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2 authors, including:
Tatyana Baranovskaya
National Research University Higher School of Economics
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Tatiana Baranovskaya
Higher School of Economics Research University
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Tatiana Baranovskaya, National Research
University Higher School of Economics, Malaya Pionerskaya, 12, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115054.
E-mail: [email protected]
Valentina Shaforostova
Higher School of Economics Research University
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Valentina Shaforostova, National Research
University Higher School of Economics, Malaya Pionerskaya, 12, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115054.
E-mail: [email protected]
Assessment and evaluation have always been important; they are linked to language teaching
methodology, program outcomes, language teacher competencies, language standards and
second language acquisition training. They can serve many different policies and can come
in different forms. Assessment and evaluation have always been seen as the responsibility of
the specialists, but they have rarely been included as a component in English language teacher
(ELT) training. However, the ELT field has been experiencing a major shift in assessment and
evaluation with effects on teachers, and learners around the world. It has also been influenced
by a major questioning of traditional forms of testing and the underlying psychometric
principles of measurement in ELT. Recent studies reveal that the reconceptualization of English
language assessment and evaluation provides systematic information about student learning
in relation to their performance and contributes to better understanding of their strengths and
weaknesses. In many ways ELT has lagged behind the rest of education in the exploration of new
theories and assessment and evaluation tools, including self-assessment. This research gap was
generated partly because of the lack of integration with mainstream educational theory and
practice in many areas of ELT, and partly because of powerful positions of traditional English
language tests. The attempt to bridge this gap has lead to the research carried out. The aim of
this article is to elaborate different assessment techniques that may better address student
learning needs, improve student learning and engage students in self-assessment, including
the sequence of steps that could lead to self-assessment. The study shows that the techniques
implemented to develop self-assessment enable students to perform well.
This article examines the importance of assessment teachers useful information on how to improve their
and evaluation A major concern of English language teaching methods.
teaching has been assessing and evaluating students’ Assessment and evaluation are very important
progress during the course of study as well as their parts of the constructive alignment process. Well-
achievements at the end of it. The methodology of designed assessments can allow students to use the
this paper is a qualitative approach using classroom knowledge and skills they have learnt and indicate
activities and library sources as well as other related their level of mastery. The feedback on the assessment
research in an attempt to improve students’ knowledge will also provide students with clear information on
and learning. Assessment and evaluation also give the criteria they need to succeed at assigned tasks,
can give the lecturer a clearer sense of how the task is making.
assessing mastery and what aspects are being assessed. In classroom assessment, since teachers themselves
Evaluation of the course or module, by students and develop, administer and analyse the questions, they
lecturers should feed back into the whole process of are more likely to apply the results of the assessment
curriculum alignment, as well as reflect critically and to their own teaching. Therefore, it provides feedback
constructively on the outcomes, the teaching and on the effectiveness of instruction and gives students
learning activities, the assessment and the experience a measure of their progress. As Biggs (1999) maintains,
of the course or module. Reflexivity, continuous two major functions can be pointed out for classroom
learning and development are key aims of successful assessment: one is to show whether or not learning
evaluation. has been successful, and the other one is to clarify the
Through the use of appropriate classroom expectations teachers have of the students (Dunn et
assessment strategies and techniques, teachers can al., 2004).
increase their students’ motivation and show them Assessment plays a number of roles in the life of
how well they have learned the language. Evaluation a student, some of which they may be more aware
goes beyond learners’ achievements and language of than others. It is widely accepted that students’
assessment to consider all aspects of teaching and learning patterns, educational focus, and allocation of
learning. Although the terms ‘assessment’ and time will be directly influenced by assessment. It does
‘evaluation’ are often used interchangeably, they more than allocate a grade or degree classification
can be considered two parts of the same process. to students – assessment plays an important role in
Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of focusing their attention and, as Sainsbury & Walker
what the child can do. Evaluation is the process that (2007) observe, actually drives their learning. Gibbs
follows this collection of data, including analysis and (2003) states that assessment has 6 main functions:
reflection, as well as decisions based on the data. 1. Capturing student time and attention;
This paper will present some useful assessment 2. Generating appropriate student learning
and evaluation techniques that can assist language activity;
teachers to create a dynamic classroom situation 3. Providing timely feedback which students pay
for evaluation. It will show that the quality of the attention to;
assessment and evaluation in the educational process 4. Helping students to internalise the discipline’s
has a profound link to students’ performance and standards and notions of equality;
can engage them in self-assessment which is most 5. Generating marks or grades which distinguish
important in English language teaching. among students or enable pass/fail decisions to
be made;
6. Providing evidence enables them to judge the
Materials and Methods appropriateness of course standards.
He states that, with the exception of the last two
Theoretical Background points, these functions should occur as frequently as
possible to support effective learning.
The present study focuses upon the qualitative The purpose of classroom assessment and
approach of English language learning assessment evaluation is to give students the opportunity to show
and evaluation process in the educational system. what they have learned rather than catching them out
Evaluation in teaching the English language is a or to show what they have not learned. Needless to
process of collecting, analysing and interpreting say, evaluation and assessment can focus on different
information about teaching and learning in order aspects of teaching and learning: respectively,
to make informed decisions that enhance student textbooks and instructional materials, student
achievement and the success of educational programs achievement, and whole programs of instruction.
(Rea-Dickens & Germanie, 1993; Genesee & Upshur, It is important to clarify the distinction between
1996; O’Mally & Valdez-Pierce, 1996). Evaluation is a evaluation and assessment. These terms are often
process that includes five basic components: used interchangeably and are, in fact, related, but they
• Articulating the purpose of the educational are technically different. Assessment of an individual
system; student’s progress or achievement is an important
• Identifying and collecting relevant information; component of evaluation: it is that part of evaluation
• Having ideas that are valuable and useful to that includes the measurement and analysis of
learners in their lives and professions; information about student learning. The primary focus
• Analysing and interpreting information for of assessment in English Language Teaching has been
learners; language assessment and the role of tests in assessing
• Classroom management or classroom decision students’ language skills. Evaluation goes beyond
student achievement and language assessment to of tests and theses or dissertations are examples of
consider all aspects of teaching and learning and to summative assessments.
look at how educational decisions can be made on Feedback is a very important part of the assessment
the basis of alternative forms of assessment. Gensee process, both formative and summative. Through
(cited in Carter & Nunan, 2001) believes that another receiving focused, relevant and guiding feedback,
purpose of evaluation is to guide classroom instruction students are able to understand where their strengths
and enhance student learning on a day-to-day basis. and weaknesses are, and where they still need to
Classroom assessment and evaluation concerns: concentrate their efforts in terms of their own learning.
• Suitability of general instructional goals and Through giving feedback, lecturers and tutors are
objectives associated with an individual lesson better able to make similar assessments of strengths
or unit plans; and weaknesses for students. This can enable more
• Effectiveness of instructional methods, responsive teaching and tutoring to address gaps and
materials and activities used to attain weaknesses where necessary. It can also provide a
instructional objectives; better understanding of how students are responding
• Adequacy of professional resources required to to the methods and styles of teaching and tutoring.
deliver instruction. It can further show how deeply and accurately the
Classroom assessment and evaluation under students grasp and understand the relevant knowledge
the active management of teachers can also serve and employ the related skills and practices to explore
important professional development purposes since and demonstrate their knowledge.
the information resulting from such evaluations Evaluation is an important part of an aligned
provides teachers with valuable feedback about curriculum and an overall teaching and learning
their instructional effectiveness that they can use strategy because it is a part of the feedback and
to develop and improve their professional skills. development cycle. It should be a part of any responsive
As part of reflective teaching movement, teachers and up-to-date teaching and learning strategy or
are encouraged to conduct research in their own plan. Evaluation gives students opportunities to
classrooms (Nunan, 1989b; Allwright & Baily, 1991; speak to the lecturer about their experiences and
Richards & Lockhart, 1994); classroom assessment impressions of the course content and the pedagogical
and evaluation is an important part of such research. approaches that have been used. It, therefore, gives
Assessment is perhaps one of the most important lecturers valuable insights into how they teach and
elements of curriculum design and alignment, how effectively instruction has been taken up by the
because this is where it is possible to see if students students.
can demonstrate mastery in terms of the knowledge One of the most important issues in evaluation is
and skills they need to have learnt. Assessment, in a timing. Teachers can use quick exercises to check in
constructively aligned curriculum, must speak to the with students during the course, at the end of a topic
outcomes listed for the course. It must draw in both or after an assignment has been completed. Longer and
the knowledge and the practical and intellectual skills more detailed evaluation for the end of a course can
and competencies that students have been taught also be created. Students who did the course last year
and that they have practiced in lectures and tutorials. can be asked to complete a retrospective evaluation.
Assessment activities must test what has been learnt The important thing to consider when thinking about
and taught, and should not be constructed so as to be the timing is the purpose of the evaluation (what do
ambiguous or inexplicit. students need to know and why), and what teachers
Assessment tasks can be formative and summative. plan to do with the information students give them.
The former give students opportunities to make errors Gensee and Upshur (1996) state that classroom
and get constructive, guiding feedback used to develop assessment and evaluation is concerned primarily
competency and understanding in further assessments with improving instruction in order to help enhance
and teaching and learning. Formative quizzes, essays students’ learning. Teachers in any educational system
that can be drafted and revised, and short written or are actively and continuously involved in assessment
verbal tasks that receive detailed feedback are examples and evaluation. Students can also be active participants
of formative assessments. They are opportunities for in assessing their own achievements and in planning
the students to demonstrate mastery or competence how they will study and learn a second language, i.e.
in a particular area or across several areas that have they can be engaged in the early stages of the process of
been studied. The feedback is usually less detailed and self-assessment. The context of classroom assessment
aimed more at providing a summary of what they have and evaluation is summarized by Gensee and Upshur
and have not yet mastered. Examinations, some kinds (1996) in the following figure:
2. Did the speaker use the appropriate vocabulary? way to understand and remember. Some of the most
3. Was it the right level for these particular commonly used patterns of organisation are: (a) topical,
listeners in terms of understanding? (b) chronological, (c) spatial, (d) problem-solution, (e)
4. Was the information too simple or too complex cause and effect, (f) comparison/contrast (Matthews
for the audience? & Marino, 1990). For example, in comparison/contrast
5. Did the presentation meet the time pattern, there are two basic ways to follow when two
requirements? things are compared or contrasted: A-B and point-by-
They also examined the positive and negative sides point. In the first type, the two things to be compared
of the conclusion focusing on the following questions: are discussed in turn to give a general picture of the
1. Did the speaker use a fixed phrase to lead into comparison by focusing first on A then on B. While in
the conclusion? What was it? the second type, the point-by-point approach, specific
2. Was there a summary of the main points of the details are emphasised, alternating between A and B.
presentation? The plan for this pattern is given in a Table 3.
3. Did the presenter highlight the major issues?
Table 3
4. How did the speaker elicit questions from the
Two solutions to a problem
5. If the conclusion did not meet the format how To compare two solutions to a problem
could it be improved?
According to the teacher’s instructions, the A-B type Point-by-point type
listeners then reported the results to the speakers and
I. Solution 1 I. Cost
the rest of the class, and finally discussed them.
A. Cost A. Solution 1
In terms of organising information, determining the
central idea explains exactly what aspect of the topic B. Practicality B. Solution 2
is to be covered. Thus, the central idea controls what is C. Side effects II. Practicality
included in the presentation and also determines the D. Disadvantages A. Solution 1
arrangement of the main points. E. Advantages B. Solution 2
Organising Information
II. Solution 2 III. Side effects
For example, the chosen subject ‘International
Cooperation’, could be developed in a variety of A. Cost A. Solution 1
ways: a) the history of creation; b) the importance B. Practicality B. Solution 2
of international cooperation to avoid dangers, solve C. Side effects IY. Disadvantages
problems; c) working together with the UN and other D. Disadvantages A. Solution 1
organisations to deal with international problems;
E. Advantages B. Solution 1
d) priorities of international cooperation: a. the
environment b. economic cooperation c. regional Y. Advantages
infrastructure d. the indigenous population e. social A. Solution 1
aspects f. cross-border cooperation, etc. B. Solution 1
To build up several different topics with a clear
central idea, the teacher asked the students to work in Further, the teacher asked the students to
small groups. Each group was given the list of general work in small groups to determine which pattern
subjects: of organisation would work best with the general
• Public Administration subjects suggested earlier. When the students finished
• Civil Service the task, they discussed the results in their groups.
• Procurement After giving some time for comparing the patterns, the
• Bureaucracy teacher invited one person from each group to present
• Corruption the outline of their topics on the board. The audience
• Budgeting made comments, pointed to positive and negative
• E-Government sides and improved the imperfect ones.
• Knowledge Management
• Public-Service Motivation Using Transitions
• Crowdfunding
Working in a group, the students compared their In order for the listeners to understand the
topics, reported their results and finally selected relationship of the ideas and to show them how
those that sounded most relevant to the subject. The the pieces of information fit together into a logical
teacher emphasised that the central idea is the main pattern, transitions need to be used. The students were
body of the presentation. It consists of key points given the task to work individually, planning their
that need to be arranged for the audience in an easy presentations with the focus on outlining and using
the assessment activities which they embedded in the the main stream. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 227-249.
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this hypothesis different techniques were adapted and learning at University of East Anglia. Leeds, UK:
injected while teaching “Oral Presentation Skills”. It Leeds Metropolitan University.
was found that the development of self-assessment Jabbarifar, T. (2009). The importance of classroom
helped improve and foster language skills and assessment and evaluation in educational system.
contributed to the development of reliable monitoring In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of
and evaluation, thereby influencing students’ progress Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009). INTI University
and attainment. However, an important variable not College, Kuching, Malaysia.
investigated in this study was the effect of assessment Matthes, C., & Marino, J. (1990). Professional
on students’ motivation. This might be a focus for a interactions: Oral communication skills in science,
further experimental study and calls for a wider range technology, and medicine. London, UK: Prentice Hall.
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