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Department of Languages and Literatures

at the University of Sussex


A linguistic approach to identifying irony

Maria Jönsson

Advanced Undergraduate Level Research Essay Supervisor:

Spring 2010 Barbara Allen

Several NLP applications could benefit from identifying irony. Currently there is no
process for doing so automatically. My findings suggest that irony occurs in up to
8.5 % of online hotel reviews. I identify three groups of irony based on the linguistic
features they exhibit. I predict the irony in two of these groups are possible to
identify automatically, covering 70 % of the irony in my corpus. If my findings can
be verified in a more extensive investigation, I suspect my ideas can be applied to
other domains than online reviews as well.
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Irony and sarcasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.1 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Literature review 7
2.1 Subjectivity classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Subjectivity and adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Sentiment classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.1 Sentiment and dependency parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Methodology 13
3.1 Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Classifying problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Analyzing the ironic corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Results 19
4.1 Number of adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Gradability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Mismatch in polarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5 Conclusion 22

References 24

A The ironic corpus 26

B The hotel corpus 29

C The restaurant corpus 70

1 Introduction
Online reviews become increasingly important to the ways in which goods and services
are selected by purchasers. Potential customers use them as guides before a purchase and
merchants to keep up-to-date on their reputation. A vast number of reviews are written
and published online every day and it is too much material to handle manually. Therefore,
automatic approaches are suggested, some of which Tang et al. (2009) present in their
comprehensive survey on sentiment detection of online reviews. They also mention related
problems. However, they neglect to mention the problem of identifying irony. In most
reviews, literal language is used, but I will show that ironic language occurs in up to 8.5 %
of the reviews. Therefore, it is important to consider both literal and ironic language
when handling reviews automatically.
I will use hotel and restaurant reviews to investigate how common irony is in them,
and what linguistic features ironic sentences exhibit. Several other investigations are
based on hotel reviews, for instance Titov and McDonald (2008). I will also look at
restaurant reviews because they seem similar to hotel reviews when it comes to length
and style. The material will be collected and classified manually. This is a theoretical
investigation, no practical implementation will be performed. So, I will carry out this
investigation manually, but the goal is that my findings could be used in NLP (natural
language processing) applications that could benefit from identifying irony automatically
and thus improve their performance. Hence, the focus is not why irony is used, but how,
from a linguistic point of view, it is used. I will assume that every review can be handled
individually, so that one review is one entity, and not treat reviews in clusters.
I will start by stating the definition of irony I will use in this investigation. The
following section will briefly report on previous work; the focus is on approaches that
would benefit from handling irony and what type of linguistic features could be interesting
for automatic detection of irony. Three features are selected and form the basis of the
Finally, I will argue that there are three types of irony in online reviews, two of which
I predict are possible to detect automatically and therefore will improve the performance
of NLP applications. Up to 70 % of the irony in my material could in theory be identified
using this approach.

1.1 Irony and sarcasm

In semantic theory, irony is often described as a rhetorical device together with metaphor,
metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole and litotes and is a form of non-literal language (Saeed,

2009). However, there is no consensus of the definition of irony. This investigation
uses the traditional definition of irony (see below), but I will briefly mention one other
definition as a contrast in the end of this section.
Sarcasm is a form of irony; both irony and sarcasm convey the opposite of what is
expressed but sarcasm also conveys some form of feeling (New Oxford American Dic-
tionary, 2nd edition, henceforth NOAD). The statement in (1) is clearly ironic if it is
preceded by a long wait for food at a restaurant, and if it is intended to convey, for
example, discontent, it is also sarcastic.

(1) The service is really good here.

Irony in written or spoken language is called ‘verbal irony’; the other branch of irony is
‘situational irony’ (Gibbs Jr. and Colston, 2006:4). Situational irony is ‘a state of affairs
or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects’ (NOAD). If someone
claims self-righteously: ‘I never misspell’, and then is caught doing so, the situation is
ironic. This means that both situations and people can be ironic, ‘but only people can be
sarcastic’ and ‘sarcasm requires intention’ (Haiman, 1998:20). Sarcasm is also a means
‘to mock or convey contempt’ (NOAD) or ‘to make someone else feel stupid or show them
that you are angry’ (Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners). That is,
sarcasm is used to convey feelings about or a standpoint on the issue addressed, unlike
other types of irony. Following the dictionaries and Haiman’s definitions of irony and
sarcasm, the relationship between the two concepts can be illustrated as in Figure 1.


Situational Verbal

sarcasm irony

Figure 1: Irony and sarcasm

In Figure 1, the word irony occurs twice, once as the superordinate category, and once
as a subcategory which is irony used verbally. This essay will focus on verbal irony,
including sarcasm, rather than ironic situations. Throughout the essay I will refer to this
(framed in Figure 1) as irony; language that is not ironic will be referred to as ‘literal
However, not everyone agrees with the traditional definition of irony. Wilson and
Sperber (1992) have argued that understatements, quotations, interjections and other

similar language uses can be ironic as well. They describe the following scenario for an
ironic understatement: a customer, blind with rage, complains in a shop, making a public
exhibition of himself, when someone utters: ‘You can tell he’s upset’. The utterance is
‘intuitively ironical’ (Wilson and Sperber, 1992:54), but it does not convey the opposite;
the customer is in fact upset. The utterance is merely an understatement. So, although
this utterance exhibits some ironical elements, I will stick to the traditional definition
above. That is, irony as words expressing the opposite of what is meant. It is necessary
to make this limitation in order to make the investigation manageable, since not all types
of irony are easily definable.

1.1.1 Usage

Irony has attracted a great deal of attention and most research on the subject regards
what ironic utterances mean and why irony is used instead of literal language, for in-
stance, by Dews et al. (1995) who have suggested that:

[S]peakers choose irony over literal language in order to be funny, to soften

the edge of an insult, to show themselves to be in control of their emotions,
and to avoid damaging their relationship with the addressee. (Dews et al.,

Irony thus has a number of functions and when it comes to review writing, all of these
functions apply. In order to attract readers, review writers might be funny and to show
themselves as reliable sources that do not exaggerate they might try to soften the edge
of their possible insults. It is also a politeness strategy, since irony can be used to avoid
damaging relationships.
What is more, Wilson and Sperber suggest that ‘irony [. . . ] invariably involves the
expression of an attitude of disapproval’ (Wilson and Sperber, 1992:60); hence irony is
used to remark on failure to meet expectations. Reviews are written to explain how and
if a product or an experience met the writer’s expectations, which can explain why irony
is used in reviews. As I mentioned in Section 1.1, I will not make a distinction between
irony and sarcasm, but will refer to everything that expresses the opposite of what is
meant as irony. So, even if a statement involves ‘an attitude of disapproval’, I will still
refer to it as irony.
It is clear from the discussion above, that irony is always used to convey opinions,
and not fact. The opinions expressed by irony seem to be chiefly of the negative kind.

2 Literature review
In the previous section, I mentioned something about why irony is used, but few, if any,
have focused on the linguistic features of irony. Therefore, this literature review focuses
on what features could be interesting for detecting irony automatically and on some of
the NLP applications that could benefit from identifying irony.
Since irony is a means to communicate opinions, I will consider the field called ‘sub-
jectivity classification’ which focuses on how to separate opinions from fact. Hatzivassi-
loglou and McKeown (1997), among others, have shown interest in this field. They aim
to identify the semantic orientation of words in order to extract antonyms, but their ap-
proach is interesting for irony identification as well, as Hatzivassiloglou and Wiebe (2000)
and Wiebe (2000), for example, show a correlation between subjectivity and semantic
orientation. Subjectivity classification and how adjectives relate to it will be considered
in Section 2.1.
Subjective sentences can be used in several applications, Hu and Liu (2004), for
instance, use them in a summarization model. They identify ‘product features’ in online
reviews, and for each feature, positive and negative subjective sentences are identified.
This information is then used to produce a summary. Their approach involve ‘sentiment
classification’, that is, to classify whether a sentence express a positive or a negative
sentiment, which will be discussed in Section 2.2.
Hu and Liu (2004) summarize reviews according to product features, but other fea-
tures/aspects are possible. Titov and McDonald (2008) use both fine-grained aspects, as
fish, and coarse-grained aspects, as decor. So, what aspects are used vary from model to
model. However, all models of this type must be able to recognize what opinions relate
to what aspect. That is, if good relates to fish or decor, for instance. One approach
is to use dependency parsing, as Zhang et al. (2009) have suggested. They use shallow
dependency parsing to extract relations between features and opinion expressions. Their
experiment show that mining for opinions ‘can benefit from shallow dependency pars-
ing’ (Zhang et al., 2009:726). Their and other approaches that use dependency parsing
are discussed in more detail in Section 2.2.1.

2.1 Subjectivity classification

In Section 1.1.1 I claim that irony is always used to reveal opinions rather than fact.
Therefore, irony is a form of subjectivity. Subjective sentences express opinions and
evaluation (Hatzivassiloglou and Wiebe, 2000), as shown in (2). The opposite is found
in (3), which is an example of an objective sentence.

(2) This was the worst hotel we’ve ever stayed in. subjective

(3) There is no elevator. objective

Classifying a sentence or a document as subjective or objective is called ‘subjectivity

classification’ (Tang et al., 2009).
Subjective statements can be used, for example, to illustrate why a digital camera has
been rated positive in a feature-based summarization. Note however, that classifying a
subjective sentence as either positive or negative is not a part of subjectivity classification,
but of sentiment classification. An example of how subjective sentences can be used
is shown in Figure 2 which show that positive comments are separated from negative
comments. It is not desirable to put an ironic sentence under ‘Positive’, if it in fact

Figure 2: An example summary (Hu and Liu, 2004:168).

expresses a negative sentiment. Hence, it is crucial to detect irony when considering


2.1.1 Subjectivity and adjectives

Subjectivity and the use of adjectives are closely related (Hatzivassiloglou and Wiebe,
2000). Therefore, it is also likely that irony and the use of adjectives are related. In my
investigation I will consider three features of adjectives, listed below.

1. Number of occurrences
2. Polarity/orientation
3. Gradability

These three features have proven to be related to subjectivity. Wiebe (2000) shows
that a sentence containing at least one adjective is 55.8 % likely to be subjective, even

though objective sentences are more common in her corpus. Since more than half of the
subjective sentences have at least one adjective, I will consider the number of occurrences
of adjectives in ironic sentences.
Wiebe (2000) bases her study on both manual and automatic classification, so for
example, some adjectives are manually classified as positive and some automatically.
The best result is achieved using a combination of both, the figures I will refer to all
come from this part of the experiment.
When taking positive semantic ‘polarity’ or ‘orientation’ into consideration the prob-
ability rises to 66.6 %, and to 74.5 % for negative polarity (Wiebe, 2000). Polarity is
the ability to modify a noun, making it better or worse than the unmodified counter-
part (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997). That is, a good book is better than a book ;
a bad song is worse than a song. Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown (1997) use conjunctions
between adjectives to predict the semantic polarity of adjectives from a large corpus.
Conjoined adjectives as corrupt and brutal are extracted and labeled with the same po-
larity, while the adjectives in fair but brutal are labeled with opposite polarity. They
predict that their approach can be ‘directly applied to other word classes’ (Hatzivassilo-
glou and McKeown, 1997:174). So, my approach, like theirs, focuses on adjectives, but I
will also comment on the polarity of other word classes.
Not all adjectives have polarity, for example domestic, medical or red, and some
adjectives are positive in one context while negative in another. For instance, small
is positive if modifying camera size, but negative if modifying a hotel room. How-
ever, Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown (1997) show that the average inter-reviewer agree-
ment (four reviewers) on labeling adjectives is 97 %, which indicates ‘that positive and
negative orientation are objective properties that can be reliably determined by hu-
mans’ (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997:175). So, most humans would agree that
small is positive in a specific context.
Wiebe (2000) also reports that gradable adjectives are related to subjectivity in 79.6 %
of the cases. Gradability licenses the use of modifying expressions to act as intensifiers
or diminishers (Wiebe, 2000). That is, words exhibit gradability if they can be modified
with, for instance large, a little, somewhat and very.
In short, Wiebe (2000) has calculated the probability for how likely it is that a sen-
tence is subjective given at least one adjective, adjective with positive polarity, adjective
with negative polarity and gradable adjective, all these figures are summarized in Table 1.
That is, gradability and negative polarity seem to be the most related to subjectivity.
Given the correlation between subjectivity and adjectives, and the fact that irony is a
form of subjectivity, I will take the three features of adjectives listed above into consider-

Table 1: How likely it is that a sentence is subjective given one of these features, according
to Wiebe (2000).

Feature Probability
At least one adjective 55.8 %
+ Polarity 66.6 %
– Polarity 74.5 %
Gradability 79.6 %

ation when investigating linguistic cues for irony. In Section 3, I will show that polarity
seem to be most interesting when it comes to irony.

2.2 Sentiment classification

While subjectivity concerns the difference between opinions and fact, sentiment concerns
the type of opinions expressed (Tang et al., 2009). Sentiment classification can be either
binary sentiment classification or multi-class sentiment classification. Binary classifica-
tion is the distinction between positive and negative, which has so far attracted the most
attention when it comes to sentiment classification. Multi-class sentiment classification is
assigning each sentence/document to a class called, for instance, strong positive, positive,
neutral, negative or strong negative (Tang et al., 2009).

2.2.1 Sentiment and dependency parsing

In a review, opinions on one specific aspect may be scattered over the text, mentioning
something good about room size in the beginning and something negative about room
decoration in the end. It is clear for a human that both these opinions concern the same
aspect, the room, and several methods exist to recognize this automatically, as will be
shown in this section. I will focus on dependency parsing because it is used in some
approaches and the same principle lies behind several others.
Dependency parsing is a process whereby a dependency parse is created. The de-
pendency parse can be described as a set of triplets, (reli , wj , wk ), where reli is the
dependency relation between the head, wj , and the dependent, wk . The head has the
more important role, while dependents usually act as modifiers or complements. The
same word can act as both head and dependent in different triplets within the same
sentence. In Figure 3 the dependency parse of a sentence is illustrated as a dependency
graph/tree. Note that marking the word classes as JJ (adjective) is not obligatory in

dependency parsing, but can be included. Figure 3 shows that effect is the dependent of
have, and the relation is obj (object), (obj, have, effect).

obj pmod
nmod sbj nmod nmod nmod

Financial crises have little effect on wealthy people .

Figure 3: Dependency graph for an English sentence.1

The main idea with dependency parsing is to identify the foci of a sentence and how
they are described. It is possible to concentrate on phrases instead of words, called
shallow dependency parsing, as Zhang et al. (2009) do in their approach, illustrated in
Figure 4.

Figure 4: Example of shallow dependency parsing graph (Zhang et al., 2009:727).

Thus, they are able to recognize that the phrase the Canon Powershot is the dependent
of really enjoyed using.
Hu and Liu (2004), use a similar approach; they identify ‘product features’ which are
features customers have expressed opinions on, and identify subjective sentences to each
product feature. Their product features basically correspond to the heads of dependency
I am particularly grateful to Joakim Nivre for help on making this figure.

Consider (4) where several different opinions are expressed within the same sentence.

(4) While the bed was comfortable (hard pillows!) we were aware of the sounds of
traffic most of the night.

It is misleading to classify the hotel in (4) as a whole as ‘comfortable’ or ‘hard’. However,

to classify the bed as ‘comfortable’ and the pillows as ‘hard’ is both correct and helpful
for potential guests. A correct dependency parsing will make the correct links between
bed, pillows, comfortable and hard, hence separating different aspects from each other.
The subjective sentences can then be summarized according to aspect, this field is called
‘aspect-based sentiment summarization’ (Titov and McDonald, 2008).
Titov and McDonald (2008) have suggested an unsupervised statistical model instead
of using dependency parsing. They suggest an outcome much like the right-hand part in
Figure 5.

Figure 5: Reviews summarized according to aspect (Titov and McDonald, 2008:309).

The left-hand part of Figure 5 shows three individual reviews that are summarized
in the right-hand part. Under ‘Food’ three very different opinions are expressed, because
three different persons have had three different experiences. Therefore, it is not contra-
dictory that ‘The chicken was great’, ‘My soup was cold’ and ‘The food is only mediocre’
are all under same aspect.
However, imagine if three different opinions were expressed on the same aspect by
the same person. A mismatch like that might be due to irony. So, when considering one
single review it is interesting to heed if each aspect is described consistently. In other
words, if ‘chicken’ is described as both great and undercooked by the same person, irony
can be at work and must be handled accordingly.

3 Methodology
In order to carry out this investigation 274 online reviews were collected manually, from
which 10 reviews containing at least one ironic sentence/phrase were found. I have as-
sumed that sentence segmentation, tokenizing, polarity and gradability assignment can
be carried out automatically without errors even if these tasks are problematic them-
selves. I have also assumed that all words are correctly spelled in the reviews.
As mentioned in the end of Section 2.2.1 above, the idea is that if an aspect is
described inconsistently in terms of polarity, by the same person, it might be irony.
Therefore, every review will be treated as one entity. I will also consider the number of
adjectives and gradability, as these features have shown to be related to subjectivity.
I will show that the classification between literal and ironic language is not always
straightforward, in Section 3.2 some problems encountered during this process are de-
scribed. Later, in Section 3.3 the examples that are classified as ironic are discussed in

3.1 Material
The material for this investigation was collected from two domains: hotels and restaur-
ants reviews. It is divided into three parts: the ironic corpus, the hotel corpus and the
restaurant corpus, corresponding to Appendices A—C. The language in each review is
manually classified as either ironic (if it contains at least one ironic sentence/phrase) or as
literal. That is, every review in the appendices are carefully read through and classified
The hotel corpus is divided into two parts, one part consists of negative reviews
(the writer does not recommend the hotel) and the other part include both positive and
negative reviews. The latter part consists of 100 reviews from
The reviews are collected randomly from four different hotels in London and New York.
Both reviews where the writers recommend the hotel and where they do not, have been
included in this part. Therefore, it aims at representing the domain of hotel reviews as
balanced. Of the 100 reviews, two contains some irony; there is a 2.0 % likelihood that a
hotel review contains some irony. Note that this figure is valid for this sample only and
to generalize to the entire domain of hotels is difficult; especially considering the size of
the corpus. The two ironic reviews found in this part of the hotel corpus are included in
the ironic corpus.
The other part of the hotel corpus consists solely of negative reviews, where the
writer marks the hotel as ‘terrible’ or ‘poor’. From 71 reviews

were collected, of which six contain some irony. Thus, the likelihood for a negative
review to contain irony is 8.5 % in this sample. These six reviews are also included in the
ironic corpus. Again, it is worth mentioning that it is difficult to generalize to the whole
domain of negative hotel reviews. However, the claim in Section 1.1.1, that irony is often
used to express criticism, is in line with this figure. Irony seems to be more common in
negative hotel reviews than in positive.
Therefore, the reviews in the restaurant corpus are all collected from negative reviews.
103 reviews are collected from, of which two contains some irony.
In other words, the likelihood for a negative restaurant review to contain at least one
ironic element is 1.9 % in this sample. The ironic restaurant reviews are also included in
the ironic corpus.
Thus, the ironic corpus contains eight hotel reviews and two restaurant reviews,
making a total of ten ironic reviews. The actual investigation, which is discussed in more
detail in Section 3.3, is carried out using the ironic corpus.

3.2 Classifying problems

All classifying in this investigation is carried out manually and most of the time, the
distinction between ironic and literal language is straightforward, but examples such
as (5) need some extra consideration.

(5) If you don’t mind paying £250.00 for a room that is clean, pleasantly decorated
and are not looking for anything else then this might be the hotel for you.
However, if you expect to be able to get out of either side of the bed when the
curtains are shut, require an edible breakfast and competent staff, then you will
be as bitterly disappointed with this hotel as I was.

The writer of (5) uses indirect language to express that the hotel in question is overpriced,
the rooms are too small, the breakfast is inedible and the staff is incompetent. Recall that
indirect language is not part of the definition of irony that is used in this investigation;
irony are words which convey the opposite of what is meant as defined in Section 1.1.
The writer of (5) states rather clearly that you will be disappointed if expect an edible
breakfast at this hotel, so (5) is not ironic according to my definition. In addition,
consider Figure 2, here reprinted as Figure 6. The sentences in example (5) would not
pose a problem to be classified as ‘Posivtive’ or ‘Negative’ in an application as the one
illustrated in Figure 6, because the rooms are actually pleasantly decorated and the
over-all judgment is bitterly disappointing, are both examples of literal language.

Figure 6: An example summary (Hu and Liu, 2004:168)

Another example that challenges the definition of irony is (6).

(6) Take a biohazard suit with you for this hotel!

The writer of this probably does not mean that you actually will need a biohazard suit,
but (6) does not mean the opposite ‘Do not bring a biohazard suit!’ either. Again, the
words convey something different from what they mean, but not the opposite; hence, (6)
is not ironic.
A more general problem with classification between ironic and literal language con-
cerns the human factor. Despite the clear definition of what irony is, borderline cases
present a difficult task, as examples (5) and (6) have illustrated. Manual classification
will always give rise to some inconsistencies, but when it comes to irony, manual classific-
ation is the only option today. This means that if some ironic reviews are missed in the
classifying process, the probability figures mentioned earlier should be slightly different.

3.3 Analyzing the ironic corpus

Ten sentences were found containing irony, in this section I will discuss the linguistic
features of each. adj below a word means that the word in question is an adjective; ‘–’
or ‘+’ below an adjective means that the word’s polarity is negative or positive; gradj
means that the adjective is gradable. Since the focus is on adjectives, I have only marked
their polarity, but I will comment on other words’ polarity as well.
The underlined words/phrases are those I consider to be used ironic, no matter which
word class they belong to. It is not always obvious which words should be marked as

ironic since the sentences sometimes contain several ironic element and sometimes the
tone of the entire sentence seems ironic, but I have chosen to mark only the most clearly
ironic words/phrases in each sentence. I will not suggest any solution to how single ironic
words could be identified automatically, but will still use this information in order to keep
the discussion succinct.
The first ironic sentence contains both the negative adjective infamous and the pos-
itive happy. The adjectives in this sentence are both gradable and I will return to how
gradability seems to relate to irony later.

(i) Luckily we were there during the infamous NYC Blackout in 2003
– gradj
and we had to sleep on the pavement outside which we were more than

happy to do.
+ gradj

In (i) the adverb luckily occurs which is intuitively associated with positive polarity, even
though it is not an adjective. This sentence has two clauses and the first starts with the
positive luckily and later has the negative infamous in it. In other words, there is a
mismatch regarding polarity within this clause.
Since the two clauses relate to the same aspect and are joined by ‘and’, one would
expect the two clauses to have the same polarity as Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown (1997)
predict. However, the first clause has both positive and negative words while the second
has one positive word, hence an additional mismatch is found. As more examples in
this section will show, there seems to be a relationship between irony and mismatch in
Both words that I have marked as ironic are positive, but should be interpreted as
negative. This is a feature that will turn out to be true for all but one ironic words in
the following examples.
(ii) only has one adjective, so there is no mismatch between adjectives, but the verb
enjoy is associated with positive polarity.

(ii) Will I eat here again . . . of course, I enjoy rude people[. . . ]

– gradj

The writer will probably not eat at the restaurant in question again, so the first part is
ironic but I have not marked that part because the irony due to the mismatch between
enjoy and rude is the most significant. That is, there is a obvious mismatch in polarity
between enjoy and rude.

In (iii) a mismatch is found between the nouns in apposition and the adjective it
relates to.

(iii) The view from the window was spectacular, a breeze block and a metal
+ gradj

The adjective spectacular that modifies view is positive while the nouns breeze block
and metal bar seldom evoke any positive connotations. So, the view is described in
mismatching terms.
The fourth ironic sentence also contains only one adjective, which has positive polar-

(iv) [T]he receptionist, still as happy as ever [. . . ]

+ gradj
The other words in the sentence are neutral. Hence, there is no mismatch within the sen-
tence, but previously in the review the receptionist is described as ‘pretty depressed’ (see
Appendix A). A state-of-the-art NLP application should be able to recognize that happy
and depressed are both used to describe the receptionist. Thus, the receptionist (still
indicates that it is the same person) is described in mismatching adjectives.
A mismatch in (v) could be detected using a similar approach.

(v) Just imagine yourself how much fresh air this room must have seen
+ gradj
[. . . ]

The noun phrase fresh air which contains the positive adjective fresh is related to the
room but, elsewhere in the review the rooms are portrayed as small and freezing cold.
So, again a mismatch concerning the polarity of adjectives is found in the context.
Sentence (vi) only has one word with any polarity, the noun bargain which is positive.

(vi) A bargain at £13.40!

It is the food that is described in (vi), and prior to this, the food is called bland, clearly
frozen and a complete rip off. So, although there are no adjectives in the ironic sentence
itself, there is a mismatch between the polarity in (vi) and other sentences which relate
to the food.
Sentence (vii) contains the positive love.

(vii) I loved our night at the Park.

When the writer described this hotel, phrases as ‘the 3rd dirtiest hotel in Europe’ and
‘the level of [disgust] this place evokes’ are used. Obviously, the writer did not love the
night at Park Hotel. The hotel is described inconsistently, using love about a dirty and
disgusting hotel.
In (viii) one adjective occurs, only, which does not have any polarity nor is it gradable.

(viii) The only problem with the location is the Waterstone’s directly across
the street.

For a human, the irony becomes clear from the subsequent sentences, which explain that
the writer’s suitcase was over the airport’s weight limit, due to the recently purchased
books. So, in fact the location is not a problem, the writer actually found the location
good since a great deal of books could be bought nearby. Thus, the negative word problem
is used ironic. This is the only example I have found where a negative word should be
interpreted as positive. In this example, it is also difficult to establish between what
exact words in the review that a mismatch arise.
In (ix), a mismatch is found between a quoted reply and an adjective.

(ix) ‘We’ve got 100 rooms. How do you expect me to know all of them!’ was the

helpful reply.
+ gradj
‘How do you expect me to know all of them’ is not a helpful reply for a customer who
asks for how big a particular room is, that is clear for a human with world knowledge.
So, to understand that (ix) is ironic, world knowledge is necessary, because no specific
words in the review reveal that the reply was in fact unhelpful.
In the final example, world knowledge is also needed.

(x) When i asked to speak to the manager – surprise surprise – it’s the

managers day off..

The irony lies in the nouns ‘surprise surprise’, because the guests who wrote this re-
view were clearly not surprised that the manager was not there to meet their complaints.

As these examples have shown, there are mismatches between the ironic sentences/phrase
and the context. In most cases, it is easy to point out exactly which words are involved
in a mismatch, in others it is impossible. This gives rise to three types/groups of irony,
which will be discussed in Section 4.3.
It is also interesting to note that in six of the examples which contain a gradable
adjective, the word I have marked as ironic is a positive gradable adjective in five of them,
(i), (iii)—(v) and (ix). In the sixth example, (ii), it is a negative gradable adjective. Of
a total of seven gradable adjectives, five are used ironically. The significance of this will
be discussed in more detail in Section 4.2.

4 Results
This investigation shows that irony occurs in 1.9—8.5 % of the hotel and restaurant
reviews in the corpora, depending on what type of review it is, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Probability for irony in online reviews

Type Reviews Ironic reviews %

Hotel reviews in general 100 2 2.0
Negative hotel reviews 71 6 8.5
Negative restaurant reviews 103 2 1.9
Total 274 10 3.6

Irony seems to be more common in hotel reviews than in restaurant reviews, and even
more common in negative hotel reviews.
I set out to look at three features of adjectives: number of occurrences, gradability
and polarity and in the following sections I will discuss what I have found.

4.1 Number of adjectives

From the analyzis in Section 3.3 above, it seems that there is no correlation between the
number of adjectives in a sentence and its ironic nature. Some ironic sentences have no
adjectives while others have one or two. So, while the number of adjectives is interesting
when it comes to subjectivity, the same is not true for irony.

4.2 Gradability
All except one adjectives in the ironic sentences discussed in Section 3.3 are gradable.
However, it is not possible to claim that all sentences that contain gradable adjectives

are ironic, the correlation is due to the fact that irony is a form of subjectivity, as Wiebe
(2000) shows.
On the other hand, it is possible to claim that ironic sentences which have adjectives
often have gradable adjectives, and they are in most cases positive. Seven gradable
adjectives are found in (i)—(x), five of these (71 %) are marked as the word that give
rise the sentence’s ironic nature.
I do not think that gradable adjectives could be used to automatically identify irony.
However, it might be possible to use this information in post-processing: if a number
of possible ironic sentences is already identified, those containing a positive gradable
adjective are more likely to be ironic than those not containing a gradable adjective. In
addition, a cue to identify the word used ironically is to look at gradable adjectives.

4.3 Mismatch in polarity

The number of adjectives and gradability do not seem to be good cues for identifying
irony automatically. However, previous work has shown a correlation between polarity
of adjectives and subjectivity and my investigation shows a strong correlation between
polarity and irony as well.
In Section 3.3, all examples of irony showed a mismatch in polarity, some more con-
crete than others, some involving adjectives, some not. From these examples, three
groups of irony emerge: irony due to mismatch within a sentence, mismatch within a
review and miscellaneous irony. The basis of the groups is how to detect irony automat-
ically. How the examples from Section 3.3 are distributed amongst the groups is shown
in Table 3.
Table 3: Three groups of irony

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Cue Mismatch within sentence Mismatch within review Misc.
Polarity, adjectives (i) (iv), (v) –
Polarity, other POS (i), (ii), (iii) (vi), (vii) –
World knowledge (viii), (ix), (x)

The first group is characterized by the fact that the cues for irony are limited to
one sentence. Thus detecting irony is easy in this group for humans, and I predict for
computer applications as well. The ironic sentences in this group are distributed amongst
two subcategories, according to what type of cue I propose to use for detecting irony:
polarity of adjectives and of other parts of speech (POS).

As seen in Table 3, the subcategories are not strict, (i) can be identified using both
adjectives and other parts of speech. A sentence can of course cover several aspects, so
it must also be established that the mismatch concerns the same aspect. Previously, I
have claimed that reviews must be handled separately but this is not necessary when it
comes to group 1, since the only context that is interesting is the ironic sentence itself.
Group 2, mismatch within review, contains examples that are fairly easy to classify
as ironic for humans, but context beyond the sentence is needed. From information
elsewhere in the review, mismatches in polarity can be found. It would be fairly easy to
recognize this type of mismatch automatically, if each review is handled separately.
This group is associated with more problems than group 1, since it involves recog-
nizing different aspects and opinions associated with them, using dependency parsing or
something similar. For instance, in (iv) the ironic sentence has the phrasing the recep-
tionist, while the same person is referred to as the man at reception earlier in the review,
to automatically detect that it concerns the same aspect is also problematic. In addition,
different persons can act as receptionist on different days, in this case the word still is
an indicator for us humans that it is the same same person, but this is not obvious for a
Another interesting feature regarding group 2 is that the first opinion expressed on
an aspect is in all cases made using literal language. So, when a mismatch is found
concerning one aspect, it is likely that the first is the literal meaning and the second
ironic. It is of course possible that more than two opinions are expressed on the same
aspect, but the first and those with same polarity as it are more likely to be intended to
be interpreted literally, than those of opposite polarity.
The third group, miscellaneous irony, consists of ironic sentences that do not belong
to either group 1 nor group 2. It is difficult even for humans to detect this type of irony,
but with world knowledge it is possible. World knowledge could be used in order to
detect irony in all groups, but it is not necessary in the first two. The only solution I see
to detect irony automatically in group 3 is to create specific rules for each case, so How
do you expect me to know all of them! should be marked as an unhelpful response, for
instance. This would mean tremendous manual work and would make the application
less effective.
A common feature for all three groups is that all but one of the words that I have
classified as ironic are positive, but should be interpreted as negative.

5 Conclusion
This investigation shows that ironic sentences/phrases tend to have different polarity
from that of the other sentences/phrases relating to that aspect, but further research
is necessary to establish if this mismatch can be found in literal language as well or if
mismatch in polarity only occurs in ironic language. It is also necessary to analyze more
material in order to confirm my findings.
I have found that irony occurs in 1.9—8.5 % of the hotel and restaurant reviews, and
irony seems to be most common in negative hotel reviews. I think hotels attract more
ironic review writing since a stay at a hotel is much more time and money consuming
than a restaurant visit, and therefore the disappointment of a bad hotel stay is greater
than a bad restaurant visit. In Section 1.1.1, I mention that irony is used to remark
on failure to meet expectations, and if the disappointment is great, the desire to use
irony might also be greater. I therefore expect that irony is more common in reviews of
expensive products and services, such as fancy mobile phones.
If my findings are confirmed in a large investigation, I believe that they can be
generalized to other domains as well. It is likely that the same mismatches in polarity
can be found in ironic language in blogs, social networks and other prose.
This investigation is based on a number of conditions and assumptions. Firstly, I use
a rather strict definition of what irony is, but as I mention in Section 1.1 other definitions
are possible. This definition is used because it is rather easy to define, and it suits the
goal of the investigation that ironic sentences should be classified correctly according to
sentiment. Another definition would perhaps be better for other types of investigations.
Despite the strict definition, several borderline cases as understatements occur in
the hotel and restaurant corpora. I suspect the reason is that people are aware of how
difficult irony can be to discover for others. Therefore, they use understatements and
similar language to make sure the ‘irony’ is recognized.
The second assumption I make is that all preprocessing as sentence segmentation and
polarity assigning can be conducted correctly. The third assumption I make is that every
review is treated separately in order to discover mismatches produced by a single writer.
However, it turns out that the irony in group 1 can be found even if reviews are treated
in clusters.
I believe that the most effective way is to use the cues I have found relating to irony
in combination. Firstly, the focus should be on negative reviews on expensive products
which contains positive orientated words, in particular positive gradable adjectives. As
I have shown, most ironic sentences are found in negative hotel reviews, and it is often

positive words that are used ironically. In my material, this step would mean that
example (viii) in group 3 with problem would be missed.
This approach narrows down the number of reviews considerably. The effort is then
less to look through the remaining reviews for mismatches in polarity. The next step is
then to consider sentences that contain mismatches, corresponding to group 1. A control
must be conducted to make sure the mismatch concerns the same aspect and if it does,
the sentences are probably ironic.
Then mismatches in the review as a whole, corresponding to group 2, should be
considered in a similar way. After this step, only vast world knowledge will improve the
result further by taking care of the irony in group 3.
I portray this process in terms of steps because I believe it is possible to conduct only
the three first, narrowing down and handling group 1 and 2, and still see an improvement
in performance. My findings indicate that seven of ten, 70 %, of the ironic sentences
could be found by these three steps. However, practical experiments must show how
much improvement this gives, and how much more handling group 3 will result in. In
short, in order to understand the practical use, my ideas must be implemented and fully
evaluated. Even if the performance of NLP applications may improve with my ideas, the
balance between performance and efficiency must always be considered.

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A The ironic corpus
Ohmygod! This was the worst hotel we’ve ever stayed in. Luckily we were there during the
infamous NYC Blackout in 2003 and we had to sleep on the pavement outside which we were
more than happy to do. On arrival our room key didnt work and we were made by the unhelpful
staff to keep going between queueing at reception for 20 mins at a time and our room 5 times
before it finally unlocked the door. When we eventually got into the room it was tiny, needed a
revamp and the lobby was grotesque! Not what you need after a trans-Atlantic flight. DO NOT

"THEN DONT BOTHER COMING BACK AGAIN" is the standard response to a complaint
at this place. Half the buffet plates were empty and the rest of the selection looked and tasted
stewed! If you plan to have more that one drink with your meal, order at the very start as the is
NO seconds for drinks. The chap at the door masquerading as the manager is nothing short of
leech, very arguemental. NEVER NEVER arrange to meet friends there who are not planning
to eat. . . . You sit you pay. . . .No visitors. Not the best kind of place to have by a cinema! You
are better off up the road at weatherspoons and the other cinema. Will I eat here again.... of
course, I enjoy rude people, half a selection I am paying for and a some keeping an eye on my
fluid intake...Cheers. Posted by YCKBNI, LONDON

I’d rather lick my big toes than stay in this hotel again. It’s as simple as that. Where do I
start with listing the problems of this hotel? Ok, I’ll go from the start. We arrived at the hotel
around 1pm, and squeezed up to the reception hole in the wall. After telling the receptionist of
our booking he told us the credit card we had used didn’t work so we had to be moved down the
road to a different hotel. We followed the man to the reception of another hotel where he told us
we would be staying. The man at the new hotel said he didn’t want us, so like a heard of cattle
we were ushered back to the original ’Park Hotel’. Once there he told us he had a room for us,
however there wasn’t enough beds in the room, so he would arrange for a mattress to be put on
the floor for a 10 pound discount. Reluctantly, and with no other option, we accepted and made
out way to the room. We then couldn’t get into the room because it was still being ’cleaned’.
The guy who was cleaning was taking so long messing around I offered to hoover up for him, just
to get rid of him and so we could get into our room. It was hardly cleaned as it was, cans outside
the window from previous guests, a manky shower/toilet room, no towels and no toilet paper.
The view from the window was spectacular, a breeze block and a metal bar! The bathroom was
a box in the corner, where the toilet was placed so you couldn’t sit on it with the door closed.
The shower curtain looked like it had previously been a piece of wallpaper, and the pipe to the
shower head provided most of the water to the shower, not the shower head. London is a great
place though, despite the attitude of some of the officers of the law. But stay well away from
The Park Hotel in Victoria. The tenner discount was all well and good, but I wouldn’t stay in
this hotel again for free!

My friend had booked a brilliant trip to London as a present for my 21st Birthday, and we
planned to stay at Park Hotel! When we got to the hotel, the man at reception seemed pretty
depressed - not the best way to greet new guests! We were given our room and when we got
into it we could not believe our eyes....the room was tiny, smelled and didnt appear very clean
at all! On a closer inspection the bed looked like it hadnt been changed in weeks, the toilet was
absolutely tiny - It actually looked like a portaloo had been stuck onto the side of the room,
but also managed to fit a shower and a sink, so it was impossible to move in it. The light in
the toilet was hanging off, which is pretty dangerous considering its surrounded by water. The

mould and grime on the window/door was revolting (please look at my pictures), and when the
bedside drawer was opened we were faced with a half eaten jar of jam, tub of nutella and lots of
crumbs! This proved that the room hadnt been cleaned properly for our arrival! :-( The room
also had no lock on the door from the inside, so you wouldnt have felt safe during the night. We
left our luggage in the hotel, and went to enjoy the start of our holiday. The hotel makes you
leave your key at the reception which on looking back was a bad sign. After we left we decided
that we couldnt stay there, so we phoned the hotel and they agreed to change our room when we
got back from our day out. When we arrived back at the hotel, the receptionist, still as happy as
ever, told us that he had moved all our luggage to a different room, in a DIFFERENT HOTEL
without informing us. We tried to kick up a fuss about it as they had done this without telling us
anything, when they did have a contact number to do so, but the man was extremely rude and
didnt see what was so wrong with what he had done. I asked to look in the room which we were
in, to ensure that no personal belongings had been missed, but he wouldnt let us, and said the
room was being used by other guests already, which i highly doubt because nobody could stay
there. He then told us to follow him to the other hotel, and whilst following him, he never said
a word to us, not a single sorry passed his lips. On arriving at the other hotel, and after being
shown our room - which was no better, i asked the man for his name incase anything turned
out to be missing. He told us that we had to check our luggage infront of him to ensure that
nothing was missing, and that as soon as he left he was not being held responsible for anything.
I kept asking him for his name, which he refused to give us, and would only give us his managers
name and the hotels phone number. He then walked out and left us to it. Still no apology! :-(
We decided that we couldnt stay in the new hotel either as it was just as unclean. This one was
called the Corbigoe Hotel. So we decided to find another hotel and stay there. I would no way
recommend any of these hotels. For a cheap and cheerful hotel i would recommend the hotel we
eventually found which was - an easyjet hotel on Belgrave Road too.Please look
at my attached pictures.

What a horrible experience! Booking the hotel on the internet we thought that we had made a
good deal: Quite cheap hotel, nothing luxury but just ok for a three day trip to London and at
least very well located. Getting to the hotel, it was everything but a good deal. First of all the
whole hotel was smelling. We got there in the morning and had to leave our luggage downstairs.
The smell almost made us fall down the stairs. Coming back to the hotel at night we had to
find out that our room was not only small but freezing cold, walls and bed covers just dirty
and above all there was not even a window that could be opened. Just imagine yourself how
much fresh air this room must have seen in the years or probably decades since the house was
built... When complaining to the staff and asking for another room we stepped into the next
problem: The staff did hardly speak any English. Finally we were promised another room for
the last of our three nights - but unfortunately staff forgot about that again... Needless to say
that the bathroom was not even cleaned once and our towels were not even changed once during
our three day stay. I was planning to have a nice Easter weekend at London with my girlfriend,
this hotel really spoiled our trip! We would have changed the hotel after the first night but due
to the fact that it was Easter weekend all places at reasonable pricing were completely booked.
Only few rooms at really expensive hotels were left, we were very close to spend around two
hundred pounds per night for a room at another hotel... Oh and I almost forgot - at Berkeley
Court they make you pay the complete stay when checking in. That’s probably due to the fact
that otherwise nobody would ever stay there. We definitely wouldn’t! Do yourself a favor and
don’t stay at this hotel!

Wish I had read the reviews before our visit on 2nd Jan. After waiting nearly an hour for a table,

we were served awful bland, clearly frozen food that was just a complete rip off. I had a mexican
burger. I actually sent it back as when I opened the bun there was nothing in there only a slice
of tomato, some lettuce and some cheese. The waiter took it back and returned it telling me it
was a mexican burger and the mexican things were hiding under the cheese! True enough under
the cheese was one slice of chorizo, and a teaspoon of guacamole! A bargain at £13.40 !. My
sons food was poor, with frozen veg, and my partners ribs were very average. If you want this
type of food go to Joe Allen and ask for a bacon cheeseburger. Tastes a million times better than
here. Use the change towards a Zoo ticket. Yes the stuffed animals and animatronics are good
for kids, but why can’t the kitchen at least deliver the menu with some taste?! When paying we
were asked if everything was OK. I said I was disapoointed with the Mexican Burger as it didn’t
taste remotely Mexican. The waiter got the manager, and he just said " well maybe’s there’s
something wrong with the mexican burger" and walked off!!!. That was it.

According to Tripadvisor’s readers (Survey published Jan 28, 2010), this is the 3rd dirtiest hotel
in Europe. I’m amazed that there are two hotels in Europe considered dirtier than this one.
You can read the reviews of this hotel anywhere in this thread. I have nothing to add to those
readers’ comments about the level of disgustitude this place evokes. Can someone tell me if there
is a London Health Authority (or some other government agency) that inspects hotels for safety,
cleanliness, and other basics? Can someone tell me why the British Tourist Authority (near
Victoria Station) actually recommends this place to travellers? I loved our night at the Park. It
has given me a greater appreciation for just about every other of the hundreds of hotels in the
world where I have stayed.

I have stayed at the Arosfa twice now and the only reason I would stay elsewhere in London,
well there are two reasons. If I ever win the lottery I intend to book in at Clarridge’s. But, since
I don’t play the lottery, the only other reason I would book elsewhere is to do self-catering. Yes,
the rooms are tiny. Yes, the bathrooms are hilarious (I had my elbow in the sink when sitting
on the toilet! but at least I had my own toilet). Yes, there is no elevator. And yes, you may
have to share a table at breakfast if it is a busy time. But if you do your research and know
better than to expect an American-style hotel experience, you will enjoy the Arosfa. Or, you
can pay many times the price and get an American style hotel room elsewhere. But who goes to
London to spend time in their hotel room anyway? The Arosfa is in a good neighborhood, just
a few minutes walk to a tube station. It is about halway in between and easy walking distance
to either the British Library or the British museum. The only problem with the location is the
Waterstone’s directly across the street. This proved to be a problem as the first time I stayed
there, when I checked in at the airport, I had to take books out of my suitcase because it was
over the weight limit! The rooms are tiny but otherwise pleasant and clean. Each room has its
own tiny bathroom and there is a television in your room if you need to check the weather, etc.
The breakfast is simple, but filling, with a choice of several cold cereals, plus toast, juice, tea,
eggs and meat. There is also a pub around the corner that serves decent hot meals. And the
cabbies can’t believe you’re getting that location at that price!

We took this hotel only because our original hotel (Avon) decided to give away one of our rooms
and tried to persuade us to share. We looked at one of our rooms and assumed that the other
would be similar. How wrong can you be? The general appearance of the hotel was shabby,
but clean. However, when we entered the second room late that evening (number 15, which was
on the third floor) it was so tiny that the basin was in the room, leaving no space for either a
wardrobe or a chest of drawers. The black and red carpet had more black than when it was made,
the inside of the toilet was brown, the toilet seat was broken and the counterpane was covered

in stains from top to bottom. When I went downstairs to complain, I was told that I should
have looked earlier and offered No 17, which was on the fourth floor, but the receptionist could
or would not tell me whether it was any bigger. "We’ve got 100 rooms. How do you expect me
to know all of them!" was the helpful reply. Luckily, my son had been given a triple, so I slept in
their room that night - I didn’t fancy climbing four flights of stairs to find another pigsty. I was
given a ground floor room the next day (different receptionist), which was at least clean. Don’t
hold out too much hope for the continental breakfast. It is toast and marmalade and either tea
or coffee. However, I must point out that the breakfast room and what I could see of the kitchen
were spotless and the girls there very pleasant. By the way, I have given this place one mark,
but only because the form did not allow me to put none! The only saving grace was the price,
but even that did not make up for the room and lack of service. The place needs gutting.

Firstly the hotel man on reception was VERY rude upon arrival. When i went up to my room,
the floor/carpet was sticky. The bed consisted of a SHEET yes, a SHEET not a quilt, a SHEET,
it was freezing. But this wasnt any sheet... i inspected it to find it was stained with...BLOOD.
IT was splattered with blood. I was itching so badly whilst sat on that bed and decided i couldnt
stay there for 3 days. So i asked for my money back, and thought they would give it me back
seems as id not stayed in the room, just popped my suitcase and inspected it. But no. The
hotel man was very rude and said he would not give me a refund. I said iv payed for a poor
SPLATTERED SHEETS WITH BED BUGS!!! He said no i cant have my money back. When
i asked to speak to the manager - suprise suprise its the managers day off.. how convenient.
So i told him he’d better call him and tell him i want a refund. The man on reception said he
didnt know how to work the card machine (yet he knew how to work it when i used it to pay
before i saw the room...) anyway - the manager told him to give me back a measly £30. I told
the reception man about the bed bugs - he said SHOW ME THE BEDBUGS SHOW THEM
EVERYONE ELSE DO Anyhow i went further on and found a hotel a tiny TINY bit cleaner
still though with just a sheet for a bed, absolutely freezing and im going to have to sleep in my
clothes tonight as it really is that cold. I will never trust a hotel in London again. DISCUSTING.
The park hotel is the worst i have ever stayed in. Not even fit for a dog to live in.

B The hotel corpus

There are three of us adults staying at this hotel. We told them that we would be arriving early
and that we would appreciate extra pillows and a hairdrier. We arrived at 9:30 am and our room
was ready. The people that had our room earlier had left early that morning to catch a plane, and
the owners cleaned our room to make it ready for us when we arrived. Sure enough, there were
extra pillows and the hairdrier in our room. Everyone talks about the small bathrooms...and
they are very, very small. I am 6 foot and weight about 195 Lbs and the bathroom was tight for
me, but not so much for my wife and daughter. Enough said. A full English breakfast is included
each morning and it is very good...toast, eggs, coffee, tea, bacon, sausage, English beans, tomato,
and cereal. They always ask if you want more. The location is excellent and in a very good
section of London, near Regents park. Goodge Street station is two blocks away. This hotel is
probably the most clean hotel I have ever stayed in, and I have stayed in Marriotts, Hiltons,
Hyatt, Conrad Hilton, etc. This hotel is unbeatable in price for London and in a great location.
Around the corner, you can buy tube tickets, oyster cards, and the ATM is two blocks away, and

good pubs within two blocks. The owners are extremely friendly and helpful. I have pictures
that I will upload when I return to the States. If you are looking for a safe, clean Hotel with an
outstanding VALUE, look no further.

We stayed in Arosfa for a week in August 2006... It’s such a lovely b&b and the owners are
absolutely friendly and kind! We had a wonderful english breakfast every morning, with milk,
cereals, eggs, bacon, toasts and so on!!! Rooms are a bit small but so clean and with all facil-
ities! The location is good for the sightseeing with underground station nearby. Absolutely we
recommend it. Surely will stay again here.

We spent four days in this hotel from October 16th until 20th. The room was spotlessly clean
and tidy and had adequate space for our group of three. The bathroom was very small but very
clean. Mr and Mrs Dorta and their staff were very friendly and helpful. They gave us advice
about facilities such as laundromats nearby and the best way to catch the tube to Heathrow.
On our first day, we arrived early and our room was ready so we had use of it from 9 oclock in
the morning. This was greatly appreciated as we had had a long night of travelling. I would
certainly stay here again when visiting London. The breakfasts were great too!

While our hosts at the Arosfa were outstanding, the location of our room determined the quality
of our experience. We spent a total of four nights over the course of 2 weeks. Our first night there
we stayed in Room 6, which is located at the front of the hotel, overlooking Gower Street. The
room was clean and the small en suite bathroom, spotless. While the bed was comfortable(hard
pillows!) we were aware of the sounds of traffic most of the night. We can only imagine what it
would have been like without the benefit of the storm windows which, happily, muffled, but did
not mute, the rumble of lorries and cars. Our travels took us away from London a week, but we
booked a room for our return. Management kindly allowed us to leave some of our luggage in
their care. We returned to the Arosfa, Feb. 12, and were placed in the room next to the lounge
(which was getting a fresh coat of paint and new furniture–including a flat screened T.V.!), which
faces the back yard. What a difference! No traffic sounds disturbed our sleep this time (and the
pillows? Perfect!). This room was also spotless (the housekeeping staff is outstanding–we got
heart shaped soap with our fresh towels on Valentine’s Day!). There were samples of Gilchrist &
Soames bath gel, shampoo, and lotion in the bath. The Arosfa serves a full English Breakfast.
Jackie and Richard take good care of their guests–we felt quite pampered! We would stay here
again on the strength of the staff.

It is a lovely hotel. The location is great - just a block away from an underground station, 5 min
walk from the British museum, easy to find quick bite around, nice neighborhood. The owners
are friendly. The room and common areas are well maintained, very clean, very comfortable.
We asked for an extra pillow and a hair dryer, they were already in our room when we arrived.
Breakfast is excellent, much better than what we would expect. The room is a little bit small,
especially the bathroom. But it is still manageable, with some skills (just pack accordingly -
take travelling size). By the way, according to the European standard, the room is probably not
THAT small. We have been to similar size room in Paris, but no where as clean as this one. We
will definitely come back to this one if we visit London again... Highly recommended.

This place was nice - not fantastic, but still nice. The location is fabulous - in the heart of
Bloomsbury, in easy walking distance to the British Museum and the Welcome collection. I
enjoyed my stay here, but would happily try somewhere else next time. The breakfast was
pretty good, internet access great, bathroom very small (but clean!). I liked it.


We spent 2 nights at Arosfa whilst visiting London to see a show and go sightseeing. We were
very impressed with the warm welcome and hospitality on arrival and throughout our stay. The
rooms were spotlessly clean and warm; although the shower/toilet room was very small, this
presented no problem to us as we are of short stature! There was a very comfortable lounge with
free unlimited tea and coffee dispenser. We found it very convenient for the underground which
we made full use of by buying day passes. The breakfast was well cooked and tasty. We would
thoroughly recommend Arosfa and will certainly be going back when next in London.

The staff was fine but the hotel was average in my opinion. We had a room (#15) that was on
the top and it was tiring having to lift our luggages + breakfast was not exceptionnal

I just came back from staying at the Arosfa from the 7th of March to the 9th. I stayed in a
single room(room nr. 3) facing the back of the building for which I payed £55/night. And yes
everything that has been said on this site is true; the room was(is) very small and the bathroom
even smaller so if you are a big person or you like having some space to move around in - dont
stay here but if you like me arent going to be there so much it was ok. The room was very clean,
the bed was better than average and the English breakfast was good. And as others have stated
before the staff is very pleasant and accommadating, they made you feel welcome. The location
of the hotel is good, about a 5 min walk to Goodge Str Underground Station, 7min walk to
Euston Sq St and 10 min to Russel Sq St and if you are up for it 20 -25 min walk to Picadilly
Circus. There were two things I didnt appreciate so much: the reception on the TV was lousy
and it got a bit cold during the night probably due to the big windows in the room. Other than
that I was pleased with my stay and I would go back

Following my commitment to say 5 good things before I say 1 bad I want to commend them for
their welcome, for carrying my heavy bag upstairs (no lift/elevator), for a spotless hotel, great
lounge and good breakfast. The real shocker was the appalling room! It was a twin, but was so
thin that the beds were placed head to head in a straight line. It measured about 6ft X 14ft.
The ’bathroom’ was a capsule in a cupboard 4ft X 3ft and had a very dangerous high ledge to
get into it. It was very similar to a BA loo in economy. The decor of the room was very shabby
and the home made cupboards were unfinished and scruffy. The noise from the road is terrible if
you open the window, but the tiny room is airless otherwise. I had claustrophobia, and when my
wife enquired about changing the room they said they were full and in any case all their rooms
were similar.

The room was clean and modern room and the staff were friendly. The location is also good.
However, the room is very small, thetre was noisy traffic all night long (buses etc), the curtains
were thin (so very light all night due to street lights) and there was no wi-fi working. This was
important as the hotel said there was and it meant that I got NO internet access from my room.
Due to the noise and light I also got a bad night’s sleep This hotel is fine if you want one step
up from a hostel and you are young (i.e. <20) and not working. If you want a half decent hotel
and a good night’s sleep I would not stay here. I would not recommend this place to friends or
stay here again

After reading previous reviews, it was hard to believe we were staying at the same hotel. The
room was incredibly small - even though we’d booked a double room, the bed was smaller than
a standard double bed (i.e. less than 4’6") and pushed up against a wall - if I pay for a double
room, I expect a double bed. The pillows felt like pillowcases filled with bricks. On the topic of

noise...oh, dear. Avoid the front of the hotel, as it’s on a busy junction, which doesn’t provide
a steady flow of traffic, but instead has the noise of rapidly accelerating traffic away from the
traffic lights. (Having to jam windows shut with toiurist guides wasn’t great either!) The walls
are paper-thin, with you able to hear everything from the next rooms, both in this hotel and the
one next door!! Beware being a minute late for breafast...the door to the breakfast room will be
locked! On the plus side, the bathroom was small but was very clean, and the location is good,
but that’s about it.

We stayed three nights in Arosfa in May/June 2007 (room 6 on first floor). The temperature
outside was very pleasant: around 20 degrees. The room, however, was a furnace. I can’t imagine
how the poor people who visit London in a heat wave manage to survive in Arosfa. I think I
would have had a heart attack if I had stayed in that room in really hot weather. Opening the
window wasn’t an option either, because of the loud traffic noise outside on Gower Street. The
room and the en suite bathroom were very clean, though seriously tiny. The double bed was
against the wall — not the most comfortable of arrangements. I think the proprietors have just
put a double bed in a room which was meant to be a single. The bathroom was so small that
when I bent down at the tiny sink to wash my face, my bottom would be right against the door.
Another problem was the high step leading to the bathroom. There was one step where there
should have been two. When you were coming out of the bathroom into the room, you had to
remind yourself that the bathroom floor was quite a bit higher than the room floor, so that you
wouldn’t stumble headlong into the room. There was no hairdryer, but you could borrow one
and return it when you left. Now the real problem: there was no hospitality tray in the room. I
like drinking coffee first thing in the morning, before I shower and start the day. No chance of
that: you either had to go down to the basement for breakfast or down to the ground floor guest
lounge where there was an instant coffee machine and paper cups. We paid £75 per night for our
tiny teeny double room. Surely that would entitle us to a few coffee or tea bags and a kettle? On
top of this, they locked the lounge at 10:30 pm. So when you came back late at night and wanted
to relax in the lounge with a tea or coffee, instead of returning to your hot cubby hole upstairs,
you couldn’t do that. Why on earth do they lock the guest lounge, especially when they don’t
provide hospitality trays in the rooms? The best thing about Arosfa is that the couple running
the place are polite and pleasant. When we arrived, they helped us carry our luggage upstairs,
instead of handing us the keys and telling us where to go, as is the custom at this price range
hotel in London.

We stayed 5 nights at the Arosfa and enjoyed our stay. We thought it was a good value for the
location, a short walk to Goodge St. Tube station, and a manageable walk to Soho and the
Theatre District. The breakfast is hearty and gives a good start to your day. There is a very nice
common area where you can help yourself to hot coffee or tea, use the computer to check e-mail
or access the internet, browse their excellent collection of travel books, or just chat with other
guests. We were lucky to have met some other nice travelers in this hotel during our stay. The
rooms were small, but we expected this from the prior reviews that we read. The bathroom was
also small, but efficient in design. The mattresses in our room were not the most comfortable
I have slept on, but probably not the worst either...we were able to sleep and that was all that
was important. I did think the owners could be more generous with soap, there was only the
smallest of bars in the bathroom when we checked in, and I was glad that we had brought our
own soap and shampoo! Our room was at the very top of a long flight of stairs (no lift), and
rather exhausting to get up, especially with luggage, but we did have assistance from the owner
when we checked in. You should also know that they have a policy of not allowing you to bring
guests to your room, but to be honest, the rooms are too small for entertaining anyways.


I stayed during the Holy Week. Arosfa has an excellent localization, just beside the British
Museum, 10 minutes walking from Oxford st. The surrounding area is very quiet and nice;
furthermore, along Gower St. (where the Hotel is) there are lots of B&B. Tube stations at 10
minutes walking (Euston square, Tottenham Court Rd.). The best: position, the price, the very
friendly staff, free internet connection in the guest lounge, the big selection of maps and guides
of London at the entrance. Ok: the breakfast. The rooms are small but cleaned (enough just
after a day of tourism across the city), fair selection of tea and infusions, teapot, hair-dryer, iron
in a common area, TFT TV. The worst: the bathroom! It is absolutely small, even for expert
camping people! I believe this is not a particular problem, but I’d like to remark that it was quite
difficult for me to use it. I will probably book again at Arosfa, especially for the quality/price
relation, but only for a short trip (no more than 3 days).

Stayed here for one night. As a solo traveller I was given room 17 which was up lots and lots of
stairs. thsi was OK for me but others would not have wanted such a climb. Took a note of my
CC on arrival and wrote it on on a bit of paper which I found a bit odd. Was shown to room and
everything well explained. Room was clean and had flat screen TV. As others have mentioned
toilet and shower very small, and had to step into it. However it was fine. Breakfast was ideal
and they happily stored my luggage. Great location for Goodge Street tube and not far to West

We agree mostly with the other reviews Good location, rooms clean, quiet if room faces the
backyard, standard breakfast. We were however in a small room with a very tiny bathroom,
not suitable for bigger persons, It will be dificult however to find a bigger, clean room in a good
location for the same price in London. Staff could be friendlier.

As previous reviews have mentioned, there are many positive aspects about the Arosfa : It is
ideally located : Bloomsbury is a very pleasant area and Goodge Street tube station on the
Northern Line is just around the corner (the Tottenham Court Road end of Oxford Street is just
1 stop away and Leicester Square 2 stops away). Our room was nicely furnished and decorated
and was equipped with a flat screen TV and tea & coffee making facilities. As some clients have
mentioned, the bathroom was ’compact’ but it perfectly served its purpose and like the room it
was impeccable. The value was very good too. I frequently visit London and was ready to call
the Arosfa my ’home away from home’ but an incident put me off. One day I didn’t have the
key and had to ring the bell (2 people in our party were ill and had returned to the B&B earlier
to take a rest). The landlord let me in but made it clear I was disturbing him. The following
morning we were SIX minutes late for breakfast : It was new year’s eve, we’d had a latish night
and as I said, 2 of us didn’t feel too well. We were stopped on our way down the stairs by a
blunt "Breakfast is over!" (so much for the holiday spirit!). Hopefully, the landlady showed some
sympathy and though it was too late for a cooked breakfast, she kindly offered to make a cup
of tea and some toasts. We sat down feeling rather uncomfortable and the landlord kept on
whisking everything away from the table (juice, butter and jam) to show his total disapproval...
I agree that clients should respect the house rules, but I also think that better manners wouldn’t

My sister-in-law and I stayed here for 3 nights at end of September. Twin bed room was incredibly
small, but adequate for our purposes. Location was excellent for getting around, close to tube
stations, walk to British Museum. Great price, including hot and/or cold breakfast items. My
one complaint is that our room faced Gower Street and the noise out the window from the traffic

below was terrible - and it went on all night. Our solution was to shut the window completely
and run the fan at full speed to generate some ’white noise’. But that did not entirely block it
out. Maybe a room on the other side of the hotel would have been better.

Even though it is small, the hotel is immaculate. A large breakfast is served each morning. Close
to the tube and near the British Museum. There are a couple of pubs nearby that are not very
expensive that serve food. Nice place to stay!

We loved the hotel. The staff was pleasant and helpful and the breakfasts were delicious. We
stayed in this area because it was close to where our son was going to school in London. The
hotel is just a few blocks from the incredible subway system in London so the location was not an
issue. The room was very clean, hotel is well maintained and tastefully decorated. The bathroom
is extemely small, can barely turn around but this was not an issue. I would recommend this
hotel to anyone.

Stayed for four nights in September. This hotel is incredible value for money. The staff were
friendly, the facilities are clean, the location couldn’t be better and the breakfast is good. The
double room and the en-suite were small but we were only using the place as a base for sightseeing
so we didn’t spend a huge amount of time there anyway and we were never uncomfortable. We
were at the front of the hotel and the traffic was noisy but it never ruined a good night’s
sleep! I wouldn’t recommend this hotel for people who like to stay in luxurious places, but it’s
clean, friendly and situated in a really fantastic location. I would definitely stay here again, no

The Arosfa is in a great location across the street from University College London and a 5 minute
walk to both the Goodge street and Euston tube stops and the British Museum. The room was
average size for London. One bonus was that we had an extra twin bed in our room that we
were able to store our luggage on. Breakfast was typical English breakfast and was quite good.
The only negative was that the bathroom was truly miniscule. However, like everything else, it
was completely spotless and a small inconvenience given all the other pluses. I would stay at the
Arosfa again and highly recommend it.

I was attending a conference at UCL and just needed a quiet, close, budget place to sleep. I knew
I would be getting a very small room, so that didn’t surprise me. What did surprise me was how
immaculately clean it was. The staff were friendly and accommodating, and breakfast - although
not huge - was always prompt, hot, and made to order. Others have commented on the noise -
with the window open I found it a bit loud over the weekend, but no more loud than one would
expect in that area of town. Others have also commented on the size of the bathrooms - they
ARE tiny, but they are yours, and sparklingly clean. I would much rather an ensuite ’shower
pod’ than a communal loo. There are steep stairs and no lift, but the staff insist on bringing the
bags to the room for you (even my great heavy one). I also appreciated the free wireless, and
free access to a computer in the communal lounge. I’ve stayed at other b&bs in the general area
for other meetings but from now on the Arosfa will be my first choice.

We stayed 4 nights in early October. We asked for a Triple ( 1 double, 2 twins) room overlooking
the garden in the back. The room was small but we put our luggage on the twins. There was a
room fan, but we didn’t need it as it was cooler. They provide hair dryers upon request. They
are serious about the non-smoking policy–I loved it! Not a whiff of stale cigarettes anywhere!
No lifts, but Mr. Dorta helped us carry up the luggage. Mrs. Dorta was friendly and gracious

and a good cook. The rooms were as immaculate as the other reviews said. Our bathroom was
one of the ’add ins’...about 2 1/2’ x 6 or 7’. We were fine, but if you were a large person, you’d
have trouble manuevering. Again, the bathroom was immaculate. Mr. Dorta seemed friendly,
but reserved, but the morning that we’re were leaving, he helped carry the luggage out to the
side street and then stood there chatting to my husband for almost 10 minutes until we spotted
an available taxi (at 6:30 in the morning!) That was above and beyond service to us! We paid
79GBP per nite and considering the area, the cleanliness, the breakfast, the convenience and the
owners, we would definately stay there again. The other nights we were in London we stayed
at Hotel La Place in a suite for 139 GBP as it was our anniversary (and it is a great value for
money hotel), but we were very happy that we’d found the Arosfa for the first 4 nites.

We spent three nights at Arosfa Hotel in late March 2006. I found the hotel to be good value for
the money (66 pounds per night). It was very clean, looked like it had been newly painted. The
owner and his wife were very friendly and helpful. The breakfast was good and copious. The
bathroom was small, but we expected that, and it was functional. The location is good, close to
the British Museum. All in all, we were pleased with our stay and would definitely book there
again in the future.

We chose this hotel mainly because of the positive reviews. Somebody should have mentioned
that the rooms are terribly small. Two beds won’t fit side by side in the rooms. The showers /
toilets are jammed into the space of a closet - literally! The hotel staff may be friendly and the
location is good, but unless you intend to spend your time in London in your hotel, there must
be better offers. Note: there are about a dozen hotels in a row next to Arosfa that must suffer
from the same problems, so we would advise against any hotel on Gower Street if you feel room
size matters.

I stayed at the Arosfa Hotel for 3 nights. The first night in a twin room, and the other two
in a single. The rooms are tiny, but I was expecting that and it didn’t really bother me. The
bathrooms have been installed into the rooms, so they are very compact as well. My host was
very attentive. The hotel is in a good location - very close to tube stations and to the British
Museum, on a picturesque street. There is a strip of restaurants/food outlets outside the British
Museum. The hotel offers free internet access in the guest lounge which was wonderful - it is
very busy in the morning but I found in the evening was the best time to get online.

I think the best thing to do is a list of positives and negatives! Positives - very clean; good
location; pleasant decor; adequate breakfast (cooked English, yogurts, juice, cereals, fruit). Neg-
atives - male staff should have been friendlier (especially at breakfast!); our twin room was
incredibly small (pack light!); the en-suite was minute (anyone tall or with a larger build would
have struggled to shower); it was uncomfortably warm (but noisy with the window open). All in
all I can’t really fault the place for the price, but I can’t rave about it either. It served a purpose!
I wouldn’t hurry to go back and stay in a twin room (although doubles and singles may not be
as cramped).

I chose Arosfa Hotel based on the reviews posted on TripAdvisor. Looking at Arosfa’s website I
was nervous about my choice but remembering all the positive reviews I stuck with it and I’m
very glad I did. I stayed in a single room that overlooked the garden, it’s not a pretty garden
but given the hotel is on a busy street requesting a room on that side should ensure a quite
nights sleep. The room was small but very comfortable. As you can imagine the bathroom
was incredibly tiny, but I wasn’t bothered by it. When you shower you have to close the door

otherwise the steam will set off the alarm but again that’s not a real inconvenience. The room
has a colour tv, telephone and heater but it’s not air conditioned. I did spot a very small desk
fan sitting on top of the cupboard available for use! Everyday the room was cleaned, bed was
made and fresh towels were provided. In the sitting room there is a tea and coffee facility, free
Internet and lots of brochures for things to do and see whilst visiting London. The hotel doesn’t
make any bookings for you to go see a show or do a tour, it’s all up to you to organise for
yourself. Breakfast is a bit of an event, just sit down and be served. It’s the same menu everyday
but there’s lots of it and your looked after quite well. The staff are very prompt at clearing
your table and will continue to offer you endless servings of food until you say no more. The
hotel is situated in a great area, being a woman traveling on my own I felt quite safe wandering
back late at night. It’s just a two minute walk from Goodge St Station, about five minutes
to the British Museum, 20 minutes to Convent Garden and some great West End Productions.
Buses also run down Gower St, I never caught one but they’re easily available. There are lots
of restaurants, ATM’s, chemists, supermarkets and if you ask the staff they’ll point you to the
nearest laundromat about 10 minutes away. All staff were very friendly, the owners were quite
welcoming. I didn’t feel like I was staying in a hotel, I felt like I was a guest in someone’s home,
this is definantly a place I will use again. The strict no smoking policy is also an incentive,
nothing worse than a stinky room and pillow reeking of smoke. I paid 50 pound a night, very
reasonable for a very expensive city. Hope my notes have helped. Enjoy your holiday :)

I agree with what the other reviews have said: great location, homey and welcoming, and the
breakfast is a nice touch. The Arosfa was one of the few affordable places my family could find
with a room that held four people AND had an ensuite bathroom (it was the size of a closet,
but hey, it was ensuite!). The free Internet in the sitting room was very helpful, and the owners
were very accommodating when they let us store our luggage after we checked out since we had
almost a full day before we needed to get to our next destination. Also, we could tell they took
great pride in the place, as they had staff constantly cleaning - the front steps, railing, doorstep
and windowsills literally sparkled.

Although there is much to be commended about this hotel, there are also safety issues. In
particular, the shower and WC facilities in Room 9 are entirely unsuitable for those who are
elderly, in any way immobile, or simply rather large. The single room itself was tiny & quite
basic, but clean and also quiet. However, the problems of accessing the shower and the W.C. by
means of an extremely high step were deeply offputting. The owner told me that this is the only
room with such extreme problems, but the ensuite shower & bathroom facilities in all rooms
must also be extremely cramped. Potential visitors shouldn’t be misled by the many positive
reviews of this hotel into expecting anything more than is on offer.

The Arosfa Hotel, 83 Goodge Street, is more a B&B than a hotel. It is one of several small
hotels along busy Gower Street. In any of them (including the often-praised Morgan), I would
recommend requesting as I did, a room at the rear in any of them, as Gower Street has traffic
noise most of the time.No website as of yet. They have a fax machine. (0)20/7636-2115.ll room
rates posted at the Arosfa refer to en-suite bathrooms, room accommodations range from singles
to quads. Breakfast is included. No lift, no a/c, no hairdryers, no washcloths, no tissues, no
phones in rooms. There is one pay phone in the lobby. TVs but no satellite stations. Premises
are no smoking. Soap provided, but not shampoo. I paid 45# per night for a single, doubles
50-something ((59?) quads go for approx 95# (I saw the rate list but forgot to write it all
down.) For some reason my 3-prong plug adapter for my dual-voltage hair dryer didnt fit the
wall outlets, but the hotel owner was happy to lend me an adapter that fit.My single overlooking

a back garden was the smallest room I have ever stayed in. Its length is exactly that of a twin
bed, entry wall to window wall. Its width slightly less than that. Perhaps 6X 5? In addition, in a
narrow 3 X 2 alcove was a hanging cupboard and a couple of small shelves. I found the hanging
space and shelves to be adequate because I left most things in my suitcase, and thankfully there
was a tiny desk on top of which I could leave my suitcase accessible. I hate scratching other
peoples furniture, so I put one of my plastic dry cleaning bags on the desk before placing my
suitcase on top. When I first saw the room I was dismayed by its size, it occurred to me that
prison cells might be larger. But the room was in good repair, spotlessly clean, and the bed
covered with a pristine white chenille bedspread, and I got used to my nook. Cozy, or just tiny?
Choose your own adjective.The bathroom was more challenging. The Arosfa is in an old building
(though again, in good condition) and I suspect that the bathrooms were originally fitted into
what were closets. My bathrooms width measured less than 3, and that includes the shower
area. The depth of the bathroom (entrance to back wall) was the depth of a toilet plus 5 or
6 , which meant that when a person sits on the loo, the shower curtain touches one arm, the
tiny sink touches the other arm, and ones knees are touching the bathroom door (and I am 57
tall). The shower area is not separate from the rest of the bathroom and was surrounded by a
curtain on a rail, but despite my elaborate attempts to keep the curtain tightly closed, water
inevitably seeped onto the entire bathroom floor. I mopped up with the bathmat afterwards.The
proprietor inquired about the adequacy of the hot water every day, because one of two boilers
had broken down just before New Years Day, and as my stay coincided with New Years weekend
he wanted me to know that the repair company wasnt going to respond until my last day there.
However, I had hot water whenever I needed it.While there I also asked to see a double and a
triple room so as to contribute a little more information here. The double room accommodated
a double bed (I dont think they have twin rooms) with perhaps one foot or two to spare on
either side of the bed, and a bathroom the same size as the one I had. The triple room had
three twin beds with several inches in between each, and a very slightly larger bathroom. Single
rooms in most small hotels are often the worst of rooms; if I go there again on my own, I will
request a double. The hotel seems to be doing well; on two of my four days there, a no-vacancy
sign was posted out front.Breakfast was modest but adequate: every day: cold cereals, a cooked
egg with bacon and one other item (tomato or a sausage or beans), two slices of toast, jam and
butter, orange juice, and tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. I was always offered seconds on the juice,
toast, and hot beverage.Proprietors (Mr and Mrs Dorta) are reserved but kind and helpful.Hotel
Location: nearest Tube stop is Goodge Street, a five-minute walk. At ten-minute walks were
Tube stops Russell Square, Euston Square, or Tottenham Court Road. Gower Street is as I said
busy and not particularly charming, but the neighborhood is useful and safe. On one evening I
was returning after the theatre, and on my short walk to the Arosfa from the Goodge St stop
I was aware that the side street (Torrington Place) I was walking on was rather deserted, so
I was glad to reach my little hotel. It is not that the neighborhood appears in any way to be
dangerous; I just dont like streets to be quite so lonely when I am walking at night, even in the
very best of neighborhoods.I havent overly praised the Arosfa, but in fact Im just trying to be
explicit, and if budget suggests, I will stay there again (but in a double). I would have rated it
excellent but for the bathroom size. At more elaborate and more expensive places I wasn’t sure
I was getting best value penny for penny, at the Arosfa I was sure I was.

The Arosfa House is one of the most affordable places to stay in London. I have personlly stayed
there four times! The rooms and bathrooms are very small but also very clean. My bed was a
little uncomfortable but reasonable. There is no elevator and there are 5 floors. Our room was
on the 5th floor in the back because the rooms are much quieter there. The proprietor will carry
your luggage up the stairs for you so that is a great help. The breakfast is amazing. They will

make you a full English breakfast, if you choose, but if you’re a vegetarian they will fix you a
breakfast that fits your lifestyle. The staff is excessively friendly and willing to help at all times
and fix you whatever you want for breakfast. In the common room there is a TV and books to
read (kind of take-and-leave books) plus a computer with Internet access that guests may use.
A tea and coffee machine is available at all hours in this room as well. The B&B is located near
the Goodge Street tube stop and is just a two block walk down the road. Along the way there
is a little convenience store where you can get tube/bus passes and other goodies. Along the
road of the Goodge Street stop, is some nice restaurants and shopping. Lester Square is a 10 -
15 minute walk down this road. In the end the Arosfa House is economical, has a great location
and terrific proprietors. I’d stay there anytime!

Just returned from a trip to London where I stayed two nights in a triple room with my husband
and a friend of ours. The triple room had a full size bed for us and a twin for our friend. The
staff were friendly although they interacted very minimally. We were able to check in right away
once we arrived at around noon. Our room was on the top floor facing the front street. It was
quite a hike up the stairs with our bags, but the man that showed us to our room helped me
with mine. The room was very clean but very small for three people. Forget any sort of privacy
because these are some close quarters! Showering and dressing were a challenge because the
bathroom is really too small to dress in, and often challenging to turn around in. But for us it
worked out ok because it was mostly a place to just crash at the end of the day. Noise was not
a problem even with the window open. The breakfast that is included was standard but nice if
you’re willing to get up at 8 am for it. The living room on the ground floor seemed to be always
available, offering a computer for internet access, a large tv with a couch and chairs, and coffee
and tea. We were able to leave our bags for a few hours upon check-out. We paid 95 pounds
per night for our triple. The location was very good I thought, within easy walking distance
(about 10 minutes) to the wonderful British Museum. And there were many good pubs in the
area for meals and drinks. We used the Goodge Street tube station often for sight seeing which
was probably only about 5 minutes walk over to the lively Tottenham Court Road. As long as
your luggage is on wheels the walk from the Warren Street tube station is not too bad at about
10 minutes. I would definately return to this little B&B, although not in the triple room. Three
people in that size room made me claustrophobic.

This is a nice family-run hotel - more a guest house perhaps. It’s spotlessly clean and the ensuites
are new and ours was reasonably sized. The room had no air conditioning but did have a desk fan
which we had to keep on all night as it was very hot when we were there. Breakfasts are served
by Mrs Dorta who is friendly and always offers seconds of juice, tea and toast. Cooked breakfast
includes three items each morning, a combination of bacon, sausage, egg, beans, tomato etc. The
hotel is extremely convenient to pretty much everywhere you would want to go - Soho, Covent
Garden, Oxford Street, Hyde Park, the West End and theatre district, tube stations and everyday
shops, British Library, British Museum etc and even the London Eye and Parliament are within
easy walking distance. We scarcely had to use the tube at all, except when our feet were tired
from so much walking! My one complaint is that our room was at the front, overlooking Gower
Street. This is a very noisy road with a lot of traffic which goes on literally all night. With the
window open for ventilation I did not sleep at all the first night because of the noise, though my
partner did. I had to get earplugs for subsequent nights. Rooms at the back are much quieter
(based on my experience of the nearby Ridgemount Hotel). Ask for a room at the back if you

Worst hotel experience ever! On the websites that recommend this hotel it states the number

of rooms as 16. Well, we booked a double for one nights stay and were shown to Room Number
17,at the very top of the building (6 flights of stairs). The room was absolutely tiny and very
hot (without radiators on).The bed,which was a very small double,was fit into a room that really
should have only been a single - The bed was against the wall with only a foot of space to the
right and a foot of space at the bottom. The bathroom was the size of an aeroplane’s lavatory,
my boyfriend actually had to back out and down a high step as there was no room to manouevre!
The laughs I had watching him do that! As we were only staying one night the size of the room
wasn’t too bothersome, yet as if to compound our disappointment of the room size, once we
retired to bed we had the most uncomfortable nights sleep ever.The bed was hard and lumpy ,we
felt so squashed and the pillows matched the bed in lumpiness. I had to climb over my partner
to go use the bathroom in the night.We both were wide awake at 4am not able to sleep, and the
next day I was aching everywhere. I made it to breakfast alone the next morning,and was asked
if I minded sharing my table with another man and a couple as there was no room for diners.
The food was alright and the service good but this just finished me off! A terrible experience .I
won’t be staying at this hotel again and wouldn’t recommend it either.

I spent six nights in the Arosfa together with my grandma and sister and we all liked this
little hotel in the centre of London, near the British Museum. We had a clean small room on
the top floor, the breakfast was good (English) and the people very friendly. Also, the Arosfa
is conviniently located (easy access from Heathrow with Picadilly line; Mme Tussauds, Soho,
Covent Garden in walking distance, two tube stations close by). And all for budget prices!
Anything to criticize? Well, I should mention that there is no elevator and for older people (or
those who carry bricks in their suitcases) 70 steps to the top floor are quite a lot. Plus we could
only open the window a crack (safety reasons?) so the nights with three people in one room were
pretty warm. But overall - a great place!

Spent 5 nights at the Arosfa in May 2007. This small family run hotel is simple, clean and safe
and offers real value for money at 50 pounds per night, including a hot breakfast. The rooms are
tiny, and the ensuite bathrooms are also tiny. Ensuite bathrooms are like a caravan bathroom
that have been dropped into the corner of the hotel room - there is a step of perhaps one foot up
to enter the bathroom. Hotel does not have a lift. One odd thing about this little hotel is that
it does not allow guests to have visitors in the rooms! If you want a base to sleep and breakfast
at while you explore London then this is a good hotel. If you want your friends to call you will
need to find somewhere else.

I booked Arosfa Hotel after reading the mostly good comments here on TripAdvisor. I stayed at
Arosfa for 4 nights. When we first arrived, I was shocked to see the room. It was extremely small
and we hardly had space to walk about in the room. The bathroom was very clean but again,
very small. Perhaps it was just the room we were assigned. We did not interact much with the
staff, so, no comments on that. Breakfast was included in the price we paid. It was alright and
every morning, we were so full that some days, we could just skip lunch. A very clean hotel......
and conveniently located too.

We had last room available and this must account for the smallest possible twin room. Two
different sized beds and a radiator as a head board took things a bit too far. The shower room
is incredibly small with no room at all between the WC and the shower. Also closing the door
when using the WC has just about enough room for your knees. Great difficulty getting the hot
tap on the tiny sink to turn off and no plug supplied. As indicated in other reviews though the
staff are mostly very friendly and the hotel is kept nice and clean. Nice guest lounge (although

very overpowering lilies, if they are not your thing ) and free internet access was good. I guess
we would have been happy if we had paid less than £204 for two nights for such a very small
basic space. Still recommending it though as the other rooms can not be as small, just check
with them first!

Was just ok at best. Didn’t feel welcome upon arrival and had to pay straight away. Room was a
twin but was small, we knew this from the reviews but the bathroom was crazy small. You know
it’s small when you can take a shower when sitting on the toilet brushing your teeth. The room
and bathroom was clean and the beds were comfortable. Walls were very thin, which meant you
could here the guys next door getting lost in the bathroom. Breakfast was a bit rushed, plate
was nearly taken away before I had my one sausage, one bacon, one egg and beans in me. It was
cooked fine, again no problems there, just the service. Overall it was ok, if the service had been
better I could forgive a few other failings. The unwelcome feeling didn’t really wash at any point
when we came into contact with staff. I wouldn’t recommend it because I feel there is better to
be had out there.

What a shame, 1st impression well decorated and spotless, it went downhill from there. Asked for
payment within 10 mins of arrival (before even seeing room)-surprised by this approach usually
pay on departure, made to feel unwelcome, watched at breakfast next morning, pulled aside after
breakfast by male owner ? and asked again for payment-said we’d pay after our days’ sightseeing
just for a quiet life, however still surprised to see the owner ? in the hall waiting for us on our
return. Expected a small room coz of reviews but this was ridiculously small (we had a twin),
en suite the same - similar to caravan facilities but smaller ! Breakfast very small although well
cooked, didn’t go for breakfast on our 2nd morning due to frosty reception first time. On the plus
side, room was spotless and we were allowed to leave our luggage for a further days’ sightseeing
and collect later.

We spent five days at the Arosfa in early May. We were impressed with the cleanliness of our
room and the friendliness of the staff. Being close to several tube stations and within walking
distance of the British Museum and several London theatres made this an ideal location. The
English breakfast was tasty and served with a smile. When we return to London, the Arosfa will
be our hotel.

We have been to London 15 times and have stayed at Arosfa 5 times for a total of 40 nights.
Hey it is convenient. You are only 5 minutes from a sainsbury, The Goose pub( great meals for
4-6 pounds and beer 1-2 pounds) close to the tube. 15 minutes to convent Garden. The food
is good, the people keep it clean. We have stayed in all seasons could use more heat in Winter.
Hotelink gets you there in 90 mins from lhr. Give it a chance

I chose Arofsa based solely on the good reviews from Trip Advisor. Thought I should return
the favor by giving my honest assessment to fellow travelers. Pros: 5 minute walk British
Museum 5 minute walk from Goodge station Walking distant to many pubs/shops – college
scene Clean (bathroom was spotless) Good water pressure (Believe me, that is important!)
Fair/honest/friendly owners High-speed internet in lounge Free instant coffee/tea in lounge Lots
of travel books in lounge for reference Negatives: Definitely not a page from Elle Décor, but
hey, it’s 75 pound per night. En-suite bathroom size was same size as airplane bathroom, but
it’s very clean No elevators (owner Dorta was there to lend a hand with heavy luggage) Mat-
tress was smaller than North-American twin size Bring your own shampoo (they only give soap)
Everything the other recent reviews said are true. Have fun in London!!!


found this on the internet chose it as recommended as top hotel under £100.00 and it had good
reviews on TA. We were not disappointed. we had a twin room on top floor overlooking rear.
As other reviewers have remarked the room was small and the bathroom compact. However, it
was spotlessly clean, the staff/owners were friendly and welcoming and the breakfast was good
and included. Well located within short walk to all central locations and in a clearly safe area.
Will definately use again. we have paid a lot more at other hotels and not been as satisfied or
felt as welcome.

as someone else mentioned, a busy street. the proprietors are not the friendliest but typical of
london. the room was the smallest but the cleanest room i have ever stayed in. meticulously
maintained. the place is a couple of hundred years old and there’s not even a paint chip! in
summer, rooms can be hot.

This hotel is really good if you’re travelling alone - the price per night in London city centre
is unbeatable. If you’re travelling with someone you might want to look for a double room
somewhere else and share the price. The single-rooms are tiny with tiny beds, but you have
everything you need. price includes full-english breakfast the location is excellent, the staff is
very friendly It has free internet, both wireless and a PC for guests Careful - reception closes
at 22:30, so make sure you manage to get there before that time. That applies only to the 1st
night, since you get your own key and you can arrive as late as you want

We stayed at the Ramada Encore in July 05. Finding the Hotel was fairly easy, Getting to it was
a different story as it is on a one-way system and although I could see the hotel I couldn’t get too
it without a detour. If you are driving there make sure you get a map with directions showing
the one-way system. Note in rush hour this area is very congested. First impressions of the hotel
were good; it is a bright and modern hotel the reception opens out into the restaurant which is
a large open space bounded by large windows looking out over the dual carriageway. Reception
seemed OK, however they had to ask me what rate I had. (makes me wonder what other people
were paying) The room was clean and the bathroom very nice with a good shower. We had asked
for an extra bed in the room as we had 2 children, this turned out to be a double sofa bed. This
left no free space. There was no cupboard to pack away our clothes so we lived out of a suitcase
which was a pain since we had no space because of the extra bed. Breakfast was included in
our rate, but although was advertised as a “signature” breakfast it was absolutely awful. It was
toast and bread rolls/croissants and jam, some small chunks of cheese wrapped in plastic and
a boiled egg if you were lucky. The breakfast area was a real mess with juice everywhere and
people milling around waiting for more food or drinks to appear from the kitchen. On the second
morning we were there my son slipped up in a puddle of orange squash and got covered causing
us to have to go back to the room for a full change of clothes (and if you’ve got kids you know
what a drama that can be). I went to see reception who rushed off to get the cleaner and then
didn’t reappear. The third morning we took breakfast at McDonalds. The underground station
is a 5-10 minute walk away and Central London is 15-20 minutes away. The trains run every 5
minutes or so. The hotel has a pay car park, the type that you get a ticket as you go in then
pay at reception to get out. Be prepared to wait if you want to get out in a hurry and there is
a queue at reception. It was very confusing as I never really knew how much the car park was
costing (there is a postage stamp size sign near the barriers on the way in). For dinner the menu
at the hotel looked very nice, although it was expensive and nothing for children. Instead we
ate at a pub which was a 5 minute drive away served good reasonable food and had a children’s
playground. In summary, this hotel is only ideal for the budget business traveller. NOT and I

repeat NOT family friendly.

I stayed here for 4 nights in October ’06, after reading good reviews of this hotel. Basically, I had
high expecations - and they weren’t met. Positives: -Cool and contemporary designs/decor -Close
location to North Acton Station -Friendly bar staff -Good breakfasts Negatives: -Undergound
commutes from this hotel eat up A LOT of time. -Lack of service or help [no baggage assist-
ance/room service etc.] -Many staff members are pompous and rude [I felt very unwelcomed by
certain staff members... I wasn’t even greeted upon check-in] Overall: If all one needs is a bed
somewhere around London, the Ramada Encore will do the job. This hotel is visually appealing,
but when one goes beyond its decor, its just a basic hotel on the outskirts of a very, very big

I booked the 10day advance - non refundable rooms from Toronto, Canada. I arrived at the
Hotel around 5pm with my boyfriend. Being sick and traveling all day, all I wanted was my
room. We were greeted and told that the room we reserved would take 40minutes to get ready.
I was stunned because it never takes more than 20minutes or so to freshen up a room. We were
told that we could have a room with 2 single beds which we refused. He swiped my credit card
and I paid for the rooms. We opted waited in the lobby until the room was ready. Not even
10 minutes later, the staff comes up and says, "I am sorry there was a mistake, there is not a
single room in the entire hotel that is available." One would think if the whole hotel is booked
off, it would be common knowledge to all staff. I was angry since I had already paid and didn’t
understand why a room booked in advance was not available. He said "Well it happens", rather
than apologize. I angrily demanded to know what I was supposed to do. He said they arranged
for us to stay at the Holiday Day Inn Express which was a few minutes walk. Oh and guess
what? We didn’t have to pay for the room! Well I should think not seeing as I had already
paid. The staff at the Holiday Inn were wonderful. We got a complimentary breakfast. The next
morning we checked in at the Ramada. We had to ask to speak to a manager about the whole
mess. All the staff’s attitude towards the mixup was very nonchalant. The manager offered
us complimentary breakfast for the mixup, which I said wasn’t sufficient since they wasted our
time: sorting out a hotel, walking over, unpacking, repacking the next day, checking back into
Ramada, unpacking again. We were in London for 3 days, and it was a waste of valuable time.
It was also stressful. After us fussing, they gave us a free night. I would have gladly paid double
if it meant we got our rooms on time without any stress. I’ll never stay at the Ramada again.
Room: very clean and modern, Wifi didn’t work and was expensive.

I stayed with my husband and 8 year old at Ramada for six days for our tenth anniversary. It is
not in central London. The tube is pretty convinient and North Acton Station is a short walk
from the hotel. The rooms and bathrooms are very small. I believe it may be sufficient for
college students but not for a family. I do not understand why there are no shower curtain in
the bathroom. Hence, bathroom floor always get wet. There are no restaurants nearby. There
is a hotel restaurant where you can get Chinese and Thai food. There is also Starbucks Coffee
shop just in lobby..which I must admit is great. The staff is less than helpful. They cannot even
recommend any restaurant nearby- even a short train ride away. I will not stay here again. I did
not feel safe walking late at night near hotel. It is in commercial area.

The reason I booked this hotel was purely because of location (local to me) & the bedrooms
appeared to be ideal for my purpose & most importantly it was within my budget having booked
it via a site that gave the best deal. The building is an ugly red eyesore but I suppose they feel it’s
the only way people would notice the hotel on the main A40 road. Its not the best place to stay

on a holiday as it’s location is close to a busy main road & in the middle of an industrial estate
- suitable for a couple of nights I think. The bedroom was smaller than expected but suitable
for my purpose - the bed was fairly comfortable despite being ill all night. The bathroom has a
walk-in shower which is probably the best thing about the place! After my friend had to leave &
I became ill with flu I went to the bar to get something to eat. The menu is overall based on a
Thai theme although there were some British offerings - one of which was Loaded Potato skins
which I had - undercooked potatoes, salty bacon, hardly tasted the cheese & overall not very
appetising. In my opinion the breakfast leaves alot to be desired too although there was a wide
choice - my accommodation included breakfast so I wasn’t going to miss out but I have had far
better in other hotels. The staff were overall helpful & friendly especially in the bar/restaurant.
My biggest criticism about this hotel is the parking - guests are expected to pay £8.95 per DAY
which I personally think is outrageous considering there is nowhere else to park. I was only there
for one night but I pity anyone who has to stay there for a week & pay £62.65. People using
public transport will find a tube station nearby which is a blessing. Would I stay here again? I
doubt it.....there are other hotels I would choose to go to.

I cannot understand the good reviews that this hotel is receiving. I stayed there for two nights
in October 06 and found it a very unpleasant experience overall. Firstly, the location is awful.
Situated in the middle of what can only be described as an industrial estate, it is far from pleasant,
what with a huge Carphone Warehouse office just across the street and numerous other office
buildings dotted around. The hotel also fronts onto a dual carriageway which is extremely busy
at all times, so don’t keep the window open if you want a decent night’s sleep. Oh, and the Tube
station is NOT 3 minutes away as the hotel states. The staff were poor. Their communcation
skills and customer service need to be vastly improved. There was a mistake by the hotel in my
reservation and it took the receptionist a full 20 minutes of faffing about to deal with it. I was
not offered any sort of apology for the delay or the hassle. Basically, they didn’t seem to know
what they were doing, nor did they want to know. As I had arrived quite late, I was too tired
to go down to the restaurant so I enquired if room service was available. It is not. However, you
can order food from the restaurant, which you then have to go downstairs to collect. Not a very
satisfactory arrangement but I did it anyway as I had no choice. I was given a plastic container
of soggy, limp and tasteless fries and an extremely small portion of barbecued spare ribs. Very
poor value for money. The rooms are basic but on a positive note are at least clean. The shower
room is spartan to say the least. All in all, I would not recommend that you stay in this hotel.

This hotel suffers from several problems that will cause us never to return. First, when we arrived
we found spoiled milk in the bathroom and stains on the bed spread. There is no ventilation
in the bathroom, meaning that the room had something (mold / mildew) growing in it. Both
my wife and I are allergic. The problem would have been far worse had the room actually had
carpet, but lack of carpet has its own problems. Opening a window in the evening isn’t really an
option because of the noise because of the hotel’s proximity to the A40. You are only given one
key card that is required to power the room. This led to two problems. First, my wife couldn’t
charge her cell phone when we went down to breakfast, and second (and more importantly) it
was difficult to control room temperature. When I mentioned these problems at different times,
nothing was done. Not that I expected much, but at the same time I didn’t expect the person
at check-out to ask me why I hadn’t complained earlier (I had).

I really don’t get the glowing reviews about this hotel on Tripadvisor. Being a TA devotee and
frequent reviewer, I heeded them and we just got back from London and stayed there for three
nights. Um, no. This place is so far out of the way it is crazy. And good luck lugging some bags

from any airport to get there and then getting back in the city to do something. I hope you have
a few hours to spare. It is a decent hotel with very spare and basic, albeit very clean, amenities.
Obviously, the draw is the low rates, which is true, but in addition to breakfast being exta, all
the charges you pay and time you waste getting there and back make it not worth it by a long
way. The fact that the central train line was out of service two of the four days we were there
which just added to the commute. Just look for a good deal inside London and skip this one.
Places this far out of the way should be "destination" hotels where you might want to hole up
and spend some time. This is not that.

we stayed 5 nights and we changed 3 rooms because in 2 of them there were 2 mouses.„

I want to save some time and money. As we all know that london is quite expensive. This hotel
was so far out. On the computer the hotel says that you can see them from the train. They lied
to far you have to walk such a distance. The hotel staff was not helpful they caused my friends
a lot of problems. The room look like ikea store. But the distance is not worth it. Put your
pennies together and stay in the city

I saw the photos and thought it looked lovely, as I really wanted to spend less money this time.
It was horrible, horrible. The toilet didn’t work, the sink was stuck, there was no cold water as
the hane was stuck, it was dirty everywhere, they demanded two nights pay in advance, and an
additional 5 pounds for a horrible breakfast.

Our first stay in London was to be the Regency Court Hotel in Earls Court. What a disaster!
Budget accommodation is certainly the description I would give for this accommodation. Upon
arrival, we were requested to pay cash for the accommodation we had booked when in fact, the
funds had already been taken from the Visa card provided. The accommodation was definitely
not up to standard and accordingly we left the premises immediately. We offered to pay the
cancellation fee (one night), but it was refused. On continuing the holiday it was noticed that
further funds had been taken out of the account - funds that are still to be recovered. Beware of
staying at this accommodation place - definitely not somewhere I would recommend.

* dirty rooms * tiny rooms * thin walls * toilet was working sometimes * the breakfast was
a joke * water was coming through the roof * when we complained about the bad situation -
after a lenghty discussion, where i started to take some photos, we where threatened with police

We’ve just come back from the Regency Court hotel and our experience was as bad as rebel06!
We had to pay upfront with a credit card on arrival before we could see the room. It was late, we
had little choice - what a mistake at 80 pounds a night! The toilet handle came off in my hand.
the shower door fell on my wife. The shower head had not been installed. The bed consisted of
a "matress" with 2 springs in it and the pillows were actually used packing material in pillow
cases! We had to leave after one night. When we went to check out, we requested a refund
for the additional two nights we would not be staying. The response was basically "no refund
possible" we insisted and the manager ordered us to leave the hotel. We were insisting on a
refund to pay for alternate accomodation elsewhere and she accused us of causing a disturbance
and threatened to call the police which we encouraged her to do. The situation was rather tense.
The police eventually arrived and took stock of the situation and examined our room. They
pointed out to the manager that the room was in violation of building codes and agreed that
the manager should refund the balance of our bill – she still refused claiming that it was not

technically possible and that she’d offered us another room and we refused it. We had no choice
but to leave this hotel without any refund. This hotel is completely innapropriate and we feel
that we have been robbed by its staff. We couldnt sleep, we couldnt wash, we couldnt go to the
toilet, and the staff was abusive and threatening. All for 80 pounds a night!

after staying in this hotel from 21st to 25th of october i have to subscribe to the view of the other
reviewers - a terrible hotel - NEVER AGAIN we knew that it was a budget accomodation, so
we accepted lot of things: very small and dirty rooms, thin walls, toilet was working sometimes,
bathroom less than 1m2, breakfast was very poor the last night we stayed there water was coming
through the roof and this was too much when we complained they told us to be quiet - otherwise
they will call the police!

...not to stay at the Milford Plaza1) Small rooms2) Paper thin walls3) Rude staff on reception4)
Strange odours5) Street noise6) Crappy TV reception7) Crappy shower8) Zero facilities9) No
room service10) Well overpriced

We stayed at this so called hotel during the latter of Dec 04. We hated every moment from
checking in, to checking out. Staff were extrememly rude, unhelpful and unfriendly (and i assure
you we didn’t have ’please be horrible to us’, plastered across our foreheads). However, i did
make my views clear to the hotel as we left. Yes, the rooms are small, but that wasn’t a big issue
to us. We read many reviews stating the room service was service? What room
service??? All we noticed was that the bed was tidied and new towels given. Floor was still dirty,
rubish not fully cleared out of the bins, ash not cleared from ash trays, bath/sink not cleaned.
The heating system....oh gosh....if you are a deep sleeper, you’ll be fine....when the thermostat
triggers the whole room shakes! Good location though!

BEWARE: You get a lot LESS than what you pay for at Milford Plaza!!! My wife and I went
to Milford Plaza for our 1 year anniversary. We were intrigued by what, on paper, looked like
a decent deal. Milford Plaza is actually a 2-star hotel, AT MOST. The room was the tiniest
we’ve ever stayed in (and we have traveled all over Europe where rooms are small). Everything
in the room smelled bad, of old musty furniture, the bathroom was marginally functional, the
appliances old, the walls had cracks in them, the window was not closing properly, and the
avenue noise from below was loud. When we approached these issues with the hotel staff they
were most unhelpful, even rude. Also the two doormen we encountered were nasty and rude. A
VERY VERY DISAPPOINTING EXPERIENCE! I would give this hotel an F-.

I stayed at the Milford Plaza in March, and had my parfume stolen out of my room. It was a
full bottle of parfume. I was promised to be compensated for the full amount from the security
manager, I even filled in an incident report. I’m still waiting, 5 months later! When I was
checking out the guy in front of me complained of having a carton of cigarettes stolen from
his room, the women on reception was like ’whatever!’ If anything goes missing from the your
room, I would make it a police matter as it seems as though the hotel does not care about theft

We stayed at the Milford Dec. 5-8 and paid $269/night. This is a terrible hotel. Noisey, small
rooms. It was clean. Rooms look as nice as they can, but you can hear everything from all over
the hotel. Plumbing girgles.

Have stayed at the Milford Plaza just once...and that was enough for me! Shared a double with

three friends. It was a very tiny room that felt like a sauna because we couldn’t get the heat
turned down. I thought we would have had a bright airy room by the looks of the draperies
but when I opened them I found a very small window and we had a view of a brick wall. The
bathroom was small but adequate. The towel shelf in our bath fell off the wall as did the robe
hook. You can probably get a hot shower if you can finish in under five minutes. If you’re looking
for cheap accomodations and you don’t care what your hotel room looks like, then the Milford
Plaza is the place for you. The best thing the hotel has going for it is it’s central location and
the lobby. But remember, New York City is a pretty easy town to get around in so the location
of this hotel isn’t everything.

This was, without a doubt, the worst hotel I’ve stayed at in a long time. The hotel is badly in
need of renovations. It’s loud, dirty, and the rooms are small and poorly furnished. The Milford
Plaza bills itself as "the lullaby of Broadway." Without a doubt, this hotel is in a prime location,
located nearby to many broadway shows, and within walking distance of the shows to which we
had purchased tickets. It’s about two blocks from the heart of Times Square. On the other hand,
do you really want to hear "the lullaby of broadway" at 2 a.m.? 3 a.m.? 4 a.m.? Assuredly
you will, and it’ s not particularly musical or lulling. We were kept awake until well after 4 a.m.
by the loud noise outside and inside the hotel. The hotel is poorly insulated, and you can hear
everything your neighbors do, not to mention what people are doing outside the hotel on the
sidewalk at 4 a.m. The room was the dirtiest I’ve stayed in for over a decade (and including
foreign countries). There are other choices for the money that are far preferable. And, I wish
I’d spent an extra $50 a night to stay in either the W or the Marriott Times Square, where I’d
have been assured of sleep.

We had reserved this hotel through Hotels and requested a standard room for 1 - 2 people. This
apparently means a very small room with two twin beds to Milford Plaza. We could not even
fit a carry-on rolling bag through the room. Only highlight of the experience was a very nice
gentleman who helped us find a better room through a long negotiation session. The room was
a little larger, but had a funny smell. We requested air freshener but never received assistance.
At the end of our stay, we were greeted to a long line to have the hotel hold our bags for the
morning. We waited for over 30 minutes and saw only one person handling the line. Then as
we approached this individual, not only was he rude, but we were charged $3.00 per bag to hold
them. We had two rolling carry-on bags and two cosmetic bags. We were charged $12.00. Not
to mention the couple in front of us that had 7 bags and was charged $15.00. As I approached
the front desk manager, he was very rude and not willing to work with me to understand why
we were charged and why the others were charged less. He called the bell captain over and his
response was "If you were a little nicer, I might have been able to help." They stated it is in their
contract (with the bell persons) and cannot change it. Apparently this is news to a repeating
customer because we asked them and they said they never had to do this before. They stated
they will not return as well. As I was mighty upset at this, I went back to the front desk manager
demanding to talk to the Hotel Manager. He was unavailable and the front desk manager did not
offer any assistance. I called today and received the same rude behavior. I highly recommend
not staying at this hotel. The extremely minimal savings on the rates are not worth it.

I always try and find nice things to say, but it is a hard task with this hotel. Great location is
the only good thing I can say, in general the rooms are small, not that clean and the shower blew
hot then cold then shut off. Staff were average. However we spent so little time in our room it
did not spoil our hoilday.

The only good thing about this hotel is the location. The place is a DUMP! The room was less
than clean and the size of the queen size bed. The bathroom was dirty and was small. The
entire staff was extremely rude. They messed up our reservation and had us leaving on Saturday
when we were supposed to leave on Sunday. They told me it was my fault that the reservation
was wrong and that they were sold out for Saturday night. In fact the desk clerk had the nerve
to tell me that they never make mistakes! They also told us we would have to leave. We ended
up changing hotels on Saturday night. We went across the street to the Mariott Marquis. The
room was fabulous and the service fantastic. Same great location. I wrote to the manager with
my complaints and they ignored me. I would never stay at this dump again.

My husband and I are fairly easy to please, and knowing this hotel was only given 2.5 stars, we
went with very low expectations. All we wanted was a clean hotel, friendly service, and a good
location. The location was the only thing good about our visit. The staff was rude from the
moment of check in to the time of departure. The only person who was remotely cooperative was
Elisa, a manager, who finally granted us a late checkout after a nightmare of a visit. We stayed
Dec 28-30, which I understand is a busy time, but thats all the staff kept telling us, how "busy
they were" and thats why we couldnt check in until 3:45 (our room wasn’t clean when we got
there). Beyond that, we had no pillows in our rooms and no call backs from housekeeping after
3 attempts, finally calling the front desk and they said they were "out of pillows". The shower
leaked all over our bathroom floor. It was truly the worst hotel experience I have ever had. If I
return to NY, I will stay in a nice hotel and pay more, its obviously worth it for service alone.

My wife and I spent a weekend in New York a week ago. I found the Milford Plaza at Hotels, and
it had a good write-up. Hotelsadvertises that it knows everything about hotels it recommends
so I felt confident it would be decent. They apparently missed this one. It turned out to be
the most disapointing travel experience of our lives. First of all it was supposed to be a Non-
smoking room, on a Non-smoking floor. As soon as we got off the elevator we could smell people
smoking. The bell hop admitted that it was supposed to be non-smoking but was not really
enforced. Next the room was extremly small. There was maybe 1 1/2 feet clearence between the
wall and the foot of the bed. You could not open the bathroom door and hallway door at the
same time. It had a small two drawer dresser and what seemed to be a vintage 70’s 19" tv. It
was also the filthiest room we have ever seen. dirt on the carpet, stains on the bedspread, mold
growing on the bathroom tile and pubic hair in the bathtub. An average Motel 6 room is far
cleaner and better appointed then this room was. I was thinking of asking if there was another
room available but I figured the chances that another room would be any better was remotley
slim. We immediatly went out looking for a room in another hotel, any hotel. There were no
vacancies. At one hotel, we told the hotel employee where we were staying and she grimaced,
saying "The Milford Plaza is not a place for decent people". This would explain the mirror that
covered the entire wall facing the bed. After eating we came back to the room and tried to make
the best of it. However we could not stand the smell of smoke. I have asthma and my wife has
allergies. Plus it was hard feeling comfortable in a place so dirty. And I am not one of those
people who is concerned with a little dirt and germs. It was just that this place was way over
the top. It looked like it was not actually cleaned (other then making the bed, probably using
the same sheets over and over) for months. At 3:00am we packed up and left. The front desk
attendent did not seemed at all surprised we were leaving. (We found a room at a Sheraton in
East Rutherford NJ, which by the way was exellent.) Sure the price makes it seem like it is a
good deal but it really is not worth it. I guess this place might suffice for young guys who plan
on only using it to keep their bags and maybe crashing for a few hours, and are not concerned
with dirt. Or for men who simply want a place to take their "excorts". But for people who want

a decent , fairly clean place to stay THIS IS NOT FOR YOU>

Took my husband to New York for 40th Birthday certainly won’t forget it!! for all the wrong
reasons!! We had room 832 if you get this handed to you immediately ask to be moved. The
elevator noises started at around 6.30am. This room is directly behind them. When we popped
in during the day to drop shopping off, noise obviously constant all day. Rooms are tiny, they
may make up your bed and sort towels but there is no way they clean ie wash floors sink, bath,
etc, grubby bathroom with bits of rubbish left from previous occupants. The rooms are tiny i
could live with that as we were only there for four nights. However combine elevator noise with
central heating system and it was like being on a battlefield!!. The only good thing was the
location to all the other sights however as one reviewer said earlier its not dfficult getting around
once your in the city. If your looking for a connection from Newark airport to the city get on one
of the airport buses drops you at Port Authority terminal (central bus station) on 8th Ave then
you can get taxi from there. We messed about getting train this is much easier and cheaper.
Nice restuarant for breakfast is PIGALLE next to days hotel on 8th Ave. Thalia on 8th is also
good for evening. Lastly New York is a fantastic city for a short break book at least three days
to get over time difference. The sights are great, the food well, i have never eaten so much in all
my life we could learn a few things from the Americans, along with their politeness and friendly
attitude this was the saving grace for our special occasion.

Stayed for four nights, wish I could have found somewhere else, but finding a room in NYC at
this time of year is tough. The hotel itself is very nice, but the staff are tough to deal with,
especially on front desk where they seem eager to make you feel as miserable as you possibly can.
(NB The tickets for theater/shuttles/sports events desk was completely different - very pleasant
and helpful) The rooms are small, but relatively clean and comfortable, but beware if you have
any problems they will take hours/days to deal with. I could not get a decent TV reception on
most of my channels (it was snowing so the room seemed a better alternative to the outside) but
the engineering dept. seemed on permanent go slow and when they did arrive they couldn’t sort
it out anyway. I would recommend the place for those not wanting to spend more than five/six
sleeping hours in their rooms - for anyone else forget it. And the noise can be unbearable as well.

I never would have picked the Milford Plaza on my own, but I ended up here on business. One of
the first things you’ll notice about this place is that it’s quite popular with airline crews – you’ll
see more pilots and flight attendants here than at JFK. In fact, the airlines may be all that’s
keeping this place going, because the Milford Plaza is a definite has-been of a hotel. Apart from
one glaring problem, it’s not a BAD place to be – you can just do much better for the same
money. The Milford Plaza adheres to a soulless, 1970s/80s big hotel approach; you can definitely
see Joe Buck (John Voight’s character from "Midnight Cowboy") staying here during his first,
flush few days in NYC. The sins of the Milford Plaza? Dated decor (dark, wine-colored carpet
in the hallways – when was that last popular?), spotty cleanliness, small standardized rooms
with few extras, and, most importantly, no respite from noise. At least in my room, the window
was single-paned. So even from 20-floors below, sirens and construction noise from a street crew
woke me up all night long. Knowing the pickiness of airline crews, I can only guess that they
must be staying in interior rooms that are less noisy. Even so, noise communicates pretty well
even inside the hotel. You’ll hear a lot of doors slamming, ice machines, etc. Take your earplugs!
On the plus side, it’s a great location on 8th Avenue right around the corner from Times Square.
That may be the lone true positive. Of course, if I had to go back there, I’d spend as much time
as possible at McHale’s Bar up the street to avoid my room.

I went there with my fiance not too long ago as a birthday gift. The elevators were broken and
we had to walk up 4 flight of stairs to our room..with no apology! A continental breakfast was
included with the room...we went in to pre-packaged cakes and loose rolls and bagels on a dirty I reached for a bagel, a cockroach ran across the entire tray of baked goods! No thank’s worth any amount of additional money to stay in a nicer place!

It was very smelly and the walls are paper thin! It looked very dirty and there was a moving
barn outside the window and there was also a sign that said "Unrine Town!" One good thing is
that the hotel was really close to Times Square and all the theatres on broadway!

I took my mother here for a week and we were both Really disappointed with this hotel! The
rooms are really small The walls are paper thin The noise from outside is too much even the
pictures on the internet are false they don‘t look anything like it the room was clean but I felt i
was slumming it not a place for anyone over 25 as its more like a hostile!!!

Filthy rooms, filthy everything, falling apart washrooms, DO NOT STAY HERE!!!!

This was one of the worst hotels I have stayed at. The room was absolutely tiny, and the walls
were so thin we could hear everything in the hall. The room heater made deafening noises all
night long. There was no coffeepot or iron in the room (I thought "3 star" hotels were supposed
to have these things.) When I called reception to ask if I could request an iron temporarily, she
laughed at me and said "the only way you can get an iron would be if you brought one yourself
on your trip here." The staff at the hotel was all extremely rude and condescending- these people
feel like since they have a good location in Times Square they can treat people however they
like! I have never posted a review before but the Milford Plaza inspired me to try and prevent
people from making a mistake.

The concierge staff at Milford Plaza were all consistently rude and gave us wrong information
on shows and other points of interest. The bell staff were rude to the point of outrageousness,
yelling at guests walking by, never making eye contact, giving one word answers, etc. I wonder
if this reflects the culture of the hotel management? I’ll never go back!

We checked in Jan 17, 2003 after waiting in line for 30 min. The hotel was without water, we
were told it would be back on within the hour, 10 hours later still no water. The room was
tiny, the bathroom was tiny. The heater would not shut off, the window would not shut. Only
2 elevators were working (out of 8). A complete disaster! Its cheap, but you get what you pay
for. Only good thing is its location, around the corner from major theatres. The Marriott is just
across the street and MUCH nicer.

Just returned from a 3 night stay in the Milford Plaza. The staff were rude and unhelpful,
particularly the concierges. The rooms are tiny and not particulary clean. The decor is in
desperate need of updating with tiles and wallpaper falling from the walls. The heating was not
working and the place is freezing cold with any complaints to the staff falling on deaf ears. In
addition it is extremely noisy, the walls are paper thin and the noise from the street is deafening.
Also be aware that there are x rated movie theatres across the road.

I got stuck staying at the dump for work. My room was the smallest, dirtiest, most depressing
room I have ever been in. I think some jail cells are nicer and larger than this room.

As a flight attendant for an international hotel, I was appalled by this filthy hotel and as I told
others about my consistently horrible stays, I found out that other airline staff nickname the
Milford Plaza as THE MILDEW PLAZA HOTEL. No good, but sadly true. ugh! Location is in
the busy theater district. Janice Winslow

The Milford Staff was very consistent at making my stay at the Milford a miserable and debasing
experience. The staff was never courteous or respectful to me and my travel companions. They
never failed to give us difficulty when we simply want to go to our rooms. They always questioned
if we were hotel customers; even after we showed them our hotel key. They would always
make us register again at the desk. They would not let us sit in the lobby even when we were
paying customers. The Milford has to learn that anal retentiveness is not conducive to customer

I checked in on Friday afternoon and dropped off my luggage, then I went sightseeing and
shopping for a few hours. I came back to take and nap and immediately put my "DO NOT
DISTURB SIGN" up. I received a call from the front desk saying that the previous room left a
phone charger and may someone come up and get it...I woke up and let the man in to the room
and he got the charger. The heating system is horrific and was making loud and crazy noises
the whole was very hard to on Sunday morning i was finally sound to sleep
after not getting that much rest the previous nights, to wake up at 6:45 a.m. in the morning to
a maintinance man banging on my door. (THE DO NOT DISTURB SIGN WAS STILL UP)
He barges in telling me the room underneath me can not sleep because the heater is making
such a loud sound. After banging on the heater he than comes over to wake up my roomate
hitting her in the head with the phone....I immediately called down to the front desk and spoke
to the manager who told me that it was something they "basically had to do." He was rude and
disrespectful over the phone. I have since tried several times to speak with the General Manager
who will not return my phone calls. So, please people stay away from this rude, inconsiderate,
disrespectful, old, smelly, hotel at all cost...Pay the extra money for something nicer!!!!

I stay at the Milford almost once a month. I was there on January 17th 2004 when a water main
break in the hotel shut down the water to all rooms and cut most of the elevators. OK, they
had a major problem, but made no effort to relocate any guests, advising me to call my booking
agent. I did and only then I got relocated to another hotel. The staff at the Milford just said
they were sorry, but were basically cold as ice. My status as a regular guest meant nothing. My
status as a human being who needs water to drink and to bathe in meant nothing. I will still
be staying in Manhattan once a month, but unless I get some satisfaction from the management
of the Milford Plaza, some consession for their inhumanity I will not be staying there. I am
amazed under the circumstances the Board of Health of New York let them remain open. It was
an unhealthy and unsafe situation and I was left on my own to fins another accomodation. Well
Milford Plaza, I was a very big fan of yours but when you have no consideration for your guests,
it’s time to break off the love affair. May I suggest to my fellow travelers - stay somewhere else.

We arrived on January 22nd and were greeted by very rude and ignorant reception staff. The
room was seedy and the heating made more noise than a percussion group. I would not recom-
mend anyone stay here. The only thing good about this hotel is its location.

We stayed in the Milford Plaza for 6 nights and it was terrible, the staff were unhelpful, rude and
they lie. This is the worst hotel ive ever stayed in, the rooms were small barely big enough for
2 people to stay in let alone 4. The hotel gave us 2 beds for 3 people which were barely bigger

than a single bed and they expected 3 people all 6 foot tall to stay in. The bathroom was filthy
with mould on the ceiling and in the sink and the air vent was filled with dust (see picture). All
the metal objects in the hotel kept on giving us electric shocks. I do not recommend this hotel
to anyone who wants to have a good time because you will just argue with the staff.

This is a DUMP. I travel for a living and would not force this place on my enemy. The rooms are
so small that you have to walk sideways between the worn out beds to get between the wall and
the rest of the cube that is alloted to you. The staff is rude (yes I know new yorkers are rude)
but when you are paying them....not acceptable. As I stated I tgravel extensively and this is not
the worst place I have stayed but close, I believe the Hanoi Hilton was the worst. Don’t go. This
is the worst hotel. The staff was rude and disrespectful. We got a room with no running water!
You turned the spout and nothing came out. When we finally got to switch rooms, 24 hours
later, our new room had no toilet seat! That is just disgusting. I would recommend staying away
from this hotel.

I haven’t written a review for some time, but felt after what i had experienced i should put pen
to paper. If you dont mind paying £250.00 for a room that is clean, pleasantly decorated and
are not looking for anything else then this might be the hotel for you. However if you expect
to be able to get out of either side of the bed when the curtains are shut, require an edible
breakfast and competent staff, then you will be as bitterly disappointed with this hotel as i was.
From the ridiculously laid out room, to no turn down service, to neither of the papers we had
requested being delivered in the morning even after complaining the list goes on and on. But
the piece de resistance was being presented with a cold preformed, precooked rubber pancake for
breakfast, which i promptly sent back to be returned hot, yet ended up waiting around an hour
for a new one before giving up on breakfast entirely. No appology given by any member of staff,
who seemed to busy chatting to each other than to their guests. Would i return - not on your

Where to begin??? Was it the horribly slow, inefficent and RUDE checkin.... the resturaunt
with posted hours till’ 12 am that mysteriously closed at 9pm nightly... the ’maid-service’ that
forgets to make beds, replace dirty towels, clean. To top it off, when asked for towels we were
treated with distatin and a frown. Service at this hotel is SHABBY, SHAMEFUL and just plain
CRAPPY. I pray that no one lives through this hell that is called the Milford Plaza, otherwise
known as ’The Rat Trap.’ I highly recommend staying at the new Westin in Times Square or
otherwise, as this property is outdated, overpriced, not well trained and just plain dirty. Oh, and
one other thing... Don’t use their Theatre Tickets counter. Their help doesn’t follow through
with promises and are totally unknowlegable about thetare in the area. NOT WORTH THE

I have stayed at the Arosfa twice now and the only reason I would stay elsewhere in London,
well there are two reasons. If I ever win the lottery I intend to book in at Clarridge’s. But, since
I don’t play the lottery, the only other reason I would book elsewhere is to do self-catering. Yes,
the rooms are tiny. Yes, the bathrooms are hilarious (I had my elbow in the sink when sitting
on the toilet! but at least I had my own toilet). Yes, there is no elevator. And yes, you may
have to share a table at breakfast if it is a busy time. But if you do your research and know
better than to expect an American-style hotel experience, you will enjoy the Arosfa. Or, you
can pay many times the price and get an American style hotel room elsewhere. But who goes to
London to spend time in their hotel room anyway? The Arosfa is in a good neighborhood, just
a few minutes walk to a tube station. It is about halway in between and easy walking distance

to either the British Library or the British museum. The only problem with the location is the
Waterstone’s directly across the street. This proved to be a problem as the first time I stayed
there, when I checked in at the airport, I had to take books out of my suitcase because it was
over the weight limit! The rooms are tiny but otherwise pleasant and clean. Each room has its
own tiny bathroom and there is a television in your room if you need to check the weather, etc.
The breakfast is simple, but filling, with a choice of several cold cereals, plus toast, juice, tea,
eggs and meat. There is also a pub around the corner that serves decent hot meals. And the
cabbies can’t believe you’re getting that location at that price!

Ohmygod! This was the worst hotel we’ve ever stayed in. Luckily we were there during the
infamous NYC Blackout in 2003 and we had to sleep on the pavement outside which we were
more than happy to do. On arrival our room key didnt work and we were made by the unhelpful
staff to keep going between queueing at reception for 20 mins at a time and our room 5 times
before it finally unlocked the door. When we eventually got into the room it was tiny, needed a
revamp and the lobby was grotesque! Not what you need after a trans-Atlantic flight. DO NOT

when a arrived the we got pushed to book to have brakefast in the morning it was meant to be
£6 but cause we didn’t really want it he put it to £5 and pushed us into having it. All wot we
got was toast which was tesco vaule bread and cerals which u couldn’t eat because there was
gone off milk. there was old bed mattresses blocking door the place was a mess and half the
lights didn’t work. the staff were very rude and we got ripped off big time. couldn’t get any
sleep there were banging doors all night.

Firstly the hotel man on reception was VERY rude upon arrival. When i went up to my room,
the floor/carpet was sticky. The bed consisted of a SHEET yes, a SHEET not a quilt, a SHEET,
it was freezing. But this wasnt any sheet... i inspected it to find it was stained with...BLOOD.
IT was splattered with blood. I was itching so badly whilst sat on that bed and decided i couldnt
stay there for 3 days. So i asked for my money back, and thought they would give it me back
seems as id not stayed in the room, just popped my suitcase and inspected it. But no. The
hotel man was very rude and said he would not give me a refund. I said iv payed for a poor
SPLATTERED SHEETS WITH BED BUGS!!! He said no i cant have my money back. When
i asked to speak to the manager - suprise suprise its the managers day off.. how convenient.
So i told him he’d better call him and tell him i want a refund. The man on reception said he
didnt know how to work the card machine (yet he knew how to work it when i used it to pay
before i saw the room...) anyway - the manager told him to give me back a measly £30. I told
the reception man about the bed bugs - he said SHOW ME THE BEDBUGS SHOW THEM
EVERYONE ELSE DO Anyhow i went further on and found a hotel a tiny TINY bit cleaner
still though with just a sheet for a bed, absolutely freezing and im going to have to sleep in my
clothes tonight as it really is that cold. I will never trust a hotel in London again. DISCUSTING.
The park hotel is the worst i have ever stayed in. Not even fit for a dog to live in.

I booked this ’"hotel" 4 months in advance and received an email from them the day before i was
due to arrive that my credit had been declined and my booking thus cancelled.This is a thing
they do often i have since found out because they are then full and can rent your room out for
more than you had agreed to pay when booking early.When i phoned them to inquire what had
happened they just told me they had no explanation and it was my problem.When i said you’ll

give your "hotel" a bad name they just laughed and said we already have a bad name and we
are not bothered about it or what people [guests] say.Still,having since read reports over this
craphouse it was probably a blessing in disguise —
We arrived to this hotel with my fiance in late November. The only thing good about this hotel
is the location which is near Victoria station and has good connection with airports and you can
walk to some main attractions. The room was absolutely terrible, the sink in the bathroom was
ready to fall, its a pity I didn’t take any photos but I didn’t want to spoil my mood with that.
Floor was very dirty, sheets on the bed seemed that they hadn’t been changed for some time
(they had stains on them).The stuff was polite but they should spend some money on the hotel
itself. If you want to stay near the center without spending much money, I wouldn’t recommend
this hotel. Its better to stay at one of the suburbs with a good connection with the tube.

According to Tripadvisor’s readers (Survey published Jan 28, 2010), this is the 3rd dirtiest hotel
in Europe. I’m amazed that there are two hotels in Europe considered dirtier than this one.
You can read the reviews of this hotel anywhere in this thread. I have nothing to add to those
readers’ comments about the level of disgustitude this place evokes. Can someone tell me if there
is a London Health Authority (or some other government agency) that inspects hotels for safety,
cleanliness, and other basics? Can someone tell me why the British Tourist Authority (near
Victoria Station) actually recommends this place to travellers? I loved our night at the Park. It
has given me a greater appreciation for just about every other of the hundreds of hotels in the
world where I have stayed.

The worst , worst , worst hotel in the world , they have not heard of the word ’cleanliness’ ...just
a filthy depressing place to stay

I saw this on the list and went to my pictures to see if it was the same place I stayed at the first
time I went to London. Yep I remember it well. I thought there weren’t any maids so I put a
little L on my sheet in pencil and it was there the whole 4 discusting days we stayed. We didn’t
take our shoes off on the floor and wore flip flops in the shower as well. I have the same bad
pictures as everyone else of this hotel. Not only was is gross but, the man at the desk was just
plain rude to me because I asked which coins to use in the soda machine. He was also just plain
rude to us the whole stay but, only yessed at me that one time I asked which coins to use. I
remember having to carry all our luggage up to the third floor I think and I didn’t pack light for
my first trip overseas. It was definately not a good first impression of the uk. Take a biohazard
suit with you for this hotel!

My mother and I stayed at the Park Hotel for 2 nights earlier this week. First, there is no
elevator/lift, so you will be forced to carry your luggage up numerous flights of stairs (5 flights
for us). Next is the room. Upon walking into the room, an overwhelming smell hits you...I can’t
describe it, but suffice to say that it was not pleasant. The bathroom is, LITERALLY, a closet
that was converted to a bathroom. It was probably about 5 feet by 4 feet. ...oh, the bathroom
smelled worse than the room, itself, if that is possible! The room was hot and there was no way
to adjust the temperature. This turned out to be a minor problem since it was January and we
were able to open a window...but in Summer, opening the window would not help. Now...the
kicker: BED BUGS. I’m not exaggerating either. I woke up in the middle of the night, itching
all over... I turned on the light and found that I had welts all over my body, except for where I
was clothed. It was horrendous! I completely agree with another poster here, who stated that
any hotel site that lists this hotel as an option should reevaluate their criteria for listings.

this hotel is the worst of all! i stayed there with my girlfriend in september, and we woke up
in the middle of the night on our first night after a long day of travel from mexico, with bed
bugssssss horrible, i payed 2 nights and no cash at all was refund! they told us they didnt had the
money in the hotel beacuase the manager has it! so i never got anything. and still the employee
told "you cant come here and wake me up in the middle of the night to get a refund" come at
10 where manager is back, at 10 manager wasnt there! jaja joke of place . rooms are small ,
bathroom is awful , and the beds are so dirty! it seems they have been there for 30 years or
more! i went to a hotel next door of this crab, ant they told me that park hotel has been the
worst hotel in 3 consecutive years, on belgrave road, i checked out inmmediatly and went to the
best western , where service rooms quality was very good ! after that i prefer to pay more than
staying in that horrible hotel! please trust me dont go there it stinks!!

it was a hell hole...... no water in the shower, spoke to man on reception said it took a while cos
we were on 4th floor a while over 1 hour 30 mins later still no water not even a trickle. not the
most helpful staff. after big discusion said would move us to another hotel only if we paid the
difference. not even a sorry from them for inccoveniece finally refunded some of the money only
after going on about the cancellation policy... i don’t think its to much to have running water in
a shower.... fire door on TOP floor blocked no other way out if there was a fire we woulda been
toast.... don’t think its a safe place wouldn’t even let a rat stay there!!!!!!

Do not stay here until they’ve rectified basic health code/honest service violations. When we
arrived, the clerk showed us the room and suggested that we would want to find another place
to stay. He showed us the mold and the non-working faucet. We were not offered a discount.
We were offered the chance to pay for one night and move on. The sheets appeared to be clean.
The rest of the place was not. The white shower curtain, easy to change, was covered in black
mold. The bed cover and curtain in the room were covered with clear/whitish crusty stuff. The
location is good, but paying more than 6 Euros/Pounds a night to stay here is too much if you
are in the country legally and not trying to hide. I am not a neat-freak, and am a very cheap
person, and this was still unacceptable.

Very tired decor. No hot water. Cold water leaked onto bathroom floor. Bare wires in LIVE
light fitting! Loose stair carpet. Fire escape door used to store vacuum cleaner. Hope they are
well insured as it is a disaster waiting to happen!!!!

This is not a hotel, it is a hostel, and a terrible one at that. The first room we were given had
no running water, no shower, and was roughly the size of a stock room. The door hit the bed on
the way in. The place is falling apart. Breakfast consisted of coffe and toast, that was all that
was available, continental it is not! This place has no formal stars awarded, bone at all, and I’m
not suprised, it is listed as a two star on this site, but I have checked with the tourist board,
and it is not listed. When we complained, it was suggested we take a shower in another room in
the morning. We didn’t accept that, and were reluctantly moved to another room. This one had
matter dripping out if an extractor fan onto the toilet, which itself was contained within what
can only be described as some sort of tiny plastic diving chamber that comprises the shower,
toilet and sink. Vile. Vile. Vile. This should be delisted from any self respecting hotel site.

The standard of this hotel was completely unacceptable. I had no choice but to leave after
the first night. The issues I encountered were as follows: CLEANING The hotel was generally
unclean, and the room I was given (# 7) in particular was filthy: 1) The balcony outside the room
was littered with cigarette butts and other rubbish 2) The carpet in the room was soiled, shabby

and had not been vacuumed 3) The draws of the bedside were covered in stains 4) The bed
linen was torn and stained 5) The room had a stench of dampness 6) Due to concerns regarding
cleanliness of the room, I felt uncomfortable about the hygiene risks of using the bed. Instead
I kept my clothes on, covered the bedding with spare clothes and slept rather uncomfortably in
that state. 7) The floor, hand basin, toilet and shower unit in the bathroom so dirty I was not
able to make use of the bathroom at all. MAINTENANCE The overall standard of maintenance
of the hotel and my room (# 7) was very poor: 1) There were large holes punched in the walls
that had not been repaired 2) The plumbing made an extremely loud noise for at least 2 minutes
after I or occupants of other rooms flushed the toilet 3) The wardrobe unit was flimsy, unstable
and had folded up maps jammed underneath it to prevent it from falling over INTERNET WiFi
internet service was offered at 3 pounds per day. This worked well on the first evening of my stay,
however on the following morning it was impossible to access the internet, and shortly after the
WiFi router was switched off altogether by the person on duty at reception. Note that there are
other free WiFi internet services with good signal strength that can be accessed from the room
I was staying in. It was from there I made a booking for another hotel which is less expensive
and much nicer. BATHROOM In addition to being unclean, the bathroom was dilapidated and
extremely small. Sitting on the toilet in an upright position was impossible as the hand basin
was located in such a position to prevent this. The shower unit was big enough for a small
child at best, not that I would not subject a child (or anyone else) to using the bathroom in
the first instance. RUDE SERVICE I encountered several problems with the person on duty at
reception: 1) He accused me of over-using the WiFi service and causing it to fail (anyone with
any technical knowledge of internet technology would know this is a ridiculous accusation) 2)
He demanded that I "SPEAK LOUDER" when discussing the issue of payment for the WiFi
service. Note that I had concerns about the reliability of the internet service when I checked in
due to the shabby state of the hotel reception area, and was provided the access password in
advance to ensure the system would work. The "SPEAK LOUDER" incident occurred after the
WiFi service had stopped working. 3) When I enquired as to how long it would be before the
internet service would be restored I was given the response "I don’t know". I asked whether it
might be an hour, the morning, the day... still the answer was "I don’t know". 4) When checking
out I attempted to advise the manager of these issues. He spoke over me and never gave me the
opportunity to explain my reasons for checking out early. BREAKFAST Breakfast was offered
for 2 pounds. All that was available was corn flakes, rice bubbles, orange juice, coffee, bread
and some spreads. It was poorest breakfast I have ever seen, let alone for a hotel. DEMAND
FOR FURTHER PAYMENT / REFUND REFUSAL When I informed the manager that I was
leaving, he demanded payment for the WiFi internet service (which had failed by this time)
and the breakfast (which as stated above was completely unsatisfactory). The manager stated
nonetheless that I should pay for these services. Furthermore, even though the manager was
fully aware that no refund was available upon early checkout for the remaining two days booked,
he stated that I should contact to seek a refund. This was an obvious, outright
and extremely insulting lie. Given the hotel had received payment for the following two nights
of the booking, the WiFi service had failed, the breakfast was unacceptable and I had paid for
two unused nights of accommodation I refused to pay for these services, and even then felt very
much ripped off! SUMMARY In the country I come from (New Zealand) this hotel would be
closed down on the basis of both poor hygiene and unfair trading practices. I hope no one else
has the misfortune of booking this hotel.

This is the worst! Not only is it dirty, it’s moisty and smelly. We even had water coming from
the ceiling in the toalett through the down-lights! So this is also a DANGEROS place to stay!
Terrible service, when I asked for a new room they asked if I was sliping in the bed or in the


I only needed one night at a hotel in London and I choose this because of its availability. The
room was terrible, the bedsheets unclean as was the room itself. To top this the receptionist was
extremely rude. It operates with a curfew where you need to be in at 1am at the latest. Even
though this clearly is a budget hotel it is simply of a far too low standard. I cannot understand
that it stays open. I will certainly never stay there again. You can easily find other hotels in the
area at almost the same price.

I’ve been travelling for 25 yrs. I slept in camping, Youth hostels, apartments, hotels, in trains,
in railway stations... But this is reallu the worst! The arrival: you have to pay in advance....
maybe because they ae sure that after a first look at the room you’ll escape The room: dirty is
not enough. Bottle caps and dust on the floor, blood stains on the wall, snack packs everywhere,
no wardrobe and no place where to hang your clothes, a broken and dirty bedside table. I put a
white shirt in the drawer without looking in it and there was a yellow liquid that made a large
stain in it... had to find a laundry to have it clean for the evening after. The tv has no remote and
you must be at least 175 cm tall to switch it on and change programs. Electricity facilities are
dangerously made.... and the tv could fall on your bed You can see all the pictures in this picasa
web album: The bathroom:
smaller than possible, with mould stains everywere, a constant sewer odour. Iy was impossible
to wash your teeth wihout soaking your feet, because of the water dipping from the broken sink.
The breakfast: entered the so called breakfast room. Not even tried to taste..... The 1am policy:
you can’t go back the hotel after 1 am... Nobody is there to keep it open... if you’re late you’ll
sleep in the street....

we booked this hotel because it said it was cheap but clean, we were going to see Take That at
wembley so its only a room for the night eh! its no wonder they make you pay before you see the
room otherwise i think i would have taken my chances on finding another hotel, but i guess thats
what they play on, that everything else is much more expensive and full at weekends. the room
was filthy, the toilet seat was hanging off, if you sat on it your knees hit the door and i had one
foot in the shower, and i am only 5.8. the wardrobe door was falling off, there were no handles
on the bedside drawer, tea and coffee had been wet and allowed to dry out, but this didn’t really
matter as there was no kettle. the curtains couldnt be pulled fully as they were hanging off. the
road is incredibly noisy at night, i could go on but i am sure you get the picture. NEVER VISIT
THIS HOTEL. steve and katy.

went down to london this weekend and deciced we would stay rather than come home late at
night and booked into park hotel.we were lucky the room we were allocated sleeps five and as
there was only two of us we thought we would have plenty of space.when entering the room there
was four beds all pushed together and all of them were disgusting.this room sleeps five but not
us two forget the money we travelled home it was easier to cut our losses rather than to lose time
off work due to the various deseases we would have caught had we stayed there.BE WARNED

The bathroom was so small, that we had our knees in the door. The doorknob fall out when I
touched it. It leaked water from the tap. We had to beg for towels every second day. The Hotel
was not cleaned up. A smokedetector wouldnt work properly, and made sounds outside our door
for two days. The manager got angry when I asked him to put an end to this noise.

After making a late online booking into the Corbigoe which is apparently the Park’s sister hotel
I was greeted by the most depressed looking receptionist on arrival. He informed me that the
Corbigoe was fully booked and that a room was available at the Park Hotel. I was escorted into
the basement of the Park by a staff member and offered the opportunity to look at the room
before I payed. I could not believe the room that they were suggesting that I stay in. The room
was virtually the size of the double bed with a tiny sink in the corner. It was damp and stunk
to high heaven. I would have not let my dog sleep in there for the night. I fled with my life and
headed to the nearby Best Western. The park hotel is a total joke and dont say that you have
not been warned. Tired looking decor and staff alike. AVOID AT ALL COST even at £45 a
night! Would I recommend a friend would i *ollocks!

It was a nightmare. Very small room (just me and a single bed), too dirty, no hot water, no
heating, no service. And they wanted me to pay twice for it. Keep away from this hotel.

My friend had booked a brilliant trip to London as a present for my 21st Birthday, and we
planned to stay at Park Hotel! When we got to the hotel, the man at reception seemed pretty
depressed - not the best way to greet new guests! We were given our room and when we got
into it we could not believe our eyes....the room was tiny, smelled and didnt appear very clean
at all! On a closer inspection the bed looked like it hadnt been changed in weeks, the toilet was
absolutely tiny - It actually looked like a portaloo had been stuck onto the side of the room,
but also managed to fit a shower and a sink, so it was impossible to move in it. The light in
the toilet was hanging off, which is pretty dangerous considering its surrounded by water. The
mould and grime on the window/door was revolting (please look at my pictures), and when the
bedside drawer was opened we were faced with a half eaten jar of jam, tub of nutella and lots of
crumbs! This proved that the room hadnt been cleaned properly for our arrival! :-( The room
also had no lock on the door from the inside, so you wouldnt have felt safe during the night. We
left our luggage in the hotel, and went to enjoy the start of our holiday. The hotel makes you
leave your key at the reception which on looking back was a bad sign. After we left we decided
that we couldnt stay there, so we phoned the hotel and they agreed to change our room when we
got back from our day out. When we arrived back at the hotel, the receptionist, still as happy as
ever, told us that he had moved all our luggage to a different room, in a DIFFERENT HOTEL
without informing us. We tried to kick up a fuss about it as they had done this without telling us
anything, when they did have a contact number to do so, but the man was extremely rude and
didnt see what was so wrong with what he had done. I asked to look in the room which we were
in, to ensure that no personal belongings had been missed, but he wouldnt let us, and said the
room was being used by other guests already, which i highly doubt because nobody could stay
there. He then told us to follow him to the other hotel, and whilst following him, he never said
a word to us, not a single sorry passed his lips. On arriving at the other hotel, and after being
shown our room - which was no better, i asked the man for his name incase anything turned
out to be missing. He told us that we had to check our luggage infront of him to ensure that
nothing was missing, and that as soon as he left he was not being held responsible for anything.
I kept asking him for his name, which he refused to give us, and would only give us his managers
name and the hotels phone number. He then walked out and left us to it. Still no apology! :-(
We decided that we couldnt stay in the new hotel either as it was just as unclean. This one was
called the Corbigoe Hotel. So we decided to find another hotel and stay there. I would no way
recommend any of these hotels. For a cheap and cheerful hotel i would recommend the hotel we
eventually found which was - an easyjet hotel on Belgrave Road too. Please look
at my attached pictures.

We have spent 4 nights on beginning of January this year. It has been a true nightmare! The
room was very small The bathroom is a plastic 1x1 meter cabinet inside the room; disgusting
smells. All was dirty – all blankets were stained (of what?); All furniture was broken (no hangers
for towels, neither for toilet paper. . . ) No closet or places to keep your belongings. The window
glass was broken and the heating system unadequate or off (on the coldest January of the
century?!) The breakfast. . . after a first attempt, we decided for Starbucks (Please!) It’s not
just uncomfortable: you fear you could sleep with cockroachs! The Hotel managers: apparently
helpful, but aimed to cheat you, even for few pounds.

Where do I start.... The hotel says 3 minute walk from Victoria yet it took me 20 minutes the
other day (and I walk fast). I had a room on the ground floor that looked nothing like the one on
the picture.... The carpet was in two pieces and a repair had been attempted. It was unclean and
the kettle was yellow. The bathroom was like a world of its own.... There was deep soil deposits
in the toilet from the lack of cleaning and half the walll had fallen off under the sink because of
damp. The shower looked like it hadnt been cleaned ever...... Seriously, I am considering ringing
the environmental health as people should not be allowed to stay in rooms like this even despite
the cost. If you value your health you will not book here... I have photos and will upload shortly

Worst hotel we have ever stayed at. The concierge (whose name I believe is Con) is the rudest
person we have come across. Please avoid this hotel at all cost.

I booked the hotel with my friends and was so happy that we’ll see London!!! When we arrived-
2 pm, the rooms were not ready!!! Give us one room down /down first floor/ an one on the
first floor. Was terrible - without daylight, cold and small rooms, very very dirty . We asked to
change our rooms, but.... The room for the breakfast was too very small - for 5 persons. All day
we go around London and then go to the pubs for dinner and beer because we must be drunk to
go again in this hotel in our rooms. And for the end- I payed with my credit card but the hotel
blocked deposit one night. When i arrived asked on the reception and told me that everything
will be ok . I come back to Bulgaria , pass one month but my money are still blocked from park
hotel. I sending two e mails to the hotel and nothing!!!

Where do i start! We turned up to the shabby Park Hotel to be greeted with a grunt from a
man behind a glass window. ’Name!’ So i replied hoping that our booking had all gone through
ok and we had a room for the night seeing as it was now 9pm on a Friday night and we were
shattered. Finally a piece of paper was slapped in front of me and i was told to sign. Next the
man popped up and said right ur not staying here, ill take you to another hotel down the road.
Me and my missus kinda looked at each other and thought ok. We were escorted to an ever
shabbier hotel with stick on signs called the ’CORBIGOE’ obviously a chain. Here there was a
lot of talking in what i think was Urdu, then we were given a huge key and told our room was
on the 1st floor. 3 Floors up! we found our room, the door kinda of fell open key or no key,
the gap was so huge a small child could have probably sqeezed their way in. Wow the room!
Ok it was something from the dark ages, the curtains were hanging off the bedding was filthy, it
stank of excrement and smoke. The bed was slammed to the wall and there was another rockety
bunk bed in there. The view was a brick wall, the plug sockets were the acient 3 pin type to
stop anyone using power (no mobile phone charging). And the wardrobe was hanging open as
it was missing 2 legs. I opened the bathroom and had to quickly shut it again before i caught
something, the tv was hanging off a bracket and sparked as i turned it on. I think i found HELL!
We quickly went downstairs and made a complaint. The man their then made us wait as others
were booked in, constantly being told their cards wouldnt work in the VISA machine. A couple

passed us and shouted at them man ’There better be a blanket in our room later its like the
north pole in there’ . They stomped out. Finally after about half hour the man spoke to us
and showed us 3 other rooms all generally as bad as each other, none as bad the first but still
dangerous to your health to stay in. Next we were told right we can go back to the Park and
be shown some rooms there, they were just as bad, one even smelt like a gas leak! We had had
enough by this time and told the guy were going, he said ok and that we would be charged for
one night, he in fact did not even contact the travel company and if it hadnt been for me doing
this i would have been charged for another night. So 10.30pm off we go in search for another
hotel and may i recommend the Novatel! You get what u pay for in London! So in a nutshell, the
staff are useless liars. The hotel should be shut down and quarantined and anyone advertising it
on their websites should remove it before they are sued!

I’d rather lick my big toes than stay in this hotel again. It’s as simple as that. Where do I
start with listing the problems of this hotel? Ok, I’ll go from the start. We arrived at the hotel
around 1pm, and squeezed up to the reception hole in the wall. After telling the receptionist of
our booking he told us the credit card we had used didn’t work so we had to be moved down the
road to a different hotel. We followed the man to the reception of another hotel where he told us
we would be staying. The man at the new hotel said he didn’t want us, so like a heard of cattle
we were ushered back to the original ’Park Hotel’. Once there he told us he had a room for us,
however there wasn’t enough beds in the room, so he would arrange for a mattress to be put on
the floor for a 10 pound discount. Reluctantly, and with no other option, we accepted and made
out way to the room. We then couldn’t get into the room because it was still being ’cleaned’.
The guy who was cleaning was taking so long messing around I offered to hoover up for him, just
to get rid of him and so we could get into our room. It was hardly cleaned as it was, cans outside
the window from previous guests, a manky shower/toilet room, no towels and no toilet paper.
The view from the window was spectacular, a breeze block and a metal bar! The bathroom was
a box in the corner, where the toilet was placed so you couldn’t sit on it with the door closed.
The shower curtain looked like it had previously been a piece of wallpaper, and the pipe to the
shower head provided most of the water to the shower, not the shower head. London is a great
place though, despite the attitude of some of the officers of the law. But stay well away from
The Park Hotel in Victoria. The tenner discount was all well and good, but I wouldn’t stay in
this hotel again for free!

We stayed there for 5 days. No clean sheets, no clean (dry) towels, no hot water in the bath
(sometimes no water at all), and there was mould in the bath because the ventilation was
inoperative. Terrible smell from the bathroom. No cleaning of the room while we lived there.
Old dirt on walls and doors in room. Breakfast in a room which was about 9 square meters, to
guests from 19 rooms. We chose to eat breakfast in a park nearby.

The room was unbelievable. The "bath room" was even worse. My kids (10 and 12 years old)
refused to use it. And there were no towels!! Breakfast was from 8.00 to 9.30. Not a very wide
range. But if you arrive at the very narrow breakfast room at 9.10, coffee is out. And if you
ask for new coffee this is denied with the words that the breakfast time ends at 9.30. This hotel
cannot be recommended, absolutely not.

What a dump In my room there was not even enough room to swing a mouse let alone a cat.
The room was dirty, the bathroom was disgusting so much so that taking a shower was out of the
question. You need to be seriously drunk to contemplate staying in this hotel for the night, do
youself a favour get arrested and spend the night in a cell .....far more pleasant surroundings. We

did notice a large rat trap in the yard amongst the beer cans and fag ends, totally unnecessary no
self respecting rat would stay in this hotel. Ok it was cheap but even if it was free it would still
be poor value for money. Avoid it like the plague, which is probably what you’ll leave London
with if you stay here.

WHAT THE? We were placed on the top floor in a room that appears to have been bigger than
most. The toilet/shower was absolutely disgraceful - full of mould and a filthy stench coming
from the drain. The actual shower wasnt big enough to bathe a baby in. The weather was
atrocious - which I only mention because it was reflected in our room. The bed and all of the
blankets/sheets were soaking wet because the roof was leaking all over it. We ended up having
to move the bed (which was actually a mattress sitting on wooden boxes) into another position
in the room because of the rain. Renovations were being completed in the room next door to
us, although these only ever occurred from 11.00 pm until the early hours of the morning. The
builders were obviously nocturnal. We stayed here for 4 nights and at the end of it, we were both
really sick. We went to check out to find the doorman asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor of
reception. We gratetfully threw the keys in his general direction and walked out. I think I would
have much rather stayed on a bench in the local park, which I will probably be doing should we
again find ourselves in the same position. After having stayed at a large number of hostels, this
hotel is only good for knocking down. Do yourself a favour and don’t even consider it.

My Sister And I Just Got Back From A 1 Night Stay At The Park Hotel, 1 Night Was All We
Needed, It Was Awfull, We Arrived Around 2pm In the Afternoon, the phrase "dont judge a
book by is cover" is SO true in this case. he road and outside of he hotel looks amazing very high
class but inside it looked like a council flat. we waited around 30 mins at reseption because no
one was there, another person infornt of us has been waiting even longer, When somone finally
arrived he spoke very bad enlish and was very hard to understand. We Finally got our room
key and paid by cash but was shocked to discover if you pay via cash you have to pay a £2
service charge, what service? We Droped Out Bags off and headed into london, we were seeing
a concert so we were not planning on spending any real time in the hotel, just to sleep really.
We arrived back at he hotem around midnight, As before there was no one in reception, after
around 20 mins i noticed a man outside smoking i asked if he worked there and he said "yeah,
why" i said well we want the keys to our room, he was very rude and seemed annoyed he had to
stop smoking and do what he is paid to do. The Room we were in #9 was like a prison, it was
small, smelly and very unclean, We booked a room with 2 double beds, we only got 1 double
and 1 single, here was only 2 of us and it costed us £60 for 1 night. The beds in the room were
hard and smelly, it was the worst nights sleep i have ever had. he bathroom made me sick, it
was more like a cupboard, the toilet was brown with durt, the shower had no holder so you had
to hold it to take a shower, he floor was uneven and when you ook a shower the whole tfloor was
in a centermeter of water. The breakfast was no even worth looking at, the cerial was in wha
can only be described as a drinks despencer, god knows how long it had been there, All in all
it was the WORST hotel i have ever stayed in, i was noisy, smelly and unclean, how i can call
itself a hotel is beyond me.

It was the WORST hotel I’ve ever stayed!!! I booked for 3 nights, but it was SOOOOO terrible
that i ran away from the hotel after the first night. I asked them to pay me back for the other
2 nights, but of course they said NO! My room was on the 4th floor and i had a heavy suitcase
so i asked for their help, but they said NO! They were very very rude in many ways!! The room
was extremely filthy!!! The coffee cup wasn’t cleaned!!! Tiny room, noise from other rooms and
the street and tiniest bathroom I’ve ever seen...! I’m a small Japanese girl, but it was so hard

to take shower in the tiny bathroom and of course the entire bathroom got soaked!! I knew I
wasn’t going to get the money back, but I didn’t wanna ruin my wonderful vacation in London,
so I went to look for another hotel on the first night. I wasted 80 pounds(for 2 nights), but I’m
glad I changed the hotels!! If you wanna have a great experience in London, pay a little more to
stay somewhere else! I paid 50 pounds(only 10 pounds more than Park hotel), and I got a really
nice hotel. I hope my review will help somebody who wants to enjoy their trip!!

The room where I stayed was tiny: 2,2 x 2,2 meters. The carpets and walls are dirty and filthy.
The light has to be switch on outside the room. The paint on the wall is dirty and there are
holes in the wall. There is no chest board and the room is furnitured by an old TV, placed on an
old broken piece of furniture, has bad reception and faulty action bottoms. The room heating
is not working and the proprietor borrowed me an electrical heating fan. The bed is too small
for tall people and the mattress is dangerous for people with a fragile back. There is a toilet
and a tiny shower, with unfinished blank wood, all dirty, filthy and dangerously exposed with
nails. I injured myself my first day, so be vaccinated against tetanus. Careful, nails are also on
the old dirty carpets of the sleeping room, so never walk with bare feet. Anyway, you would
not dare because it’s too dirty. There is also a big hole on the floor of the WC with broken
tiles where cold draft is coming blowing cold air continously into your room. Do not look at the
curtains which haven’t been washed since ages. The breakfast is joke: 4 half slices of cheap and
chewing gum like toast, only 1 sort of jam, but you can choose between cheapish tea and worn
out coffee. Eastern European staff, poorly dressed and clearly demotivated, serve the breakfeast.
Continental Hotel in the Westend is the cheapest hotel in London I have been in, however the
money is not worth its value. It’s dirty, cold, with a permanent draft so that you easily risk to
catch a cold. Even for one who has a tight budget, saving a few pounds for a dirty hole, risking
your health by hurting yourself with rusty nails, eventually ending up with sepsis or a tough
flu, is not worth the money you are saving. The whole standard of the hotel is unacceptable,
below any level of acceptance with rooms comparable to a prison hole. In the poorest places of
underdeveloped Bolivia, I had much better accommodation in small but clean rooms provided
by poor locals than in posh London. Even in underdeveloped countries, the very existence of
dirty holes like in the Continental Hotel in London would be closed down. A cheap pension in
Spain offers at least impeccably clean rooms. I understood from an Irish visitor that Continental
Hotel even advertised in Ireland. Do not be tricked into the low prices! The only positive thing I
can say about this hotel is that the location is good. In spite of the cheap hotel fare (I payed 20
£ for a night), it’s neglected, dirty and overpriced. It’s a shame for London to allow these hotels
to operate. The local London authorities should seriously consider to regulate the hotel market
for the upcoming Olympics and close down some of these so-called hotels like the Continental
in Norfolk square for the sake of the international reputation of London and to improve the bad
image investors have about this place. In all: this hotel was the greatest nightmare and the worst
hotel in my life, just the rats were missing (probably I had the chance not to see them). There
were no CCTV cameras, so there are also great security concerns if you leave anything like fancy
clothes in your room. Anyone can ask for your key. There are no efforts at all to maintain this
place and the filth and dirt is just disgusting, so never bring your wife or girl-friend into this
place. The whole place is a disregard for travellers.

Ended up staying here as we orignally booked a room at Norfolk hotel few doors away (could be
a scam as ive noticed a few people have said the same). Entered the building to an awful smell
that i cant even describe and a man walking around looking like he just left a mental home!!!!!!!
As you walk up the stairs you get the smell of a sewage and in every corner of the hallway there
are bags of rubbish!!!! We had a family room for 4 people, there were 4 beds, a tv (which didnt

work). The carpet was not hoovered with tissue on the floor. The curtain rail was hanging off
the wall and the net curtain half falling off and looked like it had NEVER been cleaned!!! The
toilet and shower was brown and had limescale all over it, We moved the bed side cabinet to hold
the toilet door closed to keep the smell of sewage out of the room. We even had to run over to
mcdonalds to use there toilet as we didnt want to use the one in the room. After our nite out we
returned to the hotel and slept in our clothes as didnt want to touch the bed sheets. Insted of
using the pillows which had stains on we used our coats. We had a family room which supposed
to be for 4 people but we couldnt even all stand up at the same time as it was so small. Overall
it was a terrible experience and in future we will be booking into well known hotels.

had a nights stay in a place that calls it self continental. sorry its not me my son and my mate
stayed over saturday night and at around mid night we havd quite a number of visitors being
bed bugs told the guy on reception but no rooms so we had to stay in the room he did give us
clean sheets and promised the maid would clean it in the morning ha so slept with the lights on
and was up at 5am manager said next morning so sorry its an old building . am so sorry its a
[–] ps its £70 a nite my advise is if you book here sleep in the car or on the streets.

We took this hotel only because our original hotel (Avon) decided to give away one of our rooms
and tried to persuade us to share. We looked at one of our rooms and assumed that the other
would be similar. How wrong can you be? The general appearance of the hotel was shabby,
but clean. However, when we entered the second room late that evening (number 15, which was
on the third floor) it was so tiny that the basin was in the room, leaving no space for either a
wardrobe or a chest of drawers. The black and red carpet had more black than when it was made,
the inside of the toilet was brown, the toilet seat was broken and the counterpane was covered
in stains from top to bottom. When I went downstairs to complain, I was told that I should
have looked earlier and offered No 17, which was on the fourth floor, but the receptionist could
or would not tell me whether it was any bigger. "We’ve got 100 rooms. How do you expect me
to know all of them!" was the helpful reply. Luckily, my son had been given a triple, so I slept in
their room that night - I didn’t fancy climbing four flights of stairs to find another pigsty. I was
given a ground floor room the next day (different receptionist), which was at least clean. Don’t
hold out too much hope for the continental breakfast. It is toast and marmalade and either tea
or coffee. However, I must point out that the breakfast room and what I could see of the kitchen
were spotless and the girls there very pleasant. By the way, I have given this place one mark,
but only because the form did not allow me to put none! The only saving grace was the price,
but even that did not make up for the room and lack of service. The place needs gutting.

I stayed at the continental room for a night with my boyfriend, i wouldnt recommend this hotel
at all. I stayed in a double room, the bed sheets were itchy and rough , but at least the white
sheets seemed clean. The carpet however was a bit dirty with cigarette burns on the floor, and
a big hole was in the floor where a shabby radiator lay. The tv wasnt working well and only 2
or 3 channels appeared leaving little choice of what to watch. As for the curtains as i went to
close them, the net curtain broke, and fell to to the floor, leaving me to climb up and try and fix
it, then i wanted to close the window, incase i fell out, only to realise i couldnt , cause it could
not close, it was stuck. All this not to mention the smoky and stale smell of the room, in fact
the whole hotel. i tried to get a refund, and was told by a rude receptionist , they dont give
refunds. All this for a £45 double room. I wanted a romantic Night for me and my boyfriend,
jus a little getaway fun night together, This place certainly took the fun out of what we had
planed!!! Verdict : TERRIBLE.

away. My wife and I stayed here from June 30th through July 2nd 2009 on the first leg of our
European Honeymoon. Upon checking in to the hotel we were surprised to find out they had a
room ready for us at 8am the day of check-in, unfortunately, this is where the happiness ended.
The rooms are small in even European standards and the water temperature and pressure for the
shower is completely unreliable. On the morning we checked out, the shower only had extremely
hot water that dribbled out of the faucet. After 5 minutes, no water came out of the shower
faucet, the sink faucet, and the toilet wouldn’t flush. Needless to say, we were happy to finally be
leaving this hotel and on our way to Italy. This, however, was not even the worst part of the stay.
When we arrived in Rome we noticed that 100 Euros of the 187 Euros I had in my wallet were
now missing. There were no complimentary safes in the hotel rooms, and not wanting to carry
my wallet with me around London, I buried my wallet within my clothes deep in my suitcase.
It sickens me to know that the maid staff went in to my suitcase and dug around looking for
anything valuable to take. With so many hotels in London, I strongly urge and recommend you
to look elsewhere for your stay in London, even if the price of this hotel seems reasonable. You’ll
be better off spending a few more pounds elsewhere then staying at the Regency where your stay
and the security of your belongings would be compromised. Tim

Not worth your money.. You pay a decent amount to just sleep here. To get online is any extra
9 pounds! To get a bottle opener another 9 pounds! Using the business center 4 pounds for 30
minutes! they charge extra for everything. Parking is a few blocks away and it is 3 pounds and
hour. The only thing included in your stay is the bed and some towels. The toilets weren’t even
clean... I will avoid the description. It seems like it would be nice, but it wasn’t. We stayed at
another hotel near St. Paul Church and it was much better and 38 pounds cheaper and included

We went to London for a trade show in Earl’s Court and were booked into this hotel by our
travel agency. The hotel’s web-page claims that Earl’s court is 5 minutes away, however it you
would normally it would take you about 15 - 20 minutes. Upon arrival of our group the reception
had already prepared the room keys for us, so we were able to get to our rooms in record time.
However, this is were the good things end. First of all we only got one room key, which might be
okay if you travel with your family, but if you have to share a room with your colleague it is really
unpractical. The key had to be returned to reception every time you left the hotel, something I
have not done for the last 10 years or so. Also the interior of the room was quite old-fashion and
heavily used, for example the doors of our cabinet would not even close properly. The room did
not have a safe to store laptops or other important items. The bathroom was extremely small,
you were lucky if you could turn around in the shower. WLAN was available for 5 GBP/hour or
10 GBP/day but did not work in our room (on the 5th floor) so we had to access the Internet
from the lobby. The breakfast was terrible, only a few types of bread, some ham and cheese.
Something you would expect in a 2 star hotel. If the breakfast is not included in your room I
would highly recommend to eat somewhere else. So in summary, good service and nice location,
but the property really is in a bad shape.

This was a hotel booked for me by my office as my usual stay in London, also on Queen’s Gate is
currently closed for refurbishment. I was almost pleased when I saw the booking come through
and I noticed it would be a change from the usual. How incredibly disappointed I was. Although
claiming to be a four star hotel this is anything but. Once past the smart reception area, the
hotel corridors are poorly decorated and looking extremely tired. My extremely small double
room was on the second floor. Although it was October it was stiflingly warm and far to stuffy.
To make matters worse the air conditioning was not working. Neither was the tiny television

which appeared to be from the 1980’s. After complaining to reception about the state of my
room to an incredibly obnoxious member of staff I was told that A/C would not be available as
it was winter!!?? After 10 minutes discussion and repeated requests, I was finally granted the
use of air conditioning in my small room. Once my room was almost inhabitable I sat down
at the desk to try and do some work. Despite being a four star hotel, wifi is not available free
of charge and requires a further payment of £10. Once work was finished I rang room service
for an evening drink. I was told by reception someone would call me back very shortly to take
my order. 45 minutes later, and I gave up waiting. If this is the only hotel with availabilty left
in London, then just stay at home. How this hotel ever qualified for four stars I have no idea.
Rubbish hotel, rubbish service, rubbish staff. Just don’t bother

For God sake just stay away, this Hotel is the worst in the world. . .

Convenient location. Pleasant public areas. The Hotel refused to accept a company invoice (very
large established organisation) and insisted I pay before leaving, I had to queue for a long time
too, even though my secretary had previously telephoned to check this of which they had no
apparent record. Don’t they want my and other organisations’ business? All the reception staff
to whom I spoke had only a tenuous grasp of English and I had great difficulty understanding
them and they me. I do not have a hearing nor speech impediment. In my view the Hotel
was expensive and room run-down and dilapidated with small neglectful irritants such a trouser
press not working, suggesting noone cared. My room was situated over the kitchens, the fans of
which started-up at considerable voume at 1:00am. I requested and got a room transfer. I later
received a letter of apology with the offer of a fifty pound discount if I stay again. I considered
this insulting, as it would be the last place I’d stay. I came away with the clear impression
they trade on the name for wealthy tourists and don’t really care. I would not stay again. Very
disappointing, impersonal and very expensive for the standard. I have experienced Travelodges
in much better condition with friendlier staff for a fraction of the price.

I stayed there with my friend as a threatre break from 31 January through to 3 February.
On check-in was given a room on the second floor - the most awful room, cracked tiles in the
bathroom, limescale on the shower, outside bedroom window open, the room was freezing cold -
it is January! Also the room was very "old" in look as well as furniture. Went back to reception
and spoke to the porter, who arranged for me to be moved. I was then moved to the fourth floor
- business floor and the room was much better, but we had to ask for extra pillows, no mini bar
at all - this was turned off and empty - television didn’t work properly so could receive no movie
channels or even guest link - so this had to be requested to be fixed. Breakfast - tea was cold
and weak. Requested a pot of tea - you were given mugs instead of cups and had to continually
stand and wait for the hot food. The main lounge was being used as a conference facility so were
unable to use this at all during our stay - why they couldn’t use meeting rooms is beyond me!
Bar was OK but not much to write home about. I thought the Thistle Selfridge Hotel would be
up there with other four star hotels, but am afraid to say that it is not really to that standard
at all - I would say a two star at best. Would not use this as your base if I were you I paid far
too much over £600 for the three day stay - would not use again.

A group of us stayed for one night, never again. Rooms grubby, drawers wouldn’t open. beds
were very narrow. One room was very cold, heater not working. . Breakfast was one of the
worst we’ve ever had. The queues were long and thestaff disorganised. The fruit juice was very
watered down and the tea was a horrible grey colour, both were undrinkable. The toast took
ages, the croissants were stale and the cooked items were lukewarm. Good location , the only


Stayed here for a couple of days in December on business. The hotel is due a major refurbishment
in March 2008, and it is not a moment too soon. I booked a single room, and for £15 extra they
upgraded me to a larger room with twin beds. The room was grubby, and the beds very small
and soft. I asked to change to a double bed, and they promised to do it the next day, but when
the time came they ’had no record of this conversation’. The hotel is handy for shopping but
that’s about it. It has a nice facade and lobby which hides a poor interior. Breakfast is nothing
to write home about.

Stayed here for three nights on a business trip. I did not organise or pay for my stay. For this
I am thankful. Had this have been a weekend break paid for by myself I would be furious. The
room I stayed in was cold. Air conditioning broken. An oil heater was supplied but this smelt
odd and required plugging in which meant choosing between TV, kettle charging phone and being
warm. Only two plugs that I could find. Foot print on wall. Hair dryer broke. Room smelt of
mould. For the price they are charging you would not want to stay here as a treat. It was like
a hostel. Breakfast was cold but lots to choose from. Really dated throughout. Depressing and
not what you would expect from looking at the pictures supplied on thier website.

What is it about London hotels that always seem so disappointing? I visit London on a regular
basis and I have yet to come across a hotel that is anywhere near as good as it proclaims to be.
This one was no exception. From the front it looked impressive, but as soon as you got inside
the gloss wore very thin very quickly. I was travelling with quite a large group and five of the
couples didn’t even have a room ready for them even though it was well past 2 o’clock which
was the clocking in time. The staff were very dismissive of us and quite rude. There room when
we finally got to it was very tatty. There were holes in the bedding and much of the furniture.
The bathroom was anabsolute disgrace with a stained bath and holes all over the place that
had been filled with expanding foam which had just been left. The person who said that the
noise from the pipes started for them at 5am were lucky. For our room the noise in the pipes
didn’t stop until past 2am and them started again at about 4am. I am quite a heavy sleeper
but this lot kept me awake for most of the night. The breakfast was okay but not very hot, but
the real problem again was the staff who didn’t seem to want to know. When we asked them
for something simple like coffee it was as if we had sworn at them. They were very rude. There
were quite a few foreign guests staying at the hotel and I found myself constantly apologising
and feelling embarised. PLEASE PLEASE don’t use this hotel, especially for what they charge.

I am gobsmacked that this place has received some glowing reviews. As someone who has worked
in the hotel industry and as an Englishman, I am just so embarrassed that this is seen by visitors
to our country as a supposed 4 star hotel! My new wife and I arrived for the first night of our
honeymoon before going to the airport the next day to fly to India (whose hotels, the Holiday
Inn Goa included, are a thousand times better than this place). We turn up to find the doorman
looking as you would expect in London (top hat, dress coat, polite) and into the oak panelled
lobby. Reception staff were surly but to the point, and we got served pretty quickly. Then
we found our way to the room. Oh ..... my .......god! Small is not the word, it hasn’t been
redecorated since the 80’s, no central heating, bedding was awful, but the bathroom was the
worst. A light fitting was hanging out over the bath and the grime was so caked in you’d have to
remove all the fittings. The location was very good though (we sure as hell did not stay in the
room) and spent most of the rest of the day going to my old fav haunts and then to the theatre.
Breakfast the next day was awful, tough bread, overdone eggs, undercooked bacon, terrible juice.

Basically, i’ve stayed and ate in much better Travelodges, Best Westerns and other motorway
hotels. The supposed 4 star rating REALLY needs to be looked into!

We have just returned from a short break at the Selfridge. We paid £146 for two nights without
breakfast in a twin room through The place is very tatty, with wallpaper
peeling off the walls. I just logged in to write a Review, to see that one reviewer got bitten by
fleas earlier in the summer. My wife has bites on her ankle that we attributed to a mosquito.
On reflection they’re probably flea bites! 4 stars is a joke. Anyone paying full price to stay
here wants his or her head examining. It’s handy for the sights, but the decor is very tired, the
furniture looks like it’s been reclaimed from landfill, and even the teapot had no handle. Don’t
stay in room 639. In fact just don’t go.

Ok so its true this hotel is basically a 2 star MAX - its all about the location. After the
experience my friend and I had, sometimes the location is not important! We booked this thru
lastminutetravel (near victoria station) for a great rate for Sat-Fri. We were told this is a 4star
hotel, very very nice and very very large rooms. The lobby is grand and very nice. Our first
room was on the 7th floor. very nicely spaced, clean and no problems. We asked for no cleaning
service via the "service room" lamp and the sign with a picture of a cleaning lady, an "X" *&
reads "DO NOT DISTURB" . Needless to say our room was cleaned, the do not disturb sign
was placed on the back of the door. My friend was the morning meal for 3 fleas that somehow
managed to hop into our room..(she saw the fleas jump from her leg while sittng in the chair!I
was the evening dinner for the fleas!) Management was a joke - my friend had to demand that
they move us as they’ve "never had a problem with fleas or bugs". After moving to 2 rooms,
we were placed in room 706. (see photos taken June 2007)I had a problem with the internet in
the lobby as well - I paid 4 pounds for internet access to print a boarding pass, which was a
waste due to someones jammed printing that did not clear the printer until i had 1 minute left.
(naturally management said they would tell the company to not bill me.. *doubtful*). If you can
deal with management that does not care about the customer, questionable cleaning practices
and a GREAT location- this is the hotel for you.

This is one of the worst and most overpriced hotels I have ever stayed in! It badly needs
refurbishing and is seriously out-dated. I stayed in a twin room and it was very dark and very
small. The decor and furniture were ancient (kept expecting Sherlock Holmes to walk out from
somewhere), and the bathroom and fittings were tatty. The smell in the lounge and bar was
suffocating and smelt like someone or something had died there. At breakfast there was a good
choice, but it was, as previously stated, chaotic and quite stressful. The only good thing about
this hotel is the location, but it certainly doesn’t warrant the price charged.

This place was the worst place I have ever stayed in. I have camped in fields that are cleaner.
The shower was open topped so that the steam made the room damp. The wall paper was
falling off, the carpet was dirty, the bed, although clean, was creaky. I could hear every thing my
neighbouring guest said on her mobile phone, through the paper thin wall. The place had not
been painted since Charles Dickens last walked past it!! And the staff were surly. If you want a
hotel in the same price range, try the Arosfa in the same street as this one but there any likeness

We went there as a group of four and had two rooms booked. From the outside along side the
other hotels, it looked pretty nice - but beyond the front door is where the real nightmare begins!
The reception is hidden away down stairs, and we weren’t greeted on arrival. The lady spent

more time looking at her computer than talking to us. We were then given our keys, and as
two groups i was hoping they’d locate us near each other, but we ended up on different floors.
When we got to our room, our family size was no larger than a standard double you would get
in any other hotel. When i lied down on the bed, it was broken and i was flung off the other side
(To the amusement of my brother), still, comical beds wasn’t something i paid for. The toilet
floor was cracked with loose tiles. The shower also had a cracked bottom with sharp edges, very
dangerous. In my friends ’double’ room, it turned out to be two single beds pushed head to toe,
with a shower unit in the corner of the room. They had to use communal toilets which were up
a flight of stairs. £220 was the total cost for us four, and i think we all feel very ripped off. Glad
I didn’t eat the breakfast after reading comments about mice! Just wish i’d been on this site
and read the reviews before i stayed there. The only good thing was it’s location, was about a
2 minute walk from Goodge Street tube station.

I made a request for my daughter to have a late checkout as she was arriving very late. They
said yes over the phone and then throw her out in the morning. The staff denied all knowledge
of the conversation and they where rude and very impolite. I wouldn’t stay here if this was the
last hotel left in London.

There were a number of good things about our stay. My son and I were accommodated in a
quiet room, at my request; the bed linen and towels were clean; the toilet, basin and shower
were also clean. Also, the faulty smoke alarm was mended within seconds of my pointing out
that it was not working. Reception staff were polite and helpful. However, the room itself was
in an appalling state. The carpet is old and stained. The wallpaper is stained and peeling from
the walls. The curtains do not fit the window and only hung in sections from a piece of wire.
The window frames are filthy. There is thick layer of dirt along the top of the picture rail which
goes round the room. There is a cigarette burn hole in one of the bedspreads and cigarette burn
marks on the bedside table. The corners of bathroom floor and base of the walls and lower parts
of the pipes are stained and filthy. In every corner there were deposits and occasional hairs. The
mousetrap behind the toilet didn’t inspire confidence. There is no plug in the basin and the lid
of the toilet cistern appeared broken. The standard of accommodation is more that of cheap
student lodgings than a London hotel that offers its services with any pride. When I mentioned
the state of the room to the reception staff she claimed that the age of the building explained the
dirt. This is an untenable argument. Breakfast service was extremely poor. I asked for tea. None
came for about fifteen minutes. When I went to ask again, the staff appeared to have forgotten
it. I was brought a teapot. No cup, saucer, spoon or milk. I asked for a cup. A member brought
a large pile of cups into the dining room but did not give one to me. As I went to help myself
to one she set about wiping the surface of the servery, which involved moving the milk out of
my reach each time I tried to take hold of the jug. There were no teaspoons. I did mention the
state of the room to the reception staff. She asked what I wanted her to do about it. I suggested
that the room be cleaned properly for future guests. She asked if I was expecting a refund and
pointed out that the £89 cost of the room was already cheap. I said I would accept a refund if
she felt it was appropriate. She tried to ring the manager, but failed to get through. She then
took £5 from the bill.

Avoid this hotel - there must be better in the area. My welcome was poor, room was even
worse. Small and bare, with sink shelf hanging off the wall (see picture) and no light shade at
all. Walls were paper thin - I could hear next door’s conversation, maybe not every word clearly
but certainly intrusive. Ignore their website 100% - I reckon this was posted by previous owners.
It certainly does not represent the hotel I stayed in. I don’t mind basic but one night at the

Garth was too many.

This hotel should be condemed, it is not fit for anyone. Dangerous Electrical Sockets hanging off
walls, live mice in room, mould in shower, dirty toilet, dirty paintwork. In the coldest month for
years you had on the bed one sheet and a blanket, there was a duvet in cupboard but without
a cover on. This place was filthy and does not even warrant a rating, it should be shut down.
Would not even recommend it to my worst enemy.

I am writing this as I am sitting on the bed of room no. 11 of Garth hotel on Saturday Dec 5
2009, and would gladly have left already if it hadn’t been the last available room in this part
of London. Here is just a selection of things wrong at this place: - the room obviously hadn’t
been cleaned (empty bottle under the bed, used toilet paper in some corner of the bath room,
cobwebs all over etc.) - there is no toilet paper - the only chair in the room (which accomodates
4 people) has a broken back - there is only one night stand and only one bedside lamp - there is
no table, no place to hang a towel or put a toilet bag - And last, but not least, there are mice
running around the room. When my partner went to the receptionist to inform her of all this,
she was just as unfriendly as she had been all along. Incidentally, the only thing she seemed to
doubt was the mice. Anyway, even though breakfast tomorrow morning is included in the price
(a steep 130 pounds for the room, by the way), neither my partner nor I will have a bite to eat
in this place. If there are mice on the third floor, I don’t even want to know what the kitchen
looks like. By the way, I have just been back on their website to write a complaint, and was
interested to see that their visitor’s comments section was empty...

Beleive what you read in the most reviews, we didn’t and regretted it. Our two rooms probably
were once one room. They just putted a wooden wall in the middle. We actually could talk with
our son on the other side. Twin beds were not put side by side, but head by foot. Take your
prozac with you if you want to survive.

Coming from the states for the last three years we had a wonderful run of hotels, until the Garth.
We figured, Gower Street, must be good. Wrong. First the manager wouldn’t even come out of
the basement, it was dingy, dirty, mildew and cracked tiles in the bathroom, paint peeling from
the ceiling. We complained about the dirty floor and he blamed it on a new maid. We asked for
ice and were told they didn’t have any, ever. At breakfast, no yogurt, no fruit, no wheat toast.
A sad depressing place. I would not have been so bad if they weren’t charging premium prices! I
would not send my worst enemy to this place. Avoid it like the plague, in fact you might actually
get the plague if you go here.

Horrible hotel, dirty, cramped, smelly. We left and slept on my brothers floor instead. Yuck!

The hotel is situated on Gower Street and from the outside looks no different from the other
hotels in the street. However once we got inside things started to go down hill. There was a
horrible smell of cooked food in the hall which looked tired and in need to redecoration. The
man on reception was pleasant enough but we started to get concerned when he asked us for full
payment for our stay on the next day. When we went to the room it was dingy and dirty with
a mattress cover which had seen better days. The sheets and towels were at least clean but you
should expect that in any hotel you stay in. The shower was hot but produced only a dribble
of water. All in all it was a dirty and depressing room and being right on the main road meant
that unless you had ear plugs you would get very little sleep at all. I have stayed in many hotels
all around the world and without this was the worst on every level. There were many foreign

tourists staying their and as an Englishman I felt ashamed that this level of shoddy service was
on offer in my capital city.

I was booked in to this place by another member of staff. There are no testimonials on their
website. There is a reason for this and if you take a look at the uploaded photos you will see
why. This place should be closed down. It is the most unpleasant place I have ever set foot in.
Someone elses soap still in the shower. Peeling wallpaper, mouldy pipes (I’m asthmatic - I kept
as far away from them as possible) - see photos,broken furniture and floor. I was brushing my
teeth when my foot unexpectedly moved downwards. So I rolled back the carpet. It was not
fixed down. Have a look at the photo for the result. I was stupid enough to have a look at the
matress - see photo. Needless to say I slept on top of the covers and wrapped my coat around
the pillow. For God’s sake go and sleep with the derelicts in Regents Park. It’s got to be cleaner
than this place. I shall also be sending my photos to Camden Coucil.

As per Rachel25’s review, I would not recommend this hotel to ANYONE! We recently stayed
at the Garth, as it turns out, thankfully for one night only. Our double-bedded room had just
enough room for a Grotty shower, Grotty chair, Grotty shelf and Grotty TV! The carpet was
peeling away from your feet when you walked and was also threadbare in many places. The
floorboards were in a very poor state of repair on a par with the shower cubicle in the room. The
curtains were hanging off the curtain pole. The shelf 18 inches above our head in bed was held on
by two very loose screws and upon this was a blue lamp that was shattered at the base. In fact
it was that dirty in the room you could not walk on the floor unless you kept your shoes or socks
on. Although Breakfast was okay, if somewhat basic, we had to clear our own table, becuase this
and the mojority of the other tables had not been cleared form previous occupants. After waiting
for nearly 15 minutes, we were forced to go in to the actual kitchen to order our breakfast! After
this, we were approached by a man whom we thought was a guest in his pyjama’s but was actual
one of the hotel staff asking us for our breakfast order! Overall a Ghastly, Grotty and Grimey
experience,. For your own sakes do not stay at the Garth hotel, 69 Gower St at any cost, the
local subways were more inviting!

I would not recommend this hotel to anyone it is totally misleading to even classify itself as a
hotel. It is more like a ’falling down’ hostel charging hotel prices. If I could have found somewhere
else I would have done so. My first room supposedly single with shower, had a bed that needing
replacing, headboard had fallen off it, mattress so dreadful I could not sleep on it. As for the
shower - the shower doors were falling off and there was a left over piece of soap (from a previous
guest I presume) stuck in the corner of it. It was not in a separte room, just stuck at the bottome
of the room. It was so small a room you could barely move. The second night I was in a double
room - could just about fit a bed in though you couldn’t open the door fully because of the bed.
When I got back, there had been a leak and water was coming through the ceiling onto the bed
and the bed was soaked. I was transfered to another rooom with four beds in it so I at least had
the choice of finding a mattress that was sleepable on.

Sheets were clean, BUT..... noisey guest at 3am, plugs attached with cellotape, tiles cracked in
bathroom, mould and dirt in shower, shower head holder broken.

Horrible place to stay! Need something to spoil your trip to London? Go there! What a horrible
experience! Booking the hotel on the internet we thought that we had made a good deal: Quite
cheap hotel, nothing luxury but just ok for a three day trip to London and at least very well
located. Getting to the hotel, it was everything but a good deal. First of all the whole hotel

was smelling. We got there in the morning and had to leave our luggage downstairs. The smell
almost made us fall down the stairs. Coming back to the hotel at night we had to find out that
our room was not only small but freezing cold, walls and bed covers just dirty and above all
there was not even a window that could be opened. Just imagine yourself how much fresh air
this room must have seen in the years or probably decades since the house was built... When
complaining to the staff and asking for another room we stepped into the next problem: The staff
did hardly speak any English. Finally we were promised another room for the last of our three
nights - but unfortunately staff forgot about that again... Needless to say that the bathroom
was not even cleaned once and our towels were not even changed once during our three day stay.
I was planning to have a nice Easter weekend at London with my girlfriend, this hotel really
spoiled our trip! We would have changed the hotel after the first night but due to the fact that
it was Easter weekend all places at reasonable pricing were completely booked. Only few rooms
at really expensive hotels were left, we were very close to spend around two hundred pounds per
night for a room at another hotel... Oh and I almost forgot - at Berkeley Court they make you
pay the complete stay when checking in. That’s probably due to the fact that otherwise nobody
would ever stay there. We definitely wouldn’t! Do yourself a favor and don’t stay at this hotel!

C The restaurant corpus

This resturant is very poor. Many people go once and never again but as you get so much tourist
trade it dosent need to be good. Its terrible, the food is very overpriced of very average quality
and is very over hyped. Dont go. If you want to get an idea of what this place is like wait outside
and watch peoples faces when their food arrives and when they start to eat it. Not good.

Like 95% of the rest of english places this is a terrible place to eat. I have to admit I am quite
a picky person... Not quite the person that searches the 5 star hotel but a person who searches
honest menus and staff. First of all how do you name a place as a Steak House? Having a small
choice of meat does not make a place a steak house. It’s places where you eat good meat quality
getting your mouth watering by even looking at those 600 grams steak... THAT is a Steak
house. And not a place where you pay GBP 20 plus to eat a 2nd grade fillet weighing at just
340 grms. You go to London for 1 thing and 1 thing only. To view the city. Everything else is
terrible. Places like this "Aberdeen Steak House" look catchy and shiny and you imagine yourself
eating american style steak house... Alas... portions are tiny and the ’scampi’ I took were mere
shrimplets as found at your local store accompanied with a tiny portion of fries. All that for
more than GBP 14. Crazy stuff. I would not price that stuff for more than GBP 3 but I guess
it pays to eat in Piccadilly area. I had originally ordered Fish & Chips but it appears that they
did not have any left... How can a restaurant like this run out of the traditional english food?
The only upside to the visit was that although service is quite below average for my country’s
standards, food only took a few minutes to arrive. However, as with the rest of London, staff is
not friendly, mostly not english and if you do not catch their attention they will not bother to
see if you need anything. I am really sorry about having to write this type of review but I want
to share this with everyone. It was my first time in London and made the mistake not to check
for good places to eat. Do not make my mistake. Do not eat here as long as it’s not the last
place in Piccadilly. Then again, do not go to eat to Piccadilly area. It may have been only me
that experienced this in London so I want to make it clear that I am speaking for my stay only
and not on bahalf of anyone’s else. I hope this review helps in adding the awareness to the food
quality in London even though I am sure I’m on a goose chase.


Best eggs benedict i have EVER had. And i’ve had a few. The best.

Had dinner there, it was fine - not great - not terrible - but just fine. However, the next morning
ordered a mushroom and cheese omelet and well, it wasn’t good, wasn’t good at all. The egg was
undercooked and the cheese was almost indescribable, I am not quite sure it really was cheese,
more like some sort of yellowish rubbery stuff. So, in conclusion, dinner is probably a safe bet,
but stay away from the omelets!

My husband and I have been going to Ajanta for the last 13 years and enjoy it very much. The
vegetarian choices are good and they are happy to changes ingredients to suit.

Recently came across the The Anchor Pub, on the southbank of the Thames. Looked really
picturesque from the outside and had great views of the river. Unfortunately the service was
terrible. We went in for some lunch and had to approach the bar ourselves to get our order taken.
This would have been understandable had the place been busy but it was dead with only 2 or 3
other tables. We ordered our food just after 2pm and by 2.40pm it still hadn’t arrived (there was
only 2 of us and one of the orders was a sandwich!), not one waitress came near our table to see
if we were ok. My sister approached a waitress to enquire about our order and she was told "it’s
coming" without even checking with the kitchen. After another 5 minutes we decided to just ask
for a refund as we had already spent nearly an hour waiting. We were ignored as we stood at
the bar waiting to get our refund. Apparently only one waitress was allowed to authorise this
and she continued to serve other customers leaving us waiting another 10 minutes at the bar.
When she eventually decided to deal with us she opened the till and handed the money back to
my sister without even making eye contact or apologising for the deathly slow service. It seems
due to the location of the pub, the staff have decided there is no need to make any effort with
customers as they are guaranteed a continually high turnover of custom, but I will never go back
and will warn my friends travelling to London to steer clear.v

Former office colleagues arranged to meet here after work. People were three deep at the bar and
the staff were indifferent. Like this is usual. The couple in front expressed shock at the prices
only to be told drinks are expensive here. This is the kind of torture you endure for going to a
pub which is oversubscribed due to its location by the river.

Rubbish pub, way more expensive than most pubs, the food will make you sick, the worst service
in London. It has one thing going for it... the outdoor seating on the river, but go up the river
to the founders arms which is much nicer, or the brew wharf.

NEVER go to this pub! It happened three times that people in my group had things stolen
from them. Twice bags and last night, my cousin’s wallet and mobile vanished from his pocket.
I called the manager and he blamed us for not being careful enough. We were almost sitting
on our bags! What is the point of going for a pint, not being able to relax, having something
stolen and being blamed for it? I wouldn’t recommend the place to anyone. A terrible place and
terrible management. Ps: the food is horrible too. —
On first glance, the Anchor seems like a very charming English pub, but beware...bad food lurking
ahead! My husband and I were traveling with family, currently living in southeastern England
and this dining experience was right up there with some of the worst seafood they have eaten
in their 3 years stay. The swordfish my husband ordered was nothing but a very dry, rubbery,
very fishy tasting chunk, served with what we thought was a very sweet tasting carmelized onion

sauce, the salmon was not fresh, also "fishy" tasting and the coloring was all wrong, and the
sole was again rubbery, bland and generally bad. Two redeeming areas of our meal were the
pints of beer and the fact they did reduce our bill by about 30 pounds after a discussion with
the manager. I would say that a beer or two on their patio outside by the Thames would be a
good idea, but only beer! Or at least a stop by, only if you are in the area - it does have some
historical significance, but please don’t stay for dinner!

Stuck for somewhere to eat on a Sunday evening, 3 of us headed to Aqua River Brasserie.
The menut looked promising and the views, with the sun setting, were fantastic across the River
Thames. After failing to catch the eye of a waitress numerous times, we decided to seat ourselves,
waiting for 5 minutes before anyone aknowledged us. We were asked if everything was ok, at
which point requested the food and drinks menu as we hadn’t even seen them. We also asked
that the table be wiped clean as there were food and crumbs left from the previous customers.
The drinks took 5 minutes to arrive (lemonade, wine and beer) and the following drink orders
had to be requested 3 times as they failed to turn up. The gap between starter and main course
was over 30 minutes and although the food was nice and freshly made, the service lacked any
sort of urgency or customer focus. The wiatresses didn’t explany special offers such as Fish of
the day, Pasta of the day or any of the special drink prices on offer. At the end of the meal
our bill automatically had a 12.5% tip included which I requested to be removed immediately
as I found this to be somewhat gratuitous. I truely believe in tipping where it is due, and not
where it is expected. The staff were happy to remove the tip, but didn’t ask as to why which
showed they didn’t have any real care as to the service they provided. The food served in Aqua
is fantastic, however it is let down so much by the poor service, I would recommedend to stay
clear and find an alternative.

seven girls for a birthday lunch - quaffing rose in the sunshine by the river. sounds lovely -
BUT..... water was spilt by a waiter over the birthday girl. A dinner plate was dropped on the
floor, not cleared up properly (except for the food the waiter tried to wipe off a discerning lady’s
bottom without permission)! We had to ask for just about everything - menus, drinks, water
jug, glasses, service, where is the food, where is the food, WHERE IS THE FOOD? we ordered
at 2:30pm the starters had to be chased up and were not cleared away in a timely manner. our
main courses finally turned up at 4:25pm. when the food came one meal had to be returned.
it was of average quality. the sunday roast was a large slab of meat, few veg and two potatoes
and gravey. what where the advertised ’all the trimmings I wonder?!’ one waiter could speak no
english at all and had to call someone else everytime we wanted something (which was often!!!!)
we were offered one bottle of rose to compensate - but apparently we arrived at a ’busy time’.

today monday 06TH OCTOBER 2008,my wife a filipino decided we should have lunch at
LONDON BRANCH of her favourite eating places,not because she could eat as much
as she likes,but theirs many dishes to choose from a wide various selection...on average the
foods o.k.,but id never truthfuly be able to highly recomend it as i generaly find find the main
dishes are tasting rather stewed even if we eat as soon as they open.though personaly personal
preference id rather find a chinese resturant where you pay for what you eat,the quality much
LAR BRANCH....we had our 3 year old son with us and as we had half an hour before aroma
opened,i treated my son to chicken popcorn and chips at KFC,as he prefered it to chinese.YES

very shortly after aroma lunch opening pm..on entry i explained to the door manager that we
wanted a table for me and my wife as my son had already eating at kfc and that he never rarely
eats chinese food,on odd occasion might eat a little noodles or few chips but knew he wouldnt
eat any thing as he already eaten a decent size meal ..but the manager wouldnt reason with me
and insisted if my son was seated that i would be charged a child fee as well even if he didnt
eat a single item,so i gave my wife the option to eat here or not.we was shown to a table though
i express my opinion that i wouldnt be very pleased if he charge for my son if he dosent eat
any thing and that i probably wouldnt return for a very long time and that it be his lost not
mine...normaly when shown to your table ,youre ask if you like a drink but the waitress just
went away,whiched annoyed me a the end,as i expected,my son did not eat a single
item and when i went to pay i explained this to the manager once again but he refused to let
my son fee off or reduce it in any way.i told him i was totaly un-happy with his dicision and
that id probably wouldnt return in a very long while as i dislike having to pay for something we
didnt have in which i was bluntly and rude ly told "THEN DONT BOTHER COMMING BACK
AGAIN" this annoyed me even more ,because we’ve used his resturant many times before and
even held our wedding reception here 4 years ago...on top of this i was called names and he raised
his fist to this point i had to back away as its not the sort of behaviour i expect to get,let
alone having my 3 y’old son with me.if it wasnt for my wife choice,i wouldnt giving my well earnt
money and chosing else where to eat or go with out.personaly id rather sat out side with my
son while my wife had lunch on her own after known their rude attitude.unfortunately our more
regular filipino buffet resturant in walthamstow is closed on mondays where its realy friendly
and they only charge £2 for my son,that i dont mind as he generaly eats a little bit...i for one
will never go back to that resrurant ever again,probably use other branches like at BRAINTREE
RETAIL SHOPPING VILLAGE,ESSEX though if my son already eating id probably choose a
different whole a good average place to eat but their attitude has shun me off for good

I was so disappointed in my visit to this restaurant. There was simply nothing that was good
about it. I went with a Jewish friend for lunch and she was mortified that people would think
this was typical of kosher food. The atmosphere was frigid, the staff unfriendly and the price was
outrageous. Ladies don’t eat much at lunch; we wanted a starter (£9.95 each) and a pudding
with coffee. No, not restaurant policy - we had to have 2 starters each or a main course at least.
Pudding was something else, the woman chillingly told us. I had salt beef and frites: very nice
but a million miles away from the £21.95 worth I was charged. Coffee was dreadful - burnt -
and the "discretionary" 12.5% service charge an insult. All in all a ghastly experience. £48.95
for two dishes, a small bottle of water and coffee is ridiculous. Never again.

I went to Bevis Marks with a group of friends for a friends birthday. It was our friends choice so
we just went along with it on his recommendations. When we walked in there was no atmosphere
which is how it was through most of the evening. When we were given the menus we noticed
that the prices online were not the same as those on the menu which was misleading. The service
was quick and within about 10 minutes of ordering our starters they were served. The majority
went for chicken soup which was a disgraceful portion for the price and tasted of nothing. Two
of us shared the ’beef carpaccio’ which was more like rare roast beef sliced as thin as possible
with some rocket. With the mains the majority of us went with steak which looked very good
and at £24.95 for ’prime rib eye’ you would think would melt like butter however this was not

the case, even the rare ones were like leather.. Kosher meat does not have as many good cuts
like non kosher however if the majority of the cheaper end of kosher can get it right then one
would think that at that price it would be Michelin Starred. Two people ordered the Thai Salad
from the starters as the main and if thats what they call Thai food its an insult, deep fried salt
beef mushed with beansprouts covered in sweet chilli sauce at £18 is a joke. We thought it best
not to order dessert as goodness know what we would have got and when the bill came at an
astronomical £400 for just about two courses and one soft drink each I think it is fair to see that
this was completely over rated, over priced and would not be recommending it nor going back
ever again.

Staying in the Crown Plaza and not wanting to go out again in the evening we had to choose
between the hotel restaurants, and this newly opened one was waht we chose. The welcome and
service were attentive and not intrusive, and the food was really good. A little bewildering to
start with as the menu choices are not all standard chinese restaurant options. We started with
a selection of dim sum and then had chicken in vinegar, twice cooked pork and mixed veg &
noodles all of which were generous, fresh and very tasty. only drawback was that it did still have
a bit of that hotel restaurant feel, and being a Friday was not very busy. A lovely meal all in
though and well worth choosing if you are in the area

Saturday afternoon. Ordered coffees and sandwiches. Coffee arrives in 15 minutes. 20 minutes
later - no sandwiches and coffee drunk or cold. Asked where they were - on their way was the
answer. 5 minutes later said we were leaving. The bill was for coffees only, no apology and had
the cheek to add 12 and a half % service chage which we did not pay. Used ladies toilet - crap
on seats and used tampons lying around. Reported to staff who just shrugged shoulders. Do not
go there!!

My wife and I had the misfortune to visit this restaurant for afternoon tea, we were attracted by
the cakes in the window (big mistake). When we entered the waiter asked if we wanted dinner?
at 4pm? We said we wanted a cake and a pot of tea, we chose our cakes and then were seated.
The tea arrived , a pot of hot water and a tea bag in each cup, we duly put the bags in the
pot. The cakes then arrived and they had embellished them with warm cream which we had not
been asked if we wanted. While I was still eating my cake which was stale, the waiter removed
my wife’s plate as she had finished and then waited for me to finish, most rude and off putting.
We then waited ages for the bill which we then had to ask for and this was the real shock.
They charged for what should have just been cakes, a dessert course because they added cream
(without asking), an exorbitant amount for the tea and to cap it all then added a service charge
for poor service. All this came to just under £20 for stale cakes and tea bags. This is not a place
we would wish to visit again.

dont know who made up the prices for this cafe, or whether we were just given spur of the moment
numbers, but it was disgustingly overprices. we ordered two coffees (about the same amount as
an espressos that they had poured into a big cup to make it seem like a normal black coffee)
and two pieces of cake (somewhat mediocre tasting). the bill came to 22.00 pounds, including a
service charge. we had quite easily found that we could eat an entire meal for two for half that,
so this was just a huge shock. never go to this restaurant!

Despite the glittery decor, distinctly average food which is no better than you would get in many
pubs these days. Roast beef and yorkshire pud was accompanied by an afterthought of nearly raw
beans and no other vegetables. My friends who had chicken reported an equally underwhelming

experience. For somewhere that is supposed to have such high standards, it consistently failed
to reach them.

Nice decor...very ordinary food. Disappointing.

tacky glittery decor, inattentive service, and food that doesn’t come close to any other restaurant
in Chiswick. Marco Pierre White should hand his head in shame by attaching his name to such
a shoddy establishment

I read some positive reviews and decided to give the place a go since my hotel was nearby. Huge
crowds present; a good sign. Service is very good and food is equally as good. The place is
broken into three pieces: a deli, casual restaurant; a bar; and a formal restaurant. The lamb
Shish was excellent. Beware of the sauce offered if you are not tolerant of spicy things (although
it is very tasty and worth tasting).

I found a little black line that looks like an eyelash / insect leg on the calamaries at R.S. Hispaniola
today at lunch time. I reported it to the barman, he called a chef - they both saw it and the
chef excused that it’s a piece of cotton from his blue apron. He asked the barman to give me a
discount, but the food had already been fully paid for in ’bar-style’. Second later, the chef left
and the barman acted like nothing had happened. I demanded a refund for at least that dirty
plate of food. The barman asked me to wait and took the "evidence" downstair. After at least
2-3 mins, another chef, a waiter and the barman came back with my plate of food - apparently,
they had used all those time to REMOVE that eyelash/insect leg like object and shamelessly
asked me what’s wrong with the food as they couldn’t see anything! I was speechless - how
dishonest and disgraceful! Being a tiny girl on my own literally cornered by three big guys who
are clearly dodgy; and there is hardly any other customer on the upper deck of R.S. Hispaniola
at Victoria Embankment - I prioritised my safety and just left the restaurant. Since I was misled
by a 7.5 rating on a london restaurant review website, I felt obligated to tell the world about
this ’tourist trap’ - R.S. Hispaniola that serves dirty food and plays dodgy trick. What a shame
on them - a gorgeous spot of a restaurant ship on the Thames in London is spoiled by a bunch
of dodgy people that serves dirty food and unbelievably horrible customer service.

My girlfriend and I wandered in because of the flow of customers going into the restaurant and
because of the menus outside that had various different languages, one of them being hers. Upon
entering the server asked where we were from I assumed it was small talk but since my girlfriend
answered "Japan" we both ended up getting Japanese menus which I quickly asked for an English
menu (obviously). The Japanese menu was absolutely useless becuz none of the staff could speak
Japanese and most likely any other of the languages written outside. If they can’t accept orders
in foreign languages why bother making those types of menus??? The food ended up being a
disappointment nonetheless. The beans were very bland and the potatoes seemed to be of the
"instant potato mix" type. That was the worst meal of the entire trip and will never go there

Try avoiding the place: their prices are high, while the quality of food they offer is really cheap
(literally Happy Shopper stuff). A ’kingsize’ hamburger is 3.50 and the one you get in McD is
probably bigger than is 95% water, etc.

We had the displeasure to stop in before leaving for the airport. I had the english breakfast, my
companion the fired eggs with ham on toast. The service was a bit attentive enough, but the

food was barely edible and left us both with massive stomach cramps. And, we barely ate any
of it! Not somewhere you want to eat. Wander somewhere south and west.

Great Italian food, affordable and good service

Renovated a couple of years ago to do away with old pub decor so has a nice feel. It’s a free
house, and always has a few nice Ales not found elsewhere ie "Doom bar" from Cornwall. Staff
generally friendly and service quick at the bar. They do actually make an effort unlike some
chain pubs Food wise , bar menu is excellent. Fish & Chips +++, burgers Sausages etc are all
of organic/ gourmet type . Carvery is ok, but can suffer from same as most pubs. Walk round
Epping forest and end up there most Sundays !

I went there with my nephews as a treat. It is a scrum when you get there. The rainforest set is
quite fun but not outstanding. The food was awful. I had a salmon salad, the fish did not taste
particularly fresh and the salad was covered in cheese with a dressing that tasted disgusting
and slimey. My sister in law had brill, which was again wrecked by a revolting covering of
slimey sauce. My husband had a burger which was very small with a very large bun, he was not
impressed either. The boys ate the ribs and enjoyed them.

We have been to the Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney in Orlando and this was a very poor
experience by comparison. The service in the London Rainforest Cafe was poor and a lot of the
staff did not seem to speak good English. The food was very average and overpriced as were the
drinks. Speed of service was very slow. We were refused free refills of the soft drinks so willingly
given in Orlando. Whilst the place has been fitted out in a very similar way it totally lacks
atmosphere and we will not be going there again. £100 for a very average meal for 3 adults and
2 kids.

I went for a pre-theatre tea with my sister and seven year old nephew. It is dark, dingy and
shabby inside. The fake animals are tatty and strangely out of proportion. There was a speaker
in the ceiling over me which played very loud monkey screeching for the duration of my meal.
The service was disinterested and chaotic. The toilets were dark, and all the fittings were very
worn and shabby. The food is very expensive. Especially the children’s meal which for over £14
is an absolute disgrace. The activity pack wasn’t bad- came with a wallet, wrist band, activity
books etc. My nephew’s meal consisted of a small plate of over-cooked stuck-together spaghetti
with a bit of tomato sauce. He asked for Parmesan and was presented with a small paper pot
of something that resembled dermatological scrapings. His ice cream "sundae" was two balls of
ice cream and a bit of sauce in an ordinary bowl. He got a very small glass (less than 200mls)
of apple juice with it. My burger wasn’t bad, although not worth what I paid for it, and my
fresh juice (that came in at over £4) tasted very watered-down. My sister’s spare ribs were big
and quite tasty although the sauce was quite synthetically smokey and I could smell it on my
hands for the rest of the day. I am not a regular frequenter of "Family" restaurants and freely
accept that I may not share the tastes of a seven year old. I do however recognise extremely
poor value for money. The following day we had lunch at Pizza Hut on the Strand and we all
ate much better food, in more pleasant surroundings for less that half the price. I don’t know
about saving the rain forest, but I’d definitely say "save your money"!!

The food wasn’t as nice as American cafe and the service was slow. the cafe is a lot smaller than
other ones, and everyone is sat a lot closer together. Shame really!

Bring your children here, they will love to take food in a jungle!

God awful food and the animatronics are disturbingly loud and intrusive.

I went to the Rainforest Cafe with my boyfriend for dinner on February 1st 2008 (my second trip
to London was from 31st January 2008 to 3rd February 2008). I made a reservation through the
official website and when I arrived I didn’t have to wait. The restaurant cannot be seen from the
streets but the shop containing many souvenirs from soft toys to T-shirts. So, the restaurant is
just downstairs but there is no sense of claustrophobia in there because it’s very spacious. It was
a good place, especially for the special effects and music simulating the rainforest; for a short
time I forgot I was in London. Our table was next to a big aquarium with many types of fish
(observing the fish was relaxing! We ordered a salad made of tomato and mozarella (I love this
cheese) and oregano. Then, we had spaghetti, delicious as well. The dessert was the best of the
things: The ’Sparkling Volcano’ which was eaten by the two. Thank goodness we ordered just
one if not, we could have exploded like a volcano! This dessert contains, among others, cream,
strawberry and chocolate icecream, and marshmallows! The service was quite good! The worst
thing: the price was a bit expensive. Nevertheless, once in a while doesn’t do any harm! The
service and the food was good and after a day of sightseeing in the stressful London, I felt good
in the Rainforest!

This place is pretty expensive for a cafe. Food is variable - ribs, spaghetti and bean salad are
good, chicken and meatballs spiced more than we like, fish average, smootthies good. We ate
early so there were loads of kids - well the place is aimed at them. It was noisy at times but
you’re warned about that. Avoid 6p.m if you don’t want to wait. They ask at the entrance about
food allergies and the menu is labelled with vegetarian, gluten free and low fat. Good place for
a childs birthday treat or if your party includes multiple food allergies. Otherwise better value
nearby. Our "safari guide" was Australian - service was adequate.

Went here on Boxing Day as a birthday treat for the kids. four adults and two children, cost
nearly £200, including service charge of 12.5%. True, they are highly organised, nice touch was
the text confirmation and attention to detail over allergies, another plus was the birthday candle
and happy birthday sing song. Service was sort of ok, the problem is you can only deal with your
own table waiter, quite a long delay (40 mins), between starter and main course. Other than
thatas far as the food and drink is concerned, I’m afraid to say it is a complete rip off. We had
the shared dips, nice houmous and bread but nearly £8.00, I had the caesar salad, with prawns
(4), it cost nearly £15.00, one egg, some lettuce leaves and a bit of dressing - if it cost them
70p I’d be surprised. The other adults all had the classic burgers, just good burgers and chips,
nothing special, one childs meal, one ribs, one giant dessert, three cocktails, five soft drinks and
two beers later and then the bill. This is a nice place for kids, they enjoyed the atmosphere, but
the problem is they are charging white table cloth dining prices.

Unbelievably bad!! We’ve eaten at the Rainforest Cafe just outside Disneyland Paris a few
times and found it to be a fun family night. However, something has gone drasticly wrong with
the London franchise. There was nothing, absolutely nothing good you could say about the
experience. The service was non-existant, we had to ask twice for our order to be taken, and
then it took an hour to serve up a poor fast food meal on a plate, something that you would
have complained about if you got it from the local chipper! Something else I found scary was
that we were about three floors underground and there was no sign of a fire exit...

This place was nowhere as good as we thought it would be. Its pokey and very claustrophobic
when the too-close-together tables fill up. It feels (and smells) a little jaded and worn. The
animatronic animals certainly wouldn’t give Disney any cause for alarm. I couldnt really even
take its save the rainforest credentials too seriously as the stench of chlorine from the water
features was distracting. On the plus side the staff did russle up a ’happy birthday to you ... ’
for our young son who’s birthday treat this was. But 13 quid plus for a hamburger and a small
pile of fries (no salad) and 12 quid for an awful looking splatter of chicken pieces and rice for
the kiddies come on. Please do not waste your time with this place, a suburban Mac D’s with a
playground would be miles ahead on value and entertainment that this place for the kiddies. (I
have absolutely no idea why the un-childed would even dream of setting foot in the Rainforest

I have been to many rainforest cafes around the world but the one in London lets the resturant
down. Its over wait for your food...too long.

I think it was fun, especially for kids. something unusual as well.

Lunched here as part of my daughter’s birthday day trip to London. Prebooked a time slot online
a few weeks before and was greeted and seated effortlessly. Would recommend that you do this
(costs nothing). The jungle themed restaurant was very well done, with waterfall, animatronic
wildlife and sound effects (not too sure how the more timid child would cope with the sporadic
thunder and lightning effects). Sound effects and general level of noise could make conversation
and communication with the waiter difficult. Aircon was a pleasant relief after the warmth of
the underground. Kids loved the big fish tank and spent most of their time admiring this, when
they weren’t eating. Food and drink was of a good quality, but London/gimmick priced. Super
Berry smoothie was delicious but at a fiver a go, it should be!! Child’s activity pack (included in
meal price of £11) was original and good quality, but still suffered the same fate as many others
a few days later :-( Venue is heavily used by kids birthday parties (hence every 5/10 mins a
staff orchestrated rendition of "Happy Birthday" could be heard). This was a little bit much at
times, but really only to be expected of a venue of this type. Note: you cannot take in your own
birthday cake. You can buy a cake from the menu at some expense. However, if you don’t want
a cake, staff will happily serve up an ice cream sundae with candles should you make them aware
it is your child’s birthday. So after a pretty good experience, what caused me to rate this as a
three ... price, price, price and the automatic addition of a 12% service charge (which we had
removed and then paid what we considered to be an appropriate cash tip). The rainforest cafe
shop was complete rip off, but unfortunately impossible to avoid as you have to pass through it
to get to and from the restaurant. I would recommend as a one-off, but would probably not visit

I went to the Rainforest cafe on 4th Feb with one of my tutors and two friends. We went to
London on a trip as we are studying Event & Conference and Hospitality & Tourism Degress.
We were looking forward to going to The Rainforset Cafe, but my god its a let down. I had the
Steak (at £20.00) and asked for very rare. It came out Medium. When I called the waiter over,
he told me that i was wrong and it was their rare. Then came up with the story that it was the
cut of beef and it doesnt bleed. I was absoultly gob smaked. Then I found a hair attached to
my knife. I called the manager over, he looked at it and said "its not a hair, its off the washing
brush" i could not beleive it. I woundnt go back even if they paid me. They are rude, not care
about the custombers and the food isnt very nice. —
with some themed restaurants you can sometimes get a wow factor, certainly not here. Staff

were friendly enough but food was very ordinary and not great value for the money Wouldnt
come back here

My daughter (8) and I had dinner there the last weekend before Christmas. We had been
looking forward to it. But it was a huge disappointment! Instead of jungel sounds they had
some Christmas music going on. And the waterfall made a lot of noise too so the guests had to
shout to each other. The food was nothing special and not worth the price. The staff was ok
and we didn’t had to wait too long to get help or food. But it was kind of chaotic there and
the experience of something different is all there is to it, but as said, with that music it wasn’t
something I would recommend to anybody.

I will start off by saying that I have eaten at a number of Rainforest Cafe’s in the US. I had high
expectations for this one considering its location and my family and I were sorely disappointed.
The menu was very different from the menu in the US. That sentence could be rewritten as, "Not
a single item that I like from the US menu was available". Most of the items we ordered ended
up being bland. The worst offense was the Elmer’s Glue with with pink specks (Salmon... I think
not) over over-cooked pasta that my daughter ordered and her mother bravely consumed. The
last injustice was in the gift shop.... There wasn’t a decent shirt with one of the RFC characters
and a London ’icon’ to be had. (My son has a collection of them from some of the other RFC’s
we have visited)

OK - not surprisingly full of kids!

Took family here on Fri 22nd Jan 2010. I do believe this was amongst the worst food I have
ever eaten in a restaurant, and for gourmet prices you are not even getting roadside burger van
quality. Very very dissappointed!

We had dinner at Rainforest in London last night. We were surprised to see no lines or waiting!
In the US you need to make reservations and still wait in line... but not here. We decided to eat
there as we walked right by it and felt like having a bit of "home" while in the UK. The place
was pretty empty and yet they still sat all the diners in one area. Just didn’t feel the same,
maybe it was the lack of families/crowds. Normally a quiet restaurant is nice but it just felt
weird. Anyway... the food was tasty. The menu was a bit different from the US (not like Hard
Rock that has the same comforting menu everywhere we fine them). The wait staff was helpful
and attentive. Probably won’t stop there again.

After eating several times and having a fantastic time at The Rainforest Cafe in Paris, I decided
to book my daughter’s birthday party at The Rainforest Cafe in London. We were a group of
21, icluding 7 children for the party. We had booked online a month in advance so when we got
there we didn’t have to wait for our table, but we were placed on the very bottom floor where
there are no moving animals or starry sky. Instead we were in a corner squashed up against a
fish tank which every other child in the room wanted to come and see. We ordered drinks first
which were way overpriced, £5 for a 330ml bottle of Bulmers! Most of us stuck with coke. It
took a long time before they came and took our order for starters. The starters came out fairly
quickly, but they forgot on of the dishes and brought it out when everyone else had long finished
their starters. We turned it away saying we’d just rather get our main meals and were told the
mains would be yet another ten minutes as one of the party had ordered a steak well done. That
just makes no sense! When the main meals did come, after a substantial wait, we were mostly
disappointed. I ordered the Rasta Pasta which I have enjoyed everytime I’ve been to the Cafe in

Paris, but it tasted completely different in London! I didn’t enjoy it one bit. My partner and my
brother both had the meatballs, and when it came out it looked as if they’d been given childs
portions. The vegetarian bean dish appeared to contain nothing more than sweetcorn. Each
dish was tiny and un-appetising with the exception of the burger. The childrens dishes were fine.
They were just the right size and the children enjoyed them all. We were there for three and a
half hours, and most of that time was spent waiting. The children did enjoy it, and my daughter
had a brilliant birthday, but the bill came to £475 and it just was not worth it considering we
all only had one drink each and only half of us had starters. I know it’s London and you pay
London prices, but I would’ve been fine with the price if the food had been up to scratch and
much bigger portions. None of us are very big, but we all left still hungry! The bill included a
£53 service charge which I had seen on the Cafe website was optional. We decided not to pay
it, and the waiter came over and told us we hadn’t given him enough money. It doesn’t say it’s
optional on the bill, and most people would probably just pay it assuming they had no choice. I
told him that we were happy to leave a tip but we are not paying £53. He appeared very upset,
grumpy , and unfriendly after that. We did leave a good tip, but the truth was, we wasn’t happy
with the service or the food, and not happy with being stuck in the basement away from all the
animals when it’s a children’s party and we’d booked a month in advance. The Rainforest Cafe
at Disney Village in Paris is absolutely fantastic. The food is good and very filling, the staff are
fun and friendly, and there are plenty of moving animals to fascinate the kids, but the one in
London just doesn’t live up to it.

Visited pre-theatre with family. An interesting experience but we won’t be going back. 2 starters,
4 maincourses and puds with modest drinks (small beers and 2 soft drinks) and the bill was £125.
I wouldn’t say the food was bad, but it wasn’t anything special. There was, at least, plenty of
staff and the servcice was prompt and friendly enough. The surroundings are noisy with all the
rainforest effects so holding a conversation is a challenge, but the surroundings are quite well
done. My review would probably have been "neutral to good" had it not been for the 12.5%
service charge that was added to our bill. I really detest this - if you want to charge me more,
do so on the price of each dish. As the service had been good I asked the waiter what happened
to the service charge (it is common practice for restaurants to simply keep this as profit rather
than use it to reward their staff for good service) and he said that the staff do get the service
charge. had he said otherwise I would have asked for it to be removed and left a cash tip. It was
an interesting experience, and I suppose all food in London is expensive, but for what we have
to come out at over £30 per head means that we will not be going back.

We ate here over Easter, we have been here before and picked it this time because it’s close to
the theatre and as a family with young children it’s a really fun place to go. We would agree with
some of the other reviews that it’s overpriced, our meal for 3 including wine came in at around
£100, where we’d had a much better meal the day before for around £30 less, but we’ve come
to expect that of most themed restaurants in London. The wine was great, and they bought an
ice bucket too so that was good. The table we sat at was in a corner by the kitchen and was a
bit dark, We ordered the childrens meal with the kids activity pack which costs a bit more but
actually we were pleasantly surprised by the contents of the kids pack, there was an elephant
mask, pencil, ruler, eraser, activity book, bracelet and wallet plus a pack of snap cards which
kept us busy until the food arrived. The service speed was good, we weren’t kept waiting and
the serving staff were friendly and helpful. We ordered starters of ribs and enchiladas which were
great, followed by burgers for the main which were not so good, the buns were dry and hard
as if they’d been defrosted for too long in the microwave. The volcano desert was average, lots
of cream and ice cream but not much else. Overall, this restaurant is good if you are prepared

to pay a bit more and want to eat somewhere a bit different, the kids love the rainforest decor
and the animatronic animals and the gift shop is nice, but if you’re looking for good value, eat

Took our 4 children (15, 12, 10, 9) Decor and atmosphere is amazing but the food especially for the
children was a terrible let down. The staff are very enthusiastic and made our evening...Thanks
Jeff! Prob would not go again as the children (and us) have had the experience. Drinks expensive
for kids.

Overpriced for what is essentially cheap fast food. A tin of Heinz spaghetti is more tasty than
the grub they dish out here.

I visited pre theatre and was hugely disappointed. Upon arrival a group of friends had already
been seated so we asked to sit with them and they pulled up a dirty table on the end in a space
not big enough to swing a cat, so we explained that we just wanted to be near, not with them,
and were then put in a dark corner with very poor lighting next to the toilets, where a family
with a pram in the aisle caused one of our group to be constantly knocked everytime someone
went past. However, the menu was presented. £7+ for a cocktail (in a small glass!) was a rip
off, I asked the server if she thought it was value for money before I orderd and she was adamant
they were, I was shocked. My other friend had a double vodka £9+. Hideous prices. The food
was just not worth it. I had a chicken burger which was dry and tasteless, my friends lamb shank
was more like a lamb cutlet and certainly not worth the money. I was then shocked when a 12.5%
tip was added to the bill, which i refused to pay. Not that I had any quarms with the server, but
she was receiving 12.5% of an overpriced menu. She was pretty upset, but understandably, she
was losing out on a £12 tip. I gave her a £5 tip which i though represented the % of the value
we had received. Overall, I won’t be visiting here again, we had a lovely meal the next night in
a small noodle house which was a 1/4 of the price for 4 times the food and was worth it. I have
eaten in Rainforest Cafe in Disney Florida, and that is definitely worth a visit!

Overpriced, loud, long wait, not impressed with the food - good service though...

Went here 10th April 2010. We had a table within 20 minutes of arriving. I had the buffalo wings
for starters (these were extremely spicy). I had the meatballs mumbo for main, the spaghetti
was overcooked. The kids menu was £11.99 which was not worth it either. Overall the food was
terrible for a franchise that is worldwide. Will not return to rainforest cafe in london again and
I will not be recommending. They add a 12.5% service charge to the bill.

This maybe the place to take children for an experience, but the food is extremely poor. £15.00
for a small portion of luke warm Noodles and 4 prawns pieces in dishwater sauce is not what you
would expect from any restaurant. Shame the staff are great. Would recommend to stay well
clear if you are expecting good food.

Poor quality, nasty cheap food. Far too noisy. For the kids only! Mum & dad need earplugs.

Took my two young children aged 5 and 3 to the Rainforest cafe with my sister for a birthday
treat. We booked in advance and the place was mobbed, and even though we had booked we
still had to wait ages for a table. Still, not the end of the world because for children that age the
setting is fantastic with plenty of things for them to look at. The food was below average, very
small portions even for kids of that age, and hideously over priced. Adults food equally small

portions, and pretty bland. Ordered a jug of over priced ’sangria’ which had the tiniest hint of
alcohol, was basically a jug of ice. For four adults and two small children the bill came to £200.
Not impressed. I have been to Rainforest Cafes in the USA, which are far superior to london’s
lame attempt.

Had visited Rainforest Cafe at Disneyland Paris & was not impressed & it was expensive but most
things there are.On Easter weekend sightseeing trip to London with our grandson we thought
Rainforest would be a nice place to eat; one hour wait for a table having most expensive drinks
we had all weekend but expected the wait to be worth it. Shocked by prices on menu : CHILDS
MEALS £11.50 for basic 4 oz. burger etc. with fries & ice cream (said sundae, but in a basic
dish with a squirt of sauce). Our burger type meals were the most basic possible (tasted OK)
but not even a bit of salad garnish. Fortunately our grandson is seven & ate all his meals but
younger children, of which there were many, probably didn‘t finish their meals ; I would have
hated to spend £11.50 for an unfinished meal. They cannot justify the price by shouting "your
adventure is about to begin"; I do not consider an overpriced meal an adventure !!!

Overpriced; tacky theme; rude staff; overcrowded - wild horses would not drag me back.

The Rasta Pasta was delicious!

On Saturday 14th of November we took our children to the Rainforest Cafe in London as a special
birthday treat to top off a wonderful day at Tate modern. I have to say that the extortionate
prices did not put me off, I was expecting the quality of the food to be great for the price though.
I am sad to say that for £11.50 I wasn’t expecting my son to cry in disappointment at the sight
of a single, very small pizza on a plate, there was no salad, no chips, not even a garnish, only
a solitary pizza. This £11.50 did include a dessert, it was bigger than the main course, largely
embellished with squirty cream and rather ordinary. I had to order an extra side order of chips
for the children as the pizza meal was not even substantial enough for a 4 year old girl! My wife’s
hamburger was ok. My meal was nothing less than disgusting, lamb tagine, very small portion
of overcooked lamb in an over sweet, over boiled gravy with a skin on top with a few pieces of
pita. This is not at all what I was expecting for £13.50. We all ate our meals, out of hunger
rather than enjoyment. To top off the experience, whilst I was settling the bill, my wife and
children were chased up the stairs by a waiter and accused of leaving without paying. A very
humiliating experience! I cannot believe how terrible a dining experience the Rainforest Cafe is
and will never return. Expensive, disappointingly small portions of horrible food topped off by
humiliation. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Took my 9 year old daughter and a few of her friends for her birthday treat at the weekend.
The gift shop is strategically placed at the entrance, so the pressure is on to purchase both on
the way in and the way out! Very clever. Two stressed parents, several wailing children. Having
made the reservation online some weeks earlier, we had no waiting for our table, which was a
pleasant surprise. As I had already been here a few years ago, I knew what to expect as we
enjoyed ourselves last time - but found that everything seemed to have gone downhill ,and the
whole atmosphere and place felt ’tired’. The service was slow and uninspiring, the food expensive
and bland, and drinks VERY expensive. Left with a large dent in my wallet and the feeling that
I was another mug they’d ripped off. All in all a very underwhelming experience, never to be

Had heard mix reviews about the London rainforest cafe but thought we’d take the children for

a treat. The food was totally over priced and very bland, 4 adults had the rasta pasta, (hardly
any chicken, pasta quite wet) 3 diet cokes, 1 beer, 3 childrens meals (£11.50 main meal and
dessert, very substandard) 3 soft drinks....wait for it £122.34.....very very disappointed would
not recommend coming here for the food.

Friends who live in the UK suggested we meet up for supper at the Rainforest Cafe in London,
as it would be a "fun" venue for our young children. Fun it may well be for children under the
age of 10, with little experience of eating out, but for the grown ups it was just dreadful from
start to finish. To reach the dining area, one has to walk through a shop selling all sorts of
cuddly jungle toys and tacky souvenirs, and then one descends to the "rainforest": a dimly lit
area decorated in "jungle style" with faux leaves and jungle animals peering from every corner.
Most irritating of all was the faux thunder and lightening that occurred every half hour which
meant that conversation had to come to a complete halt. That, combined with the occasional
animal screech/grunt/growl resulted in a totally miserable experience. Service was prompt and
friendly, but even this couldn’t make up for the poor quality of the overpriced, poorly cooked
food. I ordered lamb tagine, which comprised a few lumps of overcooked lamb in a sickly sweet
sauce, served with pitta bread, rather than couscous. Very odd. Tasted awful! Husband’s meal
- he thinks it was a burger - was totally forgettable. Please do yourselves a favour: unless
you’re looking for an artificial "jungle experience", dine elsewhere. London has so many good
restaurants offering deliciously cooked food at reasonable prices. Sadly, this isn’t one of them!

Having been to the Rainforest Cafe in Niagara Falls, we decided to visit it in London. Very
disappointing. The staff were friendly but the standard of the food was not what we expected.
Expensive for what was standard fast food. We ordered the Volcano dessert. In Niagara Falls it
looked like a volacano - slices of brownie over Ice cream to look the part with a sparkler in it.
In London a large stemmed glass with ice cream and pieces of brownie plus sparkler. Six soft
drinks cost almost £12. We will not be visiting again!

We had dinner at the Rainforest café in London on 3 May 2008. We had to wait 50 mins before
we were allowed downstairs to the bar area where we had to wait around another 10 minutes
for our table. Drinks at the bar were expensive (even by London standards) The food did arrive
fairly quickly but was very poor quality. One meal had to go back to the kitchen as the burger
was cold!! I would recommend that you find somewhere else to eat. All in all very disappointing.
Certainly not as good as in the USA.

Was at the Rainforest Cafe in Vegas and didn’t rate it at all. Wouldn’t go back.

I went to London with my parents and my 10 year old niece and 8 year old Nephew. Took them
to London Zoo (which i must say is lovely!) and in the evening we decided to take them to the
Rainforest. We went to the London one about 8 years ago and had a nice time. And have been
to the Orlando one twice. It’s great for the kids. So we got there, had to wait an hour, but we
understood as it was a Saturday. We waited at the bar, drank a few drinks (margaritas and pina
colada’s, very nice!) the kids had their face painted etc and really did enjoy the wait. The place
itself is lovely, i just love it when the storm happens!! Anyway it was our turn. And we got taken
downstairs to the "pit" it was awful down there, no atmosphere what so ever. So we ordered
our food. I had a Brushetta, mum had chicken nuggets things and dad had wings. Well all 3
were approx £8.70 each. The chicken looked like it had been cooked on and off for a few hours
(rock hard!) mine was ok and the wings ok. The kids decided on a pizza. The kids meals were
a whopping £11.50 each. They got a free dessert with this and a very small pizza. Our main

meals were sausage and mash, pasta and cobb salad. All of which we practically left! Basically
the food was a rip off, so expensive and not good quality atall. I could not fault the staff they
were lovely. The place itself, well if you are upstairs is great. And the drinks are very nice..! We
wont be visiting one again i’m afraid!!!!

We visited the restaurant as a party of 8 so watch out for the 12% service charge for partys over
6, complained about that and it was removed. The atmosphere was good and the kids enjoyed
it but thought it was expensive and just a burger bar, £4.20 for a bottlle of beer is steep i think.
Wouldn’t make it a regular place to eat but worth a visit.

Yes. I celebrated my daughter’s 5th Birthday Party here and discovered their barbecue ribs.
Wow! Fantastic atmosphere; thunder, lightning and a fully stocked bar to boot!

food pricey but decent - fantastic atmosphere though!

we were drawn to this restraunt as my dauhter is lactose intollerant and we wanted to take her
to a restraunt where it was easy to spot what she could choose from the childs meal was £14.00
which was a lot although the choice was good there was no dairy free ice cream as stated on the
menu as according to the waiter they couldn’t guarentee it was dairy free so we ordered the jelly
without the ice cream and it arrived with chocolate smarties on it (which part of dairy free is it
they didn’t understand) the restraunt was noisy and dark so it was difficult to see each other or
even what you were eating. The ladies toilets resemble a mecanno built toilet that had a lot of
holes in the metal partitions so that you could see the person in the cubicle next door to you.
As it was so dark you had to watch your step as you went to the toilet as a little trip was not
out of the question. In my opinion it wasn’t worth the money and the one in paris was better.

rather expensive, but great music when you’re there to go clubbing at night.

rubbish service and food. i hate this place.

We went on Sunday 1st of November, there were 7 of us including 3 children. I guess the
atmosphere is nice for the kids but the food is so horrible and over priced that it does not
make you want to go back. It is simple microwaved bad food.... no other ways to describe the
experience. I had the worse chicken cesar salad ever, and I still do not understand how you could
get this so wrong. There are a lot of waiters around and compared to some other comments
saying that staff was very efficient, we just spent our time waiting for them to take orders and
clear plates off our table. I will definitley not recommend this place to any one.

We visited this restaurant a few months ago and it was the biggest con, we love the rainforest
brand and have eaten at over 10 different restaurants and love them until now. The London
rainforest cafe was awful, the portions were tiny, the menu was limited, staff were rude and
overall very expensive. Garlic bread that looked like a frisbee that was burnt and unedible
etc.......... When I asked to see the manager and expleind the problems he turned around and
said "and!!!!!" If someone from Rainforest is reading this please close this one down or re-train
the staff this branch is damaging your brand.

very good especially for kids. My son loved it there with all the wild animals.. Great menu price
range is a bit steep but well worth it.

Went here for a meal with a group of 9 including 4 children as we had heard it was really
entertaining for children. After a very long wait we where seated only to find the temperature of
the place very uncomfortably hot. This wasnt going to put us off so we ordered our food which in
my opinion was expensive for even London standards. When the food came the portions where
so small my son had the adult spagetti meatballs and there where 3 meatballs and the plate
could have easily passed for a starter certinaly not a main course. Someone else in the party
ordered chicken wok fried noodles that inluded 5 pieces of chicken the size of a 5pence piece.
The best was to come the steaks although the steaks were cooked well the problem came when
we picked the chips from the bottom of the pile - the where mouldy on 2 plates. We complained
to the manager who told us they wernt mouldy it was steak juice (the steaks were well done not
ouzing any juice and they where well away from the steak on the plate) so basically the manager
stood and argued with us and told us we where lying. There was absolutley no customer care or
attention he stood there and told us we where lying even though the chips where been presented
to him and anyone could see they were mouldy. I asked if i could have my steak back that i
had half eaten as it was still on the same plate as the chips i was presented with an old piece of
someone elses and the reason i can say that is the steak that was taken away was well done the
one brought back to me was rare!! The bill came and no allowances had been made at all and no
apologies. The waiter told us that service charge was on the bill and was amazed when we said
we would not be apying it. We spent £170.00 with 2 bottles of wine no starters or puddings. We
will not be returning

As big meat eaters, seeing the above titled restaurant really appealed to us. It wasn’t packed
when we first walked in but it was only 5.30pm on a Friday night. Don’t let this fool you. The
menu board outside advertised decent steaks with all the trimmings for decent prices. Don’t
let this fool you either. The decor reminded us of cheap Vegas but as we were on a weekend
away we thought it was a bit of fun. Looking through the menu we noticed the meals didn’t
come with any of the trimmings you’d expect with your steak. Chips were an extra £3.60 per
portion and the portions were only 8 chips strong. No mushrooms, tomatoes etc. You’d get
better from a Little Chef! The steaks tasted ok and were cooked as requested but there wasn’t
any seasoning whatsoever. When we asked for black pepper the waitress pointed to the powdered
pepper shaker and strolled away. Needless to say the service wasn’t anything to be desired either.
The mayonnaise - a small complaint you may think but when it would send you home with food
poisoning you’ll be glad we complained about it. It came out with a skin and sweat beads. As my
partner pointed out, as an egg based substance this will automatically form bacteria, therefore
leaving you with more than you’d asked for. We finished our meal then waited 15-20minutes
for a waitress to acknowledge that we’d finished, didn’t ask how the meal was (in fact I don’t
think I’ve ever been to a restaurant and not been asked half way through the meal how the
food was), and started to clear away without any finesse at all. Like I’ve said, the steaks would
have been great if they had been seasoned but the price for what you got and the way you were
served was ridiculous. We did get the chips for free in the end after pointing out that sweaty
mayonnaise=diarhoea, but I’m still angry I paid the rest. I feel ripped off. Garfunkels is just
down the road - at least that’s value for money, good atmosphere and a decent portion of chips.

If you like good service (or even average service) when you dine out - avoid this place like the
plague. Our waitress gave us about 10 seconds before asking if we’d decided yet. When we said
we hadn’t, she gave us another 5 seconds and then came back again. The first two dishes I
tried to order were unavailable as the "chef hadn’t got them ready and they’d take 40 minutes".
However, the dish I did order took 40 minutes anyway. The steak I ordered was nice and the
garnish was nice, but it just wasn’t worth the money. At £4.60 for a pint of lager, that was a

complete rip-off. When the lager in the restaurant is 90p more expensive than the bar at the
Marriott Hotel, you know something’s wrong. Definitely not recommended!

Scotch Steak House, 117-119 Queensway,London W2 3SJ Atrocious service, incompetent staff
and "manager", food served luke warm, no steak knives or sauces/condiments on table. Judging
by their reaction to our complaints, they are well used to dissatisfied customers. THEY TRIED
Camera" could not have done more to upset all seven members of our party. They obviously only
catch unsuspecting tourists, as I cant imagine any Londoners putting up with this mistreatment.

Just returned from a 3 day trip to London, called in to this establishment for pre show dinner.
Wished we hadnt.... menu inside more expensive than menu outside and an absolute rip off!!!
Beef Stroganoff - disgusting more like beef dog food... tasted foul could only eat a couple of
mouthfulls and this cost £14.60 !! Husband had lamb cutlets which were tough as old boots and
gristly. We were going to have a steak which was advertised outside at £11.60 but when we read
the inside menu chips were an extra £3.60 on top and if you didnt pay that all you got was a side
salad. Unfortunate decision by us to eat here - there are so many restaurants and bars serving
good food - please take note - DONT EAT HERE!!!

We decided to try this restaurant because we wanted a nice dinner while in London. And, we
thought it might be different than our steak places in the U.S. The decor reminds me of a sad
Las Vegas style restaurant in the 1950’s. I ordered a Tom Collins that mysteriously came with
little to no alcohol in it. My prawn kebab arrived as a pork kebab. Fortunately, they quickly
brought out the right item. They took the veggies from the pork kebab and replaced them on the
prawn kebab. Tacky. The prawns were fine, but had absolutely no sauce and were very dry. My
husband’s beef kebab was flavorless and had way too much fat. Each of our kebabs came with
plain white rice (no seasoning), canned green peas and canned mushrooms. Again, no seasoning.
Iceberg lettuce and cucumber were in the corner of the plate. Boring! I cannot believe we had
to pay $65 U.S. dollars.

No words could describe the disgusting service and luke warm food we were served. They had the
cheek to charge cover and service charge.They should pay customers to enter the premises. We
would have has a better meal at MacDonalds. The so called manager did not seem too concerned
about our complaints. Perhaps he has just got used to them. It is definitely a restaurant to avoid

This place is absolutely disgusting. We walked in for a quick dinner prior to our plans for
the evening and first off, we were given stale bread, we then ordered a steak and chicken kiev.
The steak was meant to be 10ozs - I had aprox 4 ozs of steak and the rest was fat/gristle - in
fairness once I complained and showed the waitress she agreed it was inedible and offered another
to replace it... on the other hand my partner was handed a congealed procesed awful looking
chicken kiev which when you cut into it instead of slicing it, it turned into a mushy paste....
Asda smart price would have been better... and the woman said he ordered it so he should eat it.
When he explained that he ordered a chicken kiev and was being charged £15.00 for it he didnt
expect to be given the cheapest of the cheap processed rubbish which he couldnt even cut into.
The woman not only was rude but started shouting and saying it was his choice. I very very
clearly told her to stop shouting yet she continued in her rude manner so I told her colleague
I wasnt having this and I was leaving and had to tell the mad woman to back off to which she
carried on shouting so much that her colleague was trying to hold her back and calm her down

as she actually grabbed hold of me as I tried to leave. The whole experience was embarrassing,
unnecessary and comepletely out of order. It was surreal. You cannot serve bad food and shout
at your customers. We have NEVER known behaviour like it and I have told them that I will be
writing reviews about them and contacting the local paper to ensure people realise how terrible
it is in there

Food...excellent Service....excellent decor/ambience.....excellent prices ....Good What more can I
say other than that we will go to this restaurant again the next time we visit London!

been to this steak house around a hand full of times and each time i feel i have had a nice bit of
steak. ok the decor looks outdated but i dont care about that i know where to get a good steak,
anywhere in central london is expensive some sandwich bars charge like 5.00 for 2 slices of bread
filled with salami so maybe some people are just tight. good steak house, EAT THERE!!!!!!!

Have known this place for years and i keep going back. Great veggie brunch. Nice, wacky deco.

Possibly a little over-priced, but the food is good, as is the ambience.

very nice food, however a bit too pricey

Woody Grill have several shops in London and made the mistake to go to the one near Shephard’s
Bush Market and it is a disaster food comes quick and waitresses are friendly but thats all you
get food is disgusting and the only thing Turkish is the guy behind the counter.I had lentil soup
i could manage to have only one spoon then my doner arrived full of fat i could it 2 pieces and
the waitress asked if i didnt like it i told her the problem then she told it to the guy behind the
counter but no apology no discount paid full and left.NEVER AGAIN

Although the loaction is great and the food fairly reasonably priced, the service is the worst i
have ever had. I was firstly "served" by the rudest man ever rushed through my meal and tutted
at for not immediately knowing what to order. I decided to be philosophical and not take it
so personally once i observed him treating other diners equally badly. Thinking this may have
just been him on a bad day, i have returned but his colleagues clearly went to the same (lack
of) charm school. As the only diners in on sunday luchtime we were ignored and when we asked
to order were told he was busy, this was simply not the case. We proceeded to order and this
waiter became argumentative and as the food is distinctly average, i will be voting with my feet.
i much prefer the bar that does thai food round the corner- service with a smile, cheap and good

Absolutely terrible. Food is for people who actually have no idea what Thai food is. Didn’t see
a single Asian person in there (apart from staff). Feel ashamed I was the only half Asian person
there. At least it only cost £20 for two people. Avoid this place at all cost.

Would be great if it wasn’t full of City Boys and Girls. Dim Sum was good, but overshadowed
by people getting pissed on Tiger beer.

Digusting microwave heated food which smelt OFF (didn’t have more than a few bites) and
when I asked them to reheat my shepherd’s pie because it was cold in the centre, they gave me
a dirty look as if I asked them to kiss my shoes. After reheating it, it was STILL COLD on
the inside, but boiling hot on the outside. Completely overpriced for a poor excuse for food and

service. (we both paid around 15 pounds each for a main & a drink). RUINED our afternoon,
but luckily we listened to Trip Advisor during the night and went to Cote in Covent Garden.


The food was of school cafeteria quality. They are dishonest advertise drinks at one price bring
you larger ones at a higher price. The service is miserable, brought ketchup and mustard in
quart squeeze tubes but removed them before we got our food. Then never heard our request for
mustard. Mandatory 10% tip, th only one I came across in London. Near parliament building.

"THEN DONT BOTHER COMING BACK AGAIN" is the standard response to a complaint
at this place. Half the buffet plates were empty and the rest of the selection looked and tasted
stewed! If you plan to have more that one drink with your meal, order at the very start as the is
NO seconds for drinks. The chap at the door masquerading as the manager is nothing short of
leech, very arguemental. NEVER NEVER arrange to meet friends there who are not planning
to eat. . . . You sit you pay. . . .No visitors. Not the best kind of place to have by a cinema! You
are better off up the road at weatherspoons and the other cinema. Will I eat here again.... of
course, I enjoy rude people, half a selection I am paying for and a some keeping an eye on my
fluid intake...Cheers. Posted by YCKBNI, LONDON

Wish I had read the reviews before our visit on 2nd Jan. After waiting nearly an hour for a table,
we were served awful bland, clearly frozen food that was just a complete rip off. I had a mexican
burger. I actually sent it back as when I opened the bun there was nothing in there only a slice
of tomato, some lettuce and some cheese. The waiter took it back and returned it telling me it
was a mexican burger and the mexican things were hiding under the cheese! True enough under
the cheese was one slice of chorizo, and a teaspoon of guacamole! A bargain at £13.40 !. My
sons food was poor, with frozen veg, and my partners ribs were very average. If you want this
type of food go to Joe Allen and ask for a bacon cheeseburger. Tastes a million times better than
here. Use the change towards a Zoo ticket. Yes the stuffed animals and animatronics are good
for kids, but why can’t the kitchen at least deliver the menu with some taste?! When paying we
were asked if everything was OK. I said I was disapoointed with the Mexican Burger as it didn’t
taste remotely Mexican. The waiter got the manager, and he just said " well maybe’s there’s
something wrong with the mexican burger" and walked off!!!. That was it.

Have NOT one good thing to say about this restaurant!! I can only imagine all ingredients are
sourced from a discount branch of Iceland or Farmfoods, The prices on the menu though, do
not reflect the cheap Ingredients, they must be making 500% pure profit!! The staff are rude
and barely speak English! The table was wiped down before us, and we then had to brush
the table remnants off the seats ourselves before we sat down!! We ordered two main meals,
and then we were given a plate of supermarket thin cut brown bread, 1 slice a piece (it was so
unappealing & ridiculous, me and my partner were in stitches). The lager arrived warm, and
lifeless!! Our expectations after that were not very high, yet they managed to surpass themselves,
and further surprise us by the totally awful food that arrived. I had ordered a prawn and Avocado
salad, (after fancying nothing else on the repetitive menu), the prawns were barely defrosted,
unseasoned, and drowned in a think bland Marie-Rose sauce, on a bed of dreary Iceberg lettuce,
Bland, Bland, Bland!! My partner had ordered the duck, which had to be the smallest fillet I
have ever seen, it was barely visible, nestled between the cold chips, and to add insult to injury,
was smeared in a sticky, sweet, artificial tasting sauce. It really was an inconceivable disgrace!
To confound matters, when we got the Bill, (a staggering £45-00, for that RUBBISH), we were

charged £2.60 for the dreaded Bread, which was written up on the menu as a Cover Charge.
We did not order or even eat the bread, but we were quite curtly advised, it was our fault for
not reading the small print in font size 4.5 at the bottom of the menu, where this charge was
clearly visible if we had been equipped with a trusty magnifying glass (Best not to leave home
without one)? This is without doubt the worst dining experience, I have ever had, and I would
recommend anyone avoiding this place at all costs. We felt really sorry for a group of Spanish
Tourists who must have done something terrible in a former life, to have ended up in a Scotch
Steak House. I can not imagine they will be taking any positive comments home, about British


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