturing

and Self-Assembly
Project Report
Manufacturing with metallic materials (MEL 202)


Getta Aranya (P2008ME1111)

Shubham Bansal (P2008ME1129)

Yogesh Agarwal (P2008ME1135)

Generative manufacturing processes, in which the shape of a workpiece
is achieved by addition of material in small quanta without any
particular form, do not fit in with the basic concepts of the traditional
manufacturing processes, which involve removal of excess material.

Self-assembly is a term used to describe processes in which a

disordered system of pre-existing components form an organized
structure or pattern as a consequence of specific, local interactions
among the components themselves, without external direction.

These processes are two of the three major emerging manufacturing

processes- Micromanufacturing, generative manufacturing and self-
assembly. In this report we shall discuss the basics of the two
As we have all known, manufacturing processes are primarily aimed at
imparting a desired shape, size with a satisfactory degree of finish and
accuracy. From the very beginning, the shaping methods were of two
types- material conservation processes and material removal processes.
The casting, forming and powder metallurgy (sintering) are material
conservation processes. All machining operations belong to the class of
removal processes. However, wisdom dawned on the technologists and
towards the end of twentieth century the concept of material addition
processes emerged in the field of manufacturing. In nature all living
objects grow to specific shapes and sizes. But this shaping process is
achieved through a gradual addition of material in small quanta in a
well-controlled fashion. Towards the end of the twentieth century, the
developments in both material sciences and computer technology
reached the required levels for enabling man to imitate nature and
develop shaping processes through gradual addition of material. Quite
often such processes are termed under a general heading- Rapid
Prototyping, mainly used for quick prototyping development. But such
processes are believed to become suitable for manufacturing also,
hence a better terminology should be generative manufacturing.

In all shaping processes, the information on material and dimensions

comes externally from drawings, computer memory etc. But in natural
processes such information is encoded in the basic elements used in
the building process. Hence, in the ultimate stage, manufacturing
process is going to be self-generating where all information will be
contained in the process itself. Objects will grow as babies grow in
mothers’ womb.
Generative Processes

The generative manufacturing processes (GMPs) do not fit in with the
basic concepts of the traditional manufacturing processes and
represent a major breakthrough. Unlike the manufacturing processes in
the old era, the shape of a workpiece is not achieved by removal of
excess material in the form of chips or by forming/casting. Instead it is
done by addition of material in small quanta without any particular
form. One important aspect which makes these processes so eminently
suitable for the future is its basic nature being so amenable to
computer control. In GMPs material is added or created (by
solidification/bonding) where it is needed. The first commercial GMP
was based on solidification of a liquid by a laser beam (called
stererolithography) and was developed in 1987 by an American firm
“3D-systems”. Since then, many other techniques for GMP have been
developed and commercial machines are now available in the market.
Currently the material used for these processes are mostly non-metallic
and often do not possess the requisite amount of density and strength
necessary for functional processes. Thus the major usage of these
processes has remained confined to rapid development of prototypes
and models. However, the ongoing research indicates that in the near
future it may be possible to produce actual parts made of material
suitable for functional components. Hence the day is not far off when
these processes will make desktop manufacturing possible.
Basic Principles of generative manufacturing
In all types of GMPs, first a computer model (CAD model) of an object
component is developed. This CAD model is next split into thin layers as
indicated in Fig 1a. The direction of slicing and slice thickness can be
varied for convenience of generation. Next, in order to generate a solid
object of the same shape as that of the CAD model, material is added
(or grown) layerwise, the layers being of the same shape and thickness
as obtained from slicing the CAD model. The thickness of a layer grown
(t) must be the same as the distance between the corresponding
consecutive slicing planes.
Though most of the commercially developed generative manufacturing
processes use the layer-by-layer approach to build a three-dimensional
solid object, a direct three-dimensional building up technique is also
under serious consideration. In the direct method, it will not be
required to decompose the three-dimensional bodies into two-
dimensional layers and an object will be built directly point by point. It
will undoubtedly enhance the freedom and flexibility in shape
generation. However, a number of technological challenges need to be
overcome before a direct method becomes a technological and
commercial success.

Thus, the generalized representation of all generative manufacturing

processes can be as indicated in Fig. 1b. The hierarchy of the steps for
shape generation is shown in Fig. 1c. As per the hierarchy described in
Fig. 1c, a three- dimensional model is decomposed along a direction to
yield a series of discrete entities like surfaces, lines, and points, which
are then generated by a particular process. After a three-dimensional
model is decomposed to layers (surfaces), some processes will require
further decomposition of the surface into lines which are actually
deposited/generated. In some cases, even the lines need to be
decomposed into points for physical generation of the solid object.


The basic principle followed by the generative manufacturing process is
radically different from the basic concepts of manufacturing processes
which have remained prevalent since the beginning of human
civilization. The world had to wait for the necessary achievements in
computer technology for the GMPs to become commercially viable.
These processes are also free from the traditional problems of
manufacturing as the material is created wherever needed during a

A large number of techniques and procedures have already been

developed and a systematic classification of the whole spectrum of the
generative manufacturing processes is desirable. However, the
classification can be based on the nature of the state of the raw
material (i.e., solid, liquid, or powder), the way material is
created/solidified, and the geometric character of shape generation
procedure. Table 1 shows the classification based on the nature of the
raw material.
Table 1 Classification of GMPs based on state of raw material

State of
Type of Mechanism(s) Type of energy Source of
raw Process
material involved employed energy
Photopolymer Liquid photo- Monochromatic Lamp Solid ground curing
polymerization light Laser beam Stereolithography
Holography Holographic interference
Light Two laser beams Beam interference
(two solidification
Thermosetting Liquid thermal Heat Laser beam Thermal
Liquid polymer polymerization

Nonmetal Melting and Heat Heated nozzle Fused deposition

solidification modeling Ballistic
particle manufacturing
Metal Melting and Heat Electric arc Shape melting
solidification Laser beam Fused deposition
Electrochemical modeling
discharge Fused deposition
Thin sheet or foil Selective gluing and Adhesive bonds, Glue and laser Laminated object
cutting cutting energy beam manufacturing

Semi-polymerized Foil polymerization Light Lamp Solid foil polymerization

plastic foil

Single component Selective sintering Heat Laser beam Selective laser sintering

Coated powder Selective sintering Heat Laser beam Selective laser sintering

PowderOne component Selective powder Chemical bond Fine droplet Three-dimensional printing or
and one binder binding beam of binder selective powder binding

The classification of processes is also possible based on the techniques

of shape generation (see Table 2). The development of three-
dimensional shapes is possible either by direct three-dimensional
technique or by depositing layer upon layer. Layers are developed
either as agglomeration of points and lines created gradually or the
whole layer is created simultaneously.
Table 2 Classification of GMPs based on mode of shape generation
Development of solid Basic element of Nature of
object creation connectivity Process
Discrete Stereolithography
Thermal polymerization
Foil polymerization
Selective laser sintering
Selective powder binding
Point Ballistic particle manufacturing
layer-by-layer Continuous Stereolithography
technique Fused deposition
Shape melting
Laminated object manufacturing
Layer Solid ground curing
Repetitive masking and deposition
Discrete Beam interference solidification
Ballistic particle manufacturing
Point Continuous Fused deposition
Direct modeling
Three Shape melting
Dimensional Holographic interference
technique Surface solidification
Programmable molding
In cases of shape generation through solidification of a liquid polymer,
the two-dimensional layer-by-layer technique is appropriate. In this
approach, the lower layers need to be created first. The direct three-
dimensional techniques do not require creation of lower layers first and
the flexibility in shape generation is more. Of course, programming
becomes more demanding and the computational load increases.

Issues related to CAD and GMP software

The first inevitable requirement for generative manufacturing process
is representation of desired 3D object in the form of computer
generated model. Certain issues related to CAD and subsequent
processing of CAD models are discussed in brief.

In most cases, the GMP systems receive their data from CAD systems in
either 3D surface models or 3D solid models. 3D systems Inc., who first
marketed a GMP machine based on stereo lithography (STL), developed
a STL file format. Since such machines outnumber all other types of
machines, the STL format has become the de-facto standard for almost
all types of GMP machines. The technique is based on creating a mesh
of interconnected triangles oriented three-dimensionally. Fig 2 shows
the representation of 3D surfaces by triangular mesh. The vertices of
triangle are ordered to indicate which side of the triangle contains
material, and thus need to be generated during the process. It is not
difficult to realize that an increase in number of triangles results in the
improvement of accuracy when curved surfaces are involved.

(a) Hemispherical surface (b) Truncated cone

Fig. 2 Representation of surfaces by connected triangles.
The computational slicing of CAD model is done by using a ray tracing
algorithm which scans through a particular z-level of the model. The
resulting cross-section can be one or more closed paths and a complete
representation of the area to be filled with material. Such areas are to
be generated by suitable cross-hatching algorithms to generate the
trajectory of the creating element (the laser beam or material ejecting
nozzle, etc.). Cross hatching is important and should be optimal so as to
generate the object in the shortest possible time, maintaining the
required density and strength. Distortion also depends to some extent
on the hatching pattern and should be taken note of. The orientation of
the object needs to be chosen carefully to optimize time and accuracy.
The software needed for slicing and generation to data control the
GMP system movements is not a general one and depends on the
specific system. The effect of orientation on build time and accuracy is
indicated by the example shown in Fig 3.It is seen that the orientation
of the part as shown in fig 3a results in stair step appearance and to
generate a smooth curved surface the thickness of layers has to be very
small increasing the time required to generate the object. If the
orientation of the object is changed to that shown in Fig 3b, the
smoother curved surface can be generated without making the layer
thickness too small.

(a) Staircase effect (b) No staircase effect

Fig. 3 Effect of orientation on accuracy and time.

The slice axis is defined as the normal to the plane created by slicing
and this also represents the build direction. The thickness of slice
ultimately becomes the thickness of the corresponding layer created
and therefore dictates the texture, accuracy, and builds time. Normally,
layer thickness is in the range 0.0625 – 0.75 mm. However, it should be
noted that the use of thicker layers does not necessarily reduce the
build time thought he number of layers to be created reduces. This is so
as the scanning speed, while creating the material depends on the
thickness. Fig 4 shows the dependence of build time on layer thickness.
As can be seen the build time reduces with the beam power for a given
layer thickness. This is so because the scanning can be done at higher
speeds with increased beam power. However, the dependence of build
time on layer thickness suggests the existence of an optimum thickness
with which the build time is minimum. The range 0.125mm to 0.25 mm
is recommended for such operations.

Layer thickness (mm)

Fig. 4 Dependence of build time on layer thickness.

As mentioned earlier, internal hatching is used to solidify the area of a

layer inside the outside boundaries of material object. A properly
chosen hatching pattern can generate a part in minimum time with the
right kind of properties like strength, density, etc., and reduces
distortion to a minimum. Initially the boundary lines are created and
then the interior is crisis-crossed with lines, giving the part adequate
Fig 5 shows a commonly-used hatching pattern called Tri-Hatch. It
consists of parallel lines making 0, 60 and 120 degrees with the axis
resulting in an internal structure that consists of equilateral triangles.
The spacing between the consecutive lines is about 0.625 mm. when
liquid photopolymers are used in the process; the material trapped
inside the triangle remains liquid. It is solidified when the part is
subjected to a curing operation.

Fig. 5 Tri-Hatch pattern.

Recently another hatch pattern called WEAVE, has become popular. In

this the scanning lines are parallel to x- and y-axis, the spacing being
about 0.28 mm when the layer thickness is about 0.25 mm. In the
WEAVE hatching, the trapped liquid volume is less. The distortion of
part is also substantially reduced. However, a much better control of
curing depth while scanning is necessary.

It is obvious that the outer surface of generated part cannot end up

being porous. Therefore, skins are created by skin falls which consist of
closely spaced scan lines. The spacing between the scan line sis in the
range of 0.0762 mm to 0.127 mm. the skin fills are created after the
internal hatching is complete. With the introduction of WEAVE, the
importance of skin fills is reduced as the volume of trapped liquid is
quite small.
In many cases while slicing the CAD model of a part into layers, isolated
regions may be generated as indicated in fig 6. The overhanging

Fig. 7 Formation of isolated regions.

projection is connected to main body of the part from the top. Since
the building up is from bottom, the connection is generated at a later
time. Hence it becomes essential to design a support for the
overhanging part to prevent it from falling down under the action of
gravity. Of course such situations arise when a liquid based process,
e.g., Stereolithography, is used. Sometimes supports are necessary
even though no isolated region is created. For example, parts having
cantilever beams or simple beams require a support structure.

Fig. 8 Different types of supports.

Otherwise, when the overhanging beam is just started, the initial few
layers will not be able to hold itself under the action of gravity. Fig 8
shows various types of supports. After the generation of complete part
is over, such parts are removed. The programming of the job has to
involve creation of such supports. By using proper orientation of part,
the necessity of support can be either reduced or eliminated. For
example, if the part shown in fig 7 is placed upside down or sideways,
no isolated island is generated and supports can be eliminated.
Overview of the generative manufacturing processes
In this section, it will be attempted to present a quick overview of
different generative processes. Since this area is growing and many
processes are still not fully matured, only brief descriptions can be
presented. However, the process stereo lithography was the first GMP
to be developed and commercialized by 3D systems Inc., and will be
discussed in more details. The presentation of various processes will be
attempted according to scheme of shape generation. Thus, first the
processes following 2D layer by layer technique will be discussed. This
will be followed by a brief discussion of the direct 3D shape generation

Stereo lithography with photopolymerization

This process is based on the curing of a liquid photopolymer by a UV
beam. The basic principle of this process is shown in Fig 9.

Fig. 9 Basic principle of stereolithography (STL).

The generating vat contains a UV sensitive liquid photopolymer. An NC

drive controls the height of platform on which the work is generated.
Initially it is positioned along the top surface of liquid. A UV laser beam
is reflected on to the surface of the liquid with the help of a mirror
mounted one pair of orthogonally scanning galvanometers whose
positions are controlled by computer. The computer controls the
movement of the mirror so that the beam traces the desired path on
the liquid surface while generating a particular cross section of part
being produced. The beam cures the liquid to produce the solid layer
with a depth of few tenths of mm which is equal to the thickness of a
layer. Then the laser beam scans the liquid surface again to produce the
next layer. The process is repeated until the tip most cross section of
object is generated. Next, the part is removed from the vat and the
excess materials is removed from the crevices and openings using
ultrasonic cleaning technique .an alcohol bath is used to clean any
unused polymer. to solidify trapped liquid polymer inside the hatched
pattern, the part is subjected to post curing operation that is carried
out by applying intense long wave UV radiation.

In this process solidification of liquid resin is accomplished through a

process called photo polymerization which links small molecules, called
monomers, into large molecules called polymers. This also results in
major changes in bulk properties. Since loose van der waals interaction
among neighboring monomers is replaced by a network of covalent
bonds, the shear strength increases significantly, changing the liquid to
solid. The polymerization process is very energy efficient as the process
is exothermic. This allows low power UV lasers in Stereolithography
process. In comparison to powder sintering operation, stereo
lithography requires about 1000 times less power.

Solidification can take place both in a point by point fashion and curing
lines at a time. In the case of low power laser beams, the beam scans
the surface so that a series of voxels (volume picture cells) get solidified
as shown in fig 10. The size of voxels should be adequate to ensure
connection with the neighboring voxels and each layer should also be
connected with the layer solidified prior to the current one as indicated
in fig 10.

Fig. 10 Generation of solids by voxels.

When the power is laser beam is low, voxel formation is achieved by a

point to point NC control of the mirror that causes the laser beam to
stop at each voxel; point. The beam need not be switched off in
between voxels and the traversing speed being high, polymerization
does not take place during this period. When high power lasers are
used, continuous lasers can be cured, forming a solid parabolic cylinder
as indicated in fig 11. The degree of solidification through photo
polymerization depends on the number of photons impinging on a
particular target volume, i.e., the dose of radiation received.
Solidification requires minimum critical dose. The surface energy
received while traversing a line can be expressed as ratio of laser’s
average performance (Intensity, P), and product of traversing speed (v)
and line width (b).

Eo = P/vb

E (z) = Eo exp (-z/dp) Beer-Lambert relation

Where dp is defined as optical penetration depth (i.e., depth at which
the intensity drops by a factor e; it is material property).

Fig. 11 A parabolic prism cured by a laser beam.

It is possible to develop a process of shape generation, somewhat

similar to the STL process we have described, in which a resin is not
solidified through photo polymerization bit a thermosetting liquid
polymer is selectively solidified by heat. Quadrax has marketed a
system of this type in which a 5-W Ar-Ion laser is used.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

This process was first conceptualized and developed in 1987 at
University of Texas at Austin; the process was commercialized and
marketed by DTM Corporation, USA. In this process a part is created
following a layer by layer approach by fusing powdered thermoplastic
materials with a high power laser beam. This process of getting powder
grains bonded together by localized partial melting is called sintering. In
general, sintering occurs when a particle’s viscosity drops due to high
temperature and the surface tension effect overpowers the viscosity.
SLS can be of two basic types, viz., indirect SLS and direct SLS. In the
case of indirect SLS, the metal or ceramic powders get bonded together
through a polymeric material which softens and forms necks between
adjacent grains. The binding takes place through polymer-polymer
bonds. In the indirect SOLS, either metal powder is mixed with a small
amount of polymer or metallic powder grains coated with a polymer. In
the direct SLS process, laser beams of much energy are used to partially
melt the metallic powder and get sintered. Fig 12 shows the nature of
indirect and direct SLS products. Because of very nature of solidification
process, the products are generally porous and of low density. In case
of indirect SLS, density is lower than achieved through direct SLS which
can be of the order 80-90%.

Fig. 12 Product character with indirect and direct SLS processes.

The layers formed by the sintering process reside within the powder
and no separate support structure is required. This, to an extent,
simplifies the planning and designing task. When all the layers are
formed, the product embedded in loose powder, is removed and

Fig. 13 Scheme of selective laser sintering.

In the SLS process, a thin layer of powder is spread into a cylindrical

part building chamber with the help of a counter0rotating roller which
moves from one side to another of the cylindrical chamber flanked by
two powder feed cartridges. The powder feed pistons move up with the
consumption of powder in creating each layer and keep the powder in
the supply cartridges always at the required level. The top layer in the
building chamber is raster scanned (closely spaced parallel lines) with a
50-W C02 laser beam. The requisite area, representing the part
geometry at that particular layer on which the laser beam scans
through, fuses together and solidifies. Since the chamber is maintained
at an elevated temperature, it not only reduces the power requirement
of the laser beam but also helps to keep thermal shrinkage during
fabrication low keeping the part distortion minimal. After every layer is
sintered, the part supporting platform is lowered by the equivalent of
one layer thickness and a fresh coat of powder is laid. The process is
then repeated. The un-sintered powder remains to support the
developing part as a form-fitted 'cake'. Thus, the part is well stabilized
during the building process as already mentioned. After all layers are
built, the supporting piston is raised; the un-sintered powder mostly
falls off the part and a spatula is used to remove the additional powder.
The un-sintered powder can be reused. A layer of un-sintered powder,
about 25 mm thick, is left covering the part that serves as an insulation
which helps to reduce distortion as the part cools. The coating is
removed by brushes and air jets after the cooling is over. The parts
produced by SLS are of low density as no compaction pressure is
applied unlike that in the conventional powder metallurgy based
processes. The parts produced by sintering polyvinyl chloride have a
relative density of only 60% (i.e., 40% of the part volume is air). The
materials used for SLS include PVC, polycarbonate, investment wax,
nylon, and ceramic and metal powders. One distinct advantage of SLS is
that different materials can be used while building a single part.
As mentioned earlier in this section, almost all generative
manufacturing processes produce a vertical stair-step surface finish
since parts are built layer upon layer. The surfaces of parts produced by
the SLS process suffer additionally from roughness problems. One
major source of this roughness is the granular nature of the raw
materials which are powders with grain sizes in the range 80-120 µm.
Besides, the raster scan laser beam drawing also results in horizontal
stair-step effect as explained in Fig. 14. Some improvement of surface
finish may be possible by rotating the orientation of raster by 90° at
every alternate layer. This will distribute the roughness evenly on all
surfaces. Further improvement of surface finish is possible by outlining
each cross-section prior to the drawing of rasters, though this will
increase the build time.

Fig. 14 Vertical and horizontal stair-step effects.

Selective Powder Binding (SPB) or Three-Dimensional Printing

Selective powder binding (also called three-dimensional printing) was
originally developed at MIT in the early 1990s. The process is based on
creating a solid object from a refractory powder by selective binding
through the application of a colloidal liquid silica binder. The liquid
binder is applied selectively to thin layers of powder, in the form of
droplets, using the inkjet technology causing the particles of powder to
stick together wherever the binder droplets are applied. Thus, it has
certain similarities with SLS. Soligen licensed the three-dimensional
printing technology patents from MIT for direct shell production
casting. Z Corp also procured license of the three-dimensional printing
technology for building models.

The inkjet technique has also been used to develop solid objects by
directly injecting material droplets at required locations. Either one or
two inkjets can be employed for depositing tiny drops of hot liquid
thermoplastic materials. More than one material can be used for
making the part if two inkjets are used. Usually, one jet is employed for
creating the support structure and the other forms the main part. With
a different material, the support structure can be easily removed after
the part formation is complete. Solidoscape commercialized such inkjet

Fig. 15 Various stages of selective powder binding process.

In the SPB type three-dimensional printing process, a thin layer of

ceramic powder is laid on a flatbed (Fig. 15). Next, a fine jet of ceramic
binder is ejected onto the powder at locations where solidification is
desired. The application of binder droplets can be done in two different
ways. In the drop on demand technique, a droplet is ejected by the
inkjet mechanism when a drop is needed while the inkjet mechanism
traverses the layer of powder. In continuous jet systems, the droplets
are ejected continuously while the nozzle traverses the layer surfaces.
But at locations which are not to be solidified the inkjet is diverted by
an electric field. The droplets are electrically charged while leaving the
nozzle tip. The nozzle is moved across the powder surface in a raster
scan while the computer generated electrical signals control the
deposit of the binder. After the completion of the selective binding
operation of the powder layer, the platform supporting the part is
lowered by one layer thickness and the cycle is repeated. Figure 1.56
shows the various stages of the process, including the completed part.
The inkjet based print head consists of an array of a large number of jet
nozzles, each one capable of operating at few tens of kHz. Typically, for
a layer of 0.5 m x 0.5 m, it takes about 4 sec to complete the cycle using
the drop on demand technique. When continuous jets are used, the
time for solidification of the layer can be much smaller, even as low as a
fraction of a second. After all the layers are completed, the part is cured
at 120°C for about two hours. The unbound powder is then removed.
For ceramic parts, a final firing at 1000-1500°C is required to impart the
object its full strength. The typically used powders are Aluminium
oxide, zirconia, zircon, and silicon carbide. The minimum feature size is
about a fraction of a mm. Difficulty in achieving good surface finish is
one of the major problems of the process. The removal of unbound
powder from narrow passages and enclosed cavities also poses

Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM): Layered Process

This technique for creating three-dimensional solid objects from the
CAD model was developed by Perception Systems Inc. It involves
shooting of droplets of molten material at required positions. As in the
selective powder binding process, here also material is supplied
through an array of drop on demand inkjet ports. Molten wax droplets
of about 50 (Am diameter are ejected at the rate of 12,500 drops per
second. Unlike most other generative manufacturing processes, BPM is
possible both for layer-on-layer fabrication and direct three-
dimensional shape generation. The two-dimensional layer-on-layer
process is based on generating layers from wax droplets. In this
process, the CAD model is developed for both the part and the support
structure. Figure 16a shows the CAD model of a part and Fig. 16b the
CAD model of the part-cum- support. The part is generated from wax
whereas the support is developed from polyethylene glycol (Figs. 16c
and 16d), a synthetic wax that is soluble in water. The deposition of the
part and support material is accomplished by sorting droplets from an
array of 32 piezoelectric inkjet ports operating at 10 kHz. On contact
with the previously generated layer, the hot droplets momentarily melt
the contact surface of the previous layer. On subsequent cooling and
solidification, a homogeneous material is formed of the desired shape.

Fig. 16 Support material configuration in GMPs.

After the completion of deposition of all layers, the object is placed in
warm water bath to dissolve the support material, leaving the desired
part. The accuracy of the process depends on the accuracy of the
position of droplets, which in turn is dependent on the accuracy of the
location of the piezoelectric jet system and the ballistic paths of the
individual droplets. Thus, it is desirable that the jet ports be as close to
the substrate as possible. The layer thickness is monitored by a
feedback loop using proximity sensors for measuring the distance
between the jet ports and the substrate. In the commercially available
systems, parts have been generated with 90 µm layer thickness.

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

This is one of the more popular methods for generative manufacturing.
In this process, three-dimensional objects are produced by depositing a
molten thermoplastic material layer by layer. Stratasys Inc. is
commercially manufacturing machines for FDM. A solid filament of
thermoplastic material with 1.25 mm diameter is fed into an x-y
controlled extrusion head. The material is melted by a resistance heater
at a temperature of 180°F (1°F above its melting temperature). As the
head is moved along the required trajectory using computer control,
the thermoplastic material is deposited by extruding it through a nozzle
by a precision volumetric pump. As the extruded material, deposited as
a fine layer, comes out with a temperature just above the melting
point, it re-solidifies within 0.1 second by natural cooling. To ensure
proper adhesion of the deposited fused material to the previously
deposited layer, the object temperature is maintained just below the
solidification temperature. After one layer is deposited, the platform,
supporting the object, is lowered by one layer thickness. Figure 17
shows the process schematically:
Fig. 17 Scheme of fused deposition modeling.

To maintain stability in the process, the rate of flow of the extruded

molten filament is controlled to match (i) the travelling speed of the
depositing head (which can go up to 380 mm/sec), (ii) the desired
thickness of the layer (that varies from 0.025 mm to 1.25 mm), and (iii)
the width of the deposited line (which varies from 0.23 mm to 6.25
mm). The repeatability and positional accuracy of this process are
claimed to be about ±0.025 mm with an overall tolerance of 0.125 mm
over a cube with 305 mm sides. The FDM process is still not very
suitable for parts with very small features. The typically-used materials
for the process include investment casting wax, wax filled adhesive
material, and tough nylon-like material. Polymer type thermoplastics
can also be used.

Other Layered Type Processes

There are quite a few other layered type generative manufacturing
processes which have been developed with lesser degree of
commercial success. Of these, two are briefly described here.
Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) In this process, parts
are produced by successive bonding of layers of sheet materials (mostly
paper type material) and laser cutting of each cross-section. Thin sheets
of plastics and composites are also used. The part acquires a wood-like
structure and quality. Helisys Inc. released the first commercial model
of LOM system. Figure 7.59 shows the basic features of LOM
schematically. Sheet material is supplied from a roll and the unused
portion of the material is wound up at the take-up roll. The sheet is
coated with a heat sensitive adhesive. When the fresh material comes
over the work table, a heated roller presses it down to the uppermost
layer of the object being fabricated. Then, a C02 laser beam cuts the
outline of respective

Fig. 18 Scheme of laminated object manufacturing (LOM).

cross-sections. The beam intensity and speed are so adjusted that only
one sheet is cut. The sheet material outside the desired cross-section is
cross-hatched by the beam into squares (called tiles) so as to separate
the part easily after it is generated. After the cutting of one layer is
completed, the platform is lowered by one sheet thickness and the
rollers supply a fresh area of the sheet material. Interlayer adhesion
near the boundaries is a problem for LOM. This problem is partially
reduced by a method called burn out. The area on the previously laid
layer where gluing is undesirable is cut with a tightly spaced cross-
hatched pattern. A hollow part cannot be generated by LOM as the
excess material remains trapped inside.

Solid ground curing (SGC) In this process, whole layers are

simultaneously cured according to the required cross-section. Cubital
marketed an SGC system called Solider. A thin layer of liquid
photosensitive resin is applied and then exposed to a strong UV
radiation through a mask. The transparent areas of the mask
correspond to the desired cross-section of a particular layer. The UV
radiation solidifies the exposed areas of the resin and the uncured
liquid resin is removed from the unexposed areas. These areas are
replaced by wax to build up the support structure. Finally, the cured
resin and the deposited wax are both machined to a predetermined
thickness using an end mill cutter. The cycle is then repeated till the
complete object is formed. Concurrently, another cyclic operation is
performed to prepare the mask for each layer. A glass plate is
ionographically charged to create a pattern according to the required
cross-section, which is then developed by using a toner, as done in
photocopying units. Once the curing of the required cross-section is
over, the pattern from the glass mask is erased and it is used for
creating the mask for the next layer. A computer containing the part
geometry controls the charge pattern. Typically, the charge is deposited
on the glass plate in raster lines with 11.8 lines per mm.

In more advanced versions, 40 lines can be accommodated per mm.

Figure 19 shows the cycle of operations in solid ground curing. The
layer thickness ranges from 0.03 mm to 1.27 mm. High viscosity low
shrinkage resins can be used for the SGC process. Since curing is done
of a whole layer, the build time per layer is independent of part
geometry, and it is about 50 seconds. An accuracy of 0.03 mm can be
achieved in a 25 mm part dimension.

Fig. 19 Cycle of Operations in Solid Ground Curing (SGC)

Direct Three-Dimensional Generative Manufacturing Processes

Though most of the commercially available generative manufacturing
process units fabricate parts layer by layer, it is possible to build objects
directly in three-dimensional space. In all layer-by-layer methods, the
lower layers have to be created before the next layer is deposited. But
direct three-dimensional techniques do not require creating the lower
portions first. Direct three- dimensional techniques can be of three
types as follows:
• Shape generation through point by point.
• Shape generation through surface by surface.
• Shape generation through simultaneous creation of the whole
Beam interference solidification (BIS) This method was
patented by Formiographic Engine. The material which is used in the
process is a photosensitive transparent liquid plastic (monomer). When
the monomer is subjected to a laser beam of a particular frequency, it
reaches a reversible metastable state and no bonding reaction takes
place. But when a part of the liquid that is already in a metastable state
is hit by another laser beam of a specific (but different) frequency,
polymerization of the metastable state takes place, resulting in the
solidification of a voxel (volume picture cell) at the intersection of the
two beams. The basic scheme of the process is shown in Fig. 20. By
moving the two laser guns in a particular way, the volume of the
desired object can be generated voxel by voxel. In spite of the elegance
of the concept, there are a number of serious difficulties for its practical
application. The intensity of the beam decreases continuously during its
passage through the resin because of absorption. This poses a serious
difficulty in programming the laser beams to maintain uniformity in the
characteristics of all voxels. The problem is further compounded
because of shadow effects produced by the portions of the object
already solidified.

Fig. 20 Principle of beam interference solidification.

Ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM) The process has
already been discussed in its layer-by-layer application. In the direct
three-dimensional approach, the part building is achieved by shooting
of molten droplets on the top of each other. Figure 21 shows the
technique schematically. Two piezoelectric inkjet printing nozzles are
guided by manipulators to deposit the molten droplets according to the
need from any direction instead of using an array of such inkjet nozzles
as done in the layer-by-layer approach. Six-axis robots can be used for
the purpose. One important advantage of this approach is the
elimination of support structures.

Direct metal deposition (DMD) The University of Michigan,

Ann Arbor, has commercialized a laser based machine for generating
three-dimensional metallic parts. Metal powder is supplied which is
melted by a high power laser beam and functional metallic part can be
generated. The deposition head is guided by a manipulator.

Holographic interference solidification (HIS) This exotic

process is also based on the photo polymerization of photosensitive

Fig. 21 Direct three-dimensional ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM).

resins. But in this process, the part is not created voxel by voxel;
instead, a three-dimensional image is projected in a vat containing a
photosensitive liquid monomer and a whole three-dimensional surface
gets solidified as a whole. The holographic film for projecting the image
is created with a CAD system. A system based on this principle has been
developed by Quadtec Pty., Melbourne.
Advantages of Generative Manufacturing
The major advantages of the generative manufacturing processes can
be summarized as follows:

Advantages during design Manufacturing process is quite independent of

the part feature and there is no need for
feature based design

Advantages in planning No blanks are required and no planning for the

blanks is required. The GMPs are based on
single operation only and no complicated
scheduling and routing problems are faced

Advantages during shaping The GMPs being tool less processes the
complex tasks of tool selection, tool
management, requirement for jigs, fixtures,
molds, dies are all eliminated

Advantages in automation The process being completely computer

oriented, integration and automation of the
manufacturing process is easy and relatively

Future Prospects
The long-standing desire of manufacturing engineers to produce solid
parts directly from the design data stored in a computer seems to be on
the verge of realization. Though the current methods of generative
manufacturing are used for rapid prototyping, primarily, the trends of
development indicate that soon these processes will be used for
production of functional parts. Some indirect benefits will also be there
once functional parts are produced by these techniques. At present,
products have a limited life mainly because of the cost of spare parts
and their non-availability after some time. Keeping a large stock of
spares for an indefinite period of time means blocking of capital. But
when generative processes will mature enough to produce spare parts,
spares can be stored electronically eliminating the blockage of capital.

The generative processes will also play a very major role in

manufacturing micro-parts. These processes are also responsible for
bringing bottom-up approach in the manufacturing scenario and can be
considered to be the forerunner of the ultimate process—
manufacturing by self-assembly of material. The next section on self-
assembly offers a glimpse of the possibilities.

The ultimate in manufacturing is the process through which three-
dimensional devices and objects will be manufactured by self-assembly
of material(s) without any continued intervention of human action. It
has been emphasized earlier in this chapter that designing and
developing autonomous, intelligent micron-sized (even Nano-sized)
machines will be a major development in future engineering activities.
However, to successfully exploit the potential of such devices, it is
essential that the manufacturing cost be low. It has also been
mentioned that the top-down manufacturing processes are limited in
their capacity to manufacture micron-sized (or Nano-sized) three-
dimensional features. The currently practiced photolithographic
techniques are capable of producing submicron level features (as
required in VLSI chips) but the capability of lithographic processes is
limited to two-dimensional systems primarily. For producing truly
three-dimensional objects, the scope of lithography is very doubtful.
There has been some recent developments like focused ion beam (FIB)
technology, using which even Nano-sized three-dimensional features
can be produced. But, unfortunately, this technique is not very suitable
for batch production. Thus, the cost of the objects produced using FIB is
prohibitive. The other top-down approaches for Micromanufacturing
have limited capabilities like micro-drilling, micro-slot cutting, etc.
Besides, the cost of manufacturing is generally high.

From the previous sections, it is clear that the bottom-up approach can
be very suitable for developing very small-size three-dimensional
objects. However, the usual philosophy of adding (or generating) micro-
sized elements in succession to develop the whole object is not only
time-consuming but also not amenable to batch production. If, on the
other hand, the process of material addition takes place spontaneously
without human intervention, not only large scale batch production will
be possible but the time taken for manufacturing will also be within
reasonable limits. The process will be somewhat like producing a huge
number of bacteria in a vat. The addition of material will be
spontaneous as in the case of the growth of a living object.

Self-assembly (or self-organization) is a process in which components

automatically come together to form aggregates. All living objects and
biological systems as well as a large number of nonliving physical
systems exhibit self-organizing behavior. Examples of non-biological
systems formed by self-assembly are many, the most common being
crystals, micelle, colloids, and self-assembled monolayers. The key
point in this mode of ordered structure formation is that all the
information required for specifying the desired shape and size is
available within the process itself. Self-assembly can involve
components from the molecular to the planetary (weather systems)
scales and can be based on many different kinds of interactions.
Traditionally, self-assembly has been associated with atoms and
molecules only and its study has been a common subject among the
chemists. However, the subject has gained importance recently with
the advent of nanotechnology. There are mainly three scales in which
the process operates—molecular, Nano scale (colloids, nanowires, etc.),
and meso to macroscopic (objects with dimensions from microns to
centimeters). Of course, the subject is at its infancy and neither our
understanding nor our control of self-assembly is anywhere near the
stage when it will be possible to map out the road to the final
destination—self-assembly of micro-devices and -machines. It is hoped
that the ultimate self-assembled structures will be multifunctional, self-
correcting and, perhaps, self-replicating.

Basic Principles of Self-Assembly Process

Like any spontaneously occurring process (like rolling of a ball down an
inclined plane resulting in lower potential energy), minimization of
energy is the key motivating factor in self-assembly and self-
organization. The process is governed by different types of interaction
forces acting between assembling components and the resulting
structure formation is associated with minimization of energy. The self-
assembly processes can be classified into two main groups as now

• Uncoded self-assembly: In these processes, minimization of

energy is the only motivation while forming aggregates. No very specific
geometric features are involved.

• Coded (directed) self-assembly: With uncoded self-assembly,

formation of three-dimensional features is generally not possible. In
coded self-assembly, information on the geometric features of the
desired object is encoded into the basic components. A suitable
combination of the motivation for energy minimization and the
geometric features produces complex three-dimensional objects. The
best example is the recombination of two DNA strands. There is only a
unique way two strands can join.
Successful self-assembly depends on five important requirements,

• Components/Elements: Groups of molecules, segments of macro-

molecules, nanoparticles/microparticles that interact with one another
are the components of a self-assembly process. The primary objective is
to create a more ordered structure from the randomly-oriented large
number of these basic building blocks.

• Intercomponent interactions: The creation of an ordered

agglomeration of the components requires a suitable interaction
among the components which brings them together and keeps them
assembled. These interactions should lead to weak bonding so that
readjustment of the orientations becomes possible. These interactions
motivate the components to come together, overcoming the energy
barrier due to thermal fluctuations.

• Ability to readjust positions: If the interactive forces are too

strong, the components get attached to one another in an irreversible
manner, i.e., once attached, no further spontaneous change of
orientation of their relative positions is possible. Such a situation leads
to the formation of amorphous and disordered structures. Thus, to
provide the ability to readjust positions, the strength of the bonds must
be comparable to those which try to readjust the positions. Figure 22a
shows a situation where adjustability is not possible. The assembly
process leads to disordered amorphous states. On the other hand, Fig.
22b shows a self-assembly process with reversibility which leads to an
ordered regular shaped object.
Fig. 22 Self-assembly
• Environment: All self-assembly processes require mobility of the
components and therefore are facilitated in solutions instead of dry

• Mobility and transportation: The components in a self-assembly

process need to be mobile for obvious reason.

• Equilibration: Reaching a state of equilibrium is necessary in self-

assembly processes. Otherwise, the assembled object may not possess
structural stability.

As in the case of any spontaneously occurring process, e.g., rolling

down of a ball on an inclined plane, resulting in lower potential energy,
minimization of total energy is the key motivation for any self-
organizing or self-assembly process. The process is governed by
different types of interactions among the components with a desire to
minimize the overall energy. In appropriate cases, this is achieved
through the realization of a particular pattern or shape. The concept of
self-organization based on energy minimization can be explained with
the classic example of monolayer and micelle formation with surfactant
molecules in aqueous solutions. Surfactant molecules have spatially
different domains within the structure, and, in the simplest form,
consist of a hydrophilic head group and a hydrophobic tail as shown in
Fig. 23a. The hydrophilic head prefers to remain in the proximity of

Fig. 23 Self-organization of surfactant molecules.

water whereas the hydrophobic end tries to avoid contact with water.
Such hydrophilic and hydrophobic characteristics can be attributed to
their surface tensions. In general, the surface energy (or surface
tension) of a hydrophilic material is higher than that of water and is
preferentially wetted by water. In contrast, a hydrophobic material has
surface energy less than that of water and is not wetted by water.
When such a surfactant molecule is put in water, the hydrophilic end is
wetted and prefers to remain surrounded by water. Conversely, the
hydrophobic end prefers to avoid contact with water. Under the
influence of the resulting antagonistic force field originating from the
interfacial tensions of different domains of the molecule, it is most
suited if the molecule migrates to the water-air interface and orients
itself so that the hydrophilic head remains in water and the tail is in the
air as shown in Fig. 23b. This is the most basic example of self-
organization as the orientation of the molecule is predetermined by the
interfacial tensions. As more such molecules are added, all of them
migrate to the water surface and organize themselves in a head-down
position, forming an ordered monolayer (Fig. 23c). When the
concentration of these molecules is increased, the water-air interface
gets fully covered by the monolayer (at this stage, the distance
between the neighboring molecules is governed by the steric repulsion
between the head groups—i.e., the heads nearly touch each other as
indicated in Fig. 23c). The newly added molecules are forced to stay
within water, but instead of getting distributed in a random fashion
(which is thermodynamically not favorable), the surfactant molecules
form spherical aggregates called micelles. The structure of a micelle is
shown in Fig. 23d which hides all the hydrophobic ends from water.
Depending on the situation, a bilayer can also form as shown in Fig.
23e. There exists a critical concentration [known as critical micellar
concentration (CMC)] above which all the surfactant molecules added
to the solution will form micelle. If an organic solvent is used instead of
water, the scenario becomes just the opposite as the hydrocarbon tail
is energetically favored and the hydrophilic head is repelled. Thus,
depending on the concentration, either a monolayer or reverse micelle
is formed automatically. However, many other kinds of other structural
aggregates like rods, lamella, etc., can also form depending on the

Many different types of patterns and structures can be self-assembled

by designing the basic components. Figure 24 shows a particular case
where a porous structure is developed. When hexagonal components
with alternate faces as hydrophobic and hydrophilic are used, again a
porous nanostructured pattern is generated as shown in Fig. 25a. On
the other hand, if all the faces are made hydrophobic, a nonporous
structure is formed as shown in Fig. 25b. Thus, it is seen that more

Fig. 24 Self-assembly of nanoparticles with designed characteristics.

complex shape generation can be achieved when the basic components

are designed suitably. Such type of self-organization is termed as
template self-assembly. In such cases, the interactions between the
components with a pre-existing regular pattern determine the
formation of the final structures. In essence, such type of templated
self-assembly combines both the top-down and bottom-up concepts to
some extent. We now give examples of templated self-assembly.

(b) All faces hydrophobic

Fig. 25 Self-assembly using hexagonal components.

Whitesides and his group have attempted such templated self-

assembly. They prepared millimeter-size components of different
regular shapes and coated the chosen faces with a low melting metallic
alloy, and suspended the resulting particles in aqueous KBr solution
kept at the melting temperature of the alloy. On agitation, the
components collide and interact through the capillary forces between
the drops of liquid alloy. The assembly of the components takes place
in a manner that minimizes the area of contact of KBr solution with the

Fig. 26 Matching of basic units in self-assembly.

alloy, resulting in the lowest free energy of the aggregate. The shape

and character of the resulting aggregate depend on the shape of the

components and the locations and geometry of the alloy coated faces
when regular polyhedra and cubes are chosen. Figures 26a and 26b
show the correct and incorrect matching of faces for minimizing the
exposed surface area. The configurations resulting from the assembly
indicated in Fig. 26a are energetically more favorable than those in Fig.
26b because those in Fig. 26a minimize the alloy-KBr interface area.
Whitesides' group also experimented with a shape-selective lock-and-
key geometry. The geometry of the component is indicated in Fig. 27a.
Out of the three favorable choices for self-assembly (Fig. 27b), the
head-to-tail configuration leads to best choice as (i) it minimizes the
area of exposed hydrophobic faces, and (ii) it leads to better kinematic
stability. Thus, when the solution is agitated to the correct level, the
bonding for tail-to-tail and head-to-head configurations are not strong
enough to hold. Thus, only the head-to-tail configuration of self-
assembly survives, leading to a long strip-like aggregate to form as
shown in Fig. 27c.

Generally, self-assembly is a manifestation of information coded as

shape, surface properties, charge, etc., in individual components and
these characteristics determine the interactions among them.
Molecular self-assembly involves weak covalent interactions like van
der waals electrostatics acid base interactions, interactions based on
hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity, hydrogen bond etc. In contrast in
the case of components of larger sizes (tens of nanometers to hundreds
of microns), interactions such as electric and magnetic fields, capillary
and entropic interactions are of interest. For self-assembly to generate
structures more complex than crystals it is important that the
components must come together only in some predetermined unique

Future Possibilities
Manufacturing processes are primarily based on the needs of making
things as a result they depend on the nature of ultimate products. Thus,
in future, the new concepts in manufacturing design will depend upon
the nature of future machines and devices. Although the conventional
machines and devices will continue to exist, a completely new brand of
machines and devices will emerge which will be closely linked with the
principle of life science. A totally new subject, synthetic biology, has
just started appearing on the scene. It is aimed at developing inanimate
devices operating on the principles of biology and using biochemical
energy. The main objective of developing a new class of machines will
be to make them truly intelligent and autonomous. Apart from the
need to use a huge number and enormous range of sensing devices, the
actuation of the moving members will follow biological principles.

One example can explain the basic idea. Let a device of volume V
develop a force F for actuation following the conventional engineering
principle which uses the electromagnetic phenomenon for generating
the forces. It is known that the electrostatic force depends on L2 where
L represents the length dimension of actuator or motor. On the other
hand, the electromagnetic force varies as L4. Now, if we reduce the size
of electrostatic actuator by a factor of 100, the volume of a device will
reduce by factor of 106 as VαL3. The force developed by each actuator
will be reduced by factor of 104. If one uses 106 such micro devices, the
resultant force will be 102 F. This is why nature uses massively parallel
systems using micro and Nano sized units in all living objects, both for
sensing and for actuation. Many of the intelligent future machines will
just mimic the living world. Manufacturing such machines at reasonable
costs will require completely new concepts in manufacturing and self-
assembly can be a major route for such cases. It may not be impossible
that a day in not-too-distant future will see that a majority of machines
are running on the principle of photo-synthesis. This will also lead to a
dramatic drop in carbon emission, resulting in cleaner environment and
save our world from disaster.
Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik

Bucknall, David G., Nanolithography and Patterning Techniques in

Microelectronics, Woodhead, Cambridge, 2005.

Ghosh, Amitabha, Rapid Prototyping: A Brief Introduction.

Maluf, Nadim, An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems


Madou, Marc J., Fundamentals of Microfabrication, 2nd edition.

Jacobs, Paul F., Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing.



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